#raindrops anon
honelle56 · 3 days
~raindrops anon
Exciting!!! Gonna read it on my way to work :D
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bluishfrog · 10 days
just poppin' in to deliver a fresh new chapter to Raindrops. Left a little surprise in the comments: we're getting closer to dream learning george's secret... also some sapnap and george platonic fluff incoming !!
~raindrops anon shamelessly self plugging
New chapter, let's GOOO!!!
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sentientgolfball · 1 year
can u pls do ummmm um dew/reader/rain :3 mayb a little jealousy smth smth ....... and like ummmm mayb things get a little wild or smth like idk ! hope this helps thank u champion <3
Next time you want me to write smut ask me out loud instead of sauntering into my ask box as an anon (jk ily but if you don't give me more substance next time i'll beat u <3)
Anyways possessive Rain is the best and you cannot boo me cause I'm right
MDNI 18+ my requests are open !
“And what’s this lovely Sibling doing all alone?” 
“Working, Dew. Ever heard of it?” 
You grabbed another crate of books and moved between the rows of shelves hoping to put some distance between you and the fire ghoul. You pushed the row on the shelf in front of you to make room for the newest editions and sighed when you were met with Dew’s smug little face peeking back at you. 
“What a shame. I was looking for someone to play with and all that came to mind was you.” 
“How romantic.” 
You rolled your eyes and shoved the stack in your hand into place obscuring his face. You felt a small smile creep onto your face hearing the softest little whine from him, but it quickly fell when he rounded the corner. You crossed your arms as he closed the distance between you two. He was so close you could feel the heat that seemed to always be rolling off of him. 
“Come on, all work and no play makes you a bad Sibling.” He trails a claw up your forearm. You have to fight the shudder you can feel pricking just under your skin. You’d be damned if you gave him the reaction he wanted. 
You look at him with your best bored expression “If you want to fuck someone so bad I’m sure Phantom would be delighted to have you.” 
You watched his eyes start to glow with the mention of the quintessence ghoul’s name. You felt a little proud of yourself for knowing just how to get under Dew’s skin. He stepped back from you with a dramatic sigh, throwing his head back. 
“You really are no fun. Explains why Rainy took such a liking to you.” 
That little fucker. 
You don’t get the chance to reply before he walks past you towards the main doors of the library. You tense feeling the spade of his tail brush the side of your thigh. You swear you hear a snicker before you’re completely alone again. You groan and lean against the shelf you were working on when you hear the heavy doors open and then close. For the past few weeks, you have been having encounter after encounter with Dew that pretty much follows the exact same formula. He annoys you, asks you to fuck, and then leaves when you say no, but not before he gets some type of reaction out of you. It’s a game to him and despite constantly turning him down you couldn’t help but feel like you were the one losing. You had no idea what you did to gain the little fire ghoul’s attention, but you did know he was starting to draw you in. You hated yourself for even thinking that, but there was no denying it.  
Actually, scratch that. 
You knew exactly what you did to get his attention. It’s because you had gotten Rain’s attention. The water ghoul tends to spend a lot of his free time split between the lake and the library. A few months ago he had begun to appear during the shifts you worked. He didn’t do anything out of the ordinary, just sat in his usual spot and flipped through whatever he was currently reading. That didn’t stop you from staring, though. You had always thought he was a sight to behold, the way his blue-grey skin rippled like a pool when the sunlight hit him just right or how his fangs would poke out from under his lip when he was wholly absorbed in his story. You were enamored by him. All your feelings came to a head one day when he caught you throwing glances in his direction. He came over to you and you were sure he was going to call you out or tell you off, but all he did was introduce himself and ask if you wanted to know what he was reading. 
From that point on, you and Rain had started to hang around each other more often. At first, it was innocent enough. Simply gushing to each other about the latest books you’ve read or sharing the gossip heard around the Ministry, but then hands started to wander. He’d give these little touches that would make your stomach flip and skin feel electric. He’d say these little things that made you overanalyze every conversation later that night in the shower. You’d squirm and he’d go on like nothing was happening, as if he didn’t know exactly what effect he had on you. It all tipped over the edge one night when he pulled you into an alcove after midnight mass panting about just how badly he needed you. The thought was quickly interrupted by a pair of ember-like eyes burning holes into your soul. 
 That was about the time Dew started to pop into your life. That was also the last time Rain tried for secrecy. Ever since then, he had been very outward about his affection, about his fondness for you. He even began taking to staying in your room a few nights out of the week. Your life soon became overrun with the near-constant presence of two ghouls. At first, it was almost like a dream come true, but now it was just your personal nightmare. As Rain got more possessive Dew got more insistent. It was getting to be a bit overwhelming if you were being honest. 
Maybe I’ll talk to Rain about it…oh fuck Rain!
You checked the time on the grandfather clock that sat near the fireplace in the library and cringed when you heard the bells chime before you even finished reading the face. You were late. It was supposed to be one of your little date nights, something he insisted on doing recently, but you completely missed the meeting time. You hadn’t realized just how long you’ve been unpacking all the new books that were ordered. You groaned and moved the half-empty crate behind the front desk deciding it’ll be easier to just deal with the rest tomorrow. You left the library in a hurry to get back to your room. You’d be quick. You would just change out of your uniform and sprint to the lake no problem at all. 
You paused when you were outside of your door. You leaned in closer and furrowed your brow in confusion. Either you were crazy or someone was in your shower. You carefully opened the door and crept in. You immediately sighed in relief when you saw Rain’s clothes draped over the chair at your desk. Of course he wouldn’t go to the lake without you first. You flopped onto the bed after changing out of your habit, idly scrolling your phone waiting for him to finish. You didn’t dare open any of the messages from Dew. The sound of the shower turning off made your head pop up. It wasn’t long before the door opened with a puff of steam and Rain walking out with nothing on but his sweatpants and a towel around his neck. He didn’t look surprised to see you sitting there in the slightest. 
“Did you use all the hot water?” 
“You could’ve joined me.” He shrugged with a smile before sitting down next to you, pulling you to his side. 
“I take it we’re not going to the lake anymore?” 
“Nah it’s too cold for that now.” 
“I’m sorry I got caught up at work and–”
“Don’t be sorry sweet thing. We still have the rest of the night together.” 
You were cut off by him leaning down to nuzzle into the crook of your neck, planting a light kiss there. You tensed when you felt him pull away and sit up. His expression was unreadable.
“You smell like Dew.” 
Here we go.
“Yeah he came to visit me at work…like always.” 
“What did he want?”
“Oh, the usual. Asking me to fuck him and then making fun of you.”
He looked at you expecting you to continue. It wasn’t hard to tell you had something else on your mind. You played with his fingers as you spoke the next part. 
“Rain what is going on with you two? He hasn’t left me alone since you started spending more time with me.” 
Rain rolled his eyes “That’s just how he is. He has to have everything I have. He wants everything I want.” 
“So it really is just a game to him?” 
“More or less, why do you ask?” 
You couldn’t explain it. The quick sinking feeling you got when Rain said this. Of course, you had always had that thought in your mind that Dew was just toying with you, but having it confirmed by the one who knew the fire ghoul better than anyone else made you feel strange. You shook your head trying to shrug it off, but Rain didn’t let it go. He turned fully towards you, putting a hand over yours. 
“You wanted it to be more than a game, didn’t you?” 
You floundered for a response, not entirely sure how to answer that. He laughed and it sends a shiver down your spine. You meet his gaze and you see something dark, almost predatory there. 
“I hate to burst your bubble, but he’s not going anywhere near you” he leaned in close and dragged his fangs over your pulse point “I’ll make sure of that.” 
Everything only got worse from there. Rain now spent all of his free time in the library pretending to read while he watched you work. Any time Dew showed up you could hear the low growl from across the room. This only spurred Dew on. He would talk to you louder than necessary while making eye contact with Rain the entire time. You were mortified the day he commented on the fresh bruises and bite marks that peaked above the collar of your uniform. You were entirely prepared to see Rain attempt to kill him. That day didn’t come for a while, though. 
It all happened so quickly. Dew has been uncharacteristically quiet all day. Simply watching you and occasionally actually helping you. Rain had been on the same page for ten minutes. And then it happened. You almost fell carrying the last of the massive crates of books and Dew was right there. He caught you just before you face-planted into the nearest shelf, holding you closer than needed asking if you were alright in a low voice. You didn’t get the chance to answer before you heard a chair scraping against the floor and Dew was yanked off of you. You watched Rain drag Dew out of the library by the back of his neck, tail lashing as he went. 
That was the last you saw of both of them for the next 24 hours. The only thing that stopped you from believing Dew was dead at the bottom of the lake was that no new announcement regarding ghoul summonings was made. Your last straw was when you went to the feast hall and the ghoul table was noticeably empty. You decided that you were going to march down to the ghoul den, find Rain and Dew, and demand an explanation. But that was easier said than done. 
You found yourself standing outside of the den. You had been standing for about ten minutes now. All your confidence drained the moment you saw the ornate doors with various claw marks on them. You were about ready to say fuck it and turn around when you heard shouting. The voices very clearly belonged to Dew and Rain. Well, you assumed it was Rain because all you could hear was the angry snarls of the fire ghoul. You pressed closer to the door to make out what they were saying.
“I don’t understand why you’re so pissy about this! It’s not like this is the first time we’ve shared a Sibling!” 
“Oh please. Don’t act like you don’t know what you’re doing. Sharing. The great Dewdrop doesn’t share. He takes what he wants without considering for a moment anyone or anything but himself.” 
“Aww you think I’m great.” 
You jump back when you hear the sound of feet stomping closer to the door. 
“Yeah Yeah go run and hide at the bottom of the lake. Maybe I’ll visit your sweet thing while you’re moping.” 
The door flies open and you stare dead ahead at Rain’s chest, too scared to meet his gaze. You can feel him staring down at you. Your face flushes when you hear Dew cackle. 
“Or maybe they’ll visit me.” 
Rain hisses and there’s a moment of silence before his hand brushes your cheek. It trails down under your jaw as he tilts your head up to look at him. You feel your stomach drop to the floor when you’re met with that blank face that’s impossible to read. Just over his shoulder, you can see Dew staring at you with his head slightly tilted and a grin plastered on his face. Rain’s voice pulls your attention back to him. 
“What are you doing here?” he says softly, genuinely.
“I…came to find you and Dew. I was worried when you both disappeared after what happened in the library.” 
“Aww did you hear that Rainy? They were worried about me.” 
Rain’s eyes narrow as he removes his hand from your face and grabs your wrist. He begins to leave the den and you have to dig your heel in to not be dragged along with him. When he feels the resistance he stops to turn and look at you confusion written all over his features. 
“No” You’re feeling a lot bolder than you were five minutes ago “No. That’s not all. I have no idea what’s going on between you two but you need to kiss and make up. I’m tired of being dragged into the middle of this.” 
“What’s going on is Dew cannot fathom the idea that I have interests that aren’t him.” 
“I think what you mean to say is ‘I’m a possessive bitch who can’t stand it when the great Dewdrop looks at anything that’s not me’.” 
Dew’s words and the glare from Rain make you have a sudden realization. This was never Dew’s game. It was Rain’s.  You think back to all the encounters you had with Rain before the day he pulled you into that alcove and realize Dew had always been there. You now understand why he became a presence in your life after that moment. At this point though, you couldn’t care less about which ghoul wanted who or what. You were tired of their petty little pissing contest. 
“Okay,” You rub the bridge of your nose “What’s it going to take to get you two off my ass and to treat each other like friends again?” 
“You really don’t have to do anything. It’ll cool over like it always does.”
“Rain I am sick and tired of being in the middle of this.” 
“You know, I have an idea. But I don’t think Rainy will be too thrilled about it.” 
Rain growls at him and you too have an understanding of what that idea is. 
“Lord’s below Rain if all it takes is letting Dew get his dick wet then what's the problem.”
“The problem is he can’t stand when it’s anyone else but him.”
“Can it Dewdrop,” you turn to look at Rain who looks ready to break something but the slight blush on his face betrays his thoughts “Would it help if you were there?” 
“Ooo we picked a freaky one! Come on wet boy they’re literally asking for it.” 
Rain sighs “You really wanna do this?”
“If it’ll get things back to normal then yes. Very much so.” 
You did not realize how fast it would all move when you said those little words. The doors to the ghoul den were slammed shut as Rain stalked close to you with that hunter’s gaze. You were suddenly very aware of how easily it would’ve been for Rain to just get rid of you if he really didn’t want Dew around you. You start to back away from him but you end up bumping into Dew’s chest. You feel his hands wrap around your middle and his breath against your ear.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Rainy’s always liked the chase. Why do you think it took him so long to fuck you? It wasn’t just because of me.” 
You yelp feeling yourself be quickly lifted off the ground by the little ghoul. He taunts Rain the whole way to his bedroom. You briefly wonder how many times this exact situation has happened when you see the look on Rain’s face. You don’t have much time to consider it before you’re being thrown rather unceremoniously onto a bed. You barely have enough time to blink before Dew is sitting between your legs. 
“Alright dear Sibling, last chance. If you wanna leave just say the words and that’ll be it.” 
You feel the mattress dip as Rain sits against the headboard. You look up at Dew and see his burning gaze and you come to find you want this a lot more than you previously thought. You gave Dew the go-ahead and that was all he needed. He practically pounced on you the moment ‘yes’ left your mouth. He kissed you harshly before nipping your bottom lip with his fangs. You gasped and he used this to slip his forked tongue into your mouth. He licked into you feverishly before making an attempt at shoving his tongue down your throat. His mouth never left yours as his hands traveled from your hips to your neck. He flexed his claws against your skin each time you moaned into his mouth. 
You reach for him, trying to bring him closer to you, but the moment you do he is ripped from you. You whined in confusion as Rain pulled him off of you and onto him. You watched the way Rain pulled his head back by his hair exposing his neck. He squirmed and gasped as Rain kissed and bit at the scars on his neck. Dew reached a hand out and pushed lightly on Rain causing him to stop and gaze at him. 
“Come on Rainy don’t be rude to our guest. I thought you liked your sweet thing?” 
You looked away when Rain’s eyes landed on you. He smoothed a hand over your head, letting it continue down your back and under your shirt. You shudder at his cool touch and finally look up at him. He grins when he has your attention before darting forward and biting hard into Dew’s neck. He gasps and ruts ever so slightly onto Rain’s thigh as the water ghoul laps at the wound before any blood can dribble down. He pulls back and hums in satisfaction at the mark. 
“Now you can play with him.” 
He practically dumps him back on top of you. He doesn’t move from his spot sitting next to you against the headboard as Dew straddles your hips and pulls your shirt off. He latches himself to your neck as he drags the tips of his claws down your body to rest just above your hip bone. You can feel his tail snake into the bottom of your shorts, the tip of the spade creeping closer and closer to your clit. You gasp when it pushes past the fabric of your underwear and slides so slowly through you. He kisses up your neck and jaw as his tail flicks small circles over you. 
You squirm as the spade traces gently over your hole before pushing in. Your moan is immediately swallowed by Rain bringing his lips to yours. He reaches over you and cups one of your breasts in his hand, rolling your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. You try to concentrate on kissing Rain back but all you can focus on is the feeling of Dew’s tail dragging against your walls. Rain gasps and pulls back from you squeezing your chest harshly. You crack open an eye to Dew’s hand shoved down Rain’s sweats jerking him as he fucks you with his tail. You see something dangerous flash across Rain’s face as his eyes flick from you to Dew. 
He swats the fire ghoul’s hand away and shoots up, grabbing him by the wrists. You yelp as he’s quickly pulled off of you when Rain flips their positions. He pulls Dew’s ass up by the hips and pulls his pants off him. 
“I still think you’re being mean Rainy.” He wiggles his ass back against Rain’s dick. Rain peers over at you before pulling Dew flush against his chest by his hair. 
“Get under him.”
You shift around until you’re laying on your stomach looking up at the two ghouls. 
“Now suck it.” 
You slowly bring your lips to the head of his cock and push the tip into your mouth. You swirl your tongue around the slit before taking more of him. Dew’s breathy pants turn into moans as the slick sounds of Rain pushing into Dew fill the room. You had no time to prepare before Rain thrusts brutally into Dew causing him to be pushed to the back of your throat. You gag and the fire ghoul whines as your muscles contract around him. His hand shoots to the back of your head, threading his fingers through your hair guiding you up and down his dick. 
He barely has to move you as Rain keeps up a devastating pace. Dew’s head is thrown back against Rain’s shoulder with his tongue hanging out of his mouth too blissed out from getting fucked from the back and the front. You have to focus on breathing through your nose as every thrust from Rain pushes Dew to the back of your throat. You work your tongue over the vein on the underside of his cock. It’s all you can do feeling the ache in your jaw and your forearms from holding yourself up. 
You hear Rain hiss something in Infernal and it’s the only warning you get before you feel Dew spill hotly down your throat. You fight off a gag at the suddenness of it. 
“You better swallow all of it. Don’t waste a drop of him.” 
You do just as you're told and pull off of him with an obscene pop unable to hold yourself up anymore. It doesn’t take much longer before the sound of skin slapping against skin stutters and Rain grunts biting into Dew’s neck again as he cums deep inside of him. Dew flops forward next to you when Rain pulls out of him. The water ghoul runs his fingers through his hair and wraps his tail loosely around your wrist. Dew reaches over and squeezes your hand before turning his head to look at you. 
Eventually you all roll around until Rain is between both you and Dew, holding you close. You feel yourself drifting off soothed by the sounds of the ghoul’s purrs, that is until you feel Dew squeeze your hand again. You look across to him and get a bad feeling from the glint in his eye. He slowly untangles himself from Rain and crawls over to you. He runs his claws over your thighs. 
“Dew…” you warn, glancing up at Rain who appears to be sound asleep. 
“Oh don’t worry about sleeping beauty. Just focus on me.” 
You slap a hand over your mouth when his hand dips into your shorts. You closed your eyes and send a quick prayer to whoever was listening that Rain wouldn’t wake up to Dew doing his absolute best to pull you closer to your own edge. 
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coffeeghoulie · 11 months
Could I please request some Raindrop? Any hurt/comfort thoughts you have (or just anything, I'm not fussy 😊) Thanks!! 🦕
Took me a while to come up with what I wanted to do for this one, so a Raindrop sickfic it is! Hope you enjoy!
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All Dew knows is that it's late when something wakes him up with a shove. His room is dark, and there's a warm body next to him, where Rain had curled up to him when they had gone to bed several hours before. Dew's eyes snap open wide. Rain's skin should be cool against him as a cold-blooded water ghoul, not warm like this.
He sits up, leaning over Rain to pull the cord on the lamp on their nightstand, casting their room with a soft golden light. Dew sucks a breath in through his teeth as he looks down at his pearl.
Rain's skin is sallow and sheened with sweat, and his hair is plastered to his forehead. Worst of all, Dew can see the way his eyes dart back and forth under his thin eyelids, mumbling frantically to himself as he thrashes, kicking Dew in the side. Rain's eyes shoot open as Dew turns the light on, gasping and sputtering as he buries his face in his hands.
"Rainy, baby, what's goin' on?" Dew asks, pushing his sweaty dark hair off of his forehead. He hisses under his breath as he feels just how warm Rain's forehead is. It's nowhere near as hot as Dew's skin, but Dew knows the feel of Rain, normally cool enough to be chilly against his fire. "You not feeling good?"
Rain whimpers, drawing his legs up to his chest and holding them tight. His eyes are glassy, and he turns towards the sound of Dew's voice but looks right through him. He looks so small, especially with the way his "borrowed" sleep shirt hangs off of his long limbs.
Dew keeps carding his claws gently through Rain's tangled hair, trying to keep himself calm. He can't help if he's not calm. "Froggy, you're burning up, sweetheart," Dew whispers, trying to remember how Aether and Mountain kept him cool in those early days, when the fire threatened to consume him whole. "Gotta, we gotta break it, Rainy," he says, starting to clamber out of bed.
Rain keens, reaching out for Dew with surprising speed. "Don' go, don' leave me again," he whines, still not entirely present. He sniffles, and Dew swallows hard as Rain starts to cry. Dew curses under his breath as he realizes that Rain's sick enough he's having nightmares induced by the fever.
He's no Aether, no Mountain, no Omega. He's not good at other people's emotions. But he has to try. "Not goin' anywhere, froggy," Dew says softly, trying to extricate himself from Rain's clammy hands. "It's okay, Rainy. You're just sick, I'm not leaving you. Just want to get you in the shower, see if that doesn't make you feel better."
Rain looks up at him, eyes wet and shiny, before burying his face in Dew's stomach, clutching the fire ghoul to him as tight as he can with tired limbs. He sobs, and Dew feels his heart break a little, feeling overwhelmed and out of his league.
All he can do is murmur soft things, the words he thinks he remembers Aeth telling him, and keep carding his claws through Rain's mussed hair. "I've got you, froggy, I promise I'm not going anywhere. I know you don't feel good, froggy, let me help you feel better, okay?" He keeps rambling, all of the soft things that come to his mind.
Eventually, Rain's tears slow. He sniffles, wiping his snot and tears on Dew's shirt (he doesn't mind at all. And if he did, it isn't even his, it's one he stole from Swiss, so no skin off of his back). He keens, but he nods slowly, and Dew crouches down to kiss him on the forehead.
"You wanna take a shower, pearl?" he asks, voice as gentle as he can make it. "Bet you feel like you're burning up, huh?"
"Yeah," Rain whispers, voice hoarse from crying. "Dewey, please."
Dew doesn't say anything, just nods and helps him up, slings one of his arms over his shoulders as he leads him to the bathroom. He coaxes Rain to sit down on the toilet lid, keeping the water ghoul in his line of sight as he checks the temperature on the shower. It's all frigid to him, but it's just cooler than Rain's temperature, so it shouldn't send him into shock.
Out of the corner of his eye, Dew watches Rain sway slightly back and forth, head drooping and then jolting back up as he tries to stay awake. "You still with me, pearl?" Dew asks, stripping out of Swiss's shirt and grabbing two towels from the closet.
Rain looks up, eyes still glassy. "Mhmm," he hums, reaching out for him.
Dew smiles, softer than he'll ever admit, and helps Rain to his feet, pulling Mountain's shirt and boxers from his sweat soaked form and leading him into the shower.
Rain hisses as the lukewarm water hits him, gills flaring as his element reacts. Dew grits his teeth as the water, frigid to him, splashes against his chest and arms as he holds Rain upright. Slowly, eventually, Rain relaxes slightly, and Dew can feel his temperature drop, the fever starting to break.
"How you feeling, pearl?" Dew asks, fighting to keep his teeth from chattering. Rain tilts his head back, resting it on Dew's shoulder.
Rain yawns a little, rubbing his cheek against Dew's neck, the stubble scraping a little. "Wanna go back to bed," he whispers, barely audible over the rushing water if it weren't for his mouth right by Dew's ear. "Don't feel good."
Dew's brow furrows. "Do you feel better now than when you did when you woke up?"
Rain thinks for a moment. "Don't really remember waking up," Rain admits, starting to sway on his feet. Dew wraps his arms around his froggy's waist, keeping him upright with deceptive strength. "Only really remember being in the bathroom."
"The tile was cold," Dew murmurs. "Probably was enough of a shock to get you conscious." He reaches up, feeling at Rain's forehead. The fever hasn't broken, at least not completely, but he's cool enough that Dew feels confident enough to shut off the water. He wraps Rain up in the largest, fluffiest towel they own, before drying himself off quickly, leading them both back to their bed. "Here's the plan, froggy. We go back to bed, and in the morning, when Mountain and Aeth get back, I make you a nice big mug of tea and we sweettalk Aeth into giving you some quintessence. That sound like a deal?"
Rain nods as Dew helps him put on fresh pajamas. "Sounds good, Dewey."
He situates himself in bed on his back, pulling Rain flush against his side, Rain's face against his bare chest. Better to monitor his temperature, Dew reminds himself of something Aether told him. He cards his fingers through Rain's damp hair. "Go to sleep, Rainy. I'll be right here when you wake up."
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revasserium · 11 months
HELP YES I AM LMFAO and thank you!!!! <3
just for that, here's a sneak peak:
“Y’know, if you guys just made out I feel like it would fix a lot of this unresolved tension,” she says, even as you nearly choke on your drink.
You’re still coughing when Zoro joins you by the finished drinks counter.
“I’d rather lose an eye than make out with someone who drinks decaf.”
Nami sighs, shooting you a meaningful look as she slides the double espresso toward Zoro.
You wipe your lips with a napkin before leveling him with a glare.
“Well I’d rather gouge my own eyes out than make out with someone who never grew out of his middle school emo-phase.”
“At least I don’t try to use sugar to fill the gaping hole in your life where a real personality should be.”
“At least I don’t make that gaping hole my entire personality.”
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alwaysjustmina · 9 months
Your favorite headcanons about Rain and Dew?
My favorite headcannon? Oh that's a loaded question!
Probably that the two of them hate to be apart, like they know they both have their own responsibilities but they are immediately counting down until they are back together again. As soon as they can see each other they break into the stupidest grins, grip eachother around the waist and pull close together, inhaling the others scent. They stay like this for awhile. Their friends and band mates know anything they say to them at this time, they won't hear. They have to wait until one of them loosens their arms so the other can turn around, back now to front, both arms crossed in front of the other. They have maybe 15, 30 minutes top until these two escape to their room. After that they'll have to wait hours. No amount of door knocking will draw these two apart.
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academic-vampire · 21 days
it's worse when it smells like rain and then doesn't rain. like, c'mon, the petrichor is out, at least follow through!
YES EXACTLY. How cruel, dear sky, to taunt me with what I crave most, and then BETRAY ME… ET TU BRUTE…? how could you 😞 ??
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spoiledleaff · 1 year
could you bless us with some bottom dew x top rain where dew wants to go out to annoy rain but rain wants to spend time with dew so when dew tries to leave rain like strips in a flirtatious way and dew gets all weak for that and then rain fucks dew into the mattress? 🙏
ohoho!! anon, i've been staring at this ask for much too long, haha! you know that 'heart-eyes, motherfucker' meme? yeah, haha! that's been me staring this down!
anyways! some silly little filth below the cut ♡
They're onto him. He knows.
Dewdrop's been so awfully fucking bored this entire goddamn evening, and Rain had offered to spend some time in their dormitory together. Now, Dewdrop had thought that this was super-secret water ghoul horny code for 'hey, i'm also bored. wanna have me fuck your ass so hard, you can feel my balls in your chest?'
You'd think. But, no.
Rain's had Dewdrop tucked into their side for the past hour and a half, one of Cumulus' silly little romance novellas - a stupid human excuse to just read actual porn in public, as Dew might call it - perched half on their chest as their arm is wrapped over Dewdrop's shoulders, keeping him close.
The interactions between the two have been so goddamn chaste, that Dewdrop's absolutely fucking certain that they must know what Dewdrop's actually here for. He's been dragging his claws over the exposed little sliver of Rain's stomach, casually wiggling his own mangled tail over Rain's upper thighs and crotch, and even angling his body up to nibble on the translucent flesh of the fins decorating Rain's inner ear. In response? Rain linked their claws through Dewdrop's mischievous digits, entangled their tail with Dewdrop's before practically throwing them both out of reach from Dewdrop's target area, and even going so far as to twist their head away from Dewdrop's nibbling teeth.
Sathanas below, normally the ear nibbling move would have Rain's mouth on his chubbed up cock by now. They have to know.
But this? This kind of playing hard to get is just boring. Which is not a word that Dewdrop would often use to describe Rain of all ghouls. But, well, the poor fire's sin has been awfully under-stimulated since breakfast, and Dewdrop would much rather be the sexy kind of overstimulated right about now, to be completely honest.
"'M gonna fuck off to my room, I think." Dewdrop mumbles, already ducking underneath Rain's arm and untangling their tails so he could go literally fuck himself.
"Running away, droplet?" He could hear Rain's fluttering voice, croaking at first due to having not used their voice for some time.
"Tired." He lies, feeling as though he could run three different fucking marathons with how much sheer energy he can feel coursing through his vessel's veins.
"Too tired for me, pet?"
And, ohhhh. That made Dewdrop pause.
Turning on his heel, Dewdrop cautiously glances over his shoulder, immediately going fucking bug-eyed when he sees Rain toying with the buttons of their uniform's collar. They've already popped open a couple of the topmost buttons, their claws now torturously swirling slowly around the rim of the next button. Dewdrop can see the sharp edges of their collarbones peaking over the slight ruffling of their shirt, the way those twin arteries seem to flutter underneath Dewdrop's predatory gaze, and the way there's this one specific bead of sweat that's slowly falling down Rain's Adam's apple and pooling in the hollow of their throat.
The tip of that one merciless claw has drifted down towards the side of their chest, tap-tap-tapping over the area where Rain's perky little nipples are almost certain to be hiding underneath the sinfully thin layer of Rain's undershirt. They've dropped their book, and their newly freed hand is now able to teasingly grope at the laces and ties keeping their pants secure over their waist. Those ink black claws are now toying with the ends of those uniform laces, slowly - excruciatingly fucking slow - pulling on one of the ends of the ties.
(...Dewdrop wants to rip those laces off with his fangs; tongue fuck the hollow of the water ghoul's fucking throat just to get a sip of their nectarine sweat.)
But, Dewdrop can't. All he do is stay frozen, watching helplessly as Rain proceeds to slowly pop open those buttons without hesitation. Inch by inch of indigo skin slowly being revealed to Dewdrop's ravenous gaze. The saliva gathering in every corner of his mouth suddenly feels overwhelming; choking.
Rain's undershirt falls open as the last shiny button is removed, finally.
Their nipples are hard and pebbled, small beads of sweat trickling down the length of their sternum, and Dewdrop's eyes are fucking glued to the neat trimmings of hair leading down to the agonizing bulge hidden just beneath their trousers. Rain's claws graze up their stomach and chest, teasingly swirling around their newly naked nipple before flattening their palm over the edge of their collarbone. They cock their head to the side, and Dewdrop audibly gulps at the way a singular strand of dark curly hair falls over their face.
"Hot in here." Rain quips, those sharp eyes raking over Dewdrop's frozen body in an unfairly predatory way.
"Uh, yeah." Dewdrop says, dumbly. His trouser suddenly feeling much too restricting.
Rain laughs at him, perhaps a bit too cruelly considering the unfair situation. Their legs fall open further, the unmistakable bulge of their arousal already soaking through their pants with the amount of precum Rain's already fucking leaking. Goddamn water ghouls-
"Get on the bed, baby." And Dewdrop fucking dives for his previous position of being sprawled out on Rain's sheets. Although, with the way his knees suddenly collapsed under him, it was more like the fire's sin stumbled into those satin sheets.
Again, they laugh, slipping off their bed as they begin to slowly slip their unbuttoned shirt off their shoulders. Dewdrop twisted his body around to watch as their shirt slowly fell off their slight frame. Rain swirled their hips, their tail performing a mesmerizing dance behind their shifting legs as those beautiful claws plucked and played with the idea of unlacing those trousers.
"Rainy..." Dewdrop whines, his own hands quick to reach between his thighs and cup himself. Rain doesn't tell him off for touching himself without explicit permission, but Dewdrop gulps at the way their eyes darkened behind those elegant eyelashes.
"Take your pants off," Rain hardly had to even finish their sentence before Dewdrop was yanking at his own respective lacings, "panties too."
(Dewdrop flushes noticeably at how Rain fucking knew that Dewdrop chose his favorite pair of silk and lace panties to wrap his pretty little cock in.)
By the time Dewdrop's focus is once again zeroing in on the way Rain's groomed happy trail shimmers underneath their room light, Rain's ties are fully unlaced and the material is being pushing down their spread thighs.
And their fucking cock bounces free from its constraints. Because apparently Rain wasn't the only one who decided on some more risqué choices of undergarments for the day. Or, well, lack thereof.
"Turn around, slut." Rain suddenly demands, their tone turning dark and the sound of it suddenly makes Dewdrop that much closer to pure shamelessness.
Dewdrop flops over onto his stomach almost immediately, propping up his ass and wiggling his tail in Rain's direction.
"Gonna fuck me, Rainy?" Dewdrop teases, shaking his ass as one of his hands ducked in between his thighs once more, palming and stroking at his growing arousal. He's fucking dripping.
"I'm gonna shove my cock inside this tight little hole," Rain growls, kneeling onto the bed and quickly slapping Dewdrop's ass, "and I'm gonna fuck you so hard, you'll feel my cum dripping down your throat, droplet."
Rain presses closer, leaning in to dribble spit over Dewdrop's fluttering asshole, immediately lining up the tapered head of their cock with Dewdrop's asshole. When they push in, it's all in one go. Rain fully sheaths the length of their dick inside Dewdrop's tight ass with a low groan, the pace they set fucking into Dewdrop's hole is brutal; cutthroat. They press the entirety of their front against Dewdrop's clammy back, one of their hands reaching over to shove Dewdrop's face further into their mattress, their other smacking Dewdrop's ass as Rain nuzzles their face in the side of Dewdrop's neck.
"Unholy Father, baby," Rain groans, dragging their nose over Dewdrop's sweaty jawline, "I always love sinking my fat fucking dick in this tight little hole of yours. My favorite way to spend the afternoon-"
Dewdrop gasps as Rain's knot bounces against the rim of his asshole with every harsh thrust. There's another smack to his ass, and the fire's sin prays to every unholy deity that might be listening that he'll feel those hits for the next week.
He can already feel the imprints of the stitch work of Rain's once pristine sheets pressing into the meat of his cheek. Fuck, this is so much better than Christian fucking cuddling-
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iamthecomet · 10 months
i feel like rain is a midnight baker
sometimes he just can't get his mind to quiet down enough to sleep, and maybe at first it was just because he felt snacky in the middle of the night and thought fresh baked chocolate chip cookies would do the trick
but honestly, just the simple ritual of getting all the ingredients out and following the recipe and creating something gets him finally in the headspace to rest
the other ghouls know to check the cookie jar in the morning and let rain sleep in if it's freshly stocked
and perhaps sometimes he just leaves a bowl of brownie batter or cookie dough in the fridge, having gone to bed before he baked it, knowing to take the wave of tiredness when the opportunity strikes
sometimes rain doesn't make it back to his room, just conks out on a common room sofa because he doesn't trust that the drowsy feeling won't flit out of his grasp if he walks all the way back, and those mornings, whichever ghoul happens upon him either gently carries him to his bed or curls up on the couch with him, happy to have a little pre breakfast nap. rain loves it most when he wakes up under a cuddle pile
sometimes he has company for his late night baking, someone to feed batter to and make quiet banter with, other night owls who were tired of tossing and turning to no avail
often it's cumulus or swiss joining him, sometimes aurora, and on occasion rain's up late enough for one of the early risers to wake up and find him leaning against the counter and watching the oven.
but often times, it's just rain alone, working diligently in the dim kitchen light and waiting for his brain to quiet enough to go to sleep
You are SO RIGHT.
I think Rain and Aether both have trouble sleeping. Aether takes care of his by taking night shifts at the infirmary. But Rain? I think Rain plays video games late into the night, and yeah, you're right, he bakes. It's methodical. He's good at it. Doesn't have to think too much. Sometimes he just gets dough ready. Dew will wake up to Scone dough, already cut and ready to go into the oven. Other times, the cookie jar is full to bursting. Or there are muffins, still in their tins, still in the oven. Just a little residual warmth left. I think he's just as happy to bake alone as with company. He likes the silence of it. The way he can move around the kitchen with ease, without having to dodge another body. How he can just let sleepiness fill his limbs until he can't take it anymore.
He's responsible though. Even exhausted he always remembers to turn off the oven. Always wipes down the counters and puts dishes in the dishwasher.
Sometimes Dew wakes up to find Rain sitting at the table waiting for a timer to go off. Those are the mornings when Dew will take the kitchen timer from Rain's hand and lead him over the couch. He'll tell him he can take it from here, covering Rain up with a blanket and kissing him between his horns. Rain is always fast asleep before Dew has even straightened back up.
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bluishfrog · 12 days
hehehe, I might have the new chapter out tonight !! sorry for all the angst (and self promoting in your askbox, the comic was so lovely and cute 💚💙), but I promise things are gonna get happier real soon...
~raindrops anon
Oh that's awesome news (especially for @honelle56, she actually told me about your fic a few days ago but I didn't connect your name to it)
And I'm happy you liked the comic :D
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ribbons-in-autumn · 7 months
Motto! Garupa Life #381 "Buddy-Buddy Bandmates"
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Don't get too overexcited, Anon, it's just an apartment.
Follow this link to go to the original comic on Twitter, and this link to go to their website. Here's also an alternate translation by shiromoca.
Tomori always has Coraline eyes in these.
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tabe4 · 5 months
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I've given Raindrop a stored medicine.
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ghouletteanon · 1 year
for the sweet affectionate moments:
8 (a first kiss) with raindrop
i’m sorry i don’t have a song to go with it
This is a bittersweet moment rather than sweet so buckle up for some whump with a little bit of sweetness in the end.
Dew is feeling insecure after a new water ghoul has taken his spot in the band. A water ghoul who seems so perfect, compared to the way Dew struggled in the beginning. He goes to his hideout only to discover that the perfect water ghoul took it from him as well.
The sun never really sets this time of year. Dew is grateful for it, as he no longer can rely on his sense of water alone to guide him through the wetlands towards his favorite spot on the Ministry grounds. The only path there is made by wildlife, and Dew is careful to not steer from it as one wrong step might make him sink and wet his boots. Water never bothered him before, but now being wet feels like a nuisance when he has places to be and he still doesn’t know how to use his new powers to dry himself off efficiently.
Dew is deep in his thoughts when he hears splashing. The newly remade fire ghoul stops in his tracks right at the treeline and hides to his best ability where the forest turns into wetland.
Dew has never told anyone where the tjärn is, and most ghouls do not dare to venture to the treacherous wetland. Yet here the new ghoul is, swimming around in the naturally formed pond. The same new ghoul who had picked up Dew’s bass guitar last practice and began playing it as if Dew had not needed several sessions with Mist before he felt confident enough to play in front of other band members. The new ghoul who had slotted in perfectly with the rest of the pack and had taken over Dew’s old chores.
And now the same ghoul was swimming in Dew’s special spot. Taking yet another thing away from Dew.
Dew feels the fire inside of him igniting. He is good at keeping the fire under control. Usually. But his emotions are running strong. His line of vision goes red as a violent scream escapes his lips. The scream sets off something inside him, something that has not been right ever since the cursed night Copia and Imperator unmade him. There is an uncontrollable heat around him, his clothes caught aflame. He stumbles forward, blindly. There is a hiss as his destroyed boots sink into the murky water. He does not care, instinct taking over. He needs to cool down or he will set off a forest fire.
Rain has enjoyed his life topside so far. His new packmates had welcomed him, if not with open arms then at least being civil towards him. It was more than he had expected. Sure, there was some tension but that was to be expected when there were new members joining an already established pack. He had been spending all his time practicing the bass whenever he could, sneaking away the moment he finished his chores to pick up the instrument. He did not want to bother Dew, the former bassist, with constant questions especially as Dew was one of the packmates who acted more cool towards him. Practicing on his own and hopefully impressing the other band members was much safer.
Topside is great compared to the pits. There is even a lake right in the forest! Rain had followed the call of water after his first practice with the band. The water was murky at first, but once he got into the water proper it cleared up.
Rain opens his eyes under the water, taking in the clear water in the middle of the lake. Everything is so calm underwater. He is in his true element, enjoying the way water runs through his gills as he swims languidly. His webbed fingers don’t feel clumsy, his tail steers him forward just like it was made to do. He doubts himself when he’s out of his element, but here nothing can touch him and he feels weightless.
There is an odd taste to the water that filters through Rain’s neck gills. Something is wrong. Burnt… rubber soles? Rain turns quickly and starts swimming towards the smell.
It’s a small lake, and Rain reaches the other side of the lake in a handful of powerful strokes before he is forced to rise up. Rain feels clumsier than usual as he struggles forward, fighting against the plants that make it difficult to reach the ghoul who has sunken into the wetland. Even with his face down and clothes burnt into rags, Rain recognises the ghoul as Dew.
Sathanas, Rain prays for strength, as he drags Dew towards the shoreline. Dew is still not reacting as they reach dry land. Rain curses, and covers Dew’s lips with his own and gives him his breath as he commands the water inside Dew to leave.
Dew’s eyes open suddenly and sees Rain kneeling on top of him. He pushes Rain off of him, of course the perfect water ghoul had to be perfect and help him, and coughs up the water he had breathed in in his panic.
“If you wanted to kiss me that badly you should have just said so,” Dew tries to play the situation off as a joke. He does not want the perfect water ghoul to see him look weak. The water ghoul seems like he wishes to say something, but Dew does not give him the chance. He needs to get away. He needs lick his wounds in peace.
Rain watches Dew run away, leaving him puzzled.
Their real first kiss comes much later.
They are back at the tjärn after finishing their first tour together. Their friendship had grown over time, something having shifted after their first time at the tjärn and Dew had accepted Rain as his packmate. They had an understanding Dew did not share with anyone else.
Dew is in the water, by choice this time rather than necessity. Rain is diving somewhere, but he is simply enjoying the feeling of being weightless. His eyes are closed, but he can sense the water part close to him as Rain swims right up next to him. Dew opens his eyes and sees Rain watching his lips intently. "If you want to kiss me, all you need to do is ask."
"Then, can I kiss you for real this time?"
Dew smirks as he turns around, only to drag Rain underwater with him. Rain's eyes flash open, but when he realises what's happening he lets Dew pull him close and they kiss under the surface, surrounded by the element they share and love.
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chapel-of-rizztual · 1 year
I am requesting: what would it be like to be together with Rain and Dewdrop. Fic or headcanons, fluff or smut, whatever suits you more. 💖
They’re already disgustingly in love with each other so add another into the mix and it triples. 
Dew have to sleep in the middle of you. Especially in the winter. He like being surrounded by the two of you and on the winter he likes knowing that he’s keeping you both warm. 
They both scent you like crazy. If you don’t smell like either one of them then good luck. They like it best of you wear their clothes. 
Pet names. So many pet names. It gets to the point where they get ridiculous. 
They’re literally obsessed with you. Be prepared for the princess treatment, you won’t let you do anything. You want a drink? One of them will get it for you. Breakfast in bed? They’re on it. They’ll tie your shoelaces for you, make your bed for you , you won’t even need to lift a finger. 
Rain once braided yours and Dews hair together while you were both sleeping. He laughed so hard when you both woke up and couldn’t get untangled. 
Dew is actually a really good baker and is always baking little treats for you and Rain. 
Swimming in the lake. While you’re not as good a swimmer as Rain and Dew are, they always make sure you’re never left behind. And you get to warm up in the shower after.
Both you and Dew keep Rain warm in the winter. 
They both steal your clothes to make a nest. They definitely don’t argue over certain items of clothing. They comprise by making one big nest. 
Dew always asks you to paint his nails. 
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revasserium · 7 months
Congrats to 3k ! You deserve every single follower ! Your writing is awesome 🥳✨💓
thank you so much darling !!! <3 i do think it's a bit inflated bc i went on a massive hiatus for like 2.5yrs but i'm still so very thankful for everyone who's found me since then! (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) muah!
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t-visionsenjoy · 3 months
can I give gato a little kiss on the forehead… if not, just a headpat ^_^?
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