#raindrop prelude
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ratt-fried-this-pasta · 2 years ago
Chopin Prelude in Db Major “Raindrop” Op. 28, No. 15
reblogs greatly appreciated :>
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 8 months ago
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Randomestfandoms Turns 7✤ Day 4: Posters​
Cosima Holmes ✤ Raindrop Prelude 
I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror Cosima Holmes was boring. Mycroft always said that she sounded far too much like Sherlock when she said that, but it was true. Cases had gotten dull, school was a waste of her intelligence, and her required extra curricular activities were even worse. Truly, the only thing she had to look forward to were her weekly meetings with Greg Lestrade. But when John Watson moves into 221B Baker Street with Sherlock, Cosima finally sees the potential for something interesting in her future. It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
Tag List: @airwolf92 – want to be added?
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musicsweetmusic · 2 years ago
Se «Frédéric Chopin's "Raindrop" Prelude, Op 28, No. 15» på YouTube
I remember that I once had to write about a musician at school in my teens and I chose Chopin and of course I had to listen to his music. My parents had some records with Chopin and I remember I liked this Raindrop prelude. It's as if you can hear the rain falling. It will be lots of rain today so why not post this.
Chopin lived between 1810-1849. Maybe it is a little gloomy this Raindrop prelude... it says in Wikipedia that this is his most famous prelude.
When I think about it now I have no idea why I chose to write about Chopin in my teens. I hadn't listen much to classical music. Maybe I got a tip from the teachers or something, some advice to who to write about? I really don't know.
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kickbutts-singsongs · 14 days ago
Just came back from a date
With my music school’s practice room 😃😃😃
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doomsdayartificer · 6 months ago
Still sorting through all my thoughts about the series finale (they are Many), but there’s one thing that can’t wait to be said: AJ DiSpirito, when is Murder Drones OST Volume 3 dropping, I need that BiteMe battle theme in my veins last week.
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revenantghost · 2 years ago
Okay I'm tapping out, I can't do Signalis with these volumes anymore, I'm too weak, back to Twangyhop to lessen the load
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lazymuse · 2 years ago
오늘은 쏟아지는 비를 맞으며... 9년 전 생일날 뉴욕에서 봤던 영화 <Love Is Strange>의 사운드트랙을 들었다. 그 영화의 사운드트랙은 죄다 쇼팽의 피아노곡 (거의 대부분 우리 회사 음원)... 빗방울 전주곡이 나오더니 몇 곡 뒤에 발라드 3번�� 나왔다.
생각해 보니 7년 전 뉴욕 에어비앤비에서... 내가 지내던 방에 영창피아노가 있었는데; 당시 취미로 피아노 레슨을 좀 받고 있던 때라, 어차피 바쁜 관광을 하지 않는 나는 별다른 계획 없는 날엔 그냥 방에서 피아노 연습도 하곤 했었다. 그 때 이 곡을 레슨받고 있기도 했었는데... 지금은 못 치겠지만 그래도 그 때는 조금은 쳤었는데... 언제부터인가 이 곡 들을 때마다 그 때 생각이 난다.
집에 와서 생각난 또 다른 오래된 곡이 있다. Kelly Sweet의 Raincoat. 한때 이 여가수의 목소리가 좋아서 앨범도 찾아 듣곤 했는데, 언제부터인가 이름도 바꾸고 음악 스타일도 전혀 예상치 못한... 이상한(?) 걸 하고 있어서 안타깝다.
"You always pick the wrong women. What about Madeline, after me?" "Madeline was an archaeologist. She was, you know, she was fabulous." "Madeline was a nymphomaniac." "Okay, she had a little problem with fidelity, you know, and I didn't happen to see it."
As you can see we're not your typical family. This is the story of a year in our lives that we'll always remember. That's my mom. She's hard at work being soft on crime. "What we need are open prisons. European menus, decorating their own cells." My stepdad really didn't take it too well. "Wait a minute, excuse me. Steffi! Bring down a copy of my will and an eraser, okay?" That's my real dad. His love life definitely needs some help. "You know I'm gonna kill myself. I should go to Paris and jump off the Eiffel Tower. I'll be dead. In fact if I get the Concorde, I could be dead three hours earlier which would be perfect." ("She's perfect for you. She jogs every morning. You could go and bump into her and meet her.") I swear my family will do anything for love... "Oh, sorry." "Sorry." ... even sing… "Looking at you while troubles are fleeing I'm admiring the view..."
Miramax Films presents a comedy that sings and dances…
He's washing dishes and baby clothes… he’s so ambitious… he even sews. But don’t forget folks… That’s what you get, folks… For making whoopee.
Alan Alda, Woody Allen, Drew Barrymore, Lucas Haas, Goldie Hawn, Gabby Hoffman, Natasha Lyonne, Edward Norton, Natalie Portman, Julia Roberts, Tim Roth, David Ogden Stiers.
"Oh, don't forget to blow on her back between her shoulder blades. It makes her crazy." "Hey."
<Everyone Says I Love You>
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aliens-took-my-iwa-chan · 1 year ago
omg thats so real
I’m out here writing humor scenes with metal blasting in my headphones and whump scenes with classical playing on full volume xD
i be writing the most gut wrenching scenes with the most unfitting songs in my headphones. hyde be talking about how he wanna get brutally beaten up because he feels like he deserves it and my headphones are going “they be saying im a boss bitch im a boss bitch im a boss bitch”
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polish-art-tournament · 2 months ago
minigame XXVIII
guess who will be 215 years old in like less than 2 months! thats riiiiight its our boy frycek
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i chose eight short pieces that are either my personal faves or The Most Famous ones or both, so that hopefully you already are familiar with at least a few of them. you can listen to them here on spotify or under the cut in the inserted youtube vids
also: i am now taking submissions for minigames concentrated on individual cities and their public space art. please use this form to submit one or more statues, sculptures, fountains, murals etc from polish towns and cities and villages - the requirement is that it has to be situated in a public space where everyone can see it. i am sure there's some things i would have never found just googling the places on my own, but you have seen and fell in love with them :)
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evilhasnever · 3 months ago
It is proof of his torturous but steady ascent in the Wen ranks that Meng Yao is allowed time with the prisoner. Even more so that he gets to visit alone, dismissing the guards with a tip of his chin.
The moment they are alone, the chained dragon uncoils, abandoning any pretense of sleep. Lan Xichen opens his maw and his long tongue unrolls like a silk carpet, producing a shining beacon of light on its tip. “Please,” he speaks urgently, without moving his mouth, “I need A-Yao to swallow this.”
From its glow, the light had seemed as big as a lantern, but upon receiving it in his palm Meng Yao sees it is a pearl no bigger than a common oyster prize.
He suspects this is exactly what he has been sent to torture out of him. The urge to drop it wars with the desire to bask in this undeserved, unfathomable trust.
Lan Xichen likely senses his hesitation. “A-Yao won't be in danger from my favor,” he whispers, “It cannot be taken from you by force.”
Meng Yao knows that Wen Ruohan would have him cut open from sternum to navel, like cattle to the roast, if he knew he had swallowed Lan Xichen’s pearl. He will simply have to lie better than usual, won’t he?
The moment he places the pearl on his tongue, it melts like a raindrop down his throat, tingling chill spreading across his body and into his limbs. When it reaches his belly, the bird-flap of his golden core turns into a feverish buzz, warmth setting in his deepest crevices as if the cold had been only a prelude.
“How will I return this to Zewu-Jun?” he whispers, breathless with the experience of it. He thinks of a lizard tongue as long as a waist sash, of the human tongue Lan Xichen used to speak softy with.
The dragon squints in what, perhaps, is as close as he can get to a smile with such a fearsome maw. ���When the war ends,” he says, sounding slightly breathless as well, “there will be time.”
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 10 months ago
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Cosima Holmes ✤ Raindrop Prelude ✤ A Study In Pink
“And now for the girl, Doctor Watson."
"What about the girl?"
"She'll be coming with me."
"No. No, absolutely not."
"Thanks for your concern, Doctor Watson, but it's fine. He just doesn't want you to know where he lives."
"Where he–"
"Lives, yes. If I don't go with him, you would have to drop me off anyways."
"You mean you–"
"Live with him, yes. Wasn't that obvious? Anyways, M, Sherlock says that I've earned unrestricted access to the government file of my choice for my brilliant deduction today, so get moving, I've already made a list."
Tag List: @airwolf92– want to be added?
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neodiekido · 5 months ago
Thinking about if we got protagonist kaede for the full game. i hope she'd still randomly assign piano songs to fit the mood/try and cheer up the others
they find a corpse and she goes "This is really fucked up guys :( let's try and calm down by imagining Chopin's Raindrop Prelude" and like everyone looks at her in shock while she starts humming it
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syllviere · 3 months ago
syllviere | fic recs
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— This list represents some of my favorite reads, while acknowledging with gratitude that there are a million more stories and writers out there worth discovering. — NSFW content. Minors, do not interact. — Updated: Nov 17, 2024
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BTS — Kim Namjoon
In Neverland by kpopstories
Peaches and Cream by jinpire
Stimulant by hoyoungy
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BTS — Kim Seokjin
A Kiss of Marble by jinpire
A Saint in Her Halo by winetae
Dr. Kim by btsfiles
Made-Up Love Song by floralseokjin
Pink by tayegi
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BTS — Min Yoongi
A Brush of Silk by jinpire
Alluring Tune by jeonscity
Arranged by obiwrites
Felix Culpa by army-author
Insemination Wars by prolixitae
Mr. Min by ellieljade
Miss Dial by versigny and cyphertrip
Not In the Cards by yoonmetogether
Wild Strawberries by yoonia
The Equation of Love by kookingtae
The Raindrop Prelude by inktae
Three Tangerines by kithtaehyung
Unexpected by noona-la-la-la
Whispered Secrets by lostbookmark
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BTS — Jung Hoseok
A Shot of Whiskey by jinpire
Acatalepsy by velvetchen
Ask and You Shall Receive by floralseokjin
Fermata by yeoldontknow
Gold and Silver by inktae
Heartbeat by joonbird
Lap Dance by btsinned
Mindless by jungk0oksthighs
The Purge by jungblue
The Wood by sailoryooons
Transference by dark-muse-iris
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BTS — Park Jimin
A Bite of the Apple by jinpire
Cordially, Jimin by kpopfanfictrash
Locked in Love by parkmuse
Sin City by btssmutgalore
Snap Decision by noona-la-la-la
Spellbound by minlouvre
The Sound of Your Love by an-exotic-writer
Watch Me, Watch You by the95liner
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BTS — Kim Taehyung
Clandestine by daizymax
The Half-Lycan by yoonia
The Wings of a Devil by jinpire
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BTS — Jeon Jungkook
A Sip of the Grail by jinpire
Comfort Inn Ending by joonbird
Paralian by kpopfanfictrash
The Fitting by noona-la-la-la
The Winter Court by koyamuses
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BTS — Multiple Members
Let the Games Begin by kpopsinning
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EXO — Kim Jongin
99 and Marlowe by kpopfanfictrash
Addewid by kpopfanfictrash
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EXO — Park Chanyeol
Balls Deep by yeoldontknow
Iron Wrought by yeoldontknow
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Ateez — Multiple Members
Descent to Depravity by daizymax
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Fic Rec Resources
@btsficfinds - Helps connect users searching for fics + lots of tips
@kingofbodyrolls - Lissa constantly lifts up and highlights authors and we are all so thankful
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aelius29 · 6 months ago
The Rain
It's a one shot.
Pairings: Fem reader x Wednesday Addams
A/n: it's my first time to wrote it in here. I hope you guys like it. ✨💕
And my friend help me fixing my grammar.. 😭😂
Her name @phantomverse707 . She wrote a story a h.p. fan fiction as well. I hope you guys support her. ✨🖋️
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Y/n P.O.V.
We stood together, sheltered under Wednesday’s black umbrella. The soft patter of rain droplets against the fabric filled the air as I gazed out at the rain, feeling a sense of calm wash over me.
Wednesday stood silently beside me, her expression stoic as always. I could sense her eyes on me, sharp and observant, aware of my appreciation for the rain.
“You seem to have an unhealthy obsession with rain,” Wednesday noted, her voice flat, with just a hint of curiosity beneath her monotone.
I nodded, my gaze still fixed on the falling raindrops. “Yeah, I like it. It’s soothing.”
Wednesday tilted her head slightly, considering my words. “There is something strangely satisfying about the rain’s capacity to drown out the noise of humanity."
I smiled at her, surprised by her insight. “Exactly. It’s like the world just… stops. For a moment, the rain washes away all the worries and stress of the world."
Wednesday’s eyes flickered with the slightest hint of agreement. “It does have a certain tranquility. Like the prelude to a funeral.”
Without warning, I sprinted out into the rain, laughing as I let the cold drops hit my face.
“Wednesday!” I called, grinning as I spun around. “Come on, join me!”
Wednesday’s expression remained stony, though there was a flicker of something akin to annoyance—or maybe intrigue—beneath her dark eyes.
“You want me to engage in this frivolous display of joy?” she asked, her tone laced with a heavy dose of skepticism.
I nodded, my hair already soaked. “Yeah! It’s fun, you know. Live a little.”
Wednesday stared at me, visibly torn between disdain and something less familiar. Finally, she let out a resigned sigh, setting the umbrella aside. “Very well. But don't expect me to enjoy this.”
I watched, delighted, as she stepped into the rain. Her dark hair quickly became wet, framing her pale face in sharp lines. She looked almost ethereal, like a gothic painting come to life.
“You’re actually doing it,” I said, still amazed she’d joined me.
“I’m merely proving a point,” she muttered, trying—and failing—to keep the corners of her mouth from twitching upward.
We ran through the rain, hand in hand. Her grip was cold, firm, and oddly comforting. The rain poured down around us, soaking us to the bone. I glanced at Wednesday, her eyes glinting with something that almost resembled amusement.
“See? Isn’t this fun?” I laughed, feeling more alive than I had in ages.
Wednesday huffed, her attempt at a smile barely visible. “It’s… tolerable.” Her voice was quieter, almost lost in the sound of the rain.
I released her hand and spun around, letting the puddles splash up against my legs as I danced. I glanced back at Wednesday, half-expecting her to roll her eyes, but instead, she watched with something like fascination.
“You’re ridiculous,” she said, but there was no venom in her words, just a dry observation.
I laughed, unbothered. “Yeah, but who says that’s a bad thing?”
For a moment, she stood there, just watching me, as if seeing me clearly for the first time. There was a flicker of something in her eyes—curiosity, maybe even admiration, though she would never admit it.
Wednesday P.O.V.
Watching Y/N dance in the rain, utterly unrestrained and blissfully unaware of how foolish she looked, stirred something within me. It was an unfamiliar sensation, irritatingly close to… admiration.
She was always so composed, so confident. But here, she was raw, joyful, and unabashedly herself. It was maddening and captivating all at once. I couldn’t look away.
When she reached out to me, her hand dripping with rain, I hesitated. I was not one for touchy displays of affection, but there was something disarming about her expression.
Reluctantly, I took her hand again, feeling the warmth of her skin against mine, a stark contrast to the cold rain. She pulled me closer, her eyes gleaming with mischief. “Dance with me.”
I scowled, resisting the pull. “I don’t dance,” I stated flatly.
“You don’t have to know how,” she replied, her tone annoyingly cheerful. “Just move.”
I let her lead me, feeling awkward and exposed. My limbs felt heavy, resistant to the idea of surrendering to something so… whimsical. But as we moved together, my body loosened, if only slightly. It was uncharted territory—dancing, in the rain, with someone who made me feel less like a shadow and more like a person.
And despite myself, I didn’t hate it. In fact, it was almost... enjoyable. I, Wednesday Addams, was enjoying myself. Absurd.
Y/N smiled at me, her laughter blending with the sound of the rain. “We’ll have to do this again. Same time, next storm.”
I gave her my best stoic glare, but I could feel the corners of my mouth betraying me with the faintest hint of a smile. “Don’t get any ideas,” I grumbled, though the words lacked their usual bite.
She chuckled, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Oh, no ideas at all,” she said with feigned innocence, her tone dripping with false sincerity.
I rolled my eyes, but couldn’t help the flutter of anticipation that her words stirred. The idea of doing this again, of sharing these stolen moments, didn’t seem as intolerable as it should have.
The End ....
A/n: thank you for reading ✨🍂
Edit: I'm sorry if i-edit some of the scenes if u notice. 😭
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iovestuck · 2 months ago
INCEPTIO . 심재윤 | prelude + arc i
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STARING.. attorney ! jaeyun (jake) × violinst ! female oc
SYNOPSIS.. within the realm of truth, it is crucial to conceal secrets. Trust should not be given to anyone, but it shouldn't be denied regarding close ones. Memories should be forgiven but not forgotten. The pursuit of lies should be avoided, just as the revealing of truths must be hidden.
GENRES.. fluff + angst + action + thriller + mystery + hint of romance + friendship
WARNINGS.. drugs, alcohol, violence, addiction, abuse, sexual assault, revenge, toxic relationships, toxic parents, under influence, guns, attempt suicide, suggestive scenes, self-harm, jealousy, overdose, law, poison, etc.
ages under 17 recommend reading with caution !
WORD COUNT.. 45k overall. 16k prelude + arc i parts
IOVESTUCK'S NOTES.. Here is the prelude and the arc i parts/chapters! I hope you like them so much! There not a lot of things going on in the arc. It's more getting to know the characters. Not much romance just friendship moments! Thank you for reading the first arc!
TAGLIST.. @ilobtinycats , @zyvlxqht , @senascoooop ,
If you want to be added to the taglist, please only send an ask as my notifications can be messy, and your notes/comments won't be seen.
masterlist. characters. arc. ii. arc iii.
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Tick tock, tick tock
The clock sound was the only thing heard in the room as the thunderstorm roared through the night. On the right side of the room, the window was opened halfway. Raindrops spattered into the floor of the room. A usual made bed in the center of the room appeared to have been slightly unkempt. On the bed, a lady was curling up, shaking with fear. She covered her ears with both hands.
Tears peeking through her eyes. Squeezing them shut, feeling dizzy from all of the thunder. Choking on her tears, hoping this would end soon. She could hear her heart skipping a couple of beats. 
"I'm sorry," was the only thing she could mutter over and over again. "I'm sorry." Her heart dropped once another thunder struck again. She could see the light from it before shutting her eyes tightly. More tears fell in the silence. Quickly went to the bathroom that was connected to her bedroom, she threw up nothing. 
Feeling her heart heavy as she sat on the bathroom floor. She took a breath before getting up then flushed the toilet. She washed her hands and mouth. Once she exited the bathroom, she sat back on her bed. Turning on some music and letting it play hoping it would cover the sound of the rain. Even if it was a little bit. She stared at the empty white wall in front of her. 
Another thunder was heard once again, she quickly plugged her ears and closed her eyes, hoping it would end soon. It was like the world was mad at her for not saving her friend…. Her best friend's first lover. "I'm sorry," she muttered again.  But she knew apologizing for something was too late wouldn’t do any good. 
It was too late to save her friend. It was too late to do anything. It was too late. If only she could go back in time and save her friend then none of this would have happened. But it was too late to do so. "I'm sorry, Sooah," she muttered. 
It was her fault.
That night haunts her once again..
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nightmares and regrets that haunt through the day and night
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The arrival area in the famous Incheon International Airport, from left to right there were family reunions. Crying of happiness, everyone was accustomed to those sounds. People who arrived walked through the automated sliding doors, leaving their suitcases before running towards their loved ones who were waiting for them on the other side.
A female took a breath as she walked through those same doors, watching their reunions. Strangers who spared her nothing but a glance which quickly took their focus on their loved ones. Wishing she could be like those families or friends, hugging her loved ones like anyone in this airport right now. Thinking about it made her heart break a million pieces.
After 10 minutes of standing there, a noise was heard in her purse. She quickly took it out before a small smile appeared across her face once she saw the caller's name. In an instant, she answered the call. "Hello?"
"I am on my way, sorry! I accidentally slept while studying for my exams. I set two alarms and long story short, I didn't wake up for any of them!" Her best friend could be heard panting at the other line as though he had been running to his car.
The female couldn't do anything about it as it was a fair mistake anyone could make and it wasn't his responsibility to pick her up. "Jaeyun, it's okay you don't have to pick me up. I could just call a ta-" "No, I told you I would pick you up and I will do that. I can't let you down! I am in my car right now. Please wait until I come, I will be there as fast as I can. As long there is no traffic or sh*t," he interpreted in an almost pleading tone. Knowing she couldn't say no to anyone pleading. 
"It's fine, Jaeyun … Alright, I will wait. Take your time. Please drive safely. Don't even consider speeding," she half-joked with a light laugh. But knowing him, he would speed up even if it's a little bit. 
"No, promises. Stay put and don't even dare leave the airport. I will be there as soon as possible! Will call if I can't find you," he told her. She hummed in response just as the call ended. Looking at the clock on her phone, it read 7:20 p.m. It wasn't in any of the rush hours, but people were still driving from work to home after a long day. Especially in the capital of South Korea. 
It has been 3 years since she was in South Korea. Nothing has changed as much. Maybe some minor changes, but that's it. Heejin looked out the window before letting out a soft sigh. Wondering how everyone is doing now. Are they achieving their dreams and goals? Are they happy? She sort of missed her friends here. People who she left after those memories. 
Her phone suddenly made some noise in her purse. She quickly took out her phone and looked at who was texting. Her heart dropped after she saw the contract name. 'We have a gathering for you.' "Like I want to go," she scoffed while reading the message on the screen. Putting her phone away without replying, she went to a seat and leaned on it. Looking up at the ceiling, she took a breath.
"Heejin!" Looking forward, she saw her best friend Jaeyun running towards her. He had a smile across his face waving at her. She smiled back as she quickly walked towards him with her two luggage rolling her hands. Suddenly her best friend hugged her, almost making her lose her balance, but he made sure she didn't. She was a little surprised before quickly recovering and hugged him back. "I miss you so much."
She hummed in response. No words could explain how much she missed her friends. She closes her eyes as tears fall on her cheeks. Jaeyun broke the hug and quickly noticed she had tears falling. "Hey, why are you crying?" He looked at her with worried eyes. She didn't notice the tears, quickly she wiped her eyes and gave him a smile. "Oh, it's nothing…it's just happy tears," she reassured him.
He looked at her still with worried eyes, letting a smile creep across his face. "You look taller," he said, noticing her height. She shook her head, and a smile formed. "It must be the heels I am wearing right now. I am still shorter than you." Jaeyun looked at her shoes and noticed she was indeed wearing heels. "Maybe so, but you're still grown even if it's a tad bit." She nodded at the fact. "You look much better than when I left for Australia," she said not in a joking manner, but as an observation. 
He smiled. "Of course, if I hadn't been better, then I wouldn't be able to do what he told me to do." She nodded. "Come, let's go." He quickly grabbed her suitcases before walking.
Once in the car, Jaeyun had convinced her to talk about her years in Australia. How was finishing school there, how were her violin and piano lessons, how were her aunt, uncle, and cousins, and so much more? From then on, she spoke of the wonderful things she has experienced there, also mentioning if she had a choice, she would've decided to stay there longer, forever seen. Then she talked about her repeated nightmares, hallucinations, panic attacks, sleepless nights, especially those thunderstorms. But never talked about why she had those nightmares, hallucinations, panic attacks, and sleepless nights because it will have their old friend, his first love, introduced into the topics. It won't be very pleasant for any of them at the moment.
Fortunately enough, he kept his silence while earnestly listening to the other's stories. It was like he understood not to ask for any further details and the downsides of her stay would be a bad idea. "My violin instructor suggested that I should get into Guildhall or Juilliard. She said with my application and skills, I could make it and my parents could afford any of the university's tuition," Heejin said, feeling happy when her instructor told her that.
"That's amazing! You always dreamt about going to either of the two universities since we were young. Plus you could now study your dream career! He exclaimed as though there was something to be excited about. As though her parents would never allow her to study music or even in those universities. Immediately he noticed the lack of enthusiasm on her part. "They didn't agree, did they?"
"You know them." She gave him a sad smile. "Although, I am glad I could move away from their wrath. At least I could have a little more air to breathe than those past 15 years," she took a breath and looked through the windshield. "I am sorry," he apologized for something he didn't take part in.
Heejin shook her head. "Don't apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. Privileges come with a price." Her mind came to the thought of Sooah, who was like her. But her price was never like her old friend. There was a silence in between them. "I hate how I understand that." A bittersweet tone appeared suddenly from Jaeyun, which wasn't any surprise. "So, when will you plan to move out?" He glanced at her.
"Hmm, maybe a week or two from now, I still need to sort some paperworks and go to the storage unit that has some of my things." Jaeyun nodded. "Alright, just give me a call, the others may want to help out too since it's been a long time." "Noted." 
The car suddenly stopped, reminding her they had arrived at the destination. But to her surprise, he didn't simply drop her off. He instead parked somewhere near the house. She looked at him confused about what he was doing. He immediately noticed her confusion. "There is a gathering for you, which I found I was invited to," he informed her of the knowledge she had purposefully forgotten about. 
Her parents played the good cards by inviting the person who would pick her up and would convince her to attend. "I guess we are in this together like the times before." She took a silent breath before taking out her pocket mirror to put on some makeup since she had to attend that gathering after all with no excuse whatsoever. They both stepped out of the car and walked side by side to the house. "Remember if you want to get out of your situation, use the code word," Jaeyun said as they were about to enter the house. 
Jaeyun opened the door and held it for Heejin."Ladies first." Her heart dropped just by entering the house. Taking a breath, she went to where the gathering will be held. From left to right, there were the business partners her parents had made connections with over the years since she was born until now. She looked at her best friend and he looked at her. They both nodded and gave a smile to each other before departing to wherever. 
Heejin felt small walking around the room filled with strangers. She felt like throwing up all of a sudden. Without even noticing it, she accidentally bumped into someone. "I am so sorry," she quickly apologized. "No, I should be the one apologizing." A familiar voice. Looking up, she realized it was her friend she hadn't seen in 3 years.
"Heeseung?!" She asked. The person looked at her confused for a second before then realized. "Heejin?!" "That's me," she smiled. "Here, let me help you." He held out his hand and she took it. "It's been 3 years, how are you?" He asked her.
"Doing alright, how about you?" She made sure her dress wasn't ruined or her mother might scold her for ruining her dress in front of the guests. Heeseung smiled. "I am doing better, I got accepted into the company I wanted. Just need to finish my studies then I will work full-time there." 
"Oh really? Congratulations," she quietly clapped her hands with a smile. "When did you get here?" He asked her. "An hour ago." "Did Jaeyun pick you up?" She nodded. "As he should." Heeseung looked at the clock on his watch. "Well, it was nice talking to you again." "Same here." He walked away and now she was left alone again. With a sigh, she went to where the drinks were. Picking up a cup of punch, she took a slip making sure it wasn't spiked or anything before drinking more. 
Suddenly thousands of reporters ran towards her, making her almost choke on the punch. The reporters started to gather around her. "How was staying in Australia?" "How was learning the piano and violin there?" Heejin took another slip while looking around the room. She spotted Jaeyun talking to some people in front of her and behind the reporters. "I must say this drink is luscious." She said loud enough for the reporters and her best friend to hear.
Next, she knew it, Jaeyun was by her side, excusing them before both of them made their way out of the reporter's eyes. "That was fast," she said while glancing at the reporters who were now escorted out. "We have been doing this since we were 12 and 13 years old," he smiled. 
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"Since when did you have such things, Heejin? Why is this box so heavy?!" Jongseong exclaimed as he waited for the elevator to open as if nobody else was carrying the same weight of boxes. She chuckled, "You are carrying my books and music sheets. That may be the reason." BOOKS AND MUSIC SHEETS were written on the box. Feeling a little guilty for having the boys carrying her heavy boxes.
She could've done it by herself with trips up and down the apartment complex, but with the boys pleading over the past two weeks, she agreed in the end. "Don't worry about him, he voluntarily said he is willing to carry that," Heeseung interjected. 
"Because that's all you people left!" Jay groaned. The boys let Heejin go first to insert her passcode with her free hands. After she quickly punched in the code, everyone quickly one by one put down the boxes to put their miseries to an end. She noticed Jaeyun was staying silent the whole time. She wondered why but never had the chance to talk to him about it. She spotted Heeseung working on the boxes in the kitchen. She quickly made her way towards him. "Why is Jaeyun quiet since we have arrived?" 
Heeseung turned around, facing her. He sighed,  "He has been like this for 3 years. That's one of the differences over the past years. If something reminded him of her then he would not make a sound. Just stay silence" Before focusing on unpacking the kitchen items from the boxes. "I see." Was all she said. Heejin wished she should've stayed longer before she went to Australia. But that was in the past now. Suddenly noises were heard in her pocket. She quickly took it out and excused herself. "Hello?" She answered.
"Friday, there will be a banquet at 10 pm. You must come, no excuses," her mother informed her before ending the call. Heejin looked at her phone. She took a deep breath before going back inside the apartment with a fake smile pasted on her face. This week is going to be a rough night. She thought. Her friends helped her unpack some of the boxes before going back home. 
Now it was just her and Jaeyun. She didn't want to disturb his thoughts so she went to her bedroom to unpack her clothes. Then she heard a knock on the door. Facing the door, she saw him with a small smile. "Do you need any help?" She gave him a smile. "You could do some of the bedroom boxes," she suggested. He nodded before going to work. 
The silence filled both rooms as both of them worked on unpacking. "Are you going to the banquet?" He asked all of the sudden. Heejin blinked twice. He probably overheard the call. She thought before answering. "It's not like I have any choice. I must attend every single banquet, party, events and gathering. That's one of our conditions if I go to Australia." She bit her lips, thinking about those conditions that her parents have told her.
One, must attend every single banquet, party, events and gathering that her parents are going or hosting. Two, get As and no grades lower. Those are just the conditions she must follow with no fail.
 Another silence filled both rooms. Heejin moved to her bathroom, glancing at her best friend on the way. While working on the bathroom boxes, she was in deep thought. She didn't even realize she was holding a cup until something crashed onto the floor. Heejin quickly snapped out of her thoughts. She saw the broken cup. Quickly, she kneeled down in the process of making her knee bleed, but she didn't even notice it. Instead she focused on the broken pieces of the cup. 
Jaeyun came rushing in, noticing the broken cup. He quickly carefully walked in front of her. Then he noticed her knees were bleeding. He grabbed her wrist. Heejin looked at him confused. "Both of your knees are bleeding." She looked down and noticed both of them were indeed bleeding. "Oh, I didn't even notice," she said. She doesn't feel a small keen burning pain at all. 
"Come let's get the wounds clean before they get infected." "But the-" "Leave it be." She sighed before nodding. Jaeyun helped her to her bed before getting the first aid in the living room. He came back with the aid then went to the bathroom to get a wet cloth and two dry cloth. He went in front of her and kneeled down. "This may sting a bit," he warned her. She nodded watching him clean her cuts with the wet cloth first. She felt a little sting but it wasn't as bad as when she cleaned her cuts herself.
Jaeyun looked at her two cuts, making sure there are no pieces around and in them while cleaning them with the wet cloth. With a relief, he put down the wet cloth and took the dry ones. He put them against the cuts to make it stop bleeding before moving to the next step. Which was putting on the petroleum jelly then covering the cuts with a bandaid. 
He stood up after picking up the things he used. Looking at her, he lightly flicked her forehead. She winced before rubbing the place where he flicked. "You need to be careful," he slightly scolded her. "Sorry," she muttered. He ruffled her head and smiled before going out of the room. 
He came back with a broom, went to the bathroom to clean up the broken pieces thoroughly. Then went to the kitchen and threw away the pieces. "I am going to unpack the boxes in the bathroom." Heejin quickly looked up immediately. "No, I can do it." She tried to convince him. "No, you stay put." "Bu-" "Are you hiding something from me?" She went completely silent after he said those words. She was indeed hiding her pills, she got them when she was in Australia.
She couldn't dare to tell him about those pills because it will have Sooah involved in the conversation. Again it won't be the best idea to talk about her. Jaeyun noticed her silence, he turned to her and saw she was looking down at her lap. She then shook her head meaning she wasn't hiding anything which was a lie. He glanced at her one last time before entering the bathroom again. She hoped the pill bottles won't be in any of the boxes. 
Fortunately, it wasn't in any of the boxes. After finishing unpacking, Jaeyun had to go to his apartment to finish some assignments. Heejin adjust to her apartment and her new part of her life.
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Heejin was getting ready for the day. She wore casual clothes. A beige t-shirt, navy blue jeans, a white cardigan and a hat. Looking at herself in her phone camera before exiting the room. She walked to her kitchen and took out a mug from one of the cabinets. Heejin took out a jug of milk before pouring some in the mug, then microwaved it. 
Carefully blew the hot milk before taking a few sips as she looked through her emails for any work her sister gave her and to reply to some of the important emails. Her sister gave Heejin her work even though it was her work she had to do herself. With a soft sigh, she closed her Macbook. Then she checked her watch.
Glancing at her clock before grabbing her tote bag then left the apartment. She went to the bus stop, waiting for the bus. She quietly hummed to the music sheet that was on her iPad. Wishing her parents allowed her to do what she loved. Once the bus came, she went inside and sat in an empty seat. Looking through the window as the bus drove away. 
Heejin exited the bus once it was her stop. She quickly went to the university. Her first day at university. Taking a deep breath, she walked farther in. "Yang Heejin?!" She quickly turned around, noticing a familiar face. The person caught up and smiled. "Dae, long time no see!" She quickly hugged her friend. 
"Yes indeed, how was Australia?" They broke the hug. "It was nice," Dae nodded. "I see, I see. Did my cousin pick you up?" She nodded. "He better or I will beat him up again," her friend joked. "Oh by the way, what major are you taking?" Heejin frowned at the thought of it. "Economics," she answered with a sad smile. Her friend also frowned. "Parents?" She nodded. "How about you?" She asked. "Architecture, parents too."
They departed after a small talk since Dae had to go to class. Heejin was walking to her class when she saw Jaeyun talking to someone. He noticed her and said his goodbye to the person before walking towards her. "Hey," he greeted. She smiled before nodding. "Morning." 
They walked side by side in silence. "I could sneak in and hide in the back or you could seek in my class." He broke the silence. She shook her head. "I will be okay, Jaeyun." Hoping it reassured him. "Are you sure?" He asked. She nodded. "Alright, if you need anything. Call me, I will leave everything aside," he told her. Heejin put her hand on his shoulders. "I will be alright. Don't worry too much and focus on your lectures, okay?"
Heejin watched Jaeyun walk away to the law department which was on the opposite side of the business department, but in the same building. She sighed silently before entering an unfamiliar classroom. It was already filled with strangers. Looking around, she spotted an empty seat at the very back. Walking up the stairs, she sat down in the seat and took out her necessary items for the lectures.
Just after the professor ended the lecture,  she walked out of the classroom. Her heart jumped as she stepped out. She gasped before putting her hand on her chest. "When did you get here?" Standing next to the door was Jaeyun. He was staring at the window in front of him with a blank stare. Turning once he heard her voice. "Not too long. Maybe 5 minutes ago or even more," he answered. "Come let's go, do you have any other classes?"
Heejin shook her head. "I have an online class, but that's it." He nodded. "How about you?" She asked. "Same here. Do you want anything to eat?" She shook her head. "I am not hungry." Jaeyun turned to her. He shook his head. "You know, you should eat right?" 
"I know…" Jaeyun observed her a bit before letting out a sigh. "I will buy you something and that's it." He took her wrist then carefully pulled her to his car. Opening the passenger door for her before walking to the other side. Heejin put her tote bag next to her foot before putting on the seatbelt. She looked through the window as the car moved out of the parking lot to the street.
Music softly played in the background of the car. Nobody dared to talk. "Here we are," Jaeyun said as he parked parallel in the busy street of Seoul. Heejin looked at one of the stores and noticed it was the same one as the one they always went to when they were in high school with Sooah. But she wasn't here anymore. 
Heejin felt her heart drop when she thought about Sooah. Oh she wondered if anything would change if she was still here alive. Would her best friend have a girlfriend? Would he be happy? Would she be happy? Would they all be happy?
"Heejin? Heejin?!" She snapped out of her thoughts and looked at her best friend. "Are you okay? You've been spacing out for a while now?" Heejin smiled. "Yeah, I am okay. What do you ask again?" Jaeyun looked at her with worried eyes before asking the question again. "Do you want the usual? The ones you always get in high school?" 
"Sure," she nodded. "I'm going to find somewhere to sit." He nodded before she walked away to a seat near the window. She sat down and looked through the window. Jaeyun sat down in front of her after paying for the orders. They both stared off to the distance, watching people walk by the small franchisor. 
"Sim Jaeyun!" One of the barista announced. Heejin got up before he could and quickly got the try of their works from the front. She looked through the receipt, mentally noted to herself to pay him back once they left the store. Jaeyun distributed the orders before he ate in silence. The music, the machines and other customers were the only sound heard in the store.
Heejin looked at her food that he ordered for her. It was just how she remembered. She wished she could eat it, but if she does then she may have to throw it up afterwards. Glancing at Jaeyun who was eating in the silence, she took a silent heavy breath before taking a small bite. Her eyes widened, it was delicious. Some of the ingredients changed when she left.
The buttery taste was barely there, the sweetness of the strawberry jam was more present than the last time she came. Jaeyun glanced at her, noticing she was taking small bites. He wondered why, but never questioned her. Instead wait for her to talk about it of her own will. Heejin noticed he glanced at her. She assumed he wondered why she eats small bites. She knew he was worried about it because the bites weren't actual bites. It shouldn't be considered as bites. 
She knew she shouldn't bite this little. No matter what her therapist and psychologist did to help her back in Australia. It doesn't help her full time. They tried every single method there is, but none works in the end. She has to do the rest in the end. With a sigh, she put down the sandwich and covered it. "I'm going to the restroom," she announced only for Jaeyun to hear. 
She grabbed her tote bag and ran to the store's restroom. Making sure the door is closed and locked, she threw up all of the food she consumed. Her heart felt so heavy, but she felt much better. Flushing the toilet, she washed her hands and looked at herself through the mirror. She looked like a whole mess. Hating her mess. After washing her mouth and hands, she went out of the restroom. Almost gasped once she saw Jaeyun standing in front of the female restroom. 
"Ready?" He asked. She was almost shocked he didn't say anything about it. She was sure he could hear it since he was near the restroom. She quickly nodded. They left the store. She noticed he was carrying a bag. It was probably their orders, they didn't finish. They sat in silence as they drove home. Only the music in the bluetooth of the car was the only thing making the car ride less quiet. 
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As the sun hit the darkroom, Heejin sat up on her bed, looking at the clock on the nightstand, 5:00 pm it says. She stretched her arms before getting off the bed and went to the bathroom. After her usual routine, she went out of her bedroom.
 Spotting her best friend sitting on the couch with his laptop on his lap. He was wearing his glasses. She sighed as she walked past time. It has been four months since she moved back to Seoul. He was always at her apartment after classes.
Turning on the coffee machine, she got the ingredients and a mug. Quietly making the morning coffee, she glanced at Jaeyun. Once she finished, she put the coffee in the mug and put it on the table in front of him. Then walked back to her bedroom, she got dressed. Wearing a white button-down, black sloane tailored pant, a black cardigan. Brushed her hair, then grabbed her tote bag. Heejin walked out of her bedroom.
She went to the kitchen, making herself warm milk as she looked through her emails. She doesn't have any in person classes, but has to go to her familys' company to attend a meeting. Even though her older sister should be the one who has to attend the meeting since she is the co-ceo. Her parents want her to attend instead to have the experience. 
If she didn't have to attend the meeting, she was going to study for her classes. She went out of her apartment. Her chauffeur came to pick her up. Even though she got her driver's permit last year and two months ago she just got her driver's license. She has to take the chauffeur since her parents told her. They never told her why. 
Once she arrived, she thanked her chauffeur before going inside the company. The workers greeted her with a gentle smile. She bowed and greeted them before using her ID card and entered the office. She went to the meeting room where the meeting will be held.
Heejin nodded to the workers who was already there before taking her seat. The rest of the workers came in and the meeting started. She took some notes and listened to the presentations also known as the proposals. After the meeting, she dismissed everyone and went out of the room to her older sister's office. Knocking on the door three times, "Come in." Was heard inside the office. 
"Here are the proposals and some notes I took for you." Heejin handed her sister the papers. Her sister read through the papers briefly before looking at her. "Thanks, you may go back to your apartment now or whatever," Her sister coldly said. She nodded before exiting the room.
Walking out of the company, she went inside her chauffeur car then drove off back to her apartment. She punched in her passcode before entering the apartment, walked past Jaeyun. Entering her bedroom, she got changed into something more comfortable before studying.
After hours in her bedroom, studying and finishing her assignments. She went out of her room to get some fresh air. Jaeyun wasn't sitting on the couch again. He was probably in class or went to Heeseung's apartment. She went to get something to drink before going back to studying.
Looking through her phone after studying for another 4 hours, her phone suddenly rang. Quickly picked it up without checking the contact name. "Hello?" She answered while putting it on speaker as she went back to her notes. "Heejin, are you busy right now?" She looked up from her notes and checked who called. "Heeseung? I'm not that busy. Do you need something?" 
"Could you get Jake, please?" Heejin looked at the clock on the desk, noticing it was already two in the morning. Did she study that long? "Sure," she answered as she got up from her chair and got changed. "Great, I will send you the address about…now."
She heard a buzz from her phone, assuming it was Heeseung messaged her the address. She grabbed her phone after changing and looked at the message. "Got it," she informed him. "Okay, I will see you here soon." He ended the call. Heejin grabbed her keys and phone before exiting the apartment. She went straight to the garage then went inside her car. 
Putting the address in the map store before driving off. Music was playing in the background as she drove in the night. A few cars were in the streets. Once she arrived at Heeseung's apartment, which was 20 minutes away from where she lived, she exited the car and quickly went inside the complex. Then went to his apartment number and pressed the doorbell. A few minutes later, he opened the door with a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness, you are finally here," he smiled with a slight of relief.
"You look messy," she commented. Heeseung scratched the back of his neck before letting out a small laugh. "Yeah, those kids are a handful sometimes." Heejin nodded as she understood the situation. "I would've drove him home or let him stay here but as you can probably tell, I got no rooms here and I am a bit tipsy." 
"Come follow me to where Jaeyun is." Heeseung moved out of the doorway to let her in before guiding her to where her best friend was. Looking around, she saw Sunghoon, and Jay taking care of their friends. She gave them a small wave as she walked past them. "Here he is." He pointed at Jaeyun who was sleeping on the couch. "He drank a bit more than he usually drinks. He doesn't look very happy, more like mad and sad mixed together when he came here," he gave her some information on what happened. 
Heejin looked at Jaeyun and let a small smile out. "Alright, I guess we should be going now." Heeseung nodded. He helped her move her best friend to her car. They put him in the backseat and seatbelted him. "I am sorry for calling you late at night and making you come here." 
"It's nothing, I don't mind it at all." She smiled. He sighed softly before smiling back. "You are too kind." She couldn't help it at all. It is part of her forever. "I know." A smile still formed across her face. "Well, you should get going now." Heeseung gave her a pat on the shoulders before walking away from the car. She waved at him before entering her car and drove back to her apartment.
She put her best friend's arm around her shoulders before slowly walking into the apartment. Then went to the elevator, hoping nobody would see her. Once they made it to her floor, she slowly walked to her apartment number and entered the passcode. Heejin put Jaeyun in the guest room and took off his shoes before leaving the room. Suddenly she was pulled into his arms. "Sooah," he mumbled. 
Heejin's eyes widened. "Please don't leave me, Sooah." "I am not her," she whispered, trying to loosen his grip. But each time she did that, his grip became stronger. He pulled her even closer to him. She sighed in defense and just let it be.
After a couple of hours, she was getting tired. Before she could walk away once again, Jaeyun grabbed her hand. "Don't leave me," he muttered in his sleep. She took a breath before deciding to wait a bit longer. She sat on the chair next to the bed and let him hold her hand. He squeezed tight enough for her to not let go. Resting her hand on the bed, top of her arms. Her eyes became heavy and before she knew it, she fell deeply asleep. 
Opening her eyes, she squinted from the sun shining brightly in the room. Blinked twice, she noticed she was in the bed. Looking around the guest room, Jaeyun wasn't found. He probably woke up early. She sat up before stretching. Then she left the room. She walked down the hallway. She saw her best friend in the kitchen.
Jaeyun turned around and smiled. "Good morning, I would've made something but I have a bad hangover headache. So, instead of a breakfast, I made two warm milk with sweet honey for us." She smiled before walking to the kitchen island and sat down on the stool. He slid over the mug to her. "Do you want some hangover soup?" She asked. "No, it's okay, I already had a hangover drink." 
"Alright." She took a few sips of milk. "When did I get here?" He asked. "Oh, Heeseung called me asking to pick you up," she answered. He nodded. "I see, I am sorry." She shook her head. "Why are you apologizing? It's not your fault. Plus you make my life more interesting and less boring." He smiled. "I am glad, I made it more interesting."
"Did I do anything embarrassing or bad?" He suddenly asked. She shook her head. "You didn't do anything too embarrassing or too bad." He sighed in relief. 
They sat in silence until Heejin had to go. She went to her bedroom and got ready. Then quickly grabbed her tote bag and keys before saying a quick goodbye to her best friend while leaving the apartment. She quickly rushed to her car and started the engine. Sitting on the driver seat, she sighed thinking about yesterday. Shaking her head and lightly hitting her cheeks before heading to the university. 
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Driving in a peaceful comfortable silence. Music softly played in the background. She has arrived at the university. Parking her car and got out of it after grabbing her bag. She went inside the law and business department building. Skipping her way to her classroom, she spotted Jongseong sitting alone on his laptop. Probably working on assignments and such. Looking at the time, she had enough time to have a conversation before class.
Walking her way to him, she tapped on his shoulders. He quickly turned around, a smile appeared across his face as he took one of his earbuds out. "Good morning," he said. "Good morning, may I sit here?" Jongseong quickly nodded before he took his bag off the chair and put it down next to his feet. "How are you doing?" Heejin looked through the window before looking at him. "I'm doing alright. It has been a busy week." 
Jongseong nodded, "How is Jaeyun's hangover doing?" She thought for a second before turning to him. "Well, he drank the hangover drink that I have. So, I think his hangover isn't that bad now." 
"I see." There was silence in between them. Not too deadly, just right. "Do you have any plans today?" Jongseong asked, breaking the silence. Heejin shook her head. "No, why?" He showed her a message from their group chat. "There is a new restaurant. Everyone is going to the place. If you want to come too then I will tell the others."
"Are you sure? Wouldn't I be an intrusion? He shook his head. "Absolutely not. You aren't an intrusion or whatever. I know for a fact that everyone loves you to come but only if you want to." She nodded before biting the inside gum near her lips.  "Right," she muttered. Jongseong sighed before going on his phone. "That's it, you are coming. Did you bring your car?" He glanced up at her while typing on his phone. She nodded. "Alright, I will message you the address of the restaurant. Make sure to be there by 6:00 pm tonight."
The next minute, she heard a buzz coming from her phone. She picked it up and went to her notifications. Copy the address before pasting it in the Kakao Map so she doesn’t have to worry about it later. "Alright, I will be there." Jongseong smiled as he gave her a small nod. They talked a bit more longer before they headed their separate ways. 
Heejin was sitting at her usual spot in her first class, staring off into the distance. Letting her thoughts flow around her mind. After her lectures, she looked at the clock on her watch. "I got enough time before 6:00 pm." She walked out of the business and law department building and went to her car. Driving back to her apartment, she washed up a bit before changing back into the clothes she wore in the morning. 
Walking out of the apartment exactly at 5:20 pm and went inside her car. She went on the map app before starting the car. Then she drove to the restaurant where everyone was waiting for her.
Once Heejin arrived at the new restaurant, she parked her car and went inside. Standing there were the boys and Dae. Jaeyun noticed her first and waved at her. She walked towards the others. "Everyone is here so let's go to our seats," Jongseong said to everyone before leading them to their seats.
Heejin sat next to Jaeyun. He gave her a menu. She thanked him quietly before opening the menu. She hoped she wouldn't be throwing up the dinner later in the night as she read the menu. He glanced at her, noticing she had trouble finding something she liked. He read the menu in front of him. Tapping lightly on her shoulders, she turned to him. "I think you would like this one." He pointed at the Dirty Martini Pasta. She read the description of the food before nodding. "I will try it then-she put the menu down to the side- thank you for helping me."
"It's nothing, I saw you having trouble so I decided to help you." She smiled before putting down the menu in her hands and waited for the others to pick their choice of food. Once they ordered their food, they started talking about their days and such. Heejin stared through the window next to her in silence. "Heejin? Heejin? Earth to Yang Heejin." She quickly snapped out of her thoughts before turning towards Dae. "Yes?" She asked. "Do you want to hang out?" Her friend repeated herself. 
"Oh, I would love to, but I have been busy the past few days. Today is my only break day." She bit her lips feeling bad for not having time to spend time with her friends. "I understand-Could I come over to your apartment and maybe we can have a little hangout there?" Heejin nodded. "Sure, but I will be busy with some work. You can come over any day after 6 pm." Dae nodded before checking her schedule. "Then I will come on Friday at 7:00 pm after my family dinner." 
"Alright, see you at my apartment Friday." Heejin quickly put that in her calendar on her phone so she won't forget and buy some groceries when she goes home from work. Once the food came, everyone started to eat. They ate in silence. The only sounds heard were the utensils clanking on the plates, and breathing. Nothing else. “So-does anyone have any special plans that will happen next week or last week or the upcoming week?” Sunghoon tried to break the silence. 
There was another silence filled out around the group of friends. There are some other conversations from the other tables, but not a word from the group of friends. “So nothing?” Sunghoon muttered under his breath as he took another bite of her dish. Heejin swallowed the pieces of noodles she barely ate before looking at her dish. She slowly picked up some more noodles onto her fork after letting her stomach digest the food. “Heejin, you okay?” Heeseung whispered to her. She looked at him and gave him a reassuring smile. Indirectly telling him, she was good.
He glanced at her one last time to double-check before getting his food. After their dinner together, everyone went to a small cafe before departing separate ways. Heejin leaned against the window of a shop. Letting her head rest on the window while looking up at the ceiling. Jaeyun was talking to the others while glancing in her direction. Making sure she was doing alright. She has been absent-minded since she exited the restaurant and entered the cafe. She didn't even touch the hot chocolate she ordered. He was getting a little worried. 
Deciding to check on her, he walked away from the group and sat next to her. “Heejin, are you okay?” He asked with a concerned tone. “Hm? Sorry, what did you say?” She snapped out of her thoughts, still not looking at him. “Are you okay?” He asked again. She reassured him with a nod and a smile. “Yeah, why wouldn't I be?”
“You have been quite distant since we left the restaurant and even in the restaurant.” She turned to him. “I am fine, Jaeyun,” she reassured him. He turned completely forward to her. “You aren't fine.” She shook her head. “I am completely fine. Go enjoy your time with the others.” He was hesitant at first, but then nodded. “Okay, if anything let me know.”
“Yes, yes. Now go have some fun.” She jokily shoo him away. He looked at him one last time before walking to the others again. Heejin sat back on her chair and went on her phone. She saw millions of texts from her mother, sister and her sister's manager telling him about schedules, events, etc. She let out a soft sigh before turning off her phone and looking through the window. 
After an hour had passed, everyone said their goodbyes before departing separate ways. Heejin was about to enter her car when Jaeyun stopped her. “Here.” he handed her a bag. She took the bag from him. “I forgot to give it to you when you first landed in Seoul.” She looked at the bag before looking back at him. “Thanks,” she smiled. “Well, have a nice night, Heejin.” “You too.” He walked to his car and she entered her own.
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A month passed fairly quickly, everyone was busy with university things. Heejin was sitting in the lounge after her second class of the day. She was piling herself with assignments and paperwork her sister gave her. She has only 2 hours of sleep, sometimes 1 hour because of her insomnia and nightmares of that incident.
Covering her black bags with makeup, Heejin exited her apartment. Her phone started to ring and quickly picked it up without checking who called. “Hello?” She answered, trying not to sound tired. “Heejin, there is a party at 5:00 pm. You must be there and you can play that instrument in the party or something just make sure to be there.” The call quickly ended after the brief notice. Putting her phone back in her bag, she went to the company to drop off some paperwork she had finished and then went back home to get ready for the party. 
As she entered the venue, she saw business partners and relatives talking to each other. She was wearing a simple but elegant dark blue dress with black heels. White flower earrings matching with the outfit and a white purse. She didn't feel like she was supposed to be there. Scanning the room, she spotted her mother. She gracefully walked to her mother and put on a fake smile. “Hello, mother.” Her mother turned and a fake smile was on her face. “Heejin, you made it!” her mother said with a fake cheerful voice, making her wanting to cringe so badly.
Her mother turned to the people who she was talking to. “Heejin, this is my business partners, Mrs. and Mr. Kang.” Then she turned to her. “Mrs. and Mr. Kang, this is my second daughter, Heejin.” Heejin smiled at them and gave them a nod. They smiled back. “Mother, I am going to go explore around,” she informed her mother before taking off. Heejin found a seat in the garden and decided to sit down as her feet are getting sore from walking a lot. 
She took off one of her heels at a time and gently rubbed them. Then letting them free until she has to go back inside. “Heejin?” She quickly turned her head around and saw Jaeyun. “Jaeyun?” He quickly walked towards her. Sitting next to her, he looked at the stars in the sky.
 “Are your parents here?” She gave him a nod. “Of course, it is their party anyways.” They sat in silence as both of them looked at the sky. “How were classes going for you?” He broke the silence. “It's doing fairly well, the school year is almost ending soon.” She smiled slightly just by thinking about it. “Before we know it, it will be a new school year,” he added. 
“Time goes pretty fast.” Then another silence filled in between them. “I'm going to go back inside, if you want or need to get out of anything just say those words.” She hummed in response. Jaeyun stood up and was about to leave. He stopped and turned to her. Taking off his blazer, he put it around her. She quickly looked at him and was about to take the blazer off. “No, keep it on. You look cold.”
“Thanks.” He nodded before walking back inside the building. Heejin looked back at the sky and quietly hummed a familiar melody only Sooah and her knew. People thought they were friends, but truth to be told they weren't friends. Just strangers that feel comfortable telling secrets. Nobody knows the secrets they told each other. Just only themselves. 
Which made her feel guilty for not telling them to anyone before it was too late. But it would break Sooah's heart and trust into pieces if she did. Just thinking about it made her heart ache a bit. She coughed a bit before deciding to go back inside. Putting back on her heels before walking back inside. Once she made it back inside, she decided to take a seat near the entrance. Taking some kind of fruit punch as she walked to a seat. 
She stared blankly in front of her when suddenly there were people around her. She almost choked on her drink and would blink twice just in case she was hallucinating or something. Heejin couldn't understand anything as they all came at once. “Ms. Yang, how was Australia?” “Ms. Yang, how was practicing the violin?” 
Taking another sip, she said, “I must say this fruit punch has a luscious taste. Perhaps you all should have a taste,” she suggested as she saw Jaeyun walking towards her from the side of her eyes. He gave them a smile as he walked to her then made an excuse before both of them walked away.
“I must say you are improving with the excuses.” Heejin was quite amused by what he said earlier. She took another sip of her punch. “Not all excuses worked more than once,” he said. She nodded in agreement. They decided to call it a night and went outside the venue. “Did you bring your car?” Jaeyun asked as they walked to the entrance. “I did not, why?” “Would you like me to take you home?” She shook her head. “It's not late so I can just take a cab.” She took her phone and went to the app. 
“Never mind that, I will take you home,” he said as he took her wrist. “Wait, it's only 10 at nigh-” “It's cheaper if I just drive you home,” he interpreted. She was about to talk back but quickly closed her mouth. He was right. It was cheaper if a friend took her home or anyone she knew. Once they made it to his car, they quickly went inside and seatbelted before he drove into the streets. The radio was softly playing in the background in the silence. No words were spoken throughout the car ride.
Heejin got out of the car as they made it to her apartment complex. Thanked Jaeyun for the ride before walking inside the building. Walking to the elevator, she entered her floor number and then quickly went inside her apartment. She turned on the lights after she took off her shoes. Noticing the bag he gave her a month was still sitting on the table untouched. After debating for a while, she decided to open it. Taking a seat in front of the bag, she opened it up. There was a box inside. 
She quickly took it out before opening the box. Her eyes widened and a smile grew on her face. Tears were peaking it way down her cheeks. Quickly wiped them as she just looked at the items inside the box. Noticing a note inside, she quickly took it out and read it. 
“I know it has been so long since you wanted it, but I hope you still want them and hope you like them” 
P.S. Welcome back, Heejin
Her hands automatically reached for her phone and immediately called Jaeyun. With one ring, he picked up. “Hello?” “You remembered?” She could hear a small chuckle from the other side. “So you finally opened it?” “Oh shut up, I was busy with everything, okay.” A smile grew even bigger across her face. “Do you like it?” “No, I love it, thank you.” “It's nothing, I got to go now.” She hummed in response. “Alright, have a good night.” “You too.” he said before the call ended. 
It wasn't anything expensive or elegant. It is more than that. Nobody but her could ever have wanted it since childhood. It was a beautiful simple snow globe of the cartoon, Charlie Brown, Snoopy lying down on the dog house and Woodstock on top of him. A Christmas tree and two snowmen that look like Charlie Brown and Snoopy as a decoration. It may seem stupid or silly to some people, but to her, it was more than that. 
One day during their freshman year of high school, Jaeyun and Heejin were walking around in the business part of Seoul after their academy. She saw that snow globe and wanted it, but couldn't because of her mother. He saw it and her eyes sparkled as the store light shined when he looked at her. He promised to himself to buy it one day for her when it went on sale again.
She quickly and carefully went to her bedroom with the snow globe. Sitting down, she put it on her desk after shaking it a bit to let it snow. Laying her head on her desk as she watched the snowfall.
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New Year came around the corner, everyone was busy with family and celebrating it. Heejin was in her family house with the rest of her family quietly eating their last New Year's Eve meal, breakfast. Nobody was talking just the sound of utensils clanking on the plates and such. It was the same as the years before. Nothing new, just her coming back from Australia after 3 years. 
Her father cleared his voice and everyone looked at him except Heejin. “This year was another year of success. Good work everyone. I hope next year will be the same. Heejin, welcome back home” She stopped and looked at her food that she barely ate out of. “I'm going back to my room, please excuse me.” She quickly stood up and walked upstairs. Closing the door behind her, she walked up to her window. Staring through it, she watched some of her neighbors having fun outside. Playing in the snow. She wished her family was like that.
“You know you didn't have to be like this.” She rolled her eyes, still looking through the window. Her sister sighed. “Mother wants me to tell me that there will be a party in the house soon at 1 pm.” Right, there was always a New Year party in her house to celebrate this year's success, and hoping for more success next year. “Okay,” was all she said. Her sister rolled her eyes before shutting the door behind her.
Her phone suddenly made a buzzing sound. She quickly took her phone into her hands and saw a message from her childhood best friend. Telling her he is at the front entrance. She quickly replied before changing into something warm and simple. She exited her bedroom and walked downstairs where the maids were getting ready for the annual New Year party. “Where are you going?” Her mother asked. Heejin didn't move or turn from her spot. “None of your business.” 
“Don't give me that attitude or else,” her mother warned her. “You aren't going anywhere. There will be a party and you must attend.” Heejin turned around. “Can't I miss one of the annual New Year parties?” Her mother raised her eyebrows “You may-” “I am going with Jaeyun,” She quickly interpreted. Her mother sighed. “Fine, come home before the party ends.” She turned back around and went out of the house. A smile appeared across her face as she saw her best friend.
Jaeyun gave her a warm smile as she walked towards him. Noticing he wasn't feeling well. Well, maybe feeling well wasn't the right words. More like he was feeling down. “What's wrong?” She asked. He looked at her. “Let's get out of here.” She nodded and didn't ask any more questions as she knew asking more questions wouldn't do. They entered the car and he drove off to the destination. Heejin looked through the window as she waited. 
“Where are we going?” She finally asked, turning her attention to Jaeyun who was driving. “Somewhere, anywhere but there,” he answered. She hummed, wondering where he would take them. Once again there was a silence circling around them. “I know a place, but it is quite a drive,” he breathed out. “How far?”
“Far enough for nobody, not even a soul to recognize us,” he spoke. She looked at him, feeling quite excited to see this place he mentioned. She leaned back on the window with a light sigh watching the car drive past by the busy street of Seoul.
The drive went on and on until Heejin stopped counting the hours they had spent on the road. Glancing at the clock on the car radio, noticing it was almost midnight. She was about to welcome the new year with Jaeyun. It was something the two of them had done back then. Always full of hope that maybe the following year would make a move, one would make an old dream into reality, but as many moons and suns came nothing happened. 
Maybe it wasn't just Jaeyun who possess a bad experience with the new year, maybe Heejin too felt such loathing for the holiday. About half an hour into the trance, the view by her window shifted from grassy plains to small houses. Each was lit by fairy lights as families sat in their chairs looking up at the sky having conversations with one another. Trees stood from wherever her eyes gazed, something that was quite a rare sight in the city. And the skies, it was surrounded by white sparkles reflected in her eyes. 
Heejin looked through the windshield window confused. “Where are we?” Jaeyun glanced at her with a small smile crept upon his lips. “This is a place I would always go when I need a break…I brought you here with me because I thought you would like it and I knew I made the right choice.” He kept driving, and never stopped even once to take a break. He just went straight ahead until there was no more to drive at. Finally, they made it to a dead end, where right in front of them was a cliff, which beyond she could see a railing protecting from the other side from going forward than they should. Looking towards him, she raised her eyebrows when she saw he was even taking in the scene. A confusing sign that even he had never been to where they were currently at. 
He then exited the car first and noticed she wasn't following. He mouthed, “Come let's go out.” While signaling her to come outside. She let out a chuckle before unseatbelted herself and exited the car. Feeling the breeze hit her face, she felt refreshed. Walking towards her best friend and standing side by side next to him as both of them looked at the scenario in front of them. “This is beautiful,” she breathed out. He hummed in response, agreeing to her words. 
Moments later in the silence, they suddenly heard fireworks, making her flinch signaling them it was the New Year. He chuckled at her wincing from the loud noises. “You didn't change.” She raised her eyebrows. “What do you mean?” “I will be back, don't go anywhere.” She rolled her eyes. “It's not like I could go anywhere.” Watching him run back to the car, she turned back to the fireworks watching more go up. Suddenly, she felt something was in her ear, and quickly looked at Jaeyun. Music was suddenly playing. Realizing it was headphones, she smiled. “Thank you,” she thanked him. He nods before turning back to the sky.
Watching the fireworks go up, they sat down together on the road in each other's comfort even if they were centimeters apart from each other. Before going back to the city to their own reality. 
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Heejin's third year was almost over in the blink of an eye after a few months passed quite quickly. Living in her apartment, reading nonstop until late at night, has brought Jaeyun some satisfaction. She had needed a glass of water one evening and jumped a little when she noticed her best friend buried in his textbook. Instead of dismissing him as she thought he had hoped, she made him a cup of coffee and returned to her bedroom. Though it was rather optimistic of her to think she could persuade him to study all night, she would have preferred he sleep instead. 
When he studied, there was a blaze of tenacity from his soul that both amused and concerned Heejin. Amused by his charming propensity to accomplish his most evident objective, which was to bring about Sooah's demise. Concerned that he would lose himself in his own diligence in the midst of everything; worried that he would put everything on the line. However, she was aware that nothing, not even his childhood best friend or his cousin, whom he regarded as a sister, could ever stop him. She realized that he would never be able to move on from the knowledge that Sooah died due to her adoptive parents—the same people who, thanks to their enormous wealth and the outpouring of compassion they have received, are still alive today. 
Heejin recalled being sickened by the hypocrisy of those people after seeing the news. If that was how she felt, she knew that Jaeyun felt far more than she did because, in contrast to her, he was aware of and had love for Sooah.
Her mind strayed, but she shook the ideas away, returning her attention to the book she was supposedly reading. It would be foolish of her to even wonder where Jaeyun was, despite that he was not in her apartment right now and the calendar showed that. It was also Sooah's birthday, two days prior to her anniversary of death. Her grave is the only location he could possibly be found in the nearly five years since her passing. 
Nobody could simply sit back and carry on with their day as usual if they had known the truth about her death. That's how Dae felt, knowing what happened those five years and led to those moments, she said when she called earlier to ask for Jaeyun. The incomplete book resting on Heejin's lap was the only indication that she was experiencing the same feelings. She had been sitting in her living room since Dae had called more than two hours ago. She had picked up her book exactly where she had left it, on page 142, and now she was still there, barely managing to read at all due to her disorganized thoughts.
Only after she had finally freed herself from the book she had forced herself to finish did Heejin receive another call a few hours later. She notices Dae's name again when she looks at the caller's contact name, and she wonders what she has to say now. She held the phone up to her ear after hitting the answer button. "Heejin?" Dae started talking almost instantly.  "I apologize for calling you again, but I need your help."
"What is it?" Heejin questioned, returning her book to its place on the shelf and giving the caller her undivided attention. "It's Jake. If he doesn't go home, could you please pick him up a few hours later?" On the other end, Dae begged, her desperation barely concealing itself. Since earlier, I've been attempting to persuade him to return home. The darkness is descending, and I can no longer stand to see him in this state. However, there's a chance that he might listen if you try. 
"Dae, if you can't get him to go home, what makes you think I can get him home?" Heejin sighed. "Since it's you, Heejin. The only person in the world who can ease the man's suffering is you. So, Heejin, please lend a hand. Remember that since he lost Sooah, he has never ever been alone.”
Dae bids farewell before hanging up the phone. When Heejin looked at the clock, she saw that it would only be an hour or so until dusk and a few more minutes until total darkness. She sighed and mentally noted that she would visit the cemetery by dusk if Jaeyun hadn't returned by then, but she didn't think there was much chance of forcing him to go. If she believes someone like Heejin could persuade a man to leave the grave of his first love, she believes Dae holds her in too great respect.  Someone who was only ever going to be his best friend.
She dismissed the thought, walked to her bedroom to get dressed, and then somehow managed to talk her best friend into leaving for home. 
Suddenly an image of Sooah appearing on her head prompted her to freeze as she was dressing up. Why are you in my head? Heejin pondered, glancing at her distressed face reflected in a nearby mirror. What do you want, Sooah? She told the image of Sooah still resting in her mind, looking at her with those eyes. The same ones Sooah used when she called Heejin a coward that one day when they spoke in the music room.
You're a coward, Heejin “You never understood, Sooah. Not even back then, you never did.” Heejin muttered. I don't need to understand to know that you're a coward who, out of fear, tarnished every chance at a relationship with Jake. 
Heejin was thrown out of her daze and out of her mind when she saw the lipstick she was holding crack visibly in the mirror. With wide eyes, she gazed at the shattered mirror, observing her own reflection in each fragment. Perhaps that has long been her true face—a broken person just like the one she sees in her mirror. She went to get her lipstick, put it in her purse, and left the room before she had a chance to speak to herself once more because Sooah's picture would soon reveal something she would never face.
She finally went to the front entrance after picking up her car keys, which were sitting by the table. The drive there was uneventful, though she felt dread each time she saw the cemetery in the distance. By the time she arrived, she had given it serious thought as to whether she should go get him or remain and lament her own fate. Heejin was driven insane by Sooah's constant repetition of his voice, telling her to leave, since she didn't want to go to him and witness his agony over her. She did not want to witness the man's first love being lost. She didn't want to be made aware of the fact that Sooah was no longer alive and that she hadn't even if she knew for some time the truth about her parents.
She didn't want to be reminded that she could've saved Sooah. Abruptly, a knock on the window was heard. "Song Seojin." As Heejin caught sight of the figure through the window, she said. She gave him a fake smile, since that was all she could manage right now, and pushed the button to roll down the window. "I apologize for you not catching me at my best. 
“I don’t think I'll be able to catch anyone who knows the truth about Sooah at their best moment.” Seojin slightly chuckled.  “If you are here for Jake, I hope you do accompany the man right now. He looks like he badly needs a friend.”
“Could you be that friend to him?” Heejin queried. “I think I would be the worst person he should be around, not when I remind him so much of her.” He shook his head. “I know it hurts to see someone you love in this state, but a time like this is where you're most needed. I must leave now. I have some studying to do. Hope you will finally muster the courage to step out of the car.”
Waving goodbye, Seojin turned his back on Heejin, leaving her alone once again to think about everything. “Screw this,” she said, opening the door to her car and getting out of there before she strangled her to death on the tininess of her car. “The siblings really have their way of getting to you,” she mumbled to herself, recalling the siblings who had persuaded her to take the action she was about to take.
They were right. 
He needed a friend. He has to know he's never alone. And she will make sure he never fights this battle alone. 
Slowly walked up the stairs to Sooah's grave until she caught sight of Jaeyun sitting by the gravestone with a large textbook in hand. Only when she was near enough to cast her shadow upon him did he realize he wasn't alone. Unlike any other day, where he would offer her the warmest of smiles, He had only stared at her with wonder in his eyes, not knowing what she could have been thinking, unlike any other day when he would have given her the warmest smile. For several minutes, they simply gazed at one another, attempting to decide what would be the most appropriate conversation starter.
“Dae sent me here,” Heejin spoke as she walked next to him, looking at the gravestone in front of her. Though it was barely detectable, she felt herself trembling as she wrapped her left hand around her right wrist. “Let's go home, Jaeyun. It is getting dark, you can study when you're in your apartment.”
"Are you aware that this is my longest stay here yet?" In order to skirt her invitation, Jaeyun makes a confession she wasn't quite prepared for. I always want to leave after a half hour or more because I come to realize she's gone. I'm agitated and upset about it, Heejin. 
“I know Jaeyun.” She lowered to his eye level until he no longer had to look up just to meet her eyes. “I know saying it will get easier would be the worst thing I could do to you right now, so I'm offering my friendship because I know that telling you it will get better would be the worst thing I could do at this moment. I'm telling you to go home because, as your friend, I won't allow you to sit here all night without even eating.
“If I leave, then I'd have to start pretending like I'm okay again.” 
“You'll be with me, Jaeyun and you know with me, it's okay to not be okay.” Heejin extended her hand to him. “Just please go home and we could get something to eat in the convenience store or somewhere on the way.”
“You know you don't have to do this, Heejin.”She hummed in response. “I know, but someone has to, and to your fortune, it was me and not your cousin who will kill you if you still don't get your butt up and take care of yourself.”
For once, Jaeyun weakly smiled, looking back at the marbled stone that had Sooah's name carved on it. His gaze lingered there for a minute, as if he was telling her something in his mind. Finally, he took her hand and stood up, his other hand still clutching the textbook he had been studying. “I think I want ramyun,” he told her while fixing himself. 
Heejin chuckled, “Of course, we will go get some ramyun.” Before she could walk away from the grave, she gave it a final glance. It has always been you and Jake, Heejin. she recalled Sooah having said those exact words to her. 
We've always been cowards, you and me
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It seemed like only a moment, yet another year had passed. In one of South Korea's busiest cities, time goes by very quickly. 
Heejin's fourth year was drawing to a conclusion, and as the deadline approached, she found herself increasingly drawn to the idea of leaving university behind. Every day, the area gets colder and colder as loneliness consumes her. losing contact with the companies she used to like and having very few acquaintances with whom she could agree. Her few friends were missed. She had missed spending time with Jaeyun on a regular basis. Despite the fact that she hardly spoke or spent time with them, she missed several of her classmates who were presumably preoccupied with their senior year.
University students would frequently congregate in the middle of the day at the nearby cafe. Remarkably, Heejin caught it at its less busy hours before the nearby student body began to swell. Ordering a cinnamon coffee and two pieces of red velvet cake before taking a seat in the furthest corner closest to the window. Before completing a few of her incomplete projects, she pulled out her laptop and earbuds. She paused typing in the middle of her busy work as the thought of her future crossed her thoughts. Her parents believed that her only reasonable option was to pursue her business degree further.They said she would be an exceptional businesswoman, collaborating with her sister and offering guidance that she would require in the near future. But while she continued to prepare to inherit the aspirations her father had established, she realized she would never be content with that life, that she would never experience the bliss that her elder sister had. 
Her hands hadn't intended to glance at her email while she was waiting behind everyone's back for the acceptance letter from Guildhall or Juilliard, where she had sent out her application months prior. She wished it was the acceptance letter from any of the institutions as she knew it would be issued shortly. A solid excuse to finally escape the cruel prison she'd been living in and enter the world she knew would bring her happiness. She sighed and peered out the window.
From the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a familiar face coming into the cafe. She recognized who it was right away and returned to her laptop, closing her email and returning to the file she had been working on. When Jaeyun saw that she was staring at him, he smiled sweetly at her and went to wait in line to get his own coffee. While he was occupied with his phone, which he was holding with his free hand, she observed that he was cradling a pile of paper. 
It was evident to Hyejin what Jaeyun's future held. Considering his intended career path, law school seemed to be the only viable option. Recalling that on a certain day in the previous year, he was admitted to the most competitive law school in Seoul, South Korea. She was ecstatic to hear the news, maybe more than him. When she realized that this was the only instance in which she couldn't bring herself to follow him down the path where he never thought he would become, the only instance in which she couldn't bear what was being demanded of her, she smiled bitterly. 
She was having trouble determining whether the rapid changes were for the better or worse. 
Jaeyun approaches her table after placing his order and swiftly pushes her belongings to the side to make room for his own belongings. Setting down the thickest paper that had earlier been held in his arms, he sat across from her. She glanced at it and saw that it was his graduate classes assignments.
Heejin jokes, "That looks fun," as she keeps typing on her laptop. "I would have to disagree with that." Leaning back in his chair, he took a sip of the drink that he had ordered only moments before. "I'm not very knowledgeable about business, but is there anything I can do to help you?" He offered, but she graciously declined his offer of assistance by shaking her head. “No worries, it’s okay.” She made a lighthearted joke while working on her paper, "Instead Mr. Law student, you should concentrate on your own studies." 
If only one of the universities would just send her an acceptance letter, telling her they are willing to admit her to their fine institutions, then everything she does in the future would be actions she knew made her happy."Has it ever occurred to you that after spending so much time together, in a few more weeks we'll be parting ways for good?" The silence between them was broken by Jaeyun.
Heejin paused her typing to let out an impersonated laugh. This was one of her best attempts in order to make their impending split seem less serious than it actually was. "Earlier, I was thinking exactly the same thing." maintained her smile despite what her true thoughts were telling her. However, we've always known that we wouldn't be seeing each other as frequently as we once did. “All that needs to be done is accept the present and fate.”
There was another pause, and this time it was because Jaeyun had been silent for almost five minutes, giving her the idea that she should stop talking and that it wouldn't be a good idea to start up a new discussion.
"Sometimes... Would Sooah be experiencing the same anxiety I am currently experiencing about the future if she were alive and present? Jaeyun mumbled abruptly; it was her turn to keep her mouth shut this time. She wished he had succeeded with his initial plan, but she only wanted to hear it, because of the way he said that sentence, which made her believe it was never meant for her to hear. All she needed to know was the name of the woman whose voice would sometimes float through her head, haunting her like a ghost in a horror film, giving her advice on what to do and what not to do when she felt lost.
Nearly four years had passed since Song Sooah's unfair death, so the voices had grown softer, but Heejin could still clearly hear them. Glancing at Jaeyun, she pondered whether he had experienced the voice of his first love on an equal footing with her. He needed to follow the advice of a long-deceased person if he found himself lost in a particular circumstance.
He has most likely heard it more times than I have.
"I applied to a few other universities in addition to both of them." He was taken aback by her confession and instantly broke into an excited smile, finding it funny that a girl who had never once disobeyed her parents was now doing something that would undoubtedly infuriate them. Heejin was aware that, should she manage to gain acceptance, she would prefer Jaeyun to be the first to know since, from what she knew, he was going to be the happiest of them all. That's why her mouth had to tell him about something she'd done behind everyone's back months ago. "Have you been accepted yet?"
“Although the results are still pending, I sincerely hope to be accepted. Anything to avoid my family's eyes as much as possible.”
In response, he hummed and glanced through the window before turning to face her. "I suppose we will actually be apart for a considerable amount of time." He attempted to lighten the sentence. "I guess so," she said, forcing a grin.
She was trembling because she wasn't sure if she had been accepted to any universities or not. Guildhall and the other universities were in one tab, and Juilliard was in the other.
She was so sweaty that she could hardly even hold the mouse steady enough to click on the portal and view Juilliard's answer to the application she had sent out. Not only was she anxious about the outcome, but she also struggled to figure out exactly what she would do if she received an acceptance letter. Would she run to Jaeyun's to break the good news and leap with excitement? Would she head straight to her parent's house, gloat to them about a solo accomplishment, and inform them that this was the first step toward becoming the person she truly wanted to be?
But Heejin knew that if she just clicked on the two results that were instantly available, the confusion in her mind would quickly dissipate. Breathing out, she released the mouse and stood up from her chair, pacing back and forth. The words written on her screen dictated everything that would happen after tomorrow, and her future rested on each and every one of the letters. Her independence and sanity were in jeopardy.)
I'm capable of this. She kept telling herself this over and over until she was positive that this was the reality of the moment. I'm capable of this.
Heejin grabbed her chair and closed her eyes before clicking her mouse's left button, which would bring up the response. Afterward, she was unable to open her eyes, and even when she did, she was unable to focus on her laptop's screen. She finally felt a wave of courage after hearing the sentence, "I can do this over and over again," and before she knew it, she was looking at the letter that was now in front of her.
……we hope to see you on campus
"I got in?" she exclaimed. "I made it in!" She let out a startled scream of delight as she leaped from her chair. However, she hurried back to her chair and used her perspiring hands to open the other tabs. Upon perusing the remaining acceptance letters from the university, her mouth fell open. Before she knew it, tears started to flow.
She swiftly rummaged through the stack of papers by her desk for her phone and dialed the first person that came to mind—the person who she knew would react exactly as she was doing right now. Jaeyun answered after two rings, said hello, and inquired about the nature of the call. She continued by telling him the good news she had just learned.
“Oh my goodness, that's incredible! Heejin, congratulations!” Through his own voice, he told her, "I knew you were worried about nothing. This is a reason to be called for a celebration! Would you like to eat with everyone for dinner later?”
She glanced at her wall clock, calculating what time to leave later in the evening, and said, "Hm, maybe not later, I have to go somewhere, but dinner with everyone sounded nice.”
"Are you telling them today?" She responded with a hum. “Is it something you have to do today? Could you not celebrate now and then face their wrath later on?”
She chuckled. He couldn't disagree when she said, "Even though that sounds so nice and a better choice, getting over their wrath is better than the calm before the storm. In any case, I need to get ready. You are free to go back to what you were doing earlier before I bother you.”
You didn't cause any disturbance, so it's okay. "Just call me if you need me, okay?" He bid her farewell and ended the call. She let her body realize she was staring at the ceiling and sighed as she turned off her phone. Heejin, take deep breaths. 
As Heejin drove to her parents' house, her hands felt cold. She was aware of her parents, as well as those of her older sister, who appeared to spend all of her money on ostentatious clothes made just for her and bags made of materials sufficient to feed thousands of people when she was absent from the country. But when Heejin told them about her plans to attend an academic institution they had once forbade her from attending, her reaction was the least of her worries because her opinion really didn't matter.
When she reached the house, the maids welcomed her with kind smiles, expressing how happy they were to see the youngest Yang family member return home after a while. When she opened the door to her former residence, a maid greeted her, took her coat, and told her where everyone else in the house was. Going upstairs, she entered her father's study where her parents were talking about their business. Their attention shifts from what they were talking about to their daughter's unexpected knock on the door, asking for permission to enter and hear what she has to say. 
“Heejin? I was unaware that you were returning home. Her mother came over to plant a quick peck on her daughter's cheek. Is there anything you need?"
She told them, "I actually came here to talk to the two of you," and left the door open in case she had to make a quick escape. "It has to do with the next step after undergrad."
Both of her parents looked at each other, wondering what it may be. "All right, what's that?" Her father asked. She inhaled sharply. "I won't pursue a master's degree in business after." Her father didn't seem overly pleased and her mother was not just astonished but also dismayed and incredulous. The exact emotions that a child would never wish to witness on the faces of any of their parents. She stood where she was, doing her best not to let the difference bother her. She needed to maintain her courage and, for once, take charge.
"Yang Heejin, what are your plans then? As safe as a businesswoman's plans? Would it provide you with a more favorable route than the one your father and I created for you? Heejin could tell by her mother's tone that she was making an effort to maintain her composure and wasn't raising her voice. 
"Juilliard and other music-focused universities accepted me. I know it's not quite as comfortable as the path you guided me to, but that's the best place that I could learn the violin and one of the best music schools in the world.”
"Oh, so you know what kind of risk you are encountering?" There was a sneer on her mother's lip. "Heejin, I've worked very hard to provide you with a comfortable life. Does playing an instrument really mean you have to ruin your life? This can't be. Your master's degree will be established for you, and that is final. Her father eventually said, "You're not going to Juilliard or any other music school in the future," maintaining a stern and low voice despite the disappointment and rage on his face. 
“Father, I don't want to go into business! I do not want to be a part of the world you have created, nor do I want to assist my older sister in running your company. I am requesting permission to play the violin because that is all I want to do. As your daughter, I have never once disobeyed you.” She wasn't intending to yell at them, but her emotions got the better of her. 
"No, Heejin, you don't realize that being a musician has no future—only a select few ever succeed and become famous! This other route for you assured you of everything! You possess all that a person could ever desire; are you really going to throw that away for a future that you're not even certain will be bright?” Her father persists in trying to persuade her to change her mind, but the decision was made before she even arrived. 
Both of their faces had a defeated expression. In dismay, her mother pushed her neatly styled hair back, causing it to become messy, while her father pinched the bridge of his nose and sank into his seat. It broke Hyejin's heart a million times to know that she was the reason for her parents' greatest disappointment in their entire lives. The wind changed direction when her father spoke abruptly, but she nearly felt their defeat when she realized her parents wouldn't ever allow it.
"Your grandmother's life was wasted trying to become perfect in piano. She was always on the piano, so she hardly ever spoke to your grandfather or me. He shares with her a tale that she had never before heard. She only truly expressed interest in our family when you expressed interest in playing the violin. Until then, every time we came to visit, even your sister was ignored. When your grandmother realized she couldn't continue enhancing her talent until her final moments, she turned to you and nearly went insane doing so." 
Heejin never thought of her grandmother to be crazy. She couldn't get her out of her head since she was always locked in her room playing the piano and never spoke when the family visited her grandparents. She never noticed that her grandmother nearly lost herself perfecting an already-perfect instrument, even though she had always assumed her grandmother loved the piano enough to play it as much as she did.
Heejin now realized why her grandmother had always planned her recitals prior to her severe illness and why it was her mission to have Heejin play as much as she could. In the hopes that a family member would perfect her love in a way she was never able to, she was passing it down.
"Hyejin, could you swear to us that the violin won't lure you in the same way that it did your grandmother? Will you swear that you won't develop the same affection for the instrument as your grandmother did?"
 "I promise with my life." She makes a commitment with everything she has. 
“Then I will give this to you. I'll cover all the costs, but you'll stop as soon as I notice you becoming fixated.” Hyejin felt her father's affections for the first time in a long time, and without thinking, she threw herself forward and gave him a hug unlike anything she had ever experienced. 
This was it. The start of her new life.
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It was finally her year to complete her undergraduate studies. She took two weeks after graduating to prepare for her move. Heejin was gathering her belongings. She was spending her last day in Seoul, South Korea. She was eager to attend Juilliard, one of the schools recommended by her instructor, but she was also quite anxious. 
Her heart skipped a beat or two as she was going through the boxes she had moved into the apartment and hadn't yet unpacked. Her hands became trembling as she peered inside one of the boxes. She closed the box quickly and then inhaled deeply.
Opened the little brown box once more and stared at the contents, her breath caught, her heart pounded in her chest. Tears began to fall. Sooah's belongings, namely her well-worn black, pink, and her beloved green ballerina slippers were lying inside. She has ten pairs of slippers and one pair of green slippers. Her favorite color was green. Brown box next to the slippers. Heejin's hands were shaking as she cautiously picked up the box. Breathe deeply before opening it.
When she saw what was inside, her eyes widened slightly. Protected in a bag was Sooah's precious silver locket. It was uncomplicated yet incredibly meaningful. As Heejin closed the box and replaced it with the brown box, tears began to fall. She grabbed the green slippers and leaned back against the wall a little before falling to the ground. Recalling that day, she hugged the slippers closer to her.
Heejin was so close yet too far to save Sooah. Her best friend's first love. She remembered her brother giving her the box three days after the funeral, a week before she left to go to Australia. 
She heard someone calling her as she was entering her family's home. "Heejin!" She turned around and halted at her spot. After the funeral, she saw someone she never imagined seeing. He ran in the direction of her while in a box. "You should have this." He handed the box to her. She gave him a look of confusion. Seojin, what is this? She asked, her expression bewildered. He gave her a gesture to open it. So she did. 
Her eyes widened. “Is this—no it can't be.” She looked at Seojin. “I can't accept this.” Trying to give him back the box, but he wouldn't hold it. “No, keep it, Sooah herself asked me to give this to you.” 
"Did she?" Startled, she questioned. He gave a headshake. "Not quite, but if she had been here, I'm sure she would have thanked me for giving it to you first." Heejin gave the box a firm hug and held it to her chest. "I'll protect this," He grinned. "And you will, I'm sure of it." He gave her a pair of letters. "This is for Jaeyun and you. Hold off on giving it to him. When the time is appropriate, give it to him. She studied the letters, then returned her focus to him. "How will I find out?" He gave her a pat on the back. You'll be able to tell when it's time. Don't read yours yet, either. Hold off till you deliver Jaeyun's letter. Those letters were written by Sooah herself.” She thanked him before saying their farewells.
Heejin snapped out of her reverie, closing the box after placing the slippers back inside without realizing she was still holding them tightly. Prior to leaving the room with the box. Jaeyun noticed her leaving her room as he was finishing up his assignments. "Are you done?" She responded with a hum. He extended his arms. "Would you like me to hold the box?" She gave a brief head shake. "I'll carry it. She emphasized, "It's not heavy, and the things inside the box are really important." He understood as well as nodded.
They took a car down her complex's driveway to the storage place. After that, they packed the remaining boxes inside her storage unit and left. Heejin returned to her room to make sure everything was ready and clean. 
Her best friend was getting up from his seat when she appeared from her room. Okay, let's head over to the airport. Jaeyun went to the door after grabbing his keys. Heejin trailed behind him. After getting into his car, they headed to the airport. The only sounds in the car on the way to the airport were the wind and the music playing on the radio. No one spoke. She was at a loss for ideas on how to break the appropriate tone between them. Given how drastically their lives would change when she left for a few years, it's possible that neither of them was truly prepared to say goodbye. She was as much a part of him as he was of her. 
Jaeyun assisted her in unloading her bags from the back of his car after it was parked, even carrying the majority of her heavy baggage even though she insisted on doing it herself. "You can start being independent when you're there already." He makes a joke, to which she snorts back. 
Heejin thought back to when Jaeyun had picked her up four years prior, following her years of violin study in Australia. They were back at the airport now, and she was ready to head back to New York to resume her violin studies. It was funny to consider how, due to the numerous hardships she had been experiencing, nothing that had happened to her in the previous years had felt real, including that memory from four years ago.
Heejin eventually stated "You know you don't have to bring me to the airport," as they made their way to drop off her luggage. "I don't mind, it's okay, and I won't see you for years." She responded with a hum. after the bags have been placed in the baggage station. They approached the security line keeping a good distance apart but walking side by side next to each other. 
"Are you scared?" Jaeyun asked. 
She hummed. "A little bit? However, I kind of like it and it's a good kind of scary." She acknowledges. "What really scares me is the fact that I'm going to be alone for a long time." He gave a bitter smile. "I'm quite sure you wouldn't be totally alone for long." 
She realized she had a little more time before she had to leave for sure when she glanced at the large screen that showed the exact departure time of each plane. She looks at Jake and sees that he too realized what would happen next, and he gives her a woeful look.
 "I guess it's goodbye." Attempting to smile, Hyejin says she was taken aback when she felt him draw her in until he was giving her a firm hug. She had given him a surprise hug in return, but not before savoring the comfort and aroma of her love before their prolonged separation. "I gonna miss you,"
"I appreciate you being my pillar of support over the past four years." In her ear, he whispered. "Study diligently, please. There are some things you need to take care of later." She gives him a quick pat on the back as she tells him. "Remember, I have you covered always." 
She makes an attempt to escape the hug, but Jake embraces her more tightly as if he couldn't let go of her. "Give me a minute." She gives in to his mumbles. She managed to whisper something to him that she had never been able to say before the two of them could release their grip. 
"I love you." 
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She would much rather he knew that nothing about her feelings had changed up until now, even if this was the last time she would ever see him. Even though all he could give her at the time was a smile, she was and always will be infatuated with him.
He was having trouble thinking of a suitable response for her that wouldn't break her heart even at that very moment. Jaeyun and Heejin devoted the next three to four years to their studies, following their chosen paths.
Heejin's hectic schedule prevented her from seeing him during her visits, and she was too busy making a big deal out of everything for her parents to notice when she did have the chance to go home. Despite their great distance from one another, they would occasionally text or even call to maintain their friendship.
After two more years, Heejin began touring the world as a violinist, and Jaeyun established himself as a well-known lawyer. They were both higher than they had ever been.
The drama then begins.
© 2024-2025 — all rights reserved to user iovestuck, please do not steal, plagiarise, or translate any of my works without prior permission from me !
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ask-doctor-isami · 4 months ago
Yuri chuckles, and reaches up, patting Jiro's cheek, "that song?" So Jiro does remember it. "Raindrop prelude, Chopin. They say he composed the song while convalescing in a seaside monastery, and he created the tune from the sound of raindrops..." He hums another few seconds, "it's beautiful isn't it? Perhaps not the most dramatic piece of music, but it's always felt appropriate and inspiring to me." He grins, taking a hold of Jiro's chin in one hand, running his thumb over Jiro's lower lip lightly, "further...Chopin never named his own songs. Raindrops was named by his lover, caring for him while he was ill...."
He kisses Jiro, not hard but no less firmly or insisting, "Isn't it perfect for us?" He couldn't think of a better tune to hum to the man he'd cared for during his coma, or every time he treats him now. It just feels like the song he hums to Jiro, Jiro's song.
Jiro slowly makes his way inside Yuri's office. His eyes are glued to the floor as he approaches with heavy footsteps. He doesn't bother putting the crumpled piece of paper on Yuri's desk like he had planned. The ghoul holds tight to it as he drops to his knees and rests his head on Yuri's lap. There are a few moments of uncomfortable silence before he speaks in a soft voice. "I'm so sorry, Yuri." Whatever is wrong has this powerful ghoul reduced to a scared child awaiting punishment. @ask-jiro-kirisaki
Yuri is overjoyed to see Jiro at first, but his expression is darker and wearier than usual. Then he collapses and if you ask later Yuri will deny the squawked cry, "Jiro!" The ghoul rests his head in Yuri's lap and the doctor almost huffs searching him for any kind of injury or signs of illness, running his fingers through his hair. No head injuries, no scratches, no cuts...he's running a slight fever but it doesn't seem to be concernedly high.
"Jiro...." he sighs, "what happened? What did you find? Talk to me. Please, Jiro..."
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