capricoopla · 3 months
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The 3rd Skylander I've ever owned
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0dattebanya0 · 1 year
Happy Pride month!
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Pride is for everyone
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pretty-idol-hell · 7 months
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KAMI AIDO..... uuufjdjdjsakakkakdhfwioakajdfh
(level cap yes, kami aidoru no)
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kiaxet · 1 year
This is both one of the funniest and stupidest things I’ve ever done on a Twitch stream, and I regret nothing.
The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog is a fantastic game, by the way.
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quinnduck · 9 days
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Guess who just saw a DOUBLE RAINBOWWWWWW
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stripedwolf88 · 4 months
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How did you get video of me in my house???? 😲
Here have some rainbowwwwww
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saint-in-chains · 2 months
The drugs kicked in it is sunshine and rainbowwwwwws!!!!
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09lover · 8 months
I'm sending you hugs, good luck with the asks
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cowcowwow · 2 years
1 2 4 5 10 14 18 36 48 63 77 78 84 87 94 97 99
HIII OWLLLL <33333333
1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? 
Uhhh I don't use any fhfbb but maybe SoundCloud? Cause that used to be how I accessed the melodies for my Torah Portion for my B'Not Mitzvah!!! /pos
2. is your room messy or clean?
Messy 😎(😭) /lh
4. do you like your name? why?
YESSSS <333 Both my IRL name and online name!!! :D They just fit me :3
5. what is your relationship status? 
Greyromantic and not currently in a relationship!! :P
10. how would you describe your style?
BRIGHT COLORS <3333333 And as silly as I can be :]
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
I'd stay right where I live now!! I like it here :D (though if I could make my neighborhood safe that'd be nice fggbg)
18. favorite tv show?
OOO HARD QUESTION!! Of all time + finished: Amphibia!! Right now + not finished yet: The Owl House, RWBY, The Dragon Prince, and ROTTMNT :]
36. favorite movie? 
UHHHHM How To Train Your Dragon!!!!!! :DD
48. who is your role model? 
My dad 💙💙
63. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?
I'm a vegetarian so neither fghfbb I do love Imposdible Chicken Nuggets though <333 (Fake chicken nuggets!!!)
77. do you miss anyone right now? 
My cat 💙💙
78. do you sleep with your door open or closed?
Closed!! But I used to sleep with it open like a year ago :00
84. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? 
87. are you outgoing or shy?
Outgoing :]
94. favorite lyrics right now
OOO GOOD QUESTION!! Hmmm probably:
"Remember a mountaintop has no roof and a home in the wild needs no window
Leave your cage, break your chains, roar your name
And sing
Roaring brooks and cherry trees
This is the place my heart longs to be
The blossoms in the water call me."
-Man in Room 39 by The Arcadian Wild
97. dark, milk, or white chocolate? 
99. what is your zodiac sign?
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fluffstravels · 2 years
Dried Rations for Cosmic Hibernation
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Dried Rations for Cosmic Hibernation (A Winter Prog/Psych Mix)
Van der Graaf Generator - Arrow - Godbluff / 1975
Happy the Man - Upon the Rainbow (Befrost) - Happy the Man / 1977
Island - Herold and King - Pictures / 1977
Terje Rypdal - The Hunt - Whenever I Seem To Be Far Away / 1974
Ashra - Deep Distance - New Age of Earth / 1976
Steve Tibbetts - The Alien Lounge - Yr / 1980
Tim Blake - Lighthouse - Blake's New Jerusalem / 1978
Anthony Phillips - Wise After The Event - Wise After The Event / 1978
Tangerine Dream - Bent Cold Sidewalk - Cyclone / 1978
FM - Black Noise - Black Noise / 1977
The catalyst for this mix was listening to the second to last song listed, Bent Cold Sidewalk by Tangerine Dream, and realizing that in my brain there was an understanding of an oddly specific subset of late, sci-fi-influenced 70s progressive rock that felt like winter to me. The music has this kind of ultra nerd aura. Uneven, occasionally squeaky vocals (see the Tim Blake and Tangerine Dream tracks lol) contrasting with engrossing, rich instrumentation. Cold sequencers, inhuman reeds, war drums, woody guitars. All the elements of these songs come together to create some perfect sonic rendition of being snowed in, with little available to you besides hunkering down. If you’re like me, avoiding snowbound boredom is eerie movies and falling down endless rabbit holes of wikipedia articles. I hope you enjoy this mix and can find those lonely, dorky winter feelings that these songs bring me. <<<<<Track By Track Breakdown Below>>>>>
Arrow: VDGG is a band that I almost considered too good to put on this mix. Peter Hammill’s vampiric voice never fails to totally enrapture me, but the robotic goth keys, chilled saxophone (a running theme in this mix),  and the chugging bass+drums, are what seals this track as an all-time prog favorite for me. Hammill’s banshee declaration of the arrow-like unpredictability of death will shatter your bones.
Upon the Rainbow: Happy the Man’s cool jazzy electric piano pins this track like a fresh cuppa hot chocolate. The vocals are a bit like what I imagine a forest gnome’s Pavarotti (upon the rainBOWWWWWW) would sound like and I think they add a lot of whimsy to this track, especially with the fantasy lyrics. The sax and flute are also very welcome additions.
Herold and King: It’d be ignorant to do a “winter hibernation prog” mix and not try to capture the isolation and anxiety that can come with the season. The vocals on this track are fantastic, the singer emulates the haunting vibe that only Hammill has gotten otherwise. The reversed vocal freakout, underpinned by what sounds like VDGG and ELP’s angsty child who starts fires, is a highlight for me, and it only grows more disturbing from there. It’s a peculiar track, but if you like it, you love it.
The Hunt: This is the first of the two “ECM prog” tracks here, as in prog tracks from albums released by the jazz-focused label ECM. This track finds you in a frozen wasteland where King Crimson’s monolithic record Red, released this same year, once stood. Fuzz bass, machine drums, hazy fusion guitar, and a mysterious french horn create a soundtrack that would suit a fending off a polar bear as well as it’d suit trying to get the blanket to equally cover all parts of your frigid self. The mellotron towards the end is especially welcomed by me.
Deep Distance: Just as it’d be silly to ignore the anxieties of winter, it would be remiss of me to ignore the hazy atmosphere that holiday lights & decorations can bring. Manuel Gottsching crafts the innate wonder a snowy environment brings with synth, guitar, and percussion. You have no need to worry about shoveling the driveway or finding the right layers yet. You’re with whoever you love most, watching the snowfall from the comfort of the indoors by the fire, seeing the neighborhood lights twinkle out into an otherwise pitch black night. The Alien Lounge: Alien Lounge is ECM prog track no.2, and excerpted from Steve Tibbetts’ excellent 1980 album Yr, which I bring up as I’ve used his amazing hand-sketched cover for that album for this mix. The stark black and white rendering of an undefinable sci-fi portrait made it an easy fit. The track itself is a really delicate guitar-led piece that, paired with Deep Distance, continues that very cozy winter feel. I highly recommend this entire album paired with the warm beverage of your choice on a late, late night. Lighthouse: I admit this song is a VERY cheesy addition. Tim Blake is best known as a keyboardist for Gong during their classic Radio Gnome-era. All the synthesizers on this track are absolutely wonderful, spacey blurbing and bubbling at its best. The cheese comes from Blake’s vocals and the lyrics that feel equal to a 1950s B-Movie, rather than the expansive, immersive science fiction found elsewhere on this mix. That being said, I enjoy it a lot. Also, you can sing the lyrics to the Mystery Science Theater 3000 theme song over Blake’s vox.
Wise After The Event: I have to thank my good friend James for introducing me to this song because it fits the vibe I was seeking with this mix almost too snugly. Most know Phillips for his all-too-brief stint in Genesis, and at most maybe his “The Geese and the Ghost” record that features Mike Rutherford and Phil Collins. I do highly recommend “Geese”, but I also feel that Wise After The Event of is one of the most underappreciated prog records of the 70s. In it's title track, Phillips delivers a delicate vocal over gorgeous 12-string Rickenbacker guitar and earthy keyboards, with the lyrics conjuring imagery so equally vague and specific that Jon Anderson would be jealous. Bent Cold Sidewalk: I love this song and it's album, Cyclone, but I do understand why a TD-purist would be opposed to it. Cyclone is the crumbly bleu cheese of the influential Berlin School band’s discography, but I adore the goofy lyrics, melancholic vocals, wistful woodwinds, and theatrical percussion in this song so much. I hope that hearing it in the context of this pure prog rock context can make the most staunch Cyclone Grinch have a change of heart :) Black Noise: FM's Black Noise is far too under-discussed in prog circles. The violin/synth/drums trio is one of the most unique prog bands and they've made some of my favorite music in the genre. The titular song of that album tells the story of underground sewer lizard people facing their fears to come out into the world..or something. It works. The percussion on this song is magic, the synth is perfectly moody, the vocals are slightly goofy but so earnest they always win me over, and Nash the Slash’s soaring violin in the middle of the song is so good that you understand why these guys never bothered to find a guitarist. The buildup at the end of this song with the chunky Rickenbacker bass and the building synthesizer is so fittingly intense for the weird sci-fi world the band is trying to build. This is my favorite song on this mix, and the one I most strongly recommend.
If you’ve read all of this, thank you, and I hope you enjoy the mix I’ve put together!
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xmachinaonline · 9 months
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double rainbowwwwww
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ponytailzuko · 4 years
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[id: six icons of katara from avatar: the last airbender. they’re in two rows with three icons in each row. in each icon, katara is lifting a brow with a slightly irritated look on her face, with yellow flowers in her hair. each icon has a different colored background. the first row’s backgrounds are pink, orange, and yellow. the second row’s backgrounds are green, blue, and purple. end id.]
made katara icons to get used to my photoshop again after being gone for a couple of weeks. i’m rusty at icons in general but tried my best! if you use, please like or reblog this post! <3
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~My day was hell until god decided otherwise.🌈 😭✨️
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ahomeboylives · 2 years
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