twinegardening · 2 years
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A Witch's Word by RainbowStarbird [IFDB]
Years ago, you sold your first born to a witch. But with your recent dating history, it doesn't look like she'll be getting her end of the bargain any time soon. So the witch has offered to help you find a suitable someone to settle down with. Will you choose the sweet farmer, the confident writer, or the brooding bladesmith? And are these really your only options?
This atmospheric text-based adventure features special graphics and soundtracks for each path, and four different endings (all of them accessible without much repetition). Expect a mysterious witch, interesting choices and at least one ending that leaves you questioning the possibilities.
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musicalluna · 6 years
Hi! Sorry to hear that you're having a hard time. I'm just coming off a depression dip myself, so I'd love it if you could write some just incredibly fluffy Steve/Tony. Like one or the other having a No Good Very Bad Day and the other one just supporting them and loving them and reminding them that it's okay to feel shitty and things will be alright? Bonus points if it involves sappy reminders of how much they love each other and all the praise and affirmation. And I hope you feel better!
depression is such a brat. i hope this is something like what you were hoping for
At seven-thirty whenSteve had gotten back from his morning run, JARVIS had notified himhe had a text from Pepper.
He’d read it aloudwhile Steve guzzled water in the kitchen.
“Redalert. Today is a trainwreck.”
“Uhoh,” Steve had said, still breathing heavily. “It’s early forthat.”
Tony’sday doesn’t improve. Pepper updates Steve periodically via text,mostly with phrases like, Oh god.
Today is acatastrophe.
I’m glad he’scoming home to you.
Fromthe sound of things, it’s just one disaster after another. Stevedecides the best option is to be there to pick Tony up at the end ofthe day. He coordinates with Pepper to make it work.
It’safter nine when the car pulls up in front of the restaurant whereTony’s dinner meeting took place. He steps out to wait.
It’shot out, but the breeze is cool. Steve is glad that he’s had arelatively ordinary day because it means his emotions are even-keeland he can focus on Tony and soothing him.
Thedoor to the restaurant opens, letting out a burst of the clamorinside and Tony. He’s with another man in a suit and he’s laughing,but Steve can hear the strain in it. He doesn’t think it’s the manhimself so much as Tony being exhausted.
Evenlike this he’s beautiful and Steve smiles, watching and waiting.
Tonyand the other man shake hands and exchange farewells and cheekkisses. Then the other man walks away and hails a cab and Stevewatches Tony deflate.
Stevegives him a moment just to breathe and then approaches, hands in hispockets. “Need a lift?”
Tonylooks up, strain and weariness lining his face, and then he seesSteve and he breaks into a tired smile. “Steve.”
“Hi.Pepper said you had a rough day.”
Tonysnorts. “Well, it wasn’t in my top five worst ever.”
“Oh,”Steve says mildly, “well, then it wasn’t bad at all, was it?”
He’sproud of the little bark of laughter that ekes out of Tony. He holdsout a hand and reels Tony in when he takes it, kissing the corner ofhis mouth softly. Tony’s eyes flutter closed and he lets his headfall forward, coming to rest on Steve’s chest. “Today sucked.”
“I’msorry,” Steve says, laying his cheek against the top of Tony’shead. He rubs Tony’s back in slow circles, feeling him breathe outhis stress. “Can I take you home?”
“Ifyou leave me here, I’m breaking up with you.”
Steveguides him over to the car and opens the door for him, handing himinside. When he follows, Tony is slumped in the seat, head back,pulling at his tie.
“TheTower, please,” Steve requests as he closes the door behind him.Then he raises the partition.
Tonypulls the tie up toward the roof, tipping his head to the side. “Helpme out here, huh?”
“CaptainAmerica doesn’t do that kind of thing,” Steve says with a straightface.
“CaptainAmerica is a goddamn liar,” Tony grumbles. He tosses the tie on thefloor and starts stripping off his jacket. When he struggles, Stevecatches hold of it and helps him get it off. The shirt comes next andSteve can’t help the way he watches as his arms and shoulders arerevealed.
Tonycatches him looking and his mouth flickers up in a smirk. “Really?Now?”
Steveshrugs. “I like looking at my guy. He’s a good-looking fella.”
Tonyhuffs and looks down at his lap.
Stevetakes Tony’s hand and pulls him in until he lists to the side andlets his head come to rest on Steve’s shoulder.
“Thanks,”he says after a moment of quiet. “For coming. Made things better.”
Stevenods and draws him into a kiss that’s feather-light. No pressure, nodemanding, just the soft touch of their lips and their breathmingling. He strokes Tony’s cheek. “You make the world better. It’sthe least I can do.”
Tony’sface twists and he looks away. “I really can’t handle you sayingthings like that when I’m this wiped.”
“Sayingthings like what? The truth? How many people’s lives did you changetoday? How many people did you help? How many did you protect?”
“Ithink I did more of the opposite,” Tony mutters and starts to pullback. Steve refuses to let him.
“No,Tony. I know you had a bad day and probably whatever happened broughtto your attention mistakes you’ve made, but you’re going to fix them,aren’t you? You’ll do better in the future, because you always do.You’re building a better future one day at a time and I am so luckythat I get to be here and stand by you through it.”
“Fuck,”Tony whispers and Steve catches a glimpse of the tears in his eyesbefore he buries his face in Steve’s shoulder, fingers tighteningaround Steve’s.
Stevekisses the crown of his head. “It’s okay to feel lousy about howtoday went, and about things you’ve done that maybe weren’t so good.But you’re a good man. You’ll make things right and then you’ll makethem better. That’s one of a thousand reasons why I love you.”
Hecan tell he’s overwhelming Tony, so he stops, letting his fingerstrail back and forth lightly over Tony’s knuckles. Tony’s self-esteemis simultaneously sky high and rock bottom and more often than notthe rock bottom wins out. There are certain things Tony isunshakably, to a fault, confident in, but none of them cover hisbasic decency. As brash and callus as he can seem, Tony is one of themost sensitive, thoughtful people Steve’s ever met. He never stopslooking for a solution or a way to help as many people as he can andit had been humbling for Steve to realize that not only was it notalways necessary to lay down on the wire, but it wasn’t even alwaysthe best option. Tony makes him see past those blind spots.
Stevesighs. “I’m not…good at this.”
Tonysnorts into his shoulder. “You’re so earnest it physically painsme, Rogers.”
Steveused to think he’d done something wrong when Tony started calling himby his surname again, but he’s since realized it’s something Tonydoes when he’s feeling particularly vulnerable. He does it todisguise how he really feels.
“SoI should keep telling you how incredible you are?” Steve says andTony snickers wetly.
“Byall means.”
SoSteve does.
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demyrie · 6 years
My guy: hey Rae can you get me a lucroyks? (LaCroix)
@rainbowstarbird, already reaching for a can: goddamn only if you pronounce it correctly
My guy: lesbianwater
@rainbowstarbird: .... yes *hands it over, and gladly*
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archiveofolives · 6 years
ayyyy @rainbowstarbird tagged me!
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better lol y'all tag urselves ❤️
Top 3 ships: space dads, space vikings, but my home ship would always be cloud and aerith from final fantasy vii like i swear, a lot of my ships rn remind me of them. except thor and loki, ofc, that one's more rooted to my personal life ❤️❤️❤️ (randomly i once tried to make a list of all the love stories i fell head over heels for and they were all tragic lmao)
Lipstick or Chapstick: neither—i only wear lipstick when i absolutely have to (i.e. when there's a nice dinner and they wouldn't let me leave the room without any lipstick on) bc they hate my lips and 99% of the chapsticks out there (esp the brand of the same name) do the same. i use this lip balm from tokyo instead or petroleum jelly, they're literally the only ones that work without any adverse reactions
Last Song: i think it was NOW by grace mitchell? i'm not v sure but it's a great song everyone should check it out ❤️
Last Movie: last movie i watched in full was maybe infinity war but the last movie i watched at all was iron man 3
Top 3 shows: wallander, peaky blinders, luther (this is so easy bc those are literally the only shows i've been watching at all) (yeah no i haven't seen the latest season of peaky blinders yet don't look at me like that)
Tagging: if you guys do this at all, pls tag me so i can read it too!!
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spacebeyonce · 7 years
rainbowstarbird replied to your photoset: like bitch. beetch bich. bi
hooooow are you so cute tho?? thnk you for blessing us with these gorgeous selfies
thank you so much it took three hours for this face to happen lmao
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jimkerk · 7 years
For the ask meme, to start with an obvious one: Jim Kirk (TOS if that matters)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality:  loves life and flowersworst quality:  can be a little bit misogynistic (but that’s probably just the 60s talking)ship them with: SPOCKbrotp them with: i feel like jim’s good buds with most of the crew but uhuraneeds to stay away from: tribblesmisc. thoughts: i love him! can never get enough of jim! i really wanna b friends with jim. boft boi
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k-sci-janitor · 4 years
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Hey @hermannsthumb and I have been hard at work to get a sexy sexy zine out! Thought we’d do a shout out to our amazing contributors:
Artists @feriowind otachis_strap mangoxalsa bon_balaur cyanhorn @doctorsgeiszlergottlieb @lindsaylang @pencilscratchins newtgottlaid @waldos-art botscribble @kaiju-kin @willftagn @glooumnastas harukaijuku chromatode Writers sympatheticobjects @deadonarrival newtguzzler @missanthropicprinciple poisonglassfrog @bae-science yuck_puddle @thisjaegerisourgetalongshirt (and artist too!) @rainbowstarbird darkrednights CheeseDumpling skysongma Zine will be up for download come mid-December! Supposing Maria and I survive our finals... T-T
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jennilah · 5 years
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The Occasion Of Catching Things That Fall by  Raehimura
In the middle of tense negotiations over the Android Rights bill, androids are suddenly going berserk and attacking their loved ones. Hank and Connor, freshly minted partners and the nation's first android-human law enforcement initiative, must figure out what's affecting these androids and put a stop to it before it derails the tenuous peace - or leads to a second android war.
Why are these androids effected? And is it really just them? More importantly, what will Connor do if he succumbs to the symptoms before they solve the case?
Relationships: Hank/Connor Rating: T+ Words: 8446
Woohoo! Finally get to post our HankCon Reversebang project. I did the art, and @rainbowstarbird wrote the fic! Enjoy! 
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seth-the-hobbit · 5 years
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Lesbian Terk from Tarzan icons
First flag by @vonkarn
Second flag by @apersnicketylemon
Third flag by @rainbowstarbird
Post four of seven
[ID: Terk in three different poses on various lesbian flags]
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shotgunsandsage · 5 years
Okay Witches and Weirdos!
It’s time for this space to get active. In the meantime, some important information:
The first book in the project, book one of Midnight Tour, will open for pre-order on May 1, 2019, in honor of Beltane. Keep your eyes peeled for “Tyler Kincaide: He-Witch” at all your e-book suppliers.
You can find the project here on tumblr and on Twitter at @ ShotgunsandSage.
You can find the authors at our personal tumblrs @rainbowstarbird and @demyrie.
Keep your eyes on this space for lots of cool content, previews, announcements and giveaways coming soon.
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pixie-lated · 6 years
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@rainbowstarbird sent me surprise spooky Samhain flowers!
Oh, you 😙🖤💜💛💚
(*irl name obscured by nickname because good internet etiquette)
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demyrie · 7 years
Christmas Fun
@rainbowstarbird: OH MY GOD HOLD THIS *shoves her laptop into my hands while she tangles with a very disobedient blanket*
Me: Your porn machine? I couldn’t, I don’t think I can handle the power! *starts shaking and rattling the laptop*  Ohhhh nooooo it’s overloading, the, um, the smut spectrum!
Me: oh!!!
Rae: haha we’re fun.
(And Merry Christmas to you, as well tumblr <3 Celebrate this day however you want, whether it’s a monday, the birth of a savior, a follow-up to Yule, or a time for family and friends. Or writing porn on the couch with your biffle. You deserve a day off with warm liquids and smiles, that’s for damn sure. I’m gonna go make another cup of tea with an extra spoonful of honey. Cheers!)
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sarkastically · 6 years
Fave characters tag game!
Rules: name your top 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people.
I’m just stealing this from @rainbowstarbird
Tagging: Anyone can take if they want.
(feel free to ignore this if you don’t wanna)
I’m just gonna do however many I want for the fandoms whether that be 1, 10 or somewhere in between. In all cases, the first is the most favorite and the others are usually not in order.
Boku no hero Academia: Aizawa Shouta, Todoroki, Kacchan, Toshi, Tsuyu, Mic
DC: John Constantine, Raven, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Dinah Lance, Barbara Gordon, Katana, Death, Dream
Marvel: Illyana Rasputin, Gert Yorkes, Chase Stein, Dani Moonstar, Betsy Braddock, Ororo Monroe, Jono Starsmore, Molly Hayes, Tandy Bowen, Tyrone Johnson
Star Wars: Baze Malbus, Chirrut Imwe, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Poe Dameron, Cassian Andor, Jyn Erso, Bodhi Rook, Obi-Wan Kenobi
Star Trek: B’Elanna Torres, Tom Paris, Hugh Culber, Paul Stamets, Janeway, Kira, Harry Kim, Tuvok, Michael
Voltron: Lance, Keith
X-Files: Mulder, Scully, Langley
Blue Exorcist: Bon, Rin, Shima, Izumo, Shiemi, Yukio
Revolutionary Girl Utena: Juri, Utena, Miki
IT: Richie, Eddie, Stan, Ben, Bev, Mike, Bill
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rainbowstarbird · 6 years
Happy 28th!!! I hope you enjoy it despite the circumstances. I know what you mean by your birthday being meh because it's on the first week of school; my birthday was yesterday... and so was my first day of class lol. In the spirit of random asks, what's the inspiration behind the url rainbowstarbird? :o
Oh man, happy birthday to you too! I know, it’s weird to feel meh about it and then kinda wish you didn’t feel meh about it, and then just really still feeling meh about it. :) 
As for the url, well, I had been using the same username everywhere since I was like 13, and I really wanted a change to something that more represented me now. And since I don’t like to change it much, I wanted it to be something that would last. So I went through a gajillion combinations and pieces of song lyrics and fandom jokes, etc. and this is the one that stuck. 
The rainbow, of course, is for gay pride. The starbird is the name for that symbol you see all the time from Star Wars, the rebellion one. Star Wars is definitely not my primary fandom, but I’m very very into Chirrut and Baze from Rogue One, and the philosophy they hint at is very close to my own spiritual path. Plus, the starbird symbolizes freedom and flight and the phoenix rising from the ashes, all important to me as a trauma survivor. And then I love birds (I have some birb roommates in fact) and space, and The Star tarot card represents my starmate @demyrie, so it all just came together.
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penitusobscurum · 7 years
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@demyrie and @rainbowstarbird You probably found out where they are at but in case you haven’t this is a quick map of it. I have the game and played it. I recall you can try and get to it after Hestu mentions it on your fourth visit to him at a Stable. You have to cross (figure out) the Lost Woods in order to reach it. Because is up North of Hyrule Castle the area is pretty hard to get to especially at the beginning of the game, you’ll notice a lot of Walking Guardians this usually means there is something important up ahead. As I mention it’s hard to get to at the beginning of the game but not impossible. Bellow is a link to the complete map of Hyrule, warning it also gives many locations that might/will fall under spoilers. Have fun! http://www.ign.com/maps/the-legend-of-zelda-breath-of-the-wild/hyrule
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katedoesntexist · 4 years
Tagged by @arcanemoody <3
Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 that come up. Then tag 10 others to do the same!
Ode to the Bouncer - Studio Killers
It's a Wonderful Life - Sparklehorse
The Touch of Your Skin - Trevor Something
Ballerino - LeeSSang
Anthems for a 17 Year Old Girl - Broken Social Scene
Everything in its Right Place - Radiohead
Bodies - Smashing Pumpkins
Burger Queen - Placebo
The Bad Touch - Bloodhound Gang
Zutter - GD & TOP
What a bizarre mix of music 😅
Tagging @chalkstardust @221buckythesoldier @coneyinacap @zforzelma @roughkiss @the-apocalypse-is-cancelled @kaijukate @rainbowstarbird @thisjaegerisourgetalongshirt @likemonstersinlove
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