nathfiset · 2 years
Rainbow babies- pregnancy and birth after a miscarriage or death
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Everything you need to know about rainbow babies: pregnancy and birth after a miscarriage or loss of a baby
  Rainbow baby: pregnancy and birth after the loss of a baby   For many families, the journey to become parents is a difficult one. The loss of an infant, whether due to a miscarriage, stillbirth, or early infant death, is one of the most difficult experiences a person can face. For those who have experienced a loss, the road to becoming a parent can be challenging and sometimes feel impossible. But there is a bright light of hope in this darkness- it's called a "rainbow baby". Rainbow babies are babies born to parents who have experienced the loss of a baby, providing a sign of hope in the aftermath of grief. This blog post will provide information on the unique experiences of rainbow baby pregnancies and births, in order to help parents understand their unique journey to parenthood. We will discuss the emotions associated with pregnancy and birth after the loss of a baby, how to cope with these emotions, and how to find support and resources. What is a rainbow baby?   A rainbow baby is a term used to describe a baby born after a miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss. The 'rainbow' refers to the promise of hope and light after the storm of sorrow and darkness. Rainbow babies symbolize that hope and positivity, reminding families that though they have experienced loss, they can still experience joy and growth in their lives. Rainbow babies bring light and joy to a family’s life, and are often celebrated in unique ways. They are little reminders that after the storm, the sun will still shine.
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  How to deal with a rainbow pregnancy?   Rainbow pregnancies can be a difficult and challenging time for parents, but with the right support, it can also be a time of joy and hope. The first step for parents is to seek out support from a qualified healthcare practitioner, who can provide guidance on the best course of action. Additionally, seeking out resources and organizations that specialize in rainbow pregnancies can be extremely helpful. It is important to consider the feelings of all involved parties, as rainbow pregnancies can often create complicated and emotionally charged situations. Additionally, it is important to have conversations with family and friends, in order to ensure that the parents have the support they need throughout the pregnancy. Finally, it is important to stay positive and to remember that there is always hope, even during a difficult and challenging time.      
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What are the ups and downs of having a rainbow baby?   Having a rainbow baby can be a tremendous blessing. It is a testament to the strength and resilience of parents who have experienced the pain of losing a child. This baby symbolizes hope and joy, and brings a renewed sense of purpose to the lives of grieving parents. On the other hand, the experience of loss can still linger. Some parents may feel guilt about the joy of having a rainbow baby, and might struggle to find the balance between being happy and honoring the memory of their lost child. Furthermore, rainbow babies may require special attention due to the stresses of pregnancy after loss and the potential for physical or mental health issues. Finally, the impact of having a rainbow baby can also have a lasting effect on siblings, who may be dealing with their own grief while trying to adjust to the new addition. With the right support, however, rainbow babies can bring much needed joy and healing too. In conclusion, a rainbow baby is a term used to refer to a baby born after a miscarriage, stillbirth, or neonatal death. While it is a joyous occasion, it can also be difficult for parents to process their grief and joy at the same time. It's important to be patient with yourself and speak to a therapist or support group if you find yourself struggling. With the proper care and support, parents can be a source of strength for their families and can create a prosperous and loving environment for their rainbow baby.  
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dcdatwins · 2 years
The start of our journey
So the start of our journey was when we lost our previous baby through an ectopic pregnancy, it was scary and horrifying, I was told the original symptoms were IBS but in fact it was not. I nearly lost my life through this, my husband and I had to really consider another child ( we have two daughters already), then the delights of covid hit. We were both working in hospitality ( Him as a head chef and me as a front of house manager) Our income dropped rapidly. I took a job in the care sector to provide for my family. This was a very rewarding job but during the testing times of covid and a care staff shortage it was manic to say the least, long hours and the obvious risk of contracting covid and passing it on to my family. We found out we were pregnant in early November 2020, we assumed I was very early on in pregnancy due to me still running about at home and at work in size 8 jeans!! We decided to get checked straight away due to our previous experience and pregnancy loss. The thought of going to a hospital was so scary to us, as not only was Covid still very high in our area at this time but also the fear of it happening again, the fear of knowing the child we already loved was not to be, and could also endanger my life. The prospect of this was awful, I am not a person who usually suffers from any form of anxiety and for this I have always thanked by lucky stars, but walking in to that hospital I was almost hyperventilating with fear. Sat in the waiting room were quite a few women with similar looks on their faces, the fear of what being in this area with people you didn't know, people who you didn't know if they were testing for covid as regularly as they should, and who may have had their own personal fears as I did, this was evident behind the hospital issue covid masks and the noise of the TV in the background. My husband had been sent to a separate waiting room that was just for the partners of the expectant mums, this was so difficult my husband was not sat holding my hand while the tears silently fell down my face.
We eventually was called through to the sonographer, I laid on the bed and silently prayed for my little bean to be okay. The sonographer was concentrating so hard on the screen, the silence was almost deafening, I just wanted to scream please just tell me, but I couldn't, as secretly I didn't want to know. Another sonographer appeared at the door to ask a random question that I can't fully remember now what it was, the sonographer asked her to come and look at the screen, by this point I was starting to really worry. They both looked at the screen for what seemed like an hour but was more like 2 minutes., Eventually the words
'I'm sorry to tell you this'
Came out of her mouth, I grabbed my husbands hand not sure if I wanted to scream or sob, while my husband did the male thing of rubbing his thumb over my knuckles (I'm not sure whether this was to calm me or him) she continued with;
'It's twins and you are a lot further on than you suspected, you are measuring at exactly 24 weeks today!!
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ttc-baby · 6 months
HSG Update
HSG is done!! First it was not painful, I was nervous as hell thinking it was going to hurt, and honestly I didn’t feel anything. The worst part was him trying to get my cervix in the right spot and keeping my feet in the stirrup cause the thing kept moving. Now I wasn’t expecting him to tell me anything but he did which I’m glad for. My right tube was great, but my left tube was blocked. So I assume I will be needing surgery to open it up but I’m not 100% on that. I have a follow up with my regular OB in a couple of weeks and she will fill me in on next steps. I am absolutely relieved that they found something and it’s fixable. I was a little emotional about it but in a good way.
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davidwfloydart · 2 years
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Ignorant, bigoted fucks… #prolifersarehypocrites #prolifersbelike #homosexuality #gaylife #dragshow #rainbowbaby #ignoranceisachoice #bigotrysucks #bigotrykills (at Catalina Foothills, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqB3TZ-v-6aCHPVsd5-8Pl_UgVFPq8K9vjAXB80/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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raising-robin · 5 months
CD 24 9DPO
I’m 2 days away from AF who could make an appearance. I’m not overly hopeful this month. We’ve not been focused on it. I was away for a big chunk of our fertile window with friends for a much needed break from everything. We did manage to catch ovulation when I got back. So there’s a chance. Normally when I hit his day I’m itching to test but this time I’m kind of thinking I’ll wait till Friday and see if the period turns up and if it doesn’t then I’ll test. But also know come tomorrow I’ll probably take a test and it’s negative then I’ll know my periods coming. There’s always next month which is probably when I’ll actually start tracking again properly.
Guess it’s a wait and see.
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raising-addy · 2 years
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We are just a few short days from being 10 months! How this year is flying by. You are trying to walk, you have 2 teeth, you’re eating more and more table foods, you love clapping and waving to everyone. I love you with my entirety Addy and I am so blessed to have love you these past few months. I’m still in disbelief that I’m going to soon have a 1 year old 🥰
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clarechiara · 2 years
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5 Weeks Today • Can no longer fit in the preemie clothes. 😱 • Finally wearing all 0-3 months attires everyone has gifted to him. ❤️ • Fed on demand. Mama's supply can't keep up at this point. 😅 • Survived without #papahulk for a few days. #axelharmantl #lilsupertrooper #rainbowbaby https://www.instagram.com/p/CqR77qTpcwr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ratazzana · 2 years
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Mein Neujahreswunder ist da ✨🌈🎉
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tobedisappointeddial1 · 2 months
Infertility fucking sucks
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noetato · 2 months
I'm 29 years old now. Big brother Zidane is almost 10! I find myself coming back here to reread my old posts. A lot has happened this year! But I have a very big surprise... we are finally becoming a family of 4 ❤️ I really didn't expect this at all, but like last time... when I started to lose hope in being able to carry another baby, life just throws another baby. I wonder if my baby came back to me or has my baby sent a sibling for us to love 🩵 This time, it's hard for me to stay positive. My last pregnancy (miscarriage) took a toll on me. I developed a drinking habit... I wasn't super bad, but I noticed myself drinking more often than I usually do. I changed my habits and tried to look out for my health. Then I realized I was late and there it was a positive test!
So far, this pregnancy has got me on my toes. I'm so scared to mess this up. For my body to fail my baby again. Here is how my mind went for each ultrasounds so far :
7 weeks ultrasound : "Please show a beating heart..." Beautiful sound to ever hear and see!
10 weeks ultrasound: "Please still show a healthy growing baby and beating heart..." The cutest wiggly baby everrr!! (This scan was the most scariest scan for me because around week 11 of previous pregnancy (4 years ago), we found out our baby stopped growing at 8 weeks and no heartbeat...)
The doctor recommended taking baby asprin. Just for precaution.
(Pending 20-week anatomy scan) I am nervous and a little scared. I'm trying to be positive!
So far, this is how my pregnancy is going. I think I feel little kicks and moving around, but I'm not 100 percent sure. I'm currently 19 weeks and 5 days. I hope we have our Rainbow 🌈 baby. Here we go 🥰
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liareed · 4 months
📈Blissful Living: Daily Motivational Secrets
Serene mind, navigate life's twists.
Find solace, persist with resilience.
Sparkle with positivity and optimism.
Live with purpose and passion.
Perseverance unlocks limitless potential.
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ttc-baby · 7 months
March 10th
Today should be one of the happiest days of our lives. We should be giving birth to our precious angel baby, but instead we are here with empty arms and a broken heart. Today will be a rough day for the rest of my life. I pray that one day I will get to hold my babies tight on this day, but for now that seems like just a dream. I can only hope that these next few months bring some clarity to our fertility journey and we can move forward trying for another baby. Until then I’ll mourn the loss of our rainbow baby and be grateful for the opportunities that have been laid before me.
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dinablest · 4 months
🤝5 Ways to Inspire Joy
Dance in your own rhythm.
Embrace tranquility, nurture your soul.
Believe, achieve, love, thrive, conquer.
Dream big, then work hard.
Spread kindness, share joy, glow.
Free motivation gift inside. Tap Here now.😍
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raising-robin · 6 months
Well I guess I feel like I should post after taking a few days to process my feeling and I’ll be honest wallowing in my bed. I’m not sure how to put into words how I feel now. My rational head knows I’ve been through this before. It’s knows that it took me going through this 2 times before I got my beautiful Robin. But if anything it makes me terrified for the next pregnancy. I keep telling myself that it’s time to take a break and to go to the doctors and get some tests done to see if there is anything stopping me from being able to carry a pregnancy. Because it’s not getting pregnant that is the issue. It’s staying pregnant. So clearly there is something else going on. But the idea of stopping and having to wait even longer for that baby just makes me hurt more. I want a baby and I don’t want to have to wait months for tests that could tell me nothing. But at the same time I’m terrified to go through this again. Although this was the earliest I’ve miscarried any of my pregnancies so there may have been other reasons for it. I know that it may not be that simple. Some days I look at robin and think I could be that mum that is lucky enough to just have the one child. I love him like nothing else. He is the reason why I got out of bed every day and carried on. Because I couldn’t not look after him. He was also the one that reminded me how amazing it is the have a child. To have a little person that even when you feel the lowest you have ever felt can bring a smile to your face. He reminds me why I am willing to go through all this again. He is my rainbow baby. The light after the storm that threatened to take me under. So I know this pain and grief is worth it if it means I get another child. But I also know I should be greatful for the child I was lucky enough to have. And if that is all I get I should be happy with it. But I know a part of me will always long for another child. I’m not done.
I will make a dr appointment as soon as I can and just ask for a blood test. Hopefully it’s something simple and easy to fix. But I won’t be stopping trying. It’s what I’ve agreed with and then if I do end up pregnant again I will go straight to the doctors and hope that they’ll keep a close eye on me. I know there’s nothing they can do if I miscarry early again before 7 weeks. But maybe they’ll at least do blood tests to make sure all my levels are good. I don’t know. I just can’t lose the hope that I’ll have the chance to have another baby. Because I’m pretty sure I will never full recover from that.
Today I’m greatful for my child and the love he shows me everyday. And I will hold onto that.
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lucyglad · 4 months
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Follow your heart, conquer fears. Believe in yourself, reach higher. Be resilient, bounce back gracefully. Value your time and energy.
Tap now, see aesthetic treasures.
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dallasphotographer · 6 months
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Waiting for the miracle after the storm
Maternity photographer in Dallas
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