#rain world update
batwards-running · 6 months
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Yeeks, if the update actually made them look good and not super glitchy and weird.
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libartz · 2 years
Day 1 of Downpour
Big Sad. Even though I have completed both Survivor and Hunter, I've reset the game a couple times in the past while messing with mods so it doesn't acknowledge it. I can't play any of the new slugcats until I beat Survivor again :(
Fortunately I had a file saved from just before FP which still worked, and I just got through and down the other side, and about to enter CC. I did spot a few new things though just in Survivor
Already loving the remix features. That option for a gradient that shows what pits kill you is amazing.
Another new feature I like: tunnels into region gates now have a unique entrance marker.
There are some new achievements that go towards passages. One was called 'nomad', and it might be gained by sleeping cycles in a new shelter or region. Pilgrim is also now counted ingame
In the recursive transform array (bugzapper area), I found this weird new creature that I was not expecting. I'm calling it a hydra, it's a glowy green thing with multiple heads on long necks. I expected it to be dangerous so threw a spear when I got near it and it turned hostile, flashing red and chasing me. It ran into a zapper and dropped these cores kind of like big overseer eyes. I was going to grab one to take to LTTM for an explanation but then I died and I couldn't get it to zap itself again. It seemed interested in the spears floating around. It could be the garbage worm of FP.
Just before the systems bus there's one of a new collectible type, they show as red. It was either a map or a creature for safari mode.
In the room just below the echo on the wall appears to be a way into a new region, unless it's somehow a leftover from the region mods I had installed before. I couldn't go in and it had nine squares instead of a karma symbol. I assume it's restricted to the new characters.
Also it might be just me but I feel like there are more neurons in FP than there were before
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ask-the-pioneer · 5 days
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An uncanny visitor appears at a local merchant outpost…
"Our kind has dwindled in this locality ever since the Beast of Bones arrived. Those who lived, remain under her reign. It is but poethic irony that the unrest waned and peace returned only after the reins of power were seized by the monster who caused it all in the first place. She inspires both fear and respect, but the nature of her race makes her an unpopular ruler. Some appreciate the protection from relentless waves of vultures that still plague these lands, yet some would rather see the Chieftain gone, even if it meant the collapse of union of local tribes."
"It has been a long time since I last saw another slugcat around here. They were all pushed out when the clans expanded. Were you not attacked on sight? Ever since the takeover, the tribes will not tolerate your kind. You are lucky your pelt is blue. Were you red, you'd be killed on the spot…"
// Rubble Atop Rubble (brown scav) and Pollen Dancing in the Wind (pink scav) belong to @pinustree
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ask-looks-to-the-moon · 10 months
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obsob · 2 years
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peace n love on th planet cat (all are prints! for ur loves! link )
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starlitmeadows · 1 year
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i met a slugpup in Rubicon during my second Saint playthrough
i don't have a -slightest- idea how this is possible but i think we were both equally horrified by the fact
named him Surv because how the fuck did you get here little man you're not supposed to be here
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flickering-nightfall · 8 months
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Design doodle dump! Lots of slugcat thoughts.
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shkika · 1 year
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Moonie! A small and friendly critter.
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iwantbrioche · 6 months
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the mold
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snailfen · 1 year
throwback to an old rot!moon au i made where pebbles stays healthy. in this au arti doesnt lose her pups, however they become very sick so she brings them to pebbles. he offers to cure them in exchange for artis abilities to fight the rot and keep it off of the precipice (and slow moons rotting, if possible)
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because this is dangerous, obviously this means pup-sitting for pebbles.
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rest of my plans can be observed under the cut below
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ask-moon-and-pebbs · 9 months
Is Pebbles alright? He looks like he got put in timeout
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libartz · 2 years
Still survivoring. Reached LTTM with some items and will go for the end next.
After giving three neurons to moon I passaged back to five pebbles to investigate the hydra some more. And got killed by it! They turn red and hostile if you grab a neuron, and may turn green again if you let it go. It grabbed some of the debris floating around and threw it at me, and ended up killing me with a spear. On reload it died to a zapper, and I managed to get one of its eyes and took it back to moon.
Also! Much less happy about the ‘key items come with you on passages feature’ because it didn’t work on the neurons or eyes like I thought it would. I’d collected like ten neurons in a shelter for a mega-delivery which didn’t happen. And I’d swallowed a neuron rather than an eye so I had to go back again to get it, wasting another 2 passages. That’s on me for trusting the feature without a backup 🤦‍♀️
Anyway, when I gave her the eye she had new things to say about it. Which essentially says it’s a large organism for protecting the other smaller organisms in iterators so they can do their job.
Super minor but the shaded citadel now has edible lilypads in the water that glow slightly.
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goldenspecks · 9 months
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various ßings
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Moon talks with her current administrator!
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amenalyme · 6 months
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Hiiiiii!!! I'm making iterator shaker charms!! Preorders open until APRIL 10TH but they'll be available later on as well, though I'll try to throw in something extra for preorders c: Don't miss out on the opportunity to personally give five pebbles brain damage https://amenalyme.etsy.com/listing/1692060676
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raintailed · 6 months
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monk fans come get yalls juice!!!!!!!!!!
Like many other members of Gourmand's colony, Monk has fluff, dark splotches, and white markings. Plus he has sparkles thanks to distant nightcat ancestry (the sparkles can persist for generations)! The heterochromia matches both Survivor and Saint too :]
The whole karma flower thing is bc this fluffy boy is Attuned!! He doesn't have flowers as a pup because he's not connected to the cycle yet at that age (by the time Monk's campaign starts, he's old enough to respawn after death and all that)
transcript under the cut, plus a version without flowers (and left arm lol)
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Notes transcript:
Sunrise, "The Monk;" he/him
Left Side
whiskers are optional
kinda short
soft, curly fur
always has a karma flower tucked behind ear
plump tail
right ear leans forward
sometimes wears a ponytail
grows more flowers when karma is ≥ (greater than or equal to) 5 or is reinforced
flower growth is concentrated on tail
Right Side
sparkles glow in the dark
back pattern
pup version has no sparkles or flowers
The doodle in the upper right says "lizards deserve a lil kissy on the snoot :]"
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