#railway coaches
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The express coaches and their real-life basis; Southern Railway Maunsell coaches.
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ladychandraofthemoone · 4 months
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Some Midlander and coaches and trucks I did for my final project at Sculpture I did last week, everyone loved it, someone even took photos it’s was worth the wheels constantly breaking off-
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Bonus: oops it looks like Midlander had a bit of an accident-
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Rail Car ZHESM / NS BC 9911 (1908) Spoorwegmuseum (Railway Museum) Utrecht, Netherlands
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masterj · 2 months
Shoutout to Sooty Will on Youtube, for his latest episode of his series which has to be the best adaptation of The Missing Coach I've ever seen, hands down. Some great comedy in this! :)
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railway-roundhouse · 5 months
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Me, my father, and my brother all went out to Dollywood today and I nearly cried seeing Cindy pull up to the station. Her fellow engine, Klondike Katie, is currently not working (I believe she broke a part not very long ago) but I'm sure they're taking good care of her as I write this post!
Cinderella and Klondike Katie are both genuine coal burners, and I can attest to this because lovely Cindy got some coal bits on my pants lol. Cindy's got a gorgeous whistle and I am thrilled to have gotten to meet her. The girls are 36" gauge 2-8-2 locomotives originally built by Baldwin, Cinderella is #70 whilst Klondike Katie is #192. Cindy was built in 1938, Katie in 1943, and the conductor who spoke to us on the ride called Cindy a war vet...but Katie is too, because she was built for the US Army Transportation Corp!
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(I also got these >:3)
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old-square-wheels · 2 years
Wuh oh looks like I completely redid my Thomas model :O
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So yeah I made the old version of this way back when I first started modeling and found that it looks a little amateurish. But now I'm big, I'm grown, I know a paintbrush like tha back of my boney hands, I will be Tumblrs #1 railway modeller (maybe :/).
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One of the big things I wanted Tomtom 2.0 to have was his extended side tanks. HOWEVER the original Hornby model that I used didn't have such extensions so after stripping the previous paint off I chopped off the air compressor and the other bit as they were in the way and fashioned myself some tank extensions using foam board and thin Plastikard. Once they were glued on nice and strong I used Liquid Green Stuff that I got from my local Warhammer shop to fill in the seams (to varying levels of success).
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After priming it again I used my newly acquired airbrush to spray on the blue coat. Gold accents were added to the rims of the windows and the cab doorway(?) as well as his builders plates, the safety valve and the two bits on either side of the smoke box whose names and use escape me. Being a big fan of Awdry's models and chimney caps in general I gave Thomas's chimney a quick bedazzle which I think looks wicked.
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While waiting for the transfers for the lining to arrive I gave Thomas some lamp irons what were made from a couple of staples and painted black to fit.
Once the transfers had been transferred from Fox Transfers' warehouse and into my room I started the long and tedious process of lining the thang. The lettering is of Great Western origin and the 1s were made using the back of an R.
To finish up I gave him some vacuum brake pipes and only one chain link coupling on his front buffer beam as the other one got dragged into the fog never to be seen again (I lost it). REAL COAL was also added to his bunker which is well neat, innit?
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the-orient-express · 5 months
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Finally it's done, one of my planned illustrations for one of my fan fictions which I've been working on for years. This drawing took me roughly a week and I had to work with a lot of textures to achieve a little bit of realism. The background photo is one I took in Ireland years ago. The drawing of the LMS Duchess of Sutherland in the mirror is also one I made back in 2015 if I remember correctly.
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duskstargazer · 8 months
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Despite being allocated to Thomas’s branch line, Annie and Clarabel would work on the main line from time to time. Thomas was always anxious about them whenever this was to take place.
One morning, he had every right to be concerned.
“You’re going too fast!" Gilbert shouted, angrily.
The only reply was a bark of laughter from the front of the train.
“Heavens, is he always like this?” Annie groaned, her wheels already beginning to ache.
“He’s new,” Edgar sighed, “but from what we’ve seen, he’s - ow! - got a lot to learn.”
“I miss Thomas already…” Clarabel sighed.
“So do I, dear,” Annie replied, gloomily. “So do I.”
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thomastanker02 · 3 months
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A Missing Coach redraw. Hope you enjoy
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lomotunes2008 · 1 month
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greateasternj69 · 2 months
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Vintage week on the North Norfolk Railway and there were plenty of vintage coaches out on the line today.
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jobey-wan-kenobi · 1 year
Untitled fic number 66?
This one also goes out to @weirdowithaquill!
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So, this is for a fic that was meant to be a "day in the life" sort of deal, a sort of spiritual prequel to Ex Condor, but this time it is Edward in 1947.
Although it's an "ordinary day" (at least—it starts as one) there are mounting clues (and Thomas coming right out and saying it) that the engines are anxious about what nationlisation is going to mean for them. (There are rumours that the Fat Director will move to Manchester to become controller of the entire Midland region! Which is actually their best-case scenario, but still a daunting prospect.) It is also helpful to know that this is in the same universe where Topham Hatt and Charlie Sand have some mutual tension that everyone tries to shove under the rug in order to carry on with things.
This scene is technically at/right after the climax of the plot. I still plan to finish and publish the whole fic one of these days but it might be years. In the meantime, we all already knew that FC1 would retain control of the North Western even under nationalisation so how much of a "spoiler" is this? I ask you.
I also ask you to consider that early RWS!Edward — eager, childlike, and wholehearted — is really freakin' cute, and you do not want to wait years to read this.
​​The return had to be the best run of Edward’s life. Clarence hushed him a good few times, when Edward absent-mindedly began to sing; the engine had no idea how the saloon could keep so calm but he did appreciate it, for without being checked he should have shouted the news from the hilltops. The joy throughout the whole train was palpable, and he felt it in his very heat-pipes. At first he didn’t have much steam to spare for self-control or rational thought… though a good eighty or ninety miles in and it all the sudden became easy. His wheels went numb and seemed to pound along of their own accord, his heart was somewhere up in the stars, and he was simply at one with the night. 
The journey seemed to merge into eternity, and yet it was all too soon that they approached old Furness territory, came to the bridge, went through the tunnel, encountered the gradual side of their own hill. When they pulled into their own station at quarter to two, Edward felt both exhausted and sure that he could have gone twice as long. It was a wonderful heady rush. Little wonder, that it had taken Gordon two decades to stop regaling them all with reminisces of when he had been run-in on the East Coast Main Line. Edward whistled for first one triumph, and then again for the other. And then again because he was laughing and couldn’t help it. 
There had never been such a night as this. It must be a dream. It was all too good to be true. 
But controller, assistants, and crew all disembarked, and they were in just as high spirits. The small party in Clarence had evidently had a drink or three to celebrate, and Mr Hatt was remarkably light on his feet. 
On the platform, he and Mr Sand accidentally made eye contact, and Mr Sand cracked, ducking his head to partially hide a slow grin. “Well done, sir,” he said, sounding as though the words were being pulled out of him against his will, “congratulations.” And then Mr Hatt smiled too, and somehow everyone collectively burst into deep belly laughs. They all clasped hands and shoulders yet again, as if they needed the touch to be sure everyone else was real. Edward whistled again, sheerly for seeing them so happy, and even Clarence went so far as to eye the noisy little gathering with a certain benevolence. 
“Good news, sir?” enquired the stationmaster, emerging from the house, in full uniform and looking harried.
“Does it look bad?” retorted the Fat Controller, all booming merriment. “I cannot announce it tonight. But conjecture, man; conjecture!” 
“Very good, sir.” The stationmaster flashed a sincere if baffled smile of his own, but went on soberly: “I beg your pardon, sir, but we need Edward down the branch line; the harbor train still hasn’t been taken; and there’s a gentleman on the phone for you, he’s been calling every hour—”
Every other man present gave a good-natured, even rather chucklesome groan. 
“Ahh,” said one of the assistants. “Right back into it.” 
“Our carriage is about to turn back into a pumpkin,” sighed the other, amused. 
“If it’s Manchester,” the Fat Controller told the stationmaster, “then never mind. I’ve taken care of it. Tell them to read the papers tomorrow.” 
“I’m afraid it’s Ulfstead, sir.” 
The Fat Controller, still smiling broadly, sighed and ground the palms of his hands against his eyes. “And to think I fought to keep this job. Very well, stationmaster. I will be just a moment. But I must overrule your arrangements for the harbor train. This engine and his crew have earned a rest.” 
“We have a relief crew at the ready. But the loaner is still laid up, and Myron was re-routed to the mainland. There are no engines in steam to be had. If not Edward, we’ll have to ask the L.M.S. to take it—”
“Give them a last hurrah,” said Mr Sand flatly. “Makes no odds now. This engine is off-duty.” 
“No, indeed,” protested Edward, only a little breathless. “I’m up for it! That train’s none too heavy nor fast. The L.M.S., indeed!” 
Mr Sand chuckled a bit, but shook his head and sounded firm. “I know you’re flying high now. But you’re going to feel this, tomorrow.” 
“I’m sorry to contradict, driver, but that just is what it is. We can’t pass off that train, tonight of all nights.” Edward whistled without even realizing it. “The L.M.S.! To-night!” 
Everyone except the stationmaster, knowing well the source of this indignation, simply had to laugh for sheer pride all over again.
“Ahem!” the Fat Controller coughed pointedly, “I believe I am the one who makes these decisions. In fact I have a little piece of paper here that says so…” 
This time even the stationmaster genuinely smiled. The outcome of Mr Hatt’s emergency meeting was becoming more and more obvious each passing minute. 
The Fat Controller, chuckling at his own joke and his own victory, held his watch up to the lamplight, and then carefully pocketed it. “Stationmaster, tell his lordship I have just arrived and will call him back on the hour. I trust I may use your phone, and, in the meantime, my men will fill you in. We won’t say no to a little hospitality, either. Driver, Edward will take the harbor train. I assure you that I shall have his morning timetable covered so that he may have a lie-in. If you insist that only you can prepare him properly I am sure the relief won’t argue with you. And Edward—” He turned around, and added with great seriousness. “Thank you.” 
Edward blushed. It was plain that his controller was referring to more than taking on the harbor job. It was even a great deal more than simply the ride he had been given that evening. 
It encompassed all the thirty-odd years of reasons that the Fat Controller had not wanted Myron to be the engine to take him, not on this occasion, and Edward was warmed through, deeply touched. “My pleasure, sir.” 
After the Fat Controller spoke another few low words to Clarence, Edward took him away to the carriage shed. Clarence yawned a little, once they were out of sight and earshot of the lit station. Perhaps the strange comment about turning into a pumpkin had shaken him out of his usual reserve.
“That was probably the last important turn of duty I shall I ever have,” he mused aloud, as he was shunted into place under shelter. 
“Nonsense,” said Edward. “You’re wanted quite often, and there’s no new saloon coming.” 
“I said important turn of duty. I know I shall take the directors and their wives to many another picnic or club, and you will never hear me murmur a word against it. But that was the last of the backroom deals where history is written that I shall ever host.” 
“The last, and the greatest, I suppose?” 
“I did not say that.” Clarence sighed his eyes closed, but he was smiling a little too, well-satisfied with himself. “But this much I suppose I may say. It has been a fine life, collecting secrets.” 
“And never telling them,” Edward said… a little too gravely. 
Clarence, being no fool, opened one sleepy eye. 
“You’re just a locomotive. You wouldn’t understand.” 
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ladychandraofthemoone · 2 months
Since the RWS and early TVS depict coaches as sentient, even the faceless ones, are the coaches, including Emily's coaches, sentient in this universe? If so, what are their names and personalities and what do they think of one another (for example, what do Emily's coaches think of Annie and Clarabelle?)?
Hello 👋
Yes, a majority of the coaches are sentient, non-faceless coaches are more common on the narrow gauges railways like with Skarloey, Rheneas, Sir Handel/Falcon, Andreas (a few being faceless like with the miniature gauge lines there’s still some with faces along with trucks but it’s not as common as other gauges)
As for Emily’s coaches, they are sentient and have their own personalities and names (I’m torn between Elodie, Elliot, and Elwyn or Morgan, Martha and Martin/Marvin for their names) they get along swell with Annie and Clarabel plus the other coaches though two of them, (I’m not sure which names cause I’m still thinking but it was the guy and the girl of the group) had a bit of negative attitude towards the other coaches, thinking of themselves as superior and were quite a terrible influence, I’ve based it off a fanfiction I’ve on DA where it was during Emily’s HiT era persona and it rubs off of them though I’m changing it a lot)
Over all they along quite splendidly like with Dexter the mobile school coach despite him being an oddball (sure it’s the classic case of them thinking he’s strange but have come around to accept it) I’ve even made some coaches oc for certain characters as well (names are still a WiP though pfft-)
Thank you for the ask 🤩😊
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the-time-lord-oracle · 6 months
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One thing to note about Wooden Railway's models of BoCo and the Knapford express coach is that they shared the same base model.
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feigeroman · 2 years
My NRM Visit
The other day, me and my mum embarked on a grand adventure to the National Railway Museum. Having previously tried and failed to visit on two previous occasions, we naturally made the most of our day there. I in particular took many, many photos, and there now follows but a small sample of these:
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It wouldn’t be a Tumblr post without a crab, and so we start with an LMS Crab 2-6-0 - this is in fact the first of the class, LMS #13000 (later #2700).
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LMS Royal Saloon #799. Originally built in 1941 as an armoured saloon for the Queen Mother, who used it to travel around the country to boost morale during the War. This saloon was used by the Royal Family right up until 1977, when the present royal train came into service.
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GNR J13 0-6-0ST #1247. This was the first steam engine ever to be privately purchased direct from British Railways, in 1959. Mum for scale.
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Waterloo Station 1967 by Terence Cuneo. Exactly what it says on the tin. As with all of Cuneo’s paintings, this one is crammed with all sorts of little details and cameos (including his trademark mouse, who is sitting on top of the Johnnie Walker advert to the right).
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SECR D Class 4-4-0, #737. Not a whole lot to say about this one that hasn’t been said already. I just included it here to provide context for the next photo. Speaking of which:
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Pullman coach Topaz, with whom #737 currently shares exhibition space. Rather than the traditional chocolate-and-cream, this Pullman carries its original crimson livery, which seems to have been the inspiration for that worn by the Pullmans seen in Thomas.
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BR (SR) Merchant Navy 4-6-2 #35029, Ellerman Lines. As you can see, she’s been cut in half to more easily demonstrate how a steam locomotive works. Which is pretty neat, even if it does make for a rather grisly spectacle.
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Furness #3 0-4-0, Coppernob. Also known as that engine who used to be on display in Barrow-In-Furness, and still carries literal battle scars from a 1941 air raid on that town. Also also known as Nobby, if you’re @mean-scarlet-deceiver​ or any of their followers.
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LNER A4 4-6-2 #4468, Mallard. I couldn’t not take a photo of the world’s fastest steam engine (whose 126mph record was quantified by the dynamometer car just visible in the background).
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And finally, the little blue bugger himself - specifically an RG Mitchells kiddie ride from about 1994.
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oldirontender · 2 years
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WHY IS IT NOT ON SPOTIFYYYYY 😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬💢💢💢🤬🤬👹👹👹👹👿👿👿👿🤬🤬🤬🤬
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