hugovance · 1 month
"Oh no, it's fine, Mr. Wyl is sporting and spirited if anything." Hugo spoke with that same smile he always wore. Some would say he spent a lot of time in his political form and while that could arguably be true, he was also the kind of man who knew it was better to start with a smile. His mother always told him that people remember a man with a warm and welcoming smile.
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Hugo spoke to the bartender and then put his attention back on her. "You look inspired if I say so myself. Personally, I find myself disappointed there's not a single Ugg boat in the crowd." Hugo laughed at his own joke as he finished his drink, glad for the new one coming his way.
"I'm quite well. I don't know if you've heard but I've been elected MP of Greenwich. Quite an accomplishment, well on my way I'd say. I would introduce you to Ellie Swann, she's somewhere. Perhaps speaking to her brother." He turned back to her. "Tell me how you are."
who: @daceystvrk where: 2000's party, costume notable deets: high school sweethearts that ended after graduation with the pair going down different paths. very good terms.
"Ryon Wyl took my bandanna which I think really tied the whole thing together."
Hugo spoke as he rested against the bar, the obvious choice was for him to choose something closer to how he actually dressed back in those days but that wasn't fun so he went for the other trend he saw sweep through suburbanites of Vermont, gang culture and he did always enjoy Malibu's Most Wanted, it was perfect. As soon as they played Wanksta he would solidify his victory if he ignored Ben Shady in the corner.
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"How are you Dacey? It's been quite some time hasn't it?" The young man smiled and took a drink from his cup, paused and then finished it. "Bit watered down. You want one?" He offered as he turned to the bartender.
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hugovance · 1 month
who: @daceystvrk where: 2000's party, costume notable deets: high school sweethearts that ended after graduation with the pair going down different paths. very good terms.
"Ryon Wyl took my bandanna which I think really tied the whole thing together."
Hugo spoke as he rested against the bar, the obvious choice was for him to choose something closer to how he actually dressed back in those days but that wasn't fun so he went for the other trend he saw sweep through suburbanites of Vermont, gang culture and he did always enjoy Malibu's Most Wanted, it was perfect. As soon as they played Wanksta he would solidify his victory if he ignored Ben Shady in the corner.
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"How are you Dacey? It's been quite some time hasn't it?" The young man smiled and took a drink from his cup, paused and then finished it. "Bit watered down. You want one?" He offered as he turned to the bartender.
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hugovance · 2 months
Hugo didn't have the ability to say yes or no but he would explain why it could be an issue before he presented the suggestion to the Queen and then he would also tell her why it could be a bad idea. The Lord of Wayfarer smiled easily, the young lord wasn't one who relied on charm but friendliness. He relied on people understanding his nature as one that came without threat. Hugo was only a threat when forced to draw his blade and even then, he did not know how he would match up with the boy who went to war and survived. Alas, this was not a fight for House Vance held no ill-will with their fellow Rivermen.
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"That's a wonderful suggestion, my lord. It does present an issue, by allowing your men to stay in Harrenhal it sends a message that Harrenhal belongs to House Blackwood." And it did not. This would come up again, he imagined, and if he went to the hand the hand would say no in a way only Rivermen could. And Hugo was not in the mood for such...long conversations about blood feuds.
"Though, I will happily speak with the Queen and the Castellan, only to let the Castellan know what the Queen willed of course. Who was the Castellan after the...incident with Ser Simon. Rather unsettling and unfortunate incident that it was. "Though, I am sure there will be no problem with you taking up space where one would have seen pavilions in the time of tourneys. Outside castle itself. It's sure to deter brigands and the like. At least until I can hold court with the queen herself."
ben found his head nodding as he listened to hugo's proposition. it was a sound plan, one that was in the best interest of the riverlands as a whole. he respected it, and for that, he was happy to lend his sword. if nothing else, it would be a distraction from the monotony of ruling a keep, and the fact that, in peace time, he found himself unnecessary, unable to offer anything of value, even on the small council. he liked it.
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"done," he said, as though it were as simple as that. perhaps it was. "let me know how many men you will need, and you can have as many as my house has to spare, and my own sword if you have need of it." he would need to speak with maggie and lucius about the latter statement. it was not until he spoke the words that ben realised that may be easier said than done, but when ben wanted to do something, it was difficult to deter him from his course of action.
"if i may make a suggestion, my lord?" he offered. "if harrenhal is to remain empty, it may be worthwhile to establish a camp there for riverland soldiers to use as a base. a training ground of sorts. that way, it may deter any undesireable influence taking root in the area, and the crown won't need to waste money on rebuilding it." he had cut his teeth on war camps, rather than in raventree hall's training grounds. a simulation of such an environment would surely be beneficial to boys looking to become men.
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hugovance · 2 months
"The Queen has named me the Sentinel of the River Road and in that my goal is to create a stretch of the king road safe from highwaymen, robbers, rapers, and the like. We would like for House Blackwood to offer men to protect the road from your stretch of the road and into the lands of Harrenhal. Such an empty castle, people with no Lord to rule over them. It gives way to chaos, our new queen does not need chaos. From anyone."
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Hugo hoped he sounded as cordial as he practiced when he spoke with his mother during the practice run of these speeches. She used to be wonderful when it came time to give speeches to all those around. He crossed his arms behind his back as he looked around them, glancing over the open grounds. It was a new place. They were in a better place. Hugo pushed his hair off his forehead.
There was the other matter they would have to discuss eventually. They would need to control their houses in other ways. No more skirmishes. River men were prideful, they were bold. They would continue to war over things no one could remember. Sin begat sin and on again until every sin was the same as the last and all that mattered was getting ahead.
there were certain truths about benjicot blackwood. he was eager to prove himself, certainly, but with a mind that had been shaped in its formative years for war and war alone, he was equipped with limited tools in which to do so. often, his way of proving himself ended up as shows of strength, funnelled into his quarrels with the brackens. and yet, despite this, he was not an unapproachable man. there was no malice in his expression upon hugo's approach, his expression open, the smile of greeting crossing his face easily and naturally.
his eyebrow raised in curiousity, ben nodded his head. "i have some time, yeah."
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he was uncertain what this conversation would be about. on the small council, they perhaps were polar opposites, hugo's role to keep the riverlands secure and ben's as master of war becoming much more prominent when safety and security were no longer an option. perhaps there was a natural overlap there, and maggie was always telling him they would need to strengthen their ties to other houses. perhaps there was an opportunity there. was he finally thinking as a lord at last?
"how can i help, lord vance?"
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hugovance · 3 months
who: @benblvckwood what: on his mission to ensure the river road has men available lord hugo vance catches up with the lord of blackwood to make a request.
There was no certainty in knowing what sin began the blood feud between the neighboring houses of the Riverlands. There was never a certainty as to who struck first or who struck too hard. No one ever knew where to begin or end but every generation born carried one fact forward. They hated each other and it was a hatred that would exist until one of both houses went extinct. And Hugo Vance certain didin't wish for that to happen for their was value in both Bracken and Blackwood.
"My lord of Blackwood, if you have a moment."
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Hugo had a plan in asking for men eager to see other bleed and perhaps the need could be met in other ways, ways that didn't involve more bloodshed among lords. They needed unity. They queen sat on shaky ground. He was not the hand. His duty was safety and security and that held it 's own important when securing the queen's realm. Men fought for a ruler that protected them.
The plan was simple, make a request of Bracken men to protect the road from the kneeling man inn to their lands and he would steer the Blackwoods the other way, from their stretch of river road to the Harrenhal. It would be perfect. They wouldn't cross paths and hopefully wouldn't be full of fool boys eager to kill the lifelong enemies they've never seen.
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hugovance · 3 months
who: @iona-tully what: the newly appointed sentinel of the riverlands meets with his queen to speak with her regard the security for the upcoming event and to show her gratitude for this chance for house vance to prove themselves.
"There will be an increased presence of men along the roads and around the festival. The goal is to ensure you see men in armor but also men in uniform and those with mail under their tunics who won't be seen." Hugo kept his arms folded as he looked down at the scroll that held a drawing of everything he explained to her. There was a hope to make sure that even people were unaware of being watched they were more than likely being watched. These gatherings were unsafe but this one would be the safest in some time after their troubles, the attacks on their lords and smallfolk.
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The lord felt a pride at his new position, his love of history was still to be used along with his love for the people they needed to protect. There was much and more the smallfolk of the Riverlands needed to feel that safety once more. Along with that, there was a need to ensure the Queen was married and on the fast track to securing her throne with heirs. Queens made him nervous. Men would let thousands die to oppose queens.
"At the expense of House Vance we will be providing men with new swords and bald maces of iron oak for those working in the taverns."
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hugovance · 3 months
People said they found her charming and he disagreed with those people. Hugo Vance believed they found her pretty and ignored all else, such as the barrage of stupidity that left her side. Furrowing his brow he looked at her, was she trying to scare him? He supposed this was better than her incessant bullying him.
As she started to change her voice but his interest in that left him quickly as he started at what stood behind her. Death. There was death all around them. The dead took the shape of men but in the streaming light of morning he could see the light shining through the damaged armor. What or who had that been? Hugo looked at her to speak, only stopping when he saw her look just behind him.
Godsdamn her foolishness. They going to die. Men could not slay ghost.
"Well run! Run you idiot!" There was a push to get her started before he ranway.
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Hugo didn't know how long they ran or where they were but when he say a small building with the seven pointed star on it he ducked into the small building. They could not breach holy ground. That much he knew to be true. And as she came in behind he glared her, trying to catch his breath.
"Is everything a game to you, my lady?" He wanted to sound angry but fear and anxiety caused his voice to shake. "We'll have to wait before we depart. I thank you for coming to find me. How safe we are now." That held a bit more of the anger he intended and he was glad for it.
vivid dark brows seemed to furrow together as her emotions were betrayed across the open book that was her face; naive and impulsive, one saw flickers of confusion, irritation and anger all in great sweeping motions. she all but yanked his hand that grabbed a hold of her wrist, though it no doubt did nothing to cause him to release his hand from her. was this what he was truly like in nature? alone with her in the woods, he thought to put his hands on her with that angry look on his face?
"oi! you move yer stinkin' hands away or i'll be stickin' this twig somewhere yer can't be gettin' it out that easy from yer hairy-" her threat trailed off as she heard it: the same voice calling out the name of hugo now. it made her whole face go white, as much as she tried to tell herself she was thinking too deep into it.
but that did not mean it was ghosts? that just meant there were people looking to call them back to the bustling great hall for dinner, that did not mean they were doomed to be latched onto for an eternity by some malevolent spirit who had not crossed to the other world. or worse, not a spirit at all, but a demonic presence; something that had never been and never will be human.
she looked at his expression as he dropped her arm, and she was surprised to see genuine panic and fear cross his features.
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there was rustling, and it was only the sound of animals. "m'lord vance, c'mon now. i will guide ya into the light, ya little weasel." she taunted, her eyebrows raising, mocking; and then she picked up the bottom of her skirts, moving further toward the thickness of the woods. the overgrown branches. "what is it we meant to say?" and then she straightened her back, and put on a girlish voice.
"safe passage through the shadowed night, speak this rhyme and find the light. by the roots that grip the earth, turn away all spirits of worth." only her voice changed from girlish and sing song to a deeper growl, as though she were attempting to scare him as she suddenly stopped to stare at him deadpan. there was a beat of silence before she suddenly let out a shout, cracking up of laughter at the way he had jumped. "oh, yer face! poor thing!"
and it was in her laughter she saw a dark shadow sweep by behind him. tall. too tall. it made the laugh vanish from her lips.
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hugovance · 4 months
It was going well. He did not crush her toes. A series of northern knights were not rushing toward them and as they continued to dance he felt himself relax. the Lord of Wayfarer smiled at the woman before him. A laugh briefly leaving him. "I dare say you are a fine dancer yourself, your highness."
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As the music came to an end, he smiled, bowing forward as looked at her. "It was an honor dancing with you this evening. I have found that there are wonderful surprises all across this continent. And it's quite nice to find a Princess who is a lovely dance and quite charming as well."
"I sincerely thank you for accepting my offer." After an evening of rejections that ranged from polite to downright cruel giggles, he found himself feelin ga new confidence he was sure would carry him through the rest of this stay in King's Landing.
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hugovance · 5 months
Hugo looked at her as if she sprouted a second head and were breathing fire at him. He furrowed his brow and quickly followed her. What was wrong with her? Was she that irritated that she would ignore all that was taught to them? To all those who grew up in the Riverlands. Folks of the clover.
"What in the high heaves are ya doin' lass? Ya don't be answering things that call yer name." Hugo finally caught up with her and without a though grabbed her wrist as if she were an irresponsible child. As quickly as he forgot himself, he remembered and dropped her arm.
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As her arm dropped he looked up and listened to voice now saying his name. No one here was meant to be calling out to him. It make his skin turn cold, he felt overwhelmed. rustles came from one side and then the other it caused him to look at her. She was as annoying as his sister with half the brain. That's what he decided.
From behind them the voice came again. What were they do? Was it wise to keep moving forward? Perhaps. If they were to turn then maybe it was already waiting for him or he was being a child. Hugo began to find himself lost in thought as he tried to remember the rhyme they used to sing. What was it? It was more than a nursery rhyme, it was a warning. Used to scared and educate children alike.
brianna, to put it shortly, was incredibly stressed. the news of a few nobles of the court somehow deciding to stay some days in stone hedge to replenish their supplies to move onwards with their progression of the realm was an unwelcome one. one she had attempted to protest, though she had no real grounds to stand on; it were not as though the brackens were unable to host their fellow bannermen for a number of days. the real matter that lay at hand was the question of her mother, who usually tended to become more disruptive and confused upon seeing faces she did not know.
she did not wish for her mother to be the spectacle of the court, to become a source of gossip; the thought in itself was enough to make the sides of her lips turn downward. she ignored the panicked feeling in her chest as she stomped through the woods.
of course hugo vance had forgotten about the lunch they were all supposed to share, instead according to servants deciding to use the bright of day to hunt a bird he had enquired about. the sound of her boots crunched beneath the twigs and the leaves as she passed through the clearing of the woods, momentarily stopping to look around her. and then there he was.
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how she wanted to grab him by the ear and drag him back to the table. how she was angry for even being the one who had to go out and do such a thing as to fetch him, and despite protesting the servants would be faster, that was not true. brianna was more than aware of the thicketed woods that surrounded stone hedge, in her escapades of keeping the local deer fed.
she was going to open her mouth to respond to him, when she heard something in the distance, masked by the distant sounds of the red fork. the calling of her name. and in her annoyance, she had forgotten one of the main rules of the woods in the land of rivers- if you hear someone call your name, you didn't. "shut up, someone be callin' my name." she snapped, waving her hand as though to tell him to stop rambling about the bird.
and then she opened her mouth, and belted back into the direction of the sound her name was coming from. "aye, we're comin!"
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hugovance · 5 months
"You would be a fine champion as I'm sure you know, my brother. There is much and more that is said about the prowess of Northmen." He smiled, look around the, he hated the smell of the city but he was fascinated by the history attached to her. A place old and new all at one, he could still see signs of the war on the walls. "You must wonder the cost to rebuild all that's been damaged."
The people of Flea Bottom ate something called bowls of brown, something he'd once seen. A greasy bowl of mystery meat and whatever they could throw in with questionable bread. He would thankful for the drink but he wouldn't push his luck.
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"I dare say that it would be better to speak with the silent sisters then most people." Hugo jested, taking a drink, glad for it to be strong. Nothing was as strong as what they had in the Riverlands but it would do. "Quite a stuffy crowd."
"If you grew weary of fighting, you could always call upon me as your champion," Aleks offered, tone colored by faux valor. Not that he wouldn't fight for his friend when called to it, but he doubted this particular scenario would come into fruition. "That way you would certainly suffer no losses nor any hits to your reputation or coin."
He hummed, unsurprised at what Hugo revealed to him. "I don't doubt it." They stopped at one of the stands selling ale, boasting about its splendid quality. "What I do sometimes doubt, is the genuineness of some of the meat they sell here. Giving something a different name changes the taste entirely at times."
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Aleks bought two cups and handed over the coin, before extending one of the chalices to Hugo. "I dare say, some of the company is better in Flea Bottom, though."
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hugovance · 5 months
It was going well. He did not crush her toes. A series of northern knights were not rushing toward them and as they continued to dance he felt himself relax. the Lord of Wayfarer smiled at the woman before him. A laugh briefly leaving him. "I dare say you are a fine dancer yourself, your highness."
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As the music came to an end, he smiled, bowing forward as looked at her. "It was an honor dancing with you this evening. I have found that there are wonderful surprises all across this continent. And it's quite nice to find a Princess who is a lovely dance and quite charming as well."
"I sincerely thank you for accepting my offer." After an evening of rejections that ranged from polite to downright cruel giggles, he found himself feelin ga new confidence he was sure would carry him through the rest of this stay in King's Landing.
they began to dance, and dacey found herself lapsing into silence, focusing on the movement as much as she could. she didn't want to make a mistake - perhaps in the north, it would have been different, but there were too many eyes waiting for another court to make a misstep. she didn't want it to be her to do that for the north.
somehow, she seemed to be managing that. while her movements by no means came naturally too her, she was not as awkward or clumsy as she knew she could be. she even found herself enjoying it, and in her enjoyment, she relaxed a little.
"i think you've misled me, lord vance," she broke the silence, corners of her mouth twisting upwards in a half-smile. "you're a finer dancer than your words suggested." the compliment was utterly sincere. "thank you again for asking me."
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hugovance · 6 months
who: @briannabrackens summary: Childhood Rivalry: As children, Brianna and Hugo often clashed, with Brianna bullying Hugo for his studious nature. One day, while exploring the woods near Stone Hedge, they stumble upon an old ruin rumored to be haunted. Write a scene where they must work together to escape a dangerous situation, forcing them to confront their past animosity.
It wasn't odd for someone to see Lord Hugo Vance walking around with a bound book and a piece of charcoal in his hand as he wrote down or drew everything he came across. This time, as they were at Stone Hedge for the previous evening of festivities, he took the opportunity to use the more to look for a bird he'd only seen in the lands of the Brackens. While he would never just wander in their woods on a whim, he didn't see the problem if the court was there.
Then he heard something and as he turned around slowly, hoping ot catch sight of a doe, he saw Brianna Bracken and suddenly felt as if he was a little boy again. And despite before at least 6-7 months older than her she treated him like a small boy. Harsh words he tried to brush off. Her anger the product of a bored girl. That was his thought and he would stick with it.
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"Lady Bracken, you've a beautiful home. The woods of Stone Hedge are some of the nicest I've have the pleasure of exploring. There is a certain bird I hope to see again. Yet it's call remains a distant memory." Hugo didn't know why he spoke, why he said so much. He could not stop himself. The words were out. What would they do now? He was in her woods. It would be rude to just walk away.
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hugovance · 6 months
Fencing was the sport of lords, princes, and kings. The game of knights and champions. It was useful in battle and just as useful when entertaining those taking a look and placing their bets. A sense of pride came over him as he landed and the smile that crossed his face came and went and he nodded his head at the other, getting back into position. They were going to three. The winning blow would happen here.
"Lets see where it lands, aye."
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Their different fighting styles complimented them. As always, the final round would call for more from Hugo, the swiftness of his movements increasing with the force behind his swings. Not to hurt, not, the force wasn't as if he were on a battlefield. The fun of the contest was the change in pace and attempts to strike. Slash-and-parry, parry-and-stab. Step back, pivot, and parry. Parry. Parry.
And as he saw his opening, he lost it as quickly as it came, the delayed response followed the feeling of the others rapier hit his chest and the bell was rung.
"Lord Frey, luck's favorite wins again."
the sound of metal filled the chamber, the melodies of rapiers clashing mixing with the chatter of the gathered crowd. the lord of wayfarer's rest moved quickly, with a kind of elegance that the lord of the crossing lacked. even ones with the untrained eye could guess hugo vance had skill with the blade, and the adequate training adding to natural talent. declan's rapier made contact with skin, and the first point was scored. the frey did not answer hugo's compliment, he merely nodded his head in acknowledgement as the two men stepped back and waited for the second round to start.
at the sound of the bell, the duel resumed. the smarter option would be to conserve his strength and parry the man's attacks. even if hugo vance was more skilled, the movements could tire a man and leave him open for a counter-attack. but declan never did like to be backed into a corner. his physical strength already helped him once. the lord of the crossing chose the offensive once again. but it left him without a proper defense, and as he moved to jab, the other's swiftness prevailed, and declan could feel the rapier hit his side.
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"fair play, vance!" the frey lord said, genuine amusement visible on his features. he did not think he would be this entertained. still grinning, the lord retreated to the starting position once more. the third round would decide the winner of the match. "they say luck follows the clover folk," he spoke as he assumed his position. "let's find out who's the favourite."
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hugovance · 6 months
who: @ronanbrackens what: A longstanding feud between House Bracken and House Blackwood threatens to escalate, drawing the attention of King Casimir Tully. Ronan, determined to uphold his family's honor, confronts Hugo about his support for House Blackwood. Hugo, advocating for peace and reconciliation, tries to reason with Ronan, pointing out the destructive nature of the feud. Ronan, however, remains steadfast in his belief in the ancient code of blood feuds and challenges Hugo to a duel to settle their differences.
"We've no reason to go about this with conflict. I only mean to bring peace. Not just between Brackens and Blackwoods but between Tullys and Freys, me and mine own brother. A land cannot functioned when so fractured." The conversation was not going well and he should have known that, he should have known better than to start with Ronan Bracken. But, the other had a reputation for calmness and even though it started with Ronan asking him about his ties to House Blackwood, he thought it mattered to make it clear he took the side of the Riverlands. The people.
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Hugo kept his voice light, his tone one of a respect as he spoke to the man before him. He did not have a place on the council, he was an oft visiting courtier, a man who tracked the histories of the realm and shared them with the eyes of maesters of their King. He would chronicle everything of his this new age in the Riverlands for as long as long as the Gods allowed him to breathe.
"Ben Blackwood and I have been friends since boyhood. My friendship with Ben is one that's years old. Long before I knew of any Brackens, Freys, Mootons, or Tullys. House Vance of Wayfarer's Rest takes no part in your ancient blood feuds." Hugo was firm in his statement. "We are loyal to the crown and he who wears it. Our main interest is the realm existing in a place of peace and prosperity."
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hugovance · 6 months
who: @benblackwood summary: Shared Memories: Hugo and Ben recall their shared history and adventures, from their youth to the events of the Dance of the Dragons. They discuss how those experiences shaped them into the men they are today, bonding over their love of knowledge and history. context: set after ben is made master of war.
"And then, it was perhaps before the dance, when we were in the junior list and my father insisted I take part." Hugo could barely get the words out as he found a lightness and joy in the memories. The times before the dance made them the men of their great houses. "And when the lance landed on the others shoulders, I stabbed with such force I flew off my horse and landed flat on my back."
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They were sat in the quarters of Hugo Vance on the balcony looking over the stretch of rolling green hills and flowing rivers. It was something of a tradition. Meeting with the other lord and sitting down away from the courts of games and politics. A hand ran over his hair, the other hand reaching out to take the cup and take a long drink. In the aftermath of changes at court he thought it wise for close friends to meet.
"The region can expect to be much safe with you as our Master of War. Perhaps you will even be High Commander one day." He raised the goblet to the other. Some would whisper it was a demotion for his failings but it was a correction in the eyes of Hugo Vance. Ben Blackwood cut his teeth in the Dance of Dragons and it was wise to have him in a place where the Gods thought him most belonging."
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hugovance · 6 months
"We shall." Hugo felt this was going well. While he would never presume to add a princess to his list of possible names for marriage prospects, it could only bode well for the Lord to have a reputation of carrying himself with a gentlemanly natures. Something for Ladies and Princesses to speak about in their sewing and tea circles, whatever it was the ladies of Westeros chose to occupy themselves with.
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Dancing was something the Lord of Wayfarer enjoyed, as a boy he hated it. He hated being out there and having people watching him, making their comments or worse, snickering. Hugo learned it was better to become good at something, somewhere between good and great and leave them with nothing to laugh at.
The swell of the piano, the careful placement of his hands he danced with a Princess of the North and found himself worrying that he would trip over his feet, or that he would embarrass the Riverlands. And if whispers were to be believed, Hugo did not think the Riverlands could continue to survive embarrassments.
if dacey was more confident, more sure of herself, she likely would already be dancing without waiting for invitation from hugo vance of the riverlands. she would not care if she looked a fool, would not worry that people may look at her and laugh. 
but unfortunately, she did care. she didn’t want to embarrass herself, her brother or her country, and worst of all she didn’t want to embarrass the poor man who had asked her to dance. for a second, she wavered, considered changing her mind to spare him having to go through that. 
but then he spoke, with a self-deprecating joke that mirrored her own, and that was enough to banish doubts and set dacey stark at ease. She exhaled a quiet breath of laughter at his words. “either we are about to make a wonderful pairing, or the worst westeros has ever seen,” she mused. “Shall we find out?”
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hugovance · 7 months
"Let us not." Hugo nodded to the other, he would take him seriously as he thought it was the best way to respect your opponent. He didn't like being one of the knights who showed his amusement, one who let all see how much he enjoyed this fighting and this conflict.
They were Rivermen. Men of the Rivers, clover born. Well, he knew about some mockery of the Frey's being upjumped and the rumors they weren't truly clover. He knew not of the men who raised the Twins, what he knew now was that Declan Frey, Lord of the Twins, was in a Clover-born, Riverman. History was just that, history, all arrived from somewhere, many coming over the arm of Dorne. As a student history he appreciated any with a tapestry of rich color and history.
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Declan displayed his strength first, a full force strike that he met. Parry, parry, jab. He took a step back and looked at the other advancing once more. The song of rapiers was more a howl, a single note held out for a period of time, the sort of note you would here from the castrati of the Reach. When the other's rapier hit his wrist and earned Lord Frey the first point he smiled in his surprise. "Well met, reset." He took a step back in his stance waiting for the bell to ring.
the martial education of the lord of the crossing was not what one would describe as typical. the frey men all engaged in combat, that was beyond dispute. but just like their clandestine dealings all around the riverlands, the men of the crossing rarely engaged in fights that would be called fair. fair and just was for the pampered lords who used a duel as an exhibition - to show of their shiny feathers in front of anyone who would gape and admire. declan frey was used to fighting with his fists in the market, rather than with swords in grand chambers. but when the opportunity to challenge hugo vance appeared, declan could not resist. not when the lord of wayfarer's rest had the reputation of a good swordsman.
the lord of the crossing had mirrored his opponent, choosing a rapier as well, although his posture was less polished. he always was relying on strength rather than form. he grinned at the lord and his well-wished. "good luck, vance. let's not embarrass ourselves in front of the audience, shall we?"
with the rapier in his hand and his stance relaxed, the frey sized up his opponent. hugo vance was smaller than him, but that could be an advantage for the man. he could be quicker. he needed to watch out for his movements. force was the best option, so the lord of the crossing nodded and advanced first, swinging at the man with full force.
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