#raihan is muslim
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months ago
'WHY DOES HE HAVE ABS,MY EYES ARE FUCKING BURNING' < Twink who only likes bulky guys if they're fat instead of muscular seeing fanonized fanarts of his male faves
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mamadkhalik · 8 months ago
Saya beruntung memiliki masa kecil yang Islami. Mulai dari TPA yang seru, sekolah di SD Islam favorit, dan yang paling berkesan adalah diputarkan nasyid sebagai hiburan masa kecil.
Ada 1 grup Nasyid yang menjadi favorit hingga saati. Kumpulan lagunya membentuk paradigma sederhana bagi anak kecil, dan saat dewasa meresapi setiap bait lagunya memiliki arti yang cukup dalam. Kelompok itu adalah Raihan.
Dari lagu-lagu mereka saya belajar :
1. Puji-pujian : Kalimat Thayyibah.
2. Bismillah : Apapun agendanya harus dimulai dengan menyebut nama Allah.
3. Haji Menuju Allah : Kalimat Talbiyah, seruan untuk melakukan ibadah haji.
4. Iman dan Mutiara : Nyambung ke hadis anak sholih yang mendoakan orang tuanya.
5. Ya Rasulullah : Cinta Rasullullah.
Saat dewasa, lirik lagu terutama no. 4 dan 5 sangat dalam sekali maknanya.
Misal lirik, "Iman tak dapat diwarisi, dari seorang ayah yang bertakwa, ia tak dapat di jual beli, ia tiada di tepian pantai..."
Ini berarti saat kita dewasa pencarian jati diri dan kedewasaan spiritual menjadi titik penting. Karena saya selalu melihat anak kyai, pondok, alumni SIT ternyata tak menjamin kadar keimanan seseorang.
Ini membuktikan bahwa firman Allah benar adanya bahwa kita sebagai seorang beriman akan senantiasa diuji dengan lingkungan yang suportif sekalipun.
Atau lirik yang kadang membuat overthinking, "Yaa Rasulullah yaa habiballah, terimalah kami sebagai umatmu.."
Apakah kita yakin dengan umat yang terpecah belah ini, kita menjadi golongan yang diterima? Atau kadar keimanan yang berbanding lurus dengan amal sholeh untuk menciptakan manusia sesuai hadis Rasulullah: sebaik-baik orang adalah orang yang bermanfaat bagi orang lain. Sudah atau belum? Dan banyak hal lainya.
Raihan dengan nasyidnya menancapkan nasihat sederhana sebagai pengingat orang muslim.
Dan yang berkontribusi dalam fase hidup saya ini adalah orang tua.
Mereka yang bekerja keras untuk menafkahi, memberi makan halal, pendidikan dasar Islam yang baik, dan nasihat-nasihat yang mengikat karena hampir selalu memutar lagu raihan sebagai pengingat.
Dengan ini, saya ingin mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun teruntuk Bapak dan Ibu yang memiliki tanggal lahir yang sama. 30 Juni.
Semoga sehat selalu dan selalu menginspirasi dari hal-hal kecil bagi keluarga. Aamiin 🙏
*dari anakmu yang jarang pulang hehehe
Surakarta, 30 Juni 2024.
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Dalam rangka milad ke-26, aku menulis buku yang berjudul "Tapak Mula : Refleksi Menuju Separuh Abad"
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Tulisan edisi ramadhan, gue mau sharing ayat qur’an favorit gue: QS. Ibrahim 40
رَبِّ اجْعَلْنِي مُقِيمَ الصَّلَاةِ وَمِنْ ذُرِّيَّتِي ۚ رَبَّنَا وَتَقَبَّلْ دُعَاءِ
“Ya Tuhanku, jadikanlah aku dan anak cucuku orang yang tetap melaksanakan salat, ya Tuhan kami, perkenankanlah doaku”
Ayat ini adalah doanya nabi Ibrahim kepada Allah SWT agar menjadikan ia dan keturunannya muslim yang disiplin dalam beribadah. Kenapa ayat ini -dari sekian banyak ayat al-qur’an- menjadi ayat favorit gue?
Ceritanya pertama kali gue ngeh sama ayat ini adalah dari nasyid (lagu islami) punyanya Raihan, grup nasyid yang dari Malaysia itu. Doa ini, sekaligus artinya dijadiin lirik salah satu lagunya yang sayangnya gue lupa judulnya. Terus pas gue lagi ngaji, gue nemu doa itu yang ternyata ada di surat Ibrahim ayat 40. Sejak tau itu adalah doa nabi Ibrahim gue jadi sering membaca doa itu tiap habis sholat.
Sejujurnya gue tuh males banget sholat, bahkan untuk sholat wajib aja gue tuh masih males-malesan. Padahal segala teori tentang hukum sholat gue udah khatam. Yaiyalah, gue lulusan pesantren, masa’ ga tau, haha. Gue tau sholat tiang agama, sholat ibadah pertama yang dihisab, sholat mencegah maksiat, dll. Tapi tetep aja. Gue tuh kayak ga punya dorongan dari dalam diri gue buat sholat. Gue masih belum bisa melihat sholat itu sebagai kebutuhan, apalagi hiburan. Gue sholat ya sekedar menggugurkan kewajiban aja.
Mungkin hubungan gue dengan ritual ibadah itu udah jelek sedari gue kecil. Orang tua gue itu kan religius banget. Jadi dari kecil gue udah disuruh sholat. Kalo sholat telat dikit aja bakal kena omel. Tapi sayangnya orang tua gue cuman nyuruh aja, tapi lupa menanamkan hikmah sholat ke anak-anaknya. Mungkin pernah ngasih tau, tapi yang namanya menanamkan pemikiran itu ya harus berkali-kali. Sedangkan yang akhirnya kami tau ya hanya sekedar sholat itu wajib, kalo ga sholat masuk neraka.
Jadi sejak kecil gue udah belajar buat ngeles dan bohong. Bilang udah sholat padahal belum. Kalaupun sholat, sholatnya kayak ayam matok-matok tanah, alias ngebut bener. Semakin gede akhirnya gue paham sih pentingnya sholat, tapi sayangnya lalainya gue dalam sholat itu udah jadi kebiasaan yang mendarah daging. Ya bayangin aja lo dari kecil kayak begitu, pasti kebawa sampe gede. Jadi sampe sekarang sholat itu bagi gue masih beraaaatttt banget. Kayak butuh kemauan kuat setiap mau sholat. Itu juga entah khusyuk, entah sah sholatnya, itu masih urusan nanti.
Tapi karena gue udah paham urgensinya sholat itulah, surat Ibrahim ayat 40 itu jadi ayat favorit gue, dan jadi doa yang gue lantunkan tiap habis sholat (kalo ga males). Karena jujur gue juga mau jadi ahli ibadah, gue juga mau merindukan sholat di tengah kegiatan harian gue. Gue juga takut gue bakal gini-gini aja sampe gue tua nanti, dan gue gamau anak cucu gue jadi kayak gue. Makanya dari sekarang sebelum punya anak cucu gue rajin baca doa itu. Siapa tau kan, keturunan gue nanti jadi disiplin ibadahnya. Aamiin.
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azeezahmed815 · 6 months ago
A Night of Celebration, Reflection and Hope: TEAMMC Gala 2024 Honours the Best of Muslim Charity
On the evening of 25th June 2024, The Jumeirah in London hosted the amazing TEAMMC Gala Dinner 2024, a night dedicated to recognising the tireless efforts and remarkable achievements of our wonderful volunteers. The event was a resounding success, drawing a huge crowd from across the UK, all united in their commitment to helping those in need around the world.
The evening was filled with inspirational moments, including a delightful dinner, engaging entertainment, and the much-anticipated awards ceremony. It was a night to celebrate the spirit of giving and the impactful work of Muslim Charity.
Award Winners
We are excited to share the names of the wonderful individuals and groups who were honoured at the gala dinner:
Sporting Achievements
Cycling: Kamran Malik
Grappling: Arif Uddin
Running: Bilal Ali
Trekking: Faisal Shabir
Fundraising Achievements
Highest Fundraiser (Individual): Kamran Malik
Highest Fundraiser (Group): PYO & Ummah Treatz
Personal Achievements
Young Hero: Hannah Miah
Best Achievement (Female): Nisfa Khatun
Best Achievement (Male): Abdul Salek
Volunteer of the Year: Azizur Rahman (Ranu)
TeamMC Activities and Speakers
We were also delighted to have several speakers who shared insights into various TeamMC activities. These speakers brought to life the diverse and impactful work being done by Muslim Charity across different interests, highlighting the challenges faced and the triumphs achieved. Their words were a powerful reminder of the dedication and resilience that drives the efforts of Muslim Charity:
Cycling: Ayaz Khan
Grappling: Mubarak Lawal
Running: Zeeshan Rana
Trekking: Dia and Lyba
Tuk-Tuk Challenge: Sabba Mirza
UK Homeless Project: Azizur Rahman
Deployments (Lebanon): Jabidul Islam
Deployments (Bangladesh): Raihan Kazi
Special Performances
Adding to the evening’s enchantment were Nasheed performances by Khaleel Muhammad, a prominent UK-based Nasheed singer, artist, writer and host of his own TV and radio shows. His soulful renditions captivated the audience, adding a spiritual depth to the celebration. There was a memorable moment during the evening when Khaleel spontaneously invited a TEAMMC volunteer on stage for a drumming challenge. Brother Abdul Salek stepped up and impressed everyone with his awesome drumming skills, creating an unforgettable and heartwarming experience for all. Watch the video here.
Event Highlights
The gala featured a mix of live performances, inspiring speeches, and a look back at the incredible milestones achieved by Muslim Charity over the past year. The atmosphere was electric, with attendees enjoying the opportunity to connect, celebrate and reflect on the impact of their collective efforts.
As we look back on this incredible evening, we are filled with gratitude and hope. The support and enthusiasm shown by everyone present reinforce our belief that together, we can make a significant impact. The journey of Muslim Charity is far from over, and with your continued support, we will keep striving to reach more people and change more lives.
Thank You
Thank you to everyone who attended and supported the TEAMMC Gala Dinner 2024. Together, we are making a difference. Your contributions, whether through time, effort, or donations, are invaluable in our mission to provide aid and support to those in need 
Join us?
You can become a TEAMMC volunteer and discover upcoming events and activities by visiting our Events Calendar here: www.muslimcharity.org.uk/events
Photos from the Evening
Enjoy some of the wonderful moments captured during the event above
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147) 🌈{Tjakrabirava Raw 00s Sapen🕉️☭-Paşa[Patangpuluhan🔂Pogung Kidul] Selanik✳️-10s Pustakasala Toronto Wehrmachtꑭ}🌈
csv. no. HP komplit Buku Tutup Tahun SMAN 1 YK 13:
Movil gedhi gagah, dalan ciliks. Koyo stick PS4🎮 neng rental minume Good Day.
Oh ya, sesepinya sekarang, wilayah aku balik sore sama Ezzat, lalu Wildan & Abil. TUC Habieb Rahardjo. Itu tetap jadi yang paling zona medium hijau dan konstan.
Jl. Pandega Marta, lalu jalannya ke arah MPR, lalu ke Jakal ke arah Ihya'. Lalu Nasi Bakar depan MTI dulu. Saya lebih banyak sejarah di MPR daripada MPD, sama di sebelahnya MPR ada SD yang hawanya kental sekali Rogoyudannya, tempat parkir kajian. Dulu awal lulus SMA bingung, tapi akhirnya lumayan hafal jalanan Pogung tapi ya itu. Sebatas link up tempat ngaji. Rasanya tempat yang belum keluar simulasi Indonesia. Kalau HI UII Siber dikeluarkan dari grup WA. Patangpuluhan udah jadi dua pas, kemarin, kok drama pisah juga ngapain. Sapen, no comment. Apalagi jalan paginya ke arah Langensari pas belum waduk. Lalu dimasukkan ke lapangan yang depan TPA 5 yang jalan masuknya sejalur sama rel kereta. Soalnya saya di Pogung Kidul itu spending time bersosialisasi, jadi mungkin dulu ada kejadian Nasi Goreng Padmanaba/Radio Muslim, tapi akhirnya lebih sering ngobrol sama Ezzat & Raihan Irsyadi & Mas Ikhsan Michael, lalu diikuti suhu-suhunya yang lain. Willy, Abil, Ustadz Ari Wahyudi, Rangga, Ustadz Afifi, Majeedr, Yasirroni, Yasin Agung Nugroho, Fauzi Rais Amm angkatan selanjutnya, dsb. Ismail Hamidy, lalu kalau KAFD ya KAFD.
Makin tahun makin menyempit sampai akhirnya, soalnya yang mau dengar story telling modal improvisasinya tinggal Ezzy sama Raihan Irsyadi, tapi nggak ada keluar simulasinya. Majeedr aku yang buat kaligrafinya, tapi aku nggak bisa jalanin. Lalu kalau YPIA dari awal ga sepintar Ustadz Abduh Tuasikal dsb. Modal masuk Teladan itu lingkungannya skill standar, dan di Teladan pun saya nilainya menengah ke bawah.
Jadinya trade off-nya teman ngobrol.
Pandega itu kayak jalanan di Bandung tapi di outskirt kotanya. Tapi letaknya di Jatim.
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Nuwun sewu 🙏, jane do ngeroso nak do CAPS LOCK nulis judul, opo video podcast ono angkane muter bret-bret-bret neng ngisor, opo Thumbnail loroni mata ki. Sekhat po?
It is flames🔥🔥 though.
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yourfaveismuslim · 5 years ago
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Your fave is Muslim: Raihan (Pokémon)
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creampie-capital · 2 years ago
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✦「Raihan x Reader」✦
ᴀɴɪᴍᴇ/ᴍᴀɴɢᴀ/ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ ɢᴀᴍᴇ ║Pokémon Sword & Pokémon Shield
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ║14,040
「ᴀꜰʟ」 𝟏𝟖+ 「ᴘᴡᴘ」 ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ ━━━➤ 「ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ʙᴀʙʏ」
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
❝ᴛʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ, ᴘʀᴇᴛᴛʏ ɢɪʀʟ❞
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
Do not steal, copy, or repost anywhere. My work is currently on both CREAMPIE_CAPITAL on wattpad and Imtropicalbaby on Quotev. If posted on another account or website, please report and notify me immediately.
Now onto the smut :)
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
*Note, it's been said that Raihan's ethnicity is South Asian, Muslim
*I messed up on the height in the last chapter. 6'6 is (198 cm) so Raihan's 6'8 is (203 cm)
Huffing aloud, your feet came to a halt once you reached the battlegrounds. Shouting and intensive roaring of dragon-type pokemon echoed around the extensively large stadium.
Placing a hand on your hip and dropping your duffle bag onto the ground, you narrowed your (e/c) optics at the man baring his fangs as he displayed a wide grin at his Trainers.
Your voice reverberated within the stadium, which ceased any other movement. The pokemon trainers all froze for a moment before their attention flung to your frame.
"(Y/n)!" The dark-skinned man bellowed out as he sped over to your frame. His towering 6'8 (203 cm) body seemed to grow in height with each nearing step.
His sweaty elongated arms opened to entrap you in a bone crush hug, and you cringed upon the sight. "Don't you dare touch me when you're coated in sweat!" You hissed, but his grin never wavered.
Instead, he ignored your words to engulf you in his arms and shove your face against his sticky bare chest.
Your (e/c)'s enlarged face blazing with heat from the contact. "Raihan, you're nasty!" You snapped, which only prompted him to laugh.
It rumbled against his chest onto your own body, stimulating your insides with your cheeks rivaling the heat of a fire.
Clicking your tongue, you hid your face against his body and accepted his hug, your arms wrapping around to hold him close as the both of you relished in the presence of the other.
His arms grew tighter, his heart beating faster against his ribs while he hummed with satisfaction.
Feeling eyes watching you closely had, your skin enflamed like lighting a torch. "Okay, Raihan. That's enough; people are watching us." You murmured while attempting to push him away, but he only tightened his hug.
"No, I don't think I will." He replied back with a light laugh that tingled your tummy from the angelic noise. "I haven't seen you at all in six months; let me hold you just a little longer. Won't you give me that? Please, Doll?"
Your ears erupted in mind-numbing heat. Slapping your hands against his firm stomach, you attempted to push yourself away, but it was to no avail.
"What did I say about nicknames!? It's embarrassing!"
The dragon tamer pulled back only far enough so he could meet your gaze but remain holding you in place.
Your stomach fluttered with that loving look he gave you, and it only increased when he reached a finger to your face so he could swipe a thumb over your bottom lip.
"You always say you hate them, and I always say I'll never stop." His response prompted you to scrunch your nose and finally force yourself out of his hold.
"A-At least not in public!"
He bellowed with laughter while reaching for his phone, using the opportunity to snap a quick picture of your flustered face that he could almost see emanating with heat.
Raihan turned back to his trainers and waved them off, signaling that the day's training was over. They waved goodbye to both of you, and your attention remained on their departing figures until the giant man grasped your hands in his gloved ones.
"Don't be a tsundere and give me a kiss, pretty girl." He crooned and you could feel your insides quivering.
It's been a few good months since you've heard him call you those stupid lovable names and they still had the same effect on you every time.
"I am not a tsundere!" You barked while glaring into his beautiful teal optics but once he gave you that devilish grin you snapped your gaze away. "...I just don't deserve all that flattery."
The onyx-haired male tightened his hold on your hand to regain your attention. When you slowly flickered up to look at him you noticed his usual grin had fallen.
"(Y/n), you say that every time."
You furrowed your brows and gradually shook your head, your lips pursing without you even realizing it. "No, I don't. It's just that I don't like overpraises and false cajolery." You replied which provoked the dragon tamer to tug you closer to his body so you pressed right up against him.
Although his tiger orange hairband obscured his forehead you could already tell his eyebrows were furrowed deeply.
"Come on, (Y/n). I just got you back from your expedition after six months, can we not start this?" The strained tone in his voice drove your throat to tighten and your abdomen to ache.
"Start what?" You quired while pulling out of his hold. "I'm just telling you how I feel. I'm already your girlfriend, you don't need to keep complimenting me."
He groaned aloud and grasped at his locks in the protective coif, tugging on his tied hair before heaving a heavy exhale.
"We may be together but that doesn't mean I need to stop marveling at somebody that I love so much. Every day it's like I find something new to admire and appreciate." He placed a finger under your chin to gaze into your eyes. "In my eyes, you are the most beautiful stunning woman I have ever met. You put the sun to shame with how bright your smile is. The stars could never compare to how much your eyes glimmer."
Steam must have been wafting off your figure from how overwhelmingly hot his compliments were making you feel.
Your head was hazy to indicate lightheadedness which encouraged you to swallow thickly.
"T-This is what I mean, I don't deserve it! You just like to see me all flustered-" Your speech came to a halt when the man reached for your thighs and hauled you up against his body.
He held you firmly with your hands instinctively flying to wrap around the back of his neck. His nude-colored lips were scowling, not due to anger but annoyance.
"I am your boyfriend, a man so utterly in love with you." The tone of his voice was not sharp; however, he clearly was displeased. "So everything I say is not some faux flattery just to see you flustered. It's because I want you to understand how I perceive you."
Your lips felt clamped shut with glue, stuck together with a sense of guilt infiltrating its way into your heart. That pained expression, his fangs baring was not something you meant to cause.
It was just so hard to accept his compliments, or anyone's for that matter. You just don't understand why anyone would waste their breath on you like that, even if they were in a relationship with you.
Leaning forward, you connected your lips with his while pushing your chest against his bare one. He remained hesitant at first but you know he can never deny a sweet kiss from you.
His grip on your thighs tightened as he angled his head so the kiss could deepen. You still smelled of the jungle, of fresh healthy vegetation that conflicted against the sour odor of his sweat.
He could taste the ripe fruit you must have been consuming on the expedition as he sucked on your tongue.
Breathless groans and teasingly quiet moans reverberated from your chest and it only drove him to desire more of you.
Lightly tapping on his shoulder, you forced him to focus and pull away slightly so you could breathe. "C-Calm down; I just got back." You replied only for him to grin and lick his tongue along your lips.
"Exactly, you just got back." And he resumed the kiss as if it was the air he needed to breathe.
Deciding to sway your embarrassment and indulge in your desires you kissed back feverishly, your hands migrating to his protective hairstyle to tug on it.
He hummed, his hands reaching farther up your leg until one of them pulled away to slam down and slap upon your bottom cheek.
Your body jolted against his, a gasp echoing out as he used the opportunity to drive his tongue in your mouth and taste every bit of you.
You were out of breath from his lewd actions and he could tell so he pulled away to place a smooch against your lips before intertwining his tongue with yours.
Drool dribbled from the corner of your mouth and at the sensation, you quickly pulled away and wiped it with your sleeve.
"Don't do that, it was hot!" He voiced and dug his fingers into your bottom.
Punching his shoulders you wiggled and squirmed until the giant placed your feet on the ground of the stadium. "Shut up! I let you get away with too much."
He displayed a wide vibrant grin that showed his piercing white teeth and sharp fangs. "You know you liked it."
Clicking your tongue you reached for your duffle and turned to face the exit way. "Well I haven't eaten anything since last night so I hope we could go out for some regular food."
Nodding his head the giant ran over to a bench to dress in his dragon-type uniform and hoodie before rushing back over.
Upon his return, you began ambling down the hallway however the dark-skinned man wouldn't allow you to progress any further until your hands were clamped firmly together with his.
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
Dropping the duffle on the ground you let your body fall upon his mattress, your (e/c) optics shutting as you relished in the soft comfort.
"Oh my god how I've missed an actual bed!" The words were muffled but Raihan still managed to understand. "I like sleeping on the ground but unsteady gravel and a thin sleeping bag were not it for six months."
The dragon tamer pivoted on the balls of his feet so he could fall backward, bouncing your body for a few rounds.
"Ah, I'm stuffed." He announced, a hand patting his firm abbs that in no way shape or form would ever look anything but muscular.
"And I missed junk food so much." You murmured with a faint exhausted voice.
Raihan turned on his side slowly so he could wrap an arm around your midsection and pull you against his chest.
Your back met his warm heated body while his fingers snaked under your shirt to trail lines up and down your tummy.
Fluttering butterflies danced under your skin from his touch with your heart skipping a beat.
"And I've missed you so much." His voice was right in your ear, his breathing fanning it and increasing the heat from the extensive blood flow to your labyrinth.
Gingerly reaching down you held your hand atop of his, squeezing it tightly. "I've...missed you so much too."
The giant hummed with satisfaction and kissed your ear before covering your jaw in them. You laughed lightly from the ticklish sensation until those giggles were swapped for a moan.
His warm lips left lingering kisses across your throat, his fangs lightly grazing across your skin to stimulate it.
And then he began to suck on it, nipping until he broke the capillaries below and bruised your skin with his markings.
The stinging sensation was pain that felt so good. It spread across your chest like lightning striking the ground.
He released an audibly long breath before placing his forehead against the back of your crown and hugging you close to his body.
"F*ck, you just got back and I know your exhausted but I can't help it. You're just so pretty." He breathed in your hair and you could feel your body temperature rise from his words.
"Y-You're just a horn dog." You replied, cursing yourself for stuttering like some school girl.
The giant laughed, his hand that trailed along the skin of your tummy rose to your jaw so he could stroke it with his calloused fingertips.
"I'm a horn dog if I wanna f*ck all my love deep inside you?"
Your heartbeat quickened. "Yes!"
"Then I'm your horn dog that you gotta get under control." He murmured before placing a swift smooch on your lips. "But because I know you're exhausted I'll keep it my pants...for now."
You rolled your eyes and slowly sat up, a knot stretching uncomfortably in your back which prompted you to groan disdainfully.
Raihan could almost picture the deep scowl and furrowed brows from your aching body. He sat up himself and grasped your shoulder so you could turn your head to face him.
He kissed your lips once again before smiling against them, humming as a kitty would. "Alright, I'll run you a bath and when you get out I'll give you a massage."
Offering him a lopsided smile you nodded your head. "No funny business?"
He raised a palm to face you with another laying across his chest where his heart fibbed beneath. "I promise, I just want to make your time at home comfortable."
You swallowed strenuously and dropped your gaze to your lap. "This isn't even my home-"
"Ah!" He interjected and reached for your warm cheeks so he could hold them in the palm of his hand. "My home will always be yours as well, it's our home, (Y/n)."
Staring into his glimmering teal eyes you felt frozen at the moment, just completely overtaken by his heartfelt gaze.
Laughing in your throat you shook your head and leaned back so his hand could fall from your face. "Just run the bath."
He shook his head lightly with his signature grin. "Of course, I still remember exactly how you like it."
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
The sweet mouthwatering aroma of food emanated in the air, your senses heightened as you began to awaken. Sunlight streamed in through the curtains and burned your eyes from behind your lids.
Groaning audibly, your body shifted as a hand migrated to shield you from the rays.
Shuffling could be heard before the curtains were closed and footsteps neared your half-asleep frame. Succulent lips were placed upon yours tenderly before Raihan's hand caressed your jaw.
You hummed, unconsciously leaning into his hold as your heavy eyes gingerly squinted open.
Even in the dim room, you could make out his vibrant grin that was ever so lively.
"Hey, pretty girl. Good morning, did you sleep well?" He quired in a soft voice that was contrary to his youthful appearance.
Rolling your eyes at his nickname you nodded your head wearily and carefully sat up. The covers fell from your shoulders, your joints cracking audibly with a satisfied groan resonating from your lips.
"God(s), I haven't slept that good in months. I always had to be ready in case a pokemon wanted to conduct a sneak attack." You replied before yawning, your jaw aching for a moment from the pulling on the tendons.
The dragon tamer nodded his head in understanding before leaning forward to place a kiss against your warm nose.
"Well, I'm glad you slept so good, and now it's time for you to eat so well too." He mused while his arms carefully wrapped around your shoulders and the back of your knees to heave you in the air.
Air wooshed past your frame from the movement and for a second you were lightheaded until he began his crusade out of the bedroom.
The delicious fragrance grew stronger once he reached the dining room and set you down at the head of the table.
A variety of delicacies littered the glass surface, all ranging from meats to fruits to vegetables.
"I wasn't sure if your taste changed since being on your expedition so I made a 'lil' bit of everything for ya."
Staring in utter disbelief you shook your head and connected your gaze with the man who took a seat next to you.
"This must have been so much work. We easily could have gone out to a diner for breakfast, Raihan."
Placing a plate with utensils in front of you he ignored your words. "We could have but I wanted to cook for my girlfriend." His teal eyes flickered over to the food before regaining your gaze. "Besides, I like seeing your pretty face when you eat my food."
Heat ignited from beneath your skin and flared out the longer he stared at you unwaveringly. He reached for one of your favorite fruits and bit into it before leaning over.
One of his hands grasped your jaw to slant closer to him and your lips connected. Gasping from the sudden contact he pushed the fruit into your mouth with his long tongue and pulled back to showcase a devilishly triumphant grin.
"Now you can either eat up or I can feed you with my mouth again if you would like." He cooed and observed the way you seemed to freeze like a computer.
Nearly choking on the fruit as you swallowed his smile grew from your reaction.
"U-Uh Uh, Raihan!" You snapped but he merely laughed, the noise echoing in the dining room.
He poured a glass of juice before setting it in the corner of the place matt. The dark-skinned man was acting like a househusband waiting on you hand and foot which elicited your stomach to swirl heavily.
What an odd fantasy and one that was far from ever coming true.
"Come on, eat up! Get all your energy back so we can make up for the lost time." He exclaimed with his lively grin and you pursed your lips at his words.
"Are we not just going to relax?"
"We are but I think you'll need to have a bit more energy to relax with my c*ck in your p*s-"
You threw a spoon forward which struck him right in the middle of the forehead. "Watch your mouth, you nasty boy!"
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"Watch my mouth, huh? Don't be so hypocritical when you're the one screaming for more now." He hissed in your ear, tugging on your hair so your chin could point towards the ceiling.
Your teeth ground against each other as each forceful thrust of his hips drove your body harder into the couch cushion.
His c*ck grazed along sensitive spots both deep and shallow inside that had your eyes rolling back into your head.
He ceased his thrust to remain buried within you and pulled on your hair again whilst he reached his other hand to hook in the corner of your cheek.
"Don't you remember how loud you would scream? How filthy you were choking on my c*ck with tears running down your face?" He chuckled under his breath and grinded himself in you, his back arching the slightest as he remained inside but still afflicted the tender spots against your walls.
You could barely respond with coherent words, just mumbled mess echoing out in the living room. Everything within your head was running around at the speed of sound.
"And how could I forget!?" Raihan released your mouth to reach up to his head and remove his tiger orange hairband.
Without warning, he wrapped it around your neck before yanking the ends so the cloth could choke you.
Your (e/c) eyes widened, the shock and pain of his action had your whole body tense. Everything tightened...your throat, your stomach, your walls around his c*ck.
He inhaled a profound breath while he twitched inside from the tightness only suffocating you could provide.
Reaching to grasp the hairband you fell forward, your forehead pressing into the armrest with his hips driving harder against you so he was the absolute deepest he had ever been.
As if flicking a switch you were completely under his control, limp and basically unresponsive. No longer were you moaning curses and instead, the only thing that could be heard leaving your lips were weak wheezes.
God(s), you loved it when he choked you. Regardless if it were those big strong hands or his hairband. Pressure on your larynx was a pain that shot down your abdomen like lightning strikes on earth.
It spread like branches of trees that clawed you closer to another org*sm.
The more you fought against the cloth choking you, the harder he pulled and tugged. The lack of air was almost intoxicating, like a drug that wasn't good for you but you still desired more.
Asphyxiation had all those pleasurable chemicals flooding your deprived brain. Everything was extra sensitive but you were also more aware.
Choking against it you could feel the dripping of sweat down your back and behind your knees. An ache in your nipples, throbbing as if it demanded to be touched right then and there.
The stretch of your slits widened to take in the shape of his bulbous c*ck. Shaped so deliciously thick all around his shaft that was the slightest shade lighter compared to the rest of his dark skin.
And his fat leaking tip that kissed the deepest part of you so desperately but would also reach so far down your throat you gagged on it too.
You whimpered before wheezing out when he pulled the ends even farther apart. It burned against the skin of your throat, you were sure there would be a darkened mark but you didn't care.
Nothing mattered but the pressure on your neck and that pretty wet d*ck buried inside your walls. They shaped so tightly around him - molding - to be the only form that he could fit in.
Tears dribbled down your face and soaked the hairband around your throat. Saliva crept from the corners of your lips that drooled across your chin.
It began to become difficult to see but despite that your lips were pulled upwards into a massive grin, teeth grinding into each other with the most er*tic expression you could involuntarily portray on your face.
Raihan peeked his head down at an angle to observe the way you looked. And to him, it was like you were nothing more than a masochistic wh*re that had been touched starved for six months.
Absolutely filthy you were under him at that moment. It was so embarrassing but so f*cking hot.
Slowly pulling the cloth together he released some of the strain against your throat, you inhaled a profoundly deep breath before having it taken away from you when he yanked it apart to asphyxiate you once again.
Your head was thrown back, a divot deep in your spine whilst you dug your nails into the couch cushion. At that moment with your head so light and deprived of oxygen, you came with a choking wheeze.
"Hehe~! You came just from me choking the sh*t out of you!? You really are the nasty one, pretty girl!"
Your eyes rolled back into your head as white overtook your vision. The tingling in your abdomen spread all across your legs which drove the last remaining bouts of strength to give out.
The dragon tamer crotch that was already drenched in a predominantly white cream from your earlier org*sm has once again become coated in another climax.
A ring of white surrounded the base of his c*ck and dripped down his aching balls. That action was stimulating but he almost came right then and there from the squeezing of your walls around his shaft that was still sowed inside.
He sucked in a breath, his balls tensing and the need to c*m overtook every one of his senses.
With your body trembling and vision blanking out he released the hairband around your neck and threw it on the ground without a care.
Immediately you coughed and wheezed in an attempt to inhale the oxygen you were deprived of. Your body fell to the side, leaning against the couch as you reached for your tender bruised throat.
Raihan smiled at you, a sickeningly sweet grin that grew when he pulled out to step off the couch and lean over your figure.
One of his hands grasped your hair, tangling it between his fingers so he could pull your head upwards.
With no strength to defy him, you allowed yourself to be forced up even if the strain of your scalp irritated you.
His other hand reached down to his slimy wet c*ck that throbbed so painfully with a need to release. He slapped the tip across your tear-stricken face before pumping himself.
The squelching of your org*sm that coated his length echoed loudly within the living room. His soft grunts grew to audible huffs; sweat dripping down the side of his face.
You merely stuck out your tongue and like a greedy sl*t begged him in your own way to paint your face for being such a good girl.
The pace of his hands increased, edging him to his release that was right there. Raihan's grip on your hair grew firmer with the nearing of his org*sm.
"You want it, right? You want to be covered in c*m like a nasty b*tch, right?"
His teeth ground against each other while he breathed laboriously, the bluster of his muffled grunts and groans resonating even louder in the room.
The dragon tamer's leg's tingled, its muscles overstimulated. His balls ached to release the tension that built up within.
Raihan's stomach contracted, his ribs pressing against his skin as the overbearing tingling sensation in his abdomen swept through his nerves.
He cursed under his breath while you licked his leaking tip to help inch him closer.
"Nhg~!" He abruptly moaned out as it finally hit. His breath was caught in his throat while he aimed it towards your face.
His hips bucked forward with his toes curling against the floor. His back arched the slightest with a blissful expression forming on his face.
The man gave his throbbing c*ck one last heavy pump before feeling his c*m arising through the hole. His breathing was erratic as his stomach flexed and contracted at a ragged pace. His mind became blank as the euphoric feeling of his org*sm hit him.
Your tongue stuck outwards and you shut your eyes to protect it. Without a moment to waste he called out your name as his warm spurt shot out and landed on your face.
You flinched from the contact at first but quickly grew relaxed by the familiar feeling. Thick and sticky, landing all over the surface of your front.
On your cheeks, over your nose; trickling down your succulent lips. His c*m mixed with the tears that once stained your face and saliva that drooled from your mouth.
"Oh, f*ck. You spend all that time on your make-up to look pretty but you've never looked prettier than with my c*m on your face, baby girl." He murmured in a low hoarse voice.
Gingerly you opened your eyes, weary of the small trail that flowed from your forehead to observe his flushed expression.
Your tongue was still laid out so he took the opportunity to place his still throbbing head on the muscle and release that last bit of c*m he had welled up inside of him.
The dark-skinned man was in a state of ecstasy from all the pleasurable sensation and when your mouth wrapped around his tip to suck he immediately began trembling.
"That's enough, pretty girl." He warned and stepped back so his semi-hard c*ck could fall from your mouth.
You huffed in disapproval but the man merely chuckled and reached for his phone on the coffee table.
"Close your eyes and smile." Your boyfriend ordered and you already knew what he wanted. You detested your picture being taken but you couldn't help but feel slightly exhilarated by it at the moment.
So like a good girl you did as you were told, sticking out your tongue to showcase the white liquid splattered on your tongue, and heard the shutter of his phone go off.
The picture showcased everything. Your damp hair from your sweat that was still tangled within his fingers. Dried tears, bubbly drool, and his thick spurts of c*m coating your face.
He even managed to get a bit of your naked form that was covered in contusions and bites. And even a few small cuts from when he grazed his sharp fangs a little too hard on your skin.
"That's so f*cking hot, you're so f*cking hot." He praised breathlessly and set down his phone on the coffee table. "I wanna go again!"
"No!" You wheezed which prompted the giant man to only grin at you cheekily. He carefully untangled your hair from his hand only to reach down and pick you up in a bridal hold.
"Fine, later...but for now let's take a shower. We are so sweaty and we still have breakfast to finish."
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"And this is where I almost fell off a cliff being chased by a Rayquaza before I caught that damn thing." You laughed at the image that was displayed across your Tv screen. "I was looking for a Mega Rayquaza so I was pretty bummed when all I found were those ones."
"Really?" Raihan quired in a low voice while he angled his head to look down at you. His arms wrapped tighter around your shoulders as he pulled you again to his side on the couch. "Rayquaza are legendary pokemon said to have only been alive hundreds of millions of years ago. Don't you realize how extraordinary that it is?"
Nodding your head you focused your gaze on the screen to hide your quivering lip in the dark that wanted to grin proudly at his words.
"You're amazing. Absolutely, undoubtedly-" He leaned forward, his noise briefly brushing against yours until he placed a kiss on your lips. "-amazing. You make me so proud."
The blazing heat once again returned to your face, so hot you were sure you must have looked like a steaming kettle.
Your stomach swirled with something heavy and your heart skipped the beat of its regular palpations.
"Don't be lying to me, you know how I feel when you exaggerate things." You murmured while you attempted to look away but he grasped your lower jaw to keep you still.
"I'm not lying!" He rose his voice for a split second before clicking his tongue. Releasing your body the dragon tamer turned slightly so his profile faced yours and stared down into your eyes with an unwavering gaze.
"Everything you do is...is incredible. You sacrifice a lot of your time to research and study pokemon both ancient and alive. You're basically some pokemon whisperer because I have never seen or met anyone who can tame feral - legendary - pokemon. You've found things that have cured illnesses; genetic coding that restores fossils. Come on, not to mention you were the Champion of the Kanto region's Pokémon League for years when you were just a kid until you basically...handed it over."
You pursed your lips and shook your head with minuscule movements. "Well, I didn't deserve to hold it for so long."
His shoulders sagged slightly before he removed his tiger orange hairband from his forehead to rest against the couch.
"(Y/n), you deserved to hold it for as long as possible. Nobody, I mean nobody could beat you. And when you gave up your title and owned that gym, nobody made it past. Arceus, I can just remember all that time you spent grinding, growing your team to the strength they are at. You put everything into your work and-and you still do! So I'm tired of you always saying you don't deserve any of it when we both know you do."
The dark-skinned man clicked his tongue and waved a hand in the air. "I bet if you wanted to reclaim your title you could beat the current champion in a heartbeat, KO-ing every single one of their pokemon with just one of yours." His voice boomed within the living room and you could just tell he was upset.
His furrowed brows, the sharp angle of his teal eyes, the prominent scowl, he was irritated with you.
And you didn't understand why he felt such a manner. Without you battling, you only needed to place your focus on your work and him. The fame and glory didn't do anything for you anyway.
Gingerly reaching your hands up to his jaw you pulled him down to kiss his forehead to free it of its furrow before placing another on his succulent lips.
He responded back eagerly, reaching down to your hips and pulling your body against his until he pulled back swiftly much to your displeasure.
"You always kiss me to distract me but this is something we need to discuss." He stated.
You recoiled from his words and shook your head. "We have nothing to discuss. Shouldn't we just-" Your Rotom Phone's ringtone went off which quickly caught your attention.
"I need to get that." You didn't even wait for his response as you stood to your feet and ambled over to the tv stand where your phone lay resting.
Disconnecting the cords you glanced down at the number before answering it urgently. "Hello? Dr. Ingar? Is something the matter?"
"No, you make it sound like something is wrong however it's quite the contrary! I've just had a breakthrough in the bones and I believe we can trace the origins of another legendary pokemon that would rattle the medical field for years."
Your lips morphed into a massive grin as you exited the living room and entered the bedroom for more privacy.
"That's amazing! I was sure it would at least require a few months!"
The doctor hummed on the line and you could almost envision the middle-aged man nodding his head. "I did too but really all I needed was my equipment and interns and we managed to figure it out so quickly! That means hopefully we can leave on another expedition in a little less than a month and we'll be in a much more rural area for far longer than our last one."
Your smile immediately fell from your lips like an angel plunging from heaven. "S-So soon?" You stuttered your question as you silently closed the door. "I thought you said I could be home for half a year? For Christmas, New Year, and-and Raihan's birthday."
Ingar replied with a yes before clearing his throat. "Of course, I thought it would too but this is an extraordinary discovery that we must make haste as soon as possible."
You stood unmoving for a moment, your myriads of thoughts rushing through your head. You could only hear your heartbeat in your ear until a knock at the door brought you back to earth.
Jumping in your spot, you swallowed thickly and coughed. "Alright, I understand, thank you!" And ended the call as soon as possible.
The door opened and you spun on the balls of your feet to face the man who peeked in with a worried expression.
"(Y/n), are you okay?"
Nodding your head you subconsciously hid your phone behind your back. "Yeah! Yeah, my forensic anthropologist was just calling to let me know about some breakthrough he had with the bones we discovered."
"Well, that's good." He murmured before entering the room. Striding closer he immediately grasped under your thighs and heaved you in the air, your legs wrapped around his waist on instinct.
"Raihan I'm heavy!" You screeched but he merely laughed and kissed your lips. Immediately melting into his kiss, your arms wrapped around the back of his neck as you deepened it.
Your tongues intertwined with each other, tasting the breakfast from earlier. The hunger your stomach once felt before had returned and you desired to eat him up.
With lungs burning, aching for air the two of you pulled away and rested your foreheads against each other.
Your ragged breathing filled the room before it was interrupted by a slight giggle from the giant man.
"Don't kiss me so intimately. You don't even understand how pent up I've been." He grunted, his fingers digging into the flesh of your thighs.
Displaying a lopsided grin and moving your hands to grasp his jaw, you placed a tender smooch on his succulent lips.
"I know, my thighs and throat still ache from earlier." Your (e/c) optics glimmered brightly with your cheeks growing in heat. "But I've really missed you..."
Without warning your back was pressed against the firm mattress so he could lay you down comfortably and let his mouth suck deep profound ringlets on your collarbone.
He stayed away from the dark markings he caused with his hairband and decorated more of your collarbone than anything.
You hummed audibly, playing with his hair in the protective style that was silkier than any other thing you've ever felt.
"You need to stop seducing me, we've got all the time in the world now that you're back." He expressed in a breathless tone against your neck whilst his hands snaked under the t-shirt he gave you to wear.
A heavy sensation of guilt swirled within your tummy. You knew you had to inform him that plans had changed, that you would be leaving so soon for much longer.
But you didn't want to ruin the moment.
"Yeah, but even so love me like you never have before." Your fingers tugged the bottom of his shirt and he quickly discarded it as if burned to have it on any longer.
His well-formed muscles flexed from his movement, clearly due to his intense training and exercise.
He hovered back over you and caressed your warm tummy with his calloused fingers. Shivers erupted down your spine, butterflies fluttering under the skin with your heartbeat dropping to your cl*t.
"You're basically asking me to hurt you, (Y/n)." He breathed, his head cocking to the side as he examined your appearance that he was so utterly in love with.
You couldn't fight the grin that displayed across your face and threw your phone somewhere on the mattress. "Maybe I am."
Raihan hummed, shaking his head before leaning down and kissing your lips with slow intimate movements.
"You did so well earlier that right now I'm taking my time with you." His voice was quiet in the bedroom but held the intensity of bellowing it out for the world to hear.
A hand reached down to your bare thighs and squeezed, the pads of his rough fingertips digging into the plush flesh.
Your fingers played with his onyx-hued locks, lightly tugging his hair out of the rubber bands so it was loose before entangling your fingers in them.
They were long, reaching down and just barely grazing past his jaw. Even with the undercut, his hair was still so thick.
He pushed himself against you, desiring to feel your warmth and to feel your body against his.
A hand left your thigh only to creep up to your stomach and snake underneath the clothing item. He caressed your bare skin, dragging his calloused fingertips along your sensitive tummy.
The man was touched starved, deprived of any sort of contact for far too long. The sensation of touching your own skin drove him to a pang of hunger he never knew he had.
He thought he quenched such a thing earlier in the morning on the couch but he was so in love with you that he desired to be connected with you intimately again and again till he couldn't even breathe.
You were the reason he woke up in the morning and made every day productive so he could rest at night and dream of being in your arms.
Now that all those days he waited in anguish were over and you were here, he didn't understand how he even managed to keep himself sane.
Hesitantly he pulled away from your lips to reach for his t-shirt you were wearing and yanked it over your head with your help.
And with skilled hands, your bra was next to be removed so your torso was completely bare for his eyes to see again.
His gaze ignited flames beneath your skin that ached to be touched in any manner he could provide. Whether it is his big hands to caress your limbs, appreciating it like you were a goddess he desired to worship.
Or his lips, kissing every inch until nothing was left untouched. You had been gone for so long, his marking had since then vanished and he didn't like that one bit.
Perky nipples hardened under his gaze and he swallowed thickly. Ah, words couldn't explain how much he enjoyed toying with them, watching you bite your lip and feeling your hands tighten their hold on his body.
He reached towards your bruised neck, lightly kissing the mark he made with his hairband before trailing them down your body.
You shivered from the anticipation and swallowed the saliva that pooled in your mouth. Oh, how you've missed those lips on your body.
Eventually, those lingering smooches turned to him sucking, lightly nibbling, and teasing you with his fangs pressing into your skin that threatened to draw blood.
The stinging pain hurt just as much as it felt immeasurable. His name left your lips breathlessly, like a sweet hymn to bless him.
His tender intimate sucking and kissing gradually lowered to the valley of your breast. Those large hands of his left your body only to grasp your mounds.
"I-I forgot how big your hands were." You mumbled with your heartbeat becoming more prominent in your cl*t.
He grasped them firmly, pressing his fingers into the soft flesh before glancing up to grin coyly at you. You watched as his long tongue stuck out from his mouth and circled around one of your nipples.
The heat of his extremity drove your hips to angle upwards, your crotch pressing against his to feel his prominent bulge.
Closing his mouth over the aching bud, his teeth grazed against it while he massaged and molded your other breast in his hand.
Your lips parted with a breathless hum reverberating out in the room. The butterflies in your tummy returned to flutter and spread through your nerves, only fueling your s*xual desires.
Raihan hummed around it before kissing your nipple softly, almost as if he didn't want to leave it alone but had to.
No words were spoken as he removed his hands from your chest only to graze them lightly down your stomach to the hem of your shorts.
He pulled them down with a bit of your assistance so you could be fully bare, vulnerable in a way but you had never been so comfortable with someone as you had been with Raihan.
The giant grasped your inner thighs, pressing lightly into the bites he made earlier so he could open your legs to him.
Your breathing was already labored with your chest rising and falling rapidly. You watched his expression morph to one of utter delight as if he was amazed by the sight in between your legs.
No matter how many times he has seen your most intimately hidden area, he was astonished that he was even gifted the right to be there.
It was embarrassing to have him stare for so long and as if getting the hint, he grinned cheekily before removing one of his hands to pull down his sweats and boxers.
Such a long thick c*ck, heavy and hard with surging blood flow. Pretty shiny tip leaking the slightest bit of pre-c*m.
And it was all yours, any time you wanted it.
Grasping close to the head he pressed it at your entrance, prodding teasingly before resting it just the slightest bit inside.
His hands migrated to intimately hold onto your waist, his face inching down to your tummy where he placed wet kisses along it.
All the while he enters himself inside, he hears the ragged gasp of amazement and contentment leave your lips.
Even though he had already been buried deep in your body hours ago, you had to relax and grow comfortable with his girth.
He was caring, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as one hand stroked your hair in a manner to distract you.
More intimate and tender than before when he was just raw f*cking, he wanted this moment to be more endearing.
And when you finally adjusted he asked what you wanted him to do. Did you want him to move? Or just stay buried inside and allow your wet smoldering walls to c*ckwarm him?
He already knew the answer but he liked the confirmation.
Softly he heard the words he wanted and kissed your forehead in understanding. He drove his hips backward, feeling the tightness grow with every inch that he pulled out until only the tip resided.
The emptiness was undesirable but thankfully the lovely dark-skinned man rolled his muscular hips back towards you and plunged himself so deep inside.
It was the start of his mindboggling thrust, the sensual rolling within and jutting of his hips.
He didn't just pound in to reach his high, he started slow and grazed against spots that had you squirm beneath him. His pace only grew when you begged for more, pleaded for him to go harder.
He did exactly as he was told, increasing his speed but stroking inside so deeply. There was nothing the two of you wanted more than just being closer.
But there wasn't any closer the two of you could get with your legs clutching onto his hips tightly, your chest pressing against his.
You could hear his breathing become ragged close to your ear with your face resting against his toned chest.
The cool room that once rivaled a frozen tundra had now risen in temperature close to that of a sauna. Even with the lack of clothing the close proximity of your bodies was as if sitting by a fireplace.
Nothing else filled your head but the man that drove himself deep inside and skimmed against every sensitive spot in you.
He made you barely able to speak, quivering from his powerful strokes that sent jolts of delight all through your body.
Raihan was nothing but attentive as he praised you highly in your ear. Everything you made him feel, he made sure you knew it.
This time he strayed from the degrading nicknames and settled for sweet praises that informed you of good you were doing.
He worshiped you highly, even thanking you for picking him, choosing him to be the one you opened yourself up to.
The saliva in your mouth felt thick as you could barely remember to swallow it. A stupid lascivious expression covered your face, already overwhelmed by the girthy c*ck inside that brought you closer and closer to an org*sm.
Another org*sm that would definitely be followed by multiple until the both of you couldn't even move.
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His ear rested on your stomach with his arms wrapped around your back. You watched the movie on the screen in your bedroom, running your nails along his scalp as he rested on your tummy.
It was close to six pm and you still had yet to eat dinner however both of you were already exhausted, for obvious reasons.
Your eyelids felt heavy, drooping from the fatigue. Words couldn't describe how comfortable you were in that chilled room.
With the man you adored resting on your body and your legs against his bare waist, a thick comforter was over your bodies due to the a/c.
Yawning out you attempted to be silent but you could feel the man shifting. He hummed, his eyes still remaining close to shield his teal optics however he leisurely placed a kiss on your clothed stomach.
"Should we call in some take-out?" He quired with a groggy voice.
"Sure." You replied and began massaging his scalp. He groaned out in relief and wrapped his arms tighter around your body.
"I love you so much." He whispered. "I don't know what I did to get someone like you."
You bit your lip and remained silent, massaging his scalp and toying with his soft locks that he didn't tie up. Even though he spoke of ordering food not one of you moved to grasp your cellular device.
Remaining in a place that was far too comfortable to leave, you two continued to lay in silence before the dark-skinned man broke the stillness first.
"(Y/n), I have a question and you don't have to answer it if you don't want to. I just want you to hear me out. Okay?"
His words had broken through your exhaustion and immediately you could feel yourself tensing. Anxiety flooded your brain with you instinctively feeling every pumping push of your blood through your veins.
The giant let one of his hands reach under his dragon sweatshirt you were wearing and rested his open palm on your warm tummy.
"Have you...have you ever thought about having children, like together?"
Your eyes enlarged for a moment, completely unprepared for what he had just asked.
"Well, I have." He replied and inhaled a deep breath, his fingers grazing over your abdomen where your womb rested beneath. "I've thought about it, a lot... Me and you, we're family already but I'd like to grow it. I'd like for you to be home more, to watch your tummy swell with our child."
You ground your teeth together in an attempt to hold back a sob. There was an abundance of emotions swirling inside of you, all pelting you with anxiety.
"A child... a child is a commitment to each other. We'll always be connected to one another, even if something goes wrong and we break up. And what about my career? It'll stop me from traveling and it won't be safe to go out and search anymore."
Raihan's fingers came to a halt on your stomach before he abruptly pulled it away. "We're not going to. I'm never going to leave. How many times do I have to tell you that you're the love of my life and always will be?" He snapped before raising his head to look into your eyes. "And with your career, you can keep doing it. We don't need to have one now, maybe someday in the future."
You looked away but he gripped your jaw and forced your gaze to remain on his. He wasn't portraying his usual vibrant smile, rather he appeared vexed.
"You can't tell the future, Raihan." You replied which promoted his fingers to tighten on your jaw but he would never hurt you in a forceful manner. "People change and there's nothing saying we'll be together forever. We're only in the moment."
His breath became stuck in his throat.
"I may not be able to but I do know how I feel. It's never going to change, it's never going away. I know I can tell you that I love you and it's just words but I thought that my actions were proof enough." He released your body and sat up before standing to his feet.
His back faced you, his muscles flexing as he stared ahead. "You know what, forget about everything I just said. It was stupid anyway."
"Raihan-" You called but he shook his head and reached for his Rotom Phone on the dresser.
"Don't worry about it, (Y/n). It doesn't matter. I'm just gonna call some take-out, you can stay here." He stated in a much more indifferent tone of voice that drove your stomach to sink.
Before you even had a chance to reply he had left the bedroom and now that you were alone the chilliness of the room made its way to your bones.
It was cold, so cold it hurt.
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Your gaze remained on your plate while you swallowed slowly. It was silent between the two of you, the only sound echoing in the dining room was his chewing.
Gingerly glancing up at the dark-skinned man who focused on his dish, his chopsticks held tightly between his fingers.
"Raihan." You called timidly.
"Hmm." He hummed but his gaze remained on his food.
The hunger you once felt no longer resided in your stomach. With every bite, you began to detest the taste even more until eventually you couldn't even stand the morsel any longer.
Setting down your chopsticks your hands unconsciously fiddled with the promise ring on your right middle finger.
"Are you still mad at me?"
"Not at all." He replied after a second of stillness. "I was just being selfish so don't worry about it anymore. I'm sorry."
His face definitely contradicted his words. The giant usually always maintained that devilish smile on his lips that matched the mischievousness in his teal eyes.
Now he appeared insensible, with not a twitch or clue of how he was feeling.
He reached for his phone and began scrolling, something the social media-obsessed male never did when the two of you were eating.
Even the aroma of your food was beginning to make your stomach churn and throat clench.
"Raihan, it's not your fault at all. It's mine, I just..." You sighed heavily and swept your tongue over your bottom lip. "I'm not ready. I don't know if...I'll ever be ready. I know you want children, a bigger family but I don't know if I can give that to you."
You could feel your bottom lip quiver, the inner corner of your eyes stinging. "I'm...I'm happy with just you but if I can't give you what you want then-" Your words came to a stop when the man pushed himself up from his chair and ambled his way over to you.
He leaned down from his imposing height to kiss your forehead before caressing your cheek in his large warm hands.
"What I want is you. Forever and always, so let's stop talking about this." He whispered before giving your face a light pat. "I'll do the dishes, and you go take a soothing shower in the meantime."
Raihan didn't wait for a response from you and picked up the dishes to bring into the kitchen. You sat still, unwavering guilt setting in your stomach that made it hard to move.
The sound of rushing water from the sink echoed within the home, dishes clanking against each other, and silverware hitting the metal tub.
With heavy movements, you stood to your feet and trekked towards the bedroom to grab your things before entering the bathroom.
You took your time washing your body, your hair protected from the water since you already cleaned it earlier that day.
For a while, you merely sat on the floor of the tub and replayed the day over and over again in your head.
It was the first full day back home in six months and it was more emotional than you ever thought it would be.
And you still had yet to inform your boyfriend of the change in your next expedition date. That would just kill Raihan even more.
Turning off the water and drying your body with a towel you didn't even want to think about it any longer.
You only dressed in your bottom undergarments and Raihan's t-shirt. When you entered the bedroom the giant was sitting on his side of the bed, leaning over with his back to you and his shoulders slumping.
"Hey, I'm done." You stated and observed the way his refined back muscles tensed before relaxing.
"Okay, I'll shower now." He replied, maintaining his back to you as he opened his dresser and placed something inside.
You raised an eyebrow but remained silent. Raihan didn't say much after that whilst he reached for a towel and a change of clothes.
When he neared your frame he leaned down to kiss your forehead and left just as quick as you entered.
Sighing audibly you flicked off the light and fell onto the mattress. Chilled air coursed through the bedroom, goosebumps arising all over your skin which prompted you to hide under the thick comforter.
You stared at the gloaming ceiling, listening to the muffled bluster of the shower and brooding over the same thoughts.
A headache was forming, acting as if a bat was being bashed against your cranium again and again. Pulling the blanket over your head you curled into a fetal position and held your arms close to your chest.
You don't know how long you laid restless but the feeling of the bed dipping acquired your attention.
"Raihan?" You whispered but the man hushed you.
"Shhh, go to sleep. I know you're tired." He expressed quietly and reached for your body so he could hold you firmly.
Your back rested against his bare chest, one of his arms hiding under the pillow with another wrapped around your midsection.
He was warm, so warm that you could already feel sleep taking over your limbs. You yawned, snuggling closer against him as the two of you relaxed.
"I know we don't talk about your past but I just want to remind you that it's different now, (Y/n). You deserve every single thing that you have, that you've gained. And I'm not here using you just for your time or your name, giving you flattering comments to keep you by my side."
Raihan kissed your ear softly while caressing your waist over your shirt.
"I really do love you, I love you with everything I have. I'd give up my life just so you could be happy forever. So everything I do is for you, baby. Everything, so please open your heart to see it."
You know what he said was truthful and from his heart but things take time to heal, your commitment issues were far too prominent in your life to get over so quickly.
However, there was no one that would wait till the end of time as Raihan would.
"Raihan." You whispered in that silent bedroom that only rung with the hum of the a/c.
"Yes?" He quired and hugged you closer to his body.
You could hear him breathing faintly, exhausted too and ready for sweet sleep to take him into its arms. "Thank you."
"You don't even need to thank me. All I want is for you to be happy, forever and always."
"I love you, Raihan."
"I love you too, (Y/n)."
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Three weeks had passed in a blur, faster than you would have liked. Raihan had done everything he could to make up for the six months you've been gone.
Whether it be feeding you home-cooked meals every morning or massaging any part of your body that needed the pressure of his big firm hands.
The dragon tamer was there any moment you needed him but also provided you with space and private time so he didn't smother you too much.
However, there were times that he couldn't control himself like a beast and devoured - ravished - you like the starving animal he was.
To say you were beginning to become exhausted as if you were out in the jungle was an understatement. You had always thought your stamina was decent for having to travel for so long and carry such heavy equipment.
But Raihan had shown you how much you were really lacking.
"P-Please! No more! I-I can't - ahhh~!~"
His teal eyes glowed devilishly as they flickered up to meet your weary gaze. Tightening his hold on your plush thighs, he let his tongue glide up your slit to clean your pulsating c*nt free of his c*m.
It still oozed out of you, dripping onto the dining room table and pooling into a puddle. His mouth widened the slightest so he could press his tongue within your hole and devour what remained inside.
Your breath became caught in your throat, only a weak wheeze echoing out. It wasn't until the man pulled away could you respire again.
"Don't say such cute things." He breathed and placed a slobbering wet kiss on your abused cl*t. "We're going to miss our reservation if you tempt me more."
You swallowed thickly before throwing your head forehead, a glare evident in your glimmering (e/c) optics while you slammed your thighs against his head aggressively.
"Maybe if you controlled yourself for once we'd be able to take our time!" You snapped.
He laughed aloud, the vibrations tickling the bundle of your nerves that had your whole body shiver.
"It was also your fault for wearing that dress. You know it always gets caught between your a**-" His words came to a halt when you squeezed your legs even tighter to suffocate him.
"F*cking horn dog! You always act as if you're going to die if you don't get your d*ck wet!"
Raihan grunted before using his brute strength to pull away, gasping for air with your mixed liquids of pleasure dripping from his succulent lips.
He swept his long tongue over his mouth, staring straight into your eyes so he could observe the way your gaze wavered.
"I can't help it. You're so f*cking pretty I really can't help it if I want to just hear the woman I love moan for me." He expressed with a coarse tone that was more suggestive than anything.
Your tummy that had already been overstimulated from before had once again tingled from his words.
Clicking your tongue and turning your head away you attempted to sit up but the ache in your lower body had yet to numb over.
You sigh in defeat and rested your back on the table, allowing for Raihan to raise your left leg so he could kiss your ankle before trailing them all the way until he reached your c*nt.
He provided his favorite meal with one final kiss as a message of remembrance. That once the plans for the night had finished your dress would once again be hiked to your waist and he would be drowning deep inside of you.
"R-Raihan." You warned and he nodded his head.
"I know, I'm done for now. I'll be your personal chauffeur for the rest of the night to make up for it." His eyes were shut but that wicked grin of his divulged his perverted thoughts.
Carefully he placed down your leg and released your body before stepping back and wiping his face and semi-hard c*ck with a rag.
His black slacks hung down by his knees along with his boxers only for a moment longer until he rose them to cover himself and buckle his belt.
Your legs remained open so he could gingerly caress your c*nt to clean it of any saliva and c*m. Now clean you reached for your undergarment but the giant grasped it first.
He hung it limply in front of your face, teasing you with the sight of the drenched fabric before stuffing it into the inside pocket of his suit coat.
"You're just asking to be hit, Raihan." You threatened.
The dragon tamer merely grinned before fixing your dress and picking you up in a bridal hold.
"Alright, Doll. Let's go make it to dinner before Leon and Sonia kill us for being late."
"It was your fault, horn dog! Your vigor is that of a teenage boy!"
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
Your hips ached as you sat in the chair, the strain from earlier still yet to be a benumbed sensation. That stupid boyfriend of yours acted as a dense loyal dog who provided soothing rubs on your back and light massages on your thigh.
Galar's former champion Leon and Professor Sonia were not ignorant or slow-witted. They knew the both of you for years, more Raihan than you but still.
Considering the fact that you had only been home for close to a month after being completely unreachable for a half year, they were surprised you still had enough energy to even attend the friendly dinner.
You might as well be a princess with an obsessive dragon that wouldn't let you out of his sight for even a moment.
Leon's voice obtained your attention, your irritated expression falling and displaying one of curiosity to the eggplant purple-haired male who sat across from you.
"How's it been being at home? Surviving with your needy boyfriend?" He quired.
You sighed and slapped the back of your hand over the dragon tamer's chest. "What do you think?"
The table erupted in light laughter that was drowned out by the sweet live piano music on the stage.
Once it died down your attention turned to the dinner plates that were placed at your table. Everything was made perfectly, the restaurant paid special attention to everything they provided for you all since everyone at the table was someone of importance.
The conversation continued lively as the four of you enjoyed the expensive meal and indulged in the liquor and wine.
You knew your tolerance was mildly low so the ones who drank the most were the two males. Considering that Leon was 6'0 (182 cm) and Raihan was 6'8 (203 cm), they could drink and drink without being too affected by the alcohol.
The only one who hadn't touched any of the intoxicants was Sonia who mindlessly sipped from her lemonade glass.
"Not feeling it tonight?" You asked the peach-haired female.
She glanced upwards from her plate before displaying a vibrant smile. "No, I haven't been for a while." She replied which gained Leon's attention.
He cocked his head to the side before inclining toward yours and Raihan's direction. "Are you sure?" The professor pressed which prompted the former champion to nod his head.
"We have something to tell you that we haven't told anyone else yet." Sonia started which immediately gained all of your attention.
The two grasped a hand together over the table and gave each other a reassuring look before turning to face you and Raihan.
"We're pregnant."
Your (e/c) eyes widened, shocked for a moment before you displayed a lively smile. "Congratulations you two!" You announced and raised your wine glass.
Sonia and Leon smiled back just as brightly, their face flushed with a ruddiness that blossomed like roses.
"I'm so happy for you guys," Raihan stated while bringing the mug to his lips. You turned to face him and observed his expression.
He appeared happy, his lips portraying a proud smile and his cheekbones raised. However, there was this glint in those pretty teal eyes that disappeared as fast as it appeared.
Feeling your eyes on his he turned to face and leaned down so he could kiss your cheek. One of his large hands reached over to grasp your thigh through the skirt and squeeze.
"It's okay, I'm okay. Remember we already talked about it. I just want you." He whispered so the two across from you couldn't hear.
Even though he said those words you still couldn't help but feel guilty. Raihan's greatest rival and closest friends were living his dream - growing their family.
And what was stopping him from it was you.
God(s), your head hurt. Tightening your hold on the wine glass you brought it back to your lips to drown in its heavy intoxication.
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
Inhaling a breath of chilly air, you walked along the shore while holding on to Raihan's hand tightly. He held on firmly and remained silent, enjoying the peaceful sereness of the ocean.
No words were exchanged as the two of you trekked across the beach in silence save for the crashing waves that sang their own song of the night.
The wind rushed against your frame, caressing your skin to arise visible goosebumps.
"Cold?" Raihan observed.
"A little." You replied which prompted the giant to shimmy out of his suit jacket and place it over your shoulders.
It was warm and smelt of him. You couldn't describe the fragrance, just that it smelt...masculine. For some odd reason, it was refreshing but also comforting.
Maybe you should just steal his cologne.
Raihan suddenly ceased his slow strides so he came to a halt. His body turned to face you, one of his hands reaching to your face to caress your warm cheek.
"You look so pretty under the moonlight." He praised.
The heat rushed across your body, stunning you for a moment until you clicked your tongue and turned your gaze away from his.
"Shut up before you try and f*ck me on the beach." You stated harshly, but the giant simply hummed and stepped closer to you.
He wrapped his arms around your body, hands reaching to your bottom so he could grasp your cheeks tightly. "Beach s*x sounds rather appealing right now. Seeing your amazingly breathtaking body glimmering with sweat under the shining moon."
"Stop!" You hissed and pressed your hands against his face. "Your d*ck better not be getting hard already!"
"Too late!" He mused, his smile displaying his sharp fangs. Ah, those fangs that he would drag across your skin, threatening to draw blood until it did.
The way it always stimulated your skin aroused you greatly and just remembering how he would graze it across your cl*t had it thump for a moment or two with your heartbeat.
You sulked, mentally preparing yourself for the ache, the strain in your limbs from his muscular body. But you would be lying if you said you weren't interested in s*x on the beach.
The dragon tamer laughed aloud at your face and shook his head. "We can save that for next time, pretty girl. For now, let's just enjoy this." He stated and released your body so he could step back.
He reached for his Rotom Phone in his back pocket and turned it on. "Can you face the moon, I want to take a picture to post."
You narrowed your (e/c) eyes. "You know I hate my picture being taken."
"I know, which is why I told you to face the other way."
Puckering your lips from his words, you huffed but diligently turned around and faced the rising shore and shining moon.
You could see the outline of his flash on the water and hear the shutter of his phone. Waiting a moment, you remained still before circling around.
However, you didn't expect to find Raihan on one knee. A velvet black box opened to reveal a diamond ring that must have been worth thousands of dollars.
"(Y/n)-" He started, and you could feel your throat tightening.
"When I first met you I remember I couldn't even breathe. You took my breath away with that dazzling smile and when you looked at me - even though it was only for a moment - I felt as if I was given a new meaning."
The inner corners of your eyes stung, blurring over and distorting his kneeling figure.
"You had such thick walls built around you that I couldn't even get close. I can't even count the number of times you hit me for trying to flirt with you or the number of times you rejected me." He appeared to be reminiscing in the memory before returning his gaze to yours. "You didn't let that mask down for anyone at all until one day you were the one seeking me out to train. I wanted to show off but you literally annihilated me without even breaking a sweat!"
He let out a loud boisterous laughter that echoed out and sang with the wind.
"I fell in love with you right then and there. I knew it wouldn't be easy but I was willing to try no matter how hard it was to get you to see that. All I wanted to do was make you happy and stay by your side."
Raihan reached for your left hand and held it tightly, squeezing it and you could feel him trembling with nervousness.
"I am in love with you, only you and forever it will only be you. Nobody else is ever going to fill my heart. I ask you to marry me because I only want to ever be with you. I like calling you my girlfriend but I would like it even more if I could call you my wife."
"(Y/n)." He called and you watched him swallow thickly. "I ask that you accept this ring. I ask that you take my last name. I ask that you accept me into your heart because this is not just a fleeting romance. This is love that'll last for years to come."
"You have me, until every last star in the galaxy dies. So will you marry me?"
The palpations of your heart were irregular, beating far too fast to be sufficient. Blood rushed through your entire body and you could feel each individual pulse of it through your veins.
You loved him. You loved him with all of your heart, with everything you could offer. Nobody had ever broken down your walls. Nobody was as patient as he had been.
He made you feel as if you were the prettiest woman in the world. That he only had eyes for you and only you.
His lips kissed you so desperately and so eagerly. Like you were the air he so urgently needed to breathe. Like you were the only thing that could keep him alive.
"-I'm going to say-"
You really do love him. Everything about him made you happy. You loved coming home to him, you loved waking up to his face in the morning. You loved hearing his stupidly sweet compliments and flattery.
Move your lips and accept his proposal. You know you want him forever, you know he's the only man for you.
So say yes
Tell him yes
Answer with a yes
Whisper it
Yell it
Sing it
You know you want to. You can feel the word stuck in your throat, clawing its way to get out. It's begging, pleading, praying to ring out and join the two of you forever.
You choked back a sob and ripped your hand out of his grasp. The tears fell from your eyes and cascaded down your burning face.
There had to have been string tightening around your heart, squeezing it with a desire to make it burst. Someone must have been pressing down on your lungs with the intent to deprive you of any air.
It hurt.
It hurt like nothing you have ever experienced and no words could describe it. Not even the best poet could recite the lines of tragedy that struck you that night.
"I'm sorry. I can't marry you." It burned to even say those blasted words. "I love you, Raihan. But I'm not ready for the commitment. A-And just like children...I don't know if I ever will."
Your nose stung from your overwhelming emotions. There was barely even any strength left in your limbs to stand on that beach.
The absolutely devasted expression on his face had drained you even more. You were not the only one crying, you weren't the only one suffering in despair.
His own glimmering teal eyes that glowed like their own light source were dull, blurry with tears that rushed down his brown skin.
"(Y-(Y/n)-" He could barely even say your name, it was so strained and weak that the crashing waves on the shore numbed it out.
You swallowed down a painful cry and shuffled off his jacket so you could hold it in your hands. "You d-deserve someone who is not afraid to give you everything you want. I-I am the one that is terrified, scared that this love won't last forever. That you'll leave me one day because I wasn't enough."
Make-up must have been smudging across your face but you didn't care. Gingerly placing his coat over his shoulders you could feel him flinch and suck in a heavy breath.
"I don't deserve you, Raihan." His head shot up to face yours. "I kept it a secret but plans changed. I'm to leave in a day for my next expedition. I won't be home for at least a little over a year."
"What?" It was so broken, strained as it left his lips.
You felt as if you were going to throw up. Your stomach churned painfully and your throat clenched.
"I-It's a secluded island, no contact to the outside world. It's a dangerous place but...but I need to go."
Removing the promise ring he gave you on your first anniversary, you placed it in the ring case and closed it with a click.
"This is why you deserve better than me."
Raihan remained still with the same bewildered expression on his face. He would have looked stunned if it were not for his quivering bottom lip.
Sniffling you bit your lip and snapped your eyes shut. Your body wanted to curl into a fetal position and just die.
It hurt so bad but you knew it was coming. Your career meant everything to you, the benefits it would do for the world would be extraordinary.
But sacrifices must be made.
"I... I need to pack."
Raihan finally moved from his statue-like form and blinked heavily. He cleared his throat before inhaling deeply and nodding his head.
"I'm staying here." He could only whisper before leaning back so he was sitting on his bottom in the sand.
His head remained down, his silky onyx hair shielding his face like a curtain. You may not have been able to see his face but you just knew he was devastated.
And it was your fault. Everything was and always will be your fault...
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"Are you ready?"
Voices, people bustled past your frame as you stood by the check-in line. Their words were muffled and incoherent as you mindlessly turned to face Sonia.
Your grip on your duffle bag grew tighter before you nodded your head. Galar's former champion and the professor sighed.
You felt heavy, even senseless in the airport. Those clothes you wore did nothing to protect you from the goosebumps that started to arise all over your skin.
Sleep had not come to you last night and neither did Raihan. He remained out, possibly staying at that beach while you waited for him at his home.
It was selfish of you but you wanted to see him one last time in person. You had been with him for years but only spent a quarter of it with him since you were always on an excursion.
He didn't deserve that, he deserved better. Someone that could give him all their time.
"Be safe," Leon announced to regain your attention.
You nodded your head and inhaled a profound breath. "I'll try."
Sonia shook her head before reaching out to you and holding you in a tight hold against her body.
"It sucks that you're going to miss our baby's birth but I'll be sending you pictures of my tummy even though I know you won't be able to see it for a while." She murmured into your ear before pulling away, her hands still grasping your shoulders. "But once your time finishes I expect an immediate call to catch up."
Her words managed to bring a smile to your lips as you slowly nodded your head. She gave your shoulders a tight squeeze before releasing her hold and stepping back.
Leon stepped forward next and plopped his hand on your head, patting it roughly which prompted you to roll your eyes.
Half-heartedly you grasped his hand and removed it from your head so the two of you could perform an old handshake.
"Stay safe, shortie." He mused before stepping back to rest a hand on Sonia's back.
"No promises." You replied.
A prominently loud voice articulated through the loudspeakers, calling to everyone with the same plane number as you to start boarding.
Giving your friends one last look, you waved a hand goodbye, and just as you were about to take a step forward something in your gut stopped you.
You froze in your spot to glance at your friends but instead, a lean body collided with you and pulled you close to them.
Raihan's cologne infiltrated your nose and the simple fragrance was enough to quell the ache in your stomach.
His towering form held you tightly to his body before his hands reached down to your thighs and heave you upwards.
Your hands flew behind his neck to hold on and not a second was wasted as your lips sought each other out like magnets.
For once you didn't care what others were thinking or judging as you kissed the man you loved desperately.
You wanted to remember how he tasted on your tongue, how he smelled so f*cken manly and fresh. How his silky hair never once knotted when you ran your hands through, how the warmth of his body ignited flames beneath your skin.
His tongue intertwined with yours, so forceful before he dragged those fangs you loved so much over your bottom lip.
A shiver ran down your spine, the goosebumps returning.
Throwing your head back you gasped a breath in and brought your wrist to your lips, swiping off the saliva that began to trickle down your chin.
"I-I thought you weren't coming." You breathed.
The dragon tamer set you down carefully on your feet and shook his head. "I wouldn't dare let you leave without giving me one last kiss."
Your heart swelled from his words. That weight that situated itself on your stomach had lightened the slightest.
"(Y/n)-" You perked up from hearing your name and watched as the giant man reached for your dominant hand to place something cool within your palm.
Glancing down and extending your hand you saw that it was your engagement ring and promise ring attached to a golden necklace.
"Raihan what is-" He stopped you from speaking by merely shaking his head.
"These are yours, they belong to you." The dragon tamer stated and pointed a hand to them. "Wear it around your neck and keep it close to you."
He leaned down so he could grasp your hand and hold them close together. "I'll wait for you, for as long as you need. Take your time."
His voice was strained as if he was holding in a cry.
"But the final decision is yours. When you come home, either keep it around your neck and I'll know that it really is over. Or wear it on your finger to let me know that we're still trying."
Those wonderfully teal eyes of his shined so brightly like the stars before glossing over with tears. "Can you do that for me?" He asked softly, voice cracking.
You stared at your clasped hands before nodding your head weakly. "I will."
Despite his sorrow, he nevertheless presented you with one of his lively smiles that you were going to miss so much.
"I love you, Raihan. I've never been so sure that I love someone like I love you."
He leaned down from his imposing height and placed a lingering kiss on your forehead.
"I will never give up on you. I will always love you, regardless of your choice."
The intercom came on one more time, calling out your name to say the plane would be taking off soon.
You glanced down the hall before turning to face the giant one more time.
"Forever and always?" He asked and raised one of his pinkies.
The best you could muster was a pathetic smile as you rose your pinky to curl around his. "Forever and always."
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
Happy or Sad, you can choose if they'll be together.
But personally, I think they love each too much to stay away.
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
𝐌𝐚𝐦𝐚 signing out
481 notes · View notes
megamawilite · 3 years ago
pkmn characters that are muslim in real
raihan swsh (nothing but respect for my dragon taming muslim king); shauna xy
pkmn characters who being muslim came to me in a vision
bea swsh; nate/rosa bw2; shauntal bw marshal bw
17 notes · View notes
bi-hop · 3 years ago
so! Raihan’s family tree featuring OCs of mine 
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[Image Description: It is a simplistic family tree. His two older sisters, Hafsa and Eshaal are listed before Raihan, and his younger sister Maryam is listed after. While his mom and dad do not have names, they all bear the same surname: Zaman. His dad is deceased.]
info and art under the cut!
General Info
they are all Black Muslims (or at least the pokemon universe equivalent of these concepts).
their family has lived in Hammerlocke for generations, though I haven’t yet decided the details and circumstances of this
the siblings all got Dragon-type affinities from their mom
before Raihan became the Hammerlocke Gym Leader, his mother was the Gym Leader. she’s now happily retired
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[Image Description: A Black woman smiles at someone to her left. Her pupils are slitted like a dragon’s. She is wearing a blank headwrap. One of her hoop earrings is visible. The other is not due to the angle of her head.]
the oldest of the Zaman siblings, she’s always felt responsible for their wellbeing 
she used to be a gym trainer for the Hammerlocke Gym, but quit when their mom retired to go to flight school
Hafsa currently works as a pilot and does commercial flights all over the world
always texting her family pictures of her in other regions to make them jealous (in a cute way)
owns a Garchomp and Dragapult mating pair
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[Image Description: A Black woman stares directly at the viewer. Her face is covered with her niqab, but she is not wearing an eye veil. Her pupils are slitted like Hafsa’s and she has a mole next to one eye.]
went to Hammerlocke University at the age of 18 to get a degree in biology
now has a PhD in climate studies and explores Pokémon-caused weather phenomena 
would punch Rose if she had the opportunity to do so over his actions regarding the Darkest Day
has a strong vendetta against both Archie and Maxie as well for their ecoterrorism 
feels closest with Raihan and often babies him as a result
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[Image Description: A Black teenager looks off to the side, glaring skeptically at whoever has gained her attention. Her nose is pierced and she’s wearing subtle lip gloss and eyeliner. Her hijab covers her hair and ears. She is wearing an oversized shirt with sleeves underneath. On it, a girl rolls her eyes. The text underneath declares that ‘LIFE IS BORING’.]
the youngest of the Zaman siblings and acts accordingly
she’s around 15 or 16 and is slightly older than Hop’s cohort
best friends with Winter (Gordie’s younger teen sister) and Bailey (Milo’s younger brother)
has no career aspirations or desire to be a trainer 
all of her socials are on private bc of her mom, Hafsa and Raihan being popular in Galar #FirstWorldProblems
a bit of a nasty gossip
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tiredbired · 4 years ago
I was shaking my heads at all the YouTubers pronouncing Raihan wrong, but the Pokemon Anime Itself has just left me SCREAMING WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK WAS THAT
For anyone curious as to how it's actually pronounced, it's much closer to ray-hahn with the emphasis being on the han and not the ray. ray-HAHN
That's what pronunciation videos have taught me anyway sorry I'm not Muslim myself
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weliveinapokemonworld · 4 years ago
Oohh, this looks cute! Raihan’s mum and he look so happy!
Is Melony there as a contrast with her relationship to Gordy or does she also know Raihan’s family?
I first saw a Muslim Raihan headcanon from pokemangoe here and then I saw your art with him with a hijabi lady what’s the story I need more Muslim centric stuff in this fandom ahhh sorry if u didnt mean the art as saying he was also Muslim
Thanks so much for the message!! That lady is how I draw his mum, I'm really glad you liked it!!
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Heres another doodle I had with her and teen Raihan
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miso-wo · 5 years ago
Bersyukur sekali rasanya bisa dilahirkan di keluarga muslim.
Pasangan suami istri bisa memilih apakah ingin punya anak atau tidak. Tapi seorang anak tidak bisa memilih untuk bisa dilahirkan dari keluarga mana.
Maka, aku sangat bersyukur bahwa aku dilahirkan dari orangtua yang sudah mengenal Islam, baik amal-amalnya, visinya tidak sebatas permasalahan duniawi, dan berdaya juang tinggi.
Terlepas dari segala kekurangan yang hadir pada kedua orangtuaku, nikmat dilahirkan dari keluarga ini jauh lebih banyak ketimbang konflik-konflik tak sedap lainnya.
Semakin dewasa, perlahan aku semakin mengerti pula; bahwa tidak cukup dilahirkan dari keluarga muslim saja, tapi aku juga harus mau belajar, upgrade diri, bertarung, konsisten, dan juga jatuh untuk kemudian bangkit lagi.
Pernah mendengar nasyid dari Raihan? "Iman tak dapat diwarisi, dari seorang ayah yang bertakwa. Ia tak dapat dijual beli, ia tiada ditepian pantai."
Tidak menjamin juga, anak dari seorang ahli agama akan juga menjadi seorang ahli agama jika tak mau belajar. Oleh karenanya dalam mencari ilmu wajib sekali untuk menjaga adab-adabnya. Berperilaku baik terhadap guru. Berdoa. Juga mengulang-ulang ilmu serta mengamalkannya.
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im glad so many ppl also hc raihan as muslim the very first moment i saw him and learned his name was raihan i was like 'my muslim husband' fhfdhh
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zafaworld · 5 years ago
Syafa berbaring diatas tempat tidurnya sambil menatap langit² kamarnya, pikirannya menerawang jauh. Hingga ia teringat kata² Raihan sewaktu mereka masih SD.
      Saat itu, mereka masih kelas 2 SD. Syafa menangis karena di jahili kakak kelasnya hingga menangis. Saat itu Raihan dengan beraninya melawan kakak kelasnya itu yang badannya jauh lebih besar dari mereka berdua.
"Kakak bakal selalu jagain afa" kata² itu lah yang diucapkan Raihan kecil yang masih syafa ingat hingga kini.
    Syafa tertawa kecil mengingat kejadian itu. Raihan yang dingin dan terkesan cuek pada setiap orang bahkan pada Syafa sekalipun, tak pernah bisa melihat Syafa menangis bahkan kalau pun Syafa hanya murung, Raihan akan mengerahkan seluruh tenaga dan uangnya agar adiknya ini kembali ceria.Raihan itu bisa menjadi Papa kedua untuk Syafa meski tak sehangat papanya.
     Pikirannya seketika tertuju pada perkataan Adhira saat selesai ceramah rutin ustad zul yang diadakan beberapa minggu lalu. Saat itu Syafa menanyakan kenapa Dhira yakin untuk memakai hijab. Karena seingat Syafa, Adhira telah memutuskan berhijab sejak mereka kelas 2 SMP.
" karena itu wajib bagi setiap wanita muslim yang tela baligh. Lagian aku juga sayang abi, aku ngak mau memberatkan langkah abi menuju surgaNya karena aku yang ngak mau berhijab."
       Dan seketika itu pula Syafa teringat akan papanya. Apa dia telah memberatkan langkah papanya menuju surga? Syafa tahu papanya sering kali menyuruhnya menggunakan hijab, tapi dia tetap bersikukuh bawa dia belum siap, bahkan tak jarang ia tak mengacuhkan perkataan papanya itu.
     Syafa bangkit dari posisinya menuju meja belajarnya. Syafa menyalakan laptopnya yang hampir tak pernah ia tutup. Lalu ia membuka salah satu situs perncarian dan mengetikkan kata "Hijab" di salah satu media sosial yang biasa digunakan untuk mengunggah Video. Tak perlu menunggu lama, keluarlah beberapa pilihan dari kata kunci yang dibukanya.
"Yang mana ya?" gumam Syafa
     Pilihannya jatuh pada "Hijab segiempat tutorial". Ia tersenyum lebar dengan mata yang tak beralih dari layar laptopnya yang menampakkan seorang gadis yang dengan lincahnya menggunakan kerudungnya. Dan entah bagaimana kerudung itu sudah terpasang sempurna menutup rambunya.
     Syafa beranjak dari duduknya menghampiri lemari yang terdapat di sudut kamarnya. Syafa menarik sebuah jilbab berwarna biru keluar dari tempatnya. Lalu Syafa memutar kembali video di laman itu. Ia reka ulang langkah-langkah yang diperagakan oleh gadis cantik itu, namun akhirnya menuntaskannya dengan asal-asalan .
     Di depan cermin, Syafa menatap pantulan dirinya. Merasa asing dengan bayangan di depannya. "Kok aneh ya? Perasaan tadi kakak itu jadi cantik banget." komentar Syafa pada dirinya sendiri.
     Seseorang tiba-tiba mengetuk pintu kamarnya.
"Kakak masuk ya,fa?" Suara Raihan terdengar di telinga Syafa
"Ngapain?" tanya Raihan ketika pintu itu dibuka.
"Nyobain doang kak" Syafa yang merasa malu segera melepaskan jilbabnya dengan tergesa-gesa.
"Kenapa dibuka?" tanya Raihan yang memang sedari tadi memperhatikan adiknya ini.
"Aneh banget tahu ka. Kok Adhira bisa cantik banget pakai jilbab begini ya? Tapi kok Syafa malah aneh banget."
"Siapa bilang aneh?" tanya Raihan dengan mengangkat sebelah alisnya
"Syafa liat gitu kak"
"Cantik kok, cuma ya memang harus dibiasain aja pakai hijabnya biar rapi." komentar Raihan.
"lagian siapa yang suruh? tumben banget?" lanjutnya
"Ngak ada" Syafa melemparkan jilbab yang telah ia buka ke arah tempat tidurnya.
"Kamu mau sendiri?" tanya Rai lagi
     Syafa mengangguk, lalu menghempaskan tubuhnya disamping Raihan.
"Setiap wanita yang berhijab itu pasti cantik. Jangan merasa takut jelek, takut di bilang mirip emak emak, kamu cantik kok. Tapi kalau udah berhijab, harus konsisten sama hijabnya."
"Kamu liat deh si Dhira. Dia udah berhijab dari SMP kan. Tapi liat deh bukan makin jelek dia malah makin cantik sekarang. Kakak aja pangling waktu ketemu dia lagi di SMA" Raihan tersenyum simpul mengingat sosok itu
" kak rai kok senyum-senyum?" tanya Syafa.
Satu hal yang Raihan syukuri meski Syafa begajulan tapi adiknya ini masih sangat polos mengenai hal-hal yang menyangkut tentang perasaan.
"Kepo bener!" ejek Raihan yang langsung membuat Syafa manyun.
"Dihh... Udah jelek. Di monyong-monyongin lagi. Jadi tambah jelekan" ejek Rai lagi yang makin membuat Syafa kesal.
"Bodo' ah Rai. Serah lu" Raihan semakin tertawa. Syafa memang tidak memakai embel² kakak jika dia sudah sangat kesal pada Raihan.
"Udahlah gue balik ke kamar dulu. Susah emang ngadepin cewek labil. Jangan lupa besok le sekolah jilbabnya dipake" ujar Rai sambil berlalu meninggalkan kamar Syafa.
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dzatun-nithaqain · 4 years ago
Sari hikmah yang Raihan ambil dari taujih Al Ustadz Hery Saparjan (31/10/20)
1. Semua orang lebih baik dari kita. Apalagi seorang muslim, apalagi seorang hafidz. Ketika dia punya salah, kita juga punya bahkan lebih banyak. Ketika kita merasa sudah jadi baik. Dia juga, bahkan malah bisa lebih. Dengan segala salah dan kurangnya, ada taubat dan rintihan dia pada Allah. من انا من هؤلاء
2. Lakukan semua krn Allah semataaa. Berjuang belajar dll. Bukan krn lingkungan, bahkan manusia
3. Jangan lalai. Penghafal Quran, kalau amanah AlQuran, amanah kpd Allah saja belum selesai. Yakin amanah yang lain juga ga beres.
4. Sholat malam dan doa merintih kepada Allah tidak boleh dilewatkan. Karena kita butuh Allah.
5. Dimanapun kita kalau tdk dekat dengan Allah, maka siapa yang akan tolong kita?
6. Dakwah butuh dai yang kuat mental, bisa beramal jamai dengan baik, benar, sungguh.
7. Dimanapun posisi kita, kerjakan sebaik mungkin. Se profesional mungkin krn Allah semata. Ibarat kisah Qobil dan Habil yang mengurbankan hasil kerja nya untuk Allah. Mau yang paling bagus atau yang biasa aja?
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arinafadhilaa · 5 years ago
Manajemen Waktu
Kita Indonesia. Kita muslim. Kita sudah terbiasa mendengar adzan di setiap waktu sholat. Sila pertama pada pancasila berbunyi "Ketuhanan yang maha esa" menjadi dasar bahwa penduduk Indonesia mempunyai agama, kebebasan menganut agama, kebebasan dalam melaksanakan ibadah sesuai agama yang dianut.
Sebagai seorang muslim (yang mengaku Islam, yang bersyahadat) harusnya sudah ngga perlu dikejar-kejar lagi "ayo sholat" apalagi sudah baligh. Namun nyatanya masih banyak kita jumpai bahwa keimanan memang tidak bisa diwariskan meskipun memiliki orangtua seperti ustadz/ustadzah. Kalo ngambil lirik nasyidnya raihan "iman tak dapat diwarisi dari seorang ayah yang bertakwa" (bacanya sambil nyanyi ya cie cie wkwk) memang betul. Keimanan itu bukan diwariskan. Keimanan adalah kepercayaan pada hal-hal ghaib. Sampai disini bolehkah aku bertanya, kamu islam karena kamu dilahirkan dari orangtua yang beragama islam? Atau kamu islam karena lingkunganmu banyak orang islamnya? Atau kamu islam karena kamu memang memilih dan menyakini bahwa islam adalah satu-satunya agama yang benar? Jawab dalam dirimu sendiri yaa
Sebenarnya aku pingin berbagi cerita dan pengalaman pribadi bahwa dari sholat, kita akan selalu terjaga dan urusan akan selesai. Sek bentar, ini sudut pandangnya jangan dianggap kalo mau kelar urusanmu berati sholat dulu. Jangan gitu. Sudut pandangnya adalah ketika kita mengutamakan tugas kita kepada Allah swt sebagai hamba yang bertaqwa, sebagai hamba yang sudah mengucapkan syahadat dan mengetahui apa konsekuensi dari mengucapkan serta meyakini kalimat syahadat berati sholat wajib dikerjakan. Setelah kita mengutamakan tugas kita sebagai hamba, insyaAllah urusan-urusan selanjutnya akan dimudahkan karena tujuan kita mendapatkan keberkahan dari urusan tersebut😊
Kembali lagi, sholat itu menjaga. Bersyukur banget sebagai muslim selalu diingatkan di setiap waktu dengan adzan. Adzan subuh pertanda permulaan aktivitas di pagi hari, adzan dzuhur pertanda hari memasuki siang istirahat sejenak dari aktivitas, adzan ashar pertanda sore tiba waktunya pulang untuk rehat, adzan maghrib memasuki petang, sudahi aktivitas diluar rumah dan adzan isya sebagai tanda memasuki malam, waktunya tidur istirahat untuk kembali beraktivitas keesokan harinya. MasyaAllah banget yaa Rasulullah waktu peristiwa isra' mi'raj, ketemu Allah di sidratul muntaha dan akhirnya terjadi kesepakatan bahwa sholat yang wajib dikerjakan ada 5 waktu. Awalnya 50 sholat menjadi 5 waktu wajib. Jadi, kebangetan buangeett kalo kita sebagai hamba Allah dan sebagai umatnya Rasulullah masih bolong-bolong sholatnya bahkan ngga sholat sama sekali😱😭
Aku pernah dapat nasehat dari murobiku dulu "kalau kita ingin terjaga, aktivitas lancar dalam seharian coba tengok sudah tepat waktukah sholat subuh kita?"
Sholat subuh, menjadi awalan kegiatan kita dipagi hari. Mungkin sebagian ada yang bangun sebelum subuh untuk melaksanakan sholat tahajud, mungkin biasanya yang perempuan-perempuan sudah prepare untuk memasak. Jadi ketika kita sholat subuh tepat waktu, insyaAllah dalam seharian itu untuk melaksanakan sholat dzuhur, ashar, maghrib dan isya juga akan tepat waktu ngga molor-molor. Akhirnya aktivitas kita yang lain pun akan lancar. Ritmenya teratur.
Aku pernah suatu ketika bangun subuh kesiangan hehe terus seharian itu sholatnya jadi agak molor-molor, pekerjaan banyak tertunda karena mager. Pas dzuhur malah masih asik nonton film, akhirnya pekerjaan mau beres-beres atau nyuci baju jadi tertunda. Jadi malas ngapa-ngapain. Kalo perempuan biasanya ada haid ditiap bulannya. Coba deh perhatikan ketika kondisi kita sedang haid, sering malasnya kan? Ujung2nya cuma rebahan wkwk. Kalo pas lagi ngga haid, ada sholat sebagai pengingat waktu kita.
Kalo kata syeikh Hasan Al-Banna, salah satu sifat dari karakter pribadi seorang muslim adalah "haritsun ala waqtihi" yang artinya pandai menjaga waktu. Seperti apakah manajemen waktu kita sebagai seorang muslim? Sudah sejauuuh mana kita bisa menjaga waktu sholat kita? Ini baru satu bagian dari sekian bagian. Makanya, yuk perbaiki waktu sholat kita, perbaiki manajemen waktu kita. Banyak hak-hak sodara kita yang menunggu peran kita. Kalo kita bisa memanaj waktu dengan baik, kita punya janji dengan teman/rekan kerja bisa dikerjakan tepat waktu juga😄. Suka kan kalo apa-apa itu tepat waktu ngga ngaret wkwk. Makanya dimulai dari diri kita dulu, mulai dari sikap kita sebagai hamba yang taat kepada Allah untuk sholat tepat waktu, hingga akhirnya secara ngga langsung akan berpengaruh kepada perilaku kita ke sesama manusia. Saling menghargai
Waktu itu berharga. Lebih berharga dari uang. Kita ngga bisa membeli waktu. Kita ngga bisa mengulang waktu. Tapi waktu bisa membuat kita berubah. Jaga waktu kita dengan hal-hal kebaikan sehingga 1 detik kemudian bisa jadi kita akan mendapatkan kebaikan pula
Ini tulisan buat arina di waktu kedepannya supaya inget pernah nulis begini. Kadang tulisan2 masa lalu menjadi pengingat diri sendiri
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Pict: maghrib time (dusk) 17 June 2020 at Surabaya
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