punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
I don't think all these simp writers are going all out like they should because well i always see them talking about loving unhinged as fuck goths who have a mean surface with hidden softness and goofy balls of sunshine that're actually huge badasses and have secret trauma and being horny over them but they never talk about Steph and Cass from Batman despite like 65% of the fan content being x Readers so if you're a self-proclaimed slut then listen to the voice of god and make good on your word.Fuck Stephanie Brown and Cassandra Cain
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malbecmusings · 11 months
J Class beauties stretching their legs in the ‘23 Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup. Giles Martin-Raget
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lilenui · 5 months
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Bandai is releasing the entire cast of "Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans" (limited to the first season so far) as acrylic stands. 45 characters in total, 1,100 JPY each. The bases can be clipped together. Preorders end on May 15th, 11pm JST (GMT+9). https://www.gundam.info/news/goods/01_14455.html It's a p-bandai excluive so you'll need a VPN to even enter the site because it's now region-locked.
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feralchaton · 9 months
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Gilles Martin-Raget
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seabattical · 1 year
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ocdisgusting · 1 year
Bro if i didnt unpack my backpack from my car from my hotel stay with my mom last night i sooooo wouldve gotten another room tonight
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seasoflife · 1 month
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Gilles Martin-Raget
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rayuu · 17 days
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no ragets
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2squeakyshoes · 1 year
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Photos courtesy of Gilles Martin-Raget
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havaforever · 2 years
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Le magnifique et trop peu connu Musée BOURDELLE réouvre ses portes aprÚs quelque rénovation. 
Émile-Antoine Bordelle naĂźt le 30 octobre 1861 Ă  Montauban. A dix-sept ans il quitte sa ville natale pour la capitale languedocienne avec, comme seule ressource, une maigre bourse de la ville de Montauban. Il rĂ©alise lĂ  ses premiers portraits grĂące Ă  ses relations montalbanaises et toulousaines.
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Il n’a alors qu’une idĂ©e en tĂȘte : rĂ©ussir ses Ă©tudes pour pouvoir passer le concours final qui lui permettra de rejoindre Paris, seule voie d’accĂšs, en ces temps-lĂ , Ă  une vĂ©ritable carriĂšre de sculpteur. Il y arrive dĂšs 1884, alors qu’il n’a que vingt-trois ans. Heureux mais pauvre, il doit partager une chambre avec son ami carcassonnais, le peintre Achille LaugĂ©, dans un petit hĂŽtel de la rue Bonaparte, Ă  cĂŽtĂ© de l’École des Beaux-Arts oĂč il suit les cours de FalguiĂšre, son compatriote toulousain. 
Finalement, il trouvera un atelier, dans le quartier Montparnasse, impasse du Maine qu’il occupera jusqu’à sa mort. C’est l’actuel musĂ©e Bourdelle. 
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Toujours aussi impressionnant de par sa structure magistrale, et ses contenus monumentaux, les ateliers de l’élĂšve de Rodin, et l’immense et majestueuses salle des plĂątres sont rafraichis et accueillants. 
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Attenante Ă  l’atelier de sculpture, la foisonnante salle des techniques propose dĂ©sormais sur 60 mÂČ aux publics de tous Ăąges, une offre de dispositifs autour du processus de fabrication des Ɠuvres et des mĂ©tiers de l’atelier. Un vaste mur des manipulations mĂȘle Ɠuvres originales Ă  toucher, matĂ©riaux, dispositifs ludiques, sonores et numĂ©riques. Un coin salon composĂ© de trois postes dotĂ©s d’écrans permet d’approfondir ses connaissances par des films et une nouvelle offre de jeux et modules interactifs.
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DensifiĂ©, le nouveau parcours des collections prĂ©sente sous un angle chrono-thĂ©matique l’Ɠuvre de Bourdelle. 
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L’accent est portĂ© sur une mise en contexte, en particulier par des Ɠuvres de ses contemporains et Ă©lĂšves, issues des collections du musĂ©e Bourdelle (Auguste Rodin, Jean Arp) ou nouveaux dĂ©pĂŽts, gĂ©nĂ©reusement consentis par des institutions (MusĂ©e national d’art moderne, Petit Palais, musĂ©e Zadkine, Fondation Giacometti) et collections particuliĂšres (Mme Sylvie Martin-Raget pour deux Ɠuvres de Germaine Richier). 
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Tout est impressionnant, presque intimidant, sans oublier le jardin aux géants de bronze, ainsi que les différentes cours intérieures. 
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Un labyrinthe oĂč l’on se promĂšne de dĂ©couverte en surprise, et en Ă©blouissement. 
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444names · 2 months
Names generated from the entire article on "Maesters" from awoiaf.org
Ablys Acteeng Ademon Adviscut Advister Aestor Aftyrigh Agenedick Alsors Amplars Anded Andesposes Apperow Appolyon Areeding Arking Ascon Asongbor Asought Assings Asucture Aticialf Atick Atinumbed Atiout Atirecte Aurcroted...
Baemon Bannings Barages Baring Barnin Barribelm Bason Basordes Bastatim Beforsorted Belles Beral Bernin Bioned Brack Brarnin Builling Buisce Candentip Canters Carcrien Caster Cater Cateriter Chadvi Chaimon Challock Chets Chispille Chmarme Chmes Chold Chrose Cithers Colls Comal Coman Comene Comse Coninct Conornets Consithaves Consted Constery Consworref Contadis Coren Corivere Cormalch Cothrons Cottene Cough Coultinse Crapplacts Cravens Crough Cusest Damed Damweren Danclan Darads Dayle Denfirate Desce Desside Diners Dirlyourphs Dislase Donzed Doormorly Dorbrolkity Dreywhim Drotereiths Dryagetens Dungs Duteepere Earditing Easchanged Easea Eaveng Eboteny Efull Eginerazorn Eitletinks Eposby Eveld Evelleth Eversteek Exuagan Exuages Ferfe Ferys Ficall Filly Fliendle Foldiret Foregord Foriumage Fourth Freed Frigine Frous Ganin Garking Garveroft Geding Genters Gerven Gicarn Glaven Glavivacy Goncialf Goncid Gorch Gormenmuns Gover Grach Gratudged Grial Gricende Griontless Guilosen Haegir Haingborn Halifiew Halow Hampheights Hance Handestars Happol Harry Hasts Headvirs Heave Hemonfick Heramys Hight Highty Hited Horiume Hought Icath Iddave Iderowle Ifter Ildoestle Ilostad Immer Imornstong Imose Intly Irder Islauden Jeciv Joshmen Judgiver Kartaillome Keticol Kinsing Knime Knoth Kymarceres Lanceselor Larcervesen Larts Lasoles Lateas Lefered Lenticon Leston Lexper Liging Lignif Lingick Liter Loguinu Lorgarder Lossittor Lowle Lundor Maellin Magests Magodys Mallicks Malty Manklerans Maripsing Marodrie Martis Mashel Masts Mateects Maten Mater Maters Mented Meston Metabort Metrus Micuss Mishitly Mover Movery Muners Mured Namer Namyraffer Naraurque Natint Neases Neastermon Ninsit Nomend Notanneth Nottorival Notty Nowes Obers Obscurety Offirepild Oldon Ormerrends Oteriumeres Oterlanough Otheast Ottleong Perating Peryent Peryk Plarks Posebors Prance Precill Preeny Pregarly Preld Premples Prentlyn Prestas Priarning Priat Prinsuccure Prolects Proser Prosideads Prout Punnilly Putions Pycen Pykenected Pyleryke QuirĂłs Quist Quoth Qyberters Raborent Races Raget Rankily Raught Ravii Raying Rearner Reask Reated Recing Recurquess Recuteed Refam Reffrol Rejur Rejurning Relize Remon Remse Renden Rensen Rentant Rents Reption Rhangs Roken Romaessock Roores Rourd Rouste Rowike Rundly Russe Ruthers Sance Sanitteents Sceding Schind Scrice Scrough Scule Scuteavent Seakeed Searning Seend Septist Sequent Sersoul Servi Serwou Sfuld Shall Shmurende Silleer Sinecy Sisored Smits Sonce Sperown Spert Spholty Spildinds Stady Stakines Statch Stede Steed Sterlarch Stiesse Stowellit Strage Strat Stude Sucappos Succe Succon Succurrelle Sught Sumar Sumbs Supiced Supper Surtas Survents Sweer Swellowle Sworm Taker Talfines Tatingire Tentende Tharsons Thetathen Thorns Thoseedge Thown Thratraces Threpunki Thromylifer Throng Throut Thualf Tizardedly Toonsithred Torcerfull Torights Tracoulan Tragamene Trars Traved Trayn Trignit Trivight Trons Truld Tuage Tualy Turch Turcher Turpred Twart Twill Tyrianceput Umpood Underited Uneved Urestated Vally Vanted Varchily Vicairone Vights Villyord Vings Visen Visnow Wallotow Wally Waryeacce Wathere Wationce Wationgs Wayagover Wenly Weren Werferter Whellion Whigh Whight Whign Whinds Whipticks Wiken Wikin Wilind Wilowneets Witer Womaind Wrants Wrout Yelevly
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amateurchefstuff · 5 months
INGREDIENTS: (4 persones) 2 llĂșceres de 200 a 250 grs. a mig tallar 1 ceba gran 2 grans d’all 1 albergĂ­nia petita 1 carabassĂł mitjĂ  1 caixeta de safrĂ  1 raget petit de vi blanc 2 fulles de llorer 15 ametlles torrades 10 gr. de pinyons 1 raig d’oli 1 polset de sal 1 polset de pebre vermell Pel fumet: Âœ porro 1 patata 1 fulla llorer 1 ceba Âœ carbassĂł PREPARACIÓ: Es fa tallar el lluç a la

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malbecmusings · 11 months
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Big asyms can be a challenge. Giles Martin Raget
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conspi · 1 year
Stray , the video game that cats love
The Stray video game , whose protagonist is an alley cat, has won over many people since its release in July. More surprisingly, the title also arouses the fascination of felines.
On Twitter, the Cats Watching Stray account , which lists the most zany reactions of cats watching the adventures of the mustachioed hero, already has more than 37,000 subscribers.Start of the widget. Skip widget?
In the skin of a cat
In Stray , a hairy quadruped roams an underground city populated by humanoids and strange creatures. Using a drone, the tomcat must solve a series of puzzles to get back to the surface.
We made this video game for cats with a real passion for our companions , explains to Agence France-Presse (AFP) Swann Martin-Raget, producer of BlueTwelve, the French studio behind this production.
Much of the team owns a cat, and Swann Martin-Raget himself shares his home with two furry housemates, Tao and Litchi.
Leading the best releases of the year, according to a ranking of the Steam platform, and having an average of 83/100 on the review site Metacritic, Stray is available for PlayStation and PC.
If critics regret a simplistic adventure, most praise its graphic qualities, its dreamlike atmosphere and especially the satisfaction and the feeling of freedom that it gives to embody a cat.
From the dog in Dog's Life to the wild wolf in Okami and the goat in Goat Simulator , there are plenty of games that offer animal management. However, until Stray , feline references were rare.
Get inspired by real felines
One of the major development challenges, according to Swann Martin-Raget, was creating a realistic animal.
For the visual aspect, BlueTwelve was inspired by Murtaugh, a stray cat adopted by the people who co-founded the studio. And Oscar, the sphinx of one of the team members, served as a model for the animations.
Stray 's felid purrs , curls up to take a nap and takes malicious pleasure in damaging the furniture. A button even makes it meow.
You couldn't play a game with a cat without a couch to scratch on.
Realism that makes cats react
On social networks, photos and videos of cats intrigued or hypnotized by the mustachioed hero on the screen are numerous.
Every time I play, the silhouette of his two ears blocks the bottom of the screen , says Curtis Amrein about Bebe, his short-haired companion.Start of the Twitter widget. Skip widget?
Hobbes, 8, is particularly curious when Stray 's cat meows and I change the angle of the camera to zoom in on his face , describes his owner, Enzo Yaksic.
These reactions can be explained by the realism of the hero, according to animal behaviorist JoAnna Puzzo, of the British shelter Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, in an interview for the specialized American site Gamespot.
The game's creative heads captured many of the cat's natural social behaviors, such as grooming or group rubbing , observes the expert. They also added subtle details, like his pupils that dilate when he's alert, his ears that fold up, and his defensive posture.
The phenomenon delights developers, who claim not to have anticipated such enthusiasm.
When the studio cats started reacting to what was happening on our screens, we thought we were headed in the right direction.
But we would never have imagined that so many cats would try to jump into the TV , adds the producer of BlueTwelve.
Another sign of the enthusiasm for Stray  : fans of the game have created mods , these computer modules which allow in particular to change the appearance of the main character.Start of the Twitter widget. Skip widget?
Garfield or Marie (the Aristocats ' kitten ) are among the options. It is also possible to transform the hero into an adorable puppy.
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politirapporten · 2 years
SLAGELSE: En 16-Ärig pige blev torsdag klokken 14.43 overfaldet pÄ Casinotorvet i Slagelse af en bekendt, en 16-Ärig mand, som hun var raget uklar med. Pigen blev under overfaldet slÄet i ansigtet, ligesom hun blev vÊltet omkuld pÄ jorden og her sparkede overfaldsmanden hende flere gange pÄ kroppen. Voldsmanden stak hurtigt af fra stedet, men han nÄede ikke sÄ langt idet et vidne lÞb ham op og foretog en civil anholdelse. En politipatrulje kom tilstede og overtog den anholdte voldsmand kl. 14.51 og sigtede han for vold. Her blev voldsmanden identificeret som vÊrende en 16-Ärig fyr fra SorÞ, som blev taget med til politistationen i Slagelse. Her blev han afhÞrt til sagen, inden han blev lÞsladt igen klokken 16.32.
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liquidlead · 3 years
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Quick ink sketch before the j.o.b. @shelbywrobertson's RAGETALITY #Ragetality #ComicbookArt #IndieArtists #IndieComics #ComicbookArtist #ComicbookFan #ArtistsOnInstagram #ArtistsOfInstagram #InkSketch #InkSketches #Sketching #Wip #Sketches #Sketching #DrawingSketch #Superheros #ArtistsOnTheGram #InstagramArtists #FanArt #Drawing #DrawDrawDraw #DrawDaily #SketchDaily #DrawingsOfInstagram #MarvelComics #DcComics #ImageComics #SketchWarmup #Doodles #DrawDoodles #ArtWarmUp https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ4ALx8s0jW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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