#rae goes back to school
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fwhoaco · 10 months ago
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Here's my final model for my first AND last undergrad architecture studio! I learned so much, and I'm pumped to go into grad school in the fall!
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rae-redacted · 1 year ago
I killed it at the career/internship fair last week, and now I have INTERVIEWS TOMORROW, WEDNESDAY, AND FRIDAY!!!!
I also have a dozen deliverables due Wednesday for my studio class and of course I'm not done my CAD model. Alas. One thing at a time 😄
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anonymityisfunwriter · 1 month ago
hear me out... sunshine meets deadpool 😭
deadpool and sunshine? i mean... YES OF COURSE!!
We shall dub them... SunPool? DeadShine? I'll let you guys decide. Thanks for the ask! 💛
Finder's Keepers
AnonymityIsFun Masterlist | Grumpy Sunshine Series Masterlist Pairing - Grumpy!Bucky Barnes x Sunshine!Reader
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“What in the fuck knuckles is this?” Sam hears a voice echo through the halls of the Avengers Compound.
“This is the Avengers Compound,” you exclaim.
“You guys get a Compound, the X-Men get a fucking school, and what do I get?”
“An incredible sense of humor?”
Sam’s pace quickens as he hears your voice slowly getting further and further away. He rounds the corner, stopping before you and the red suited mercenary. “Who the hell is this?”
“Sam, this is Wade. Wade, this is Sam.”
Sam rests his hands on his hips, “What did I tell you about bringing home strays?”
You shrug, “He’s not a stray, technically.”
“She’s right, you know. You may have this Compound, but I have a blind roommate with a massive coke problem.”
Sam immediately shakes his head, trying to usher Deadpool out, “Okay, no, he cannot be here!”
“But Sam… he needed help.”
Sam juts his thumb at Deadpool, “If Bucky finds this guy here, he’s gonna kill him.”
“Bucky? Bucky Barnes? Oh, I’m a big fan of that guy. You know the whole metal arm, raining bullets down, ugh,” Wade dramatically shudders. “Yup, I think I’m in love with him.”
You snap your head in his direction, “Hey!”
Wade shrugs, “Too late I called dibs. Finder's keepers, it's the law.”
“Are you gonna tell me exactly how you’re helping him?”
“Why? Are you gonna help us?” Wade asks, plucking Sam’s goggles from his waistband. “You know, I think these could really add to my look.”
“I’m not helping you,” Sam snatches back his goggles. “I’m helping her.”
“Well, we just need to get him into the armory.”
“You want to give this random stranger access to the Avengers’ armory?”
“Well, we can watch him. It’s fine, Sam. He’s trying to be one of the good guys.”
“Trying to be? What does that even mean?”
Sam’s question goes unanswered as you stand before the reinforce armory doors. You rest your hand against the keypad. From above, FRIDAY chimes, “Voice activation required.”
“Pinkie Pie,” you call into the voice pad.
“Access granted,” FRIDAY calls.
“Pinkie Pie?” Wade scoffs. “You’re telling me this author couldn’t come up with anything better than a line I used three movies ago?”
“What is he talking about?” you whisper to Sam.
Sam shrugs, a concerned, borderline disturbed look on his face, “I have no idea.”
“Hey, Wade?” You gently rest your hand on Deadpool’s shoulder. “What are you looking at?”
He continues glaring off into the distance, “The fourth wall.”
“Sure, Wade, come on, let’s sit you down.”
“You know, you’re kinda sweet.” Wade gently boops your nose. “I think I might keep you. Finder's keepers.”
AnonymityIsFun Masterlist Grumpy Sunshine Series
As always, let me know what you think! Reblogs and comments are always appreciated! 💛
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez @ludicbouquetfromearth @matchat3a @famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff @valoraxx @blue786sworld @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @geminigengar @ansaturn @ecolle @lexhalstead3 @ybflkmj @mediocre-daydreams @shanye1112 @thegirlnextdoorssister @toomanyfanficsbruh @moonlightreader649 @breathtaking-cynthia @mirikusashes @beans-and-toast @niyahcoca @katiechikin @elxvrr @antiheroxsblog @infamouslyclumsy @krissydclayton93 @buckysbarnes @deadheadwbedhead @qualitygiantshoepsychic @whitexwolfxx310 @getosprettyboy @matchat3a @weallhaveadestiny @mostlymarvelgirl @honeydew3064 @michealharrypotter @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @withyoutilltheendoftheline @the-photo-hoe @rae-nna @sarachabeans1@double-shot-of-tequila @spookyparadisesheep @lunaalovesyouu @daisy-loves-bucky@roseproseposts @theoraekenslover@king814318 @maybesomedaytho @carlie-babes99 @sunshinechikin @as-white-as-snow-love @melala1030 @badasswlthafatass @armystay89 @multiversefanfics @cherrysscinema @breathlesspieceofdeath @ravenn-darkholme @bxckybxrnes24 @guiltyasreid @bellabarnes1378 @blithecapricorn @mrsnikstan @marvelatthem @capswife @1-akira-2
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shifterae · 7 months ago
changes in my mha drs
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okay so first and foremost, my dr is very much NOT the canon. pretty much all of the little details are changed but i think it helps it from feeling like a "and bumblebee" type of dr :)
ALSOOO sorry if there are a bunch of typos 😭😭
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so first! in my student drs, the classes are made of 24 students rather than 20.
i never liked the idea of taking someone out of 1a bc im just attached to them (looking at everyone but mineta) and so i opted to make the class bigger since i also wanted a few other canon characters to be in my class :)
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added students, my minimight dr is the only dr where i scripted who specifically would fill those extra spots
with me, we only need 3 more students and i chose for Hitoshi Shinso, Inasa Yoarashi, and Himiko Toga, to fill those spots.
Shinso was able to make it into the hero course bc i scripted that he is Eraserheads nephew who is in his care and has already been trained by him (i luv shinso)
Togaaa! I scripted her in by changing the way her quirk affected her and the way she used it, she is a lot different than her canon self but im okay with that bc i just wanna see her be happy (i luv togachako) (their relationship isn't scripted but i have hope that it will occur on its own🙏🙏🙏) (i adore them)
the Inasa one can be explained by the next change
(basically he doesn't have bad interactions w endeavor and shoto)
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so basically the only reason Inasa didn't go to UA is bc he thought endeavor and shoto were both like, pretentious and mean or something (i lowkey forgot bc it doesn't register to me that he isn't at UA in canon😭) and i scripted sooo much change for the todo family guys.
i luv the todorokis :(((
okay so first of all, OBVIOUS change, enji is not toxically obsessed with all might! they're actually friends!!!
their dynamic is inspired by mirio and midoriyas bc i think it's just so cute like the idea of enji just being so amazed and inspired by AM
enji tho is still reaching for #1 it's just not toxic and doesn't cause him to become abusive and neglectful...
rei and enji fall in love organically!
touyas quirk is not as self destructive! and he becomes a hero and goes by Dabi
since enji isn't toxic and abusive, natsuo, shoto, fuyumi, and touya, all get along well and over all they have a good (normal) family dynamic!
with AM and Enji being close, i grew up with them and they have become my family!!!!! like touya and natsuo are my big brothers, fuyumi my sister, and as for sho, he's genuinely my bestest friend ever
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Moving on from people, i scripted that junior hero academies exist!
they range from hero prep school and just kids of heroes schools!
The hero prep schools are competitive to get into and generally, the classes are small and made of just the kids of elite heroes
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whoops we're going back to people...
okay so first sorry tokoyami, im interning w hawks 🫶🫶🫶
shotos with touya!
bakugo is with MIRKO bc hello that is an iconic duo waiting to happen
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as for school life,
we do a lot more of joint training with 1b!! (I adore them)
and we do media days like they do for athletes!!
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that's all i wanna type for now bc my phone is genuinely lagging so much soooo
byeee, rae
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zithergiltscorner · 2 months ago
Why am i allowed to be happy if i'm not perfect?
qoute on the top of my blog by @thatcringegirly
this blog swears and sometimes talks politics or mental illness stuff!! If you feel uncomfy, i'm so sorry, i would've liked to get to know you.
Hello dearest niblings!!
Names: Zith, Zeth, Ziggy, Zelda, ZigZag and/or El, Ellie.
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Pronouns and/or gender:
uh.... this used to be very complicated but i think i figured it out
May have a second personality, who gets text like this;
Wazzup bitches
He goes by he/him and uh... we don't get along
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Srs: Panromantic bisexual thanks for asking!
So, uhm, yeah.
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Me casually doing shit
#Ziggy yaps - jus' me speaking. Goes for most my posts. #Ellie Insane - The slightly more... unhinged yaps #Ziggy rbs - me reblogging shit #Ziggy sad - me being depressed #ZigZchool - pretty self-explanatory. Mi school. #Ziggys very wholesome tiddy thoughts are back - Transition stuff
Slightly more gimmick-y shit
#ZigZag musicmood - When the yapping is about the best thing in the universe [ music ] #Ziggy the qoute collector - qoutes i've collected #frankiefitcheck - when a moot of mine posts a fit check, i'll do a list of cool things in the photo. These mostly go for @frankiefridayyy, hence the name.
Interactions with mah mootsies
#pikkpia - Interactions w/ @ladyloss-blog, my canonical mom and comfort person #a wild bea appeared - interactions w/ @honee-bea, prolly won't be many with these, she very busy woman #aussie moot - interactions w/ @chaos-gremlin, my little arsonist #toaster rat cronicles - interactions w/ @the-toaster-rat, my friendly neighborhood cult leader #rae yay - interactions w/ @raeprise, one o' mah first moots #blizzie the wifey - interactions w/ @blizzardtheartisticfox, my canonical wife #Shen the father - interactions w/ @stuck-in-a-forest, my canonical father #A wild bea's malewife - Interactions w/ @t0by-h, my very nice canonical uncle. Also the master of baiting. #skeleton prizon - interactions w/ @thelovelyvie, i see 'em as an aunt now. Mom's mortal enemy. #dearest creechur in creachun - interactions w/ @l3sb14nc4t, my daughter. The name's a reference to the poem, and how all my children are "dearest, dearie, dear". #ze great zage - interactions w/ @sage-way, kitty person #grandmother warmachinez - interactions w/ @digi-tor, very comfy person mhm mhm
Other ppls tags for interacting wit me
#mother posting >:] - @ladyloss-blog's tag for interacting with me #ziggy the silly - @the-toaster-rat's tag for interacting with me #my zigzag child - @stuck-in-a-forest's tag for interacting with me #zig zag - @raeprise's tag for interacting with me #the smol - i believe @thelovelyvie's tag for me #mona momma - @l3sb14nc4t's tag for me
erghm either i can't think of any more or that's all for now
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Music gets to have it's own post!!
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IRL FRIENDS @li11ied n @thatcringegirly
also this
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i have been on aaaa....
adoption spree
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onto the sliigghhhtllyyy more trigger worthy things. Uhm, nothing too bad, i promise. Weight, mental health, sh mentions (not pictured)
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Even though i am a minor, i do accept compliments. Like rlly. pls send me compliments. It makes my tummy flutter. In the best way. INCLUDING compliments about my looks, i'll warn if yall overstep any boundries i promise.
My stats!
weight: 56.5 kg's / 125 pounds
height: 5'10 / 178 cm
waist measure: 69.5 cm [lol] / 27.3 inches
oh and i sh. Burning. Only occationally, i'm very careful, and i promise you don't have to worry. I don't think i have an actual ed, but i do wish i was slimmer and sometimes skip meals because of it.
~ auntie Ziggy <3
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gingerbreadmonsters · 2 years ago
cherry leather looker
or: you're a car, you're a woman, you're a drug!
gn!reader, explicit nsfw, vincent-typical after-school shenanigans. bank me like a millionaire, baby! it’s time for some last-minute summer fun, so you know what that means… my vincent is chinese, so don’t be surprised that he’s got a bit more physical description than i usually go in for. for the wonderful rae @sri-rachaa, mutual of my heart everything i do is for her - happy birthday gorgeous girlie!! all my love, and hope you’re having a fab day <3 inspired by sugar soaker by panic! at the disco, and i wonder if you can guess why…? vincent going off-road in just over 5300 words.
i’m aware that the byline implies fem!lovely, but that’s just because that’s how the song goes lol - lovely here is entirely gender neutral, and their body (including their, um, hardware) is basically not described at all.
this fic contains explicit nsfw content, and is very, very 18+. reader discretion is advised. minors dni. thank you. 
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Exams aren’t coming up for a while yet, but unfortunately that doesn’t mean you don’t have to study. DAMN loves to pile the work on, latent humanborns be damned, and it’s an absolute nightmare once deadlines start to roll around.
Sam’s been tutoring you every Friday for a few months now, keeping you hostage once a week for an hour or two after classes, and it’s awful. He’s not bad at it, he’s just kind of boring, you know? He’s so good at this stuff that he doesn’t really know how to teach it very well, so he ends up doing that infuriating thing where he just reads stuff out of the textbook, nods like of course you’ll have understood that, and moves onto the next thing. It’s infuriating!
You’ve got to be at his place in, like, twenty minutes - normally Vincent would come and pick you up, but he’s got some meeting in town with a client, so Sam’s coming to get you instead. It’s not fair! When Vincent comes to pick you up, he always lets you choose the music, and he brings one of the cars that’s fast enough to get you there in half the time, so he can make out with you in the back seat for ten minutes before you have to go. Sam? Uh, no thanks, for several reasons. Long story short, you’re really not looking forward to studying with him tonight-
…Wait, what?
The car park isn’t full, but it’s certainly not empty. It must be, what, about half twelve? Quarter to one? You’ve just come out of your Introductory Mental Disciplines lecture and your brain is kind of fried - Professor Albright’s a wonderful teacher, but he can be a little… intense, to put it lightly - so it’s not exactly a surprise that it takes you a minute to figure out where that voice is coming from.
“Lovely! Over here!”
Hazard lights flash behind you, and a good handful of other students turn with you to see - ah. Yeah, okay. You really should have known. Vincent Solaire, the picture of romance, big round sunglasses perched amid gracefully-dishevelled hair, waving madly from the driver’s seat of a very red, very shiny, very expensive convertible.
“Get in!”
Well, he certainly doesn’t have to tell you twice.
He’s already got his foot on the pedal as you slam the door shut, chucking your backpack over onto the back seat, and he pulls you in for a breathless kiss while clumsy hands fumble with your seatbelt. As soon as he hears it click, that’s it - before you really know what’s going on, you’re racing out of the car park and down the road out of town, music all the way up and pedal all the way down.
“How did - where-” You’re still a bit dizzy from the speed of it all - how the hell is he here? “What happened to your meeting?”
“Got Alexis to do it,” he says breezily, one hand reaching up to adjust the rearview mirror before slipping down to sit high on your thigh. “I just about stopped Fred catching her and Christian having some fun in the dining room after the clan meeting a few weeks ago, so she owes me one.”
Ah. That would explain why Vincent couldn’t keep a straight face when Sam’s mate had asked if he knew why the dining room table was away for repairs the other day. You don’t really want to know what he told them.
“Actually, that reminds me!” Regrettably, he takes his hand off you to put his sunglasses on properly - only Vincent would be caught wearing sunglasses at night unironically, just because they look cool, baby, look! He does an awkward sort of wriggle as he fishes his phone out of the pocket of his jeans, tossing it lightly into your lap. “Can you check if it’s on silent, please?”
“Yeah, hold on. It’s… no, it’s not.” It only takes a few seconds - you offer it back to him, but he shakes his head, so you just put it in the centre console. “Why?”
“Because…” Vincent’s grin gets impossibly bigger, laughing as you race down the A-road that leads into the woods surrounding Dahlia. “I’d know that old thing a mile away. Say hello, lovely!”
He flashes the hazards again, sticking two fingers in his mouth for a piercing wolf-whistle before flipping off the truck going the other w- hold on, that’s Sam’s truck, why’s he heading out now if you’re meant to be-
“Better luck next time, old man!” Vincent shouts over his shoulder, and there’s that vampire hearing - true to form, his phone lights up with an incoming call, the familiar piano loud as it vibrates. “Finders keepers!”
Twisting round in your seat, you laugh as Sam’s truck disappears when you turn the corner, leaning over to kiss Vincent’s temple partly in shock, but mostly in elation. “Breaking me out of prison, hmm?”
“For you, baobei?” He threads his fingers between yours, that lovesick look you know so wonderfully well, gently pulling your hand to press his lips to your wrist. “I’m stealing you all for myself.”
His other hand flicks the left indicator on, which is a bit of a surprise. Isn’t home in the other direction? “Are we not…?”
He scoffs theatrically, and it’s unfair that he can make it sound so cute. “Going home? No. What’d you wanna do that for?” Your phone starts buzzing, Sam clearly having given up on Vincent answering, but you both ignore it. “I thought we could, uh, go on a little adventure tonight. Just us.”
“Oh, is that what we’re calling it?” He flushes slightly at your tone, cheeks slowly turning pink, and your smile widens as he deliberately avoids your eyes in the mirror. “Last time we went ‘adventuring’, we ended up fucking up the suspension so much that even you said you were gonna have to pay someone to fix it. Sure you wanted to bring this car?”
“I - you-!” Flustered, he stabs clumsily at the centre console, pointedly turning the volume up even as his blush deepens and deepens with your wicked laughter. “ Just- just pick a song!”
The drive isn’t too long, all things considered - it’s only about an hour, maybe a bit more. It’s not like the roads are all that busy at 1am, you know? At first, you’re not really sure where he might be taking you, but about twenty minutes in he turns down onto the coast road, and it clicks.
“At this hour? It’ll be freezing!” He really thinks he’s slick, doesn’t he? And okay, yeah, he kind of is, but there’s no way you’re telling him that. Got to keep him on his toes, after all.
“Mmm, it will be, won’t it?” Up ahead, the lights turn red at the junction. Ever a man of opportunity, he wastes no time - the car’s barely stopped before he’s kissing you, one hand under your jaw and the other sliding down to rub teasingly over your hip. “Gonna keep - nnng - gonna keep me warm, lovely?”
“Haahh-” Soft, always so soft. Pulling slightly against your seatbelt, closer closer closer - ooh, is that strawberry chapstick? Between the fizz of his hands on your skin and the sweetness of his mouth against yours, it’s kind of hard to come up with a coherent response. “Yeah, mmm, yeah, just- hm?”
Unfortunately, he breaks what was shaping up to be a very nice kiss as a motorbike speeds past, straight over the junction. Oh. Right, yeah, the traffic lights. You’d sort of forgotten about that. Thank goodness there’s nobody else behind you. Vincent’s gaze meets yours, washed in green light, lips already slightly pinker than normal - you’re so tempted to ask if you can pull over. Come on, nobody’s looking. Just for five minutes?
(Well, maybe ten. Fifteen. Twenty? Maybe just a bit longer-)
The glovebox clicking open knocks you out of your pleasant reverie, watching Vincent rifle awkwardly through the mess of CD cases before extracting a half-empty bottle of chewing gum.
“Want some?” He rattles the jar towards you, popping two in his mouth before grimacing in surprise. “Wait, this-”
Pushing his sunglasses back up into his hair, he looks properly at the label this time, and you’re not saying his age is catching up to him, but… “Fuck, I forgot I ran out of strawberry.” Undeterred, he takes a third one before handing you the bottle, stepping on the pedal as you put it back in the glovebox. “I think it’s spearmint? Peppermint? Oh, I don’t know - the one Lexi had the other day.”
“Did she get it for you?” You’re surprised. When Alexis and Vincent buy things for each other, they’re normally one of two things: specifically designed to make the other’s life noticeably worse, or costing at least several thousand dollars. Somehow, you doubt that this particular jar of chewing gum was either of those things, but Alexis Solaire is nothing if not full of surprises.
“Nah. Nicked it off her desk,” he declares, looking far too pleased with himself as he flicks the indicator down. “She likes that awful cinnamon-flavoured shit more anyway, so really I’m doing her a favour.”
(Yeah, okay. That sounds more like the pair of them. You won’t mention the industrial-sized roll of tin foil that you saw her and Christian dragging into Vincent’s room at Will’s house.)
Humming along to the CD player, he turns off down one of the side roads - you know the sort, one of those that’s not really a road at all, just a sort of gap in the hedgerow. It’s just dirt, and it’s kind of bumpy, but it gives Vincent an excuse to go and fuss over his precious paintwork, so he’s fine with it. Sam complains about it every time he comes down here, but that’s what you get when the suspension on your truck is practically prehistoric, isn’t it?
“Wanna go inside for a bit? Or straight out to the back?”
“Uh…” As nice as the house is - and make no mistake, it’s really nice - you’d rather get straight to it. It’s not everyday you get to spend some time at a place like this. “Straight through?”
The house belongs to William, but it’s not associated with the business as one of the actual, like, ‘Solaire Properties’. Really, it’s just for family or clan stuff - you’ve been down here several times before, mostly for birthdays or celebrations or whatever. Vincent’s never gone into too much detail, but from what you’ve heard about William’s life before the whole rich-vampire-king palaver, he’s always liked the sea. He loved it from afar, as Vincent puts it, but you gather that he never really had much of a chance to enjoy it.
That’s why he bought this place, apparently - a long-held dream fulfilled, and you’re not going to begrudge him that. It’s not very easy for vampires to really do beach holidays. Good on him for finding a convenient (if eye-wateringly expensive) way to do it.
(When she’d mentioned it to you the first time, Alexis had called it a nice little summer house. Your definitions of ‘nice’ and ‘little’ clearly aren’t quite the same. For starters, you probably wouldn’t include a multi-million dollar beachfront property in one of the most beautiful places on the California coast, but apparently that just shows how much you know. Turns out the dollar really is almighty, and William Solaire certainly has a lot of them.)
“Hope you brought your swimsuit, baby,” he says innocently, fiddling with his phone and unlocking the gates. His wry grin betrays him, though - he forgets every time that you can still see him in the rearview mirror. “Water’s nice, this time of year.”
“You little…” Oh, he’s going to be for it in a minute. “Who on earth do you know that brings a swimsuit to a Dreamwalking lecture?”
“My lovely, caught unaware? Surely not!” He gasps in faux surprise, now not even trying to hide the smirk spreading across his face. “I reckon you had this planned, you know.”
“Yeah?” This should be good. “And how did I do that, hmm?”
“Oh, it’s very simple,” he proclaims, free hand gracefully pulling his sunglasses off and tucking them in his shirt pocket as he turns down the drive. “You’ve lured me out here with your effortless charm and stunning good looks, with the promise of getting to take a swim all alone with my gorgeous lovely, only to turn on your heel and deprive me of the one thing I’ve been looking forward to all week.“ It’s unfair how cute that stupid pout of his is, sighing plaintively as he laments your supposed scheming. "You’re so mean to me, you know that?”
“Am I, now?” It’s always fun, playing along with him. “I’m sorry, my love,” you say mournfully, leaning across to press a kiss to his cheek and smiling as he tries not to blush. “However could I make it up to you?”
“Well, I do know one way we could make this work…” he says, valiantly ignoring the flush slowly spreading across his face at the absolutely shameless once-over he gives you. “I mean, you don’t have to be wearing anyth- hey!”
“Nice try, loverboy,” you announce, haughtily settling your newly-acquired sunglasses atop your head. “Like hell you’re getting me in there with nothing on - it’s fucking freezing!”
Vincent sighs, plaintive and airy, like it being 1am and pitch-black outside shouldn’t matter. Ooh, he’s lucky he’s so pretty. “Too bad, sha gua, too bad. Guess I’ll have to find some other way to get you w- okay! I’m st- I’m stopping!”
Bastard. One-handed, he bats away your hands from his hair as he pulls up by the sand, fingers flexing on the wheel when you manage to get just close enough to kiss the corner of his mouth.
“Rude.” He huffs, giving you that stupid, cute pout that really shouldn’t be as attractive as it is. “I thought that was pretty good, actually.”
You give him a look. “I’m not sure pick-up lines have ever been - hey - waitwaitwait!”
You’re never going to be used to that vampire strength, are you? The angle is ridiculous, but his hands lock around your waist before you can protest, and somehow he manages to manoeuvre you over the centre console and into his lap without too much fuss.
Vincent opens his mouth, smug as anything, but he only manages a sort of garbled half-noise before your hand quickly shuts him up.
“That does not count as a pick-up line!”
He stares, cross-eyed, down at your hand for a surprised second, before petulantly trying to lick your palm in retaliation. Luckily, you’re wise to his tricks by now - you pull your hand away just in time and fix him with the best glare you can muster, although it’s probably undercut by the fact that you’re trying really hard not to laugh.
Undeterred, he smirks up at you, brushing the hair out of his face with a satisfied flourish.
“Yeah, but you thought it was hot.”
Fuck. He’s right. You stutter into an excuse for a second, but it doesn’t come - instead, you just slide your hands up his chest, over his shoulders and up to his jaw, before just leaning down and kissing him. It always works.
True to form, he melts into your touch, letting you kiss the mint-flavoured smirk right off his face with a pleased sigh. Quick fingers twist into the fabric of your shirt, and you’re just running your tongue over his bottom lip when-
“Wait - just - just a sec-”
He pulls back unexpectedly, reaching over and fumbling around in the glovebox for a second, one hand holding your hip to keep you balanced in his lap, before extricating an old receipt. Neatly, he drops his gum into the paper, folding it in half to stick it to itself before depositing it into the cupholder to throw away later.
“Okay!” He grins up at you, blindingly beautiful, and you almost have to blink away the sunspots in your eyes. “Where were we, again?”
This time, you don’t bother trying to hide your laugh - instead, you just muffle it in his shoulder, letting him nip affectionately at your neck against the gentle sound of waves lapping at the sand. “Hate you.”
“Yeah,” he replies airily, and you don’t need to look to see his smile. “Hate you too.”
You pull back and he ducks his head slightly to kiss you again, tongue brushing lightly against your lip until you tilt your head slightly to - yeah, that’s a better angle. Vaguely, you’re aware of him guiding your legs around his waist, and you can feel him standing up and getting out of the car, but most of it is forgotten as the warm haze of his kisses swirls through your brain and makes your fingers go all tingly.
Although your eyes are closed, you can tell that he’s walking somewhere from the movement of his body against you, the sound of sand under his feet, but where’s he going? Into the house? Cracking one eye open, you can see the dark shape of the garage in front of you - so he’s heading towards the water, then. Wait, but why would he - oh, no fucking way-
“Mm - mmf!” Swallowing a giggle at his stunned face, you wriggle out of his arms with a sharp twist and a burst of vampiric speed, before turning and scrambling away across the sand. Shocked, he’s not quite quick enough to grab your arm as you dodge out of the way, and he laughs in surprise as you make him chase you further and further towards the sea.
“Oh, I don’t - I don’t think so-!”
“Catch me if you can!”
As fast as you’re going, it’s basically no distance at all until you’re splashing into the shallow water. Spray kicks up around your ankles, soaking into your shoes and socks, but it can’t weigh you down. You dance out of his way regardless, heart pounding giddily as adrenaline rushes through your body, dipping your hand down to flick water at him whenever he looks in danger of getting slightly too close.
“Still - fuck! - still too slow!” He almost manages to snatch the back of your shirt, and you stick your tongue out at his wounded expression as you back up into the slightly deeper water. “See, I told you I was faster…”
“You - get - get back here!”
He lunges for your waist, but he’s too slow - with a splash, he topples through the space where you used to be and goes face first into the freezing water. Luckily, it’s deep enough that he doesn’t just hit the ground, and you wade gingerly towards him as your body starts to register the cold.
“Lovely!” Spitting out a mouthful of seawater, you’re met with the distinctly-bedraggled shape of a very wet Vincent Solaire, blinking the salt out of his eyes. The shock of the cold water forces the breath out of him, but for some reason it can’t make him any less unfairly attractive. You don’t bother to hide your satisfied smirk at the sight of him raking his soaked hair out of his face with one hand, white t-shirt now slightly see-through and clinging to his chest.
“You - you!” he gasps, pointing accusingly at you with as stern a glare as he can muster. “Oh, when I get my hands on you, I-”
He’s cut off by your gleeful kiss, throwing yourself through the waist-deep water at him and knowing that he’ll catch you. Mmm, he’s such a sucker.
“Yeah?” you say between kisses. “You’ll what?”
After a pause, he shrugs half-heartedly and gives in to let you kiss him again. “Probably - mmm - yeah, uh, probably that…”
Moonlight sparkles on the water as he clutches you tighter, drinking in the familiar taste of you. Cold currents come and go, but neither of you really notice, far too swept up in each other for it to matter - besides, the warmth of his body against yours is more than enough to keep you happy.
After a little while, he moves to kiss slowly down your neck, leaning you back slightly in his arms to get a better angle. Your fingers tangle in his hair, dark and dripping, and he sighs happily against your skin when you pull slightly, just the way he likes.
“Tianshi…” he murmurs, fangs digging gently into your skin because he knows it makes you shiver. “You shouldn’t tease, you know.”
“Mm, you started it,” you reply. “Whose good idea was it to go swimming in the middle of the night, again?”
“Hm.” You can feel him pouting, muttering quietly into your shoulder. “Like ‘m giving up my lovely for some stupid tutoring.”
He makes a good point. This is much nicer than whatever boring textbook questions Sam was supposed to be making you do right now. In your magnificent generosity, you reward your saviour with a benevolent kiss to his temple, before your hand trails down over his neck, his shoulder, across his-
“Did you-?”
“Hm?” Tilting back just a little, he looks down at himself like he’s as surprised as you are that his shirt has disappeared. “Oh, yeah.”
Biting back a laugh, you smack his arm with a quiet slap. “Now who’s the tease?”
“What? Do you like wearing wet jeans?” he asks smugly, smirking as he hears your heart speed up - the dark water comes up to about his waist, so you dread to think what other bits of clothing he’s got rid of while you weren’t looking. “That’s what I thought.”
You roll your eyes good-naturedly, patting him on the shoulder in consolation. “Remind me to send him flowers when we get back.”
“Who said he taught me? You don’t know! I could’ve, um-”
His cry of indignance is swiftly cut off by your flat stare. You know exactly where he got this from. After a brief stand-off, he sighs in apparent defeat, bending down slightly to scoop you up so that he’s properly carrying you. “Yeah, it was Gavin.”
“Knew it!” you sing, cheerfully kicking your legs as he starts to walk back out of the water, up towards the sand. “You think I haven’t seen him trying it with Freelancer before?”
He pretends to sulk, wiping an imaginary tear from his eye. “And here I thought you were looking at me…” The sand crunches quietly underfoot as he carries you towards the car, and the slight breeze is pleasantly cool against your warm skin. “What do I have to do to get your attention, hm?”
Sneaking a downwards glance, you raise an eyebrow. Turns out he wasn’t lying about the jeans. “I could think of a few things.”
“Only a few?” He scoffs, before leaning down to press his fangs to that sweet spot just under your jaw. “Keep up, tianxin, and you’ll get more than that.”
A burst of magic fizzles over your body, warm and crackling shivers from head to toe. Before you can blink, you’re both completely dry, and one look at him tells you exactly what you need to know - ooh, he’s been practising that one. He preens under your gaze, tossing his head proudly to flick his now-dry hair back out of his eyes.
God. He’s so pretty.
The walk back to the car isn’t far, but he doesn’t put you down - instead, he opts to lean down and lay you gently back against the hood, kissing you down against the warm, smooth metal. Back arched slightly over his arm, it’s a little uncomfortable, so you have to shift around a little bit in order to-
Maybe he thinks it was on purpose, or maybe he knows and he just doesn’t care - whatever the case, he rocks his hips back down to meet you, and that’s when you notice that he’s got rid of your clothes, too.
“Haah - Vincent!”
He doesn’t even have the good grace to look appropriately chastised at your muffled shout, just grabbing your wrists before you can try to slap his side and pinning them above your head with a devilish smile. Any protest you may have had quickly disappears when he grinds against you, thin cotton all that separates you, melting into a soft moan that drips off your fangs and runs down your chin.
“What - nnng! - what’s the matter, lovely?” he says, breathless. “Having second thoughts about your study session?”
“Yeah, yeah…” Lost in the heat and the hardness of him, it’s getting more and more difficult to put words together. “Think you - mmm, think you should persuade me…”
You don’t have to tell him twice - the world blurs around you as he lifts you up, depositing you on the passenger seat as he slips down to kneel in the footwell, and you hastily grab his shoulder in surprise as he presses the little button on the seat, sliding it back to give himself a little more room.
“We have - fuck! We have a bed in - inside!” Your half-hearted protests go ignored in favour of strong hands impatiently tearing the rest of your clothes away, shredded fabric littering the floor beside him. God, that shouldn’t be as hot as it is.
He lifts one dark eyebrow, challenging, although he can’t quite keep his eyes on your face. “You want me to wait?”
“No, no, this is - no, this is fine-!”
Words melt away as he eagerly grabs your hips, pulling you forwards to the edge of the seat and burying his face in you with a long, drawn-out moan. Mmm, he really doesn’t waste any time - your fingers unconsciously find their way back into his hair again, twisting and tugging with every flick of his tongue, sloppy, sticky kisses that make your cheeks burn and your insides twist with need. Your nails digging into his scalp only seem to encourage him, wonderfully warm as he licks a slow, burning trail all the way down before speeding back up until you’re shuddering in his enthusiastic hold.
“I - oh, I - ahhh…”
Almost too fast for you to notice, a tiny burst of magic swirls around his fingers - oh, you definitely remember Gavin teaching him that one. Gently, he eases his middle finger into you, stretching you ever so sweetly, and you have to clamp your hand over your mouth to stifle what you’re sure would be an embarrassingly loud whine.
“Baby…” Vincent clearly disagrees, though, nudging your legs up over his shoulders and nipping at the soft inside of your thigh in disappointed reprimand. “Wanna hear!”
A graceful hand runs blindly up your body to tug your hand away from your mouth, depositing it firmly back in his hair where it belongs. You can’t complain - and even if you wanted to, the high-pitched keen that fills your mouth as a second finger slips inside you leaves no room for objection.
It doesn’t help that even like this, he’s still so fucking beautiful - crescent-moon eyes closed, groaning in pleasure at the taste of you, achingly hard but refusing to let go of you even for a second. Your head falls back against the headrest, back bowing as you roll your hips slightly, and the change in angle lets his fingertips press just right - fuck, just right against that spot inside you that makes your breath stick in your chest and your eyes go all blurry.
“Yeah?” The look he gives you is wicked, filthy grin all smeared and sticky. Fuck, he sounds absolutely wrecked, words lazy and languid as he kisses the words into you. “Right there, xingan?”
You nod frantically, nails scraping harsh lines into the tanned skin of his shoulders. He hisses with the pleasurable sting, and you watch them fade and heal over almost as fast as you can make them. “Mm-hmm, mmm, yeah-!”
It’s too much - deft fingers curling and stroking, the vibrations of his voice thrumming over you, all warm and wet and messy. Fuck, it feels like your whole body is burning, trembling in his grip, skinbuzzing like a livewire. The leather underneath you sticks and catches as you writhe under Vincent’s attention, and a flood of heat rushes through you at the reminder that you’re just out here in the open, entirely at his mercy.
“I - oh, fuck,” you gasp out, curved forwards over him as your body greedily tries to pull him impossibly closer. “It - ahh, it’s-”
“I know, baby - I know,” he chokes out, sounding almost as desperate as you feel. “Come on, come on, lovely - nng, please!” Mouth full, sentences all slurring together as he buries himself in you, it’s enough to make you wail with each breath, the delicious stretch of his fingers and the sharp tease of his fangs. “Please, want it, I wanna see-”
He strokes his thumb over your thigh, silent question obvious as he looks pleadingly up at you - you must nod, or tell him yes, yes of course, because the next thing you know is the white-hot ecstasy of the bite, needy and glittering, and all of a sudden you’re falling apart. Legs trembling, eyes slammed shut as you sob through your orgasm, all you know is the familiar kiss of Vincent’s mouth on you, strong hands trailing warm, comforting patterns over your skin, and the distant sound of your own cries.
For a long moment, you’re floating, a joyful balloon on a satisfied string. Vincent takes you in his hands with a soft smile, and slowly pulls you back down to earth.
When you finally blink back to yourself, you’re slumped loose and heavy over Vincent’s shoulder, flopped forwards against where he’s kneeling up in front of your seat. He hums quietly as he feels you stir, one hand smoothing comforting circles into your back, and you nestle your face into the side of his neck with a pleased sigh.
“Back with me, baobei?”
“Mm,” you say eloquently. “Yeah.”
“Good.” He kisses the side of your head before tenderly nudging you backwards a little bit, giving himself a bit more room to clamber out of the footwell. He almost manages it, too - the effect is ruined slightly when he trips over the lip of the floor, stumbling awkwardly into the open door and nearly smacking his face against the handle, and you giggle at the indignant glare he shoots at the side of the car.
“Ooh. Smooth.”
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up,” he grumbles, though there’s no heat behind it. “Only the best for you, xiaogongju.”
You take his offered hand with a flourish, letting him guide you up and out of the seat and onto shaky legs - after a few steps, he decides to take matters into his own hands and just lifts you up into his arms like a bride, your head back on his shoulder. From here, you gaze idly out at the dark line where the sky brushes the sea, just barely visible even to your enhanced eyes, and let yourself rest in the gentle sound of the waves.
(A quick look back shows you - oh, that’s going to be a bitch to clean out of the leather. Whatever. It was worth it.)
“Love you,” you murmur through your hazy smile, fingers brushing back and forth over the dips and hollows of his collarbone. “Gonna get you back later.”
“Love you too, baby.” Waves lapping at the sand, salt and heat and happiness, the chill of the breeze. “I look forward to it already.”
He catches your lips in a short kiss, sweet and soft and painted in moonlight. Vincent carries you into the house, closing the door behind you, and all you can think is that this is much, much better than a study session.
this is an original work by @gingerbreadmonsters - please do not repost or misattribute
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rinwritiesbutitssecret · 5 months ago
chapter two ig?????
I want to bring both Rae and Aspen along, but again, that would include me telling xem. 
My court date is January 4th. It’s currently December 21st. That gives me two weeks to tell Aspen and figure out what excuses I can give.
I’m spending Christmas with Aspy this year. Rae’s parents are getting a bit fed up with me, I think so at least. 
Maybe I can tell xem then?
I don’t know, I haven’t felt too good recently. Holidays always make me feel alone, I have no parents, no family other than Rae and Aspen. 
I chose not to have guardians, back in the afterlife. It would make me so sad for them to die. But, it also means I've been alone my whole life. Little second-time-around newborn me was cared for by the afterlife nurses and then plopped into a special home for a few years. After that it was just.. Me. If I’m homeless, they help, I get my allowance and stuff, but no one really cares for me. 
I feel like I can't complain though. I’m so fucking lucky. I’m so fucking special. 
Today’s one of those days when I feel extra lonely. Aspen is busy and Rae is on a date. I just lie in bed and do nothing. 
Nothing is interesting I guess. Sometimes nothing is crying, sometimes it's driving my motorcycle off a bridge, but it’s nothing. It doesn’t affect me, it doesn't mean anything, it doesn’t change anything.
Aster is so cool. I love him, just not.. Romantically. Well I think not romantically.
I don’t truly understand what I feel for him. We’re more than friends, less than lovers, some weird thing in between. 
Just sometimes, I feel like he’s not fully here with me. He’s distracted, in a new place. Maybe he’s in love with Rae. 
Aster isn’t very good at school. But he also doesn’t try. He’s never taken me home. I don’t even know if he has parents.
He’s my best friend but I know nothing about him. 
I’m too scared to ask. I love what we have. I love our conversations. I love laying in my bed with him and watching shitty tv and talking about gender. 
I don’t know what he’s hiding.
“Astie? C- can we talk?” My voice is shaky. 
“Yeah of course, what’s up?” He sits next to me, fidgeting with his hoodie strings.
“I- ok this sounds really dumb.. B- bu- but are you hiding something from me? A- I- I just feel like you’re not telling me something..”
He goes pale. Like really, really fucking pale. 
“We need to talk.”
He shoots up, sprinting out of the lunch hall.
I follow.
What the fuck. 
So a little bit about me… I'm kinda sorta a demon. Not like a demon demon. But I have been alive for 3500 years. Once I start looking old I go back to hell and just reset. 
A little bit about Aspen.. Apparently they’re fucking immortal.
Like what the actual fuck.
I never thought I would meet someone like me. I never thought it would be my best friend.
Yet here we are.
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magnolia-among-the-stars · 2 years ago
dog days are over (jake seresin epilogue)
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PLOT: Penny Benjamin’s niece works at The Hard Deck, saving the money she earns to get out of the west coast and put herself through Graduate School. What happens when a pretty boy pilot ends up as her fake boyfriend?
PAIRING: JAKE ‘HANGMAN’ SERESIN x Female Plus Size Bartender!Reader (Sunshine)
It goes without saying but I do not give permission for anyone to use my work or copy it somewhere else.
A/N: So i thought long and hard about an ending and I do feel like chapter 11 could've been it but I didn't want to leave you guys hanging! I could do an extended epilogue with some smut or conversation about Jake's near death experience! (Also could write that scene of his near death)
Thank you so so so much for being invested in this story <3 please don't be afraid to reach out if you want to see smaller imagines of specific moments or things you would like to know about! I would love to keep exploring :D
You readjust yourself, small and smooth hands sliding up over his wrists. You tug him closer if that were even possible as your nose nuzzles against the apex of his throat behind you. Tucking your head further, you catch site of his fluffy locks, his chapped lips and you feel like you could cry. He stayed. “Good morning,” you clear your throat, butterflies erupting in your tummy and Jake presses a kiss to the nape of your neck, then to your flushed cheek.
“How’re you feelin?” the twang in his throat is thick with tension as you giggle, rolling yourself in his arms to stare at him. He pulls, falling gently onto his back to let you rest your chin on his strong pecks. Your lashes flutter as you search his face with a giddy gaze.
“Never been better,” you press a kiss to the skin beneath you, hot and taut. “You?”
“I haven’t slept that good in weeks.”
“Can’t imagine why,” you crack, giggling as he narrows his gaze. His jaw sets as he pulls you closer, melting your bodies deliciously together as his hips jut up.
“Are you being fresh with me?” His face comes millimeters from yours, breath washing over you as he growls.
“Definitely,” your eyes flash between his vibrant emeralds to his perfectly pink lips. “What are you going to do about it?” He searches your face, his tone sharp and his features soft as he stares back at you lovingly. He leans up, catching you in a breathtaking kiss. His lips move slowly, lazily against yours as his hand finds your face and cups your chin with a security you’ve never felt before. Your knees fall to either side of his slender waist, clamping down to press his length against your pelvis. You both make a noise, a delirious sound of want as you absorb each other’s auras and consume them for your own need.
 “I love you Sunshine,” he murmurs against your lips, large fingertips pressing into the flesh of your thick thighs before he bucks up into your clothed core. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
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bisexualpluto · 6 months ago
sometimes you come across a song that reminds you of a particular character, and I kept finding myself being reminded of baxter! so here's my curated playlist of songs that remind me of jamie & baxter. it's kind of vaguely chronological, going from that first summer, to breaking jamie's heart, to the pain and the healing, the reunion, and the reconciliation. it's not all 100% accurate, sometimes it's just vibes, and mostly based on my personal player choices and feelings, but i tried to make it a LITTLE relatable to others haha. and it sort of goes back and forth between each other's perspectives.
also i'm so sorry that it's like half taylor swift if you're not a fan, but the songs just fit!!!
if you want to just go into it and feel things out yourself, please do! but below is each song and a short explanation for why I chose it. enjoy 💕
1. Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift - Jamie
It's cool, that's what I tell him / No rules in breakable heaven / But ooh, oh / It's a cruel summer with you.
And I snuck in through the garden gate / Every night that summer just to seal my fate / And I scream, for whatever it's worth / "I love you, ain't that the worst thing you've ever heard?" / He looks up, grinning like a devil.
baxter ward, your "suitor for a season". i think of this song as the beginning of the summer, when you meet and there's an instant attraction, and you know instantly you're in too deep.
2. Beach House by Carly Rae Jepsen - Baxter
I've got a beach house in Malibu / And I'm probably gonna hurt your feelings
baxter's had other relationships before, and it never gets that deep. this song is mostly just here for the vibes lol
3. Style (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift - Jamie
I should just tell you to leave 'cause I / Know exactly where it leads, but I / Watch us go 'round and 'round each time.
you knew what you were getting yourself into.
4. Wildest Dreams (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift - Jamie
And his voice is a familiar sound / Nothing lasts forever / But this is getting good now / He's so tall, and handsome as hell / He's so bad, but he does it so well / And when we've had out very last kiss / My last request is...
you have the time of your life with him, but you know it's going to end. you just hope he remembers it as fondly as you do.
5. The Only Heartbreaker by Mitski - Baxter
So I'll be the loser in this game / I'll be the bad guy in the play / I'll be the water main that's burst in flames / You'll be by the window, only watching / I'll be the only heartbreaker
and he knows he's getting in too deep, too. he wants to feel but he doesn't want to connect. he wants to connect, but he doesn't want to feel. he knows it has to end when it ends, and he's okay with it being his fault.
6. Leave Before You Love Me by Marshmello ft. the Jonas Brothers - Baxter
I'm so good at knowing / Of when to leave the party behind / Don't care if they notice / I'll just catch a ride / I'd rather be lonely / Than wrapped around your body too tight / Yeah, I'm the type to get naked / Won't give my heart up for breaking / 'Cause I'm too gone to be staying, staying
this one makes me think about miranda's birthday party, putting so much effort into a group of friends that he doesn't feel a part of and doesn't feel like he's allowed to be. the party is a microcosm of his entire existence in your life: a suitor for a season, a planner for a party. nothing more, nothing less.
7. august by Taylor Swift - Jamie
Salt air, and the rust on your door / I never needed anything more
Will you call when you're back at school? / I remember thinking I had you
Do you remember / Remember when you pulled up and said "Get it the car"? / And I'd cancel my plans just in case you called / Back when I was living for the hope of it all
truly just this whole song. the summer ends and baxter leaves, swearing you'll never hear from him again. and you know now just as surely as you did when he walked out of that cab onto your street, that you won't ever be the same again.
8. Hits Different by Taylor Swift - Baxter
Moving on was always easy for me to do / It hits different, it hits different cause it's you.
Freedom felt like summer then, on the coast / Now the sun burns my heart, and the sand hurts my feelings
Dreams of your hair, and your stare, and sense of belief / In the good in the world, you once believed in me / And I felt you, and I held you for a while / Bet I could still melt your world / Argumentative, antithetical dream girl
he's always been able to pick up and leave a relationship when it gets too close to real. he won't admit it to himself or anyone else, but this time it's different.
9. One That Got Away by MUNA - Jamie
I'm the one who opened up, ready for a connection / I'm the one brave enough to say how I was feeling
I'm the one who's crying over you in a bath on the weekend / But I'm the one who isn't scared to dive into love on the deep end
Now I'm the one that got away
so in the aftermath, you feel your first real heartbreak as deeply as it gets. you feel sad, and frustrated, and disappointed. you wanted to open up, you thought you'd had something deep and intense and real with him. the songs in this section are all in jamie's point of view, because baxter is gone.
10. Strawberries and Cigarettes by Troye Sivan - Jamie
Long nights, daydreams / Sugar and smoke rings, I've been a fool / But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you
you think you've moved on, but something always brings you back to those memories. vibes vibes vibes
11. Lost the Breakup by Maisie Peters - Jamie
I know I am obsessed, and / Right now I might be a mess / But one day, you're gonna wake up / And oh shit, you lost the breakup
sometimes you just gotta be petty about your breakups! you still have all your friends and family, and what does he have? some hair dye and a driftwood statue? and, you know. maybe you do fantasize a little bit sometimes about running into him and showing him how much better off you are without him!
12. Vertigo by Griff - Jamie
You're scared of love / Well aren't we all?
but over time, you heal, and you understand now. you understand that he was lonely and afraid of being vulnerable. it still makes you sad, but you won't let it ruin your life.
13. Closer by the Chainsmokers ft. Halsey - Jamie
Four years, no call / And now I'm looking pretty in a hotel bar
and then five years have passed, and you walk into a restaurant to meet the wedding planner.
14. Pink Light by MUNA - Jamie
So I'm living inside my mind / I keep retracing that storyline / Thinking if I start again / I can change the way it ends
you've been given a second chance. he's weird and cagey but he's here and he remembers. and slowly, slowly, you drift back to each other.
15. Seventeen by Sharon van Etten - Baxter
I used to be seventeen / Now you're just like me / Down beneath the ashes and the stone / Sure of what I've lived and I've known / I see you so uncomfortably alone / I wish I could show you how much you've grown
this song is baxter talking to his younger self. it's been five years for him too, and during that time he's started to change. or, at least, he's come to a place where he's willing to start.
16. The Archer by Taylor Swift - Baxter
Easy they come, easy they go / I jump from the train, I ride off alone / I never grew up, it's getting so old / Help me hold onto you
I've been the archer, I've been the prey / Who could ever leave me, darling? / But who could stay?
You could stay.
he's been given a second chance. he never believed before that people could really want to stay in his life, but here he is. and here you are.
17. Secret Heart by Feist - Jamie
Secret heart, what are you made of? / What are you afraid of? / Could it be three simple words / Or the fear of being overheard?
and just like always, you understand. simply put, he knew you would.
18. Nobody Gets Me by SZA - Baxter
Only like myself when I'm with you / Nobody gets me, you do
he knows what he lost, and he asks for you to give him another chance.
you do.
19. Walking in the Wind by One Direction - Jamie
You will find me / In places that we've never been / For reasons we don't understand / Walking in the wind
fate brings you both back together.
20. betty by Taylor Swift - Baxter
I don't know anything / But I know I miss you
at the top of a skyscraper, overlooking the city, he asks for your forgiveness, and you ask him to dance. this one is also mostly vibes rather than a one-to-one comparison of their relationship, but it's about a boy who knows he messed up and is asking for a second chance. that's as fitting as anything else.
21. This Love (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift - Jamie
This love is good, this love is bad / This love is alive, back from the dead / These hands had to let it go free / And this love came back to me
self explanatory.
22. The Heart is a Muscle by Gang of Youths - Baxter
There will be no years of silence / In the shadow of regret / I won't let a soul betray me / Though my soul got used to it / I will look at love as more than just an instrument of pain / And will give myself completely, to the moving and the strange
The heart is a muscle / I want to make it strong
he wants to change and grow. and he wants to do it with you by his side.
23. Surrender My Heart by Carly Rae Jepsen - Baxter
But the benefits of all the broken hearts / That I broke before they could break me / Is a little bit of life regrets / I won't bring that mess to you when you're with me / And I want to be brave enough to show you my not-so-perfect family / And I want to be brave enough for everything
24. invisible string by Taylor Swift - Jamie
All along there was some invisible string / Tying you to me
when you were thirteen, you danced with a stranger at a soiree. when you were eighteen, that stranger walked out of a cab onto your street. and now, at twenty-three, he's not a stranger anymore.
25. Lover by Taylor Swift - Jamie
Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand? / With every guitar string scar on my hand / I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover / My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue / All's well that ends well to end up with you
i feel like baxter would cry hearing jamie say "at every table, I'll save you a seat". also the bridge has a very wedding-vow kind of vibe, perfect for our wedding planner boyfriend. feels like a fitting end to me!
i hope you enjoy this, it's been a labor of love but also just a natural progression of my obsession with him. i genuinely think baxter has one of the best romance character arcs i've come across, and i hope you love him as much as i do 💕💕💕
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disturbedbeautywrites · 2 years ago
League of His Own - Chapter 1
Rafe Cameron college baseball AU
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Anxiety and excitement; those were the two main feelings you had as you walked into orientation behind Liv. She was talking a million miles a minute, her hands and arms making wide gestures that you couldn’t keep up with even if you tried. “And I tried telling him how stupid that was… Wait, are you even listening?” Her voice was fading into the background noise of the room as you took a seat in the huge auditorium, your eyes scanning the seats around you. “Y/N! Earth to Y/N!” And now she was waving her hand in front of your face, eyes snapping to look at her as you apologized profusely.
She just chuckled and shook her head, patting your shoulder. “I know, it’s all super overwhelming at first. It’ll get better though, I promise.” She nodded and let you take in everything around you for a few minutes. The room was filled with freshmen and other transfer students, each carrying on their own conversations or living in their own individual worlds.
It was crazy to think that you were about to go into your junior year of college, and you were giving yourself a fresh start. But it was also a breath of fresh air. You needed some change after how things went at your old school. You had a crazy ex-boyfriend there, and a lot of drama you were glad to leave behind.
You were lost in your thoughts until Liv slapped your arm, claiming she was trying to be inconspicuous, but failing miserably. “Ready to see who Mr. Hotshot is?” Her nickname for the man she named earlier, Rae, rain? You couldn’t remember, but it was enough to make you laugh quietly to yourself. She either really hated the man or had the biggest crush on him, you couldn’t decide. She nodded down to the front of the room where three boys had just made their ways in, each of them wearing a NCU baseball shirt and matching sweatpants.
“So, that’s the trio of trouble around here. The one on the end there, in the blue shirt is Kelce. He plays third base Along with the entire population of girls here. He’s a total douchebag and I’m not convinced that he isn’t a steroid user.” She nodded and gave you time to listen to her before she continued on, her eyes now landing on the guy on the other end. “The guy there in the white shirt is Topper, why did his parents name him that? No one has any idea other than we’re all convinced they hated him.  He plays centerfield, even though he doesn’t look very athletic. He has speed that comes out of nowhere. Very good with his glove and his hands.” She then moved her eyes to look at the guy in the middle and she looked back to you to get your reaction. “And finally, the guy in the middle. That there is Mr. Baseball captain himself, Rafe Cameron. Total heartthrob of the school and possible future MLB recruit. He is a pitcher and also filthy rich due to his daddy owning half of the real estate on the outer banks. Also has a matching jerk personality to match, but he’s definitely pretty to look at.” She finished her introductions to the boys as she watched you nod along, eyes trained on the one she named as Rafe.
She was right, he was pretty to look at. His hair was swept back in a neat fashion, a few strands hanging over his forehead. His eyes were steel blue and his smile was completely perfect. He looked like he stepped out of an Abercrombie catalogue and decided to pretend to be a college student for a photoshoot.
As they walked in, everyone seemed to take notice and they ate up the attention. They smirked and made sure to walk as slow as they could through the front of the room, loving how all the girls had their eyes trained on them. It was laughable, honestly. But, for some reason you were just like the other freshman girls oogling at them. “And there she goes. We’ve lost her.” Liv’s voice was the comedic relief you needed to snap out of your trance, your laughter leaving your lips easily as you looked over at her. “You did not, you’re just being dramatic.” You rolled your eyes at her before you settled back into your seat, playing on your phone to avoid eye contact with her.
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t our favorite softball player. Have you thought about my offer yet, Liv? It still stands this year.” The voice came from the boy that she had pointed out earlier that was named Kelce, his body plopping down in the seat in front of you. He had turned his body to face the two of you, a smirk on his lips as Liv flipped him off and scoffed. “Still a lesbian, idiot. Nice try though.” He just chuckled and raised his hands in defense before Topper came and sat down right next to him, his eyes flashing to you. “Oh! Excuse us for being rude. I’m Topper and this is Kelce. Now who might you be?” His tone was outright flirty, and it made bile rise up in your stomach at the effort he was putting into it.
“I’m Y/N, I just transferred here and I’m one of Liv’s roommates.” As soon as you said the words, she threw her arm around your shoulder, grinning at them. “Yeah, this is our new superstar that you guys keep hearing about. She’s going to help us kick ass this season.” Her words made you blush and look away as you felt a pair of eyes on you, curiosity getting the best of you. You peaked up and saw the same blue eyes from earlier checking you out, a small smirk on his lips as he spoke to the teacher who was running the orientation. He shot you a wink before he moved to lean against a wall.
“Alright, everyone listen up! We’re going to get started!” You heard the teacher at the front of the classroom call out, your eyes moving from Rafe to him as you swallowed thickly and tried to focus. But, you couldn’t get his eyes and smirk out of your mind and you found yourself letting your eyes wander to him throughout the entire time you were supposed to be listening.
The orientation drug on, but once it was done and everyone got up to leave you felt Liv grab your arm to hold you back. You looked at her with confusion on your face before she held up a finger to tell you to hang-on as Topper motioned her towards him. He whispered something in her ear and he motioned at you before she nodded and smirked to herself. She started walking and took your wrist, pulling you along behind her as she started to walk out of the auditorium and towards your shared apartment. “Are you going to tell me what that was about?” You looked at her expectantly as she grinned, looking at you with wide eyes. “How do you feel about going to a party with the rest of the team tonight? It’s being held at Rafe’s house, and it's always the party of the year.” She gave you a puppy dog look before you laughed and nodded, feeling her hug you super tight. “Sweet! Let’s go get ready to get our party on!”
You didnt know what you were getting yourself into, but what could go wrong? It was only a party.
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fwhoaco · 2 years ago
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At long last (6 weeks) I'm finished my first college architecture class! I'm very proud of my final project 😁 (maybe I'll start making bespoke 3d battlemaps 🤣 jk.......or AM I??)
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rae-redacted · 2 years ago
My architecture professor has urged me to enter a little sketch contest about "what ornamentation means to [me]" BUT I DON'T KNOW!!!!!
All I need to do is sketch something that fits that prompt on a 5"x5" cocktail napkin, but I have no idea what ornamentation means to be. I know I like the embellishments. I know I hate minimalism and brutalism.
The only thing that comes to mind is violent architecture, like benches that discourage lying down or even bird spikes. That's the only kind of embellishments I notice anymore.
But then again, a) does that count, and b) do I need to be trying to make a statement™️?
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countrymusiclover · 8 months ago
58 - Family Certainty Does Change
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Part 59
Family is More than Blood
@melvia-ito @vavafaure1994 @kmc1989 @tallrock35
“Are we going somewhere?” Klaus came inside our bedroom inside the mansion seeing me close a suitcase with some clothes for about a week.  I decided the school was currently safe and that gave me time to think through what had happened between me and my twin brother. 
Shaking my head I picked up my phone showing him the screen with an airplane ticket to New Orleans appearing on it. “I’m going to Orleans to face my brother and apologize.” 
“You’re brother who cussed you out because he had to fall in love with a hybrid werewolf then thought he could face someone more powerful than an Original once he became a heretic.  In the end somehow pissed at you because that bloke can't have children anymore. Forgive me for asking but why would you try to make up with him?” 
Putting a hand on my hip I sent him a slight glare. “Remind me again what you did when you had a fight with one of your siblings. Oh right you dagger them. Unfortunately I can't do that so an actual apology is the way to go for me.” 
“Rae, that's not what I meant.  My point was "are you sure he'll want to see you?” 
My hybrid husband had a point in his question.  For 5 years my brother hadn’t talked to me.  For 5 years his daughter had ran back here so she could attend school with her friends which I knew had to only make him more angry with me, but he hasn't returned to force Andrea back home either. “My mother used to say never to go to sleep angry.  I have to try and make things right between me and my brother.  I don't want an entire century to pass by and we're still not 
speaking to each other.” 
“I'll call Caroline and tell her we're taking a little trip.  Our kids are getting old enough now that they should be able to handle things here for a few days.” Klaus took out his phone going to the vampire blonde leaving me to finish the packing I needed to do. 
The trip from the airport and into a rented car making the drive into the city to visit Cami first before I went to go comfort my brother and possibly see my second daughter who takes care of my grandchild that I haven’t seen for a while.  Walking into the bar the familiar blonde was running around taking different orders from people seeing us rushing around the bar island to greet us. “Raelyn! Klaus! I didn’t know you two were coming into town.” 
“Yeah I felt it was time to travel back to Orleans for a little bit.  And this time it’s under somewhat happier circumstances.” I hugged the vampire blonde who belonged to my former sire line. 
She wrapped her arms around me in a warm embrace. “I saw your brother walking in the Quarter a few days ago.  I tried to talk with him but he just walked the other way. Has something happened between you two?” 
“We had a fight five years ago that kinda broke us apart for some time.  I’m here to hopefully fix that between us.” 
Klaus picked a glass of whiskey that a different bartender had brought him where the three of us sat down at a nearby table to continue our current conversation. “If this was a fight between me and my siblings I would have daggered them for cussing me out the way Jacob did to my wife.” 
“I guess he should be thankful that they only work on an Original.” Cami nervously chuckles. 
Bringing my glass of bourbon to my lips I took a long drink. “Anyway the fight was about him not being able to have more kids like Nik and I magically can.  When I had black magic in my grasp he asked me to use it on him but I refused.  Next thing I knew he left Virginia and came here with Alina and her family.” 
“Well I hope everything goes good for you.” She smiled before we saw more people entering the bar wanting drinks. 
Raising myself to my feet I slipped her a twenty dollar bill leaving her with my husband vamping away once I wasn’t around too many people who would see me use my supernatural powers. “Thanks for the luck, Cami.  I’ll see you two later.  I’m going to find my brother - J! Jacob! Jacob - gah!” I called out into the area standing outside their old hunting cabin that they still owned living in the bayou rather than in the busy city.  I kept calling his name until pain shot through my head causing me to drop to one knee. 
“What the hell are you doing here, Rae?” My twin brother's voice came out of the front door of the cabin with his left hand raised in the air where I knew he was using magic. 
Holding the side of my head I struggled to get my words out too focused on the massive headache. “Jacob, I’m here to talk - not to fight you.  Ahh! Ventuce.” Moving my hand from my head I launched a spell at my brother knocking him onto his back giving me the chance to scramble to my feet.   Jacob vamped behind me and wrapped one arm around my neck holding my back against his front about to snap my neck until I used another spell doing a flip causing him to get thrown onto his back and my freehand pressing down on his chest. “Demeter.  Do you give up yet, J.  I’m better at defense magic than you are.” 
He bared his teeth at me kicking me in the leg launching me onto my back like I had done to him. “Metar - I’ve been practicing, sister.” 
“Uhh! Jacob , I am not going to fight you.  I came here to apologize for not trying to find a way to help you have more children.” 
He glared at me shaking his head no. “You’re just saying what I want to hear.  Tenebris lapsus.” 
“Enough of this - imperium monstrum, immobilus!” He had managed to pop both my knees where I bent them back into place.  Until he tried to vamp away but I froze him in a boundary spell trapping him. 
He struggles to move watching me slowly walk up to the edge of the force field. “Rae, go away. I don’t want to see you.” 
“What if I told you I might have a way to give you and Hayley another child?” 
My brother made a confused face reminding me that I used to be a witch who only used light magic until I met my husband and faced his mother. “You said the only way was through dark magic.  You’re telling me you’d go through that risk for me.” 
“You’re my brother.  I can’t not have you in my life, especially now that we are both immortal and stuck with each other forever.  So do you want to hear my reckless plan or not?” I snapped back at him until I heard footsteps coming out onto the wooden porch causing me to turn my head in that direction. 
The figure that stepped out onto the porch was Alina, holding another baby boy in her arms.  The infant 
had dark black hair like Jackson but my daughter Alina’s eyes.  “Mom, what are you doing here?” She simply stood there with Xavier standing behind her leg. 
“Momma, who is she?” Xavier asked and my heart nearly broke realizing she hadn’t talked about me to her firstborn son.  Maybe I should have just stayed back at the Salvatore School. 
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practically-an-x-man · 3 months ago
Okie Dokie! We all love talking about our blorbos and OCs and MCs...
... what about the "secondary" or Supporting Cast? Jace and Emily come to mind, any non Main OCs that you think deserve a moment in the spotlight?
Should I have saved this for tomorrow? Maybe? If you wanna wait and answer it tomorrow (or whenever you have spoons to spare, no rush) that's cool, but I will forget it if I wait to ask it tomorrow.
Oooh thank you!! This is an interesting question!
Talk Shop Tuesday
I definitely do think about the supporting cast when I write, both in terms of the story itself and simply for the sake of rounding out my main OCs with more connections - their friends and family are just as important to their stories, if not the story told in the fic, as anything else in their lives, so it's important to me to have those connections formed whether or not they show up often in the story itself.
And, by contrast, the lack of a defined friend or family circle is something that can be very telling, I think: Kestrel mentioning the family they were raised in but otherwise sticking with the social circle Warren brings them reflects how getting close to others doesn't come easily to them, while Warren's more outwardly-social nature means he brings in those connections for them. Other characters, like Jimmy and Vivienne and Eris, don't talk much about their family much at all because of how distanced they are from it, both temporally and emotionally.
But with that out of the way, let's talk about some of those supporting characters that do make significant appearances in the story!
Emília Mendoza and Jace Scott: you mentioned them because they really are important to WWFA? in a lot of ways, and that's true! Jace is Katherine's roommate, a trans man who's currently pursuing a tattoo apprenticeship. Emily is Venezuelan-American and met Katherine through their shared art school classes, and wants to go into commercial illustration in the future! They're more than just Katherine's best friends, they're her family while she's away from her blood family in Memphis, and they're her number one support system through any hard times she goes through. They support each other in a lot of ways, and Katherine wouldn't have made it through her struggles without them to help her.
Anna Fischer: Rae's best friend and roommate at the start of A Love Once New. She plays a similar role to Emily and Jace in WWFA?, the family-away-from-home that Rae can rely on through the tough times. She's the one who first brings Rae to the place where she meets Warren, and often acts as a sort of mediator or second perspective to a lot of the first act of the fic - halfway between Warren and Rae in a way, since she's both a mutant (Rae was human at the time) but is outside the fighting ring Warren was trapped in. From a literary perspective, she also reflects Rae's openminded personality, as she's a mutant who reflects Rae's irrational fears (being a telepath, when Rae has a phobia of having her mind affected) but is still one of the people Rae trusts most. I do wish I'd utilized her a bit more as the story went on, I did bring her back into the story later in the game too but I could have done more
Hope, Hazel, and Honesty Woodard: triplets, and Madison's adoptive sisters in Smoke and Mirrors. Hope has the ability to heal others by transferring their injuries among a group of people, Hazel can control plants, and Honesty can compel people to tell the truth. Madison encounters them shortly after leaving the X-Mansion, and they later become a firm part of her family. In the story, they reflect Madison's "tough shell/heart of gold" personality and how much love she really does have to offer, as well as providing a bit of closure: they each were separated from their parents as young teens, but Madison made sure that the girls didn't fall into isolation like she did.
Lita and Jules: Indigo's closest friends while on the Steadfast in Bolts and Blasters. Lita remains a friend and supporting character to the end of the story, though Jules is unfortunately lost due to a reconditioning session earlier in the piece. They're meant to be a reflection on how love and friendships can develop even in a hostile place, and they once again fill that role of the found-family and support system to Indigo.
This isn't anywhere close to all of them, and I could make a whole separate post about all the villains I've created for my stories, but this is getting long so I'll leave it here. You'll see that theme of the incredibly close, found-family type friendships in many of my stories, and that's because I care incredibly deeply about my own friends and I feel like a strong friendship can be an incredibly close bond for a character to have.
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chronotopes · 10 months ago
big epiphany last night that probably belongs in the diary and not on tumblr
but between august 2022 and april 2023 i was for the most part living this almost severance-like* lifestyle where on weekends i was a living being with a girlfriend and somewhat of a circle of friends and hobbies and interests and on weekdays i was someone who went to work and did my job and talked to my parents. and that was about it. maybe from an outside perspective that sounds like ~codependency!~ but it really had to do a lot less with being in a moderate-distance relationship and a lot more to do with the freaky all-consuming emotional demands of my job, and parts of my life that had blown up in a big way just as jenny's school year started, leaving me... unable or unwilling, for the most part, to do things like writing and going places in that weird work-week haze. such a clear delineation between Feeling Alive vs Tomorrow And Tomorrow And Tomorrow seems horrible and unsettling in hindsight but it felt okay at the time. there was a certain very rhythmic predictability to it. the bad things didn't disappear on the weekends and the good things weren't unreachable on the weekdays but – for the most part at least – in each case, one felt so much more important and all consuming than the other. the point is it's a weird transition from that to living with jenny and having a job that, while not perfect, gives me a lot more mobility and free emotional energy and functional stability. while still being very far away, an hour to two hours to much more than that, from all of the other fixtures of our social circle. i think a lot of my most #kind of pathetic moments in the past few months, "weeping on car rides home from seeing friends because you're sleepy" type behavior, comes in part from that transition state. the concept of 'feeling like a real person' is no longer reserved for three nights out of the week but that means there's another real person there to see me when i'm #kind of pathetic rather than super fun. i mean jenny has always seen me be kind of pathetic but there's a difference between acute emotional distress and the kind of empty listlessness that comes from an important part of your life being two hours away from where you live. driving home in the dark or in early morning and trying to stay awake. i guess what i'm trying to say is that a) i should not read the fact that i'm no longer on and off crushingly unhappy as a signal that i have to be super fun all the time because nobody can be super fun all the time even when they're happy, and b) the expectation gap between being Super Fun and Kind Of Tired is not being read in bad faith by the people around me, and c) if i'm driving at the end of a long day and thinking "i'm pathetic and weird and unfunny and nobody likes me" the key word is at the end of a long day and things are probably fine. anyway i thought through this on 95 last night and then put on e mo tion for the first time in like years (thank you hanif) and actually found that SOMEHOW in the midst of how obsessed i was with that album back in the day it actually has bonus tracks i haven't heard. love again goes hard. thank you carly rae jepsen, i did and do love again and it rules.
*haven't seen the show so i'm basing this metaphor exclusively off of the basic premise
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maxinepixels · 3 months ago
The Brown Legacy - Family Tree
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I have been playing this family for almost two years (real time). For my gameplay, I consider the in-game calendar as a full year and I age the sims up year by year (definitely play with aging off). I have posted them to my YouTube channel as well in the "current household" style. Link will be below if you are interested. I feel like this family tree is very messy and confusing...so here goes the explanation.
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Gen 1 : Wholesome love Arnold Brown (patriarch of the family) is from Evergreen Harbor and met his wife, Donna, of 30+ years in his early 20s. They were soon married, however, they did not have children until their mid-twenties. Arnold is a pastor and Donna is currently a daycare worker. Together they had three children; Tyrese, Naomi, and Julius. They raised their children in the quiet suburbs with access to good schools. However, they were not rich by any means. They had a comfortable life. Currently, Arnold and Donna live in their forever home in Evergreen Harbor that they bought back in the day. The same home that they raised their children in. Now in their 60s, they enjoy hosting family events for the holidays and taking care of their grandchildren (and now great-grands) in the summer.
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Gen 2 (Tyrese's line) : The Chaos Tyrese was born and raised in Evergreen Harbor. Being the oldest, he has always been made to feel like he needed to be "the example" for his siblings. However, he constantly ran from that. He never wanted to be a role model, or have all the pressure put on him. He was a rebel as a teen, which caused his strict parents to kick him out at 18. After being a nomad for years, couch surfing, he met Samantha Summers. She was a small town girl, whose sweet demeanor captured him. Tyrese has eight children; *sigh* he stresses me so bad. So here's the breakdown... He had his first child, Olivia Rae, with Samantha very young. A year after having her, he cheated on Sam, and had twins with Siobhan Fyres. He and Siobhan were not serious and were never together, so she never pressured him to be with her. She raised their kids in Henford-on-Bagley on her own (Tyrese did come over to visit often and sent money). Therefore, he ended up staying with Sam (how she forgave him, we will never know). A few years later, Tyrese had a second set of twins with Sam; Forrest and Ivy. Life was fine and went on as normal. Sam and Tyrese got engaged after being together for literal...YEARS. After getting engaged, they had Ashley. Sam considered going on birth control but within a year she got pregnant again with Greyson. After giving birth to Greyson, Samantha finally woke up and realized she was never going to be Tyrese's wife. They broke up shortly after. After breaking up with his long time partner, Tyrese did not date anyone for years. He often thought about getting back with his first love Samantha and finally marry her, however, Sam died due to surgery complications. He ended up getting full custody of his underage children; Forrest, Ivy, Ashley, and Greyson (by this time Olivia Rae was living on her own as a teen parent). But after a while, he met his current girlfriend Aubriana Wisienewski. They dated for about a year before she got pregnant and had Knox. Tyrese has three grandchildren; Luna Rose, Nyra Grace, and Noah Ashton. His oldest daughter, Olivia Rae, was a teen mother having her first child (Luna Rose) at 17 years old with her high school sweetheart Sidney Price. Since they were still in school when she had Luna, Sidney still lived with his parents. They convinced him to stay home, this forced Olivia to have to take care of their child on her own. Slowly and slowly he stopped coming around and they broke up. Shortly after the break up, Olivia met Duane Talla. They quickly got serious and had their first child together, Nyra Grace. About a year later, they had Noah Ashton. Olivia takes after her father for sure...smh. This side of the family is chaotic for me to play, but they are such interesting and flawed characters so I love them.
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Gen 2 (Naomi's line) : Excellence Naomi was born and raised in Evergreen Harbor. As a child, she has always been very creative and artistic. Being the determined woman she is, she decided to move from home right after high school. She had dreams and aspirations to move to the big city of San Myshuno and work in the fashion industry. Everything was going according to plan until she met her first love, Santino Blair. Shortly after they met, she got pregnant and they had Aubree. Santino did not want children and left her to raise their child on her own. Naomi never wanted to be a mom, it wasn't apart of her plan. She was very close to giving Aubree to her mom for her to raise, but she ended up pushing through and became a really really good mother. Later on in life, around the time that Aubrey was 10, Naomi met Cameron Fletcher, a successful computer engineer. They dated for a while and ended up getting married. Becoming a top fashion stylist, Naomi's life became more and more busy. However, her husband wanted to have a child. After putting it off for years, they finally had a child named Araceli. Naomi and Cameron recently got divorced after 10 years of marriage due to irreconcilable differences. Her oldest daughter Aubree, lives with her fiancé Max Villareal in the city. They have a daughter named Pilar. Aubree is currently in college majoring in Physics. This branch of the family is so productive and healing for me to play.
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Gen 2 (Julius' line) : All About Family Julius is the youngest of his siblings, however, he has always been very mature. While in high school, he was in ROTC and as soon as he graduated, he went into the military. He met his wife, Yara Domingo, in high school and they got married shortly after graduating. They lived in their hometown of Evergreen Harbor for a while. However, since Julius is in the military they move around a bit. They have lived in Oasis Springs and San Sequoia. Together Julius and Yara have four children; Mercedes, Micah, Malik, and Malani. Julius and Yara are very hands-on parents and are raising their children they way they were raised. However, Julius is a bit strict like his father was. Their life is pretty much normal and wholesome.
To watch videos I have made about them, please go to my YouTube channel!
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