This is my writing account!!
My main blog is @osemanverseenthusist
This writing is purely for me so don’t expect it to be coherent, good or complete. I mainly write to process the things in my brain.
Because of that, please no constructive criticism or anything.
I’ll be posting random stories, and snippets from my two main stories
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new story part one!!!!
Today was a good day, until it wasn’t.
I suppose it started when I woke up at 7. 7 pm.
Late for most, not for me. 
I should be attending school, but I really can’t be bothered. 
My day was pretty normal, until I drove my motorcycle off a mountain. 
Now I’m not saying I was trying, but I definitely wasn’t stopping myself. I just wanted to test it, y’know?
I guess I should give some background information. 
106 years ago, I died. Kinda.
I fell off the roof of my house and hit my head.
I technically died for a bit, then I was in a coma for 3 days. 
But apart from my body, my being took a different path. I was given the choice to come back, and I said yes.
Comatosis was honestly nice and relaxing. But the time after I woke up was anything but. 
People treated me very differently than how I was treated previously. They treated me like fine china, a glass structure that’ll break with any touch. 
Except, I literally can’t break.
Present: So yeah, I’m immortal. And every time I hit 100, I reset. Of course, it’s only happened once, so who’s to tell me when?
Honestly, it’s a bit inconvenient considering that so far I’ve been born in the wrong body twice. I am a boy. I promise. Just I don’t exactly match that body-wise. 
I thought it’d be fixed by the time I reset, but sadly, it hasn’t. 
So yeah, I’m Aster, I’m 114, and I’m immortal. 
I guess that's enough for me. 
I like to test my powers sometimes with big stunts like driving motorcycles off mountains. But in the back of my mind, there’s always a small worry—a small worry that I won’t wake up. 
The motorcycle was a bit much, but it’s a trashy one I made myself and was probably going to explode next week anyway. 
My best friend, Rae, is not very similar to me. They prefer school and staying indoors, but that’s how we balance out.
She helps me navigate the logistics part of being immortal, ID's, and such. The afterlife committee issued me a special ID, meaning I act like a 14-year-old, and the government considers me a 14-year-old. 
The afterlife committee is a lot. It consists of a lot of people, all deciding who stays and goes. Why me? I really don’t know. But I like to think it’s because I have a purpose. 
“Yes, Ast?”
“Can I have your math homework?”
“Aster! You have to do it yourself!”
“What fun is there in that?”
We’re lying on their bed, holding hands. We kind of just do it. I don’t know why. 
A lot of people ask if we’re dating, but I just... I don’t feel any of that sort of stuff. Rae, on the other hand, likes a lot of people. 
Again, balance. 
Today, I’m actually attending school.
I put on my favourite black cargos, chains, and trinkets dangling off of my belt loops and pockets. I chose a white tank top I drew on in a Sharpie. And finally a nice green hoodie because it is December. 
Today is something special, hence why I’m attending. Big Man Rae-rae is having a presentation. 
I also have a presentation, technically, but with no slides and no script, I plan to do a more unique presentation style, improv.
Y’know, school isn’t that worth it to me. Math is cool and all, but the real stuff is engineering. And like, yeah, should I know math for that? Probably, but I can already code and stuff, so it’s fine.
Rae, perfectly together as always, does a great job and gets an A reporting on some smart people's book.
I, on the other hand, make up a 30 second speech on the one book I’ve read in my life, and then sit down dramatically. 
Shockingly, I fail, miserably. Lucky for me, there is no guardian to call in and instead I sit in the principal's office for like 5 minutes and promise to be better. 
“Yes?” The person that turns around is very much not Rae. Instead, it’s a kid I’ve never seen.
“Y- you’re not Rae…”
“Yeah. I’m Aspen.”
This Aspen kid, xyr special. I don’t know why really. Just a feeling.
Rae, in an ever spiralling romantic situation with this girl Emma, is happy to know I also have a new friend. I wonder if it’s because she wants to dump our friendship. 
She’s hoping Aspen and I will start dating. 
Aspen and I fit together like a puzzle. 
That’s how I think about it. 
Rae is my best friend, always will be, but Aspen is like best friend plus more. 
I wouldn’t say we’re dating, but definitely something close to it. 
I don’t often understand what I’m feeling. I’m weird like that. But recently, well, ever since Aspen, I haven’t really been able to describe what I feel for Xem. 
My other issue is that Aspen doesn’t exactly know I’m immortal. And if we are to extend our relationship, I feel like that could be important.
And it’s not that I don’t want to tell Xem, but I don’t know how I’m meant to bring that up. With Rae, it kinda just. Came out?
Oh, and issue number three, which, considering its importance, I probably should’ve remembered, but whatever. I’ve been summoned to the afterlife committee, meaning I’ve either royally messed up or they decided to revoke my immortality. Both aren’t great options.
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