#radovid modern au
veralevina15 · 2 years
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Modern au Radovid
How not to fall in love with such a handsome Eagle?
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lansalla · 4 months
ok guys, but in Modern AU Jaskier and Radovid would still be an ideal couple
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inanoldhousewrites · 1 year
(you'll never) guess who's coming to dinner
It was clear as soon as Geralt walked in the door that something was bothering Jaskier. When he gave a kiss to his wife, Yennefer kissed back, but when he kissed the top of Jaskier’s head walking past, Jaskier leaned into it, but didn’t say anything. Quite the change from his usual response of dramatically demanding more. Geralt raised his eyebrow at Yennefer in question, but she just shook her head and shrugged.
Dinner was stilted. Jaskier was clearly distracted, but didn’t want to bring up whatever was bothering him. As soon as dinner was cleared away, however, Jaskier made a pass at them. It was not uncommon for one of them to work out their feelings through a round (or more) of vigorous sex, so Geralt and Yennefer followed him to the bedroom.
It was only after they’re sated and snuggling that Jaskier brought up what was on his mind.
“I know you don’t mind me sleeping with other people,” he begins, and Geralt tries not to tense because that was not the direction he expected. “But would you be okay if I maybe wanted to date someone?”
“Are you getting serious about Vespula?” Yennefer asked. “I thought you were currently off again.”
“No, it is. It’s not Vespula. I… met someone.”
“Hmm,” Geralt encouraged.
“He’s, well, he’s different. I’ve never met anyone like him, and I really like him.” Jaskier looked strangely vulnerable between them, nervous as he thought about his feelings for this other man. Geralt, as always, wanted to give him everything.
“Well, ask him out and when you feel like he’s ready, invite him to dinner so we can meet him,” Geralt told him, and that was that.
The next day, Jasker texted them ‘He said yes! Date tomorrow ❤️’ and from then on they heard about nothing but Jaskier’s new boyfriend.
“Raddy has the best taste in wine.”
“Raddy looks so good in furs.”
And once, looking particularly rumpled as he came back to their apartment after a date, hickies showing under his collar, “Raddy loves my new song.”
It’s just under two weeks from their first date that Jaskier finally tells them “Raddy is eager to meet you, so I invited him to dinner tomorrow night.”
Yennefer was pulling dinner out of the oven while Geralt set the table, so she had her back to the door when Jaskier walked in with his guest. “We’re here! I’m so excited for you to meet!” As she closed the oven door, she heard Geralt make a noise of surprise and shock. Curious, she turned to see for herself and her jaw dropped when she recognized Jaskier’s guest.
After he quickly introduced everyone, Yennefer linked her arm around Jaskier’s. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Would you excuse us for a moment?” She tugged Jaskier into the bedroom, leaving Jaskier’s two boyfriends making awkward and stilted conversation in the kitchen.
“Isn’t he great?” Jaskier asked.
“Yes,” Yennefer answered, as calmly as she can, “he’s really something. But tell me, Jaskier, in the past two weeks, you’ve called him your spoon, a knife, the only music critic worth listening to, and even your ‘little love rat.’ So I ask you: why did I have to wait until he’s standing in my kitchen to find out that you are dating the crown prince of Redania?”
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Okay, but modern day Radovid and Jaskier wearing the R + J rings from Romeo and Juliet (1996)
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buckera · 1 year
are we at the pubsinger!Jaskier and bored richkid!Radovid AU phase yet or does that come after vol 2?
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fawnnbinary · 1 year
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She LEFT him, Phillipa LEFT him to wait in the RAIN after SOCCER PRACTICE so he had to call Dijkstra so his dad would PICK him UP
[once again, @windflowerofskellige's lovely Radovid design sdkjfhsd]
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windflowerofskellige · 7 months
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[Tumblr Blog Template - Peachresources]
The clown nose is ON I made a tumblr blog edit for my modern AU! Radovid ask me about it please.
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limerental · 1 year
sonnets for a prince - 3/?
a pretty weird modern au radovid/jaskier fic
excerpt from this chapter
A sports car with blacked out windows skidded to a stop to cut Jaskier off in the crosswalk, and the window slowly rolled down to reveal Sigismund Dijkstra grimacing at him, dark sunglasses pulled down the bridge of his nose.
"Get in," he said, his voice deep and gruff.
"You nearly ran me over," Jaskier protested. "What if I'd scurried across to make the light?"
"In the car, poet. Now."
Jaskier hitched his leather laptop bag higher on his shoulder, grumbled a few choice words to the heavens, and then got into the passenger seat.
"Am I being kidnapped?" he asked, looking around the appallingly expensive car. “I have a class this evening, you know. I’ll be missed. And I’ll be mourned excessively if my body’s found in the river later.”
He scrutinized his captor. Dijkstra's big hands seemed far too large for the spindly gear shift, and his bald head brushed the ceiling at every bump in the road, even hunched over slightly. He truly was a very large man both in height and girth. He dressed sharply. A white shirt with a starched collar. No tie. A smart, navy blue blazer. A wedding band that glinted on his ring finger.
"If you were being kidnapped,” said Dijkstra, “you'd be tied up in the back with a hood over your head. Your class got an email that their professor has food poisoning. Also, they’d never find your body.”
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thedemonofcat · 3 months
Modern Au:
A moving van has just arrived across the street from Ciri's home, where she lives with her father, Geralt.
This is where Ciri meets their new neighbors, Jaskier and Radovid, a couple. Jaskier, a musician, even offers to teach Ciri piano.
However, Ciri soon starts noticing that Jaskier frequently has bruises. He remains quiet about them, but as Geralt and Jaskier grow closer, the bruises seem to multiply.
Convinced that Radovid is abusing Jaskier, Ciri devises a plan to help Jaskier escape and possibly bring Geralt and Jaskier together.
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endiness · 25 days
modern day au. jaskier and radovid start an affair in toussaint.
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veralevina15 · 2 years
Radovid's modern au outfit
In modern au, Radovid is an influential and prudent politician.
Хочу подробнее рассказать вам об облике Радовида в modern au, где он - влиятельный и расчётливый политик.
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Радовид предпочитает одежду простого покроя, со строгими линиями и, конечно, выгодно подчёркивающую его статус. Любимые цвета: красный, чёрный.
Radovid prefers clothes of simple cut, with strict lines and, of course, favorably emphasizing his status. Favorite colors: red, black.
Я вижу Радовида в двубортном пальто, свитере или водолазке под горло, в классических брюках или, возможно, чёрных джинсах - чем более закрытая одежда, тем ему комфортнее.
I see Radovid in a double-breasted coat, a sweater or turtleneck, in classic trousers or perhaps black jeans. He is comfortable in closed clothing.
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Из обуви - ботинки со шнурками. Footwear: boots with laces.
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В аксессуарах придерживается разумного минимализма, но не без ярких акцентов: ремень с объёмной необычной пряжкой, один-два перстня, часы и, например, вот такие "шахматные" запонки - фантастическая находка, как раз для короля-гроссмейстера.
In accessories, Radovid adheres to reasonable minimalism, but not without bright accents. A belt with a voluminous unusual buckle, one or two rings, a watch and, for example, such “chess” cufflinks are a fantastic find, just for the grandmaster king.
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My witcher fics general masterpost
Here are all stories dispatched by ship. As most of my fic are mature because of the subjects (depression, suicidal thoughts, mourning process...) and the whump, I will go the other way around and put the 🌸 tag for the light fics. Note that warnings are also in the stories for each chapter.
Fics are post on ffnet and here on tumblr for the microfictions.
[Edit] I have an ao3 account now but I am not sure what to do with it so I will put the links when available there too.
The Muse Saga masterpost [x]
Pears [ffnet][ao3] : OS. 1.7k words. Whump. Geralt and Jaskier are taken prisoner and have a rough time but they have a little moment to chat a little bit. Geralt will learn a thing or two. [Mixed POV]
Microfictions :
Friend [x] : After the moutains [Geralt POV]
Don't abandon me [x] : Alternate ending. Jaskier has heard after the battle of Kaer Morhen [Jaskier POV]
Last thoughts [x] : Alternate ending. Rience finishes him off [Jaskier POV]
If I have the courage to publish more of it some day, this will go there. I try to make it happen creating this category. But due to certain things I have destroyed all remaining notes for the stories I had written for them. So that's all that's left at the moment.
Wild Blue : [ao3 series link]
Trapped [ffnet]: OS. 1.6k words. Hidden between the red roses, a wild blue flower grows. [Radovid POV]
Thorns [ffnet] : Multichapter (9). 35.9k words. Strong whump. Radovid and Jaskier are linked through their dreams. The new king of Redania witnesses the doom fate of his lover and has to find a way to help him get through some terrible wounds - physical as much as emotional. [Multi POV]
You can find every chapter with their specific warnings under the # wild blue of this post.
Microfictions :
My beloved king [x] : AU (kinda). Someone is jealous of Radovid love for Jaskier. [That guy in the back POV]
This can be multiship or no precise ship at all.
Oxymoron [ffnet] [ao3] : Multichapter (in progress - 75k word for the moment). Quite heavy - Whump physical and emotional. The Continent has long forgotten magic and monsters. Those are for books and legends only. Yet some still believe in it and witchers are still in activity. Geralt, one of the last, knows that monsters have just adapted to the human world and hides even in the biggest cities. One day, he meets a young man playing in a bar on the road and his life is changed. - [Modern AU][Geralt POV]
Microfictions :
Vespula's logs - part 1 : [x] Vespula's notes on Jaskier's muses. 🌸
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bambirex · 1 year
It's A Game We Play
Pairings: Geraskier, Yennskier, Radskier
Characters: Jaskier, Geralt of Rivia, Yennefer of Vengerberg, Radovid, original female characters, Essi Daven, Priscilla, Ciri of Cintra, Valdo Marx
Additional tags: inspired by Mamma Mia! (movies), crack, alpha/beta/omega dynamics, omega jaskier, alpha geralt, alpha yennefer, beta radovid, awkwardness, jaskier is a good parent, protective jaskier, weddings, found family, post mpreg, fluff and humor, alternate universe-modern setting
Rating: teen and up audiences
Word count: 2,390 words
Chapters: 1/?
Summary: Jaskier's daughter is about to marry the love of her life, and she decides she wants both her parents at her wedding. Only problem is that Jaskier has slept with a little too many people in his youth, so the identity of the other parent is a mystery. That does not stop the bride-to-be from inviting three potential daddy candidates and unleashing absolute chaos in the process.
Otherwise known as Jaskier's terrible horrible no good past decisions leading to terrible horrible no good outcomes. Also known as the Mamma Mia! AU nobody asked for, but I wrote it anyway.
Author's notes: It's time for some crack!!!!! What do you get when you have canonically slutty Jaskier, and add Bambi being a multishipper who loves chaos? That's right, you get a Mamma Mia!AU !! I'm planning on using the plot of the first movie pretty loosely. As in, I will probably not do scene-to -scene recreations, but take advantage of the general idea and the setting!
Feedback is super appreciated!!! Let's get the party started!
Read on Ao3
“I can’t believe this day has come.”
“Papa, it’s not my wedding yet. I’m just trying on dresses, remember?”
“Still,” Jaskier smiled, blinking against the sentimental tears in his eyes, “my child is getting married. She’s picking out her wedding dress, how am I supposed to cope with this?”
Amaryllis cooed and leaned up to kiss her father on the cheek. Jaskier immediately wound his arms around her, enveloping her in a crushing hug.
“You promised no crying until the ceremony,” Amaryllis reminded him. Jaskier chuckled against her hair.
“I’m failing, obviously.”
But who could blame him, Jaskier mused as Amaryllis finally managed to pull away. He let his daughter take his hand and lead him inside the saloon, her steps happy and prancing, so adorably enthusiastic. Amaryllis was his only child, his baby, his light in this world. Of course, he would become emotional (over and over again) over the fact she was soon to be a married woman. Amaryllis’s fiancée, well, soon-to-be-wife, Sara, was the sweetest thing. Jaskier loved and trusted her, but that didn’t mean he didn’t worry. He always did: he was a parent, that was what he was supposed to do. His child was facing a huge milestone in her life. Jaskier was filled with fear, hope, and a tremendous amount of pride at the same time. He was just overflowing with emotions, and they manifested in constant weeping, apparently.
He decided to try and shut off the waterworks at least while they introduced themselves to the seller. She was a cheerful middle-aged lady named Kate, who heartily congratulated Amaryllis on her upcoming marriage, then she gave a sympathetic hug to Jaskier as well.
“It’s a huge thing, one of the biggest days in our lives,” Kate chirped as she led them further inside the saloon. “Therefore, it has to be perfect. Any ideas on your dream dress, dear?”
“Not sure,” Amaryllis admitted. She still held onto Jaskier’s hand as she looked over the numerous racks and shelves. “My fiancée will have a strapless dress, and it would be nice to match with her, but I think sleeves are more my style?”
“You should pick whatever you’d feel comfortable in,” Jaskier reminded her softly. “You will look beautiful in everything, anyway.”
Amaryllis gave him a bright smile and a squeeze to his hand before she followed Kate into the jungle of dresses. Jaskier raked his eyes around with a sigh. Fluffy dresses and sleek suits hanged everywhere from floor to ceiling, in every shape and every size. They all looked so pretty. Jaskier’s chest tightened for a second before he decided to look away and check on his daughter instead.
Amaryllis was an absolute dream to shop with. Instead of turning into the stereotypical “bridezilla”, she was calm and collected, listening intently to everything Kate told her. Jaskier was immensely proud of her. He also knew that if he were in this situation, he would probably break down five minutes in.
While Amaryllis disappeared inside the fitting room to try on a couple dresses, Kate approached Jaskier with a smile.
“Beautiful girl,” she told him earnestly. Jaskier grinned, proudly puffing his chest out.
“Thank you.”
“Yours, right? I can tell by the eyes. Same set of beautiful baby blues.”
“Ah, you’re so kind. Yes, she’s my daughter.”
“Are you planning a big wedding?”
“Not that big. More people on her fiancée’s side.”
Saying that out loud tasted bitter on Jaskier’s tongue. He wished he could give his daughter an epic ceremony, but unfortunately, he wasn’t on good terms with his family. His parents divorced while he was still a child, and he has only rarely seen his father after that. He’s always had a stormy relationship with his mother as well. She was a very strict, traditional woman, whose pride was greatly hurt when her husband left her. That was probably why she got so angry when Jaskier told her at the ripe age of twenty-one that he has gotten pregnant and had no clue from who. She wanted Jaskier to fulfill that idyllic family picture that she did not manage, and seeing her own child fail at it, too, caused her to cut ties with him. The only relative that Jaskier could count on was his aunt, the only person who has supported him after he ended up alone, pregnant, and scared out of his mind. Her death devastated Jaskier, especially because she didn’t get to see Amaryllis’s birth. She has left his beloved nephew a lovely gift, though, the Dandelion Inn. Jaskier has spent most of his childhood on the small island his aunt lived at, and he really enjoyed staying over at the Inn, even when he was an adult. It was a friendly, warm little motel that felt more like his home than his actual house. He has also met his two best friends there, who have helped him through many hardships.
Jaskier now lived on the island with his daughter and managed the Dandelion Inn. It was idyllic in many ways, and not very idyllic in other ways. Jaskier knew that an unbonded, mate-less Omega would always be the hot topic of every gossip, especially one that got pregnant so young. He has gotten better at handling the acidic insults, but he wished he could have protected his daughter against them, and he wished he could have provided her with the big, happy family that she deserved.
He quickly waved away the sad memories as Amaryllis exited the fitting room. Jaskier gasped and clutched a hand over his heart, willing himself not to tear up again. As expected, Amaryllis looked beautiful in her mermaid- style dress. Her smile shone brighter than the gemstones on the hem when she twirled around.
“My God, you look beautiful,” Jaskier whispered in awe. Amaryllis ducked her head with a shy grin.
“I like it. I think I’m gonna try the high-low dress, too.”
She tried on four more dresses, and Jaskier told her she looked gorgeous in every single one of them. Amaryllis groaned as she plopped down next to him on a pouf.
“You always say I look beautiful in everything, Papa.”
“But that’s the truth! No matter what you’ll pick, you’ll be the most beautiful bride.”
Kate disappeared to find some accessories to go with the dresses. Amaryllis waited until she was out of sight, then she turned to Jaskier with a look that indicated she was about to say or ask something potentially uncomfortable. Jaskier knew that look too well. It was the same, head ducked down, nose twitching, jaw slightly wobbling face she gave him when she told him she accidentally broke his acoustic guitar, and when she presented as an Omega and had to ask her father about the birds and the bees. Jaskier braced himself with a sigh, and a free cupcake that he retrieved from the tray next to him.
“I was thinking about checking out the suits, too,” Amaryllis started, choosing her words obviously carefully. “But then I was like, I’d rather have a dress. It’s traditional, and I know we’re both free spirits, but I think I’d like a really traditional wedding, you know? An Omega girl in a big fluffy dress, her Omega father weeping into his tissue in the front row…”
“Hey, I won’t cry in the front row,” Jaskier objected with a huff, “I’ll cry while walking you down the aisle.”
Amaryllis cleared her throat. She fiddled with the tulle on her dress. The clock on the wall ticked loudly in the silence. Jaskier didn’t even dare to breathe.
“What’s wrong, honey?” He asked, scooting closer to her on the pouf. “I feel like you’re trying to tell me something.”
“Well,” Amaryllis squeaked, avoiding Jaskier’s eyes, “iwantmyotherparenttowalkmedowntheaisle.”
Jaskier blinked in utter confusion. Amaryllis turned an alarmingly bright red, which was only accentuated by her snow-white dress.
“What… what was that?”
“You said it so fast I couldn’t make out a single word!”
“God,” Amaryllis sighed, grinding her teeth in embarrassment, “don’t be angry! Just… I… I said that I want my other father, or mother, I don’t know? To… to walk me down the aisle… you know, all traditional…”
Jaskier was very glad he was already sitting, otherwise he would have probably collapsed on the floor. He waited for Amaryllis to reveal it was just a joke. For several, uncomfortable moments, Amaryllis stared at Jaskier, chewing on her lip. Jaskier stared right back, his brain drawing a complete blank page.
“Honey…” Jaskier squeaked out, “you know exactly I don’t know who that is.”
“But, maybe there’s a chance we could find them?” Amaryllis asked hopefully. “I was thinking a lot about this, lately. I would be really happy if we managed to find out who it is, so they could be there, too. I don’t know… maybe you still have some phone numbers? A hunch? Anything? It’s just… it would be nice.”
Jaskier let out a deep sigh. It’s been literal years since Amaryllis has brought up this subject. With each passing year, as she has gotten older, it has gotten easier to explain: it was the worst when she was still a little child, not understanding why everyone had two parents while she only had her Papa. It was even worse with her overhearing all those nasty gossips about how Jaskier was such a lowlife Omega, sleeping with everyone and having bastard children. When she was a little older, Jaskier could give her a vague explanation on how her other parent left, and how they were unfortunately not coming back. Amaryllis was already a teenager when Jaskier eventually revealed the truth that he had absolutely no idea who the other parent was. He didn’t give her all the details about how he was definitely enjoying his youth. He was a pretty hedonistic young Omega who gladly shared his heats and non-heats with many, many… many people. He didn’t tell her about his short-lived, heartbreaking romances and everlasting loves that only lasted for about a week. She was a smart child, she managed to put the pieces together anyway.
So, Amaryllis stopped pushing for an answer a long time ago, accepting the explanation that Jaskier didn’t know. It felt like a bucket of icy water was poured straight over his head when she, twenty years old and ready to get married, brought this up again.
“Look,” Jaskier told her softly, reaching for her hand, “I know this is going to be your big day, and trust me, I would give my left arm to make sure everything could go exactly as you wanted, including a full set of parents if that’s what would make you happy, but unfortunately… I can’t give you that. I’m sorry.”
“Hey,” Amaryllis squeezed his hand gently, “I didn’t say that to make you feel guilty. This isn’t your fault. I just… I guess I reminisced a little, and I daydreamed a little, and… when I imagine my big day… I see someone else there. With you.”
“Well,” Jaskier forced a grin onto his face, deciding to hide the sudden pain that flared up inside him with humor, like so many times before- the only way he managed to survive the heartbreak, the loneliness and the hopelessness he has felt through his life. That was the only way he could get through the pregnancy alone, that he could get through raising a child alone. The only way he could protect Amaryllis from feeling that pain.
“It seems like you’ll have to make do with your old, single father.”
“You’re not old,” Amaryllis reminded him with a laugh. “You had me when you were about my age. You’re still rockin’ and you’re still smokin’.”
“Such flattery. I assume the dress you want is really expensive, then?”
Amaryllis laughed and gave him a tight hug. Jaskier hid his face in her neck so she couldn’t see the way his smile faded.
Kate returned with the accessories amidst many apologies for going away for so long. She took Amaryllis with her again to try the jewelry with the dress so they could settle for the best option. There was an uncomfortable, churning sensation inside Jaskier’s stomach when he was left alone.
The last thing he expected was this. The idea that Amaryllis has been thinking about this again, that she might have felt sad over not having her other parent there shattered Jaskier. He never wanted to see his daughter sad, especially because of him. And sure, Amaryllis assured him it wasn’t his fault, but it kinda was, wasn’t it? If he wasn’t such a slut, sleeping with everyone who caught his fancy, this wouldn’t have happened. He could have committed to an actual relationship, bonded with a nice Alpha or Beta or maybe even another Omega, could have gotten married, and now Amaryllis would have a beautiful wedding with all her family there, because if Jaskier did that, his mother wouldn’t have disowned him, either. All he had to offer his daughter was his stupid self, a tiny inn, and a herd of goats that he also inherited from his aunt.
He looked into the golden-framed mirror on the wall and sighed at his reflection. He looked younger than his age, something he was very proud of, but when he looked closer, into his own eyes, he’s seen the burden of leaving his careless youth behind.
He spotted a veil on the hanger by the mirror. The ache in his chest amplified. He turned around, quickly checking that no one saw him, then he took the veil off the hanger. He turned it around in his hand, running his fingers over the thin lace. It felt heavy like lead as he put it on his head and checked his reflection again.
You could have had this, a voice inside his head that sounded suspiciously like his mother reminded him, if you weren’t such a loose, immoral Omega.
Jaskier cursed and took the veil off, putting it back on the hanger as quickly as he managed. No, he would not let his guilt consume him. He needed to be strong for his daughter. This was about Amaryllis and her beautiful future, not about him and his tragic past.
Jaskier could only hope Amaryllis would forget about her mysterious other parent.
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dukeofdogs · 2 years
Modern au Radovid V
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chthoniclown · 6 years
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witcher modern!AU random characters height chart
from left to right: Dijkstra, Morvran, Geralt, Eskel, Ciri, Iorveth, Triss, Letho, Lambert, Thaler, Philippa, Radovid, Gaunter, Regis
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advena87 · 4 years
And how about a Witcher in postapo AU, something like a combination of Resident Evil, Mad Max and maybe a bit of Universal Soldier?
I know my English is shit but just hear me out.
The war is hanging on a continent, the Nilfgaard Empire is arming itself to attack the North Union. The North Union is setting up a team of scientists to create genetically modified soldiers to fight the forces of the Empire. They manage to create a small squad of super soldiers, but there is a split among scientists. Some of them withdraw due to moral dilemmas (human experiments). The military-scientific corporation - Salamandra - is also withdrawing from the project after corporation president Jacques de Aldersberg and chief scientist Azar Javed disappear in mysterious circumstances.
Meanwhile, a mysterious virus called Catriona is turning on the military front, transforming people into zombies, which significantly weakens the strength of the Northern Union. Nilfgaard conquers Cintra and enters Temeria - Velen, and nobody knows what's really going on there. But there are rumors that in Velen was seen Catriona infected people who have kept consciousness and intelligence. Velen becomes no man's land overrun by zombies. The virus stops both armies in place. So Nilfgaard begins to cross north through Lyria and Rivia.
At the same time, Temerian spies learn about a virus-resistant girl who is in Cintra (Ciri ofc). Secretly from Nilfgaard, they want to transport her to Redania and get a vaccine from her. Unfortunately about the girl and her escort (Blue Stripes) hearing is lost at the border of Temria, Redania and Aedirn. Councilor Foltest decides to send two teams of genetically modified soldiers. One is to find a girl, the other to escort scientists to Velen to take samples for research and find out what is actually going on there.
Council of the Northern Union:
Foltest - chairman of the council, is murdered along with Demavend as a result of the Nilfgaard conspiracy. After his death, Nilfgaard entered Lyria and Rivia as well as Temeria and conquered Vizima. Major fights are currently underway there.
Radovid - After Foltest's death, he takes over the chairmanship of the Council. He puts all the major scientists in jail, he doesn't allow anyone to work on the antidote to Catriona on his own, he wants to control the drug and thereby gain more power. He orders the murder of Henselt, who is the greatest threat to him after the death of Foltest and Demavend.
Demavend - murdered together with Foltest as a result of Nilfgaard's plots. After his death, the self-proclaimed leader Saskia and her guerrillas led by Iorveth take over Aedirn.
Henselt - murdered at Radovid's orders, was a serious candidate for chairman of the Council after the deaths of Foltest and Demavend.
Calanthe - she was the first to die as a result of Nilfgaard's actions, after her death Nilfgaard took over Cintra.
Meve - She took an active part in fighting on the front, disappeared on the battlefield, her fate is unknown.
Esterad Thyssen - after death of Foltest and Demavend, he broke the pact with the Union, trying to cut off Kovir and Poviss from the war. He secretly granted asylum to the scientists wanted by Radovid, funded their vaccine research, and continued research on genetically modified soldiers.
Genetically modified soldiers, commonly called Witchers Squad.
Wolf Team - The main strike team, the most stable, consisting of experienced soldiers. Soldiers included in the project of their own free will. Their specialization is close combat, on an open fire. They were to escort the second Witcher Team and scientists to Velen and then set out to look for Blue Stripes and Ciri. In Velen they learned that the girl and her escort had been taken to Vergen.
Wolf Team members:
Vesemir - Team commander. He served earlier in the Kaedwenian Army, joined the program on a volunteer basis.
Geralt - served earlier under Vesemir in the Kaedwenian Army. Together with Vesemir he volunteered for the program.
Eskel - served earlier under Vesemir in the Kaedwenian Army. Together with Vesemir he volunteered for the program.
Lambert - selected from recruits from the Kaedwen military academy, the youngest member of the team. He was against the program, but he joined it because his friend did.
Berengar - previously served in the military corporation Salamandra, was a volunteer from them who took part in the experiment. He had an episode in the Kaedwenian Army; he knew Vesemir before. He turns out to be a double agent acting on the orders of Salamandra. Eventually, he turns away from the corporation and remained loyal to the Team.
Cat Team - Quite unstable team, it consists of people whose genes were highly susceptible to mutations. They come from social margins and mercenaries, they joined the project for a good pay. A light mobile group, they specialize in long-range combat (snipers), scouting, and are able to get into buildings that are difficult to access (parkour). Their task was to escort scientists to Velen and care for their safety. They also had a secret mission from Radovid.
Cat Team members:
Jad Karadin - Team commander, he previously worked as a mercenary. After reaching Velen and separating from the Wolf Team he betrayed the scientists along with Brehen and Gaetan. He was ordered to take over the research and notes and deliver it to Radovid with the scientists. Karadin also murdered Henselt on Radovid's orders.
Gaetan - Former mercenary. Along with Karadin and Brehen betrays scientists at the behest of Radovid.
Brehen - Former mercenary and thief. Together with Karadin and Gaetan betrays scientists at the behest of Radovid.
Aiden - the only member of the team from the military academy (the same as Lambert), joined the project because he needed money. Together with Kiyan, he tried to protect scientists from the rest of his team. The scientists managed to escape, but their research was taken over, and Aiden was captured by Karadin and handed over to Radovid. Radovid's scientists made experiments on Aiden and Kyian later.
Kiyan - along with Aiden tried to protect scientists from the rest of his team. He was also captured and handed over to Radovid. Radovid's scientists made experiments on him and Aiden later.
Viper Team - A team of former prisoners and criminals, included in the project in exchange for amnesty. They specialize in infiltration and assassinations.
Viper Team members:
Kolgrim - Team commander, as the only one in the team was not a criminal. He previously commanded the security service of the Council of the North Union. He believed in his team, considered them fully resocialized. His and his team's call was to protect Councilors, unfortunately he was betrayed, and as a result Foltest and Demavend were killed.
Letho - A former prisoner and criminal. Along with Serrit and Egan, he was bribed by Nilfgaard and killed Foltest and Demavend.
Serrit - A former prisoner and criminal. Along with Letho and Egan, he was bribed by Nilfgaard and killed Foltest and Demavend.
Egan - A former prisoner and criminal. Along with Letho and Serrit, he was bribed by Nilfgaard and killed Foltest and Demavend.
Ivar Evil-Eye - Former prisoner, truly resocialized, Kolgrim's right hand. He and his commander tried to prevent the assassination attempt on Foltest and Demavenda, but they failed.
Griffin Team - a group of super soldiers appointed secretly by Esterad Thyssen. It included: Coen, George and Jerome. Later, Kolgirm and Ivar joined them. Their task was to secretly find missing scientists and find a cure for Catriona. Much later they join forces with the Wolf Team and openly oppose Radovid.
Blue Stripes
The Temerian secret service team delegated to bring Ciri - a girl resistant to Catriona - from Cintra to Redania. They broke through Velen and arrived in Ellander to the border with Redania and Aedirn. There, unfortunately, they were taken over by Iorveth's guerrillas and taken to Vergen. The team includes: Vernon Roche, Ves, Thaler, Thirteen, Fenn and Silas. The Wolf Team followed them.
The military-scientific corporation, at the request of the North Union, began a project of genetically modified soldiers. The head of the corporation was Jacques de Aldersberg, and the main scientist was Azar Javed. They both disappeared in mysterious circumstances. Then it turned out that they were behind the chaos in Velen, they wanted to create a new race of super people that would replace humanity. Wolf Team and Cat Team encounter their mutants in Velen, they are forced to fight them. For some time Salamandra worked with Radovid to help him take over the Union, but eventually Aldersberg had different ambitions and acted on his own.
Scientists Team
Yennefer, Triss and Keira - all three participated in the project to create genetically modified soldiers as a team of independent scientists. They gave up because they didn't like Salamandra method. After being removed from the project, they were sent to Velen for research purposes. After the Wolf Team separated from them, the Cat Team betrayed and the women had to escape. They managed to escape with the help of Aiden and Kiyan, but two soldiers were captured. During escape the women separated. After returning Vergen, Wolf Team manages to find in Velen Keira, who has acquired the necessary components to create an antidote to Catriona without Ciri. The fate of Yennefer and Triss is unknown (for now ;> ).
This is just a sketch and in fact it all arose in my head only so that I would have a good excuse to set Witchers in post-apocalyptic realities and clothing and arm them with modern military equipment. Because I think they would look really good at it. You know, this is how the spinster's afternoon fantasies look like ;)
I haven't figured out a plot for Ciri and what happens to her after reaching Vergen. Somewhere here should also appear Avallac'h and Eredin, but I gave up. I don't plan to write it anyway. Speculation about this AU was just for fun.
I’m also sorry for all the mistakes I have made, I don’t write very well in English and this is a lot of text. I certainly wrote something stupid, but I don't know where...
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