#race for governor
tomorrowusa · 2 years
Republicans think that running on law and order issues will help them in this election cycle. Perhaps they ought to “do the research” before opening their mouths and sticking their feet in them.
Oklahoma is a deep red state. But the race for governor this year is surprisingly competitive.
Incumbent Trump Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt is being challenged by Democrat Joy Hofmeister.
During a gubernatorial debate, Hofmeister brought up the fact that Oklahoma has a higher rate of violent crime than New York or California. Stitt tried to laugh it off. However a fact check confirmed Hofmeister’s assertion. 
John Roman, a senior fellow at NORC at the University of Chicago, told Yahoo News that Hofmeister’s numbers were accurate. Citing FBI data, Roman said that “Oklahoma is 12th in violence per 100,000 residents and 7th in property crime per 100,000 residents. California is similar but lower for each, and New York is much safer and below the national averages in both property and violence. Overall, putting violent crime rates and property crime rates together, Oklahoma is on the list of the top 10 highest crime rate states.”
Roman noted that the National Incident-Based Reporting System now being used by the FBI is new and that California and New York only provided estimates for 2021, which were factored in the data. However, Roman added that the old system prior to 2021 “shows the same general trend in recent years: California and Oklahoma are similar, with Oklahoma a little higher on property crimes, and New York much lower on both.”
By coincidence, there was recently a bizarre quadruple murder in Oklahoma.
4 friends killed in 'violent' shooting, dismembered, thrown in Oklahoma river; person of interest found
The Trump Republican playbook is to portray blue America as a den of violence. While it’s not perfect here, you’re safer in NYC than in most of red America.
Ahead of next month’s midterms, the conservative cable network Fox News has been promoting stories about crime, following host Tucker Carlson’s own August advice for Republican candidates to focus on “law and order” to cause a “red wave” at the ballot box. This coverage has generally focused on cities — typically controlled by Democrats — including accusations of police defunding following the protests of 2020. However, few cities actually decreased police budgets, and most increased them over that time.
The coverage of crime extends beyond right-wing media and GOP attack ads: A Bloomberg analysis in July showed that while shootings in New York City were relatively flat — although higher than pre-pandemic levels — news coverage of the shootings were at a much higher rate than last year. Polling has shown that for decades, Americans almost always think crime is worse than it is, regardless of its level at the given time.
There are more big cities in blue America. So there are a lot of people concentrated in urban spaces. The number of crimes will obviously be higher in densely populated areas than in thinly populated areas. But when you look at per capita crime, blue states look a lot better – despite what Fox and the GOP tell people. If NYC was as dangerous as Fox News claims, it would be located in Muskogee, OK instead of the Times Square area.
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New York City has more than double the population of Oklahoma – but not more than double the crime.
NYC has had nothing like the Okmulgee, Oklahoma quadruple murders this year where four people were chopped in half and thrown into a river.
So for a safer Oklahoma, Vote Democratic.
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onlytiktoks · 1 month
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lilithism1848 · 7 months
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shedontlovehuhself · 2 years
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Whenever y'all see posts about women getting out to vote and "getting it done!" or Florida voted against women, remember:
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White voters will always white.
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britneyshakespeare · 23 days
I had the worst dream last night that I had had a daughter at some point in the recent past and of necessity gave her up (I am far from the financial situation for raising a child and I don't even have the support of a partner, so that part is realistic). And I was just so wracked with guilt because I didn't even remember her name or who she was living with now. I felt so inadequate as a human being for not being involved in my child's life. And if I had to guess I had this dream because I was thinking a lot about abortion rights yesterday and how frankly they alone should be enough of a reason to go out and vote against Republicans. Like if you can't take a stand against people who are pro-forced birth, I don't wanna hear any excuse about it at all. It's some out-of-touch nonsense which reeks or either ignorance or privilege. Because if that were your own trauma-preventing medical procedure being legislated away, would you just let others get away with it being low on their list of priorities? Would you feel like those people still care about you or are your allies? The pro-life camp actively ignores cases where abortion is necessary to save the life of the pregnant person and/or the fetus has no chance of surviving to be born. They also constantly act like you can "just" put your child up for adoption, which to me is a much more terrifying and guilt-inducing idea than terminating a pregnancy. Idk. I just feel like family planning is as essential a human right as any other and yet it's constantly demonized on the right and still somehow trivialized as a "women's issue" from the center and left, from people who don't feel "personally affected"
#i can't stress enough that no medical procedure should ever be on the desk of any politician ever#it makes me incredibly heartbroken because it's a basic human right#if someone cannot or is not willing to be pregnant they should never ever ever have to justify that#or go through the humiliation of proving themselves THE EXCEPTION to a fundamentally unjust law.#abortion cw#probably should've put that sooner my bad#also when i say it comes from ignorance or privilege im not saying it's only amab people#who trivialize abortion rights as an issue. often a lot of ppl w uteruses just sincerely cannot or do not#picture themselves in the dire situation of a pregnancy they cannot bring to term.#again it just makes me want to cry because it's just so personal for people who have to go through it#a lot of ppl about a lot of things just think 'oh itll never happen to me' and adjust their apathy accordingly#(not to get sidetracked but that attitude drove me INSANE in the covid era)#but at the same time regardless of how unenthused some ppl w uteruses are about abortion access#the fact it's a political issue at all is still a sign we live in a (cis) patriarchy#but again a lot of ppl who are hypothetically my allies are quite milquetoast w their feminism#i most likely have been ruminating on this topic bc it's a big concern in my governor's race right now#(kelly ayotte is very much not pro choice no matter what she pretends)#but i also did see some nonsense 'dont vote' take recently that was like 'blah blah blah if u can't give up access to ur abortion rights#ur being selfish blah blah blah' im trying not to make a bigger deal of one nonsense person than i should#and blow that person out of proportion in their significance but jesus. what a ghoulish and evil thing to say
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pagerunner-j · 2 months
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Tiny Jester got here in time to help me vote in the primaries. She’s curious about Goodspaceguy. (I will not be voting for Goodspaceguy, but it’ll be a sad day when he no longer shows up on these things.)
I note that she’s pointing to Bob Ferguson, though. Jester is wise.
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rose-learns-japanese · 3 months
Today I... Listened and read along
So this Japanese candidate from the Love and Peace Party did a rap.
And I decided to learn vocab from it!
Trigger warnings: Suicide, war
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New Words to Me:
リスカ- Wrist cutting
誹謗中傷 (ひぼうちゅうしょう) - Lies and slander
未遂 (みすい) - A failed attempt
首吊り自殺 (くびつりじさつ) - suicide by hanging
タスキ - A ribbon used in relay races like a baton
産婦人科 (さんふじんか) - gynecology department
よちよち - wobbly or tottering
精子 (せいし) - Sperm
一等賞 (いっとうしょう) - First prize
天上天下唯我独尊 (てんじょうてんげゆいがどくそん) - throughout heaven and earth, I alone am the honored one​ (A Buddha quote)
言霊 (ことだま) - mysterious power of words to alter reality
違法薬物 (いほうやくぶつ) - Illegal drugs
芽を摘む (めをつむ) - Nip something in the bud
落選 (らくせん) - Failing to be elected
マウントを取る (マウントをとる) - Assert Dominance
粗 (あら) - Flaw
溝 (みぞ) - Groove, ditch
負の連鎖 (ふのれんさ) - A series of bad events
論破 (ろんぱ) - winning an argument
融合 (ゆうごう) Blending or uniting
八百万 (やおよろず) - Countless (I am aware this is also 8 million)
鬼舞辻無惨 (きぶつじむざん) - A character from Kimetsu no Yaiba
両面宿儺 (りょうめんすくな) - A character from Jujutsu Kaisen
後藤輝樹 (ごとうてるき) - This Guy, Gotou Teruki
滅私奉公 (めっしほうこう) - Selfless devotion
Here's the kanji and hiragana in an excel sheet.
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DeSantis administration aims to ‘curb’ diversity, equity, inclusion in state universities
Florida will be looking to “curb” diversity, equity and inclusion efforts at the state’s colleges and universities, Lt. Gov. Jeanette Nuñez said Tuesday, offering a preview of what higher education leaders can expect from lawmakers during the upcoming legislative session.
Her statements, delivered at a state Board of Governors meeting at Florida International University in Miami, marked the first time the DeSantis administration has explained why its budget office this month requested a detailed accounting of how much colleges and universities spend on such efforts.
“I can give you a few insights as to what we’re working on coming this session,” Nuñez said before mentioning a statement last week from the presidents of Florida’s 28 state colleges. It pledged to root out any policy or practice that “compels belief in critical race theory or related concepts.” The lieutenant governor then suggested that effort would soon extend to the state’s 12 universities.
“I believe [the colleges are] looking at ways to curb those initiatives, and I think we’ll look at ways to more broadly curb those initiatives as well,” she said.
In a speech that earlier praised the university system for its high rankings and relatively low student debt, Nuñez said “real forces” were “undermining the good work taking place” at the state schools.
“These new threats that are creeping and taking hold are things that we need to face,” she said. “I believe one of the biggest threats that’s infiltrating our universities is a permeating culture — one might call it woke culture, one might call it woke ideology, one might call it identity politics. ... We don’t need to get into all the names, but I do believe that some of these issues are taking hold. The policies they advocate are based on hate and based on indoctrination.”
Nuñez also previewed proposals to review general education courses and give university presidents more control over faculty hiring.
“We want to further empower our presidents to make sure that they own the responsibility of hiring individuals to work in their campuses and make sure it stays in the hands of the leader of the institution more so than in hidden hiring practices and faculty committees,” she said.
The legislative session begins March 7.
In their responses to the governor’s budget office, the 12 public universities said they collectively are spending about $34.5 million this year on diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. About $20.7 million came from state funds.
The University of South Florida reported the highest expenses at $8.7 million, though only $2.5 million came from state funds. Money was spent on initiatives such the university’s supplier diversity program; non-mandatory trainings; a list of 10 courses including “Theatre Appreciation” and “Language in the USA”; and funding for its Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
Florida A&M University had the highest amount of state funds used at $4.1 million. The school’s expenses included a research center and museum for Black archives and its Center for Environmental Equity and Justice, created by the Legislature in 1998.
Shortly after those responses were submitted, the governor’s budget office sent out a second request requiring universities to report details on any procedures and treatments they had offered related to gender affirming care since 2018. The request did not specify how the information would be used.
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sbrown82 · 2 years
BRUH...You can’t make this shit up!!!!
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If y’all don’t get y’all asses to them polls come November.....
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maureen-corpse · 8 months
all the energy some folks expend on justifying why they’re conscientious voting objectors could be spent instead on checking Ballotpedia and their local board of elections and candidate web sites to look up information and select who they’re going to vote for in every single race on the ballot
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tomorrowusa · 2 years
Put Republicans in power and they will see to it that they never lose another election – at least in Wisconsin. In other words, say goodbye to free and fair elections.
Tim Michels, the Trump Republican candidate for governor of Wisconsin, has stopped using fig leafs to hide GOP totalitarian ambitions.
Wisconsin GOP candidate Tim Michels said Republicans would never lose a race in the state should he become governor, concerning opponents that he would take steps to alter election results once in office.
[ ... ]
"Republicans will never lose another election in Wisconsin after I'm elected governor," Michels, who co-owns the state's largest construction company, can be heard saying.
This election is a referendum on democracy. Incumbent Democrat Tony Evers responded to his semi-fascist opponent.
In response to the audio clip, posted on Twitter, Evers replied, saying: 'Tim Michels is a danger to our democracy."
"Democracy is on the ballot in this election," Sam Roecker, a spokesperson for Evers told Insider. "Tim Michels has made it clear he will do anything in his power to make it harder for Wisconsinites to vote and could even overturn the fair results of our elections if he doesn't like the outcome."
Michaels. who is super wealthy and benefited from Trump’s tax breaks for the filthy rich, refused to say that if elected governor he would certify the rightful winner of the 2024 presidential election in Wisconsin. 
Michels, a candidate endorsed by former President Donald Trump, has questioned the results of the 2020 election and has declined to answer questions as to whether or not he would certify presidential election results as governor should a Democrat win the state in a national election.
Michels also suggested that he could pursue an unconstitutional effort to decertify Biden's 2020 win in Wisconsin once he became governor, telling local station WKOW that he would "need to see the details."
People like Michels would prefer the US to be a kleptocratic tyranny like Russia.
Support Gov. Tony Evers and help preserve democracy in Wisconsin and the rest of the US.
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onlytiktoks · 1 month
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larrylimericks · 2 years
In Texas, abortion’s unlawful Cos Abbott’s a massive twatwaffle. H emblazoned support For the present O’Rourke— May he win by a margin colossal.
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blogparanormal · 1 year
Music Video To Learn ALL About The Internationlly Known Anthony M. Giarrusso!
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picklesquash · 2 years
It’s honestly become a full time job to figure out how fucked you are after Election Day in the U.S.
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saltyfilmmajor · 2 years
Voting in New jersey is hella boring because this state is very blue ( i mean there are republicans but like, are they at all effective here not really unless you run for governor) I am however, intrigued by the board of ed elections and how they turn
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