#But i was sweating bullets last year lmaoo
saltyfilmmajor · 2 years
Voting in New jersey is hella boring because this state is very blue ( i mean there are republicans but like, are they at all effective here not really unless you run for governor) I am however, intrigued by the board of ed elections and how they turn
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imaginesofeverykind · 7 years
Hostage || Sam Drake x Reader ||
Characters: Sam Drake x Fem!Reader 
Fandom: Uncharted 
Requested: yup! I reblogged || this prompt list || created by the lovely @paintingcrimsons so go check them out as well! Req: [74, 63, 44, 15 and 8? Something in the line with Rafe taking you and Sam having to look for you. You end up being shot when Sam finds you, who later patches you up again] 
“This is going to hurt, I’m so sorry.” & “Breathe, can you do that for me?” & “Touch her again, and I’ll kill you.” “Will you? Because last time I checked, petty threats don’t do shit, ____. They just piss me off more.” & “What happened to me?” & “Hand over the girl.” “That’s not gonna happen in your lifetime.”
Prompt: In a desperate attempt to save you, Sam daringly boards Captain Henry Avery’s Ship prepared for a gun fight to face off Rafe who has you, hostage. 
Tags: @rafeadderall @missdictatorme @dragonjedihobbit @shararogers @delicrieux @solarsystemus
Word count: 1,424
A/N: okayy so I have a smut to do as well and I haven't started it yet lmaoo na I'm at uni today so I don't want to write smut in the middle of class 👀👀👀 lmaoooo Someone looked over at my screen when writing this I NEVER CLICKED OUT OF TUMBLR SO FUKEN QUICK KILL ME 
You were in pain, intense fiery pain and it hadn’t helped that a firm hand gripped your ponytail. With jarring movements, forcing you to walk forward. You cursed, letting tears slip down your cheeks. Cuts and bruises showered your skin from head to toe. Exhaustion was settling in making your joints ache.
“Keep moving!” Rafe’s angry voice hissed, pushing you forward. You stumbled on your feet, they dragged across the four-hundred-year-old ship. Treasure littered around the room and weighed the ship down. You were surprised that the ship had managed to stay afloat.
You prayed that Sam or Nate or someone was coming to get you. The ship rocked violently after a deafening explosion somewhere in on the boat. Rafe’s grip loosened on you as the both of you jerked forward from the sudden explosion. Taking the chance to run as he hadn’t quite tightened his grip just yet, you ripped yourself from him and started to sprint away from him.
Panting and frantic, you pushed your muscles to move quickly. Every now and again your head would turn back hoping that you had lost Rafe, but in fact, it was the opposite. He was just out of arms reach, trailing hot on your heels. You cursed loudly as if it was going to deter the psychotic maniac behind you. With your bones and muscles aching wanting you to stop, they began to seize up slowing you down.
Rounding a corner and into a room, presumably the Captain's quarters of the ship, your eyes immediately fall on Sam who was sweaty and in a mad panic clearly trying to find you. “Sam!” The scream ripped from your throat as you reached out to grab him, only Rafe grabbed a tight hold of your arm, wrenching you back toward him, “Oh no you don’t.” His clasp was sure to leave an impressive bruise on you tomorrow... if you made it out alive.
Sam raised the gun in his hands, pointing it at Rafe, who in retaliation pointed the gun to her head. “Hand over the girl, Rafe.” Sam warned his tone gruff and his expression harsh. Rafe chuckled dryly, “that’s not gonna happen in your lifetime.” He pulled the hammer back on his pistol, the barrel of the gun still pointed at your temple.
A whimper escaped your lips, “Sam.” ever so quietly as your breath hitched in your throat. You were in so much pain, you just wanted to collapse and be greeted by nothing but darkness and silence. You had been through hell and you were on the brink of giving up. “You’re all right sweetheart, I’ll get you outta here before you know it,” Sam assured you, seeing the pain in your eyes.
“You really think I’m just gonna let you walk out of here, Sam, I mean c’mon really? Are you that gullible? You’re hearing this too right, Y/N? He thinks you two are getting out of here alive.” Adjusting his grip on his pistol you winced, cringing expecting a gunshot to sound but he was simply toying with you. “You want to get back at me, Rafe. Not her-.” You had cut Sam off, a sudden burst of adrenaline coarsed through you, it was fight or flight and you had to get away from Rafe.
You jerked away, freeing yourself from him and winding up your hand. A satisfying smack hung in the air as everyone in the room processed what had happened. Sam couldn’t bite back the smile forming on his lips, he resisted the urge to commend you. Rafe, however, had grunted, wiping the blood dribbling from his nose, lifting his pistol effortlessly and pulling the trigger. Time seemed to slow for you, you had felt the bullet pierce the thickness of your thigh. The sudden shock had brought you down to the ground, a scream shredding your throat as the pain started to process.
Sam was in shock, he had a clear view to shoot Rafe yet he didn’t hesitate to pull the trigger. Rafe yanked you up to your feet, tears wetting your cheeks. “You are starting to piss me off.” He gritted and knee’d you hard in the stomach, a groan expelled from you as a familiar metallic taste filled your mouth and pooled out. “Touch her again and I’ll kill you.” Sam threatened as Rafe pulled you upright and returned his Pistol barrel to the side of your head.
“Will you? Because last time I checked, petty threats don’t do shit, Sam. They just piss me off more. And young Y/N here just about can’t take any more hits.” The pain had started to take over you. Your knees buckled from beneath you and your body started to feel limp as you started to slowly succumb to your weakness.
In and out of consciousness you blacked out for some time, lazily opening your heavy eyelids to witness the gruesome brawl between Rafe and Sam briefly before blacking out again. Some time had passed even more, you opened your eyes just in time to see not just Sam but Nate take down Rafe before you blacked out. When you awoke from the last time you had been more responsive, you could detail that you were no longer in the burning wreck of Henry Avery’s ship, but you were on the beach.
You could hear waves crashing in the distance as you slowly started to slip back out of reality, but this time it felt different. Hearing Sam’s familiar voice shouting at obviously Sully, Elena and Nate. “She’s not breathing! Guys, we’re losing her!” In between life and death, it felt surreal almost, like a strange dream. “Shit… Shit..” Sam cursed under his breath before attempting CPR on your, compressing your chest down in short bursts for so many laps before checking your breathing.
When that hadn’t helped he opted for chest compressions and mouth to mouth. “C’mon! Breathe, can you just breathe for me.” He grew desperate, his voice accompanied by the others who had joined in on this wild goose chase. It felt like a lifetime but only a few moments passed, “you’re not dying on us today… just pull through.” He gritted before continuing another cycle of chest compressions and mouth to mouth.
A strangled gasp sucked in your throat bringing you back to reality and away from limbo. Your breathing settled after a moment but you were barely conscious enough to say or do anything so you dropped back into darkness.
You woke up to a fright, dazed and confused. Your surroundings weren’t at all familiar, which had panicked you more. “Fuck.” You cursed under your breath followed by a groan as you examined the wounds causing you so much grief. You were in a fresh set of clothing which you don’t remember getting into, in fact, you barely remember what happened after Rafe shot you.
“Oh, you’re awake.” Sam’s relieved voice startled you, he chuckled then apologised. “I was worried you weren’t going to wake up.” He admitted, crossing the room with his hands full of bandages wraps, and a bottle of sterile alcohol. You laughed tiredly and leant up against the bed head. He sat on the edge of the bed and splayed out everything. “Seriously… you scared the shit out of me… Uh, can you — can you uh… sorry I’ve been changing your bandages and uh…” He trailed off, eying your leg which is covered by a loose pair of sweats.
You blushed, not just because Sam Drake asked - Not at all in a sexual context -  you to take off your pants, but blushing also at the thought of Sam having to undress you while he tended to your wounds. However, you slid the sweats down your hips and three-quarters of the way down your thigh where the mean looking gunshot wound was, covered by gauze and a wrap. He gently peeled the adhesive back and off the wound, you watched intently as he ever so carefully brushed his fingers across your skin before wetting a sterile cloth with alcohol. He looked up at you with an apologetic smile, “This is going to hurt, I’m so sorry.”
A sigh passed your lips and you nodded, understanding, “It’s okay.” You assured him, you were just glad he had come back to get you. Despite not getting much of the treasure at all with the exception of a handful of coins, Sam was just glad he got you somewhere safe and sound and most importantly Alive.
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mycasandstarrs · 6 years
SPN 6x18: “Frontierland”
THEN: Wyoming, Samuel Colt, and a giant devil’s trap. Angels and their ability to time travel. Purgatory, opening it to let something in, and “the Mother of All”. The Khan Worm making people go postal on loved ones and Eve’s message to the boys.
A true Western duel.
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Goddamn, does Dean look good or what?
Special title card!
48 Hours Later (And 150 Years Later)
Sam remembers the layout of the Campbell headquarters.
The Campbell family library. Wow. I hope they took everything.
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“River, Joaquin, or the giant flaming bird?”
Good answer Dean.
Dean’s already geeking out.
"’March 5, 1861. Sunrise, Wyoming. Gun killed a Phoenix today. Left a pile of smoldering ash.’” 
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“Castiel. The, uh, fate of the world is in the balance. So, come on down here. Come on, Cas, ‘I Dream of Jeannie’ your ass down here pronto. Please.”
Ah ok, no - OH i would’ve spoken too soon. I was about to mention how Dean finally didn’t mention Cas’ “ass”  in a prayer, but he did.
Rachel shows up instead.
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“I think you call him when you need something.” That’s fair.
Hello, Cas.
“Where the hell’s Dean?”
“Supply run, he said.” I’m already giggling because I know what Dean really means.
“Um, about your plan. You'll only have 24 hours.”
“Wait, what? Why?”
“Well, the answer to your question can best be expressed as a series of partial differential equations.”
“Yeah, aim lower.”
lmaoo Bobby. What I love even more is that Cas understood.
I don’t think Cas really needs a watch?? 
I mean, Dean really went out of his way to buy new clothes.
“Look, just because you're obsessed with all that Wild West stuff --”
“No, I’m not.”
“You have a fetish!”
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Dean is the biggest dork and I love him.
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I can’t stop laughing.
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“You know what that is?”
“Yeah, it’s horse--”
Never really noticed how Sam tries multiple times to get the horse shit off his shoe.
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“You're gonna burn for this. Every one of you.” Fitting last words.
“RIP” Elias Finch. Hung.
“Nice blanket.”
Awww, butthurt Dean.
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“Marshal Eastwood. Clint Eastwood. This here is, uh, Walker. He’s a Texas Ranger.” Oh my lord, Dean.
“Nice shirt.”
“What’s wrong with my shirt?”
“You’re very clean.”
“...it’s dirtier than it looks.”
Oh my goodness.
Dean has become so disillusioned, poor thing.
Ewww nooo.
I’m Sam laughing at Dean in the background.
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RIP judge. Killed by Elias Finch.
The Sheriff knew about Elias.
“You know, maybe we're not looking for a flaming bird. Maybe the Phoenix is actually walking around in cowboy boots.” There ya go.
“I'll stay here, hook up with the posse. 'Cause you know me -- I'm a posse magnet. I mean, I love posse. Make that into a t-shirt.”
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Damn you, Dean.
Sam is as tall as the damn horse, omg.
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“That poor horse.” I said the exact same thing on first viewing.
“Forgive me. I’m sorry.” Sheriff’s last words.
RIP Sheriff. Killed by Elias Finch.
Oh boy, Rachel. Our second person to let us know something’s seriously wrong with Cas and his “plan”.
RIP Rachel. Killed by Castiel.
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“Cas? Are we running or fighting?” lmaoo Bobby.
Dean looks so good!!!
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“I look good.” YOU SURE DO, HON.
“Sheriff’s tough as nails. He’ll be here..”
“Oh my god! The Sheriff’s dead!”
Perfect timing.
Congrats on the new job, Dean!
Samuel Colt.
Old timey demons.
RIP demons. Killed by Samuel Colt.
“Who’s there?”
“Candygram for Mongo.” Of course Dean had to make that reference.
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New plan.
“I'm not asking you to throw down with him. I'm asking you to play your part.”
“My part?”
“Yeah. Bait.”
Sam’s turn to get splashed by holy water.
“You Samuel Colt? My name is Sam Winchester. I'm -- I'm a hunter from the year 2011.” Sam was upfront about that. And he just so happened to have the right evidence to back him up.
That’s so trippy.
“You go put on a few more miles and come back, and we'll talk.”
“Trust me, I've got plenty of mileage.”
I love Sam.
I wonder what Sam had to say or do to finally convince Samuel Colt.
“Cas, you -- you look like you went 12 rounds with truckasaurus. What happened?”
“I was, uh...I was betrayed. Rachel, uh...Raphael...He corrupted her. She turned on me.”
Oh hon...I know you’re lying.
I do love seeing Cas and Bobby moments.
“We got less than an hour before you pick up the kids at Frontierland.” Title of the episode!
Plan B.
“It’s your soul.”
“What do you want me to do? Make another deal? Seal it with a kiss?”
I’m sure kissing Cas wouldn’t be such a bad thing.
“Doing this is like...putting your hand in a nuclear reactor. I have to do it very gingerly.”
“Or you’ll explode.”
“Well. Keep both hands on the wheel. Let's do this.”
Bobby trusts Cas (and wants Sam and Dean back safely) to put himself in that kind of danger.
The Deputy is sweating bullets.
Iron is a phoenix’s weakness.
Dean let Elias monologue to buy Sam time.
“So tell me -- are you really willing to die to protect this piece of filth?”
“Honestly, I could care less about him. He's a dick and a coward.”
Yeah, that guy is garbage.
I...gotta admire how Dean totally understood where Elias was coming from when it came to killing the three people, and how he almost reluctantly tells him that he has to kill him anyways.
RIP Deputy. Killed by Elias Finch.
“Wow, I should've seen that coming.” lmao, i didn’t see it coming either.
“Ohh. Hello, beautiful.” Dean really has a thing for the Colt.
Back at the beginning.
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Let Dean have his Western moment, Sam.
I swear the music here sounds familiar??
RIP Elias Finch. Killed by Dean.
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“Yippee-ki-yay, mother--”  
Cas and Bobby both look exhausted.
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“Bobby, I'm sorry.” Apologize to Cas too, ya dummy.
I believe this is a Back to The Future thing?
At least sign for the thing.
“Ashes of a Phoenix. You know what this means?”
“Yeah, I didn't get a ‘soulonoscopy’ for nothing.”
“Yes. And... it means we take the fight to her.”
I fucking love this episode so much.
(P.S. How much do you wanna bet that Dean kept the outfit? Sheriff’s badge and all?)
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