#quinntina fic
marley-bean · 6 months
More Quinntina fic :)
This one is so adorable 🥰
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corvusbound · 9 months
fics? i write those
hello tumblr!!
i finally have a blog for glee and fanfic
anyways, i am constantly coming up with ideas and never writing them so i figure writing other peoples ideas is a good way to get words onto a doc
this is my ao3, for some stuff i've written
i think people make boundary & stuff i like to write posts when they do this kind of thing? so i'm making one of those. see below:
glee! (this is the main one)
mcyt, mainly empires smp or traffic smp
lockwood & co
glee: klaine, kurtbastian, kelliott, mikurt (just like any with kurt, platonic or romantic), quinntina, quinntana, brittana, most platonic relationships. basically just anything other than ones listed in my dnw
mcyt: basically anything but i am more inclined to write things with scott in them
lockwood & co: locklyle, lockarimlyle, again basically anything
marvel: ironstrange, the supreme family mainly
soulmate aus, aus of other media as long as i know what on earth it is, aus of any kind tbf, team as family, i am best at fluff but will try my hand at angst, honestly anything that isn't in my dnw i will try but it might not turn out well lmao
glee: kurtofsky (sorry!), any romantic kurt/any girl, seblaine, blam, kurt being depicted in a very bad way bc i love him too much, grief fics (make me cry too much)
marvel: like anything captain america i'm sorry, grief fics (see above)
smut (i cannot write it for the life of me), really intense gore, main character death
that's all i can think of atm! will add to later if i think of anything else! :D
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tophsazulas · 2 years
Can anyone rec me some quinntina fics from ao3?
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flaine · 2 years
wip ask game!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have wips. this isn’t just for writing either. sketch titles? comics? dnd campaigns? if you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
thank u for tagging me @md-drawz 🥰
ok this is kinda fun!! really did a deep dive for everyone here bc you will not see any of this except for like the first few gifsets, probably. they will never be done <3
fics (i don’t know if i will ever share any of my writing but. also excuse the incredibly ficcy titles LMAO)
quinntina / but you said your vows (and closed the door)
quinncedes / i was sixteen (could you blame?)
changson / realizashuns
partie / lose my head (guillotine)
partie / sleepless in the city
partie / studying
finn yellow
angel santana
going to tag @burthummels simply bc i know you are hiding some wips.......... and anyone else who wants to do this :)
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katyobsesses · 2 years
WIP folder
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have wips. this isn’t just for writing either. sketch titles? comics? dnd campaigns? if you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
tagged by @thnxforknowingme. I'm someone who really likes to title my fics as soon as possible, or at least have a vague idea of the title before i even write it.
first I'll do the fics that are currently being uploaded, then list the others. - inculding my current cross stitch WIP
Cycle of Fate Welcome To New York (it's been waiting for you) One More New Direction
WIPS that have yet to see the light of day
OMND 'verse ↳ It's Time To Make A Decision ↳ Things Change & Friends Leave ↳ All Of The While (it was you) ↳ Violets & Purples ↳ The Stars are In Your Eyes ↳ So Many Colors ↳ Finally Home ↳ Glee by Lucy Q Fabray ↳ The Finn Hudson Auditorium ↳ Forty Bucks Some Things You Just Don't Question (Barolebeth AU) Blam S6 re-write Luna (Quinntina Childhood best friends AU) "Untitled" 911xGlee crossover Oh, Broadway, Here I Come Matt Gossip Girl I Had My Time Visit Olympus - home of the gods
Okay, that was wayyyyy more than i was expecting, but i do kind of think of all of the OMND 'verse fics as just one fic
I am not going to tag 22 people, because that is just too many 🤣 but i guess I'll tag a couple who i don't think have been tagged yet? @beshrew-my-very-heart @backslashdelta and then anyone else who wants to do this!
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tommymcartney · 2 months
hmmm… ❤️‍🔥 had an idea for a quinntina fic💥
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yeastymuffin · 11 months
why have I written over 3k for a Quinntina fic? i don't even ship them
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greenishbucket · 7 years
holding you again
TIna and Quinn at a wedding.
 2.9k, ao3
Tina is trying really, really hard not to be bitter. Like, so hard.
It’s a beautiful wedding. The ceremony is a little heavy on the religion for her taste but it’s what Sam and Mercedes both want and they’re glowing with happiness in the colourful light from the stain glass windows as the priest talks on and on. If Tina’s honest she zones out a little until it gets to the ‘I do’ bit -- at which point she finds herself suddenly needing to swallow back a sob, gratefully accepting a tissue from Brittany, because some of her best friends are in love and just got married. Brittany pats her on the arm, as vaguely comforting as someone can be when they’re mostly preoccupied with delightedly wolf-whistling as Sam and Mercedes kiss with a lot more passion than Tina expected in a church.
The reception party is far more Tina’s speed, despite some lingering frustration with her carefully applied, and now ruined, supposedly-waterproof eye makeup: they relocate to a tall marquee, decked out in a classic colour scheme of lush pinkish reds and cream that Tina had helped Mercedes pick out over Skype months ago, with the marquee sides kept open to allow in the light and breeze of the clear summer evening and a DJ friend of theirs that Tina doesn’t know already in place between two stacks of speakers.
The music stays light and lowkey while they eat lest any ex-Glee Club, or any of Sam and Mercedes’ other friends for that matter, feel the unstoppable urge to sing mid-meal and it makes for a pleasant, slightly sleepy atmosphere at the evening draws in and the lights turn on. Some of the sleepiness may be relief, Tina thinks, following Santana’s delivery of the maid of honour speech all the girls had worked together on with no end of arguing; Santana’s near balance of cutting sarcasm and warm affection is met with laughter and applause and a kiss blown from Mercedes.
When Sam and Mercedes have their first dance Tina has to pull out Brittany’s crumpled tissue from her purse again because they’re radiant under the dancefloor lights, their hands gentle but sure on each other, and then she has to laugh around her tears when Sam pulls out the old body roll move and Mercedes acts like she’s embarrassed. Before long the dancefloor fills up with other guests and Tina hangs back a little when Mike is one of the first to join, held in place by the sting of their last unplanned fling that’s not quite passed despite the months and distance as well as the fact that technically Artie’s her date. It doesn’t last for long, however, with Blaine noticing her alone at the edge of the dancefloor and reeling her in to clasp her hand and spin her round like they’re still in high school.
But that was some hours ago now. Tina’s a little tipsier now and Blaine a lot judging from the way he’s dancing with Kurt, who’d pulled him away from her with the insistence that he had the right to enjoy his husband fully with a babysitter at home taking care of things. Artie vanished on her into the darkness some time ago with Kitty and she can’t begrudge him that since she's listened to the ins and outs of their on-off thing so often she's almost invested herself at this point. She knows if she checks her phone he’ll have texted to let her know, reassure her that he’s using protection this time – lesson learnt in college! – and tell her to get some herself, probably followed by six or so suggestive emojis.
Instead of anything like that, and in particular to avoid another messy night with Mike, Tina’s been dancing with all the children still awake enough for it, letting them stand on her feet and hold her hand in their cake-sticky ones as they chatter away alongside the music. Their interest in her dress or her carefully styled hair is uncomplicated and refreshing and their excitement at goings-on’s infectious but as the darkness really settles outside most become overtired and have to rest. Now from her table a few rows back from the dancefloor she looks over to the pile of sacked-out children in their miniature formal wear and feels a mixture of sadness that that chapter of life is still so far off for her and intense relief that it’s not a responsibility she has yet.
Tonight can be her own, whatever direction she chooses for it to take, and so can all the others after it. She has no one to stop her.
Tina is trying really, really hard not to be bitter about all the incandescent happiness around her and feel content with her own steady satisfaction where it sits deep in her chest. It’s a battle she’s been fighting for years as all her friends seem to find success with ease and true, deep love so swiftly and surely while she feels like every achievement is a thousand hours spent sewing sequins or learning lines, every love she feels too much or misdirected or inconvenient. Usually it’s not so hard but sitting here alone at Sam and Mercedes’ wedding, the jealousy rears its head with a ferocity she hasn’t felt in some time.
Tina’s horrified to feel herself getting tearful again and she’s about to try her luck finding the bathroom in the dark in high heels just to give herself a moment when someone sits in the seat beside her.
“Not dancing?” Quinn asks, body turned towards Tina in her chair like a welcome but the smile on her face almost cautious.
Tina really hopes she doesn’t look like she was about to start crying.
“Taking a break,” she says, “Dancing with the children means there’s a pretty early cut-off point.”
Quinn’s smile widens, “You know you could always dance with one of the grown-ups.”
Tina laughs, short and probably too bitter. “Yeah, right,” she says and that sounds bitter too so she changes the subject quickly: “How are you? I don’t think I’ve seen you yet today, or for ages actually. Since the fall, right? Time passes so quickly these days!”
Quinn looks stuck for a moment, eyes searching Tina’s face like she’s confused, and her arm draws back from where it was resting on the table behind Tina’s chair. “Fall sounds about right,” she says.
Tina’s just tipsy enough that she’s acutely aware it’s not appropriate to look at the way Quinn’s dress does amazing things for her boobs and also tipsy enough that instead it’s hard to look away from the assured way she’s crossed one leg over the over, the way the gloss of the matching varnish on her fingers and toes matches her lipstick and the way all three are distracting. Her hair is shorter than it was last time Tina saw her and it makes her wonder what has changed in herself that Quinn might notice.
“I guess you must have moved on from that one production in Chicago,” Tina continues when Quinn doesn’t. “I heard really great reviews, it sucks my schedule with Artie meant I was stuck in LA the whole run. I’d have loved to see it.”
Quinn takes a long sip from the glass she has with her but looked pleased.
“It would’ve been wonderful to see you there,” she says, “but what you were working on with Artie looks innovative. I won't lie, mostly I find the things everyone gets up to kind of irritating, but I’ve had the premier date in my diary for months.”
“You’d come to the premier?” Tina asks, voice squeaking upwards.
Since Yale Quinn had been into theatre that Tina associated with words like deconstructed, organic, independent, minimalist. Facebook photos to be trusted, Quinn’s stuff usually takes place on stage that's level with the audience with little in the way of props or set. It explores abstract concepts and political ideology. Tina loves to watch it and admires it and it’s clear Quinn enjoys it but it isn’t what she can, or even wants to, create. It’s forceful in a muted way where Tina likes to really pack a punch with lots of colour and noise. It certainly isn’t the kind of mashup extravaganza her and Artie had got the green light on and have been pouring their souls into since.
“Well, I haven’t been actually invited to the premier,” Quinn says, coy.
“Oh my God, consider yourself invited!” Tina says, reaching out to hold Quinn’s arm with delight. “I’ll tell Artie to tell someone to put you down. Please come, unless you really meant you were just looking forward to the release and, oh God, do you hate red carpets? Is it really inconvenient?”
“No, no, I’ll be in Portland instead of the East coast and I love getting ready for red carpets,” Quinn reassures her, though Tina notes the avoidance of the carpet experience itself, “Just send me the details and I’ll be there.”
Tina squeezes Quinn’s arm rather than try and relay in words how much it means that someone she knows will be there, Artie notwithstanding, since everyone else including her own parents has replied they are regretfully busy. That’s what they get for a premier so near Christmas Eve, she supposes, and puts aside the wondering why Quinn won't be with her family for the holiday. Instead Tina focuses on how much she hopes Quinn likes it, her anxiety over the reception ratcheting up a few notches.
“Save me a ticket in Portland, I could come up and see you?” she suggests, unsure where Quinn’s boundaries lie but wanting to return the kindness and, if she’s honest, get to see Quinn act again. The last time was transformative and far too long ago, falling out of touch as is so easy when your group of friends is an entire high school glee club and theatre so often means travel and long hours.
“Tell me a date and the ticket’s yours,” Quinn agrees easily, cheeks going pink and her hands fiddling with her glass in a way that makes Tina think she’s maybe embarrassed her or made her embarrassed by herself. It’s a good feeling.
There’s a loud whoop and a cackle from the dancefloor and they both look over, Tina’s hand falling away from Quinn, to see Rachel laughing as both Mike and Jake try some of their dirtiest moves with her; the whoop comes from Jesse who is very red in the face and looks like he’s having the time of his life watching.
The jealousy rears its head again in Tina’s chest where it had been forgotten, distracted by Quinn and the amazement that her and Artie’s project has passed Quinn's unknown but high standards to be seen as not only passable but innovative. For a bit Tina had forgotten about loneliness and dissatisfaction, lost in the rush of validation mixed with the flustering remnants of whatever thing she thought her and Quinn had used to have at McKinley. It wasn't as if Quinn was Tina’s bi awakening or anything but she was the first girl whose touch Tina thought maybe lingered longer when they danced, whose smile always seemed brighter for her and always made her feel brighter.
It’s a weird place for the friendship to rest, even all these years down the line. Neither of them have ever said anything about it, though Tina’s sure Quinn must be aware of it at least.
“You and Mike?” asks Quinn after a pause wherein they both watch Jesse get in on the action, Tina feeling some kind of sick fascination.
“No,” says Tina and she makes herself look back to Quinn, who’s watching her with a carefully distant kind of concern. “No, definitely not. Not today at least.”
Quinn laughs. “Good, wedding hook ups are never a good idea even if with Mike I can see the appeal. Last time I did it was with Santana and God knows how we made it out of that intact. Unbreakable friendships, I suppose.”
Tina feels simultaneously validated because she’d told Sam that Quinn and Santana had hooked up then and he hadn’t believed her, and like she’s about to swallow her tongue because the thought of Quinn and Santana getting it on is quite a thought.
“Ghugh,” she eloquently manages in reply.
“Not that she’s an option this time around,” Quinn continues, mouth twisting into something a little wry and with a hint of just as much bitterness as Tina feels, “married and happy as she is, happy as I am that she is.”
“Her and Brittany are great together,” Tina agrees because that’s just common sense.
Quinn nods. “They are. But would you look at that, nearly everyone here married or dating, on track with their lives. Except you and me.”
Tina realises Quinn’s arm is resting along the table behind her again and this time it doesn’t feel as innocent or coincidental as before.
“I don’t feel like my life is off track,” Tina says honestly because, sure, bitter she might be but she doesn’t think her life is off track. Tina’s only in her twenties, she knows it doesn’t all need to be sorted even if she’d like it to be. It’s just lacking in some areas, like the uphill battle in the industry or things with Mike or the truth that the woman next to her has drifted into her mind in the gaps between every iteration of her relationships – a what if, always nagging. What if me and Quinn just–
Tina looks over at her and Quinn is searching her expression again. Tina doesn’t know if she wants to let her train of thought show or not.
“I don’t feel like my life is either,” says Quinn eventually. “I never thought I’d say that, but I don’t.” Her smile is wide and open and a little wondrous, like the realisation has only just really hit her, and Tina doesn't know how to look away or if she wants to. She doesn't want to. If anything, she wants to move closer and do whatever it takes to keep the smile in place, to keep the simple joy of it.  
“Exactly where we need to be,” says Tina, a moment too late but pleased by the idea for both of them. Maybe she’s somewhere a little beyond tipsy.
Quinn stands abruptly and holds out a hand to Tina.
“You look beautiful, Tina,” she says with a familiar bluntness and surety that still startles Tina all the same, “Dance with me.”
Tina takes her hand.
The dancefloor feels darker than out by the tables, the light blocked out by other bodies. Tina hadn’t realised she was cold until she felt the warmth of people dancing and the warmth of Quinn’s hand in hers, her body against hers. The wedding party is winding down, the music slow and romantic and giving them time for just one dance before it all wraps up.
The mood feels too strong for what is really her and Quinn’s first move towards each other but Tina thinks they manager to carve out their own smaller, untried but willing space within that. Both in heels, her face can still tuck into Quinn’s shoulder. She still smells like the same perfume she’s used since high school and it’s comfortable for Tina to rest her head there as they sway, wondering if she’s imagining Quinn pressing a kiss into her hair or if it really happens. She feels it again and knows she didn’t imagine it.
“I thought you said no wedding hook ups,” Tina says because this is great, this is wonderful, but she wants to know what to expect. She wants to know where the line is.
Quinn’s voice is huskier than usual and quiet enough, soft enough, that it’s just for them when she says, “Maybe it could be something more than a wedding hook up.”
Oh, Tina thinks, and she nods her agreement into Quinn’s shoulder like she’s suddenly a shy, stutter-faking kid again because she hadn’t realised she had this kind of depth of feeling bubbling away in some forgotten corner of her heart for all these years. Judging by the surprised edge to Quinn’s happy laugh in return, she hadn’t either.
Tina knows they’ll probably have sex tonight, isn’t blind to the chemistry between them or the way Quinn’s breath changes when they press close together or to her own desire for it to happen. She knows neither of them are particularly gentle with sex (although the idea of drawing it out slow over the night makes her stomach clench with heat and that’s one she saves for later), knows this gentle moment on the dancefloor won’t last forever. They have jobs and responsibilities, have whatever’s unresolved with Mike and whatever baggage Quinn no doubt carries with her, have occasionally abrasive personalities and bouts of bitterness that are sure to clash at some point.
Both of them are planners and Tina knows that if they do this, if they really do this, the uncertainties will weigh on both of them until they can be sorted. But for now it feels steady as anything. Tina lets Quinn sway with her, close and warm and both of them finally on the way to something, at the beginning of resolution, while the music plays and the lights twinkle overhead and the wedding comes to a close around them.
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kuiinncedes · 4 years
Tumblr media
never can say goodbye, girl
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rachelberryy · 2 years
hello icon!! do you have any other songs you’d like to hear tina sing :DDD
Hi Ana!
So, I was thinking about this ask, and my post about Tina singing Video Games, and what you said about Tina totally being a Lana stan, and somehow my response turned into a 1500 word Tina/Quinn/Rachel love triangle au, featuring a bunch of songs which would actually be my answers to your question lmao.
So I’m imagining Rachel goes over to Tina’s house with a plate of I’m Sorry cookies after she’s a bitch to her about the Tonight solo, Tina isn’t really sure what to make of that but season 1 Tina is so damn polite so she invites Rachel in. They end up in her room, and Rachel sees a Lana poster on her wall and they end up getting into a conversation about it, because Rachel loves how theatrical her music is, and Tina loves how vibey it is, and in the midst of their rambling conversation (in which Tina totally forgot to stutter, something that she only realised after), Rachel accidentally lets slip that Video Games makes her think about Quinn sometimes, because even though it has masculine pronouns, it mentions a sundress and how could she not, and then she stops talking very suddenly and turns bright red and Tina takes a second to process and then just asks Rach if she wants to do Born To Die in glee next week, and Rachel immediately says yes, because she does love that song, and it’d suit them well, and she’s always been one to seal a make-up with a duet, and she really just wants to talk about anything to move past what she accidentally just revealed, so they do. The club loves it, and they sexy it up a bit, and Finn and Artie (and, Tina can’t help but notice, Quinn) can’t keep their eyes off the performance.
They don’t really talk about it again, and time moves on. Tina gets with Artie, and the Quinn baby drama blows up in everyone’s faces, and Rachel and Quinn seem to be maybe becoming friends until they aren’t. In Dream On, Tina and Artie sing A Million Dreams from The Greatest Showman because even though they agree that the movie is kind of terrible they both like the song and it suits their voices and fits the assignment. After the drama that episode and Artie decides to be a filmmaker, Tina thinks about their life together in the future as a celebrity couple, and she sings Without You even though it’s kind of depressing because she’s still a Lana stan and she loves that song.
That summer, she and Artie break up, because, well, season one Artie is kind of a jerk. She starts hanging out with Quinn. She’s been sworn to secrecy, but she actually knew Quinn when she was Lucy. They were friends. So much has changed since then, and Tina sings Ribs by Lorde, because they used to be friends, and because Quinn has been through so much, and god, it really is scary getting old.
They hang out as a group, too, and she tries to ignore the way Quinn and Rachel look at each other. And the way she feels when she looks at Quinn. And the way she feels when she walks in on Quinn and Rachel making out against that Lana Del Rey poster in her room.
The new school year kicks off, and Tina can tell Quinn is in full denial mode, ignoring both her and Rachel like the plague and dating a whole string of boys she doesn’t care about. There’s Sam, and while Tina can admit he’s cute and seems like a decent guy, he and Quinn seem more like siblings than anything else, and he’s so obviously into Kurt that it’s honestly a surprise nothing has happened there yet. Then there’s Finn, who’s never had chemistry with anyone. Eventually, Tina pulls Quinn into the choir room and just sits down at the piano and sings Girl by Tori Amos, because Tina’s always seen her as the queen of Sad Girl Indie Pop whose crown Lana inherited, and because she’s been everybody else’s girl, maybe one day she’ll be her own. Quinn has tears in her eyes, and she gets up and leaves without a word.
She breaks up with Finn the next day.
Tina is dating Mike now, but she can’t seem to escape the feeling she get around Quinn. She sings She by dodie. It doesn’t help.
She catches Quinn and Rachel again, in the bathroom at prom.
Quinn has her breakdown in New York, and cuts her hair. Two days after school lets out for summer, Quinn shows up at Tina’s house and asks her for help dyeing her hair.
They start hanging out more. Just the two of them, or with Quinn’s new delinquent friends, who seem to think they’re dating for whatever reason. She tries to convince Quinn to hang out with the rest of the glee club, but she gets rebuffed every time. In mid July, they find themselves making out in Tina’s bed, and she’s so glad she broke up with Mike. Quinn looks up suddenly, at that goddamn poster, and pulls away. She mumbles out a sorry and leaves.
Tina doesn’t hear from her again for the rest of the summer. She sings Old Money, because Lana’s still her go-to for sad music after all this time. She thinks about Without You again.
By the time the new school year rolls around, they seem to have switched fashion sense. Tina has moved away from goth, and no longer has blue streaks in her hair. Quinn is dressing punk now, and her hair is bright pink, just like how Tina taught her to do it. When Rachel goes to try and convince Quinn to rejoin glee, Tina almost tells her not to bother, but she knows that Rachel can sometimes get through to Quinn in ways that even she can’t. It doesn’t work.
She goes over to Rachel’s house that night, and asks if she wants to sing Video Games with her in glee. Rachel chokes on nothing and gives her the strangest look, and then agrees. They sing the song the next day, and Finn gets the wrong idea and throws a tantrum.
The next day, Quinn is back in glee, her hair back to blonde (though she’s kept some pink streaks).
Quinn and Tina don’t kiss again. It’s increasingly obvious to Tina that Quinn wants to try with Rachel, but Rachel’s hesitant after everything. So Tina does what Tina does, she puts her own feelings aside, and decides to play matchmaker. She speaks to Quinn, and they sing California in glee. (As it turns out, Quinn got into Lana too after Tina and Rachel sang Born To Die two years earlier. She was very into the performance, but told herself it was because of the music, not because it was, like, really hot.) Quinn looks intensely at Rachel the whole time, and Tina really isn’t sure how nobody else has noticed yet.
After winter break, there’s a new girl in school and in glee. Her name is Dylan, and she has blue streaks in her hair. Tina hosts the next glee party at her house, and at some point Tina and Dylan end up in her room, and Dylan notices the Lana poster. Tina feels the strangest sense of deja vu, but this feels different from when Rachel pointed it out. Dylan says that it was Lana’s music that first got her into playing guitar, and wow, Tina is gone. She grabs Dylan by the lapel of her ridiculously sexy leather jacket and pulls her in for a kiss. Eventually, Quinn and Rachel walk in on them. Quinn just clears her throat and Rachel goes bright red. Tina just grins and says something about payback, before she takes Dylan’s hand and slip past them, whispering that they please not defile her bed.
The next week in glee, Dylan shows up with her guitar and sings Love Song for Tina before asking her to be her girlfriend. Tina says yes, and kisses her again, in front of everybody. Quinn and Rachel cheer the loudest.
After Tina’s dream in Props, she and Rachel have that argument about everything Rachel does in a day, but Tina cuts her off when she starts talking about Finn with a ‘cut the crap, Rachel’, because she knows who Rachel really wants to be with, and hearing her talk about satisfying Finn without even a thought given to her own pleasure is just too much. She knows from personal experience that Quinn is a surprisingly (or perhaps not) selfless lover, and she has been through too goddamn much with these two repressed idiots to see them just go their separate ways after graduation without something happening. She tells Rachel as such, who just stares at her, her mouth opening and closing. She walks off.
Two days later, she and Dylan catch Rachel and Quinn making out in the bathroom again.
They win nationals, and Quinn and Rachel and the other seniors graduate. At the very last glee meeting of the year, Rachel and Quinn sit on the two stools, in front of everyone, and sing Lucky Ones together. It’s one of Tina’s favourites, and she’s so fucking glad they finally worked their shit out. She cries a little when they kiss, softly and briefly, for the whole club to see, and she isn’t mad that Rachel once again got the last song of the year - a Lana song, no less - because as she turns and kisses her own girlfriend, she knows: next year? It’s gonna be her year.
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marley-bean · 6 months
@hydesjackiespuddinpop I believe you were looking for some Quinntina fic a while back? Well here’s a super cute one
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kurtanaaa · 4 years
hey y'all what music genres/artists do u think Tina listens to, and what do you think Quinn listens to? and not just based on what they sang on the show but Vibe Based as well. I know what I want them to listen to but idk if it's entirely accurate
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gayri-chmac · 3 years
everyone go read my glee chat fic
i think i'm very funny
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katyobsesses · 3 years
I think one of my fave glee AUs that i have floating around my head is a Quinntina one where they were best friends as kids, before Lucy became Quinn (i like to call them Luna <3)
Like everything happens exactly the same as Canon, basically - Tina doesn't recognise Quinn as Quinn, Quinn doesn't recognised Tina in her Punk get up (it's been a few years! or Possibly in this AU Tina is adopted by the Cohen-Changs after Lucy becomes Quinn, or maybe before and that's why Lucy become Quinn (idk haven't planned that far yet in my head) so Quinn doesn't recognise her surname either?) - but when the whole Prom Queen thing happens where Lauren reveals Quinn's true nature, Tina, obviously, recognises that Quinn, recognises Lucy.
But she doesn't bring it up, maybe brings it up to Mike but not to Quinn. They're not close, in canon, Tina is on the outskirts, Quinn is popular, Quinn wasn't the nicest to Tina S1/S2, etc. But then Tina does her whole Mod/60s makeover, and Quinn goes all Skank!Quinn and maybe that could be when Quinn recognises Tina as her old friend Tina, or maybe Tina is the one to go to Quinn instead of Rachel and she called her Lucy, reveals herself as Quinn's childhood friend Tina, manages to get her to rejoin glee maybe, or at least rekindles their friendship in some way (i'm thinking no Shelby stuff in this AU, she's still in NY or whatever, and keeping Skank!Quinn because Tina encourages her to 'find herself' or whatever)
Obviously Tina was the first girl Lucy had a crush on, and vice versa. Tina's Bi, Quinn probably a lesbian (or bi, my headcanon on that always flip flops depending on if i'm in a Quick mood or not lol). They were each other's first kiss, all those good Childhood friends to lovers stuff!
But yeah, that's kinda all i have?? I just love the idea of the both of them being the bookworm kids in the class, the outcasts, and being friends and then moving away, the obliviousness of their identities, the best friends to enemies to friends to lovers type of deal!
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tangerinecrabtree · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Glee Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Sam Evans Characters: Blaine Anderson, Sam Evans, Quinn Fabray, Tina Cohen-Chang Additional Tags: Fluff, Not Actually Unrequited Love, side paring of quinn/tina because i said so Summary:
blaine anderson is best friends with quinn fabray, which would be absolutely perfect if he didn't have a raging crush on her younger brother, who happens to be the star quarterback, and completely hot.
~ The frustration on his face was probably fairly obvious from Quinn’s light tut and the way she shifted around til she was sat up on the bed. “Blaine, you’re ridiculously handsome, stupidly talented, and a genuinely nice guy - you’ll find someone, ok? One of those preppy boys in blazers will kiss you soon.” 
  And whilst he appreciated her validation, he really did, that was part of the issue. He didn’t want one of the preppy boys in blazers to kiss him, he wanted - 
  “Sam! What did I say about barging into my room!”
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tuiyla · 2 years
do you have any headcanons as to who in the glee club was the first to learn/know about the Quinntana hookup in 4x14? or maybe more so along the lines of who was the first person Quinn & Santana told, respectively. (hope you're having a great day, btw 😄 been loving all your analyses lately.)
You know I didn't before but this is a fun ask that got me thinking about it so let's see! I got carried away and thought about almost the whole club finding out oops.
The first to know is Brittany but not because they tell her. In fact, everyone finds out in a roundabout way. I sometimes see in fics that she finds out months later and has whatever reaction, but I don't believe she didn't clock what was happening or what happened right there at the wedding. I think, after Quinn finally does walk out first she already has her suspicions but then she sees Santana and she knows. She's not upset, she knows she has no right to be, but she does take note because these are two of her best friends and there are some specific things Brittany just knows about. She asks Santana how it was when they say goodbye and Santana gets all bitchy and defensive, later regretting her reaction. They're laughing about it just a year later, with Britt having some complicated feelings.
Other than her, the first people to know from Santana's end are Hummelberry but again, roundabout. Because she's Santana, queen of observation, she knows about both Klaine and Finchel and what went down at the non-wedding between those couples. Santana lets something slip about Quinn to Rachel one day but she doesn't name names and Rachel doesn’t put two and two together, thinking Santana was talking about Brittany instead. I think the idea of Hummelberry thinking Santana also slept with her ex at the non-wedding is funny because they'd be tired of Santana teasing them about Finn and Blaine so they think, aha! You're so hypocritical, Santana, look at you also hooking up with your ex who's dating Sam btw, bad Santana. But she laughs at them when they confront her because once again she's one step ahead, and Kurt finally realizes what actually went down right before Santana says she had sex with Quinn instead. He doesn't have much to say apart from "oh. okay" and moves on. Rachel pretends she does, too, but every now and then she randomly asks Santana about it until Santana finally snaps that Rachel sure is very interested in her and Quinn's sex life. Rachel can't dispute that, just goes red and says she cares about her friends, is all.
Quinn kinda tells Mercedes first. She calls her not long after the non-wedding, at a time that’s way too late for LA much less for New Haven. Mercedes is not only her bestie for life but her religious bestie, and after mulling it over and realizing it is her kind a thing after all, Quinn has a bit of a freakout. She only tells Mercedes that she slept with a girl and Mercedes, being the awesome friend she is, reassures Quinn that no she’s not going to hell, and yes it is okay if she maybe kinda would want to do it again. Then, later, when Mercedes is on a group call with Tina and Santana to have their regular interstate gossip chat, she unlike Rachel puts two and two together. She wouldn’t have told Santina about Quinn’s crisis of course, it’s not gossip material, but she gives the game away when realization dawns on her and she interrupts what Santana’s saying with “you slept with Quinn??” Put the emphasis where you may, works with almost every word. Santana asks how come Mercedes reached that conclusion with so little to go on and Tina, meanwhile, processes and eventually hangs up, fuming that Santana took yet another thing from her in season 4. Jk jk. Unless... 👀👀 Quinntina rights.
Sam finds out from Brittany because she lets it slip once. He visits Quinn in New Haven not long after moving to New York so just under a year after the non-wedding. He doesn’t realize it’s not a thing everyone knows so he casually brings it up to Quinn, who tenses and starts acting colder. When Sam explains that he didn’t mean to make her upset and Quinn realizes he’s not like, judging her or anything she relaxes and reveals that yeah, it was meant to be a one (two) time thing but was her awakening instead. They have a cute friendship moment because platonic Fabrevans rights. He only brings it up in season 6 because he knows for sure that Quinn is okay with him joking about it or using it to shut ignorance down.
Those feel like the most important ones. Blaine finds out from Kurt, Artie from Tina, Finn never does. Oh and Puck... hears from Quinn herself I guess? Make of that situation what you will. If people weren’t so good at finding out based on clues/from others, Santana would tell Brittany first and Quinn would tell Mercedes. Even if Brittany hadn’t figured it out Santana would have told her eventually just to be honest and maybe to boast a little. Quinn would have told Mercedes who it was eventually, she just needed to calm her gay panic first. Alternatively, I can see both of them telling Rachel first if that’s the kind of AU you’re into. That could easily turn into comedic gold. Maybe a Quinntana actually date in season 4 AU? Hmm.
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So that’s hopefully along the lines of what you were looking for haha. Hope you're having a good day, Anon. I haven't been recently but lol it do be like that, I'm just glad if my tumblr posts can make someone else's day marginally better.
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