#do i want friends to lovers quinntina? or rivals to lovers faberry?
katyobsesses · 1 day
The worst part of outlining a fic as a multishipper is trying to decide what ships to have 😭
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tthankstoyou · 3 years
Can I do one ship for each number? xD
1. Coffee shop- Faberry?
2. Highschool/College- Hevans?
3. Rivals to loves- Quinntana?
4. Enemies to lovers- Kurtbastian?
5. Soulmate- Jarley?
6. Single Parent- Mikecedes?
7. Doctor- Quinntina?
8. Bodyguard- Samcedes?
9. Pirate- St. Berry?
10. Childhood best friends- Brittana?
Yes you can! Thank you for the ask, answering this was so much fun <3
1. Coffee shop, Faberry
Who is the barista, and who frequents the coffee shop?
Quinn is the barista & Rachel frequents the coffee shop. I can see Quinn rolling her eyes whenever Rachel walks in bc she needs her coffee to be at an annoyingly perfect temperature, but Quinn quickly warms up to her and looks forward to seeing her every morning 🥰
2. Highschool/College, Hevans
Who is the straight-A student, and who’s the backrow slacker?
I can’t see Kurt as anything but a straight A student. Sam would be the back row slacker not because he doesn’t care about school, but because his dyslexia has been ignored all of his schooling to where he fails no matter how hard he tries. But Kurt would start tutoring and help him get the help Sam needs for his dyslexia and would be his no. 1 cheerleader, making sure that Sam doesn’t give up.
3. Rivals to lovers, Quinntana
Who takes their rivalry seriously, and who is half in it just to push the other’s buttons? 
Santana would take it seriously and Quinn would love to push her buttons. (Just based off of their fight seen in the hallway in s2, it seems like Quinn liked seeing what Santana’s limits are. And even when they slapped each other in s4 😼)
4. Enemies to lovers, Kurtbastian
Which one switches sides? 
Kurt! Sebastian has always had a little crush on Kurt/ He’s a man whore, it’s in his nature to want to get into the pants of a hot guy. Kurt… not so much. It takes a while for him to start to soften up to Sebastian.
5. Soulmate, Jarley
Who is eager to meet their soulmate? Who absolutely does not want to meet their soulmate? 
Marley is aching to meet her soulmate, I can imagine her daydreaming about who they might be and all of that juicy stuff. Jake on the other hand would rather die than meet his soulmate. He likes to sleep around and doesn’t want anyone to change that for him (of course that is until he actually meets Marley and he realizes that he doesn’t want any woman in his life other than her)
6. Single parent, Mikecedes
Which one is the single parent? (Alt. if they’re both single parents: Which one is open to starting a new relationship from the start? Which one is never planning on finding love again… Until they meet the other and are instantly smitten?)
For the first part: Mike is the single parent.
For the second part: Mike’s open to starting a new relationship, and Mercedes is the more hesitant one. She’d be cautious on who she wants in her child’s life. Mercedes would def be like “Well that’s it for me. All I need now is *insert child’s name*” but then Mike comes around and is able to change her mind. She’s allowed to have love 🥰
7. Doctor, Quinntina
Which one is the longsuffering doctor? Which one is the patient? 
Quinn is the doctor and Tina is the patient! Quinn would take Tina’s blood and the poor girl would probably pass out </3. I don’t think she’d be good with needles and that type of stuff
8. Bodyguard, Samcedes
Who is the bodyguard? Who are they protecting? Which one is secretly pining for the other? 
Sam is the bodyguard who’s hired to protect the singer who has had a sudden rise in fame, Mercedes Jones <3. Sam would be secretly pining, I think Mercedes would be too focused on her career to think about men. (If this was made into a fic: I can see the climax being that Mercedes started paying too much attention to Sam/her love life, causing her career to suffer. She ends up learning how to balance both a relationship and being a super star 🕺)
9. Pirate, St Berry
Who is the pirate? Who is the member of the royal family who did not sign up for this? 
Rachel is a pirate and Jesse is 100% apart of a royal family. The whole time Jesse is on board after being kidnapped, he would complain about how dirty everything is and make fun of each of the crew mates. Rachel would get him to shut up tho 😏
And I just answered #10 for Brittana here :D
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