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murcielagatito · 1 year ago
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if you like miles morales and static shock i highly recommend quincredible! quinton west is a teenager in new orleans whos got newly developed powers of invincibility from a meteor shower and has to deal with high school plus the superhero world. volume one is all about his origin and is pretty quickly paced as its geared for younger audiences but in volume two he and his research partner are doing a paper on the history of vodoun in new orleans which opens yet a new world for him to navigate. the art is fantastic and his parents are the best in the world!
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oberorka · 4 months ago
o my goobness this one is in space. with some uh. red terrys
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quin :‏︁⁨​‎￷︅︎︀⁨⁨⁩︋‏￳￶️‌︁︎⁣︄︌⁠︊︌⁠︇︃‌￷￵︀︍￰︈︄︇️︊￷⁡︍￲︂​​︋​￴‍︈︅￳￵︍⁣‎￲￱￰￱￸‍️⁥⁠︊⁦⁦︊￱︀￳⁨︅︋︁￷︊︅￲⁦⁢️‍︁￴︈︌￸️￴︂￷⁢￴︈‎⁣￵︊⁥⁠︀︂￰￶️︋⁨︍⁠⁦︍⁢￱⁡⁤︋⁨￶​⁥︉￰��︈︊￸︎⁥︈‌⁢︎⁩︃⁩￶￶︁‌￱︌￶￲︃️︍⁦⁤‌⁣￶︎⁦‌⁥︉⁩︁︆⁣︈︌⁩‌⁥︁︉︎⁥‍︂⁠‍︇￵︈️︂⁠︅⁥︀￱‏￰︃‏︌️​︀￶︇​​︉￳￰￵︎⁦⁥⁢︀︃︂⁦​￲⁤︄︇︁⁠︊￶​⁠︁⁩⁦⁥￶⁠⁤︍​︌⁡️︄‍￸‍￳￷⁩⁠￶︇￷￷︍￴︍︇⁥‏︄︇︍︄︄︂︎⁦⁡️￰‌︆⁤︎︁￷︎⁤︎⁥￴︈￲︎︃￶︇︊⁣￰⁣‏︁￵︊‌‌︄⁩︅‏￵︌‎⁦⁣︄︇‌⁦￰⁢￲︉￵​￷︄︆‎︇⁡⁩￱︁︊￷‍￵￵⁠￰‎⁣︊￴⁣︌︍￳⁡︋︅⁤︆︅︉⁡︉︌︍⁦￰⁨︉‎︂︊︁︎￶⁩︃￳︃￵‍‏︁️￲︀￶︀︃︄︎⁠￶￴︂￲︂￸︋￱︀︆￸︄⁦￲⁡‏⁡⁣￲︇︌￴​⁣︌︈︇⁡︇︎⁢‌︈‍￴︅︋︄￸​￸︀︄‍‏￷︊︃︋⁨︂⁣⁡￶︀⁩⁨︊⁤︋⁠️︀︎︄⁠⁨⁩￸︂︅︃︅‍︈￰︀￴‎￶⁨︇￱︀‏️￵︀︉￱︃︄⁨⁣︎︀⁥⁠︅︅︋‏︍⁣︉︉︌￸︂︇︊￴⁦⁦︋���￰⁤︊︂￳￶︊︂⁩︂￸⁤⁥￰⁨￵︊⁥⁢⁨︂︀￳⁠⁣︅︍︆⁦︃⁢⁤​︄︆︆‌￵⁢️︁︊︁︉‎︁︄︌⁣︌￷︍︄￶⁢‎￸‍⁣‏︄￷︌︉︅‌‌⁢︅⁠︈⁢︂‌​︍︆⁣⁥︇⁤‎‏︊︇⁦￳⁨︆⁦︎︅︃￶￰￷︉️￵￶⁨￴︄⁤︌￲⁡￸︎︆︍︅⁣︍‌︈︊‏︍︁‏‌￰⁢︍⁣￵‌￲￴︅‍‌︈￷￷⁨︉︉︌⁤‎⁠︈⁤︅￶‌⁣︉⁣︊︈⁢‎︁⁦⁥︍⁡︅︎︍￷︍⁢⁠︀‌￷⁣￳︃‍⁡︈⁩︅︅⁨⁤￷︅⁡⁦⁠︎‎︃︋⁩⁡​︄￲￱︍︌￶︋⁩︆︁⁥￸￳︅⁥⁡⁩︂​︎︃︉︁￳︎⁤︌￳︍⁦￸￱⁢︄⁨⁢⁩￷⁣￶￷￴︎￵︎⁥⁨︍️︍︀⁤￲︍￵￲​￱￴︍⁠︍︀￸‏⁤︌‍︋︉︀￱︇⁠︈￴⁤⁦￰￶︎⁨︅​￸︅️︀⁤￰︍︆￱⁥︁​￴‏⁥⁤⁡￱︄⁥⁦￶⁩​⁠⁨︌￱︄︆️⁨‏￵︈⁦️︋︃￰⁩￳︇⁤⁣￴⁠￷⁥⁥︌︈￶￶︁︍︄‎︀︄‏︄︀︂︅￴︎￵︋￶￷⁩︆⁠︈︄⁣￲⁢⁩︊︂︇︄⁡︊︉‍￸️︎︈︃︇￸￷︄⁨‏​￷￵￷￰￵︃︎︎￵︌‏︋⁡︀￶︁⁢⁨‌⁢︈︋￰︍︍￳︈︍︋￳︇︈￸️⁥‌￳︎️⁠⁥￴⁠⁠︀￴⁦‏￰︋⁢︀​⁩︀⁥︂￶​​⁡︀︈⁠⁡￷⁣︈￷︃￱︁︃︊⁥︇￷︁️︆︆︍‌￶￶￲⁥⁢⁦⁩︇⁩⁦︎￰‎‌‌︇⁥⁩︉⁣︋︉︄︃‌⁠︃️￰￶︄︎︀‏⁠￵￳︎︃︉⁡￵⁢⁠︍⁢￱︂︈︄￳￰‌￸⁨️︌⁤⁦︎︊​︃‍⁣￳︍⁡️︁︅︌￵︉⁠￲︍︋︉‎⁨￳‎︁​⁦⁥︁⁥￴‎￸⁣⁩⁥︇︆￸‎︌‌‌︊︈⁢︂⁩￰￸‎⁦￸￶️︆⁦‌⁤︇⁣︁⁨︆︌⁦︍⁠⁡‌‌︃⁡︌︄︅︂︍￶‏￰￱︉‍⁩︉️⁤⁦︂⁤￸︋￲￰︁︄︁️︎︆︍￷︂︆￰︍︎︌︋‏￵︄⁤‏︉￰⁩⁢⁩⁥‌⁦︋︁‏︃⁩︅￸￸‎︌￱￰︋︍︃￶￸︌︅‏︄⁣︅‍￰￴⁢￵￶︉︁️⁣⁨︆︁︄⁨￴︆⁤￰‎￷⁨︃︇￸︌​￷⁡​￱⁤⁣︆︆︄⁥⁨‍⁤︌⁢‌￵︆⁥︁️︆‏︄⁢￳︁︎︉⁦︎︎︄︌￴︈⁨︋￳⁠￲︎￱︈￵⁥︃⁥￶︌︋︌︋︊︂️︃︌⁡️︆⁦︃︈︌⁡￷‏︅￱︍￱︈⁠￵⁠⁣︄￸⁣︍⁢️‍︅‌‏⁩￴⁤︋︎︎⁣︀⁤︊￳︍￳￶︀￱⁠‎⁩︊︋︉⁡︉︄︆⁦⁢￶︃︈‎︉⁤️⁩​‎︉︀︈︌⁥​‍‎⁤⁦︃￴⁤⁣⁢￶⁥⁤︋‌︉‎︂️‎￷‍￲￲︅︆⁤️‌︃￴︎︁⁠‎️‌︄︁‍︆￴⁥⁨​⁠￰￷⁣⁦︉︄⁩⁡︇‍︅⁩￵︅︇️‎￶￲￲︂￰︊︊￱￵‍⁠︆⁢⁣⁤⁥︎​︍⁠︎￳︎⁡￷⁣￱︃​︍︆​︁⁣︋⁩‍️‎￸⁥︋︆︄︄￳⁣︋️￸￲￲⁨︊︈︁⁨￶︋⁢︋⁡￲︉︄⁨‌￶⁣︎‏￲︋￰︇︋︇￱​︉︎︁︌⁠︈￶︆⁢︆︋︅‎⁠⁥︁￴︈︅￱︅︁︅︆⁦︍︃￵⁥￰⁩‎￱︂⁤⁠￶⁢︎⁩︎￲︃‎￲︂︋⁨‍￳︀​︁︉︈￴︌￷︉⁦￵︀️⁦︉︁‍︌︈￰￲︇⁦︌‎￰︈︂⁡︇￳​︍︂︄⁡︅⁩︃⁥‏￲￳︍⁦⁤⁡︍⁣￶￸‍￲⁣︀￵︎⁥︅︅￱￴⁦￸￴︊︊︍︉￰￰￵￲⁠￳⁣︊︉‏︈​￴︋⁦‎︃︀⁡‎￲︀︀⁩￶︁︁︋︆⁦￴⁨︉￰‍⁠⁣⁤⁩⁥⁢⁣￰⁡︈‏￱￱︈︌￴⁡￶︀︄￴​︅‌︀︄︈￴︉︋￱￵‌︆︀⁨￳⁣⁡︍︊︀︎︈️︄￳︌︆￴￱⁤‍⁦⁤￲⁠⁥⁤￶⁥️​￰︋⁨‏⁠￳￲︈‎⁥︅⁠︊​︂￶⁨︎⁥￶￱︆️︈‎​︈​︎⁠︀⁡‍⁦️​￵‍︌￵￳⁥︃⁤︎￶￷￳‍​￳￷⁨︎￵⁥‎￴⁡︎⁤⁩⁩⁤︊︁￵￴︎​︂‍︉⁢︂⁡⁥‍￳︁‍︍︂︈︎️￸￵⁢⁨￵‎️⁥‍︀︎⁢︀​￰︀︉⁨️︂‌‌︋⁥︃︎︄⁨￷￵‎︋￸︇️￰︆⁡‍￵︎⁩⁢￲⁩︁️⁨​⁠︇‌￳︇￲︄‍︎⁢⁥︈⁥⁦​︇￷￱⁦︌︆‏︅︁︀︊‏︂​‌⁤‍￶️￳️︄⁩⁥​︄⁤‍︋︉︀︊‎︇￸︈⁣⁥︍￶￲￸︍⁩￴︊⁣︈￶‌⁠‎︃⁤￸￷︍︋︌︋︄︉︎‏︋‏￰︎︁￰￰︅￶︄︅︊︇︌️￲️︊︋⁣︌️︄￴︌￱⁩⁥￷￸⁡⁩￶︆￸⁤︎￷︅︊︈￸︊︅⁣⁡￰︍⁤⁦‍⁠⁢︋︃︊⁨︊︎︂￸‌‎￵⁠⁦︄￸︎￲￶‍️‎︊︉︃︄︂︈︀⁥​⁢️⁩︆︉︆￳‎￸︈￵⁦￰︂︁‍￲︅︁⁩⁠‏︊￳︌︇︎￳￸︎￷￲︋︊︂︁￸⁤￱⁥⁩︋￶￰￶︎︀￸￵⁣︉￳￵️⁠︋︍‌￳‎⁩‏⁣︍︅︉︎︆⁤‎⁩︍︆￰︁︌‌‍︀￷︇⁣￸￸⁡︌‏︍￰︁⁤​‌︂￷︂︃︅︅⁨️︃⁤‎⁣︉‎￴⁠￱‌‏︊︌‍⁩︉⁤￳‎︁︌⁥︉︁￰⁠￴‌￱︇︍⁠︇︊⁤‎⁦￵​︎￷︅‎︇​︁︀￴⁡︁⁨︆￶⁢￷︆3
i was just told this contains secret fanart. am intrigued
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makiruz · 1 year ago
As mentioned I'm in the process of cleaning up my Hard Drives, and besides finding weird files (why is there a 32GB TROS fanedit) I am realizing things about comics
This is mostly about Lion Forge Comics, it was an independent comic book publisher that was founded in 2011 and was brutally murdered last year in 2022 after being bought by Oni Press.
I haven't looked into the details but the important thing is that this publisher is dead; but what about the comics they published? Well I went into the Oni Press website and it seems the only Lion Forge comic they still have is Mooncakes, Sheets and the second volume of Quincredible, all the others are gone.
Quincredible is interesting because it was part of the "Catalyst Prime" initiative, which was an attempt at creating an original superhero universe and I looked into it specifically; beside Quincredible v2 there wasn't anything in the Oni Press website, I looked every title of Catalyst Prime in Amazon and I could find each of them, but you need to look for each title, they're not organized together and there's no mention of Lion Forge or Oni Press to connect them; essentially you gotta know about it to find it. Basically this thing is not lost media, but it's harder to find due to whatever rights thing that happened with the acquisition of Lion Forge.
But you know where Lion Forge comics and Catalyst Prime are well preserved? In Pirate sites. readcomicsonline and GetComics have all of Catalyst Prime and organized as "Lion Forge Comics" and most of the publisher's other works; they don't have everything but plenty is findable in Anna's Archive.
The thing I have learned about comic books is that pirates are much better at preserving comics than the publishers; there's probably a reason for that, publishers do what they do for money, pirates because they love comics and want to share them.
I'm writing this because I recently got into a discussion about copyright and books and I'm seeing people defending copyright and attacking digital piracy, but piracy is often the thing preserving obscure things; what did copyright do for Catalyst Prime? Where would it be now that they're seemingly out of print?
I just saw some audiodramas become lost media because of copyright, the Marvel audioplays by Serial Box are no longer sold by them and they haven't moved anywhere officially; so they're not anywhere, and in this case it's not "anywhere official" is actually Anywhere because pirate copies are apparently non-existent. How can I accept copyright works to protect creative works when I see work after work disappear because of copyright and only be protected by pirates?
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avasbookshelf · 2 years ago
Books I've read this year...so far
Note: I will be updating this list over time and then I will start a new list next year.
Heartstopper series 1-4 by Alice Oseman
The Witch Boy series by Molly Knox Ostertag
Girl from the sea by Molly Knox Ostertag
Teen Titans: Beastboy by Kami Garcia
Teen Titans: Beastboy loves Raven by Kami Garcia
Shattered Warrior by Sharon Shinn
I am not Starfire by Mariko Tamaki
Quincredible series 1-2 by Rhodney Barnes
Chesire Crossing by Andy Weir
Save Yourself by Bones Leopard
The Oracle Code by Marieke Nijkamp
Mamo by Sas Milledge
Blackbird by Sam Humphries
The Wendy Project by Jane Melissa Osbourne
Snotgirl series 1-2 Bryan Lee O'Malley
Kodi by Jared Cullum
The Runaway's Diary by James Patterson
M is for Monster by Talia Dutton
Dracula, Motherfucker! by Alex de Campi
Dead Endia by Hamish Steele
The Rema Chronicles by Amy Kim Kibuishi
Bear by Ben Queen
Pilu of the woods by Mai K. Nguyen
Nightlights by Lorena Alvarez Gomez
Batman: Nightwalker by Marie Lu
Gotham High by Melissa de la Cruz
Always Human by Ari North
Aquicorn Cove by Kay O'Neill
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kingsbridgelibraryteens · 4 years ago
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Middle School Monday: Quincredible: Quest to Be the Best by Rodney Barnes & Selina Espiritu
Plenty of people dream of being superheroes. But when Quin gets his wish, it doesn’t turn out the way that he expected. After hurricane Katrina, there was a meteor storm that changed everything for the people of New Orleans. The Event gave many ordinary citizens amazing super powers, like the ability to blind people with light, or the ability to fly. Quin’s superpower was invulnerability, but the only way his life changed was that now the bullies could beat him up over and over again. It didn’t feel like a superpower at all, until a hero named Glow helped Quin realize that being invulnerable could help Quin save his city.
Give this graphic novel to older kids and younger teens who are fans of diverse superheroes like Miles Morales, as well as characters who take the time to evolve into a better version of themselves.
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2021ya · 4 years ago
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​by Rodney Barnes, Selina Espiritu, Kelly Fitzpatrick
(Oni Press, 7/13/21)
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Rodney Barnes and Selina Espiritu return for another Quincredible adventure, this time diving into the world of Voodoo. Quinton West is back as the would-be hero of his city New Orleans, battling against a new enemy who wishes to claim the historical land for himself. When meteors fell to Earth Quinton West was gifted with the power of invulnerability. Seeing others take up hero identities, Quinton decided to help his city of New Orleans in his own way. Using his smarts, creativity and a bit of training from his mentor Glow, Quinton is on his way to becoming Quincredible, hero of New Orleans! But even superheroes must do homework, and Quinton’s newest assignment is to learn the history of New Orleans and Voodoo. An assignment that leads him to the mysterious Madame Adelaide who gives him a new task to fulfill for the good of New Orleans. Is Madame Adelaide a spirit? An enhanced human? And what is the evil that threatens New Orleans that Quinton must stop?
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bookmama · 4 years ago
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Here is another one from @onipress to put on your radar!
Thank you so much to Oni Press, @netgalley , and Author Rodney Barnes for the gifted copy of Quincredible Vol. 1: Quest To Be The Best.
Synopsis from the publisher: Invulnerability is a pretty useless superpower if you’ve only got a one-hundred pound frame to back it up. That’s what Quinton West’s life became when he went from small guy who got beat up to small guy who can’t get hurt after the meteor shower dubbed “The Event” gifted him the power of invulnerability but no other powers to compliment it. But there’s more to Quin than meets the eye, and after some encouragement from his new mentor―a local New Orleans–based superhero named Glow―Quin realizes that he can use his quirky hobby of creating Rube Goldberg devices to outsmart the opposition. But being a hero paints a target on your back, and Quin’s got to risk it all to join the ranks of the superheroes he looks up to. It’s a good thing he can take a punch.
There was a lot to love about this graphic novel including a diverse cast of characters, a neat origin story, a strong emphasis on current events and racial injustice. It did feel a bit lean though in certain details.
I would have loved more on Quinn’s journey from discovering his superpower to the place where he is using his power to fight evil. Basically it was missing the whole training in an empty warehouse montage where the superhero perfects their skills. Overall though I loved the story, and am eager to read what happens next in vol.2. Due to the violence in this one I would classify it as YA to adult, but not for middle grade readers.
Who is your favorite superhero? Are you more of a DC or marvel universe fan?
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graphicpolicy · 4 years ago
Review: Quincredible Vol. 1
If you missed Quincredible Vol. 1 when it was first released, it gets a new printing in February 2021! #Comics #ComicBooks
Full disclosure: My email account may also be a time machine. Allow me to explain. When I saw the email from Lionforge with the opportunity to review this graphic novel, I thought it sounded like a very interesting read. Before I started reading this it, I did a little Google research. I discovered that Quincredible Volume 1 was already released in 2019. According to the publisher, the book I had…
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comicscollecting · 5 years ago
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Quincredible #3 (January 2019)
What happened to this series? I don’t know. I have tried google. I have tried tweeting at the Lion Forge and Catalyst Prime accounts to find out if a sixth issue is ever gonna come out. Nothing. I really liked the first five issues that did come out, so I hold out hope.
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murcielagatito · 1 year ago
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best mama ever
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augustheart · 6 years ago
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Quincredible (2018) by Rodney Barnes and Selina Espiritu
“There are people who only feel better when they’re hurting other people... I want to help stop the hurting. The shower changed me on the outside. Now I feel like I’ve changed on the inside too. How does a kid tell his parents that?”
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avasbookshelf · 3 years ago
Quincredible Vol. 2: The Hero Within; Rodney Barnes, Selina Espiritu, Kelly Fitzpatrick 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
This one was incredible. I loved the continuation. It just got me more invested! I'm so excited to read more (if there is going to be more) again I really like the way this series is, like I said before, it kind of gives me Dc's Naomi Vibes mixed with Miles Morales.
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I also really love the colors in this one, the color artist did really well!
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lifeofafemalebibliophile · 4 years ago
Book Review: "Quincredible Vol. 1: Quest to Be the Best!" by Rodney Barnes
Book Review: “Quincredible Vol. 1: Quest to Be the Best!” by Rodney Barnes
Quincredible Vol. 1: Quest to Be the Best! by Rodney Barnes, Selina Espiritu (Contributor), Kelly Fitzpatrick (Contributor) 2019 Genre: Graphic Novel, Comics, Fiction, Fantasy Page Length: 144 pages (electronic review edition) Synopsis: Invulnerability is a pretty useless superpower if you’ve only got a one-hundred pound frame to back it up. That’s what Quinton West’s life became when he went…
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2021ya · 4 years ago
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by Rodney Barnes, Selina Espiritu, Kelly Fitzpatrick
(Oni Press, 2/23/21)
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Invulnerability is a pretty useless superpower if you've only got a one-hundred pound frame to back it up. That's what Quinton West's life became when he went from small guy who got beat up to small guy who can't get hurt after the meteor shower dubbed "The Event" gifted him the power of invulnerability but no other powers to compliment it. But there's more to Quin than meets the eye, and Quin realizes that he can use his quirky hobby of creating Rube Goldberg devices to outsmart the opposition.
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gangler · 4 years ago
It’s Happening, Guys! This is not a drill!
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graphicpolicy · 6 years ago
Graphic Policy’s Top Comic Picks this Week!
Graphic Policy’s Top Comic Picks this Week! 11 comics to check out this Wednesday's new comic book day! #ncbd
Wednesdays are new comic book day! Each week hundreds of comics are released, and that can be pretty daunting to go over and choose what to buy. That’s where we come in!
Each week our contributors choose what they can’t wait to read this week or just sounds interesting. In other words, this is what we’re looking forward to and think you should be taking a look at!
Find out what folks think below,…
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