#lion forge comics
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graphicpolicy · 8 months
LibraryPass and Oni Press Announce Digital Access for Libraries and Schools Through Comics Plus
LibraryPass and Oni Press Announce Digital Access for Libraries and Schools Through Comics Plus #comics #comicbooks #libraries
LibraryPass, Inc. has announced a distribution agreement with Oni Press to make its digital catalog available to libraries and schools  through Comics Plus, consolidating the existing backlist titles from Lion Forge Comics under one banner. With Comics Plus, readers can access thousands of digital comics,  graphic novels, and manga through their school or library, with unlimited simultaneous …
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balu8 · 6 months
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The Ghost of Gaudi
by El Torres by Jesus Alonso Iglesias
Lion Forge/Magnetic Press
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makiruz · 9 months
As mentioned I'm in the process of cleaning up my Hard Drives, and besides finding weird files (why is there a 32GB TROS fanedit) I am realizing things about comics
This is mostly about Lion Forge Comics, it was an independent comic book publisher that was founded in 2011 and was brutally murdered last year in 2022 after being bought by Oni Press.
I haven't looked into the details but the important thing is that this publisher is dead; but what about the comics they published? Well I went into the Oni Press website and it seems the only Lion Forge comic they still have is Mooncakes, Sheets and the second volume of Quincredible, all the others are gone.
Quincredible is interesting because it was part of the "Catalyst Prime" initiative, which was an attempt at creating an original superhero universe and I looked into it specifically; beside Quincredible v2 there wasn't anything in the Oni Press website, I looked every title of Catalyst Prime in Amazon and I could find each of them, but you need to look for each title, they're not organized together and there's no mention of Lion Forge or Oni Press to connect them; essentially you gotta know about it to find it. Basically this thing is not lost media, but it's harder to find due to whatever rights thing that happened with the acquisition of Lion Forge.
But you know where Lion Forge comics and Catalyst Prime are well preserved? In Pirate sites. readcomicsonline and GetComics have all of Catalyst Prime and organized as "Lion Forge Comics" and most of the publisher's other works; they don't have everything but plenty is findable in Anna's Archive.
The thing I have learned about comic books is that pirates are much better at preserving comics than the publishers; there's probably a reason for that, publishers do what they do for money, pirates because they love comics and want to share them.
I'm writing this because I recently got into a discussion about copyright and books and I'm seeing people defending copyright and attacking digital piracy, but piracy is often the thing preserving obscure things; what did copyright do for Catalyst Prime? Where would it be now that they're seemingly out of print?
I just saw some audiodramas become lost media because of copyright, the Marvel audioplays by Serial Box are no longer sold by them and they haven't moved anywhere officially; so they're not anywhere, and in this case it's not "anywhere official" is actually Anywhere because pirate copies are apparently non-existent. How can I accept copyright works to protect creative works when I see work after work disappear because of copyright and only be protected by pirates?
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thenerdsofcolor · 2 years
Hunter Gorinson Named President and Publisher of Oni-Lion Forge Publishing Group
Hunter Gorinson Named President and Publisher of Oni-Lion Forge Publishing Group @lionforge @OniPress
Earlier this week we had a chance to talk to some of our friends at Lion Forge about their highly anticipated animated series adaptation of Iyanu: Child of Wonder. And today the company has made a whopper of an announcement as former Boom Studios-exec Hunter Gorinson has joined the team as President and Publisher of the Oni-Lion Forge Publishing Group. (more…)
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evilhorse · 2 months
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Robo Force #01
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smashpages · 1 year
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Oni Press has revealed a new science fiction anthology called Xino. The three issue miniseries will feature new stories by Melissa Flores and Daniel Irizzari, Christopher Condon and Nick Cagnetti, Jordan Thomas and Shaky Kane, and Phil Hester, with a main cover by Matt Lesniewski (above).
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downthetubes · 1 year
Dan McDaid’s stunning SF saga, "Dega", collected by Oni Press
Don't miss out of DEGA, a stunning, mind-bending science fiction story from Doctor Who and Firefly comics writer Dan McDaid
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redsnerdden · 1 month
All-Nigerian Voice Cast Revealed for Iyanu, Series To Be Released In 2025
All-Nigerian Voice Cast Revealed for Iyanu, Series To Be Released In 2025 #Iyanu #Animation #MAX #CartoonNetwork #LionForgeEntertainment #YouNeekStudios
Cartoon Network and MAX announce the new cast list for the upcoming animated series adapted from award-winning Nigerian creator and producer, Roye Okupe’s Graphic Novel series, Iyanu: Child of Wonder. Both companies have confirmed that the new series will have an All-Nigerian Voice Cast, the series being pushed back to 2025. Listed below are the new voice cast members: Iyanu– Serah Johnson…
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tyrranux64 · 10 months
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00 - THE FOOL Sora is the most foolish of innocents, especially when he leaves his fate to the machinations of others. And when he does have his own agency he tends to be too reckless and headstrong. Of course his inherit knuckleheaded nature can be his best quality, pulling out an unexpected surprise that not even the most carefully calculating villain can possibly account for. And since the beginning of his quest, he's never really needed the conventional outdated wisdom of so called "Masters", he has always forged his own path.
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01 - THE MAGICIAN It is no secret that Tony Stark is a creative genius. After all he was able to develop a revolutionary perpetual energy reactor the size of a human hand in a cave with but a bunch of scraps. Is it any surprise he was even able to casually discover time travel whilst in his pajamas? And don't even get me started on all the razzle dazzle he tends to put on his wonderful toys. Guess the line between science and magic truly is a razor thin one....
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02 - THE HIGH PRIESTESS The knowledge of what the future holds is something reserved for God, but alas such knowledge has been dropped right onto Tsukino Usagi’s lap. Her marriage to Mamoru, the existence of her future daughter Chibiusa, the fated ascension to Neo Queen Serenity and the rise of Silver Millennium. All just dumped before a high school student who is already having trouble just trying to graduate. It is a lot to unpack and Usagi must now prepare herself to take on the inevitable burdens before her. To trust her instincts and learn from her past mistakes. She has a lot to learn ahead of her and not as much time as she thinks she has to do it…. 
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03 - THE EMPRESS For what else is the Princess of Friendship but a surrogate mother? What else are the people of her kingdom but her adopted children? They are not subjects to be ruled, they are her family. This is why Twilight Sparkle ascended to the heights of an alicorn, to uphold the responsibility of being a parent.
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04 - THE EMPEROR There is no question his allies and friends look to him as a "leader", though that is more because of him being the biggest fish among them and their resulting dependance on his power. And as a father figure? Well, it is quite telling that his most defining act as a father to his son Gohan is a last ditch effort to fix the mess he created himself. But hey, better to be the father that sacrifices himself to save their child than the one that leaves them to die in the lion's den....
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05 - THE HIEROPHANT As Bruce Wayne, his political influence upon the world is limited to the amount of charity money he can dish out, still having to abide by the system that puts him in the one percent. People just don't take him seriously enough to listen. But as the Batman, he can move droves of people with action. His battle against crime garnering the respect of even the police, those that faced his judgement have no choice but to heed his words. The cape and cowl is unbound by the petty status quo of society, he has no strings to hold him back. Everyone listens to the bat.
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06 - THE LOVERS The Freedom Fighters don't just have one heart, they have two. Sally Acorn, the one to think up the plan of action. Sonic the Hedgehog, the one to take action. Two halves of the same singular ray of hope to guide the rag tag group of resistance to victory. Though they do not think alike (and can sometimes get on each other's nerves) they are still harmonized, able to work together at the most dire of straights. With only one of them, the Freedom Fighters are compromised, without both they are lost....
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07 - THE CHARIOT The four Ninja Turtles were taught ninjitsu purely to survive in a world that would not accept them, told to stay in the shadows where it is safe. But perhaps because of their excess of superhero comic books or just their mutant ability to feel empathy, they cannot help but jump into action when someone is in trouble. They are always tapping into that most primordial of heroic traits, the will to act.
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08 - STRENGTH It takes more than just "strength" alone to tame an eldritch horror like the Bird of Hermes. Whatever the bird sees in this one Integra Hellsing it has formed a bond that cannot be truly explained.....perhaps it is not as simple as a monster recognizing her as a strong human being? Perhaps....he sees her as a similar breed of monster?
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09 - THE HERMIT There are those that work alone and then there's the self proclaimed "Terror that Flaps in the Night". So intent on doing things his way, so hellbent on getting all the glory, so desperate to prove himself to the world that the very idea of getting help from others ruffles his feathers. Of course he is not above having a sidekick but that is more someone doing things his way and not stealing his spotlight...
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10 - THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE Many are at the mercy of fate, but none are quite as vulnerable to it as Matoi Ryuko. Her luck flip flops between good and bad so often that it's hard to tell if fate favors her or is out to get her. Sometimes it feels like she loses more than she wins. Not helping matters is how she is at the forefront of destiny, one of the few among the many that are the most important players for what destiny has in store. Lucky her.... 
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11 - JUSTICE Diana of Themyscira doesn't just embody truth, she is the Spirit of Truth. Thus is her mission, to bring truth to the world of man, to be a guiding light towards peace and prosperity......a task that becomes increasingly difficult and nigh impossible with each passing year. Luckily, no task is too daunting for an Amazon, and no matter how long it takes she will bring man to a better place than it is right now... 
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12 - THE HANGED MAN Kurosaki Ichigo is not the hero he should be, no, he is more of a plot device. A pawn used by both ally and enemy, not allowed to have any real agency of his own. A slave of fate caught in the same loop of trying to be a hero, fail miserably, go through "training" to receive new strength, fail again, deus ex machina just giving him the win. It's like whatever god is willing the stars of his universe is an incompetent who has no real concept of how the hero's journey is suppose to go. And what other choice does he have but to surrender to the cycle? His constant self sacrificing is what keeps the world spinning. And of nothing else at least he gets to keep becoming a better Ichigo than he was before right? Right?  
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13 - DEATH Optimus Prime is well acquainted with the concept of change, is it after all hard wired into his very race's biology. But more than that, his years in perpetual war have shown him plenty endings and new beginnings, perhaps more of the former than the latter. And so long as he lives he will always be in the very company of death itself, looming over him, his allies and his enemies. Such is the nature of war.
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14 - TEMPERANCE How long has Kiryuin Satsuki waited until she could finally be free of her vile mother? How much longer would she have waited to finally avenge her father? She waited years of her life for one moment to finally drive her blade through that vile woman, she didn't care if she succeeded or failed she has waiting for that moment long enough. And it seems that though her attempt did fail, that evil woman met her just deserts regardless, in the end fate still saw fit to reward Satsuki's patience.
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15 - THE DEVIL Thanos is a very sick man. He is driven by his obsessions and desires, trying to hand wave it as "inevitability" or "higher purpose" when really it is but his own selfishness running rampant. And in his delusion he insists that the greater universe abides by his desire, worse even share in it. No matter how much he tries to change or has seemingly learned his lesson, he'll relapse in no time at all, going right back to his genocidal addiction. He truly is a lost cause....
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16 - THE TOWER Uchiha Sasuke acts like he's the only one suffering, that his pain is more important than everyone else's. As such he pays no heed to that which he ruins or those that he hurts. Everything he touches, he destroys. Enemies, allies, friends, it matters not so long as he can get what he wants....which is constantly switching out. One minute he wants to get revenge on his brother, the next he wants to avenge him, and then he wants to be the one Hokage to "break the cycle of war". Whatever, he's always spin doctoring the horrible things he does to have some "deeper meaning" like he were a far right politician rewriting the bible. One has to wonder if he truly wants to use the darkness to bring about "positive change", if you ask me, he merely loves causing misery.
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17 - THE STAR Sometimes it's easy to lose hope, just ask Peter Parker. Too many times it feels like no matter how hard he tries, even with spider powers his best is just not good enough. Most seem to believe so, most see him more as a menace doing more harm than good, especially Jameson. It's easy to forget what one is fighting for.....but then in his most dire moments, he can hear Uncle Ben's voice in his head telling him to not give up. Telling him about the few that do look upon the friendly neighborhood Spider Man as a symbol of hope, a star to look towards even when all other lights dim. And like that his strength returns to him, like that he gets back up and keeps fighting.
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18 - THE MOON Ryoko Hakubi is both beauty and beast in one being. Not only does her power inspire fear, so too does her temperament whenever her pin is pulled. And even aside from that, she is one mystery after another, never will you truly understand how her mind or heart works. And not helping matters is her fluctuating moral compass that is comparable to mood swings. You'd have better luck figuring out women that you'd have trying to figure her out.
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19 - THE SUN It's hard not to see that giant burning ball of gas as but a blight, a bleak reminder of the inevitable. But for the Last Son of Krypton, it is the source of his power. His true power, the power known as the best in humanity. That big Red S that shines like that very star inspires all to be the best they can be, igniting hearts with the strength to stand tall and proud even if they are not the strongest. Even if not everyone can be like Superman, anyone can be that which lights the darkness, anyone can be a hero.
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20 - JUDGEMENT To become a Power Ranger is to be reborn into something beyond a mere human. To be infused with power for the sole purpose of answering the call to arms. Only a select few ever get to wear this mantle, and those that do must take up the fight against pure evil to their dying breath if necessary. As such the quality to become a Ranger is the resolve to always stand, to always get back up and never stop fighting. To be a Ranger is to be the one that has the resolve to fight the most important battle.
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21 - THE WORLD So few can truly say they beat the Devil and got their soul back, but Albert Simmons is one such person. Perhaps it did not bring him the closure he was hoping for but it did bring him closure none the less. When he remembered the truth of his relationship with Wanda, remembered why exactly he was never allowed to have her back, he was finally able to let go and move on...
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ominous-arcade · 3 days
Character Onions for Curtain Call
posting them here for no particular reason I suppose! they'll be easier to find this way too
Put under the cut for convenience
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Vanessa Shelly
Kim - Scott Pilgrim
Alice Liddell - American McGee's Alice
Helly R - Severance
Care - Petscop
Carrie White - Carrie 1976
Bea Santello - NITW
Sidney Prescott - Scream
Jack Townsend/Deputy O'Brien - Tales from the Gas Station
Asuka Langley Sohryu - Evangelion
Narrator - Fight Club
Asa Mitaka - Chainsaw Man
Mima Kirigoe - Perfect Blue
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Glados - Portal
Friend Computer - Paranoia
SCP-079 - SCP foundation
AM - I Have No Mouth and I must Scream
Old L Corp - Project Moon
Doctor Money - Presentable Liberty
P03 - Inscryption
You Must Be Happy - Lobotomy Corporation
AUTO - Wall-E
BOB - Sam & Max Save the World
Mr.Milchick - Severance
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The Velveteen Rabbit - The Velveteen Rabbit
Spinel - Steven Universe
Pyro - Team Fortress 2
Photo negative Mickey - Abandoned By Disney
"Mima" - Perfect Blue
You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily? - Limbus Company
Raggedy Ann - Raggedy Ann
SCP-1048 - SCP foundation
Happy Teddy Bear - Lobotomy Corporation
Robbie the Rabbit - Silent Hill
Bugs Bunny - Looney Toons
Crimew - Real Life
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Spring Bonnie
Bear - Bear in the Big Blue House
Barney - Barney & Friends
The Velveteen Rabbit - The Velveteen Rabbit
Friend Francis - Angel Hare
Bucky Beaver - Shipwrecked 64
Salvador - Presentable Liberty
Elsie the Borden Cow - Real Life
Angel Gabby - Angel Hare
Teddy - Beyond the Sleep
Truman - The Truman Show
Fred Rogers - Mr.Rogers' Neighborhood
Toriel - Undertale
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William Afton
Nick - Parents 1989
Forge Fitzwilliam - D&D: Honor Among Theives
Victor Frankenstein - Mary Shelly's Frankenstein
Calvin's Dad - Calvin and Hobbes
Terry Blake - The Stepfather 1987
Madam Hotel - The Hotel Podcast
Willy Wonka - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Sea Leopard - Real Life
Scar - The Lion King
Steve Raglan - Five Nights at Freddy's (movie)
Mr.Voice - Little Misfortune
Dexter's Dad - Dexter's Laboratory
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Carol Afton
Lady Miss Kier - Deee-lite
Linda Flynn-Fletcher - Phineas and Ferb
Clarabelle - Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers
Madam Hotel - The Hotel Podcast
Scary Godmother - Scary Godmother comics/movie
Miss Frizzle - The Magic Schoolbus
Morticia Addams - The Addams Family
Julie Joyful - Welcome Home
Midge Campell - Astroid City
Linda Belcher - Bob's Burgers
Elvira - Elvira: Mistress of the Dark
Esmé Squalor - A Series of Unfortunate Events
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Nemesis (Goddess of revenge and retribution) - Greek Mythology
Tomie Kawakami - Junji Ito
Nano - Girl from Nowhere
Ant-mimic spider (Myrmarachne) - Real Life
Raguel (Angel of Justice) - Abrahamic Religion
The Phantom of the Auditorium - Goosebumps
James (Clone) - Goosebumps show (2023)
Columbo - Columbo
Themis (Goddess of Justice) - Greek Mythology
Kowaru Nagisa - Evangelion
Jesus of Nazareth - Abrahamic Religion
Snowy Owl - Real
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Zombie Mike
Mettaton Neo - Undertale
Alpha Dave Strider - Homestuck
Wallace Wells - Scott Pilgrim
Funtime Foxy - Sister Location
Lucas Lee - Scott Pilgrim
Dorian Electra - Real Life
Orwelle Peck - Real Life
Johnny Blaze - Ghost Rider
High Roller - Toontown Corporate Clash
Johnny Cage - Mortal Kombat
Tyler Durdan - Fight Club
Ricky "Jupe" Park - Nope
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Michael Afton
Nitro Rad - Real Life
Mike - FNAF Logbook
Angel Torres - Nope
Dave Strider - Homestuck
Netzach - Library of Ruina
Jack Townsend - Tales from the Gas Station
Chesed - Lobotomy Corporation
Toby Billings - Hide and Seek (Fazbear Frights: Blackbird)
Sans - Undertale
Mr.Renner - Animatronic Apocalypse (Tales from the Pizzaplex: Submechanophobia)
Mike - You're the Band (Fazbear Frights: Felix the Shark)
Bill S Preston - Bill & Ted
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graphicpolicy · 4 months
Lion Forge Entertainment heads to Virtuous Con with an exclusive first look at 'Iyanu' Animated Series
Lion Forge Entertainment heads to Virtuous Con with an exclusive first look at 'Iyanu' Animated Series #virtuouscon #animation
Virtuous Con, the premier online convention celebrating independent Black creators, proudly announces a captivating panel discussion called “The Magic of Iyanu: The Creation of an Animated Series” centered around the highly anticipated animated series, Iyanu. Sponsored by the Academy Award-winning production studio Lion Forge Entertainment, this exclusive event offers attendees an inside look…
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balu8 · 10 months
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Little Nemo
by Frank Pe after Winsor McKay
Lion Forge/Magnetic Press
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ecargmura · 3 months
Wonderful Precure Episode 8 Review - The New School Semester
It can’t be a Precure show if there’s no school in it. Iroha, Satoru and Mayu start their new school semester with the latter being the new transfer student! Komugi wanted to go to school with Iroha, but given that she’s a dog and that she needs paperwork to get in, it’s impossible for now.
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Mayu was trying her best to not mess up her introduction, but she screws up twice. Fortunately, Iroha saves the day by being friendly to her, helping Mayu ease her tension. It turns out that Mayu’s previous school was called Koizumi Gakuen. I read on Twitter that Koizumi Gakuen was where Futari wa Precure took place. That’s a nice callback to previous seasons! It was cute seeing all the classmates being interested in Mayu. They seem like nice kids. Anyways, it’s nice that Mayu did enjoy her time at school today and wanted to go back tomorrow. I have to say, the school uniforms for this series are adorable. The way the girls’ uniform has skirt and shorts variants make it stand out. Iroha, Mayu and Satoru look really good in it! The only downside is that brown school uniforms already have been used in Delicious Party, but I’m not the one to decide school uniform colors.
The way there are so many animals in school shows off why they live in Animal Town. Though, I do wonder if school will be important for this series because it wasn’t that important in Hirogaru Sky. Satoru is in the Biology Club while Iroha has many friends who ask her to help out in sports clubs. Come to think of it, do Precure main characters join clubs? Sora wasn’t in a club. Yui wasn’t in one either and was mainly helping out with the soccer club. Is it a leader Cure thing to not be in clubs? There is an equestrian club in the school too. I think it’s cool that this series’ school has a lot of animals. Because there are horses, the main GaruGaru of the week was a horse.
Komugi was pure comic relief today. Though, I do worry about her separation anxiety when it comes to Iroha. Despite that, I do love how that she still behaves like a dog even when she becomes human. She is easily distracted by different smells and has a short attention span as typical of most dogs. I think the part where she and Yuki were “hissing” at each other was hilarious. Yuki doesn’t want anything to do with her while Komugi wants to play. Yuki sees Komugi turn into a human—will this be a major factor for Yuki later on? Will she wish to become human in order to talk with Mayu?
The main GaruGaru is a horse, like I said. However, since it appeared in the school, I’m surprised no one made a comment about seeing the black horse or saw two girls in frilly skirts fighting it off. I was a bit disappointed that the Kirarin Lion’s power has to do with speed, just like the penguin, but it makes sense that it’d be legs and not a roar because scaring off the horse would be the last thing the girls would want. Props to the lion paws being rocket shoes. It’s a cool aesthetic.
Komugi starts school next episode and I just want to know how that is going to happen. Given that there’s a close up of Satoru when Iroha mentioned Komugi wanting to go to school, maybe he’ll play a part in all of this? Will he ask Mey Mey to forge documents? Also, will Komugi even do well in academics? She’s a dog, so she has a short attention span. I just cannot imagine Komugi being able to solve math problems. What are your thoughts on today’s episode and what do you think will happen with Komugi next week?
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thenerdsofcolor · 2 years
Uncovering the Secrets of Yorubaland with the Creators of ‘Iyanu’
Uncovering Secrets with the Creators of ‘Iyanu’ #Iyanu @lionforge @LionForgeDave
In 2023, the world will meet Iyanu! Based on the acclaimed Dark Horse graphic novel, Iyanu: Child of Wonder, HBO Max is teaming with Lion Forge Animation to bring the world its first Nigerian/Yoruban inspired animated fantasy epic series. And The Nerds of Color was able to get an exclusive look with creators, David Steward II and Saxton Moore. (more…)
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