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mxcottonsocks · 2 years ago
I do like The Old Curiosity Shop, but it definitely feels to me like Dickens' messiest novel.
A (possibly incomplete) list of things that drop out of the book part-way through:
Master Humphrey
1st person narration
Fred Trent
Whatever the original intention for Dick Swiveller was
The Old Curiosity Shop itself
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bvlladonnas · 1 year ago
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is that AYO EDEBIRI? oh, no, that’s BEATRICE "BIRDIE" ROUX, a THIRTY-ONE year old OWNER OF CASA DRAGONES who uses SHE/THEY pronouns. they currently live in QUILPUÉ, and the character they identify with most is PENELOPE GARCIA FROM CRIMINAL MINDS. hopefully they find their own little paradise here in el país de los poetas! 
full name: beatrice "birdie" clementine roux nickname(s): birdie (primary), bea, tris age: thirty-one gender: non-binary pronouns: she/they sexuality: if she ever told you she knew she lied (unlabeled queer) date & place of birth: march 6 in malibu, california occupation: owner of casa dragones faceclaim: ayo edebiri piercings: pierced ears – one lobe piercing, two helix piercings, and a conch piercing. traits: outgoing, warm, empathetic, intelligent, caring, independent (overly so), stressed, awkward, dogmatic similar to: penelope garcia (criminal minds), alice cullen (twilight), suki (avatar: the last airbender), aunt cass (big hero six), lorelai gilmore (gilmore girls), willow rosenberg (buffy the vampire slayer), janine teagues (abbott elementary), josie (bottoms) aesthetics: game nights hosted at her place, daybreak shining through the window after a night of gaming, bookshelves of fantasy novels (half are read), various papers strewn about a desk, a warm cup of hot chocolate on a cold night, and a comforting hand on your shoulder.
* warning for mild child neglect
– born to two young and in love parents in malibu, california, birdie was just what the two needed to complete their little family. as an only child, they have never for anything – even if their parents seemed to love each other more than them. – her childhood is spent traveling – italy, france, greece, nigeria, norway, mexico, nicaragua, even antarctica for a one-off trip, among others. she's homeschooled for most of her life, her parents reasoning that traveling was much better for her development than a typical school education would be. sometimes they question if their parents were right, but they can't do much about it now.  – birdie's parents always encouraged her to explore her passions, which was usually something adjacent to fantasy, coding, video games, or whatever anime or tv show had pulled her in at that point. because of this they're wonderfully adept at random skills (see headcanons section).  – in spite of this, they felt very isolated and alone growing up. turning to the internet was easy (when she had quick access to it), but her parents were often caught up with each other, & she had no siblings to talk to; plus, frequent moves between countries and cities meant she rarely got to make friends that lasted longer than her stay did. their saving grace was when they would travel back to the states to see their family, & they could talk to their favorite cousin, aviva. – this results in birdie becoming very independent and more-or-less self-sufficient from a young age. their emotions, their desires, their dreams, would all be controlled by her (because then she could never be disappointed). from then on, a forgotten birthday or a canceled lunch date from their parents couldn't mess with them as bad, because they could find solace in being alone.  – birdie turns 12 and their parents decide that maybe it would be best for her if they settled down somewhere (they were right, she made way more friends). they decide on quilpe, one of their favorite previous travel destinations. she knows the place like the back of her hand now.  – her life falls into place easily from there – when they graduate high school, their parents express a desire to begin traveling again, once again wanting to spread their love around the world. birdie, used to this, decides they'd like to stay in what they now deem their home – she gets a degree in computer science from the university, and quickly figures out those jobs aren't really for them. after much deliberation and more than a few career-anxiety-induced breakdowns, birdie takes out a loan to open up casa dragones (thank fucking god it's a hit or they would probably be back in america with their parents).  – when their roommate leaves (the amount of horror stories she could tell...), birdie reaches out to her favorite cousin & says that if she ever needs a spot to go, birdie's got her. 
— got bullied kinda when she went back to school . they couldn't handle a bad bitch who liked dnd fr :/ – ran their high school's dnd group, went crazy as a dm. — great at coding & a lot of odd tech things – troubleshoots for the store's computers a lot of the time because those bitches like to shut down a lot (they're old).  – loves having friends and having functions at her place because it makes them feel a sense of belonging <3 isolation as a kid went crazy – ^ also part of the reason they opened casa dragones. dnd and other ttrpg games were a big reason they weren't so lonely as a teen/younger adult, & birdie wants to make sure anyone else feeling like that has a place to just be themselves.  – favorite video game (currently) is baldur's gate 3 (duh)
— regulars at casa dragones perhaps ??? mayhaps even coworkers !  — besties ... she's easy to get along with i think ! – who r u going to let them mentor. who is going to be the person they r so protective of and give wise advice to like a sage with tea in their hands — lit anything else idk. fwb. exs. enemies. frenemies. childhood friends . the world is our oyster guys
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fuzzysparrow · 2 years ago
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In Charles Dickens' 'The Old Curiosity Shop', what is the name of the little girl?
Nell Trent, commonly known as Little Nell, is the central character in Charles Dickens' novel 'The Old Curiosity Shop' (1841). She is a young girl who embarks on a physical and metaphorical journey throughout the novel, representing the themes of innocence, endurance, and the corrupting influence of society.
Little Nell is a virtuous and kind-hearted character, untouched by the vices of the world. Her innocence is emphasized by her young age and her sheltered upbringing in her grandfather's curiosity shop.
As the novel progresses, Nell faces numerous hardships and challenges, including financial struggles, the loss of loved ones, and the constant pursuit of the villainous man, Quilp. Despite these adversities, Nell remains steadfast and determined, displaying remarkable strength of character.
Throughout the novel, Nell encounters various characters who are driven by greed, selfishness, and moral decay. These characters, such as Quilp and the gambling addict Dick Swiveller, serve as a stark contrast to Nell's innocence and virtue. As Nell navigates through this corrupt world, she becomes a target for those who seek to exploit her, ultimately leading to tragic consequences.
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laughingblue12 · 8 months ago
The Secret Identity of Super-Mickey
Cartoon villains take note; Super-Mickey’s secret identity is Filbert Hazelnut. I make that revelation without worry. After all, Mickey is not really me. So, if the Messmaster, Badnose the Clown, or Daniel Quilp are going to try to apply the Mickian version of Kryptonite, not laughing at the jokes, in order to slay Super-Mickey, Filbert is immune to that. I am too for that matter. If you are a…
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juliaaaaaaaaaaaallegra · 1 year ago
heard, misheard, & made-up names: 2023 edition
prophylactic cefazolin
skinner's mudhole
harbottle grimston
ankle questionable
hockeystar carpenter
jed fever
quilp crab
mobile al
cecilia JPEG
gyrfalcon westinghouse
hanible igvennie
random bach
nicholas fatfinger
cacciatore georgie
bramble klipple
neón león
hum drum
absalom boston
blimey o'reilly
freddy ferrari
matt mania
xylophone jones
doorless hallwaycloset
baby dumpling
alex chewing
lumen cavalcade
turnip seed
lafayette montgomery
wolf fang
cotton tufts
cystic harry
katherine wheel
gomorrah guzzi
egg nebula
slotherhouse hansen
whore d. jones
arbogast friend
taxi cavendish
enoch godbolt
mudbutton clanger
amadeus wetland
paul wincest
nipple glabrous
tube hambro
rhino schneider
leo bazooka
maternity jorts
christopher peacock
wok bucatini
oat judge
becky cualquier
chastity belt
clitoral hood
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latenightcoffeeandart · 2 years ago
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Thursday. I have been trying to finish the Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens. It's a bit dull but the last few chapters begin to excite me. Can't wait to find out what happens to Nell and Kit. And hoping something shit will happen to Brass and Quilp.
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blog-sguera · 2 years ago
Jurisprudencia plenaria. Comercial
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Prueba. Plazo. Cómputo. Comienzo del término: Los primeros diez días del plazo de prueba a que se refiere el art. 367, in fine, del cód. procesal deben ser contados desde la última notificación del auto de apertura a prueba (CNCom.,en pleno, diciembre 24-976.- Mendizábal, S.C.A.c. Artigas, S.A.). ed, 71-350.
Sociedad. Domicilio. Inscripción en el Registro Público de Comercio del trato social: El contrato social o estatuto puede limitarse a expresar la ciudad o población en que la sociedad tiene su domicilio, si los socios no quieren que la dirección constituya una cláusula contractual. Pero el juez sólo ordenará la inscripción en el Registro si la dirección precisa (calle y número) del domicilio social figura en el contrato o estatuto o instrumento separado que se presenta al al tiempo de inscribir la sociedad ( CNCom., en pleno, marzo 31-977.- Quilpe, S. A.). ed, 72-644.
Moneda. Depreciación; mora del deudor de obligación dineraria: En caso de mora del deudor de obligación dineraria, durante la cual el creador se vea perjudicado por una depreciación monetaria que manifiestamente no resulta compensada a través de los intereses previstos en el art. 622 del cód. civil, procede otorgar al acreedor que lo solicite en la oportunidad adecuada, además del interés puro o neto, una suma adicional que repare el mencionado daño. Ello, sin perjuicio de la distinta solución que pueda adoptarse en los casos concretos en que así lo imponga la aplicación de normas legales particulares (CNCom., en pleno, abril 13-977.- Cámara Nacional de Apelaciones en lo Comercial, s/desvalorización monetaria en caso de mora). ED, 72-566.
Reglamento para la Justicia Nacional en lo comercial de la Capital Federal (dictado por Acordada de la Cámara Nacional en Comercial el 22 de junio de 1977, punto 13. Vigencia: 22 de junio de 1977). ED, 75-721.
Moneda. Actualización de deudas dinerarias; juicio ejecutivo. Letra de cambio; pagaré; cheque: Puede hacerse aplicación del plenario de este tribunal del 13 de abril de 1977 a las pretensiones de cobro de letras de cambio, pagarés, cheques, y también cabe la aplicación de dicha doctrina en los juicios ejecutivos normados por los arts. 520 y sigts. del cód. procesal (CNCom., en pleno, diciembre 22-977.- Papelera Alsina, S. A. c. Arnedo, José A.). ED, 75-611.
Originally published at on http://blogsguera.com/ December 28, 2022.
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multiversal-pig-outing · 22 days ago
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What wrong arm not holding out? I thought you could do this all day.*Said a bit mocky tone. Trying something that Jimmey tault her. Quilping he said it was. To make one enemy to lose focus.*
“Heyaaaahheeeeyyyyyy! We don’t talk much do we? Unless you’re one I’ve never met before which in that case names Mxyzptlk but you can just call Mxy!” The blue skinned 5D imp said as he appeared before Supergirl.
*Kara was flying around metroplis when the imp pop up in front of her. Very confuse about everything.*
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Mm hello there Mxy. Your certainly lively.*Super girl said in trying to refrain from saying strange or anything that might offend the being. Being for some reason all of her instinct she develop when she was under brainiac is saying danger danger.*
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eleftherian · 3 years ago
Quilp to a literal 13yo girl: “how would you like to be my second wife after my first wife dies?” & then he fucking introduces them!! god he’s trash
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diaries-shop · 4 years ago
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. _______________________ いつかのダイアリーズ。 (過去にダイアリーズでセレクトしていたアイテムを紹介しています。) UMBROのフットボール及びホッキ―(フィールドホッケー)共有のユニフォームシャツを、UMBROが当時の資料を基に公式に現代に蘇らせたもの。白と黒で作られたこのシャツは対戦チームとの視認性を考え構成されています。 このコーディネートで気に入っているところは、襟袖の細かい部分まで分割されている部分が、白黒の服に合わせることでより誇張され見えていること。(自己満足) しかしこのUMBROのヘリテージラインは、このワンシーズンで消えてしまいました。 上に着ているのは、折角買い付けてきたのに売れなかったので引き取ったヴィンテージのブラックモールスキン。パンツ、靴はQUILP。 . _______________________ . 詳細はプロフィールのリンクにある、オンラインストア、BLOGにてご覧いただけます。 @diaries_official 商品に関しての質問は、DMかメールにてお気軽にご質問ください。 . _______________________ . DIARIES 〒305-0031 茨城県つくば市吾妻3-8-17 TEL:029-875-7754 12:00-20:00 ※ただいま自粛中につき、短縮営業しています。18:30閉店です。(19時までは割といます。) (木曜定���・その他) https://diaries-shop.com #diaries #tsukuba #ibaraki #japan #ダイアリーズ #つくば #茨城 #日本 #セレクトショップ #UMBRO #BLACKMOLESKIN #vintage #ブラックモールスキン #ヴィンテージ #ワークウエア #workwear #アンブロ #QUILP #quilpbytrickers #trickers (Diaries / ダイアリーズ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN_9s4Tj8DJ/?igshid=1eixacuhbecz5
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ideoman1125 · 6 years ago
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Erick Hunter(エリック ハンター)OVIEDO/DYED POPLIN -BLACK- #EH1911010 ¥9200+TAX ・ #ERICKHUNTER #エリックハンター ・ ・ Erick Hunterよりボトムスのご紹介です。 軽くハリ感のあるポリエステル素材で、スポーティーな雰囲気をまとった季節感薫る上品なアイテム。 ゆるやかにテーパードのかかったラインで、ウエストをゴムで仕上げた窮屈感のない優れモノ。 サイズのチョイスによって、すっきりとしたシルエットでもゆったりとしたシルエットでも着用して頂けます。 リーズナブルな価格に見合わぬ雰囲気を醸し出す1本です。 是非お試しくださいませ。 ・ <Erick Hunter(エリックハンター)> "WE DO BUSINESS THE OLD FASHIONED WAY"「私たちは古き良きファッションをつなぐビジネスをする」 その強い信念のもと、ビル・クラーク氏は1979年、卸売り会社を設立。二人の息子と共に、残反を集め低コストで製品を提供することから始動しました。 その後自社ブランドとしてERICK HUNTERをスタート。政府の施設や刑務所、警察学校の運動着などあらゆる機関にERICK HUNTERとして製品を提供しています。 ・ ・ shirts: #SEVENBYSEVEN #セブンバイセブン inner: #SchiesserRevival #シーサーリバイバル accessories: #WONDERFULLLIFE #ワンダフルライフ ・ ・ サイズ展開: XS , S , M 身長178cm 体重63kg サイズM着用 ・ ・ ご要望の方は、下記のお電話もしくはメールにてお問い合わせくださいませ。 ・ #roamersandseekers #ローマーズアンドシーカーズ #kagoshima #鹿児島 #セレクトショップ #mensfashion ・ 【取り扱いブランド】 #SEVENBYSEVEN #7X7 #QUILP #quilpbytrickers #NEAT #CHICSTOCKS #unfil #FIRSTDAYOFISSUE #SPALWART #BYPRODUCT #BETTER #nisica #DEADSTOCK #vintagemilitary ・ roamers and seekers ローマーズ アンド シーカーズ (@roamersandseekers.2018) 店主 井手尾幸一郎 ‪〒892-0841‬ ‪鹿児島県鹿児島市照国町12-6‬ 親和電機ビル1F tel/fax ‪099-295-6616‬ e-mail ‪[email protected] (roamers and seekers) https://www.instagram.com/chikuwack_wack/p/Bu0OQHNni4X/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15bitplnfzgjx
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bvlladonnas · 11 months ago
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Is that D’PHARAOH WOON-A-TAI? Oh, no, that’s BRIAR SUTTON, a TWENTY-THREE year old UNIVERSITY STUDENT who uses HE/THEY pronouns. They currently live in QUILPÉ, and the character they identify with most is RODRICK HEFFLEY FROM DIARY OF A WIMPY KID. Hopefully they find their own little paradise here in el país de los poetas!
full name: briar sutton nickname(s): bri, b  age: twenty-three  gender: demi man  pronouns: he/they  sexuality: slut date & place of birth: december 04 in toronto, canada  occupation: student doing fuck all at the university. menace. skate shop worker at plaza de sol  faceclaim: d'pharaoh woon-a-tai piercings: ears, tongue, eyebrow traits: charming, juvenile, mischievous, playful, so unserious holy shit, aimless similar to: rodrick heffley (diary of a wimpy kid), percy jackson (percy jackson & the olympians), yu nishinoya (haikyuu), kurt wagner (x-men), naruto uzumaki (naruto) aesthetics: skateboarding down the beach boardwalk, a bag full of spray paint, grinning after you've gotten a bloody nose, hair down to your shoulders, baggy shirts and even baggier jeans, torn up vans, high-top converse
BULLET POINTS (tw for postpartum depression, drug use, dealing, & general mommy issues):
– born to a single mother in toronto, canada, briar never knew his father. he was the product of a frat-party-fueled one night stand months before, and their mother wanted nothing to do with the man after that. a woman who believed she could take on the world, she thought she could handle a baby, too – even at the ripe age of 20. – what she couldn't have expected was the postpartum depression that would wrack her body when briar was born. she managed to push through, but it wasn't easy. he was colicky, then he was needy, then so hyperactive she couldn't catch up with them. this was around the first time she'd realized she'd bitten off more than she could chew (and around the time briar would tell you she began to resent them, if you asked) – constantly exhausted and barely out of the throes of mental illness, briar's mother knew she couldn't do this alone anymore. finally, she took up her family's offer to help raise briar, and moved them both to los angeles at age five, just in time for school – and god, did it take a village to raise them. briar never did particularly well in school; not for lack of smarts, because he had plenty. but he didn't learn the way other kids did, and no one was willing to stop and figure out why. they fell behind quickly, and in order to keep him from falling through the cracks, constant tutoring sessions began to replace the sports he'd liked to do, all for what he deemed useless because he just didn't get it.  – briar became kind of a "lost cause" to schools quickly, but never to his mother. she moved him from school to school, whenever he'd get in trouble at one – he'll tell you this only made the resentment worse. – briar falls into the wrong crowd fast. feeling outcast by the authority figures at his school, he finds his own community. late nights skating, tagging, and doing some type of drug are frequent. so are the pained looks from their mother when they come home as the sun rises once again. – they move to chile at age 17 after a blowout fight with their mom. they were going nowhere fast, she worked so hard for him and he's throwing it away. his grandparents, his aunts & uncles all tried to get him to stay, but he couldn't do it. – he crashes with his older cousin & her boyfriend in quilpe, two core figures from his childhood he'd kept in touch with when they had their own move. he had no clue what he was going to do, but the couple struck a deal; he stays in school and actually tries to do their work, and he can stay with them. so, he finished up high school (albeit a year or so late). he works part-time at a skate shop in plaza de sol, but he's been practicing to try and get a piercer spot at caos; he's just trying to bust his ass as much as he can. part time weed dealer but it’s to raise money ‼️‼️ at the end of the day, briar tells himself he can't keep disappointing everyone in their life. even if they dig their hole deeper.
— *points* WHORE!  – no but on a serious note yeah he's a ridiculous flirt. owns several pieces of merchandise with "i <3 milfs" on it. really annoying. – WHACKED with a case of severe adhd that does in fact affect every area of their life. diagnosed like as of four years ago. don't talk to them. they're medicated. (muns interpretation of this is based off of my own but pls let me know if anything i'm saying sounds wrong or fucked up etc etc)  – loves spray-painting & tagging. adrenaline junkie. his tag is "makwa", which means bear (specifically the black bear) in the ojibwe language. it was the nickname his mother and relatives called them growing up – always doing something with their limbs; tapping their fingers, bouncing their leg, fiddling with their hair. like the energizer bunny on crack – practices "california sobriety". is high often, says it calms him (someone take that shit away from him thanks) – doesn't really like alcohol, though, because he "doesn't like how it makes him feel" – will drink ten virgin pina coladas in one sitting, though – doesn't drive, prefers to just skate everywhere or take the bus. economic king – will never cut his hair beyond a trim. either wears it down or up in some kind of ponytail/bun combo. braids are rare; he enjoys wearing them, but doesn't love the work of doing them – very close with his grandparents (especially his grandmother) still. calls her at least three or four times a week. many of his fondest memories are connected to her. – talks to his mom maybe once a month. neither of them want to unpack what happened. – still has no clue what he wants to do in life but is trying his best to figure it out. stalls in school because of it, but they're trying their best – almost always able to talk his way out of anything. boyishly charming to an annoying degree. – enjoys an occasional crop top.
— the basic ones! friends, childhood friends, flirtationships, fwb, past hookups, enemies , parental figures, etc etc. okay i love u – perhaps his cousin/her bf but that may be a main wc ... who knows ... let me know ...  – spray painting buddy, someone who comes out to tag with him and someone to skate with. sk8r boi by avril lavigne plays in the bg  – a friend that he doesn't feel like he's disappointing every minute of the day <3 a ride or die perhaps <3  – who's gonna let them pierce their muse for fun lol. whether it gets fucked up is up to u – ummmm check back later thx bye love you
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laughingblue12 · 2 years ago
The Secret Identity of Super-Mickey
Cartoon villains take note; Super-Mickey’s secret identity is Filbert Hazelnut. I make that revelation without worry. After all, Mickey is not really me. So, if the Messmaster, Badnose the Clown, or Daniel Quilp are going to try to apply the Mickian version of Kryptonite, not laughing at the jokes, in order to slay Super-Mickey, Filbert is immune to that. I am too for that matter. If you are a…
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musicalhell · 3 years ago
Mr. Quilp (Musical Hell Review #116)
A lighthearted romp based on the most depressing Dickens novel ever.
Musical Hell is taking to the high seas in 2023! Join me to see Six on the Norwegian Bliss: https://www.allwhowandertravel.com/GroupRegistrations/view/102783
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teterastuff · 5 years ago
Ribbon salad 1#
Grabado con Sony handycam hi8
The rollings stones - Just my imagination(gira usa 1981)
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bnbdn · 8 years ago
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Outfit Of The Day,2.2nd STYLE ベージュな日 sweat #brunaboinne cutsewn #filmelange pants #giabs shoes #quilp scarf #joshuaellis accessories #patpruitt #yasuhideono #studebaker #jillplatner #fashion #menswear #mensstyle #mensfashion #instagood #instastyle #instafashion #cordinate #outfit #ootd #outfitoftheday #ブルーナボイン #メンズウェア #メンズスタイル #メンズファッション #コーディネート #ワッフルパズルスウェット (Osaka, Japan)
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