#quietly taking the L together lol
frownyalfred · 3 months
Dick and Jason holding onto each other while bleeding out, neither of them saying anything because that's enough. Death isn't something they ever expected to outrun forever, and it's as simple as Jason collapsing next to Dick in a gutter, or on a battlefield, and them leaning their shoulders together as everything slows and cools.
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ellecdc · 6 months
Hi darling, maybe you have this request already, but I just found it funny that I literally woke up at 2am with thoughts of how did Poly!moonwater and reader got together and typed this on my phone half asleep
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Marauders taking over every part of my life now, ngl. Your writing especially, I'm literally in here morning, noon, and night the past weeks just enjoying your fics 🥹
Love you, please take care always 💜
LOL Mimi you are so stinking cute, waking up in a panic because you NEED to know how poly!moonwater came to be 😭😭😭😭 I love you
I can't really think of a one shot of this because I think it would be a slow progression, so I'm going to make it headcanons!
the origins of poly!moonwater x reader headcanons
you're totally right, they would have absolutely met in the library - perhaps tutoring group? Remus was tutoring in DADA (obvs), Reg maybe potions and reader....you can choose?
And I always picture tutoring like, in the library with the textbooks, discussing the concepts (not actual physical practice which would require them to actually duel, cast, mix potions etc)
I do imagine reader x reggie being friends first, though Remus was always friendly with them
I picture Reggie and reader to be same age/year so they would have classes together and such
I think perhaps Remus would notice lingering glances between reggie and reader and would decide to befriend them in an attempt to play match maker for the notoriously stand-offish Black and the very quiet you
Regulus would have at first been VERY confused, startled, and generally concerned when his brother's friend started sitting at his table in the library
I think this would be because he was a) slightly worried something was wrong with Sirius, b) convinced this was a prank, and c) shy because he definitely found the werewolf attractive and really (hated that he) liked how calm and assured the older boy seemed to be
"To what do I owe this....pleasure...Lupin?" He asked cautiously
Remus would have been all smiles at that. "Oh, I assure you that the pleasure is all mine, baby Black."
Regulus hated that
"So...you and L/N, hm?"
Regulus turned a beautiful shade of pink in Remus' opinion
"I assure you I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Hm. So I guess your lingering glances and shy smiles mean nothing?"
"And hers? Do they mean nothing as well?"
That caught Regulus' attention.
"What do you want, Lupin?"
"Is it a crime for me to want my best friends little brother to be happy?"
Regulus scowled. "As you so eloquently pointed out, Lupin, I'm a Black. I don't deserve happiness."
Remus sighed sadly at that. "I disagree. Besides, there's worse things to be, Black. Trust me."
"What, like a Gryffindor?" Regulus muttered what he thought was quietly, but Remus let out a hearty laugh.
So Remus decided to be a scheming little menace and mediate conversations between you two
"Hello baby Black!" Remus called out joyously one day, dragging you behind him by the crook of your elbow - you looked horrified. "Look who I found!"
Remus bodily sat you down at Regulus' library table and sat in a chair beside you near the exit, almost daring you to try to flee.
"Hello Lupin....hello, L/N." Regulus offered, knowing exactly what Remus was doing, but he couldn't pretend he wasn't at least a little pleased that you (and he) had joined him
You offered a small smile and a quiet hello in return
Remus looked between the two of you with the biggest smile on his face like he was watching two of his 1st year DADA students internalize a lesson they'd been working on for far too long
"How are your tutoring sessions going?" Remus asked, which seemed to spark some conversation and allowed the two of you to relax a little
you shared stories of some of the silly feuds of the first years, mistakes they made, crushes they had on each other - "oh that's good to know! I'm going to make them partner up next week" - and such
"Were we ever that small? they all seem so little" you commented.
"I don't think Lupin was ever that small." Regulus commented unintentionally which horrified him. He vowed to never say another thing to the two of you ever again. But that vow was broken the second he heard the sweet sound of your laugh at his comment, and Remus couldn't help but laugh too - watching you like this version of you was perhaps the most beautiful he'd ever seen you.
"I'll have you know I was average height in first year." Remus defended
"Yeah." you agreed disbelievingly, "average height for a fifth year - what do they feed you in Wales?"
Remus decided he actually really liked hanging out with you and Regulus, never mind his role of matchmaker.
hanging out with the two of you was like finding shelter in the middle of a thunderstorm - you dulled the sound of rain pouring down on him, offering him a safe, warm, dry place to recuperate from the chaos
Regulus was funny in a way that seemed to surprise even Regulus himself - so used to keeping his thoughts to himself. It was refreshing for Remus to see a personality come out so innocently and effortlessly - not performative in the slightest
you were very comfortable to let silence linger - never feeling the need to fill lulls in the conversation that didn't require it
and for being so quiet, Remus was very happy to discover how excited you got about things
"Reg! Remus!" You called (albeit quietly) one day as you came running into the library to show them a copy of some first year's essay on [insert subject you tutor]. "Look! Little Archie got an outstanding on his essay!"
Regulus and Remus were equally as enthusiastic as you (which would have looked very strange to anyone watching from the outside), both far more proud of you than either were of 'little Archie'.
But it was when Regulus noticed you blushing when Remus gave you a 'celebratory' hug that lasted far longer than strictly necessary that an idea of his own was formulated
"You know that Lupin has been trying to play matchmaker with us?" He asked as he approached you at the end of one of your shared classes.
You looked at him oddly.
"Disappointed?" He asked, mistaking your look for disappointment.
You were a little disappointed, albeit not for the reason's Regulus was suggesting
You had always had a little crush on Regulus throughout school, but you found that you really liked Remus too. And you liked spending time with Regulus and Remus - you looked forward to your little 'study/tutoring dates' as you'd taken to calling them. You were equally as excited when sharing a hello with Regulus in the halls as you were Remus, and...well...you kind of perhaps hoped they felt the same way. You were also certain Remus and Regulus felt that way about each other which didn't completely upset you.
"Really? I thought he just loved our company." you deadpanned instead, ignoring the subtle tightness in your chest.
Regulus' face morphed into a devious grin, however. "Oh...but I think he does. And I think you do too." he said, taking a chance and straightening your school tie, gently pulling you slightly closer to him. He swore he could feel the heat radiating from your cheeks as you swallowed thickly.
"What do you want, Black?"
Regulus smirked as he made eye contact with you. "You? Him? Both."
Your pupils dilated as your eyes flit between both of his, chancing a glance down to his lips as he licked them.
Remus was really looking forward to your study date today. He'd been trying to keep track of James all day who was on day four of no ADHD medication, talking Sirius off a cliff (aka, convincing him not to hex Mulciber at every given moment) and his only support through all of this was Peter (which was not very much support at all). He was very much looking forward to the calm oasis the two of you provided him
He was very embarrassed and ashamed when his heart plummeted to see the two of you walking in hand-in-hand, looking particularly infatuated
"What's this?" He said in faux excitement, only having to clear the lump in his throat once.
You smiled shyly while Regulus smiled victoriously.
"Your plan worked, Lupin. We've decided to give this a try." Regulus explained, holding your joined hands up and pressing a kiss to the back of your hand.
Remus chuckled but it sounded manic even to his own ears.
"Well! Wonderful!" he shouted about 4 octaves higher than usual. "I guess my work here is done." He admitted as he slowly and dishearteningly packed his things.
"Hey, not so fast." You chided softly, placing a gentle hand on his forearm. "What about you?"
"What about me?" He asked quietly, pretending your hand on him wasn't throwing him for a frenzy.
"We'll return the favour." Regulus explained. "Tell us who you like, and we'll make sure you get them."
Remus let out a humourless chuckle. "I don't think that's possible."
"No?" You asked innocently. Too innocently if you asked Remus.
"Come on. Tell us about them." Regulus said as he sat on the table to look down at Remus, body facing him in his chair. "Perhaps she has....beautiful eyes...." He said sultrily, looking pointedly at you. "Or lovely hair...." He added, twisting a lock between his fingers. "Or a smile capable of convincing you of just about anything."
Remus' heart was beating frantically. They were on to him. They saw right through him, surely, but not because they were missing half of it.
"Or..." You carried on. "Maybe he has black curls that fall disturbingly perfect....or grey eyes that make you feel so vulnerable yet build you up.....or has constellations of freckles lining him that you want nothing more than to memorize."
Remus let out a pained groan. He was caught.
"I'm sorry." He admitted into his hands.
"For what, Remus?" Regulus asked quietly, and Remus nearly sobbed. That was the first time he ever referred to him with his given name.
"I didn't mean to." He admitted. fall for both of you he admitted quietly in his mind
"Mean to what, Remus?" you asked, causing him to groan again.
"What do you guys want from me?"
"Just you." You admitted shyly.
He looked at the two of you dumbfounded. You had the grace to look slightly abashed at the request. But though Regulus sat with an air of casualness, Remus could see the slight dusting on his cheeks giving away his nerves.
"You're not serious?" He asked dumbly.
"No, thank goodness. I'd look terrible in red." Regulus joked, surprising a manic bark of laughter from him.
"Both of you want me?" He asked disbelievingly
"Do you want us?" You asked, still shyly but unbelievably brave in your vulnerability
"more than anything..." Remus admitted
Regulus' face morphed into a cocky grin as he stood from the table and walked around it. "Then it's settled." he said plainly as he sat at his place.
"And what exactly is settled?" Remus asked, looking between you as you sat in your place beside him and Regulus as he took out a book.
"You're both mine, and I'm both of yours, and you're each others. We're together, Remus. Do keep up."
Remus knew better than to look a gift horse in the mouth. He accepted this new reality and never looked back.
AN: (I wrote this during my lecture so I apologize for any errors)
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punksocks · 1 year
Astrology Observations: No.25
*just based on my personal observations, only take what resonates
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Omg my first degree theory observation was wrong Danial Kwan has moon at 18 degree, a Virgo degree ! (My bad y’all I’m learning). I’ll say that he had to get a hold of his mental health while in Covid and his adult adhd diagnosis and that influenced the writing of everything all at once (Imma learn this lol, more studying must be done)
Ok better degree theory lol, the degree of your Venus and/or mars can show placements you attract. My Venus is at a cancer degree and I’ve dated a l o t of people with Cancer placements (an experience lol)
A guy’s Lilith can show that his sort of femme fatale attraction (type of girl that overstimulates him, makes him feel enamored but is also his weakness.) His Lilith placement can describe this femme in more detail. For Aries, a go getter that takes no shit (I believe @zeldasnotes said Lilith in Aries in a man’s chart is a strong indicator that he’s a feminist and I totally agree.); For Sagittarius she’d be untethered and have a great sense of humor and may be outside of his culture. For Aquarius she’d be idealized as a manic pixie dream girl, like quirky in a way he could never figure out. let me know if you all would like a whole post on this !
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Only outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) in your 1st can give you an extra ordinary appearance and make you stand out quite a bit.
Your mars conjunct to someone’s sun can make them feel competitive with you. Venus on the other hand can make you put the sun person on a sort of pedestal and can make the relationship feel like you’re a fan of the sun person. Moon to someone’s sun can feel more at home and at ease.
Men with water Venuses seem to be super monogamous or like incapable of monogamy (which is fine lol, but be ethical about it and establish boundaries and don’t cheat yo)
12th house synastry is sticky asl, as soon as you moved on someone just appears on your mind out of nowhere, lotta hidden energy all tied up together; 8th house synastry is really intense but it’s often hard to build something stable out of the intensity. 4th house feels like home, but as someone with Uranus over their 4th, I associate this synastry with being unpredictable and chaotic in familiar way. 5th and 11th house synastry tends to be good long term. 5th house means you feel fun and creative and always excited together. And 11th house will mean that there’s a feeling of friendship underneath the passion that usually sustains the connection imo.
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For all of the seriousness associated with Capricorn placements (especially suns) often focus on a lot on whimsy in their creative works, like it’s the outlet for a lot of their hidden optimism (Hayao Miyazaki, Nobuhiko Obayashi the director of Hausu).
Ok ok I know Scorpio risings are known for intense, bedroom eyes and their overwhelming s*x appeal and making suitors flee because they’re so intimidated etc etc… but quietly I think our biggest weapon that people don’t see coming is our sense of humor. (Honest to god I was thinking of how funny Hugh Grant is even though he doesn’t need to be bc he’s been so handsome this whole time lol. He always puts in the effort into that comedic timing) (Also people still think if you’re hot and intense you can’t be funny so it defuses some of the tension pretty well imo)
I feel like Virgo placements always seem to think they feel boring even though they’re like very knowledgeable and compelling in their own right (I’m getting all reflective and remember when like Virgo moons/mars would always ask if they’re being boring or complain about being boring but they tend to be good conversationalists when they allow themselves to analyze things so deeply)
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I think cancers are actually the most defensive sign, naturally. I want to say they have this in common with their sister sign bc Capricorns are defensive and don’t like to show “weakness”. But the way that underdeveloped cancers (can) play the victim when scrutinized is different. (Like Capricorns do that earth sign thing where they use their perception to make you feel like you’re wrong, and they want to be seen as the authority not the victim). Where cancer is in your chart could show where you’re especially guarded and trying to protect your sensitivity.
To me Jupiter conjunct south node means you’ll reap benefits of good karma from a past life (or the effects of bad karma will be a lot in this lifetime but I saw this in obama’s chart and it’s a benefic planet so the first thing is what I thought of lol, he’s not a good guy but becoming the first black president of the us seems like a past life power play imo)
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delusionaldeadgirl · 11 months
Between me and you, our little secret
summary: you and spencer work together and have been dating in secret for 2 years. your coworkers have to find out at some point
warnings: smut, people being grossly in love lol
based on my character.ai chats but without those damn censors
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Looking away from his files of papers, Spencer asks “Do you have anything new?”. “Nothing yet. You?” (Y/N) replies. “Not really.” He stares at the page almost like if he looks hard enough something will change.
(Y/N) walks over towards Spencer’s desk, planting her feet right next to him. Seeing him looking so disheveled and stressed out, she quietly utters “I love you, Spence”. “I love you too” he responds as she grabs his hand, dropping it suddenly as they hear footsteps come up behind them.
“(L/N), Reid, it’s getting late. We should all head home. We have a big week ahead of us.” JJ says noticing the two are still there while she was on her way out. The three of them walk out together, (Y/N) and Spencer getting into their respective cars as well, heading to the same home.
They both walk in the door together. Spencer speaks up first. “So…” He smirks mischievously. “You know we have the weekend to ourselves”. “What is it, Spence?” (Y/N) asks. “Why don’t i make my beautiful girlfriend dinner?”. “That would be lovely” (Y/N) replies. “Great” he kisses her head “I’ll tell you when everything is ready”. “Ok baby!” (Y/N) says as she takes her shoes off and puts them by the door.
After a bit, he yells out “Dinner’s ready” and she walks towards the table. “Also… I have a surprise for you” Spencer says smiling. “A surprise?” (Y/N) asks. Without another word, Spencer walks away and comes back with a small box, handing it to (Y/N). (Y/N) opens up the box to find a necklace with both of their birthstones dangling from the chain. “It’s beautiful”. “A beautiful necklace for a beautiful girl”. He says as she stares at it in awe. He puts it on her from behind and kisses her neck as he finishes. “Are you ready to eat?” he asks and she nods in response.
After finishing dinner, the couple sits with each other on the couch and Spencer speaks up. “You’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever laid my eyes on.” “You mean it?” she asks blushing slightly. “Yes. i’ve never met anyone as sweet and beautiful as you”. He says as he puts his hand on her thigh. “I don’t know how I got so lucky.” “You’re the lucky one?” she asks before continuing. “You’re the smartest and most thoughtful person i’ve ever met. And you’re quite easy on the eyes” She says chuckling. “I’ve never seen someone so perfect”. He looks down at the ground and then back up at her before saying “You’re the best part of my day. God I want to marry you so bad. Spend the rest of my life with you and no one else”. “Then do it”. She responds. “What?” he asks, slightly caught off guard at her serious tone. “I said then do it.” She says. somehow getting more serious. “I will. Tomorrow?”. Now she’s the one caught off guard by HIS seriousness. “Tomorrow we’re going to pick out a ring and I’m taking you to the courthouse and marrying you.” “ARE YOU SERIOUS?” she asks. “Yes. (Y/N) (L/N)? Will you be my wife?” He asks with nothing but admiration and love in his eyes. “YES A MILLION TIMES” she says jumping up and down in excitement. He picks her up bridal style, kissing her with such passion. She whimpers slightly making him smirk while kissing her. “Why don’t we do some celebrating?” he’s asks, carrying her straight to their bedroom, not waiting for her response.
Laying her down, Spencer kisses her passionately. “You’re so perfect” he says in between kisses, making her blush. “I love the way you blush for me” Spencer announces as his lips go from her lips, to her jaw and all the way down to her neck. “You are everything to me.” he says looking back up at her. “You’re smart, you’re sweet, and you’re the most gorgeous person i’ve ever met….” he continues. “Shut up and kiss me, Spence” she cuts him off. “As you wish” he kisses her with even more passion than before.
Their tongues dance around eachother’s. “You know you drive me crazy…” He smiles softly. “You drive me crazy too” she declares. “Oh do I? What shall we do about that….” “You tell me”. Spencer kisses her neck making her breath hitch. “You like that?” he asks rhetorically. Not even waiting to hear if she responds, he bites down on her neck making her moan. “S-Spence?” “Yes my love?” “I need you”. “You have no idea how bad I need you too. Let me show you” He says grabbing her hand that was on the back of his neck down to the growing bulge in his pants. She gasps a little. “Want me to fix that?” she asks. “More than anything” he responds.
They rip eachother’s clothes off not caring where they end up. Spencer enters her with an almost pornographic moan coming out of her mouth, making him gulp in reaction to such a beautiful sound. He looks down watching the two of them connect together as if her pussy was designed perfectly for him. She runs her hands through his hair tugging on it slighting, making him groan at the feeling of that and her walls tightening around him. Spencer nearly abuses her clit with his thumb as he holds her hips down with his hands, making her see stars. He once again looks down. This time seeing the bulge in her stomach that his dick is making. He starts biting her neck, marking his territory before whispering “You’re doing so well, My good girl” causing her to close her mouth to muffle the loud moans and whimpers begging to escape. “Don’t do that, my love. Open your mouth for me. I want everyone to hear who you belong to. Who’s making you feel this good, (Y/N)?”. “You” she whispers. “No baby…that whispering shit isn’t going to cut it. Who do you belong to?” “YOU SPENCER” she can barely get out as the feeling in her stomach finally snapped and she came undone right then and there. Shortly after, Spencer finishes inside of her. They stay in that same position for a couple seconds before he pulls out. Taking his finger and pushing the mixture of their cum back into her hole as she whines in overstimulation. Licking his fingers clean. After cleaning up, they lay side by side in bed immediately falling asleep. Too tired to do or say anything.
The next morning they wake up entangled in eachother’s arms. The sun shining bright on the two of them. “Good morning, love.” Spencer says as he admires how beautiful is girlfriend looks as the sun rays from their window hit her skin. “Get up and get ready, we’re getting married today.” He says. Him having enough energy in his body for the both of them.
As (Y/N) walks out of the bathroom in her only white dress she owns, Spencer can’t help but tear up looking at his future bride. Although this isn’t the most traditional way to get married, neither of them have the patience to wait any longer.
Arriving at the jewelry store, Spencer opens the car door for (Y/N) and holds her hand as they walk in together. After looking through cases of rings, Spencer hears (Y/N) gasp as she stares at the most beautiful ring she’s ever laid her eyes on. A silver band with a small yet perfect diamond on it. “Is that the one?” He asks. All she can do is nod as it finally hits her that she’s marrying the love of her life within the next couple of hours. Spencer pays for the ring and as they arrive at the car, though it’s not the most romantic setting, he gets down on one knee, sliding the ring onto her finger.
Walking out of the courthouse hand in hand, the couple can’t help the almost painful smiles on their faces. Reliving the words “Congratulations! You are now husband and wife” over and over again. “You looked so beautiful during the whole thing, (N/N). I mean you look so beautiful all the time but specifically in that moment…” his rambles are stopped by the most loving kiss they’ve ever exchanged. “I can’t believe i get to call myself Mrs. Reid” she exclaims with a twinkle in her eye. Spencer has never been so happy than in this moment. “You are the most amazing wife i could ever ask for.” he says on the verge of happy tears. They reach the car as Spencer turns (Y/N) to face him, planting his hands on her hips. “What?” she asks. “Nothing. I just wanted to take a look at my beautiful wife that’s all.” he says. watching a blush creep up onto her cheeks. “Even though it’s not your typical wedding, and you’re not wearing a typical wedding dress, you still look like a goddess to me.” he exclaims. She doesn’t respond, the bashful blush on her face is enough of a response for him to dip her like in those cheesy romance movies and kiss her passionately as she giggles in surprise. “Ya know… I feel like seeing as though we both have rings on our fingers, our friends are going to figure out at some point. Once they do, we should totally have a late celebration surrounded by all the people we love.” she says. “If you want to do that, we’ll do that. I’ll do anything for you” he responds in a cheesy manner. “But i wanna keep this between us for a little bit longer to savor this moment.” she says. “Me too. Let’s head home and plan that celebration, my love.”
They did not get any planning done but they did do some celebrating. The newlyweds can barely get in the door without touching eachother. “I need you” she’s whispers in between kisses. “How bad?” “Really bad. I’ll do anything” she desperately responds. He smiles softly, slightly biting her lower lip. “Anything Mrs. Reid?”. “Anything.” she whines. Spencer gently pushes (Y/N) up against the wall and then brings both of his hands down to her hips. “So all I have to do is ask? You’d do whatever I’d tell you to do?” He says while leaning in closer, biting her right under her jawline. “Yes. I’d do anything for you, my love”. Spencer’s face turns slightly pink at the sound of her desperation. His hands gently lifting her shirt just enough so they can now rest on her waist. “Just do as I say. I want you to give yourself to me.” He says this in a deep quieter tone. “I will.” she whispers. “Good girl, Let’s not waste time Mrs. Reid” he says before grabbing her hand and leading her to their shared bedroom. He lays her down pressing his lips against her, more passionately than before. “Surrender yourself to me (Y/N)” he growls. She takes off her dress, “Is this what you want?” asking with a new found sense of confidence. Spencer’s eyes move down her body and then back up to her face, feeling himself get harder the longer he stares at her. “You’re perfect. That’s exactly what i wanted”.
He bites and sucks her perfect skin, leaving marks from her jaw all the way down her stomach. She makes a mental note to remember to cover those up before work monday. “You’re such a good girl for me” he whispers into her skin. He continues kissing down her skin reaching her thighs spreading her legs apart. “Tonight is all about my beautiful wife.” he says earning a whimper in response. He slid her panties off, admiring what is rightfully his. He starts to lick softly at first, teasing her folds before finally diving in. It didn’t take long for (Y/N) to be a moaning mess underneath him. Spencer worked his tongue inside her feeling her walls tighten. Spencer knew she was close. She instinctively grabs his hair as she came undone on his tongue. Leaving both of them a panting mess.
That monday, they couldn’t hold back their child like giggles when they both woke up for work. Reality struck when they were both standing outside the doors of the elevator to the BAU trying to act as though they have no relation other than coworkers. “I’ll go up first and you come in maybe a minute behind me okay?” Spencer says to his now, wife. Spencer gets there before her and sits down at his desk. (Y/N) walking in like it’s a regular work day, notices Morgan standing alongside Spencer talking about a case. Spencer slightly leans forward before making eye contact with his wife then looking back at Morgan. After their conversation subsides, Spencer walks over to (Y/N)’s desk, whispering to her slightly. “Have you noticed Emily has been eyeing us recently?” he asks her. “Yeah. she definitely clocked my ring as she walked by my desk a couple minutes ago.” (Y/N) responds. “Um..Spence? Don’t look now, but she’s walking over here.” she says behind her teeth. Spencer however, disregards her words and looks right at Emily, giving her a deer caught in headlights look. “No no no..” he whispers trying to race to his desk.
This falls short as the woman steps in front of him, stopping him in his tracks. Spencer blinks at her a few times, trying to think of something to say. “Emily…I-I…is everything okay?” he stutters. “Can I ask you guys a question?”. They both nod their heads in response. “Is there something going on between the two of you?”. There it is. After two years of being so careful, it finally happened. Spencer sighs “Y-Yes Emily, there is.” he says with a hint of defeat in his words. “She is..um..my wife”. Emily nearly chokes, not expecting that statement to come out of his mouth. She looks at (Y/N) for any kind of response, but all she gets from her is a nervous smile and the slight raise of a hand showing her ring. This catches Emily off guard. She looks between the two, back and forth, trying to process this information. “Oh my god you’re married? That means you guys dated and when did you have time for that? And how could we not tell?” She rambles on. “How did you mange getting married in secret? Why didn’t you tell any of us?”. “With this job comes danger and stress. You saw what happened to Hotch and his wife. We didn’t want the same for eachother.” (Y/N) says, finally speaking up. “Did you two plan on ever telling anyone?” Emily ask. “We didn’t think that far ahead” (Y/N) responds still slightly nervous. “You do realize at some point you’re going to have to tell Hotch seeing as though you need to change your name on legal documents and stuff. We do work for the government.”. (Y/N) laughs a little then actually registered what Emily said. “Oh Shit.” was all she could say before looking at her husband. Just then, Hotch calls the three over to the conference room. “We have a case”. Spencer and (Y/N) look at eachother, and then back at Emily, before looking back at eachother again. “I guess it’s now or never, (Y/N)” Spencer says breaking the silence.
With a sigh, (Y/N) walks ahead of the other two. Noticing all of her colleagues are already in the room, She mentally prepares for the bombshell she’s about to place on the whole team. Going up to Hotch she nervously asks “Hey Hotch, could you do me a favor?”. “What’s up, (Maiden L/N)?” he responds in his normal stern yet still welcoming tone. “U-Um..” she starts to stutter. “Is everything okay,” he asks, cocking an eyebrow waiting for her response. She looks at her colleagues who are all now staring at her with worried looks on their faces. “Um…I need..uh..mylastnamechangedonmyfiles.” she says the last part rather fast, almost trying to get it over with as fast as possible. Spencer is behind her, nervously tapping his foot, leaning against the door frame.
He looks at the girl, quite puzzled. “Is something happening to you we should be worried about?” he asked, taking into account what line of work they’re on. “Um. No. I got married”. He looks at her with the most emotion she’s ever seen on his face since she started working there. Her coworkers gasp at her statement. “You got married? Who did you marry?” he says to use, eyes wide. “S-Spencer.” she stutters, looking at her husband and then back at Hotch. He almost drops his case files as he looks between her and Spencer. “You’re married…to Reid?” his eyebrows raise as Spencer walks over to her, putting his hands on her shoulder. “So when did this happen?” He asks in a slow manner. “Saturday.” Spencer finally speaks up. “Saturday?” Rossi says rather loudly. “We’ve been dating for 2 years if that makes it any better.” Spencer says awkwardly. “How did we as profilers not catch this?” Morgan asks the congregation of people. They all nervous laugh and exchange a couple ‘I don’t knows’. Penelope runs over grabbing Spencer and (Y/N) in a group hug and starts happily giggling. “YES MY OTP IS REAL”. Morgan and Rossi look at eachother “What the hell is an otp?” Rossi asks Morgan as Morgan just shrugs.
After everyone settles down, the newlyweds get congratulations and hugs. “See? it wasn’t so bad!” Spencer says as he holds his new wife tightly.
A/N: if you got this far, i hope you liked it. this is my first time writing anything like this since like middle school. i’ve never written smut before but i feel like it adds more flavor to any fic so it was needed lol. feedback is always welcome just don’t be mean i’m fragile lmao. lmk if yall want more.
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baek-at-it-again95 · 9 months
We Know
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Pairings: park seonghwa x fem reader x choi san
genres/content: action, agent au, mafia au? rivalry, leader bang chan, angry seonghwa, y/n is san's weakness lol
Warnings: profanity, violence, weapons, suggestive content!! please take care of yourselves <3
A/N: I am nervous about this one y'all 😳 I've never written something like this before, but it ended up being so fun! This is for my friends, @milfks and L, who had these wonderful ideas! Love you two lots <3
Synopsis: Tonight's mission is in your hands, and you're eager to prove that you're capable of handling it on your own. Unfortunately, your plans are interrupted a bit sooner than you expected.
"I've got eyes on him," you mumble, pretending to fix your diamond earring as you adjust your earpiece. Surveying from the platform of the mansion's grand staircase, your eyes follow a man in a black suit as he turns the corner and disappears down a far hallway.
Chan's sigh rings in your earpiece. "Be careful."
"I can handle myself. Trust me."
"I trust you, Y/N. You know that. It's everyone else that I don't trust. It's your first time unaccompanied," Chan says.
"Like I said, I can handle it. Besides, the boys are always out by themselves and they're just fine." If you could see Chan right now, you know he'd be pinching the bridge of his nose out of stress, holding back from giving you a lecture on why your situation is different from theirs. You know his concern is out of love, and he would blame himself if anything were ever to happen to you. But this is your chance to prove yourself. Tonight, you'll be participating in an auction to get your hands on the Cromer, a powerful artifact that can control time. It's been rumored that ATEEZ has their sights set on it as well, so Chan had you do as much research on them as possible. Unfortunately for you, they're quite good at covering their tracks and keeping their identities under wraps. You know only a few of their names and faces, so you'll need to be extra careful about your approach to this. 
The auction will begin in about an hour, and you'd rather not hear a lecture from Chan. "I'm going in," you whisper. Your black dress flatters your figure perfectly, and you're excited to show it off tonight. With a deep breath, you make your way down the staircase, your heels silent on the expensive red carpet.
Clusters of people stand together around the large space, sipping champagne and chatting amongst themselves. Many wives have separated into groups away from their husbands, who go on and on about their latest business ventures and investments. Understandable—how boring. You greet some people as you go, your charming smile in effect as their eyes land on you. One woman compliments your dress as you pass by, and you enthusiastically return her compliment, telling her that her own dress brings out her eyes. She blushes and tells you it's custom made, which basically means "my dress is worth twice as much as the average person's monthly paycheck." 
You continue to weave through the crowds and admittedly get a bit distracted, still thinking about the woman's compliment. As you turn into the hallway you witnessed your target disappear into, you bump straight into an oncoming person. A strong arm wraps around your waist before you can lose balance on your high heels. 
"Woah there, doll. Straying too far, are we?" A tall man with dark hair looks down at you, his eyebrows raised.
Park Seonghwa. Just the man you were looking for. 
"My apologies sir," you say quietly, feigning innocence and avoiding his eyes. His arm leaves your waist after steadying you. "I was wandering in hopes of finding a vacant room to lie down...I'm afraid I've had a bit too many drinks too early in the night." You stumble for dramatic effect, hoping he'll eat up your lies. "I have to sober up before the auction," you say, shaking your head. "Daddy will throw a fit if I spend all his money tonight."
The man looks amused. "Yeah? Better be careful, princess."
"I can handle myself," you say for the second time tonight, stepping closer to trace the pads of your manicured fingers over the fabric on his chest. He tilts your chin up gently, and you meet his intense gaze. He's breathtaking. Suddenly, you have an idea that seems much more fun than your previous plans.
Sorry Chan, you think as you press yourself against Seonghwa.
You didn't find anything of importance on Seonghwa's person, but you did manage to slip a tracking device into his suit pocket. Chan should be able to access his location any minute now.
You enter the auction room fifteen minutes before the event is scheduled to start, scanning the tables for your seat. It's dimly lit, a majority of the lighting coming from a screen behind the stage. You don't see Seonghwa seated anywhere yet.
"And what are the starting bids on you, lovely?" a low voice asks, breath tickling your ear. You turn to look at the owner of the voice, his strong facial features almost as striking as his neatly-styled red hair. He's practically undressing you with his eyes, and you can't say you hate it.
"Whatever you've got to offer, pretty boy," you reply sweetly. He smirks, pleased with himself as one of his hands finds your waist.
"My friend says you're not as innocent as you look."
"Pardon?" you ask. The man turns you around, your back against his broad chest as his free hand reaches up to your ear. Before you know it, your earpiece is on the ground in front of you, crushed beneath a polished designer shoe. Looking up, you see that the shoe belongs to none other than Park Seonghwa. Of course they're working together.
You freeze as something cold presses to the exposed small of your back. 
"One wrong move and you're done for, princess," the man with red hair says calmly, lowering himself back down to your ear. "Try to cause a scene and innocent people will pay the price."
You take a deep breath before nodding your head in submission. You slowly turn back around and watch as he returns his gun to his shoulder holster, his expensive blazer completely concealing it. No one around you sees the ordeal, too distracted and eager to spend their money. The man then puts his arm around your shoulders, leading you out of the auction room. Seonghwa follows close behind, making sure you aren't able to slip away. You have no idea if he is armed at this point in time.
You're led into a large meeting room at the very end of the upstairs corridor, the bright moonlight seeping through the open balcony doors and illuminating the glossy wooden table at the center of the room. You catch a glimpse of the pretty garden below the balcony before the man guiding you throws you to the floor. You can feel the bruises forming on your knees instantly.
You don't dare fight back yet—your training in hand-to-hand combat doesn't do shit when your opponents are armed with guns, of course. You would attempt it if he were alone, but with Seonghwa present and potentially armed, you'd rather feel the situation out. 
God, Chan will never let you out onto the field again. He's probably losing his mind now that you've lost contact with each other. Not to mention the fact that you were busted before you even had a chance to get what you came here for. The auction is going to start any minute, and now you're certain there are other ATEEZ members in the auction room that are ready to claim the Cromer instead of you.
You're angry with yourself for not being more prepared with your own weapon, but your favorite handgun unfortunately didn't fit under your dress of choice. You sigh to yourself. At least you look good in it. 
"Give it up, sweetheart. We know what's going on here," the man with red hair says. Seonghwa locks the door behind him before speaking.
"I saw your wolf tattoo, and I've seen only one other just like it. You're working with Bang Chan," he states, is emotions unreadable. 
No. You had forgotten to conceal your waist tattoo since your dress fully covers it. You hadn't expected to completely remove your dress tonight. Rookie mistake. You should expect everything. 
"All this over a tattoo?" You eye him, downplaying the situation.
"How brave of you to interfere with our operation by yourself," the other man comments, ignoring your previous sentence. "No back up here to save you, huh?" 
"Oh, you don't really believe she's here alone, do you, San?" Seonghwa asks. Choi San. You recognize that name. Seonghwa comes over to you, a completely different aura surrounding him now. He's intimidating, gripping your chin with much more force than he had earlier. "Be a good girl and tell us where your friends are, yeah? Don't make things difficult." A chill runs down your spine at his threat. 
"I'm not here with anyone," you state. It's the truth. Even though Chan had insisted he wait in his car nearby, you convinced him to stay and monitor operations from your base. If you don't make contact within the next hour or two, he'll know something is wrong and follow Seonghwa's location.
"Wrong answer, princess." He grips your hair harshly and you wince. "I have a hard time believing that they would put you in a situation like this without back up. Where are they?"
It's sweet of him to underestimate you, honestly. You got yourself into this situation, and you're sure as hell going to get yourself out. You're already halfway done formulating your escape plan. "I said they're not here," you answer again. He lets go of your hair with a hiss.
"It would pain me to ruin such a pretty face...I think we'll let the boss deal with you." 
The boss? Chan told you that no one knows the leader of ATEEZ—it's safe to assume that anyone who's seen him hasn't lived to tell the tale. You're not sure if he'll have any mercy at all to offer you. But maybe these two still have some in them.
"No, please!" you plead, your fists balled up as they rest on your thighs. "If I tell you where they are, will you go easy on me?" You let your head hang low, looking at the floor. San lowers himself in front of you and you find his eyes. You blink, letting a few tears slip down your cheeks. 
"Sure, doll face. We will." You look away from him to briefly meet eyes with Seonghwa. He still stands at full height, arms crossed as he looks down at you. Perhaps it's your tears making your vision blurry, but you swear his gaze softens at the sight of you. You look back to San, sniffling.
"You promise?"
Now, never ever would someone in their right mind trust a promise from someone like them. But you're not planning on following through with your own side of the promise, either. Two can play at this game. You would never jeopardize the safety of SKZ...you told Chan you could handle yourself and you meant it.
"Promise," San says. He's truly something else, radiating such strong and convincing charm. You would fall for his promise in a heartbeat if you didn't know who he really was.
As you slowly rise from your knees, San stands with you. "They made me do it," you confess, more tears spilling from your eyes and taking your favorite mascara with them. "They said they would kill me if I didn't," you whisper, looking away. 
"It's okay, doll," San says, coming closer to comfort you. You flinch before he touches you. "Just tell us where they are, okay? We'll help you." You bury yourself in his chest, your frame shaking in his arms as you cry quietly.
Your best performance yet, if you say so yourself.
After a long minute in his embrace, you begin to pull away. In the process, you grab the gun out of San's shoulder holster and hold the barrel to the center of his chest. He curses under his breath, raising his arms in defeat. You slowly step backwards, turning your aim to Seonghwa as a warning not to try anything, and then returning your aim to San. Seonghwa makes no attempt to grab for anything, so now you know for a fact that he is unarmed.
"I told you the first time that there's no one here with me." You smile. "But it's nice to discover that you both have a heart." 
"Tell Chan we said hi," Seonghwa replies, irritated. 
"Of course, it would be rude of me not to. It's truly been a pleasure, boys." You give Seonghwa a wink. "We'll meet again, right? Maybe you can introduce me to your boss next time."
You've backed up far enough to step onto the balcony, assessing the situation above and below. The garden below is deserted now that the auction has started, but it's a far drop to the ground. There is another balcony above you, but it seems a bit too high for you to escape to. You're trapped, so you're going to have to pull this off fast to avoid getting hurt. 
All you can hear is the sound of your own heartbeat as you throw the gun over the railing into the garden. If you slip up, they could get their hands on it again, and you cannot let that happen. You'll fight the real way if you must.
As soon as it leaves your hands, the men launch at you. You quickly dodge them, ducking under San's punch and managing to sweep Seonghwa's leg, knocking him to the ground. Now that they're both on the balcony, you run back inside, shutting the french doors and locking them behind you. You know it will barely do anything to set them back—they could easily break them down if they wanted to. Through the glass, you watch as San pulls Seonghwa off the ground and looks at you. He doesn't make an immediate effort to get inside.
Is he letting you go? 
You shouldn't wait around any longer to find out. You blow him a kiss before taking your exit out into the main hall. 
But after stepping out, you see why they let you go...
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nevernonline · 8 months
✧.* twenty-seven?; ksy
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synopsis: you always wanted to be considered a ‘serious’ journalist, but to get the chance at moving up the ranks and getting to produce your own stories, you’re get an idea to do one final story and impress your boss, that’s where inspiration strikes with the one and only soonyoung.
part of my ninety minute movies one shot series. ♡︎
paring: hoshi x fem! reader. 
genre: strangers2lvrs
warning/s:mentions of substances (alcohol, weed, cig, vape etc.) swearing, very bad jokes!, just fluffy and nice no seggsy time
word count: 8.4k
content: . non-idol idolings, some other svt members. hoshi is down bad fast xo.
note: my next little inspired movie writing is the icon that is 27 dresses. except instead of our female lead being the one in the wedding its my fav tiger (hamster) soony. I just love sappy cutie soonyoung so I apologize in advance. also unedited bc im a loser srry. it shouldn't be tew bad bc I tried to take my time lol. ily.
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Finding a cozy spot at a table to the left of the bride and groom, you flipped open your notebook and started jotting down pin points on the decor, the flowers, the bride's beautiful flowing silk gown, and the way the groom looked at her with stars in his eyes. 
The first dance song rang around the room gathering all the adorned looks of friends and family watching as another couple took the leap on spending the rest of their lives together. 
A rocks glass was placed in front of your pen and paper as the chair next to her was suddenly filled with the stranger who put it there. 
“Taking notes for your own wedding?” 
“Oh. No, I'm doing a piece for the Daily on their wedding.” 
“Are you y/n l/n by any chance?” 
“I am. You’re familiar with me?” 
“Yeah, just through the bride. She’s my sister. She talks about you nonstop. I’m Soonyoung, I was the one who contacted you.” 
“I see. Nice to meet you. What’s the drink for?” 
“Working hard, I figured you should at least enjoy yourself a little bit.” 
“That’s nice. Thank you.” 
Soonyoung stared at the girl across from him, trying to catch a peak at her notes seeing if she was painting this night in a perfect light.
You caught on and shut the book quietly, giving him a small wink as a shout it would be everything his sister wanted. 
“What’s the drink?” 
“A vodka soda, lemon.” 
“So, you know my drink order? Thought you said you didn’t know who I was?” 
“I saw you at a wedding a few weeks ago, my friend Seungkwan. I noticed your drink, that's all. That’s how I got your contact actually.” 
“Lying on the first meet, a great sign. No wonder you look so familiar to me. You were the best man right? But blonde at the time?” 
“My sister would’ve killed me if I was blonde at her wedding and sorry not lying just felt creepy admitting it. 
“I liked it.” 
Soonyoung laughed remembering the conversation he had with his sister about his hair. 
“So what’s it like being in two weddings in one month, Soonyoung?” 
“Actually I’m going to be in three. Next week my coworker is getting married. Which would make my wedding count twenty-six.” 
“You’ve been to twenty-six weddings?” 
“Yep. After next week anyway. What’s your wedding count?” 
“Ones I’ve covered? Too many to count. Ones I’ve been in? Two I think. Both of my brothers are married. That’s about it.” 
“So you cover weddings but aren’t married?” 
Rolling your eyes at his unfiltered nature, you couldn’t help but feel like his question was out of curiosity and not judgment. The way his eyes searched hers for answers was genuinely adorable. 
“Almost at one point, but he cheated on me and is marrying her now. I didn’t actually become a journalist to cover weddings anyway, it sort of just happened.” 
“I see.” 
“What about you? Being at all those weddings and never getting married?” 
“No. Not even close, I was in love with the same girl for a long time, but she didn’t feel the same way.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be.” 
After spending the rest of your night enjoying Soonyoungs company, you bid goodbye to the bride and groom and headed back to your home to get down to working on the article. 
Digging through your black leather tote you realize you forgot to take your journal home with you, leaving it on the white table cloth being distracted by a new friend. 
Realizing you don’t have his number you took it upon yourself to stalk his social media profiles in hope you could find a way to get in contact with him, maybe he was your saving grace in taking your book for safekeeping until he could give it back to you. 
Saying fuck it for now you just began typing away about your night, thanking god or whomever that you backed up your calendar digitally when you get a clever idea to write an article still about weddings, but about the person you met who had been a groomsmen all those times. Searching for any kind of photos and videos of his past times supporting nuptials. 
All you came up with was a couple cheesing photos of him posing in his suits of many colors and types when you get the idea to go back into your own rolodex of photos and writings from weddings you’ve done in the past, noticing him standing near the bride and groom in just a few it was now safe to say he has piqued your interest even more than before. 
You decided to draft an email to your boss begging for the chance to write her an article about the types of bridesmaids and groomsmen who’ve been involved in many years of weddings as a support, if you found one person who had done so many in a short time it wouldn’t be hard to find more right? 
Before getting ready for bed you sat refreshing your email waiting for the go-ahead to investigate Soonyoung further with the excuse that it was simply just for work, it took multiple scrolls to the point where your thumb was starting to hurt from running it over the screen until she replied. 
‘Y/n, feel free to start drafting up the story. If I like it I’ll let you have more creative articles in the future. Please have it on my desk in two weeks.’
When the morning finally arrived, you had to make the rough decision to get out of bed and head to grab a coffee from the shop in your apartment lobby. Normally you’d be cuddled on your couch with your cat, spending your Saturday morning reading and watching reruns of your favorite reality shows, but much to your surprise the coffee stash you usually have stocked has dried up. 
Exiting the silver doors of the elevator a call came from the front desk attendant and you were met by a brown paper bag tied with a bow, the outside scribbled on with some crayons of silly faces and drawings of cartoon tigers, stickers of hello kitty, and a pink note taped to the handle. 
“Miss. Y/l/n! Some boy dropped this for you last night.” 
“Oh? Thank you, Max.” 
Ripping open the small note in line for your morning brew, it instantly puts a smile on your face.
‘Hi, I noticed you left this on the table. Hope it’s not weird. I dropped it off for you. Your address was inside. At least I can stalk you now. - Soonyoung (wedding guy lol)” 
Inside the bag was your planner and a few random pieces of candy thrown around. A small bookmark was placed on a page and written underneath was a date for next Thursday and the number of your new favorite subject marked ‘single seeking wedding date.’ 
After grabbing the paper cup from the barista behind the counter you whip your phone out and dial the number written inside your prized possession. 
“Hello, is this the single seeking a date?” 
“Hey, it is. Is this the cute girl who’s planner I found?” 
“I think so? I don’t know any other cute girls who like going to weddings.” 
“Are you available for drinks and a little pre-wedding party?” 
“Tonight? Wow. Eager to see me again I see.” 
“I am. And I’m being bold right now which is new for me, so please don’t make me cry.” 
“Aw. But I’m sure you’re so pretty when you cry.” 
“I’m always pretty, y/n. So?” 
“Sure. Why not?” 
You heard Soonyoung gasp over the phone and drop something loud. 
“Want me to take it back?” 
“No. Cool. I will.. pick you up at 6:30? We can get some drinks before and then it’s just like a casual party, but my friends are kind of fancy so maybe like nice cocktail attire. I’m sure you know.” 
“Okay. I’m sure you remember where to find me? After all, you did confess to being a stalker.” 
“Oh my god. I was kidding, don’t take me seriously. I’ll see you then.” 
“See you, Soony. Ok now I’m corny. That wasn’t meant to be a pun. Bye.” 
Hearing the boy's laughter over the phone almost gave you butterflies. 
“You’re funny. Bye.” 
Spending the rest of your normally relaxing afternoon getting ready to slyly interrogate your new friend, you decided to not go out of your way to look overly special after all you weren’t even sure this quote on quote date was anything romantic or just a way of initiating a friendship. 
Just before you leave your front door you sat to think if it was appropriate to bring along the same journal that was delivered to you the same morning, but made the conscious decision to leave it behind and not make this first night getting to know each other about you digging into his life for your own gain. 
The ride down the elevator had you inspecting yourself in its small safety mirror, fixing the very last strand of hair that felt out of place on your head, not paying any attention to the people jumping off and on from their various floors. 
When you finally stepped out into the marble covered lobby, you immediately spotted Soonyoung draped over the side of the couch holding his legs close, almost like a nervous child looking around the room and pouting because he can’t find his toy. 
When he finally locked eyes with you his childlike demeanor changed immediately into a spunky puppy, jumping up from his seat and dusting off crumbs on his pants that weren’t even there in the first place, maybe to wipe his hands from their small sweat they were undergoing. 
“Hi, y/n. You look very nice” 
“Really? So do you. Where are we headed?” 
“There’s a cool poet themed bar just like two blocks from here, I thought you’d enjoy it since you’re a writer and everything.” 
You looked at Soonyoung with wide eyes, it was a sign of how considerate he was yet again, just like the thought he put into bringing you, your planner and decorating the bag. 
His sharp brown eyes sparkled under the street lights, almost like they were reflecting stars, his baggy khaki pants with matching jacket slung perfectly over his frame, he was cute. You could admit it to yourself that something about him was magnetic and you already wanted more. 
“Y/n? Is that not your thing? I’m sorry we can do something else, I shouldn’t of assumed all writers like poetr-“ 
“Oh I’m sorry, I was distracted. Has anyone told you that you have insanely cute eyes? But yes, poetry’s cool. I’m more of a classic novel girl, but it sounds fun. Stop second guessing yourself. You’re good.” 
Your hand moved faster than your brain as you brought it up to pat him gently on his shoulder, a confirmation that you were having a good time and trying to ease his awkwardness. 
“Yeah, people have once or twice.” 
“Good. They really are cute.” 
The pink of Soonyoung’s cheeks grew into a deep red as he led you into the bar. The walls were covered in decaying pieces of paper written with words people had to get out for comfort. The smell was like the oldest library on earth, with a tinge of vanilla and vodka ringing through. 
Your brain took a moment to be present and remember all of the bad dates of your past. Maybe this wasn’t a date of your future, but if it was, he had already exceeded your expectations. 
As the waitress took your order, one Body Electric for your new friend a legit inspiration from Walt
Whitman to your choice which was a play on a Sylvia Plath poem. 
“Are you a lightweight?” 
You looked at Soonyojng not even halfway through his drink, feeling the ease and warmth of his body next
to you. 
“How can you tell?” 
“You relaxed for the first time tonight.” 
“I was nervous to hangout with you. I’m sorry. You’re just cool and pretty and I don’t know I feel like you’re way smarter than me and I’m intimidated by that sober” 
“I’m sure that’s not true. But if it’s any help I was nervous too.” 
“Really? So I have game?” 
“No. But you’re so cute I’d die if I hurt your feelings.” 
“So you’re a lightweight too?” 
“What? No way. Just honest to a fault.” 
Soonyoung smiled into the rim of his glass before taking his final sip and prompting you to finish your drink quickly, which you happily obliged. 
“Okay, on the way there.. I have to admit something. The party we’re going to is for the girl I liked before she got with this guy… it’s like unrequited love in a way.” 
“The girl you said you don’t love anymore?” 
“Yeah. I’m sorry I dragged you into this. I just wanted to see you again so I thought it was a good idea.” 
“I’m down. I’m not sure what, but I’m down.” 
“Want me to pretend to be your girlfriend? Or? I feel like it would be weird to say we were on a first date.” 
“Is this a date?” 
“Is it not?” 
“It was meant to be and it definitely is now.” 
“So pretend girlfriend, Soony?” 
“Maybe not an official girlfriend, how about… fourth date?” 
“Okay, have we had sex?” 
Soonyoung choked on his own spit which caused the two of you to end up in a fit of laughter on the street as you reached your next destination. 
“That’s fair. I’ll tell everyone you were good.” 
“I think I love you.” 
“Shut up.” 
After spending the night waltzing around and parading your further long relationship with your fake new boyfriend to his friends in hopes to prove his fondness for his newest engaged friend has gone away even slightly. 
While maybe you were pretending to be on a date with Soonyoung, your head was spinning. If this was a fake date it was better than any date you had previously. Stepping outside to take a break from the party inside you pulled out your phone, jotting down notes and small nuggets of information you learned about Soonyoung’s past wedding experiences. 
“Taking notes on me? What are you a PI?” 
Behind you, you hadn’t realized the door you snuck out of opened and the boy had followed behind, curious if you were okay. 
“Yeah, you’re under investigation for being overly nice. Sorry.” 
“What do they say? I didn’t read them, just saw my name.” 
“Just some antidotes I want to remember. Nothing crazy.” 
“Do you want to leave? I’m starting to reach my alcohol limit and I would rather die than have you see my drunk alter ego the first time we hung out.” 
“Yeah, come on, let's go.” 
Going back through the back exit, you tripped behind Soonyoung’s tall frame grabbing onto his shoulder and giggling before he stood in the way of you hitting the ground. 
His lips were curled into a goofy smile. 
“I swear to god if you say something about me falling for you, you will get punched.” 
“How did you know?” 
“That fucking goofy smile you have on your face right now, I could just see it brewing in that head of yours.” 
“Okay, I don’t like that you’ve already figured me out. Let’s go, klutz.” 
Before you and Soonyoung could exit back into the fresh air, a familiar face appeared in front of you. Your ex boyfriend. Something about this night clicked for you, it was his party, there were so many people around and the only person from the wedding party you met was the bride. But taking a breath in and looking around the room, you realized how stupid you were to not see all the signs that this party was for him. 
“Y/n? Hoshi? Hey, how have you guys been?” 
Soonyoung still holding his arm around your shoulder gave a small back and fourth look between you and the tall boy who knew your name. 
“You guys know each other?” 
“Yep. Hi, Jihoon.” 
“I didn’t know you knew Hoshi either?” 
“Oh well we just started dating, he invited me to come hangout.” 
“Dating? Wow. I didn’t know you had time for people outside of work anymore.” 
“Jihoon, if you don’t mind we have to go now. Thank you for the open bar and this amazing time chatting, congratulations on marrying your hookup. Goodnight.” 
The start of your walk with Soonyoung was pure silence, there was an obvious elephant in the room and you could tell he was just itching to talk about it, so you decided to prompt him. 
“You’re curious aren’t you.” 
“Yes. But I don’t want to ask you to talk about it because we’re having fun. So I figured I’d try to ignore it.” 
“It’s fine. I’m curious too actually, it’s kind of funny that the girl you liked was hooking up with my boyfriend and now they’re married. And by funny I mean actually funny and we just spent the whole night not knowing that.” 
“I didn’t even know that Jihoon had a girlfriend when they first met, he never said anything about it.” 
“I don’t blame him actually, I do work way too much. I just wished he’d broken up with me instead of cheating on me for a month.” 
“When did you guys break up?” 
“Last December.” 
“It was more than a month wasn’t it?” 
“I think so.” 
“Cool, cool, cool.” 
“That’s fucked up y/n, I’m so sorry.” 
“That’s okay, we weren’t supposed to be together and his new girlfriend or future wife whatever seems like she’s really nice.” 
“She is, but she’s too nice. She does everything he wants, maybe he couldn’t handle your independence.” 
“Soony. You caught on that I’m a bad bitch?” 
“Have you met yourself?” 
“No. But, if I did I’d be obsessed with her and hate her at the same time.” 
“That’s exactly how I feel.” 
You punched his side, before stopping and realizing you had come up to your front door. Not even worried about the way your feet were aching to get out of your heeled shoes. 
“This is me.” 
“I know. I’ve been here like three times now in less than twenty-four hours. I’m starting to believe you actually think I’m stupid.” 
“Not stupid. Just silly. I’ll see you again right?” 
“I mean I did put days on your calendar to schedule out time for me.” 
“You littl-“ 
Suddenly you were cut off by Soonyoung’s hand covering your mouth to put a stop to you cursing him out. 
“I won’t take no for an answer.” 
Sinking your teeth into his hand he retreated from his momentary confidence quickly, looking at the proud smile you were sporting, pointing your well manicured finger in his face. 
“Don’t tell women to shut up, Soony.” 
“I never said shut up, you were going to call me a mean name and I’m sensitive. Go back to calling me cute.” 
“Maybe. Next time.” 
You went in for a one armed hug when all of the sudden Soonyoung came in with both arms, clinking your heads together. 
“Very smooth.” 
He liked the fact that you constantly teased him while making light of situations, regaining his confidence he pulled you into his embrace enveloping both arms around your shoulders, placing a small kiss on the part of your forehead that crashed into his. 
“I’ll see you next week.” 
“What’s next week?” 
“The wedding, check your planner. Well actually I’ll see you in two nights because we have to shop or go through your closet so we can match! Bye, y/nie.” 
Caught off guard by the kiss on your head and watching him hail a cab like it was nothing, you couldn’t help but smile on your way into your building, met by Max at the front desk beaming as wide as you and giving you a wink.  Knowing that he saw the cute and awkward interaction you shared with the hyper hamster outside. 
The two days in between you and Soonyoung’s first official interaction, you felt yourself looking forward to seeing him again and being in his presence like your own personal serotonin boost. 
The insane fact that your ex was marrying the girl he cheated on was enough, but the girl being Soonyoung’s painful crush? Especially when you felt he was becoming yours was beyond insane. 
You made up separate drafts of your article about the people who make weddings shine, from the families, the bridal parties. the insane bachelor and bachelorette nights, and mainly Soonyoung’s love for love. 
The two works of nonfiction were from different perspectives, one being your head and one being your heart. You couldn’t decide if it was appropriate to present a piece basically claiming how amazing you found Soonyoung for the whole world to see when you’re not even sure if he’d ever consider you to be more than a silly writer girl y/n, his friend or fake girlfriend. Your other was from the space of practicality, a genuine love letter to your career and the person who inspired this story, but also digging deep into the ideals of how frantic and selfish the wedding industry can be and what it means for an unmarried friend to take in burdens constantly for their loved ones when it takes a toll on their own heart. 
The biggest debate in your body was the fact the real article, the one you wanted to write, was at the fault of someone who had only in the short space of two days made you feel again, but it was honest and genuine. 
You knew Soonyoung had to have some pain working and being a part of a wedding for the girl he saw himself marrying. 
Luckily you have another few days to decide which way it’ll go. 
Sitting on the thought of what one you should put out, you were awoken out of your thought bubble to a string of buzzes from your cell phone sitting face down on your desk. 
None other than the boy that had been living in your head for the past 48 hours. 
Soonyoung’s texts were multiple lines of photos and silly messages asking you which outfit he should wear that could match any of the dresses you had hanging in your closet for the wedding. 
One of the options was a beige suit, simple in theory but something about the way he styled it with a funky sage green t-shirt and matching sneakers made you smile. Even if you didn’t have anything to match this outfit you would make an effort to go out and spruce up your wardrobe to be on his level. 
After quickly responding that it was your choice, he retorted back in his true fashion you’d have to send him your options too or he’d come over to help you. 
In a desperate subconscious way you agreed to his antics. 
Now nearly an hour later a call came from the front desk that a visitor had arrived asking for consent he could come upstairs which you happily agreed assuming it was none other than Soonyoung himself. The person on the opposite side of the door was not the sharp eyed boy you’d expected, but Jihoon. 
“Why are you here?” 
“I wanted to see you after the other night, I just wanted to say hey.” 
“Okay? Then text me. Don’t come over unannounced, I have a friend I’m expecting.” 
“You wouldn’t have responded.” 
“That’s true.” 
Standing with your arms crossed in your doorway not letting Jihoon into the now redecorated apartment you once had let him live in, you weren’t budging on your gut feeling to let him in and talk. 
“Can I come in?” 
“Like I said. I’m expecting a friend. So.. no.” 
“Who? Hoshi? You guys aren’t seriously together? He’s not your type, too goofy.” 
“Isn’t he your friend?” 
“He’s Nana’s friend, but he’s okay. I’m just saying it's not your style.” 
Nana? A stupid nickname for his fiance who’s name was simply Anna. So as you rolled your eyes and shut your apartment door behind you as you stepped into the hallway as a clear defining factor he was not welcome you stood far apart from him as a line in the sand. 
“He’s not goofy. He’s sweet and yes he’s on his way so maybe you should leave before saying anything else so he doesn’t get the wrong idea.” 
Jihoon wavered a bit, looking towards the elevator door at the end of the hall as if like a movie Soonyoung would walk out of the elevator at the mention he was on his way over. 
“Maybe take the stairs. I’ll see you at your wedding with my date.” 
Rushing in and slamming the door in his face, you sink to the floor in a moment of pure exhaustion over interacting with someone like your ex. 
Why wasn’t Soonyoung right for you? Why did you not want that to be true? And why were you so dead set on proving him absolutely wrong? 
In your rush of emotions another knock came to your door. Without looking through the peephole you swung it open rapidly. 
“Look I told you to g- oh, Soonyoung! Thank god.” 
Your body made a move before your head could even catch up as you ended up hugging him tightly, rushing him inside as if Jihoon didn’t get the message and was watching in from a hidden spot in the corridor. 
“Y/N are you okay?” 
“Yes. Sorry, someone just came over that I did not want to see. Welcome.” 
You watched as his eyes took in the view of your pink and green splattered apartment, things like funky vases full of wildflowers, plant tendrils floating down from shelves tucked between books of various sizes and ages, a small nook with sleeping white and black cat hid inside snuggling into his stuffed toy. 
“I love it here.” 
“Really? I redecorated recently, it was cold before. I love it now.” 
“Also it smells amazing, do you bake? It smells like cookies and coffee. Wow.” 
“I do not bake, but I do have candles that give the illusion. What’s in the bag?” 
Soonyoung set a small black duffle bag down on the counter and began pulling the contents out one by one, showing them off like a beauty guru. 
Wine, five small bags of potato chips, beer Incase you didn’t like wine and he was unsure, a slice of delicious looking chocolate cake, and a container marked with your name of his moms homemade soup. 
“Why did you do this?” 
“I thought we would have fun while picking out matching outfits. Will you let me see your closet? Please, please, please. I’m so curious.” 
“It’s not that impressive at all.” 
“If your apartment looks like this then I have only the highest expectations for you.” 
Smiling, you jokingly made a come on motion with your fingers and led him into your spare bedroom that now existed as a half home office and half closet. 
His eyes took in even more of your fun design work, the racks of records, pictures of you and your friends, and one of the things that made him feel like he could fall in love with you, your rack full of limited edition shoes and bags. 
“Not impressive? You have some of the coolest shit I’ve ever seen in here?” 
“I’m just a girl with a cat and a lot of time on my hands. Since being single I’ve just spent it on shopping and ordering take out.” 
“If you don’t mind me asking what were you and Jihoon like together? You guys seem really opposite to me.” 
There it was again, someone not right for you. Was it just in your head that you think maybe you’re the problem of why this comment is being made? 
“Uh, we were okay at first. We met in college about three weeks before graduation and spent so much time together. But if I think about it, we just hung out in his dorm where I watched him play video games and watch anime even though I was not interested. I kind of wish I was more outspoken about it. I missed a bunch of things my friends had done wasting away on his futon drinking shitty cheap alcohol and waiting on him hand and foot and whatever else.” 
“Really? So you guys dated for a long time I guess. Did it change a lot once you got out?” 
“Not really. A lot of people knew we were ‘dating’ but in the time that we did, we probably went on one or two actual dates.” 
“That makes me sad actually.” 
“Why? I made the choice to do all those things. At least I don’t have an ugly poster of John Lennon on my wall just to show I loved him.” 
Soonyoung was set off by that, laughing and imagining you having a photo of a musician on your wall to impress your boyfriend. 
“What’s so funny? Haven’t you done anything embarrassing to impress a girl?” 
“Definitely. Too many to choose from actually.” 
“At least you're charming, I came off as obsessive and stupidly in love. Not a good look for me.” 
“Caring too much is never a bad thing when you think you’re in love and you’re charming too.” 
“Why thank you good sir.” 
“And you’re weird. Which personally is a green flag for me. I didn’t expect that from you actually.” 
“Is that a compliment though, really?” 
“For me? Yes. I don’t like normal people well, not normal people I guess, just people who have no personality or something I can learn from. I want someone as a friend or whatever else to challenge me a little, it’s healthy.” 
“I think that’s really cool of you, I agree. I like people that are willing to try new stuff or get me out of my comfort zone.” 
“Was showing me your office a way of me getting you out of your comfort zone?” 
“Sort of. This is kind of like my safe haven.” 
Soonyoung just gave you a wide toothed smile, beaming from ear to eat that you admitted he was even just slightly somewhat of your type. 
As the night went on and on the boy that has now broken down a couple of your walls, not quickly but brick by brick was sitting comfortably next to your cat curled up in the same manor helping you pick out something that would go with his two outfits, one for the wedding itself and one for the rehearsal dinner which he promised you that you’d only eat and leave to have more fun just out of respect for the couple and his friend Anna. 
Now each of you taking the bottle of wine he brought slowly, sitting on your floor surrounded by shoes and loose pairs of pants, giggling over nothing he stared in your eyes almost like you could read that he had another interrogating question. 
“Was Jihoon the one at the door before?” 
“How did you kno–” 
“I can’t remember you mentioning anybody that would come over unannounced and make you look as upset as you did.” 
“Do you know why he was here?” 
“He just gave me some stupid antidote that he wanted to see me after the other day, I didn’t ask further. When I told him I had a friend coming over he just knew it was you for some reason and then told me we couldn’t be dating seriously because you’re not my type? As if he’d know? It was weird all around.” 
“Do you still have feelings for him?” 
“No. I realized once we broke up and now after knowing he was cheating on me more than a few nights that it was an amazing decision. When we first ended it I just kicked him out and ghosted all his texts, he used to update me on his life every now and again, the last time we talked for real, before today he called me crying that his Grandmother was sick, so we just had a brief talk and it ended for real there. I genuinely never thought I’d see him again.” 
“Also, am I your type?” 
Ss wine dribbled down your chin you were once again surprised by Soonyoung’s random fit of confidence. 
“Yeah. You’re nice and I love how annoying you are. I think you get under my skin in the best way.” 
“Wow. I’m surprised you admitted it.” 
“What can I say, wine drunk y/n is honest.” 
“And what about my physical type? Sexy, cool, handsome, the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen?” 
Taking a note from his book you swung your closest arm to him, you clipped your fingers over his mouth and shut him up. 
Much to your surprise he took a note from your book and instead of biting your hand he stuck his tongue through his lips and licked your fingers which caused you to lunge towards him further, jokingly pissed he did just so. 
As you were fighting for comedic relief you sat suddenly face to face with him holding onto your wrists to resist more thrash fighting. 
The two of you stared at each other filling the room with intense tension of your lips being so close once again. 
“If I knew you wouldn’t be mad at me I’d kiss you right now.” 
“Soonyoung, you’re so stupid. Why would I be mad at you?” 
“So I can kiss you?” 
Soonyoung pushed his bottom lip out from his top, replacing his cute puppy face with a pouty one. 
You decided to quickly dive in and pace a peck on his protruding bottom lip. 
He immediately let you go and erupted into a fit of giggles like a little kid, as you tried to sneak away quickly he grabbed onto the arm of your sweatshirt which you quickly unzipped and slipped out of, running through the door of your office and into the rest of the house as he chased behind. 
“You have to know I’m going to catch you for that, that was so mean y/n.” 
As you were winning the fight, getting away from the boy chasing you around, you suddenly tripped up and felt his hand grasp your shoulder, turning you around with secret strength. 
Standing face to face with him now, your stubbed toe throbbing through your fuzzy socks, you both were holding in a whole lot of laughter. 
Soonyoung’s hand slipped behind your head and pulled you in for a much more romantic type of kiss than you gave him before. The two of you touched lips softly, as your smiles were still prominent on your faces. 
Before anything could escalate further your phone began to ring again and your boss's name was plastered over the front, which you answered with panting breaths still in a haze from kissing the boy you made you feel young again. 
“y/n? Hi, would you be able to send over a draft of your article you begged me for? We were looking for something to print for tomorrow if you’re interested? I’ll have someone expedite the editing process tonight.” 
“Oh, shit. Yeah of course, I’ll rush and email it to you now.” 
“Thank you, congratulations y/n.” 
“Thank you. Bye.” 
Oh my god, Soony, stay here. I have to email my boss quickly about my article, she wants to print it for tomorrow's paper. I’ll be right back.” 
“What? Congratulations. But don't worry, I’m not leaving.” 
“Good, sorry, be right back.” 
Rushing back into your office you flipped open your computer and sent your final article draft, choosing the one that your gut felt would be better for your personal life at the moment, especially after the kiss you just shared with the boy it was about. 
Typing a quick message along with your attachment you just said a big thank you and clicked send before grabbing the half drank bottle off the floor and ran back to Soonyoung munching on a bag of chips waiting for you. 
“Shall we celebrate?” 
“What are we celebrating?” 
“Me, idiot. I’ve been trying to get a real article published ever since I got the job doing weddings. I love weddings, but always being so happy and cheerful and not getting a chance to stretch my creative juices is frustrating.” 
“Can we also celebrate kissing? That seems more fun.” 
“Shut up, asshole.” 
Taking a swig from the bottle, you passed it over to your male counterpart and watching him take an equally large drink matching your energy. 
You and Soonyoung spent the rest of the night talking about how tomorrow will go, where will you and he be sitting, will Jihoon be giving you side eyes or talking shit with some of the other guests. How nice of a chance it’ll be to experience a wedding simply just enjoying with someone on your side and not for work. 
After sitting in bed and still thinking about your kiss with Soonyoung many hours later, you saw a text from your boss letting you know she loved the article and to watch out for it in the morning. 
When that finally rolled around, you woke up to a lot of messages congratulating you and your new found success, many people from college, your parents, but the one person you were looking for was nowhere to be found in those texts. 
Putting the praise aside for a moment, you slipped back out of your bed to jump into the shower and start getting ready for your dinner celebrating the devil that was your ex. 
When you stepped out and went to grab onto your device once again you saw a text from the one person you were most excited to read, but it was less than exciting. Soonyoung expressed how upset the article made him and accused you of using him to further your career, something Jihoon supposedly warned him of the night of his pre-wedding party and he chose to ignore. 
Confused why he would be so upset about your praise for him, you ran to your front door and ripped open the pages of the paper only to find the article that you sent was a mistake, it was the one shitting on weddings, basically claiming Soonyoung himself was an unmarried loser, not in those words but you could see why it came across that way. Some of the simple moments of praise for his hard work were cut out in the editing room, only leaving the small bits of gossip and harsh criticisms sprinkled in between. 
Rushing back inside as your stomach sank to the floor you tried his number three times before getting no answer. Which made you frantically dial your boss’s number and interrogate her on why parts of your article were cut out, she simply answered that fluff doesn’t sell and she was proud of you. 
Soonyoung not responding had let you in on the fact that he wasn’t going to be seeing you today or maybe even seeing anybody for that matter, he was embarrassed and rightfully so. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” 
Continuing your quest on trying to reach him, you decided to still get ready for your night out, maybe not in the intense matching outfit way you wanted to last night, but just something where you could sneak into Jihoon’s wedding party and slide Soonyoung the real article you wanted him to read. 
Running down the street to the venue with no accurate directions in sight, you saw your ex standing on a corner, smoking a brown wrapped joint in his suit. 
“Jihoon. Jihoon.” 
“What? Back to grovel for a favor?” 
“Yes, please, just give this to Soonyoung for me. Please, I’ve never asked you for a favor like this, just once do something for me.” 
“You’re really serious about him?” 
“I am.” 
“So you didn’t mean to slam him in the article like you did?” 
“No. My boss cut out the good parts of the article, this was the one I meant to send. Just for me. I want you to be happy, Jihoon, I do. I want it for myself too, just please give it to him. Make sure he reads it.” 
“I know we haven’t had the best past and I know I'm coming here askin- Wait? Okay? Really?” 
“Yeah. I can tell this means a lot to you and the reason I came over today was just to formally invite you to the wedding. You’re a big part of my life and now Soonyoung’s, well maybe, besides the point. My fiance is one of his best friends, she liked you too, that was the only reason.” 
“Oh. Well I don’t think I’ll make it.” 
“How about you come on official business and give this to him yourself?” 
“No. I couldn’t do that. It’s your day not mine.” 
“We both deserve a big love, y/n.” 
Taking back your enveloped letter, you couldn’t help but be impressed by how mature Anna had made Jihoon become and you knew he was right. Sometimes love just falls in your lap and you can’t do anything about it. 
Ashing out his joint, he handed you the other half as an olive branch to celebrate old times and bid you goodbye until tomorrow. 
Before going back inside, he turned to you with one final wish. 
“You better look damn good tomorrow too, no suits. Wear something nice to confess your feelings, otherwise you’ll look like a dumbass.” 
“Got it.” 
Catching your breath and shoving the letter and paraphernalia back into your purse, you decided to take Jihoon’s advice. To look amazing, you stumbled upon a shop called ‘All's Well that Ends Well.’ situation just a block down from the poetry inspired bar Soonyoung took you to just a few days before. 
Stepping inside the store, the first thing you saw was a navy blue dress, the halter neckline and the silk straight flowing down to the floor, you knew it was meant for you. Especially because it would match the light pink suit Soonyoung was meant to be sporting with you by his side. The easiest shopping experience of your life. 
As the sales associate packed your order up and sealed it with a light pink bow, you knew it was a sign or something of the sort. 
With less than twenty-four hours of doing the most insane thing of your life, confessing to a man who essentially hated you after you had been kissing just hours before, you stayed up all night, using the weed that Jihoon gave you to stay focused on the task at hand, you almost considered cutting of your hair to enter a new era of your life, but only girls who were going through something would consider that and you attempted to tell yourself you were calm. 
When the morning sun rang around you finished writing a letter to match the one already placed in the envelope to accompany your sorry. You even decorated the outside with stickers of tigers and spongebob characters just to make Soonyoung smile. 
Sliding into your navy blue dress and silver heels, your hair was down and curled into perfect waves. You kissed your cat on the head and made your way over to the venue by foot, just to give yourself a little fresh air and piece of mind, hoping to slip in early enough so that you’d be seated before he even knew you came. 
Slipping into a space near the back of the room on Jihoon’s side, you opened your phone to an encouraging text from him telling you that you’ve got this and he’s excited to hear more about it later, plus reminding you to have fun and enjoy yourself. 
As the progression started you watched along with the other wedding goers, catching glimpses of Jihoon’s smiling family, which made your heart feel warm. 
As the wedding part waltz down the aisle in their pastel pink suits and rosy toned dresses, you saw a now blonde again head appear on the arm of a girl who looked a lot like Anna, so it was fair to assume it was her sister. 
Soonyoung didn’t glance your way, but something about the change in his demeanor made you aware he knew you had come. 
“Everyone please rise for the bride.” 
Anna walked out with her father on her arm, floating across the room like an angel in white. Her dress was adorned with small beaded flowers from the tips of her fingers down to the vail over her blonde hair. 
She was truly beautiful, you couldn’t help but feel like a peasant in the room with this woman who both of the men you had either once had feelings for or now did once loved. 
The whole ceremony was beautiful, but you missed a lot of it as you stared Soonyoung’s way trying to catch his eyes, but he never met yours. He was too busy enjoying the fact that his friends were getting married and the fact you had upset him. 
When the ceremony ended you followed the other guests to the front of the church, holding your envelope in your hand and greeting the bride and groom, Anna and Jihoon beamed at you before she pointed her finger to a room off the side of the front door, some sort of administration office where Soonyoung would be waiting for you. Which also told you Jihoon had filled her in on your little plan. 
You cracked open the old wooden door, trying to be subtle but the rotting wood creaked under the old floor boards making your entrance more known than you would’ve liked. 
Soonyoung was seated in a red leather chair to the side of the desk, his now blonde hair meeting your eyes before his face. Not giving in to turn around and look at you. 
“Soonyoung? I know you probably don’t want to speak to me. But, this was the real article. It was never meant to be that way. I’m sorry.” 
You placed the letter in front of him on the desk and moved to turn back to the door before you heard his voice. 
“So you didn’t mean all those mean things you wrote about me? That I was a desperate groomsman waiting for his shot to have a day for himself?” 
“You didn’t mean to say that my ostentatious nature was cringe worthy?” 
“Not in that way no, my boss cut out all the good things I said about you. She put it in her own words for dramatic effect. I quit this morning.” 
“You quit? Why?” 
“I wanted to try to make this right in the best way I could, she wouldn’t reprint the article how I wrote it and told me that if I didn’t like her style I should get a job somewhere else. So I quit.” 
Soonyoung just nodded, he couldn’t imagine why you would give up a golden opportunity just to prove your boss wrong or right for that matter all because of him. The only way he could make sense of what you were saying is that you were truly sorry and you cared about him. 
He made a bold move and threw the letter in the trash can to the side of the old oak desk and got out of his chair to hug you. 
“You’re not going to read it.” 
Speaking into his shoulder, you got a calming exhale of his cologne. 
“I don’t need to. I know you're telling me the truth, you said it yourself you don’t lie when you drink wine, and I can smell it on your breath.” 
Slipping your hands up from their place around his neck into his hair you giggled slightly, looking at the now dyed blonde locks of hair. 
“You dyed it back?” 
“You said you liked it. I thought you’d be my date and I had the appointment so I didn’t want to cancel.” 
“You weren’t hoping I’d show up here?” 
“I knew you would. I saw you talking to Jihoon outside last night through the window. I wasn’t sure exactly because you did walk away and he never told me what happened. But, when I saw you today sitting in the crowd. I knew my inkling was right.” 
“Did the cohesive outfit impress you? I missed one night, but I hope I made up for it today.” 
Soonyoung pushed you away slightly by your shoulders and made you do a spin for him. 
“You look beautiful.” 
“You’re such a dork.” 
Soonyoung playfully swung you around in the office covered in photos of church go-ers and crosses, bringing you into his chest tightly. 
“So, what did you write in that article? That I was devilishly handsome and cool?” 
“Nope. Just that you were a bad kisser.” 
“Seems like you need a reminder.” 
As your lips met Soonyoungs once again your heart sank into your stomach and was beating rapidly. You just fit and he never once doubted your heart. 
“What do you say? Should we go outside and dance?” 
“Can you even dance?” 
“Y/n? Can I even dance? What do you even think I do for a living?” 
“Oh. I’m such an idiot. Anna works at a talent agency. Got it.” 
“Come on, silly. Before our audience outside gets bigger.” 
When you exited the office back into the group of people outside, for some reason Jihoon started a cheer alongside his new wife. 
Soon you and Soonyoung were dancing the night away and drinking a little too much than your stomachs could handle. 
When you finally got a moment of dizzy drunkenness alone, he had you sitting on a bench where he knelt to the ground. Your mouth got the better of you once again. 
“Oh my god you're not proposing already are you I mean I know I’m amaz-” 
“Y/n shut up, I’m tying my shoe.” 
“Cool, cool. Got it.” 
“But the next wedding I attend hopefully I’ll be the groom.” 
With a wink Soonyoung sat back at your side as you watched the stars together, making a mental note that the next wedding would belong to the both of you.
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taglist: @sahazzy
253 notes · View notes
Can you do a mini fic of al and seth accidentally running into boos ex?
He who shouldn't be named.
I use (Y/N) bc the ex isn't gonna know Boo's new nickname so lol
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"Didn't (Y/N) say this brand?" Holding up a brand of flour, Seth turned to Alphonse. The pinkette paused from trying to leave to the bread isle in the small grocery store.
"Seth. Please I literally made a list, here just look I need to get the right bread this time or (Y/N)'s gonna have my head." Shivering a bit remembering when he forgot the bread. Alphonse was scolded and given a 'I'm not mad just disappointed look' from Boo and that wasn't so nice.
"Okay listen here you pink fu-" Growling out an insult Seth's anger was paused by a man coming up to the two men. Alphonse turned his head where Seth was looking and glared slightly, confused.
"Can I help ya?" Asking the random man who walked up to the duo, Seth spoke first. Alphonse turned fully holding the shopping bag, looking down the man wondering why he looked familiar?....
"Hi, I was wondering if you were taking about (Y/N) (L/N)? by any chance?" Nervously questioning, the man looked at the two. His hands moving like he was washing them, this made the duo before him shoot a glace at each other.
"Why do you need to know?" Seth Demanded giving the man a face, Alphonse looked at the guys face a bit more. And then the pinkette went wide eyes and gasped.
"Your that fucking ex! The one that fuckin' cheated on 'em!" Spitting out loudly, Alphonse gripped the bag he was holding tighter. Seth looked at the taller man, processing his words then snapping his head to the man before them.
The blonde man before them flinched and looked around, trying to shush them since everyone could hear. But Seth opened his mouth and loudly exclaimed.
"Boy, don't try and shush me! How the hell did you find them huh?" Getting defensive Seth took a step forward. Remembering stories of how the cheating bastard fucked their mental health up. Their 5 year boyfriend form high school doggy styling their ex-best friend, in the bed in their SHARED apartment.
"I- facebook? their parent posted and I just wanted to talk-" Getting more nervous as random bystanders peaked into the aisle the menn were in. Some giving him glares since everyone knows the sweet baker down the street.
"LIKE HELL YOU ARE!" Hissing out Alphonse shouted and stepped forward leering over the shorter blonde in front of him. "If you go near my fucking Boo Ima snatch you up! What the hell you think gonna happen? Their gonna forgive ya?! Self center dick wad!"
Seth nodded along with his friend's words, honestly the 5'10' man wanted to grab him right now. But he thought of Boo, who wanted the boys to come back quickly so they could bake together.
"Come on Al, let's just go. This baster isn't even worth being made over. Plus, Sugar wants ta bake with us today, remember?" Huffing out an explanation, Seth turned and grabbed the flour they needed off the list. Then turned to where the 6'2" man was standing and gently touched his arm.
Alphonse looked down at the blonde cowering below him and rolled his eyes. Following Seth's lead to the broad isle grabbing the bread Boo wanted and going to check out.
"Look I really just wanna talk to them!" The annoying voice was back. Seth groaned as he watched the cashier, a young woman look at the blonde.
"Go away. We ain't gonna tell ya shit." Sternly saying Seth stood between the ex bastard and Alphonse. The pinkette chose to be quiet grabbing the money for the groceries and grabbing the bags.
"Please-" Desprate the ex tried to reach out and touch Seth. That's when Alphonse placed the bags down and shot his arm to the blonde.
"Listen here, I fucking WARNED you right?" Gripping the man's shirt Alphonse growled out. Looking down at the blonde cowering, Seth gripped his shoulder and got him to let go.
"Alphonse-" Whispering quietly trying to get him to calm down. Seth was interrupted by a gruff voice.
"Alphonse. Put that man down, I got the sheriff here. Let him deal with it." Turning everyone saw the old grocery store owner and the sheriff. Who glared at the blonde, taking a few steps he nodded to Al who let go.
"You two go run along to ya baker. I got this, I was informed that (Y/N) was worried about him comin' here." The old man put on a stern face looking at the ex. "Dylan Selick, your comin' with me boy."
After grabbing the bags and thanking the sheriff the boys wanted down the street. Seeing Boo in front of the bakery all worried and sighed seeing the two of them.
"I was wondering why it too you two so long-" Words cut short by them getting engulfed into a hug. Boo froze but then melted as Alphonse and Seth hugged then tightly, reassuring them.
"It's fine Sugar. Now let's ignore that shit and go bake some brownies!" Lighting the mood Seth ushered everyone inside to start baking.
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Unbudded Flower
Miles Morales x Reader
337 words
Summary: Miles dreaded fourth period. That was until he met you.
Fluff, fluff, fluff <333
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December, 2018
Miles was having a long day, and it was only 10 a.m. Time seemed to be his biggest enemy now that he actually had something to look forward to. Instead of beating up bad guys and being everyone's friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, Miles was going to fourth period.
He was a lot more open-minded about Visions Academy now, although he did still think it was a little elitist and some of his peers stuffy and stiff. All except for one person, Y/n Y/l/n.
Miles first met Y/n in fourth period a week after his final fight with Kingpin and saying goodbye to the other spider people. Y/n had been sitting at a two person desk by themselves and with Miles being late, his only option was to sit in the empty chair next to them. Y/n was quiet, did the work that was given, and went about their day. That was as much as Miles could gather. The only time Miles heard Y/n talk was when they answered a question or quietly apologizing to him when they both accidentally bumped each other's elbows when they wrote.
That was until their teacher assigned a lab that was to be completed in groups of two. Miles learned a lot from that lab, and it wasn’t about science. Y/n was like an unbudded flower. It took some time for them to show him who they were on the inside, but once they fully bloomed Miles could all but admire the person they were. Miles and Y/n talked everyday following that. They ate together at lunch with his roommate Ganke, texted about miscellaneous topics in the middle of the night, and talked in hushed whispers about anything and everything; stifling their laughter to avoid the judgemental gazes of their classmates. They were inseparable. It did not take long for Y/n to become Miles’ friend and by the end of the month, Miles would consider Y/n his best friend.
A/N: So, I watched Across the Spider-Verse yesterday and it was such an amazing film! Seeing almost a half a decade worth of work come together in front of my eyes was such an amazing experience. The colors, the animation, the story were all perfect. Miles and all of the other characters mean so much to me, I legit had a meltdown when the credits were over LOL!
Anyway, I knew I had to write a cute little story after seeing the movie so here it is :)
Hope you enjoyed!
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niki-phoria · 1 year
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light yagami reaction - love languages
includes: reader is in college and drinks coffee, reader cries about being burnt out lol, maybe ooc l?? set during the few months when light gives up the death note NOT KIRA LIGHT
a/n: i'm in love with pre kira light
male reader (he/him pronouns)
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⋆。°✩ physical touch
(word count 183)
“hey,” you say, setting your backpack down on the ground as you pull out the chair beside light. “mind if i sit here?”
“of course not,” he smiles, subtly pushing his notes to the side to make room for your own. you ignore l’s glance as you pull out one of your textbooks and its corresponding notebook.
silence falls over the task force headquarters once again aside from the occasional noise of a mouse clicking or your pencil scraping against the page.
light occasionally glances down at your work, silently double checking your answers. he waits for you to finish answering the hardest questions before he shifts slightly closer to you. he moves now using his left hand to continue researching the yotsuba group. you smile softly when he reaches over, subtly resting his hand beside yours. you silently reach over to take his hand into yours, intertwining your fingers together before you turn your attention back to your notes.
you pretend not to hear matsuda’s cheering or light’s father scolding him in favour of absentmindedly rubbing small shapes against light’s skin.
⋆。°✩ quality time
(word count 195)
light softly smiles to himself as he quietly enters your shared bedroom before closing the door behind himself. your body lays sprawled out on the bed - one of your arms haphazardly thrown across one of his pillows, keeping it closely pressed against your bare chest. 
a small sliver of moonlight just barely illuminates the room as light tugs his own shirt off. he tosses his clothes into a laundry basket hidden away in your closet. he slips into an old pair of your sweatpants before carefully slipping underneath the covers to lay beside you. 
you stir awake at the feeling, lifting your head up just enough to squint at him in the darkness. “light?” you whisper. 
“go back to sleep, y/n,” he murmurs. you shuffle even closer to him, tangling your legs together underneath the blankets. your arm lays draped over his side as you lean in to nuzzle yourself against his body. he stifles a chuckle, pulling you even closer. goosebumps raise along your waist when his hand ghosts against your skin. he leans down to press a kiss against your forehead. “i love you,” you whisper. 
“i love you too,” light murmurs.
⋆。°✩ gift giving
(word count 184)
you stifle a small yawn as you tiredly walk back to the makeshift workstation you had set up at one of the free tables in the middle of the task force headquarters. the fluorescent lights beam down on you from above as you walk through the sea of empty desks until you find your computer. 
set delicately in the corner away from your computer is a small bouquet of flowers and a fresh cup of coffee with a small note taped to the mug. you smile softly at the sight as you approach, setting your bag down on the ground before you sit down in the chair. you push your computer aside, reaching over to grab the still-warm cup and opening the note. 
my y/n,
l asked me and the other task force members to assist him on a mission. we’ll be back soon. 
i love you, 
you smile as you pocket the note before you pull your phone out of your pocket to quickly send him a text before finally sitting down to start doing your work. 
i love you too
⋆。°✩ acts of service
(word count 188)
“i don’t understand why this is necessary,” l says, reaching out to eat another chocolate-covered strawberry. the chain of their handcuffs clink as light reaches over to grab a frying pan to continue making breakfast. “you’re not even going to eat the food.”
“it’s for y/n,” light says. his attention remains focused on the stove despite the complaints of the man chained to him. “he has a few classes this morning so i’m making his lunch.”
l remains silent, instead choosing to observe light. he occasionally tugs them around the grand kitchen as he expertly moves to cook your favourite meal. the chain drags against the marble countertops with each movement, though their complaints are left unsaid.
the handcuffs clink once again as light leans over the counter, quickly writing a love note on a piece of scrap paper. “i still don’t understand,” l comments.
light simply shrugs as he slips the note and container of food into your lunchbox before returning it to your backpack. l watches over his shoulder as he sets the bag down beside the couch. “i do it because i love him.”
⋆。°✩ words of affirmation
(word count 197)
“y/n?” light calls as he enters your shared bedroom. you flinch slightly at the sudden noise, finally pulling your attention away from your unfinished notes to look back at him. he furrows his eyebrows slightly when he steps closer, noticing your puffy eyes as he walks over to sit beside you. “is everything okay?”
“i’m fine,” you mumble, turning to look back down at your notes. “just… a little stressed.”
“you know you can tell me anything,” light frowns slightly as he reaches over to carefully grab your hand. “what’s wrong?”
you let out a small sigh as he begins to rub miscellaneous shapes against your hand. “i’m exhausted.” your voice shakes as each word leaves your mouth. “i have so much work - it all feels neverending. i don’t know what to do.”
“y/n,” light whispers. he reaches over to cup your face in his hands. “you’re incredibly smart, and handsome, and kind,” he brushes away a stray tear as it rolls down your cheek. “you don’t have to go through this alone. i’m here for you. i love you. let me take care of you.”
you nod, leaning further into light’s touch. “thank you.”
539 notes · View notes
forays-into-fiction · 2 years
I Hate You... But Not Really
Eddie and you have been best friends for as long as you can remember and you’ve been crushing on him for about as long. He starts dating Chrissy however and jealousy rears its ugly head for both you and Jason. Jason has the bright idea to “date” each other to make them jealous instead. Nothing goes as planned... or does it?
Request fill for Anon, hope you like it... this one ended up being very long lol.
Minors DNI
Contains: Fake Dating/Fake Relationship (Jason/Reader), Eddie/Reader, Eddie/Chrissy, Jason/Chrissy, Bestfriend!Eddie, Virgin!Reader, A Little Bit of Angst, Loss of Virginity, Protected Sex 
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You had decided to take lunch in the library today, curling up with a book instead. It wasn’t that unusual for you to skip lunch and hang out in the library, you had to get away from the rowdy Hellfire boys and their antics every now and then.
However, since Eddie had started dating Chrissy, you’d spent more and more time in the library rather than be subjected to their lovey-dovey nonsense. If you had to see them, make goo-goo eyes at each other one more time you might actually explode. 
God forbid she ever showed up at a Hellfire session you’d up and leave the club if that ever happened. You were trying to be happy for him, happy that he was happy, but it was hard when they just had to go and rub it in your face.
That’s where he finds you, tucked away in a corner reading quietly when he breaks the silence.
“y/l/n!” He whisper-yells as he approaches you.
“What is it, Carver? I’m not in the mood for your shit today.” His presence only serves to worsen your sour mood.
“Ok, since when did you get so sassy?”
“Fuck off, I told you I’m not in the mood. What?”
“Well, I’m… I’ve come with a proposal of sorts…” he drawls.
“Jesus Christ, get to the point.” You huff.
“Look, I know we’ve had our differences…” You scoff, he continues, “…but I think we’re both in the same little predicament.”
“Oh, yeah and what’s that?”
“You know Chrissy left me for the Freak-.”
“Hey, don’t call him that!” You can’t help but defend him, even now when you’re mad at him.
“Ok, for… Munson, and it’s kinda obvious the way you pine over him.”
“I DO NOT ‘pine’. You’ve had that same stupid joke since we were ten get over it, Eddie and I are just friends.”
“But that’s not what you want is it? You want it to be more than that and I want Chrissy to take me back, so…”
“So, what…? I’m not following.”
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“Geez and I thought you were the smart one. We make them angry, jealous… we date each other to rile them up.”
“God that has to be the stupidest plan I’ve ever heard. I’m not dating you, Carver.”
“Well, you wouldn’t be… not really anyway. We’d just pretend long enough to each get what we want.”
“And why exactly would either of them even care?”
“I don’t know what’s going on with Chrissy that she’d leave me and especially for that…” You give him a warning glare, he continues, “…for him, but I know she doesn’t really love him. She loves me, I love her we… we had plans to get married-”
“Oh, wow that is pathetic, marriage? You’re fucking eighteen get over yourself. Maybe that’s why she left you.”
“No, it’s not, it was her idea actually… that doesn’t matter. Anyway, I’ve seen the way Munson looks at you, he’s got feelings for you even if he won’t admit it.”
“So, what? How would that even work?”
“We go on ‘dates’, get seen together doing couple-y shit, see how they react and go from there I guess.”
“Ok, but what ‘couple-y shit’ are we talking about here, cause I’m not fucking sleeping with you.”
“Jesus, I never said you would! It’s not like I’d want to either. I dunno like the normal stuff, holding hands, maybe some kissing that kind of thing.”
“I’m gonna need a whole lot more outta this than ‘Eddie might have feelings’ for me to do anything with you.”
“Am I really that bad?”
“Yes actually, you are.”
“Fine, I’ll pay you.”
“Eww you creep. I don’t want your money.”
“Then what will it take?”
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You ponder for a moment before answering, what would it take? You reach a decision, “You have to be nicer to all the Hellfire guys from now on. Or at least civil with us, even after you get Chrissy back.”  
“Ok, but what about if Munson tries to start shit?”
“Then you ignore him, be the bigger man or whatever.”
“Alright fine.” He concedes.
“Fine.” You huff back in response.
“So, like do you want to set up a schedule or something?”
You glance at the clock on the wall, “Look, lunch is almost over why don’t we just meet up on the weekend and sort out the details then…”
You reach into your backpack, pulling out a notebook and pen you scrawl across a page before tearing it out, “… here is my address, just come past around noon.”
He takes the slip of paper folding it and placing it in his back pocket, “Sure, I’ll see you then.”
He turns and saunters off while you pack away your belongings and begin heading to your next class.
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He stands on your front porch and jabs at the doorbell, you’re not too far off and answer quite quickly.
“Y/l/n.” He nods his head in greeting.
“We’re going to at least have to call each other by our first names, you know?” You usher him inside, lingering in the front hall.
“Right, yeah that’s true. Ummm, do we… do we use pet names too or…?”
You shrug, continuing as you lead him through to the living room, “I mean maybe… that is something couples do.”
He looks around taking in his surroundings, “Your parents home?”
“No. No, they’ve gone out for lunch with some friends. So, take a seat I guess and let’s get to… whatever the hell this is.” You gesture to the couch.
He does so more awkwardly than you would’ve expected from him, was he nervous? No that couldn’t be it, not Mr. Cocksure Big-shot Basketball Captain.
“So, uh… y/n…” he begins, tentatively testing out your name, “how about we start with some ground rules, lay out all the do’s and don’t’s and what each of us expects from this.”
“Well, let’s start with the obvious, no sex, in fact nothing past first base. You may call me common pet names, like babe, baby, honey, when appropriate, but never sweetheart. No one can know the truth, everyone has to actually believe we’re dating and happy together for it to work. Also on that note, how did this supposedly start? Why did I suddenly get over all your years of torment and fall into your arms?”
“Ok, well that was a lot all at once. Um I guess yes to all of the aforementioned, I will add that I will pay for any ‘dates’ that we do go on. I’d feel weird if I didn’t, even if this isn’t real. Also you have to show up to my games, all the big ones at least. But as to the last part I don’t really know… I uh apologised…” he replies uncertainly, with a slight wince.
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“Oh, that’s all it took you said sorry and suddenly I was swooning over you?”
“I don’t know, it was a really good apology?”
“Ok let’s hear it then. Like you mean it too.”
“This grand apology that was supposedly enough for me to forget what a fucking jackass you are to me and all my friends.”
“O-ok… ummm y/n…” he trails off.
“Wow solid start there bud you wanna maybe continue, you didn’t even say the words ‘I’m sorry’.”
“I’m thinking ok! When did you become such a bitch anyway, thought you were all quiet and shy and shit?”
“Oooh yeah, that’ll really sell it call me a bitch-”
He cuts you off quickly, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that. It’s just, this is hard, ok?”
“Can’t be harder than the shit you put Eddie and me through.” You grumble.
“Ok I’m sorry, really, I am. I don’t even know why I gave you shit, you actually seem kinda normal enough. I guess it was just ‘cause you were always around him, always defending him. Why even hang around that creep anyway?” He answers surprisingly earnestly.
“‘Creep’ isn’t any better than ‘freak’ you know.”
“See, like that always defending him.”
“He’s my friend, surely you know what that’s like or at least have some concept of it? And don’t give me some “oh being popular is a curse you never know who your friends really are’ type shit.”
“Of course, I have friends… it’s just no one has ever defended me like that.”
“Maybe ‘cause you’ve never needed it, anyway that is entirely beside the point. We’ve gotten derailed, let’s try to get this back on track.”
“You believe that I am sorry, right?”
“I believe that you think that, but it’s good enough. Just maybe leave out the bits about insulting my best friend in your apology and it’s fine.”
“I am sorry.”
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“Ok, so you apologised and then what? How did it get from mutual understanding to ‘I’m madly in love with you.’?”
“As part of my apology I offered to buy you dinner, extend an olive branch so to speak. At dinner we actually hit it off and find that we don’t actually hate each other. Maybe we have some things in common and we decided to do it again.”
You hum in consideration, “Ok, sure we’ll go with that, but what do we actually have in common?”
“Not much I’d imagine, we… uhhh go to the same school, we’re in the same grade, ummm what… what kind of movies do you like, what sort of music do you listen to?”
“Well, my favourite movie genres are horror/thriller and fantasy. Music, it varies, but mainly rock I guess, like punk and alternative type stuff, I know my music taste surprises most people. I think they think that I’d have to be into like classical music or something for being so shy and bookish, even though I hang around a bunch of metalhead rockers.”
“I dunno none of that really works, I mean I don’t mind horror but it’s not my favourite. Ummm there… there is one thing that no one really knows about me…”
“Yeah, what’s that oh man of mystery?”
“Don’t… don’t make fun of me, please.”
“Why shouldn’t I?” You begin but catch sight of his pleading gaze and you fold, “Oh, alright fine, guess I’ll take my own advice and ‘be the bigger man’.”
“Thank you. Uhh… I actually like to read… like a lot, but I don’t let people see me when I do ‘cause I gotta wear these dorky glasses. I’ve had a few concussions and it’s messed with my vision.”
“Oh, ok I actually didn’t expect that at all. What sort of stuff do you read?”
“I like a lot of different things, stuff on history and war, sports… and um poetry…”
“Poetry? You, Jason Carver, read poetry?”
“Yeah, come on I said not to make fun of me.”
“No, I’m not… I’m not, it’s just not what I expected, the rest is yeah typical, I get that, but poetry? Does Chrissy know about this?”
“Yeah, she does. She also said she thinks my glasses are cute, but I don’t know, I think she was just saying that to make me feel better.”
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“Ok, well I’m not all that into poetry myself, but history is alright, I guess. So, reading, we both like to read um anything else?”
“What about aspirations for after high school?”
“Well, you said you and Chrissy were thinking marriage, right?”
“Yeah, but not for a while yet, we’d have to get settled first, build careers so we can support ourselves.”
“Yeah, didn’t actually think you would’ve thought that far ahead, no offence. Personally, I’d like to get out of Hawkins for a start. Go to college, study maybe either something in writing or science, what about you?”
“Well, I’m aiming to get a basketball scholarship if I can, do something with that, but sports is kind of a high risk kinda deal. There’s no real guarantee. Not sure what my fallback could be, but I’m working on it.”
“That’s good. So, let’s recap. You apologised and took me out for dinner. I accepted and we got to know each other, found out we’re both readers and bonded over that. We shared our aspirations for after high school and agreed to do it again some time.”
“Yep, that all sounds about right, but don’t tell anyone about the glasses thing, ok?”
“Secret’s safe with me.”
“Thank you.”
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“Ok, so the actual ‘dates’ is that going to be like a spontaneous thing or should we have a scheduled ‘date night’?”
“Scheduled date night sounds better to me, I can do Saturdays after practice?”
“Yeah, that works I guess, how are we going to balance your games and Hellfire though? They clash more often than not.”
“Well, can’t you guys reschedule your little cult meetings?”
“Jason,” you sigh exasperatedly, “you were doing so well too. It’s not a cult, it’s a Dungeon’s and Dragons club. And they will not reschedule for this. I can maybe get someone to sub for me every now and then, I guess.”
“It’s ok you only have to come to the big games, I’ll let you know which ones they are when they come up.”
“Sure ok, that’s settled. First ‘date’ next week, what are we going to do?”
He shrugs, “We could go to the cinema? I overheard Chrissy telling her friends that… Munson was going to take her to see ‘Pretty in Pink’.”
“Really, you want them to see us together that soon?”
“I dunno, why not?”
“Oh, no. No, we are nowhere near ready for that. It has to be really fucking believable before that happens.”
“Ok, so what do you think we should do?”
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“I think the first few ‘dates’ should just be practice being around each other. Don’t try and focus on somewhere we can be seen, think somewhere we can both be comfortable.”
“I mean I’d say the library, it’d fit into our narrative, but then there’s the whole glasses thing.”
“Yeah, ok… um how about we actually go for dinner. Maybe somewhere less common for all the Hawkins High kids to be at.”
“Oh, there’s this restaurant my parents go to! It’s called Enzo’s. How about that?”
“Wouldn’t that be a little, um… expensive?”
“Yeah, but so what? I’m paying.”
“I dunno just makes me feel skeevy…”
“Don’t. I’m the one who suggested it. Think of it as reparations for years of bullying.”
“Ok, fine. Enzo’s then. When does your practice finish?”
“Four. So, we’ll make the dinner around seven, I’ll uh pick you up if you want or we could just meet there.”
“Um yeah you can pick me up, it’ll give us more time to go over our stories, get everything straight.”
“Ok cool.”
“Uhh… now what?”
“Um I mean you can go…what else is there.”
“Yeah, sure I’ll go.” He stands awkwardly, you stand with him to escort him out.
He pauses at the door, “Should we… try to interact at school?”
“Yeah… nothing too extreme just yet, but yeah, I guess. Maybe just like greeting in the halls, small talk, that sort of stuff.” You shrug.
“Ok, so I guess we’re doing this… babe.”
“Uhhh… yeah I guess so… babe.” The word feels foreign on your tongue, using it to address Jason Carver of all people.
You open the door waving as he leaves and he waves back. You retreat back into the comfort of your home a little dumbfounded by how that had turned out. It was interesting, being forced to see him in a new light, as a multifaceted human being rather than just some dumb jock stereotype.
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It’s like the world is working against you, any time you and Jason are together, Eddie and Chrissy are nowhere to be seen. It’s beginning to frustrate you, you know there is gossip going around the school about you two, but neither of them have given any indication that they’re aware of it. 
Not even the rest of the Hellfire Club have said anything. They all know you’re seeing someone you’ve told them as much, you had to give some explanation as to why you were missing Hellfire sesions so much. They all believe you’re in a happy relationship, they just haven’t seen it yet.
You’re on yet another date with Jason, you’d missed out on this session of Hellfire Club to go to one of his games and he suggested dinner at the diner afterwards. A few of his teammates and their girlfriend’s had come too, but you insisted on your own booth, it could be so stifling being around Jason’s friends.
“So, what actually happened with you and Chrissy, if you don’t mind me asking?”
He sets down his cutlery and sighs, beginning in a hushed tone, “She started pulling away from me, don’t know what I did, it wasn’t so much like she was mad… just distant. I don’t get it.”
“Hmm, you know it may not have been anything you did, maybe she was going through some personal stuff.”
“Yeah, but why wouldn’t she tell me, I could help her. Why did she turn to… him?”
“Look I can’t answer for her personally, but sometimes when I’m dealing with my own shit I retreat into myself. Don’t wanna feel like I’m burdening others with my problems… especially those I’m closest to. Usually when I get like that Eddie is the one to pull me up, dust me off so to speak and just get me through it. He’s good like that, very observant when he wants to be, he just knows when someone’s got it rough and he wants to help.”
Jason scoffs, “Yeah alright, all the girls going to Munson… what’s he got that I don’t.”
“Did you even listen to a word I said? It’s not about you or what you can offer. She’s probably just going through something, maybe something she’s ashamed of or is embarrassed about and doesn’t want you to know. Maybe she’s just worried about how you’ll see her if you find out.”
“I would never judge her for anything, she should know that. Instead, she turned around and left me for another guy.”
“Jason have you fucking seen yourself, you can be such a judgmental, righteous prick-”
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“Hey, keep it down, you don’t want someone to hear you saying stuff like that if we’re going to pull off the ‘loving couple’ shit.” He hisses cutting you off.
You lower your voice slightly leaning in, hopefully from the outside it just looks like you’re two little lovebirds wrapped up in your own little world, “… you are a bully and you’ve shown that girls aren’t off limits, why would she think she can go to you with everything.”
He has the decency to look ashamed at that, “I am sorry you know… for how I treated you.”
“Fine, ok I got that, I’m moving past it, but can you see where I’m coming from?”
“I-I think so, but what can I do… what could I have done then? What if we get back together and something like this happens again?”
“I don’t know, it’s a complex thing, you gotta be patient with her. Push but not too hard, get her to see that you won’t judge her for anything. When she really believes that maybe she will accept your help when she needs it.”
“I guess… thank you. You know I haven’t really talked about this with anyone, it’s good to get stuff off my chest.”
“Yeah, that is the general idea, when you’re going through something you need someone that will listen. And look at you turning to ‘another girl’ for support.”
He rolls his eyes, “Yeah, I get it now, ok. You don’t have to rub it in.”
“Ok… you know deep down and I mean deep, deep down you’re not so bad. You know when you actually act like a human being.”
“Oh, careful that almost sounded like an actual compliment.”
“Shove off… I mean I get why you act the way you do, I guess. I know your popularity is important to you, but is it really more important than being yourself, was it worth losing someone you love?”
“Ummm… no, no it’s not...” He concedes, “…but it is what I gotta do to get where I wanna go.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it-”
He’s getting frustrated, you can tell, the way he clenches his fists, “No it’s not. If I’m not popular, I’m not basketball captain. If I’m not captain, I don’t get the recognition. If I don’t get the recognition, I don’t get a scholarship-”
You place a hand over his, “Stop, relax its ok I’ll drop it, just keep in mind Chrissy likes you for you… I’m assuming… and if she doesn’t, she’s not worth it, but that is going to be how you win her back… by being yourself.”
“Fine.” He grumbles.
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“You gonna finish those?” You point to the last few fries on his plate that he’d been ignoring.
“Nah, have ‘em if you want and then we can get out of here. I’ll drop you off at yours.”
“Thank you.”
As you stand to leave, passing the other guys from the team, Jason nods his head towards them and you give them an awkward little wave, calling out, “Bye guys, see you around.”
Andy calls back, “What you guys leaving already? Don’t wanna come back to mine? My parents are gone for the weekend, I was thinking we could… party.”
Jason answers for the pair of you, to your surprise in the negative, “Nah, sorry man gotta take my girl home she’s feeling a bit tired. You know how it is?”
Andy gives him an exaggerated wink that makes your skin crawl, “Sure do man, you kids have fun.”
You tug on Jason’s arm and he escorts you out to his car, “Ugh why’d he have to be so gross?” You groan with a full-body shiver.
He responds as he starts up the car, “Oh, come on it wasn’t that bad… and isn’t that what we want? For people to think we’re a good, real couple… real couples have sex you know?”
“So… you and Chrissy then…?”
“Of course, me and Chrissy. What… did you expect us to be celibate or something?”
“No uh… I don’t know, it’s not like I think about you with her… like that.”
“What about you… have you ever…?”
“Uhh… no, umm… it’s not that I don’t want to, I just never… I mean…”
He holds up one hand in surrender, the other still on the wheel, “Hey, it’s fine, you don’t have to explain yourself to me.”
You let out a sigh, “Ok, yeah… I am tired you know? This shit is fucking exhausting.”
“Gee, thanks. Good to know being with me is exhausting.”
“No, it’s not that, it’s just doing this is like constantly being on stage, putting on a performance… having to be so acutely aware of every action and everyone in the room.”
He’s silent for a moment, “Do you think… do you think maybe that’s how Chrissy feels with me?”
“I can’t answer for her, maybe that’s just something the two of you will have to figure out for yourselves.”
“Oh… ok.” He seems a little crestfallen.
“Sorry, I can’t give you a better answer.”
“Nah, that’s fine we’re almost at your place now.”
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“We’ve gotten to know each other now, like really know each other, but there’s one thing I still don’t get.”
“Yeah, what’s that?”
“Why are you part of Munson’s little cult, I get maybe you didn’t have any other friends when we were kids but come on you could do so much better than that now.”
“Watch yourself there, Carver. You’re on thin ice…” you warn, “…and it’s not a cult. Ok, how bout I put it to you like this. That game we all play dungeons and dragons, what do you actually know about that?”
“Just that it’s some devil-worshipper thing…”
“See you’re wrong though, it’s not… at all. If anything, it’s the complete opposite cause you’re fighting against evil.”
He looks at you sceptically, you continue, “It’s just a little fantasy game, we’re not hurting anyone by playing a game. Look, you play basketball, you love basketball, there’s this whole culture around that. The way you feel about the game, your teammates, it’s not so different from Hellfire Club.”
“Yes, it is.” He protests.
“Just hear me out ok, D&D brings us together it gives us a sense of camaraderie we band together to fight the big bad evil guy, there’s strategy and an element of chance and everything can be decided by the roll of a die. I imagine scoring the final game wining point would feel the same as defeating the villain or pulling off an insane move that gets the party through untold dangers.”
“Look, how about you just come to one of the Hellfire sessions see what it’s really like. You’ve got a bye this week, don’t you?”
“Yeah, but will they even let me through the door?”
“Yes, I’ll make sure they’re nice to you ok… but you gotta do the same.”
“I will.”  You shoot him a look, “I will, I promise.”
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“Still doesn’t explain Munson though that guy is clearly…”
You stop him in his tracks with a pointed glare, “Yes… care to finish that statement?”
“Well, what I mean to say is he’s just so… so… oh the only words I can come up with are still devil-worshipper, with all his metal music and chains and leather, what do you see in him?”
“He’s a good guy,” he looks at you sceptically, “No really, he is, all of that hard-ass attitude stuff is just like a barrier to protect himself. He hasn’t had it easy and stuff like his music helps him cope. Is it really so bad that he is unapologetically himself?”
“Y/n the guy is crazy, jumping on tables, shouting off his little rants that make digs at the rest of the school, not to mention everything else.”
“He’s not crazy, he can be a bit dramatic but he’s got a point with that stuff. Like really why? Why do we get singled out and picked on for our interests when the basketball team can be celebrated for theirs?”
You rush to add,” I mean no offence by that, but really, we’re all here just trying get by, make it through one day at a time, find happiness where we can. He gives the outcasts of the school somewhere we can belong and he’s been my friend since about as far back as I can remember, always been there for me regardless of what he’s going through. He is a good guy.”
“I mean I guess… when you put it like that. I still don’t like him though.” He grumbles.
“I never asked you to like him just be civil with him and I’ll try to make sure he does the same.”
“Fine I can live with that.”
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At lunch the next day you decide to broach the topic with the rest of Hellfire. When you get there she’s there, you shouldn’t be so surprised you guess, but it had been a few days since you sat with them for lunch.
The way she was dressed today was almost enough to turn your stomach… she was wearing his Hellfire shirt. You steeled yourself, no you weren’t going to let this get to you, all the more reason to invite Jason to Hellfire.
“Hey guys!” You greet everyone as you plop down into a seat.
They reply in kind and you continue while you have their attention, “So, everyone knows I’ve been seeing someone…” they nod, “… well I kinda wanted to ask if you guys would be alright if I brought him by one of the Hellfire sessions? Just to watch of course, he said he wants to know what it’s about, so I thought the best way would be to show him.”
Eddie narrows his eyes at you, “Right why would we let some random guy-”
“My boyfriend.” You correct him.
“Whatever, your boyfriend… why would we let him sit in? We don’t even know the dude.”
“Well, there you go you can see just who he is when we both show up.”
“Yeah, and on that note, you’ve been missing a lot of sessions lately… what’s up with that? Would you even know how to play anymore?” He bites back snarkily.
Oooh, is he bitter, could this actually be working already?
“Of course, I remember how to play, it’ll be fine… please?”
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“Fine, we’ll put it to a vote…” he looks around the table and the others squirm under his gaze, “right, everyone in favour of y/n’s boyfriend joining the next Hellfire session, raise your hand.”
Everyone at the table raises their hands, except you, Chrissy and Eddie, he continues with a sigh “…ok looks like he can join, but just this once.”
Dustin tries to lighten the mood, “Come on Eddie, don’t you wanna meet y/n’s new boyfriend?”
Unfortunately, that was the wrong thing to say, Eddie scoffs in response, “What difference would that make to me? He’d still be some intruder to our game.”
Gareth speaks up on your behalf, “Come on don’t be like that man, just be glad we’re getting y/n back and we’ll get to see who’s been making her so happy lately.”
“Yeah, sure whatever…” he turns to Chrissy suddenly, “Hey, sweetheart… would you like to come to the next session too?”
She offers an apologetic smile, “Uhh… no sorry babe, you know I’m not really into that stuff… but you guys have fun.”
She turns to you, “Hope your boyfriend enjoys it too.”
You try to match her cheerful demeanour without sounding sarcastic, “Yeah hopefully once he sees it, he’ll get just why I love it so much.”
There’s a heavy tension that hangs in the air for the rest of the lunch break, you keep your involvement in conversation to a minimum and finally breathe a sigh of relief once the bell rings.
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You sit in Jason’s car twisting your hands nervously in your lap, “So you ready for this?”
He places a hand over yours, “Relax, it will be fine.”
“And you can promise you’ll be nice to everyone, and I mean everyone?”
“Yes, I won’t like it, but yes.”
“Thank you. And remember to keep an open mind, don’t just judge the game immediately because of what you’ve been told to think of it… please?”
“Ok, I’ll try.”
“Thank you.”
“Well, you ready to go in?”
“Now or fucking never, I guess. Hopefully we’ve done enough that it’ll convince everyone we’re a ‘happy couple’.”
“Yeah, come on.”
You hesitate again when you get to the drama room door, but he gives you a little nudge and you open it.
Everyone’s already seated at the table chatting animatedly, you call out to get their attention, “Um hey, everyone… sorry if we’re a little late-”
You’re met by flabbergasted stares and slack jaws when they turn to see you, arm in arm with Jason Carver.
Eddie is the first to speak, face set into a deep scowl, “Uh what the fuck is this, what is he doing here?”
“You guys said it was ok to bring my boyfriend. I said I was sorry for being late, but come on it’s only by a couple minutes.”
“Can I have a word with you outside?” Eddie storms over to you grabbing your arm harshly and leading you out the door, not waiting for a response.
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“What the fuck was that in there? You’re dating Carver? The guy you’ve been dating… is fucking Jason Carver?!”
“Yeah… and? What’s it matter to you?”
“It matters because you’re my best friend and it’s fucking Jason Carver… you’re dating him after everything he did to me… to us?”
“Yeah well, you’re dating Chrissy what the fuck is up with that?”
“That’s different, don’t bring her into this.”
“Why? Why shouldn’t I huh? Some best friend you are, as soon as some pretty little blond shows you a smidge of attention it’s like I don’t even exist.”
“Just ugh… why did it have to be him?”
“Why did it have to be her?!”
“You can’t just throw my question back at me, at least Chrissy wasn’t the one going around calling us freaks and making our lives miserable.”
“Yeah, not like she stopped it either. And really Mr Nonconformity, you’re gonna go for the basic ass cheerleader? Way to break the mould. Really, I applaud you on that one, you’re definitely not just like every other teen boy here. All hard up over a girl in a short skirt doing her little rah-rah school spirit bullshit.”
“Chrissy is NOT like that!”
“Oh yeah, I’m sure.”
“And I could say the same about you, dating Mr Meathead Jock… that’s not any better now, is it?”
“Whatever, screw you.” You turn to go back inside.
“Screw me, no hey don’t walk away from me.” He grabs your arm again.
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“Eddie, just stop.” You shoot him an angry look.
“Have you fucked him?” He hisses through clenched teeth.
“What?!” You can’t believe he just said that, where the hell did that come from.
“I said have you fucked him? He would be your first if you had, wouldn’t he?” He repeats, his tone bitter.
“That is none of your fucking business and don’t act like you haven’t slept with Chrissy.”
“Actually, I haven’t. She said she wants to take things slow and I respect that. Says she wants to wait til marriage and all that.”
“Yeah, that’s not how Jason tells it and he would know he’s actually slept with her. You sure she even really loves you? You sure you’re not just some rebound destined to fail?” You retaliate.
“What the fuck? When did you get so fucking bitchy, or is that just what taking Carver’s dick does?”
Before you know what you’re even doing you’ve reared your hand slapping him across the face sharply.
“Why don’t you ask your girlfriend what taking Jason’s dick does? She would know after all.” It’s a low blow, you regret it as soon as the words leave your lips. Regret almost everything you’ve said to him, especially when you see the look in his eyes, but it’s too late now.
It’s then that Jason pokes his head out of the doorway, “Hey…. ahhh, you guys, ok? You’ve been gone a while… the others sent me out to check on you…”
You turn to him, “We’re leaving, come on let’s go babe.”
“But I thought-”
“Yeah, never-mind…” you turn back to Eddie, who’s standing there shellshocked cradling his cheek, “I quit Hellfire by the way, see you fucking never Munson.”
You grab Jason’s arm dragging him along with you, willing yourself not to cry, just hold it in at least until you get outside, just make it outside.
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When you do reach the front doors of the school you break, tears streaming down your face, sobbing.
Jason turns you to face him, “What happened? What did he do?”
“Fuck off Jason as if you actually care, there’s no one here to see it, just leave it alone, ok.”
He grabs both your shoulders, looking into your teary eyes, you turn you head away, “I do care though, what happened?”
“We had a fight obviously… this stupid fucking plan isn’t working. I told you it wouldn’t and now I’ve just lost my best fucking friend. I really fucking hate you, did I ever mention that?”
He cuts you off with a fierce kiss, you push him off of you, “What the fuck was that for?!”
“I dunno I kinda like you I guess…” He shrugs.
“Oh, no fuck off with that, I know you’re still in love with Chrissy. No one was here to see that, so what was it about really?”
“I do kind of like you though, not like Chrissy, different from that and I do still love her, but… what if we tried to make this work for real? What if those two never realise how we feel about them and it never works out?”
“No. I’m not going to be someone’s consolation prize or whatever. I don’t care if you don’t get Chrissy back, you can find someone else… maybe just be less of a ‘meathead jock’ and it’ll work out for you. Let someone see the real you for a change, the guy that reads and takes a girl out for silly little dates and cares about something other than himself.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have… you’re not a ‘consolation prize’ and you do deserve better too. Just forget about Munson… honestly, you’re better off without him.”
“Don’t know that I am… what do you want to do about this now then? Do we still ‘fake date’? Try to get Chrissy back for you, even if Eddie won’t have anything to do with me now?”
“What do you want?”
“I don’t know, I guess… I want at least one of us to get something from this, otherwise it’s all been for nothing.”
“Well, it wouldn’t be for nothing really, I mean we never would have spent time together… reconciled our differences, if it weren’t for this. You could say we’re friends now at least.”
“Yeah, I guess… and I’m gonna need a friend, just kinda lost all of mine back there in one fell swoop.” You give him a bitter, teary-eyed grin.
“Ok, so let’s do that, we continue this ‘fake dating’ thing for a bit longer, see if Chrissy will come around. If not, I’ll be here for you as a friend either way, agreed?”
“Yes… as long as you never try to kiss me like that in private again, seriously what the fuck was that?”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
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Fate really had a way of shoving it your face. Before when you were with Carver, you’d never seen Eddie and Chrissy around, but now it seemed like everywhere you looked Eddie was there glaring at you. You couldn’t take it, jealousy would have been fine… but this hatred that came pouring off him in waves was like torture.
Jason could see your discomfort, your pain, he asked you multiple times if you were still ok with this plan. You powered through, one of you should end up happy from all this, right? You still couldn’t believe that in all of this Jason Carver was the one to console you, if someone would have told you that just a few weeks ago, you would’ve laughed in their face.
The rest of Hellfire give you a wide berth, but still offer little smiles in your direction when you pass them… only when Eddie isn’t around though. You wonder what he would have told them, you’re sure he can’t have painted you in a very good light, but it was too late for you to try to explain yourself to them.
That’s how you found yourself on a Saturday night, curled up on Jason’s bed watching Friday the 13th: A New Beginning. It had just come out on VHS and Jason suggested the two of you watch it to get your mind off things for a bit. He had begun to warm up to horror movies in general, still not a major fan but he enjoyed it more now… your influence maybe?
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Meanwhile, Chrissy had made her way to Eddie’s trailer, with a heavy conscious. She raises her hand to knock against the door, when it opens and she jumps back slightly.
“Oh, Chrissy hey… didn’t mean to scare you. I was just on my way to see you.”
“Uh… yeah, could we go inside and talk for a bit?”
“Sure, sure come in.” He steps aside, ushering her in with a sweeping gesture.
They both stand there awkwardly, before Eddie says, “What did you want to talk about?”
She hesitates and he moves towards the couch, urging her to join him, “Come on take a seat and tell me what you need.”
She makes her way over, tentatively perching on the edge of the couch.
“So…?” Eddie prompts her.
“Ummm… there’s no real easy way to say this, but umm… I think… I think we should end things Eddie.”
“Wh-Why do you say that?” He asks nervously, he had actually been planning to go see her to break things off, maybe this’d give him an out.
“Come on isn’t it obvious? Everyone knows you have feelings for y/n. It’s even clearer now that she’s dating Jason… and I… I don’t know… I think I still have feelings for Jason too.” She hangs her head in shame.
“What? I don’t have feelings for y/n… I’m with you, why would you say that?” He splutters, unconvincingly.
“So, you’re just not going to acknowledge that I have feelings for Jason?” She huffs looking back at him.
“Well, uh… fuck… I don’t know… did you ever have feelings for me?”
“Yes… just… just not like I do for Jason. Look you helped me through a really rough time and I am grateful for that… but I don’t love you.”
He sighs, “Yeah uhhh… I-I don’t love you either… I know how bad it sounds, and I do care about you… but I think it was ‘cause you were the first girl to ever show me any interest.”
“What about y/n?”
“What about her?”
“You have feelings for her, don’t try to deny it.”
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“Ok fine, I have feelings for y/n… what difference does that make? We’re just friends… fuck not even that anymore. And she’s with Jason fucking Carver, of all the fucking people she had to choose from, she picked him.” He turns away angrily, hot tears prick at his eyes.
“Jason’s not that bad of a guy really, but what if we did something to… break them up?”
“Wh-what? Why? What would that even achieve… they’re happy with each other, I can’t take that away from her… and for what? She’s not even speaking to me, won’t even look at me, it’s not like she’d come running into my arms if things ended between them.” Tears have begun to run down his cheeks, he swipes at them angrily.
“Eddie… look at me.” She implores.
He does so and she continues, “You must be fucking blind not to see that she is in love with you.”
“What are you talking about?” He hiccups out.
“Y/n, she is sooo head over heels for you, Jason even picked up on it when we were ten for Christ’s sake.”
“No, that was just some dumb joke Carver used to taunt me.”
“Are you fucking kidding me right now? She loves you, you love her…” She reinforces before adding quietly “…I love Jason.”
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“Then what are we even fucking doing together in the first place?”
“I don’t know, you were there for me and things just kinda happened…”
“Ok, so what do we do now?”
“Well… I mean we are over, right? I mean we can still be friends if you want, you are a great guy Eddie, I hope you know that.”
“Yeah… uh friends, I don’t know, we’ll see about that, but thank you. Do we have to break them up though… not that I’m happy seeing her with him, but can’t we just each talk to them tell them how we really feel?”
“I mean, I guess. It would be the nicer thing to do. Do you think you could handle it though, you’ve had all this time to tell her before, why haven’t you?”
“I just couldn’t… if things went wrong, I couldn’t lose her, but now… now she already hates me. She’s already lost to me, so what’s the harm in telling her now… not like she could hate me any more than she already does. I said some horrible things to her Chrissy…” He hangs his head, pressing his palms into his eyes.
She rubs a hand over his shoulder, “Hey, if things don’t work out, I’m here for you, ok?”
“Th-thank you. Should… should we go to them now?”
“You wanna go right now?”
“Yeah, I… I don’t wanna wait ‘til whenever we see them next.”
“Ok… alright, I guess right now it is.” She stands brushing down her skirt.
Eddie stands as well moving to the door, “Did you drive here?”
“Uhh… no, I walked.”
“You what?! In the middle of the night, you walked to the trailer park? Why?” He asks incredulously.
“Umm… my brother had the car tonight.” She shrugs.
“Then why did you come?”
“I just… it couldn’t wait, it was eating me up inside. I had to get it out. Besides the exercise will do me good.”
“Don’t. Don’t start with that. You could have called you know, if you didn’t want to say it over the phone I coulda picked you up at least.”
“Well, too late now… you wanna give me a lift to Jason’s? Then you can head off to y/n’s.”
“Yeah, of course. Come on.” He grabs his keys and escorts her to the van.
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You had begun dozing off against Jason’s shoulder, when the ring of the doorbell rouses you suddenly. Jason looks down at you confused, before extracting himself by your side, he leaves the movie running while he goes to answer the door.
He sees Chrissy standing there bouncing on the balls of her feet, warming her hands with her breath, he then notices Eddie sitting in the van parked in his driveway glaring daggers at him. He turns back to Chrissy, “Uh, hey what are you doing here? You wanna come in for a bit, you must be cold?”
“Uh no that’s ok, this won’t take long… I just… I had to say… I still love you, Jason.”
“What about Eddie?” He glances over at him.
It was the first time he’d ever actually said the guy’s given name, first time he didn’t have to pause before he said it, first time he’d ever referred to him without any malice in his voice.
“We just broke up, it… it was never going to work between us. He’s in love with y/n… you know that.”
“Ok… so what’s he going to do then?” He looks over her shoulder again back at Eddie.
“Well, he’s going to tell her too. Right after whatever happens here… waiting to give me a lift if I need it.”
“Well, she’s here right now so…”
“Oh, um… I guess both of us should go then? Right, we’ve like interrupted date night or something?” She turns to leave, he stops her with a hand on her shoulder.
She turns back, “What do you mean ‘no’?”
“I… I want you back. Have since the moment you left.”
“What… what about y/n?”
“She’ll understand… trust me. And you said Eddie wanted to see her… tell him to come in.”
“Are you sure about that… I don’t really see that going too well.”
“Yeah, I’m sure. Just uh… tell him to be on his best behaviour, ok?”
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Chrissy makes her way back to the van, when she reaches the driver-side door, Eddie rolls down the window.
“Well?” He asks expectantly.
“It uh… went well, I guess. Um y/n is here now. Jason said you should come in and talk to her.”
“She’s here now, fuck I should have guessed as much… I mean, why wouldn’t she be with her boyfriend on a Saturday night? Jesus, I’m a fucking idiot. What am I doing?” He palms at his forehead in frustration.
“Did you not hear me, I said it’s going well.”
“What do you mean?”
“Jason is going to take me back. Y/n is going to be single and he’s invited you in to talk to her. That’s something right?”
“Inside his house… ha what so he can see me crash and burn, so they can both laugh at me, while she crushes my heart?”
“Don’t be so dramatic, just give it a chance.”
“You really think it’ll go well?”
“Yes. Now get out of the damn van and get inside.”
When he gets to the door, Jason greets him stiffly, “Munson.”
Eddie narrows his eyes at him suspiciously, “Carver.”
“I should… I should probably tell you guys something first. Umm… y/n and I dating was never real… I uhh, I wanted to make Chrissy jealous. Jealous enough that she’d take me back so I got y/n to help me.”
“What? Why would she even agree to that?” Eddie face sets into a frown.
“Well, the agreement was that from the moment, our little thing started from there on out I’d have to be nicer to you…” he nods in his direction, “and to all the other Hellfire members.”
“That seems kinda dumb.”
“Well, it was she thought so too, but I guess she thought it was worth it to protect her friends?” He shrugs.
“So, you gonna go up and talk to her? Sort your own shit out, while the two of us,” He gestures between himself and Chrissy, “can work our shit out too.”
“Uh, yeah sure. Which way am I goin’?” He eyes him suspiciously.
“Just up the stairs, first door on the left. We were just watching a movie.”
Eddie nods and makes his way upstairs.
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He opens the door with a shaky, sweaty hand.
“Jason, who was at the door? What took so long?” You ask without looking away from the screen, snuggled down into the covers.
“Uhhh… not Jason…” He stands there awkwardly rubbing at the back of his neck, the sound of his voice surprises you, head snapping towards him.
“Eddie, what the fuck are you doing here? Why the fuck did Jason let you in?”
“We need to talk.”
“Yeah, save it. I don’t need any more judgemental bullshit from you… can’t stand to see the way you look at me now… so full of hate.” Tears spring to life in your eyes, you turn away from him.
“No, it’s not like that. Do you really think Jason would let me in if I was here to do that… on that note, I am soooo sorry for what I said to you that day. Words cannot express how sorry I am.”
You can’t bring yourself to look at him as you remember the harsh words the two of you had exchanged, guilt sweeping over you, “I-I’m sorry too, I didn’t mean the shit I said to you… it’s just you really hurt me, and I know that’s no excuse but…”
“No, I get it, I get it… I was just lashing out because I was hurt too.”
“I know… I should have known that dating Jason would hurt you I just…”
“You wanted to make Chrissy jealous? For him? So, they could get back together”
“What… how…?”
“Jason. Jason told me. Told me how it was all his idea, that the only reason you even went along with his dumbass plan was so he’d be nicer to me and the other Hellfire guys. It worked by the way, they’re both downstairs talking it out.”
“Shit… I’m sorry that was a really fucking shitty thing for me to do. I’m sorry you lost your girlfriend.”
“Don’t be, it worked out for me too.”
“What does that mean?”
“Well, I didn’t really love her… I love you.”
“Don’t. You don’t mean that. Did Jason say something? Did he tell you how I feel about you?”
“H-how you feel about me? Y/n, how do you feel about me?” His heart palpitates, his palms sweat even more.
“Don’t play dumb Munson, I… I love you. I’ve loved you for as long as I can fucking remember…”
He interrupts you with a fervent, teary kiss. You hesitate a moment before reciprocating, melting into his touch.
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You break away from him suddenly, “What are you doing Eddie? Why now? I don’t want to just be your rebound while you get over Chrissy.”
“Jesus, I forget how stubborn you can be. I. Don’t. Care. About. Chrissy. I love you. I’ve always loved you… don’t you get that?”
“You’re serious?”
“Of course, I’m fucking serious! Now kiss me again.” He demands.
You pull him back in for another kiss, then all at once you realise where you are. Kissing Eddie in Jason Carver’s bed and you pull away again.
“Um… sorry Eds, but I don’t think we should be doing this here.”
“Oh shit, you’re right.” He giggles, “You want me to take you home? Or we could go to my place if you’d prefer? I’ve got the van downstairs and I think Chrissy will be ok to stay here.”
“Yeah… your… your place sounds good.”
You make your way downstairs to find Jason and Chrissy making out in the hall, you grin and clear your throat.
They snap apart, Chrissy looks away bashfully as Jason looks over to you, “So, how’d it go?” he asks, more towards you.
“It uh… it went well. I’m guessing it went well for you two as well?”
He nods, “Did you two…” he gestures between Eddie and yourself, “… did you tell each other how you feel?”
“Yes, we did.” Eddie answers firmly, “And we’ll be going now.”
He looks to over to her, “You gonna be ok to stay here, Chrissy?”
She nods, looking up at the pair of you, “Yeah, I’m good. I’ll see you guys around I guess.”
“Yeah sure. Let’s… let’s head out y/n. Leave these two to their… reunion.” He smirks.
You nod and follow him to his van.
Seated beside him, his brash music playing softly in the background “So, I guess all of that worked out in the end, huh?”
He grins at you, “It did… in like a weird, roundabout kind of way.” His face twists into a grimace, “Does this mean I should be thanking Carver?”
“Maybe not that far, but I think he’ll be more civil towards you from now on at least.” You shrug. “Anyway, lets get back to your place, so we can have some more fun.”
“Oh, geez… hang on we’ll be there in no time.”
You laugh at his response, “Well someone’s eager.”
“Yeah, yeah we got a lot of lost time to make up for you know.” He waves a hand in your direction.
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Before you know it, you’re back in his trailer, Wayne still isn’t home, not due back for another couple hours.
Eddie ushers you inside overly excited, his motions remind you of a puppy, bounding along, looking back at you over his shoulder.
“You wanna… go to my bedroom?” He asks voice laden with purpose.
It wouldn’t be the first time you’d been in his room, nowhere near it, but the air was heavy with expectation tonight.
He continues a little rushed, “We don’t have to do anything, especially if you’re not one hundred percent comfortable with it-”
You cut him off, “Eddie, relax I’ve been in your bedroom a thousand times it’s no big deal… and I do want to kiss some more… if that’s ok with you?”
“Oh, sweetheart that is more than ok with me.”
“Yeah? Let’s go then.”
He grabs your arm, pulling you along all the way. He practically launches himself at the bed and you tumble along after him giggling.
“I’m not going anywhere you know, you don’t have to fall over yourself to get here.”
“Promise you’re not going anywhere?” He pouts up at you, looking at you with those big brown eyes.
“I promise. Now kiss me Munson, like you mean it.”
He dives in kissing you clumsily, messily, but you don’t mind because it’s Eddie… after all this time pinning after him, you were here.
Your hands wander into his long curls as things begin to heat up. His hands begin to wander too, but he pulls away, “I-is this ok?” He gasps breathily.
“Perfect Eddie.” You grab one of his hands guiding it to your breast, “You can touch me wherever you want, ok?”
“You mean that? Like… really anywhere?”
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“This… this is your first time, right? I mean…” He trails off.
You know what he’s getting at, “Yes, it’s my first… nothing ever happened between Carver and me… it was never real.”
“And how far do you want to go tonight? ‘Cause I am more than fine keeping it just like this, we don’t have to do more…”
“Eds, relax honestly, look at me.” He looks deep into your eyes, and you proceed, “I am ready to give you anything you want tonight. If that means we go all the way, great. If that means we just lay here making out and groping that’s great too. Just know that I want you too.”
“I can’t believe this is actually happening.” He gasps.
“So, what do you want Eddie?”
“I want you, all of you… but I’m not… I’m not very experienced… I’ll try to make it good for you. Your first time should be…special-”
You press a finger to his lips halting his babble, “I know, and it will be special because it’s with you.”
“Fuck… ok, yeah…” He groans before capturing your lips with his own once more both yours and his eyes fluttering closed. His hands move to slip beneath your shirt and his calloused fingers fumble with the clasp of your bra for a moment before it releases.
He moves to the front of your chest, sliding his hands between the loose cups of your bra to cup your tits, squeezing them gently. When he rolls over one of your nipples you moan into his mouth. He matches the sound with one of his own, grinding his hips against your clothed core and you can feel the hard line of his cock.
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You pull away from him, his lips follow yours for a moment, his eyes snap open searching for yours. You reach down gripping the hem of your shirt you pull it over your head, your bra follows along shortly after. He gapes at your bare chest and you giggle at his expression and tease, “Like what you see Munson?”
“Fuck you have the most perfect tits… can I… can I suck on them?”
“Remember, anything you want.” You answer.
He swoops in, ducking his head, tongue laving at your breasts occasionally pressing sloppy kisses to them. You move to straddle one of his legs, grinding down on it. He gasps against your skin. You tug on his shirt, “Can I see you too, please?”
“With pleasure.” He pulls away from your chest, hooking a hand into the bottom of his shirt, pulling it over his head and tossing it away blindly. You run your hands down his now exposed chest coming to rest at his belt-buckle, you look deep into his eyes, “Is this ok?”
“Yes, yes, god yes.” He whimpers.
You unbuckle his belt, undo the zip and slide his jeans down his thighs, eyes locking onto the bulge in his boxers.
You look back up at him, “You got condoms, right?”
“Absolutely, bedside table… by the ashtray.”
You clamber off of him pulling down your pants as you go, you can hear Eddie ridding himself of his own jeans completely. You spot the dusty blue box and pluck it out of the clutter moving back to the bed.
You look at him, both of you left in nothing but your underwear. You hand him the box and he sets it down beside him, “Sweetheart, you’re going to need a little more prep before we get into it.”
“What like… fingering and stuff?”
“Uh, yeah sure… um could I try… eating you out… I really, really like that…”
“Yeah… ok we can do that.” You agree shyly.
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He beckons you over, “Lay down for me.”
You take a seat on the bed leaning back lengthways, resting against his pillow.
He crawls up to you, resumes kissing you slowly beginning to trail down your neck. Your eyes close and you whimper in response, he continues further down over your torso until he reaches the waistband of your panties. He pulls them down gently, easing them off of your legs and tossing them aside too.
“So pretty.” He mumbles to himself before diving in and pressing a kiss to your folds.
“So wet too.” He groans.
His tongue moves to lap up your juices and you gasp. He probes your entrance a few times with the tip of his tongue before running it all the way up to your clit. He grins against you when you jolt at the sensation, running a hand up your leg squeezing at your thigh before bringing it to join his tongue.
He spreads your slick over your folds, before slowly slipping two digits into your entrance. He crooks them against your spongy walls and you tangle your hands into his hair again gasping out his name. He groans against you and the vibrations are something else. Your hips rock against his face of their own accord.
You can feel yourself gushing over his fingers, a tension mounting somewhere deep in your belly as he stretches your slick walls with his hand. His other hand comes to press down on your stomach limiting the motion of your hips, but doubling the sensation.
Soon your legs are trembling either side of his head, you tug on his curls firmly. A tingly sensation spreads from your cunt to the extremities of your limbs. You call out his name again as you pulse on his fingers and flood his tongue with your release.
His fingers slip out while you’re coming down from your high and you release his locks. He looks up at you face slick with your juices and his drool, he makes no move to wipe it off. Just grins at you and asks, “Did you like that?”
You pant out, “Jesus fucking Christ Eddie, that was amazing… not experienced my ass.”
“What… I’m not.” He insists.
“Ok, if you say so… but goddamn that tongue of yours is good.”
He chuckles, “Thank you for the review, I appreciate the feedback.”
You slap his arm, “Ok, come on… you think I’m ready now?”
“Yeah… yeah let’s go.” He fumbles for the box of condoms. Pulling one out, he looks down at you, “Now, you are sure about this?”
“Oh my god, Eddie if you ask me one more time if I’m ‘sure about this’ I’m going to slap you in the fucking face… just fuck me already.”
“Ok message received loud and clear.” He surrenders.
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He rolls his boxers down wriggling out of them, his flushed, weepy cock bounces out, bobbing between his legs. He tears open the condom and grips the length of his shaft. He lines up the condom with the head of his cock, moving to pinch the tip of it rolling it down over his length smoothly.
You watch every motion eagerly and he gives his length a few pumps with his hand before turning to you, you see him open his mouth to speak but you beat him to it, “I swear to god Munson if you ask one more time if I’m sure, that’s it…”
“I wasn’t, I swear… I was just going to say, I love you and I really hope I can make this feel good for you.”
“Aww, Eddie come here…” You pull him in by the back of his neck, kissing him in earnest and he reciprocates.
He pulls back, “Ok now let me just…” his little tongue pokes out between his teeth as he grips the base of his dick and runs the tip through your slippery folds a few times, fully focused on his motions.
He rests at your entrance, just pushing in ever so slightly before looking back to you, “You ready? It might… it might hurt a little, but I’ll go slow. Let me know if you need me to stop, ok?”
You hum in response, “Mhmmm… I’m ready... and I love you too Eddie.”
Slowly he eases himself into you, inch by inch, you grit your teeth against the slight burn. He drops a hand to circle your clit and the pleasure overtakes any pain. You whimper and moan, as he coos down at you thrusting shallowly, “Look at you taking me so well, such a good girl for me. That feel good?”
You nod biting your lip in an attempt to hold back your moans.
“Let me hear you sweetheart, please… wanna hear all the noises you make.”
You break at his words, whining, “God… fuck… Eddie, please more… faster or something, need more.”
He increases his pace one hand still circling your clit the other moving to grope your tits.
“Yes, fuck… just like that Eddie.” Your walls begin fluttering around him as he groans above you, sweat collecting on his brow, hair hanging in his face, panting loudly.
You writhe beneath him as you spasm on his cock, clamping down on him. His hips begin losing their rhythm and he growls, “Fuck… gonna cum… hngh… gonna cum for you.”
He stills, buried deep inside you and you feel him twitch and throb as he unloads into the condom.
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He pulls out and rolls over, collapsing beside you gasping for breath. He removes the soiled condom tying it off and tossing it over the edge of the bed. He turns his head to look at you, breathing out, “Fuck that was good, did I mention I love you? How was it for you?”
You giggle, “Yes you’ve mentioned it multiple times now and it was good for me too, thank you Eddie.” You reach over and stroke his hair, he leans in to your touch.
“So, uh… what now?” He mumbles.
“Umm… I dunno we go out on a date I guess, the usual boyfriend/girlfriend stuff.” You shrug.
“We kinda did this a little backwards, you’re supposed to date before you have sex, right?”
“Well, I think in our case we can make an exception, don’t you?”
“Uh yeah, I’m not exactly complaining I just think it’s kinda funny.”
You giggle, “Yeah and all it took was us dating the completely wrong people for the wrong reasons.”
“It’s where we ended up that counts though. How about we clean up and you spend the night? I can give you some clothes to sleep in.”
“Sounds wonderful.” You grin back at him.
When Wayne gets home, he peeks his head into Eddie’s room to check on him, force of habit by now. He’s a little surprised to see you there, wrapped up with him under the covers all snuggled up. 
He decides to leave it til morning, talk to the pair of you properly then. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t see this coming, but he wasn’t sure when Eddie had broken things off with his other girl… or if he even had. He shakes his head, all questions for tomorrow, he needed sleep now too.
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izels-writing · 3 months
l. evans — but daddy i love her! [1/2]
Pairing: lily evans x fem!reader
Summary: you love lily evans, no matter what your parents may think.
Warnings: suggestive language, sex mentioned, making out mentioned, teenage hormones basically lol, homophobia (implied), religion (mentioned/implied)
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you knew what everyone expected of you. moreover, you knew what your family expected of you. they expected you to marry a handsome man, to trust him, love him, care for him, introduce him to your family, to one day be proposed to, and the eventually begin a life and family with this handsome caring man.
so what do you do when you want all those things...but with lily evans?
you hide it.
you hide it because you know no one would ever understand. you hide the soft kisses and the gentle eyes. the way her hands caress your face. you hide the way she pulls you closer to her and the way you push the hair out of her beautiful eyes because they're so mesmerizing. you hide the way you love her. and she hides the way she loves you.
because no one would understand.
perhaps the biggest non-supporter would be your father. he had envisioned an entire life for you—you knew that. hell, you had heard it your entire life in tiny anecdotes.
'when you marry your husband...'
'when your husband becomes a father...'
'once you become a mother...'
absolutely you'd become a mother, the only thing they may not agree with was the fact that your children would have two mothers instead of the traditional one.
you weren't ever sure how your parents would react to your confession. your holier-than-thou parents who judged other church-goers in your church for wearing the wrong tie. would they still love you? would they accept you...even if it took time?
but it hurt. it hurt not being in the know. it hurt to know you may never be able to share who you were pretty sure was the love of your life. would your father walk you down the aisle? would your mother still give you motherly advice when you had kids?
you knew lily held similar fears. you supposed that's why you were together so long. you understood each other.
"what're your plans for the holidays?" lily asked, lacing your hands together as you lied beside each other. you faced each other, as you reached to push a dark red hair strand behind her ear.
you sighed quietly. "family dinners, bitter relatives, the occasional ice-skating trip with my cousins,"
you sat up slightly, turning to look at her with a small smile. "what about you, lils?"
lily chuckled and shrugged. "just gonna spend it here. petunia was making a big deal about how much my parents welcome me home so they're taking her on a trip without me per my idea,"
you frowned. "i hate that wench..." you muttered, "no offense... i can't believe you're spending christmas alone,"
you hated the fact that she was going to spend it alone. lily loved christmas. she enjoyed the spirit and time with family and all sorts. you supposed that’s because her family was a lot closer and loving than your family. more so since she begun hogwarts and saw how the castle goes all out on decorations.
"it's okay, i have button with me," she joked, pulling the purple stuffed bear from above her to settle beside your face. you and lily loved to joke that button was your shared child, though she really belonged to lily.
you thought for a second. though you know lily put up a front as to not make you worry, you knew she was secretly upset at the fact that she had to stay at hogwarts for the holidays. and maybe, just maybe, it was time.
"how about you spend the winter holidays with me?" you asked kindly, leaning back to face lily. you brought your foreheads together.
"i think it's time for them to meet you, even if it's just as friends for now," you smiled.
lily grinned. "i'd like that,"
"good! let me owl my parents and make sure it's okay, and we can start packing," you giggled. you kissed her softly, cupping her face carefully, before sitting up and running over to her desk to grab some parchment and a quill.
lily stood up, standing behind you as you sat on her desk chair and begun your letter, holding your shoulders. though you wouldn't be saying the entire truth as to what you and lily were, it was still nerve-wracking nonetheless.
"in fact, they'll probably make us share my bed," you grinned, looking back at her.
she leaned down and kissed your neck, grinning against it. "well, you know i'm always excited for that,"
"calm down, you horny teen boy," you laughed, catching the fact that she begun laughing at your joke—which made your heart swell with pride. "we'll have to be quiet if that's what you're thinking,"
"we've done it before, haven't we?" she giggled, kissing your jaw.
you blushed a light pink. "shut up,"
within two days, your parents had gotten back to you and approved. you've mentioned lily to them and from what you noticed, they seemed to like her. nervously, lily had begun to panic and pack the nicest clothes she owned. you supposed your annual christmas dinner with your entire family had something to do with that.
your family wasn't the standard pj's and movie nights for christmas, they instead liked to dress properly and get all done up to enjoy dinner at the home of whoever's turn it was to host. this year, coincidentally, it had been your parents turn.
"how about this dress?" lily asked anxiously, pulling out a beautiful, green v-neck dress. it stopped at her mid-thigh and had no sleeves. it was slightly flowy and you had seen her wear it before—she looked gorgeous in it.
"yes, perfect," you grinned, standing up to fold it into her trunk. you brought her close by the waist, kissing her softly. "don't worry, they'll love you,"
"i know, but i'm still nervous," she sighed.
you smirked. "you wouldn't be lily evans without being nervous,"
she rolled her eyes playfully. "shut up," she giggled, swatting your arm.
two hours later, you both had made your way onto the train and settled in on a empty compartment. lily threw her legs across your lap, reading her favorite book, as you sat down straight, reading the daily prophet. a knock at the sliding door caught both of your attentions.
james potter, regulus black, remus lupin, sirius black, marlene mckinnon, dorcas meadowes, peter pettigrew, and mary macdonald shuffled inside—taking up the rest of the space in the compartment. eventually, lily had to sit in your lap, as regulus sat in james’, sirius sat in remus’, dorcas sat in marlenes, and mary and peter sat beside each other in order for you all to fit.
“you know, no offense guys, but i don’t think this compartment is meant to fit all ten of us,” lily laughed, adjusting herself comfortably onto your lap. you held her hips down, bringing your arms around her waist.
“whatever, we fit, don’t we?” sirius grinned.
“i suppose we do…” you sighed playfully. “looks like no train ride sex for us, lils,”
lily sighed playfully in disappointment. “such a shame…”
“you two are gross,” marlene said, scrunching her nose.
“not any grosser than you and dorcas,” regulus shuddered on james’ lap. the taller, darker boy only nodded in agreement. “the image is burned in my brain,”
“please, like you guys were doing anything better when you stumbled upon us—your tongue was down his throat!” marlene accused, pointing at the two boys.
“okay!” remus interjected quickly. “that’s enough about that!”
“please, i don’t need whatever image it is in my head,” you laughed.
“anyway, what’s this i hear about lily spending the holidays with you?” mary asked teasingly, wiggling her eyebrows. “is it finally time to meet the family?”
you laughed. “nice try, mare, if my parents found out we wouldn’t make it back to hogwarts,”
“no, i told my parents my friend lily had nowhere to go this holiday break, so i asked if she could come…” you grinned, kissing lily’s shoulder as she leaned back into you to kiss your head.
“right…” james said smugly. “your friend who you bone from time to time multiple times a day and take out on romantic dates in the same day,”
“who the fuck told you that?” you gasped with a laugh. then, you realized who the culprit was when she turned the same shade as her hair and turned to face you as she sat in your lap.
“i’m sorry! me and james may be exes but we’re best friends, okay?! of course i tell him how good i have it,” lily replied sheepishly, hiding her face in her hands.
“and how good she gets it,” regulus chuckled.
“lily, you dog! i didn’t realize you kiss and tell,” you laughed, making the girl blush even deeper and hide her face. “you tell regulus too?!”
“hey, to be fair, that’s not her fault—we’re a package deal, like remus and sirius. you never see one without the other,” james laughed.
marlene rolled her eyes. “cas and i seem to be the only normal couple here, we can actually be away from each other without deteriorating,”
dorcas nodded in agreement. “obviously, marls, we’re surperior to them,”
mary laughed aloud. “yeah right, you guys start hyperventilating if you don’t sleep in the same bed for one night—i’ve seen it with my own eyes,”
“if anything, mary and i are the only normal ones here, we’re not dating and we can hang out without growing a co-dependency to each other,” peter concluded. mary high-fived the stout boy with a grin.
“whatever,” the couples chorused in sync—leaving everyone to burst into a laughing fit.
as you stepped off the train, you were quickly greeting with a bone-crushing hug by your mother. your father hugged you briefly, as you knew big displays of affection were not his thing. he was a serious man, which was quite the opposite of lily’s dad—who was the most extroverted, funny man you had ever encountered.
“mum, dad, this is lily evans,” you introduced with a small smile. lily smiled at them warmly, sticking out her hand.
“it’s very nice to meet you both,” she added politely.
your father shook her hand, but your mother quickly pulled her in for a tight hug. “it’s very lovely to meet you, lily! y/n has told me so much about you,” she grinned, cupping lily’s face and smoothing her hair out.
“well, we ought to leave so we can be home in time,” your mother smiled. “we have so much to do to prepare for christmas, not to mention your brother and sister will be in town soon,”
you nodded. “yeah, sure, are lily and i able to take the car later to buy some presents? i’m a bit behind,” you admitted.
“your father and i will have to discuss it, but we’ll see! let’s get going now, daylight only lasts so long!” your mother smiled, ushering you and lily into the car as your father put both of your trunks in the boot of the car.
you and lily sat side by side, various decorations and bags of presents on the left side pushing you both to sit next to each other. you could tell by her uneven breathing that she was downright nervous. your parents begun their conversation in the car, staring forward at the road. you peered to make sure they weren’t watching as you grabbed lily’s hand, squeezing it reassuringly.
‘it’s okay,’ you mouthed.
‘i know,’ she mouthed back, squeezing your hand in assurance.
but you would be lying if you said this holiday break wasn’t nerve-wracking for you too.
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pengweng-quack · 6 months
Requesting a work on how nanami’s attitude rubbed on the reader 🥳 She applies his philosophy of prioritizing efficiency and effectiveness in her personal and professional life :))
You're Rubbing on Me
Nanami x GN!Reader
Summary: After announcing to friends and students that Y/N and Nanami have been dating, they start to notice just how much his attitude has actually rubbed on them
So, I just took inspiration on the first part lol (since efficiency and effectiveness are not the same) but I hope that this still fits with your request anon! Hope you enjoy it!
Word count: 2195 words
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“You’re telling us, that you’ve been together for years already?” Yuji asked, his eyes widened at the two
“Yep, we’ve been dating prior to his return here.” Y/N patiently answered to the pink-haired kid, a smile on their face as they remember how Nanami asked them out
“Woah, never thought Nanami-sensei had it in him to ask someone out.” Nobara joked, getting the three of them to let out giggles “From Yuji’s stories, he seems to be a cold man.”
Y/N had one look at their watch and saw that it was almost the end of their shift. Usually, they would stay a bit longer to chat with the two teens but they have an upcoming mission with Nobara tomorrow, and knew that they needed energy to fully work with her
“I’m gonna call it a day, I’ll see you tomorrow Kugisaki-kun.” Y/N politely told them, standing up and bowing to the two before gathering their stuff. But as they were about to leave, Gojo was walking in the room, the same wide grin that he sports on his face
“Gonna go home already?” Gojo asked them, they only nodded in reply, before walking out the room. Leaving Gojo with his students
Walking out the school, Ijichi was already outside by the car, patiently waiting for them. Y/N subtly nodded to him and entered in the passenger seat, just informing him to drop them by Nanami’s house before zoning out, using the tunes playing in the radio as background noise
"Y/L/N-san, we're here." Ijichi quietly told them, getting Y/N to be pulled away from their daydreaming
"Thanks, Ijichi." Y/N told him, a small smile directed to him before stepping out of the car
They walked in the house, uncuffing the sleeves of their blouse with every step, the aroma of freshly cooked food filling up their nose
"Hey love, how was today?" Nanami asked, his head peeking out from the doorway to the kitchen
"It was alright." Y/N plainly answered, following him to the kitchen and sitting on the kitchen island "The kids are amazed that you had the courage to ask me out."
Nanami only chuckled at their reply, playfully rolling his eyes at the kids' antics. He placed two plates on the island, before placing a bowl filled with their dinner for tonight
"You spoil me, my love." Y/N only told him, a smile growing on their face as they watch Nanami take control of everything
"You deserve to be spoiled." Nanami only replied, leaving a peck on their temples before sitting down next to them
"Besides, got to prove to the kids that I do have the capabilities to be with you." He added playfully, a small grin on his face
“You don’t need to prove anything to anyone, I promise.”
“Y/L/N-sensei, are you ready?” Nobara said with a grin, excited to finally be on a mission
“Kugisaki-kun, this mission is to only confirm if you’re actually able to be a first-grade.” Y/N told her in a prim tone, not wanting for the girl to see this mission as the same attitude as how she does when paired with Yuji or Fushiguro
“Who will confirm for Yuji and Fushiguro?” She asked curiously
“Your Kusakabe-sensei will accompany Yuji, and your Nanami-sensei will accompany Fushiguro.” They replied simply, patiently waiting until she asks some questions again
“So, Nanami-sensei—
“I prefer to not talk about my personal life during missions.” Y/N told her firmly “You wouldn’t want me prying on your personal life, would you?”
“Yours is much more interesting.” Nobara replied simply, just as Ijichi was pulling up to an abandoned warehouse
The place was reeking in curse residuals, getting Y/N to cringe at the sight of it. Nobara was only staring at the building, listening to Ijichi inform them about what the curse to expect was.
“When you both step in the warehouse, that’s when I’ll cast the curtain.” Ijichi informed them as the two step out of the car, walking closer to the warehouse
“Kugisaki-kun, stay behind me.” Y/N ordered, drawing out their katana and stepping in the warehouse first, the teen was cautiously following behind them, her weapon out and ready to use too
The happenings were too fast, the curse that was warned to them kicked Y/N to a distance, causing them to be stabbed by one of the stray metal bars and immobilizing them. Nobara tried to attack but the curse was faster, kicking her to the face and causing her to stumble down.
With a quick decision in mind, Y/N immediately threw their katana at the curse, yelling at Nobara to dodge their weapon. They were bleeding profusely, hissing in pain as they look down on the stab.
The metal bar pierced through from their back to the inside of their body, thankfully not pushing out of them. If Y/N was to guess, they were probably stabbed by the rib cage, but no ribs were damaged. They let out a sigh, hoping that their assumption was right.
“Y/L/N-sensei!” Nobara yelled, running to where they were, dodging the katana that was thrown directly to the curse.
The katana immobilized the curse, so Nobara went and imbued some nails with her curse energy and launched it directly to the curse as well, using her technique to exorcise the curse.
“Grab my katana to slice the bar, it’ll hurt more if you pull it out. And lessen my chance of surviving.” They ordered to the teen, hissing as any attempt of moving was stinging
“I’m sorry—
“Kugisaki-kun, take deep breaths.” Y/N comforted to her “Grab my katana and slice the metal bar so that we won’t struggle too much in moving me.”
Nobara rushed to grab their katana, picking it up despite her anxious approach. She quickly rushed back to where they were, swinging Y/N’s katana behind her with one swoop, cutting the metal bar smaller
“Kugisaki-kun, go rush out and call Ijichi, you won’t be able to support my body weight alone.” Y/N ordered to her, but Nobara only stubbornly tried to support them up, slowly helping them get on their feet
“I’m not leaving you here, sensei.” She only told them, carrying Y/N piggy-back style and rushing out the warehouse, using her cursed technique to break the curtain, showing Ijichi the situation
“Ijichi-sensei, how fast can you drive?!” Nobara yelled
Ijichi immediately entered the car while Nobara entered Y/N into the backseat, sitting next to them for support for their wound.
“You did good today, Kugisaki-kun.” Y/N drowsily said, a small smile of approval on their face “Gojo would be proud of your improvement.”
Y/N won’t deny that Nobara has been brave today, taking control over a situation when they were unable to do so. The girl was more than capable of being a first grade that not making her be one would just feel like they were robbing her, the same that they do to Maki.
“So excited to watch over Maki-kun soon, I think she’ll do good too.” Y/N rambled, keeping themselves awake
“Y/L/N-sensei, what do you feel for Nanami-sensei?” Nobara asked them, using questions to keep Y/N’s mind from not shutting off from the damage
“The best man possible.” Y/N responded almost immediately, their sight fading away “He’s such a good man. To me, to Itadori-kun, to everyone.”
“Y/L/N-san, we’re almost close to Shoko-san.” Ijichi informed nervously, speeding up to make it in time
“Tell Kento I love him—
“You’re not dying. Not today, not anytime soon.” Nobara said sternly as Ijichi pulled up to the school, rushing to get out and help Nobara in carrying Y/N into Shoko’s office
Y/N could only felt their consciousness fade away, knowing that they’ve lost too much blood. They were now counting on Ijichi and Nobara to get them to Shoko in time, placing their complete trust on the two of them.
A few days after the accident was when Y/N woke up, their torso wrapped around with bandage and many equipment attached to them. There were some basket of fruits and some flowers on the side table, and Kento was by one of the provided chairs, scrolling on his phone
“Hello, my love.” Y/N said softly, making Kento look up at them, finally easing up since they were awake
“How are you feeling?” Kento asked, moving his chair closer to the bed
“How’s Kugisaki?” They asked immediately, Kento only shook his head at them
“She’s alright, was in a much better condition than you are now.” He answered, smiling softly at them “Though she was crying to me, thinking that she was at fault for the accident.”
“She’s not to blame, the curse was too fast for the both of us. We were caught off guard.” Y/N defended earnestly, getting Kento to chuckle at them
“I know, I read the report.” Kento only told them, carefully grabbing their hand and planting a soft kiss on it “She was very brave on handling that, I know she’d definitely get your approval.”
“I love you. I didn’t want to scare you like this.” They apologized, a small smile on their face
“I love you more. And I know you didn’t want that to happen.”
Nanami had been more than patient during their recovery stage, with him taking time off as well so that his whole attention would be on Y/N for the time being that they’re at home. He would rarely let them actually do any work, always making sure that they’re resting.
Two weeks after the mission, Y/N was finally allowed to go back to school to overview the students’ training. It was gonna take them another month or two before they’re allowed to go back on missions, but it was nice to finally not be crammed at home
“Maki-kun needs to be assessed soon, when will Kusakabe or Nanami-san be available?” They heard Gojo ask Yaga, getting them to walk in the office
“I can do—
“No. Shoko’s order.” Gojo sternly told them, earning a groan from Y/N
“Maybe it’ll be best if we skip the being accompanied by a first grade for her?” Yaga asked, pondering it thoroughly “Among everyone that was recommended, she’s alw—
“You are not letting out a student to fight a first-grade curse for the first time without any accompany!” Y/N immediately told them, their eyebrows furrowed at the thought of letting Maki out on her own
“She’s more than—
“I don’t fucking care if she’s more than capable.” Y/N hissed to the two “And if the mission doesn’t go as well as planned, then what?”
“She’s more than capable, trust her.” Yaga tried to assure them
“I told you, I don’t fucking care if she’s more than capable because we already know that she is.” They angrily replied “I care for her safety because if you’re forgetting, she’s still a student.”
Y/N knew to cool off her anger against Yaga and decided to just walk out, going out to the training areas where Maki was training with the Yuta, destroying the special grade in hand-to-hand combat.
“Sensei!” Yuta yelled, before getting smacked to the face by Maki, making him stumble down
“I think you both should go take a break first.” Y/N said fondly to the two of them, sitting down on one of the available seats
“Sensei sensed that you were losing, they had to call a time out.” Maki teased Yuta, sitting next to them
“Don’t sit there, there’s an ant infestation by there.” They warned to the two, getting them to move to the opposite side to where they were
“Y/N-kun!” Gojo greeted loudly, sitting next to them before Maki and Yuta both got to warn him
“Don’t tell him.” Y/N mouthed to the two, a cheeky grin on their face
“You prankster.” Gojo said loudly, realizing where he had sat down, moving away from the ant manifestation and crossing his arms at them
“To be fair, you didn’t ask.” Y/N shrugged, giggling at his pouting
“Nanami-kun! Y/N is being mean.” Gojo playfully complained to Nanami who was walking out
“I think you deserve it.” Nanami plainly replied, sitting next to Yuta
“Y/N used to be on my side when it comes to pranks like these.” Gojo playfully cried, clutching his chest as if he’s been badly betrayed by them “You’re becoming like Nanami-kun.”
“I just didn’t tell you that there were ant manifestations because you sat down too fast?” Y/N asked, their eyebrows furrowed at Gojo
“I remember the time when we used to prank Nanami-kun when he was coming back to jujutsu.” Gojo recalled lovingly, a smile on his face
“Probably what made him hold back from us announcing our relationship, don’t you think?” Y/N asked playfully, endearingly looking at Nanami
“No, it’s not that.” Nanami answered earnestly “Just Gojo’s lack of respect of my feelings for you frankly.”
“Nanami-kun, stop spending time with Y/N, you’re rubbing on them.” Gojo teased, earning Maki to let out a sigh and for Y/N to chuckle at his comment
“Yeah, go spend time with him instead.” Y/N teased back, a grin on their face “Might teach him a thing or two about how to properly teach his students.”
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crowborn666-writes · 2 years
hi anon here! i was wondering if u could do a platonic aizawa x student reader? basically reader gets really overwhelmed (sensory wise) at the feeling of clothes on their skin sometimes and it happens one day when they’re in their dorm and they just dunno how to cope with it so they end up accidentally sh relapsing cuz they just need to get their frustration out. aizawa ends up finding out about it and confronts them about it one day after class. gender neutral reader btw. this is oddly specific LMFAOO sorry bruh it’s totally cool if u cant do it! <3 (bonus points if reader is autistic)
(Sensory overload? Autistic? Sounds like me already lol. I’m more familiar with noise and lighting sensory overload than fabric, so hope it’s ok I stuck those in here as well!)
Aizawa x Student!Reader
Genre: Comfort, Fluff, Platonic
Summary: Too much leads you to a relapse, your teacher finds out and wishes to help.
TW/CW: mentions of accidental self harm, mentions of blood/bleeding, sensory overload caused by touch, light, and sound,
(If I missed any, pls lmk!)
Breakfast was slightly rowdy as usual, Bakugo griping about how Denki and Shoto shouldn’t be allowed in the kitchen as he fixes the mess they made. Iida running around handing everyone plates, Kirishima giving everyone a warm good morning with Mina.
You’d no less than sat down in your usual spot when Iida came whizzing by with your usual breakfast, you toss a quick thanks over your shoulder, beginning to eat.
Minutes went by, you quietly eating when the noise seemed to get louder. A glance up made you wince, the lights seeming brighter. Your clothes then began to itch.
You bit your lip, glancing around at everyone’s smiling faces, perhaps if you found something to distract yourself with, you could ignore it.
You focused on your food, trying to focus on the nice taste when someone’s voice went a level higher. Your hand reached for your sleeve, beginning to scratch at the skin just underneath.
The voices only got louder, the light brighter, your clothes scratchier. Louder, brighter, scratchier. Louder, brighter, scratchier. Louderbrighterscratchie–
Breakfast was over, Iida coming by to scoop up your empty plate, most everyone heading to the common room to watch TV together. You changed your usual course, instead of going to the common room with everyone you moved past it, off towards your dorm room. Panicked breaths left you, feet a near blur across the carpet.
The dark quiet of your room was welcomed, but you found yourself clawing off the offending, itchy fabric on your skin.
You lose yourself for a moment, coming back to find your teeth sunken into your flesh and your nails digging angry red lines across your forearm. Small dots of blood bubbled to the surface from the injuries. A small, quiet cry leaves you as the pain registers, both from the injury and from your mind. You’d been doing well…
You shake away those thoughts, taking a shaky breath before moving to your bathroom to clean up.
Faint teeth marks, scratches, nails dug into your palms. You cleaned them all and bandaged the ones needed. You were thankful for the long sleeves on your uniforms, as well as the usually comfortable baggy clothing you wore.
You picked your safest outfit to wear, drawing the curtains slightly to limit the amount of light in your room.
Deep breath. In and out.
You’d be okay. A bit of time here to calm is what you need.
School was a wreck, people were being loud and seemingly more annoying with their antics than usual.
And worst of all, your uniform was starting to itch.
A shaky breath, the urge to scratch and bite and pick and—
You shook your head a little, shaking away those thoughts.
You didn’t bother staying in the lunch room, not wanting to throw yourself into another sensory overload.
A gentle hand brushed your arm as you moved through the hallway, and you turn to see Aizawa-sensei there.
“You don’t look so good, (L/n). Do you want to eat lunch in the classroom?”
You almost wanted to cry tears of relief. You nodded, following behind him to the classroom with your lunch.
“Sensory overload getting to you?” Aizawa piped up, glancing your way. “Iida said you didn’t look so well yesterday morning.”
“Yeah..” you murmured, your wrists trying to urge you to scratch them. “It got bad yesterday.”
“You’re free to talk about it if you want.” He replied, flipping all but one set of lights off as you both entered the classroom.
“…I relapsed…” you breathed, avoiding his gaze.
“May I see the damage?” He asked, setting his paperwork down and taking the seat next to you as you sat down.
You nodded, sure your teacher didn’t miss the way you tried to avoid your sleeve touching your skin as you tugged it back, showing the scabbed over scratches.
“The fabric of my clothes gets itchy, and it’s hard not to scratch sometimes.”
Aizawa nodded quietly, taking your hand gently to assess the damage. “I’ll see if Nezu can get in a change of fabrics for your uniform. The damage here isn’t too bad.”
“I know… but I hadn’t in a long time and—“
“It’s not about how long it’s been, in the end, it’s about if you choose to keep fighting.”
Aizawa let go of your hand, sitting back. “Eat some food, you’ve got hero class next, and you’ll need the nutrition.”
“Thank you, Aizawa-sensei.” You replied as he stood, scooping up his paperwork as he moved to his desk.
“If it gets bad again, you’re free to come in here to relax.”
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malarkgirlypop · 11 months
hihi I had an idea with Joe Liebgott x Nurse where they despised each other in high school and never saw each other again after that. Once the war begins, reader volunteered to become a nurse in aid stations, and one day lieb gets shot in the ass lol and has to go to the aid station where she is. She never imagined he'd become her patient, and he never imagined they'd ever cross paths again, and it feels like they're back in high school all over again
enemies to lovers basically hihi 
Goody Part 1 (Joseph Liebgott x Fem!Reader)
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OMG This is the best idea. I hope that you like it. This is the first part! More to come after this. As soon as I got this message I dropped everything to write it. I'm so excited for the next part so stay tuned! Also let me know how smutty I can be ahaha. This is based off the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, no hate to the people involved.
Mr Lancy drones on, my eyes droop as he speaks. My brain can’t handle all the maths questions on the board. Maths is my least favourite subject for two reasons. One I hate it all the numbers they jumble together and I can never make sense of the questions and two Joseph Liebgott is in this class with me. We don’t get to pick our seats either, Mr Lancy isn’t nice enough for that. 
So when I walked in on the first day of the year I took my respective seat from the chart that was pinned to the board, I thought there must be an odd amount of students in the class since everyone had a desk partner except for me. I wasn’t too fussed, I was at the back of the class, so I could get away with doing nothing. The bell rang and in came Mr Lancy, he was calling the roster when Joe strolled in. Oh no! I thought, please don’t be my desk buddy! Joseph Liebgott had a reputation around school for being a miscreant, always getting into trouble. He once gave all the boys in our year the most dreadful skullets in the school toilets. He got suspended for a whole week. They never actually expel him, because he is one of the top scoring students in our year. I have no idea how he is so smart when he makes so many stupid choices. I groan internally as he makes a B-line to my desk. Joe and I have never gotten along, I like to follow rules unlike him and he likes to tease me for it.
“Ugh, I’m with you goody!” I glare at the boy as he slumps down into the seat next to me, using the shortened version of the nick-name he has for me, goody-two-shoes. 
“Don’t flatter yourself ass-hat, I’m not pleased to be with you either.” I growl at him, clenching my fists on the desk. No one pisses me off quite like Joe does, I see him and I just want to strangle him. 
“Ass-hat, that’s a good one. Where did you come up with that?” I roll my eyes, ignoring his taunting.  I know that if I bite we will end up in a fist fight on the floor and I do not need him getting me into trouble. 
So everyday I have to deal with the ass-hat that is Joseph Liebgott and maths. I sigh, looking at the clock, come on, how has it only been two minutes since I last checked the time. 
“Miss Y/L/N, how about you come up and solve this one!” Mr Lancy calls my name, snapping me from the thoughts, shit! I have not been paying attention at all. Joe chuckles from beside me seeing the panic on my face. I send daggers his way, he pretends to cower back. I plaster a tight smile to my face, and make my way to the front, taking the chalk from Mr Lancy. I stand in front of the board, my heartbeat accelerating, a sweat breaks out across my forehead. I don’t even get the equation on the board. I bit my lower lip, glancing out of the corner of my eye, Mr Lancy stands with his arms crossed over his chest waiting for me to solve the equation. My hand shakes as I raise the chalk, feeling pressured to write something. I shakily drag the chalk down the blackboard, it squeaks making me wince. I cringe, I just wrote one. Someone end my suffering. I plead quietly in my brain. A chortle of laughter comes from the back of the room, everyone turns to see Joe bright red in the face dying from a fit of giggles. I scowl at him as he wipes tears from his eyes. 
“Well if you think you can do better Mr Liebgott, by all means come up.” I sigh from relief, putting down the chalk and walking back to my seat, I pass Joe who makes his way to the front, he chuckles again as we pass. I clench my fists, don’t punch him. I take a breath trying to control my hatred. I sit down as Joe saunters to the front. He picks up the chalk erasing my shakey one with his hand. He solved the maths problem quickly. Turning and grinning at the class, some of the girls let out dreamy sighs. I roll my eyes. He makes eye contact with me, raising his eyebrows, giving me his signature smirk. I control myself from slapping the smug look off his face as he comes and sits down next to me again. 
“Aw goody, you’ll get it next time.” He teases. 
“Fuck off!” I say lowly. He chuckles again, knowing how to really get under my skin. I swear he takes pleasure in just pissing me off. 
Last day of the year, and we would’ve graduated high-school. I walk with my friends as we collect our year books. We look through the photos, laughing at the terrible ones that were submitted. We all sign each other’s books, writing cute notes to each other about how we will miss each other and how we need to stay in touch. I sit reading all the notes left for me, smiling down at my book. It’s ripped from my hands, I gasp looking up to find a smirking Joe. I groan out loud. 
“Give it back ass-hat!” I say standing, maybe this is the day I finally punch this guy in his big nose. 
“Aww how sweet!” He mocks pouting, reading all of the messages written. 
“Joe! Give it back, or I swear!” I say louder, stepping forward to grab the book from him, but he moves quickly away and holds the book over his head out of my reach. 
“Or you swear you'll do what?” He taunts. I raise my foot, harshly stomping on his toes. His smug look replaced with pain. He drops his guard, I take my chance. I leap up grabbing my book from his hand, not realising he is only standing on one foot. He loses his balance as I jump on him. We topple backwards, landing in a heap on the ground. I look down at our position, I straddle his torso, our faces very close together as we both grip the year book in our outstretched hands. I pant in his face, our eyes locking briefly. Before we both snap to our senses. 
“Oh god!” I shout, as he pushes me off him. “Get off me goody!” I take my yearbook back. 
“Jesus if you wanted to get into my pants, all you had to do is ask!” His smug grin returned.
“Gross, I would never.” I hissed in his face. “Me either!” he retorts with the same energy. 
That was the last time I saw the dreaded Joseph Liebgott. After I finished high-school, I went to university and studied to be a nurse. I got my degree and got a job in the hospital. I had only been working for a year before Japan bombed Pearl Harbour. I had wanted to help so I volunteered with a few of the other nurses I was working with. They had scooped us up immediately needing all the help they could get. Before we knew it we were on a boat to Europe, to help the soldiers. We had been assigned to the aid stations close to the front, where the medics sent back their men to be treated and then moved back onto the front again. It was hard work, the men that came in were often in very bad shape, needing assistance immediately. We only had one doctor and very limited supplies. So most of the decisions being made were by the nurses. I liked it, it made me think, tested my limits. Sometimes it tested them a bit too much though. Not everyone can be saved, no matter how hard you try, or go over the scenarios in your head each time, thinking of something you could’ve done differently. After a while the thrill got old. It was more heartbreaking than anything. But the nurses kept each other spirits high, if we were down the men could tell which brought down morale too. We weren’t just here to heal them of their injuries but support them. I always put on a smile, made small talk with the men, built rapports so they felt safe.
Eugene Roe, the medic for Easy company, came into the aid station with other men carrying a soldier on a stretcher.
“Hey Gene!” I chirped to the man as I finished tending to one of the patients.
“Hi Y/N!” He smiled back at me, turning around to tell the men to put the soldier on one of the beds. 
“What have we got today?” I said as I approached the medic.
“You’re gonna love this, it’s another ass wound.” He chuckled. I sigh, the men of Easy company have a way of getting their asses shot. It had become an inside joke between Gene and I, we said that it’s because when they were lying down flat that their butts were still higher than their heads, because they’re so juicy. 
“Easy men I swear.” I grin looking down at the patient who lay on their front. I bent down looking at the dressing Gene had put on, the man’s pants had been ripped open for Gene to get at the injury. 
“Any pain meds?” I asked, lifting the dressing. A fairly deep graze was on the left cheek of the man’s behind. Like the bullet had just skimmed the top of it.  
“No, he's a tough one.” Gene replied, giving the man a pat on the back. 
“Damn right I am!” I froze, my hands stilled. Not moving, my eyes glanced at the face of the injured man. That nose was unforgettable.
“Joseph Liebgott!” I uttered. Joe craned his head around to look at me. 
“Goody?” A shocked look dawned his face. 
“You two know each other or something?” Gene asked, watching the interaction.
“Ugh out of everyone, why did it have to be you!” I groaned, not replying to Gene. 
“Oh like I’m so thrilled!” Joe retorted in a sarcastic tone. “We went to high-school together, she was a pain in my ass.” Joe looked at Gene answering his question.
I scoffed, “Pain in your ass, I doubt it. He was a nightmare, Gene. Always up to no good.”
“Oh I could imagine that. Well I will leave him in your care then, Y/N.” Gene patted me on the shoulder as he made his way to the door. 
“Gene, don't leave me here with her! She might try to kill me!” Joe cried, reaching for the leaving medic who just laughed at Joe. 
“You’ll be fine, Liebgott, she’s a great nurse.” Gene called to him, giving us a cheesy grin before ducking out of sight. 
“I’m not going to kill you Joe.” I rolled my eyes at his antics.
“You tried to kill me in high-school.” Joe protested. 
“Yeah well this isn’t high-school. So turn around and let me do my job.” He groaned but did as I asked, burying his head into the pillow and letting out an audible groan. 
I got to work, cleaning his wound. I washed out the laceration with clean water, cleaning around the peri-wound as well. It was deep enough to be packed, so I cut my gauze and packed it into the wound. 
“Ouch!” Joe groaned. His butt cheeks clenching.  
“Sorry, hold still.” I said as he squirmed under my touch. I finished the last of my packing, then placed a clean dressing over the injury. “I’ll go get you some new pants.” I scurried away to get some fresh pants for him. I returned with new pants, giving them to him, before closing the curtain and letting him change. He pulled back the curtain, looking ready to leave. 
“Where are you going?” I asked him, as I moved from another soldier’s bed. 
“Well you fixed me up so I can go.” Joe said, trying to move past me, I blocked his path. 
“We haven't discharged you yet. You will need to stay until it heals fully.” I informed him.
He didn’t look pleased with me. “But it’s fine!”
“Well no, I have packed it and that needs to be changed daily. So you can’t leave. And no before you say it, Gene cannot do it in the field.” I interrupt him, seeing the thought in his mind before he can say it. 
“Tell me Joe, what do you do in your foxhole most of the day?” I ask the man trying to get my point across. 
“Sit.” He replies, looking confused. 
“Exactly, you sit. That wound on your butt, that you sit on, will not heal if you go back to the front.” I explained to him, “Plus, because it’s on your ass, there is a greater chance of infection. So no, you’re not leaving until we say so.” I raise my eyebrows daring him to speak. He gives me a tight lipped smile, sighing loudly. He lies back down on his bed. 
“Can you do a double tonight?” Mary asks me with puppy dog eyes. I glance at the clock, I’m supposed to be finishing in about ten minutes and I was so excited to go to sleep. 
“Why can’t you do the night shift?” I ask her. 
She blushes, becoming sheepish. “I have a date.” She grins at me. I know exactly who she is going on a date with as well, one of the soldiers that she tended to last week. They both became infatuated with each other, she didn’t leave the hospital that whole week, begging to do all of the night shifts so that she could stay with her lover boy. She even did one of my shifts for me, I had the whole day to lie in bed and do nothing. So I suppose I owe it to her. I nod reluctantly, as she grins clapping her hands together. 
Night shift isn’t always too bad, most of them men just sleep and sometimes we have people brought in. But due to poor visibility at night, nothing much really happens to warrant a trip to the aid station. But today I feel extra exhausted, because I was fighting the whole time with ass-hat. Every time I turned around I found his eyes on me. Watching me like a hawk. He would smirk at me, while I sent daggers back. He was back to his old antics of winding me up and it was driving me up the wall. All I had wanted to do was go home and lie down. Now I had to stay and listen to him snore peacefully in bed, while I stayed up all night.
I sat catching up on the notes for the day. They were normally brief due to having no real down time to finish them all since we were always so busy and understaffed. I sat tapping my pencil to paper trying to think of what happened to the particular patient I was writing about. I couldn’t help but let my eyes wander to the sleeping Joe. A candle dimly lit the room so I could make out his face in the dark. He lay on his back snoring quietly. His brown hair tousled slightly on his forehead, a relaxed expression on his face, I hate to admit it but he’s very handsome. Only when he isn’t pestering me, I think I could get used to a sleeping Joe, he doesn’t drive me nuts in this state. 
I sat staring at the clock, willing it to be 0700 so that I could leave and get some sleep. My eyes drooped as I propped my head up on my hand. Mary arrived early, bursting into the room all excited. I grinned at the young girl, as she made her way over to me. I was eager to hear how her date went with the soldier. She kept me company while waiting for the next shift of nurses to arrive telling me about her night. 
“And then he lent in and kissed me.” She almost swooned out of her seat. I laughed watching her. “Oh Y/N it was so romantic, truly!” She lent in closer whispering, “I think I’m in love.” 
“Steady on Mary, it was only your first date.” I cautioned the young nurse. But all she did was grin at me. I shook my head, laughing at her again.
“Y/N we need you to stay on just for a little while longer.” Dr. Johns told me, my smile dropped. I nodded reluctantly, knowing they needed me. I did my round leaving Joe till the end. He lay on his stomach reading a comic he had borrowed off of one of the other soldiers. 
“Morning Joe.” I said sleepily, not really in the mood for his smugness. 
“Morning goody.” He grinned, turning to look at me, his face dropped. He tilted his head assessing me. “Have you been here all this time?” He asked, looking at my face. I’m sure the bags under my eyes gave away my lack of sleep. I nodded barely able to keep my eyes open. 
“I just need to change your dressings, can you pull your pants down for me.” I asked, he looked like he was going to make a snarky comment but bit his tongue, doing as I had asked. I removed the previous dressing, cleaned it and then packed it again and applied a new dressing over top. He pulled his pants back up after I was done, rolling onto his side. I didn’t get up immediately, enjoying the softness of his bed. I felt myself nodding off, I put out my hand to steady myself, leaning onto my elbow. My eyes won’t even open. I feel a tug, as my arm is pulled from under me, I fall onto the bed. I feel gentle hands place a pillow under my head. I sigh, feeling comfortable. The bed moves, I hear the sound of the curtain being pulled. The bed dips again, someone takes a seat beside me. I don’t hear much after that, I fall fast asleep. 
“Goody.” Someone shakes my shoulder. I blink, raising my head from the pillow. I look up to find Joe lying beside me, one hand on my shoulder the other grasping the comic. I am positioned awkwardly on the bed lying half way down the mattress, curled into a little ball. “I let you sleep for an hour, but people are looking for you.” Joe informs me lying back on his pillow, and continuing his reading. I rub my eyes and yawn. Joe let me sleep on his bed. I’ve been asleep for an hour SHIT! 
“Oh shit!” I say springing up from my position. I fix my hair and uniform, straightening out the creases in my dress. I pull back the curtain, trying to make it look like I didn’t just fall asleep on a patient’s bed for an hour. 
“A thank you would be nice.” I hear from behind me, as Joe stares at me waiting. 
“Thank you Joe.” I smile and leave quickly to try and find the other nurses. The rest of the shift is a blur. I don’t think I would’ve made it without the nap Joe let me have. It was so busy I didn’t even get a chance to sit down and they were supposed to let me leave after the morning but they insisted I stayed since it was so hectic, I didn’t have a choice but to stay. I finally gather all of my stuff and head for the door, passing Joe’s bed on my way out. 
“Bye Joe.” I say as I leave, not really thinking too much about it. 
“Why are you being so nice, Goody?” I hear him pipe up. I sigh and smile as I turn to face him. 
“I can be nice, Joe.” I state. 
“I don’t know, I don’t like it. What are you up to?” He squints his eyes at me looking suspicious. 
“I’m not up to anything!” I counter, “I’m just too tired to have to fight with you.” Without giving him the chance to reply I leave quickly, saying goodbye to the other men on my way out.
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
sorry that this is coming to your ask box out of nowhere i just have thoughts (spoilers for om s3/4 if people want to avoid them): i know a lot of people love the idea of simeon falling from grace and becoming a demon just like the bros did, but it's so much more interesting and meaningful to me that he becomes human instead. it's another layer of separation he has from the bros and it feels like a neat parallel/contrast to lilith's actions. yes both acted out of a desire to protect a human but no one went to war for simeon. he got punished alone and quietly and by the time other characters noticed they couldn't do anything about it. (pt 1/2)
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Oh no anon how could you bring this to my attention I will never be the saaaaaame!! 😭
I have thought a lot about Simeon in general because his story is so much more complex than most of the other characters. And I swear on my life, this fandom sleeps on him, but he's so great in so many ways.
I was kind of annoyed about the whole human thing, I didn't want him to lose his angel status mostly because I was upset about WHY it was happening. Since what he did by taking the ring saved lives, I was just mad about him being punished at all.
I didn't even stop to consider how this would mean he could grow old with MC and now my heart is conflicted lol!
I made that whole post about Solomon being the one who could understand MC's aging in a way the others couldn't, but it hadn't even dawned on me that Simeon could possibly be aging right along with MC. Maybe his understanding of aging and such is different from Solomon's, since he was an angel and everything, but if he stays as a human, he and MC would in fact be growing old together. AND OH MY HEART SHE BREAKS.
It's bad enough that all the demons and immortal beings have to deal with MC getting old and dying, but now they have to watch that happen to Simeon too?? The potential. Imagine how Luke would feel, all grown up and watching his elderly parental figures fade away into death. l;jadsflkdsklf I can't deal with it.
And yes, I love your thoughts about Simeon vs Lilith, too. Simeon is always the one that seems to be left out, on the outside looking in, not part of the brothers, and as you said, no one going to war for him. Punished alone and suffering alone and keeping it to himself for nearly two whole seasons because he can't even accept it himself.
I don't want Simeon to become a demon. I think him being a human is painful and sad, but I think that if he became a demon, it would almost negate all the choices he so clearly made to stay in the Celestial Realm. I think that instead of joining the rebellion, Simeon saw that he was needed in the Celestial Realm as a dissenting voice. He could work quietly from within to perhaps mitigate some of the damage that world has done and caused. I always saw him as hiding his true self, even if deep down he still wanted to be seen as a good angel and maintain his position, he also knew he had to make the choices that felt right to him. Even if it meant going against what he was originally taught. And I think that now, in the OG season four, he's kind of lost that ability because he's not even allowed in the Celestial Realm anymore. He can't even fight from within now. And I think he's struggling with feeling even more outside, feeling like he's slipping away from everything he's ever known, but not quite fitting into the Devildom either.
Augh I could talk about Simeon all day. He's really one of the best characters.
Also, please feel free to bring anything to my ask box at any time, I am genuinely thrilled to receive all of your thoughts!
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donnas-dollface · 2 years
requested by: (@mraes) Heyy i hope you’re doing good! I just found ur account and lemme just say…ur writing is so good. My two special interests rn are actually resident evil and rdr2 lol so this is perfect :)
I’d like to request your take on Donna with a s/o who is very sociable, gets along with everyone. Maybe they accompany Donna to a meeting for the first time and end up with a few new friends (as well as invitations to hang out) by the end?
a/n: i say this time and time again, that's a sweet thing to say thank you ejkaejklf and not a problem! apologies for the late publishing! i wasn't quite sure if you wanted a full little story or headcanons so i went with the latter. of course i'm able to do the other which way if you'd like! :)
characters; donna beneviento x reader
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Meeting the Family;
Donna is a very private person. So her siblings finally piecing together that she has a lover takes awhile. An extra toothbrush? Oh, it's probably just a spare. Hm, this definitely looks like way too many dishes for a one person household. And once they do, they're just like "WHO?? WHAT THE HELL, THE DOLLMAKER PULLED BEFORE ME?" They're bombarding her with questions, some she'll quietly answer, and some that are more invasive Angie is snapping back. 
She was a little... hesitant about bringing you to meet her adoptive family. But she relented, because sooner or later they would've probably barged into her manor to meet you themselves the moment an opportunity came up. They were curious, and it soothed her soul just a little bit. 
"I would like to meet the person that's lucky enough to grace my little sister's eyes." "As would I!" 
"OH BUG OFF, ONLY DONNA'S ALLOWED TO SEE THEIR FACE!" - a certain homicidal doll. 
Very well then. So she arranged to bring you along to the next family meeting. Mother Miranda was aware, and truly she was intrigued about meeting Donna's little secret lover. Would you be quiet like the veiled lady? Or something entirely opposite?
When Donna quietly told you she'd made arrangements with her family for you to meet them, she couldn't believe how enthusiastic you were. You'd heard about them, y'know being the 4 lords and all, but it didn't terrify you. You just hoped Mother Miranda would approve of you dating one of her beloved daughters. Andddd that Lady Dimitrescu wouldn't slice you to ribbons if she found reason to disapprove of you.
Donna just squeezed your hand, sensing your slight nervousness. "... No matter what they think, I love you either way." It wasn't until you stood next to Donna, approaching the Dimitrescu Castle that you got cold feet. You were excited, but felt ready to yak. The doll noticed how you kinda faltered in your steps and tugged on your shirt sleeve. 
"Oh c'mon, don't tell me you've got the quakes now! You were so excited when you brought back that stupid pie!" "HEY I DIDN'T WANT TO SHOW UP EMPTY HANDED?!"
Meeting the Dimitrescus;
alcina is just quietly watching from behind the curtains of one of the higher level windows if I'm being honest. she's just studying you, like a cat does to a stranger. 
Donna again squeezes your hand, mumbling "I'd never make you do something you don't want to do. We can go back if you'd like.." but god you're determined. "No, it's alright, I'll be fine." 
mkay then. 
Alcina is already at the door when you're just about to use the giant knocker. Donna is definitely taken aback, because the Countess usually takes a while to open the door or one of the many maidens does it. 
Surprisingly, you don't recoil, instead giving a very chirpy "Good afternoon Ms. Dimitrescu'' with a slight head bow. Meanwhile Donna is very much holding her breath behind you with Angie being uncharacteristically quiet.
She looks you up and down, and responds. "Good afternoon…?"
"Y/N L/N. I hope it's alright I'm attending with Donna today?"
"If it's alright with Mother Miranda, I suppose it is. Come in, it's starting to get cold."
Donna is proud of you oh my god. She breathes finally and picks up her companion, going before you while you enter last. 
Ah, you're the gentleman type of person. Good. 
"Lord Moreau and Heisenberg haven't arrived yet. Typical, they're both morons. Anywho, please make yourselves at home."
She turns to look at you, but you're busy admiring the grand decor. Like seriously everything is so tidy and perfectly placed.
"Miss Dimitrescu, did you arrange all of this?" 
"The decor? Oh no, I designed how I wanted it to be, and had the maids arrange it."
And thus begins the rambling. You and Alcina are talking about little trinkets she has, their origins, the paintings? Donna and Angie are stunned. But she's pleased, Alci seems to enjoy your company.
Suddenly the swarm of flies appears. "MOTHER, CASSANDRA IS BEING A NUISANCE!"
you look at Donna, who is tilting her head. Her nieces (?), usually keep to themselves when there's a meeting. Perhaps Alcina had notified them of a newcomer. 
You look back and see 2 young women looking at you, one with blond hair, the other with brown(black?) hair. Their faces are messy, presumably dried blood around their mouths. You can see that their noses are inhaling… are they smelling you? 
"Ahem, girls, we have guests. This is Cassandra and Bela, my daughters. There's a third, Daniela, but I'm unsure of where she is."
"um… nice to meet you. I'm Y/n-"
"Ah, you're Donna's lover!"
"Speak up, it's not like we're gonna bite."
Angie was about to open her mouth at that remark but a nudge from Donna held her back. she wasn't ready to go back to her time out corner. 
After a bit of awkward glancing, you took note of a book in Bella's hand, internally debating whether it would be appropriate to make conversation with one of Dimitrescus ' daughters. 
"Do you like to read?" 
"Oh please, she's a bookworm. Goes into the library, she never comes out. Practically lives there."
"Better than being a barbarian and running around like a … what was that expression? something with a chicken with no head…"
"A headless chicken?"
"Yes! It's better than being a barbarian and running around like a headless chicken with a sickle in its hand!"
"Hey now!"
"Enough! You two bicker like wild dogs. Now go find Daniela, she's been awfully quiet."
"Hmph. Yes mother."
You were quietly giggling, making note to bring by a few novels for Bela. You stood next to Donna, and slipped your hand in her's. Alcina's eyes flickered to this motion, and thus her own interrogation began. 
"So tell me Y/N, how long have you been with my sister?"
"I presume you treat her right? If I ever get the notion that you've mistreated her we'll have a new wine on the market."
"I'm just giving them a warning."
"Warning or are you jealous T-Rex?"
"Can it, firewood."
Whilst Alcina does like you, she's more so overprotective of her adoptive sister. She's got a fragile mind, and she doesn't want her to get hurt. But she's assured that you take good care of Donna, and Donna does the same. 
suddenly all heads jerk to the doors, where a booming voice calls out. "Ladies and gentlemen! We now have Karl Heisenberg!"
Meeting Heisenberg;
When the doors blew open, he saw you holding Donna and Alcina glaring him down.
"Stupid Man-thing! If you ruined my doors I'll have your goddamn head!"
"Try it you super-sized bitch!"
You puzzledly look at Donna, and Angie pipes up rather a little too gleefully.
"OOOO this is gonna be a good one! Fight fight fight!"
Donna silently shakes her head and replies to your confused and concerned reaction.
"There's nothing much to worry about, this happens nearly every meeting."
You give a quiet O, and turn to look back at the two, who seem to be in a staring match of sorts. Suddenly, he presumably glances in your direction, and clears his throat. 
"Ah! You must be the mysterious lover we've all been curious about. Tell me, what's your name?"
"Y/N? Well Y/N, I'm assuming you've met the Big Woman. And I'm Karl Heisenberg."
With that, he stuck his hand out for you to shake. 
"Egh, I wouldn't dare to shake that thing's hand, you can't be sure of where it's been."
Okay that finally set off Karl. You simply blinked and the next moment, there was metal pointing to the back at Alcina, who had unsheathed some long claws. You gawk in amazement, while Donna is simply tugging you behind her. 
"If you two are just going to bicker, i think Y/N and I will take our leave."
The two's heads crank as they look at her, back at each other, and finally they grumble and Karl settles to give Alcina the middle finger. 
"... So Lord Heisenberg, Lady Dimitrescu, Lady Beneviento, and isn't there one more?"
"Ah, you mean the moronic freak. Yes, Moreau. Fair bit of warning, he does have a strong stench, so don't let him hug you."
Angie presumably if she had face muscles, would've been wrinkling her nose. "And they never gave us that heads up."
"I'm pretty sure you can't smell jack shit."
"That doesn't matter!"
You were still standing behind Donna, who was seriously gripping your hand. The poor thing thought her siblings would've been more well behaved but now she's kinda antsy.
she doesn't want you getting hurt.
Karl goes quiet from his bickering with the doll for a bit and then huffs.
"I'll be on my best behavior from now till after the meeting."
"Ha, I'd like to see that."
"And you will!"
(I'm making this a two parter, hope that's alright!)
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