#quidditch beater
aesopsharpmybeloved · 9 months
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Finally done with the Secret Santa, Christmas may commence 😁
Aubrey © @thriftstorebabayaga
Art © this weirdo lmao
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unholywriter · 1 year
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less messy version of a winning kiss 😌
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notsolittlelittleguy · 8 months
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A quidditch player (beater) x his favorite trainer 🐱‼️
Ah. I'm returning to one of my favorite tropes.
Loves getting injured (and they get injured a lot) just cause they see their favorite person x always willing to patch them up
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Reggie attends all of James' games even though he always says he is forced to.
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my-maehem · 1 year
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Yo Yo Yo If you don’t shut your mouth, I’ma shut it for you Punk
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hogwartslegacypics · 1 year
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the closest we’re gonna get to seeing beater!seb
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immortalbutterflycos · 6 months
Cancel everything my friend just told me that the titles of Quidditch player positions sound like A/B/O dynamics and I don't know how I can recover from this.
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drowsygoose · 2 months
yet another round of sebastian sallow headcanons, this time about quidditch (because, I'll admit, the idea of him and a few other characters playing has grown on me):
Anne and Sebastian were super excited for tryouts their second year, though neither made the team. By third year, Sebastian had become more interested in duelling (and found that he was Really Fucking Good at it) while Anne was quick and really good at shifting her weight on her broom, serving as an alternate Beater and learning from the sixth and seventh year starters
(She was definitely going to be a starter the following year, spent all summer practicing and exchanging letters with Imelda about their respective progress—until Rookwood happened)
Quidditch didn't feel the same without Anne. While he still enjoyed game days, Sebastian didn't try out fourth year and chose instead to throw himself into Crossed Wands (as a second year Lucan Brattleby followed him around and learned he had a knack for organizing duels and, of course, making and managing bets). He did, however, use her broom to visit Feldcroft every weekend
He, like other students, was upset about the lack of quidditch during fifth year; he'd gotten better on the broom though, faster and unknockable and more adept even in terrible weather, thanks to his Feldcroft trips
So by the time sixth year rolls around and quidditch is restored, Imelda practically corners him in the Slytherin common room after the Great Feast
"Not sure what you did over summer, but you've got the build of a Beater, Sallow. Tryouts are next week."
"Imelda, I'm not—"
"Tuesday, 3pm. If you're late, I'll kick your arse."
And they both knew she meant it
So, the following Tuesday at 3pm, Sebastian got his arse on a broom and performed the Beater drills: laps around the pitch while balancing the bat and again with no hands, knocking bludgers out of the way, and giving/taking a few checks without falling off the broom
Imelda wasted no time in granting him a spot on the team and also announcing he was a starter
(I also like to think Anne is back by sixth year and is doing everything she can to feel normal again, so she's on the team and uses all that RAGE from the last two years as Beater fuel. Imagine the way Lucan and Everett Clopton announce those games??? "The Sallow twins strike again!" Like??? My HEART)
If MC plays, especially if they're in another house, game days are particularly interesting lol
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No, I didn't make Damien and Sebastian in Quidditch Champions. No, siree. 👉👈
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OK FINE, I DID. No one said I couldn't do it, okay????
Also, why is Sebastian cross-eyed? ...
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rioofdreams · 1 year
Evan helps Barty train by comfortably sitting on his back while he does push ups
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judediangelo75 · 2 months
Day One: Quidditch
I said I was gonna attempt this challenge for @hphm-ship-week and by the corner of Jesus' pure white robe, I was gonna do it. I'm cutting it close with Day One and I might have gotten a *little* inspired to write this one.
I'm not gonna do a lot of yapping, I'm half-dead as is. Hope you guys enjoy this Kendrick Lives AU installment. (Might as well be my new main storyline).
Word Count: 8,316
Featured MCs: David Willows, Phoenix Lang ( @that-scouse-wizard ) and Katriona Cassiopeia ( @kc-and-co )
Main Pairing: Talbott Winger x Judith Harris (Talith)
Side Relationships: Merula Synde x David Willows (subtle), Murphy McNully x Katriona Cassiopeia (subtle), and plenty of friendship
Whenever Quidditch season rolls around in the magical school called Hogwarts, you can expect a lot of excitement and hype. The students would crowd their section of the respective house with colored face paint or some Quidditch-afflicted gear to cheer on the players on the field. There was always a sense of friendly rivalry, with its occasional resentment when it comes to a reigning champion. But nothing comes from it. 
The Quidditch pitch is the last place you would ever expect a Ravenclaw loner to be.
Let alone amid the Hufflepuff House section. Wearing one of their player's jackets magically sized up to fit his frame. Next to a Slytherin witch wearing a matching jacket to the boot.
But that was before he started dating a Quidditch player.
Talbott would've gladly flown under the radar during his school years at Hogwarts. But fate decided that would be too boring for him. He was given two years of peace until his third year. Where two Hufflepuffs were searching for him, Hogwarts Curebreakers.
David Willows and Judith Harris. The latter is more infamously known as "Scarface". 
Granted, Talbott knew about these two Hufflepuffs... but Judith proved to make a bigger splash than her Housemate. From what Talbott understood, Judith had the habit of hiding the left side of her face with her hair for the first few months of their first year. It wasn't until a fateful day in October, that a group of Slytherins and Gryffindors found a new target. Judith tried escaping the group, only for one of the boys to grab her by the ponytail, causing her hairstyle to fall apart.
Revealing the most nastiest burn scar anyone has seen. On a child, nonetheless.
To make a long story short, those group of boys learned quickly not to piss off a girl—a Hufflepuff girl, at that.
After that day, rumors about her scar spread across the school like wildfire. And she was christened with her new nickname, Scarface.
But that day in the Great Hall was the first time Talbott properly saw the young witch face to face. Even Talbott's impeccable poker face couldn't hide the surprise upon seeing her face. The large scar covered about half of her face and went back to her ear. Surprisingly, her brow was present, but a bit spotty in some places. Her eye was forced into a permanent glare, he could barely make out the gold of her iris (even though that particular eye looked a bit paler than its twin).
But that wasn't the thing that stole Talbott's attention. It was the almost painfully shy look on her face. Her brows were drawn close together as her lips were pulled down in a timid frown. Her fingers were fiddling with the multiple solid plain rings she had on. Her eyes...
Talbott could see that she was nervous, but there was a particular warmth that seemed to be reserved for just for him. It was confusing but...
He couldn't help but secretly like it. Even though he wasn't ready to admit it.
Took a while for the Ravenclaw to properly acknowledge his feelings for the Hufflepuff witch. With the encouragement of Andre and David, he finally asked Judith out on a date. While it left a lot to be desired (*cough* Tonks *cough*), Talbott enjoyed being close to his date. Amid their growing closeness, that meant Talbott was slowly being sucked into the world of Quidditch. Granted, Andre has been trying to get him to come to a match and teach him the mechanics of the game since the start of their friendship, but Talbott turned him down almost every time. But now with Judith as his blatant love interest... Talbott couldn't help to be a little curious about the sport the wizarding world seem so crazy about.
Honestly when Talbott learned that Judith was the famous "Tigress", he was skeptical. Tigress is one of Hufflepuff's Beaters, one of their best Beaters in many years. With the few snippets of information, Andre tried forcing down his throat, Talbott knew that Beaters were strong. They had to be to beat back iron spheres formerly known as Blooders (Andre would be happy to know that he was learning something, at least). Tigress, like her fellow Beater Hound (who Talbott came to learn was David), was incredibly strong with a deadly aim. A lot of people say it was as if she could interpret the Bludgers movements, knowing when and where to strike. 
Talbott couldn't keep the suspicious look out of his eye for anything when Judith said that she was Tigress during their date. He never asked her about her scar but he had eyes. And he could see that her left eye left her a little impaired. It was the one time he made the girl feel subconscious about herself during their date, which he internally slapped himself for as she turned the left side of her face away from his view.
"I know it sounds hard to believe that I'm Tigress, but I have no reason to lie to you. After my... incident, it took some time to even learn to properly walk. My coordination and balance was terrible. Before, I could only see the vague shadows of shapes. After you helped me become an Animagus, it surprisingly helped my vision in my left eye, though not by much. The outline of shapes are a bit sharper if it's close enough to me and I can kinda see colors if it's bright enough, but there are times my vision will get a little blurry. My dad, along with my little brother and stepdad, spent a lot of time helping me adjust to my scar after I first got it. I was determined not to let it hinder me, though. Papa was the first to train me to be a Beater. I spent the entire summer before second year so I would have a chance to prove myself... to show that I won't be a liability if I was chosen."
Talbott felt like a bastard for doubting the girl, something that she probably felt for years. After stumbling over his apology, he asked if he could watch her play or at least practice if she was comfortable with that. He wanted to understand her and be there for her if she would let him.
And to his pleasant surprise, she readily agreed. 
During that time, Quidditch season was long over. Normally around that time of the year, Judith and David were trying to break the latest curse that befell the school in hopes of finding their brothers. But Judith was human.
A human who was very familiar with stress.
Beating dummies with Bludgers seemed to be one of her many stress relievers. The first time he was invited to watch her practice, he was silently surprised. It was slowly starting to warm up as winter turned to spring in Scotland. Judith was already stretching, seemingly counting the seconds in her mind before switching forms. A yellow sleeveless crop top molded to her upper body and a pair of black athletic tights hugged her legs with black running shoes adorned her feet, presumably for comfort. Her long locs were maneuvered into a low ponytail by a yellow silk ribbon. Granted, Talbott had only seen Judith outside of her usual class robes only a handful of times, but he had rarely seen her show so much of her body and skin until recently.
While being only 15, Judith had muscles a lot of guys in their year and possibly older wished had. But the muscles didn't make her seem like a boy, rather it added to the curves her body was slowly displaying as she matured into a young woman. The dress she wore to their date made him feel like he was hit with the Stupefy spell. Her workout outfit seemed to have a similar effect.
But watching her practice?
Nothing could get him to look away from her. She easily slipped into the familiar notion of her practice exercise. She had three Bludgers sent out, each coming towards her with terrifying speed. Talbott couldn't remember all the details of Quidditch but he can safely assume getting hit by one of those iron spheres meant an overnight stay in the Hospital Wing. But Judith stepped into her swings with the confidence and swagger of the best duelists or even a Quidditch pro. Confident, focused, and calculating. He did take note that she would duck on a rare occasion when she took a misstep and leaned into her left side.
Gods know how much time has passed until Judith whipped out her wand and froze the Bludgers, which dropped to the ground with a frightening thud.
'I would love to never know what it's like to smack with one of those...'
Judith grabbed a water bottle before walking around and sitting next to the awestruck Ravenclaw.
"So what do you think," she asked before taking a swing of her water. He watched as her throat worked around the deep gulps of water she was taking in.
"Is it possible I can come to more of your training sessions?" Judith capped her nearly empty water bottle with a quirked brow.
"You actually like seeing me train? Watching me beat a bunch of Bludgers into some dummies can't be that entertaining," she insisted. Talbott felt a blush work its way onto his cheeks.
"I beg to differ... so is that a no," he said with an embarrassed cough. Judith narrowed her good eye at him before giving him a nod.
"You can come. I don't mind."
It soon became a part of Talbott's routine to sit in on Judith's practices. Talbott finds that she does alternate her routine. And got to witness the relationships with her Quidditch mates. 
Sometimes it'll be just her and the dummies. 
Other times, David would be present to train with her as well. Talbott could see the playful energy between the two Hufflepuffs, almost as if they were siblings. Most times, they would practice beating a Bludger to each other, while others the dummies will be involved. There were plenty of jabs and playful ribbing in their conversations. Whenever they were done, they would join Talbott in the grass for a quick chat until Judith's eyes would get droopy and David would give her a piggyback ride back to their Common Room. 
'Hate to cut the conversation short, mate, but this one needs her rest. C'mon Little Tigress. Time for your cat nap.' Talbott watched in quiet amusement as David shifted on his knees so he could allow the girl to crawl on his back before standing. The young witch yawned, nuzzling the back of her best mate's neck with an annoyed grumble.
'Mmmm... I'm not little, you stubborn git. Later bird boy...' With a cute little wave to the Ravenclaw, Judith allowed herself to be toted away to their shared Common Room. (Talbott would deny blushing at that nickname if you asked him)
Maybe even one (or both) of her on-sight Beater teachers, the fierce Erika Rath or the mischievous Phoenix Lang, would be present. Which he found strangely interesting as Erika and Phoenix were both well-known Beaters of the Houses of Slytherin and Gryffindor respectively, prodigies in their own right. Erika seemed more of the stern one of the two, more in charge of her training exercises while Phoenix would fill in the gaps where she could. Those sessions tended to be more intense as Erika tried to push Judith into using her left side more, which frustrated the Hufflepuff Beater greatly. Talbott knew it wasn't his place to question her mentor's methods but he couldn't help but to worry how close Judith would be to getting hit by the magical sphere of iron. The hits she was able to get in weren't always perfect as far as accuracy and impact. There were times when Talbott would witness Judith would drop to her knees with tears in her eyes. The first time it happened shocked him to his core, his heart ached at the sight.
'I-I-I can't! I can't see well, Rath!' Pale green eyes narrowed briefly before letting out a soft sigh. With a brief spell, the Bludger in use fell to the ground as Erika walked up to her mentee. The older witch rested a hand on her shoulder, giving it a brief squeeze as she glanced over to where Talbott was seated.
'Talbott, was it? Can you stay with her while I find Phoenix? I... I'm not exactly good at "comforting" as I would like to be.' Talbott nodded replacing Erika by the crying girl's side as she disappeared into the castle. 
'Little bird...?' Watery gold eyes glanced at him before Judith roughly started wiping her face to get rid of the evidence of the tears that seemed neverending.
'I-I'm sorry, I... I was hoping you wouldn't have to s-see me like t-this. I promise I'm not this weak-' The girl's ramble was brought to a halt as Talbott grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into a hug, tucking her face against his neck. The soft gasp that escaped her tickled the sensitive skin there.
'I want you to breathe with me, little bird. Can you do that for me?' Judith remained still for a moment before giving a shaky nod. Talbott took a slow, deep inhale, feeling the girl do the same. They held it for a few seconds before slowly releasing it. They did it a handful of times before Talbott felt the faint tremor in the girl's body disappear. He gently pulled her away from his neck to look at her face. The tears were still there, but they seemed to have slowed significantly. Gentle hands cupped her face, thumbing away the tears and dried tear tracks that remained. Shaky hands wrapped around Talbott's wrists before Judith leaned into his touch. With one last caress to her scarred cheek, Talbott pulled away a bit only to be surprised by the ironclad grip on his wrists. Judith's eyes reminded him of a wounded Hippogriff, wild with an underlying hint of fear.
"D-don't go... please, don't go...' she whimpered. Talbott leaned in again, brushing a soft kiss to her sweaty brow.
'Shhh, darling. I promise I'm not leaving you. But it would be best if you rehydrated, little bird. Let me grab some water for you.' Judith blinked slowly, recognition flashing in her eyes. She gave a timid nod before letting go of his wrists. Silently deciding not to get up and leaving his little bird's time, Talbott got out his wand to use the Summoning Charm instead. Judith took the bottle with a small thanks before taking small sips. When Talbott was sure she was okay, he tilted her chin up so she could look him in the eye.
'I'm not sure where your head is, exactly. But I want you to know that you're not weak. You're one of the strongest people I know and even strong people can cry sometimes. They can get overwhelmed sometimes. And that's okay. I would never think less of you, and you shouldn't either. I won't let you. Do you understand me, little bird?' Talbott watched as her eyes widened, the scar tissue surrounding her left eye stretching a bit. Judith pursed her lips before giving a nod. That wasn't good enough for the Ravenclaw wizard.
'Words, Judith. I need to hear you say it.' The girl winced at the firm tone before letting out a shaky sigh.
'I-I understand, Talbott. I... I'll do my best to take it easy on myself in these moments.' Talbott gave her a small smile before placing a small kiss on her cheek.
Not even a few moments later, Phoenix came into view while Erika trailed a few paces behind. The Gryffindor Beater fell to her knees before the couple, cerulean blue eyes studying the Hufflepuff's face intensely.
'Judith! Erika told me what happened, are you okay?!' Judith blushed as Phoenix cupped her face, fussing over her. Erika sat down by her rival, silently watching her with a hint of worry. Judith cleared her throat, pulling away before resting against Talbott's chest.
"I-I'm fine now... I just got overwhelmed, b-but Talbott helped me calm down.' The eyes of the older Beaters were suddenly trained on their "guest", who blushed under their intense gaze.
'I... I'm not too familiar with what caused her anxiety, I just knew I couldn't stand there and watch her cry. Judith means a lot to me. Great players can have bad days and she's entitled to have those days...' Phoenix gave the boy a delighted grin while a glimmer of respect can be seen in Erika's eyes.
'I think I like this one for her, Rath. What do you think?' The Slytherin Beater gave an amused snort at the matching blushes that could be seen on the duo's faces.
'As long as I don't always have to find you whenever she gets overwhelmed, he can stay.'
'HEY! I resent that!' Erika let out a short laugh at Phoenix's disgruntlement. Deciding that her student/adopted little sister needed a well-deserved break, Phoenix dragged the girl to head to the Great Hall for some lunch. Just as Talbott was going to head to the Owlery, a hand on his shoulder stopped him.
'Wait.' The wizard turned to find Erika's eyes boring into him. And to his surprise, her stern gaze softened around the edges.
'I just wanted to say, thank you. Normally I don't care what people think of me, especially those who would just be stuck in the sidelines and nothing more. But I see that you care about her. I'm not trying to be a hardass on Judith for shits and giggles. We both are well aware that her left side is a weakness. I suffer from a blind spot, obviously not on the same level as Judith but you get the idea. If people are within that area, they're more than likely to get hurt. I don't want Judith to have to deal with that struggle, or even worse, have that blind spot used against her. I hope you understand.' Talbott's brows rose in silent surprise before nodding.
'I understand... you didn't have to explain your methods to me, but... I appreciate it either way. I'll do my best to be there for her whenever it gets too much for her.' Erika gave a firm nod, before turning on her heel back into the castle.'
Talbott had thought long and hard over what he had seen and what Erika had told him. He hated to see the haunted look in Judith's eyes as she broke down on not doing good enough. He was no Quidditch player so he wasn't sure how to help the girl. He went to the only other Quidditch player he knew for any advice. Granted, Talbott knew that Andre was no Beater, but he knew he had to try. Luckily for him, Andre knew two people who could help. Unluckily for him, Andre saw it fit to drag his ass out of bed on a late Saturday morning. The only day Talbott will grant himself the luxury of sleeping in. With no damn coffee.
'KC, McNully!' The two Ravenclaws, who seemed to be in the middle of a game of chess, looked up to find the Seeker Reserve dragging over one of their fellow Housemates who seemed to have rolled out of bed.
'Hey, Andre! What can we do for you?' the commentator asked with a bright grin. Andre gave a fond smile, clapping a hand on the disgruntled Ravenclaw's shoulder.
'Oh no, honestly, you've helped me enough mate. It's my friend here who could use your creative expertise on the matter of Quidditch.' Talbott shrugged Andre off with an embarrassed glare. The strawberry-blonde girl raised a cool brow, flustering Talbott further.
'My apologies. I asked Egwu for help on a Quidditch issue and this overexcited bloke dragged me out of bed before I had a drop of caffeine in my system.' KC let out a hearty laugh.
'A man after my own heart. Tell you what, I made a pot of coffee this morning. I grab you a mug and you tell us what you need...' Talbott quickly understood what the witch was subtly asking for.
'Talbott. Talbott Winger.' KC grinned, getting up from her comfortable seat to loop an arm around the wizard's arm.
'Katriona Cassiopeia, feel free to call me KC if you want. It's a pleasure to meet you, my fellow coffee fiend.' After Talbott had a bit of caffeine fix (and an introduction to one Murphy McNully), he felt more level-headed about broaching this topic.
'So, what seems to be the problem? Looking to join the Quidditch team? While I don't know you at all, I can see you being a Seeker for some reason.' KC pointedly ignored Andre's offended squawk in the background, eyes solely trained on Talbott.
'No, I'm not looking to join. I didn't get into Quidditch until recently...' Murphy raised a brow, curious.
'Because of our local Pride of Portree fanatic here?' Talbott gave an amused snort.
'He wishes. Egwu has been trying to teach me about the sport or at least drag me a game since we became friends.' KC blinked, confusion flashing in those bright blue eyes.
'So why the interest now?' Talbott coughed into his fist, slightly flustered.
'I'm kinda dating a Quidditch player. A Beater, to be exact.' Murphy gave a knowing smile.
'Is it Judith Harris?' Talbott was glad he didn't sip his coffee when the Quidditch announcer spoke because he was pretty sure he would've spit it out all over his chessboard. Either that or choke.
'Wha-?! Did Andre tell you?!' Andre waved his hands in alarm as Talbott rounded on him with a glare. Murphy laughed, waving off the outburst.
'Well, it's simple really. There are two Beaters to every team. It can't be Rising Star here, seeing how you just met her. And I doubt you know the other Beater on Ravenclaw's team seeing how you're coming to learn the sport and its players. Even if you heard more well-known players like Erika Rath and Phoenix Lang, more well-known as Rath and Fireball on the Pitch, they don't seem like your type per se. And again, you probably don't know the other Beaters on those two teams so that rules Slytherin and Gryffindor from the running. All that's left is Hufflepuff's Beaters, Tigress and Hound. Or as you normally know them as Judith Harris and David Willows. Both are well known enough outside of Quidditch and are in the same year and you and Style Wizard here. Plus, David seems more like a lady's man so that leaves just Judith. It's really simple when you think about it.' Talbott narrowed his eyes, slightly put off at how well someone he just met was able to pinpoint his crush with just one detail and how much he could talk without seemingly taking a breath.
'Yes, it's her...' KC chuckled, giving the boy a grin.
'I think it's cute. But one thing I'm not understanding is why she would need help. She's a phenomenal player. From what I hear, she has a bit of a religious training schedule to stay up to par with anyone on the field.' Talbott sighed, suddenly feeling unsure about exposing what he knew. Technically, Katriona and Judith were rivals. While he may not know much like the average Quidditch fan, he does know not to reveal secrets to potential rivals or enemies. 
But the memory of Judith crying flashes in his mind's eye. He didn't want her to continue to suffer from anxiety attacks if he knew he could find help for her.
'I haven't seen her play but I've seen her train. And she's earned every right to be known as a phenomenal player. But... she's not one without struggle. Can I trust you two with what I'm about to tell you?' KC and Murphy watched as those red eyes carefully studied them both, heavily guarded with a glint of worry beneath the surface. Andre wore down his bottom lip with his teeth at the intense silence. He placed a hand on Talbott's shoulder.
'Tal, mate. I wouldn't have brought you to them if I didn't believe they could help Judith. Let alone hurt her.' Talbott's hands curled into fists on his lap, his gaze stubbornly switching between the wizard and witch sitting across from him.
'I trust you, Egwu. But I need to hear it from them.' KC's eyes softened.
'Hey, Judith and I may be rivals on the Pitch but it's all friendly competition. I wouldn't actively try to hurt someone who pushes me to be a better player myself.' Murphy nodded.
'I wouldn't do anything malicious to harm the girl either. I met her father on the day she tried out for the open Beater position years ago. She's a force in her own right but it's not strange to have flaws. It's not unusual for players to come to me for advice. I do my best to be unbiased so I'm not spilling any secrets to other teams to give them an advantage. Talbott let out a small sigh.
'Thank you. I'm sure you're well aware of Judith's scar. The thing is... she's semi-blind in that eye. While she can see shapes and colors, it's only with certain exceptions. She's been training to strengthen that weakness but she still experiences some difficulties. Maybe she has days where that particular eye would cause everything to be more blurry and of course, that can be a danger to anyone, including her. It overwhelms her to the point she would experience an anxiety attack...' Talbott sighed, running a hand through his messy bedhead.
'I told her that it's okay to have bad days and she should take it easier on herself. But I feel like this cycle will continue if she doesn't find a more effective way of handling this... s-so, will you help?' KC and Murphy looked at each other for a few moments before turning back to the wizard with a nod.
'Of course, Talbott. It might take a little time for us to brainstorm something but we'll help you two. Besides, it would be nice to get to know Judith more outside of our matches.' Talbott let out a sigh of relief at KC's words, giving the pair a small smile.
'Thank you...' Murphy gave Talbott a nod.
'Of course! Once we're ready for you, we'll send you an owl for you to bring Judith to the Quidditch Pitch later on. Don't worry, Talbott. We'll help your girl out.' This time Talbott did end up choking on his next cup of coffee, much to the amusement of the three people surrounding him.
Much to Talbott's surprise, Talbott received an owl the next day from KC. He did find it odd that it said to come to the Quidditch Pitch at night, but he decided to trust his fellow Ravenclaw. Judith accepted his invitation to meet him at the Changing Tents just outside of the Pitch with a bit of wariness.
'Not that I don't like spending time with you Talbott, but why are we out here?' Talbott gave his little bird a small smile.
'I want to help you train. Especially with... your struggle area...' The Hufflepuff narrowed her eyes as they reached the entrance of the Pitch.
'How do you plan on doing that?' Talbott stopped in front of her, taking the time to grab her hand. Judith couldn't fight the blush that crept up to her cheeks as the boy laid her palm over his chest while looking into her eyes. She could feel his heart quicken but his face gave nothing away.
'Do you trust me, Judith?' The young witch didn't have to think about it.
'I do.' Talbott smiled, bringing her hand to his lips to place a soft kiss to her palm.
'Then trust me when I say that I'm looking out for you. Now come on.' Judith stumbled over her feet to follow her crush, fanning her face to cool down her intense blush. They continued to walk until they were in the middle of the field. When she finally got her blush under control, she looked up to find that they were not alone.
'Judith! Glad you could make it!' Murphy greeted with a grin. The witch next to him stepped up to offer a handshake.
'Hey there, Tigress. Nice to officially meet you outside of a match.' Judith took KC's handshake with a befuddled expression.
"McNully, Rising Star, it's... nice to see you too. But, what exactly is going on here?' Now it was KC's turn to give a smile.
'Your boy here came to McNully and I for some help. To help you matter of fact in regards to your blind spot.' Talbott glared at KC's small tease before looking at the surprised face of his little bird.
'You told them about my blindness?' Talbott bit his lip at the question. He couldn't decipher her tone for it gave nothing away. Her face even more so. Outside of the pinch of her brows that signifies her confusion, he wasn't sure how the girl felt about exposing her secret to one of her rivals.
'I did. I-I... I wanted to help you in some way. But I wasn't sure as to how. I know Rath is doing her best but maybe you needed a different approach. I'm not a Quidditch player, let alone a Beater so Andre led me to two people who possibly could provide that. Please, don't be mad, little bird. I know it's your secret to tell, but I couldn't stand to see you like that again. Frustrated and feeling hopelessly lost to yourself over something that you couldn't have helped. I'm sorry if I overstepped.' Judith stared at him for a few seconds longer before bringing him into a hug. Talbott looked down at the girl in surprise but didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around her. 
'I'm not mad, bird brain. You have nothing to apologize for. I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt me, and if you think that KC and McNully can help, I'm more than willing to hear them out.' Talbott squeezed her tighter, hiding his smile in the crown of her head.
'Great to hear that! Now, Talbott if you could remove yourself from my fellow Beater Babe's person, I want to show her what we came up with.' Talbott blushed, taking a stand by Murphy as KC looped her arm with Judith's to pull her to the crate with Beater Bats and a Bludger. There was a few metal practice dummies just a few yards away. Talbott turned to the handsome blonde commentator with a quirked brow.
'Care to share what you and Katriona came up with?' Murphy gave a smirk.
'Nope! For once, my lips are sealed this time. Just watch this lovely lady at work.' Talbott sighed, watching as the two witches converse with one another. He could spy Judith fiddling with her fingers, one of her nervous ticks, before grabbing a bat. KC already had the other one in hand, with her wand in her opposite hand.
'Now I'm gonna enchant the Bludger and we're gonna practice for a few minutes. Remember, don't be too hard on yourself and I'm right here with you so you don't have to experience so many close calls, alright?' Judith nodded, allowing herself to face forward with her left just as KC cast her spell. To Talbott's surprise, the Bludger began to glow a bright yellow, almost like a mini sun, zipping through the air before making its way towards the Hufflepuff Beater. Talbott watched with bated breath as he watched the familiar motion of Judith's swing and-
BANG! And-
Judith's smile was brighter than the glowing Bludger that night. And Talbott couldn't have been more happy to see the pure joy on his little bird's face.
While Judith was big on her training, both day and now night, that wasn't the only thing she did to improve. There were some instances where there were no bats and Bludgers involved. Those days were usually with her Captain, Orion Amari. Talbott found those practices a bit strange as the pair would be sitting on the ground meditating (something Judith would strong-arm him into doing as well), balancing on their brooms on a single leg, or being Inspired Broom Surfing. 
'Training is great to hone your skills, but a clear and steady mind can elevate one's game to substantial heights.' Talbott turned to find Orion standing beside him as he watched Judith surf on her broom. He regarded the older Badger with a raised brow, his silent question loud in the ears of the captain.
'I've known Judith since she was just a second-year student. Seen as a small, skinny, and shy Hufflepuff girl by many but I saw the fire in her eye. A spirit beaten down, but not broken. She wanted to prove herself. Something that is admirable but I could sense it was deeper than that. You saw it too, right?' Talbott froze as Judith's words flashed back to him.
'I promise I'm not this weak...'
'Yeah, I did...' Orion gave the young Eagle's shoulder a warm squeeze.
'You're good for her, you know? I noticed a shift in my Beater. She's not as hard on herself as she used to be. Her smile is brighter. And that only happened a little after you started coming around. And I greatly appreciate that...' Talbott swallowed around the emotional lump in his throat.
'I-It's nothing really. I would do anything for her...' Orion smiled, giving Talbott's shoulder another squeeze.
'The people who love her can see that. Trust me when I say that it means a lot to them and to her...' With that Orion hopped on his broom to surf alongside his student. Talbott watched as Judith gave her captain a bright smile, feeling one make his way on his own lips.
'She's so beautiful like this. In her element. Happy and healthy...'
Seeing her go through these different motions made him think of what she said on their date. How much she represents and values balance in her life. It just made her all the more intriguing and endearing to him.
It wouldn't be until their 5th year when he got to see her practice with her team. While they were real matches, Talbott always found them to be interesting and exciting. Seeing her play in action made him realize how good his little bird was and how well she and David worked together on the field. Even down to the Dobbleganger Defense, one of the most difficult plays for a Beater. The pride he would feel upon hearing the praise of her skill by the Quidditch commentator warmed his chest.
He couldn't wait for the girl's first game of the season.
Of course, he could've done without the pressure of meeting the girl's family. Talbott knew about her father through many sources. A former Beater-a Ravenclaw Beater at that, Talbott knew about her little brother, a Slytherin wizard in his third year if he remembers correctly, who he would see cling to her whenever he could get the chance. How he managed to avoid the little brother up until now is beyond him, but there was no avoiding it when the first fame of the season came around. It was Hufflepuff versus Ravenclaw.
There was usually a pregame party happening in the Courtyard before each game but Talbott knew his little bird well enough that she wasn't always one for mingling with others, at least not often. The next best place she would be is the Quidditch Pitch. 
Flying to the pitch was much faster than walking, and Talbott wanted to spend every second with the Hufflepuff Beater before her match. It wasn't until he was flying overhead that he realized that she wasn't alone. Part of him wanted to turn around and transform back into his human form so he could walk into the stadium instead. But Judith, ever so keen with her surroundings, spotted him. She waved him down with a bright smile, while the two males with her looked up to find him circling in the sky.
"Come down, love! I want you to meet my family," she called. After hesitating for a few seconds, he swooped down to land in front of the trio. The man and young boy looked at the eagle with a well-timed head tilt, though Talbott could see the suspicion in the man's pale gold eyes while there was a youthful glint of curiosity in the boy's near-black eyes. He looked to his little bird who gave him an encouraging smile. With that, he allowed himself to transform back into his human form. The boy flinched back before staring at him in awe. The older male version of his little bird only smirked.
"Like mother, like son," her father chuckled. Talbott eyed the man suspiciously. 
"I'm sorry?" Gold eyes regarded him with a knowing glint.
"Ah, you don't recognize me, don't you son?" Talbott's brow furrowed, racking his mind.
Has he met Judith's dad before? There's no way-
'Talbott, this is Kendrick Harris. He's my best friend from when I went to school. And his daughter, Judith...'
Talbott's eyes lowered to find a familiar necklace. The cord was decorated with dark red beads with a tooth of an animal of some sort.
"You... you were my parents' best friend. You came to my house that one time with..." he whispered, eyes watering. He turned to the witch next to him, finding that same warm look from that day in the Great Hall. The same look he got as they sat in the grand old tree on his parents' old property when they were children. Judith gave him a tentative smile, leaning in to kiss his cheek.
"L-Little Bird?" He watched as her smile grew.
"Yeah, it's me Bird Boy." He didn't hesitate to bring her into the circle of his arms, hugging her with all the strength she could muster. He smiled the joyful laughter in his ear.
"Talbott! You're gonna squish me," Judith giggled, hugging him back despite this. 
"You're the powerhouse Beater, little bird. If anything I should be worried about you breaking my bones with your bear hugs," he hummed. Kendrick let out a laugh at that, bursting the bubble the two teens found themselves in.
"As strong as my little girl is, she has one of the gentlest souls on this Earth. You should know," he said, with a kind smile. Talbott blushed before nodding.
"And I have you to thank for siring such a soul, Mr. Harris." Kendrick chuckled, waving him off.
"Call me Kendrick, Talbott. I'm not that old... plus, from what I heard you've proved me right. That you'll be good to my daughter and earn the right to be with her." Talbott and Judith balked at the elder Harris with blushes staining their cheeks.
"PAPA!" Kendrick raised a brow at his daughter's outburst.
"What? I'm the more tame parent. Ava had tried planning you two's wedding when you guys were toddlers," he said with an amused smirk.
"W-With all due respect, K-Kendrick, we're not officially together," Talbott stuttered. The man chuckled.
"Not yet, anyway." Judith groaned.
"Papa Kendrick, quit it. I already have to share Juju with her friends, I'll probably never see her if she gets a boyfriend," Nuri whined, finally chiming into the conversation. Talbott noticed the genuine discontentment on the boy's face. Judith huffed, extracting herself from Talbott's arms to snatch up her little brother. She placed her hands on his cheeks so she could meet his eyes.
"You listen here, Riri. No one will keep me from seeing and spending time with you. You're my little brother and will always hold a special place in my heart, understand," she said sternly. Nuri gave his sister a shy smile, before hugging her back. 
"I understand, Juju..." Kendrick and Talbott smiled at the sight before the man cleared his throat.
"The stands should be filling up soon, best if you boys find some good seats. You go ahead and change, baby girl. And remember, I'm proud of you no matter the outcome." Judith smiled at her dad, giving him one quick bear hug before the man went to the commentator booth. The three of them stood ready to go their separate ways before Judith stopped her brother.
"Before I forget, here you go, Riri." Talbott watched as the Hufflepuff took off her jacket, casting the Enlarging Charm before handing it to Nuri. She pulled the younger boy down to kiss his forehead, before making her way over to Talbott's side to kiss his cheek.
"Hope to see you two in the stands," she said before jogging her way out of the Pitch. 
The two wizards made their way up to the stands. Talbott could see Nuri eyeing him from the corner of his eye.
"What is it?" Nuri flinched, a bit surprised to be caught before deciding to speak up.
"This way is the way to the Hufflepuff Stands. You're a Ravenclaw, shouldn't you be sitting with them instead?" Talbott turned to look at the Slytherin wizard with a cocked brow. The boy didn't sound dismissive or hostile, just... curious.
"I want to support Judith. She's the whole reason why I got into Quidditch in the first place. It doesn't matter to me if it looks like I'm going against my own House. I'm here for her, and will always be here for her." Nuri smiled at the wizard, handing him the jacket her sister was wearing. Talbott took it with uncertain hands.
"Why are you giving me this," he asked as they made their way up the stands. Nuri paused on his next step and gave a shy smile, long fingers messing with a ring on his right hand. The same nervous tick as his little bird.
"My sister always gave me her letterman jacket whenever she played as a way for me to be comfortable sitting in with the Hufflepuffs ever since I came to Hogwarts. I'm going to be honest, I'm pretty selfish when it comes to her, and having to share her has been difficult for me. But as I got to see her interact with others and see those people care and love her too, I began to loosen up. While this is my first time officially meeting you, I can see how you look at her. Like she's the sun. The center of your universe. Papa Kendrick seems to like you a lot and he doesn't like the idea of sharing her love with any boy. Consider this my way of showing you that I'm willing to give you a fair chance. People who love my sister tend to be my favorite people, and I think you could be one of them." Talbott felt a flush wash over his face but he couldn't help but return the smile Nuri was giving him.
"Thank you. That means a lot and I would like to get to know you better too, Riri." The Slytherin boy sent the older wizard a playful glare.
"Okay, that's a step too far. Only Juju can call me Riri. My real name is Nuri. Nuri Lockheart." Talbott laughed at the look, it reminded him so much of Judith so he knew this look well enough to know that the boy wasn't actually upset.
"Heh, got you. I'm Talbott." The two wizards shared a smile as they continued their way up and reached the top of the stands. Talbott took the time to study the jacket, a letterman jacket as Nuri called it.
It was mainly black, with two stitched designs on either side of the torso. There was a gold honey badger symbol on the left side with two Beater bats in an "X" formation on the right. The sleeves were white and a bit baggy, looking like they would fit over his wrists thanks to the yellow cuffs with black and white lines. The same cuffs outline the collar and the bottom of the jacket. It even had decently sized-pockets. He flipped it over to find the word "TIGRESS" stitched on the back, the word beautifully made with gold yarn in impressive calligraphy. Talbott slipped on the jacket and immediately smiled.
The scent of his little bird lingered on the piece of clothing and he felt as if he was being embraced by the girl himself.
'If I could get away with it, I would never take this off...'
The duo decided to sit in the center on the bottom bench, only to be surprised to find someone already there.
"Merula?" The girl's head snapped up to find the two wizards standing beside her. And it didn't escape Talbott's attention that she was wearing a matching letterman jacket as himself, only it was obvious the jacket was made for someone much bigger than her.
"What are you doing here? Ravenclaw is on the other side and Slytherin isn't playing today," she snarked. Nuri frowned at the clear dismissal but Talbott knew better.
"The same reason why you sitting in the Hufflepuff stands. We're here to support someone we care about," Talbott clapped back. The witch blushed, grumbling.
"Fine, whatever. It's not like these seats are taken..." Taking that as an obvious invitation to join her, Talbott sat down next to the self-proclaimed "The Powerful Witch of Hogwarts" while Nuri sat beside him. Within minutes, the stands were starting to fill with eager Quidditch fans and casual watchers for the game. Even though there were some weird looks from the Hufflepuffs at the two newcomers who sat in their section, no one said anything to them. There was a buzz in the air until the crowd quieted with the sound of Murphy's voice.
"Welcome Hogwarts to the first game of this Quidditch season! Are you ready for this year's competition?" The crowds roared with approval and to Talbott's personal surprise, he was right there with that.
Talbott had to admit, he was excellent at getting the crowd going as he introduced the two teams. Ravenclaw had already made their entrance and waited in the middle of the field. It was now Hufflepuff's turn. He watched as the Hufflepuff team flew in, zooming through the stadium. He watched with bated breath as the team briefly paused in front of their stand, to the joy of the students there. Judith found him and Nuri easily, her eyes reflecting her surprise at him wearing her jacket before giving them a large grin. He could see the two top canines of her teeth were capped in gold before they zoomed off to meet their opponents in the middle of the Pitch. Despite being in his own heart-melting moment, he did notice that David, who was beside his fellow Beater, gave Merula a grin of his own followed by a cheeky wink. Talbott pretended not to see the blush on the pale girl's face.
Madam Hooch made sure to set the rules between the two teams, the captains of each team gave a firm handshake, and soon the balls were in.
The game has begun.
Talbott had to admit, it was the most fun he had in a while. Despite not fully knowing what was happening (Talbott was so grateful that he befriended Nuri as he was able to explain the mechanics of the game to him), the energy was contagious. Even Merula was standing and cheering for the team. The players were fast, it was sometimes hard to keep up with the action, even with his 20/20 vision. Sometimes he opted to just watch his little bird, who was her own beautiful force of nature. He watched as her mind was constantly at work, deciphering the patterns of the Bludgers before deciding on a play. Often passing the iron sphere to David, who used it to scatter the Ravenclaw Chasers. Other times, taking out unsuspecting players with a hit of her own. His favorite moment was the well-executed Bludger Backbeat, seeing her use the scarred side to knock a Chaser off their broom while dropping the Quaffle for Orion to steal for a goal, putting points up on the Badger's board. He was so caught up in watching her, he almost missed a stray Bludger making its way to him-
"Talbott, get down-" Nuri tried to warn him, but before he could pull Talbott down, it was deflected to the Ravenclaw Seeker (whom Talbott was sure spitting out some colorful language as they were so close to catching the Snitch). Talbott could only stare in a daze as Judith hovered over him on her broom. 
"You okay, Talbott," she quietly asked. Talbott, still in shock, gave a mute nod. Judith chuckled, leaning in to kiss his cheek before flying back into the fray.
"Awww, what a sweet moment from Hufflepuff's fiercest hunter, Tigress. Saving her handsome beau from a Bludger gone rogue before comforting him with a kiss! And who said romance was dead?" Talbott buried his red face in his hands as the crowd around him cooed along with Murphy's sentiment. Before Talbott knew it, the Hufflepuff Seeker managed to catch the Snitch, signaling the end of the game.
"Give it up for the Hufflepuff team! They will move on to the next round to face off the winner of the Slytherin and Gryffindor match!"
The next hour was a blur. With the win, of course, everyone on the Hufflepuff team had to accept the congratulations from fans and their rivals alike. Speaking eagerly amongst each other and toasting with some Butterbeer. Judith spent some much-needed time with her brother and father before they had to leave.
But soon, the field was empty and it was just Talbott and Judith. The young witch didn't get a chance to say a word as she was swept up in Talbott's arms, sinking into his warmth.
"I'm so proud of you. You were amazing." She smiled.
"How can I not? I have my number one fan cheering me on, wearing my letterman jacket better than I ever could." Before Talbott could say anything, most likely to refute the claim judging by his blush, she placed a single finger to his lips.
"Seriously Talbott. You helped me in more ways than you could ever know, and I wanted to show you by playing my absolute best. Your support, whether on the sidelines during my practices or in the stands at one of my games, means everything to me. Thank you." The boy beamed as he kissed her forehead.
"Anything for my champion..."
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jadedblack · 3 days
hp fandom is there a rule that another Beater can’t just hit the snitch with their bat? like if their own Seeker is too far way and the snitch is just there, can’t they just… bat it away?
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thechromebucket · 8 months
My idea for robe clasps that Hogwarts students might wear.
House clasps for daily school robes:
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...and for Quidditch robes:
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A very special thanks to sinnedaria for the parchment background. 
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boxdstars · 1 year
i already love anne being the more chaotic twin, but imagine if she was the quidditch fanatic between the two of them! like seb is a mega nerd (and i adore him for it) but anne is the one going crazy on the quidditch pitch.
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resident-gay-bitch · 15 days
🌚 Fem Fridays 🌚
Girls Play Quidditch Too (Marlene centric)
Marlene is sick and tired of this shit. Always second best to every man, boy, wanker, just because she’s a girl. 
Growing up at home with three older brothers was never easy. Everything’s always a competition, she’s always trying to prove herself, to be recognised as something wonderful just like them. 
Every time she does anything remotely cool, everyone always coos at her and suspects she’s just trying to be like her older brothers. And it’s not fair. Nothings fucking fair. Everything they do will always be better because they’re boys. Men always have a leg up in this stupid world, and Marlene thinks that’s utter cow-shit. 
Here she is, age thirteen, teeth bared, and hungry for blood. 
Quidditch try outs. 
Last year she didn’t make the team because her stupid fucking brother was captain and “didn’t think she has what it takes”. And he had the “evidence” to back that up, because he stuck her on goal keep. She was twelve and tiny and he stuck her on goal keep when she was trying out to be a beater, because he didn’t want his little sister on the team. She hates her stupid brother. 
But Nick isn’t on the team anymore, he’s finished school now, and the captain is just some random Gryffindor. She doesn’t really care where she gets put on the team, so long as she gets on it, even though she’d prefer beater. She’s nasty with that bat. 
All she has to do is beat one of the other beaters on the team and it’s all smooth sailing from there out. Her competition today is a second year named Thomas Yates who looks like he might shit his pants the next time someone talks too loud, that stupid wanker Sirius Black who keeps flirting with Mary, and Marcus; her fifteen year old brother. 
She can’t wait to take him down. 
Marlene looks around the pitch, assessing the team so far. A bunch of boys aren’t even taking this seriously, but they’re all already on the team, so she suspects that’s why. 
There’s one thing she notices though, one thing she doesn't like at all. 
She’s the only girl. 
“Are you lost?” Fredrick, the new captain, said, looking down at her over his clipboard. He’s very tall, and very skinny, and Marlene already doesn’t like him. He has a stupid mustache that he clearly can’t grow any thicker. 
“Nope.” She said, glaring at him. 
Fredrick laughed, “Sweetie, this isn’t makeup club.” 
Marlene smeared at him, “Obviously. I’m here to try for beater.”
“Beater?” Fredrick asked, and he, and all his mates behind him began to snicker and laugh, “Not worth it. You’ll never make the team, look at yourself, you’re tiny. Besides, we don’t want a stupid little girl on the team.”
“I’m not a stupid little girl, you wanker!” She spat, stomping down on his foot, making him cry out in pain before storming off over to the pack of younger boys. With her approach, they all went quiet. She glared at them all. 
With a quirk of her eyebrow and a stupid, smug smirk, Sirius spoke in his posh little accent, “McKinnon… trying out?”
“Yeah.” She shrugged, twisting her broom beside her, “I’m going for beater.”
Sirius laughed, “Ooh, against me and your brother?” He shook his head, “I reckon Yates’ got a better chance than you.”
“You sure about that, Black?”
Sirius shrugged, up on his high horse, “Well… yeah. Look at you.” 
“Willing to bet on it?” She asked, raising an eyebrow in challenge. 
With a snicker, Sirius nodded, “Why not. If you make the team, I’ll give you ten galleons, if you don’t make it, you give me twenty.” 
What. A. Prick. 
“Deal.” Marlene said, sticking her hand out to shake. Sirius shook it, his hand so much bigger than her own. But that didn’t deter her, boys have such stupid ideals about what makes you good at things. They think they’re better beaters than her because they’re bigger, stronger, better simply because they’re men. But Marlene’s more agile, she’s ridiculously fast and her aim is near perfect already. She puts in the work, training whenever the pitch is free. She’s determined to prove herself. To prove them all wrong. 
They all take to the sky, broken up into teams of red versus yellow. Marlene’s playing red, saddled up beside Black, which is perfect. This way she can prove she’s better than him by hitting more bludgers, and she can go ham on her brother on the opposite team. She can’t wait to beat him, honestly. She can already feel the victory. 
Fredrick blew the whistle, sitting off to the side on his broom to watch and take notes. And Marlene thanks Mary for tying this great big red bow into her braid this morning, it’s sure to keep his attention. 
They were off, zipping around the pitch and playing. Marlene hit the bludger hard, managing to stop it from flying right into Potter's head and straight towards her brother. He barely dodged it in time. 
“Fuck!” He screeched, gripping onto his broom for dear life, looking at her all the way on the other side of the pitch. 
“Watch out, Marcus, bludgers are dangerous! Are you sure you’re equipped for this?”
“Bloody hell.” She heard Potter snicker from behind, “I reckon you’re out ten galleons, Sirius.”
Marlene laughed and was off again, diving for a bludger as it shot straight towards the seekers head.  
The game went on and Marlene played ruthlessly, sending bludger after bludger straight at her brother, keeping him on his toes. It only serves him right after all these years he’s spent picking on Marlene for being so small. And he always gets away with it, their mum just says “oh, boys will be boys, Marlene, it’s only in their nature.”. Sometimes she wants to stomp on her mum's foot too, but she knows she’ll get in big trouble if she does that. 
Black is pretty fast, and pretty strong, so his hits fly faster, are harder. But he doesn’t have her agility, and certainly not her aim. She reckons, out of all her options, Black would be the best teammate. Poor Thomas hasn’t gotten very involved at all, shies away from bludgers when they shoot his way, so Marlene knows he won’t make the team. Honestly, he’d probably prefer that outcome by the looks of things. 
Her brother, on the other hand, is playing pretty tough too. He’s clearly a little shocked by Marlene’s abilities and is determined to be better than her. Marlene is not a very cocky person, but she’s certain she’s doing better than her brother. She’s definitely getting on the team. 
Back on the ground, Potter was giving her shoulder a good jostle, keen to keep playing beside her. James is a very quidditch focused lad, she’s come to notice. It’s pretty much all he talks about, besides Lily Evans, so she knows he’s thinking strategically more than anything else. He wants her on the team because having her there will bump up their chances for a win. Marlene is pretty chuffed with that. 
Black seems to be dreading handing over his ten galleons. 
“Right, now the beaters.” Fredrick says, announcing who has, and hasn’t made the team this year, reading from his clipboard, “Black, you’re safe, McKinnon- Marcus, you’re safe… And welcome to the team Yates!”
Marlene’s smile dropped. 
“Right, that’s that. See all of you who made it at training tomorrow, the rest of you, see ya!”
She didn’t… No, no this can’t be right. There must be some mistake. She can’t have this, it’s…
She storms over to Fredrick, stopping him in his tracks, “Oi, what about me?”
“What about you?” He asked, glaring down at her. 
“I’m on the team, right?”
“Did you hear me call your name? Don’t think so, sorry. Better luck next time.”
Marlene is furious. “Why? Why aren’t I on the team?”
Fredrick looked around and leant down to whisper, “No one wants a stupid girl on their team, do they? Now fuck off.”
Marlene practically busted down McGonagall's door with how aggressively she was knocking on it. Her fist slammed into the wood, over and over and over until the door swung open and she was met with the professor's scowl. “Miss McKinnon, what can I do for you that is so urgent that you feel the need to break down my door?”  
“They won’t let me on the team cause I’m a girl.”
“Now, that’s a rather heavy accusation to throw-“
“It’s true Miss.” Mary backed up, “We watched the whole thing.”
“Yeah, she was better than half those blokes!” Lily agreed. 
“It’s sexist.” Mary nodded. 
“Really misogynistic, Professor.”
“It’s fucking stupid.” Marlene added. 
“Miss McKinnon, watch your language.”
“It happened last year, my brother didn’t let me on the team. I told you how he set it all up and everything. But Fredrick didn’t get clever about this, I proved I was good. Ask anyone… except maybe my brother. Ask Yates!”
“Yeah, he made the team and he was proper useless.” Mary said.
“Miss McDonald.” McGonagall tutted before taking a heavy sigh, “Yes, well, there hasn’t been a female on the Gryffindor team in nearly twelve years. I’m not surprised to say the least, however Fredrick is the captain and has the overall say. Unless there is evidence that he has malicious intent I can not intervene.” 
“But Miss!”
“Now, now, Marlene. I’m sorry, but I really cannot get involved, I haven’t the jurisdiction. I can’t tell you that all you’ll need to fight this would be a simple petition signed by majority of the team requesting your recruitment. I’m simply not allowed to get involved.” She said with a little smile, “Now, I have essays to mark, good day, Marlene.” She said and shut the door. 
“Brilliant!” Marlene grinned, and the girls set off on their mission. 
Mary drew up the petition, used nice colours and everything. Real proper looking, and everything. They headed straight for the Great Hall, since it was lunchtime now and the quidditch players surely would be eating their fill. Marlene was quite hungry herself after all that, but she had priorities. 
Her first stop was Potter and Black. 
“Oi, McKinnon, shit luck.” Sirius grinned. 
“Hey, leave it. She did good, I think it’s bollocks you didn’t make the team.” Potter said.
“Yeah, you’re right.” Black nodded, “Honestly, I’m willing to call off the bet, you should have made it.”
“If you really think so,” Marlene grinned, slamming the petition down between them, “Sign this. I swear I’ll keep the bludgers as far away from you as possible, Potter, secure your path straight to the goals.” 
“What’s this?” He asked, peering over the page.
“A petition to get me on the team. Imagine it, Black, we played so well together. I’m better than my stupid brother and you know it.”
“A lot faster, that’s for sure.” Sirius nodded.
“It’d be nice to have a girl on the team, new perspective and all.” James shrugged, “Plus, we’re the only team without one, we’d be able to even out the competition, it’s not really fair, otherwise. Girls are a lot smarter than us, no wonder we never win.”
“No, we never win because you’re always trying to show off.” Sirius retorted with a snicker. 
“Just sign it, will you?” Marlene sighed. 
James shrugged, taking the quill to write his name, ”How many do you need?”
“Most of the team.” She said, "A few of you will be easy, it’s the older ones I’ll have a problem with.”
“I reckon Yates will sign it, easy.” Sirius said, taking the quill from James to sign it himself, “I don’t think he actually wanted to make the team, he was just trying out because his dads crazy about quidditch.” 
“The older ones will be harder to persuade, they’re all friends with your brother and he chats a lot of shit about you, I mean, some of the stuff he said after practice today was really rude-“
“Shut up, James.” Sirius hissed, “Don’t hurt her feelings.”
Marlene rolled her eyes, “Oh, ease up, I know he hates me because I’m better than him. He’s so insecure.” 
“Sorry.” James winced. 
“Maybe you could help?” Mary suggested, and Marlene was about to butt in and shut her up, she’s capable of doing this herself. She wants to do this herself. Mary lent down, right into Sirius’ space and locked eyes with him, “Come on, Black, help her out. Get the other blokes to sign it and let her on the team, and if she makes it, I’ll give you a snog.”
“Mary!” Lily gasped.
“Oh, it’s just one snog, no big deal.“ Mary grinned. “I’ll probably give him one eventually anyway.”
Maybe their help wouldn’t be the worst, Marlene thought. Boys did tend to listen to boys more, and if she gets on the team, she can prove to them that she’s totally worth it. That girls are worth it. Maybe, if she makes the team, other girls will want to join too. That would be pretty cool, Marlene thinks. 
“Yeah, come on, I heard you talking about your dumb snogging competition today, you’ll win.” Marlene said. 
Sirius was quick to agree, “Absolutely, I’m in!”
“No!” James gasped, “Lily, snog me, it’s an emergency!”
“Absolutely not.” Lily shook her head, “But it would be cool of you if you helped. It would be so nice of you…” She said, strategically curling her hair around a finger. 
James went bright red, nodding his head, “Y-yeah, absolutely. Yes, I’m- of course. I just wanna help Marlene, you know, she deserves a spot on the team, I totally agree. Definitely.” He said, trying to act all heroic and nonchalant. 
Marlene rolled her eyes. Honestly, boys are so daft. 
“Wow, that’s so cool of you, James.” Lily continued.
“Yeah…” James replied, shrugging, clearly trying to hide how bashful he was, “That’s me, you know? Cool, I’m cool. So cool, just… cool and-“
“I think they get it, James.” Sirius said, monotonous, “Wanna tell them how cool you are again, cool boy?”
“Shove off.” James mumbled, a little embarrassed. 
“Go on.” Mary said, literally shooing them away, “You have things to do. Go do them.” 
James and Sirius scrambled to do as they were told, both eager to impress the girls and inflate their egos a little more. Marlene will never underhand boys, she thinks. They’re all so dimwitted and girl crazy. 
Over the rest of the afternoon, Marlene managed to rack up enough signatures, thanks to the help of James and Sirius convincing a handful of the older boys to sign. Merlin knows how they managed that, but Marlene suspects foul play, James and Sirius are known to get up to no good. 
This doesn’t bother Marlene though, she’s just chaffed she’s got enough signatures. Mary, Lily and herself managed to nab the majority of them, wandering the castle and hunting down the younger, nicer, more alone and easier to intimidate Gryffindor players, so she’s rather proud she's done most of it herself. She did think it was very smart of Mary and Lily to use the boys' crushes on them to their advantage. Marlene wonders how easy it would be to make boys do anything if you promised them a snog or something. Though, Marlene doesn’t think she’ll ever put that to the test. Even if some boy finds himself attracted to her, rather than repulsed by how boyish she is, she would never promise them a snog. 
She really doesn’t understand Mary’s desire to put her mouth anywhere near one of those things. Marlene suspects it’s because she doesn’t have any brothers. 
The three of them marched their way back to McGonagall's office, declaring the petition with a wide grin. Fixing the little specs on her face, Minerva reads it over before giving Marlene a rather proud smile. 
“Give me one moment, girls.” She says before shutting the door in their faces. 
They wait in anticipation, Marlene’s nerves radiating off her like some nuclear fuse, spreading onto Mary and Lily, who are now buzzing with anxieties of their own. When their Professor steps back out, she requests Marlene’s follow behind, so the three of them race right after her. They approach Fredrick in the courtyard, and Marlene puffs out her chest proudly. 
“Mr. Fredrick,” McGonagall says, handing the petition over to him, “If you have any further issues, you may take them up privately with me, in my office. If you have such a severe issue with Miss McKinnon here being on the team, perhaps we should have a chat about finding a new captain for the season. You know where to find me, good day.” She said, and off she went. 
Marcus snatched the petition from Fredrick, snarling down at his little sister. 
Proudly, Marlene stuck her hands on her hips and grinned, “What’s the problem, Marc? Are you and your mates here intimidated by a little girl?” And with that, she turned to walk away, “See you at practice tomorrow.”
Marlene felt pretty fucking good when one year later, five whole girls came to try out for the team. She couldn’t wait to make captain one day, that’ll really show them. 
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my-maehem · 1 year
Why did you get into quidditch If you don’t care for the sport?
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He’s right… he’s right….
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