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romvnova · 9 months ago
the most loyal breed
i wrote a thing; i'm definitely rusty and haven't ever written it in second person, present tense before so please be gentle with me. tagging/warnings: consensual but unprotected sex, f!reader x john "soap" mactavish, shifter!soap, breeding kink, swearing, implied ghoap ( if you squint ). part 1 of ??? just pure filth. please read at your own discretion! i am not responsible for minors reading this mature material when you've been clearly warned!
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a storm howls as it rages outside your small log cottage concealed high in the forested mountains. the land had belonged to your forebearers and though the trips into town were long and rough in your beat up old 80’s ford ranger, it was worth it for the peace.
thunder ricocheted above like the crack of a thousand cannons and it was followed by the bursts of light as lightning touched down. it must be close, you can’t feel the heat, but you can hear nature’s electricity sizzle as it scours through the air to the earth.
it makes gooseflesh rise on your arms, fingers once wrapped ‘round your steaming coffee mug as you watch the rain and the wind and the lightening from the comfort of your front porch. or maybe it’s the dark, hulking shape half limping, half lumbering up the gravel drive, from around back of your truck.
for a moment there is a flash of fear, before instinct has you reaching for the shotgun propped against the wall of your home. you’ve never had to actually use it on an animal — or things more sinister — but you had been taught to shoot since before you could walk. coffee mug is set down slowly, carefully to avoid making noise.
shotgun is pressed against your shoulder, finger hovering over the trigger.
“get outta here!” you yell over the storm, moving away from the chairs, away from the wall. last thing you wanted to be was cornered.
the shape lets out a low kneeing whine and continues nearer. your finger tenses over the trigger, pausing only when lightening chases away the shadows: it’s a few seconds. but long enough to realize it’s a dog. the largest belgian malinois you’ve ever seen, sure — about the size of a full grown wolf — but a dog all the same.
the thought that it might be rapid crosses your mind as you lower your weapon and slowly approach the malinois with a tentative hand outstretched.
“hey there, big boy.” you coo, watching as the dog lets out a low whine and butts his muzzle up against your hand. the dynamic immediately changes and you’re coaxing him up the three small steps onto your porch with bits of bacon you’d cooked up to crumble in a pasta dish. he’s weary, hesitant at first. but not of you. he takes the bacon offered to him in a gentle way that makes you confident that he has an owner. or had.
the second confirmation as he stands dripping muddy water all over your freshly cleaned hardwood floors was the wide, dingy army green collar ‘round his neck. faintly, you could make out ‘SARG’ in bold, black stitching.
“sarg?” you ask, the muddy, soaked dog who plops down on his haunches like he’d forgotten he had an injury only to shift his weight with a pained whine. but bless his heart, his tail still wagged furiously behind him.
“where’s your owner, huh?” you ask, making a soft noise in your throat that you hope he understands to make ‘follow’. you aren’t sure what his command words are … but he pads along, nails clicking against the floor.
you give him a bath, using dawn dishsoap in lieu of any sort of dog shampoo, remembering that it was frequently used to clean animals that were covered in oil slick. surely, it could work on mud.
he’s patient and obedient, staring at you with eyes that spoke of an awareness and understanding that felt very un-dog like. but when your heart started to beat faster in your chest, teeth worrying your bottom lip — the thought of him being a skinwalker was almost enough to freeze the blood in your veins — his ears flutter back and he looks at you with eyes the size of saucers, his tail sloshing bathwater too and fro, clicking his teeth and chuffing. beneath the grime, he was not a typical malinois fawn but a dark charcoal color. a mutt, if you had to guess.
it thaws your veins, calms your heart. and you are giggling as you scrub behind his ears, forming the soapy loam into a mohawk atop his head, laughing so hard you had tears as he ‘grins’, showing his sharp teeth in a way that could not be described as threatening in any manner. very unusual for a dog.
and you tended his wound: a nice splice of flesh on his left thigh. even and clean. you had some knowledge of tending to dogs: your grandfather had kept plenty of hunting hounds during his life. 
you had felt sure that someone would come looking for him, or ‘LOST DOG’ posters might show up around town. you asked at the local hotspots, even the police station. belgian malinois were working dogs, high energy. destructive when they didn’t get the proper exercise and territorial. you take him with you when you go to town, letting him ride shotgun. he’s highly trained, staying pressed right up against your right thigh the whole time. stepping so that he’s never in danger of being stepped on by you or tripping you.
“well if it ain’t the witch of the woods, come down to grace us with her presence.” drawls one of the locals, loitering outside by your truck at the grocery store. you scowls and put the bags in the truck bed, content to ignore him. sarg’s hackles bristle, upper lip curling from his wicked sharp canines.
“Whats this? got yourself a companion? how sweet.” the condescending tone suggested it was anything but. “you need rescuing from her, huh boy?” harry reaches down to pet him and the very real snap of sarg’s jaws has your teeth clenching, afraid that you would hear those massive teeth crunch through the bones of harry’s hand.
your hand goes to his faded collar — though it was almost laughable. if sarg decided to take off harry’s hand for trying to touch him … there wasn’t anything you were going to be able to do to stop him.
“i’m not keeping him.” though you wonder if you shouldn’t have said that. harry’d always been a bit creepy, though fear of what dwells in woods, old folklore passed down through their generations, kept him at bay. until hunting season. but even then: the time was scheduled and they all stayed clear of your land. and while you’d definitely heard of and believed in the cat distribution system you knew that the dog distribution system wasn’t a thing. 
especially not for a working dog like sarg.
“he’s not mine. he has an owner out there somewhere.” but it’d been weeks and there’s been no attempts to find him. “but i’m taking care of him until they come looking for him.”
sarg snaps his teeth again, feigning a surge forth and harry recoils back with a small whimper. you have to hide your laugh as he mumbles a ‘see ya’ and hurries off, almost sprinting across the parking lot.
“hey harry, didn’t your papa ever teach you not to turn your back on a predator?” sarg starts barking then, salvia flying from his jowls; hamming it up. in a way that once again, fills you with a strange sort of suspicion that he was more than he seemed.
but one month weaves itself into two and no one’s come to claim him. 
and for the first time since he’d shown up on your doorstep, you left him alone. not long. just long enough to run the few errands you needed to get done. the town had gotten less lax on his presence, afraid that his protectiveness over you might get one of them bit.
it was a valid fear, you knew. you hadn’t raised him, weren’t exactly sure how to handle him.
you are surprised and worried when you aren’t immediately greeted by sarg. it doesn’t feel right considering that the dog walked, lived, breathed in your shadow, always pressed against your thigh anytime you so much as twitched a muscle in movement.
absent. but not just absent. absent with no hint of the destruction you might expect form an high energy breed left alone for the first time since he arrived, limping on your door step; attaching himself to your hip from that very breadth of a second.
but you are surprised to hear the shower, to see the warm glow of the bathroom light seeping through the cracks, following the furling steam.
your family is long gone. none ventured out this way, and the doors and windows were all locked: you check them quickly just to be sure; heart in your throat the entire time.
your steps falter, hesitate at the low moaned “fook, fook, fook—!” as you draw nearer.
you grab the shotgun, and open the door, barrel raised, stock against your shoulder.
“what the fuck—?”
“dannae shoot! dannae shoot! i can explain i —” the man in your shower is clearly struggling to keep his composure, with his hand fisted tightly ‘round his thick, heavy, hard cock. you press the barrel of the shotgun to his temple; watching as his eyes squeeze close.
from fear or the ecstasy as it tips him over the edge to his zenith you couldn’t be sure.
“fookin’ hell.” he raspily pants around the words; voice low, honeyed ( your toes curl and heat pools in your abdomen, stomach swooping and then there’s your outrage, your fear that, that could elicit such a response from you when a strange man was in your shower ! ). he’s haunching in on himself, hips hips bucking up against his hand, thick ropes and virile streams of his seed mess on the shower wall, door and all over his hand.
“what the fuck?” you whisper again, this time quieter, meant for yourself as he pumps his hand a few times, somehow, impossibly, coaxing out more pearlescent spend.
“where the fuck is my dog?!” so many questions vying for their time in the spotlight, burning against your tongue which has grown thick as he scrambles for a towel. your towel, using it to cover himself as if you hadn’t just given a front row seat to his exhibition. you are disgusted and angry and afraid and your nostrils are flaring, taking in the thick scent of musk and your vanilla bean barsoap.
oh gods, he used your soap!
you think of the man versus bear debate and understand why you’d choose the bear as you grit your teeth so tightly they begin to ache.
so, why can’t you shoot?
“it’s — i’m …” he pants as he steps out of the shower, broad freckled shoulders gleaming with water. “lil fox it’s me.” the words tear themselves from his throat in thick scottish brogue as if they physically pained him to say.
he’s bigger than you thought: thick thighed and large. he takes up so much space in your small bathroom; towering over you like a fjord carved titan.
“what?” you ask dumbly, heart still sprinting like a rabbit giving chase.
“ack,” he makes a hurried, almost impatient noise in the back of his throat, one hand clutching the towel to his front as if in the name of decency, and the other running through the short shorn hair atop his head. “it’s me.” he repeats, desperation nesting in his tone, making it’s home. “sergeant. sergeant john “soap” mactavish.” 
“sarg.” you whisper, a miasma of emotions surging through you as you stare at him, trying to decide which one you should allow to make its home within your chest, which feels like it’s being constricted; quite painfully.
“aye,” he murmurs morosely, shoulders loosening some now that he was not in danger of his head being blown off, for the shotgun barrel has tipped low in your shock, in your struggle to wrap your mind around what should be impossible.
“you — i —! you. you watched me shower! you —” your cheeks grow heated, breath coming out in rapid and shallow gasps as you careened closer to hyperventilation, glimpsing at the thigh that you had tended to, to find a scar matching sarg’s. accusations stain your teeth. it was a startling confirmation that leaves you feeling a bit out of body. you’d heard the stories of shape shifters. lore was heavy in these mountains, among the people that called it and the town nearby home and though you’d believed enough to make you suspicious you hadn’t thought —
john snatches the shotgun from your numb hands then. you let him.
“you humped my pillow.” you eek out the words, almost tumbling over them. john at least has the decency to look ashamed at that, cheeks flushing; sloe-eyed as he looks anywhere but at you.
“aye,” he swallows thickly. “ye were in heat. i cannae… it’s … in dog form it’s a lot more primal.” he explains, rubbing the back of his neck.
“humans don’t go into heat.” you tell him numbly.
“ye do,” he counters with a heavy look that leaves gooseflesh along your arms. “once every month right before yer eh, y’know. ‘s when yer most fertile. humans cannae smell it but animals can. i can.”
why does that send another rush of heat to your abdomen? as if snapping out of a daze you do the quick mental math and let out a small noise.
 “i can smell it on yer skin, on yer hair.” he murmurs, voice pitching low. a whiskey croon that has your lips parting as his voice slides over your skin like a caress. the heat radiating off him, works to suffocate you and he’s so close but not close enough. saliva pools in your mouth and you swallow and his eyes, intense and focused follow the action with a low growl in his chest. hungry. needy.
“you need to leave.” your words lack the conviction you are aware they should have. a pocketful of lies.
“i cannae leave,” he murmurs heatedly, lips hovering. “i’m yers lil fox.” there is a deeper meaning to those words beyond their face value, his breath twining in your hair, reverberating in your bones. his nose brushes your cheek and you shiver, lashes fluttering as you look down at the strong curve of his collarbone.
“if you were able to change… why didn’t you…?”
“yer consent,” he says it as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world and you were silly for not thinking about it. “and i was weak at first,”
“and then?”
“and then ye were comfortable with the dog form. i didnae wanna scare ye. dinnae wanttae break yer trust.”
his heat is intoxicating, his scent like a siren song coaxing her in now that she was so close. on the precipice of falling into the dark abyss looming below. what beasts awaited her, she could not see. but she knew they were there. and yet, he is like the gravity of a planet and she a solitary moon caught in his orbit. 
“and now?” you ask softer still.
of course his supernatural hearing picks it up.
“now, i want tae taste your lips, eat tha’ deliciously sweet cunt until ye be but an incoherent mess and balm the ache with my cock. and stuff ye fit tae burstin’ over and over again with my seed until yer womb quickens with child.”
your mouth is dry; cottony. your fingers aching to touch: yourself or him you couldn’t be sure. both, you think.
if you touch him, you know whatever is left of your veil thin resolve will be rendered useless. torn away so effortlessly by him. by the sirens lilt of his voice, by the burn of those oceanic blues, by those lips parted. your flush grows feverish as you imagine them everywhere, kissing and sucking and those sharp canines marking your flesh.
something very real and palpable tethered you to him, what your grandmother had called a mating bond you think. you’re not sure how you know it so deeply in your soul, in the marrow of your bones but you reach out with tentative fingers to touch his left forearm, tracing the vein from wrist to elbow.
it is you giving consent. john lets out a low growl that immediately melts into your skin, warming you until your clenching your thighs together. the towel is discarded and he is kneeling down, large calloused fingers tugging down your shorts, your panties and shoving his face against your cunt.
a high pitched keening noise leaves your lips, grasping the sink for support, your other fingers finding purchase in the damp hair of his mohawk as he kisses and licks and slurps. one hand holds your thigh tightly, fingers digging into your supple flesh to keep you still, as one finger curls inside and then another when he thinks you are ready, joined soon after by his tongue.
the sloppy noises as he eats you out like a man starving are some of the most filthy, unholy noises you think you’ve ever heard, but you’re moaning and keening and mewling, legs quivering from his ministrations, from the gaelic he purls against your cunt, the praises in english until you are coming all over his tongue, his fingers.
and he’s looking above you like an old god, half forgotten but still very much thrumming with life, lifting you up, hard cock straining against your thigh as he plops you on the small vanity; mindful of his girth as his cock fills the ache of your swollen cunt.
“that’s it… that’s it. fook,” he pants ‘round the word, pushing deeper inside, stilling as he sinks to the hilt as your legs wrap ‘round his waist. his lips are on yours, tongue pushing inside your mouth as he thrusts slowly at first but pace quickens until he’s rutting up and into you, the slap of sweat slicked skin, the breathy and panting kisses: to your lips, your neck, your collarbone where he bites down.
he is surprisingly unvocal now, hand wrapping lightly ‘round your pretty throat as he ruts and rocks into you, staying deep and your breath drags itself from your lips in heavy, desperate pants, hands clinging to his shoulders as the pressure of something foreign both causes pain and equal amounts of pleasure as you can feel him begin to throb within you.
“i ken lil fox,” he croons, thrusts growing shallow but harder; a groan pushing past his lips as he knots tightly within,, balls and cock throbbing against your flesh, within your cunt which fills you with spend with each thrumming throb of his cock. again and again. “nae a drop can spill.” he murmurs against your lips, thumb rolling your swollen clit as he empties himself within you. “that’s my good girl.” he growls against the shell of your ear, licking the side of your sweat slicked face.
it would become your norm, this. johnny, a fixture in your life, your husband. preferring human form but always slipping into dog form when you went into town.
two years later, your toddler, a girl named wren clings to johnny’s leg squealing with undiluted joy during playtime as you make pancakes, a hand rubbing your swelling baby bump.
time freezes when a pounding sounds at the door; an oncoming storm that has finally reached their shores. johnny stills, face paling. violet whines, tugging at his jeans, not understanding before he scoops her into his arms; stiff backed and tense.
“ssh baby bird,” you watch him as he coos to her, opening up the door. the kitchen blocks your view of who’s at the door but you hear his voice meld into your bones like the fires of hell. you picture cerberus, slavering jaws and vicious teeth and cloaked in shadows. “hello johnny.”
“ghost —” your husband’s voice is strained; a low warning threaded in that single syllable. you twist off the stove and move ‘round the kitchen’s island, hand cradling your abdomen, to see the grim reaper at your door cloaked in abysmal shadows and a skull face mask.
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judas-isariot · 1 year ago
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700 followers ! Thanks you it mean so much for me little me.
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landscapeexposurenetwork · 2 months ago
Thank you again for another great year allowing us to share original photographers with you. We will be taking a break and return January 13th. In the meantime we have set up a queue filled with photos from our past featured blogs this year. If you are looking for new blogs to follow, please have a look at the list below. We have listed a general description of the types of photos each blog posts, so it will be easier for you to find the ones you like. And of course applications are still open during our break. Hope to see you all again in 2025. Happy holidays and much love from all of us at LEN.
January 390 @longingforrotkehlchen (animals) 391 @annajewelsphotography (landscape, travel) 392 @charmed-n-zesty (landscape, forests) 393 @thiswillnotdo (landscape, travel)
February 394 @kimlion1313 (landscape, animals) 395 @nonotnow-photography (landscape, flowers, animals) 396 @malioli (landscape, animals) 397 @in-a-day (landscape)
March 398 @sahorocoopr (landscape) 399 @rafefar (animals, landscape) 400 @robertocastigliaphotography (architecture, flowers, animals) 401 @fromerofoto (animals)
April 402 @destroyedchild (landscape, forests) 403 @stargoose-photo (landscape, architecture) 404 @moncoeurestatoimonamour (landscape) 405 @blooming-lenses (flowers) 406 @novaeangliaphotography (landscape, flowers)
May 407 @chikurevo (animals, landscape, flowers) 408 @steven-sandner (landscape) 409 @otus-scops (animals) 410 @mostlybirdsandphotos (animals)
June 411 @francescointoppa (flowers, landscape) 412 @reyolivier (landscape, travel, animals) 413 @ifwhitedays (flowers) 414 @axololtls (forest, animals, flowers)
July 415 @jarredspec (landscape, animals) 416 @kas-e (landscape, travel) 417 @boy-warbler (animals) 418 @jacobgraphy (flowers, landscape, animals) 419 @branchflowerphoto (flowers)
August 420 @seagirl49 (landscape) 421 @jvstinderosa (landscape) 422 @wildsideoflifeencounters (animals) 423 @richs-pics (landscape, animals)
September 424 @fatchance (landscape, animals, flowers) 425 @pnwander (landscape, animals) 426 @amomentofnature (landscape) 427 @tomorrowcatistoolate (landscape, flowers, animals) 428 @connorphilpphotography (landscape)
October 429 @the-ravens-song-photography (landscape) 430 @theslowtravel (landscape, travel) 431 @vanwinkle11 (landscape) 432 @birdphotos (animals)
November 433 @adventurealldays (landscape) 434 @visionsofnightfall (landscape, forests) 435 @yoshitaka-koga (animals) 436 @marieviot (landscape)
December 437 @bobcronkphotography (landscape, travel) 438 @orrinivalis (landscape) 439 @atlasandacamera (travel)
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mispatchedgreens · 1 year ago
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thanks so much to @gatoraid for commissioning this piece of a scene from 'a man of letters'. extra extra thanks for the help with the research after i realised i've never actually drawn them in canon setting. apart from descriptions from the books and what's depicted in official illustrations, the articles we used you'll find cited under the cut, as well as alternate versions of the piece
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1. Oka, I. (2015). MONGOL CLOTHING IN THE YUAN PERIOD. Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 68(4), 385–414. http://www.jstor.org/stable/43957434
2. LUO(罗玮) Wei. (2018). A Preliminary Study of Mongol Costumes in the Ming Dynasty. Social Sciences in China. https://doi.org/10.1080/02529203.2018.1414417
3. Serrano, Alexander Jesus, "THE MANCHU QUEUE: A COMPLEX SYMBOL IN CHINESE IDENTITY" (2022). Electronic Theses, Projects, and Dissertations. 1496. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd/1496
4. the sleeveless overcoat ayushiridara is wearing is depicted in the 'Vajrabhairava mandala' silk tapestry: metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/37614
Peace out, mwah mwah
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scary-yuri · 5 months ago
Hi dear donors ! ❤️
I would like to extend my thank and gratitude for the support you have been offering over the last eleven months. ❤️☺️
My family and I have been suffering and going through the hardest days we have ever experienced in our life . Things are very hard to get and and sometimes unattainable.😭😓
Our sufferings and hardship started on the first days of the war when all our possessions were completely destroyed and burned. We have become displaced and homeless , finding ourselves in a small tent in streets with no means of life. We lack every single necessary thing of life; food, water, hygiene essentials, and other necessities have become scarce and rare.
A photo taken to show how incredibly harsh our life has become after the war. We are struggling and facing lots of barriers to obtain the simplest necessities for living. Everything single thing is a complete story.
You can't imagine what difficulties we have been going through all these days of war. No cooking gas , nor cooking tools exist . We struggle to prepare a small meal of food.
No bakeries are available. Everything seems a miracle and unbelievable.😭 The war has stolen our joy and smile, leaving us busy thinking only of staying safe and alive. Our future has gone with the wind and our kids lost their dreams and ambitions.
This is a part of burying the dead. We also face some problems in the process of buying our dead people as no place is there for the family. Tombs aren't enough for the number of people living on a small spot of land.
A photo taken for the morning queue of filling our gallons with drink water. We wait hours to get some water for drink. Our life is full of tragedy and sadness.
All what we need is to survive the war and be safe. We are trying to secure the daily basic living necessities and this can come true with your contribution and support. Please don't spare this moment of supporting the people in need in Gaza in this tough and dire time. You can help us by either donating however small it is or sharing my posts. Your support makes a big difference for families in need.
This fundraiser has been ongoing since July (3 months!!), but has only raised 414/50,000. Please help Amany and the family!!
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xxfunk1b3atxx · 5 months ago
Hi dear donors ! ❤️
I would like to extend my thank and gratitude for the support you have been offering over the last eleven months. ❤️☺️
My family and I have been suffering and going through the hardest days we have ever experienced in our life . Things are very hard to get and and sometimes unattainable.😭😓
Our sufferings and hardship started on the first days of the war when all our possessions were completely destroyed and burned. We have become displaced and homeless , finding ourselves in a small tent in streets with no means of life. We lack every single necessary thing of life; food, water, hygiene essentials, and other necessities have become scarce and rare.
A photo taken to show how incredibly harsh our life has become after the war. We are struggling and facing lots of barriers to obtain the simplest necessities for living. Everything single thing is a complete story.
You can't imagine what difficulties we have been going through all these days of war. No cooking gas , nor cooking tools exist . We struggle to prepare a small meal of food.
No bakeries are available. Everything seems a miracle and unbelievable.😭 The war has stolen our joy and smile, leaving us busy thinking only of staying safe and alive. Our future has gone with the wind and our kids lost their dreams and ambitions.
This is a part of burying the dead. We also face some problems in the process of buying our dead people as no place is there for the family. Tombs aren't enough for the number of people living on a small spot of land.
A photo taken for the morning queue of filling our gallons with drink water. We wait hours to get some water for drink. Our life is full of tragedy and sadness.
All what we need is to survive the war and be safe. We are trying to secure the daily basic living necessities and this can come true with your contribution and support. Please don't spare this moment of supporting the people in need in Gaza in this tough and dire time. You can help us by either donating however small it is or sharing my posts. Your support makes a big difference for families in need.
If you can please donate to Amany and her family so they can get the medical attention they need. The fund is currently at €414 and the goal is €50,000
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clarabowmp3 · 2 years ago
lily!!! how did gen sale go? <33
OMG you have no idea it was allll so hectic and so much drama that im putting it under the cut:
So like my sister and mum were waitlisted but we didn’t get the code and my sister got in the queue anyways and when she was near the front she texted me asking to somehow get a code??? So I texted everyone I knew and finally made a deal with this person I didn’t even know but was a friend of a friend who had a code but was stuck in the queue that my sister could use his code but she would buy 4 tickets, 2 for us and 2 for them,
but right as my sister started keying in the code my friend called me to say that they had also given the code to their history teacher who just bought them 2 $700 tickets, and she was so apologetic and everything and ngl i was kind of bummed after getting my hopes up but she said that we could still the use the code if it worked for us.
So I was like okay we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it and my sister then texted me to ask again how many tickets to buy (cuz this friend of a friend had apparently alr gotten to the front of the queue and tried to buy 4 tickets but the large number might have caused some issues so we kept changing our mind abt how many to get) and I said two yk cuz they alr got their tickets and I didn’t even think it mattered since I thought the code wasn’t even going to work anyway
BUT THEN my sister texted me a screenshot of the receipt and omggg the code worked!!!!!! Still a bit pricey, it was like $550 for each of us (vip 4 was the cheapest left) but I am stilll in shock and it was just the perfect ending to a pretty good day (i had gotten some exam results back that were pretty great)
there was a bit of ig like tension with my friend later on tho, cuz they couldn’t afford the $700 tickets but their history teacher just bought it since he thought something was better than nothing, and she kind of wanted to exchange tickets but 550 was alr pushing my sister and I’s budget (we were planning cat 1 max) but yeah we’ll be in section 414 on 8 March!
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bettyweir · 3 months ago
ok my queue is backed up to 414 posts so... 2 posts a day for a while from now instead of 1
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imnayeonjaem · 5 months ago
Hi dear donors ! ❤️
I would like to extend my thank and gratitude for the support you have been offering over the last eleven months. ❤️☺️
My family and I have been suffering and going through the hardest days we have ever experienced in our life . Things are very hard to get and and sometimes unattainable.😭😓
Our sufferings and hardship started on the first days of the war when all our possessions were completely destroyed and burned. We have become displaced and homeless , finding ourselves in a small tent in streets with no means of life. We lack every single necessary thing of life; food, water, hygiene essentials, and other necessities have become scarce and rare.
A photo taken to show how incredibly harsh our life has become after the war. We are struggling and facing lots of barriers to obtain the simplest necessities for living. Everything single thing is a complete story.
You can't imagine what difficulties we have been going through all these days of war. No cooking gas , nor cooking tools exist . We struggle to prepare a small meal of food.
No bakeries are available. Everything seems a miracle and unbelievable.😭 The war has stolen our joy and smile, leaving us busy thinking only of staying safe and alive. Our future has gone with the wind and our kids lost their dreams and ambitions.
This is a part of burying the dead. We also face some problems in the process of buying our dead people as no place is there for the family. Tombs aren't enough for the number of people living on a small spot of land.
A photo taken for the morning queue of filling our gallons with drink water. We wait hours to get some water for drink. Our life is full of tragedy and sadness.
All what we need is to survive the war and be safe. We are trying to secure the daily basic living necessities and this can come true with your contribution and support. Please don't spare this moment of supporting the people in need in Gaza in this tough and dire time. You can help us by either donating however small it is or sharing my posts. Your support makes a big difference for families in need.
please consider donating and share if you cannot, this campaign is at €414 / €50,000!
here is the link!
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xxx-sparkydemon-xxx · 5 months ago
Hi dear donors ! ❤️
I would like to extend my thank and gratitude for the support you have been offering over the last eleven months. ❤️☺️
My family and I have been suffering and going through the hardest days we have ever experienced in our life . Things are very hard to get and and sometimes unattainable.😭😓
Our sufferings and hardship started on the first days of the war when all our possessions were completely destroyed and burned. We have become displaced and homeless , finding ourselves in a small tent in streets with no means of life. We lack every single necessary thing of life; food, water, hygiene essentials, and other necessities have become scarce and rare.
A photo taken to show how incredibly harsh our life has become after the war. We are struggling and facing lots of barriers to obtain the simplest necessities for living. Everything single thing is a complete story.
You can't imagine what difficulties we have been going through all these days of war. No cooking gas , nor cooking tools exist . We struggle to prepare a small meal of food.
No bakeries are available. Everything seems a miracle and unbelievable.😭 The war has stolen our joy and smile, leaving us busy thinking only of staying safe and alive. Our future has gone with the wind and our kids lost their dreams and ambitions.
This is a part of burying the dead. We also face some problems in the process of buying our dead people as no place is there for the family. Tombs aren't enough for the number of people living on a small spot of land.
A photo taken for the morning queue of filling our gallons with drink water. We wait hours to get some water for drink. Our life is full of tragedy and sadness.
All what we need is to survive the war and be safe. We are trying to secure the daily basic living necessities and this can come true with your contribution and support. Please don't spare this moment of supporting the people in need in Gaza in this tough and dire time. You can help us by either donating however small it is or sharing my posts. Your support makes a big difference for families in need.
However, according to the notes under the blog’s posts, it is likely that it is legitimate. I am inclined to believe that it is
€414 raised of €50,000 goal
0 notes
sparkanonymous · 5 months ago
Hi dear donors ! ❤️
I would like to extend my thank and gratitude for the support you have been offering over the last eleven months. ❤️☺️
My family and I have been suffering and going through the hardest days we have ever experienced in our life . Things are very hard to get and and sometimes unattainable.😭😓
Our sufferings and hardship started on the first days of the war when all our possessions were completely destroyed and burned. We have become displaced and homeless , finding ourselves in a small tent in streets with no means of life. We lack every single necessary thing of life; food, water, hygiene essentials, and other necessities have become scarce and rare.
A photo taken to show how incredibly harsh our life has become after the war. We are struggling and facing lots of barriers to obtain the simplest necessities for living. Everything single thing is a complete story.
You can't imagine what difficulties we have been going through all these days of war. No cooking gas , nor cooking tools exist . We struggle to prepare a small meal of food.
No bakeries are available. Everything seems a miracle and unbelievable.😭 The war has stolen our joy and smile, leaving us busy thinking only of staying safe and alive. Our future has gone with the wind and our kids lost their dreams and ambitions.
This is a part of burying the dead. We also face some problems in the process of buying our dead people as no place is there for the family. Tombs aren't enough for the number of people living on a small spot of land.
A photo taken for the morning queue of filling our gallons with drink water. We wait hours to get some water for drink. Our life is full of tragedy and sadness.
All what we need is to survive the war and be safe. We are trying to secure the daily basic living necessities and this can come true with your contribution and support. Please don't spare this moment of supporting the people in need in Gaza in this tough and dire time. You can help us by either donating however small it is or sharing my posts. Your support makes a big difference for families in need.
Not vetted yet.
€414 / €50,000 raised as of September 30th, 2024.
0 notes
romvnova · 10 months ago
I’m really salivating over Soap x Civilian Female Mechanic. I was particularly encouraged by this dynamic when Soap was admiring the cars during the Oligarch mission.
Giggling and kicking my feet because she’s protesting that her hands are covered in car grease and he’s panting over her working on her car like the belgian malinois he is ( because he doesn’t give me golden retriever vibes tbh ) with a sprinkle of hot sex on the hood of a car a beautiful classic car. 🤭
21 notes · View notes
wornworms-wood · 5 months ago
Hi dear donors ! ❤️
I would like to extend my thank and gratitude for the support you have been offering over the last eleven months. ❤️☺️
My family and I have been suffering and going through the hardest days we have ever experienced in our life . Things are very hard to get and and sometimes unattainable.😭😓
Our sufferings and hardship started on the first days of the war when all our possessions were completely destroyed and burned. We have become displaced and homeless , finding ourselves in a small tent in streets with no means of life. We lack every single necessary thing of life; food, water, hygiene essentials, and other necessities have become scarce and rare.
A photo taken to show how incredibly harsh our life has become after the war. We are struggling and facing lots of barriers to obtain the simplest necessities for living. Everything single thing is a complete story.
You can't imagine what difficulties we have been going through all these days of war. No cooking gas , nor cooking tools exist . We struggle to prepare a small meal of food.
No bakeries are available. Everything seems a miracle and unbelievable.😭 The war has stolen our joy and smile, leaving us busy thinking only of staying safe and alive. Our future has gone with the wind and our kids lost their dreams and ambitions.
This is a part of burying the dead. We also face some problems in the process of buying our dead people as no place is there for the family. Tombs aren't enough for the number of people living on a small spot of land.
A photo taken for the morning queue of filling our gallons with drink water. We wait hours to get some water for drink. Our life is full of tragedy and sadness.
All what we need is to survive the war and be safe. We are trying to secure the daily basic living necessities and this can come true with your contribution and support. Please don't spare this moment of supporting the people in need in Gaza in this tough and dire time. You can help us by either donating however small it is or sharing my posts. Your support makes a big difference for families in need.
They currently have €414 raised of their €50,000 goal as of September 29th. The was opened on was opened on July 24th, two months ago.
Please consider donating, every bit helps!
0 notes
taruntravell · 2 years ago
Tour of the Duomo Florence
The Duomo, officially known as the Florence Cathedral or Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore, is one of the most iconic landmarks in Florence, Italy. It's a magnificent example of Gothic architecture and attracts millions of visitors each year. If you're planning a tour of the Duomo, here's a suggested itinerary:
Duomo Square (Piazza del Duomo): Start your tour at the Duomo Square, which is the main entrance to the cathedral. Take some time to admire the square's grandeur and soak in the atmosphere.
Giotto's Campanile: Adjacent to the cathedral, you'll find Giotto's Campanile, a bell tower that offers stunning panoramic views of Florence. Climb the 414 steps to the top for a breathtaking vista of the city.
The Baptistery of San Giovanni: Located right in front of the cathedral, the Baptistery is an octagonal building renowned for its beautiful bronze doors, including the famous Gates of Paradise by Lorenzo Ghiberti. Step inside to see the intricate mosaics and the stunning ceiling.
Florence Cathedral (Il Duomo): Enter the cathedral itself and prepare to be amazed by its vast interior. Marvel at the impressive nave, stunning stained glass windows, and the iconic dome designed by Filippo Brunelleschi. Take your time to explore the various chapels and works of art housed within.
Dome Climb (Cupola): If you're up for a physical challenge, climb to the top of the dome. The climb involves ascending a narrow staircase with 463 steps, but the reward is well worth it. Enjoy panoramic views of Florence and take a close-up look at the frescoes adorning the inner surface of the dome.
The Crypt of Santa Reparata: Beneath the cathedral, you'll find the archaeological site of the original cathedral of Florence, Santa Reparata. Explore the underground space and discover the remnants of an ancient basilica.
Opera del Duomo Museum: To delve deeper into the history and art associated with the Duomo, visit the Opera del Duomo Museum. It houses an extensive collection of sculptures, including works by Donatello and Michelangelo, as well as original artworks from the cathedral's exterior.
Galleria dell'Accademia: Although not directly part of the Duomo complex, the Galleria dell'Accademia is worth a visit if you have time. It is home to Michelangelo's famous sculpture, David, along with other Renaissance masterpieces.
Note: It's important to check the current opening hours, ticket availability, and any specific entry requirements before your visit, as they may be subject to change. It's also advisable to book tickets in advance to avoid long queues, especially during peak tourist seasons.
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johnbottoms · 2 years ago
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I posted 11,688 times in 2022
5,125 posts created (44%)
6,563 posts reblogged (56%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 11,341 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#blabs - 5,421 posts
#fave - 3,174 posts
#trc - 1,316 posts
#bridgerton - 766 posts
#dc - 746 posts
#sr - 699 posts
#queue - 533 posts
#videos - 414 posts
#asks - 401 posts
#batman - 379 posts
Longest Tag: 60 characters
#girl!!!!! ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️❗❗❗❗‼️‼️❗‼️❗‼️❗‼️‼️❗‼️❗❕❕‼️‼️‼️❗‼️❗‼️❗‼️
My Top Posts in 2022:
top 10 posts from ur mutuals u ignore that u would block someone else for .
6,471 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
children’s book illustrators r literally the cornerstone of society im not kidding. where would we be w/o that little business worm in the apple car or the brambly hedge animals making their feasts and flying their kites like literally WHERE  . do not even get me started on frog and toad 
21,165 notes - Posted August 27, 2022
the bravest thing a girl could ever do is resist the urge to stir while cooking food that shouldn't be stirred lest it ruin it
25,172 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
thinking long and hard abt doing things is not the same as doing them ive found. which is really horrible for me
29,193 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
36,836 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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little-magicpuff · 2 years ago
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I posted 9,217 times in 2022
That's 2,351 more posts than 2021!
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9,213 posts reblogged (100%)
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I tagged 3,800 of my posts in 2022
#queue - 970 posts
#video - 457 posts
#animals - 414 posts
#pets - 224 posts
#writing - 205 posts
#tiktok - 202 posts
#kitty - 194 posts
#art - 179 posts
#comic - 135 posts
#fanfiction - 124 posts
Longest Tag: 113 characters
#i like to think i have a healthier relationship with them now and a better ability to recognise when to pull back
My Top Posts in 2022:
Re: the compression socks- I'm US based, but the pharmacy I work for special orders compression socks for customers, so you might be able to find an independent pharmacy that does the same? Probably wouldn't be fun patterns, but they should be able to get thigh-high in your size & compression strength. Might not be much help, but it could be an avenue you haven't tried yet
Oh this is a good idea!
My mom is a nurse and also just suggested a bunch of local medical supply stores in the area that I can try, which hadn't occured to me either.
Thank you!
0 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
I am also ace and also like being short. I think you've cracked it
I asked my ace friend who's tall if she likes being tall and she said yes, so really I think this theory might hold water
0 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
Kinda sucks when you're blocked by someone you've never spoken to, and you know it's because of rumours about you. (This is about twitter and we both have locked accounts.)
Obviously anyone can block anyone they like for any reason, but knowing that people are turning you away because of something they heard about you without ever giving you a chance on your own? Forming their own opinion? Not a great feeling.
And I know that if someone is the type to dismiss me based on rumours, I probably wouldn't like them anyway, but that doesn't mean it doesn't still sting a little.
1 note - Posted January 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I love exfoliating. Love shedding the top layer of my skin like a snake being reborn.
2 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
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