lesbidykez · 1 year
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new disabilities dropped
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elamimax · 1 year
This is causing a bit of a stir on Twitter but:
if we consider a door to be a kind of mechanical device, there must be an on state and an off state.
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ms-demeanor · 1 year
Just looked up what time I was born and I'm so relieved that I can finally clear some things up! For those who have been asking, I'm an INTJ sun and an ENFP moon.
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blueskiesofsaturn · 9 months
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Hello I've come back. There are no comics (sorry) but instead I come to ask for information about turtle fandom. Please fill out ->✨ this ✨ <- questionnaire if you'd like to contribute. It started as a fun joke, but now me and some friends are actually curious if there's trends relating to what turtle you most relate to and who you are as a person, coupled with a few questions that might give us an interesting look at the wider fandom in general. Will this actually prove anything beyond the fact we're all mentally ill? Probably not. But we will make pretty graphs out of it that you all can look at.
Also, please share this with as many people as you can, rb's are SUPER appreciated. Remember! Larger sample size means better data! And thank you to everyone who takes the time to participate.
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samreich · 1 year
do you have time for a quick survey? ✍️
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penheadie · 4 months
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I-I have a vision that whenever Stone is super upset Skipp tickles him as a cheat code to make his smile return quickly, as a result that usually winds up with him getting slapped. For all of the people in the sfw t-word community here is your food and for the people not in the t-word community enjoy your daily dose of happy stone.
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copperbadge · 7 months
I'm currently part of an ADHD study where I get regular questionnaires to answer, and the way they track responses is to assign you a randomly generated username and password to log into the site with. This time around I was (perhaps predictably) distracted by the password. When I opened the email it said my password was...
...which looks like one of those substitute words tiktok kids might use when they want to say pussy.
Today's the day to put your whole phuucy into it, friends. Serve some cuhnt.
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fidjiefidjie · 1 month
Alain Delon répond au questionnaire de Proust dans l'émission de Bernard Pivot.. 🖤🌹
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cydork · 1 year
Alien Questionnaire - A Biological Perspective
A while ago, somebody linked me a very comprehensive worldbuilding questionnaire. For most aspects of a fictional society, it was great, but I noticed it assumed that anyone using it was making up a fictional human society, or at least a society of beings very similar to humans. As such, there was almost nothing in the biology department, which to me is one of the best parts! Thus, this questionnaire was born.
These questions are designed to help people worldbuild from a biological foundation. As such, the questionnaire only touches lightly on other aspects of a fictional society, and is more of a jumping off point. I wrote it with the aim of using it to develop aliens, but it should be suitable for any project with non-humanoid species, such as sapient terrestrial animals.
Have fun! I'd love to see your answers :)
General Anatomy How many limbs do they have? Do they have limbs at all?
What are their primary manipulators? Where are they located? How does this affect their tool use, building ability, etc?
What kind of body covering do they have, e.g. hair, scales, feathers? How do they clean it? Do they shed this covering constantly, or all at once at certain times? 
Can they maintain a constant body temperature? If not, how do they deal with changing environmental temperatures? 
What kind of habitat do they live in? Both specific habitat, and broader such as on land vs in water.
What adaptations do they have for living in this habitat?
What kind of creature did they evolve from?
What are the similarities and differences to their closest living relatives? 
What resource(s) is the most necessary and urgent for them? E.g. for many animals, but not all, it’s water.
What are some common mutations? E.g. eye colours, ability to digest lactose in humans.
What injuries or illnesses are considered disabling? 
How is their healing ability? Can they regenerate? If they can, is that limited to certain body parts or a certain number of times?
Senses What senses do they have? E.g. sight, smell, electroreception, etc.
How good are those senses?
Which of their sense/s do they use the most in everyday life?
How might this choice of sense impact the way they interact with the world? 
Can they detect things that Earth creatures cannot? If yes, how and why?
Movement  How do they move? Do they walk, crawl, fly, etc? 
If they have multiple modes of movement, which is preferred, and why?
Which part/s of their body do they use to move?
What is their speed and endurance like? 
How agile are they? 
Do they rely mainly on their own bodies for travel, or do they use pack animals and machines? 
How often do they move around? Are they mainly sedentary, do they move a lot within a set area, do they migrate, etc?
Do they have different levels of mobility depending on age, sex, or other biological group? E.g. young barnacles are able to swim, while adults are anchored permanently to a surface. 
Reproduction and Lifecycle  How many sexes are there? 
Are there differences between the sexes (ignoring the reproductive system)? 
Are there different castes, such as in honeybees or naked mole rats? If so, what is the function of each caste? 
Are differences in sex or caste used to justify discrimination or hierarchy? How might these ideas differ in different populations? 
Do they have a concept of gender? If so, is gender affected by sex, caste, or some other factor?
How do they attract a mate? Do they release a chemical into the air, do an elaborate display, etc?
Does one individual try to actively woo another, or is courtship more mutual?
What do they find attractive in members of the same species?
What is the usual reproductive partnership? E.g. two individuals, one main reproducing individual with a harem, no set partner, etc. 
How long do they live?
How are young brought into the world? Live birth, eggs, spores, etc?
Is producing young a painful, dangerous process, or is it easy?
How much parental investment is there? Are there many young with little investment, or few young with a lot of investment (r vs K strategy)? Or is it somewhere in the middle? 
How many offspring are produced at a time? Think about how attitudes towards children may differ between a species that produces one or two, and a species that produces dozens or even hundreds at a time.
How do they grow? Are they born looking like miniature adults, gradually growing bigger? Do they have specific phases of high growth, like puberty? Do they have a larval phase, metamorphosis? 
How self-sufficient are they as young? Can they move around and feed themselves as soon as they are born? Do they require parental care? 
What is the usual structure of childcare? Single or multiple parents/related individuals? Communally raised? 
Is sex purely for reproduction, or does it serve other purposes?
What kind of sexuality is considered the norm? This doesn’t just refer to same/other sex pairings, but the culture around sex in general.
Diet and Foodchain What is their diet? Are they carnivores, omnivores, frugivores, insectivores, etc?
Do they feed off an unusual source, for example rocks, metals, or (in appropriate settings) something like magic or souls?
What physical adaptations do they have for this diet? 
Is their diet very restricted, or can they have a wide range of foods?
How often do they eat? What is the culture around mealtimes, if any?
Are they prey for other organisms? For each other?
If they are, how do they deal with it? Do they fight back, have barriers, or do they accept it as a part of life?
If they are hunters themselves, what is their attitude to killing other organisms? Are they respectful? Prideful of their kill? Is it completely trivial? 
If they are hunters, how do they hunt? Are they solitary or packhunters? Are certain members of the group designated to hunt? 
Are the results of foraging or hunting shared, or is it everyone for themself?
Are they parasitic, parasitised, or in a symbiotic relationship with any other organisms? 
Body Rhythms How often do they sleep?
What time of the day are they most active? Are they nocturnal, diurnal, crepuscular? 
Do they generally sleep for one long period a day, multiple shorter periods throughout, or something in between? 
Do they sleep to cope with extreme temperatures or bad conditions, i.e. hibernate or aestivate?
Do they have any biological processes that disrupt their life e.g. moulting, reproductive cycles, etc?
If yes, how does their society accommodate for these processes? Does it accommodate them at all? 
Communication What is their main method of communication? Sound, visuals, scent, etc? Think about their main sense and how this would affect communication.
What is their body language like? What small moving parts might aid their body language?
If they have multiple methods of communication, are they all given equal weight, or is one considered higher than others? 
Society How sociable are they? 
If social, what is the usual social structure? 
Are there hierarchies? How strict or relaxed are the roles?
How are disputes usually settled? Is it more common to be violent or appease the other party? 
If not social, what is the reaction to being with other individuals? Do they become aggressive or stressed? Do they tolerate each other? 
What is the usual size of a community? Do they have communities at all? 
Do they have an in-group vs out-group mentality? If so, how strong is it? This generally relates to how scarce or plentiful resources were during their evolution, and how territorial their ancestors were.
What kind of bonds do they form? 
On the spectrum of individualistic to community-oriented, where do they fall?
Do they have a strong sense of personal identity? Think about how this might tie in with the previous question. 
What are the main things they derive identity from? Occupation, gender, family ties, etc?
Do they have names? If yes, how are these names formed? Are they given by another party or chosen by the individual?
Have they domesticated any creatures? If so, what do they use these creatures for?
Do they have any unusual relationships with other creatures on their planet (beyond predation, parasitism or mutualism)?
Do they produce art? What are their main forms of artistic expression? Think about how this will be linked to their main sense(s), communication method, and/or primary manipulators.
GLOSSARY Primary manipulator: Main body part used to manipulate objects, e.g. hands in humans, trunks in elephants, feet in parrots.
Sedentary: Inactive, staying in the same place.
Caste (reproductive): A group within a species with differences in body type and reproductive ability.
Symbiosis/Mutualism: Interactions where both parties benefit, e.g. cleaner fish getting a meal in exchange for picking irritating parasites off larger fish.
Aestivate: To become inactive during hot or dry periods, usually involving being sealed in mucus or soil e.g. lungfish, snails. 
Reproductive cycle: Regular hormone fluctuations that affect an animal’s fertility or attitude towards breeding. The cycles can range from months to years and can include things such as antler growth in male deer, heat cycles, and menstruation in humans.
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treesah · 1 month
My mom is in a science writing course and needs responses to a questionnaire about experiences with acne and acne treatments. If you could comment, reblog, or send me your responses in an ask, I would appreciate it very much!
First Name: (Feel free to make up a first name; I just need something other than your Tumblr username so I don’t have to explain to my mom how I got in touch with someone named ghostpenis or whatever)
1. What changes to your lifestyle and/or routine have you made due to acne, if any?
2. Does acne negatively impact your life, and in what way(s)? What would you gain if your acne were improved or eliminated (eg in terms of time, money, health, social, professional, or other considerations)?
3. What skincare products, medications, or other remedies do you currently use for acne? Where do you get these remedies from (brick-and-mortar store, online, prescription, etc)?
4. What skincare products, medications, or other remedies for acne have you tried in the past? Why did you stop using them? Are there any skincare products, medications, or other remedies that you know of that you’d like to try in the future?
5. Are you satisfied with the remedies you are currently using to manage your acne? If so, what do you like about the products you are using? If not, what improvements or changes would you like to see in those products?
6. What kind of promises about results, safety, ease of use, etc would get you to try a new acne product or treatment?
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mxjackparker · 3 months
Are you someone who roleplays online, or has ever done so, as part of a fandom?
Take this questionnaire, and your answers will help to inform the topics to be covered in a book about fandoms and online roleplaying, currently in the development phase - "OOC: Exploring Online Fandom Roleplay".
It will be a deep dive into the positive and negative aspects of roleplay communities within fandoms and the safety of children in these spaces. More details at the start of the questionnaire!
A few minutes of your time will be a huge help. Feel free to share the link with anyone you know who does fandom roleplay, and to reblog this post!
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paintedpigeon1 · 3 months
Are you an adult with ADHD and/or autism?
I’m currently doing a Master's dissertation about how to improve access to public library services for adults with ADHD and/or autism, and I need your input!
If you are over 18, have ADHD and/or autism (edit for clarity: no matter where you live), and would like to help with this, please fill in the survey below by midnight on 8 August 2024.
For more information please contact me on [email protected]
Even if you're not eligible, please share this post so I can receive as many responses as possible!
(Also you don't want to disappoint the cute brain on the flyer do you?)
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poppingmary · 2 months
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Ava Gardner, 19 years old, photographed for her MGM Employment Questionnaire in 1942
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alexturntable · 5 days
Always Ready Questionnaire with Carlos Sainz
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moeblob · 1 month
This really doesn't have to go on main but I'm putting it here for now:
So uh. Job hunting online for retail positions is definitely an experience. I saw a part time position listing for an office supply store and I think to myself, good! Not a restaurant! I can do office supplies! So I submit the resume/application and then get to the "great, thank you for that! Here are some multiple choice answer questions ranging from word association to number sequences to math problems!"
And I think to myself "great! I'm good with numbers and math and I should be okay associating basic words for this lovely RETAIL POSITION" and then I get the quick and easy practice questions. Wonderfully easy. I've got this. It's neverending and you just have a 10minute time limit to answer as many as possible! No problem!
Then I click "begin" and get slammed with the most ungodly whiplash with the first question being word association about "which of these four words is DIFFERENT" and the options were STRANGLE, PUSH, THROTTLE, and SUFFOCATE.
Hey, uh. Hey retail job. You uh. You okay there? I have some concerns and it was the first question.
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 7 months
Throw the bad anons in the void
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