#questionable accents
historicattractions · 6 months
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Sometimes Karla struggles to remember movie titles...
Check out the latest episode of Historic Attractions here!
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incognitopolls · 5 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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stevenrogered · 10 months
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(though who wouldn’t flirt with Andrew Garfield given the chance)
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linddzz · 1 year
none of you know the strength it takes to not just say fuck the pacing of this entire fic and give in to the urge to write ten pages of Hob and Matthew losing the braincell as soon as they start hanging out
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Okay I got a question for my UK folks.
Why do we hate the scouse accent?
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22plus15 · 4 months
ona doing a short interview in english at stamford bridge 🫶 (source)
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drkcatt · 4 months
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Shortly after the Scions' return to the Source after their time in the First, Krile receives a mysterious missive from Hydaelyn with a perplexing message: Minfilia awaits. Pulling the former antecedent from the Lifestream, Minfilia now finds herself with a second chance after her divine duty-- and she isn't quite sure where she fits into this story anymore. Her return has left everyone with countless questions, and she wants answers.
Hi everyone !! so... it's been a long time coming. I'm making an official collection and attempt at making my Minfilia Comes Back AU, which is my own version of canon, into a comic series to share with everyone. This series is a side passion project and will vary in page quality with the main goal of sharing the story. Pages will also be in the vertical scroll format, and hosted on Comicfury! This comic assumed the reader is familiar with MSQ past Patch 5.3 and will contain spoilers!
The first update will be *coming soon,* for now there is the cover, a small explanation post, and the 11 page "burial" comic that flags the beginning of the AU.
Check out the comic site >>HERE<<
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owleics-fr · 5 months
Simple skin & accent tutorial!
I'm only familiar with making accents in CSP so some of the things you see here might be program specific, but for the most part it should be generally applicable.
Okay with that being said, here's a very basic tutorial, under a readmore because it got long (image heavy)
Assuming you already know roughly what you want to make and what breed pose you want to make it on, go to the custom skins page on the sidebar then download PSDs. For this step I'm choosing coatl F!
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It should download automatically, the file will be compressed (zipped). I normally just open the folder and move the top file (without elements_friendly) to my accents folder to access it from my art program:
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Open your preferred art program and open the file! It is a PSD file so it should be compatible with most art programs. When you open it, everything should look like this:
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The layers probably look complicated, and it isn't super clear where you can and can't draw- but I promise it will get easier to understand! Before I even start drawing I do two things: I resize the image (changing the image resolution) to 700px by 700px. This means the image the resize better later on when I need to downscale it to 350px by 350px. Next, I make a new folder under both the existing folders with a single, full white layer in it. And set everything in "Through Skin Parts" to 50% opacity.
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Lastly, put the bottom two folders completely out of your mind, we won't be touching them at all. The only folder that matters is "Through Accent Parts". As I'm drawing the accent itself, I make the lines and shadows layer invisible because they can just be distracting, like this:
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That layer beneath both lines and shadows layers? The one labelled "Accent Goes Here"? That's where you draw, and you can make more layers to draw more on later. For now you can sketch your design on that layer. Here's my sketch for my skin Strawberry Pavlova:
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It's pretty rough at the moment so I want to add another layer to draw my clean line art on, in CSP this means just adding another layer and turning off clipping which automatically applies as the layers above it have clipping turned on. When that's done it should look like this:
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(You can absolutely use more layers for lining if that's what you prefer!)
Next is adding colour. An important thing to note for this step is to avoid using colours that are very close to black, and to avoid using black altogether. This is against skin and accent rules as you need lines and shadows to remain visible over your design, and very dark colours make this a lot harder!
When I typically colour my skins and accents I will separate out design elements (so for example all plants on one layer, all blue cloth into another layer, all jewellery on another, etc etc.) into different layers- this is purely to make recolouring easier and isn't necessary. In this case I didn't have my colours separated out as I had no intention of recolouring this skin! This is what this skin looked like when I was finished colouring:
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Now I just need to do some final finishing polish on the design! For this one it involves adding a bit of pink transparent colour behind the strawberries, adding pale transparent colour under my lace and of course- adding sparkles! One of the final things I do is recolour my own line art to a red-pink colour (in this case I had it set to multiply as well- but this isn't needed!) this takes some of the harsh edges out of the accent and make the design feel more cohesive imo!
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And the design is finished! The final step before we can submit this is a big one! We have to change the lines and shadows that we've been ignoring this whole time. For this I flatten all the art work into one layer, like this:
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Why do we have to change the lines and shadows? Well...
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The default shadows are pretty high opacity and very grey, they cover up my accent and make the details harder to see. And the default line art is black. You can edit these layers to make them much nicer. You can edit them manually- making sure to lock transparent pixels so you don't edit the coverage of the lines and shadows. Or you can do this: (You can ignore this next part if you're finding it overwhelming) Duplicate your accent design twice (so you have three layers with it on total), set both your lines and shadows layers to normal and unclip them. Your layers will look like this:
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Ignore what the accent looks like for now. Next move the copied layers so one is above the lines and one is above the shadows, keeping only one in the original position. And then clip these duplicated accent layers to the layers directly beneath them, it will look like this:
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Merge the accent copy layers with its corresponding lines or shadows layer, you should still have 3 separate layers when you're done: The lines, the shadows and your original accent design. Like this:
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Then clip both of the lines and shadows onto your accent design layer and set both lines and shadows layers to multiply. Like this:
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If you've done it all correctly your accent should now look like this:
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This is a lot better than the default lines and shadows already! It's pretty dark in spots and my lines are definitely too light in other places though. So next I usually start by setting my shadows layer to 50% opacity and then going over both lines and shadows layers manually recolouring the lighter parts to a darker colour so they are visible on top of my final design. When you downscale your art to submit it, lines and shadows that were super obvious suddenly vanish- so don't be afraid to downscale it and keep editing the lines and shadows.
Here's what the final product, downscaled to 350 pixels, looks like:
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This got accepted first try by skin mods (just in time for valentines!) Important things to note: places where my design is less opaque the lines and shadows are also less visible, this is completely fine! You don't have to fix this. Lines should always be visibly darker than the shadows they're on top of, this means sometimes they will have to be black to get them to show up or you may even have to make your accent underneath lighter to get everything to conform to the rules! Lastly, lines and shadows are subjective and you may end up getting rejected a few times before they're to skin mods liking. Its one of the harder parts of skin making and you won't always get it right.
Community feedback is your best friend, don't create in a vacuum! Go join discord servers where other people are making accents too, ask for help! Now go forth and make!
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reality-detective · 4 months
Wicker Weaving 🤔
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r-aindr0p · 8 months
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Probably how the song cover yuu au would start, it branches from this headcanon post nothing too interesting as he mostly does it while alone but I figured I'll draw a little introduction in case I do random doodles of this little au.
Basically, he tries and sings >regrets it >posts the song >regrets it again >it gets shared >oh no >oh please no no no >ah fuck it, might as well film a clip for a cover at some point >not showing his real self tho
He labeled the songs as lost media as an excuse but he's not wrong and not right either, somehow... Since the songs are not from twisted wonderland they were never lost, but rather never existed but he can't tell this so yeah.
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wejustvibing · 5 months
"when are you gonna drop music?"
"oh my god...i don't know! that's a pressured question. i'm working on it still..."
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incognitopolls · 8 months
For example, switching from the accent of your current location to the accent your parents have/that you grew up around.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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zingaplanet · 1 year
Our mums might got the charming, clueless, floppy haired next-door hunk hugh grant but our generation has retired, couldn't give a damn, dating questionable men and plotting world destruction in flamboyant coloured attire hugh grant and truly we're winning here.
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A Very English Scandal (2018)
Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre (2023)
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (2022)
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You'd think Vox would get caught out for his Alastor fetish by him exclusively fucking deer sinners or whores with red hair but no he's just REALLY into southern accents and it takes forever for anyone to actually connect those dots
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inthehouseoffinwe · 12 hours
I think Fëanor would get along well with Men.
He’s an inventor right. A mad scientist amongst the elves and no doubt believes they grow stagnant far too easily with how little innovation there is, I mean look what happens after he’s killed. Not only in terms of *things* but also with art and general creativity. No wonder he felt stifled. No wonder he was so desperate to leave.
Then along come these ‘lesser beings.’
And they might be physically weaker, prone to sickness, and die quickly. But there’s a *spark* within them to learn. To constantly push boundaries and even break them. Elves’ immortality makes them slow to progress, whilst he sees the race of Man working so fervently, so passionately that in the span of a human lifetime they manage to create and advance more than the elves have over literal Ages.
Like I’m thinking of Fëanor in the modern day seeing spacecraft and electricity and chemistry and forms of communications the Eldar can’t even begin to imagine. I honestly think he’d thrive to the point he wouldn’t even want to return to Valinor (AU anyone? 😂)
What the elves call ‘mad’, humans see as opportunity. As a challenge. Just like him.
But even in ME canon, I think he’d have a lot of fun working with them, just like he’d have a lot of fun working with Dwarves. And they’d create incredible things together.
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