junghaesin · 11 months
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Happiness isn't complicated. Being free to do what you like, that's happiness.
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shixige · 10 days
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Mu Lingfeng drawing cause he has been on my team long enough snnjdnsj
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thegalaxytraveler · 2 months
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currently starting FF14! this woman is very pretty and i like her- ive just noticed the possible swan themed attire (she does have a lotus office place location so that checks out)
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also, I'm a Lalafell! very cute race, pretty funny that the difference height makes funny angles when talking at people.
just as a sidenote: my highest class is like, conjurer at lvl 19 lol so please dont spoil me nothin im i think just about to leave gridania through air or smth- i do appreciate any non-spoiler advice for newbies tho
(also im on Free Trial and Goblin server so uh if you see me around but i dont answer ya tells i literally cant lol sorry)
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sso-montana · 4 days
I saw you wanted Montana questions >:]
Now idk if anyone else has asked this before so sorry if its a repeat, but what's Montana's favourite discipline? I think they're called disciplines idk, but what I mean is like does she prefer trail rides, dressage, jumping, etc...
Sorry I'm a bit shit at explaining equestrian terms idk anything about horse riding lol
first of all HAIIIIIIII ⊂( ̄▽ ̄)⊃
second of all i don't think anyone ever explicitly asked abt that? my memories is super shitty tho so nothing I say in that regard counts lmao-
ANYWAY her favorite thing to do are definitely trail rides, especially longer ones like three days or longer. in terms of other stuff like competition she doesn't really do them unless josh manages to bully her into participating at western at starshine ranch and that happens about as often as ... i don't have a good analogy it's very rare lmao
also I'm gonna answer @stable-gremlin's "What’s her go to takeaway order?"
obvi it depends on which place they're ordering from BUT if they have burgers, specifically teriyaki burgers she will get those other than that she's generally a sucker for anything with spicy sauces and curry related
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actuallysaiyan · 7 months
Are these thirst hours? 🥴 wanna tell me about the pairs that you think would have perfect dynamics for some threesome? 🥵
Always thirst hours in my inbox 😉😉😏😏
This is gonna be a bit multifandom, hope that's okay!
Let's begin this with...
SatoSugu, of course. Those two would absolutely rock your world, then when you're too weak to take more, they let you rest by rocking each other's worlds. They love you dearly and will always make sure you're pleasured properly before moving on to pleasuring each other. Lots of spoiling from Satoru and Suguru dotes on you a lot. Satoru loves being on the bottom, your pussy suffocating his face. Suguru enjoys being inside you while Satoru laps at your clit to make you tighten around him.
Nanago! Yeah Nanami might seem annoyed of Gojo, but when you brought up the idea of having a threesome, he was very excited. Gojo ends up being such a whiny little slut for the two of you, and Nanami dominates the entire situation. He'll give commands in such a firm but loving way. These two absolutely spoil the shit out of you, and Gojo always pulls the fun side out of Nanami just for your entertainment.
Non JJK fandoms...
NaruSasu! Oh yeah you know that this sun and moon combo will absolutely have you shaking and whining for a break. Naruto can go for days. While Sasuke is more on the slow and sensual side... especially since he feels he's lacking in the love department at times. They'll get jealous of one another but rest assured, you are always on their minds and they will make sure you are so appreciated.
InoSaku! Oh boy. Another hot-headed duo, but they'll absolutely drown you in pleasure, you'll never know what hit you when you feel these two lovers kissing and licking your body. Sakura will try to take the lead, but Ino is quick to take your attention.
KakaObi is such a jealousy-filled duo as well, but they love to take their time with you. Make sure you watch out for when they actually decide to work together, because you might not be able to make it out intact. Lots of jealousy lots of fighting, but in the end you are their number on priority.
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pbaintthetb · 1 year
Since you're currently rewatching House... "I wish you would write a fic where" the MDZS crew are in a modern day AU and NHS drags NMJ to House because of his strange qi deviation symptoms :) Bonus points if Wen Qing is one of House's interns!
oooh very interesting idea. So, I took a stab and have about 2.5k of random segments (not chronological sorry) I did find the voices kind of hard to get
s1-3 era i guess if only because it's the original duckinglins + wen qing. It's also slightly unclear whether cultivation exists in this and if so whether people know about it or not but eh
If i do more segments, becuase i had some in mind I will reblog this and add on to it but I make zero promises. Not sure how many of the things you wanted I hit but I had fun spitballing, even if the House and WQ voice is hard
“I didn’t realise they let war criminals work in hospitals these days,” Mingjue comments, it’s meant to sound idle, but to Huaisang it sounds icey. He expects it sounds pretty damn icey to Wen Qing too.
“Good thing I’m not a war criminal then,” Wen Qing refutes with a tight smile, moving her stethoscope to Da-ge’s back. Mingjue humphs, Huaisang digs into his thigh with his key through his trouser pocket and wishes he didn’t have to be so responsible.
Not because he wants Xichen or A-Yao to be doing this (not necessarily at least) just… Huaisang had moved heaven and earth to be here and frankly he’d rather not. They haven’t met Dr House either yet… though from what Nie Huaisang had read that might actually be a good thing.
He looks at his brother and Wen Qing again, her face is in deep concentration, and Mingjue’s is furrowed in an expression that means discomfort of some kind. What kind, Huaisang doesn’t know. For all he prides himself as a brother, he’s no expert in reading the microexpressions. 
And a lot has happened recently, a lot of things that could be causing discomfort in all kinds of ways.
Or maybe it’s even guilt for how he’s been acting. Huaisang wouldn’t know. His brother has been a growing stranger to him these past few months. And then last night…
Nie Huaisang looks at his brother in Wen Qing’s hands and thinks about maybe getting some air, maybe even going on a walk to the coma ward. But he can’t bear to leave his brother, and as he looks at Wen Qing, he feels- somewhat despondently- that she’s a lot stronger than he is.
But Nie Huaisang doesn’t want to be strong, Da-ge’s strong, Huaisang is persistent and weak. Which is why he’s dragged his brother here, despite all the complaining. He knows he’s only being humoured, and he knows why he’s being humoured.
But Huaisang will take a hundred burnt fans if it means a healthy Da-ge. Besides, a hundred burnt fans would still leave the nice one Jiang Cheng got him after they left that Gusu Summer camp a while back.
“How long have you been having these symptoms?” Wen Qing asks clinically, bringing Huaisang’s focus back into the room. He chides himself, what is the point of being here if he doesn’t pay the utmost attention?
“Don’t you wonder how your intern and Guangyao know each other?” the big guy demands. The way the big guy spits the name suggests some kind of history there. House is kind of interested, except he expects it’ll be pretty banal so, maybe not.
“I don’t know,” House drawls, twirling his cane, “She’s a renowned doctor, he’s an innovative music therapist, both working at hospitals in New Jersey- of course!” he gasps sarcastically, “Did they meet in a sex dungeon?” He tuts, shaking his head, “Naughty, naughty Qing. First Chase, now her- do you reckon she uses those needles for extra-curricular purposes?”
Just for good measure House throws in a leer. If he’s reading this guy right, wound up and uptight as he is, he’s about to lunge. Which means House can get him restrained. Which means House has a better chance of doing the tests he wants with the consent of the obviously confused, and obviously devoted little brother.
There’s a story there too… but House has no time for sob stories.
The big guy stares at him flatly.
“There’s no shame  in sex, that would be a stupid reason for me to be angry at them.”
“Whoa! Who said anything about being angry?” House asks all mock confused,  “I thought we were just discussing how they met?”
The patient gives him another side eye.
“You’re not half as slick as you think you are.” With that the guy settles back down in bed.
Which is just hurtful really. Also interesting. House doesn’t exactly think he’s trying to be slick, so it’s interesting that the patient thinks he is.
“Cuddy’s been hunting House all day to get him to do his clinic hours,” the blond doctor explains, probably to his colleagues, because they adopt matching expressions of complete comprehension.
“Oh really,” Da-ge hums, expression unimpressed, and he’s looking right at Huaisang. Huaisang gulps. “Sounds lik-”
Whatever it was that Da-ge was going to say shirking work sounded like (and Huaisang has really no idea!) is cut off by the sudden spew of blood from his mouth.
Sadly- and it really is, at this point Huaisang is kind of used to it so he’s not even-
He’s not even surprised.
He still screams and flinches though, crying and begging the doctors to do something.
And they do, running around, saying words just short of a yell that all sound very serious and complicated. So Nie Huaisang stops yelling,  because nobody needs his words too.
Mingjue doesn’t like Dr. House because the man is a dick. It does not mean, however, that he doesn’t respect him. Dr House is honest, at least. Unlike some people. Dr House is honest about having no real regard for Mingjue, no respect for order or regulations, a purely academic understanding of morality and being a curmudgeony arse.
Nie Mingjue isn’t overly fond of Wen Qing either, though that’s less to do with her skills and her honour. Mingjue has faith in those because he’s experienced them first hand. He just doesn’t like her.
Plenty of people have done things they didn’t really like very much in circumstances they’d infinitely prefer to not be in. But there’s always a choice but Wen Qing had made hers, and Mingjue- well. What happened happened in the way it did.
House, Dr House is staring at him rather intently. Mingjue lets him, he’s used to being stared at. He hit six-foot when he was fourteen, and he’s six-four now with the breadth to match. And he’s used to being stared at because ever since their father died all the questions have been directed at him. And he’d certainly been stared at under Men- Jin Guangyao’s dark stare in that room wit-
Mingjue cuts off that train of thought, feeling his head pound. The Doctor is still staring at him, leaning forward.
“Your brother thinks you’re crazy, you know? Cuckoo, loo-loo, the whole works.”
Mingjue doesn’t say anything, his hands fist in the sheets. He knows. He knows Xichen thinks so too and that’s why nobody ever listens to anything he says. They look at him and see his father twenty years too soon.
But Huaisang didn’t drag him here to have his head looked at. Huaisang’s happy to defer to Xichen and the rat about that. Mingjue knows that, he knows that. He’s here because Huaisang sees their father twenty-years too soon and there’s been a countdown going off in his didi’s head since the first time he found the bloody tissues Mingjue had stuffed in the bin in an ill-thought out plan of hiding them.
Honestly though, how was he to suspect Huaisang would be looking in the rubbish, the little brat never did any tidying and now Mingjue is here when it’s all-
“Huh,” Dr House says thoughtfully, “You do know. Maybe you’re not crazy then, crazy’s not usually so self-aware.”
Mingjue’s not so sure. Their father had been self-aware enough between all the moments where he wasn’t to be horrified. Not that that horror had done much, locked into an endless battle with their father’s pride. He’s not sure how to word all of this to Dr House, and he’s not even sure if he wants to. So he doesn’t.
Mingjue’s here because Huaisang wants him to be here and Mingjue wants Huaisang to be safe. Mingjue’s proud, but not so proud as their father. If he lashes out here there’s a syringe of haldol waiting for him and orderlies to hold Huaisang back.
Mingjue would prefer not to be here, but if Huaisang won’t let him alone (and Mingjue knows his didi can’t) then this is the best place to be.
“Ignoring me won’t make me go away, you know,” the irritating doctor singsongs. It tempts Mingjue to try, even though he’s had years of a little brother and is very well acquainted with this fact.
“San-ge and Er-ge would never hurt Da-ge,” Huaisang objects, voice going high with his wail. They swore a brotherhood! Sure, things aren’t so good right now, but things aren’t always so good with Huaisang and Mingjue and neither would hurt the other.
The stupid Dr House just cocks his head. Wen Qing is standing a little behind him, face carefully blank.
“Very convincing. You convinced enough to stake your brother’s life on that?”
“I-” Huaisang starts, stops. Heart trembles. It feels like a betrayal. Saying no. Saying yes.
He looks at Wen Qing and thinks about the coma ward, three floors down, 2 corridors across.
“I wouldn’t stake my brother’s life on anything,” he refutes. Concession, admission, permission, whatever.
“I don’t know,” Foreman responds, “My brother and I? We were never like that.”
Chase is sprawled out in a chair, Cameron is the same but she’s doing a much better job of making it look elegant. Foreman is leaning forward with his elbows on the table, hands clasped.
And Wen Qing is standing there, like it’s her first day again, an outsider.
It’s this case, she knows the patient and she doesn’t know him and she- Well she doesn’t know much about Huaisang. But A-Ning had said enough things before that she’s just…
But as much as she doesn’t really know either of the brothers, she does know this.
“Both their mothers died in childbirth, and their father’s been dead for over a decade,” Wen Qing interjects, walking over to the coffee pot so she doesn’t have to look at them. She thought she’d buried this when she’d moved here. Except for A-Ning; she could never bury him, Wen Qing refuses. 
“They’ve only got each other.” The pot’s empty and she scowls in disgust. “Siblings like that- they either can’t stand each other or they’d do anything for each other.” Maybe both. She doesn’t think of a certain little brother of her own, because she’s on the job right now and even as she’s always thinking of him she can’t.
“They’re half brothers?” Cameron asks, and Wen Qing won’t take this accusation.
“Yeah it’s in their history, I-”
“No- no,” Cameron waves her off, “It’s just- Huaisang seems so convinced as much as it’s like their father’s illness, it’s different- and Huaisang seems utterly unaffected. What if it’s something Mingjue got from his mother?”
“What, like a completely different condition that just mimics the one his father had?” Foreman snorts, kicking out his legs, “That’s likely.”
“Or maybe…” Chase starts like he’s had a thought, “It’s some kind of [interaction]. He got his father’s illness, and he’s got something from his mother that’s making it act like this.”
They all consider that for a moment.
“We need to tell House.” Wen Qing’s already walking out of the room.
“The mental symptoms!” House yells, “The guy’s got fucking PTSD- and nobody noticed, not even his supposedly so devoted brother.”
“Oh jeez, if only there was a reason that the mental symptoms were so much more aggressive and and in flux than what they reported of his father- if only there were a doctor on my team who knew the patient, but-”
Wen Qing burns, she burns so hard she can’t even hear the insult to her character House is no doubt lumping out. She can’t talk about this, she can’t.
Meng Yao’s, or whatever he’s calling himself these days, has good fucking lawyers, and enough skills to have kept himself alive under her Uncle’s watchful eye for a year. Wen Qing had signed, and signed, and A-Ning’s upstairs and Meng Yao’s somewhere else and-
Mingjue is worth nothing compared to A-Ning, do no harm be damned. And not even Huaisang’s fury is enough of a motivation. She understand that fury, she understands it well, it burns inside her everyday her brother doesn’t wake up.
“I said,” Wen Qing hisses, aware of the stares of her fellow interns on her, and the genuine angry glare of House, “That I suspected he’d been through trauma recently- as did his brother!”
House does not look calmed in the slightest, he takes a step toward her.
“Well maybe next time use the word ‘torture’. It’s got a certain buzz that really makes it shine out as an alarm bell.”
Her ears ring, and ring. She can’t say anything, and if anyone else is speaking, she can’t hear it.
Wilson doesn’t know how he always ends up in House’s conference room dragged into a case that clearly isn’t cancer and therefore doesn’t need an Oncologist to consult. But, well, House is House (demanding bastard) and Wilson is Wilson (needy bitch) so maybe he does know.
The children as House would term them are all throwing out theories and Wilson is following along well enough to understand, but nothing’s sounding like cancer and House never hired Wilson so he’s not really giving out any theories.
That’s when the man walks in. Anybody unknown walking into Houses’ office can go a few ways, so Wilson preemptively prepares for something to be thrown. Except the guy’s just looking at Wilson.
“You have another doctor in your team?” the man asks House uncertainly, but he’s still looking obsessively at Wilson. It’s kind of weird.
“No, no, I’m just here as a consult,” Wilson explains politely, “Dr James Wilson.” He extends a hand.
The man- who’s kind of more of a kid takes it nervously, still staring at him.
“You’re an oncologist,” the unknown guy, who is probably related to House’s current patient in some way, states. Brother? 
“Yeah I am,” Wilson chuckles awkwardly, mentally kicking himself. “How did you know that?” Because if he knew the patient knew he was an oncologist, he wouldn’t have said. Nobody likes hearing you’re an oncologist, unless you’re saying you’ll never see them again. And even then, sometimes they don’t like it.
“It’s on your door,” the brother of the patient says, still sounding uncertain. “Does this mean you think my brother has… uh- I mean, whatever it is that oncologists treat?” his voice has gone up at the end.
Mentally, Wilson is raising a brow, externally he is not. He is a professional and actually knows what the term ‘bedside manner’ means, unlike some people in this room.
House doesn’t raise a brow either, but that’s because House doesn’t believe in restricting yourself to non-verbal symbols of rude disbelief when words can be twice as insulting.
“Whatever oncologists treat,” House drawls mock sympathetic, the patient’s brother twitches with what could be embarrassment. “No, we don’t. Dr Wilson is just here to stare at Cameron’s ass. Or maybe Chase’s- who can tell them apart from behind?!” 
Wilson looks to the ceiling for salvation while House guffaws and Chase and Cameron scowl.
The guy is still looking at Wilson, and taking pity, Wilson divulges.
“No, we don’t think he has cancer.”
The guy nods, not as if this is good news, but rather as if this is news he’s always known.
“Brother shops around for the best diagnostician he can find, but doesn’t even know what an oncologist is?” House shakes his head and helps himself to some of Wilson’s fries. Wilson offers a put-upon expression in return, but he hasn’t touched his drink so he’s probably not actually put upon. Besides, Wilson knows House is going to eat his food, if he wants it to stop happening he should stop buying it.
“So?” Wilson asks, playing his role of audience participation in their private one-man show as always. “I didn’t realise that your webpage had the definition of oncology on it- right underneath your name I suppose?.”
House shoots him a look for the snark. And the blatant missing of the obvious point.
“The first thing anybody does, when they google symptoms is find cancer,” House explains, Wilson nods, so maybe he gets it too now. Gets how weird it is- and House doesn’t like things that don’t make sense.
“Ok,” Wilson is still nodding and House takes some more fries while he’s distracted, “But isn’t he here because he thinks his brother has what their dad had? Which wasn’t cancer? So he doesn’t think it’s cancer, so doesn’t need an oncologist. He’s deadset on it being this one thing so he’s not looking at anything else.”
House shakes his head, he doesn’t know what it is or why it’s bothering him but it is.
“He’s here because he thinks it’s not operating like what their dad had, which is when worried younger siblings start running down the cancer route and looking for the best Oncologist they can find-” he shoots Wilson a significant look “-but he skips that altogether and brings his brother here- his sick brother who’s been sick for a while but only just agreed to come.”
It’s interesting, it’s a puzzle. House likes puzzles and he’d rather puzzle out what’s affecting the older brother right now, but a man can always multitask.
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yzomiris · 2 years
What are the home swap characters classpects?
Their classes are swapped! So we have:
JADZIA:Knight of Space, ROSMIN: Sylph of Light, DEKARD: Seer of Time, JULIUS: Thief of Breath.
KANE: Witch of Blood, KALY: Seer of Space, TRIS: Knight of mind and VIKA: Heir of Light.
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hexjulia · 8 months
i keep making the mistake of planning things like job interviews between 8 and 9 in the morning like i'm not in a zombielike state before ca. 10 most winter days. I lost my phone twice this morning almost put kefir in my coffee and then spent 5 minutes searching for the shirt i was already wearing rip
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Having a big chest is probably the worst that ever happened to me. When I was a kid girls from school would mock me for not having boobs (they developed later) and I was 100% okay with not having any, it was even kinda traumatic starting to need a bra. Then my tits started growing and at first I was neutral about it, but boys started giving me attention. As an insecure person with low self esteem, the male validation made me feel somewhat happy with my body but now I realise I never truly liked it, I just liked that it was liked by others. I have wanted a reduction for years now because they're now too big, saggy and my back hurts a lot, but I can't figure out if I want the reduction or a full mastectomy. I'm coming to terms with the fact that I might be a trans man, I imagine having a completely flat chest and it makes me so happy but at the same time i think "maybe I just have a trauma with having huge boobs and I'm not actually trans and I'm gonna regret it and maybe I would be okay with normal-size boobs". Probably excuses but I'm pushing 30 and I tought I would have figured out my identity by now
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iqmmir · 9 months
Ivee already studied three hours.. lemme take a break the hell..
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eviltext · 2 years
does anyone know fhe differenxw betqeen rizz and swag
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little-dikdik · 1 year
AITA for Inviting the Specter Family to Our Party Without Telling Our Other Guests?
I (26F) recently hosted a party at my house in Pleasantview, and I invited the Specter family to join us without telling our other guests. My reasoning was that I wanted to include the Specters, who often get left out of social events due to their reputation.
However, when my other guests found out that the Specters were in attendance, they were upset and uncomfortable. The Specter family has a history of odd behavior, and some of my friends were worried that they might cause trouble or make things awkward.
I tried to explain my reasoning for inviting the Specters and assure my guests that everything would be fine, but they still seemed upset. Some of them even left the party early.
Now, I'm wondering if I made a mistake by not telling my guests that the Specters would be there. AITA for inviting the Specter family to our party without telling our other guests?
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nunuxhoho · 2 years
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What in the H eshy wants to say here 😅😅😅
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jbarneswilson · 2 years
Hello dear! I'm sure I'm too late to give encouragement, so I just wanted to tell you that I hope your interview went well. You are smart, capable, and funny, and even if the interview went badly, you're still you, which is pretty awesome.
I hope the rest of your day is more relaxing than the 37 minutes before the interview was. Hugs, high fives, or just smiles to you. 💜
well hey there!!!! aw thank you so much for this ask, you’re very kind. it seemed like it went pretty well, they laughed at my jokes, nodded when i said something profound, and let me know next steps. then i had my usual meeting with my boss and he was kind of encouraging about it so i’m hopeful. but, if i don’t get it this time around, i will just try to get some more experience and apply again
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sillycatgriddy · 4 months
do my friends hate me google be honest ….
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we-dont-like-it-here · 5 months
the more I listen to Ma//levolent the more I think that John and Arthur exist in different genres
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