fluidsberlin · 2 years
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#queerfeminism #intersectionalfeminism #berlinersamstag #queerberlin #antiterf (at Lichtenberg) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cii7LWzDwQJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Queerfeminine Pride Flag
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Queerfeminine or queerfemininity/queerfeminity: a term for queer fem individuals or queer femininity; an umbrella term for non-square feminities, non-straight femininity, non-dyadic femininity, non-binary femininity, and non-cis femininity (among other femininities that are "deviant" or "transviant").
Queerfem is synonymous to voidfem. Examples of queerfemininities: transfemininity, cisn'tfem, homofem (gay fem/lesbifem), bifem, panfeminine, interfem(inine), gender nonconforming feminity. Some may consider their femme identity as a queer feminity/femqueer.
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feliscloudnine · 1 year
Hey there, y'all! You can call me Feli if you'll ever find yourself in a situation wishing to address me by name.
While I had originally set up an account on this site for the primary reasons of learning a bit about the various online communities dedicated to kink and fetish play as well as putting up some 'general' (yet personal) guidelines in order to attempt 'harmonizing' the different spheres of life, I've definitely grown (anonymously) fond of a handful of said communities and their approach to sexuality and other forms of intimacy.
One of, if not the personal main interest of mine might be a certain branch of 'bimb°ism/bimb°fication': namely the one without the facets of pure superficiality, egocentricity, vanity/competition, 'lowered intelligence' and ignorance, indifference and - especially - (non-playful) subordination to 'men'. Perhaps one could call it a form of moderate, responsible or consequentialist hedonism based upon the pillars of friendliness (respect, solidarity), happiness and open-mindedness (unity-in-individuality). I like the glow-up and raise in confidence whenever people gather the courage to embark on a journey feeling right for themselves (without relentless selfishness), and I regularly - not always - find this in a person 'indulging in their personal process of bimb°fication'. Moreover, I do have a weakness for the specific body type usually associated with 'bimbos' - I often find it quite alluring. Which (by no means!) doesn't mean I'd prefer it over others though. Lastly about the exclusion of subordination to 'men': I (try to) condition my willingness to interact solely on the interpersonal chemistry and thus don't really care about sex and gender either. If the chemistry happens to be right with a man, the possibilities for a relationship are almost unlimited, including kinky or degrading submission of myself within consent. Yet 'consent' is the keyword: The relationship in any particular form will be a result of an agreement between equals, not a consequence of naturalistic or theological essentialistic dogmas and doxa suggesting hierarchies between allegedly clear-cut collectives/collective 'identities'. If I behave in a way some people might call perverse, depraved or easy and 'slutty', please don't expect the same from anyone else who is pigeonholed and assigned to the same common hollow categories as me.
Take good care of yourselves, stay safe, decide to be kind with each other and feel tightly hugged for a brief moment, everybody! 🐾
| Respect, Diversity and Equality |
| Rainbow Community | LBGTQIA* |
| BLM | Queerfeminism |
| Body and Plastic Positivity |
| Late Twenties - Minors, please do not interact 🔞|
| Pan (with a sapphic tendency), Queer and Fem a.f.a.b. - She/They |
[Not every entry endowed with a 'heart' is 'approved' by me, and not every subscription is a sign of agreement. There's just no other way to mark them.]
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juletreff · 2 years
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NEWS++++++ Haltet die Füße still, dass neue Wochenprogramm ist da! Schreibt euch folgende Termine in euren Kalender! Montag lädt die Gruppe Treff.punkt Lesben 57++ zum generationsübergreifenden Buffet ein! Leckeres Essen und ein Austausch zwischen den Generation der lesbischen Community, was will mensch mehr! Außerdem am Mittwoch die Plakatbastelaktion zum Tag gegen patriachale Gewalt am Freitag. Bereitet mit uns Banner und mehr vor! Und Donnerstag basteln wir aus Fimo, Perlen und Schmuck selber. Ich denk da so an nen Froschring, ihr auch..? Wenn ihr am Freitag bei der Aktion gegen patriachale Gewalt mit dabei sein wollt, schreibt uns ne Nachricht. Lasst uns gemeinsam für den Schutz vor patriachaler Gewalt auf die Straße gehen. #lesbisch #juletreff #generationsübergreifend #queerfeminism #taggegengewaltanfrauen
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themaingardist · 4 years
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How does the 🦠 treat you? III - Developing a toxic relationship to you phone? - Since the whole pandemic started, I spent an insane amount of time on my phone and other electronic devises. Some days I got real headaches, couldn’t sleep or my eyes and neck were hurting. You may ask me or yourself, why not “just stop?”, but it isn’t as simple as it seems. Social media, dating apps, streaming platforms, etc. are designed to basically trigger an addiction by getting attached to it. The constant visual stimulation, can really mess with your self esteem, if you start comparing your body and “overall success” with others who dedicate their whole life to working out, earning money (to become wealthy), etc. Also the attention and validation you can get from compliments of strangers, can lead to a desperate need of it. Streaming series are a welcomed escape from current reality of a global pandemic and the lockdown. Try to be aware of those dangers and please get help if you or the people who surround you struggle with mental health conditions! Always remember: you are not alone 🖤 . . . . . #gender #binary #queerrevolution #genderisover #nonbinary #nonbinarypals #queer #female #male #lgbtq #datingapps #grindr #tinder #okcupid #planetromeo #mentalhealth #addiction #queerfeminism #potd #thoughtoftheday #queeridentity https://www.instagram.com/p/CBQrXCGFCu-/?igshid=1tthjrvrhovy8
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your-red-nightmare · 5 years
yes, she is!
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aphroditeproject · 5 years
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(scroll down for English)
Αφροδίτη* / Η μαγεία της*, το έργο της*, η επιθυμία της*, η δύναμη της*, η φροντίδα της*   21-23 Ιουνίου Κινηματογραφικές προβολές, 16 - 23 Ιουνίου Εργαστήρια και Παρουσιάσεις      
Στα πλαίσια του Φεστιβάλ Αθηνών και Επιδαύρου 2019                              Στο πλαίσιο της αυξανόμενης συντηρητικοποίησης της ελληνικής κοινωνίας που θέτει στο περιθώριο κάθε έκφανση της διαφορετικότητας (έμφυλης, φυλετικής, σεξουαλικής, κ.ά.), η ανάγκη του πολυφωνικού εγχειρήματος Αφροδίτη* γίνεται πιο επιτακτική από ποτέ. Το Αφροδίτη* επιχειρεί μέσα από προβολές ταινιών και τη διεξαγωγή εργαστηρίων και συζητήσεων να ενισχύσει τη δράση και την ορατότητα κουίρ φεμινιστικών πρακτικών και συλλογικοτήτων, προκειμένου να ισχυροποιήσει τις φωνές απέναντι στην κουλτούρα του σεξισμού και του κοινωνικού ρατσισμού.
Πιο αναλυτικά, οι προβολές ταινιών από το Κουίρ Φεστιβάλ Pembe Hayat της Άγκυρας, από τη φεμινιστική συλλογή της Cinenova στο Λονδίνο και από το Φεστιβάλ Trans*Formations του Βερολίνου, που διοργανώνεται από μια ομάδα People of Color* τρανς και άλλων ατόμων που δεν συμμορφώνονται με το φύλο τους (gender non-conforming), μας προ(σ)καλούν να συζητήσουμε, μεταξύ άλλων, για τον αντιρατσισμό και τη μετα-αποικιοκρατική συνθήκη, την επιθυμία και τη σεξουαλικότητα, καθώς και για την καλλιτεχνική και ακτιβιστική δράση κουίρ φεμινιστικών ομάδων. Τα εργαστήρια Gender Panic Inc Queer MagiK Sigil, της συλλογικότητας Gender Panic, και το Visibly invisible της Adeola Naomi Aderemi από τη συλλογικότητα Distinguished Diva εστιάζουν στις επιτελεστικές πρακτικές της φροντίδας και στον κουίρ μαγικό συμβολισμό. Η ομάδα Πολιτικά Χοντρέλες συζητά το θέμα του πάχους ως βίωμα και ως πολιτική ταυτότητα, ενώ το εργαστήριο Queer(s´) Talk(s) πραγματεύεται την ποιητική της/των (κουίρ) γλώσσας/γλωσσών και τη σχέση μεταξύ γλώσσας, συν-αισθήματος (affect) και τρανς* σωμάτων. Το εργαστήριο Slut Pride θέτει στο επίκεντρο την κουλτούρα του σεξισμού και ζητήματα δικαιοσύνης αναφορικά με αυτή, καθώς επίσης επεξεργάζεται τρόπους για τη φροντίδα, την αυτοπροστασία και την ενδυνάμωση των θηλυκοτήτων*. Τέλος, το επιτελεστικό εργαστήριο Gender troubles in (art) education συζητά την κυριαρχική ανα-παραγωγή έμφυλων στερεοτύπων εντός των θεσμικών δομών της (καλλιτεχνικής) εκπαίδευσης και διερευνά τις εμπειρίες και τις αντιστάσεις των κουίρ φεμινιστικών δημιουργικών υποκειμένων. Τέλος, η ομάδα Queering Psychoanalysis (QP) συζητά θέματα που αφορούν στην πολιτική του φύλου και τα ζητήματα κοινωνικής αντίληψης, σε μια προσπάθεια επαναξιολόγησης της ψυχαναλυτικής θεωρίας έτσι ώστε να αφορά την κουίρ κοινότητα.
Επιμελητική ομάδα: Περσεφόνη Κερεντζή, Σοφία Μπέμπεζα, Σοφία Ντώνα, Βασιλεία Στυλιανίδου, Athens Museum of Queer Arts (Maria F. Dolores, Johnny Pavlatos, Holly Ιngleton, Alex Buschky), Beaver.
Καλεσμένες συνεπιμελητικές ομάδες: Cinenova (London), Pembe Hayat Kuirfest Ankara, TransFormations – Trans* Film Festival Berlin, Nτιάνα Μάνεση & Φρύνη Κόντη, Adeola Naomi Aderemi.
Καλλιτέχνιδες*/κινηματογραφιστές*: Μαργαρίτα Αθανασίου, Demhat Aksoy, Gizem Aksu, Jean-Pierre Bekolo, Jay Bernard, Anna Brownfield, Rodrigo D’Alcântara, Michelle Fiordaliso, Su Friedrich, Leah Gilliam, Sinan Göknur, Βίλμα Μενίκη, Maude Matton & SJ Rahatoka, Pol Merchan, Tracey Moffatt, Thomas Anthony Owen & Kentaro Kumanomido, Chelsea Poe & Courtney Trouble, ομάδα Queer(s’) Talk(s), Elizabeth Okoh, Prokne, Sarah Pucill, Qigemu, Saundra Sharp, Caroline Sheldon, Tejal Shah, Tran T Kim Trang, Evi Tsiligaridou.
Υπεύθυνες* εργαστηρίων: Αντεόλα Ναόμι Αντερέμι, Μαρίζα Αυγέρη, Βανέσσα Βενέτη, Δήμητρα Ιωάννου, Σοφία Μπέμπεζα, Μαρία Φ. Ντολόρες, Δέσποινα Σεβαστή, Άννη Σιμάτη, Αλέξια Στουραΐτη, Βασιλεία Στυλιανίδου aka Franck-LeeAlli-Tis, Άννα Τ., Atina Kolektifi, Gender Panic Collective.
Παρουσιάσεις/Συζητήσεις: Ράνα Χαντάντ, Ελένη Τσαμπούρη, Ολυμπία Ζωγράφος, Political Fatties, Χλόη Κολύρη, Στέλλα Κασδοβασίλη, Δήμητρα Τζανάκη, Γιάννης Ρϊγας, Κώστα Σκαρπίδης, Clara Vlachodimitropoulou Rodriquez, ομάδα Queering Psychoanalysis στην Αθήνα.
(*) Στη σύγχρονη θεωρία του φύλου ο αστερίσκος υποδηλώνει τη διεύρυνση των ταυτοτήτων του φύλου.
Aphrodite* / her* magic, her* work, her* desire, her* power, her* care     
21-23 June – Film screenings, 16–23 June – Workshops and events              
As part of the Athens and Epidaurus Festival 2019                                           
Within the context of a growing conservatism of Greek society, that places each aspect of diversity (gender, race, sexuality etc.) at the margins, the Aphrodite* polyphonic project acquires an obvious impact and urgency. The Aphrodite* project, including film screenings, workshops and discussions, seeks to reinforce the action and visibility of queer feminist practices and collectives, in order to strengthen their voices against the culture of sexism and social racism.
In detail, the films by the Pembe Hayat Queer Festival in Ankara, the Cinenova feminist collection in London and the Trans*Formations Festival in Berlin, organized by trans People of Color* and other gender non-conforming people, provoke us to discuss anti-racism and post-colonialism, desire and sexuality, along with art and activist practices of queer feminist groups.The workshops Gender Panic Inc Queer MagiK Sigil, introduced by the Gender Panic Collective, and Visibly Invisible by Adeola Naomi Aderemi, founder of Distinguished Diva, focus on performative practices of care and queer magic symbolism. The feminine group Political Fatties discusses fatness as an embodied experience as well as a political identity, while the Queer(s') Talk(s) workshop approaches the poetics of (queer) language(s) and the relationship between language, affect and trans* bodies. The Slut Pride workshop critiques the culture of sexism and proposes transformative justice for processing ways of caring, self-defence and female* empowerment. Finally, the workshop Gender troubles in (art) education contests the dominant reproduction of gender stereotypes within the institutional structures of art education and explores the experiences and resistances of queer feminist creative subjects. Last but not least, the Queering Psychoanalysis group (QP) discusses issues related to the politics of gender and social perceptions in an attempt to re-evaluate psychoanalytic theory in order to make it relevant for the queer community.
Curators: Sofia Bempeza, Sofia Dona, Persephone Kerentzi, Vassiliea Stylianidou, Athens Museum of Queer Arts (Maria F. Dolores, Johnny Pavlatos, Holly Ιngleton, Alex Buschky), Beaver.
Guest co-curators: Cinenova (London), Pembe Hayat Kuirfest Ankara, TransFormations – Trans* Film Festival Berlin, Ntiana Manesi & Phryne Konti, Adeola Naomi Aderemi.
Artists/Filmmakers: Demhat Aksoy, Gizem Aksu, Margarita Athanasiou, Jean-Pierre Bekolo, Jay Bernard, Anna Brownfield,  Rodrigo D’Alcântara, Michelle Fiordaliso, Su Friedrich Leah Gilliam, Sinan Göknur, Maude Matton & SJ Rahatoka, Vilma Meniki, Pol Merchan, Tracey Moffatt, Thomas Anthony Owen & Kentaro Kumanomido, Chelsea Poe & Courtney Trouble, Elizabeth Okoh, Prokne,  Sarah Pucill, Qigemu, Queer(s’) Talk(s) workshop group, Saundra Sharp, Caroline Sheldon, Tejal Shah, Tran T Kim Trang, Evi Tsiligaridou.
Workshops facilitators: Adeola Naomi Aderemi, Sofia Bempeza, Maria F. Dolores, Gender Panic Collective, Atina Kolektifi, Despina Sevasti, Anni Simati, Vassiliea Stylianidou aka Franck-Lee Alli-Tis, Vanessa Veneti, Anna T., Maria Tzeferi.
Presentations/Discussions: Rana Haddad, Eleni Tsampouri, Olympia Zografos, Political Fatties, Chloe Kolyri, Stella Kasdovasili, Demetra Tzanaki, Yannis Rigas, Kostas Skarpidis, Clara Vlachodimitropoulou Rodriquez, the group Queering Psychoanalysis in Athens.
(*) According to gender theory the asterisk implies the inclusion of all gender identities.
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black-mosquito · 5 years
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Neue Sachen von Glitza Glitza aus Berlin im Shop:
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femskt · 6 years
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Femidistro tänään FemFissä Nuorten toimintakeskus Hapessa klo 18 saakka! Uutuuksia ja harvinaisuuksia! @emmi0valve @henna.rasanen #femf2018 suviermilä #tuuliojala #tuomasmyllylä @sorasusi #femf2018 #femidistro #feministzine #queerzine #queerdiy #queercomics #queerfeminism (paikassa Nuorten toimintakeskus Happi) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqjw1LiBJjb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=b6pprhxmot44
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marikraushaar · 6 years
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I participated in this beautiful badass book, if you're in Leipxig today don't miss the presentation (as do I because I'm like 1800km away😬 ) #Repost @barbaraluedde (@get_repost) ・・・ Today: 3 PM // Book presentation of „Our Piece of Punk“ @conneisland in Leipzig! This Book apears 160 Pages of drawings, Comics, discussions and declarations of love about the possibilities and boundaries of queer feminism in punk. 35 great people with the common thread of Punk and DIY are involved. The Book is published by #ventilverlag. #ourpieceofpunk #juditvetter #barbaraluedde #queerfeminism (hier: Conne Island)
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radfemblack · 3 years
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This isn’t my best work because I was so eager to finish this and finally get this theme done. I’ll probably turn this into a listicle on my blog. Here are two good threads full of sources: • https://twitter.com/vaginasupremacy/status/1295061927937421312?s=21 • https://twitter.com/hatpinwoman/status/1337061855047671809?s=21 . #intersectionalfeminist #queer #intersectionalfeminism #transfeminism #transwomenarewomen #transrights #radfem #radicalfeminism #radicalfeminist #women #woman #nonbinary #enby #enbies #lgbt #terf #terfs #fuckterfs #queerfeminism #queerfeminist #queerliberation #transliberation #feminist #feminism # https://www.instagram.com/p/CJrqAser2uO/?igshid=1slw9aj3gdyjq
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your-red-nightmare · 5 years
still here!
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monnomestsucre-blog · 5 years
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Let the colors touch your soul.🌈 #kolkatasutra #kolkata #kolkata_paparazzi #kolkatagram #Kolkata #kolkatadiaries #kolkata_photography_ #kolkata_igers #kolkatamylove #kolkatamypride #pride🌈 #queer #queerfeminism #queerazaadi #queereye #lgbtq🌈 #girlgaze #bengalgallery #bengal_feature #bengal_undiscovered #calcutta_minimalism #explore_calcutta #calcutta_spectrum #calcuttadiaries #calcuttacacophony #calcutta_igers #calcutta_aesthetics #calcuttacanvas #diptikari https://www.instagram.com/p/B2SGzD8AZrh/?igshid=t6en0rqfygvh
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paigeyray-blog1 · 5 years
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Today, I'm just delving into some good ol' queer feminist theory, while projecting an aura of shameless "no fucks given". Every day is a good day to sharpen my wit, and my claws. 💖💖💖♀♀♀🔥🔥🔥🌈🌈🌈 Keep it punk, babies!!! #nonbinary #transwoman #queerfeminism #transfeminism #intersectionalfeminism #blackandpink #anarchofeminism #anarchoqueer #riotgrrrl #riotqueer #queerpunk #feministpride #queerpride #transpride #genderender #radicalqueer #tucute #noterfsallowed #notruscumallowed #thebiggay https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Y8_Y7HHXc/?igshid=bcg1gonpfilr
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