#queer department
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rusuqueerdept · 1 year ago
Homosexuality? In my university? It's more likely than you think.
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hauntedlovewasteland · 2 months ago
Found this amazing TikTok video talking about how So High School is a satire song and how it's not romantic and people who use it for Tayvis content aren't listening to the song correctly (I agree 100% with this creator and love what they put into this video. It's 5 minutes and 18 seconds long.) I think the point that really seals the deal for me is just knowing that through her whole career she has said that High School was NOT a fun time for her. She has said that people thought she was weird and made fun of her for her musical talent and ambitions. I remember watching a video from a fearless era where she talked about how, during a VIP meet and greet people from her high school, they came to see her and apologized.. Lastly, the only people who romanticize high school are the people who peeked in high school, the ones who are stuck on being the toxic football players' girlfriends.
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gcpoetry · 2 months ago
The argument between my feminine and masculine energies.
A statement that needs no explanation; the ones who get it will get it.
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butdaddyiloveh3r · 4 days ago
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The similarities between these women are all they are poets and writers who are sapphic and had to hide their true love behind a friendship. Real tortured poets.
Ts also uses both woolf and Dickinson as inspiration for her songs and lyrics let that sink in, and how obvious it is.
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five-milfs-and-a-twink · 18 days ago
Hey y'all, you may have seen this already if you're an American but I just recently saw it for myself and wanted to share:
All mentions of LGBTQ+ people and any health issues or patterns relating to them have been wiped from both the Centers for Disease Control and Health and Human Services websites.
Government-run websites are actively trying to erase evidence of LGBTQ+ citizens and their experiences in American healthcare. And there are still a LOT of problems with how they are treated in the healthcare system. People in some states could technically be refused care on the grounds of it "going against an institution's religious beliefs." Deleting any references to the disparities our community faces in getting medial care is only going to make things worse.
I know I'm not always political on this blog but it has a wider audience than my main and this is something that needs to be talked about. I can't ignore what's been happening where I live. I didn't vote for this man, and neither did almost half of Americans. I'm not really sure what else to say other than we can't just become complacent. Stay educated, stay alert. I hope things don't escalate, but nothing will happen overnight. Don't let yourself be desensitized to the media.
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hermslore · 9 months ago
guilty as sin is literally cady and about you is literally regina.
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sourcitrusjuice · 2 months ago
every minute you don't talk to me
i remember the promises we made
i remember all the things you said
you would always love me.
you would never want to hurt me.
i remember the days you were the one crying
and i was there
but here i am, in the same place you left me in
to rot alone
crying over you.
and you exist, oblivious
or maybe you're not, and you just have better things to do.
the words coming out of your mouth don't fit your actions,
and I'd rather just be told how you truly feel, rather than whatever you say
to keep the wool over my eyes.
the wool has long been soaked in blood.
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futileflim · 10 months ago
i think it's important you all know my literature teacher did well and truly write "homoerotic desire" as a theme for Victor Frankenstein up on the whiteboard today... this dude was so gay it's getting mentioned in a Catholic school 200 years later. Teachers aren't meant to mention gay people (see: Catholic) but it was imperative, I suppose.
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hellochildrenoftheatom · 8 months ago
Queer Jews Project Day 19 - Rachel Levine
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The highest-ranking openly transgender public official in the United States Government, Dr. Rachel Levine has served as the Assistant Secretary of Health since 2021. That means she’s second in command at the Department of Health. Before her current job, she was The Pennsylvania Secretary of Health and lead her state through the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout her career, she has focused on LGBTQ medicine, children’s health, and the opioid crisis.
Learn more about Rachel Levine here.
Queer Jews Project
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bichenistraumatised · 10 months ago
you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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hauntedlovewasteland · 10 months ago
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Miss Americana Documentary Taylor speaking to Brendon Urie about the Me! Music Video: “ And like whatever makes you, you. You know just like “Emo kids, theatre, dance sequences, La La Land everything.”
Brendon: “Nailed it!”
Taylor: “And when it’s like me-e-e it’s like “Dancers, cats, gay pride, people in country western boots” I start riding on a unicorn. Just everything that makes, me me. If you were to split open my imagination.
Mourning: the expression of deep sorrow for someone who has died
When I hear the line “You can mark my words that I said it first In a mourning warning no one heard.” I think of the Miss Americana documentary and how she talks about how she has felt misunderstood her whole career and she has been silenced from saying things she wanted to. When she talks about the creation of the music video for her song Me! She openly says gay pride is apart of her. One of the big parts of the documentary are about her political activism and being so loudly for the LGBT community by making the You Need To Calm Down video that was for gay rights. She said it first and no one heard her when she said “gay pride makes me, me.” they all just seen it as a form of activism and kept saying she was straight. It really showed how homophobic people still are. How something as simple as that and as clear as that is for people to just ignore it and say “oh no she didn’t mean it for herself” when she literally said it. She knows when the day comes that her hetlor and homophobic fans finally realize what she’s been saying this whole time it will be like a death. I think her Lover “activism” era really showed her how homophobic her fan base is and how they wouldn’t stand by her if she was very loudly queer. And so her being so loud about LGBT rights as an “ally” was a warning for her homophobic fans.
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gcpoetry · 2 months ago
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Love is love and that is that. ❤️‍🩹❤️
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ladyamanda123 · 11 months ago
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The flowers in the vase are LAVENDER and CORNELIA ROSE!?!?!?
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mayashwood · 6 months ago
A Pervert's Prayer
My sacred mutilation
Is to you an act of war
So what about all the pieces
You cut off before?
I was born from hatred
I was born in flames
I will know no fucking fear
And I am done with shame
I can take your punishment
And match it blow for blow
You can't show me any hell
I don't already know
I don't want your tolerance
I dont want your lies
You belong to yesterday
And you will fucking die
We are from the future
We're remembered there in song
The time to choose has been and gone
And you chose fucking wrong
These Articles of Faith
Which to you are Marks of Sin
Are written in the scars we make
On consecrated skin
Take the flesh back from God
Make yourself anew
You don't owe him anything
You belong to you
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cowboylykeme · 5 months ago
crashing into him tonight HES a PARADOX
i keep these longings LOCKED in LOWERCASE inside a VAULT
what if i roll the stone away they’re gonna CRUCIFY me anyway
what if the way YOU hold me is actually what HOLY
if long SUFFERING PROPRIETY is what they want from me
that’s it just the gayest lyrics to exist.
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totallyveryallosexual · 1 year ago
Thirteen year old me: I don't really get what the big deal with virginity is. If I never had sex I don't think I would mind. Why do people seem to care so much?
Current me:
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