#queen zoe
zoe-oneesama · 9 months
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She’s so much more dangerous when people actually listen to her.
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certifiedducky · 1 month
It’s so weird that thomas astruc claims that chloe was never meant to be redeemed when it is the only thing that makes sense based on the first three seasons. Like, why introduce Lila as the secondary/civilian antagonist if Chloe was never going to become good? Why not have another character being developed as the bee miraculous holder during seasons 1-3? Why give Chloe such a complicated backstory/home life if you don’t want people to sympathize with her?
something that really gets me is the fact that zoe was introduced so late in the show. like, there’s absolutely no way she was a character that was planned to be there from the start, and if she WAS always meant to be introduced, the writing is abysmal. She seems to have been added so astruc could say “see? chloe being neglected by her mother and acting like her in an attempt to gain love isn’t an excuse. zoe had the same mom, and SHES a good person.” like, how gross is it to make two victims and say that one of them is “good” and the other is “bad” based on their reactions to childhood trauma????? especially to say that the “bad” one can NEVER be good? it bothers me so much.
also, queen bee’s superhero costume is one of the best in the entire show, while vesperia’s is one of the worst. why would you give the permanent bee miraculous holder such a mid costume compared to the “evil” temporary one😭
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zoe makes me even more upset because if she was fully fleshed out and was able to help chloe grow it would’ve been so heartwarming:(
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katydoodles · 2 years
More ✨fashion✨
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Dead ass they will buy a boat next.
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clownbread · 1 year
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I gave Chloe her hammer back.
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marvelmaniac715 · 6 months
Can someone please explain to me what exactly Nibbly’s done wrong? I mean, he only eats one person a year, and considering the fact that his brothers use mind control and magic, eating someone is a much lesser torture. He isn’t the one who runs the Honey Festival, that’s his cultists (until we get a full rundown of his personality and how the festival/pageant was set up he has plausible deniability), and he certainly isn’t making these women fight and hurt each other for a crown he probably isn’t aware even exists. In fact, the person he eats is usually extremely selfish - the ‘hungriest’ person wins - is that not a benefit to the local community? Sure, Linda Monroe is iconic, but is she a nice person? If you knew her, would you befriend her? Would she befriend you? The same goes for Zoe Chambers, as much as we all love the true Latte Hatte, she was using her grandmother, outed her brother, was willing to kill for a crown and was dating an asshole cop, allowing him to kill her grandmother. Either way it wouldn’t have been a big loss, it was really a two birds with one stone situation when both Zoe and Linda died. Actually, Nibbly eating just one person leads to more than one awful, selfish person being removed from Hatchetfield, you just know that people were celebrating. Also, Nibbly rewards the people who bring him a sacrifice, partially because he presumably knows the heavy mental toll that this kind of work could bring. Plus, he probably eats people really quickly so their suffering is minimised. We only see Nibbly as a villain because of who his family is and because we see the events of Honey Queen through Linda’s eyes. I’m still seeking justice for Nibbly, fight me.
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maddascanbe-blog · 1 year
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Chloé Bourgeois, plus 1 bonus Zoé Lee-Bourgeois. I did a hard overhaul of Chloé's design and character. The yellow sweater and white pants were truly atrocious. I liked her concept design with the monochromatic outfit but for my redesign I gave her a deep blue jumpsuit, and a white jacket.
I knew I was going to have Lila as the primary antagonist for Marinette's civilian life. Meaning having Chloé as one too would be redundant. They seemed to understand that in canon as they started playing with the idea of giving her a character arc.
So how to make Chloé an antagonist without her being villainous? Why by making her Marinette's rival of course! And Chloé is like- really into their rivalry. She has a very "Only Marinette is worthy to best me" attitude about things. Which means its no fun if other people butt in.
Chloé does have a bit of a "I'm better than you" attitude, but most don't realize it's unintentional. She works hard to maintain both her fathers political favor and her many investments. But she doesn't lie to the people she respects, and is rather brutally honest about her opinions on her classmates. What she thinks is constructive criticism usually comes off as rude, but any compliment is 100% genuine.
There are few people who understand that, Adrien and Sabrina are two of them. Marinette is the other, over their years of knowing each other she slowly began to realize what Chloé's word meant. That changed her view of her rival, and the two now push each other to their best.
Alya does not understand how Chloé works and tends to get frustrated with the girl, and vice versa. However, the Rena Rouge and Queen Bee are best friends. Bonding over their love of super heroes and devotion to bringing villains to justice.
Now onto Zoé, I'll go into detail for her later. But the main thing you need to know is she's 9 years old, and her big sister loves her very much. Chloé will never forgive her mother for cheating on her dad, but the one thing Audrey did right is giving her the most wonderful baby sister to adore.
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thenaphantoms · 1 month
I think the difference between Chloé and Zoé as bee miraculous holders is they'd both reference it, but in GREATLY different ways.
Chloé would be all about glam, high fashion looks that really emphasise the 'queen' part of Queen Bee. Lots of gold and black, lots of stripes, the HEIGHT of fashion but with a bee-inspired twist.
Zoé loves bright colours and is a total theatre kid. She'd wear a LOT of saturated yellows, and a lot shirts with bee puns. Her favourite bag is definitely a mini backpack from Loungefly that's got little cartoony bee wings, and she definitely wears it everywhere.
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wormzandgutz · 2 years
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Queen bee and vesperia redesigns no civilian clothes figured out yet.. Questioning if I should redeem Chloe or not
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bakawitch · 3 months
Victory! I had to dig a little deep, but I finally found a screen cap! And with it some memories came back!
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I think this is from the first episode where Lady and Kat leave home for a beehive looking place called the Golden Queendom or something like that. The girl on the left is Princess Honey ( @wisteriasymphony was right! ) the one on the right is Princess Vespa, and the woman in the middle was called Queen Ambrosia.
I don't remember how Lady and Kat ended up in the throne room, but I do recall that they were arguing with the queen because she didn't want to knight them. This picture also reminded me that the bee people (or at least the royals) had the ability to change their size, and they usually appeared taller than the other characters.
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twojamie-o-clock · 3 months
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(Click for quality) Hi I’m back w art ☹️ I’ll try to draw more later I’m just tired rn. Rambling below the cut
I wasn’t really happy w how this came out bc I liked the idea but I gave up halfway through, and this is my all-time-favorite audio (queen of time) so..yeah. I’ll def be doing like a Hecuba reference sheet, I’ll probably change her appearance later I just got lazy and went off how she was described in p1.
Notes: twojamie wedding rings cause …..yeah. the golden figure in the background is the little Dutchboy statue!! They don’t name the tale in the audio I don’t think? But I believe it is the Hero of Haarlem. Here is the background without any characters:
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Emphasis on the grandfather/cuckoo clocks & the sun dial because that’s what Hecuba threatened to turn the crew into!!! The gallifreyan is all squiggles I didn’t bother looking into using the fan made alphabet except for some number “2” ones here and there. I tried to draw a telescope in Zoe’s cuckoo clock but it didn’t really come out well lol.
And of course some hourglasses for when Jamie & Zoe get trapped. They are jumping over the hand of the clock from the beginning etc.
Anyways I’m only disappointed bc I envisioned this piece as much more detailed with more attention and care but like I said I got bored of it so. I may draw more of this tardis crew experiencing Hecuba but we will see.
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zoe-oneesama · 9 months
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So you can stop shaking now, Marigold, Chat Noir.
Episode 51 Part 12 First < Previous > Next Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 Ep 41, Ep 42, Ep 43, Ep 44 Ep 45, Ep 46, Ep 47, Ep 48, Intermission, Ep 49, Ep 50
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rivai-hana · 23 days
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peaxhypup · 2 years
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More redesigns!!! This time it’s Miss Hound, Scarabella, Queen Bee, and Vesperia. To explain the changes I made:
Miss Hound
Out of all the hero designs, her canon design is one of my least favorites; I actively dislike it. So I went for a very magical girl vibe with her (ruffles along the pant hem and cuffs). I also changed the mask a LOT (the old one made her look like she didn’t have eyebrows) and got rid of the beret completely, instead opting for dog ears. The beret was ugly... I don’t remember if I based her off a specific dog or not but the closest dog I can think of is a jack russel. Also she has a tail!
I also dislike her canon design but not as much as Miss Hound. I really wish they gave her an afro like in the concept sketches (it looked so cute!!!!). I changed her top into a dress that has a slit in the back; it’s meant to resemble ladybug wings. The strips of fabric also look like antennae. I kept with the knee-high boots but made them look more boot-like (heals). I also moved her yo-yo cause... why was it over her crotch in the first place???? weird >_>. Two cornrows into hair puffs cause it’s cute <3. I really wish the show would give her more black hair styles instead of straightening it when she transforms. Also, i couldn’t figure out a pattern for the mask so I kept it blank
Queen Bee
I think her canon design is cute! I only changed it to be what I think embodies Chloe. Most of the outfit is meant to resemble features of a bee such as the dress looking like a stinger, legwarmers to represent pollen, the stripes of a bee, and even the beehive hair do. I like the way the canon mask design looks like eyeliner so I just accentuated that more. i think arm gloves also makes her look classy.
Hot Take! I like Vesperia’s canon design, idrc that it looks like a wasp and not a bee, it slays (especially the boots). Still, changes could be made! Her redesign is meant to reflect the fact that she’s from New York, so i gave her streetstyle pants and an asymmetrical top. Tbh, she kinda looks like a street fighter. Her mask is meant to resemble the markings of a wasp. I also gave her the same beehive hair style as Chloe but moved it down for something more relaxed. I like how her and Chloe’s gloves are like opposites design both being fingerless. Same idea of making her more bee like w/ the pollen on the boots and the stripes
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clownbread · 1 year
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Kitty Noir and Queen Bee
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artblooger19moon · 29 days
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Miraculous Ladybug Tales of Ladybug & Chat Noir
Season 1: December 20 2015 - August 6 2016
Season 2: December 11 2016 - November 18 2018
Season 3: May 5 - September 18 2019
Season 4: April 3 2021 - March 20 2022
Season 5: October 6 - December 14 2023
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mila-beedoodling · 1 year
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guys help I can't stop doing these lol
(pssssst, here's my KoFi if you wanna help out an unemployed artist and student)
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