#queen jinshin-mushi
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lisanees · 1 year ago
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they're feeling left out
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monarch-afterdark · 11 months ago
Titan History: Tiamat
Welcome once again to Monarch: After Dark, the digital gateway between you and the organisation dedicated to understanding and navigating this troubled new world we live in.
For today's communication, we find ourselves once more turning to the most recent Titan crisis, dedicating today's instalment of "Titan History" to a beast that has many people talking; the queen of the depths, Tiamat.
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(Pictured above: An artistic piece depicting Tiamat on the mainland, created by former Outpost 53 operative Dope Pope)
Monarch Database File: Tiamat
Monarch Designation: Titanus Tiamat
Length: 847 feet
Weight: Unknown
Nature: Bio-Ultraviolet
Behavioural Classification: Destroyer
Designated as "Titan 019" in Monarch's database, Tiamat was a colossal sea serpent, vibrant coloured scales and a bioluminescent frill granting her an almost hypnotising appearance as she cuts through the water. Those who studied her in Monarch Outpost 53 note her impressive ability to mimic the sounds of human voices. Though incapable of perfectly replicating speech, many of the outpost's staff recount being haunted by the sounds of her "Titansong".
The full extent of her abilities show Tiamat to be a true force of nature. She can blind opponents with a yellow phosphorus ink that manifests as a form of acidic breath, she possesses electrogenic cells that can manipulate electrical energy to such an extent that her storms can boil the ocean and generate steam trails that can be seen from space. Her underwater superiority rivals even that of Godzilla, able to generate maelstroms capable of dragging other Titans to the depths.
Prior to her final encounter with Godzilla, Tiamat was also shown to be capable of absorbing and generating massive amounts of energy through a natural radiation hotspot in the Arctic Circle, achieving an "evolved" state similar to what Godzilla would go on to gain for himself prior to engaging the Skar King and Shimo.
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(Pictured above: Speculative artistic rendition of how Tiamat and Godzilla's Hollow Earth brawl in 2020 would have looked like, courtesy of Drew E. Johnson)
As is the case with most Titans on record, little is known about what Tiamat may have been doing prior to her containment by Monarch and awakening in 2019. It is known that, at some stage, Tiamat claimed a subterranean lair within the Hollow Earth as her domain, killing its previous occupant (an apparent ancestor to Kong), as well as various other Titans that attempted to rob her of what was her's. Drone exploration into this lair revealed a Titan graveyard of those likely slain by Tiamat, a Titanus Jinshin-Mushi Prime scattered among the remains was of particular note to Monarch.
At some stage, Tiamat would temporarily vacate this lair and make her way to Stone Mountain, Georgia, where she would later be contained by Monarch for further study.
Tiamat was part of the Titan legion awakened by Monster Zero in 2019, later pacified by the ORCA. Like most, she was not present for Godzilla's claim as Alpha Titan. She returned soon after to the lair she had claimed. Toward the end of 2020, Godzilla entered the Hollow Earth and, while Monarch are uncertain of the exact details, presumably fought with Tiamat over possession of the lair. As Tiamat was later observed leaving the Hollow Earth in search of a new home, it is clear Godzilla had emerged victorious.
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(Pictured above: Drew E. Johnson's full-body sketch of Tiamat, part of a collection of drawing Titans he had been assigned to study)
Sometime before 2027, Tiamat would claim a natural radiation hotspot in the Arctic Circle, the largest known source on the planet, as her domain, resting within a particular glacier absorbing energy and building up her strength.
In 2027, while absorbing radiation to build his own strength for the coming conflict with the Skar King and Shimo, Godzilla hunted down Tiamat to her Arctic domain and attacked the glacier she was resting within to draw her out. Following a brief battle where both Titans seemed evenly matched, Godzilla fired a blast of atomic breath that tore through Tiamat's body and dismembered her. Godzilla then retreated into the glacier himself as Tiamat's remains floated to the surface.
And there you go! Following news of her death, some in the public have expressed outcry over Godzilla's decision to kill her, noting that it seemed to break his pattern of only killing those who were an immediate threat to the balance of nature, and positing that Tiamat was simply keeping to herself and not being a threat.
While we cannot speculate how Godzilla truly thinks, what's done is ultimately done. Much as is the case with Scylla, this is all we can report on Tiamat unless either new findings come up or another of her species emerge.
Until next time,
Monarch: After Dark
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hrodvitnon · 1 year ago
That previous ask about the Muto pair's mentality in Abraxasverse has got me wondering; what about the Muto Prime that spawned them? What was that thing's mindset when she endangered the world by impregnating Dagon and trying to go after Godzilla? Was hers a common mindset among the Mutos back in the day when there was more of them?
It's not something I've really considered, but let's say that of all the eggs in a MUTO nest, extremely few of them will survive; cannibalism could be a common occurrence if the hatchlings can't get to the provided food source quickly enough, or some will get eaten even before they hatch. This is just a fact of life for MUTOs, so they can only really afford to get attached to the survivors - these have already proven themselves strong and instinctively capable of doing whatever it takes to live in a dangerous world like theirs, and so they must be taught the Way of Things quickly so the lessons may be passed down. Eat no more than what you need; Excess is the enemy of Survival; know when to run and when to defend the nest; when to go dormant if the need is great enough; do not destroy what is not yours lest you draw in predators seeking vengeance for your transgression. This is the Way of Things, the Wisdom of Queens Who Came Before, and must be passed down to the next clutch.
The MUTO Prime is actually considered extremely dangerous even among their own species; a MUTO can prey on anything, but those that focus almost exclusively on the Godzilla species might be considered a mutant. Cunning as it may be, the MUTO Prime is feared for its brutality that can quickly become unnecessary - one of the lessons in the Way of Things is that a cornered prey will only fight harder, and the less members of a species there are the more fierce they will become in order to continue their existence. As a result, MUTOs consider a Prime to be strong but also a risk, a danger, only growing more aggressive the more Gojirans it kills, possibly due to excessive quantities of a certain compound in Gojiran biology affecting a brain chemical that is ordinarily balanced, but becomes more skewed towards aggression responses. According to Aftershock's writer, the Jinshin Mushi has defeated many members of Godzilla's species and has proven to be greatly hostile. In such a case, the Prime has gone Defective and must be put down for its own sake as well as the world at large.
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marplshroom · 1 year ago
oopsie doopsie!! forgot to update
now we're onto Godzilla Aftershock, which is a Fine comic
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this comic is pretty bizarre to be honest, bc for a comic that came out alongside Godzilla: King of the Monsters, a film that really expanded and pushed forward the lore of the MV in a pretty great way, didn't really follow up on it all that well as it went back to 2014 in the almost-immediate aftermath of the San Francisco incident (which is nice to see and why i like Monarch:LOM). this comic follows Emma Russell and it features characters like Ishiro Serizawa, Vivienne Graham, and most notably Alan Jonah (the villain of KOTM) on a goose chase following the "MUTO Prime," a sort of queen bee like member of the MUTO family (side note but its really stupid that they're just called MUTOs and not an ancient name, MUTO Prime is referred to as Titanus Jinshin-Mushi but idk if it follows to the rest of them). the MUTO Prime ends up getting offed but not without some difficulty over a few fights with Godzilla and this whole comic serves as an explanation for Godzilla's dorsal plate change between the 2014 and 2019 films (which couldve gone without explanation but like its fine either way i guess)
i thought this comic was overall stupid on principle of existing to explain a minor design change between films and the whole concept of muto prime was just silly to me, but after reading it again i have much less of an issue with it. the comic runs fine, i dont have a big issue with the story of it. i think its kind of dumb that the muto prime ends up devastating power plants and drilling gigantic holes into infrastructure and it just goes under the radar for pretty much the rest of the MV, which makes even less sense to be directly after the events of San Francisco, it just doesnt seem fitting. also the connection between Alan Jonah and Emma Russel could've been expanded upon so much better, it felt like nothing in this comic which makes no sense given what goes down in KOTM.
besides that there isnt really a lot to say on it. kind of just a nothing comic but nothing too distasteful about it either.
5/10 flawed but fine
welcome!! to my new review thread where im gonna talk about every monsterverse comic thats been dropped, gonna be doing this until i see the new movie this monday
starting with Godzilla Awakening, the tie-in comic for Godzilla (2014), which... kinda sucks!
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this comic had a really weird art style that i didnt really jive with. the art style and way in which the comic was spliced and edited sometimes made for some pretty cool stuff but otherwise its just not very pleasing to the eyes and a lot of the time the dialogue and story didnt make tonal consistency and literal consistency between panels just with how the art is and the way the comic is presented. often times i was confused with what i was looking at going from panel to panel, especially when there was a flashback 250 million years ago that had boats?? like what the fuck lmao, they also said that an asteroid caused the permian extinction which is just pretty fuckin stupid lol
the story also has weird story beats, dialogue, and characters that feel too cartoony for the serious film that was G2014. this happens later in the mainline entries of the series but it isn't something i expected for a tie-in to the 2014 film. the comic follows Ishiro Serizawa's father on his journey as a monarch scientist, which is cool, love to see more of Serizawa and his family, but like this guy just gets fucked for no reason by everyone else. he believes in godzilla and he bears eye witness to multiple things throughout the comic book but nobody ever believes him because.. HES the insane one? like monarch at this stage is an organization designed to hunt and kill MUTOs without starting a worldwide panic, but they scoff at the idea of hunting down Serizawa's MUTO that he has pretty damning evidence for. its really dumb how they have stuff play out and it ultimately leads to nothing most of the time, just annoyingly written comic overall
oh well, the comics retconned pretty much in its entirely due to the show Monarch: Legacy of Monsters anyway. i can tell that a ton of story beats, characters, and other stuff for the show was inspired or directly ripped from Awakening, but it uses it in a different (and albeit MUCH better way) than the comic. rip Shinomura it was a cool titan but the comics bad so idc
3/10 not good
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myth-lord · 4 years ago
Creature List
Collected on species-type
ABERRATION: A Bao A Qu / Akaname / Alp-Luachra / Amikuk / Baldanders / Bukavac / Burach Bhadi / Charybdis / Colorobetch / Cuero / Devalpa / Dijiang / Doppelganger / Ewah / Fachen / Hantu Bulan / Hyakume / Iku-Turso / Kerit / Keukegen / Lou Carcolh / Muirdris / Nurikabe / Olgoi-Khorkhoi / Papinijuwari / Planctae / Qalupalik / Scylla / Skolex / Stella / Succarath / Yara-Ma-Yha-Who /
PLANT: Abere / Aproxis / Berberoka / Cactus Cat / Jinmenju / Kayeri / Lunantishee / Mbielu-Mbielu / Rahara / Stray Sod / Umdhlebi / Ya-Te-Veo /
CONSTRUCT: Agrippa / Bubak / Caleuche / Gargoyle / Gold-Digging Ant / Golem / Invunche / Ipetam / Ittan-Momen / Jenglot / Juggernaut / Stymphalides / Wanyudo /
DRAGON: Aitvaras / Amhuluk / Asdeev / Azi-Dahaka / Bolla / Cuelebre / Fafnir / Gaasyendietha / Ikuchi / Kampe / Nidhogg / Scytalis / Tarasque / Velue / Vritra / Zirnitra /
UNDEAD: Aatxe / Banshee / Baykok / Chon-Chon / Draugr / Dullahan / Flaga / Gashadokuro / Gloson / Hongaek / Itqiirpak / Jubokko / Mekurabe / Mngwa / Osschaert / Polong / Sluagh / Tiyanak / Valravn / Wendigo / Yuki-Onna /
DEMON: Aghash / Ammut / Bushyasta / Caorthannach / Cerberus / Each Tened / Gorgon / Imp / Impundulu / Likho / Makhai / Manananggal / Mandarangkal / Marool / Musca Macedda / Nadubi / Nekomata / Nocnitsa / Nue / Omukade / Popobawa / Rawhead / Sigbin / Taotie /
ELEMENTAL: Ahl At-Trab / Banaspati / Cherufe / Dorotabo / Ebajalg / Enenra / Gaueko / Hinqumemen / Psonen / Raiju / Will o Wisp /
FEY: Agemo / Agropelter / Awd Goggie / Cwn Annwn / Eintykara / Encantado / Far Darrig / Fear Liath / Guiafairo / Kamaitachi / Kikimora / Kobold / Kumiho / Lampad / Leanan Sidhe / Lechuza / Nuckelavee / Otso / Peuchen / Phooka / Poludnica / Redcap / Shadhawar / Shinchu / Sianach / Tailypo / Yehwe Zogbanu /
BEAST: Abaia / Afanc / Ahuizotl / Akhlut / Amphisbaena / Aniwye / Basilisk / Boobrie / Bruch / Buggane / Bulgasari / Bunyip / Burrunjor / Calopus / Camulatz / Caspilly / Catoblepas / Djieien / Drop Bear / Echeneis / Ga-Gorib / Grootslang / Hydra / Ichneumon / Isonade / Jinshin Mushi / Karkadann / Karkinos / Kongamato / Leucrotta / Miraj / Mishibizhiw / Mokele-Mbembe / Muscaliet / Myrmecoleon / Piasa / Qupqugiaq / Rat King / Raudkembingur / Rock Bolter / Roperite / Salawa / Scorpios / Ulagu / Water Leaper / Xan / Xhumpedzkin / Zhenniao /
HUMANOID: Adaro / Adze / Aigamuxa / Asanbosam / Berserker / Buckrider / Dactyl / Erchitu / Fomorian / Gegenees / Girtablilu / Goblin / Harpy / Hrimpursar / Intulo / Vish Kanya / Vodyanoi
Collected on Myth-Group
GREEK MYTHOLOGY: Amphisbaena / Cerberus / Charybdis / Dactyl / Gegenees / Gorgon / Harpy / Hydra / Kampe / Karkinos / Lampad / Makhai / Planctae / Scorpios / Scylla / Stymphalides /
NORTH EUROPEAN: Baldanders / Berserker / Buckrider / Doppelganger / Draugr / Fafnir / Gloson / Hrimpursar / Iku-Turso / Kobold / Nidhogg / Osschaert / Otso / Rat King / Raudkembingur / Valravn /
EAST EUROPEAN: Aitvaras / Bolla / Bubak / Bukavac / Ebajalg / Kikimora / Likho / Nocnitsa / Poludnica / Vodyanoi / Zirnitra /
SOUTHERN EUROPEAN: Aatxe / Agrippa / Basilisk / Colorobetch / Cuelebre / Erchitu / Gargoyle / Gaueko / Lou Carcolh / Musca Macedda / Stella / Tarasque / Velue /
WEST EUROPEAN: Afanc / Alp-Luachra / Awd Goggie / Banshee / Boobrie / Bruch / Buggane / Burach Bhadi / Caorthannach / Cwn Annwn / Dullahan / Each Tened / Fachen / Far Darrig / Fear Liath / Fomorian / Leanan Sidhe / Lunantishee / Marool / Muirdris / Nuckelavee / Phooka / Rawhead / Redcap / Sianach / Sluagh / Stray Sod / Water Leaper /
OTHER EUROPEAN: Aproxis / Calopus / Echeneis / Flaga / Goblin / Gold-Digging Ant / Ichneumon / Imp / Muscaliet / Myrmecoleon / Scytalis / Will o Wisp /
NORTH AMERICAN: Agropelter / Akhlut / Amhuluk / Amikuk / Aniwye / Baykok / Cactus Cat / Djieien / Ewah / Gaasyendietha / Hinqumemen / Itqiirpak / Mishibizhiw / Piasa / Psonen / Qalupalik / Qupqugiaq / Rock Bolter / Roperite / Tailypo / Ulagu / Wendigo /
SOUTH AMERICAN: Ahuizotl / Caleuche / Camulatz / Cherufe / Chon-Chon / Cuero / Eintykara / Encantado / Invunche / Kayeri / Lechuza / Peuchen / Rahara / Succarath / Xan / Xhumpedzkin /
AFRICA: Adze / Agemo / Aigamuxa / Asanbosam / Catoblepas / Ga-Gorib / Grootslang / Guiafairo / Impundulu / Intulo / Kerit / Kongamato / Mbielu-Mbielu / Mngwa / Mokele-Mbembe / Popobawa / Umdhlebi / Ya-Te-Veo / Yehwe Zogbanu /
MIDDLE EASTERN: A Bao A Qu / Aghash / Ahl At-Trab / Ammut / Asdeev / Azi-Dahaka / Bushyasta / Caspilly / Devalpa / Girtablilu / Golem / Juggernaut / Karkadann / Leucrotta / Miraj / Salawa / Shadhawar / Skolex / Vish Kanya / Vritra /
CHINESE AND OTHER ASIAN: Bulgasari / Dijiang / Hongaek / Ipetam / Jinmenju / Kumiho / Olgoi-Khorkhoi / Taotie / Zhenniao
JAPANESE: Akaname / Dorotabo / Enenra / Gashadokuro / Hyakume / Ikuchi / Isonade / Ittan-Momen / Jinshin Mushi / Jubokko / Kamaitachi / Keukegen / Mekurabe / Nekomata / Nue / Nurikabe / Omukade / Raiju / Shinchu / Wanyudo / Yuki-Onna /
OCEANIA: Abaia / Abere / Adaro / Banaspati / Berberoka / Bunyip / Burrunjor / Drop Bear / Hantu Bulan / Jenglot / Manananggal / Mandarangkal / Nadubi / Papinijuwari / Polong / Sigbin / Tiyanak / Yara-Ma-Yha-Who
VARIANTS / SUB-TYPES: Khalkotauroi (Aatxe) Necronomicon (Agrippa) Kulshedra (Bolla) Einherjar (Berserker) Odontotyrannus (Burrunjor) Cactus Lion (Cactus Cat) Rumptifusel (Cuero) Topielec (Draugr) Coiste Bodhar (Dullahan) Gold-Digging Warrior (Gold-Digging Ant) Gorgon Queen (Gorgon) Fury (Harpy) Ladon (Hydra) Abominable (Invunche) Saratan (Karkinos) Ropen (Kongamato) Bakekujira (Raudkembingur) Ly Erg (Redcap) Sandwalker (Scorpios) Hungry Grass (Stray Sod) Nachtkrapp (Valravn) Bolotnik (Vodyanoi) Moskitto (Xan)
SAME CREATURE DIFFERENT REGION/NAME Abaia = Inkanyamba Ahl At-Trab = Seitaad Aitvaras = Pukis Akhlut = Amarok Awd Goggie = Gooseberry Wife Basilisk = Cockatrice Bubak =  Tatty Boggle Bunyip = Dingonek Burrunjor = Kasai Rex Caorthannach = Ajatar Draugr = Zombie Ebajalg = Hala Goblin = Eloko + Duende Impundulu = Xexeu Isonade = Yagim Karkadann = Indrik Kumiho = Nogitsune Lechuza = Strix Nocnitsa = Boo Hag Stymphalides = Asipatra Tiyanak = Myling Will o Wisp = Luz Mala Zhenniao = Melalo
FAMOUS SECOND NAMES: Addanc (Afanc) / Joint Eater (Alp-Luachra) / Bokkenrijder (Buckrider) / Wizard Shackle (Burach Bhadi) / Old Man Of The Sea (Devalpa) / Headless Horseman (Dullahan) / Remora (Echeneis) / Boto (Encantado) / Grey Man (Fear Liath) / Gargouille (Gargoyle) / Aqrabuamelu (Girtablilu) / Gravso (Gloson) / Medusa (Gorgon) / Engulfer (Hinqumemen) / Frost Giant (Hrimpursar) / Hydrus (Ichneumon) / Ayakashi (Ikuchi) / Lightning Bird (Impundulu) / Nandi Bear (Kerit) / Crocotta (Leucrotta) / Aswang (Manananggal) / Al’miraj (Miraj) / Underwater Panther (Mishibizhiw) / Bakeneko (Nekomata) / Night Hag (Nocnitsa) / Death Worm (Olgoi-Khorkhoi) / Centipede (Omukade) / Puca (Phooka) / Symplegades (Planctae) / Lady Midday (Poludnica) / Kokogiak (Qupqugiaq) / Bloody Bones (Rawhead) / Slide-rock Bolter (Rock Bolter) / Set Animal (Salawa) / Indus Worm (Skolex) / Su (Succarath) / Vildervn (Valravn) / Peluda (Velue) / Llamhigyn Y Dwr (Water Leaper) / Man-Eating Tree (Ya-Te-Veo) / Zhen (Zhenniao)
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small-creature · 3 years ago
While me and my homie were discussing about Sorana beating Camazotz's ass, I did Xolotl's Relationship Chart.
Basically: what she thinks about the Titans and what they think about her.
(Based on the Cookie Run OvenBreak Relationship Chart)
Xolotl to Mothra: She seemed to be very kind and gentle but fierce, what a Queen. (Trust)
Mothra to Xolotl: Her behavior has changed a lot through time, but now it seems she's trying to avoid Godzilla and others... (Tension)
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Xolotl to Godzilla: I won't let you know about them, i'll do whatever is necesary to protect my childs! (Tension)
Godzilla to Xolotl: She's acting so weird, what hapened now? (Tension)·····
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Xolotl to Kong: I know what you did... (Tension)
Kong to Xolotl: I don't trust what they say about her. She's still my enemy. (Tension)
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Xolotl to Rodan: Hey... I remember you! You were the one who fought Sorana back then! (Friendly)
Rodan to Xolotl: Why she has some childs that aren't hers? Does she steals them or what? (Tension)
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Xolotl to Scylla: Ugh... Her only prescence makes me throw up... Her only touch can destroy and ruin a good place. (Tension)
Scylla to Xolotl: She's always looking so cute and yet so delicious~ I'll hope the day she die. (Friendly)
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Xolotl to Barb: I won't lie, I feel bad for her, being a Muto in current times... (Friendly)
Barb to Xolotl: Stay away! You monster! I remember what you did! (Tension)
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Xolotl to Methuselah: So old and quiet, a good company!(Friendly)
Methuselah to Xolotl: You're saying you're okay, little one, stop lying, you're hurting yourself even more... (Tension)
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Xolotl to Amhuluk: I don't want to be near him, I won't trust him (Tension)
Amhuluk to Xolotl: How is that thing still alive? (Tension)
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Xolotl to Na Kika: How are you feeling lately? (Friendly)
Na Kika to Xolotl: She's very kind to me... (Trust)
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Xolotl to Tiamat: ... (Tension)
Tiamat to Xolotl: Why are you so tiny? Why you look like this? (Tension)
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Xolotl to Ramarak: I told him to be more careful, even so... (Trust)
Ramarak to Xolotl: I was not able to apologize anymore... (Tension)
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Xolotl to Dagon: You're still weak, don't put yourself like that! Someday... We'll win! (Trust)
Dagon to Xolotl: She doesn't talk often, but is always willing to help us to win. (Trust)
· · ·
Xolotl to Ghidorah: Why were you even born? You're empty, a walking mistake, nothing but a disgrace. After all, your life is utterly pointless and meaningless. So it's better for you to die quickly. (Tension)
Ghidorah: Dammit, you're a damn headache that will never leave us alone! Just shut up! Why won't you die?! What even are you?! (Tension)
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Xolotl to Camazotz: I'm happy to being able to save you. (Trust)
Camazotz to Xolotl: They told me you're quite small, but just as powerfull as a King! Or I must say Queen? (Trust)
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Xolotl to Jinshin-Mushi: I shall break your happyness. (Tension)
Jinshin-Mushi to Xolotl: You pest...! (Tension)
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iamthekaijuking · 5 years ago
A while back I remember you saying how you wish the Monsterverse gave the kaiju/titans proper specific names. What specific names would you like to give them?
Nucleirex gojira (nuclear king godzilla)
Papilioregina mosura (moth queen mothra)
Igniavem rodan (fire bird rodan)
Electricainvasor ghidorah (electrical invader Ghidorah)
Oceanucrus scylla (ocean leg scylla)
Silvagigas behemoth (forest giant behemoth)
Auraparasitus jinshinmushi (echoing parasite jinshin mushi AKA muto)
Arcanumons methuselah (mysterious mountain methuselah)
Keep in mind, these were all thrown together using google translate. So they’re kinda awful.
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ao3feed-malvie · 4 years ago
Nothing but Villains and Monsters
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UqZQbm
by BeastOverlord4261
Long ago, the titans reigned over all creatures for as long as time stood. But when magic was threatened, those very beasts joined the villains against their common enemy, the heroes, in battle. Unfortunately, they were defeated, and the alpha titan, Dagon, had fallen. But after twenty years, the heroes invite five children of the most powerful villains and monsters of the Isle of the lost.
The names of these children:
Mal, daughter of Maleficent. Evie, daughter of the Evil Queen. Jay, son of Jafar. Carlos, son of Cruella de Vil. And finally, Gojira, son of Dagon.
Words: 2351, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Godzilla: King of The Monsters (2019), Godzilla - All Media Types, Descendants (Disney Movies), Disney - All Media Types, Monster Hunter (Video Games), Jurassic World Trilogy (Movies), Jurassic Park Original Trilogy (Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Godzilla (Legendary | MonsterVerse), Mal (Disney), Evie (Disney), Jay (Disney), Carlos de Vil, Uma (Disney), Harry Hook, Gil (Disney: Descendants), Rodan (Legendary | Monsterverse), Mothra (Legendary | MonsterVerse), Methuselah (Godzilla), Behemoth (Godzilla), Scylla (Godzilla), M.U.T.O. Characters (Godzilla), Jinshin Mushi | MUTO Prime, Titan Characters (Legendary | MonsterVerse), Titans (MonsterVerse), Ben (Disney: Descendants), Audrey Rose (Disney), Jane (Disney: Descendants), Li Lonnie, Doug (Disney: Descendants), AK(s) | Auradon Kid(s) (Disney: Descendants), VK(s) | Villain Kid(s) (Disney: Descendants), Chad Charming, Monster(s) (Monster Hunter), Maleficent (Disney), Evil Queen (Disney), Jafar (Disney), Hades (Disney: Hercules), Dr. Facilier (Disney), Dizzy Tremaine, Celia Facilier
Relationships: Godzilla/Mal/Evie, Evie/Mal (Disney), Godzilla/Mal, Godzilla/Evie, Jay/Carlos de Vil, Gil/Harry Hook/Uma, Ben/Audrey Rose (Disney: Descendants), Mothra/Rodan (Legendary | MonsterVerse), Jane/Li Lonnie, Doug (Disney: Descendants)/Original Character(s), Godzilla & Rodan (Legendary | MonsterVerse), Godzilla & Mothra (Legendary | MonsterVerse), Mal & Maleficent (Disney), Evie & Evil Queen (Disney), Jafar & Jay (Disney)
Additional Tags: Polyamory, Threesome - F/F/M, Titan Shifters, Magic-Users, Fluff and Smut, Fluff and Angst, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Fae Mal (Disney), Succubus Evie (Disney), Protective Godzilla (Legendary | MonsterVerse), Protective Mal (Disney), Protective Evie (Disney), Protective Jay (Disney), Protective Carlos de Vil, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, King Ghidorah Lives (Legendary | MonsterVerse), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Creatures & Monsters, Isle of the Lost (Disney), Isle of the Lost is a Terrible Place (Disney), United States of Auradon is Not Perfect (Disney), I Will Go Down With This Ship, Titanthropes, Or Weretitans if you prefer, King Adam is a beast inside, The Rotten Five has been made, That's all the tags I can think of. Ok bye!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UqZQbm
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lisanees · 1 year ago
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// Legends of the Monsterverse: The Omnibus (2024)
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monarch-afterdark · 11 months ago
Titan History: Jinshin-Mushi
Welcome once again to Monarch: After Dark, the digital gateway between you and the organisation dedicated to understanding and navigating this troubled new world we live in.
For today's communication, we return ourselves once again toward the events of G-Day and the Titans that began the chain of events that led to Monarch's exposure; the Dragon Beetle and its spawn, Jinshin-Mushi.
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(Pictured above: News footage of the Jinshin-Mushi Queen attacking New Jersey during the Mass Awakening crisis, circa. 2019
Monarch Database File: Jinshin-Mushi
Monarch Designation: Titanus Jinshin-Mushi
Height: 350 feet (Prime), 281 feet (Male), 298 feet (Female), 370 feet (Queen)
Weight: 135,000 tons (Prime), 15,000 tons (Male), 60,000 tons (Female), 110,000 tons (Queen)
Nature: Bio-Terrestrial (Prime), Bio-Atomic (Male and Female, presumably Queen as well)
Behavioural Classification: Destroyers
To the majority of the public, these Titans are still referred to with the previous designation for superspecies discovered by Monarch, M.U.T.O (Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organism). Even within Monarch itself, few seem to refer to the Jinshin-Mushis with their proper designation, the Prime being the sole exception.
Currently, the remains of both Jinshin-Mushi involved with G-Day, as well as the Prime, are being kept within Monarch's Castle Bravo facility for dissection and study.
Parasitic Titans with a history long intertwined with Godzilla's species, the Jinshin-Mushis were speculated by Monarch's former paleobiologist Emma Russell to have been responsible for several mass extinctions throughout Earth's history. During the 11th Century BC, the Jinshin-Mushi Prime had been documented by the Phoenicians bringing down a member of Godzilla's species (referred to as 'Dagon' or 'Raijin') and impregnated him with two spores.
These spores fed off the radiation-rich haemoglobin in Dagon's blood, ultimately killing the Titan once he was no longer able to replenish his atomic energy. For several centuries, Dagon and the spores lay within the Phillipines, seemingly lost to history.
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(Pictured above: A Phoenician stone tablet presented to Emma Russell, depicting a battle between Dagon and the Prime, circa. 2014)
In 1999, Dagon's remains would be uncovered when a mining operation drilled into the site and caused a valley floor to collapse. One of the spores, catalysed by sudden exposure to the atmosphere, hatched and the larval male Jinshin-Mushi escaped to the ocean. Travelling a great distance to Japan, the male attacked a nuclear plant in Janjira before cocooning itself to feed off the radiation from the reactors. The second spore, later known to have contained the female, was determined to be dormant and was sent to a nuclear waste repository in Nevada.
15 years later, the male had finally finished feeding and hatched, disabling the containment facility around it with an EMP attack before taking flight. On its way to Honolulu, the male dredged up a Russian nuclear submarine and fed on the warheads it carried. After using its EMP to stop military jets from engaging it, the male continued to a nearby airport, where it was confronted by Godzilla.
The world watched in shock and horror as the two clashed, the male retreating soon after with Godzilla hot in pursuit. The truth of the existence of monsters was finally out in the open. Shortly afterward, the dormant spore in Nevada became active and the female Jinshin-Mushi emerged, already fully grown. She rampaged through Vegas before heading to California. With the threat growing, the military hatched a plan to kill both Jinshin-Mushis and Godzilla with a nuclear weapon.
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(Pictured above: The male Jinshin-Mushi roaring at Godzilla when confronted in Honolulu, circa. 2014)
The female intercepted a military convoy transporting two nuclear warheads, devouring one of them and killing almost all the personnel transporting them. The remaining warhead was transported to San Francisco, though the male managed to obtain it and presented it to the female in an act of courtship.
From here, the events of G-Day are famously known. The female constructed a nest in the middle of the city and laid her eggs around the warhead so they could feed on the radiation. Godzilla arrived and confronted the two in a long and brutal fight, though he emerged victorious with some intervention from navy EOD specialist Ford Bordy. The male was killed after Godzilla smashed him into a skyscraper, and the female was decapitated when Godzilla fired an atomic blast down her throat.
Just a few months later, Godzilla fought the Jinshin-Mushi Prime across the globe. While the Prime emerged from a crater in Japan, their first battle took place in Guam, where the Prime fed on a nuclear sub before fending Godzilla off with a strike to the face. Their second, in the Barents Sea, ended similarly. Their third clash, at France's Athena II Nuclear Power Plant, ended with Godzilla heavily wounded, drawing concern that he may lose if the two Titans met again.
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(Pictured above: Monarch's Titan profile on the Jinshin-Mushi Prime, circa. 2014)
The Prime's final battle with Godzilla took place in a US site for decommissioned nuclear power cores, where the Prime used a sonic roar to shatter the dorsal plates on Godzilla's back, greatly weakening him. As the Prime prepared to plant new spores into Godzilla, it became temporarily distracted by Emma Russell's experimental sonar device ORCA. Taking advantage of the pause, Godzilla fired a nuclear pulse from his back that sent the Prime flying, before he finally killed it with a stomp to the head.
Five years later, during the mass Titan awakenings triggered by Monster Zero, a previously undiscovered Jinshin-Mushi caste, a Queen, emerged from underneath a strip mall in New Jersey and rampaged until it was pacified by the ORCA's activation. The Queen was among the Titans that converged to Boston following Monster Zero's demise.
And, there you go! A rundown on the history behind Jinshin-Mushi, to G-Day and the years beyond. The Queen is currently the only surviving member of the species, with some speculating that she may mature into another Prime some day, provided she is not killed by Godzilla beforehand. Only time can tell on that, however.
Until next time,
Monarch: After Dark
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monarch-afterdark · 7 months ago
how prevalent is monarch in the caribbean? Also is the Caribbean one of the only regions of the planet safe from Titan attacks?
There are Monarch facilities all around the Caribbean Islands, ranging from recruitment stations to research and G-Team deployment bases.
Not to fearmonger, but nowhere on the planet is truly safe from a potential Titan attack. To pull an example from the events of 2019, the Jinshin-Mushi Queen emerged from underneath a strip mall in New Jersey. Anywhere on Earth could be turned into a battleground in an instant, which makes Monarch's mission more vital than ever.
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myth-lord · 4 years ago
Current lists, for backup
A Bao A Qu Aatxe - Khalkotauroi Abaia Abere Abuhuku Acheri Adaro - Zitiron Afanc Agrippa Agropelter Ahuizotl Aitvaras Ajatar Akaname - Marakihau - Gaki Akashita Akheilos - Isonade Alp-Luachra Amarok - Akhlut Amikuk Ammut Amphisbaena - Ouroboros Aniwye Aproxis Asanbosam Asdeev Askafroa - Radande - Batibat - Yanagi-Baba Aswang - Kubot - Manananggal Attercroppe Atuikakura - Butatsch Awd Goggie
Bakekujira Baku Baldanders - Gardinel Banshee - Limos - Pesta - Nemain Barbegazi - Ijiraq Baykok - Mokoi Berberoka Berserker - Einherjar Bilwis - Ebajalg Binaye-Ahani Bolla - Kulshedra Bonguru Boobrie - Hverafugl Bruch Bubak Buckrider - Buckrider Priest Buggane Bukavac Bunyip - Dingonek Burach Bhadi Burrunjor - Stoa - Kasai Rex Bushyasta
Cactus Cat - Cactus Lion Caladrius - Zhenniao - Melalo Caleuche Camulatz Caorthannach Carbuncle - Cagrino Caspilly Catoblepas Cecaelia - Iku-Turso - Scylla Centaur - Anggitay - Besta-Fera Charybdis Cherufe Chicheface Chipfalamfula Chon-Chon - Cacodemon - Tsurube-Otoshi Chupacabra - Nadubi Cipactli Cockatrice - Basilisk Codrille Colo-Colo Colorobetch Con Rit - Skolex Cu Sith Cuero - Rumptifusel Cwn Annwn Cyclops - Papinijuwari - Tartalo
Dactyl - Cabeiri Death Worm - Minhocao - Lagarfljotr Dijiang - Hundun Djinn - Ghul Dokkalfar - Dalaketnon Dorotabo - Obambo Drop Bear Dullahan - Coiste Bodhar - Ankou
Echeneis Egregore Eintykara Enenra Erinyes Erumia - Kurage-Hinotama - Muirdris Ewah
Fachen Faun - Phooka - Huay Chivo Fomorian - Balor Fossegrim - Encantado Frittening Fulad-Zereh
Ga-Gorib Gaasyendietha Gargoyle - Asag Garmr - Cerberus Gaueko Gbahali Gegenees - Hekantoncheires Girtablilu Globster - Umibozu Gloson Goblin - Grindylow - Eloko - Spriggan - Likho Gold-Digging Ant - Gold-Digging Warrior - Gold-Digging Queen Golem - Wulgaru - Terra-Cotta - Tupilaq - Celedon - Talos Griffon - Axex Grootslang Gulon - Rompo - Taotie
Haietlik Hantu Bulan Harpy - Alkonost Havhest - Kunopegos Helhest Hinnagami - Jenglot Hongaek Hrosshvalur Hyakume Hydra - Nyuvwira - Balaur - Ladon
Ichneumon Ifrit Ikuchi Imp - Skrzak Impundulu Incubus - Succubus - Cambion Intulo - Lunwaba - Cuca Inulpamahuida Invunche - Flesh Abomination Ipetam - Soul Eater Sword Issitoq - Aghash Ittan-Momen
Jba Fofi - Djieien - Jorogumo - Tsuchigumo Jidra - Barometz - Otso Jinmenju Jubokko Juggernaut
Kamaitachi Kampe Kappa - Suiko Karkadann - Indrik Karkinos - Heikegani - Traicousse - Saratan Kaw-Kaw - Morko Kayeri Kelpie - Ceffyl Dwr - Each Tened - Apaosha Kerit Keukegen Khodumodumo Kikimora Kitsune - Kumiho Knucker Kobold - Pech Kokogiak Kongamato - Ropen Kranokolaptes - Pyrausta - Itzpapalotl - Shinchu
Laestrygonian - Aigamuxa - Hrimpursar - Cacus - Hraesvelgr   Lagahoo Lamia - Gorgon - Echidna Lampad - Oread Leanan Sidhe Lechuza Leprechaun - Clurichaun - Gancanagh - Amadan Dubh Leshy - Nuno - Kapre Leucrotta Lilyi Lindwurm   - Nidhogg - Fafnir Longgui Lou Carcolh Lunantishee
Maenad Mahaha Makalala - Tuyango Makhai Mambabarang   - Adze Mandarangkal - Empusa Mandragora Manticore - Sphinx - Piasa Mapinguari Marool Migas - Paxarbolis - Rogo-Tumu-Here - Lusca Minotaur - Sarangay - Erchitu Miraj Mngwa Morgawr - Mokele-Mbembe Moroi - Strigoi Motelo Mama Muhuru - Mbielu-Mbielu Musca Macedda - Druj Nasu Myrmecoleon
Nekomata - Kasha Ngoubou - Odontotyrannus Nguruvilu - Snow Wasset Nocnitsa Nuckelavee Nue Nurikabe
Olitiau - Guiafairo - Camazotz Omukade Oniate - Mano Peluda Osschaert
Pard - Mishibizhiw - Serpopard - Zheng Peuchen Pixiu Poludnica - Candileja Popobawa Psoglav Psonen Pukwudgie
Rahara Raiju Ratatoskr - Muscaliet Redcap - Ly Erg Rock Bolter Rokurokubi Roperite
Sagari Salamander Salawa Sazae-Oni Scarab - Apshait - Jinshin Mushi - Khepri Scorpios - Gastarios - Sandwalker Scytalis Seitaad - Ahl At-Trab Shadhawar Shellycoat Shen Sianach - Peryton - Snawfus - Delgeth Sigbin Siyokoy Skinwalker - Nagual - Rougarou Spartoi - Ahkiyyini - Mekurabe - Gashadokuro Stella - Decarabia Stray Sod - Hungry Grass Stuhac Stymphalides - Asipatra Succarath
Tailypo Tarasque Tculo Tesso Tikbalang Tiyanak - Devalpa - Myling Troll - Porotai - Yehwe Zogbanu Tsemaus - Ziphius Tsenagahi - Sessho-Seki - Planctae
Uiluruyak - Rat King - Ugjuknarpak - Lavellan Ulagu Umdhlebi Undine - Polong - Gu - Hinqumemen Ungaikyo
Valravn - Nachtkrapp Vatnsandi Veela - Hala Velue Vish Kanya - Saapin Vodyanoi - Cueyatl - Bolotnik - Bagiennik - Arzhavennik
Wanyudo Water Leaper Wendigo Whowie Will o Wisp - Luz Mala Wraith - Buruburu - Waldgeist - Dybbuk - Sluagh Wyvern - Cuelebre - Azi Dahaka
Xan - Moskitto Xhumpedzkin Xiao - Ahool Xing Tian
Ya-Te-Veo Yale Yara-Ma-Yha-Who Yowie - Fear Liath - Hidebehind Yuki-Onna
Zirnitra Zombie - Aerico - Topielec - Mummy - Draugr Zorigami
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myth-lord · 7 years ago
Creatures from Around the World #3
Because it has been a while when I updated this world-list. 
BOLD = Bosses 
Italic = Good/Neutral Encounters
MEDIEVAL EUROPEAN MYTHS: Abarimon / Amphiptere / Apocalypse Locust / Barometz / Basilisk / Behemoth / Blemmyes / Bonnacon / Calopus / Cambion / Catoblepas / Cerastes / Cockatrice / Cynocephali / Dipsa / Echeneis / Goblin (Sneak, Bomber, Warg Raider) / Gold-Digging Ant (Gold-Digging Warrior, Gold-Digging Queen) / Haermorrhois / Imp / Incubus / Indus Worm / Keythong / Leontophone / Leucrotta / Monoceros / Muscaliet / Musimon / Myrmecoleon / Nependis / Panotti / Parandrus / Pard / Peryton / Pixie / Salamander / Scytalis / Seps / Succubus / Sylph / Undine / Utelif / Wyvern / Yale / Ypotryll / Ziphius
ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGY: Achlys / Akheilos / Alastor / Alecto / Algea / Amazon (Amazon Queen) / Amphisbaena / Anteros / Brontes / Antaeus / Arachne / Argus / Automaton / Cacus / Celedon / Centaur / Cercopes / Cerberus / Cerynitis / Cetus / Charybdis / Chimera / Chrysaor / Circe / Cyclops / Dactyl (Ferromancer, Mechaniac) / Deimos / Dryad / Echidna / Empusa / Erinyes / Erote / Erymanthian / Eurynomos / Faun / Gegenees / Geryon / Gorgon / Graeae / Griffon / Hamadryad / Harpy / Hekatoncheires / Hippocampus / Hydra / Kampe / Karkinos / Khalkotauroi / Ladon / Lamia / Lampad / Limos / Maenad / Makhai / Megaera / Minotaur / Narcissus / Nemean Lion / Nerites / Nosoi / Oneiroi / Orthrus / Pandora Box / Phobetor / Phobos / Phorcys / Planctae / Satyr / Scorpios (Scorpios Tidecrawler) / Scylla / Skolopendra / Spartoi / Sphinx / Stymphalian / Talos / Tisiphone / Thriae (Thriae Warrior, Thriae Queen) / Typhon / Zelus
MEDIEVAL GREEK MYTHS: Aerico / Kranokolaptes / Odontotyrannus / Onocentaur / Vrykolakas
NORSE MYTHOLOGY: Alberich / Berserker / Dokkalfar (Dokkalfar Assassin) / Draugr / Dvergr (Dvergr Runepriest, Dvergr Mammoth Rider) / Einherjar / Fafnir / Fenrir / Hraesvelgr / Hrimpursar / Land Wight / Ljosalfr (Ljosalfr Sun Priest) / Naglfar / Nidhogg / Ratatoskr / Surtr / Svinfylking / Valkyrie / Ymir
NORWEGIAN MYTHS: Fossegrim / Kraken / Norn
SWEDISH MYTHS: Gulon / Nixie / Swamfisk
FINNISH MYTHS: Ajatar / Havhest / Iku-Turso / Morko / Myling / Otso
GERMAN MYTHS: Alraune / Baldanders / Blutschink / Doppelganger / Erlking / Kobold / Lorelei / Mandragora / Nachtkrapp / Poltergeist / Rat King / Waldgeist / Wolpertinger (Winter Wolpertinger)
DUTCH MYTHS: Buckrider (Buckrider Cultist) / Osschaart  
BELGIAN MYTHS: Colorobetch / Kludde / Traicousse
DANISH MYTHS: Askafroa / Gloson / Huldra / Pesta / Snow Queen / Valravn  
ICELANDIC MYTHS: Hrokkall / Hrosshvalur / Hverafugl / Ice Worm / Skeljungur / Sverdhvalur / Vatnagedda / Vatnsandi
SLAVIC MYTHOLOGY: Bagiennik / Bezkost / Bolotnik / Bukavac / Domovoi / Drekavac / Fext / Karzelek / Kikimora / Koschei the Deathless / Leshy / Likho / Nocnitsa / Planetnik / Poludnica / Rusalka / Topielec / Veela / Vodyanoi / Zirnitra
RUSSIAN MYTHS: Alkonost / Indrik / Teugghia
SERBIAN MYTHS: Bauk / Hala / Psoglav / Stuhac
ROMANIAN MYTHS: Balaur / Lilyi / Moroi / Strigoi / Tculo (Tculo Impaler)
SLOVANIAN MYTHS: Nelapsi / Zlatorog
ROMAN MYTHS: Caladrius / Ozaena / Strix
FRENCH MYTHS: Agrippa (Demonomicon, Necronomicon, Holy Tome) / Chicheface / Codrille / Danse Macabre / Drac / Egregore / Gargouille / Gargoyle / Grotesque / Hellequin / Lou Carcolh / Stella (Crown of Thorns) / Tarasque / Ukobach / Velue / Vouivre / Zitiron
SPANISH MYTHS: Cuelebre / Nuberu / Trenti
BASQUE MYTHS: Aatxe / Gaueko / Odei
MALTESE MYTHS: Bedudu / KawKaw
ENGLISH MYTHS: Atomy / Awd Goggie / Barghest / Black Annis / Bloody Bones / Brobinyak / Chagrin / Grindylow / Jack-in-Irons / Knucker / Marool / Morgawr / Rawhead / Springheel-Jack / Will o Wisp / Wraith
IRISH MYTHS: Alp-Luachra / Amadan / Balor / Banshee / Bocanach / Brucha / Clurichaun / Death Coach / Dobhar-Chu / Dullahan / Each Tened / Far Darrig / Fear Dorcha / Fomorian / Gancanagh / Hungry Grass / Leanan Sidhe / Leprechaun / Merrow / Muirdris / Nemain / Phooka / Sluagh / Stray Sod (Abyss Grass)
SCOTTISH MYTHS: Boobrie / Brollachan / Burach Bhadi / Cat Sith / Cirein Croin / Cu Sith / Fachen / Fear Liath / It / Kelpie / Lavellan / Ly Erg / Nuckelavee (Nuckelavee Wyvern Parasite) / Redcap / Selkie / Shellycoat / Sianach
WELSH MYTHS: Afanc / Ceffyl Dwr / Cwn Annwn / Gwyllgi / Gwyllion / Questing Beast / Water Leaper / Wild Hunt
MANX MYTHS: Adhene / Arkan Sonney / Buggane
BRETON MYTHS: Ankou / Korrigan
NATIVE AMERICAN MYTHS: Alkuntane / Amhuluk / Aniwye / Badogiak / Baxbakwalanuxsiwae / Baykok / Binaye-Ahani / Cecaelia / Delgeth / Djieien / Ewah / Fastachee / Gaasyendietha / Gowrow / Haietlik / Hinqumemen / Lu Dja Lako / Mannegishi / Mishibizhiw / Nalusa Falaya / Oniate / Paiyuk / Piasa / Psonen / Pukwudgie / Raven Mocker / Rougarou / Skinwalker / Tlanusi / Tsenahale / Unhcegila / Utlunta / Wendigo (Windigo) / Wishpooshi / Xoc Detsahi / Yagim / Yeitso
INUIT MYTHS: Adlet / Agloolik / Ahkiyyini / Akhlut / Amarok / Amikuk (Sand Amikuk, Cave Amikuk) / Ijiraq / Ishigaq / Issitoq / Kokogiak / Mahaha / Qalupalik / Tizheruk / Ugjuknarpak
AMERICAN FEARSOME CRITTERS: Agropelter / Cactus Cat / Hidebehind / Hodag / Roperite / Snawfus / Splinter Cat / Squonk
MEXICAN MYTHS: Black Cadejo / Chupacabra / Lechuza / Mano Peluda / White Cadejo
AZTEC MYTHS: Ahuizotl / Cipactli / Itzpapalotl / Nagual / Quetzalcoatl / Tezcatlipocao
MAYAN MYTHS: Camazotz / Camulatz / Catzbalam / Tecumbalam / Xan / Xecotcovach / Xhumpedzkin
BRAZILIAN MYTHS: Akanan / Anhanga / Boitata / Cuca / Curupira / Encantado / Mapinguari / Minhocao / Quibungo
PERU MYTHS: El Tunche / Machukuna / Pishtaco
COLOMBIAN MYTHS: Candileja / Kayeri / Kori
CHILEAN MYTHS: Alicanto / Caleuche / Cuero / Huallepen / Invunche (Invunche Abomination) / Lakuma
MAPUCHE MYTHS: Cherufe / ChonChon / ColoColo / Cuchivilu / Inulpamahuida / Nguruvilu / Peuchen
PARAGUAY MYTHS: Carbuncle / Eintykara
BAHAMAS MYTHS: Chickcharney
CARIBBEAN MYTHS: Hupia / Lusca / Soucouyant
AFRICAN MYTHS: Adze / Agemo / Asanbosam / Bouda / Chemosit / Chipfalamfula / Dingonek / Eloko (Eloko Trapper, Eloko Shaman) / Emela-Ntouka / Ga-Gorib / Gambo / Gbahali / Grootslang / Impundulu / Inkanyamba / Intulo (Intulo Raptor Raider) / Jba Fofi / Kongamato / Lukwata / Lunwaba / Mamlambo / MbieluMbielu / Migas / Mngwa / Mokele-Mbembe / Muhuru / Ngoubou / Ngworekara / Olitiau (Avatar of Camazotz) / Popobawa / Rompo / Umdhlebi / Ya-Te-Veo / Yehwe Zogbanu / Zombie (Bloated Zombie)
EGYPTIAN MYTHOLOGY: Akhekh / Ammit / Apshait Swarm / Hypnalis / Ichneumon / Mummy (Mummy Lord) / Phoenix / Sak / Salawa (Beast of Set) / Scarab / Serket
MESOPOTAMIAN: Girtablilu / Tiamat / Urmahlullu
SUMERIAN MYTHS: Annunaki / Asag / Lammasu
ARABIAN MYTHS: Ahi At-Trab / Djinn / Ifrit / Jidra / Miraj / Roc / Sandwalker / Saratan
PERSIAN MYTHS: Aghash / Arzshenk / Asdeev / Bushyasta / Caspilly / Druj Nasu / Fulad-Zereh / Karkadann / Manticore / Shadhawar / Sruvara
IRANIAN MYTHS: Apaosha / Devalpa / Palis / Simurgh
TURKISH MYTHS: Abaasy / Munkur
INDIAN MYTHS: Acheri / Brahmaparush
HINDU MYTHS: Airavata / Asipatra / Juggernaut / Kabandha / Naga / Rakshasa / Raktabija / Virabhadra / Vish Kanya (Vish Kanya Priestess, Vish Kanya Queen)
MONGOLIAN MYTHS: Death Worm / Zamba Zaraa
CHINESE MYTHS: Byakko / Dijiang / Dragon Turtle / Genbu / Hundun / Jiangshi / Pixiu / Qinyuan / Sin-You / Taotie / Terra-Cotta Warrior (Terra-Cotta Archer, Terra-Cotta Mage, Terra-Cotta Warlord) / Tianlong / Xiao / Xing Tian / Zheng / Zhenniao
KOREAN MYTHS: Bulgasari / Hongaek / Kumiho 
JAPANESE MYTHS: Akaname / Akashita / Akkorokamui / Ame-Onna / Ashi-Magari / Ashinaga-Jin / Atuikakura / Bakekujira (Bakekujira Narwhal) / Baku / Bisha Ga Tsuku / Biwa-Bokuboku / Boroboroton / Choukeshin / Daidarabotchi / Daitengu / Dorotabo / Enenra / Gashadokuro / Hannya / Heikegani / Hyakume / Isonade / Ittan-Momen / Jinmenju / Jinshin Mushi / Jorogumo / Jubokko / Kamaitachi / Kamikiri / Kappa / Kasa-Obake / Kasha / Katsura-Otoko / Keukegen / Kirin / Kitsune / Kurage No Hinotama / Mekurabe / Muramasa / Muramasa Blade / Namazu / Nekomata / Nogitsune / Nue / Nuppeppo / Nure Onna / Nurikabe / Omukade / Orochi / Oseichu / Otoroshi / Raiju / Rokurokubi / Sagari / Satori / Sazae-Oni / Suiko / Sunakake Baba / Tanuki / Tenaga-Jin / Tengu / Tenome / Tera-Tsutsuki / Tesso / Tsuchigumo / Umibozu / Ungaikyo / Ushi Oni / Wanyudo / Yamabiko / Yanagi Baba / Yuki-Onna / Zorigami
PHILIPPINE MYTHS: Anggitay / Aswang / Bakunawa / Batibat / Berbalang / Berberoka / Bungisngis / Dalaketnon / Gawigawen / Kapre / Kubot / Kurita / Mambabarang / Manananggal / Mandarangkal / Mantabungal / Nuno / Santelmo / Sarangay / Sigbin / Siyokoy / Tiburon / Tikbalang / Tiyanak
INDONESIAN MYTHS: Ahool / Babi Ngepet / Cindaku / Genderuwo / Ropen / Veo
MALAY MYTHS: A Bao A Qu / Jenglot / Orang Minyak / Polong
SOLOMON ISLAND MYTHS: Adaro / Bonguru / Pua Tu Tahi
AUSTRALIAN MYTHS: Bunyip / Burrunjor (Arctic Burrunjor) / Dheeyabery / Drop Bear / Mokoi / Nargun / Papinijuwari / Pioial / Punga / Tiddalik / Whowie / Wulgaru / Yara-Ma-Yha-Who
OTHERS: Alukah / Beelzebub / Davy Jones / Dybbuk / Globster / Gray / Gremlin / Horseman of Death / Horseman of Famine / Horseman of Pestilence / Horseman of War / Human Peasant (Human Bandit, Human Pirate, Human Hunter, Human Knight, Human Gladiator, Human Druid, Human Necromancer, Human Wizard, Human Warlock) / Lilith / Mothman / Ningen / Rake / Sasquatch / Tree Octopus
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myth-lord · 8 years ago
What is Your Favorite Group?
What is your personal favorite group of monsters? And what is your least favorite group of monsters? And why? 
My own personal favorite groups are mostly: Chimerae, Vermin, Plant, Fae, Demon, Tsukumogami. My ultimate favorite is probably Aberration. I just always liked the freaks of nature, the bizarre, the magical and insane. 
My least favorite group is probably the Gods, never cared much for powerhouses! Don’t really care for the Humanoid group that much either. 
And while most of these creatures (spare for some fake myths) come from mythology, this is from my own project. So some undead aren’t undead in the myth/folklore/cryptid stories, and many plants aren’t plants in the real myth, same with Oozes. But otherwise most monsters end up in the same groups which is boring. 
HUMANOID (Humans, Dwarves and such): Ashinaga-Jin / Berserker / Buckrider / Dactyl / Eloko / Goblin / Selkie / Skinwalker / Tenaga-Jin / Vish Kanya / Alberich / Muramasa / Snow Queen / Svinfylking
BEASTMAN (Half Humanoid, Half Beast): Adaro / Brobinyak / Buggane / Centaur / Chrysaor / Girtablilu / Gorgon / Harpy / Intulo / Kampe / Lunwaba / Minotaur / Nagual / Rougarou / Tesso / Thriae / Vodyanoi / Zitiron / Arachne / Erchitu / Grendel / King Lycos / Yeti
OGRE (Smaller and Weaker Giants): Argus / Asanbosam / Berberoka / Troll / Xing Tian
GIANT (Twice the Size of Ogres): Aigamuxa / Jack-in-Irons / Jotunn / Papinijuwari / Virabhadra / Antaeus / Geryon / Hraesvelgr
TITAN (Ancient Giants): Fomorian / Hekantoncheires / Yehwe Zogbanu / Balor / Echidna / Humbaba / Muldjewangk / Surtr / Typhon / Ymir
BEAST (Mammals): Aniwye / Catoblepas / Chicheface / Drop Bear / Emela Ntouka / Gulon / Ichneumon / Kamaitachi / Kokogiak / Mapinguari / Mngwa / Musimon / Olitiau / Rat King / Salawa / Splinter Cat / Trolual / Veo / Yale / Zamba Zaraa / Ziphius / Behemoth / Camazotz / Cetus / Fenrir / Nemean Lion / Torc Triath
CHIMERAE (Multi-Part Beasts): Afanc / Ahuizotl / Akhlut / Bigorne / Bulgasari / Bunyip / Chimera / ColoColo / Grootslang / Hrosshvalur / Keythong / Leucrotta / Manticore / Mishibizhiw / Muscaliet / Nependis / Nguruvilu / Nue / Peryton / Peuchen / Piasa / Qinyuan / Questing Beast / Xiao / Ammit / Axex / Tarasque
AVIAN (Birds): Alicanto / Boobrie / Golfu / Tera-Tsutsuki / Tuyango / Valravn / Xexeu / Zhenniao / Ziz
AMPHIBIAN (Salamanders, Toads and Frogs): Alp-Luachra / Bukavac / Horerczy / Salamander / Tiddalik / Water Leaper
FISH: Abaia / Caspilly / Echeneis / Hippocampus / Kagewani / Lukwata / Marool / Namazu / Shachihoko / Utelif / Vatnsandi / Leviathan
VERMIN (Insects, Arachnids and such): Apshait / Atuikakura / Awahondo / Awd Goggie / Brucha / Cagn / Choukeshin / Con Rit / Death Worm / Djieien / Eintykara / Ice Worm / Inulpamahuida / Jba Fofi / Jinshin Mushi / Karkinos / Kurage-No-Hinotama / Myrmecoleon / Sandwalker / Scarab / Shen / Shtriga / Stella / Tlanusi / Xan
REPTILIAN (Dinosaurs, Snakes, and Reptiles): Amphisbaena / Basilisk / Hydra / Kongamato / Mokele-Mbembe / Morgawr / Ngoubou / Nguma-Monene / Odontotyrannos / Seps / Tizheruk / Xhumpedzkin / Zaratan
DRAKE (Lesser Dragons): Aitvaras / Dragon Turtle / Gowrow / Knucker / Minhocao / Peluda / Pyrausta / Scitalis / Taniwha / Wyvern / Zburator
DRAGON: Asdeev / Codrille / Dilong / Gaasyendietha / Muirdris / Tiamat / Zirnitra / Zmey / Balaur / Cuelebre / Jabberwock / Ladon / Nidhogg / Vritra
SEA SERPENT (Aquatic, Snake-Like Dragons): Bakunawa / Cirein Croin / Haietlik / Amhuluk / Jormungandr  
PLANT: Abere / Batibat / Cactus Cat / Cucay / Devalpa / Jidra / Jinmenju / Jubokko / Kayeri / MbieluMbielu / Otso / Rahara / Stray Sod / Trenti / Umdhlebi / Ya-Te-Veo / El Tunche
FAE (Natural, Very Intelligent Beings): Bauk / Bocanach / Bonguru / Carbuncle / Cwn Annwn / Faun / Gancanagh / Hidebehind / Ijiraq / Jorogumo / Kelpie / Kikimora / Kumiho / Nuckelavee / Parandrus / Phooka / Ratatoskr / Shellycoat / Sianach / Spriggan / Svartalfar / Tikbalang / Wendigo / Bandersnatch / Bergkonge / Dalaketnon / Erlking / Far Darrig / Krampus / Lausks / Ly Erg / Springheel / Wild Hunt
NYMPH (Beautiful Elemental Fae Humanoids): Katsura-Otoko / Lampad / Poludnica / Rusalka / Veela / Leanan Sidhe
HAG: Mambabarang / Nocnitsa / Qalupalik / Utlunta / Baba Yaga / Graeae
GNOME (Small Elemental Humanoid Fae): Barbegazi / Curupira / Karzelek / Leshy / Nuberu / Nuno / Pukwudgie / Redcap
UNICORN (Horned, Intelligent, Fae Beasts): Karkadann / Miraj / Shadhavar / Sin-You / Indrik
DEMON: Aerico / Aghash / Ajatar / Apaosha / Apocalypse Locust / Asag / Binaye-Ahani / Delgeth / Druj Nasu / Empusa / Garm / Gremlin / Imp / Incubus / Mahaha / Makhai / Nalusa Falaya / Pishacha / Popobawa / Psoglav / Raktavija / Rawhead / Succubus / Tiyanak / Tsenahale / Ukobach / Yeitso / Abaddon / Andras / Beelzebub / Bloody Mary / Cerberus / Hellequin / Jersey Devil / Legion / Leraje / Pazuzu
ONI (Possessed Spiritual Demons): Daitengu / Likho / Nekomata / Omukade / Rakshasa / Sazae-Oni / Suiko / Tsuchigumo / Arzshenk / Isonade / Kasha
ANGEL (Fallen Angels): Ankou / Anteros / Erinyes / Valkyrie / Grim Reaper / Phobetor
UNDEAD: Acheri / Ahkiyyini / Bakekujira / Barghest / Baykok / Berbalang / Bezkost / ChonChon / Draugr / Dullahan / Fext / Gaki / Gashadokuro / Gloson / Harionago / Heikegani / Hrokkall / Moroi / Mummy / Nelapsi / Oniate / Sigbin / Vrykolakas / Yuki-Onna / Zombie / Davy Jones / Koschei the Deathless / Naglfar / Nosferatu
SPIRIT (Incorporeal Undead): Aatxe / Banshee / Candileja / Deogen / Inugami / Nosoi / Poltergeist / Sluagh / Dybbuk / Fear Dorcha / Limos / Pesta
ELEMENTAL (Made from the Elements, Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Darkness, Light or a combination): Adze / Cherufe / Dorotabo / Ebajalg / Enenra / Gaueko / Hinqumemen / Hongaek / Jembalang / Nargun / Nida / Planctae / Planetnik / Polong / Raiju / Seitaad / Witiko / Ziburinis / Sandman
GENIE (Elemental Lords): Ghul / Ifrit
OOZE (Slimes and Globsters): A Bao A Qu / Butatsch-Cun-Ilgs / Dheeyabery / It / Nurikabe / Orang Minyak / Swamfisk / Umibozu
ABERRATION (Aliens from Earth): Abuhuku / Agropelter / Akaname / Burach Bhadi / Charybdis / Cuero / Fachen / Grindylow / Iku-Turso / Issitoq / Kamikiri / Keukegen / Kraken / Lilyi / Lou Carcolh / Marabbecca / Migas / Osschaart / Sagari / Scylla / Tenome / Tooth Fairy / Yara-Ma-Yha-Who / Revolving Beast
ALIEN (Aberrations from other Planets): Amikuk / Chupacabra / Colorobetch / Dijiang / Doppelganger / Ewah / Fear Liath / Gray / KawKaw / Kurita / Lavellan / Mothman / Nandi Bear / Roperite / Annunaki / Hundun / Otoroshi / Rake
CONSTRUCT (Hand Made Magical Animated Golems): Gargoyle / Gold-Digging Ant / Invunche / Juggernaut / Khalkotauroi / Pixiu / Pua Tu Tahi / Terra-Cotta Warrior / Wanyudo / Wulgaru / Haetae / Minokawa / Pandora Box / Talos
TSUKUMOGAMI (Hand Made Objects that animated themselves): Agrippa / Biwa-Bokuboku / Bubak / Caleuche / Fulad-Zereh / Hannya / Ittan-Momen / Jenglot / Konakadet / Muramasa Blade / Ungaikyo / Zorigami
SINLORD (The Seven Deadly Sins Incarnated): Alastor / Bushyasta / Cipactli / Fafnir / Lilith / Narcissus / Zelus
HORSEMAN (The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse): Horseman of Death / Horseman of Famine / Horseman of Pestilence / Horseman of War / Lord of the Apocalypse
GOD: Ah-Muzen-Cab / Chernobog / Hel / Heqet / Itzpapalotl / Loki / Proteus / Punga / Quetzalcoatl / Serket / Set / Tezcatlipocao 
SHIFTER (Shapeshifters): A Bao A Qu / Aitvaras / Akhlut / Asdeev / Cirein Croin / Daitengu / Dilong / Doppelganger / Ghul / Hidebehind / Ifrit / Imp / It / Jorogumo / Karzelek / Kayeri / Kelpie / Kikimora / Kumiho / Leshy / Mambabarang / Nekomata / Nelapsi / Nocnitsa / Nue / Nurikabe / Otso / Papinijuwari / Phooka / Piasa / Popobawa / Pukwudgie / Raiju / Rusalka / Salamander / Selkie / Skinwalker / Spriggan / Succubus / Tikbalang / Valravn / Veela / Zamba Zaraa / Ah-Muzen-Cab / Baba Yaga / Beelzebub / Bergkonge / Chernobog / El Tunche / Hraesvelgr / Hundun / Lilith / Loki / King Lycos / Nosferatu / Proteus / Revolving Beast / Sandman / Set / Tezcatlipocao
PARASITE (Creatures that use other beings to survive): Abuhuku / Aerico / Alp-Luachra / Awahondo / Bezkost / Biwa-Bokuboku / Burach Bhadi / Choukeshin / ColoColo / Devalpa / Ewah / Hannya / Inugami / Konakadet / Lilyi / MbieluMbielu / Nandi Bear / Nuckelavee / Orang Minyak / Polong / Poltergeist / Ratatoskr / Tlanusi / Trenti / Wendigo / Xan / Ziburinis / Dybbuk
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