#queen hylla
The best part of Chalice of the Gods is when Sally gets a bad Amazon review for her book and Percy is like “I can give Hylla a call and get her to track down the reviewer and—”
Like “oh someone insulted my mom? Let me call up my friend the queen of the amazons who runs Amazon and is taking over the world and ask her to… kill????… this problem for me” chaotic mama’s boy behavior.
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There's something I feel like is missing potential in the DC x Percy Jackson crossovers. How does the existence of Wonder Woman and Cassie Sandsmark reconcile with how PJO demigods live? They're both takes on demigods and modern Greek myths but very different angles of the hero vs the child soldier. Is Wonder Woman just not made aware that she has many relatives that live precarious lives as children? If in this unified timeline Diana became an Olympian, why didn't she do anything about the horrible treatment demigods endured? Did Cassie never have to worry about monsters because of her being a granddaughter of Zeus? How does Camp Half Blood, or Camp Jupiter for that matter, handle the fact that one of their own is a famous superhero? Are the Amazons Hylla became queen of part of DC's Amazons or are they a separate off shoot? Was Wonder Woman (and maybe Shazam for that matter) just busy during the . . . everything the main characters dealt with? There are just so many ways they two worlds could clash and interesting dynamics I'm surprised aren't focused on more.
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ace-writer-lani · 3 months
Violence: The Question (WIP)
Or, a series centering around Reyna pre-canon/pre-TLH
(This is only a snippet of Ch.1)
Was it morally okay to want to stab your sister in the jugular? Probably not but Reyna thought Hylla deserved it, considering it also wasn’t morally okay to literally throw your younger sibling to the wolves because they "needed to become stronger".
However, before Reyna could even move, her dagger was swiped from her hand in a flash.
“No weapons allowed, hermanita.”
“Excuse me?” Reyna glared, crossing her arms to hide her shaking fists. Maybe she should try to strangle Hylla instead.
Hylla shrugged. “One of the rules. You have to earn it or something through tests. So, I’ll be keeping this for now.”
That’s when Reyna lunged. She kicked the back of Hylla’s knee, causing it to buckle as she reached for her dagger because there was a good chance that Hylla was lying just so she could make things harder for Reyna because she was the worst. Unfortunately though, Hylla barely even flinched, and in a few seconds, she had Reyna in a headlock.
“I…hate…you,” Reyna wheezed, trying to break free.
“You’ll thank me in the future.”
“I…will not.”
She could feel Hylla roll her eyes. “This is for your own good.” Then she released her.
Reyna inhaled sharply, finally able to fully breathe. “Seriously?” she scoffed. “What makes you think you know anything about what’s ‘good for me’? Just because you’re older doesn’t mean—”
“This is what our mother wished.”
“…what?” Since when did Hylla talk to their mother?
“Yes,” Hylla placed a hand on her shoulder. There was the instinctive urge to brush it off, but Reyna held back from doing so after examining her sister’s expression. There was a weight of seriousness that laced her brows. “She informed me that your role is meant to be here, not with the Amazons.”
“She told you, but not me?”
A bitter feeling coiled in her gut as she fidgeted with the silver ring around her finger. Yes, Reyna knew Hylla was strong. She was a warrior. A leader. She had gained the fear and respect of their pirate captors with her skills. She had earned her title as the Queen of Amazons. She was practically everything their mother represented, and while it was the reason Reyna admired her greatly, she also couldn’t help but feel stuck in her shadow, forgotten. Their mother talking to Hylla only made that feeling grow.
Bellona, goddess of war, was known for her elusivity. She only acknowledged those she thought were worthy, which apparently, was something Reyna wasn’t.
Although she had learned to craft her poker face well, there was still a chance that some bitterness bled onto her face. If there was, Hylla didn’t comment on it. Instead, she reached into the pocket of her leather jumpsuit and pulled out a slip of paper and a pair of metal bangles. One was silver and one was gold with two studded rubies embedded in each. She held them out to Reyna.
“Here. Take these.”
Obviously, Reyna did not take them. “Why? Did our mother tell you to give them to me too?”
Hylla pursed her lips. “The letter? Yes. The bracelets? No. I stole them from Blackbeard’s crew.” She smirked. “For pirates, they were surprisingly easy to rob.”
Reyna only grabbed the paper, tucking it into her jeans. With the bangles, she simply glared at them. “I don’t need accessories,” she hissed. “I need an actual weapon.”
“Trust me, these are more than weapons. You’ll see.”
It didn’t seem like Hylla was going to back down so grudgingly, Reyna snatched them from her and slid them on. They were large, and would probably fall right off, but before she could point out their terrible functionality, they started to shrink. They became smaller and smaller until they were snug around Reyna’s wrists, not too tight, but not too loose.
Reyna opened her mouth to ask Hylla to clarify what exactly they were, because she could sense that it was blessed with some type of magic, except, she was interrupted by a howl that suddenly echoed through the air. Whipping around, Reyna spotted the red and gray structure behind them, where a large, nonhumanoid silhouette was stepping out from. It had shinning red fur, glowing silver eyes, and radiated an aura so strong that Reyna instantly dropped to a kneel.
The wolf goddess gave a single nod. “Reyna Ramírez-Arellano. I’ve been expecting you.” She tilted her muzzle. “Follow me.”
Reyna hesitated. This wouldn’t be the last time she saw Hylla, right? Despite her current resentment towards her, she was still her sister and she had been the one to look after Reyna for basically her whole life. Making up her mind, Reyna sighed and turned to say goodbye.
Except, Hylla had already left.
Dios mío. Hylla may be her sister, but she was still a fucking bitch.
(Full chapter will probably be posted on my ao3 like,,,sometime in August)
( @glitchymaciofficial @chriscrosswallflower-blog @lavenderfairiez @nerdthatsiriuslylovesteaxx @poppitron360 @keefessketchbook )
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starlightshadowsworld · 5 months
Hylla might just be the coolest of character in the series. She excelled every field she was in.
She was Circes best attendant, gained the respect of Blackbeard himself. And became the Queen of the Amazon's.
And also knew of the existence of Greek and Roman demigods when that was supposed to be completely hidden.
Managed to fight an immortal combatant to the death, gaining the moniker Hylla "Twice kill." And she's gave Hazel Arion the horse.
She's a loving sister, incredibly smart, she's vengeful but can put aside a grudge.
She's the ultimate bad ass.
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echo-stimmingrose · 1 year
Part 2 of making Riordanverse girlies in Picrews
Reyna Avilla Ramirez Arellano
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Her. Just her.
Hylla Ramirez Arellano
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The literal QUEEN
Zoe Nightshade
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I love her so much but let me tell you, making this girl was HARD in these picrews.
Bianca Di Angelo
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The girl who's death that broke everyone! We love you girlie.
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This girl is eh for me. But shes pretty.
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
i need to know everything about your pjo voltron au
okay so basic plot premise: Thalia, Luke, Jason, Percy, Maria di Angelo, and Bianca all work at the Garrison and get sent on 3 separate missions (Thalia & Luke, Jason & ??? or maybe he's just by himself, then Percy & Maria & Bianca) which are all "lost" and they're declared dead by the Garrison.
Of course they were actually all abducted by aliens. Maria probably dies pretty early on in that whole situation. Thalia gets separated from Luke and ends up escaping and becoming a rebel. Luke, Jason, and Percy & Bianca all separately (except for Percy & Bianca) end up gladiators. Luke becomes The Champion and basically ends up a Kuron/Sendak-type character situation. Is he being mind-controlled? Unclear. He has a giant alien scythe-sword though. Bianca probably dies buying Percy time in the arena. At some point Percy and Jason find each other and decide to try and stick together.
Hazel is a human raised by her galra dad in space with the Blade of Marmora. She knows she has a half-brother through her dad out there somewhere but not anything else about him. She ends up running into Jason and Percy on a mission and helps them escape cause they're humans too.
Back on Earth, Piper, Leo, and Annabeth are all Garrison students. Or Annabeth is possibly in a Keith-type situation where she used to be a student but got Kinda Pissed Off about all her loved ones disappearing into space and ended up getting kicked out. Nico is in a Pidge-type situation where he snuck in as a student under a false name to figure out what happened to his family's mission. Percy and Jason crash on earth, the gang finds them, they find the Blue Lion, and Percy pilots it to the Altean castleship where they meet Reyna and Frank. Reyna is the Altean Princess, because her sister Hylla was queen. Frank is the son of a high-ranking general or something and he and Reyna are a duo.
Rest going under a cut cause this got long -
Lion adventures happen - Annabeth pilots the Green Lion, Jason pilots the Black Lion. Nico finds the Red Lion and meets Hazel when he does and brings her back to the castle. Hazel pilots the Yellow Lion. Nico very quickly realizes he's half-Galra and Hazel's brother and joins the Blade of Marmora. Percy swaps from Blue to the Red Lion. Piper starts piloting the Blue Lion. Leo, Frank, Reyna, and Nico end up the home-base support team. Percy probably keeps the blue paladin armor and Piper gets the spare pink armor for color association reasons and also cause that's usually the format for every iteration of Voltron anyways. It works out nicely. Everybody has extra lion compatibilities too/every Lion has a back-up basically cause I'm still mad vld canon dropped the lion lore/sentience plotlines and we never got cool dynamic lion swapping instead of just the usual single switch. We're having fun here.
Then everything else I don't have much for other than Annabeth and Nico basically swap Keith and Pidge roles once they join Voltron so Nico goes and has his galra identity crisis adventures and Annabeth reunites with Thalia at some point, who is basically in a Matt-type role. And Luke functions as the Sendak-level antagonist who Annabeth probably gets to fight with a swap back to Keith's role in a whole Keith & Kuron emotional situation. Kronos and Gaea are probably analogous to Zarkon and Haggar/Honerva here but not necessarily in that order, and obviously it's more of an either "Emperor and his advisor mom" or "Empress and her prince son" but in either one somebody's doing magic and people are probably getting possessed. Hades, Persephone, Iaepatus/Bob, and Damasen are all with the BoM. The Titans/Giants are probably all Empire generals. Who's Lotor? Octavian? Calypso? I don't know. Who are all the gods? I dunno. We'll workshop it.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 8 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Currently on the road back home having a good time (hopefully bc i sure need it) -Danny Words: 1,952 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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III: I Use The Power of Friendship (Goes Wrong)
Ara's glad to be left alone with the girls. Reyna is an old friend and Annabeth... well, she's like a sister.
As they leave the dining area, Ara remembers what a fun little girl Reyna used to be. Maybe they can find a way to build something, an alliance that will satisfy both sides. She must be careful, though, the last time Ara tried to be the voice of reason, it didn't end well, which brings her back to Nico. 
Gods, she really hopes Lily doesn't know about his disappearance, she's got too much on her plate already.
"Come," Reyna gestures at the girls. "Walk with me."
Ara spent many years telling Nico that Camp Half-Blood was the best place for them, and technically, this place is for Romans, not Greeks, but still... Now she understands why Nico started to disobey her months into her leadership, he'd found New Rome, and he knew Ara was clueless.
How many times had she thought of Lily that way? Lily was too wary, and Ara was all about going big or going home. She'd forced her to participate in flashy plans just because they were easier. Now, standing in the middle of New Rome, witnessing what could be achieved with patience and careful planning, Ara couldn't blame Lily for being exasperated by Ara's approach.
"The harpy Ella..." Reyna says, bringing Ara back from her brooding. "It was a prophecy she spoke. We all know that, don't we?"
"It sounded like a prophecy," Annabeth agrees. "But I've never met Ella before today, and I've never heard those lines exactly."
"I have," Reyna sighs. "At least some of them—"
Argentum, Reyna's automaton dog, starts barking when some kids gather around to play with it. Leo hasn't seen Reyna's dogs yet, but Ara wants to take them onto the ship so he can take a look.
"You have a beautiful life," Ara says. "And you built it with hard work, I respect that."
"When we met, you were just an Aphrodite," Reyna smiles a little. "You don't sound like one now, but it shows."
"You should see her when she's with Leo," Annabeth quips.
Reyna turns to her with a raised eyebrow. "The scrawny boy with the curly hair?"
Ara knows what Reyna thinks because it's what most people think. It's what Lily said when she found out: Really? Him? Ara clears her throat. "Anyway..."
"We should move on," Reyna walks forward, and Ara appreciates it.
"We've also met before," Annabeth points out. "You were younger, right?"
"Very good. Percy didn't remember me. Of course you spoke mostly with my older sister Hylla, who is now queen of the Amazons. She left just this morning, before you arrived. At any rate, when we last met, I was a mere handmaiden in the house of Circe."
"We played tag," Ara tilts her head, trying to remember. "You said my teddy bag was cute and I gave you the bag of gummy bears I kept in it. You thought it was funny that I kept gummy bears inside my bear bag."
Reyna smiles openly and Ara feels comforted by it. This teenager had been like her once, a little girl with not much to offer, and her rank had sharpened her edges. Now, Ara is on her way to becoming Reyna, and she doesn't hate what she's seeing.
"Wait," Ara blinks, finally processing what the older girl said. "Your sister is the queen of what?"
Reyna chuckles. "You're a lot like Percy."
This catches Ara off guard. No one ever says that about her—not in a positive way, at least. 
"This is my favorite spot," Reyna announces. "The Garden of Bacchus."
When Ara sees Baccus's statue she lets out a laugh. "You guys got a great involuntary sense of humor..." 
Reyna hums. After a moment, she continues. "I wanted to hear it from you."
"Hear what?" Annabeth asks.
"The truth. Convince me that I'm not making a mistake by trusting you. Tell me about yourself. Tell me about Camp Half-Blood. Your friend Piper has sorcery in her words. I spent enough time with Circe to know charmspeak when I hear it. I can't trust what she says. And Jason... well, he has changed. He seems distant, no longer quite Roman."
Reyna raises a hand to stop Ara before she can argue.
"My dogs determined you're a reliable person, charmspeak and all. You have an honest heart, like your brother, but I brought you here and not him, because you probably know Camp Half-Blood way better than Percy nowadays."
If Ara weren't dating Leo, she'd be crushing on Reyna by now. If the girl keeps complimenting her, Ara's going to apply for Roman citizenship. 
"Well," the girl shares a look with Annabeth. "Where do we start?"
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"Guess what!" Nico bounces on his feet. "Something cool happened this morning!"
"You got to ride a pegasus?"
"You convinced Percy to play Mythomagic?"
I look around, and that's when I realize my brother isn't by the fountain. He waits there for Annabeth and I before breakfast, even if we don't sit together. Now that our friend is missing, I'm expecting to see him staring at his reflection in the water, sulking or something, but he's not there.
I notice his cabin's door is wide open and my stomach drops. "Where is Percy?"
The young boy smirks. "I helped him sneak out so he could follow Bianca!"
I'm not very strong, but I pull Nico by the neck of his shirt until we're face to face. The sudden action causes him to yelp. 
"Why didn't you wake me?" I whisper in panic.
"H-He told me not to! 'You look after my sister, I look after yours'—I thought it was fair!"
Percy calling me his sister even when I'm not around makes me giddy, but I'm also upset that he's decided to leave me behind without saying a word. It's the first time that he goes on a quest without me, and it stings.
Nico removes himself from my grip, looking guilty. "I wanted to go too, but Percy said I had to stay with you."
I realize I'm not Nico's mentor. I'm just an older version of Nico. We've been left behind by our siblings because they didn't think we were strong enough to keep up with them.
"Does Chiron know?"
"I won't tell on Percy," Nico stands proudly. "I promised I wouldn't."
His devotion to my brother confirms we're the same, so I wrap an arm around his shoulders and guide him to the Athena cabin.
"Alright," I sigh. "It's you and me... That isn't so bad! We'll be a great team. Come on, let's get Lily." 
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"If you go to the ancient lands, especially Rome itself, there is something you should know about your mother," Reyna mentions.
Annabeth steps back. "My—my mother?"
"When I lived on Circe's island, we had many visitors. Once, perhaps a year before you and Percy arrived, a young man washed ashore. He was half mad from thirst and heat. He'd been drifting at sea for days. His words didn't make much sense, but he said he was a son of Athena."
"What happened to this demigod?"
"Circe turned him into a guinea pig, of course. He made quite a crazy little rodent. But before that, he kept raving about his failed quest. He claimed that he'd gone to Rome, following the Mark of Athena."
Ara stares at her friend. Annabeth used to confide in her, and now they're both keeping their hands behind their backs, waiting for the other to give the first step. It feels wrong.
"Yes," Reyna continues. "He kept muttering about wisdom's child, the Mark of Athena, and the giants' bane standing pale and gold. The same lines Ella was just reciting. But you say that you've never heard them before today?"
"Not—not the way Ella said them." Annabeth's voice quivers. "Did this demigod—did he explain his quest?"
"At the time, I had no idea what he was talking about. Much later, when I became praetor of Camp Jupiter, I began to suspect."
"Suspect... what?" 
Something explodes behind them, interrupting their conversation. 
"Giants?" Annabeth looks around frantically. "I thought their army was defeated!"
"It isn't the giants," Reyna says tensely. "You've betrayed our trust."
"What? No!"
"Annabeth," Ara turns her around. "The ship!"
The girls run fast to reach the commotion. Ara searches in her pocket and seizes Almighty but she doesn't turn it into a sword yet, she has to try and de-escalate the situation first.
Jason and Piper are fighting side by side. Percy, Frank, and Hazel are all together. Only one person is missing.
"Leo!" Ara hurries to the Argo II. A group of demigods approaches her menacingly, and she uses charmspeak. "Drop your weapons!" 
They obey her at once. Percy shouts her name, so Ara elbows the soldiers out of her way. She arrives at the same time as Annabeth.
"Girls!" Her brother scowls. "What—?"
"I don't know!" Annabeth exclaims mortified.
"I'll tell you what!" Octavian climbs down the rope ladder. "The Greeks have fired on us! Your boy Leo has trained his weapons on Rome!"
Ara rushes past the crowd again, dodging attacks from pretty much all around her. 
"I was just there!" Octavian continues. "I saw it with my own eyes!"
The girl reaches the ladder and jumps, kicking Octavian out of her way. She climbs fast, yelling Leo's name hoping he'll answer. She finds him near the ballista, and he is shooting. 
"Leo, stop!"
The girl doesn't use charmspeak at first, she never uses it on her loved ones, not since Nico. Besides, Leo usually stops when Ara tells him to, but not this time.
"Enough!" Ara grabs him and the boy stumbles back. She cups his face. "Leónidas!"
In his eyes, she sees a flash of something that reminds her of Luke. She moves away from him as soon as it happens. Ara decides to take the ammunition out from the ballista, and that's when the boy reacts. He yanks her back by the cloak, tossing her against the railing.
"Get out of the way," he says numbly.
Ara's on the ground when Percy and Annabeth reach the deck. Percy doesn't hesitate before attacking Leo, tackling him to the ground. Annabeth helps her up. 
"What's wrong with him?"
"I don't know!" Ara gulps, her left side is pulsing. "He's acting weird!"
A dragon lands on deck and drops an unconscious Jason and a stressed-out Piper, then turns into Frank Zhang. Percy drags Leo away. "Girls, get us out of here!"
"Can you stand?" Annabeth asks worryingly.
"'Course I can..." Ara groans, struggling to reach the control board and typing away, then pulling the throttle steadily to glide higher.
The crew stumbles back thanks to the change in speed. Ara tells Annabeth to get her dino bag and then orders Percy to tie Leo to the main mast. She has to know what's going on with him before she can let him walk around freely.
"Thanks," she tells her brother once he's done. "Check on Jason, see if you can help Piper with him."
Percy frowns. "I'm not leaving you alone with—"
"That's an order, Percy!" Ara urges him, still pushing buttons and flipping switches.
She doesn't want to be rude, but if Leo wakes up and sees Percy's glare on him again, he's gonna freak out and it's going to make things harder for her. Annabeth returns with the T-Rex and Percy leaves, though he asks Frank and Annabeth to keep an eye on Leo.
Once she stabilizes the ship, Ara grabs her bag and pulls out her bottle of nectar. She crouches in front of Leo and tilts up his face to pour the liquid down his throat. Leo bends forward coughing and she pushes him back against the mast.
"Easy," she speaks gently. "Easy, Leo... what happened?"
"I... I was having a..." His eyes glide across the deck and realization hits him like a ton of bricks. It wasn't a nightmare.
"Leo," Annabeth crouches next to Ara, but she sounds way less chummy. "What is the last thing you remember?"
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Next Chapter ->
@siriuslysirius1107 @ask-giggles1303 @asnyox-the-hoarder @im-planning-something-look @bandshirts-andbooks @coolninjapaper @thewaterlily @whenisthefall @1randomcomic @you-bloody-shank @sunflowergraves @owlalex44 @taylordaughter @typicalsolangelolover @writingmia @espressopatronum454 @slytherinnqueen @orbitingpolaris @obxstiles
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muiltifandomnerd · 1 year
Adventures of Chika Hanabusa: The Restoration of Earth
Disclaimer: This book follows the events of Percy Jackson and Heros of Olympus fanfic, This fanfic will not include Trails of Apollo, The Kane Chronicles, and Magnus Chase.
Chapter 7: Dealing with Greece’s Famous Witch
Chika PoV
As the three of us struggled to get off Circle's binding ropes, she took us back to the red sofa that we had used to talk to Alabaster. She sat us down and removed the binding with just a chant in Latin. She sits down on the red highchair while Alabaster stands next to her.
"Now girls, I have come to propose. You girls will be an asset to my company." Circe looks on to see if any of us will take her proposal.
“You literally could have just posted this job opening at Indeed or some other job opening websites. And for the record, I’m going to have to say no because I have a life" Hyun says in a defiant tone while she stares into Circle's eyes. Circle dress kept showing different images of the moon and wolves running in the wild, Circle has the coolest dress I had ever seen.
"Such a shame half-sister, I could have helped reach your full potential as a sorcerer. Well, what about you, Reyna? Do you want to work for me again like when you were little and had no guardian besides your older sister? Speaking of your older sister, how is Hylla? Many of my spies say she becomes Queen of the Amazons?"
“You have no right to ask about Hylla. You abandoned my sister and me to the pirates and we had to fend for ourselves. Now I'm grateful that you took us in when we were just young girls, but now I have a home in New Rome, and I have a responsibility towards my people as their Praetor?” Reyna says loudly and Circle looks amused and impressed with Reyna’s defiance. Reyna is so cool to tell that witch off, did Reyna work for Circle and what has she seen as Circle's employer?
"My, my have far you have come to become this confident young woman. I do apologize for that pirate mess, however, the son of Poseidon and the daughter of Athena caused this to happen in the first place. It's such a shame that you outgrew me, I guess children will forget their parents once they have matured." Circle says with a small smile while looking up and then moving her face down to stare at me.
“How about you? Will you work for me? You have potential, daughter of Demeter, enough to rival the children of Big Three. Children of Demeter are so interesting, you have some who are just your typical demigods, and you have those who are strong enough to cause a natural disaster. I guess you could be one of Demeter's favorite ones to the point that you become a cage of the Olympians' greatest enemy" Circle says in excitement like she expects me to want to work for her. What does she mean by me being a cage for the Olympian greatest enemy? Who is Circle referring to? Will I just be some disposal pawn for the gods, just some cage?
“You poor thing, you have no idea what you are storing within. Here let me show you.” Circle grabs a strand out of my hair, and I didn’t even notice. She chants in Latin and suddenly an image came in the fireplace and it shows my x-ray with some green blob. The image goes further in the green blob till it shows a black cage full of runes and a man with green eyes and a grey beard with a bulky build. It’s the same man I kept dreaming about, the one with the anonymous warning. Who is he? Is he the one that Circle is talking about? Is he Cronus or Typhon? The man is sleeping while the furnace is showing him.
"I'm assure you; he is not Cronus or Typhon. He is someone much stronger than those two or should I say she. I give you a hint, she is a primordial and the mother of titans and giants?"
"How can you call that guy a woman?" Hyun questions while she looks at the sleeping bulky guy while Reyna looks on in shock like she knows who that is. Reyna did mention that she had to fight giants in her last quest. Maybe Reyna encounters him, or should I say her before?
“Primordials are old beings, I don't think they care for silly nonsense like gender. Anyway, little ones, you know who that is? I suppose only you know Reyna." Circle stars in Reyna while Reyna stares at the image closely and back at me. She looks on to me in sympathy and back at Circe, ready to answer her question.
"It's the Earth Mother" Reyna answered with a low voice and eyes looked on in regret. So, you telling me that I have the consciousness of the planet inside of me, the one who started wars with gods and demigods, the mother of the Titans?
"That is correct dear, the Earth Mother herself." Circle chuckles while she looks at me while Hyun and Reyna stare at me with sympathy and sadness in their eyes. Hyun stares at Circle furiously while her body shakes with rage. She gets out her bow and arrows from the magical pouch and gets to shoot Circle while she steadies the bow in her gripe.
"You think this is amusing, you bitch. I will leave this shitty mansion that looks like a cheap hunted house, and we will fuck up Eris and Enyo" Hyun yells furiously while she shoots arrows at Circle that turn into snakes while Circle used a forcefield.
"Magical arrows, how creative," She says in sarcasm while she blocks the snakes. Reyna and I got up from the sofa and got out our weapons, her sword, and my scythe. The both of us begin to slash on the forcefield, but Circle chants in Latin, and suddenly we are at the front of the mansion.
"Not in my home dear." Circle shoots ice shards at us and I concentrate my power on the surrounding trees to hold her, but she is to face. Hyun kept on blindly shooting at Circle with rage, and Circle kept on dodging the magical arrows that frequently changed into snakes. Circle burns all of the magical snakes with a chant. Hyun takes a deep breath and calms herself down, while she waits to shoot her. Reyna and I ran up to her to attack her but Circle began moving hands, but Reyna and I managed to behead her. She suddenly becomes a tree when we cut her up, but it is a tree, and she is all well and fine when she runs up to Hyun and attacks her with fireballs. Reyna held on to me and held me close, I blushed like crazy, and my body heated up very fast.
"She used the mist to trick us, stay close to me," Reyna commanded as she held my hand. Hyun dodged all of Circle's fireballs, and while Circle jumped on her, she moved her hands in a circular motion, and she suddenly became a snake. Circle only laughs in amusement and blows up the giant snake.
“How adorable half-sister, you think you can use the mist against me. I'm the best sorcerer in ancient Greece." Circle gloated but Hyun was behind her and did a high-heel kick to her face while Circle covered her face in anguish.
"Lucky kick half-sister, by the way, while you are busy shooting me with arrows, I managed to grab a very important potion." Circle holds the red potion in front of Hyun while Hyun looks on in horror
“Give it back” Hyun yelled while she ran up to Circle, but Circle used the mist on all three of us and all I could see was a tree that might be Circle or might not. Where is that annoying witch?
“It seems your boyfriend has a special condition with turning into a dog on certain nights. You want this flask; you can take it." As the flask threw the red liquid on Hyun by an invisible force manipulating it. Hyun moves her hands to destroy the illusion by chanting in Latin which cancels out Circle's mind illusions while she is covered in the red liquid. Circle appeared shocked that she couldn't use the mist anymore.
"While you threw the portion at me, I cast a spell that will prevent you from using the mist. Go ahead and try it for yourself." Hyun cast a mischievous smirk while Circle moved her hands in a panic.
“How is it possible to cancel the Mist?” Circle questions while she opens her mouth in shock, I guess even the greatest witch didn’t think about creating the spell that will stop Mist users. I concentrated on the grass and roots with the ground, and I managed to tie her up while Circle was busy being surprised. She tried fighting the roots but I pushed even further than possible and I felt blood coming down my nose. The roots showed a light green and yellow coloring that shows it is magical and is impossible to escape.
“I lost to a couple of little girls. How is that possible?” Circle yelled in shock. Reyna came up to Circle in her tied-up state and kicked her in the stomach.
"These little girls are more dangerous than you think, and you are mistaken to underestimate us. Hyun, are you ok?" Reyna looks on to Hyun while Hyun is covered in liquid.
“I’m fine…” Hyun paused “I just feel weird, great now how am I going to get another portion?”
"That shouldn't be an issue, my daughter?" A loud voice came out of nowhere and a lady with hunting dogs appeared. She had white hair and black eyes, and she was holding the same portion of the flask that was spilled all over Hyun. Hyun and Reyna bowed in front of the woman while I was left standing.
"You don't need to bow Daughter of Demeter and my daughter. I'm proud of you Hyun for figuring out a way to cancel your half-sister mist, but unfortunately, you will have side effects from the portion that is spilled upon you." The lady spoke in a lighthearted tone while eyes shone with pride for Hyun. Reyna stood up and touched Hyun's shoulder.
“We weren’t able to defeat Circle without Hyun’s help, my lady.” Reyna humbly says as she bows her head to the lady. This blonde lady is Hecate or Trivia the way she refers to Hyun as her daughter.
“It seems that you girls will have your work cut out for you. Before I leave, I must bless my daughter Hyun." Hyun comes forward toward her mother and Hecate puts her right hand on Hyun's forehead. Her right hand and Hyun's entire body glowed purple while Hecate chanted in Latin. Once that glow died down, Hecate left through the shadows while Hyun held onto her forehead. Hyun quickly caught the flask from Hecate's left hand while Hecate's form faded away.
“So now what Praetor?” Hyun asked curious
"We will find Eris and Enyo and put an end to their madness," Reyna says in a loud, defiant voice while she holds her sword up dramatically, Reyna looks so cool but kind of silly as well. Reyna is definitely like Wonder Woman or She-Ra.
"With my mother's blessing, we will have a chance to defeat those two goddesses. Chika, are you okay with finding out you are roommates with Olympian's biggest enemy?" Hyun stares at me with concern and hugs me close to her while Reyna looks at Hyun with jealousy. Why is Reyna jealous of Hyun? Aren't they friends?
"To be honest I'm scared of having the Earth's consciousness inside me, but you guys taught me that to be a hero, we must face our fears. I will face Gaia eventually and will stop her if necessary. Now Hyun, you still have that radar?" I stare at Hyun and Reyna with a cheerful smile and fires coming out of my eyes, metaphorically.
“I forgot about the radar, thanks for reminding me Chika.” As Hyun pulls up the red sonar sensor, it shows red and purple dots. Alabaster came walking up to us and picked up tied-up Circe.
"I will not miss your presence, Hyun, just get out of my yard." Alabaster pointed rudely at us while Hyun stuck up her tongue and gathered the shadows. Our bodies are disintegrating in the shadows, and I’m still impressed with how Reyna can keep a poker face. Will it kill Hyun to give us a heads-up before she decides to shadow-travel us? This is just annoying, oh well I will not miss the shadow traveling once the quest is done. 
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bookishjules · 5 months
so.. if julian ramírez-arellano was warned by bellona that rome would never fall so long as his bloodline remains.. and that bloodline is perpetuated by an amazon queen and an eternal maiden.. like idk about you but i cannot see hylla having kids, so it's really looking like the life of rome is reliant entirely on reyna's ability to survive in the hunt. and like girl's gonna die eventually.. so what happens then?
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amongthevipers · 1 year
What plot points would change due to the inclusion of your character in canon? / Katerina
so in kat's bio, i've definitely tried to keep as close to canon as possible so that other people don't have to adjust their canon to fit my oc too much.
that being said, if i had it my way there would have 100% been a plot point surrounding kat being engaged/married at some point likely in one of the earlier seasons. and not even necessarily to loras, as much as i find kat and loras' potential dynamic fun, i think if kat were canon she would have been proposed as a wife to someone else who could be a better ally to the baratheons (without interfering with potential plans to marry joffrey to margaery). as one of the eldest and a young woman, she likely would have been the priority to have her married even before myrcella (and maybe even before joffrey). the scene where robert proposes joining their houses to ned might have even included a choice between marrying sansa to joffrey or robb to kat. obviously, the choice of your daughter becoming queen is hard to turn down so sansa would have probably still would have been sent to king's landing, but the choice would have been there. (i have arranged marriage brainrot for kat all the time so that's why this is first on the list lol)
cersei's prophecy also might change (but it also might not) the original prophecy scene goes as follows (this is just the quotes i got from here):
"When will I wed the prince?" she asked. "Never. You will wed the king." - ... "I will be queen, though?" asked the younger her. "Aye." Malice gleamed in Maggys yellow eyes. "Queen you shall be . . . until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear." - ... "Will the king and I have children?" she asked. "Oh, aye. Six-and-ten for him, and three for you." - The old woman was not done with her, however. "Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds," she said. "And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you."
firstly, as much as i want to think cersei wouldn't be threatened by her own daughter that's simply not true. she loves her, but she knows ESPECIALLY as kat grows older that she would make a good queen. so i think cersei might think kat could be the younger and more beautiful queen that the prophecy talks about and would therefore put more effort into putting distance between her and the crown (circle back to my earlier marriage point)
ALSO while i don't entirely subscribe to the theory that myrcella is robert's trueborn daughter, the prophecy could stay the same if we're going off that theory because cersei would still have three children OR the prophecy would change to account for the fourth OR the prophecy wouldn't change because maggy didn't account for a twin because twins are in the womb at the same time so it would be four children but still three pregnancies.
kat would also have a much more independent character journey. in her current bio, i've tied her to specific characters/arcs at specific times to make it easier to integrate her into canon, but if she were canon her story would likely diverge at some point and she would have her own journey/independent plotline, i think this would start to happen when she meets hylla with one of the big events of her plotlines being joffrey's death, obviously, but also hylla's death happening shortly after. i cannot express how much of a major player kat would be from the beginning, serving as both a foil to cersei and someone with the potential to inherit the throne after all. i've always said kat doesn't want the iron throne she just wants to vibe, wield a sword, and kiss women somewhere where she won't be bothered, but that's exactly why she'd be good at it. after everything, she'd be a threat to the status quo because she grows more and more angry throughout the seasons as she loses people and her life as she knows it crumbles.
currently kat has a s8 compliant ending because i don't know where the books are going, if a certain someone ever finishes these books i'll probably make kat's ending more compliant with the books because fuck s8 all my homies hate s8. that being said, i wouldn't shy away from kat ending the story as a knight like brienne rather than creating her own house. whether she ends up knighted by sansa, daenerys, bran, whoever wins, if kat isn't queen (which is always something i'm interested in exploring) then i think she'd likely serve the crown as a knight or even hand of the queen/king.
there's definitely probably more but this is what's coming to mind rn
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bvckbiter · 2 years
For the ask game, Hylla/Zoe?
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sigh my beloved combat wives... deceased lieutenant of the huntresses x ambitious rising amazon queen... i will talk to them about anyone who is interested but i cannot for the love of god finish the fic about them idk why [sobs]
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For the ask game 🍊
🍊 Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more? (They’re so interesting! But maybe you have trouble pinning them down, or keep getting distracted by another blorbo…)
Ooo love this!
I'd have to say Hylla, Hylla Ramirez Arellano from Percy Jackson.
Also known as the Queen of the Amazon's and Reyna's older sister.
I love her she's an absolute Queen. But it's hard to properly pin down her personality and who she is.
I do love the idea of her being an older sister figure to Jason, given he's Reyna's best friend and you know Amazon Queen + feral child equals fun chaotic adventures.
But a lot of Hylla is coloured by the people who know her.
She's a queen.
She was a prized helper of Circe.
She was a pirate.
She's the big sister who sacrificed everything and rose to the top no matter the circumstances.
She will do anything for her loved ones.
We don't really see things from her perspective a lot.
And I genuinely wonder if Reyna ever feared her.
And I just wonder if Hylla is satisfied, if she's happy. If she has regrets.
And just... She's just this character who has been through so much, done so much, and she's often just regalagated to Reyna's sister.
And as her actions and stuff don't really apply to the ongoing plot it can be hard to think of situations and just writing her in a way that feels authentic.
I also just get distracted because Jason is my boi.
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Lines up with Reyna not valuing her life, but her duty and honor. Knowing she’ll die for her friends and doesn’t care as long as she dies honorably and is allowed to die properly.
Reyna after meeting Jason. Him forcing her to open up and deviate even slightly from the Roman ideals she’s known all her life. He rewrites her soul and then leaves and he’s dead and she can’t cope because she’s drowning under pressure while also fighting feelings she didn’t know how to handle.
Her carrying the legacy of Rome and her family. Generational trauma my beloved.
The Evelyn Evelyn cover is utter perfection, I love it so much. The conflicting desire and fates is so perfect I love it.
Again, the conflicting desire. Reyna desperately clinging to the parts of her past she can preserve, and hylla wanting to abandon it entirely. Reyna becoming the good Roman she was born to be and hylla becoming the queen of enemies of Rome.
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furysburn · 9 months
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❝ i know i fucked up. i know i did but don’t shut me out anymore. let me in. please let in. ❞ | ( HYLLA & REYNA ) | @spectrophobias
Rolling her eyes, Reyna pushed past her sister to her desk to collect her things for the Senate meeting tonight. Her mind was swimming with orders, plans, and unfortunately necessary bite backs for when things turned nasty. She didn't have time for this. To feel the echo of her child self yearning for her sister when she had to be a leader to her Legion.
" You are the Queen of the Amazons requesting pity from a praetor of Rome. We have both made our beds and now we must lie within them. " She abandoned her father's name years ago, the same way she sat alone in a wolf house watching a ship fade into the horizon. But still... " I have no time for apologies or for our past. I am only interested in going forward with you. Do you understand ? "
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Rick Riordan: Your mom dies, your mom dies, and your mom dies too! And yours too, but you die as well! And you? Yeah, same, but your sister dies on top of it all! And… since your mom is a goddess, your dad dies… except you kind of kill him. And as for you… yeah, your dad is dead, and you get gaslighted by an evil stepfather because why the fuck not, I need a parallel to a fallen god who has Zeus as the sperm donor.
Rick Riordan: You two girls… fine, no one dies, but they're emotionally neglectful.
Rick Riordan: And you, little hero, your step-dad gotta be an asshole… until he dies. That's only because you are named after a guy that gets a happy ending.
Will: If I don't show up as much? Am I safe?
Rick Riordan: NOPE!! FIVE OF YOUR SIBLINGS DIE AT WAR! At least one of them in front of you!MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!
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queen-hylla-rules · 5 years
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Yes. I do
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