#queen barb: the beloved
moonlit-validation · 11 days
The moon is beautiful, isn't it?
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Saw a bright red moon. Got inspired because moon.
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big-meows · 3 months
Scrolling my twitter FYP against my better judgement and encountering "women don't like f/f because they're self-loathing misogynists and only like m/m because they're fetishists and objectifiers" and "drop your favorite tomboys/butches in the thread! (Thread has the same 5 tomboy/butch characters that surface in every one of these threads and then 30 other big titty anime girls who are not tomboys and/or butch by any stretch of the imagination)" in quick succession felt like a little like the guy who thought someone was breaking into his house and leaving post-its everywhere discovering he had a gas leak and was doing it himself
If you wonder I keep filling the house with m/m post-its, it's because there's a gas leak and it's "female characters designed around/defined by a time-tested and committee-approved feminine tropes"
"but you'll fixate one cardboard-ass background boy and give him imaginary depth why can't you do that for a boring background female character--" because the boy's elevator pitch one-note characteristic is something I align with and enjoy (loser, goofy, comedy relief, gross, obnoxious, weird, autistic) and I promise if you made that same boy a girl and changed nothing else I would make her my whole personality for literal fucking years.
Idk like it's true I gravitate to shitty obnoxious boys in fiction but if that's a problem for you have you considered maybe the solution is more shitty obnoxious girls in fiction and not more of the same girls that I don't really enjoy, or telling me to stop liking shitty obnoxious boys?
I do feel a little insane sometimes to see femininity constantly conflated with womanhood. "Soup, why don't you, a gnc woman, gravitate to more super sexy mommy doms or cutesy moe schoolgirls or walking talking fashion dolls do you just hate women?" like idk Jan I'll give you three guesses.
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theexpirederror · 1 year
No one is safe from becoming a fast food workers not even Barb (Muto)
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esc-ecs · 1 month
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Queen Barb my beloved
this looks like a mugshot lol
Barb's hair shape is so difficult to draw
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amica-aenigmata-naboo · 4 months
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Blood Sport
Feyd Rautha x Y/N - drabble part 4 - 2.6K WC
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 (you are here!)
Part 5
Part 6 NSFW 18+
Warnings: violence, blood, fighting, Baron and Reverend Mother being shady af, pretty fluffy, reader is just built different, knife throwing, full on fight, blood licking?, slow burn, two passionate people trying to protect each other, I completely made up the language of Succo so don’t come for me, not proof read but then again none of my fics are
You woke early, a slight crack in the curtains letting the blindingly bright black sun of Geidi Prime stream across your face. You groaned as you threw your arm over your face; the bed felt cold, lonely. You looked over to where Feyd slept last night, rolling towards his pillow. His scent still lingered - sweet blood mixed with musky sweat. You breathed deep before your maids entered the room. 
“What?” you hissed at them, holding your hand out to pause them in their place. Your blood magic felt stronger than it had in days now that you had fed, especially from such a strong host.
“The Lord Na-Baron Feyd Rautha has requested your presence in the training arena princess. He gave me a message for you.” your maid said not looking you in your eyes.
You made a ‘come here’ motion with your hand, your magic dragging her towards you. You set her down, she handed you the note with a trembling hand. “Out.” you said dismissing them. They scurried out like frightened rats. 
Fitalitum veritanic et alumi read the slip of parchment. You smiled to yourself, in your own mother tongue of Succonant he wrote “There is beauty in ferocity”. You placed the note in the top drawer of the bedside table before getting out of bed and readying yourself. You purposefully picked out one of your long dresses instead of training gear. He wanted to see beauty and ferocity, you would give it to him. As you adorned your dress you couldn’t help but admire how every piece of it could become a weapon. The sharp shoulder pads could be taken off and used as individual throwing knives. The belt became a barbed whip. The long sleeves hid two painfully thin blades, dainty but they hurt no less than a regular Cruor blade. Each layer on the dress had razor sharp edges, if you spun they were sure to carve your opponent. Finally a diadem which encased your shield should you need it. Cruor fought without them but you didn’t want to risk marking your face days before the wedding. You finished admiring yourself before grabbing your beloved Cruor sword and heading down the corridor to the training arena.
As you walked down the cavernous halls of the Harkonnen palace you were confronted with the Reverend Mother herself, as if her ghostly form sprouted from the floor itself.
“Princess Y/N” she stated in an unimpressed tone.
“Reverend Mother.” you said, equally displeased. 
“Are you prepared for your wedding?” she asked, reminding you that the end of the week was approaching rapidly.
“Of course.” you replied, bored.
“You may think yourself above the rest Cruor, but you must remember where you are. And who truly rules.” she said with spite in her voice.
“How could I forget Reverend Mother? Your shadows haunt these halls.” you said viciously, referring to her Bene Gesserit sisters.
“You are fortunate the Voice does not affect you. But there are other ways to make you cooperate.” she said, stepping closer to you in an attempt to be imposing.
You twisted your fingers, your magic forcing her back and making her stumble. “Unfortunately for you, you are not and will never be immune to blood magic. It is built into my very being, not some trick to be learned. You do not frighten me, and I will not cooperate with you unless I alone agree to it.” you snapped at her. 
“There are always ways to make one cooperate. Should something happen to your husband, the Queen will be looked at intensely as a suspect. With my advice.” she said with an unsettlingly soft smile.
“And what makes you think I care for him in the slightest?” you asked, despite knowing it wasn’t entirely true.
She hummed curiously, “Good day princess.” she said before walking away from you.
“Cunt.” you whispered before pushing on towards the training arena.
When you entered the arena Feyd was nowhere to be found. You honed in your accelerated hearing, listening for his heartbeat. Your scarlet eyes narrowed to your left but a blow hit you from the right. You rolled to the ground with a groan. Feyd looked down at you with nothing but malice. 
“What the fuck? That hurt you ass.” you coughed, hand holding your ribs which felt slightly cracked.
“What makes you think I care in the slightest?” he said with venom in his voice. He stomped towards you. 
You knew he overheard your conversation. This was no longer training, this was a fight. You kept hold on your side, continuing to pretend like you were in immense pain. As Feyd stood before you, you kicked out his ankles with one swipe of your leg. He fell to the ground, you held your nails to his neck. Feyd grabbed your wrist, yanking you towards him, he threw you over him. Using your momentum he rolled with you, pulling his knife out and stabbing it next to where your shoulder would have landed if you had not pulled yourself towards him as you rolled. You smacked your forehead into his, pulling one of your shoulder blades out and stabbing at his shoulder, the blue shimmer of the shield vibrating the small blade. You pushed off each other, both of you getting to your feet. 
You tossed the small shoulder blade away from you, “You want to fight? Fight.” you said, pressing the main jewel on the diadem. Your blue shield shimmer faded before you tossed it off entirely. Feyd followed suit. You smirked at him which only seemed to anger him. He lunged at you, blade thrusting towards your chest. You made an ‘X’ in front of you with your forearms, the thin blades in your sleeves caught the knife, you twisted until he dropped the blade. He brought his armored arms down, breaking the thin blades. You backed up, kicking his chest to push him away. Feyd tried to rush you but you spun away, the dress ends slicing through his armor and into his thigh slightly. You took your belt off, lassoing his ankle before pulling him. He landed on his back. You snatched the lasso back, wrapping it around your knuckles before you squared up. He attempted to swipe your leg, instead you caught his and punched him in the side, hearing one of his ribs crack. Feyd groaned as he bent over slightly, holding his side. 
“Now were even.” you said, tossing your belt to the side. 
Feyd pulled you down by your dress, rolling you beneath him before he snatched one of your remaining shoulder blades. Starting right above your belly button he dragged the knife, cutting your dress up to your neck. A thin cut trailing your skin from the very tip of the knife, making you suck in a sharp breath as you felt drops of your blood seep out. You reached up to grab him, he held both your wrists down after tossing the small blade away. Both of you breathed heavily, chests hitting each other with every inhale. His eyes looked into yours, alight with fire. His hips nestled between your legs. Your dress fell open, revealing the cut he left behind, hardly keeping your breasts covered.
“You learn quick.” you smiled beneath him. “You are not your weapons. You are the weapon.”
His eyes wandered to the cut he left up your torso, he saw the few drops of blood that dripped to your side. He slowly lowered himself down your chest, keeping his eyes locked with yours. You watched through a haze as his tongue flicked out before he dragged it up the cut between your breasts. You sucked in a breath, your eyes closing as your back began to arch into him. You felt his tongue leave you all too quick.
“Absolutely vile.” he said, savoring the way your iron tasted on his tongue.
You heard the door open and shut, a Harkonnen maid entered without looking at either of you, “The Baron has requested your presence in the Great Hall my Lord Na-Baron Feyd Rautha.” she said before scurrying out. 
Feyd stood, offering you a hand to help you up. You tugged your dress closed with one hand, accepting his help with the other. Chest to chest once again, time felt as if it had froze. Your breaths matched each other, breathing each other in and out. Feyd leaned in first, his forehead going to rest against yours. You moved to kiss him, not entirely sure why but every fiber of you ached for him and him alone. 
Before you could close the gap, the Barons voice boomed throughout the arena. “Nephew! We have much to discuss. You are dismissed princess.” He said waving you off. 
You tightly held your dress together, ripping yourself away from Feyd and exiting the room. You checked, making sure no guards or maids were around before remaining right outside the door, honing your hearing in on them. 
“Holding knives to your bride? I figured you’d be a brute in marriage like you are in battle. Try not to break her in too rough, they’re much less likely to oblige. Although… we could always have someone hold her down for you. Like I had to with you the first few times.” The Baron chuckled.
You could hear Feyd’s heartbeat, his soul was crushing at the memories and yet he was calm. The Baron confirmed what you had seen when you drank Feyd’s blood, he had abused Feyd - physically, mentally, emotionally, sexually. Your body warmed with anger, you had half a mind to go and rip the Baron’s throat out with your own teeth. He was an animal, he should die like an animal. 
“That won’t be necessary, I’m perfectly capable of taking her on my own.” Feyd replied.
Your heart sank and a low boil of fear started in your stomach. You felt stupid for starting to feel anything for him besides hate.
“She is strong willed, thinks she knows best. Tame her, break her. She need only produce and heir or two… then you can dispose of her.” The Baron said.
Feyd’s eyes widened slightly as his head whipped up to meet the Baron’s gaze. He composed himself once more, “Of course.”
You couldn’t listen to anymore. You hastily made your way back to your chambers, tearing off your gown once inside. As you moved to put on more comfortable clothing you caught sight of your reflection. You could see bruises forming along your side, and the blood that had dried on you from the cut that was still present up your chest. As soon as you had finished cleaning yourself up, dressing your wounds, and changing into much looser clothing you heard the door slide open.
Feyd looked at you, startled by what he saw. Black veins around your eyes were ever present as your pupils looked like that of a cat. Instead of your regular two fangs you had four. You looked like you were ready to devour him mind, body, and soul. “Y/N?” Is all he said.
“Are you here to break me? Tame me? Are you going to hold me down or will your guards be doing that?” You asked with so much loathing in your voice it made his head spin.
“You know I’d never hurt you-“ he started.
“Do I?” You cut him off. “You breathe because I allow it. Do not forget who comes from the more powerful house. Who carries generations of magic within them. Who feast off the very life source of others.” 
Feyd could see how much you distrusted him, and yet he saw your eyes getting misty.
“You are a beast, Feyd Rautha. A beast and a monster. To believe I ever thought otherwise…” you trailed off.
“I may be a monster but at least I am not some unfeeling blood magic wielding wench who cares for no one but herself. I overheard you with the Reverend Mother.” Feyd argued back, both of you now heated and angry.
Your jaw dropped. How could he be so thick? So fucking oblivious? “I said that to protect you!” You yelled at him, stepping closer. 
“What do you think I was doing?” He yelled back, throwing one of your empty glass jars to the side. 
The jar shattered as it hit your light disc he had gifted you. The disc faltered, the stars and Rubrum disappearing as the disc finally died, “No!” You yelled, rushing to it, forgetting the argument at hand entirely. You knelt next to it, picking it up and trying to make it work again.
Feyd watched you, his eyes softening. You were scared and alone on a planet you had never known, surrounded by people who viewed you as strange and lesser, whose only purpose was ultimate obedience, to be used any way that would benefit House Harkonnen without regard for you. 
You sighed, letting the star disc clatter to the floor. You remained on your knees, a small sniffle emanating from you. You hated looking weak, but you knew this was coming; everything was too much. You wanted nothing more than to go back to Succo. 
Feyd knelt in front of you, gently taking your arms till you rested against his chest. You let out a heart wrenching sob. One that had been held in for quite some time. “I would never hurt you, I am loyal to you above all else.” He murmured as he stroked your back, trying to calm you.
You leaned into him, finally letting out all that had been held in since you left Succo. “I don’t want to hurt you either. I have no one on this planet but you… I wish for us to be equals; us against any who oppose us.” You said between sniffles. 
Feyd pulled you back so he could see you. Your face had returned to normal, as did your fangs. Black tears cascaded down your cheeks, he gently wiped them off. As you looked at one another you could feel it. The same need to be understood, wanted. You both leaned in, lips finally meeting. Both of you let out sighs, the long awaited tension finally breaking. It was slow and sweet but gained momentum. You nipped his lip with one of your fangs, causing him to reel away from you in surprise. 
“Sorry…” you blushed.
He shook his head, “Don’t be… we should rest…” he said after a few moments.
“We have much to discuss.” You said.
“And we will. But for now, let us rest.” He said, his hand coming up to hold your cheek. 
You placed your hand over his, closing your eyes before nodding. He stood first, guiding you up as he stood. You climbed into the large satin covered bed. You watched as Feyd discarded his armor, along with his shirt. He held it for a moment, hesitating if he should or shouldn’t do what he was thinking. 
You reached out a hand for him, “Come to bed.” You said sleepily, already laying down amongst the pillows and blankets.
Feyd smiled softly as he set his shirt down and climbed in next to you. He did the same as the first night, sleeping far from you. You peeked at him through the haze of sleep that was rapidly consuming you. You tugged on his arm, making him scoot closer to you. You wrapped yourself around him; one leg around his hips while you laid yourself on his bare chest. You snuggled in for a moment before finally drifting off. Feyd caressed your hair as you slept, thinking of how he could protect you from his uncle because you were, by far, the most precious thing to him. 
Naboo's Note:
This took 3 days to write but I think it was well worth the wait. We're finally getting somewhere romantic! I know ya'll are horny but patience is a virtue and trust me it will be worth it. We've got wedding bells coming the next chapter! Thanks for all the support around this series, I'm having a lot of fun with it :) I love comments and find them super encouraging so be sure to drop me some XOXOXOXOXOOXOXOXO
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kittyball23 · 9 months
As a part 2 to the Floyd in World Tour thing, I think Floyd would take the hit in becoming a rock zombie to protect Poppy but used Hickory’s trick in using the gumdrops to prevent himself from becoming a rock zombie and while everyone thought Floyd was under the spell, Barb felt a hint of regret because she saw Floyd as a friend despite being a pop troll though felt conflicted about her choices when Poppy told her that what turning everyone into rock zombies is not harmony and Floyd openly admits about his past and how he was wrong to leave Branch behind and was not going to make the same mistake twice which brought the zombified Branch to tears as despite being a zombie, he was aware of what was going on around him and when Poppy destroyed the strings to turn the leaders of the other types of music, Floyd immediately ran to Branch’s side to check if he was okay and Branch just… broke down into tears of sorrow and joy, he was letting out his pain of Floyd and their older brothers leaving him but was happy that his favourite brother was staying by his side for good before they share a hug, showing their bond as a family and accepted that they can live in a world without music if it means staying together which touches those who watched them which they paid no mind too as Poppy joins the hug. That is when a heartbeat sound was heard and the ending plays out the same only with Floyd involved.
Alrighty, here' it is!
Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Part 2
The earsplitting guitar riff resonating in a reverberating echo throughout the entire, packed arena was many things - loud, skillful, powerful - but, above all, it was one-hundred percent authentic Rock.
It was one thing to don the look of a Rocker, but a whole other thing entirely to actually be able to play like one. That’s how Barb truly knew the strings’ power was working. And, while she would have preferred to have showcased it with the Queen of Pop, she supposed using any Pop Troll would suffice to display her point.
Only, this wasn’t just any Pop Troll. This was Floyd. The one who had been taken in by their very people and made one of their own with quite literally no strings attached… at least, until he had run away.
Barb could roll her eyes at that. Pop Trolls were soooo predictable, it drove her up the wall. Of course he would try to warn his own true kind. But, she thought with a malicious sort of grin, it was a futile effort in the end. Here he was, without a doubt one of them now, a Hard Rocker through and through, his fingers rapidly working the strings, tattooed chest puffed out in a display of boldness that she had yet to see in the reserved Troll, and black-streaked bangs swishing in front of his left eye with every motion he made. He was every bit Rock, down to his spike-studded bracelets and chic leather attire. Barb was proud of her work… but, strangely, another feeling pitted itself in her stomach. A strange feeling that continued to gnaw at her, almost like when Debbie had used her arm as a chew toy when the batty creature had been teething. One that the Rock Queen never fathomed herself having, and yet, it was there. Floyd, despite his Pop roots, had been a friend. Did he deserve this? To be reduced to nothing more than a mindless, headbanging zombie? And for that matter… did any one of the musical tribes’ Trolls?
But before she could allow herself to admit that it was in fact a feeling of regret she was harboring, Barb cast it away, zeroing in on what she had intended to do in the first place. This time, hopefully, there would be no other unforeseen circumstances to hinder her - namely, any other Trolls who would jump in the way to save their beloved Pop Queen, as first Branch, and then Floyd, had done.
“Finish her off.”
The order was firm and direct, not showing an ounce of hesitation. The sooner that this could be done the better for them all. She could only hope the Pop Queen wasn't this feisty once she was turned.
Floyd growled a noise of agreement, shredding out a few more hard-core notes from the guitar before aiming it at Poppy.
Instinct told the pink Troll to run, but she felt frozen in place. Floyd glared at her with glowering, red eyes and, not too far from him, Branch was as well. A chill ran down Poppy’s spine. They wouldn’t really hurt her, would they? It almost seemed like there was nothing that could be done.
At least, until the guitar’s aim was unexpectedly shifted to face Queen Barb instead.
When Floyd blinked again, it was the serene magenta that Barb had been so familiar with instead of the blood-red, and the sight of it shocked her.
“Wha - ? B-but… you’re supposed to be a Rock zombie?!” she sputtered, unable to make herself sound as fierce as she wanted to.
Floyd offered a simple explanation. “Gumdrops,” he said, popping the said candy out of his ears. They were soundproof, and quite delicious, able to tune out the powers of hypnotic music. He glanced at Poppy and gave her a small nod.
Barb frowned. “Give me that!” She reached for the guitar, but Floyd backed away.
“No, Barb,” he stated firmly, standing protectively in front of Poppy. “We’re not going to let you do this to anybody else. A world where everyone looks the same and sounds the same?...” He shook his head, the image he’d conjured nothing like a place where he’d want to live.
“That’s not harmony!” Poppy concluded for him.
Barb had gone silent with deep thought, and Floyd took the opportunity to dare a few steps closer to her, speaking sincerely. “Barb, if you won’t listen to Poppy, at least listen to a friend. I know you think this might be what’s best. I’ve been there before. I thought I was doing what was best when I was younger, too. But instead, I ended up leaving my baby brother all alone. I said I would come back - I thought I would come back - but I didn't… because I thought he would be okay. I realize now that this wasn’t the best decision I could’ve made. I missed my brother, and there really wasn't a time I didn't think of him. I regret what I did to this very day. And I don't want you to regret what you've done, Barb…”
The Rock Queen was stunned. She didn't think she would be buckling in, her moral compass shifting to something softer.
And then, they heard a sniffle coming from behind them.
The magenta-haired Troll was surprised to find that it was Branch. Despite his zombified state, it seemed he was plenty aware of the happenings occurring around him, and had heard the confessions of his brother loud and clear. Tears had pooled in his reddened eyes, and the blue Troll shot him a gracious grin.
That was when Barb snapped back to the situation at hand. Seeing that Floyd was distracted and had slackened his grip on the guitar, she lunged, snatching it from his grasp.
Floyd gasped, while Poppy acted quickly. She ran past Floyd, latching onto the neck of the guitar and refusing to let go.
“Buzz off, Popsqueak!” Barb snarled.
“No!” the pink Troll shouted. “A good queen listens,” Poppy explained as they wrestled over the powerful instrument. “Real harmony takes lots of voices. Different voices!”
Managing to wrench the guitar free, Poppy raised it high over her head with both hands and then slammed it down onto the stage in a great big SMASH!
The guitar shattered into pieces with the terrible sounds of squealing feedback. And there, just like that, the six musical strings were destroyed!
A sonic-like explosion of color resulted, before it all got suddenly sucked away in a vacuum-like vortex. A bland, dull gray filled the arena - no Troll was left their vibrant, old self. But, they were not Rock zombies either. With the strings destroyed, King Trollex, King Quincy, Queen Essence, Trollzart, Delta Dawn, and all the other Trolls from each tribe who had been turned went back to their normal selves.
When Branch also returned, Poppy and Floyd immediately flanked his sides in a mixture of joy and relief.
“Branch! Are you alright?” Poppy asked worriedly.
He nodded slowly, offering a small gin of reassurance, and then turned to Floyd. “Did you really mean what you said?” he asked in a hushed tone.
“Every word of it,” Floyd replied. “And I’m not leaving your side again. Whether we have music, or not.”
At that moment, the tears returned to Branch’s eyes and he tugged his brother in for a tight embrace. Their elder siblings may not have been there, but for now, he was okay if they just had each other. Poppy snuggled into the hug as well, happy for them.
The trio’s moment, however, was short-lived. Barb had stood up, the initial shock of the strings having crumbled to dust also disintegrating, and making way for anger. “Give it up, everybody!” she shouted with raging sarcasm. “Thanks to the queen of Pop, we’ve ALL lost our music! History repeats itself. Pop has ruined EVERYTHING!”
All the Trolls looked devastated. Silence filled the air. A world where everyone was a Rock Troll was not ideal. But… neither was a world without any kind of music.
But then…
A rhythm was heard.
Cooper realized it was his heart beating. He held a microphone to his chest so everyone could hear it. Now amplified, his heartbeat sounded like a bass drum. THUMP-THUMP. THUMP-THUMP. THUMP-THUMP.
Next to him, his brother, Prince D, started beatboxing over the sound of the heartbeat.
Queen Essence beamed at her husband, King Quincy. “Those are my sons, making music!” she exclaimed proudly.
The Country Western Trolls began to stomp their feet in time to the rhythm, doing a line dance.
Poppy, Branch, and Floyd all looked astonished.
“Queen Barb can’t take away something that is inside us,” Queen Essence declared, “because that’s where music really comes from. Not from some string. Inside all of us.”
Nodding, King Trollex added, “It comes from our experiences…”
“Our lives…” Delta Dawn pitched in.
“Our culture…” Queen Essence finished.
Poppy realized that they were all right. “Queen Barb can’t take that away,” she agreed. She turned to the crowd, took a deep breath, and started to sing in time with the rhythms the Trolls were making. “Let me hear you sing….”
And, with Poppy’s voice echoing through the arena, Branch and Floyd added their voices alongside hers, singing in perfect harmony.
“Sing it together, louder than ever, forget everything, just sing….”
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zoloftsexdeath · 10 months
Thinking about the origin songs of all the surviving covey members. I can’t speak to color theory, and I haven’t read the books, but I do know some folk songs and recognized some names. Now I don’t stick to Childes ballads strictly when listening to these songs, but I will be listing the number for reference on all the names that have a childe’s ballad corresponding, just for ease of research.
Lucy Grey Baird
Lucy Grey is her own creature and her song is plain in the books. I think the difference between the book ballad of Lucy Gray and the one in the movie (the song she herself wrote about Billy Taupe) is fascinating, as the first one is more of a story-song traditional like, and the Ballad per the movie is so. Im shoving it in my mouth and eating it. Smarter people with more context than me can write better about it though so I’ll leave it at this. I personally think Rachael Ziegler killed it though, and her voice is high and clear, would love to hear her live so I could lay in the grass and kick my feet as I listen.
Barbara Azure Baird
Barb Azure canonically came from Barbara Allen/Barb’ry Allen [CB # ]traditionally a round sung about a woman whose lover dies of wanting her, and she dies of sorrow, and their graves lie entertwined with plants of rose and briar on each respective grave to form a true lover’s knot. My favorite version comes from Joan Baez. This is the only of the covey songs I’ve ever heard before doing this research, and I love it dearly.
Tam Amber [last name unknown]
Tam Amber from Tam Lin! Also known as Tamlaine, Tamlin, or Tam Lyne [Child Ballad #39]. An epic Scottish ballad, and a lovely round. As the story went he was a mortal kidnapped by faeries and has become their unwilling servant, protecting a forest in which he finds a beautiful young woman (usually named Janet or Margaret) whom he confronts for plucking roses. They doink about it, she gets pregnant, her father asks who got her with child, and she rushes back to Tam Lin and begs him to either get rid of the child he begot or marry hee, which in his current state he cannot do. He then devises a plan for Janet/Margaret to performs several tasks that will allow him to return to the land of the mortals, angering the faery queen but assuaging her enough that she makes good on her promise and reluctantly frees Tam Lin to marry his now beloved Janet and legitimize their child. Perhaps not the most traditional version, the one by Anaïs Mitchell and Jefferson Hamer makes me think yes, I can see Tam Amber’s parents falling in love to this song, singing it to him and the other covey children to put them to sleep.
Clerk Carmine Clade
From the ballad Clerk Colven [Child Ballad #42] about a real piece of work who tries to run off on his wife and sleep with a mermaid. The mermaid knows this though, and curses him to suffer a horrific headache until I think his head actually explodes. I don’t think it necessarily has any bearing on Clerk Carmine’s actual personality, but the combination of this song with the color carmine (a brilliant red extracted from the cochinil bug) leads me to believe he was either conceived, born, or his parents married while traveling in district 5. I can see this one being a favorite in district, where they know the danger of baiting the sea and possibly the danger of being a jackass to your wife as well. The location of D5 down in the southwest also leads me to believe it was one of the few places the Covey could have encountered the color as well, as often red 40 or other synthetics are used in mass production of vibrant reds and the use of cochinil based carmine would likely be a very “district” thing, used by native residents for painting or decoration of small items. It’s a strong name, and dangerous when it comes to taking a stand against what the capital represents. I’m surprised he was able to keep it. I reccomend this cover, dunno the singer really but the accent is heavy and his voice is true. I would listen with lyrics alongside though.
Maude Ivory Baird
The book tells us that Maude comes from the poem “Maude Clare” by Christina Rosetti, and Ivory from piano keys. I also like to think that she was partially named after Maud Karpeles, a British folk song collector who helped write down a lot of folk music.
Billy Taupe Clade
Likely from Billy Boy, ironic and fitting for its being about a man after a wife who can feed and care for him despite her being “too young to leave her mother” something Lucy Gray says about him wanting in the books (and seemingly not wanting much more). I don’t care much for this song (sorry), but this is an alright cover.
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snowangeldotmp3 · 3 months
✨ wip weekend! ✨
(because i wasn't able to get to this post on wednesday, so. here we are lol)
anyway thank you to my beloveds for tagging me!! @judasofsuburbia @kkpwnall @fastcardotmp3 @fragilecapric0rnn !! love u all sm mwah mwah!!
this is from something i don't know if i'll ever continue/write out in full. writing has been kind of like pulling teeth lately, so, have this snippet from an old ronance wandavision au that i never completed:
Robin doesn’t know why she’s trapped in an illusion. She just knows she is. Which is a very alarming thing to find oneself in, especially when you can hear the canned laughter of a studio audience, but you don’t know where it comes from. She fears, too, that she’s the only one in this “town” who’s aware of this. That is, until she spotted Nancy at the town center the other day, and they both shared a look of understanding. Nancy, it seemed, was much better at fitting into this whole illusion thing. Robin believes it’s because of Nancy’s upbringing, how Nancy can naturally fall into an act if she wants to. This illusion was pretty damn powerful too, because it’s when Robin spots Nancy that Barb Holland walks up to Nancy, like she hadn’t been dead for the last three years. It must be the first time Nancy’s seen Barb in this place too, because she pales, before effortlessly slipping her mask back on when Robin faintly hears Barb ask, “Nance? What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost or something.”
tagging with absolutely no pressure <3! @figthefruitfaeth @cheatghost @gideoncharov @el-fandom-birb @chaosangelmp3 @yourbestclothes @netflixnormalthings @laurienotteddy @verymuchablog42 @mosquito-queen + anyone who feels like participating!! <3
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violettduchess · 1 year
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A/N: This was inspired by @vioisgoinginsane mentioning how she couldn't stop thinking about Gilbert's voice. And then neither could I.
This is how I imagine Gilbert's voice (not the VA's 😆)
WC: ~500
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Gilbert’s voice
It is light as air, a cool breeze that winds its way around your ears, has you closing your eyes and inhaling sharply without knowing why. It tugs on your foolish heart, forcing it to its knees, has it begging for…..something. Anything. Another sentence, another word, another silver laugh. It leaves you standing at the edge of a cliff, the dirt crumbling perilously under the toe of your shoe and yet you lean forward, desperate for more.
It is as dangerously soft as a glowing beam of razor-edged moonlight, parting the darkness of night like a sword through flesh and releasing a gush of diamond-bright stars. It is a strand of delicate barbed wire, pressing ever so gently against your heart, wrapping itself lovingly around your mind. It is beautiful in its sharpness, in the danger it poses. It echoes the delicate beauty of oleander’s soft pink petals, sheltering its deadly poison within.
It is as precious as the sound of rainfall when it hits the quenched Obsidian earth. It is absorbed just as quickly, sinks into your soul just as easily as water into soil. And once inside, his voice takes root, spreads out from your heart in a web across your whole body, claiming you as his. Your desire, your loyalty, your devotion all begin here, all grow from here. And you thirst for it endlessly.
It is as commanding as a storm's rolling cry of thunder across the Obsidian mountain peaks. It rattles your bones, brings you to your knees, your blood surging through your veins in tremulous answer to his call. He speaks in imperative and you are the ellipsis, breathlessly waiting for more.
It is as meek as the morning mist that settles over the land on a cool, foggy morning. It whispers your name, quietly, wistful. Almost piteous. Your name is his touchstone, his landmark, his way home through the darkness he is shrouded in. It is his greatest strength and the key to his downfall. And he knows it. He knows the power you have, the command of the moon over the tides, and he gives into it readily, thankfully. His susurrant pleas whisper over your skin, skim the seam of your lips and seek entry. You let them in, enjoying their fizzle on the tip of your tongue and then swallow each word whole.
It is as beloved to you as the bright sun is to the rose bush which stretches itself towards the warm rays, as the stars are to the dreamers who seek inspiration from the night sky. It fills your heart with the delicate song of the nightingale, as comforting as it is hauntingly beautiful. You have learned its patterns, the peaks and valleys of its intonation, the curves of its accent and love them all. And when he speaks in the tongue of Obsidian, it sends a flare of the brightest red desire shooting through you: warmth turns to wildfire, control dissolves in the flames.
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Tagging: @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage @redheadkittys @tele86 @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @rhodoliteschaos @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @queen-dahlia @scorchieart @nightghoul381 @joiedecombat
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moonlit-validation · 3 months
This is so dumb i love it so much, what?
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poppibranchlover · 9 months
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Check it out, guys! I have a new game in my Xbox One that serves as my extra special Christmas present; Trolls Remix Rescue!!! 🤩💖💙🎶🎵🎶
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Here in this game, you can play as our beloved favorite Trolls that includes Poppy, Branch, Guy Diamond, Viva, John Dory, Floyd and your own Trollsonas as you explore every area of the Troll Kingdom as long as you like! 😁
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There is also an option to customize your Trollsonas to make them look like your own fanmade OCs and includes fun rhythm minigames such as hitting arrows while the Troll you are playing as dances and competing against Queen Barb in a guitar brawl. (Sorry if I couldn’t show what the former looks like because it requires letting go of my camera as I played that... 😓)
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According to this map, it seems like there are only four areas of the kingdom that can be accessible to explore such as Pop Village, Volcano Rock City, Symphonyville and Vibe City, but they’ve excluded Techno Reef and Lonesome Flats in here! 😢
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In case you were wondering who I’m playing as in the pics about the game that I took, I’m playing as my sweet lovable Branch because it allows me to play the Troll that I loved most! 😍💙
What do you think about this new Trolls video game? This one is definitely my new dream life and I love it so much that I had to play it for the next 24 hours! It looks so fun to play, and why don’t you have it yourself if you find this interesting? 🥰😍💖💙
Furthermore, I think I needed a strategy guide on how to earn all of the sticker achievements in this game because there is no YouTube video explaining on how to get them. 🤔
For more information of this game, check out this website. 😊
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amenders93 · 2 months
Rocky Busts In
While Molly and Frizzle were beginning to have the time of their life, Rocky, Ginger and the gang were still outside, staring at the barbed-wire fence that surrounded Fun-Land Farms. Our Island Queen Ginger thought long and hard about what to do. She knew they can do it but all they needed was a clever plan. Our Island King Rocky is raring to go; his plan was simple - he's going to go in there and BUST MOLLY OUT! As per usual, Bunty was skeptical about this, asking Rocky how he plans to do just that. The young rooster just replies by simply going in and busting out his daughter. Bunty scoffed at this plan or as she puts it as "just saying what you wish would happen".
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Mac then gives in her input on what that "plan" as well. At this point, even I couldn't follow that input with her thick Scottish accent. But as I figured it out, she's saying that you need to think things through before you do them. However, we all know our Rocky is more of a doer than a thinker. Rocky still can't understand what Mac says sometimes, but yet it's better than in the first film though. However he does comment that whatever Mac said was negative to him. That's when Ginger takes over, showing that she still understands her best friend and assistant, even with that thick accent of hers. Our spunky hen states that they need more details since they only get one shot at this. Hence they need to make sure that every move they make is carefully thought through.
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However, while Ginger was explaining things to Mac, Bunty and Babs, Rocky wasn't really listening. He was sitting on the end of a young sapling that was being tied down by Fowler, carrying a long branch to take along with him. When Ginger sees what her husband is up to, she wonders what on earth is he up to. Rocky tells his wife that sometimes you've just got to take a leap of faith. Our brave rooster turns to his older rooster friend to ready the launch; our old sausage gives a salute. At Rocky's command, Fowler released the tree and it shoots the young rooster upwards before Ginger could even stop her husband. Typical of men, right girls? Always rushing into things without thinking.
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This launch took Rocky back to his Lone-Free Ranger days of shooting out of a cannon. As the others watched from the ground, he whizzed though the air towards the farm. This could actually work! But then Rocky's feet caught the barbed wire at the top of the fence. He dropped his long branch and tumbled forward, slamming face first into the fence. It was electric! OUCH! A very shocked Rocky was blown forwards onto the ground. Immediately, cameras swiveled round and focused on him. Before our island king knew it, a hatch opened up and mechanical moles holding dart guns popped up. Suddenly, they began to shoot at him. DOUBLE OUCH!! Rocky hopped around to avoid the darts, running for the moat and grabbed his dropped branch on the way, thinking he would pole vault over the water. Unfortunately, the branch was nowhere near long enough to reach the other bank and he only got halfway across the water.
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As Rocky slid down the branch, a little group of ducks came swimming towards him. But these were no ordinary ducks though; these were robot ducks with glowing laser eyes. The robot ducks shone red dots on Rocky's body, confusing him until.... they blew him up. TRIPLE OUCH!!! Now Rocky was sailing through the air again and then he landed on the wall of the main building. Exhausted, he looked back at the gang, who were watching him from the other side of the fence and seeing every little bit of his painful entry. You could probably guess that Ginger was the most concerned. After all, this was the rooster she loved with all her heart getting hurt, all just to rescue their beloved child. Rocky gave them all a feeble thumbs-up, then fell backwards. A metal hatch opened up, sucked our island king up and snapped shut. QUARUPLE OUCH!!!! But on the bright side though, at least Rocky is inside. Everyone still watched on with Babs commenting that it went well. Ginger does a face palm at this. My thoughts exactly, Ginger.
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After Rocky's experience, the gang realized that breaking into the farm was going to be a difficult and dangerous operation. Mac, also looking on the bright side, told everyone that thanks to Rocky, now at least they've got the details. Ginger thought this was true but they're going to need some backup. Our island queen thought really hard about this one. Who could help them? They needed someone crafty, someone cunning, someone who was good at sneaking around and finding out stuff. And we all know who we're thinking of.
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Even though Ginger wanted to think of a clever plan that has been carefully thought through to get inside Fun-Lan Farms to rescue Molly, Rocky had another idea in mind - simply just go in there and bust her out. This determined father is willing to go through anything to rescue his beloved daughter. Even if it meant getting electrocuted by an electric fence, being shot at by camera-driven, gun-toting moles, getting blown up by laser-guided, exploding ducks and sucked inside a trash chute. But on the bright side though, he found a way inside and even better, he gave Ginger and the rest of the gang all the details they need of the building's layout and its security strategies. And now all they need is some backup. Let's just hope that Ginger's plan is a lot more clever than Rocky's plan was.
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soulless-angel25 · 8 months
Fluffy Feburary [2024], Day 2 Prompt- Eavesdrop @fluffyfebruary
It had all started very simply, or well... Ronodin thought it had started very simply, he still wasn't quite sure how it had gotten to this point. With him sat in the Sorenson's living room, a Christmas tree up in the corner with several people glancing cautiously at him- as they should.
He had simply been listening in on Kendra and his cousin, and really, the should know better then to talk where someone could easily eavesdrop. And yet somehow, he was caught! Him! Master of hiding and deception and a million other things. (No, he was not going to give that dragon credit for finding him.)
And so. Here he sat in the Sorenson's living room. Ruth(?) staring at him, no amusement on her face as she held a crossbow- a loaded crossbow!- at his face. A few feet to her left was a rather boring looking man that he couldn't recall that name of (David? Daniel? Whatever.). And a satyr! Now, he didn't really have anything truly against them but... really? A satyr in their house? Did they not care about the furniture?
Nearest to him was his beloved cousin, son of the Fairy Queen, Bracken. And opposite his (annoying) cousin was the Fairy Queen's handmaiden, Kendra. Really, if anything it was their whole fault he was here!
Once he'd been found someone had ushered Seth away, which Ronodin found quite rude. Sure, he might've emotionally manipulated him- but everyone emotionally manipulated someone at one point or another!
...three hours had passed. Somewhere after the half hour mark the satyr had left the house, but promising that he'd be back later with another satyr (Nick? Newel?).
Then after the hour the plain man (Dale!) had stood up and said that he needed to get back to his chores, not before leveling a glare at him though. Really! The nerve of these people. Did they not understand how rude they were being to him?
Around two hours later, when the sun was making its descent Ruth had reluctantly stood up and made Kendra and his cousin promise to keep an eye on him before she disappeared.
And so, after the three hour mark Kendra had inquired if he would like something to eat. Now, you must understand- he was not a picky person when it came to food. But he had very much laughed in her face, which quickly made her retract the offer of food.
At the realization that she seriously wasn't going to get him food unless he apologized he pouted. Wasn't she supposed to be a 'good guy'? What kind of good guy didn't feed their guests?
Another half an hour later he finally caved and (politely) asked her to get him something to eat. Since really, he did need to eat something. Before she'd left she had made eye contact with his cousin that seemed to make him promise to keep an eye on Ronodin.
...an unknown amount of time later he'd been released from him bondage.
And somehow he was... enjoying spending time with his (moronic) cousin and Kendra. Perhaps it was because he felt some... peace, from being around just the two of them. The light magic that emanated from them felt like a cool balm against his skin. Like a memory of something that had once been familiar to him.
He found himself lowering his guard around the two. The barbs coming from him not feeling as venomous as they should, and the ones coming from his friends enemies didn't feel as venomous as they should either. They felt... like the snark one would expect from people who had known each other their entire lives and were friends. Not two unicorns and a mortal(?) handmaiden to the Fairy Queen who were enemies.
At some point, Ronodin realized that there was a blanket wrapped around the three of them, with another spread across their laps. He was stuck in between them but it didn't feel bad... it felt safe. Even as he felt Kendra's head on his shoulder, soft breathing coming from her as her eyelids fluttered. Or his cousin's soft voice that made him feel like he was a young unicorn again and his older cousin was telling him stories.
It felt like home. That was his only thought as he felt himself rest his head on Kendra's and slowly drift off to sleep.
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captainswanapproved · 2 years
A Son For A Son
An alternate end to the Dance of The Dragons: After the death of Prince Lucerys, Daemon promises Rhaeynra that he will avenge their son. Demon and Aemond duel on dragonback. Daemon is victorious and returns to Dragonstone in time to save Rhaenyra from being burned alive by King Aegon II
Queen Rhaenyra was losing the war against the Greens. No matter what her advisors declared, she knew it to be true.
She had been betrayed by the dragonseeds. She was losing her allies left and right. She had not seen her beloved Daemon in weeks. Dedicated as he was to her cause, he was fighting their enemies in the Riverlands.
Mysaria had come to her with a sordid tale of the dragonseed Nettles, claiming that the girl had seduced Daemon and become his lover. Rhaenyra knew better. Daemon had been her loyal husband for years, and no Targaryen bastard would take Rhaenyra’s place in his heart. Still, she had ordered Nettles to prove her loyalty to the Blacks, to find Aemond Targaryen and slay him. It was a death wish, but Rhaenyra would not strike against the girl outright. Not when Daemon had begged for mercy, having developed a fatherly bond with the girl.
When she received news that Nettles had joined forces with Lucerys at Storm’s End, Rhaenyra felt certain that the two dragon riders could outmaneuver Aemond and Vhagar. Instead, she had received her son’s eyes on a bed of seaweed along with news that Nettles had perished in the struggle.
Rhaenyra held Daemon’s scroll in her hand. It bore only a few words. “A son for a son, my love. Lucerys will be avenged.”
With the message in hand, she called upon her guard. She would return to Dragonstone with Aegon and Viserys and await Daemon’s return. She did not doubt that he would kill the Kinslayer. In the years since they had wed, Daemon had never failed her.
A son for a son, my love. Lucerys will be avenged.
Daemon Targaryen had challenged Aemond Targaryen, and now there was nothing left to do but wait for him to appear.
Harrenhal was a miserable place. For too long Daemon has been separated from his beloved. He was painfully aware of the fact that this duel with Aemond may end in his death. If this came to pass, at least Rhaenyra would know that he died fighting for her cause.
If he survived, he would bring Rhaenyra Aemond’s head and then he would dispose of Mysaria. He would not allow the unofficial Mistress of Whisperers to go unpunished, even though her deception had proved unsuccessful.
The days passed in agonizing slowness, but on the thirteenth day after Daemon had issued his challenge, Vhagar was spotted approaching the burned fortress of Harrenhal.
Daemon, with Caraxes beside him, watched their approach, his jaw set with grim determination.
Vhagar landed in a field with a great thud. Aemond dismounted. Every movement was show of arrogance and conceit. “If it is not the so called ‘Protector of the Realm’. What good are you if you cannot protect your own sons?” Aemond taunted.
Daemon’s fingers curled around the hilt of Dark Sister. “I did not call you here to trade barbs, Kinslayer. On my honor you will die screaming. Vhagar will be free of you at last.”
“My dragon is loyal to me,” Aemond said. “Your pitiful wyrm is no match to her power.”
“We shall see,” Daemon said, mounting Caraxes.
The dragons took to the skies. Aemond was quick to yell “Dracarys”. Vhagar attacked with a great blast of fire, but Caraxes dodged the attack with his greater agility.
Aemond screamed insults into the wind, but Daemon ignored the slander against his wife and children. It was meant to distract him. The arrogant little popinjay would not outmaneuver him on this day. Daemon urged Caraxes to attack, again and again. Vhagar was too large and ungainly. Aemond was too confident.
At long last, Caraxes struck a hard hitting blow, scratching Vhagar’s eyes with his claws. Daemon leapt from his saddle, Dark Sister in hand. He fell through the air and landed upon Vhagar’s scaly back.
Aemond had chained himself to his mount, no doubt terrified of falling from his mount. The boy was a coward. Chained as he was, he could not evade Daemon’s advance.
“Do it and be named a traitor. I am the King Regent,” Aemond screamed, making a pitiful attempt to delay the inevitable.
“I do not serve a king,” Daemon said. “In the name of Rhaenyra Targaryen, First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, and Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, I sentence you to death.”
He swung Dark Sister and landed true, the tip of the blade thrusting through Aemond’s remaining eye.
As though sensing the death of her rider, Vhagar returned to the ground.
Daemon removed the head of the Kinslayer, placing it carelessly in a burlap sack. He did not clean Dark Sister. Rhaenyra would see for herself the blood of one of her greatest enemies.
Caraxes trilled his approval as Daemon mounted him. The assemblage of smallfolk gazed up in wonder that the Kinslayer had met his end. Daemon idly wondered what songs would be written of his victory, but that did not matter. All he needed now was to return to his beloved.
Another betrayal. Ser Alfred Broome and his men had slaughtered her Queensguard and locked her and her remaining children away in the bowels of Dragonstone.
Rhaenyra knew that her vile half-brother was coming to slaughter her. In a strange way, she almost wished he would act sooner. The civil war had stolen so much from Rhaenyra. It may as well have her life as well.
“Mother,” Aegon said, “Father will return and free us.”
Rhaenyra almost laughed. Her son was meant to be king. He was the very best of her and Daemon, and now that his brothers had died, all they needed to do was slay Alicent’s wretched children. Aegon’s way to the throne would be clear.
This would not come to pass though. Being held prisoner in her own home had drastically altered her prospective on the outcome of the war.
“Keep praying for that, my son,” Rhaenyra said, holding him and Viserys close to her.
She knew the end was near.
Sunfyre and her half-brother appeared three days later. The so-called king looked haggard and weak. Rhaenyra longed for a blade so she could cut him down.
“Leave me with my dear sister,” Aegon II commanded, dismissing his Kingsguard. The knights left after some hesitation.
“Rhaenyra, you have lost. Surrender now and I may spare the lives of my nephews. They should not be made to suffer for the crimes of their mother.”
“You are no king,” Rhaenyra spat. “The Iron Throne belongs to a true dragon.”
Aegon II laughed. “It belongs to me, sister. I can see that your pride is more important to you than the lives of your children. Sunfyre will eat well tonight.”
Sunfyre rumbled his approval.
But before the Aegon II could utter a single command, the roar of another dragon echoed on the walls of the caverns beneath Dragonstone.
Daemon appeared at the mouth of the cave like an avenging angel. Dark Sister’s hilt gleamed in the torchlight.
Aegon II grinned. “Prince Daemon, I was not expecting you. I thought you were in the Riverlands. Your arrival is fortuitous. You will get to see your wife and sons burn.”
Daemon opened a sack and dumped the contents at Aegon’s feet. “A gift for the false king,” he snarled.
Aegon II paled. “This is treason. You will burn as well.”
Daemon drew his sword. “I am the Protector of the Realm. It is my duty to cut down usurpers in the name of the Queen.”
Aegon II opened his mouth to call for his Kingsguard, knowing well that he would be unable to best Daemon. His cries were silenced as his head fell to the ground beside his brothers. Sunfyre roared only to be silenced by Caraxes.
Daemon turned to Rhaenyra. “I have avenged our family, my Queen. I only hope this is enough to earn your favor.”
Daemon fell to his knees and presented his sword, stained with the blood of the false king and his regent.
Rhaenyra did not hesitate to knock the blade aside. She threw herself into her beloved’s arms, sobbing in earnest. Daemon’s lips met hers in a fierce caress.
“I accept your act of service, my lord husband. You have my forgiveness and my heart.”
Daemon kissed his wife again and welcomed his sons into their shared embrace. At last, Daemon was home again.
One month later.
The Greens and all their supporters foolish enough to refuse to bend the knee were slaughtered in turn.
Rhaenyra and Daemon committed the executions themselves, as Lord Stark had urged them to. After all, the Northern lord believed that the one who passed the sentence should swing the sword.
When this grave task was done, Rhaenyra called a council meeting and announced her intent to forfeit her crown. The burden of the war that had nearly destroyed her house was too much to bear. Her son Aegon III would take his place on the Iron Throne when he came of age, with Jaehaera Targaryen as his queen.
A council of regents was assembled. Lords from all the great houses of Westeros were named to rule until Aegon III came of age.
Rhaenyra and Daemon were allowed to return to Dragonstone. It would no longer serve as the seat of the heir to the throne. Had some of the lords not protested, they would have remained on Aegon III’s council, but many of the lords believed the former Queen should not be rewarded with such an honor. Aegon III agreed to make peace in war-torn Westeros.
In truth, Rhaenyra and Daemon were glad to return. Viserys elected to stay in King’s Landing with his brother. One day, he would serve as Hand of the King.
The family said their goodbyes on a cloudy day following the declaration that Aegon III would one day sit the iron throne.
“My son, do not hesitate to write. Your father and I may no longer be welcome in King’s Landing, but you will always have our support.”
Aegon embraced his mother and father. “Live in peace and joy, Mother, Father. No one is more deserving of such things.”
“You will be a magnificent king, my son,” Daemon said. “And a king is in need of a Valyrian steel blade.” Daemon removed his scabbard and presented Dark Sister to his beloved son. “Use it well.”
After one final embrace, Daemon and Rhaenyra mounted Caraxes and returned to Dragonstone, leaving the horrors of the past years behind them.
“My love,” Daemon said, one early morning three months after their removal to Dragonstone. “I discovered a clutch of eggs. Syrax left you one last gift.” Daemon presented a trio of eggs, one gold, one silver, and one amethyst.
Rhaenyra felt tears gather in the corners of her eyes. Rhaenyra had felt certain that she would never mount a dragon of her own again. While she loved Caraxes, riding him was not the same.
“Thank you, my love,  but I hardly need three dragons.”
Daemon smiled. “Perhaps not, but you have not bled since we returned to Dragonstone. I believe the gods have chosen to bless us once more.”
Rhaenyra’s hand moved to her abdomen. She had simply believed it was the stress of the last three months. True, she had been happy in a sense, but she longed for the company of her children. “How can you be certain?”
Daemon took her in his arms. “Because I know without a shadow of a doubt that you deserve to be a mother again. We have lost much since the war began, but the gods allowed us to survive. And I believe there is another little dragon in your womb, perhaps two.” Daemon knelt down to kiss the swell of his wife’s belly.
His words were proven correct six months later.
In the middle of a stormy night, two healthy girls were delivered. They were named Visenya and Rhaenys.
Rhaenyra may have surrendered her claim to the Iron Throne, but the House of The Dragon’s legacy would continue through her beloved sons and daughters.
 The proud parents held their new children close to their hearts, filled with hope for a brighter future.
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stingslikeabee · 2 months
Tianyu still often got lost in the royal family's private rooms. It was like a gilded maze, full of gold and exquisite stone. He roamed around that afternoon and eventually ended his journey in the main sitting area. The foreign man stopped there to scratch at his arm ( or, really, the scales beneath his flesh he needed to drop ). As he lifted his hand, he scraped his limb against the edge of a table. Instead of hurting, the action felt good.
Sighing shakily, Tianyu slowly let himself transform. It would just be for a few moments, he thought — only long enough to rub into the wood and see if he could free these itchy old scales. The very young green dragon, barely the size of a small horse, hesitantly ducked down to the height of the table. Those first harsh rubs were euphoric. Perhaps, a long soak in hot water ( Daigo's preference ) or a partner would have helped better, but this was all Tianyu would allow. He released a high - pitched whine of pleasure and sank to the floor.
After several minutes had passed, the dragon shook his slim body and opened his eyes. He was immediately greeted by the sight of the Queen of Solaris — his future mother - in - law, maybe. Tianyu's glowing eyes, like pools of the poison that made the tips of the many barbs on him, widened. With a soft keen, he instinctively shied away from Melissa and flattened to the carpet. Unlike the other pure - blooded dragons in the palace, he had never had a good encounter in his rightful shape. Tianyu acted as though he were a kicked dog, yielding to the Queen.
Scraps of extremely dry scales littered the floor around him. Patches hung from the dragon's hide. He looked rough, to put it kindly, and in this form his sunken sides and showing ribs was apparent. It was obvious that Tianyu, though almost thirty in his human body, was practically a small child for dragonkind ; his state clearly showed his ignorance toward his own upkeep.
unscripted asks . always accepting
Caring for those who were weaker and more vulnerable, Melissa used to say, came with the pretty crown atop her head and the many duties of the role attached to her name. A queen (or king) without their people were nothing; it had been their suffering that had pushed the monarch to don the best clothes she had and to boldly walk into a dragon's den, with magic so thick it had been possible to taste on the tip of the tongue.
It had been madness - an ill-advised gambit by mostly everyone of the small council, but one which had miraculously worked. It felt both a century ago and just yesterday, but the age of all the heirs to the crown established clear proof that the fateful encounter between Melissa and Daigo had been almost two decades prior. It was true that it began harder and harder to tell time when one looked at the brunette - surrounded by the magic of her beloved, aging slowed down to a pitiful crawl for the woman and their shared offspring.
And it showed in how ready Hikari was to one day take the throne if her older brother abdicated (a very likely future, considering Kazuya's preferences were entirely in opposition to those of a ruler). Her mission as a diplomatic envoy to nations that had been previously ready to pounce and annex Solaris had been incredibly successful; not only to inspire a new deal of conversations and treaties being signed, but also to illustrate new future options for creatures - such as Tianyu - who had failed to reap any benefits of their true selves.
In a country that now looked up to dragons as their saviors - and even held festivals to honor Daigo, as much as it all probably translated as an amusing occasion to the gem beast and nothing more - Melissa's son-in-law still struggled to make peace with his inner self. To run into him looking so vulnerable and in need of help had the queen sighing softly, eventually moving to sit down at one of the chairs paired with the table that the young chromatic had used earlier.
"It is alright, my dear. Come closer so I can help - you can only do so much with that sort of assistance, I'm afraid," Melissa murmured, speaking in a soft tone and making no imposing gestures whatsoever. The idea was to let the young man feel like he could trust her - his future in-laws - to be in any shape he desired or enjoyed, even if Daigo's distaste for his kind was not particularly disguised. The old, ancient being was proud, immortal and too powerful to care for the feelings of 'worms', as he put it - even if that was one his own hatchling had affections for.
It seemed like time stalled for a moment - Tianyu looked alarmed and defenseless, dejected and ashamed of the state he was in. But whatever terrible itch he had was stronger than self-respect, which eventually drove him to sit down at Melissa's feet very quietly. When he did so, the queen bit back another sigh when he moved in a way that seemed to indicate an irrational fear of pain coming from another handling him - but eventually, through gently pulling and very soft humming, Tianyu seemed to relax enough to grant the queen ample room for her job.
Within the following few minutes, the monarch did something that many would say to be very far from her duties as a queen - but not those of a mother who cared for her children. Melissa did not enjoy seeing the poor dragon so scared of his own shadow when Daigo was around, or that he thought his truest self something so fragile that was reserved for Hikari alone. They had to do something about him, the queen thought - he needed to soak more frequently, eat well and hydrate. If he moved to the palace permanently (after the wedding, of course), it would be fine eventually.
"There - do you feel any better?" Melissa asked, tentatively scratching a patch of scales at his back in a way that her oldest had appreciated when young; and even if the chromatic looked different with a certain flush over his cheeks and still very much embarrassed that the queen of all people had found him while transformed, he at least seemed to be relieved of the annoyance brought on by the shedding. Perhaps a tiny step towards a more confident relationship, the monarch thought with excitement.
"Now, if you follow me, I can take you back to your quarters, and ask for a servant to fix you a good hot bath. I know our tubs are not as exquisite as those naturally occurring at the mountains, but they should help. I will send Hikari to you with some food for later too - is that acceptable?"
Tianyu looked at Melissa in a way that was strangely adorable - with a mix of confusion, bewilderment and gratitude, but with no trace of fear in with his handsome young features. Smiling warmly at her future son-in-law, the queen nodded and moved to stand, adjusting the skirts around her and then holding out a hand to him. "Then off we go, my dear. Get used to these pathways - they will be yours too in no time."
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thegeminisage · 2 months
star trek FIRST CONTACT!!! breakdown aka me attempting to transcribe the poorly typed notes in my phone to a tumblr post which will last longer. overall this movie was absolutely charming and a 10/10 experience, though i would have liked it even better if i liked picard and cared about his borg trauma, and i'm sad that i don't. luckily, i expect at least some of that type of thing will be given to me with more dykehood involved in the form of seven of nine, coming soon to a voyager near me. ANYWAY.
first thrill of this move was when data got to say a bad word, which to be fair he also did in the previous tng movies. so already i was thinking, some rights for tng movies
cheered aloud when worf showed up in the defiant. was absolutely thrilled to recognize the defiant mid-combat before they TOLD us "oh hey that's the defiant." ds9 ref! it is kinda funny that no one on ds9 goes "so hey where were you over the weekend?" and he responds "oh just time traveling to save earth from a borg attack nbd!" like i know it's because of the syndication or whatever, but ds9 is perfect for that type of humor, AND it's nuts that such a huge thing happened and nobody in ds9 likel. cares. sure they got problems but imagine the potential! did he ask for permission to take the ship or did he just steal it to go defend his former captain and riker e deanna situationship? was sisko mad that it got banged up? is he gonna ground worf next weekend? i need to Know.
another fun moment was when i noticed borged up florida first, because my eyes usually hit florida first when i view any sort of country or global map where florida is visible. don't worry about it. anyway, i didn't realize what had happened i thought perhaps future utopian florida was supposed to have all those lines coming out of it and paused to see it better. wrong. the borg did that.
dismayed to see zefram cochrane again after what he did to that poor woman in "metamorphosis." i kept trying to tell myself that maybe this was before he became such a creep and then he was all creepy with deanna. he had some charming moments outside of that though
EMH CAMEO MY BELOVED i was so fucking happy to see him. this iteration got eaten by the borg but STILL i loved that familiar face
i did not like picard's little vest it looks bad and it getting snuck into ds9 makes me mad. also, he needs to STOP interrupting data. him killing that guy begging for help was very fun though. that is his idea of help <3 one of those moments where i was absolutely lamenting the fact that i don't like him. praying seven gets to do anything even half that gnarly 🙏
i decided that this movie was the most fun i've ever had watching tng during the drunk deanna scene. firstly, riker was so ready to have a threesome with her and cochrane. secondly, she is so funny, they should let her do funny stuff more often
speaking of riker, he was very handsome in this movie. idk what he did to his hair but it was extra fluffy. i couldn't stop staring at it
data jacking off the borg
borg queen HOT! no body. just a head. extremely fun. she is the same lady as the oa's mom though which also fills me with rage AND she played that crazy bitch from silent hill who got fucked to death with barbed wire. luckily, she looked so different here most of the connotations were able to be muted in my mind palace
picard navigating the borg in the hallway with lily was also unfortunately very very good. "i know what i'm doing" wow yeah he sure does <3
i loved lily too although i wish she had more to do. her scene near the end comparing picard to captain ahab was so insanely fucking good but she spent most of this movie running away from stuff or screaming at people. she did get to swear though <3
holodeck bad especially the dixon hill mention but it was nice to see neelix's actor - another fun cameo. the machine gun reminded me of the pest control clip
deeply distraught to see barclay but at least it was brief. he was actually much better in voyager
LOVED the spacewalk. i keep forgetting how big the starships really are and the scale was amazing, the outer space scenes were tense. spacing the borg, who can't die, and won't die of atmospheric or oxygen or temperature needs, is a fate worse than death. they just have to float through space as a borg until they...starve? hit a planet and burn up in the atmosphere? anyway, mwah. it was so scary
i think data may have fucked the borg queen. good for him? or sorry that happened. also, human data was so horrifying. my poor little guy. PLEASE treat him really niceys
worf tying off the hole in his suit was badass tbh. ASSIMILATE THIS people need to stop calling him a pussy, especially picard. he is so cool
LOVED the entire launch of cochrane's rocket. the music, the seatbelts - i realize now that star trek beyond was a deliberate callback to this moment. one thing about the aos films is that the more trek you watch the more you will come to understand them
i do love that picard went back for data <3 like...i don't agree with picard/data shippers but at least now i get it
data's "resistance is futile" was said with all the cunt of quinto's "live long and prosper" good for HIMMM
"is that earth? it's so small" "it's about to get a whole lot bigger" prompted in me a genuine human emotion which did perhaps cause me to well up
AND THEN THE VULCANS. i know that's spock's ancestor and i love that he was immediately dtf in this handshake moment. mwah. it was also charming that cochrane at the end was trying unsuccessfully to teach him to dance. i fucking love vulcans
anyway, absolutely charming experience. from my understanding this is the best of the tng movies so i will assume tng has peaked for me here but wow, what a moment <3
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