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geniousbh · 11 months ago
laurinha por favor vim aqui para abençoar sua conta rapidinho, beijão obrigada simón hempe obrigada
isso eh desumano!!! ele é desumano de gostoso o jeito que a coluna dele tá arqueadinha??? e pfvr sintam-se à vontade para se imaginarem neste cenário! ele lombrado e você mais ainda, arrancando as roupas porque - apesar de estar vinte e poucos graus - vocês tão mortos de calor e de tesão, e nessas horas não tem muito papinho de ai fica de quatro, é aquele amorzinho bem sacana onde ele vai te foder num mamãe e papai enquanto sussurra que cê é tão boa e o pau dele tá chegando bem fundinho em ti te deixando estufada e sem ar a cada investida! passar bem! 😤😤😡
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spilladabalia · 2 years ago
The Bobby Lees - Ma Likes To Drink
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queerographies · 2 years ago
[Quartine][Jacob Israël de Haan]
Jacob Israël De Haan viene considerato un precursore di Amnesty International per l'attenzione da lui data, nel 1912 e 1913, alle condizioni dei prigionieri politici nelle carceri russe, nonché un precursore del movimento di emancipazione omosessuale.
Jacob Israël de Haan è il poeta del rimorso, ma più che del rimorso eterno è il poeta della risurrezione poiché il poeta giudaico non annienta ma risuscita il rimorso, si mette in pericolo di morte morale. È una rappresentazione mirabilmente terrificante, quella dell’anima e dei sensi, che si ribaltano in un feroce combattimento corpo a corpo rotolando insieme sull’orlo dell’abisso. Questo è…
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il-gualty1 · 18 days ago
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Giura Che..      (da “cento quartine”)
Giura che mi terrai nuda e legata
per una notte intera, a luci spente;
che se mento sarò martorizzata
a mezzogiorno, irrevocabilmente...
Valduga Patrizia
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and-claudia · 2 years ago
Against All Odds (Joel Miller x reader) Prologue pt.3
Warnings: CT Violence
Word Count: 1359
General Warnings for later on: The main story will have an age gap between Joel and the reader (Reader will be 25 once we get to the main storyline), this will also be your warning that it will eventually be an x pregnant reader (if that's not your jam, I'm sorry) there is also going to be more graphic/trigger parts later on so please always to be sure to read the warnings BEFORE reading. This story will also be 18+ and TO BE ON THE TAGLIST YOU CAN NOT BE AN AGELESS BLOG (i do actually check that) also there first hand full of parts are all prologue so Joel won't actually be in it for a bit
This is the last part of the Prologue!!!!! So there will be a pretty big time jump in the next part.
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Yn was used to getting checked for infection. It was nothing new to her. She knew she wasn’t, but it always made her nervous watching her brothers and father get checked as well. She watched and held her breath as Scott got checked. Green. It turned green. 
“Breathe, kiddo. It’s okay.” He said, patting her back as they waited for Zeak and their dad to get checked as well. 
Once they were cleared they were led to some beat-up, old military vans to be transported. Yn tuned out the men barking orders around her. Scott helped her in and handed her her bag before climbing in behind her. 
“How long will this take?” She asked. 
“About 8 hours, give or take…” 
“That’s going to take forever.” She sighed. 
“You’ll be fine.” Scott reassured as their van pulled off. 
Yn and Zeak played a few rounds of ISpy, even getting Scott to play a few times before they got bored of that. She eventually got restless and decided it was time for a quick nap. So with her head resting on her brother she slowly slipped into a light sleep. 
When she woke up, the sun was setting. She looked all around trying to figure out where they were but most of the road signs along this highway had been overrun by the plants. Before she got the chance to ask though, she was cut off by the driver’s hand-held radio going off. 
“Hey, there’s a situation up here…” A voice on the other end said. 
“What’s going on? I got a van full of people I gotta drop off.” Their driver said, clearly annoyed. 
“Baltimore is gone…” 
Yn’s eyes went wide and she looked up at her brother. He knew this wasn’t good but wanted to find out more, so he held up a finger to his lips to tell her to stay quiet so he could listen. 
“What do you mean it’s gone? The QZ is in Baltimore… you can’t miss it. It didn’t just grow legs and walk away.” Their driver said. 
“Well, I see it. I also see hundreds of infected stumbling around it.” 
“Shit. Turn off your lights and drive out slowly. Don’t startle them, are they will swarm your van.” 
Yn’s chest felt tight as her heart began to race.
“Fuck. They’re coming! Turn around NOW!” 
The whole van fell silent as the screams of the people in the other van crackled through the speaker on the radio.
“We’re taking a detour.” Their driver said before making a sharp turn. 
He grabbed his radio, “Baltimore has fallen, I repeat, the Baltimore Quartine Zone has fallen. Change route to Boston. We should have enough fuel to get us to within 5 miles. Van 1 has been attacked.” 
Although she knew they were, Yn checked and made sure that both her brothers and Pa were all in the same van. 
“How long will it take to get to Boston?” Someone in the back of the van asked. 
“Another seven hours. So get comfy. We will drive through the night.” 
Since she had slept earlier, Yn wasn’t super tired. Instead, she passed the time thinking about what awaited her and her family in Baston. She figured she’d finish school while her brothers and Pa found work. What types of jobs did they have there? From what she knew every QZ did things a little differently. Who knows if she’d even go to school? As she’s gotten older she’s realized it was different now. 
Scott went to school when he was young with the plan of going to college. Now, colleges weren’t really a thing, so was there even a point? Maybe she could get a job… help provide for her family as well. 
She wasn’t sure how long she stayed up but eventually, she fell asleep. When she woke up this time it was to Scott nudging her awake. 
“Wake up kiddo. We gotta go.” He said. 
“Just come on. Stay close.” He said, grabbing her bag from where it sat at her feet. 
He got out and then turned to help her. The man that had been driving turned to face them. Now he held a shotgun in his hand. 
“Stay close. We’re about two eight miles away from the outskirts of the QZ. Infected aren’t common here but they can be here. If you have anything you can use to defend yourself, I suggest you grab it now.” He said. 
Each of Yn’s brothers and their dad had their own gun. They were her dad’s from back in Texas that he grabbed when they fled the night of the outbreak. Yn didn’t have one, she was too young. She did however have the knife she used to cut down her brother after he had hung himself. Scott told her to keep that night and it’s never left her pocket since. She pulled it out and flipped the blade out, then she looked to Scott for his approval. 
He gave a small nod, “Be careful. Stay right beside me.” He instructed. 
They had made it about 6 miles. Two more to go. Nothing had happened and the closer they got, the least likely they were to run into something… right? 
Yn heard something and snapped her attention that way. In the trees, she swear she saw something. 
“What’s wrong?” Scott asked. 
“The trees.” She said, now standing still, watching for something to move. 
“Just keep walking.” Scott said. 
She turned back to the trail they were walking. She made it a few paces ahead before Scott was yelling at her to watch out. She turned her head just in time to see it as it took her to the ground. She held her hands out, keeping it from biting her. 
“Scott! Scott! Help! Help me! Please! Please help me!” She screamed, clearly struggling to keep it off of her. 
Scott reacted quickly, pulling out his pistol and shooting it in the head twice. As it went limp, Yn managed to push it off of her. She sat up and pushed herself back along to the ground until her back hit a stump. 
“Did she get bit?” The driver asked, coming over to them. 
“No, she didn’t. She’s okay.” Scott said, crouching down in front of her, “Are you okay?”
She shook her head as the tears fell from her eyes, making tracks in the dirt on her cheeks from where she had fallen. 
“Did it bite you? It’s okay, we’ll take care of it, make it all better if it did. We just need to know. Did it?” 
Again she shook her head. 
She nodded this time. 
“Good, come here.” Scott said opening his arms. 
Yn launched herself into his arms and cried into his shoulder. 
“Thank you.” She mumbled through her tears. 
Scott opted to just carry her the rest of the way, she was still clearly in shock. He handed his gun back to their father so he could hold her better. He carefully stepped over the infected person and continued on down the trail. 
When they made it into the QZ they were checked for infection once again. This time it was Scott who held his breath while he watched his little sister get checked. Green. Good. It was green. She was okay. 
They were given a small apartment to live in and were told they would have to start working within the next couple of days. Someone would come to show them where to go tomorrow morning. That night, after supper, Yn was laying down in bed. Scott was nearby, watching her, making sure she was okay. When she was attacked, it scared him. He couldn’t lose her. He kept her sane in this crazy world they lived in. He knew their dad held a lot of resentment toward her ever since Chris’s death. He knew their dad blamed her. But he didn’t, he never could. 
Ever since that night, he made a promise to himself that he would do everything in his power to protect his sister, and he’d be damned if he was going to break that promise. 
@sexyvixen7@joelmillerslays@elliaze@strawbaby@little-lovely-darling@swimmjacket@watercolorskyy@mserynlarsen@sebby-staan@beelanie@fan-g0rl @paige96 @pedropascalfanclub @ameliadraws @mavs101 @azerty29 @rileyferg @belliedellie @rhaenyrasgf @imcreepininyourheartbabe @nani-kenobi @lunas-sstuff @holb32 @reidsgubbler @katmae1997 @dizzywinterdaydream @mrswidowjohansson @abzidabzy @givemeth @morgaussy @summerchicken
(Remove straw baby)
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michelangelo-daily · 6 days ago
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"La Risposta del Buonarroto" (Buonarroti's response) Translation by William Wells Newell (1900) - signed as "I epigram" in this edition "The Night", Sagrestia Nuova (New Sacristy), Medici Chapels, Basilica di San Lorenzo in Florence, Italy. Photo by Paolo Monti, 1975.
This epigram was written by Michelangelo Buonarroti in response to a quartine by Carlo Strozzi (or, according to Vasari, Giovanni Strozzi) in praise of the artist's statue of the Night, situated on the left of the tomb of Giuliano di Lorenzo de' Medici, Duke of Nemours.
The words are "pronunced" by the statue herself, explaining that she's calmer than the other statues (who are decipted as restless) in the chapel beacuse she's sleeping and don't minding the troubles from the real world, imploring the visitors to keep their voice low and let her sleep.
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cina-full-moon-xanadium · 1 year ago
I've now completed it... the quartinity.......
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le-cose-che-amo · 4 months ago
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Baciami ,dammi cento baci, e mille: cento per ogni bacio che si estingue ,e mille da succhiare le tonsille, da avere in bocca un anima e due lingue
DA (Cento Quartine)
#Le cose che amo #
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davekat-sucks · 4 months ago
heard that anon talking about blue sky and cheese pizza on the platform. yep. can confirm people are absolutely nuts on that site. They are probably taking advantage of the fact the moderation team can't keep up with the reports. Here's a snippet I stole from the verge. "The Bluesky Safety team posted Friday that it received 42,000 moderation reports in the preceding 24 hours (versus 360,000 in all of 2023)." not all those are reports of CP, I think a good chunk are people trying to remove trolls from the platform. or just people saying things that are normal. You get banned for saying "there are only two genders" on there. Which is a good thing, let's make a quartine zone on the internet for people who think that being trans is a thing. I also saw that people were being perma banned for saying the election was rigged, and they were talking about this election where kamala lost. Bluesky is going to need a ton of man power to keep illegal content off their platform and even more so if they have strange rules
Just call it as it is, child porn. Censorship words like that suck. It's not as stupid as saying unalive like this was some Saturday Morning Cartoon to not say KILL, but just as dumb to use to describe it. And yeah, Bluesky is going to have to do a lot to keep up. Which means money and advertising will be needed for them to stay afloat.
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sciatu · 2 years ago
Nell’inizio del 1200 la Sicilia è un regno ricco e parte di un impero che andava da Tunisi fino alla Danimarca Palermo era una capitale potente in cui Federico II aveva instaurato una corte forte nelle armi ed evoluta nella cultura, una cultura che non era formata solo dalla quella araba arrivata con i conquistatori nord africani sconfitti dal conte Ruggero ed ora erano sudditi di Federico, e neanche quella provenzale o francese discesa con i Normanni e con le popolazioni lombarde e piemontesi che li avevano seguiti. Era una cultura somma di queste due culture apparentemente opposte ed arricchite da quella bizantina ed ebrea. La stessa lingua, che di quella cultura era la forza, era una lingua unione ed evoluzione di tutti i popoli dell’isola a cui i guerrieri normanni avevano concesso di vivere e di pregare secondo la loro origine. L’amministrazione del regno infatti teneva conto di tutte le diversità che lo costituivano. Così ad esempio, vi erano notai Arabi, notai Ebrei e notai Latini che certificavano e regolavano la vita amministrativa dei privati e dello stato. Tra questi, vi era anche il notaio Jacopo da Lentini, il cui nome appare non solo nel registro notarile dell’epoca, ma anche in importanti atti amministrativi del regno. Essendo parte della forza amministrativa del regno, notar Jacopo era coinvolto anche nella gestione militare ricoprendo l’incarico di comandante della fortezza di Mazzarino. Per questo motivo i suoi contatti con la corte erano assidui e continui. Federico, contrariamente a molti nobili europei, aveva avuto una educazione multiculturale, con insegnanti arabi e latini. Per questo parlava diverse lingue, scriveva libri sull’uccellagione, poesie e ballate che a quel tempo avevano una grande importanza. Le poesie potevano essere imparate facilmente da qualsiasi suddito che non avesse istruzione ed erano uno strumento per veicolare sia le grandi gesta dei cavalieri, che l’amore o la protesta del popolo, la sua rabbia o le sue istanze politiche. Le ballate guidavano le danze dando ritmo ed eleganza ai movimenti di uomini e donne accompagnati dai pochi strumenti musicali di allora. I menestrelli ed i giullari componevano poemi e ballate d’amore secondo la cultura d’origine e l’esperienza dei singoli, spesso in modo ripetitivo e volgare o erudito ed ironico a seconda dei gusti di chi li ospitava. Molti di questi componimenti si concentravano sulla donna, che per i menestrelli e poeti arabi era una conquista, una preda da mostrare o un premio per le battaglie fatte per conquistarla. Per i menestrelli provenzali la donna era una madonna, una nobile dama degna del cavalier che la serviva. Per i poeti siciliani e per Jacopo da Lentini in particolare, la donna è la perfezione che l’uomo non ha; la donna è chi può dare nello stesso tempo la vita e la morte, è la compagna senza di cui il Paradiso stesso non può essere tale. Versi assoluti non per l’amore fine a se stesso, ma per la donna che si ama, versi per un sentimento dominante giustificati dal fatto che per Jacopo la donna è quanto manca all’uomo per aver pace, armonia e la pura bellezza. Jacopo anticipa la Beatrice di quel Dante che considerava i poeti siciliani dei maestri nell’arte del poetare e dell’amare (tutto ciò che gli italiani fanno in poesia, si può dire siciliano). Jacopo è anche il lato oscuro dell’amore, nell’impossibilità di essere amato per quanto si ama, nel dolore che nasce dalla difficoltà di poter rivelare e mostrare quanto di immenso si prova. Il sentimento è una tempesta che nessuno vede, è una forza invisibile impalpabile che attrae come quella di una calamita e a cui nessuno può sottrarsi, è un destino che non arriva mai a compimento. Per poter meglio dire quello che prova Jacopo crea una nuova forma di poesia, rivoluzionaria per quel tempo: il sonetto. Il sonetto forse non è altro che una ballata minore che si apre e che racconta con due quartine di versi e giudica e riassume con due terzine di versi finali. Le rime, vicine ed immediate battono un tempo che la metrica incalza facendo diventare il tutto efficiente ed elegante. Dante, Petrarca avrebbero usato il sonetto con tocchi e forme celestiali, Shakespeare avrebbe fatto raggiungere al sonetto vette ineguagliabili, Trilussa lo avrebbe trasformato in uno ironico schiaffo alla sua società di allora a dimostrare la straordinarietà di un mezzo che ha affascinato e aiutato migliaia di poeti a creare il loro cammino poetico. Noi conosciamo le opere di Jacopo grazie alla traduzione che ne fecero i poeti toscani nell’ italiano della loro epoca. I versi di Jacopo erano però scritti nel siciliano della corte di Federico, un siciliano evoluto che nella traduzione in italiano perde forza e freschezza. Ad esempio, nel tradure i poemi siciliani, i poeti toscani hanno dovuto inventare la famosa “rima siciliana” una rima che in italiano non lo è ma che lo sarebbe stata se fosse stata scritta in siciliano. Malgrado questa limitazione, le poesie di Jacopo ci raccontano l’eleganza di un tempo e la modernità di un sentimento dove l’amore non è un ideale ma una persona, dove i propri sentimenti sono l’eco della vita e, nello stesso tempo, una forza che ci innalza e ci abbatte, ci salva, ci distrugge, ci domina e che non riusciamo mai a saziare per come vorremmo o dovremmo. Questo era Jacopo da Lentini, notaio, burocrate, castellano e poeta, ai tempi del grande Federico Stupor Mundi.
In the early 1200s Sicily was a rich kingdom and part of an empire that ranged from Tunis to Denmark. Palermo was a powerful capital in which Frederick II had established a court strong in arms and evolved in culture, a culture that was not formed only by the Arab culture which arrived with the North African conquerors defeated by Count Roger and were now subjects of Frederick, nor the Provençal or French descent with the Normans and with the Lombard and Piedmontese populations who had followed them. It was a sum culture of these two apparently opposite cultures and enriched by the Byzantine and Jewish one. The language itself, which was the strength of that culture, was a language of union and evolution of all the peoples of the island to whom the Norman warriors had allowed to live and pray according to their origins. In fact, the administration of the kingdom took into account all the differences that made it up. Thus, for example, there were Arab notaries, Jewish notaries and Latin notaries who certified and regulated the administrative life of individuals and the state. Among these, there was also the notary Jacopo da Lentini, whose name appears not only in the notarial register of the time, but also in important administrative deeds of the kingdom. Being part of the administrative force of the kingdom, notar Jacopo was also involved in military management, holding the position of commander of the fortress of Mazarin. For this reason his contacts with the court were assiduous and continuous. Federico, contrary to many European nobles, had had a multicultural education, with Arab and Latin teachers. For this he spoke several languages, wrote books on fowling, poems and ballads that were of great importance at that time. Poems could be easily learned by any subject who had no education and were a tool to convey both the great deeds of the knights, and the love or protest of the people, their anger or their political demands. The ballads led the dances giving rhythm and elegance to the movements of men and women accompanied by the few musical instruments of the time. The minstrels and jesters composed love poems and ballads according to the culture of origin and the experience of the individuals, often in a repetitive and vulgar or erudite and ironic way according to the tastes of their hosts. Many of these poems focused on the woman, who for Arab minstrels and poets was a conquest, a prey to be displayed or a prize for the battles waged to conquer her. For Provençal minstrels, the woman was a madonna, a noble lady worthy of the cavalier who served her. For Sicilian poets and for Jacopo da Lentini in particular, woman is the perfection that man does not have; the woman is who can give life and death at the same time, she is the companion without whom Paradise itself cannot be such. Absolute verses not for love as an end in itself, but for the woman who loves herself, verses for a dominant feeling justified by the fact that for Jacopo the woman is what she is missing from the man to have peace, harmony and pure beauty. Jacopo anticipates the Beatrice of that Dante who considered Sicilian poets masters in the art of poetry and love (everything that Italians do in poetry can be said to be Sicilian). Jacopo is also the dark side of love, in the impossibility of being loved as much as he loves himself, in the pain that arises from the difficulty of being able to reveal and show how immense one feels. Feeling is a storm that no one sees, it's an impalpable invisible force that attracts like a magnet and that no one can escape, it's a destiny that never comes to fruition. In order to better express what he feels, Jacopo creates a new form of poetry, revolutionary for that time: the sonnet. The sonnet is perhaps nothing more than a minor ballad that opens and tells with two quatrains of lines and judges and summarizes with two tercets of final lines. The rhymes, close and immediate, beat a tempo that the metric presses, making everything efficient and elegant. Dante, Petrarca would have used the sonnet with celestial touches and forms, Shakespeare would have made the sonnet reach unparalleled heights, Trilussa would have transformed it into an ironic slap on his society at the time to demonstrate the extraordinary nature of a medium that has fascinated and helped thousands of poets to create their own poetic path. We know Jacopo's works thanks to the translation that the Tuscan poets made of them into the Italian of their time. However, Jacopo's verses were written in the Sicilian of Federico's court, an evolved Sicilian that loses strength and freshness in the Italian translation. For example, in translating Sicilian poems, the Tuscan poets had to invent the famous "Sicilian rhyme", a rhyme that is not a rhyme in Italian but would have been if it had been written in Sicilian. Despite this limitation, Jacopo's poems tell us about the elegance of the past and the modernity of a feeling where love is not an ideal but a person, where one's feelings are the echo of life and, at the same time, a force that lifts us up and knocks us down, saves us, destroys us, dominates us and that we can never satiate as we would like or should. This was Jacopo da Lentini, notary, bureaucrat, castellan and poet, at the time of the great Federico Stupor Mundi.
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year ago
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Candy Land will be released on Blu-ray and DVD on February 6 via MVD and Roxwell Films. The 2022 horror-thriller is currently available on VOD and streaming on Tubi.
John Swab (Run with the Hunted, Body Brokers) writes and directs. Olivia Luccardi, Sam Quartin, Eden Brolin, Owen Campbell, Virginia Rand, Guinevere Turner, and William Baldwin star.
Special features are listed below, where you can also watch the (not safe for work) trailer.
Special features:
Audio commentary by writer-director John Swab
Digital zine
Remy (Olivia Luccardi), a seemingly naive and devout young woman, finds herself cast out from her religious cult. With no place to turn, she immerses herself into the underground world of truck stop sex workers courtesy of her hosts, Sadie (Sam Quartin), Riley (Eden Brolin), Liv (Virginia Rand) and Levi (Owen Campbell). Under the watchful eye of their matriarch, Nora (Guinevere Turner), and enigmatic local lawman, Sheriff Rex (William Baldwin), Remy navigates between her strained belief system and the lot lizard code to find her true calling in life.
Pre-order Candy Land.
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spilladabalia · 2 years ago
The Bobby Lees - Bellevue
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anglerflsh · 2 years ago
re: your poetry post, can you give some pointers as to where to learn the rhyming patterns in poetry and the like? i only ever see poetry from the ideas/feelings perspective, but ive never learned the logic and structure behind it lol
I've learned most of it from my literature and grammar classes, it's taught in our school since elementary, so I wouldn't know of any books or manuals that talk specifially about it - but I can give you a rundown of how I do it, anon, if it counts for anything lol
Prefacing that this will be starting from italian poetica because that's what I know best: any poem, but specifically the pre-futurism/1910s ones (A Lot) will have some kind of structure aside from just the ryming scheme; The structure I am most familiar with is accentual-sillabic, so for example any single verso will have its stressed syllable in a fixed potision and occasionally a set number of sillables (eg. an endecasillablic metre means a stress on the tenth syllable, usually penultimate, equally to 11 total syllables), but there are also only accentual, or only sillabic verses, common in French poetry (?), all of which count as types of qualitative metre - as well as quantitative metre, which was more widley used in Latin and Greek poetry and which rather based itself on patterns of syllable weight (something that I know little about tbh; I think it's based on the lenght of pronunciation of the actual syllable).
this, of course, goes without even mentioning free-verse structure and less well-known ones.
Going back to the rhyming scheme, that also comes into play with structure in the sense that ... there are just a lot of them to pick from. The classic is the repeated AABB one, where each verse will rhyme with the one underneath (''kissing rhyme'' in italian), or the alterning ABAB, the crossed ABBA, the 'chained' or third rhyme ABA BCB CDC used for terzine, and plenty more! That's not all the ways to classify rhymes of course: you have plain rhyme between words accented on the penultimate syllable, cut rhyme between words accented on the last, sdrucciola with accents on the third-to-last, bisdrucciola on the fourth-to-last... etc etc
Then, of course, come the classifications in stanza lenghts! Groups of three verses are a terzina, well known for being Dante's favourite number (joke inserted to lighten this infodump), groups of four a quatrina, etc -
and depending on the number of single groups and on the type of verses in them, you have further classification as canzone, ode, madrigale, carme, filastrocca, ballata, sonetto... the latter for example is made of fourteen endecasyllabic verses grouped in two quartine, one in the beginning and one in the end, in crossed or alternate rhyme, and two terzine with any kind of rhyme structre.
this of course doesn't touch on the inner things and games of poem structure like the falling rhyme, spaces in between groups, enjambement, alliteration, allegorical figures, anafore, onomatopee, and all that fun stuff! Essentially when you see a poem look for the number of syllables in each verse, where the stressed syllable falls, how the rhymes are put, how many verses are in each stanza and strofa...
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il-gualty1 · 1 year ago
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Giura Che..      (da “cento quartine”)
Giura che mi terrai nuda e legata per una notte intera, a luci spente; che se mento sarò martorizzata a mezzogiorno, irrevocabilmente...
Valduga Patrizia
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demon-blood-youths · 11 months ago
An Officer's Corruption - Part Twenty-Two
Hi everyone. This is Deamon-mun or Dani-mun. This is part 22 of An Officer's Corruption started by @the-silver-peahen-residence.
||Previous Chapters 1-7||((Click here))
((Previous chapters 8-13)) (Click here))
||Previous chapters 14-20)) ((Click here))
Part Twenty-One ( NSFW Warning )
||OVA Chapters 1-7|| ((Written by my amazing friend demon mun)) (Click here))
---- Warning ----
Friends with Benefits
---- Drabble Summary ----
After the night events, a new day has arrived. Oblivion seeks her friend, Sai for advice. Itadori requests a favor for Jinx and things are starting to calm down.
----- Oblivion's office -----
"So that's what Ophelia told me..." Oblivion said. Silence fills the other line before a sigh, "I see. Then it's a good thing you came to me." Said Sai.
"Yes, I wonder if there are any records of people she helped and or a case where she was used or rather...forced to do a criminal's bidding."
"Yes. Because of her being drugged, I suppose what triggers her outbursts is needles and drugs which leads to her area being quartine so nobody will get in or out. Right now, Yuuka is being monitored but that's all." Oblivion said.
"Based on that statement alone, she must have been a vigilante then." Said Sai. "People whose quirks that are labeled dangerous or worse villainous by the public would be forced to take quirk theory or such. Even so, quirk theory sometimes doesn't work out and it will foster disdain. In Yuuka's case, despite all that, she wanted to be a hero until she was betrayed by the people. Because of that, Yuuka changed to the worst as she is forced to be there because of not only quirk but for own her protection."
"How is that even protection, Shdwkyz???" Oblivion growls.
"Just an observation of dealing with people who know what they're doing..." Shdwkyz sighs, "I bet the authorities or rather maybe the DA is the one who decided to put her away from the public or such because of her quirk. Not to mention, maybe someone doesn't want to get out and keep her quirk under control."
"Hmmmm....who would that be?" Oblivion asked.
"That is something I'm going to investigate on my end," Sai said, thinking that maybe asking Terry about it might help out. Knowing him, he must have information involved Yuuka. "That said...you need to monitor the situation and don't try to do anything reckless. Also knowing Ophelia, she must be trying to find a way for an alternative. She might ask some help." He said.
"Got it. Thanks Shdwkyz." Said Oblivion.
----- T Prison - Ink's room ----
Ink yawns as she gets out of bed. She rubs her eyes and yawns. New day, new morning. Ink does her usual morning routine. Shower, get dressed, makes her bed, and has a quick breakfast of coffee with milk and sugar and a plain sesame bagel. She is alone in the room as she chews.
If she had to guess, Kali must have been patrolling till she got tired and Jinx must have been monitoring Itadori Yuji last night after that huge brawl at the cafeteria. "Man...she must be tired after that last night." Said Ink. "I need twenty more minutes to sleep after breakfast." She said before nomming on a bagel.
---- Itadori's Soldiary Cell ----
Morning came but nobody knew it was morning since there is one window that showed that it was still dark out but the sky was azure meaning dawn was coming.
Jinx passed out after rounds and rounds of sex between her and Yuji Itadori. She was worn out, she fell asleep when morning came. Her reddish brown bangs cover her eyes as she sleeps.
Soon, she wakes up with a small gasp as she now wakes up and looks around the ceiling. Wait...where's Yuji?
A soft snore is heard behind her. She blinked as she felt strong arms around her waist and his soft warm lips against her neck. She gulps a little. She looks to him over his shoulder. She sees Itadori is asleep. Seeing his peaceful expression even with a bit of drool, it was completely different from last night.
Jinx covers her face with her hands, now blushing red. The way he dominated her was something she never experienced before. It was...it was freaking amazing. Not only that, she never experienced something this good. It's way better than...f-fighting! I-It's like...she wasn't sure if she could forget it. Like ever!
With that in mind, she now wonders. Now what? Would anything change since they did it?!
"....." She wonders what time is it? Ugh...there is no clock inside so she looks towards the window. It's dark blue so it means dawn is coming. She needs to find her clothes, get dressed, maybe make it in time for a shower, and get dressed again. As she went to move away, she was pulled towards close.
A yawn is heard making her stop. She felt the nose pressed against her neck. "Mornin..." Itadori utters as he goes to nibble on her neck, making her yelp. "M-morning! I-I have to go!" She said.
"Already?" Itadori asked.
"Y-yes! I have to get ready and-"
"How about five minutes?" He said, keeping her close to his chest. Jinx warns, "Itadori..."
"I know, I know that you have a job to do." Yuji caresses her head with a smile. "Besides...you might have trouble walking."
Jinx yells, "That's because you didn't stop! You went crazy!" Jinx whined. Itadori laughs, "Sorry, sorry!" He gives her an apologetic look, " I can't help it you know! You were really warm inside-"
Jinx smacks his chest, "Don't say it like that!" Her face is blushing red. Itadori keeps on laughing, "Sorry, sorry. You know...it was amazing last night." He said, putting an arm up and rests his cheek on his hand. "...." Jinx looks down. "Does that mean...."
"Hm?" Itadori tilted his head at her. Jinx covers her face, "Does that mean...we're going to do it again?" That got a chuckle out of him before going to pet her head once more. "If you want to, I don't mind doing it again. It's really fun doing it with you."
Jinx blushes.
"Also. I have a favor if that's alright." He said.
"A favor?" Jinx asked. Itadori nods, "Yes. I was wondering if I could get a bigger cell for me and my two other friends. After what happened at lunch, I think that guy wants some payback and I don't want my friends to get caught up in it."
Jinx blinks, taking in his words and processing them. Such a request makes sense so why not? "Okay...."
"If you do that, we can go again!"
"Eh?!" Jinx became flustered, hearing that. "W-wait...really?"
"Yes really." Itadori tugs a strand of hair behind her. Jinx doesn't know what to say, "O-okay then! I will put in a request." She just needs to tell Warden Kinie Ger when she gets back. Itadori smiles, "Great! Now let me help you get redressed."Said Itadori as he helped her get dressed. Jinx blushed when Itadori helps out.
After that, Jinx wishes there's a mirror but Itadori helps her out with that by telling her that she looks good.
"Thanks." Jinx said, blushing looking back and forth as she twirled her hair. Itadori smiles, "No problem. Anyway...is my time over in solitary confinement, Officer Violet?"
"Hm?" Jinx blinks before sighing, "Yes. Let me lead you back to the cell." And so, Jinx escorts him back to the cell.
----- Officers' Office -----
"Morning Kali!" Ink smiles as Kali comes in with a grumble. "Morning."
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing," Kali said. Thinking back to her conversation with Rex. She never thought that he was doing this for his baby sister and the fact that SUkuna helped her to feel much better. Still, what does Sukuna want in return? After all, it seems like Sukuna won't do this for free unless Rex already done enough and Sukuna rewards him. Maybe...there's a reason that Sukuna wants Rex, his fraction and his baby sister released. Now the question is Ashley made a pack with another demon. Another warden. Rex haven't said who the warden is.
Kali thinks about Rex but growls.
"Hm?" Ink blinked.
"Like I said...it's nothing. Just looking over the prisoners. Anyway...where's Jinx?" Kali asked. Ink blinks, "Probably looking after Itadori and maybe his gang." She answers. "She might be back."
---- Yuji's Cell ----
Dawn is slowly coming.
Itadori finally came back to his cell, he yawned upon entering not before thanking Jinx for the escort back. He sees Megumi and Kisho sleeping on the bed in each other's arms under the blankets. The smell here tells Yuji of their last night's activities. He can't help but smile a bit as he goes to caress their heads. Megumi's spiky hair and playing a bit with Kisho's huge red strand of hair, tugging it back behind his brown bangs. Megumi has Kisho in his arms with him resting his chin on his head while Kisho is sleeping close to his chest. Their soft snores sound peaceful and cute. It's like seeing a wolf curled around a red bird, making sure the bird is protected and secured. So adorable.
Thinking back to what Jinx said about what she knew from the incident in the cafeteria. Maybe he should reward these two.
But first...maybe some more sleep before the day starts.
----- Officers' Office -----
"Hi guys!" Jinx yawns, coming back. She rubs her back. Man, she never thought doing it with him could make her feel like this. She couldn't imagine if she was a human.
"Hi Jinx! How did your night?"
"M-my night?" Jinx blinked. Kali nods, "Yeah? Itadori didn't give you any trouble, did he?"
"No. He was good last night. I find out that he snapped because one of the prisoners messed with him and threatened his friends." And her. But Jinx won't say that. Jinx smiles. "But he did put in a request that he wants a bigger cell for him and his friends."
"Huh?" Kali frowns.
"He's worried that the prisoner he injured will want payback and he doesn't want his friends to get hurt," Jinx explained. Ink nods. "That makes sense. If you tell, Warden Ger. She will agree. I mean my guys have bigger cells."
"That's because..Warden Ger doesn't have a choice." Kali sighs but agrees with Jinx on this. "Alright...once Warden Ger gets back, just tell her."
"Right." Jinx nods. She will do that.
---- Itadori's Cell ----
Itadori catches up with some sleep. He wakes up, feeling that he has enough sleep and so he goes to check the time on his phone. An hour before morning roll call and breakfast. He goes to check his smartphone and sees if there are any messages from his older brother under the covers. Then he hears soft groaning and moaning. Hm?
He peeks out from the covers and it seems like Megumi and Kisho are awake. Megumi is on top of Kisho, slowly grinding his hips into him while Kisho is moaning softly. Looks like they're still hungry for each other after last night so no doubt, they're doing morning sex. It's one way to start the day.
"Ah...ha....Megumi...mmfmmm" Kisho moans as his hands are pinned down by Megumi's. Megumi grunts as he keeps moving his hips inside of him. Kisho arches his back slowly as Megumi hits the right spots within his sensitive hole. Megumi pants as he can feel Kisho tightening up again.
"Kisho..." Megumi leans against him, letting go of his hands. Kisho wraps his arm around his shoulder and clutches his back as he lets out more small moans. "M-megumi..." Kisho moans. Megumi growls as he gets close. Kisho is now wrapping one of his legs over Megumi, pulling him close while he claws his back, uttering his name into his ear.
His dark red and brown bangs cover his eyes so Megumi pulls away a little because he wants to see him. He pushes the bangs away to see his eyes. His reddish-brown eyes. They glow pinkish when he is aroused like this. Kisho opens his eyes, revealing those hues. He looks into Megumi's emerald eyes as he pants.
"Ha..ah...Mmmfmm...mmegumi." Kisho panted. His dazed and blissful expression entices the shadow sorcerer to kiss him deeply before he starts to snap his hips into him deeply, making the flame sorcerer moan into his mouth. The two fight for dominance, but Megumi won that battle, making Kisho moan further.
Jeez....Itadori thought, watching this. That's pretty hot. He always knew Megumi is pretty hungry for Kisho whenever he was in the mood plus Kisho couldn't help but be like this when it came to his moans and faces. Despite being a goofball, Kisho always has his moments. Whether in a battle or in bed. Kisho has a way of making Megumi go crazy for him.
"Kisho...I'm coming." Megumi tells him making Kisho's breath hitch as Megumi goes to move faster now.
"M-me too!" Kisho said as he shut his eyes tight. Megumi growls as he increases the pace of his thrusts. Kisho bites down on the bed sheets, trying to muffle the moans so he won't wake anyone up. Kisho's hole begins to clench around Megumi as they're both getting close.
"MMMFFMM! M-megumi! Ffffushiguro-sama!" Kisho cried out before he came again on both of their chests. Then Kisho let out a low moan when Megumi thrusts into him deeper, filling him up with his warm load.
"F-fuck..." Megumi said as he was sweating now as he went to bite on Kisho's neck. The other moans softly before he kisses Megumi on the lips. "M-morning..." He said.
"Ha...morning." Megumi chuckles as he is now lying on his side. Kisho hums a little as he closes his eyes.
"Well...looks like you two are up and had a good morning workout."
A voice startles the two making them turn their heads to see Itadori chuckling and grinning. Kisho's eyes lit up despite being a little tired from the sex, "Yuji. You came back!" He smiles.
"When did you come back and...." Megumi scowls a little, "How long have you been watching?" He asked, a little embarrassed.
"Long enough to hear the sweet sounds. I just woke up after you got started. Seems like you did it without me."Yuji waves his hand at them.
"There's nothing to do last night and I had to discipline Kisho a bit." Said Megumi ruffling Kisho's head. "So we make use of the time here while you're away," Megumi explains while Kisho closes his eyes, nuzzling against the gentle touches.
"So what happened?" Megumi asked.
"Jinx told me why I beat up those guys." He said. "She understood. Plus I ask her to get us a bigger cell."
"Wait...really?" Kisho asked. Itadori nods, "She said yes and she can see what she can do. Anyway...did you hear from those guys who messed with us?"
"That guy you pulled some teeth and tongue is still in the infirmary, but he would be out soon since he's a demon. The others are staying in their cells. Still punished." Megumi tells them. "So far... nothing is happening. The Six Claws are not doing anything either." He said.
"Got it, got it. I asked Jinx for that because those guys can be a pain. I mean...Hayato isn't that bad but some demons think humans are weaker and want to mess with me. Still...big brother always say that you gotta be one step ahead so that's why I asked."
"That makes sense," Megumi said, still petting Kisho's head.
"Anyway...let's get ready for roll call." Said Itadori.
----- Officer's office -----
"Mornin." Warden Ger comes back as she is in her casual clothes. "Am I assured that everything is in order while I was away?"
"Yes, Warden." Said the three officers.
"Good. That's good to hear." Warden Ger will visit Sukuna's again prior to their agreement. She didn't mind it at all. Maybe she will learn something about him.
"Um...Warden Ger. I would like to put in a request. Itadori wants a bigger cell for him and his friends. He has concerns about the prisoner he harmed. He is worried that the prisoner might retaliate against him and his friends. He doesn't want his friends to be harmed." She said.
Warden Ger thinks before nodding, "Request approved. I will move Itadori and his friends to a bigger holding cell area that is mostly emptied. Since it's big. You can easily watch over Itadori and his friends. It makes sense since his stay is temporary."
"Thank you, Warden." Jinx said with a smile.
"How about you two?"
"I was thinking of getting Denji into classes so he can complete his GED plus I want to give a chance to the other guys as well." Said Ink. Warden Ger hums, "Give it a shot. Officer Vin-Shia?"
"No. Nothing." Kali stated.
"Alright...let's do morning roll call. You're dismissed." Said Warden Ger.
And so today is new day at T Prison.
To be continued....
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cina-full-moon-xanadium · 2 years ago
I've watched Goranger. I've watched V3. I've watched JAKQ. I've watched a bunch of shit that guy showed up in purely to make me go insane so it's time to wrap up the Miyauchi quartinity. It's time to do what I should have done long ago... and watch Kaiketsu Zubat
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