andorerso · 1 year
idk i mean, just, them... ya know? (cheers, have a fun night 🥂💜)
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them indeed!! just look at them doing a one person job together just to hold hands... crazy the things you do for your crush!
and thank you <3 have a great Friday night too 🥂
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gemgirl28 · 11 months
Gem!! 💎
What projects are you working on lately that you’re most excited about? (Writing or baking or otherwise?)
sending wishes for a speedy recovery your household’s way 💜💜
B my love 💜
OoooO let’s see… I have a rough outline for Zutara week that if I can pull off, I think will be pretty fun (and because it’s me, really cute).
I have a mini work retreat Wednesday that I was just asked to bake something for, so we’ll see what I come up with between now and tomorrow evening.
And! Next week is Halloween! I’m excited for my costume (Velma) and for the work potluck, hubby will help me carve a puking pumpkin (it’s “puking” guacamole and the “brains” are queso) 🎃
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kalikoris · 1 year
Send this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!!! 💕
literally omw rn not even kidding
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Last line tag game, tagged by @quarantineddreamer 💙thank you!💙
I had to actually write something, which is just one of the reasons this took me a while 😅 Anyway, from the next chapter of Often Have I Been Alone:
Bodhi reappeared from the shop with a small wrapped parcel under his arm and a look as if he'd survived a minor skirmish. "By the Force, they take their haggling seriously here."
no pressure tags go out to: @rebelandrichgirl @nimium-amatrix-ingenii-sui @stars-brownies-n-metaphors
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elfuegointerior · 2 months
Soñé que fumaba drogas con alguien que ni conocía. Estaba inconsciente y, al darme cuenta, entré en pánico y desesperación porque estaba en cuarentena y con el ultimátum de ser internado. Miré el reloj y ya eran las 7 a.m. y no recordaba nada. De la agitación, me desperté y sentí alivio al saber que solo era un sueño.
Soñé que andaba en una bicicleta muy alta, como esas de las fotos antiguas de las primeras bicicletas que se inventaron. Andaba por una especie de parque o reserva natural y, gracias a la altura, encontré una máquina de escribir escondida en un recoveco de una pared rocosa y cubierta de musgo. La tomé en mis manos y parecía que estaba ahí para mí, como un regalo. Las placas de las letras y las teclas tenían un estilo tipográfico fantástico; los cuerpos de las letras eran robustos al estilo art deco, pero los serifs eran delicados y exagerados, parecía una máquina mágica. Al levantarla, vi que debajo había papeles y cartas que provenían de todo el mundo: había un periódico chino con ilustraciones, postales turcas, sobres y más, una verdadera fantasía.
I dreamt I was smoking drugs with someone I didn't know. I was unconscious, and when I realized, I panicked and despaired because I was in quarantine and faced the ultimatum of being hospitalized. I looked at the clock, and it was already 7 a.m., and I couldn't remember anything. From the agitation, I woke up and felt relief knowing it was just a dream.
I dreamt I was riding a very tall bicycle, like those in old photos of the first bicycles ever invented. I was riding through a sort of park or nature reserve, and thanks to the height, I found a typewriter hidden in a nook of a rocky, moss-covered wall. I took it in my hands, and it seemed like it was there for me, as a gift. The letter plates and keys had a fantastic typographical style; the letter bodies were robust like art deco, but the serifs were delicate and exaggerated, making it seem like a magical machine. When I lifted it, I saw that underneath were papers and letters from all over the world: there was a Chinese newspaper with illustrations, Turkish postcards, envelopes, and more, a true fantasy.
Posible interpretación: El primer sueño podría estar reflejando tus temores internos relacionados con el control y la pérdida de conciencia, simbolizados por el consumo de drogas con un desconocido y el posterior pánico. Podría sugerir ansiedad sobre situaciones fuera de tu control o miedo a las consecuencias de acciones impulsivas.
El segundo sueño parece explorar temas de descubrimiento y maravilla. Montar una bicicleta alta y encontrar un tesoro oculto podría simbolizar tu deseo de alcanzar nuevas alturas en tu vida personal o profesional y descubrir cosas nuevas y emocionantes en el proceso. La máquina de escribir y los documentos internacionales pueden representar una conexión con la creatividad y el conocimiento global, sugiriendo un deseo de explorar y conectar con culturas e ideas diversas.
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hollymrayne · 4 years
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beerdogblr · 4 years
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Quarantine Dreams IPA - Imperial / Double New England @revisionbrewing ダブルとは感じられないスイスイさ(=危険) #revisionbrewing #quarantinedreams #halloweenぽい #でもリリースは8月 #クラフトビール #明日からgoto #飲んくれます #craftbeer #beerstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CGZuAK1F7CS/?igshid=x64eoaocz82j
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davecromwell · 4 years
New Music Reviews & Analysis of @julian_kerins @lambofgod @turbogoth @cathallangeles @translove_airwaves @newdarkagespr from #davecromwellwrites #newmusic #kerins #lambofgod #turbogoth #dissonance #transloveairways #krautrock #krautwerk #newmusicvideo #acting #gears #vie #turbogothmusic #quarantinedreams #cathall #guitar #bass #drums #keyboards #synths #sarahgaugler #veblenlight #dreampop #rock #reviews (at Somewhere in the World) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCeHiGTjpW5/?igshid=kp01hhk8bnht
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bornxraised · 4 years
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I didn’t want to have to do this but, I guess this is where we’re at. In all public places were going to have to wear masks for a while. We’re dropping masks alongside our latest collection tomorrow (Friday April 10th) at Noon pacific time on www.Bornxraised.com // a portion of the proceeds will be donated to @nokidhungry - an organization working to end child hunger in America today by ensuring that all children get the healthy food they need every day to thrive. I want to give a special thanks to Lindsay at @suaysewshop for producing thousands of masks for workers on the frontline. Much Love - thee entire staff at Bornxraised 🆚 #quarantinedreams ☣️☣️☣️ (at Quarantine) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-xkGGPjGbx/?igshid=v0ny8v5emwaa
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softworldspoke · 4 years
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Quarantine Dream 
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artofpat · 4 years
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I have a jovial gigglely eruption inside watchin @coffeezlife plat @kidskullcrusher 's hair. She mad and he's ass hurt. And Laila the Boxer lickin Vitapointe. But it's all natural and creamy. #DaddyStories #FamilyofSteward #QuarantineDreams https://www.instagram.com/p/B_LQhcCAeop/?igshid=1t9yaai0c0ohq
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gemgirl28 · 2 years
Dearest Gem 💜 tell me about a small joy you experienced in the past week?
My darling B 💜
I had to sleep on this because I find that many of the things I’ve experienced this week have been big highs or low lows with little in between. BUT! Last night I met up with a friend in a crowded place before dinner and as we were navigating the crowds she took my hand. Just that little moment of “I’m not gonna lose you” was such a lovely moment.
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figandthewasp · 4 years
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Happy whatever day it is today #quarantine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #quarantinedreams #springtime #spring #rabbit #rabbitlover #rabbitgram #candles #candlemagick #makeawish #witchesofig #instawitch #herbs #herbmagick #spells #ritual #springrites #newgrowth #mandrake #mandrakeoil #awakening #anointingoil #loveistheanswer #wereallinthistogether #thefigandthewasp https://www.instagram.com/p/B-5QW8ypblI/?igshid=kr5d3g2vmz2z
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Technically employers can’t ask when you call out sick but I think it has been engrained into American work culture to “justify” / over explain why you are taking time 😪
Ah, okay, I thought so because you have the HIPAA laws which I understand are really quite strict (and rightly so!), but of course if you disclose the information yourself that's legally sound 🤔 and if the culture is so, dare I say, coercive...
Anyway, I think part of organising labour should include not telling your employer things that aren't any of their business.
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traysaunballie · 4 years
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Hope everyone is staying safe// #detroit #covid-19 #quarantinedream #photography (at Detroit, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-hm6P3nXOU/?igshid=81p4vyudgcrs
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seannecatedral · 3 years
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