wasfa · 2 years
أهم المعلومات ومشروع العملة الرقمية QIE / QI Blockchain
أهم المعلومات ومشروع العملة الرقمية QIE / QI Blockchain
QI Blockchain هي سلسلة بلوكشين عامة لا مركزية ومفتوحة المصدر. تم بناؤه باستخدام Hyperledger Besu. وهي طريقة فعالة وشفافة وآمنة لتخزين البيانات ومشاركتها. يتم تخزين البيانات بطريقة لامركزية مما يجعل من المستحيل على أي كيان بمفرده التحكم في البيانات أو التلاعب بها. QI Blockchain قابلة للتطوير أيضاً ويمكنها التعامل مع كميات كبيرة من البيانات. إنها منصة غير مركزية وغير مرخصة تسمح لأي شخص بالوصول…
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palehorsemen · 3 months
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lady-blodreina · 4 months
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Couples that fight together, stay together
Who Rules the World 且试天下 (2022) : episode 3
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be-bi-do-crime · 1 year
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bai-feng-hei-xi changed my LIFE. please give them a chance to change yours too!!
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xinyuehui · 1 year
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They share one(1) braincell
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kdram-chjh · 2 years
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Cdrama: Who Rules The World (2022)
#且试天下 #whorulestheworld #yangyang #zhaolusi Come on ~ LET‘S DANCE EVERYBODY
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2i7YwBrmG6o
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madmachaca · 6 months
As a side note, I know Buggy's got haters in the fandom. I have seen people hating on him on youtube and crunchyroll comment sections, mostly (I try to stay away from twitter), and the funniest part to me, personally, is that it seems like they hate him more because he got fans who really like him.
His fans irl are not much different from his in-universe simps (Captain Buggy is amazing!!!) , but we irl fans know he is a loser, he is a cringefail, and we still love him. He is dramatic. He is a flashy little bastard who can't take responsibility and gives up pretty easily. His ego is too big for his ability to do anything. He speaks faster than he can think (which gets him in trouble) and lies as a defense mechanism... he is the failure of a very successful/ feared pirate crew. The odd one among Roger's pirates. ...but he is so much fun.
Love me some clown that actually makes me laugh. And really, aren't we all cringefail losers to some degree?
Also he reminds me of Daffy so yeah
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green-ajah · 1 year
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《 且试天下 》Who Rules The World (2022)   ⤷ Hei Feng Xi is handsome and elegant while Bai Feng Xi is majestic and unrestrained. Opposites attract as both are unrivaled in skill and intellect. Caught in the warfare and chaos of the martial arts and political worlds, the flowers of love begin to bloom amidst the blood that has been sacrificed within the last ten years. Trying to keep their identities hidden, they constantly have to be three steps ahead when dealing with much political unrest, betrayal, infighting, and the ultimate battle for the imperial throne. They join hands, seeking justice, while trying to calm the ever growing uncertainty brought on by an unseen malice. But will their love bring peace to a chaotic time and who will ultimately rule the world?
watch on Netflix | watch on WeTV 
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Lo voy a poner en español xq me toca los cojones.
No hay nada como entrar en la reunión semanal de la empresa y que empiecen lloriqueando de que no hay dinero para ascensos o que estamos en unos tiempos difíciles. Una polla como una olla sinceramente.
No entiendo cómo pueden estar todo el día todos los días diciendo tenemos x proyectos más, tenemos 47292 nuevas incorporaciones y luego esperan que nos creamos estas mierdas.
Otro motivo más para irme a la mierda ASAP que todos los días TODOS los días estoy viendo ofertas de trabajo apra gente con mi experiencia de 30K al año y estoy aquí que apenas llego a 20K
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dinopepitah · 3 months
Oh no
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amonthguessw1 · 8 months
La concha de la lora y la puta que me parió
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wibkinna · 4 months
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palehorsemen · 8 months
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lady-blodreina · 4 months
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Hei Feng Xi forgiving Bai Feng Xi and then them deciding to keep pets together
Who Rules the World 且试天下 (2022): episode 3
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mxwhore · 9 months
had a fucking bitch of a monday. The sun hitting the hill like this heals me.
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berry-s0da · 1 year
Bueno, estudio para este parcial y solo me queda el de mañana, los dos del viernes, el del lunes, la expo del miércoles, el tp del otro viernes, la expo del otro martes...
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