mayhaps-a-blog · 1 year
You know something I noticed?
There is not a single other Imperial officer shown on the Chimaera.
All we see is Thrawn and stormtroopers. Even Enoch looks like a trooper - he's in armor, not uniform. Usually, you'd see at least one officer supervising things like loading a cargo bay - so where are they?
We know Ezra's attack at the end of Rebels cleared the bridge - we see the evacuation, see them fleeing. Did they all escape before the ship was dragged to hyperspace? Are they so low on personnel that they're all up in the command deck, keeping the ship together?
Ezra having focused on the bridge...
Are they dead?
I don't think we'll be seeing many of our favorites from the books...
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mintelsa · 9 months
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my interpretation of Thrawn’s girlies ✨
continuing to tell myself that they all defected or something before the battle of lothal 🥹
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contentment-of-cats · 8 months
Why nobody wants to play Scrabble with Pyrondi and Thrawn
"Q-U-E-E-F. Queef. That's a triple letter and a double word score-"
"Pyrondi. I admittedly am not a native speaker of Basic, but I sincerely doubt that is an actual word."
"I assure you, Admiral, that it most certainly is. Isn't it, Vanto? I can even conjugate it. Queef. Queefed. Queefing-"
"I am going to fucking strangle you, Pyro. You always do this. Stop laughing, Hammerly."
"Then what does it mean, Commander Vanto? Are you unwell? you're turning that color again-"
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overlord-of-fantasy · 5 months
The Chimaera crew is so done with them
*The bridge officers of the Chimaera are gathered on the bridge for a meeting* Eli: *walks in and sits on Thrawn’s lap* The crew: … Karyn: Why are you sitting there? Eli: There’s no free seats! Pyrondi: But we made sure there was enough room for- Thrawn: *hugs Eli tightly* There are no free seats.
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ibrokeeverything · 1 year
Where are Pyrondi and Hammerly??? Are they alright? Are they safe?
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"Lesbains of the Chimaera, what is thy wisdom?"
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merry-chissmas · 9 months
Merry Chissmas: December 22: From Bextia and Diamond Dove
Comfort food (3093 words) by Diamond_Dove, bextia Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: Thrawn Ascendancy Trilogy - Timothy Zahn, Star Wars: Thrawn Series - Timothy Zahn (2017) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Thrawn | Mitth'raw'nuruodo/Eli Vanto Characters: Thrawn | Mitth'raw'nuruodo, Eli Vanto, Karyn Faro, Sheev Palpatine, Pyrondi (Star Wars), Hammerly (Star Wars), Che'ri (Star Wars), Vahn'ya, Thalias | Mitth'ali'astov, Ar'alani (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Thranto, Family Restaurant, alien inmigrants, hard beginnings, chiss food, Shitty day, unexpected findings, Sky-walkers Summary: Chissmass keep on rolling!! This time we go full AU mode, heading into a restaurant AU. At the end there is the translation of the sentences said in cheuhn  
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gloria-van-puncake · 2 years
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For crew morale!
A little collab. between @azulsw and me. Text Bextia, art me. 
Set during Thrawn: Treason. 
Someone seriously needs to lock Thrawn and Eli in a room until they sort their drama out. For crew morale. 
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RIP Hammerly, Pyrondi and Pellaeon XD They just can NOT with these three
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aeon2407 · 5 months
Pyro's Pyrotechnic Love Life - Chapter 10
Late post. Quite late actually. But here you go. Dedicated to the amazing @contentment-of-cats as always. Also on AO3.
Command Bridge, The Levinbolt, Task Force Spearhead, Fleet One
“Marshal on deck!”
Everyone snapped to attention as Artur stepped onto the bridge, in the uniform of a Tagge Armada Marshal – minus the cape, that was for ceremonies – and took his seat.
“As you were, everyone. How long until breakout?”
“Two minutes, sir.”
“I saw that the Executor stopped around Naboo for a few minutes. What was that about?”
“Uh… They stopped for Lord Vader, sir. He took his personal TIE for a separate mission after Death Squadron affirmed their loyalty to the Dynasty. They will arrive right after us.”
“Ah. All good, then. We’ll be expecting a guest coming up from planetside within the next few days. He is to be considered arm and dangerous at all times, but at the moment he is an ally and should be treated as a guest of honor. The name is Obi-Wan Kenobi. The codeword is ‘High Ground’. Any questions?”
A murmur of confusion, some small requests for clarification, and they were all settled. No one mentioned Order 66 or the numerous warrants and bounties on Kenobi’s head. They were all committing treason soon anyway.
“Captain on the bridge.”
Artur turned around. Yana and Yissa were both wearing the distinct red and gold uniform, the rank device for Captain and Commander respectively shining on their collars. “Commander, Captain, glad you could join us.”
Yana smiled at him. “Happy to be here, sir.”
“Stent, I’m reassigning you to late watch. Take a break.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Commander Hammerly, Sensors is yours.”
“Yes, sir.”
She took the newly vacant spot, getting herself used to the layout. Jashin, Odo, and Phyrre were already settled in, all three staying as senior loots after the jump over but would be promoted soon. Brilliant officers should be in command. Yana was the Levinbolt’s captain the same way Marinith was the Chimaera’s captain, so she took a spot next to the chair. “Orders, sir?”
“Break out over Tepasi, check in with Armada HQ, then pick up Kenobi. I have a meeting with the core family tonight to go over the details. Are you sure you’re up for this? The Empire gave you a second chance.”
“TaggeCo gave me a second chance, helped me break free from the exploitations of the Youth Corps when Commandant Martal wasn’t able to. My loyalty is with my family and the Chimaera first and foremost, but the rest of it is with you.”
A warm smile. A loving look. “Good to hear. Lieutenant Agral, how long to breakout?”
“Thirty seconds, sir! Slowing down hyperdrives, stabilizing sublight engines.”
“Lieutenant Lomar, signal Tepasi Control, tell them we’re on approach. Request Drydock One and a full resupply.”
“Aye, sir. Tepasi Control, this is Armada battleship Levinbolt on final approach, twenty seconds to breakout. Requesting Drydock One and a full resupply. How copy?”
“Levinbolt, Tepasi Control. Good copy, Drydock One on standby.”
“Commander Hammerly, be on the lookout for any approaching vessels once we break out. We’re an Armada ship, not many have legitimate reasons to dock with us.”
“Copy that, sir. Sensors at full range, we’ll see them coming.”
“Sir, breaking out in five.”
“Captain Pyrondi, you have the bridge. Lieutenants Lomar, Agral, report to my office once we land.”
The two exchanged glances and sounded off their affirmatives. Artur left to update the family and get himself updated on other parts of the plan. A coup on this scale took plenty of moving parts, and therefore plenty of chances for something to go wrong. The key was quick, decisive responses to the thing that went wrong.
They were still in the delicate stages. One false step could send it all burning up. He needed to make sure that didn’t happen.
Commanding Officer’s Office, The Levinbolt, Task Force Spearhead
“Lieutenants Agral and Lomar reporting, sir.”
“Come in you two. Take a seat.”
They did so, sitting with perfect academy posture. Artur stared at them. “I’ll get to the point. This is about your families. You two are already onboard with this plan, but we want to make sure that the Agrals and the Slicing Clan are with us too.”
The House was powerful, but not all-powerful. There were factions they didn’t mess with unless they absolutely had to. The Slicing Clan was on top of that list, and the Agral name was known throughout the galaxy for a reason.
The two looked at each other before turning back to him. “We can’t speak for our families, sir, but with permission we can call them. I think both of our families will agree to it.”
Artur nodded. Well within expectations. “Permission granted. Get an encrypted line and call them.”
Hopefully they were amenable to Titanfall. The Agrals would be a problem, but if the Slicing Clan turned hostile their best course of action was mutual destruction. That alone spoke volumes to their power.
Tagge Armada HQ, Unlos Tagge, Tepasi
Thirty Hours Later
“So that’s why, even with the tentative agreements between us and both factions, King Jashin Agral Sr. and Matriarch Shiya Lomar want to meet. Should be a simple discussion on the finer details, nothing too complicated. How are things on other fronts?”
Domina leaned back in her seat as Artur finished his report. It was just the two of them in this room, catching each other up on things. Not even Lapin was there.
She scrolled through her datapad. “Neither Organa nor Mothma have cracked, not that we expected them to. The ISB is putting pressure on their families, Organa specifically has to worry about his daughter being charged with accessory to treason. As for Mothma, she’s been shown footage of Narkina 5, specifically what female prisoners go through. There are fates worse than death. We’ll let her stew in it for a few days then offer her a deal for information.
Ulric is doing his job, gaining allies and influence. Palpatine is getting delayed or outright falsified reports from all agencies. Orman reported that Vader is regenerating without issue, apparently the midichlorians are helping him along. We’ll take Coruscant when he is back and fully reacclimated. Should take another three days for him to fully form, then he’ll start the recovery process.”
Artur nodded. “I’ll prepare the fleets and inform Thrawn. What about the Spectres? Any news?”
“Yes. Kanan Jarrus was released from postop today. His body accepted the eyes seamlessly and he’s undergoing nerve therapy to reacclimate himself to sight.”
“Good. That’s good. Death Squadron?”
“Enough resistors to fill two ISDs, Vader deemed the rest to be loyal to him and by extension to us. The resistors are scattered in brigs across their fleet.”
“Shame, but expected. What do we do in the meantime?”
“You’re still on leave. As far as Palpatine is concerned, everything is normal. Keep it that way until it’s time to strike. Go prepare. Train with that new knee. Be with your girlfriends, which by the way, are you sure you can handle three, Artur?”
“Yes. Ilyana, Yissa, Merri.”
“Merri?! No, no, she’s… uh, I’m not sure, but-“
“Let me stop you right there. That girl has been crushing on you for years. I know because she was one of the scouting targets for the Armada. You took her virginity and left her to wake up by herself in a cold and empty medbay. Whatever you feel, make it clear to her. Don’t pussyfoot around like you did with Ilyana all those years ago. Be solid, be firm, make a tactical decision.”
Artur nodded. In hindsight, he could’ve at least taken Merri to his quarters before leaving for the bridge so that she’d wake up warm and with some privacy. Shit. “I’ll talk to her after my bridge shift. Thanks Auntie, needed that.”
“I know, kiddo. Go on, your fleets need you.” A chime on her comms. “On second thought, standby. Lapin just received code ‘High Ground’ over comms. Kenobi’s at TIS. Go pick him up. Put him on the Levinbolt while I arrange transportation.”
With a nod, Artur stood and left the room, mind still debating the Merri Barlin Situation. He needed to talk to Yana and Yissa. It was as much their say as it was his, and of course that was assuming Merri would even accept their little arrangement in the first place.
One step at a time, Artur. One step at a time.
Arrival Gate, Tepasi Interstellar Spaceport
Obi-Wan was calm. He was on the right path and he knew it, it was just a matter of navigating that path. Said navigation now required him to get involve with the Tagges to get Anakin back, so that was what he was doing.
So why did he feel so exposed sitting here? Oh, right, security cams. He’d spent all of two hours on Coruscant. It was still strange being back in the Core, even if Tepasi had more nature. Not that it was a particularly high bar, every planet had more nature than Coruscant.
A man was approaching him. Even without looking, Obi-Wan knew who it was as the other man sat down next to him. That volatility and wrongness in the Force was unique to one and only one being. “Artur, pleasure to-”
“Don’t use my name, don’t say anything, just put this cloak on and follow.”
Right. A Tagge would naturally attract attention, especially here, and attention was the last thing either of them wanted right now. Obi-Wan took the offered cloak – gray and white – and slipped it over his head before following the scion to a speeder outside.
“We’re taking you to one of our ships in orbit. You’ll be treated as a guest, but try anything or be anywhere you’re not supposed to be and I’ll put your old ass in the brig myself, understood?”
“Understood. I’m just here to save Anakin and kill Sidious. That’s all.”
A silent nod turned into a silent drive. Obi-Wan took the time to meditate and tried to reach out to Anakin. He knew they had him in a blind spot in the Force, but he tried anyway, just to be sure. Eventually, they arrived at a private landing pad, where a TaggeCo shuttle and a squad of black-armored stormtroopers – SCAR Troopers – were already waiting.
Artur parked the speeder in the back of a nearby hangar. Obi-Wan tensed instinctively as one of the troopers – an officer with cropped brown hair– approached them. “All good to go, sir. Still as planned?”
“Still as planned, Revy. Kenobi, this is General Revy Maklar, my ground forces commander. You answer to me, her, and Ilyana Pyrondi, in that order.”
Obi-Wan was staring. He couldn’t sense Revy at all. She knew that too, judging by the knowing smirk on her unhelmeted face. “What’s wrong, Kenobi? Never seen a Force Null before?”
So that was what she was. He’d suspected, given that there was nothing in the Force where she was supposed to be. Not the blank void like what most droids were either, just natural air where there should’ve been a Human woman. He’d also noticed the scar on her neck, the surgical mark of a freed slave, but wisely avoided commenting on it.
“Pleasure to meet you, General. Obi-Wan Kenobi, at your service.”
She shook his hand and motioned for him to follow. The trip up to the Levinbolt was as silent as the trip from the spaceport, Obi-Wan growing increasingly unnerved sitting between a Force Null and the non-Sensitive Apprentice of Darth Vader. They said nothing to him besides the necessary instructions as the shuttle landed in a hangar bay. Artur escorted him personally to his quarters, bigger than anywhere he’d slept in before, even Satine’s chambers.
“This will be your room for the duration of your stay here. We’re arranging a transport for you to Anakin on Byth, but until then you’ll be confined to this ship. Here’s your access card, don’t lose it. Any questions?”
Obi-Wan took the card and turned it over, tucking it into his robes. “How is Anakin? Have there been any reports?”
Artur’s expression softened. “He’s fine. Should be fully formed within the next few days, then he’ll need to go through the recovery process too. Uncle Orman’s with him – best bioengineer in the galaxy. He’ll make sure Anakin is stable, but you’ll need to be there for your old padawan, both physically and emotionally. We need the Chosen One at his best for what’s to come.”
Obi-Wan sighed, relieved. Anakin was stable and would recover. The severe damage he’d done to him on Mustafar would be healed. “Thank you. For doing this. Helping him. Thank you.”
“Wasn’t exactly for altruistic reasons, but you’re welcome regardless. Get some sleep if you want, there’s food and drinks in the preservation unit under the countertop, spare clothes are in the closet. Call for help if you need anything.”
Obi-Wan thanked him one last time and was left alone. He tried to sleep off nerves but couldn't, so he got a bite to eat. Good food, better than anything he had on Tatooine by far. Then he took advantage of the shower – hot water on a combat ship was a ridiculous level of luxury – and the clothes being provided. Different stuff, different styles ranging from casual sleepwear to formal suits.
He settled on light gray robes that he recognized as belonging to the Tenno, the Tepasi religious sect in the Temple of Lotus, just without any of the regalia denoting title or achievements. They were light and comfortable, airy yet warm, just like Jedi robes. He hesitated before throwing his robes into the washing cycle but did so eventually, clipped his and Anakin’s lightsabers onto the leather belt, and left for the bridge.
Where was the bridge again?
Thirty Minutes Later
“Master Kenobi. I trust you had no trouble finding your way around?”
The teasing smirk on Artur’s face told them both that he knew damn well otherwise. Obi-Wan rolled his eyes. “You really are Anakin’s apprentice.”
“I’m Vader’s apprentice. Get it right.”
“Accepted. Your transport arrangements will be ready in an hour. Until then, there’s a meditation room and a dojo onboard.”
“Dojo please. I need to practice before we take on Sidious.”
“Right this way. Captain, you have the bridge.”
“Yes, sir.”
Obi-Wan noted the distrustful glare from the captain, Pyrondi if he wasn’t mistaken, and almost shrunk away. He followed Artur out of the bridge as the tiny captain turned back to her datapad.
A shiver shot through his spine. Small Brunettes.
The Stinger Mantis, Tepasi Sovereign Space
Sixteen Minutes Later
“Unauthorized shuttle, power down and stand down immediately. This is your final warning.”
So obviously some mistakes were made.
That was an understatement actually. Many severe mistakes were made.
Cal was locked in probably the most powerful tractor beam he’d ever encountered, with more firepower than he could’ve imagined aiming at him, and no backup to speak of. He was kriffed.
“BD, open a channel to that ship.”
“Beep boop?”
“Just trust me on this, buddy.”
“Boop boop bah.”
“Thank you bud. Tagge battleship Levinbolt, this is captain of the Stinger Mantis speaking. I’m not here to cause any trouble. I’m here to see Obi-Wan Kenobi. I know he’s here, so don’t bother denying it.”
A beat of silence. “Power down and stand down. I will not repeat myself again.”
A woman, the same one that identified herself as the captain of that posh ship keeping him trapped. She had an edge to her voice, a cold sort of fury that told Cal he’d better obey or she’d erase him from existence.
“Copy that. Powering down now.”
The first thing he did was cut comms with the Levinbolt. “BD, send a signal over the encrypted line. Request backup and extraction for two, then hide in the floor.”
Some arguing and beeping later, BD was finally squirreled away in the hidden compartment under the caf table and Cal was ready to fight his way out if necessary. The Mantis was reeled in via tractor beam and he tucked himself into the little corner next to the boarding ramp.
The plan, as stupid and suicidal as it sounded, was to fight his way through the initial boarding party, find himself either a set of armor or uniform, find and disable the tractor beam, then fly out. Simple, right? Cal split his saber in two, prepared to deflect blaster bolts and ready for a fight from all angles as the Mantis settled into the hangar bay and familiar bootsteps approached.
He wasn’t ready for them to pump gas into the ventilation system.
BD squeaked in alarm as Cal slumped, unconscious. He tried to fight back as troopers in black armor flooded the main cabin. The droid managed to shock one of the troopers before another one turned and shot him point blank with a restraining bolt. BD felt his programming freeze and locked up as they scooped him up into a durasteel box.
After years of fighting, running, and hiding, Cal Revano Kestis, one of the last Jedi Knights left alive, was finally captured.
His comlink chimed and was promptly turned off. On Tanalorr, Merrin frowned, told Greez to babysit Kata, and took her fighter to Naboo. ‘Quick check in’ her ass, her idiot of a husband was probably captured or on a suicide mission somewhere.
TaggeCo Veteran Rehabilitation Centre, Tepasi
Kanan, or Commander Dume as he was registered here, had been diligently going through every exercise they wanted him to. Some were very useful in helping him regain hand-eye coordination, which had atrophied over the past year, while others were useless to him on account of Force sensitivity. He went through all of it regardless, being with Hera in their dorm after every long day.
It was a wonderful thing, being able to see her again. She was as beautiful as the day he last saw her, perhaps even more so now. He got to watch, and listen, and feel, as the child, their child, grew more and more in her womb.
Life under the Tagges had restrictions and he knew there would be plenty of compromises in the future, but at least his family was all safe and any new additions wouldn’t be born on the run.
So of course, in typical post-Order-66 Jedi fashion, he felt one of his old creche-mates, his best friend of all people, appear over orbit and almost immediately dulled. Not dead, but unconscious.
He went through his day, went back to his dorm, and immediately grabbed the comlink next to his bed. Lapin had given him their personal comm code for emergencies. “Lapin?”
“Is this about the Jedi we just caught?”
“Uh, yes. I think I know him. You got Cal Kestis right?”
“Yep. If you wanna talk to him, I can arrange that.”
“Please do. He was my best friend back before.”
“Keep your inbox open. I’ll send details after I’m done eating.”
“Thank you.”
They ended the call right as Hera walked in. Kanan filled her in on what happened, which led to a long conversation about his time in the Temple.
Kanan didn’t sleep that night. If there was one thing he knew for certain about Cal, it was that the man could be more stubborn than Master Windu, and just as good with a lightsaber.
It was going to be an interesting conversation.
Residential Wing, Tagge Manor, Tepasi
Lapin rubbed their eyes and sighed. How many kriffing Jedi were still alive!? And why was half of them suddenly their problem?
They called Artur and told him to tell Kenobi about what just happened. They had three Jedi right now, all of them connected one way or another. Might as well put them all in a room together and see what comes out of it.
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itsagrimm · 2 years
Chimera crew: „sweeeeeet Caroline“
Pyrondi, Xoxin and some newbie from engineering: „FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!”
Faro & Eli: *covering Thrawns ears like 2 protective caretakers*
Thrawn: *hearing anyway and gearing up for a string of uncomfortable questions about human behaviourisms*
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mayhaps-a-blog · 2 months
It's Tuesday! Have another chapter :)
The action begins!
Trapped in the Unknown Regions, Thrawn and the Chimaera stumble upon a secret, one with the power to destroy their enemies – or themselves. Searching for an answer to her nightmares, Che’ri sets off across the stars, discovering long-forgotten mysteries of the Chiss sky-walkers – and that those mysteries were not lost, but stolen. Once more, their paths will cross, and the path of the galaxy will be changed forever.
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empress-violetlight · 6 months
To everyone whining for Tales from the Empire "Oh, I want to see Eli!" "seeing Faro would be cool!", step back, and think for a moment:
Do you really want Filoni getting ahold of more book characters?
The Hat Man can barely keep his own OCs straight, and tried to make Thrawn into a generic, 80s saturday morning cartoon villain! Why, exactly, is beyond me, considering they have THE BEST voice actor for that kind of character literally on speed dial! He really should have just made his own OC for Rebels, and left one of the few characters with any nuance in this franchise the hell alone!
The less said about the Ahsoka series, the better.
Eli, Faro, Pyrondi, all the Ascendency Chiss, Talon Karrde, Mara Jade -- he can keep his slimy claws off them!
Timothy Zahn is 1000 times the writer and creator that Felony will ever be! And if that means we only get to see his creations in books and comics, that's a price I'm willing to pay. Better that then to see them ruined.
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contentment-of-cats · 2 months
Fic bit: 20 weeks
Thrawn does not know anything about prenatal care among his own people, or if Thysa's pregnancy will even be viable. It's possible that though Humans and Chiss share common ancestry, that the Chiss may have diverged enough that this fetus might not survive. During the Purgill disaster, Thysa was exposed to interstellar radiation which is its own set of worries. The critical tests and scans are today, and Thysa went alone - now Thrawn can't stop pacing.
"Sir? This is Major Jai in medbay. Captain Pyrondi asks that you come."
If Chiss should sweat, he'd be breaking a cold one. "On my way, Major."
At medbay, he's guided into a dark, warm room where Thysa lies on a table under a modesty drape, a small bacta patch on the mild curve of her abdomen.
She reaches out her hand to him. "Come see."
He takes it, finding the chair on legs gone numb. Thysa would tell him the bad news if there were any, would she not?
The tech, a lieutenant, smiles. "Gave me a fair jump when I saw it." She rolls the wand over Thysa's abdomen to show the child in the amniotic fluid. "Wait for it-"
Suddenly two red eyes peer out of the screen, following the wand as it rolls. "She's fine and healthy. No abnormalities detected. Organs where they ought to be."
"She?" His firstborn.
"She," Thysa affirms. "Start thinking of names."
"Among the Chiss, the Patriarch of a family names the children." Not 'my people' because these Humans are now his people. Their blood flows in his veins, freely and selflessly given so that he could live. "I will think of a name, but she must have a name from your culture as well."
He's going to have a daughter. There are infants still in swaddling in the fleet. He owes his Humans a trip home, but he owes their children a safe place to live and grow. It's time to look at local planets and find one that will allow rest, resupply, and the chance to regroup.
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ouradmiraldaala · 5 months
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Incomplete and a mix of canon and legend characters.
XO = Pallaeon or Faro
Sensors = Hammerly (Female, Human)
Weapons = Pyrondi (Female, Human)
Communications = Lomar (Male, Human)
Helm / Navigation = Agral (Male, Human)
Chief hanger master = Xoxtin (Female, Human)
Engineering= Geronti (Male, Human) 
Security = Tibbale (Male, Human)
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al-astakbar · 1 year
☆ Single Dad Thrawn - hc ☆
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Tumblr just ate my draft of this request from @debonaire-princess Here was the ask: Can I request a hc of single dad thrawn with a daughter who looks 98% chiss (a bit like her alien ma), like how do u think he would take care of her aboard the chimaera, do you think he’ll sent her to the ascendancy ? :(
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> pairing ☆ none ☆ word count [1.2k] ☆ warnings ☆ none. just fluffy single dad Thrawn slice of life hc in no particular order > Chiss makeup hc credit @ascyndic ☆
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-Thrawn is almost certainly violating policy by having his daughter with him on the Chimaera at all. The way he sees it, he has no choice. He’d send her to the Ascendancy if he could*, albeit very reluctantly. The problem is that getting a child from an active duty military warship to a place across the galaxy is a logistical nightmare. He can’t send her by herself and he can’t go with her. 
(*he’ll do everything in his power to rationalize keeping her with him, it’s a blind spot in his normally excellent logic)
-But he would be the first one to admit that the Chimaera, or any military vessel, is no place for a child. Nothing on a ship is made for children. The seats are too big and too high up, so he has to help her climb into them. The ladders are too tall for her. The buttons in the turbo lift just a little too high, but she always wants to push them herself, so he picks her up so she can do it, and then tells her what a good job she’s done, helping press the buttons. He has to leave her cooped up in his quarters with a nanny droid for a lot of the time. He does have a fleet to command, after all. Not to mention, every time the ship goes to General Quarters, he knows in the back of his mind, every time, that something could go wrong, the ship could be hit and his daughter is on the ship. Overall, it is not a safe, comfortable, or fun place for a child, and Thrawn feels guilty about it, because it reminds him of the sky-walkers and what they had to endure.
-Nevertheless, Thrawn is a doting father and he strives to create happy memories together with his daughter that she can look back on when she’s older. This is so important to him because of how his sister was taken from his life, and of how his very existence was forced from her mind. He’s also realistic about the possibility of him dying in battle, or even being assassinated, and he wants to be part of her life for as long as he can. He wants to be remembered for more than just his career and his rank.
-When she was an infant, she had slept against his bare chest. It was the Chiss way. He didn’t know how he knew that, but it seemed ingrained, the importance of skin to skin contact between a parent and infant. He had never spent much time around infants at all, and certainly hadn’t had the responsibility of caring for one. Even now, she still likes to come sit in his lap, tuck her head under his chin and fall asleep for a nap.
-He speaks to her in Cheunh and Basic. She already has less of an accent than he does in Basic and she’s also a little mimic. For some reason it makes him laugh more than anything, though he controls himself in front of the crew. She can do pretty good impressions of most of the officers on his senior staff. They get used to her being around. She grows up with them. They always bring up the time when they were all eating together, and his four year old daughter had solemnly announced to the table, “Papa has a penis but I have a vagina,” as they were passing around dishes of food. Pyrondi had given a shriek of laughter and immediately clapped a hand over her mouth. Even Commodore Faro struggled to keep her composure; her eyes had gone wide as she tried to reign her expression in to something neutral. 
-Thrawn loves to give her little gifts. Markers and art supplies, toys when he has a chance during port calls to try to find something. He gives her makeup, too, though it’s hard finding the particular minerals to mix a proper Mitth red. He shows her the traditional designs of the Mitth, and his own adaptation of it, the bright red line under each eye. He’d had to minimize it in order to comply with Galactic Imperial Navy personal grooming standards, but he does the whole pattern for her, applying it the traditional way, each stroke and mark a specific step in the process. It makes him proud to see her wear it, and to see the confidence it gives her. Makeup time is their quiet time together in the mornings. It’s the one thing he makes a point never to miss, even if he’s gone the rest of the day.
-At first, he doesn’t know how to play with her. He doesn’t know how to be playful. He tries to learn. He tries to be permissive and understanding when she’s throwing a fit, or when she’s decided his white uniform is the perfect canvas for her markers. Yelling just isn’t something he could ever think of doing, even when he’s cross with her. Even when she’s being defiant, or not paying attention, he only tries to understand what the actual problem is. She is imaginative, and she surprises him in the funniest, most delightful ways, and always wants him to play a role in her games. She likes to play ‘Droids’ where he has to pretend to be a malfunctioning droid and she fixes him or runs away (he must chase her around his office, and beep boop sound effects are very important to her). When she gets a little older, her new favorite is ‘TIE pilot’. That’s when he decides she’s old enough for him to put her in a real cockpit the first time.
-She may look completely Chiss to humans, but Thrawn and any Chiss will see that she’s mixed. He thinks he sees it most of all, her finest features are all from her mother, not him. 
-He tries to impart Chiss culture and values and history. It’s her birth right after all. It feels important to him, now that he’s been away from it for so long. Faced with the possibility of sending his daughter to the Ascendancy, Thrawn is forced to confront his own feelings on the circumstances of his exile. And he isn’t sure how she would be received on Csilla, or at the Mitth Homestead. Would she be shunned? Cast out? The feeling is too close and sharp, even after so long. More than anything, he would want to spare her that pain.
-When he watches her, he sees all of her life. He remembers holding her in his arms when she was tiny, and the joy of watching her take her first steps, and the bittersweet feeling of her telling him she doesn’t need to hold his hand anymore. She can get up in the chair herself. And he can so clearly, so exquisitely picture how she will look as a young woman. Self-assured, with a strong voice, her eyes blazing, a beautiful, deep red, rare and prized among the Chiss. She will be highly admired among all, he is sure, not just by her father. She will take his place one day, perhaps. She will earn her stripes in the Academy, and pin on heavier and heavier ranks. Is that what he wants for her? He isn’t sure. He would like her to excel where he fails, though he realizes that all parents share that foolish wish, because they equate their own shortcomings with the reasons for their unhappiness. What he comes to realize, or perhaps what he’s always known, is that he would like for her to be happy and peaceful, whether she’s with him or not. 
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