#star wars captain pellaeon
RIP Hammerly, Pyrondi and Pellaeon XD They just can NOT with these three
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azertyrobaz · 7 months
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Project Necromancer
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the-ridiculous-blog · 5 months
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I love one blue man and his Imperial officer (Eli is hiding around the corner)
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wallflowers-garden · 7 months
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thrawn haul from con today
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2stepadmiral · 20 days
Under things the EU did better than Disney for $300, we have portrayal of the Empire.
In Disney Star Wars, the Empire is simply an exaggerated portrayal of the Third Reich. Most everyone in the Empire is shown to be fanatically loyal to the regime, and even when their motives are based in relatable reasons, like preserving order or stability following the turbulence of the Clone Wars, are usually portrayed in a fanatical light that seems excessive. Plus, the utter incompetence of most every trooper and officer in Rebels makes the Empire feel bloated and often like a parody.
In the EU, there was much more nuance to the Empire. Obviously, Palpatine, Tarkin, Isard, and other higher ups who are decidedly evil, and there are sadistic troops and officers spread throughout the ranks, but there are honorable individuals as well, and after the death of Palpatine and his immediate successors, the more noble members of the Imperial military become prominent.
Beginning especially during Thrawn’s campaign, when merit and creativity were rewarded, respectful decorum towards opponents was the order of the day, and incompetence, violent excesses, or conduct unbecoming of an officer were never tolerated, the Gilad Pellaeons of the military had a chance to shine and become the rule rather than the exception. Sure, Pellaeon himself took some more time after Thrawn to fully shake off some of the more violent tendencies of Imperial Officers and the anti-alien bias, but by the time he was supreme commander of the Empire, he had decidedly evolved into a truly good man and leader, the exact one that the Empire needed to lead it from being the absolute image of totalitarian tyranny to a well integrated society that embraced the same diversity of the New Republic and was just a bit more structured.
And don’t even get me started on the competence. It was clearly established that Stormtroopers were elite soldiers, and that their failures in the OT were due to direct orders not to kill (Death Star and Bespin) or due to being surprised and overwhelmed by sheer weight of numbers (Endor). There was one novel by Timothy Zahn, Survivor’s Quest, where two 501st stormtroopers, worn down by the hundreds of adversaries they had killed, were reinforced by the arrival of two of fresh troops, and the two unharmed and non-weary troops completely finished the remaining few hundred.
Summed up, the Empire had a more complex portrayal in the EU than simply getting beaten and reformed as the even more radical second Empire, and that made the story more interesting. It’s a shame that we aren’t getting that now.
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hydr0phius · 7 months
Hux: Project Necromancer is progressing as planned.
Thrawn who just spent the last nine years with three necromancers and saw Some Wild Shit: Pellaeon, we're leaving.
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writersglock · 12 days
Pelleon: Sir, the report you requested.
Thrawn: Ah, thank you Captain, it's from Leiutenant Vanto, I asked him to describe Grand Moff Tarkin for me.
Pelleon: Oh, what did he say, sir?
Thrawn: He's as skinny as a pencil, as smart as a whip, and possibly the scariest man currently living.
Pelleon: Very accurate, sir. I must say the first time I met him, I thought he was already dead and just assumed nobody could tell the difference, scared me shitless when he suddenly started talking.
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purringysalamiri · 2 months
Every panel of Thrawn in dark force rising, with the best quality I could acquire.
Part 1/3
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movietimegirl · 7 months
This is getting interesting...
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Just like The Mandalorian, the Empire is now after Omega for her M-count for project necromancer. However, in the Mandalorian, was Moff Gideon after Grogu for project necromancer? Or was Moff Gideon after him so he can make force sentive clone of self in S3? Because going back to Mando S3 augin.
"Grand Admiral Thrawn's return will herald in the reemergence of our military, and provide Commandant Hux enough time to deliver on Project Necromancer."
Mening Project Necromancer is still being worked on, and Thrawn is the distraction, If I read that correctly. Someone can correct me on that. Do they still need blood or not? May have to wait for new episodes of The Bad Batch for more info.
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kobadit · 1 year
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The Triumvirate
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mayhaps-a-blog · 1 year
You know one of the biggest differences I've noticed between the original trilogy books and the new Ahsoka show?
In the books, absolutely no one knew who the kriff Thrawn was.
Pellaeon's still adjusting to a new commander, who he follows loyally, but doesn't 100% trust until book 2. The Republic doesn't even learn his name until the end of book 1, and they're still debating whether he's an actual Grand Admiral or self-declared through book 2.
All of the Thrawn's threat - all of his menace to the New Republic, all of his weight as an antagonist - are discovered by the reader at the same time the characters are finding it out.
It's the perfect balance of showing and telling - we get to see Thrawn gain victories by being clever, with Pellaeon. We get to hear about how nervous he makes Karrde - a character we've learned is brilliant and menacing in his own right, and makes our heroes nervous, so how much more must Thrawn be? We get to see him make brilliant deductions and turn up just in the right place and the right time to corner our heroes, again and again.
The Sluis Van attack buildup was perfect - we keep hearing about from Pellaeon, hearing that Thrawn's planning an attack and Pellaeon himself is a bit skeptical, but it's coming, how's it going to work? What's going to happen? Meanwhile the mole miners were stolen, and there's this new cloaking field, and how's it all going to come together...?
And suddenly Han's there, with Luke and Lando, and Wedge, and we're waiting with baited breath because we know it's all about to fall apart but how are our brilliant heroes going to get out of this one?
It's an amazing buildup, fantastic suspense, and really brings home the different perspectives of the characters. And establishes Thrawn as an actual, major threat, that everyone should be worried about.
But then in Ahsoka, it's like they've skipped straight to the Duology, when everyone knows who Thrawn is because he almost conquered the New Republic. But he hasn't done that, in canon, so we're left wondering why everyone's supposed to be worried when, as far as we've seen, he couldn't even beat Phoenix Squadron.
Heck, setting aside our own out of character knowledge, it makes Xiono look right. Who cares about a single Imperial warlord with a single half-destroyed ship? What's this guy actually done?
We know - those of us who know his story. But it's not shown. Why should the characters think him a threat? Why should we?
After all, all we've seen of him is Rebels. And in Rebels... he lost.
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fandomsniper · 3 days
prolly one of my fav batches of imp memes
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frc-ambaradan · 1 year
«“(...) I don’t care who C’baoth is or whether he felt justified or not. What he did constitutes mutiny.” “It did indeed,” Thrawn agreed calmly. “Shall I throw him out of the Imperial service altogether, or simply demote him in rank?” Pellaeon glared at the other. “I’m serious, Admiral.”»
Timothy Zahn, Dark Force Rising (1992)
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cloudyfacewithjam · 1 year
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THE MANDALORIAN - Chapter 23: The Spies
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darth-memes · 1 year
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writersglock · 4 days
Eli: Oh hey, Admiral, did you get that report I sent to you?
Thrawn: Yes, I looked it over. Nice work.
Eli: Great, thanks, dad.
The bridge goes silent.
Eli: Why is everyone staring at me?
Faro: You just called Admiral Thrawn, dad. You said, "Thanks, dad."
Eli: What? No, I said thanks, man.
Thrawn: Do you see me as a father figure, Leiutenant vanto?
Eli: Pfft, no, if anything, I see you as a bother figure because you're always bothering me.
Pellaeon: Hey, show your father some respect!
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