#pwease enjoy uwu
laststarwarrior117 · 1 year
Subway Bosses Cosmetic Sets for Terraria c:
I finally finished this mod, kinda, I still need to add a few things c: But it's now downloadable on the Terraria Steam Workshop :D
Here's the link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2975142743
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It changes the next vanilla cosmetic sets:
△ Plumber Set - Subway Boss Ingo △ Archaeologist's Set - Subway Boss Ingo EX (Pókemon Masters) △ Bee Set - Warden Ingo (PLA)
▼Steampunk Set - Subway Boss Emmet ▼Pirate Set - Subway Boss Emmet EX (Pókemon Masters) ▼Leprechaun Set - Subway Boss Emmet ((Black shirt and gloves))
△ Balla Hat - Subway Boss Ingo Cap (Cat Ears) ▼Gangsta Hat - Subway Boss Emmet Cap (Cat Ears) △ Red Hat - Warden Ingo Cap (Cat Ears)
Why cat ears? I love cats and this Train nerds are my cute little meow meows.
I have nothing else to add, so take these screenshots that didn't make it into the Steam page:
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edit: ((hey if someone downloads this mod, pls tell me if there's any errors or if you want to share screenshots, i would love to see them 👉👈 ÓwÓ))
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oceanwithouthermoon · 7 months
ive come to realise that i dont actually hate kubokai, i just hate the way people write them
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citrine-elephant · 1 year
ugh, i want a (simulated) irl experience of a resident evil style campaign that i can feel on every single inch of my body
i wanna see how long i can "survive" until i collapse lol
immediately dies via ganado neck hug
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stuffed-gutz · 7 months
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Too Small To Convey: Causes of Sumireko-chan's Deaths - Harasaki
It's been a long time since I've posted any recs, and I realize this is my 3rd? 4th? time recommending Harasaki, but, this was actually going to be my first at one time...
I debated recommending this one due to the lolicon tag, which implies that Sumireko is a child, however I ultimately don't see it as loli. She's a T0uh0u (<- this is to avoid going in search results) character, so she naturally looks small, and the age seems ambiguous. She's put in very adult scenarios, like being evicted and jacking off, so I think I have some ground to stand on if someone tries to come for me.
ANYWAY!! This one is basically a series of standalone snuff drawings of one specific T0uh0u girl I'd never personally heard of, and a few of them have stuck with my for a long time. This was the first work by Harasaki I ever read, and I obviously enjoy her work, so I've been wanting to share this for a while !! Pwease enjoy. The art is soft and cute, so its very satisfying to see it ripped apart uwu
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hanafubukki · 4 months
General Lilia? How about general manager Lilia? Works at the Sage Island McTwisted. All the public sees is uwu can I take your owder? Do you want to make that a mweal? Pwease pull forward~
But word started spreading after a karen showed up and made a scene. How could they hire a kid like him?! It's probably his fault her order was wrong! She demands to speak to a manager! And Lilia does the whole 'ducks beneath the counter and comes up again saying yes, he's the manager, what's the problem here?' And the Karen just goes off about how rude he is and he's a kid and she demands he be fired. Specifically focuses on how 'young' he is, and because he thinks it'll be fun, he takes out his ID and shows the lady and after seeing his birthday she goes quiet and leaves the McTwisted.
He's actually great at his job. He's great with customers, he's great with his employees, and when it's busy he goes into actual 'general' mode. Old Man runs a tight ship here. Buuuttttt...he may be in the wrong for hiring and not firing his sons.... Silver is great and all, but he falls asleep at the fries, register, AND drive through, which can cause a mess until someone notices and wakes him up. Sebek is too loud but great at handling karens. Just don't have him argue with someone who ordered with Malleus because he'll always take Malleus's side. And Malleus....well.... he tries. If he's making the food, he spends an extremely long time making the presentation perfect, to a ridiculous degree. At the register he'll start talking in detail about other meal combos and how well they'd go together before actually submitting the order. Drive through? Let's just say he'd be the guy who, when you order a hamburger, he says they don't sell hamburgers, so you have to order a cheeseburger with no cheese, which he readily accepts (True story. Thought maybe that's just how things are with them, so next time I ordered I said cheeseburger with no cheese and the drive thru guy was like "......so a hamburger....". And apparently they do sell hamburgers because the receipt did indeed say hamburger! People 😩)
((Dating him means he brings you home fries and nuggets and the toys you want))
-Fake Date Sebek anon
Hello Fake Date Sebek Anonie 🌺🌷✨
I’m holding your crime boss Lilia ask hostage (hehe get it? Because…crime boss…) because I’m still giggling over it 🥰🥰💞💞
But I didn’t expect to go from crime boss Lilia to MCtwst Lilia 😂😂
The fact I read that first part in the such a kiddy voice has me laughing 😂😂
Bwahaha Lilia being a menace is my fave!! Can you imagine?? He’s had to deal with nobility before and couldn’t snark back at them. But Karens?? Oh, this is him having fun but also doing what he couldn’t before and enjoying it.
Imagine walking into this fast food and seeing a young manager barking at these ridiculously tall men 🤣🤣
You know that’s not the first time I heard about the cheeseburger but no cheese hamburger story!! Is this a common occurrence?? 🤔
Hell yeah, I get my choice of the toy? Let’s go. Hes a keeper 💞💞💞
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The hazbin hatedom is getting out of hand for me it's really cringe. Your thoughts
I have mixed opinions on this. So beforehand, I am going to say that this is a longer post from me, and I appreciate the anonymous message! <3 I will be talking about this specific question, as well as my interpretation, thoughts, and overall feelings on this matter. Please feel free to reblog, like, and comment your opinions and keep it civil. I want to have a friendly discussion, no matter how brash I seem: this is brutal honesty coming from my heart.
For those who have ZERO clue: Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss are dark "comedy" shows for an adult audience, created by Vivienne "Vivziepop" Medrano, originally airing on YouTube. Helluva Boss is currently in its second season, while we have yet to find out anything else on Hazbin Hotel, as it is now a part of A24 and BentoBox. They center on the same setting, Hell, but have two different plot lines.
Hazbin Hotel is redemption focused, led by Princess Charlie Morningstar, the daughter of Lucifer. She wants to help the sinners in Hell become good and go up to heaven to avoid the yearly Exterminartion, aka a Purge. Helluva Boss, however, is about a murdering business called I.M.P., with Blitz, Millie, Moxxie, and Loona, going up to Earth with a grimoire that is provided by Stolas of the Ars Goetia, a prince. So here we go, into the Depths and reasoning of this post: the Hatedom. So lo and behold, my answer below.
On one hand, yes. The Hazbin Hatedom is a bit over the top. Yes, people are assholes. However, the Vivziepop stans who don't want to admit their precious senpai Vivziepop has done some pretty fucked up shit in the past. The hate can be unnecessary, but you know what else can be unnecessary? The toxic stans. I follow #vivziepop for certain analysis portrayals and criticism, or just general news. Sometimes people are tiresome. This is no exception.
I am falling out of the fandom because it can be toxic. I enjoy most of the characters, but other than that? Helluva Boss's current writing is NOT good. At all. The latest episode irked me to no end. I'm unimpressed with Seeing Stars. I am not very happy that they are forcing Stolitz down our throats as an "uwu pwease wove us" type of bullshit ship. I would much rather prefer Blitz and Stolas to be friends. I wished Stolas had his pilot personality and not the "uwu im a gay, tragic prince with a shitty wife, feel bad for me" bird we know in the series.
Moxxie in the latest episode is bitchy. He got on my nerves and was pissed at Millie being happy. This girl deserves more screentime (and I'm glad she got some of it) but seriously...Millie is always there for Moxxie, and Moxxie needs to reciprocate.
They made Stella seem stupid, when in reality, and if written properly, she can be a cunning and calculating villain with her brother. We've yet to see how Octavia and Stella interact, but I'm unsure.
I have definitely tried to keep my mouth shut as much as I could on this matter, because when I finally openly admit how I feel, it's not a pretty thing, especially with something that I'm so passionate about. Animation takes time, writing takes time, scripting, acting, everything takes so much time, and this is wasted potential. We can have so much better than just a fan-ficcy type rom-com, dark humor, sexual humor schtick. It's getting annoying, and I fear the worst when it comes to Hazbin Hotel.
Criticism is welcome here! Let me know what I left out. I'm willing to hear other opinions, so long as they're nice. If anons start flooding my inbox and getting mad, anons are off. Anon is a privilege, not a right.
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ragathashairdresser · 4 months
can we honestly e date? you’re so beautiful. You always make me laugh, you always make me smile. You literally make me want to become a better person... I really enjoy every moment we spend together. My time has no value unless its spent with you. I tell everyone of my irls how awesome you are. Thank you for being you. Whenever you need someone to be there for you, know that i’ll always be right there by your side. I love you so much. I don’t think you ever realize how amazing you are sometimes. Life isn’t as fun when you’re not around. You are truly stunning. I want you to be my soulmate. I love the way you smile, your eyes are absolutely gorgeous. If I had a star for everytime you crossed my mind i could make the entire galaxy. Your personality is as pretty as you are and thats saying something. I love you, please date me. I am not even calling it e dating anymore because I know we will meet soon enough heart OK I ADMIT IT I LOVE YOU OK i hecking love you and it breaks my heart when i see you play with someone else or anyone commenting in your profile i just want to be your girlfriend and put a heart in my profile linking to your profile and have a walltext of you commenting cute things i want to play video games talk in discord all night and watch a movie together but you just seem so uninsterested in me it hecking kills me and i cant take it anymore i want to remove you but i care too much about you so please i’m begging you to eaither love me back or remove me and never contact me again it hurts so much to say this because i need you by my side but if you dont love me then i want you to leave because seeing your icon in my friendlist would kill me everyday of my pathetic life.
cawn we honestwy e date? you’we so beautifuw. Uwu awways make me waugh, uwu awways make me smiwe. Uwu witewawwy make me wawnt tuwu become a bettew pewson... I weawwy enjoy evewy moment we spend togethew. My time has no vawue unwess its spent with uwu. I teww evewyone of my iwws how awesome uwu awe. Thank uwu fow being uwu. Whenevew uwu need someone tuwu be thewe fow uwu, know thawt i’ww awways be wight thewe by youw side. I wove uwu so much. I don’t think uwu evew weawize how amazing uwu awe sometimes. Wife isn’t as fun whewn you’we nowt awound. Uwu awe twuwy stunning. I wawnt uwu tuwu be my souwmate. I wove the way uwu smiwe, youw eyes awe absowutewy gowgeous. If i had a staw fow evewytime uwu cwossed my mind i couwd make the entiwe gawaxy. Youw pewsonawity iws as pwetty as uwu awe awnd thats saying something. I wove uwu, pwease date me. I am nowt even cawwing iwt e dating anymowe because i know we wiww meet soon enough heawt ok i admit iwt i wove uwu ok i hecking wove uwu awnd iwt bweaks my heawt whewn i see uwu pway with someone ewse ow anyone commenting in youw pwofiwe i juwst wawnt tuwu be youw giwwfwiend awnd put a heawt in my pwofiwe winking tuwu youw pwofiwe awnd have a wawwtext of uwu commenting cute things i wawnt tuwu pway video games tawk in discowd aww night awnd watch a movie togethew but uwu juwst seem so uninstewested in me iwt hecking kiwws me awnd i cant take iwt anymowe i wawnt tuwu wemove uwu but i cawe too much abouwt uwu so pwease i’m begging uwu tuwu eaithew wove me bawck ow wemove me awnd nevew contact me again iwt huwts so much tuwu say thiws because i need uwu by my side but if uwu dont wove me then i wawnt uwu tuwu weave because seeing youw icon in my fwiendwist wouwd kiww me evewyday of my pathetic wife.
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the13throseii · 7 months
I hate the self-flagellation that comes with enjoying "problematic content" now.
"I DON'T SUPPORT THE CREATOR" under lovingly crafted fan art. "I DON'T SUPPORT THE ACTOR" under a thirstpost for the character they play. It all just reads so desperate. "PWEASE DON'T CANCEL ME UWU I PROMISE I'M ENJOYING IT THE RIGHT WAY"
Imagine if people did that irl. Just. Unwrapping a chocolate bar and saying "I don't support the actions of the company" before biting in. As though it's some kind of cleansing prayer.
I can't exactly blame people for taking precautions in the age of the internet that loves to doxx and harass people for enjoying "the wrong things" but it's so, so pathetic. If people think liking a work of fiction automatically makes you a horrible person, that's on them, not you. There's better ways to prove you don't support someone's allegedly problematic actions than by adding a disclaimer to every single post you make about something. And frankly, people need to get more mature and quit immediately assuming the worst of everyone they see. Real people are complex, and you can't actually learn everything you need to know about them off of one fandom post.
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zephyrrydrake · 2 months
Welcome to my blog!
Welcome to my blog! I hope you can enjoy whatever the heck I end up posting here!
Who are you?
If you know who Rydrake6 is, you know who I am. If you don't, I'll introduce myself really quick.
You can call me Zephyr. I'm a tiger/dragon hybrid who likes drawing, making music, writing, making games, and doing pretty much any creative thing you can think of. I'm an autistic trans man and a minor, and I've got way too many creative projects to work on.
Why does this blog exist?
This blog was made because I Reblog way too much stuff on my main. Which honestly isn't really a bad thing, but it is inconvenient when I'm trying to find something I posted like an audio or a piece of art and I have to scroll through a literal sea of reblogs to get to it. Other than that, I kind of always wanted a side blog where I don't have to worry about a brand and stuff. Speaking of which, I'm probably going to stop trying to make a brand out of myself and just create things like people are meant to do on the internet instead of being obsessed with numbers and the possibility of earning a living off of making stuff, but that's not a conversation for this post.
What's going to be posted here?
I don't have any particular idea for what I'm gonna post on this blog, just that there are going to be very few, if any, reblogs. Mainly because of the situation with my main blog. However, a few things that you can probably expect from this blog are looks at creative projects that I'm working on (Music, movies, shows, stories, drawings, ect.), Life stuff (Basically whatever I feel like talking about in my life. Nothing identifying though of course. I'm not stupid.), And probably a few shitpost and memes too. If I do Reblog stuff, you're probably gonna see me saying stuff at the bottom.
Boundaries TL;DR
So I realize that I have a bad habit of writing entire fucking essays when I should just keep it short and sweet, and my boundaries are no exception. So here's a quick summary of all of them.
If you're a bad person who supports bad things or you just make me uncomfortable, you're getting blocked.
Don't come into my askbox asking for money or donations.
You can DM me but I am a socially awkward weirdo due to years of isolation so watch out.
Boundries being broken = block.
Long version of my boundaries under the cut.
What are you doing in my house?
Irrelevant. Now lead me to your stash of waffle fries before I eat your firstborn instead.
Long version of the boundary list
Not sure how effective this section is gonna be. I've been told many times that DNIs don't work, but I'll include one anyways just because. It's less of a "Pwetty pwease don't look at my blog UwU" and more of a "If you're any of the things on this list I will block you on sight." So here are some ground rules.
DNI/You will be blocked on sight if you are a TERF, a racist, a transphobe, basically a bigot of any kind, a pedophile, a zoophile, a necrophile, pretty much if you have any kind of paraphilia that actively causes harm to someone or is just straight up gross, if you condone or consume loli/shotacon/cub content, if you condone or consume feral nsfw, if you are a trump supporter, if you are a zionist, or if you are a right winger of any kind. That's all I could think of for the DNI, you don't have to take it seriously I know that DNIs do not work. But I'm just putting this here so that you know that if you are any of the things on this list, you will be blocked on sight. This list is subject to change in the future.
Don't come into the askbox of this blog asking me to donate stuff or boost your posts. I'm not saying that I wouldn't do it, I'm just saying that I want to keep this blog to just being personal stuff. Normally I'd say go to my main blog, @rydrake6, but I'm taking a break right now to think about stuff.
My DMs are open, just don't be a dick. (Also keep in mind that I have pretty bad social anxiety and just bad social skills in general, or so I think, so I might be a little bit awkward.)
Breaking the boundaries listed above will lead to you getting blocked.
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
[2k7 Raph and Toddler!Ariel - try and tell her no Raph I dare you uwu]
Old and familiar mermaid doll tucked under one arm, and a VHS tape held in one hand, she toddled up to her Uncle Raphie. She couldn't talk too well yet, but that didn't stop her from attempting to ask to watch the tape. Using it to, lightly, tap Raph's legs, she got his attention. Tilting her head back, Ariel's eyes were large as she held up the VHS - the cover was faded beyond Hell, but the word 'mermaid' could just about be made out. Safe to say, she had the same taste in movies as her father,
"Unca Waphie?" She speaks up, not quite able to get her words right, not yet at least, "Pwease may we watch the mermay movie?"
| muse Interaction
Raph dropped down into the sewer tunnels, Casey was taking Summer to go see him mom today. And Raph didn't like being stuck in the apartment alone so figured he would take this as a break for some hours. Moving to stand he let his arms stretch out above his head before tilting his head left and right. He would have to wait till it got later in the day before he could have any real fun as he liked to word it. Meaning of course finding some trouble to stomp and stop in it's tracks. Figured he could spend a few hours around his brothers and father. Since Summer came into his and Casey's life he had he sort of moved his life more with his own little family. That only made sense though right? With them being Summer's Dad's and all of course he was going to be with them more. Even moved stuff slowly over time out of his room. There was still some junk in there though? Walking into the lair he found it was pretty quite, only hearing the tv's were playing. From years of growing up with Splinter he knew the opening key tone.
Raphael sort of smiled to himself as he walked on over to the couch Raph sets an arm over the back of it as he leans over to find Splinter on the couch, along him was little Ariel. "playing babysitter pops?"
Splinter turned his head to look at his granddaughter a moment smiling as he pets over her head. Idly saying yes, Don and Von were busy today so he took her it seemed Raph wondered how many damn duffel bags Don loaded off to Splinter then considering how many he gave to him and Casey when she wasn't able to walk around yet. He did see some sitting near by the coffee table but opted out of counting them. Simply rolling his eyes to himself. Ya never change Don is all he thinks to himself. Raphael reached down to playfully ruffle Ariel's hair gaining her attention a moment. "What ya gramps borin' yous with his stories?"
Splinter simply glanced back to his son, Raphael knew the look they were wearing too well. he was often on the receiving end of it as they wave their bony hand now telling Raphael, since he made time to visit he should be productive and finish looking through the stuff fin his room on what to keep and such. Raph hung his beak but moved to push off against the back of the couch. "yeah yeah 'm on it."
Grumbling a little as he stepped away and started to make way to his room. To be fair he had been putting it off for far longer than he should. Splinter wouldn't clear out any of his sons rooms of course, they would always have a home here even if they found a new one. didn't mean they could use their rooms as extra storage. In part Raph could follow the logic, if he kept stuff here it was like he wasn't really moved in with Casey and Sum's. Phone slipped out from his belt as he texts Casey. Simply complaining he got put on clean up duty well checking to see how he and Summer were doing. Raphael, had stepped into his own untouched room as he watched Casey typing back. Told they just to his moms a little bit ago, and Summer was enjoying the time with his mom. Raphael smiled at the picture he sent seemed his mom had decided Summer was staying glued in her hold. One last text telling Casey he would see them when they got home before he put his phone away again looking around at his room.
Mostly it was just his hammock and a random assortment of things he left behind. Stuff he didn't really need but kept hold off like old magazines, some books of his. Hmm maybe take the books at least would like to reread Jurassic park, the movies were fine but he still found the book to be far better. There were some weights, but Splinter and him already agreed on him just making it out into a rec room of sorts. So that could stay he'll keep the hammock up good for naps. Sides still his favorite thing to sleep in. Raph start to walk around and takes a seat on the floor, he'll sort through the magazines. Most were old when he got them so they were ancient by now. Flipping through pages to see if any of them were worth holding on to, he soon felt something tap his leg. Humming he looks to find his niece.
"Whatcha doin' ankle bitter," resting back on his hand so he can lean back to look at her. "Grampa being borin' so ya afta' all so followed me?" He's kidding of course.
"Unca Waphie?"
Looking down ro here he sees that old worn mermaid doll Donatello used to tug around in the same way. Also, in hand, through was another old Donatello momento it would seem. Oh great.
"Not yous too kid."
"Pwease may we watch the mermay movie?"
He looks at her and her large wide eyes and sighs. Raphael counted himself lucky that Summer took to sports over princesses assuming je would never have to see this movie again. Raph moves tonget up and looks over his room a second "I know I had -ah!"
Reaching down to pick her up, "ya lucky I 'ike ya so much guppie." Raphael says as he playful taps the end of her nose with his finger before walking over to his find.
An old TV with built-in vcr player. Crouching down, he holds his niece close as he runs his fingers over the top easily drawing a line in the thick layer of dust that been building up over time. "Hmm" He peers around the back seemed it was still plugged in, so he give the power button a try and to the little girls luck the TV buzzed to life. Great. Raph thought reluctantly as he messed with buttons to get to the VCR settings. "Had to stash a TV in here when ya damn uncle Mikey would hig the TVs." He takes the VHS from here and slips it in. A few second of the vcr spinning the tape before it started to play the movie. "Yup lucky 'ike I said."
Moving to sit down setting Ariel in his lap, he could maybe dip away and leave her be but she said 'we' and Raphael's prettt sure he won't be getting away with not watching it with her with out more puppy dog eyes aimed at him. "But you gotta help me clear later got it, guppie?" He teased again as the old familiar opening started up once again. And he groans a little to himself. "I swear I could dream 'his movie." He idly complains, but he's clearly not moving anytime soon. Reliving all the time, he watched it with his twin, so that dose kind of make him smile a tad.
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coolsharkpirate · 1 year
"oops UwU oh no I accidentally was a Nazi and and admitted it. mwy bad guys i didnt know it was bad 🥺 it was my mwental illness 👉👈 do I not mwatter to u??? all those good times on discord UwU and you just stop being my friend because I was a nazi??? you decided to hate me because I thought genocide was edgy and cool? pwease give me mwoney"
u should ask mods to delete your account
So, I'm over it. I understand where everyone is coming from, I wouldn't have wanted to be my friend back then either. Though, still technically wasn't a Nazi, if drawing shit made you what you drew, a lot of people I know would be some kind of serial killer.
And I'm keeping my account, I can enjoy mweor without interacting with anyone who doesn't want me to.
UwU I do hope you have a fantastic day and night though, life is too short to dwell on such things long. UwU
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ashenxrogue · 5 years
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"I'll obliterate you!"
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clodicious · 3 years
Chapters: 11/? Fandom: Fire Emblem: Fuukasetsugetsu | Fire Emblem: Three Houses Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: My Unit | Byleth/Seteth, My Unit | Byleth & Seteth Characters: My Unit | Byleth, Seteth (Fire Emblem), Rhea (Fire Emblem), Catherine (Fire Emblem), Alois Rangeld, Gilbert Pronislav, Macuil (Fire Emblem), Indech (Fire Emblem), Manuela Casagranda, Hanneman von Essar, Jeralt Reus Eisner, Flayn (Fire Emblem), Other Character Tags to Be Added, Shamir Nevrand, Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, Edelgard von Hresvelg, Claude von Riegan, Adult! Sothis, Alphard | Aelfric Dahlman Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Noir, Alternate Universe - Police, Slow Burn, Pining, Mutual Pining, Protective Seteth (Fire Emblem), Tired Seteth (Fire Emblem), My Unit | Byleth is Not A Professor, My Unit | Byleth Is Doing Their Best, Byleth has no filters, Oblivious My Unit | Byleth, Female My Unit | Byleth, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary:
Seteth is a detective in Garreg Mach Police Station. He is tired of sitting in front of his desk and doing a dull job, but he needs a companion to start working on cases. Lucky for him, Byleth Eisner arrives at the right moment.
The Film Noir AU that nobody was asking for, but I needed to get it out of my system!
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vellichorom · 5 years
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Anonymous requested:
Can I request some flutterdashpie please? Or some Ditzydash? :> thankyou!
YOU SURE CAN ANON, & I’ll have you know that you have Fantastic Taste flutterdashpie I can see is a pure bundle of sweetness & ditzydash is just quite honestly a guilty pleasure of mine & I thank you Very Much happy saturday !!!
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ masterlist directory ᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘
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this is the main directory for all my masterlists. i’ve arranged my posts into separate masterlists by category so i hope you find something that you like!
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haikyuu!! content:
⇢ browse by: series
⇢ browse by: request events
⇢ browse by: teams
shiratorizawa/date tech/johzenji
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bungou stray dogs content:
⇢ browse by: organizations
armed detective agency
port mafia
the guild
decay of angels 
hunting dogs + special division for unusual powers
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jujutsu kaisen masterlist
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social media au masterlists:
⇢ i stole my neighbor’s wifi password (fyodor x gn!reader)
⇢ i should be over all the butterflies (chuuya x gn!reader)
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deathvsthemaiden · 3 years
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