#puzzleshipping fanfiction recs
violetsdaisy · 3 months
You ever read a fic with smut so dirty you have to put your device down and take a break? Like maybe walk a lap or blink a few times in utter disbelief you just read that?
Check out these fics below! You’re welcome 😉✨
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Room for One More @book-keeper
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that even if all parties are fully consenting and excited about the prospect, some sexual fantasies still require a bit more planning and talking than others before they can be explored. (Mobiumshipping)
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Triads and Tribulations @cloudsmachinations
Yugi is in a relationship with Atem.
Atem is in a relationship with Yami.
The problem? Yugi and Yami don’t like each other one bit.
But Atem hopes a romantic getaway will change that. (Mobiumshipping)
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Comes with Experience @cloudsmachinations
In which Yugi wants to try bottoming, and Malik knows a guy.
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Acts of Service Series (the E rated ones) @hikariandyamiblog
Turns out that returning to the land of the living as a 3,000 year-old resurrected Pharaoh comes with a few kinks.
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Equinox @hikariandyamiblog
“One more outburst, demigod,” the rage in the king’s voice is palpable, “and I will risk Khonsu’s wrath.”
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34+35 @hikariandyamiblog
The one in which Yugi attracts the attention of not one but two disastrously gorgeous men. (Mobiumshipping)
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Don’t Think Twice @hikariandyamiblog
The one where you fall in love with the wrong person.
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Bird Rock Lambchop (Bird Bigger Bird) @toffeecape
Canon. Series. Yugi wants his other self to have nice things.
Any of my E rated fics could fall under this category 😆 read my works here.
If you have a favorite you don’t see here that left you breathless or just stunned, add it to the comments so we can all burn together! 🔥
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lintpuzzle · 8 months
I am obsessed with sight the king by olesia.love.
Yugioh is a show firmly in the “heart of the cards” “friendship is magic” territory, not romance. And most Fanfiction is totally fine with incorporating this or ignoring this, without comment, for some indulgent shipping.
BUT! sight the king took this personally.
Spoilers but this ain’t your mother’s puzzleship fic.
No friendship bullshit. We are showing your best pal JOEY WHEELER being the best friend ever to our little friendshaped season 0 Yugi Muto, saving little old ladies together and eating ice cream like school children, and then we are MURDERING JOEY. That’s right! Yujou friendship? DEAD and BURIED.
This is a SUPERNATURAL THRILLER ROMANCE and by god if we’re going to shift genre we are going to shift genres.
It’s so dramatic and exactly what I never knew I needed.
The Power of Friendship never recovers from this, fully defeated by the Power of Murder, and the rest of Yugi’s meager friendships fully shatter from the bludgeon that is a warrant for your arrest after your murder of your bully turned best friend.
I know FOR A FACT that the gang in canon Yugioh would never have been put off by a measly murder accusation. They heard Yami Yugi get a guy to set himself on fire, as well as a slew of other mysterious yet gruesome rumors happening to those who hurt Yugi, and they’re 100% ride or die for him, even when he reveals that he’s that psychopath mind crushing people.
Joey mysteriously murdered? A minor setback, but let’s see what Yugi has to say for himself first. Poor kid’s an evil magnet, and 4 feet tall at best, there’s probably another explanation for this.
And the funniest part is that there is! Even in this fic where they’re rightfully reasonable people who are afraid of a violent murder and a suspicious prison break, Yugi Muto is totally 100% innocent. Once again, he is subject, as a de-facto evil magnet, to not only the cruelest humanity has to offer, but also the strangest.
You’re telling me a pair of twin pop star Indian serial killers living in Japan murdered Joey?
Say no more. I’m obsessed.
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uniasus · 7 months
Oh hey, that really long smutty Puzzleshipping one-shot I've been rambling about is done! (I didn't get a beta, I was impatient)
Included in this fic, aside from some alone time, is:
Yami freaking out about what his room might actually be
Dark Magician holding secrets
Angst, scars, and magical summoning of....items
Yami being a poetic sap
Yugi not being shy about asking for what he wants
...when he's allowed
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Welcome to the puzzleshipping library!
If you read a fic you enjoy, no matter how old, leave the author a kind comment/review if you can! (and reblog the rec with your tags/comments to share the love!)
Submit your own recommendations! Please include a link to the fic and tell us why you love it! See the FAQ for details or #submitted recs for past submissions.
Looking for a lost fic or want to read something specific? Submit an ask! No guarantees but perhaps the hivemind can help. Check out the #ask box or #lost fic for past requests.
Looking for MORE? Check out some other recommendations or posts I've reblogged from other writers!
This is run by one person who is making shit up as they go 💌 Advice and corrections appreciated!
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saijspellhart · 2 years
By LLAngel
Rated M
Pairing: Puzzleshipping
Summary: It's been 5 years since Atem left, now inexplicably he has returned with no clue why. He soon finds though that his new life isn't without challenges as he must now learn to accept that Yugi, while welcoming, has moved on. Complicated feelings plague him and all may not be as it seems. Can Atem learn to like Yugi's new beau? Or will his jealousy ruin everything?
Really enjoying this fic. It’s such a ride so far. It’s really taken my emotions for a ride in the best way. I’m loving it. And it’s probably one of my favorite jealous Atem stories I’ve ever read. LLAngel writes him very well, and you feel for him and his struggle to remain noble and honorable and respectful, and yet he yearns so hard.
Please give this fic a read. Please check it out and drop the author some much deserved feedback.
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dendrite-blues · 3 years
Ask Game :D
@renlybaratheon-tyrell  asked for 1, 26, 32, 36 on this meme. Thanks, friend!
1.First ship you remember
oh god, this is embarrassing ahahaha
First fandom was YuGiOh, my first ship was Yami/Yuugi.
It was everything my lonely 11 year old self needed! The smart kid who collects outcast friends. The sexy, confident protective spirit that lives inside of his head, witnessing his pain as no real person could, understanding him and accepting him completely. And of course Yuugi growing under Yami’s guidance to become his best self that he didn’t believe he could be.
It was such a sweet ship, what happened to me? (Oh right, adulthood xD)
26. Characters that you like in every dynamic (lovers,friends,enemies)
Ah, I’m a basic bitch when it comes to this. Tony and Loki obviously.
But digging deeper than that.... Thor & Bruce oddly enough? I dug that ship all the way back in 2012 and I still like it today. As friends they have this great double himbo energy that’s really fun, Ragnarok gave us some spicy stuff to explore on the angst/enemy side, and of course they’re adorable as lovers. 
Bruce being able to relax totally knowing that the Hulk can’t hurt Thor <3 Thor being with someone patient enough to explain when he’s being a jerk <3 <3 Thor’s genuine care diffusing Bruce’s temper when things get prickly <3 <3 <3
It’s just great.
32.Favourite ship for hurt-comfort
You know, I used to be all about Loki whump, but these days I find it just makes me sad and exhausted. It’s been a real problem in my reading, I’ve been struggling to get through stories that hooked me hard with the premise.
Meditating on it, I think my heart is just weary of seeing him constantly miserable and abused after so many years. It kind of feels like I’m holding him hostage in the worst moment of his life and never allowing him to move forward. And I’m ready to see him happy.
So I’ve had to turn to other fandoms for it, and it’s been a mix. 
Obi Wan is a perennial favorite for hurt comfort. I favor emotional H/C over physical so the guilt and regret with Obi Wan is delicious. The fact that he caused his own demise and enabled Anakin’s never gets old to me.
F. Schubert/F. Liszt - Serenade in D minor by ArchieHabian comes to mind.
Anders is great because his internal conflict is personified by a spirit possessing him, so there’s this great clarity to H/C fics with him. The enemy isn’t this nebulous misbelief like in a conventional romance, it’s this literal being in his head demanding that he seek Justice for the wrongs of society.
It’s a really great metaphor for perfectionism, and having a lover tell him that it’s okay to rest, that he’s a good person even if he doesn’t save the entire world, maaaaan it soothes something really raw inside me. I love it!
36.Characters that you can’t decide if you prefer as ship or brotp
LOL I am actively struggling with Sylvie/Loki for this reason, because they are SOOOO good both ways.
Luckily I’ve found a harmonious solution in Queerplatonic Relationship dynamics.
Now I can have it both ways! :D
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ygoficrecs · 4 years
My all time favorite Yu-Gi-Oh series, it starts in canon and becomes canon-divergent, and it is just written so well! I’ve already read it three times straight and I’ll probably read it again. 
Series Summary:  Originally a series of canon-compliant stories spanning the six month gap between the defeat of Pegasus and the arrival of Otogi, it now includes a branch-off story that changes the climax of the Millennium World arc and explores what would have happened if Atem had gotten his own body a month prior to leaving for Egypt. [Manga-canon, Puzzleshipping]
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ygospamproduction · 6 years
Pls suggest some non-work appropriate fics?
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Why, anon! What a direct, non-work appropriate question!!!
….give me a minute.
Okay! I have a few for you.
Not a great deal: I honestly only read a small portion of ygo fanfics, just due to cross-pollinating fears (ONE DAY I WILL READ A FIC AND HAVE AN ANEURYSM BECAUSE I DIRECTLY QUOTED IT 3 YEARS AGO IN A FIC OF MY OWN  BUT DIDN’T REMEMBER IT WASN’T ORIGINAL–) buuuut I certainly have a few suggestions.
All Puzzleshipping, of course.
Tales from Domino Bay by NaughtyOrgel (PreciousOrgel) – OMG @preciousorgel‘s writing style is to die-for, definitely read this if you’re okay with AUs and mermen.
The Gods of Kings and Men by Beewritesstuff (Mimispace) – Lighter on the not-safe part, heavy on the feels, but all is still smooth as honey in the end. Or oil, heh heh.
Boxes and Clouds & The Bet by Kudalyn/@kudalyn​ – Both one-shots, and the non-work safety in the first is a specific section, but both are fun rides, and both are definitely worth a read! 
Just above the surface & The Silence Game by Tarashima, because @tarashima does such a lovely job with top!Yuugi. Enjoy.
Frustrations by Usagi_Atemu_Tom – This one is a MUCH older fic that I certainly enjoyed a lot back in the day: also an AU fic, if that matters.
The Rendezvous stories by nana_banana – While I have an uncomfortable view of romanticized slave dynamics in puzzleshipping (or anything where there’s a huge power gap in the couple in a ‘Yuugi is in Ancient Egypt’ story), @floreswrites managed to write a version that is ~so~ steamy, it’s easy to just fall into “Fiction isn’t reality” and enjoy the ride.
Immortal Game by TunaFax – Note: this story is not finished, hasn’t been updated for a while, Atem is not our usual sweet pumpkin of canon, and he and Yuugi have a tempestuous dynamic at best. But I came for @tunafax‘s lovely art and stayed for the addicting (and, for the purposes of this list, steamy) story. On my permanent watch list.
He Has a Heartbeat by Kaibbage (Lalaen) – Short, sweet, emotional, and honestly probably my own biggest influencer in how I’ve tried to tackle the deed for these two? I just love the way emotions and passion infect the writing structure itself. Definitely a favorite.
But, yes! That is ten right there. If you want more, though, I strongly suggest checking out Kudalyn’s Puzzleshipping Fanfic Masterlist. Lots of good things over there, and you can search+find the ones that have a Mature or Explicit rating. 
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phoebeusproduction · 4 years
Do you have any favorite authors, fanfic or otherwise? I’ve read your These Days We Celebrate series thus far, and the themes (especially about dealing with grief) and deep, warm (^u^) characterization have really stuck with me for the past few weeks. I really!! love and relate to your writer’s style. So, t h a n k you. (Also, can I PM you on ao3??)
Ah! Well first off thank you for the compliments! I’m glad you enjoyed the series so, it was such a joy to write. ^-^ As to your question! …Huh. I certainly have favorite writers fanfics or otherwise, but it’d be a different focus list if I was trying to name ones that are similar to me in writing style or the grief/warmth aspects. If you want Puzzleshipping I have an old rec list I started a while back for that purpose, but it hasn’t been updated. I actually read fanfics fairly rarely these days, the time I could usually goes towards writing myself. I do know InkFlavored and PrincipalCellist are doing some lovely things though, if you want things I’ve seen more recently.
(There’s also an adult content specific list if that’s your jam.)
As to beyond that– as I said, I don’t read fanfiction too much in general of late, but if you want non-ygo things? And I’m Your Lionheart (The Hobbit) and Beast (InuYasha) have joined It’s Only Forever on my short list of ‘I know it’ll never be finished, but it’s too good’ stories. Incorporated (CardCaptor Sakura) was once on that list, but it was blessedly finished after a long delay. Blind (Naruto) was one of those rare fics where the story and writer made me like a ship I was neutral about at best, and Saints and Saviors (House M.D.)? I can barely remember the details now, but ten years ago I loved that story so much I spent a ream of paper printing it out. And I am a sucker for a) British royal history, and b) well told what-ifs, and ReganX’s stories on The Tudors show have outright inspired the one (1) ‘original’ story idea I might one day write. Assuming I get Gambling With Destiny done.
Beyond that, though, I honestly pull the majority of my favorite stories/writing inspiration style or otherwise from non-novel media. Video games have been a huge influence with Persona 4 & 5 doing amazing things with drama and character depth and how to do slice-of-life right, while DanganRonpa (esp. 2 & V3) and the When They Cry series are both exactly my cup of tea with horror, story arcing, and punch-you-in-the-gut characters who remain complicated and you’re not supposed to excuse them, but you are supposed to care for them. If you want a great ‘story’ I strongly suggest either series. (And When They Cry Higurashi & Umineko are visual novels with great ‘just watch’ versions out there if you just want a story no game play.)
Also there’s all of the fandom artwork that directly inspires me, but I’d be listing 100+ names if I tried to link all of the truly great ones. xD
But yes, hopefully that answered your question properly! If not, I’m completely open to PMing! However, I don’t believe it’s possible on ao3? Unless that’s a feature I never noticed? If not, I’m cool with PMing on tumblr or contacts on my twitter account. I’m always open for a fandom chat.
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texasdreamer01 · 4 years
hey, sorry to come to you at such a random time, but do you happen to have some ygo fanfic recs or know where I could find them? I see you reblog ygo stuff from time to time and I've been away from the fandom for so long I don't know my way around anymore lol thanks anyway, stay safe 💜
No problem nonny! ❤️ I haven’t been incredibly active in the fandom for a while, either (though now I’m in a couple of zines! Hocus Pocus and P.O.S.S.E.S.S.E.D.). 
I don’t know what you prefer to read, so I’m just going to… dump everything I have off hand, so this will be put under a cut. A lot of this will be Puzzleshipping/Blindshipping, unfortunately, so if you’d prefer a different ship (or genfic!), please let me know!
Aside from everything I’ve recced, FanFiction.net is still hugely popular for posting YGO fics, though as I’ve linked, AO3 has some traffic as well. If you’re looking for other series outside Duel Monsters, please let me know! I’ll try to find people in those fandoms to direct you to. ❤️
All my YGO bookmarks on AO3 because I can’t decide what to rec first
All the fics I’ve recently recced out to others:
The Newly Revised Book of the Dead by Nenya8533 chapters, complete, M, Prideshipping
Paper Roses by Kisara Strife53 chapters, incomplete, M, Blueshipping, Pleashipping/Aweshipping
Mistaken Assumptions by tavia45426 chapters, complete, M, Puzzleshipping/BlindshippingAO3 mirror
Written in the Stars by TechnicolorNina23 chapters, complete, M, Puzzleshipping/Blindshipping
Dream Eater by LeonawriterOneshot, Gen, Ryou Bakura & Yami Bakura
Legacy of Darkness by BanjodogSummary: “Second Place Winner for Chibizoo’s Fanfiction Contest!!! Yami confronts the Millennium Puzzle and challenges its authority. Some hints of Y/Y”Horror, 4.7k, Puzzleshipping, Complete
Don’t Fear the Reaper by spirithorseSummary: “Yugi is a reaper, one who separates the souls from the body at the moment of death. Yami is a man who can see and talk to ghosts. Yugi is sent to the town of Fairwater to investigate a recent increase in deaths and find out more than he ever wanted to.”Horror/Mystery, 85.7k, Puzzleshipping, CompleteAO3 Mirror
Silent Sacrifice by BayleefSummary: “The first creature chuckled and nuzzled the Pharaoh’s arm, making excited, hungry noises that turned Atem’s stomach.’ Atem had lied about the Ceremonial Battle. Beyond the door was not the Spirit World, but a pact with darkness.Oneshot.Rated for violence”Angst/Horror, 3.6k, Gen, Complete
Time After the Tone - A Reboot by SmallInsectSummary: “It began the way the apocalypse always seemed to these days: with strange phone calls in the dead of night. Phone calls which prove Yugi’s friends really will go around the world and back for each other, as Shadow Realm monsters gather in the streets of Europe. [A reboot and partial rewrite of “Time After the Tone” - first posted here in 2007 and still available to read.]“Supernatural/Friendship, 114k, Gen, Complete
Dream Eater by LeonawriterSummary: ”“You’d better be careful.” Those were the words the spirit of the Millennium Ring would hear - either from the half-asleep voice, or simply as a shiver up his spine as he worked. He was possessing a dream eater in human form, after all. “Or one day I’ll mistake you for a bad dream.”“Oneshot, Gen, Ryou Bakura & Yami Bakura
Paradise Is by geefishgeraldSummary: Fate moves us.Archived version, geefishgerald’s other works
Double Vision by Hitokiri-san Summary: Post series, solid Yami. Weeks after the Ceremonial Battle, Kaiba is plagued with dreams of his past life. Against his better judgment, he visits Yugi with the intent of confirming his suspicions about Pharaoh Atem.
Untitled by lovely-accursed-muse* Malik-centric
Ya'aburnee by Darkspine29 Summary: Sometimes all it takes is a single word. Puzzleshipping drabble.
From Page 41 by Animom Summary: Pharaoh Set knew that Mana had meant well, but what she’d brought back for him from the River of Time was certainly NOT Kisara. ** Humor/angst with light romance and an incident of implied unpleasantness. ** Established Mizushipping (Set/Kisara), assumed Mana/Mahaado and Pegasus/Cyndia, a discussion of Toonshipping, and mild situational Heiroglyphshipping (Set/Pegasus).
daily drabble: not settling for, but settling into by @paradoxi-kayHonda/Ryou, alternate reblog link
Spell of Pain by nihao.museSummary: Malik has just arrived in Japan, planning to spend a few months away from his homeland. The Millennium Items are gone, but as Malik discovers, his dark side isn’t. If coexistence isn’t possible, is mutual destruction the only other option? Post-canon bronzeshipping.
This tumblr fic
Where Gods Fear to Tread by Slightly Sinister Sinestra Summary: Seto Kaiba is in business partnership with Bruce Wayne. These two gods find out that there is one thing they fear, and its name is Alfred Pennyworth. On hiatus.
Power and Distraction by streptomycinnSummary: On the boat to Battle City, Malik reflects, despite his efforts not to. Oneshot, Character Study.Archived version
Untitled by ishtarclanSummary: Part headcanon, part drabble.  Malik discovers how strangers view him.
Posthumous by streptomycinnSummary: Lady Ishtar does not have the Sight, but she still finds a way to see beyond. Justice will not come in her lifetime, but justice will be served.Archived version
Zenshu by Masami Mistress Of Fire Summary: Zenshu translates as complete literary works. A collection of 10 oneshots based around a single Japanese word or phrase chosen at random from a Japanese dictionary. Rating to be safe, some mature content, shonenai, cursing, Puzzleshipping!
You Can Still Be Free by Scribbler Summary: Atem. Yami. Spirit. Pharaoh. Prince. Many names but still one personality. Many incarnations but still a core of love that he spends on those most precious to him. From goodbye to hello, a story told in reverse.
Whom the King Loves: A Love Story in 50 Sentences by lucidscreamer Summary: They both know that it is madness for the two of them to fall in love; they do it anyway. Puzzleshipping. Mostly-canon, with added Yami/Yugi, and end of series “fix it”. This is the first story in my post-canon universe.
Where the Dawn Doesn’t Break by Penga Summary: Yami is trapped within a dark, crushing void, the weight of guilt and regret bearing down on him. When his deepest fear takes root in reality, the broken pharaoh is offered a permanent outlet.
What Could Have Been by citrus luver Summary: In a universe where Yuugi and Atemu are normal teenage boys. They spend the night playing video games.
The Subject by Ocean Summary: Jou stumbles upon Yuugi in the park one cold winter's afternoon, only to bear witness to a typical day in the lives of Yami and Yuugi. Poor Jou. Mention of YY {continuous}
Taur'i Gods by lavalieres Summary: When the SG1 team stumbles across two odd, young men on a standard reconnaissance mission, it becomes their duty to determine if the young men are friend or foe, and help the two get back home. [crossover with Stargate SG1, slight Yami no Yuugi x Yuugi]
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violetsdaisy · 3 months
Fics I have written where one puzzle boy thinks he’s hard to love and the other loves him easier than breathing. 🫰✨
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When Yugi tries to relive the remaining memory he has with his belated grandfather alone in the woods, in the middle of the night, and faces an unexpected mishap, he is forced to accept a stranger’s help.
The stranger in question is as mysterious as the trees that he surrounds himself with. Read here
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The spirit was always there, since birth. In his soul and his mind. With every step he’s taken and with every decision he’s made. It has left him isolated, angry, and tortured to the point of obedience. He can’t ever be rid of it.
Until Atem appears and changes everything. Read here
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Yugi finds out that there’s more to BDSM than finding the biggest, baddest dominant there is and asking them to hurt you. Read here
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Yugi’s intention was just to help a friend in need with a dueling tournament. He never expected to gain the undivided attention of the King of Games himself. Read here
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Atem and Yugi are ecstatic to finally break free from the busy streets of Domino City and start their new life together in an old farmhouse far out in the country. It was a dream come true.
… There was just one thing.
It was haunted. Read here
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After being left unsatisfied by past relationships, Yugi accepts the offer from his closest friend to join a dinner with some of the kink community. While there, he meets someone that sets him on the path of love and self discovery, while also saving him from his worst enemy: himself. Read here
If you have read these, which one did you like the most?
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lintpuzzle · 8 months
Nothing like reading a clyde-side fic and diving into a small, isolated town with an unsettling yet welcoming secret. Flashes of iconic imagery with a rich interior. Well-researched, with that perfect splash of history to prove that Capitalism is at the root of all evil. God bless!! God bless!! God bless!!
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uniasus · 10 months
fic rec! 2K Mobiumshipping. But like, pre-ship. Slow down there, Yugi.
Summary: With assassins on their tail, Yugi has one question for Atem - why?
Comments: The second part of Vessels, a Middlegame AU, where Yugi comes to realize he's the embodiment of language and really starts to use that to make Atem spill all the beans. Still really loving all the complicated Puzzleshipping vibes between Atem, Yami, and Yugi. But cheering at the idea they're going to march on DOMA and rip it to the ground.
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shiirojasmine · 7 years
Can you point me in the direction of good Atem x Yugi fics that aren't too lore heavy? They sound like an awesome couple but I'm a Yu-Gi-Oh noob
i haven’t read a lot of ygo fanfiction, but some of my favorite puzzleshipping au writers are kudalyn and ashethehedgehog (there’s a more extensive list of fanfic recs on ashe’s blog which u can find here)
written in the stars was an interesting time travel read, and tho i haven’t read the next two, i’ve heard nothing but good things about sight the king and the witcher
i’m currently reading the darkness which binds us - not done reading it yet, but i’m having a good time. this one takes place after canon events, but i think a general knowledge of duel monsters plot is enough to get u thru the story
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Puzzle (and YGO) Fic Rec Lists
@saijspellhart's YGO fanfic recommendations (2021)
@bts-ing's Yami x Yuugi fics (2021)
@kudalyn's puzzleshipping fanfic masterlist (2019)
@ashethehedgehog puzzleshipping fic rec (2017)
@ygospamproduction's Puzzleshipping fanfiction recs (2017)
@desertrose3000's Favourite YGO Fanfictions (2017)
Yami-no-Hikari's Puzzleshipping Reclist (Livejournal, 2008)
Updated July 22 2022
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saijspellhart · 3 years
Read this fic people! It’s good!
My sister is the author, and I edit for her. And she adopted the idea of the fic from me because while I thought of it, and played with the idea, I wasn’t gonna write it. So @saoirse7ilysi is doing God’s work, and writing this beautiful story. And she’s doing an amazing job. It’s really good. I love it so much.
Rated M
Summary: This was not part of his job description. Hell, he wasn’t even sure he could dance. But somehow Atem found himself roped into being a part-time stripper.
Yugi almost bailed on his friends that night. But he’s damn glad he didn’t because the man on stage has stolen his breath... and quite possibly his heart.
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