#putting the L in Lesbian once more
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7s3ven · 9 months
CINDY LOU WHO. cedric diggory
( master list )
IN WHICH… Y/N L/N helps her crush and longtime best friend, Cedric Diggory, get with another girl. Deep down, she knows she’ll never be the bright and bubbly girl Cedric wants. She’ll always be the cunning snake with a knack for starting fights.
“Cindy Lou is bright, bubbly, and extraordinary… she’s everything I’m not.”
A/N: I do take requests so feel free to ask for one :). I mainly write for Maze Runner, Harry Potter, PJO, and Hunger Games
Guess you make him happy like I couldn't do. Cindy Lou Who. With your hair so long, lips so red. Maybe we met once, I forget
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Scrolling five years back, I'm obsessed. Breaking my heart, 'tis the season, I guess. The snow's gonna fall and the tree's gonna glisten. And I'm gonna puke at the thought of you kissin'
“The boy who I love who's now in love with you. Cindy Lou Who.”
Y/N sighed as she impatiently checked her watch and tapped her foot against the stone floor. It was almost curfew and Cedric was still a no show. The rules were less strict now that school was done, but Y/N had a reputation to live up to. It was the least she could do with all the trouble she had caused this year.
“Y/N.” Cedric jogged towards her, looking out of breath. She arched an eyebrow and her gaze scanned his untidy uniform.
“… Do I even want to ask?” She questioned.
“Ah.” Cedric sheepishly smiled, “My friends and I were playing hide and seek. It was a pretty intense game.” Even during his senior years, Cedric was still the bright-eyed kid Y/N had grown up with.
“Right. Well, why did you want to see me? You know how I don’t like going out before curfew.” Y/N folded her arms over her chest, “Plus, you’re late.” She quickly added.
“I know. I’m sorry about that. I just had to grab this.” Cedric pulled out a black box, smiling. He carefully opened it, showing the necklace to Y/N. “Do you recognize the crystal?” He questioned, making Y/N scoff.
“Of course I do. It’s my birth month crystal. (Insert crystal).”
Cedric grinned. “You still know so much more about gems than me. You should’ve been put in Ravenclaw.”
“Oh, please. If I was put there, I would be sleeping in the hallways. I can’t figure out riddles.”
Cedric playfully nudged her with his elbow. “Don’t say that. You’re smart.”
The pair walked beside each other as the moonlight shone through the cracks of the castle. Cedric had slipped the necklace box back into his pocket and he gently cleared his throat.
“I’m going to give the necklace to Cho.” He suddenly blurted out, causing Y/N to pause. She looked over her shoulder at Cedric, wondering if he was joking. He wasn’t.
“Why? She’s your ex.” Y/N felt mildly disappointed that the necklace wasn’t for her. For the longest time, she had been holding onto her feelings for Cedric. Everybody could see it; the Golden trio, the teachers, even Draco’s posse. And yet Cedric had never caught on. She was starting to wonder if he was just messing with her.
“She helped me through a lot. I owe it to her.” Cedric smiled. Y/N gazed at him before she nodded.
“Okay… I’m guessing you want my help?”
“Yes. Please.” Cedric was ready to get on his knees and beg. Though, he was sure Y/N would find great amusement in that. She had always been a little sadistic.
Y/N briefly looked away, blinking away small tears and recollecting her composure so her voice wouldn’t crack. “What do you want me to do?”
edric had wanted to meet Cho at the black late, which was where he and Y/N usually hung out. That stung.
Y/N tied the last of the heart-shaped balloons before securing them to a nearby tree. Cedric was pacing around, wildly muttering under his breath.
“Will you relax?” The Slytherin girl piped up, rolling her eyes. “You’re making me feel nervous.”
“I can’t help it.” Cedric replied. Of course, nobody could help but feel anxious around Cho Chang. She was beautiful and smart and kind. Y/N had talked to her a few times, and if she were a guy or lesbian, Cho would be her crush too.
“Well, that’s the last of the balloons. Good luck, Ced. I’ll be nearby if you need help. Just don’t expect me to hug you if she rejects you.” Y/N playfully punched her friend’s shoulder. Cedric boyishly grinned and quickly embraced her.
For a moment, Y/N was speechless. She slowly hugged him back and awkwardly patted him. She could smell his expensive cologne and it almost felt Cedric was confessing to her instead.
Y/N was the first to pull away. She wished Cedric luck once more before hurrying off, her heart pounding in her chest. She felt envious of Cho. Y/N had been by Cedric’s side since day one. She had comforted him and supported him and hid her breaking heart when Cedric admitted to liking Cho the first time.
And now it was all happening again.
Y/N hid behind a tree just in time to see Cho walk out of Hogwarts and make a beeline for Cedric. She watched as they conversed and when Cedric showed Cho the necklace, she jumped with joy.
Y/N let out a small sigh. She pressed her lips into a thin line, accepting that she wasn’t the girl Cedric would ever go for. She wondered that if they weren’t childhood friends, would Cedric still be nice to her?
She was a Slytherin. A somewhat mean one with a soft spot for certain people. She started too many fights to count, and the threat of expulsion was always hanging over her head.
She wasn’t Cho Chang, who was pretty like the starry night shining above the calm ocean. Cho Chang was kind, sweet, and loving.
Cho Chang was Cindy Lou and Y/N was the Grinch with no room in her heart to change.
The next time Y/N saw Cedric, he was by Cho’s side. Y/N usually sat at the Hufflepuff table with Cedric, much to some people’s dismay, but today Cho was with him.
Y/N didn’t feel welcomed at that point so she sat with her friends, completely missing the way Cedric gazed over at her in confusion.
“Ah, Cedric Diggory and Cho Chang. Everybody’s favorite couple has finally reunited.” Ivy, a pale-skinned girl with light freckles lining her cheeks and soft silver hair grimaced as she sarcastically spoke.
“It’s a shame you never dated Diggory, Y/N. You guys were perfect together.” Hime sighed as she poured herself a cup of pumpkin juice. She offered to fill Y/N’s glass as well, but the H/C-haired girl declined.
“Boys are always stupid.” Evan, short for Evangeline, piped up. “He doesn’t know what he’s missing. I agree with Hime. He should’ve gone for Y/N.”
Y/N silently ate as she listened to her friends complain about Cedric, probably in an attempt to make her feel better.
“Has anybody noticed how he keeps looking over here?” Hime questioned, whispering quietly. “Chang never seems to have his attention for long.”
“I’m telling you, Diggory secretly likes Y/N but he’s scared she’ll reject him. So he’s playing it safe and going for an ex who he knows he had chemistry with.” Ivy retorted, sparing another glance at Cedric.
Y/N huffed in amusement. “Where did you come up with that?” She spoke for the first time.
“It’s obvious.” Evan backed up Ivy’s theory. “When he wins a Quidditch game, who does he run to? You. When he needs help with homework, who does he find? You. When he wants to go to Hogsmeade, who does he immediately ask?”
Evan arched an eyebrow while Y/N sighed.
“It’s a plausible theory.” Hime uttered. “You two have been friends for ages. He’s close friends with Hermione Granger too, but does he hug her and look at her like he does to you?”
“That’s probably because she’s younger and he doesn’t want to end up with a sentence.”
“Good point. What about Floral over there?” Hime nodded over at the Ravenclaw girl who was always arranging flowers or reading about them. Her name wasn’t Floral but everyone called her that and it stuck. “You three are all friends, right?”
“More like I was forced to befriend her, but sure.”
“Diggory doesn’t look at her the way he looks at you.”
“And how does he look at me?”
Ivy slammed her hands on the table, looking like she had been waiting years for this question. “He looks at you like Jack Dawson looks at Rose. He looks at you like Chuck Bass looks at Blair Waldorf. He looks at you like Luke looks at Lorelei. Like Morticia and Gomez, Bella and Edward, uh.. give me another one!”
“Percy and Annabeth?” Evan suggested.
“Yes! That’s how he looks at you. He’s giving you the I wouldn’t want anybody else by my side look. He’s probably just… confused. You’re like his Cindy Lou Who. You make him happy and you bring out the best in him.”
“Cindy Lou is bright, bubbly, and extraordinary… she’s everything I’m not.” Y/N gestured over to Cho, who was giggling with Cedric. “Cho Chang is more like Cindy Lou.”
“Cindy Lou Who has a nice ring to it.” Evan said, off topic.
Y/N nodded in agreement. “It does. The rhyme is satisfying.”
“Enough about language features! You have to get your man back, Y/N.” Ivy intensely stared at Y/N, determined to get Cedric and her together.
“He was never mine to begin with.”
“Then make him yours! Come on, Y/N, you’re beautiful- no. Gorgeous. And sure, you have a bitter side but guys who can’t deal getting a little burnt aren’t worth it. And I know that you burnt Diggory over and over again, with both your anger and literal fire.”
“Just so we’re clear, the fire thing was an accident. And I don’t want to force anything onto Cedric. I’ll just… go with the flow.” Y/N ate the last of her food and stood up, “I need to wrap presents. Don’t you dare try and sneak in to see your’s.”
Y/N was mainly referring to Ivy, who lifted her hands in surrender.
Again, Y/N failed to notice how Cedric’s eyes trailed to her. But Cho saw it.
“Cedric.” The raven-haired beautify tugged on his sleeve, “Can we talk?” She spared Cedric’s friends a look. “Alone?”
“Uh, yeah, sure.”
The pair walked off, fully aware of how Y/N’s friends were watching them closely.
“What did you want to talk about?” Cedric questioned, tilting his head to the side.
“I don’t want to assume anything, Cedric. But to me, it seems like you only confessed to me again to play it safe. I can tell that your true feelings don’t lie with me.” Cho glanced at Y/N, who exited a nearby bathroom and was too busy drying her hands to notice the couple. “They lie with her.”
Cedric followed Cho’s gaze, softly staring at Y/N with that damned look of adoration.
“I think someone else deserves this necklace.” Cho gently removed the jewellery, handing it over to Cedric. “Face it, you love her. You always have. You can’t try to love me, Cedric, not when Y/N exists.”
“She doesn’t like me back.” Cedric muttered, grasping the necklace.
“Are you sure?” Cho quirked an eyebrow. “Why do you think she stayed by your side for so long? Even when the other Slytherins teased her, even when you two argued, even when you kissed me in front of her. How could you not notice, Cedric? She brings you drinks after quidditch practice and buys you gifts and even stays at Hogwarts so you aren’t lonely. Why do you think she never dated anybody, Cedric? It’s because you were the one she wanted.”
Cedric shook his head. “No. She doesn’t like me. Y/N is smart and amazing and cunning. I’m not her type. Her type would be someone like…” He paused, thinking, “Matteo Riddle.”
Cho sighed as she shook her head. “You really have no idea, do you? Spend more time with Y/N and hopefully you’ll notice the things the rest of us do.”
She quietly walked off, leaving Cedric standing outside the Great Hall. Cho made an immediate beeline for Ivy, Evan, and Hime and sat in Y/N’s spot.
The trio clad in green glanced at her, confused and a little hostile.
“Cedric likes Y/N.” Cho quickly uttered so the group didn’t explode on her. “I got through to him but he thinks Y/N doesn’t like him back.”
“Thats bullshit. It’s so obvious!” Ivy groaned.
“Exactly.” Evan agreed, “But Y/N doesn’t think Cedric likes her either.”
Cho sighed. “It’s obvious they have mutual feelings but neither of them believe it. So, let’s force them to confess.”
Hime raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you like Cedric? Why are you willing to help us?”
“Despite our dating history, Cedric is still my friend. And I want to help him in any way I can.” Cho smiled.
“Oh, I have an idea!” Ivy exclaimed, “What if we get them under the mistletoe? But instead, they have to fight! We can call it mistlefoe!”
Cho, Hime, and Evan exchanged looks.
“I think we should just stick to mistletoe.” Cho uttered. “We could, uh, surprise them by decorating one of their common rooms? The Slytherin room is never decorated, right?”
“I wish it was.” Evan sighed, “It’s a cute idea. We could surprise Y/N by decorating the common room and then led her in and Cedric can be standing in the middle of the room under the mistletoe.”
“But to pull that off, we’ll need more help.” Hime added, “I don’t think four people can do that. And it’s only us in the Slytherin common room. Not even Matteo is here. So he can’t help.”
Cho glanced past Hime and Ivy, staring at the Golden Trio and their extended group of friends. She smiled. “I have an idea. But it’s going to involve working with Gryffindors.”
The group of Slytherins all glanced at each other before they shrugged in unison.
“Anything for Y/N.”
“Do I get to kiss Oliver Wood after Diggory and Y/N kiss?”
Cho, Evan, and Hime stared at Ivy, who only cheekily grinned.
“Um… I’m not sure about that last one. Let’s just start off with asking the Gryffindors first.” Cho sheepishly smiled.
“Ivy and I will get the decorations.” Hime offered, “There’s some extra ones in the basement if Hogwarts too. Evan, Chang, you can get those after you ask the Gryffindors.”
“Call me Cho.” The ravenette smiled before she stood up. “We don’t have much time. Let’s hurry.”
“Wait, we forgot something.” Ivy piped up, “Who’s going to distract Y/N?”
“Evan can distract L/N. I’ll ask the Gryffindors myself and if they accept, they can help me get the decorations from the basement.”
“Okay.” Hime looked around, slowly nodding. She smiled. “Let’s go.”
Cho approached the red table while Hime and Ivy hurried towards Hogsmeade and Evan rushed off to find Y/N.
It took a few hours for everything to be set up, but finally the Slytherin room was decorated and ready.
“I need to get something. I’ll be back.” Evan smiled, lying through her teeth. She watched as Y/N entered the Slytherin common room and rushed off to find her friends.
Y/N squinted her eyes as she walked into the dark room. “Huh? Ivy? Hime? You here? What did you do to the lights?” Nobody answered her. She tilted her head to the side, confused.
The lights suddenly turned on, along with multiple Christmas LED lights. She quietly gasped as she stared at the tinsel covered stairs and brightly decorated tree.
In all her years at Hogwarts, the common room had never been decorated. Slytherins weren’t exactly big on Christmas.
Y/N looked around, realizing she wasn’t alone. “Cedric?” She stared at the brunette boy. “What are you doing here? Have you seen Ivy or Hime? I can’t seem to find them anywhere.”
Cedric silently looked up. Y/N, puzzled, followed his gaze. She lifted her head, staring up at the floating mistletoe above her head. “Oh.” She whispered.
She looked at Cedric again, jumping when he was only a foot away.
“I’m sorry if I ever hurt you, Y/N.” He uttered, “I should’ve noticed.”
“Noticed what?”
Cedric didn’t say anything as he leaned forward to softly kiss her. Y/N froze, her heart almost leaping out of her chest.
“Y/N,” Cedric pulled away and brushed a strand of loose hair aside, “You’ll always be my Cindy Lou.”
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kristenwell · 9 months
Disney Princess - Annabeth Chase x Daughter of Aphrodite!Reader
(a/n - fem reader because in lesbians we trust! 🗣🔥
I forgot to put tw - mention of spiders and holding them)
Everybody knows that that the kids from Cabin 10 are beautiful, it was common knowledge. They were fashionable, make-up loving experts on love, obssesed with gossip and had a tendency to be shallow and mean.
Y/N L/N was one of the few exceptions, the girl was the definition of a golden retriever.  She treated everyone kindly and most people loved her company, even the infamous son of Hades enjoyed spending time with her from time to time.
And her loveable personality led her to this exact situation with a certain blonde haired girl.
Annabeth Chase, her long-time crush, had her back turned towards the h/c girl. Y/N approached her slowly as she noticed something that would definetly make Annabeth panic.
The daughter of Athena stood near the cabins looking for her Yankee cap, she could’ve sworn she had it earlier in her pocket.
„Don’t move.“ A firm but gentle voice spoke out of nowhere, the girl froze for a second while she felt a pair of soft hands brushing against her upper back.
„Well aren’t you a beauty? What a pretty girl you are!“ Annabeth quickly turned around, she was prepared to scold whoever started flirting with her after they touched her out of the blue. What she wasn’t prepared for was the sight that awaited her.
Y/N couldn’t help but admire the beauty infront of her, in her palms to be exact. A wolf spider sat calmly and looked up at its savior.
Annabeth let out a yelp, she was terrifyed of spiders and the daughter of Aphrodite was just casually handling the arachnid.
„Hi Annabeth.“ The girl in question greeted her with a shy smile and felt her face heat up. Did she really say those words infront of her crush?
Annabeth, too busy to greet her back, pointed an accusing finger at Y/N, her body was trembling and she hated showing weakness.
„What are you doing with that thing? Throw it away, quick!“ She took a step back, ready to bolt if necessary.
Y/N’s eyes widened, she totally forgot about Annabeth’s phobia.
„Sorry, I should’ve warned you. I didn’t want you to panic and accidentally hurt it or yourself, you see it was on your back- “
„It was WHAT? Ew, ew, ew now I need to change clothes, and burn this shirt while I’m at it.“ The grey-eyed demigod ran towards her cabin and left the Y/N in the dust.
The daughter of Aphrodite sighed and released the eight-legged creature back to its home. Another chance to talk properly with Annabeth and once again, she blew it.
The evenings after dinner were the best.
Y/N loved them especially because the sunset made the lake look even more breathtaking than usually. The soft orange and pinkish glow gave it kind of a fairytale vibe. She was sitting near the docks while her legs rocked back and forth, her hair swayed along with the gentle breeze. The place was quiet and peaceful and most importantly, no one was around except for her. Mostly.
Annabeth was looking at Y/N from distance, contemplating whether or not to approach the girl after today’s events. She mustered up courage and walked towards the docks until she was about a meter away.
„Hey.“ Was all she could bring herself to say. She mentally slapped her face.
The beautiful girl infront of her snapped her head towards the sound of the voice, suprised expression plastered on her face.
„I.. wanted to thank you for today.“
Y/N sent her a sheepish smile and patted the empty spot next to her. „Don’t mention it.“
Annabeth sat next to her carefully. She started at the lake, too embarassed to make eye-contact with the other girl.
„Why did you say that?“ She wondered outloud.
„Hm? Why did I say what?“ Y/N looked at her with her curious e/c eyes.
„You were worried about that spider getting hurt, why?“ The blonde girl finally faced her, her cheeks flushed slightly at their proximity.
„Every life matters, no matter how insignificant we make them to be. At least that’s my opinion.“
She stretched her hand towards the ground on her right ride and slowly brought it back. A small jumping spider sat on her palm and scanned its surroundings. Annabeth almost let out a shriek, she was about to stand up before a hand took a hold of hers.
„Don’t be afraid, this little guy is just chilling.“ Y/N gently rubbed the blonde’s hand with her thumb.
Annabeth blushed at the intimate gesture but she still kept her guard up. She almost immediately forgot about the creature that terrifies her, being too distracted by the beatiful girl’s relaxed expression. A small smile complimented her features and her e/c eyes softened.
„-kind of reminds me of you.“ The grey-eyed girl didn’t even realize the daughter of Aphrodite infront of her was talking, now head turned to face her and her smile still prominent.
„Sorry, what was that?“ She was embarassed that she got distracted by her face.
„I said that these guys remind me of you.“ Y/N admitted sheepishly.
Annabeth stared at her in shock and was about to tell her off but she was interrupted by the teen infront of her.
„This is my favourite species, jumping spiders. They are known to be very intelligent and curious.“ She brought her hand infron of her face to admire the little invertebrate once more. The spider turned its way towards her and tried to stretch its small pedipalps towards the demigod as much as it could. „They have a history of making strong bonds with humans and are able to recognize them. Plus their big eyes and fluffy bodies make them look super cute and cuddly.“ Y/N let out a small chuckle after she finished her speech. She then released the jumping spider and watched it as it made its way home with its tiny legs.
The blonde was speechless, at first she got offended at the comparison between her and a spider but now that she’s seen the h/c-ette talk about it with such passion, she felt praised.
 „Do you find me intelligent, cute and cuddly?“ Annabeth’s surprise turned into a smirk. She couldn’t help but tease the girl holding her hand.
Y/N face turned red, her eyes wide as she stammered.
„Wha? I mean, you are incredibly smart and and cute. You’re beautiful, everybody knows that.“
The wise girl didn’t expect that. She subconsciously leaned closer.
The child of love froze for a moment, taken aback at how close the girl is. Her eyes analyzed the grey ones and flickered downwards at Annabeth’s lips for a second. They only a few centimeters away from each other until a voice shouted from distance.
„Lights out, everybody!“
Most of the campers groaned in annoyance but went to their respective cabins.
Y/N quickly let go of Annabeth’s hand, stood up and looked at her. „Sorry, I.. we should go. Uhm, good night!“
Before the blonde could protest Y/N turned on her feet and ran to her cabin, her heart racing as she realized what almost happened.
Annabeth sat there, still frozen and red faced, but now determined to finish tonight’s events some other day.
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Who would each Yellowjackets character be in The L Word Universe?
Nat - Shane
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We all saw this one coming. Nat would definitely be the ambiguously gendered noncommittal heartbreaker of The L Word sphere. Like Shane, she is kind and looks out for those she cares about but her troubled childhood has made her put her guard up. Shane and Nat both push people away because they don’t believe they are worthy of love and have never had a healthy example of a relationship so they hop from girl to girl before things can get serious. Not to mention the bounty of self-destructive tendencies these girlies both have. And with Nat’s cool mullet she would definitely kill it as a hair stylist.
Taissa - Bette
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Bette and Taissa are both the powersuit-rocking politicians of our dreams (with matching crumbling marriages.) Tai is known for taking her ambitions a bit too far, and, like Bette, her work consumes her personal life until it falls apart. Neither of these girlies know when to stop, even if it alienates them from the ones they love.
Lottie - Marina
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I think Lottie would definitely be the mysterious sexy bar owner that speaks mainly in poetry snd gives supposed straight girls sexuality crises (all while having a secret wife). Like Marina, Lottie has an aura of ethereal mystery around her and can be a little off-putting in how calm and collected she is even in situations that call for a little more freaking the fuck out. Lottie would definitely find some straight girl deeply in denial and send her into a sexuality crisis spiral while acting completely innocent about it.
Shauna - Jenny
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Okay don’t be mad at me, it’s at least a little true. Shauna and Jenny are both a little too obsessive, impulsive, and emotional (and they’re both deeply struggling with compulsory heterosexuality). At any given moment you will find them in a corner furiously journaling their dark feelings instead of communicating them. Shauna would definitely be the one to go a little crazy after falling in love with a woman for the first time. And both Jenny and Shauna have their emotional support himbos that they use to deny their homosexuality: Tim and Jeff.
Jackie - Dana
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Jackie would definitely be the closeted sports lesbian that is terrified of the public (and mostly her rich, uptight parents) finding out about her queerness. Like Dana, Jackie is under a lot of pressure to be "perfect" and comes from a wealthy, preppy background with rich parents who have high expectations. I also definitely think Jackie would be a tennis girlie. Jackie and Dana are the baby gays who are constantly checking out women but don't know how to express their queerness yet. And they both have a complicated homoerotic relationships with their best friend (Dana/Alice and Jackie/Shauna). Jackie and Dana are both very supportive and fun-loving, they just need to get out of the closet.
Van - Finley
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Butch kings! Van and Finley are both little goofsters that fill my heart with joy. In The L Word universe, Van would definitely be the that friend that is there to make all of the gays smile but is hiding a lot of pain and trauma behind a comedic mask. Van and Finley have a serious problem with joking instead of confronting serious feelings but we still love them.
Misty - That girl that's obsessed with Shane in the Pilot episode
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Okay so I don't think Misty really fits anyone in The L Word so I'm giving her Lacey, that girl that is concerningly obsessed with Shane (Nat) in the first episode. This girl hooks up with Shane once and then she's tracking her down at parties and finding all of her hangout spots to harass her and get her attention. And I think in an L Word AU, Misty would definitely hook up with Nat, Nat would ghost her, and Misty would go insane like that.
*Anyways should I write a Yellowjackets The L Word AU fic? Because honestly I've been thinking about it a little bit too much.*
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biracy · 1 year
As a dyke i once joked that a fictional character who was male was experiencing comphet and someone told me off for using it because "its a lesbian only term" No the fuck it isnt... Really putting the L in lgbt... Also. Imo comphet can apply to anyone, even het people. Yes even cishet people. Its like a mosquito it gets Everyone
So true honestly like I think a reexaminining of heterosexuality as a social system and approaching "compulsory heterosexuality" theory through that lens would be a lot more productive than "comphet is when only lesbians feel pressure to date men, no one else can experience it". Like I said in my post, as a bisexual person I have an experience that falls explicitly outside of mainstream standards of heterosexuality, and I also feel social pressure to date "acceptable" heterosexual men in an "acceptable" heterosexual woman fashion (i.e. not be the freako that I am). I've also read about how straight trans people inherently cannot perform "heterosexuality" as a social system, which inherently excludes trans people. That's not to say that trans people cannot be straight, as in "attracted to/only interested in dating people of different genders (trans women who date men, trans men who date women)", but to say that all trans people cannot fit into heterosexuality as it is defined by patriarchy, religious hegemony, etc. I think too many people discuss "comphet" while operating under a definition of "heterosexuality" as "when a woman dates a man", which I think, when examined through both bisexual and transgender lenses, falls through. It disregards the existence of heterosexuality and heteronormativity as systems that can negatively affect and control everyone, especially all women, in favor of paying lipservice to what is essentially an "am I gay" quiz written like five years ago. I think the ways comphet affects lesbians, bi women, and straight women are all different, but I also think a multifaceted approach to comphet theory is important lol
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igotanidea · 9 months
Sous chef : Sam Winchester x reader cook AU (part 1)
sous chef fr): works directly under the head chef 
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Request: Sammy has his own restaurant, he is a Chef, he works in the administration almost always and usually cooks once a week at the place, he falls in love with the reader. Age gap but everything legal, he cooks for her, she falls in love with his food! and the excellent sex with him (played with it a bit, hope you'll like it anon :)
Before we start this story we have to make one thing clear.
Y/N was not a silly teenage rom-com heroine.
Did she watch them? Yes. Did she read them? Yes, absolutely.
But only for the funsies.
It was not like the “To all the boys I’ve ever loved” plotline.
Not like she was only living the fantasy inside her head, too scared to act on her own feelings.
It was not – god forbid – like the After plotline and Y/N was not the good girl focused only on her school stuff not wanting to have anything to do with the bad boys and boys at all.
No way in hell.
She had her own amount of love drama and with the slightly wild character she was more than ready for a new chapter in her life.
Parties, boys, skipping classes and making out in the toilets, sneaking under the professors’ nose.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, let’s talk reality.
She was a nice girl. A kind spirit. A dreamer.
With a vision, sharp tongue and good priorities.
Not a pushover but also not the most popular. Not the sharpest crayon in the box, but street smart. If you asked Y/N Y/L/N how she classified herself she would probably answer in the middle. She could get lost inside her own head trying way too hard to figure things out instead of just letting it unravel and go with a flow. Dead set on putting some sort of label on herself to find out where she belongs. Which was still  bound to happen.
She has just moved to the new city to college and what was better way to get acquainted with the surroundings and fellow students than –
- having a little trip? (I’m pretty sure you thought party, huh?)
 In her defence – she tried partying, but seeing her college friends drunk dancing and throwing up because they actually wanted to let loose and have a big opening of the year was a bit too much. Therefore, she grabbed her girls, completely ignored their whining about ruining the mood and baptized as Y/N, the destroyer, dragged them out into the city.
That’s how they found this little nice restaurant in the suburbs. Nothing too fancy nor too expensive for a students’ budget but good enough for a group of young adult women who just started living (almost) on their own.
It was nice to have a ladies’ night. At least until the door to the restaurant opened and a representative of the opposite sex entered causing all the females to raise their gazes. A little rascal definitely noticed the sudden commotion in the henhouse cause he shot them a teasing gaze and winked in a flirtatious manner before heading towards the counter smiling widely at the other man standing there.
“Is he gay?” Y/N asked, barely holding back a chuckle, while observing the whole scene
“That guy who just entered!”
“What?” her friends laughed  collectively “Dean Winchester being gay? Damn Y/N. He had more girls in his bed in last two months than any of us will have in our whole life!”
“Are you a lesbian then, f/n?”
“You said he had more girls than any of us-“
“oh shut it! Slip of the tongue, you know what I mean!”
“so not gay?”
“who’s the other one then?” Y/N took a sip of her drink pointing out behind her back.
 “yes he! Do you see any other good looking guys around?”
“That’s Sam.” f/n replied and went quiet teasing Y/N on absolute purpose.
“Care to elaborate or are you too busy foaming at the mouth while checking out that Dean guy?”
“Can you blame me? Damn, have you seen his-?”
“face! Have you seen his face?” Y/N rolled her eyes in frustration. “they are brothers. Obviously. Sam’s a chef and Dean ... well, I am not sure what he does for a living but I’m all up for the bad boy style and attitude.”
 “dare I ask?”
“you better not. I see that little blush on your face so enjoy your little teenage rom-com moment.” f/n laughed sipping her drink though the straw purposefully making it loud to get the man’s attention and be the eyecatcher on Y/N’s behalf.
“stop it!” Y/N shushed suddenly feeling eyes on her back, almost burning the hole and – ironically – do making her blush.
“and what if I don’t?”
“you’re crazy!”
“and you’re too shy for your own good. Come one, live a little. Have a hot, steamy romance. Free yourself! Burn the bra!”
“It’s a figure of speech!”
“I know what it means!” Y/N laughed and shook her head at her friend’s stupidity. However, instead of leaving or making  a scene she just raised her own glass in a celebratory gesture “cheers!”
And now – tell me, in your honest opinion, don’t you think that few  young woman in an almost empty restaurant at the very late hour, laughing and acting the way young carefree girls should, would get some looks, even if covert?
Once the academic year got off the ground the time seemed to pass in an accelerated speed. Before anyone noticed the beginning of October turned into November and then everyone started slowly thinking about actual work and getting some work as a source of income.  
Y/N was no exception to this rule. Between mingling, being a  socially engaged person, going out with friends, studying, preparing for exams, finding little time for her hobbies and currently fighting for an internship, her life was simply crazy.
So she wandered around the city alone to get at least a bit of peace of mind. Not having any specific destination in mind, just letting her feet lead her to whatever place she might find herself in. Just being and floating in space, allowing her imagination and creativity run free, unrestrained by a rigid schedule.
The old bookshop looking like it was taken straight from the Harry Potter universe might have been a spot where she’s been spending most of her time, to such extend that the owner learned her name. moreover, she even started helping him in running the business which was quite good practice given the fact she was studying business and economics. And for one more reason too.
“I’m here, sorry for being late! Bus was delayed due to the weather and –“ she walked through the door shaking of the snow not realising that there was a client present and Bobby was nowhere to be found. That meant she was supposed to serve the man standing by the counter, whose face she could not see at the moment. “Morning sir. What can I help you with?” swiftly she hung her damp coat and hat on the hanger and approached him. “Sam?” the name escaped her before she bit her tongue.
“Hi. Do I know you?” the man frowned in confusion, but it was not a confused expression of someone offended by being called by his given name, rather a sympathetic question of someone trying hard to refresh his memory.
“No.” she shook her head with a smile of embarrassment “no you don’t, not really. But my friend got eyes for your brother, you should warn him about a feisty female sharpening her claws.”
“I am pretty sure Dean can handle- wait, you’re that girl from the restaurant.”
“Good memory. Surprisingly good, actually.” She reached her hand towards him “I’m Y/N Y/L/N. It’s only fair to tell you my name since I already know yours.”
“Nice to meet youY/N. You work here?”
“More like volunteer. Full time student, part time bookseller. Doesn’t seem like a match made in heaven, does it?”
“Well, I bet you wouldn’t expect to see a chef searching for a book, will you?”
“I’m not judgmental.” She shrugged taking a look at the pile of volumes in his hands “but choosing modern sci-fi crime and mythology books is a bit surprising. For a guy in general.”
“It’s just side interest. And actually I was hoping Bobby would find something that would be more complex than a manifestation of the author's exuberant and non-realistic imagination”
“Wow, now that’s the wording.”
“for a chef?” Sam smirked.
“For a person. Anyone else would just say the book was fucked up.”
“Thought you weren’t judgmental?”
“I wasn’t.” Y/N shrugged and grinned at him “till you said that you’re pretty much looking for fantasy book with no fantasy in it.”
“Then why do I get the feeling you know perfectly where to find one?”
“Challenge accepted Mr. Winchester.”
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robinsno1lesbian · 1 year
Buckley brainrot is SO REAL rn so here’s some thots HAVE FUN
Imagining going to a romance movie with Robin and she insists y’all sit in the back so you do and you’re now halfway through the movie and her hand is under your skirt and she’s already coaxed out one or two orgasms from you and she’s trying to make it a record and you’re biting your lip so hard to keep the moans in and she says
“Gotta be quiet baby, someone can turn around and see the mess you’re making.”
And when the movie finishes you get up and start blushing as you gently push Robin to usher her out quickly so no one asks about the wet spot on your seat and I-😵‍💫
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robin buckley x fem!reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1225
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 18+ mature content! (MDNI), (semi?) public sex, fingering, squirting, petnames, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, not proofread
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: sorry for my other asks still waiting in my inbox but this one had to be prioritized for all the amazing writing @maladaptive-day-dreams has done for me in the past few days!! the robin brainrot is REAL- this was supposed to be a 300-500 word drabble but i got a little too carried away with your request-
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when she first put her palm to your thigh you didn't mind. it wasn't often that she got physical with you in public, hawkins in the 80s most definitely isn't the place and time for lesbians. but in the darkness of the movie theatre, it felt safe enough. your seats are in the very back of the room, and, besides, hardly anyone else is at the movies today. you've seen a young couple somewhere close to front row and maybe a handful of other people. but none of them are close enough to see the hand on your leg. and they aren't close enough to see the way robin moves closer to you until she has her lips pressed against your neck, leaving a trail of hot and wet kisses. "robin" you hiss under your breath. "we can't-" but when her hand moves further up your leg you shut it, your hips rolling against her for more. your girlfriend chuckles against your neck as she caresses your skin- "yeah..." she mumbles at that first hip roll. "that's what i thought" you know just how wet you are when she presses her fingers to your pantie-covered entrance and looks at you with mock surprise. "who would've known" she whispers. "that y/n y/l/n was into getting fucked in the movie theatre..." "i- uhm- I'm not" but there really is no point denying it when she pulls your panties down your spread legs and pockets them, before using her index- and middle finger to spread you open for her. "and you're so fucking wet too" robin's raspy voice is right next to your ear. you can't see her hand, your skirt turns out to be an amazing cover for what's happening underneath, you can only feel it when she spreads your lips apart and dips a finger down to your entrance. you gasp and she hushes you immediately. "shit gotta be quiet for me..." she looks around but no one seems to be paying any attention. "we wouldn't want them to hear" now what you think she means is that she will turn this into a quick little thing before focusing her attention back on the movie. you think she will make quick work of flicking your clit and finish you off in record time. what you don't think is that she will fuck you through multiple orgasms in a now, without stopping for once. after your first orgasm, you are sweat soaked and have a hand thrown over your mouth to hold back the noise. you look at her as if you're expecting her to withdraw her hand. she doesn't. robin gives you a wicked grin and pumps her fingers into you again. your eyes widen in surprise and you bite down on your hand. you mouth a "robin...please" but robin knows better. she knows you want this and she can tell by the way her fingers meet no resistance at all that you don't just want but need to cum again. your walls flutter around her skilled fingers at one particularly deep thrust. you're thankful for the loud volume of the movie that's playing. otherwise, the whole room would hear the wet noises from between your thighs. with your eyes rolling back and your grip tightening around the armrest of your seat, you cum again. you arch your back off of your seat and bite down on your lip so hard you're almost certain it'll draw blood. robin watches in amazement, her fingers gathering all of your cum and arousal and pushing it right back into your aching cunt.
you squirm when she pushes them back inside and a small whimper falls from your lips. it's all becoming too much and yet not nearly enough to feed your hunger for more...more of her touch, more of those sensations that are washing over you like waves...more of robin. robin, whose brows furrow when you whimper. regardless of how quiet it is, she stops her movements for a second to warn you; "gotta be quiet baby, someone can turn around and see the mess you’re making" and you sure are making a mess, your wetness running down your thighs and soaking right through the thin fabric of the skirt and into the seat. she pulls out of you and collects your arousal on her fingertips, moving upwards. you nod your head, willing to do anything robin asks of you as long as this does not stop. you can feel your overstimulated cunt throbbing, but you want to give her that. you want to make robin proud and give her one more. you know it's there, coiling in your lower abdomen as she circles your clit slowly. "will...will be so quiet" you breathe, with your head falling back against the wall behind you. "please" "oh i know you will" she smiles. "good girl" and, as she says it, robin pushes her fingers back into you, watching every single one of your reactions.
"you're gonna give me one more yeah...? yeah...?" she whispers the words so sweetly, as if she isn't pushing her fingers into you, perfectly timed with every word. and each time they seem to go deeper than before, hitting that spot of yours a little too well. "y-yes" you nod your head with your eyes closed. "look at me" robin mumbles. "please- i wanna see your face when i set this new record of making you cum" under other circumstances, this remark might've earned her a giggle but you can't. you can't. you can hardly open your eyes, but force yourself to do so anyway. the sight in front of you is a delight; robin has been watching you the entire time and, judging by the look on her face, she's getting just as much pleasure from this. "gonna cum...gonna cum..." you mouth, your lips parting when you feel the beginning of third orgasm washing over you and when she angles her hand the slightest bit different, causing the heel of her hand to hit against your clit with each one of her thrusts, you cum. hard. so fucking hard that you lose control over all your body does. you throw your palm over your mouth to hold back the moans, wishing robin could hear how good she's making you feel. but robin doesn't need to hear, not when she can feel and see. the last thing you notice before everything does dark is a weird, new sensation of fluids leaving your body and gushing against her hand. your orgasm is still rippling through you but you are aware enough to be extremely embarrassed for this mess. "oh my god- oh my god-" you whisper, brought back to reality by that feeling. you are mortified and bring your palms up to hide your face. but robin looks down at you in amazement. "holy shit y/n..." she whispers. "fuck- that was- that was the hottest thing ever" "i- i never did this before i-" you stutter. "it's-" but robin grabs your wrists and pushes you up. "i need to have you...right now...screw this movie..." she pulls you out of the seat and walks first, leading the way out of the cinema. all you can do is turn around one last time to see the mess you've made on the seat. god, you really hope no one will ask about it on your way out.
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raewritesfiction · 6 months
The Deputy [Jeremy Renner]
A/N: I watched the video for “Trouble” by Pink and it gave me this idea. Still…. ACAB. I know he plays the Sheriff in the video but for this he’s the Deputy! Also the daughter’s name was picked at random via a Google generator.
Plot: You’re locked in a cell in the Wild Wild West but Deputy Renner has a soft spot for you.
Pairing: Deputy! Jeremy Renner x Female!Reader
Warnings: Smut. Sex worker. Lesbianism. Unsafe sex. Handcuffs.
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You sigh loudly just to piss off the Sheriff as he goes off duty and switches with his Deputy; you blow the man in charge a kiss “say hello to Scarlett for me!”
“That bitch stays put!” He says to the Deputy and walks out mumbling under his breath.
You’d get nowhere with the Sheriff but the Deputy…. Deputy Renner had a soft spot for you since you came to town and you were more than willing to use your own soft spot to your advantage.
The Deputy smiles at you behind the cell bars and shakes his head “ma’am… just what did you?”
“Hello Deputy Renner.” You wink “well… it seems I was caught stealin’ from a client… the thing is it was the heart of the Sheriff's daughter I stole…and he don’t like that none.”
Deputy Renner nods “uh huh…”
“The Sheriff wants Scarlett to marry some big wig in the city. Business type…. So he’s sending her off tonight on the last train of the day.”
“Well ain’t that a pickle?!” He grips onto the bars and flexes his biceps.
“Ain’t it just? I would very much like to leave and see her off… but it seems that I am stuck here in cuffs.” You pout and flutter your lashes at the Deputy.
“I would very much be obliged if you could let me out and although the sheriff took all my coins I can pay in a different way.”
Deputy Renner raises an eyebrow “I see…” re-adjusting his cowboy hat as he walks to the door of the cell you were in. “And how would you pay ma’am?”
“Well I know how badly you’ve been trying to get to my room at my… lodgin’s… but it seems I am always very busy with other clientele. Maybe I could forgo payment just this once to give you a very private experience right here?”
Deputy Renner smirks and licks his lips “well, the sheriff is gone until mornin’… but what do I tell him then?”
“You tell him I slipped my cuffs with a hair pin while you were taking care of business and then escaped my cell the same way… and you’re not in the habit of manhandlin’ a lady like that.”
“Well you have this all thought out don’t ya?” His hand was already unlocking the cell door for you.
“Yes sir, I most certainly do.” You smile and stand, flashing him your most seductive smile.
“You clean…?” He watches you.
“I sure am, it’s why my price is so high.” You nod “my clientele is very select.”
The Deputy nods and motions for you to step out towards him whereupon he guides you back towards the Sheriff’s desk “this would piss him off so badly…”
You nod “in which case I am all for it… and if it’s your thing… you can leave me in the cuffs.”
“Oh I am definitely leavin’ you in the cuffs until we’re done.” The Deputy nods and makes light work of undoing your bodice; it was re-stitched multiple times but it was still a firm favourite of your clients due to the way it made your tits so pronounced.
The Deputy licked his lips at the sight of your bare chest and his hands moved to massage and tease you, watching your nipples harden under his touch. You let out breathless moans and gasps; his name escaping you when his lips close around your nipple and suck lightly before switching to the other side.
You shuffle your legs and squeeze his hips with your thighs “please Deputy Renner…”
“So polite ma’am… I’m not so much when it comes to matters of pussy…” his hands glide up your legs and move the layers of skirts until he gazes at you “well look at that pretty pink pussy… I was almost expecting it to be made of gold the way other men and women talk about it.”
You blush and smile, leaning into his ear and speaking quietly “feels like silk, so I’m told…”
The Deputy moans low and reaches between your legs, sliding his fingers over you until they were slick and then pushing them into you with ease. You throw your head back and moan quietly; you had mastered the art of making the right noises at the right times but the way the Deputy moved his fingers inside you felt like he knew how to please a lady; curling and scissoring, thrusting them slowly then speeding up until you were whining against his ear and rocking your hips to his hand for release. Something you usually had to do for yourself between clients.
He withdraws his fingers and licks them clean, humming and closing his eyes “so sweet…”
You lean panting against him and nibble on his earlobe, wanting nothing more than to touch him but being bound by the cuffs behind your back.
Deputy Renner makes quick work of his belts and pants; pushing them down to free his hardening cock. “Want me to help?” You whisper and nip again.
“On your knees…” he commands
You drop down and open your mouth ready for him, your tongue peaking out over your teeth. His cock tastes a little salty, surely better than most of your clients and you bob your head as you suck along his length, taking little time to feel him harden fully.
“You’re over qualified for this…” he breathes and holds the edge of the desk “get up!” He groans and moves your skirts as you position yourself on the desk again; his hand grips your hip while the other guides his cock into you with ease, “God damn you really do feel as soft as silk…” he groans and pulls you down his length fully, both hands now gripping your hips.
You steady yourself and tighten around him in pulses to tease; a little something that drove other clients wild. The Deputy moans and gasps “keep doing that…” he starts thrusting into you and you’re glad the desk is against a wall for stability; his thrusts are rough and deep but he’s not hurting you like others who do the same. He keeps the pace measured and steady, your pussy coating his cock in your arousal until you’re both a panting mess.
The Deputy watches your tits move on every thrust, mesmerised by their sight and the way your body reacts to him. He watches your nipples harden into sensitive nubs and leans down to suck on them in turn making you whine and moan. Actual moans; you didn’t have to fake anything for the Deputy as he speeds up his hips and reaches to tease your clit - he wasn’t just about his own pleasure. You tightened and relaxed your walls around him as best you could and arched towards him as his teeth scraped over your nipple.
“Oh fuck!” You moan and pant quickly, violently tightening around his cock and pulling him into you with the force of your release. The Deputy grunts roughly and has enough thought to pull out of you, wrapping his hand around himself and jerking himself roughly, moving back as you fall to your knees and throw your head back again. After only moments you feel his hot cum on your bare tits, where his lips had been just seconds ago. His moan is rough and full of pleasure he’d been wanting to release; his jaw was lax and eyes tight shut and his chest heaving.
After a few of minutes, The Deputy is uncuffing you and watching you re-dress yourself.
“Come by anytime and tell them I sent you; I’ll make sure you get a good deal on any lady you like… and I’ll be sure to always have time for you, Deputy.”
He nods and offers a smile “Thank you ma’am… you’d better get running if you’re gonna catch her.”
You nod and leave to the sound of Renner sighing and thanking God.
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bunniesnuggie · 11 months
modern cg! ellie headcanons!!!!
ellie williams x fem little!reader
summary: just some quick long thoughts thrown together about my fav fictional lesbian as a (first time) caregiver, a little bit halloween themed
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♡ ok so first of all, she had to be told, very directly matter of fact. she could literally find an adult pacifier and would think nothing of it, she wouldn’t question any gear or “strange” behaviour
ellie was frantically looking for her phone charger, she swore it was plugged in by the nightstand. she huffs looking under the wood not seeing the cord, so she starts pulling stuff out from under the bed. pulling out a box with stickers all over it and your name in puffy paint, she smiles at the cute box but continues on her search. opening the nightstand drawers she pulls out everything inside. she groans, still not finding it, you walk in just in time to hear her aggressive groan and see her gripping your favorite paci. you blankly stare not knowing what to say, but she just turns and asks “have you seen my charger? i cant find it anywhere” as she tosses the plastic guard back in and closes the drawer.
♡ so yeah, bby girl literally would not bat an eye at you if your regressed in front of her. you would have to tell her what’s happening and why if you want her involved more than just being there watching joining you color
“why are we watching this again? didn’t we just watch it like yesterday” ellie teases you about the cartoon you put on again, pulling out your favorite coloring book for you, you blush and ask if she wants it off. “i’m just teasing baby, i love hotel transylvania” she say’s seriously, poking your side to make you giggle. she hands you you’re coloring book and you sit watching the colorful but spooky cartoon. you start getting deep into your headspace, coloring with breaks to giggle at what’s on the tv. “mama hand me the gween pease” you ask, ellie immediately handing you the requested crayon without even looking up from her face page “here baby”
♡ neither of you notice the slip up right away, you realize once the crayon is in your hand. immediately freezing up, not daring to look at her. she notices your silence when you don’t laugh at a part that normally kills you
“you ok sweetheart?” she asks, putting her hand to your cheek, worried you don’t feel good. your face is solemn and you cheeks are hot. “do you not feel good?”, she makes you look at her, your teary eyes meeting her worried green ones. you sniffle and shake your head, “i called you…mama…” you trail looking away, murmuring towards the end, embarrassed and ashamed. “so?” she shrugs not understanding the problem “you can call me whatever you want, it don’t bug me none….” she tries to smile at you, not getting why you’re so upset. it’s definitely something you kind of have to spell out
♡but once she knows, she KNOWS, i’m talking child development books and parenting books. mama is ready for her role, even strongly encourages that you make a space in the house that’s little friendly. insisting you keep out your gear rather than hide it in the box under the bed
she watches you pulls out the box, sliding it across the floor and on front of the two of you. “this is my little box, it’s where i hide my gear, we’ll that’s not like my stuffies and stuff.. “ you say nervously, eyeing her and the box, waiting for her move. but she waits, smiling at you, “wanna show me your stuff bubs?” she asks excitedly, genuinely wanting to see. she decided that one little box is not enough and constantly buys you new gear, she even asks where your favorite shops are so she can order from them, asking if there’s anything you want in particular.
♡ she’s not super strict, she’s like a fun older sister. like she lets you eat candy and sweets with meals, stay up late to watch tv with her, rarely days no to you. only when it bites her im the butt does she go into mama mode. so if you get grumpy or snappy from lack of sleep and too ouch sugar, she starts to put limits on things
“baby” she sighs a bit, watching the goosebumps rise on your arms. she has you’re sweater in her hand and has been trying to get you to put it on, “please bun, can you put on your jacket? your gonna catch a cold” she begs, watching you scoop the guts from your pumpkin, the sticky orange goop up to your arms. your shake your head frowning, “gonna get da guts on it ..” you pout. ellie smiles and gestures to let her show you something. you put down the big metal spoon you’ve been using to scoop out the guts, letting ellie wipe your hands with baby wipes she the puts on your sweater. she rolls the baggy sleeves up past your elbow, leaving your arms exposed but zipping up the front. you grin, feeling warm and cozy and not having to worry about making a mess on your clothes.
♡ she loves being a caregiver, it have her a sense and of purpose. makes her feel important and needed, she thrives knowing that you trust her and only her in this special mind set and she will protect and cherish it with her life
you and ellie’s are sitting at the table; crayons, markers, glue sticks, scarp pieces of gelt scatter the surface. ellie is using the saftey scissors to cut out little white ghosts for you, the two of you doing little halloween crafts all day. there’s a knock on the door that interrupts us, ellie telling you to stay out while she answers it. she pulls open the heavy wood to reveal dina, our neighbor, who stands with a plate of cookies. she smiles and greets ellie, going to walk inside, being close enough with you two to be comfortable to invite herself in. normally this is fine, but ellie stops her, looking back at you at the table. biting her lip she shakes her head, “i’m sorry dina now’s not really a good time” she presses, lips tight, not letting anyone see you in your regressed state. she takes the cookies and thanks her before sending her off, bringing you the plate with a smile. “look baby, dina bright pumpkin cookies” you clap and squeal “yay cookie! mama tan i have one pease?” how could she ever say no?
a/n: hello everyone i am back, it took me like a week to finish this and it’s not even proofed lol. but anyways i’m glad to be back, i went through a pretty invasive surgery recently and it took a large toll on my life and daily routine but everything went well and all it fine :D anyway i hope to be posting more, i have a couple new characters i want to write about and some fun ideas. i’ll probably go through and do some requests soon though bc there’s a lot 🫠
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let me know if you want to be added/removed from my tag list ♡
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aloyxtilda · 1 year
I need to say something. The saltiness I have seen against Seyka. The negativity to Aloy and Seyka's relationship even. It's hurtful and sad. I am so sad to see this from such an amazing community that I love very much. A lot of us LOVE Seyka. Attacking her character, claiming she is written badly etc. Please stop. All that is a salty opinion that some people may agree with but doesn't mean it's true for the rest of us. And it's hurtful to see everyone attacking each other over it. You are allowed to be critical of the story. But attacking each other, lashing out, being mean is wrong. I love all the characters in Horizon. All of them! And it's fine if you don't. But be polite and respectful.
Aloy is confirmed bi/lesbian. Can't we all be happy for her at least? Your fantasy still continues on with whomever character you ship her with. It doesn't need to be canon. That's not what this story is about. It's not about your fantasy. It's about Aloy's growth and her learning about love. It was beautifully and respectfully told too. So relatable as a lesbian for me. Everything. And in my opinion, It wasn't rushed at all. It felt natural. Realistic. 🌹💞
Then you got the saltiest ones saying. "But Aloy has built up all these other characters who mean something to her and putting Seyka with her as her lover is like tossing the rest of the characters under the bus." 😒 Really? So That's like me saying. I got all these people who are into me sexually and friends in my life who I made deep connections with. That means I should and must date them?? 😬 Red flag alert! No!
Sorry kids but that's not how it works. Seyka just happens to be what Aloy wants and opens her heart at the right time. It's realistic, natural and her own decision. I feel like Tilda and Lis' tragic love story helped to make Aloy realize something deeper in herself. It's Guerrilla's story and they are telling it beautifully. Not some cheap dating sim. Look, I ship Tilda with Aloy. I get it. But I am not upset that Aloy never got with her. Specially since it was canon that Tilda was totally obsessively in love with Aloy and Lis. Then she went and died. (Left up to speculation of course. 😌) Spite whoever Aloy is with romantically, I just want Tilda to be in the 3rd game.
It's fiction and supposed to be fun. But people are legit shitting on Seyka and each other! I find Seyka is an amazingly well written character. People are more upset that Aloy didn't get forced into being with their favorite character. I understand we love our favorite characters but the negativity saltiness around it is toxic. Aloy can be with whoever she wants and Seyka is her girl she chose. Seyka also represents girls out there who look like her for once. Another plus. And if you chose for her not to be with Seyka...it doesn't change her sexuality or who Aloy is and what she likes. Sorry if that upsets you but not sorry. She's B/L and we should really be happy about this. Sometimes it's our own community that can stop more industries from making games for us. Since it's always easier to go the straight route. Then it's typical and the drama stays out of it. Is that what you want?
I am so happy for Aloy and her story. I am proud of Guerrilla for telling the story they want. (Spite all the backlash now from all sides.) And not listening to any particular group who think they deserve the favoritism. Instead they gave us something new and fresh. A new character who vibes with Aloy and gives her confidence who she feels equal to but also only knows her as the girl who fell to earth. Not the savior. Not the outcast and I prefer that. I just see it as the more the merrier. Seyka is just another beautiful character we can ship Aloy with in fanart/fics. But some people rather be angry about it all and cause drama, even use it to hate on other shippers. Like fine, do that if it makes you feel better. But it looks salty and really raised a red flag for me.
Also as a middle aged elder gay who works in the gaming industry and sees so much bigotry, this behavior doesn't help and looks bad on the lgbtq+. I've seen some amazing devs already be talked badly about because of their decision. We really need to be more supportive of each other and characters that represent us and companies who risk a lot to tell stories made for smaller minority groups. The game industry is still far from being a healthy environment for women, PoC and LGBTQ+. Let's not make it worse. ❤👏 Thank you.
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lucidfairies · 10 months
hi 🫡
. yes that is me embarrassing the shit outta myself (I actually sent that to a handful of girls)
i. for those of you who may not know, i'm maya. i'm 18, i'm typically a masculine presenting lesbian and I happen to be a she/her. I also am unfortunately asexual
• everyone meat riding rn about why I read and write so much smut as an asexual, I would love for you to know that I'm fighting a losing battle with hypersexuality! that is all I will be sharing on that matter thank you. •
ii. I'm proficient at finding people's instas whether they wanna be found or not!! if this relates to you, you may want to hmu.
iii. um I'm single if that wasn't clear from the kicker.
iv. I have severe Audhd and I have OCD but I don't really count that because you can't really tell it's there. I'm a POTS and scoliosis survivor
(can u tell idk what the hell I'm doing)
v. I will drop my socials if you so want them but I would prefer u DM me cuz I don't need my public insta in tumblr comments tbh (I have insta, tiktok, discord, snap, so on so forth)
vi. I'm still in high school LMAOOO pls I'm not less than eighteen guys don't worry but I aspire to be in the military but I'm taking a gap year
vii. I've been writing since like third grade but over quarantine my parents kinda banished me to our basement and I was doing a lot of things I shouldn't have been doing but now I'm sorta good at writing !!
viii. fics are kinda a side gig, I do write real shit here and there but there's genuinely no point so idk why I do it
ix. I'm what people like to call a whore except I don't fuck around I just talk to like nine people at once (hop off my dick rn)
x. I'm hilariously funny if you ever wanna strike up a conversation
xi. I'm down for ANY conversations. you wanna talk about what kinks some random bitch has based on their appearance? let's talk about it. wanna tell me about the sex you had last night? I'll go get a snack. I don't get triggered by really anything so if u need an outlet, I'm right here bb
xii. I actually have a massive gyatt
xiii. I can curl a lot of lbs and um I can bench some too and I guess do leg stuff (gym girlies rise)
xiv. I'm Jewish but not like Jewish my fam just is, I am probably one of the furthest things from religion and I don't hugely support organized religion (my fav way to describe it is being Jew-ish)
xv. I am a leftist through and through (pro choice, pro science, pro gays, Black lives matter, stop Asian hate, in case you needed clarification on that one) and I avoid knowingly being friends with Republicans at all costs
xvi. I am pro Palestine, nothing anyone will say or do could change my stance on that one.
xvii. I have a cat + dog
xviii. I don't get cold like ever cuz I ski in like 10° weather all winter
xix. I have Duolingo and if u wanna beef it out w a quest then I am definitely down for that because I will beat you (I'm learning Hawaiian and Hebrew)
xx. I'm fluent in German and speak it at home w the fam and I know some Spanish + French
xxi. juice boxes > anything
xxii. some more pics of me will follow whenever I stfu
xxiii. I stand at a whopping six feet tall but I swear I have short person energy
xxv. in my personal opinion I have huge dick energy but you're welcome to put me in my place (I'm a switch and I'll cook for you)
xxiv. if your snap score is more that 300k we can't be friends I'm sorry (mine is 100k suck my c o c k)
xxvi. best position is doggy but I can be persuaded into something different
xxvii. CUNT
xxviii. uhhhh I'm from the East Coast of America so l operate in EST time
anyway it was nice getting to talk about myself for a long time 🫡 feel free to make numerous comments about my life in the comments
anyway y'all here are some for faceless pics that are guaranteed to make u cream (see, hilarious)
sayonara sistas
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imaginespazzi · 6 months
Ok bestie, anon who followed up on Amoore reporting back as requested ha. I should say we are on a similar page, her & Kitley are very tough to get a read on. And a lot of the online chatter agrees its hard to judge and goes back and forth on whether theres something more going on. For those interested, I suggest watching their youtube ch series for a general sense of them interacting. Entertaining and light vids, not overly long. Really just little things between them here & there that add up. And of course a person can review their socials..
Now onto the tea I came across online. Imperfectly summarized the best I can below. (Allow me to stipulate that I have no way of verifying any of this, so please understand Im not at all sharing any of this to be presented as true or false. Take it as simply passing along the posting of others for conversations sake here in a safe space. Comments/feedback/corrections welcome)
Its described as on/off thing, first beginning summer 2020. A VT insider says people are aware that Amoore hasnt been committed, to put it delicately/nicely. Leading most recently to a break of sorts last Dec-mid Jan. (Added pretty sure they are together rn though. And another person did point out if Liz was getting cheated on why would Georgia seem to maintain a good relationship with the Kitley family, which is a fair Q to pose). But notably, a strangely long break in their podcast took place over that period and for the first time in 3 years they didn’t spend XMas together or hang around each other over the holiday and when podcast recording returned they just said “we had Xmas” and didn’t talk about it. It was also pointed out that sometime in winter, Liz had tickets to see an NHL game and went w Cayla King despite her and Georgia talking about how they wanted to go together before. Only sus bc it happened to coincide w the time where Georgia was speculated to have gotten close to Kate Martin. Then suddenly they K & G werent interacting anymore and L & G seem back to being “besties”.
Liz’s "2020 love playlist"… apparently someone has screenshots that it used to be titled Georgia. Includes some fav bands/songs of Amoores. And a tune called Australia Street lol. Lots of love songs predictably, but some breakup songs were added to it at one point (the comment seems to insinuate during the time they were going through issues)
They're friends with a married lesbian couple (Youtubers/influencers? The Bellaires) who they once visited alone.
Also, fyi, Kate Martin is apparently recently back w her last ex, whoever that is - per talk re social media activity
You're my new favorite person omg because this is my kinda tea fr! Can y'all tell I love some good gossip?
I'm ngl, I was never the most invested in V-Tech or the girls on the team, so I don't really follow them. And I was pretty convinced Liz was straight so I just assumed her and Georgia really were just really close besties.
But this checks out with what I've heard/read too, that they were in that "undefined" kinda place, mainly because of Georgia and eventually Liz got tired of it. I definitely didn't know about the Christmas or the NHL stuff but that makes sense. Also from what I heard, they were probably done for good now with Liz going to the draft? But still being together also makes sense. I'm so invested in this now omg.
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alpaca-clouds · 2 months
Mahoupunk - My Genre Proposal
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Last year I wrote this blog, where I proposed some missing "punkpunk" genres. Some of them were based on time periods like a lot of existing punkpunk genre are. But some of them were also based around the deconstruction of other genre - including three anime-typical genre. One of them being Mahoupunk. Basically: Magical girls, but make them punk!
For those not among the anime nerds, let me quickly explain magical girls to you, even though I will assume you do at the very least know Sailor Moon.
Magical Girl (Mahou Shojo) is a fairly common genre among anime and manga that center around young girls (usually between 10 and 16 years of age - though there are examples that are younger or older) transforming into magical forms through either a form of magic or a technology, that still is pretty much magic in the way it works. At times the girls are "chosen" in some way or form, at other times they chose themselves to become a magical girl.
Most magical girl anime/manga are targeted at young girls, usually primary school students - so girls in the age between 6 and 12 years. And most of the time the series do exist to mostly sell toys. For this reason the girls will usually have at least one transformation item, one item for attack, then another item for a group attack, and then some item for your everyday magic use.
However, given the genre is fairly old and is very popular (especially thanks to Sailor Moon), there have been a lot of deconstructions done. Most of them are just "Magical Girls, but instead of childlike innocence it is now dark and gritty and little girls will die". The most popular example of this should be Madoka Magica.
While Mahoupunk would be in a way a deconstruction of the Magical Girl genre, it would obviously be a punk deconstruction of it.
So, let me put up the definition of punk once again, alright?
[Punk ideology] is primarily concerned with concepts such as mutual aid, against selling out, hierarchy, white supremacy, authoritarianism, anti-consumerism, anti-corporatism, anti-war, imperialism, conservatism, anti-globalization, gentrification, anti-racism, anti-sexism, class and classism, gender equality, racial equality, eugenics, animal rights, free-thought and non-conformity
How do we connect this to magical girls?
Well, there are different possibilities, but in the end it is fairly easy: Either the magical girls use their powers (or are made use off) to hold up a suppressive system - or they use their powers to fight one. In either way, the powers might actually get some symbolical meaning to enforce the themes of the story.
One could argue that Stevenson's She-Ra remake could fall under this mantle, but an even more stern example is the anime, that I used the picture from: My-Otome.
Now, mind you, My-Otome is at least 50% fanservice. And with that I mean all sorts of fanservice. Oh boy. BUT... The worldbuilding in this anime is something I have never seen since.
Magical girls here (Otomes) work with nanotechnology, that allow the girls to transform - as long as their hymen is intact. And yes, the anime makes it very clear that this is about the hymen, because magical girls who gave out blowjobs or are in lesbian relationships can still transform. Eeeeerr, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, the worldbuilding.
So, yeah, the magical girl stuff works via nanotechnology that somehow depends on hymens. Just roll with it. They are basically soldiers trained in a specialized school to fight with those "magical" powers - and the best Otomes will serve the kings and queens of this world, while the weaker Otomes will just be normal soldiers sold out to the different armies.
The anime starts out with the girls in school and just wanting to become Otomes, only to devolve into a war scenario in which the girls learn: "This world is fucked and something needs to be done about it."
It should be said: No, in the end the world order gets not overthrown quite as far as I would have liked it to be, but at least the idea is there.
And that? Well, that makes for a really interesting basis for a genre, right?
Technically you could mix this in with capepunk (aka superhero punk), given that magical girls are just a subgenre of superheroes. But it is just so rife for deconstruction. Doubly so, because one can use the fact that magical girls are girls or young women, allowing the writer to use it to shift around gender and sexuality.
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malereaderpage · 2 years
≛ the new hot young english teacher ≛ | jang hyunsoo
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► hyunsoo x top male reader
► smut: public sex, handjob, swearing, dirty thoughts, fluff at the end
► male reader is two years older than hyunsoo, student hyunsoo
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"guys! have you seen the new english teacher?" hyunsoo eavesdrops in on a group of girls standing near him. "he's so hot. he's apparently only 22!" the girl continues telling her friends. the other girls gasps. "he's two years older than me!" one exclaims, the others giggling in excitement. hyunsoo rolls his eyes as he shuts his locker and heads off to class.
the news about a young english teacher spreads quickly and soon hyunsoo can't escape this 'hot young english teacher.' bullshit. he's starting to get annoyed, doubting that this new english teacher is actually hot. but he himself doesn't really know if he's actually into guys or not.
he's confused about his sexuality in all honesty. he hasn't really had curshes. hyunsoo debated on if he was aromantic for a while, until he surprisingly liked this girl, however he got over her after a few months due to her being lesbian and had a girlfriend.
walking into his classroom he takes a seat. it's english period. hyunsoo is definitely not excited. he's pretty good in english, the best in english may i add. all of the girls are only excited to meet the new young english teacher who is supposedly hot. hyunsoo shakes his head from side to side and opens his textbook, preparing for class.
suddenly, the girls make a big fuss and hyunsoo looks up.
his breath hitches as he successfully controls his facial expression, keeping it natural. his eyes wants to widen but he doesn't allow them to do so. 'okay. he is hot.' hyunsoo admits in his head. you stand infront of the classroom and introduce yourself to the students in english. "hello guys. i'm mr. y/l/n. it's a pleasure to meet you all." your voice reaches hyunsoo's ears and it's angelic as ever. the best sound he's ever heard if he's being honest. he's already addicted to your voice.
for the whole lesson he tries his best to pay attention as much as possible, however his mind has other plans. he keeps imagining your hands on his body and your lips on his.
he has a boner.
"fucksakes." he mumbles quietly. he puts up his hand. "yes hyunsoo?" the way you say his name, the way it rolls off your tongue, he almost embarrasses himself by staying still, luckily, he snaps out of it. "may i please use the restroom?" he asks you in english. you smile at him and nod. he quickly leaves, squealing on the inside about your pretty smile.
after fixing his problem he returns to class.
and so a few weeks go by. hyunsoo has become a big fan of you. whenever the two of you would interact, hyunsoo was always so polite and smiley. hyunsoo started to help you with anything you needed helping with. you found it cute. however you find hyunsoo so attractive and have noticed how nervous he gets around you, how friendly and polite he'd be with every interaction.
you've noticed how he'd use the 'restroom.' quite frequently during your classes and the secret glances he'd throw your way. you aren't dense. you felt a bit guilty when you secretly followed him to the bathroom once to only hear his moans and your name escaping from his lips. it's attractive and you couldn't help yourself jerking yourself off to his moans that night. you want to fuck him so badly and you know he wants you to fuck him as well.
"hyunsoo-ah." you call his name before he can leave the classroom with everyone else. "yes, mr. y/l/n?" you chuckle. "just call me y/n-ssi or hyung." hyunsoo nods, "ah okay, y/n-ssi." he adds. the way he says your name is already affecting you. you want to hear him scream your name.
you stand up and the younger watches in confusion as you walk to the door and close it, locking it. hyunsoo becomes nervous, even more so when you start to approach him. his lower back comes in contact with your desk. you trap him by placing your hands on the desk as hyunsoo leans back. "w-what are you d-doing y/n-ssi..."
you lean in and peck his lips, for incase he doesn't want you to do anything more to him. hyunsoo stiffens but the look on his face has you smirking. "can you do that again?" he asks. you chuckle and lean in again, this time your lips moves against his, hyunsoo's hands grip the collar of your shirt. hyunsoo hums into the kiss as he allows your tongue to slip through his lips and explore his mouth. his arms snake around your neck, his hands finding your hair he grips your locks, tugging on your hair it makes you groan into the kiss.
you both experiment with different rhythms and find one you both like. you bite on his bottom lip, earning a whimper from him. god he's wanted you to kiss him since day one, hyunsoo craved for something like this to happen. your lips on his feels so right to him, the makeout itself has him so hard. the way you skillfully kiss him is making him feel all kinds of things, lust being the highlight.
he loves the way how you suck on his tongue so expertly, how you bite his lower lip, not too hard nor too soft; just perfect to inflict pleasure upon him. he fucking lives for it.
you break the kiss and pull back slightly, both of you panting softly. "can i fuck you?" another thing he absolutely loves about you; how straightforward you are. even when explaining activities you dont take the long way, you get to the point. the grade hyunsoo and his classmates are currently in doesn't need long explanations and you get that. "i thought you'd never ask, hyung." he says breathlessly. excitement flows through your body, you are long hard for the younger male in front of you.
the both of you strip and you sit on your chair, hyunsoo sitting in your lap. you reconnect your lips, one hand on his nape to deepen the kiss while his arms are around your neck once again and your other hand wrapped around both your and his dick. they are pressed up against one another as you jerk the both of you off slowly, earning airy moans from hyunsoo as the two of you kiss sloppily.
you pick up your pace and attack his neck, sucking and nipping immediately once your lips come in contact with his neck's skin. "fuck..." hyunsoo moans, throwing his head back due to the pleasure. you pull back and focus on getting both of you to cum. as hyunsoo starts to become more vocal with each stroke signals that he's close to cumming. "fuck you are so handsome, hyunsoo. those pretty moans of yours drive me fucking crazy." hyunsoo can only muster up a moan as his eyes are shut in concentration, his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth agape as moans and whimpers continue to slip past his swollen pretty lips.
you grunt, feeling close as well. "i'm-m c-close." hyunsoo announces, his hands gripping your shoulders, his short nails digging into your skin. "cum." you demand and shivers run down the younger's spine as tension builds up within his stomach. hyunsoo cums and you cum soon after a few more strokes.
you put your finger in your mouth and then allow your hand to go to hyunsoo's untouched hole. hyunsoo squirms, not use to this at all as your finger goes in. "it won't feel good at first but trust me, it will soon." you tell him softly. "i trust you, hyung." that brings both of you reassurance. you prep him carefully and fully. "i don't have a condom with me." you inform him. "it's fine." he tells you. "you sure?" instead of verbally answering you he leans in and passionately kisses you. you respond immediately and kiss him back with just as much passion before moving your finger. it's uncomfortable for him at first, however when you add your second finger and after a few thrusts hyunsoo starts to moan into the kiss.
after you know he's fully stretched out he lifts himself up along with your help on his hips you lower him, your dick entering him. it's painful and everytime you stop he insists that you lower him down further. once you are fully inside him you pull him closer and distract him with kisses and praises.
"okay. i'm ready." he informs you. he starts to move and you immediately groan. hyunsoo whimpers as he moves his hips back and forth, you having to resist the urge to snap your hips upwards and fuck him mercilessly right then and there. hyunsoo have always fantasized about this very moment, your dick deep inside of him. the way you fill him up, he feels so full with you inside of him. you pleasure him so much even though you are doing the bare minimum.
he's craved for you to fuck him for weeks and now that it's actually happening is still so surreal to him. it's an amazing experience so far. it'll be one hell of a memorable one too. he can't help but become a moaning mess when he picks up his pace. your dick brushes his prostate and it drives hyunsoo mad. you love how his tight warm walls feel around you. you love seeing him like this.
sweat has formed on his forhead. wanting more you grip his waist firmly and keep him down. you start thrusting upwards into him, his moans louder as you perfectly hit his prostate. you continue to abuse it over and over again as his airy moans reach your ears. you groan, loving the audible noise of his ass coming into contact with your thighs; skin slapping. his grip on your shoulders tightens as you thrusting becomes harsher. "fuck! y/n!" hyunsoo yells loudly. he can't help but clench around you and it makes you groan.
you hit his prostate oh so perfectly, pleasuring him to the maximum. that familiar tension builds up within his stomach once again and his dick twitches. his dick is leaking with precum, begging for attention your one hand leaves his waist and grips his dick harshly. hyunsoo gasps and you stroke him quickly, still thrusting upwards into him. "holy shit i'm gonna cum-" he chokes out.
and mere seconds later hyunsoo cums. you then focus on reaching your own climax, pounding into him you begin to pant. "where can i come?" hyunsoo is a whimpering mess due to the over stimulation. "i-inside." he manages to say. with a few more thrusts you cum inside of him with a low moan, a low moan that hyunsoo finds so addictive and attractive.
after the both of you clam down you clean up the mess and put on your clothes again. "hyung, you are my first." hyunsoo confesses. your heart drops. if you knew you wouldn't have fucked him like that. hyunsoo immediately notices your panicked facial expression. "no hyung the sex was great. i wouldn't want it to be any different. i'm glad you are my first. you helped me figure out my sexuality. thank you for that." he reassures you and a wash of relief over washes you.
"are you sore?" you ask him, genuinely concerned for the younger. "not really but i'll definitely feel it in the morning." you both chuckle. "good thing it's saturday tomorrow then." you point out. "wanna do something tomorrow?" he questions you. you smile fondly at him. "yes, i'd love to." you answer him.
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blot-squisher · 1 year
SFW alphabet for Wesker.
Oh my god...
SFW Alphabet Ask Meme for Surviving the Game Albert Wesker
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) What are you? A dog? Why do you need my affection?
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) Friends are nothing more than a weakness to exploit! If he has friends, he's not about to admit to it. They probably don't even know he considers them a friend...
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) IF he were to cuddle... It would always be on his terms. You may lay your head on his lap and if you're lucky, he might pet your hair.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) A working mind should never settle, you fool! Cooking and cleaning? Menial work. Better left to the interns.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) You would make a lovely lab experiment... So many viruses to test, so little time.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) My only commitment is to my work and marriage is for the insecure and needy.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) Unless it's a very delicate vial full of highly mutagenic virus, good luck.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) Why are you trying to touch me? Now I have to go stand in the decontamination shower! I have work to do!
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) Lesbian? No, the other L-word... Lesbians?
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) Jealousy is a weak man's emotion... However, if by some miracle you were to make him jealous, he would do everything in his power to undermine the cause until you returned your attention to him instead. After all, why else should anything else matter to you but him?
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss their partner? Where do they like to be kissed?) The human mouth is disgusting. But if he were to kiss you, it would only be to show you just how much power he has over you.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) Disgusting but necessary to maintain the human population.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) Unless you are a very strong cup of coffee, he has no time for pleasantries. If you're not working, you better be making the aforementioned coffee.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) Do you like staring at a computer screen until your eyes are bloodshot and dry as sandpaper? Good. Because that's what you'll be doing.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) Why would I reveal anything about myself? Knowledge is power and if you're not the most powerful man in the room, what good are you?
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) Did you just him a question? You shouldn't have done that.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about their partner? Do they remember every little detail they mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) It's very important to remember everything about the people around you. Then you can manipulate and exploit them more effectively.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in their relationship?) The successful creation of t-virus. Why? What other relationship are you talking about? What are you implying?! What do you think you know?!
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect their partner? How would they like to be protected?) He doesn't need- I've said too much... Stop asking questions.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) The only effort worth expending is in the pursuit of perfection. If he's going to do something, it will be perfect. You will like it. End of story.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) There's a list, but a couple of things would be his insufferable god-complex and lack of ethics.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) Have you seen his hair? You don't get hair like that without putting in some effort.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without their partner?) Although losing him was unfortunate, there is hope. Dammit! Stop asking questions or Nemesis will be given a green light to track you down and use your spine as a toothpick!
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) Wesker won't admit it (even to himself) but he has felt the occasional sliver of curiosity about what it would have been like to have a normal life. Instead he's been burdened with a far superior intellect and genes, leaving it up to him to advance the human species to a more capable stage of evolution.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) Don't ask questions, don't contradict him, don't second guess him, do as you're told, don't waste his time, don't-
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?) Why are you asking when I sleep? Do you think you can get the drop on me? Ha, fool! Good luck even finding me...
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beesmygod · 1 year
this is only kind of loosely related to lore discussion, and not to sound like some fandom brained shithead who can only engage with things through a shipping lens, but the storytelling and lore in bloodborne is such a breath of fresh air on the yuri front.
like, the doll and a female hunter has such awesome metatext about misogyny and womens “place” in a mans world (especially in the honoring wishes ending! easily my favourite by a long shot!) or with eileen, and inheriting what she wanted to protect you from… it’s the first not-actually-lesbian work that felt like it was really speaking to me about my lesbian experience. it has so much to say as a game!
sure beats arguing about anime girls standing next to each other, at any rate.
this ask knocked me off my ass bc i wasnt expecting it to be about yuri from the opener and it made me lol.
listen this is true and interesting. to be clear, bloodborne isnt like, a progressive piece of media by any means once cracked open (double for dark souls) and its deeply heterosexual (this is a neutral descriptor) due to the focus on birth and babies. but they do portray INTERESTING women who exist explicitly within unfair and inequitable societies. the dev team has a huge hard on for the usually disabled servant maiden character (who, to their credit, is at least a little different between series) but outside of that they at least bother to put a little pepper on these broads.
the existence of women within bloodborne is pretty measured, esp since there is the pervasive plotline of forced conception and birth throughout the game that threatens to make everything really uncomfortable in a bad way with one false step. most women in dark souls games exist as handmaidens or servants or in some complementary form to men. in bloodborne, they def have more exist more on their own merits or because it makes things interesting.
i almost always play as a woman also and to me. the most yuri scene for me is the lady maria cutscene and boss fight. that one had me sweating. and not just bc its one of the best fights in the game
t-timestamped. l-lady maria...?
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