#put a medical alert bracelet on him
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onskepa · 1 year ago
Yay requests are open!
What about a platonic Ronal x scientist? Yes they study the planet but ronal cannot help but like them because they respect the culture, her medical skills and only seems to find the silver lining in her stiff comments. Like come on human I am trying to make you leave through the power of rude and you just gave me a freidnship bracelet? Wtf I imagine tonowari just snickering every night as she complains about her new best friend
Hellooooooooo darling~!!
Yes! Another ronal fic! Thank you for requesting and I hope this cute fic will satisfy you and everyone else! Enjoy~!
Irayo pt2
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“You are good to go, if anything goes wrong or if they are not very welcoming, just say the word and we will get you” the head director of the ocean na’vi program says. In front of him was the new girl. Determined and open minded to learn new things, and was given the ultimate task. 
Make the first human contact with the reef na’vi. 
Nodding in excitement, the new recruit gets into a canoe with her prepared items. Making sure she is set for sail, she looks at her comrades. “I will let you know everything. Hopefully, this can go well. If doctor Agustine has faith in us, we can't lose” she says with optimus in her voice. 
Saying her last farewell, she sets off to the Metkayina island. 
“This will be good, I can feel it!”
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She arrives at the island, her eyes in awe as she gets closer to the shore. So many na’vi! They all stare at her, many in fear, others in curiosity, and many ready to fight her. Raising her hands, she gets out from her canoe and displays she is of no harm. 
“I come in peace, I bring no harm” the human girl announces in perfect, fluent na’vi. 
Many, from what she suspects are warriors, stare at her in surprise. 
“You are a sky demon! Leave or we will not be easy on you!” one of the warriors warned her. Another warrior follows after. 
“We heard what you did with the forest na’vi, leave! You only bring death and sorrow wherever you go”. 
The tension was building fast among the other people. Mothers protecting their children, might warriors standing in front of the weak. Any wrong move and she might end up dead. Which is a high factor. 
The crowd breaks as two significant looking na’vi walks through, from how they are dressed and the others willing to step aside, the human knew exactly who they were. 
And it gave her excitement. Already the first and she is seeing so much! 
The human was quick with the traditional na’vi greeting of “I see you”. In hopes that the tension can lessen if she displays their ways. 
The Tsahik and Olo’eyktan looked at her carefully. Observing her every move and detail. Small hint of disgust but also confusion as to why a human is here. 
“Hello, I bring no harm. I am here to learn your ways. Allow me to prove myself to you, perhaps you have heard of the dark stories of what the humans did to other na’vi, but I promise you that I only bring peace. Please, teach me your ways”. 
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Ronal doesn't know what or how or even why. But after a lengthy discussion with Tonowari, they granted the human permission to enter their home. And learn their ways. As best a human can learn. While Tonowari was more loose on letting the human in, Ronal felt different, at first she came defensive and was always on alert should the human do something that seems bad under her eyes. 
But the human was aware where the line drew, only did what she was allowed to and dared not to push boundaries. Ronal wasn't making it any easier for the human. None whatsoever. In fact, Ronal planned to make things so difficult for the human that she would have no other choice but to leave. 
Now if only it worked that, and not Ronal making it harder for herself. 
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 “Put more strength in your arms. It must be thinned out and easy to separate. Any thicker and it will be difficult to mix” Ronal instructed the human with a harsh tone. She was teaching the human how to make crushed, thin, dust-like green material. Very dry leaves that were thoroughly picked from their small forest.
The human woman smiled and obeyed, “alright tsahik”. Doing exactly what she is being told. That is the thing that irks ronal. The human doesn't fight back. She doesn't do anything! 
“A child can do a better job than you,” Ronal says with a snarky tone. The human just takes it, “I don't doubt it. This is more of their ways” the human replies with such calmness in her voice. Not a hint of anger, impatience, nothing. 
“Dont think this will be enough, there is still much more to grind down” Ronal says, as she places a lot more dried grass in the already big pile. The human stops for a few seconds to look at the bigger addition. Ronal smirks, surely this will be it? “Guess I better grind faster to finish all of these” the human says in glee and continues to grind. 
Ronal’s smirk left her lips, fine then. Tomorrow will be worse. 
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Harsher insults, harsher training, harsher practice. Ronal threw everything at the human, but nothing breaks the human girl. And it infuriates her to the core. Why wasn't she fighting back? Why was she accepting everything? Why was she letting ronal belittle her? 
Ronal’s anger grew to where Tonowari had to enterfier. 
“Ronal, perhaps you are pushing her too far?” he asks her one day. Ronal scoffs as she does her small tasks in their home. “The human can bare it. Anything I give her, she accepts. That utter fool” she replies. Annoyance heavy on her tone. “She won't break so easily. Not made of sea glass” she continues. 
Tonowari sighs, walks up to her and places a hand on her shoulder. “Perhaps not, but your tolerance is thinner than these fibers. Perhaps by surprise, it will be you who will break first”. 
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The human began to make and wear her na’vi like clothing to fit in more. And as she talked more with the other clan members, more began to welcome her with open arms and even into their homes. Adapting more into their culture and ways of life. They began to accept her. 
Ronal wasn't so ready to accept the human. 
Not yet at least. 
One night, after the communal dinner, Ronal took the human away from the noise and into a more quiet part of the small forest. Yet, along the way, the human not once asked where they were going. Never questioned ronal’s actions, her odd behavior. Nothing. 
When they arrived at a beautiful blue glowing waterfall, Ronal kept a bit of distance from the human. 
“Tell me human, why do you accept?” Ronal asks after a few minutes of silence. 
The human blinked once, “accept what tsahik?”. 
Hissing in frustration, Ronal turns to look at the human in anger. 
“Why do you accept everything?! I keep pushing you to do beyond what you physically can. Accept any insulting word I give you. Force you to do things clearly you are not very comfortable with. Why do you accept my harsh treatment towards you?” 
The human sees Ronal and sees how she truly feels. Taking a deep breath, relaxing her shoulders, the human does what she does best. 
Give her an honest smile. 
“You have every right to treat me that way. While I am not personally responsible for the thousands of killings of the na’vi, I still feel ashamed and guilty as if it were my own crimes. My kind has treated your kind terribly. So, I understand if you feel any anger or hatred towards me for simply being human. But I accept, I accept it all. If it means to be part of your world, your clan. I would gladly accept anything you throw at me. This is a dream come true for me. This planet, the life it holds. The environments, plants, animals, you. I love and respect everything about your world. All I desire is to learn how things are. From learning about Eywa to learning of the na’vi ways. My only desire is to learn. To have you personally teach me, it is a high luck I could never get anywhere else. So that is why I accept all that you give me. A price to pay for the things I can see and experience. So Tsahik, that is why I accept it. As my way to thank you” 
Ronal saw the human, looking deep into her eyes to detect any lies, but all she saw was the truth. 
“You fool…”
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“Irayo, just in time for breakfast” Ronal welcomes her human friend. Irayo, that is what Ronal calls her ever since that night. It's been stuck to her ever since, not that she plans to defy the tsahik wishes. 
Irayo sits in the home of ronal and tonowari. Accepting the food, she begins to eat. But not soon after, she felt a little tug from her wrist. Looking down, Irayo sees little tsireya playfully tugging at her bracelet. Taking it off, she hands it to tsireya who tries to bite down on it. 
“Has tsireya began teething?” Irayo asks, ronal nods but gives a disapproving look.
“She will rip off the beads. You worked so hard to make it for us” Ronal says as she points to her own matching bracelet. Irayo laughs, “that is fine. It will give me an excuse to make better friendship brackets for us. I will even make another for cute little tsreiya” Irayo replies as she playfully pinches tsireya’s chubby cheeks, making the child squeal in delight. 
Tonowari sits down to join them. 
“Today irayo and I will attend to the elderly, tsireya will be under your care until noon” Ronal says to him. 
Tonowari nods, but couldn't help but smirk a bit. Leaning in, he whispers into Ronal’s ear. “Your friendship with irayo has improved greatly. I still remember when you called her many foolish names”. 
Ronal rolls her eyes and taps his forehead lightly. 
“I recall no such things. Irayo has been my good friend from the start”
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Aaaaaaaaand that is all for this one! I hope you all enjoyed this fic! Until next time, see ya!
Irayo = Thank you
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faofinn · 1 year ago
6. Sick and Injured
His body was on fire, sirens and shouts and flashes of bright light overwhelming him. Everything merging into just too much. He couldn't do it, couldn't hold on, so he let go, the sudden snap of relief just welcome blackness. There was no fight against whatever was holding him down, forcing each breath down his throat. He was dying, he was sure of it, and he was just so exhausted. It wasn't giving up. or giving in, it would just be a rest, just a break. 
"Everyone ready? Yeah, Okay. This is Finn, he's 22 and has quite the extensive medical history. He was found by a member of the public on the side of the road, confused and combative. When we arrived, he was in and out but very agitated. Apparently witnessed falling over a few times, initially query intox, but has a medic-alert bracelet on his backpack - He's known epileptic from a TBI, with EDS, POTS, chronic pain, fatigue and a few other mental health conditions. 
"When he's fallen, he seems to have hit his head multiple times, he's got two reasonable sized lacs to the left side of his head, and one across his eyebrow. No boggy masses, but cheekbone feels deformed. Obvious dislocation, possible break to left shoulder / collar bone, looks pretty unstable at the minute.
"He is cannulated and tolerating an OP at the moment. He had a possible 30 second seizure as we moved to the ambulance, and he's gone a lot more vacant in the last three minutes or so.
"He's got a temp of 38.6, tachy at 126, hypotensive 98/76. bm of 6.2. Sats have been 92 on air, came up to 96 on 15L. Reduced air entry globally, nothing being shifted on the right base, sounds very congested and crackly there. We've got NOK details from his alert card, so can give them a call while you guys get him sorted, if there's nothing else you need from us?"
When Sheila had called Fao in the middle of the night to say his brother had disappeared, he had to admit it hadn’t quite been what he’d expected. He’d known Finn was struggling with a chest infection of some description, and they’d been worried about seizures, and so he expected the call to be from his mum saying they’d had to go to A&E. 
He’d been sitting up with a cup of tea, just in case Finn turned up at his place, when his phone rang again, showing as No Caller ID. He snatched it up, immediately hitting answer. 
"Hi, is that, uh, Faolan?"
He winced. “Yeah, that’s me.”
"In just ringing about your brother, a Finn Daniels?"
He sighed. “What’s happened?”
"He's been brought into the ED, he's…he's quite unwell at the moment. It might be best if you were able to come in?"
“Has he had a seizure?” Fao asked, glad he was already dressed. “I’m on my way in.”
"I think it's best if we explain in person."
Oh, fuck. That didn’t bode well, and Fao felt a cold fear run through him. “George’s? I’ll be there in ten.”
"Yeah. Did you want to let the family know? Or would you rather I called them?"
“I’ll call them.”
"Thank you."
“Thanks for calling me.” Fao murmured. 
"I'm sorry it's not good news. Be safe getting in."
“Mm, thanks.” Fao said softly, before he put the phone down. He drained his mug, shoved his shoes on and grabbed his stuff before he woke Ollie to tell him he was going and he didn’t know when he’d be back. The drive to hospital was quick, Fao definitely not speeding. He called Sheila on the way, explaining what little knew, and soon he’d found somewhere to park and rushed into the hospital. 
Finn had continued to swing between agitated and not, the staff only growing more concerned. He'd been sedated slightly, mainly just to get him through CT, but they'd still yet to get a coherent response from him. Even the mention of Fao coming to see him didn’t seem to break through, Finn staring blankly through them. 
When Fao finally got to the reception desk, he felt like he was going to lose his mind. He hated not knowing anything, whoever he’d spoken to on the phone so vague and unhelpful. Yes, he appreciated things were best discussed in person, but an idea was helpful. He didn’t even know if this was a seizure, though with what Sheila had told him it was somewhat likely. 
They took him through, but he wasn’t allowed straight into resus, instead shown the relatives room to wait. He paced up and down like a caged tiger, his hair a mess from how many times he’d run his fingers through it, though it fell in his face all the same. 
There was a sharp knock on the door, all too clinical and harsh for the situation. "Hi, is it Fao?"
Fao stopped pacing. “Yeah. What’s going on? Nobody’s told me anything.”
"Sorry about that, do you want to have a seat?"
“Is he alive?” Fao barely dared to ask the question. 
They softened, giving him a small smile. "He is, he's currently in our resus bit. He's very not well at the minute, and we're waiting to get him stable enough to take up to ICU."
That wasn’t unusual for Finn, as awful as that was. His shoulders slumped with relief that his brother was still alive, and he scanned the doctor’s face to try and work out what was going on. “Was it a seizure? He’s had an infection brewing and that always sets him off, are we talking status? If you’re waiting on ICU I’m assuming he’s been tubed? Have you spoken with his consultant? I think he was looking at trying to arrange an admission anyway.”
"We're not entirely sure what's been going on. He was picked up at the roadside, by the sounds of it he'd fallen quite a few times. He's got some pretty significant head injuries at the moment. We've not intubated him yet, no, but it's looking likely that's the way it's heading. He's currently just about managing with some extra support, but it's…he's got a significant chest infection, pneumonia, and we're not sure if the falls he's had has made it worse, but his lungs aren't working as they should be." He sighed. "We've not been able to really have a chat with him at all, he's been very agitated and quite combative, so we've sedated him a little bit, for his safety. He currently has a little piece of plastic in his mouth, just to help him keep his airways open. It's not the most comfortable for him, but he needs it with the medications and the stuff going on."
Evidently this was going to be a long conversation, and Fao was sore from the sheer amount of pacing he’d been doing. He sat down, nodding. “Alright. I got a call off my mum about an hour ago saying he’d gone missing and was he at mine.” He murmured. “Has he had a CT for the head injuries? He can be really agitated and combative especially when he’s feeling overwhelmed. He doesn’t like to be touched, he doesn’t like a lot of people around him, especially after a seizure. I’m happy to give you any social or medical history that would help you out. He really hates things on his face, it’s a struggle to keep oxygen on him when he’s postictal, he’s a nightmare. He doesn’t always tolerate the OP well as he comes around so you’re best keeping him sedated a bit. He’s well known to ICU, his seizures unfortunately often lead to him in status and needing to be intubated.” He wasn’t trying to tell this doctor how to do their job, but it was hard when this was his little brother. 
"That's very helpful to know, thank you." They said, and meant it. "We're just currently waiting on the CT report, so we'll be able to give you a bit more insight then. Unfortunately his agitation has been pretty constant, even when left alone. And, with the infection, he needs to be on the oxygen, he's not managing without it at the moment."
“Yeah, I appreciate that.” Fao said. “He’s epileptic from a tbi as a ten year old, he always really struggles with his seizures when he picks up infections, and he’s been through some difficult personal stress in the last six months or so as well as some meds changes which have also made his seizures more difficult to control.”
"Of course. You can come and sit with him, if you'd like? I will warn you he does have quite a few injuries, he might not look quite like himself. 
“Nothing I can’t handle, I’m sure. I was with him when he had his initial TBI.” Fao said, standing up. “I’d like to see him.”
"I can't imagine how difficult that must have been."
“Makes Afghanistan look like a walk in the park.”
"Did you serve?"
He nodded. “Four tours, medical corps.”
"Wow, that's a lot."
“Yeah. Can I see my brother now?”
"Of course. Can i get you a cup of tea? Coffee?"
“I’m fine, thanks.” 
"Alright, just let me know. I'll let you though."
“Thanks.” Fao said, following him through into Resus. It was busy as always, though it was familiar to him now. His eyes flicked over to the bays, trying to find his brother’s. He hated this, being on the back foot with him. As much as moving out had been so much better for his mental health, it had its challenges too. 
Finn was crowded with doctors and nurses, poking and prodding at him. Unlike normal, he was too still, too quiet. While they'd obviously tried to clean the blood from his head injuries, each period of agitation had quickly opened them back up. His shoulder was almost in a sling, though it was clear he'd fought against that not so long ago. 
Fao’s eyes flicked critically over the monitors, trying to gauge where Finn was at. Not great. He took a moment at the foot of the bed, watching them work. Finn really didn’t seem like Finn, though at least he wasn’t fighting them in that moment. He fiddled with the lighter in his pocket,something to keep his hands busy. He’d instinctively reached for his tags, but they weren’t there any more, and he needed something to do. 
One of the nurses caught sight of Fao in her peripheral. "Hi, you must be Finn’s brother?"
Fao nodded. “Yeah. Sorry to linger, I didn’t want to interrupt you all.”
"No, no, of course not. Come on, you can come say hi to him."
Fao pushed through to come along side his brother, a stark contrast to how he usually was at work. They’d not recognised him yet, but he hadn’t been there long, and he was likely just another faceless surgeon when he was down there. He gently reached out to take Finn’s hand, cautious of a reaction from him. 
“Hey, Finn. It’s me, it’s Fao.”
Fao's voice, as it always seemed to, managed to break through to Finn. He blinked at Fao, his gaze dropping to their hands. 
“Hi. Got yourself into a bit of a mess, eh?”
"Oh, he definitely recognised you there." The nurse smiled, fussing over Finn. "Bet you're glad he's here, yeah? You'll have had him worried sick."
Fao squeezed his hand. “You’re a nightmare, you know that? Causing all this lot trouble, too. Look at you.”
The recognition he'd had quickly vanished, Finn looking straight through the lot of them. He pulled his hand from Fao's to rub at his face, his hand coming back red.
“It’s okay.” Fao soothed. “Do you think I could try and clean these wounds for him? I’m a doctor, I’ve got ID somewhere.” He asked, digging around in his pockets. 
"We shouldn't…" She hesitated. It was the most settled Finn had been, and the closest any of them had gotten to him. "I'll grab you some supplies."
He finally found his ID, the lanyard jangling. “Here, and I can give you my GMC if you want to document it.” He said, offering it to her. “Thank you.”
"Ah, brill. You know what the paperwork is like. Do you want a seat?"
“That would be great, thank you.”
"Won't be long." She said softly, resting her hand on his arm before disappearing off. 
“Thanks.” He murmured, leaning on the rails of the bed whilst he waited, watching his brother carefully. 
Finn seemed to fade back in, catching his brother’s eye and holding his gaze. A frown flickered across his face and he shoved his arm in Fao's general direction with a groan.
Fao took his hand. “Hey. Bet you feel shit right now, eh?”
He spat the plastic from his mouth, dislodging the mask on his face.  "My chest hurts."
“Mask needs to stay on, Finn.” Fao told him, but didn’t move to adjust it. “It’s going to hurt, you’re not well.” 
"Then help." He narrowed his eyes, his chest crackling with each breath. The cough didn't take long to follow, but Finn didn't move to cover his mouth or turn his head. 
“Here, let’s get this back on.” Fao said, adjusting the mask. “I know it’s horrid, but it will help you out.” He was definitely out of it, though seemed more coherent than before - coherent enough to complain, anyway. 
Finn scowled as Fao got close, but whatever argument he had planned was quickly lost. His arms stretched out, his shoulder dislocating once more, and his back arched in a seizure. His eyes were fixed in the corner as he groaned, his body contorted and stuck. It finished as quickly as it had started, the extra exertion making Finn struggle and cough.
Fao winced as Finn’s shoulder slipped out of place again, as his back arched and the seizure took him. He was about to hit the emergency bell when it stopped, Finn struggling with his breathing again as his body tried to catch up. He considered going to find someone as the nurse reappeared, chair in hand. 
“He’s just had a seizure, all of about two seconds long, and that shoulder’s gone again.” 
She winced. "Ah, bless him. I'll get some more diazepam for him. The anaesthetists are on their way down, they'll probably have a chat with you. You probably know them, at least better than you know us."
“Maybe, yeah. I’ve not been here long. He needs his neuro really.”
"I think it's Dr Cunningham on this evening."
“Perfect.” Fao said, unable to stop the smile. “He’s Finn’s main consultant.”
"Oh, that's worked out well then." She said gently, moving to check on Finn. 
The younger man had returned to his vacant staring, though still struggled to catch his breath. His saturations hovered just under acceptable, and the doctor sighed from behind them.
"We'd hoped to wait, but I think we should go ahead and get that chest drain in now."
Fao hummed. “Worth doing whilst he’s a bit more settled than he has been.” He took a seat gladly in the chair the nurse had brought him, stroking gently through Finn’s hair. 
"Right, let's get an airway dump, just in case, and then give him a little more sedation. No point making it worse for him."
“Can I stay with him?”
"He's fine to stay." The nurse told the doctor. "He's fine."
Fao glanced at the doctor, relieved the nurse seemed to be on his side. He couldn’t leave Finn again, he just couldn’t. Besides, clearly he was doing something right, because his brother was settled. 
"We'll get you to sit on his other side, yeah? We might have to move you, so just bear with." The doctor happily listened to the nurse. "How are we getting on with that sedation? Got it? Brilliant. Let's get this done for him."
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bluejaysandblackbats · 1 year ago
In The Soup
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: Jason Lives AU where he and Superboy become friends, despite Bruce's disapproval of Superboy. (ft. Jason's service dog, Gromit)
Chapters: 3/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon, Conner Kent, Roxy Leech, Rex Leech
Relationships: TBA
Additional Tag: Jason Todd Lives, Jason Todd Has Chronic Pain, Jason Todd Has PTSD, Conner Kent is Superboy, Good Friend Jason Todd, Protective Jason Todd, Overprotective Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Disabled Characters, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne Get Along, Good Parent Bruce Wayne, Developing Friendships, Sneaking Around, Disguise, Fluff and Humor, Secret Messages, Hiding in Plain Sight
Chapter Three: Jumper
"Gromit, I just want to see," Jason whispered as he struggled through the crowd. Gromit supported Jason as he stared up at the Wayne Tower. He could only catch a glimpse of a girl on a ledge. "Something's wrong... Gromit, something's not-." Jason tried to grab his phone, but someone in the crowd knocked it out of his hand. "Hey! I'm trying to call 9-1-1!"
"In this city? Good luck!" a man shouted. Jason pushed a hand through his hair as he frantically tugged on the shirts of people around them, hoping that someone would have a conscience before things got messy. They ignored him, so he took Gromit into the building and to the front desk.
"Hi, Jason," the security guard greeted. Jason took a breath. "Need to sit?"
"No time, Chuck. Is Bruce here?" Jason asked.
"Just missed him. He had an emergency and had to leave for his trip early. You're not going with him?" Chuck questioned.
Jason leaned over the front desk and grabbed a walkie-talkie. "Can you call 9-1-1 and tell them there's someone on the roof?" Jason asked. He ran to the elevator and took it up to the roof, his heart racing as he whispered reassurances to himself. "Keep your head, Jason. Bruce taught you to keep your cool. She'll be fine if you stay calm." Gromit nudged Jason with his nose. "No time to worry about me. I'll be fine." The elevator dinged, and Jason rushed out. "Let's talk."
The girl stepped down from the ledge, and Jason loosened up. "This isn't what you think, Kid. This is a stun—." Jason collapsed. Gromit lay down on the ground, protecting Jason's face from hitting the ground. "Crap! Hey, Kid!" She made a call on her cell, putting it on speaker.
"What's going on, Roxy?" the male voice answered.
"Some kid—. He thought I was gonna jump to my death—. Something's wrong, S-B… He dropped. And he's got a dog with him," Roxy answered.
Superboy swept in and listened for a heartbeat. "Is he—?" Superboy shook his head and lifted one of Jason's arms.
"His medical alert bracelet," Superboy whispered. He rolled Jason over and placed his jacket under his head while Gromit lay under Jason's legs, keeping them above his head. "He's got a walkie… Hold on." Superboy picked it up and pressed a button. "Hello?"
"Jason, are you sure you saw a jumper?" Chuck questioned.
"No jumper. It was a publicity stunt," Superboy answered honestly, "Did you call 9-1-1?"
"Not yet. I was waiting for word from you. Jason, do you see anything up there?" Chuck asked.
"No, thank you, though. Can someone bring up a soda and maybe a bag of chips or a pretzel or something?" Superboy asked.
"Uhh… Sure," Chuck replied, "Are you okay up there?"
"He's fine… And I'm not Jason. He's lightheaded, but his heart rate is rising… He'll be down as soon as he feels better," Superboy answered. He set the walkie to the side. Jason tried to sit up with a start, and Superboy patted his chest. "Hi, you're alright. You're among friends… It's okay, Jason. I'm Superboy. My friends call me S-B… And this Roxy."
"Don't call 9-1-1," Jason mumbled. Superboy nodded.
"I know. I didn't... Try to relax," Superboy whispered. Jason shut his eyes before patting his pockets.
"My phone!" Jason exclaimed.
"Easy! I'll find your phone. Give me your number and lay still," Superboy commanded gently. Jason pressed his palms against his eyelids as he recited his phone number from memory, and Roxy called it. Jason and Roxy couldn't hear Jason's phone ring, but Superboy could, and he swooped down to search the crowd for it. He found it in someone's pocket and held his hand out. "That doesn't belong to you." The man sighed and gave Superboy the phone.
He returned to Jason, who by that time managed to sit up, sipping his soda. Superboy gave Jason his phone back. "Thank you... Where do you come from?" Jason asked. He leaned back against the wall, shutting his eyes as he took another sip.
"A lab," Superboy answered honestly, "The world needed another Superman while the big guy was indisposed. I was supposed to fill that need... Roxy, you can go... You should probably tell your dad something came up."
Jason made a soft noise before taking a deep breath. "Do you wanna sit down?" Jason asked. "I might be down here a minute." Superboy nodded and sat beside him.
"Want me to check your blood pressure?" Superboy asked.
"Not yet... Give me a minute. Have you dealt with this before? You seem calm," Jason noted. Superboy shook his head. He stared at Jason.
"Not to be invasive, but who bashed your skull like that? I can see old fractures all over," Superboy whispered.
"I was in a bad accident... I spent a year in the hospital. Also, looking at somebody's bones without permission is rude, even if you're just looking for signs of injury," Jason replied. Superboy looked down at his feet.
"Sorry," Superboy apologized.
"It's alright... I don't actually mind. I was messing with you," Jason smirked. Superboy chuckled. "You're alright... Wish I could tell my dad-. Wish I could tell Bruce I met you."
"Why can't you?" Superboy asked.
"Because Bruce would flip. He doesn't trust you. He thinks you're the result of some government conspiracy to destroy Superman's reputation," Jason answered honestly.
"And what do you think?" Superboy asked.
"You're a teenager like me... Well... Not like me. Cooler than me," Jason half-smiled. Superboy chuckled.
They sat in silence for a while before Jason could stand. "Let me get dressed and take you home," Superboy offered.
"Get dressed?" Jason asked.
"I could change out of costume and drop you off as somebody else," Superboy offered.
Jason chuckled. "I can't believe I'm gonna say yes to this," Jason replied in disbelief. "I have a change of clothes in my bag. You can borrow them." Superboy nodded and slipped the clothes on over his costume.
"Why do you have a change of clothes in your bag?" Superboy asked.
"I live in Gotham. Anything could happen. Chemical rain, gas attacks, pollen bombings... You wouldn't believe the stuff that gets trapped in the fabric of my clothes in this city," Jason answered. Superboy's eyes widened, and he nodded. "If my friend asks, you're Conner from New York, and I met you at school. You insisted on taking me home to make sure I got back okay. Lie-truth-lie-truth." Jason gestured as he spoke, slapping his palm with the back of his hand for emphasis.
Superboy nodded. "Okay. I could be Conner from school," Superboy smiled, "Thanks for the name... I like it."
"Good. It suits you," Jason replied as he leaned on Gromit's handle for support. "I'll order us a ride."
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philcoulson-redtapeninja · 6 months ago
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Ahha! Get info dumped!
So I'm working on a Top Gun sentinel au and I'm probably doing wayyyy to much world building! Behold my nonsense!
Ice – Guide – Mav's match in more ways than one – didn’t want to get saddled with a sentinel and be shoved in the RIO seat so chose Slider – mental presence probably feels menthol cold, off putting to most but not to Mav~~~
Mav – Sentinel – mid-level – parents were a s/g bonded pair, mother withered after loosing bondmate - Mav wasn't interested in a s/g partnership until goose talked him around
Goose – Mav's 'temp' guide – probably going to stick to canon and let him die, for the angst, or in a goose lives au head injury that either brakes his collarbone/neck from Hop 31 shatters the link between Goose and Mav and they can’t connect again
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[Need a group term, maybe Enhanced?]
Sentinel – 5 heightened senses – can zone on a single sense or senses can go haywire – guides are needed to stabilize the senses, like a compass to true north – Sentinels come online
Guide – Heightened empathic senses – mild touch telepaths - need to draw on a sentinel to strengthen mental shields, like a ship's anchor or a trellis to ivy – Guides awaken
Guardian – multiple heightened senses but not all – generally considered weaker than sentinels – don’t need a guide but guides are helpful for control
Empath - empathically active but not quiet on the level of guides
People are drawn to sentinels and guides for different reasons.
People are instinctively drawn to sentinels and guardians in times of danger; unconsciously looking to the strongest or most senior sentinel for leadership.
People are [empathetically?psychically?] drawn to guides and empaths, generally finding them to be good listeners and generally attractive? idk but look a Blair, he's gettin' it.
Generally, you can’t tell a sentinel or guide from the outside, unless you are also a sentinel or guide, so sentinels and guardians are supposed to wear a black bracer or bracelet with 1-5 colored pips indicated how many heightened senses(like a medical alert bracelet) and guides are supposed to wear pale bracer or bracelet. Its not illegal to not wear it, but its considered good form and important for EMS. Bond statues and type marked as a border on the bracer or bracelet
More likely to find sentinels in service(would more top gun level pilots/rio be s/g pairs?). Traditionally, guides follow their sentinel into service branches or jobs
Sentinel-Guide Centers - most towns have one, some cities have more than one - volunteer staffed both by sentinels and guides and normal people living in the territory - have isolation rooms for both enhanced senses and empathic burn out
Territories – higher level sentinels tend to have regions that are considered 'their territory' - this also happens when a sentinel has stayed in an area for a long period of time – Sentinels declare an area as their territory with the city/county and their regional Sentinel-Guide Center – any sentinels or guardians moving into the territory are required to send notice – guides tend to send notice too, but its mostly out of being polite
Tribes - Sentinels and Guides living or working in the same area for more than a year generally form tribes or prides(both terms are used) - generally led by the strongest and/or most senior pair [called the Alphas?] - tends to have a pecking order. {Viper is tribe leader at Miramar and Jack O'Neil is the reluctant pride leader at the SGC}
Doggy politics - when you get a bunch of Sentinels together they tend to squabbling until they sort out a pecking order - sometimes its little contests or wrestling, sometimes is physical fights - traditionalists believe that needs to be a firm hierarchy generally settled by brute strength - bad tribe leaders are known to be very aggressive when setting themselves at the top of the hierarchy and encourage in-fighting - there isn't actually a word for the squabbling, non-sentinels tend to look down on it and some sentinels aren't terribly keen on it either – the squabbles are more endemic to civilian tribes as military or police prides already have ranks
Types of bonds
Temporary: not actually a bond, more an empathic impression that helps Guides work with Sentinels and vice-versa, like a well traveled path
Emergency: one sided bonds made in times of emergency, generally with one party being not fully conscious, separation of the two parties involved with cause the bond to dissolve
probably some tba
Full: permanent bond that can't be dissolved or broken except through death, the Guide imprints psychically and works the Sentinel into their mental barriers and the Sentinel imprints the Guide into their senses, psychic link can pass impressions back and forth, generally death of one leads to the withering and eventual death of the other
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takeeachdayonebookatatime · 8 months ago
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Why did you elbow me? 215
Achilles Castle part 117
Lemonade and lies Part 60
Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek undercover part 24
Officer Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek/Greig: pov I head to the gun range to pick up Kate she already mentioned to me via text that Pamela and Parker invited us to an outdoor concert tonight if the 4 of us get there earlier enough we can get good seats on the lawn the place has food trucks so no reason to worry about food. Me and Kate are supposed to pick up the second car tonight, if I drive there straight from the gun range that should leave us enough time to head out to the concert. As Kate dumps her bags in the car I ask if she is okay she says fine. Pamela shouts from across the parking lot see you guys tonight. The drive shouldn't be that bad, the guy we are meeting is the head of the drug unit, that way we can update him on the case, same with him.
Kate/Stana: pov me and Nick chat with the guy for a bit, he hands me the keys saying can she even be trusted behind the wheel. Excuse me, officer, what did you just say? Nick says that I'm more than capable of driving. The ride home shouldn't take that long. I put the radio on and head home, me and Nick, arrive around the same time. I head inside to change my shirt quickly. He says no nap today, I guess not. I didn't have any time even though I really wanted to take one. I’m exhausted for some reason.
Officer Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek/Greig: pov hey Kate maybe you should have a snack before we leave in case you can't have any of the food and don't forget to pack your bag for the concert. Bags might not be allowed at the concert even though it's outside.
Kate/Stana: pov I change into my flatline shirt and grab some cute pants. In the kitchen I eat some mixed fruit as a snack. Nick was nice enough to cut it up and put it in some Tupperwares for me the other night. Once I'm done eating I pack my bag for the concert and grab a blanket. Nick puts the defibrillator and oxygen in the trunk in case of an emergency. Pamela and Parker are bringing a big mat/blanket we can sit on during the concert. They are also bringing chairs just in case we want to sit on them instead. It's decided we are taking my car to the concert since it is smaller and will be easier to fit in the parking spots. Me and Nick are meeting them at the concert. Nick parked as close to the front as possible. Since i can't be without my medical alert bracelet a new one was made for me with my undercover name Lanie brought it over the other day. The guy checking bags is giving me a hard time since no bags are allowed for safety reasons. I explain to him my medical history and show him my medical alert bracelet. Sir, you can empty my bag and check everything over if you need to. Thankfully I used my Wells Cornell trauma center bag.
Derek concert security: pov in the Wells Cornell trauma center bag is benadryl for her food allergies, her medication, water, snack, a fan and a few other random things/her other medical supplies. I allow her bag through, I find something to stick on the strap of her bag that way people will know it's been checked.
Pamela: pov Parker is that Stana and Greig by security looks like the guy is giving her a hard time. I hope the security guy didn't give you guys too hard of a time, turns out he did give her a little bit of a hard time. How about we get some food before the concert that way the 4 of us can eat while the concert is going on. Parker is setting up the chairs while I roll out the blanket. He is going to sit with our stuff until the 3 of us are back then he will get his food since the both of us have been here before.
Jenny: pov it was decided that Ryan would come home early tonight for dinner then go back to the station afterwards and tomorrow he would work late. As soon as I walk in the door with Sarah Grace and she sees the cat she gets very excited. Be careful Sarah Grace she has a baby cat in her tummy just like mommy, well she actually has more than one baby. How exciting in a few days she will have her kittens. She is officially our cat and I will let you keep 1 kitten. I think uncle Javier and aunt Lanie want a kitten.
Ryan: pov I'm so glad I got to see Sarah Grace's reaction to the cat, Jenny is making chicken nuggets and fries. While we eat Sarah Grace tells me about her day at school. Once dinner is done it's time for Sarah Grace's bath which means I have to get back to work.
Esposito: pov Ryan your back quicker than I expected How was dinner, glad to hear that. He asks if me and Lanie still want a kitten, yes we do. I talked with her about it over dinner, which was spicy tacos. This case is bugging me because nothing is making sense who attacked our suspect and why. I still can't believe Kate and Nick stumbled onto a murderer while undercover and he had nothing to do with our case. What's crazy is there was a dead body in the house, while they were both there.
Castle: pov me and my friend arrive at the fancy restaurant. I order a soda while I look at the menu. Alexis and Dave are actually eating Chinese food at his house since his parents have to Work late. Plus mother is at home with a date or as she would call it a male friend. To be continued. ………….
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And now the guide for Ed's surgery day! When I've written Ed's top surgery before, this is where I made the most mistakes and left out the most detail, so I hope this will be a very useful resource!
Once Ed gets to the hospital for his surgery time, he'll be given his hospital bracelet and Stede will be able to go back with him to a surgery waiting room. At my hospital, my mom was given a special registration number for me, and there was a big screen in the waiting room with everyone's numbers that updated with everyone's status: getting registered, preparing for surgery, in surgery, all done!, and waking up.
Ed will be taken back to a pre-op room, where the nurse will ask lots of questions confirming what he's there for and getting a medical history. He'll be asked to change into a gown and he'll have to pee in a cup for a pregnancy test, which is a legal requirement for anyone who still has an F on their ID (my nurse was super apologetic about this).
His vitals will be read - this might be nerve-wracking! I was super nervous about my surgery being canceled for whatever reason, so my blood pressure and pulse were both elevated. This might be a good point if you want angst, but as long as Ed's not having any chest pains and it's not WAY high, he'll be fine and his surgery won't be affected.
He'll be started on an IV pretty quickly. Because he'll have been told not to drink water after midnight the night before, and especially if his surgery is later in the morning, he'll probably be dehydrated, which can make finding a vein much more difficult. He might be able to get his IV in his arm, but many people need theirs in their hands. I did, and it's a bit more painful than in the arm.
After his IV is in, Stede will be able to come back and sit with him before his surgery! He can probably expect to wait for a few hours here. My arrival time was 10 am and my surgery started at about 12:15. His anasthesia doctor will come in to talk to him, get a consent signature, and answer any questions he may have. He'll be warned that he might have a really sore throat for a few days. Then his surgeon will come in to mark up his chest and answer any last-minute questions.
When he's ready to go, he'll get to say goodbye to Stede before he's wheeled back. The nurses will promise to call Stede with updates and he'll be able to watch the screen in the waiting room to keep tabs on where Ed's at in the process.
Ed will be given a medication in his IV to help him calm down, and he'll notice his reaction time getting slow and fuzzy as he's rolled to the operating room. He'll probably have to shift himself over to the operating table. He'll get an oxygen mask as his team adjusts him on the table, and he'll hear his anesthesia doctor tell him they're starting the drug to put him to sleep. I remember wondering when it would take effect, and the next thing I remember is being awake in recovery!
In my experience, it was the same sort of grogginess after a very long nap. I felt a bit dizzy and nauseous, but nothing terrible. I know my nurse asked me basic questions to make sure I was alert and okay, like my name and the date, but I don't remember answering them. I know I just kept thanking him - I remember going "thank you - have I said that a lot?" and he was all "yeah, but it's okay, just means you're nice :)" It's completely believable for Ed to repeat himself, forget what he's said, and forget bits and pieces.
Stede will be brought back to see Ed now! The average time for top surgery is about 2-3 hours, but mine actaully only took just a bit over an hour. Discharge was also very quick since I was feeling pretty great right away - I left the hospital at around 3 pm. Many surgery hospitals will have an on-site pharmacy, so the nurses brought me my medications right up to my room! Ed will most likely be given pain meds and an antibiotic to take home.
Right after waking up was when my pain was most intense. It was about a 4/10 and calmed down quickly.
It's not an exagerration to have Ed feel 100% better about his body and how he looks literally right away! I'm already happily walking around the house without a shirt when I never would've dreamed of that before, and even just looking down at my body feels great.
Once Ed gets home:
Many people will be given a compression vest to wear home, my surgeon just does tight bandages. The most painful areas for Ed will probably be the stitches around his drains.
I had a mild (but admittedly scary) complication not long after I got home, where blood started leaking from one of my drains enough to soak through the bandages. I had to go to the ER to get the bandages replaced and check on the drain, and I was absolutely fine. I think this would actually be an excellent complication for Ed to have if you want some drama, because it was a bit scary but overall nothing to be worried about and it probably happened because I was moving too much while trying to clean myself up when I got home.
The morning after surgery, Ed will probably feel a bit feverish, sore, and tired. He'll want to stay on top of his pain meds, but I'm already on just Tylenol for the pain and I'm almost entirely pain-free.
Ed's doing great and he's so happy! I'll add more to this guide when my drains and nipple graft dressings are ready to come off.
A Guide for Writing Ed's Top Surgery!
I'm getting my top surgery on July 3 (whoo!!!) and I'm using this as an opportunity to gather info for fic purposes. I love writing Ed as a trans man, and I love everyone else who writes and draws him as trans, so I wanted to share the notes I'm taking to help others who want to draw or write Ed's top surgery experiences! I'll update this as we go in sections (pre-op, the surgery itself, and initial recovery).
This is all just my experience with getting a double-incision with free nipple grafts surgery, and it's from a US perspective. Your mileage may vary and this definitely isn't meant as a medical guide. If you're having your own top surgery listen to your surgeon, not me.
Pre-op guide below the cut!
In the months before his surgery:
Getting insurance approval for top surgery in the US, depending on where you live, can be incredibly frustrating, dehumanizing, and painful. Ed will need at least one letter from a therapist or other mental health provider, and he'll probably feel very frustrated about being treated like a child who is unable to make his own medical decisions. I had several insurance denials, needed to switch insurance companies (currently having to settle for one that's more expensive in every other way but will at least approve this surgery), and needed three (fucking 3!!) letters from mental health professionals to get my approval. Hard to overstate how much it sucked and how much it makes you feel like the people writing state and insurance laws see you as a stupid child. Ed will very likely have Lingering Issues about this experience.
Ed will need an initial consultation to confirm he's a good candidate for surgery. Mine was quick and easy!
Once he gets his approval, or once he decides to pay out-of-pocket, he'll get his surgery date! Depending on his clinic, this could be years away or it could be as soon as a couple months out, so anything is realistic for your story. You could lean into the joy of a date that's sooner than he'd expected or he could be frustrated by the whole process grinding to a halt.
His pre-op appointment:
The pre-op appointment is when Ed will meet his surgeon and get the details for his surgery date. Mine was almost two weeks before my surgery. He'll also receive packets of information and his post-op check-up dates. If he smokes, he should be tobacco-free by this date.
This is when Ed and Stede will be able to ask any last-minute questions. Ed can ask here if the surgeon will be willing to give him heart-shaped nipples, but they'll probably say no
This appointment is also when Ed will be struck by the reality of having post-operative drains and not being able to shower for a week. This will be deeply upsetting for him
Ed will probably be very nervous for this appointment (what if something goes wrong and he can't get his surgery?) but he'll be relieved and comforted by the whole experience. The mood in the whole plastic surgery center, for me, was downright fucking jubilant, all the nurses who saw my name on the chart were congratulating me and telling me how happy they were for me! This WILL make Ed cry
The week before his surgery:
It begins to sink in that Ed is about to have major surgery. He's excited, of course, but he'll be a little nervous too! Stede will need to give him lots of cuddles and promise to take good care of him
They'll need to make lots of Ed's favorite comfort foods to freeze so he has something to eat when he can't raise his arms well enough to cook
Ed should practice doing things without lifting his arms above his shoulders. He'll have a great time stomping around and pretending to be a dinosaur
He'll want to prepare a selection of comfy clothes he can wear without raising his arms. Stede's robes will be perfect
The biggest struggle for Ed during his recovery will be the boredom. Stede should help him build up a stock of video games, books, Lego sets, sketchbooks, and model building kits to keep his hands and brain busy!
They should prepare Ed's sickbed. He might be more comfortable sleeping upright on the couch or in an armchair propped up by pillows. He'll have to see how he feels after surgery and what positions are most comfortable, so getting both the couch and their bed ready is a good idea!
At some hospitals, including mine, you won't know what time to arrive at the hospital for your surgery until the day before, when they'll call you to let you know (they do this based on surgery room flow to ensure you arrive at the right time). Ed will find this stressful; Stede will HATE it.
Ed may need to shower with a special antiseptic skin wash the night before and the morning of his surgery. He will not enjoy having to get up at the asscrack of dawn to shower
The night before Ed's surgery, he and Stede should pack bags, just in case. Top surgery is an outpatient procedure, but just in case anything goes wrong and Ed has to stay overnight, it's good to be prepared. A change of comfy clothes, a book, and Ed's Nintendo Switch are good things to pack. Ed will also love taking a stuffed animal to keep him company after Stede can't go any further with him (and he can use the plushie to cushion the seatbelt on the car ride home).
Ed's super excited and everything's set for him! Good luck, Ed! 🥳
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doreenshealthandwellness · 2 years ago
Putting things off.......
Two thousand and twentySeveral days after I had a talk with myself about my relationship with my father, my sister called to say that our dad was in the hospital. He was having some heart issues. Thank God he had one of those medical alert bracelets because that is what he used to call for help.When my daughter and I took him home two days later, I was hesitant about leaving him. I was concerned…
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sunnixsunshine · 2 years ago
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Larry prefers clothes that cover him nearly completely, with the exception of pants overlapping his feet. He doesn’t mind it when his sleeves go over hands, though, as long as he isn’t working with his hands that is. After wearing suits so much for so many years, he started leaning more towards loose fitting clothes as a much needed break from the stuffy suits. He likes more grays and blacks in this clothes than color, but when he does include color its almost always some shade of blue. He only owns like three different pairs of shoes, one of which are his only tennis shoes that he's owned for several years now with barely any visible wear and tear. He always accessorizes with a watch and a medical alert bracelet for his food allergy. More under the cut :)
Its his work clothes. He’s got 7 identical suits, button downs, and socks for each day of the week— despite no longer working a 7 day schedule anymore. It's comfortable and breathable enough on long work days.
Casual 1
He likes flannels. They're warm on chilly days and he thinks he looks nice in them. As for jeans, they're just jeans. He still slicks his hair back in the same way he does for work simply out of habit.
Casual 2
He doesn't usually wear graphic shirts or anything similar, but the Komala sweater seems to be an exception. Poppy gave it to him, but she didn't know what size he wore. So, because he is so much bigger than her, she picked out the biggest size they had on the rack. Larry appreciated the gesture. He did put it in the wash to shrink it just enough to wear because he knew Poppy would want to see him wear it. He likes wearing sweats the most because they're comfortable and easy to pull on when he doesn't feel like dressing up.
Just a simple t-shirt and shorts. Finally he let's his hair down. Allows it to get messy, but doesn't skip coming through it in the morning after waking up. He only ever wears shorts at home because he's a little embarrassed over showing his legs.
The dad shirt was a father's day gift by Giacomo. The material is too thin for his liking to wear out, so he uses it as a sleep shirt. His pajama pants ranges from sweatpants to actual pajama pants, it just depends how he's feeling. He really doesn't get why Hassel and Rika call him weird for sleeping in his socks, as well as having "designated sleeping socks". Do they just like having freezing feet during the night? They're the weird ones, if you ask Larry.
Styling his hair differently, picking out a new tie, breaking out the vest and his other dress shoes— and he cleans up nice. He doesn't really put much effort into it, though. Just throws on one of his dress pants for work. Grabs one of his button downs for work. Only owns one belt so he tosses that into the mix, too.
Business casual
For company parties or small, kind of serious, get togethers with coworkers. It's just his work pants and shoes plus a more colorful button down. And excluding his tie. Nothing special about it.
Haha, it's my clothes :]
My favorite b99 slut shirt that I usually sleep in. My camo cargo pants. My cheap walmart boots with trans pride laces with which I love dearly. My buckle down galaxy belt. Pretend he's wearing Reptar socks, too. If I wanted to, I would have drawn him in my tomboy x sports bra and princess peach sweat pants, my typical sleep and lounge wear when my baggy clothes are causing some sensory problems so I'm dysphoric. In reality the slut shirt is more like a dress on me, but I suppose it maybe more well fitting on Larry because he's. He's taller than me dkshsksj
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hellfireconcert · 11 months ago
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Being called Em again felt so, strange, but Steve responding seemed to break him out of his frozen state and he finished tying his curls back in a bun. "Yeah..." he looked at his roommate who was giving him a look.
"This your boyfriend, Eddie?" He questioned in a playful tone.
Eddie rolled his eyes, "yeah sure, he's my boyfriend, now you out," he gently but firmly pushed his roommate into the hallway, "you in," he grabbed Steve's wrist, fingers wrapping over the medical alert bracelet and pulling him into the room, closing the door behind them, he wanted to hug the other, he owed him his life, but he held himself back.
"It's Eddie now," he hoped Steve wouldn't out him, not that he really thought he would, Steve wasn't like that, he'd changed from school, but that fear was still there, knowing how much danger it could put him in if the truth got out. "You look good...look, you can't tell anyone I was a girl, okay?" He needed to make sure Steve understood that this was to remain between them for his safety.
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It was hard when Eddie left.
The group had been tense as all hell and even though it was for the best, it hurt. After Vecna was finally defeated, Hawkins was finally deemed uninhabitable. Those who stayed were urged to leave and slowly their party was split apart. Steve however? Stayed.
For years he stayed behind just incase.
He applied to colleges again, tried to reach out to his parents to help with medical bills regarding his new disabilities. Of course, they ignored any of his calls and redirected him to his father’s secretary. The check from the government covered more than the costs of his medication, his hearing aids and his glasses, but he still worried for the future.
He saved money up and when he was accepted to a college? He left. Now. Here he was, listening to the hustle and bustle of a new guy being moved in on their floor. It was usually a huge deal when someone new arrived. Steve was definitely talk of the town for a short time, what with waking everyone up nearly every night with his night terrors and aura of sadness and loneliness, but he’s better.
Way better.
He set down his pen, rubbing his eyes clear of sleep and feeling the familiar ache of a headache starting.
“Alright, I need a break.” He said, standing up and stretching. “I’m gonna say hi to the new guy, you guys wanna join me?” He asked his roommates, a smile on his face. Of course, they declined and Steve simply shrugged, walking out into the hallway.
He made his way over to the door and knocked politely, making sure his hearing aid was turned up. As the door opened, he made small talk with the guy on the other side. “Yeah! I heard you got a new guy right?” He smiled, turning when he saw a shadow of movement an-
He blinked, gazing at..
“Em?” He said, eyes wide.
Steve himself seemed way different. Dressed in a warm yellow buttonup, sun washed jeans and a pair of bright white sneakers. On his face was a pair of glasses and a rather expensive looking hearing aid in his ear.
On his wrist was a silver medical alert bracelet. “I… wow! It’s uhm… good to see you!” He awkwardly recovered some semblance of this conversation, a hand reaching up to scratch at his medium, now longer, length hair. “You settling in okay?”
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that-yandere-life · 3 years ago
Stephen Strange Quote Prompt #2: “You had a nightmare about me? That’s great! That means you think of me even when you dream. Even though I hope your next dream about me will be more pleasant.”
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[Warnings: Yandere Themes *Obviously*, Nightmares, Being actively stalked, mentions of medical related things and accidents, kind of dark.]
Everywhere you turned in this labyrinth of hallways you were seemingly trapped in led you further and further into the abandoned building.
Desperately you were attempting to escape from your captor but it seemed all too impossible to gain any meaningful ground.
Hands fumbling over the handles of every door you passed, none of them twisting or opening to allow you shelter behind it’s sturdy frame.
Running full speed as fast as you could, only to look behind and see that despite them walking the same speed they still were steadfast after you.
It was as if they knew you couldn’t get away that is why they had no sort of hurry to their actions, waiting for you to tire out.
Something that was quickly becoming an issue, beginning to wonder if you had a better chance at fighting off your attacker rather than get away from them.
From the moment you crossed his vision you were destined to be his, in fact he made it so himself.
Finally a door opened, shuffling behind it not wanting to open it more than necessary to give yourself a chance of actually shutting it.
Slamming it shut you turned around, sliding your back against the door, panting as you tried to get air back into your system.
Looking up at the room you had sought refuge behind, your heart stopped dead in your chest as you saw him standing before you with an amused shit eating grin on his face.
Stroking his facial hair as he watched all hope leave your expression, feeding greedily off the fact that he was the one who had taken it from you.
Clapping his hands together in a mocking fashion taking a step towards you, making you wish you could melt into the very floor you were sitting upon.
Telling you that you put on quite the show but he was afraid that the curtains were now drawn and the audience departed.
Everything around you began to blur together, colors mixing together in a swirling pattern until darkness took over your vision completely.
Gasping suddenly you were in a clean white room that was lit with a cool fluorescent tone filling the space with blinding light.
Focusing on your surroundings you were laid in a hospital bed, a name tag bracelet around your wrist with all the typical information.
Attention turning towards the door as the click of the latch releasing alerted you to the fact that you were no longer alone.
Once again you were forced to gaze upon your captors face, one you had now grown to very much fear.
A cocky smirk plastered on his lips as he folded his arms in front of you expectantly, waiting for you to speak.
Immediately you demanded to know where you were, and why it seemed like you were in a hospital.
Inching closer to you every so subtly he will chuckle under his breath looking down at the plain tile flooring as he chose his words carefully.
Telling you that you had been in an accident, and that he was your doctor who had been taking care of you while you were in a coma.
That he did all that he could but you would forever be paralyzed from the waist down, and would be confined to a wheelchair.
A wave of emotion hits you like a ton of bricks, sobs bursting from your chest as you mourned what you once had.
Lifting your blankets to see your legs, willing them to move but not a single muscle twitches in response.
Throwing your head back on the pillow harshly closing your eyes as the pain of the situation took over your entire being.
Eyes popping open, a sharp inhale leaving your lips as you see that yet again you are in a different setting, one that you recognized all too well at this point.
This was your cold hard reality, and while it wasn’t the nightmare you had just left it was a whole other one on its own entirely.
Stephen sat down on the edge of your bed with a look of concern obviously aware of the tremored state you were in, inquiring as to why you were so upset.
Spitting back that you were having horrific dreams because of him, and that he was the reason you never wanted to sleep anymore.
Calmly he will try to rub your arm to soothe you despite you yanking it back with a look of disgust at his feeble attempt to comfort you when he was the entire reason you were there in the first place.
“You had a nightmare about me? That’s great! That means you think of me even when you dream. Even though I hope your next dream about me will be more pleasant.”
Kissing your forehead before standing up to leave the room, leaving you sitting there confused and alone.
[My quote prompt anon is back with a whole new set of juicy prompts to go off of! I hope that you all enjoy this one, it is probably one of my favorites I have ever written! <3]
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squadrah · 2 years ago
From My CuriousCat
"You're incredibly creative, that's why I think you might have some random headcanons about the boys… 👀 So… Maybe share them? Like random facts or something that you really like about them or something that fits them in your opinion."
Again, such a sweet Anon, and I kept the kind words because for these revisions I tried to keep the original phrasing of the questions/requests. Bless you, whoever you are!
Just to be safe, here are some shorter headcanons listed in my La Squadra drawing meme, and with that out of the way, here are some random headcanons that might not have been made "public" yet (meaning I might have only discussed them with friends in private):
Risotto is hot as a furnace and he lets others snuggle to him when it's cold. He still goes jogging in a shirt and shorts in winter and it's infuriating to Ghiaccio, who has to cover every inch of himself not to catch cold, ironically. Risotto has "fans" who get up as early as 4 am to watch him jog from their balconies.
Formaggio puts almost as much care into his appearance as Prosciutto, to the point where he uses products to mask some of his more unfortunate scars for a smoother look. He will let the "cooler" ones on his arms remain on display, though, for a bit of macho flair: gotta look dangerous, you know?
Prosciutto was born three weeks late; the doctors tried to induce labor and the baby just refused to budge, so they ended up removing him via C-section. He entered the world with a full head of curly blond hair, his eyes open, and a look of utter contempt on his face. He really didn't ask for any of this.
Pesci's observation skills are one part natural curiosity, one part survival instinct (watching for signs of change that indicate potential danger), and one part excellent analytical skills; he would have done really well in STEM if he had had confidence in himself and his life had been less messy.
Ghiaccio is so "loud" because he used to be very stifled at home (told to keep quiet, stop fidgeting, stop being a baby, etc.), and at school (sudden outbursts did not go down well at any stage of his education), and La Squadra was the first group to encourage him to just let it out and be done with it.
Melone goes on blind dates with two bracelets on: one of them is a medical alert bracelet listing his various allergies and conditions in case of an emergency, and the other is a tracker and alert bracelet that lets his friends (usually Prosciutto and Formaggio) know if they have to step in and intervene.
As a child, Illuso was fascinated with Alice In Wonderland and Alice Through The Looking-Glass. He secretly hoped to one day be able to enter exciting worlds like Alice did, especially ones that were deserted so he could have them all to himself and experience no harm or danger while inside...
Sorbet's dream wedding would have been held at an expensive seaside hotel with only his teammates invited. It would have lasted at least three days, and he would have worn elaborate drag queen outfits on each day. He managed to design two such outfits before he and Gelato were killed.
Gelato tolerates alcohol extremely well, for two reasons: one, he absolutely loves fatty and greasy foods, which help neutralize the alcohol, and two, he is naturally resilient on top of that. Never enter into a drinking contest with him, he will drink you under the table and make you pay his tab, too.
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dontfeeltoohot · 2 years ago
Sicktember Day 12 - Stress Induced Illness - Steddie - Streamer AU
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The building is packed. This is the second year the ‘fruity four’ have been invited to be at VidCon, and it seems this time it’s even more over the top and chaotic. It’s fun, of course, but Eddie feels stress start to flood through him. 
There’s just so many damn people everywhere, and he knows he needs to live up to everyone’s expectations, be the kind of dorky but also cool, sarcastic boyfriend to Steve, because he knows most people only know him through his boyfriend, even if he was vaguely popular before they started dating. 
Looking at the other three, he’s almost thankful to see Robin looking overwhelmed too, finding comfort in the fact it’s not just himself. Holding tighter to the strap of his backpack, his other hand clasped in Steve’s , Eddie follows as they’re led behind curtains to be briefed on everything they’ll be doing. 
He signs things and laughs with the people in the community, even gets some gifts and things people have made. By the end of his m&g, he’s got multiple bracelets on his wrist from fans all over the country. It blows his mind. He’s got tons of cool art he’s going to hang on his side of his and Steve’s gaming room, and he can’t wait to see all the stuff Steve’s been gifted, as well as Robin and Nancy. 
As they’re walking to another panel, a couple of girls come running up to talk to the four of them. Eddie swallows, his head hurting a bit at the sheer volume and tone of their voices. He greets them and gives them side hugs, not wanting to invade their personal space, even though it seems they have no problem invading any of theirs. 
As they’re walking to another panel, a couple of girls come running up to talk to the four of them. Eddie swallows, his head hurting a bit at the sheer volume and tone of their voices. He greets them and gives them side hugs, not wanting to invade their personal space, even though it seems they have no problem invading any of theirs. 
During the panel is when everything goes to shit. Fans are asking questions and Eddie’s trying to focus, trying to listen and respond, but it feels like he's underwater. His head is throbbing and he’s nauseous, everything feels oddly far away, just out of reach. When people laugh, Eddie’s able to laugh along with them, and when spoken directly too, he can make out enough to reply. 
Steve glances over at him, grabbing his hand after he has to get the question repeated twice. Eddie’s body feels hot and fuzzy, his whole head feels like it’s filled with air. He swallows and tastes iron, as if he’s swallowing blood. The long haired man isn’t really focusing when a girl starts asking Steve a question, stopping it mid sentence to then ask if Eddie’s alright. 
Everyone on stage frowns, then looks at the man, who’s swallowing convulsively. The entire room goes silent as Steve puts a hand on his shoulder. 
“Eddie? Hey, Eddie, honey….” 
“Steve…I don’feel…m’have…seizure,” he fumbles out, words clumsy and heavy in his mouth. He wants his brain to work but he’s so damn tired.
It’s not something he talks about a lot. Should he? Probably. Will he after this nightmare? Definitely. But until now, his epilepsy isn’t something fans have known about. He’s had it since he was a kid, but the seizures are well controlled. He hasn’t had one since he was newly twenty two. The only thing to even acknowledge it is the small black pendant attached to the chain around his neck that also holds his beloved guitar pick, the one that alerts medical teams he’s epileptic. 
As if an air conditioner or fan has kicked on, a sudden cold chill tears through him, and his body tenses. Then, nothing. 
Eddie sees videos later that day of himself getting moved to the stage floor seconds before he starts seizing. Two paramedics are there moments later, and security start getting people to head back out from the room. 
“That’s wild…seeing myself do that,” Eddie mumbles into Steve’s shoulder, the younger man laying squished into the small hospital bed with him. 
They’re keeping him for a few more hours to make sure there’s not going to be a rebound seizure and that his vitals stay normal. Though they’ve advised not to continue the rest of the weekend, they’ve also explained he’s free to do what he wants, and just to take it easy if he does go back. He knows this drill, has dealt with the aftermath of a new seizure a handful of times. 
The next morning, Eddie steps back into the convention center with his three friends. He’s exhausted and embarrassed and nervous, but they’ve put him on a new epilepsy medication until he’s back home and can see his usual neurologist. Fans of the four streamers see them and instantly start asking from a line if he’s okay and how he’s feeling. 
“I’m okay guys, really. Just tired. Might be a little slower today with uh, with all the signing and photos and stuff,” he gives a smile, a lazy hand wave, and everyone seems to genuinely understand. 
The signing and photo op starts off great, just like the day prior. But he starts feeling exhaustion creep back in an hour later. He feels like he’s been sucked dry from any energy and his head is starting to hurt again. He pushes through for another ten minutes before he finally looks down at Steve, who definitely can’t tell how sick he feels, not from that far away. 
“Hey uh, I gotta go talk to Steve,” he tells his handler, who nods and reminds him not to step out from behind the tables, so he doesn’t get fans swarming him. 
The man is signing something for a couple of teen girls, and Eddie feels bad for interrupting. Except not really because he feels like if he doesn’t lay down soon he’s going to collapse. He’s freezing and feels like hell. 
“Hey, what’s u-“ Steve cuts himself off when he looks at Eddie. A frown appears and then Steve’s apologizing to the few girls closest in line, before leading Eddie behind the drapes. Both their handlers follow. 
“You okay?” 
“I need to go lay down, I feel like fucking shit.” 
Steve winces at how blunt the answer is, how straight to the point and with absolutely no teasing or theatricality there is. 
“Yeah, yeah. Ok. We need to uh…” 
“I’ve got it from here honey,” Eddie’s handler, a kind older woman, assures. 
The long haired man nods and thanks her before heading back. Steve joins him, not caring if fans are upset. Eddie comes first, always. He makes an Instagram and Twitter post while his boyfriend dozes, explaining the situation and apologizing. The fans seem to understand for the most part, so he gives them a little photo of Eddie asleep in bed. 
‘Resting up. Don’t think either of us will finish out this weekend unfortunately, but thank you to everyone who came out and all the fans we got to meet. I’m sure Eddie will post something too, but for now just know we really do appreciate you guys, and we’re sorry for the abrupt ending.’ 
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englishknightsky · 3 years ago
Thomas: Honey the news just said teenagers under the influence of drugs aren't happy, vibrant or involved! Do you think Craig-
Laura: Thomas, Craig has never been happy, vibrant or involved.
Thomas: Oh, right.
Eric: Look, these are the shelves I was talking about.
Kyle: Are those the same shelves from that Nazi's house? You want Nazi shelves?
Eric: No, if anything those shelves were Nazi-occupied.
Stan: I finished the memorial for Pip.
Kyle: One problem, you misspelled both his first and last name.
Stan:... Eh, he's dead, he's not gonna notice.
Clyde: Tweek's new boyfriend is a secret, that means he's ugly.
Craig: Asshole! I'm Tweek's new boyfriend!
Token: Guess you were right, Clyde.
Richard: I quit using meth for good, now I'm only using it for evil!
Craig: Where are my pants?
Tweek: You threw them out of the window in a fit of passion. You said you were never gonna need them again.
Kenny: My medical alert bracelet warns first responders that I kiss back during CPR.
Damien: Aw, were you beaten as a kid?
Pip: Yeah...
Damien: Well you're still annoying, so clearly they didn't hit you enough.
Cartman: I get my snack ideas from 600lb Life, those people have some bomb ideas for dinner.
Kenny McCormick added Wendy Testaburger, Bebe Stevens, and 23 others to a group chat.
Kenny: Damn girl you look fine
Kenny: Wow they ain't send separately
Kenny: Bye
Kenny McCormick left
Timmy: Did you just call yourself a Nintendo console?
Jimmy: No, that's a Nintendo Switch, I called myself a crippled bi-biii-bitc- bitch!
Tweek: Do you wanna get married?
Craig: Well, we're already engaged so yeah.
Tweek: In Stardew Valley, you goof.
Craig: Oh! Yeah.
Tweek: Dad, will you read to me?
Richard: Who the hell are you?
Mars: Dads, I'm supposed to fight some kid at school tomorrow.
Tweek: Oh god.
Craig: Try to not to fall in love with them.
Clyde: See Token, I told you they could deep fry my shirt!
Token: I didn't say they couldn't, I said you shouldn't.
Craig: I need some space.
Tweek: Are you breaking up with me?
Craig: No, I'm falling off the bed, move over!
Stan: Check out this animal, it's called a kinkajou.
Cartman: A kinky jew? Where?!
Craig: Um, so. Stripe got outside, but luckily we caught him. Points camera at Stripe in his cage But if that's Stripe... who the fuck is this? Points camera at Tweek holding an identical guinea pig.
Kenny: Once I was jogging and found a corspe, and I was glad, because that meant I could stop jogging.
Pip: My nickname is Pip.
Damien: What's Pip short for?
Eric: 'Cause he's a twink.
Butters: Hi can I have a happy meal with extra happy, please? :)
Kyle: No, you hang up first!
Cartman : No you hang up first!
Kyle: Okay.
Cartman:... He hung up on me!
Jimmy: Is that why you opened a cafe? To get people to like you?
Tweek: You want to talk about getting people to like you, funny man?
Stan: Agent Raven approaching the site, operation 'sleepy time' commencing, over.
Wendy: Stan, stop playing with the baby monitor. Over.
Token: Craig, got any cleaning tips?
Craig: Never fall in love, have any friends or pets or family, then they won't make a mess.
Craig: Good morning babe.
Tweek: Die.
Craig: I got you a triple espresso, but I'm gonna hold it just out of reach so you have to get up if you want it.
Tweek: Die twice.
Butters: Well, it doesn't have a tail so I'm pretty sure it's a hamster.
Tech Support: Okay fine, right click the hamster.
Jason: So is this thing between Tweek and Craig a secret?
Token: Hardly. The only people who don't know that Tweek and Craig are in love with each other are Tweek and Craig.
Mr. Mackey: I heard children screaming, and as a counsellor I know that screaming can be a cry for help.
Tweek: Do you think Clyde will like the new cookies?
Craig: He'll eat anything you put in front of him. He's like a dog.
Tweek: Hm, that's true. I saw him eat a receipt once.
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chickensarentcheap · 2 years ago
All of the OTP Relationship asks for Tyler& Esme. ALL OF THEM!
You're evil ;)
1. Who most initiates PDA?
Esme. She's a very affectionate person. Both loving to give and receive. And she'll wrap her arms around him from behind, sit close enough to him so their arms and legs are touching, put her head on his shoulder, nuzzle her nose against his ear :)
2. Any sleep habits either had to get used to?
Tyler is a restless sleeper and his brain and body always on high alert. He suffers from periods of insomnia. Esme talks in her sleep. He can have conversations with her lol. Also, she wraps herself in all the covers like a little burrito. So he has to have his own selection of blankets.
3. Hot and Steamy or Soft and Tender?
That's a tough one! I'm going to say hot and steamy with soft and tender moments.
4. how they meet?
Through their boss, Nik Khan. She needed them to work together in Dhaka to find Ovi's whereabouts so Tyler could extract him. So she brought Esme to Tyler's place in Australia for them to meet.
5. What is their love language?
Esme's is touch, Tyler's is a mix of quality time, acts of services, and words of affirmation.
6.  When did they realize they loved each other?
Esme knew fairly early into things that she was in love with him. After she stayed behind on the bridge to try and save his life and then stayed by his side in the hospital while he recovered. It was during that initial week in the medically induced coma that she realized -sitting by his bedside, holding his hand, stroking his hair etc- that she loved him
Tyler knew it when they started living together a couple months later. Just watching her in the kitchen, wearing a t-shirt of his as she made dinner. It just hit him. That he loved her.
7. Who is more sentimental?
Esme. She still has the bracelet he bought her in Dhaka (thirteen years ago) and refuses to get rid of it. It means too much to her.
8. What’s one way their personalities compliment one another?
Both are very compassionate people. They have a lot of love to give each other and their kiddos. Both are very resilient and assertive.
9. How are their personalities different?
Tyler is very much an introvert and she's a huge extrovert.
10.  What are some non-sexual activities they do together? 
Surfing, paddle boarding, hiking, camping, taking road trips
11. Which member is more physically affectionate?
Esme. It's just who she is. Very touchy feely lol
12. Which member is more verbally affectionate?
Tyler. For sure. He's always sweet talking her and complimenting her and trying to make her feel better about herself.
13.  Which member steals borrows the other ones clothing?
Esme. She loves 'borrowing' his hoodies and t-shirts and the odd dress shirt.
14.  Are they an introverted couple or an extroverted one—AKA would they prefer to go out to a party or event together or would they rather stay in?
Definitely an introverted couple.
15. Who is more likely to make an impulsive decision and who is the voice of reason?
Hmmm. both can be rather impulsive at times. But Tyler tends to be the more level heated and rational one. Esme tends to be neurotic.
16. Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?
Tyler. He has a hard time shutting his brain down and will always find something to do right up until he's ready to pass out. So Esme is always trying to steer him towards bed.
17. Who fell in love first?
18. . What song fits them perfectly?
I Found, by Amber Run. Which inspired the first fic.
19. How do they deal with being away from each other for a long time?
They don't deal well at all lol. Tyler's older now, and with his cptsd and his bipolar, tends to get more depressed and homesick than he used to. He's at the point of wanting to stay strictly behind the scenes job wise so he can be with his family. Esme worries. A lot. And for good reason.
20. Who holds a grudge the longest?
Esme. She is the queen of holding grudges.
21.  Which of the two is quick to speak and which one is quick to listen?
Esme. Tyler is the strong, silent type until he needs to step out of that. Esme will say what she wants, when she wants. And he has learned to just stay quiet and listen lol
22. Who gets more easily embarrassed?
Tyler. If you dare bring up the 'feels' to him, he's going to blush lol
23. . Who overthinks the most?
Definitely Tyler. He gets too 'in his head' and Esme has to find ways to get him out of it.
24. Which of the two is the most competitive?
25.  Who’s the most stubborn?
Both would say the other, but I'm giving this one to Esme. lol
26. How do they comfort each other?
Touch. It's a big one for both of them when they're upset. Rubbing each other's backs, taking each other's hands, stroking each other's hair. And then mix in some words of affirmation.
27. What random everyday object/activity makes them think of each other?
Esme has a favourite mug that she always uses. That he and baby Millie gave her for her very first Mother's Day. It always sits by the machine at the coffee/tea bar. So that for sure. I think just the ocean in general makes Esme think of Tyler. Even the smell of the salt water.
28. Do they get along with each other’s friends and family?
Tyler has no family, and Esme's hates him with a passion. Everyone except her step sister who is now their next door neighbour. Tyler's friends love Esme. The fact that she came into his life and gave him a reason to clean himself up and stay that way. And has loved him the way she does and given him a family and a normal life.
29. What is their sex life like?
Extremely active and amazing. LOL.
30. What is their favorite place to kiss the other? (Cheek, hand, closed eyelid, neck, nose, etc.)
For Tyler, his favourite place to kiss her (other than lips) is her forehead or the tip of her nose. For Esme, there's this real sensitive spot right below his left ear. And the back of his neck.
31. What’s the relationship like? Smooth? Rocky?
Very strong and solid. but it's taken a lot of work to get where they are. They had a lot of issues early on and they sought out help for them. Especially when it comes to communication. And they're much better for it.
32. How do they resolve their arguments?
Calm and rational conversation. And some times some butt kissing on his part lol
33. Who has the most nightmares and how do they deal with them?
Tyler. He will wake up in sheer panic and his fight or flight is just going insane on him. Esme has learned not to touch him when he's like that. He's very reactive from years in the military and on the job, and he will view even her as a threat and lash out. She's been hurt because of it, unfortunately. Now she knows to talk to him first. Until he acknowledges her. Then she'll get him his anxiety meds, some water, a damp face cloth for his forehead and the back of his neck.
34. Do they give each other nicknames?
Tyler calls her 'Me' and she calls him 'Tae'
35. What movies do they enjoy watching most?
They're into action stuff, true crime, comedies.
36. How’d they meet each other’s families?
Esme met Tyler's father (only family member) when he was transferred from the hospital in Dhaka to one in Australia. Tyler met her mother, step father and brothers when they moved to Colorado and had to live in the mother's basement until they got their feet under them.
37. What do they like the least about each other?
He hates that she is constantly talking negative about herself. especially her appearance. She hates that he's so stubborn.
38. What was their most memorable date?
They never actually really dated, but I'm going to say it's when he took her out for their tenth wedding anniversary and brought her to an empty storefront. He'd purchased it so she could make her childhood dream of owning a bookstore come true.
39. What other couple would your otp get along with the best?
They have one couple friend that they're close to. Clover and Andy.
40. Who makes the other smile with almost no effort at all?
Esme makes him smile all the time. Whether it's her laugh or this little squeal and bounce on her heels she gives when she's extra happy or excited, or even just watching her being a mother to their kids.
@tragiclyhip, @secretaryunpaid, @munstysmind, @youflickedtooharddamnit
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Why did you elbow me? 148
Achilles Castle part 50
The pharmacy Part 2
Howard: pov I'm telling Kate to breathe in and out slowly, Jenn says it looks like she is going to faint. All of the color has started draining from her face. She is rubbing her chest. Kate tells Seth to check on Tina and the baby first, all of a sudden Kate faints Seth manages to catch her before she falls over. He tells Wordy to take care of Tina. Seth looks concerned.
Seth: pov something doesn't feel right here. Howard says he thinks it's a panic attack. He explains the symptoms of a panic attack to me. I don't think it's a panic attack, then why would she faint. The pharmacist comes over and tells me she has a heart condition and wears a medical alert bracelet. I now notice it after she fainted. I read what is on the bracelet that is when it hits me she has arrhythmia.
Officer Wordy: pov Tina and the baby seem to be doing okay, i pick up the phone Kate dropped as a precaution an ambulance needs to be called Howard says Kate already called one for Tina. Seth says we need to call a second ambulance for Kate. I ask for a 2nd ambulance to be brought here.
911 Dispatcher Sara: pov hello sir what is your name and emergency. Okay your name is officer Wordy and you need a 2nd ambulance. The pregnant woman who is 35 weeks just gave birth, and the other woman has a heart condition who passed out. Is the pregnant woman and baby okay? The ambulance is just a precaution. Did the other woman have chest pain before she fainted, you're not sure. What is your address, it's a pharmacy okay.
Officer Seth: pov I ask the pharmacist if he can see what meds she takes and if he has oxygen back there he says yes. Phineas puts the oxygen mask on her face hoping it will help her breathe better.
Carla: pov Captain Beckett is laying on the floor. She doesn't look good at all, we are starting to freak out a little. I hear Seth say her medical alert bracelet says she has a heart condition. I hear him say something about her vitals.
Howard: pov Jenn is holding Kate's hand trying to wake her up. She is saying it's okay the medics are on their way. Can you open your eyes for me or squeeze my hand? Wordy gives me the cell phone to keep the medics updated.
911 Dispatcher Sara: pov Wordy has now handed the phone to Howard who is telling me her vitals.
Phineas The pharmacist: pov I mention Kate takes 3 kinds of heart meds and uses an inhaler as needed. One is an emergency injection, she is supposed to carry it with her everywhere. It should be in Kate's bag. Howard finds her injector in the bag. Her thigh is the best place to inject it. I pull her pants down a tiny bit so I can inject it into her thigh. This seems to cause her pain, the injection must have hurt. Let's hope me or Seth doesn't have to do CPR.
911 Dispatcher Sara: pov He says Kate is breathing funny, so she was given some oxygen and she was given a dose of her heart meds. Howard, can you try and keep her calm? Okay she is still unconscious. The medics should be there soon.
Barry: pov Wordy Is talking with Tina trying to keep her calm, she looks freaked out. The paramedics arrive for Tina and the baby the other hostages are still sitting on the floor.
Officer Wordy: pov priority of life means that Tina and her baby get taken care of first the first group of medics tend to her and get her ready for transport. The second group of medics arrive and Seth explains the little bit he knows,
Paramedic Lucas: pov I can tell Captain Beckett isn't doing so good, officer Seth fills me in on the little information he got. Turns out she has a heart condition. They injected her with her heart meds since it looked like a heart episode and she had fainted. My partner puts a pulse ox-meter on her finger, then takes her blood pressure and inserts an IV. I lift up her shirt to put the leads to the heart monitor on. That is when I notice she has a huge scar on the left side of her chest. Most likely from a surgery and a small round one near her left breast. It would be nice to know her medical history. Seth also noticed them. The pharmacist says he knows what the scar is from on her left side it's from her emergency heart surgery, wow. I ask him about her little scar since he seems to know the answers, he says it is from a bullet tearing through her chest, she was shot a few years ago. Wow this is from a shooting. It's quite obvious Kate has had severe chest trauma in the past. Phineas mentions the medication Kate takes. I administer some other meds into her IV and before I can ask more questions about her previous shooting he says it was a funeral.
Andros: pov no way she was shot at a funeral. Lucas asks if she showed any symptoms beforehand and if she ate or drank anything I say not that I know of. I tell Lucas that Anna gave everyone a piece of gum but that was it.
Police officer Seth: pov Kate is breathing better and her vitals are doing better. I decided to ride with Kate to the ER. Wordy is going to ride with Tina and the baby in the other ambulance. The other officers are taking Danny to jail and Letting the hostages go. The medics are monitoring her vitals very closely. I grab her phone from the box so I can call her family. In the ambulance the defibrillator paddles are on her chest in case of emergency. She is starting to come too. Lanie and Castle are the top 2 then Ryan and Esposito. I can hear Kate say muffled by the oxygen mask to call Lanie, which I do. To be continued. ……..
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years ago
ML Fic: Soulmate Survey Part 33
Sorry this got delayed for longer than expected. I had a lot of things hit me like a truck (and distractions). Hopefully you all enjoy this. Please comment your thoughts on the chapter. And if you really liked it, Reblog it. Thats the best way to get others to see it.
(Master Post)
Nathalie cautiously walked into the school, careful to not stand out. She needed to be quick and quiet, she didn’t know how many akuma were lurking in the building. Hawkmoth has akumatized a good chunk of the student body at this school, so expecting at least a dozen within such a short time frame wouldn’t be out of the question. She was relieved that the akuma alert hasn't gone off, which means no one has caught on yet.
The assistant moved down the hall, stopping once she noticed two akuma heading down the hall. One she recognized as the akuma dark owl, and the other as Lady wifi. Both akuma wearing masks that covered their faces. It was clearly the handiwork of Masquerade. She quickly moved into the nearest room to hide.
“That was close.” Nathalie whispered.
“What was?” a voice from behind her called out. Causing the on edge assistant to jump.
She looked to see it was not an akuma, but an adult with a perplexed expression.
“Nothing, what room is this?”
“This is the nurse’s office, I’m Nurse Angela. How can I help you?”
Nathalie took a sigh of relief. Seems that the nurse hasn’t noticed the akumatized individuals in the hall. Which means that no one has figured out there are akuma active.
“I am fine, I simply stepped into the wrong room.” Nathalie eased herself. “Could you tell me which way Ms. Bustier’s classroom is?”
“Oh its down the hall, make a left and it’s the last classroom on the...”
“Nurse! My ice pack melted!”
The nurse took a calming sigh.
“One moment ma’am. I have a student in here.”
Angela quickly moved to fetch more ice for her patient to help her out.
“Chloé?” Nathalie spoke aloud, recognizing the voice.
Nathalie moved into the room and took notice of the mayor’s daughter watch the nurse impatiently as she waited for a fresh icepack.
“Wait, your Gabriel Agreste’s assistant. Natasha.”
“Nathalie.” The assistant corrected, clearly annoyed.
“Why are you here? Does Adrien have some photoshoot or something?”
“Or something.  Now why are you in here?”
The question struck a nerve with the blonde, causing her annoyance to turn into anger.
“Better question, how could you allow Adrien to date that loser!?”
Nathalie blinked.
“Excuse me?”
“She is going to bring down the Gabriel brand. That nobody has no right to be dating Adrien. Does his father know about this?”
Nathalie felt a twinge of annoyance. But kept it in. She remembered the akuma that were out in the hallway. She would hate to have them run in here just from the commotion.
“I think you should keep it down. This is not an issue that concerns you.”
“Doesn’t concern me?! I am Adrien’s childhood friend. You bet your poor dye job it concerns me!”
“I must insist you be quiet.” Nathalie repeats. “This is not the time or the place for such meaningless complaints.”
“Like I am going to listen to Gabriel Agreste’s rebound chick.”
That caused Nathalie to snap.
“Listen here you spoiled brat! There are akuma running the halls and I am trying to find Adrien to get him out of here before things get worse. If you don’t shut your mouth in the next two seconds. I will throw you out there and let them tear you apart!”
Chloé felt her eyes go wide at the out of nowhere outburst. It took her a second to process what just happened. Did she really get told off by this nobody?
“You can’t just…”
Nathalie suddenly fell to the floor. She barely used her hands to catch herself.
“S***, not now.” She mumbled over gasping breathes. Her body was failing on her again. She did not need this of all times. She felt her consciousness fade.
The nurse turned around once she heard the sudden thud.
“Oh dear.”
She rushed to the collapsed woman’s side and helped her up.
“Chloé. Help me get her onto the bed.”
“You want me to…”
“This is not the time for questions! Help me get her on the bed now!” Angela commanded.
Chloé’s protests were snuffed out by the nurse and she moved to help get the woman on the bed.
The nurse quickly checked her for a pulse. Thankfully she had one.
“Okay, she has a pulse. She is breathing, but her body just collapsed. A fainting spell?”
Angela started checking the assistant to make sure there was nothing else wrong.
Chloé watched as the nurse examined Nathalie. Her previous anger fading as she sees the woman that just snapped at her just drop.
“Okay… seems that it is over exhaustion. It’s not uncommon in people who work long hours with demanding jobs. But I have never seen a case like this. I can’t put my finger on it, but there might be another medical issue involved in this. When she wakes up, she should get checked into a hospital for a deeper dive into whatever she has.” Angela explained.
“So… she will be alright?”
“Well she is exhausted. She will need to rest for a bit.”
“Well at least she didn’t die. I can still be mad at her for yelling at me because there is an akuma and junk here.”
“Well you shouldn’t hold a… did you just say there is an akuma?”
“That’s what she was yelling at me about before. Weren’t you listening?”
Angela felt herself go pale.
“Oh that is not good at all. We need to alert the authorities.”
Chloé picked up her phone and started texting.
“Don’t you think you should use that to call the cops.”
“Im texting my dad. He will have the cops here faster.”
Angela remembered that the annoying spoiled blonde in front of her was the mayor’s daughter and for the first time, was happy that the girl was here.
For what is a teen, but a pile of hormones and insecurities.
Masquerade delighted as she watched her classmates stare at her. They all were trying so hard to be strong, but she could feel their emotions, they were afraid. She knew that taking the most emotionally secure one in the group would rattle them..
She noticed the teens rushing to their pockets to get their phones.
Masquerade touched the cellphone charm on her bracelet and all of the phones started showing they had no signal.
“Nice try, but no calling for help.” Masquerade commented.
Even the chill Nino couldn’t maintain a steady calm in front of her with that little display. She now removed any chance of calling for help or setting off that akuma alert system. Did she have access to other powers? What kind of monster did Hawkmoth turn her into?
“I’ll save you for last Nino. I want you to watch closely.” She flipped her hair, taunting the cap wearing teen.
The masked theme akuma smiled as she moved her hand, as if deciding on who would turn next.
“Now we know who will be last, but who will be next?” Masquerade asked, watching as her bracelet was glowing. The class was a gold mine of akumas. It was not a matter of how, it was a matter of which one.
“You don’t have to do this Lila.” A soft higher pitched voice pleaded.
The class turned their attention the short haired blond with a fondness for pink.
“Rose…” Juleka spoke up in worry.
Masquerade focused her attention on Rose.
“Oh? And why is that?”
“We know you are hurting. We know that you lied to us and did some nasty things… but that doesn’t have to define you!”
Masquerade found herself a bit surprised at the statement.
“If you are willing to stop all of this, we can help you. We can work through all of the things you’ve done. If we can throw a party for Chloé, we can certainly give you another chance.”
Rose stuck out her hand, a soft smile on her face.
Masquerade took a moment to process before speaking.
“Wow… I had no idea you felt this way.”
Rose walked forward.
“See Lila, we can all get along if…”
“You’re so incredibly depressing.”
Rose stopped.
Masquerade’s mouth contorted to a twisted glee. Her charm bracelet glowing brightly as she held her hand up to Rose.
“You always force a smile even when things are downright miserable. You’re terrified of being sad, so you paint this image of a fantasy land filled with stuffed animals and storybook characters. You realize all of the awful things around you yet you simply push it back, push it away as if it can’t harm you if you don’t acknowledge it. You can’t even acknowledge the emotional problems and insecurities of the people you care about because you know you can’t help them even if you did address them, so you give them some encouraging saccharine speech about pushing through, because that’s all you can really do. I have never seen anyone so deep in denial. One day you will wake up and realize that all of that delusional thinking will have pushed everyone away from you as you sit in plushy made prison of your own design.”
Rose felt her lip quiver.
“N-No. That isn’t true. I can …” Rose stumbled over her words.
But before she could say anymore, a mask flung onto her face and Rose shifted into Princess Fragrance, the green skinned perfume super villainess.
“Rose! No!” Juleka cried out.
Masquerade grinned as a perfume bottle charm now adorned her bracelet.
Juleka tried to get the mask off of Rose, but the newly made akuma pushed her aside and jumped to her master’s side.
“Oh, poor Juleka. Don’t worry. I’ll have you join her.”
Masquerade pointed her hand at Juleka.
“Oh wow, social anxiety and a fear of being forgotten. How original. Is that why you dye your hair purple and wear those gaudy clothes? You want to stand out so that you don’t get dismissed like the wallflower you are? Your bad luck with photos really puts a damper on your dreams of modeling. But that’s probably for the best, considering you are constantly overwhelmed. You don’t have the guts to do anything you want, so you just do your best to keep quiet and pray people will still notice and care about you.”
Juleka felt her anger shift to sorrow as she tried to speak up, but sure enough. Masquerade sends another mask out and it makes contact with Juleka.
The purple haired teen shifts into the image replicating akuma, Reflekta. Who after changing moved next to Princess Fragrance. A compact mirror charm appears on Masquerade’s bracelet.
The class couldn’t help but feel the despair in the room. The large drummer tried to keep his small girlfriend behind him as a means to protect her, but unfortunately, Masquerade noticed.
“Oh Ivan, sweet misunderstood Ivan.” Masquerade taunted. “You really think I don’t see what you are trying to do.”
Ivan kept his eyes focused.
“You aren’t turning me into one of your monsters. You already turned my bandmates into them, you aren’t turning me!”
The akuma laughed.
“Monster? I don’t need to turn you into an akuma to do that. The rest of the world already sees you as one.”
Ivan felt a pang in his heart.
“No… no they don’t.”
“Even your own girlfriend is scared of you. You’re a big brute that is loud and bumbling. Ever since your growth spurt, you could see everyone look at you differently, like you were some kind of large freak. But what’s worse is that you’re afraid that everyone else is right. That you a large rage filled monster, undeserving of love.”
“Don’t listen to her. She is lying to you.” Myléne pleaded as she tried to pull her boyfriend out of the quicksand trap of emotion that the akuma was setting up.
“I am not a monster.” Ivan spoke, more to himself than to masquerade.
The akuma capitalized on that moment of weakness and a mask made its way to Ivan, transforming him into his stone giant akuma form, Stoneheart.
Myléne looked in horror of her akumatized boyfriend and took a few steps back. Her fear of remembering this form taking hold.
“Oh, that works too.”
Masquerade flings a mask at Myléne, transforming her into her more monstrous akuma form, Horrificator.
“I was planning on playing on her fears about how she is afraid to face the real world and her insecurities about losing Ivan, but that worked better.”
The two new akuma mindlessly made their way to Masquerade’s side. A piece of paper and a button charm appeared on Masquerade’s bracelet.
The joy the akuma attained from watching her classmates squirm was unnerving. And it was only going to continue.
“So, you are certain you left it there Kagami?” a woman with a cane asked sternly.
“Yes mother, I remember I left my text book in the locker room during fencing practice. I was studying between breaks.” Kagami answered. She felt a bit ashamed she had misplaced her book. But was relieved her mother was fine with giving her a ride there to get it. Even if it meant she was late to her lessons.
“This is not an excuse to see anyone, is it?” Her mother questioned.
“No mother, I will be in and out quickly.”
“Very well. I need to make a quick stop at the bank. So be sure to be outside waiting when I come back.”
“Yes mother.”
Kagami got out of the car and the car drove off.
“Well, I could stop by to say hello to my friends if I am quick with getting my book.” Kagami smiled a bit as she was about to make her way into Collège Françoise Dupont.
But before she did, she heard the sound of a bike approaching, she turned to see the cyclist stop short of her.
“Made it.” He said with relief as he took off his helmet to reveal familiar blue dyed hair.
The cyclist looked and noticed his new fencer friend.
“Kagami? What brings you here? I thought you didn’t go to this school.”
“I don’t, I come here for fencing practice, I left a textbook here and was planning on retrieving it. You don’t go to this school either. So what brings you here?”
“My little sis grabbed the wrong lunch bag, then texted something about an akuma being in the school. I wasn't able to reach her after that. I plan on getting her out and letting the heroes handle the akuma.”
Kagami blinked.
“There is an akuma?”
The fencer smiled.
“Alright, let’s get in and try to evacuate everyone. Then I can grab my book.”
Luka looked at the determined girl and smiled. He didn’t even say he would help her. But he knew he would.
“So, what’s the plan?”
Adrien stared down the Volpina duplicate. He was not going to let it pass him and get to Marinette. He realizes that if he had been the one to run off, he would have been able to transform quick. If this didn’t work out, Ladybug might have to take on Lila solo, and that was something he was worried about. If Ladybug is on her own and she gets overwhelmed, who would be able to protect Paris? He needed to figure a way to give this Faux Fox the slip and fast.
“It would have been better if I snagged both of you, but master will be more than happy with your capture.” The sentimonster smiled as it moved to grab him.
The blond jumped back, but the difference in speed was far too great for him to overcome. And he was quickly pinned against a wall. The sentimonster shifted forms, looking similar to the owl akuma that Adrien was familiar with.
“What the…”
“I am not bound to one form. I can shift my form and access to any akuma’s power set that my master has under her control.”
Adrien realized he was far outmatched. If it came to it, he would need to transform. He wished there was some way out of this mess.
But as if the heavens above heard him, a yo-yo wrapped around the waist of the buff owl.
“What the ...”
The sudden pull from the yo-yo made the sentimonster lose it’s grip on Adrien and get flung to the other wall, dazing it.
“Looks like I made it just in time.” A spotted heroine stated with confidence.
“Ladybug!” Adrien called out in relief.
Ladybug rushed to his side.
“Are you alright?”
“I’m a lot better now.”
Ladybug helped the teen up from the ground.
“Lets’ get you somewhere safe first, handsome boy.”
The blond felt his cheeks turn red at the comment.
The sentimonster managed to get back up, it shifted forms, to a smaller form. One that made ladybug experience a chill go down her spine as she saw the roller blades and familiar helmet.
“Timebreaker… We need to hurry!”
Ladybug started rushing with the teen. With the speed of the akuma, she knew Adrien wouldn’t be fast enough to avoid it on his own. So, she quickly picked him up in her arms as they fled.
“Timebreaker? But isn’t that what Alix turned into when she was akumatized.” Adrien inquired as Ladybug ran down the hallway.
“It means that things are getting a lot more dangerous.” Ladybug answered.  She knew that timebreaker appearing could only mean that Lila has made her way to the classroom, and this was going to be one of the toughest akuma battles yet. She needed to get Adrien to safety and then make her way to the classroom, hopefully save her classmates before they were all turned into her masked servants.
She made a quick movement into the bathroom. Standing at the door, prepared to fight the akuma if it noticed their quick duck into the washroom.
Ladybug listened closely as she heard the sound of skates roll up to the door. Her eyes went wide as she realized the it figured it out.
“You really think you can hide from me!”
The Timebreaker imposter kicked in the door ready to attack, only to see no one was in the room.
“Like I said….”
“You!” Kicked the first stall door open.
“CANT!” The second stall was kicked open.
“HIDE!”  The last one was open, and all of them were empty.
The sentimonster growled in frustration.
“Seems I was mistaken.” The sentimonster grumbles, skating off to find the two.
As the door closes, Ladybug and Adrien sigh in relief. They had taken to hiding over the small statured sentimonster’s line of sight. Ladybug;s yo-yo making for a secure web to hold them up.
Ladybug undid the secure snare and lowered them both to the floor.
“Thanks for the save Ladybug.” The blond smiled. His face a bit red being so close to Ladybug.
‘Easy there Adrien! Remember who you are dating now!’ He mentally told himself.
“N-no problem.” Ladybug smiled sweetly. “Now, you stay hidden and I will take care of this crazy shapeshifter.
“Wait Ladybug!”
Ladybug paused.
“Yes? Is there something…”
“My girlfriend is out there. Well I mean… dating since we didn’t officially say girlfriend and… Look She is out there and that akuma thing is also after her.”
Ladybug’s eyes went wide at that statement.
He called me his girlfriend! Inner marinette screamed. Inside her head, but Ladybug kept her face from showing it. Though a small smile was growing despite herself.
“So the akuma is targeting someone else? Why wasn’t she with you?”
“She went to get help, I was trying to hold off the akuma so she could escape. The akuma was more focused on me thankfully, and you showed up just in time.”
“Oh? And who is the Lucky girl?” Ladybug questioned, a bit bubbly but doing her best to hide it.
“Her name is Marinette, she is around your height and she has these cute …”
“No need for more description, I know her. Well, she is a cute one. Aren’t you lucky?” Ladybug teased a bit.
“I really am.” He smiled sweetly. He remembers that Ladybug did pick Marinette to be a temporary hero, so she should know who she is. Though he isn’t supposed to know that.
Ladybug put a hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure your ‘girlfriend’ is safe. I’ll also be sure to tell her you were worried as well. She will be happy to hear that.”
Adrien felt himself in a bit of a bizarre situation, was ladybug helping him by being a wingwoman for him? He couldn’t help but find it a mix of ironic and funny.
Ladybug rushed out of the bathroom, realizing that chat noir was rubbing off on her a bit, teasing Adrien like that.
“He called me his girlfriend.” She smiled as she thought this to herself. Though she knew the task at hand was important and would dwell on this happiness much later.
Adrien watched as she ran off, feeling a bit flustered.
“Really needed to let her know you were off the market now.” A voice from his pocket teased.
“I panicked.” Adrien felt his face flush.
“Seemed Ladybug was happy for you. That’s good.” The cat kwami popped out of his pocket. Hiding the fact, he knew a lot more than he let on.
“We do have more important things to worry about. We have an akuma and sentimonster to stop. “
Adrien punched his fist out.
“Plagg. Claws out!”
Masquerade laughed, loving how she was turning everything back on her classmates.
When something smacked into her head.
“Ugh!” She grunted as she grabbed the metal object that flung into her.
“What the hell?!” Masquerade’s eyes focused to see it was Max’s ai companion, Markov that head-butted her.
“Your actions have far exceeded what is acceptable.” The robot responded.
“Markov get away from her. She will akumatize you!” Max called out in worry.
“Akumatize the toaster? How could I akumatize…” Masquerade muttered until she noticed her bracelet glowing.
“Oh, you have got to be f***ing kidding me. You akumatized a sentient rice cooker but not Marinette?! The f*** hawkmoth!?”
“I will have you know that I am an advanced artificial intelligence.”
“And you despise that.” Masquerade points out.
“Quite the contrary, I find my intellect exhilarating.”
“But you already calculated it, the two logical conclusions. That you will either become obsolete and be tossed out for a newer model, or you will advance and grow until you outlive Max.”
Markov paused. He could not come up with a response. The robot felt stumped byt the statement.
“Too easy.”
“Markov!’ Max cried out as a mask landed over his visual face plate. Shifting him into his angry red coated akuma form, Robostus.
Max moved to get to his robot. But Kim held him back.
“It’s too late man.”
Max growled at the akuma.
“Damn it Lila, why are you doing this? You must know that Ladybug and Chat noir will arrive ready to stop you. The chances of you beating them are 0%.”
Masquerade lifted her hand as her bracelet began glowing again.
“Oh. smarty pants Max, the one with all the formulas and the data. You have to be the smartest one in the room or else you have nothing.”
“I know what you are trying to do. It won’t work.”
“Out of everyone here, you have the biggest inferiority complex. Your need to be the best at what your ‘good’ at. Robotics, video games, data analysis, and of course, calculations. You need to show to everyone how smart and skilled you are, because the moment you don’t, they realize there is no personality underneath.”
Max tried to focus on not letting the words get to him, but Masquerade knew exactly what to say to cut him down.
“Go on Max, tell them how to ‘Beat’ my power. Or do you not know?”
Max felt his lip quiver, he couldn’t stay strong. He didn’t know how to beat it. He could feel the horror of not knowing slip into his mind. She had nailed his insecurities like an expert marksman.
“I thought so.”
A mask flew and smacked onto Max’s face. He dropped to the floor only to get up in a black and green spandex suit, His akumatized form, The Gamer.
A game controller charm appeared on her bracelet.
A sudden squeak caught her attention.
Masquerade turned her head to see an orange haired girl trying to sneak away.
“Sabrina, I had forgotten you were here. Just like everyone else usually does.”
Masquerade was about to really lay into her, but a book out of nowhere smacked her in the face.
It was the athletic dare maker himself, Kim.
“I am done sitting around and letting you turn everyone into masked zombies.” Kim exclaimed.
Nino felt himself zone back in as Kim called it out. Now was not the time to lose his head. He needed to focus. Masquerade didn’t mention Adrien, so maybe his best bro was still out there. Maybe they can get to the heroes and have them fix this. But first, he needed to escape.
“Kim’s right. We won’t let you turn anyone else anymore. Sabrina get help!” Nino exclaimed.
“Like she is going to… HEY!”
A waste basket covered the villainess as she stumbled back, with the basket stuck to her head. While she had been too busy gloating, she had failed to notice the tomato haired artist sneak behind her and the mindless akuma line up. He had slammed it on as hard as he could to ensure it was difficult to remove.
“Let’s Go!” Nino announced as the rest of the class rushed to the door. Time breaker being the only one actively ordered prepared to stop them.
“Don’t let her touch you.” Sabrina spoke as they tried to figure.
Kim grabbed a chair and used it like a make shift battering ram in order to keep Timebreaker at a distance, but the akuma reacted quickly by pulling the chair away and kicking the teen in the gut with her roller blade. Sending him flying back into the other teens.
“Ugh! That really was gross!” Masquerade retched as she pulled the waste bucket off her head.
“Well, I hope you enjoyed your little escape attempt. Because you won’t get another chance.”
Masquerade pointed at Kim.
“Since you started this little thing. I will change you next.”
Kim looked at the Akuma with a smile.
“Good luck with that. You don’t have anything that could make me feel gloomy.”
Masquerade’s bracelet started glowing again. She was clearly ready to speak, but stopped herself.
“… Wait.. THAT’s your biggest insecurity?”
“I don’t have an insecurity.”
“You are afraid everyone will realize you’re not smart.”
“What? No, I am not. I am plenty smart. I watch the Alternate Truth all the time.”
“Everyone already knows you’re an idiot.”
Kim looked at the akuma with shock.
“That’s not true! People do think I’m smart. Chloé has called me ‘Genius’ multiple times.”
Masquerade didn’t know how to respond to this.
“I… do you not know what sarcasm is?”
“Of course, I do.” Kim lied.
“Just … just wear the mask you moron.”
Masquerade sends a mask to attach to Kim.
The swimmer did his best to resist but felt himself succumb to the mask and become the dark winged akuma, Dark Cupid. He joined the rest of the akuma in the lineup, and a bow and arrow charm appeared on Masquerade’s charm bracelet.
“I actually feel dumber because of those last few minutes. Okay next one.”
Masquerade points at the Artist.
“Let’s bring the mood back with you Nathaniel, what is your biggest insecurity?”
“Listen Lila, there is still a chance to stop what you’re doing.”
“You’re afraid of opening yourself up to others. That’s the reason you didn’t want to join Soulmate searcher despite Marc’s insistence. You were afraid of putting out all that information on yourself and seeing that you and Marc aren’t meant for each other. You can only express yourself with art. And you know that it’s only a matter of time before he realizes your issues and leaves.”
Nathaniel wanted to dispute the statement, but felt his words die in his mouth.
“Such a pity Nathaniel, I’ll make sure to go after him once we are done here.”
“No! Don’t you…”
Nathaniel tried to say more, but a mask latching onto his face interrupted him.
The artist transformed into his heroic yet villainess akuma form, Evillustrator. Just like the others, the recent akuma joined the line.
A tablet pen charm appeared on Masquerade’s bracelet.
“And next up is Sabrina. I was interrupted earlier. But don’t worry. I have everything I need to get you.”
Sabrina tried to put on a brave face and covering her ears.
“Oh, you think It won’t work if you cant hear me.”
Masquerade’s bracelet glows.
“You don’t get it Sabrina, I am not just saying mean words, I am reading your greatest insecurities. And I am projecting them out.”
Sabrina could hear Masquerade’s words, as if they were in her mind. She couldn’t escape them. Her hands dropped.
“Very good. You learned how futile it is. It’s rare that you have someone’s attention like this. You always never stood out much, but you never minded that, your biggest insecurity is that no one will want to spend time with you. That’s why even with Chloé being mean and nasty, you like the fact that someone is willing to talk to you. You would accept humiliation and embarrassment over being alone. It’s truly pathetic.”
Sabrina felt tear stream down her face.
“Sabrina don’t let her get to you…”
“Im sorry. I don’t want to be alone.”
The mask flew onto Sabrina’s face. But something happened. She wasn’t changing right away.
“What’s this?” Masquerade commented.
“It seems you have more than one akumatizable form? Alya had something similar, but I was ‘missing something’ to access the other one so I didn’t bother with that. But this is different.”
Masquerade felt a malicious glee take hold.
“Why not give you both.”
Nino watched as the masked Sabrina shifted into a costume that looked familiar to him. The power stealing Miracular.
But suddenly, she vanished from his sight. Only to then appear with the other akuma.
“Invisibility and power stealing. Sabrina you maybe my favorite servant yet.” Masquerade exclaimed. Two charms appeared on Masquerade’s bracelet, vanishing cream and a tonfa.
Nino took a look at the line up of akuma.
“Dude… this is so not cool.”
Masquerade started to walk towards the DJ with a confident stride, stopping short, looking down at him. An aura of malice emanating from her presence.
“Don’t worry Nino. You’ll be joining them.”
(End of Chapter)
So all the pieces are coming together. Will Nathalie be okay in a school filled with akuma? Will Ladybug and Chat noir be able to fight the army of akumatized classmates that Masquerade has been building? Will Kagami be able to get her text book. Will Kim learn that everyone loves him because he is a himbo? Find out by staying tuned. 
Thanks for reading and be sure to comment if you want to see the next part. I am an author and live off validation.
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