#pushya sun
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rabiosantologia · 2 months ago
Gisele Bündchen
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♋︎ Pushya Sun and Ashlesha Rahu in the 8H
♎︎ Swati Moon in the 11H
♍︎ Hasta Mars in the 10H
♊︎ Punarvasu Mercury (Rx) in the 7H
♉︎ Mrigashira Venus in the 6H
♐︎ Purva Ashadha ASC
♌︎ Purva Phalguni Jupiter (lagnesha) and Uttara Phalguni Saturn (atmakaraka) in the 9H
♑︎ Dhanistha Ketu in the 2H
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cutiepieloves131 · 1 year ago
Pushya Sun Women
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Pushya Moon Women
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Pushya Ascendant Women
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1st Row (Left to Right): Yanni Monett, Selena Gomez, Hwasa 2nd Row (Left to Right): Monica Belluci, Paris Hilton, Dakota Fanning 3rd Row (Left to Right): Miranda Kerr, Lisa Lopes, Twiggy
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rabiosantologia · 2 months ago
Uttara Bhadrapada (+Anuradha and Pushya)
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marsprincess889 · 8 days ago
Vedic astrology observations
Part 8
Section one: Appearance focused, all genders
1. If biological men/people who were born as men/masculine people have downturned eyes, you can bet they have a Mercury nakshatra in their big three.
Ashleshas tend to have darker and sharper eyes, but blue eyes are also common with them. Their gaze is the most personal out of all Mercury nakshatras.
Jyeshtas can actually have doe eyes but they also clearly convey their sharp intelligence, so they're not the kind of doe eyes that look naive. There's something strong and honest about their eyes. They can also have darker eyes but it's less frequent than among Ashlesha natives. Blue or Green eyes are more common with them.
Revatis almost always have blue eyes. If Ashlesha eyes are sharp and intense, and Jyeshta's are honest but intelligent, Revati eyes are wise and kind, and often, famously, mischevious. They might also have a natural smirking/laighing face or a twinkle in their eyes. This is one of the nakshatras that is easy to spot if you've seen a lot of them. Do not confuse their eyes with Ashwini's blue eyes tho. If the eyes look kind and deep despite the coldness, they're a Revati. If the eyes look blank and cold, they're Ashwini. That's how I see it after looking at natives of both.
2. Pushya people, especially men/masculines, have a resting happy face🙂. It's like, if someone got numb from smiling and their face stayed like that naturally😭 hope this makes sense. Feminine/Women who have Pushya in big three are often not that expressive appearance-wise, but Pushya men have REALLY expressive facial movements and sort of emotional expressions, especially if they're conveying sadness, fear or concern. Cancer rashi for you lol.
3. Elephant yonis (Bharani and Revati) and Vanar yonis (Purva Ashadha and Shravana) very often have ears that stick out slightly or more. Elephant yonis look good with their hair pulled back from their forehead as a result. I have not seen the same trend in Vanar yonis, I think with them the ears aren't as noticable. I actually like ears like that, I hope none of you who have one or more of these nakshatras get insecure about it, I'm one of you lol.
4. Punarvasu women/feminines might have either strong and healthy-looking bodies or really thin/dainty bodies. There's not much more I wanna say to this, this is really to the point and self-explanatory.
Section two: other/general
1. A lot of interpretations of planets in houses that I found online tend to be shallow and consequently, innacurate. One example I can use is Venus in the 10th house, which I have, and often that placement has these consistent descriptions:
Married to work/career
Meeting a spouse through work or career
Having an older spouse
Being cold or detached towards love
I have to say that these are extremely misleading. I never saw myself as an extremely work or career oriented person. I've also observed other people with this placement and here's what I actually think it means:
Not "married" to work or career(work isn't even 10th house, it's 6th house), but having a pleasant/lovely reputation, making it easier to navigate career.
The "meeting a spouse through work or career" part is the one I have not seen verified. There is nowhere I found that says that Venus represents how you meet your spouse. Besides, Venus only represents spouse for people who identify as male.
Having an older spouse might be true but again, mainly for males.
"Being cold or detached towards love" is not necessarily true. Venus in the 10th house person projects an agreeable, polite and charming behavior but maintains boundaries and distance. It might be hard for them to find people who connect to a deeper part of them and don't just want to be around that pleasant attitude, others might actually not be able to discern that that "pleasantness" is for everyone and not their true, internal nature (not that they can't actually be like that). Whether or not the native is actually cold or detached in love is dependant on other things. For example, I have moon in the 8th, which is almost all you need to know about my attitude towards personal and intimate relationships: I am loyal and intense once commited, but otherwise, it's hard for me to trust and open up. I also have protective tendencies that can manifest as isolation or secrecy.
2. As much as Ketu nakshatras can acquire power, they may not use it intelligently, responsibly, or for good. So, people who depend on them NEED to double(or triple or quadruple) check everything said Ketu native says. I've seen this so many times. A Ketu in big three person is looked up to naturally due to their energetic heat and self-reliance and people trust them before others, evsn if there's evidence against them. If you have Ketu in big three, you might not be aware of that potential in you. It is important for Ketu natives to emphasize facts and evidence. Otherwise, there's a high chance they're leading others and themselves into ignorant falsehood. (Ketu+Jupiter combination in big three can be extremely dangerous in particular. Ketu+ Venus is probably the most grounded and realistic combination)
3. Uttara Phalguni natives are really underappreciated, especially Uttara Phalguni moons. They are very generous while lifting up people around them, but might get treated in an underwhelming or dissapointing way in return. There's a common trope with Uttara Phalguni women that I want to publish on my Patreon (with examples in famous media, if I finally get the guts to launch it, I need support here guys, tell me you're intrigued😭).
4. Krittika women are soft firecrackers. They know their worth and have their own integrity but it's more vulnerable, because it is the birth of Sun, so, they might be a little agressive, but only in moments. Uttara Phalguni and Uttara Ashadha are fixed/stable in nature. They're more integrated in their Solar nature (does not mean that they're better or represent the Sun more) and have no need to be as defensive as Krittika. Krittika is mixed/both soft and sharp (the only other mixed nakshatra is Vishakha_ the nakshatra sitting opposite it), so it's nurturing and defensive, which matches nicely with its theme of fire_ the element that helps to warm up, cook and alchemize but also can burn.
I have multiple ideas for my Patreon posts: medieval Christian symbolism connected to one nakshatra and the spirituality of that nakshatra, analyzing childhood classics(for girls😭 mostly) with nakshatras, analyzing Jane Austen's work with her nakshatras and nakshatras of her characters' portayals in media and, as I said, a common trope of Uttara Phalguni women. Please comment or let me know otherwise which one you are most interested in.
Have a beautiful day🤍🤍🤍
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hermitessun · 5 months ago
to the solar, Martian, Saturnian girls/ sun, mars, Saturn AKs/AMKs:
It may be in your father’s nature to be ruthlessly selfish
but it is also in yours. He is your father after all, you don’t have to be his daughter
Do with that information what you will
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multidimensionalguidance · 7 months ago
Need some help here pls 🙏🏻
I know a pushya moon guy (don't know his birth time). And I wanted to know your thoughts on them. He has a Chitra sun too btw.
Saturn AatmaKaaraka (ashlesha) conjunct his moon.
Hi! Sorry it took me a while to check my submissions. Pushya is a sign that brings a lot emotional challenges and obstacles which can make or break someone, and some guys don’t tend to manage it the best way so although they are caring, nurturing, and hardworking there’s a lot of difficulties with their softer side. Life toughens them up and they only understand it through that scope. If Saturn is conjunct it then there will definitely be a disconnection from their emotions, but overtime they can resolve this and become very self aware. Saturn forces you to deal with your emotional karma for the sake of self growth.
Aside from that, he's probably very flirty and suave but with a nice rough undertone. If in Libra, imo its one of the naks in this sign that manages debilitation the best.
If you’d like a synastry reading or a love tarot reading check out my services at multiguidance.com 🪬💞
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astrology-by-sita · 1 month ago
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Demetra George is an American astrologer of Greek roots, she has written several books on astrology, most famously Asteroid Goddesses, and Astrology and the Authentic Self.
Mercury is in her 1h in phasis - it went retrograde 5 days before she was born - so its signification are emphasized. Mercury rules writing. She wrote several astrology books. Mercury also rules math and science so she originally planned to be a math teacher.
Her Lot of Spirit is in the 3rd house with Jupiter the benefic of sect, so this points out to a writing career. She has the 9h ruler in the 2h. Her source of income (2h) is 9h stuff : divination and astrology. 9h ruler is Mars, it's in the bound of Jupiter the benefic of sect.
her Jupiter itself is in its own bound & rules her sun by bound too. The twelvth part of Jupiter is in her 10th house too which is great for career. 12th part of her Asc is in the 9th house of astrology so astrology/divination is a part of her identity & how she presents herself.
This is what the 2nd century astrologer Vettius Valens has to say about the Mercury bound of Leo- her asc bound: "...popular, scholastic, guiding, prescribing, intelligent..." very true !
According to vedic astrology her asc is in ashlesha lunar mansion. This mansion is connected to occult studies mysticism and healing. She definitely healed many people through her wisdom and experience in the science of astrology.
Her heliacal rising star is Rigel, and it is also culminating while Mars (her 9h ruler) rises. Rigel is the star of teaching and education. The heliacal rising star shows the early life, so from this we can conclude that since early in her life she was inclined towards teaching.
This star is also in paran with Mars the ruler of her 9h of astrology, so she ended up teaching astrology.
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rabiosantologia · 3 months ago
♏︎ Vishakha Sun in conjunction with Anuradha Venus in the 5H
♑︎ Shravana Moon in the 7H in opposition with Pushya ♋︎ Jupiter in the 1H
♋︎ Ashlesha ASC
♒︎ Purva Bhadrapada Saturn in the 8H (atmakaraka) in opposition with Uttara Phalguni ♌︎ Mars in the 2H
♈︎ Bharani Rahu in the 10H
♎︎ Vishakha Ketu in the 4H
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“The song itself is about ... I always describe it as not fearing anything, anyone, any man, any woman, any war, any gun, any sling or arrow aimed at your heart by other people because there is somebody, finally, who loves you for real, and that you can achieve a real state of grace through somebody else’s love in you.”
JEFF BUCKLEY Grace | Live on The Late Show (1995)
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rabiosantologia · 1 month ago
Jacqueline Kennedy
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♎︎ Vishakha Ketu in the 1H in conjunction with the ASC
♋︎ Pushya Sun and Mercury in the 10H
♈︎ Ashwini Moon and Bharani Rahu in the 7H
♌︎ Purva Phalguni Mars in the 11H
♐︎ Mula Saturn (Rx) in the 3H
♉︎ Mrigashira Venus (lagnesha and atmakaraka) and Rohini Jupiter in the 8H
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starsandsuch · 4 months ago
Nakshatras I associate with fame:
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Disclaimer: In this post I seek to reveal Nakshatras that bestow fame yet aren’t usually talked about when it comes to “fame” Nakshatras. We already know the more obvious Nakshatras that bestow fame like Dhanishta, Magha, Aqua/Leo etc but the following naks are ones that I see in the charts of many famous people , influencers and public figures. Sun, Moon, Ascendant or Atmakaraka Planet.
Vishaka -usually popular in the music industry. They accumulate a lot of power and achieve a lot in the public eye. They are polarizing figures -ppl either love them or hate them, but they gain even more fame from having haters than lovers.
Revati - they gain popularity easily and it tends to be long lasting for them. They’ll have a lot of followers on social media and people fawn over everything they do. Like “omg she wore army pants and flip flops, so I bought army pants and flip flops”. They are excellent socialites as well-they know a lot of people.
Punarvasu - they have a global appeal. They’ll be famous where they’re from but also in different countries and cities, worldwide. I notice these natives pictures/content gets reposted on social media a lot. They’ll be popular IRL and online. Many Punarvasus will have a famous spouse/parter and gain fame bc of them.
Ashlesha - there is almost always a current social trend that traces back its origins to an Ashlesha native. Which I talk about in this post about mercury naks. They are always trending on social media, even the most followed people on IG -Cristiano Ronaldo and Kylie Jenner- both are Ashlesha natives. People circulate Ashlesha’s images a lot online, and even if they don’t post frequently a lot of people obsess over their content/images that are years old. They have many “copycats” as well. Hence why certain trends can started by them, but often they might not receive credit for said trends. Marilyn Monroe had Ashlesha Asc and in present day people are still circulating her images and copying her look, decades after her death.
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Pushya - this is one of the top socialite Nakshatras. They’re good at being all things it all people, they’re public image is just naturally likable. They have a balanced reputation that is favored by many demographics. They tend to be the “cash cow” for their family, record label, franchise etc so they have big machines/teams of people behind them that prolong and maintain their fame.
Swati - another top socialite Nakshatra. Over the course of their life they accumulate so many different social connections, that they are just undeniably popular. They are great at manipulating their public image to attract bigger audiences. They are polarizing figures, that tend to profit from having haters.
Purva Phalguni - if anyone was destined to gain fame at some point in their life, it’s purva phalguni. These natives will gain worldwide fame very quickly, even at a young age. They “blow up” over night, and people can’t get enough of their theatrics. They love performing and out of all the Nakshatras listed here , I feel like they enjoy + desire fame the most. They’re someone that may be disliked in personal relationships but the public loves them + their image.
Purva Ashadha - they are talented at being theatrical and interesting. Their image in the public eye is a glamorous one. People consider them “goals” a lot of the time, so frequently they have a cult like following.
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Related posts:
Leo Nakshatras and fame
Mercury Nakshatras and manipulation
Fame indicators in Astrology
What would make you famous based on your birth chart?
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leviathan-astrology · 2 years ago
On Wednesday starting at around 10am my time, @todayontumblr started posting cows.
Sure enough, the Moon was in Pushya, which is represented by a cow's udder, and sextile Sun in Rohini (sidereal Taurus)
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pretty babes via pinterest 🐄🍃
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marsprincess889 · 2 months ago
Nakshatras that learn to cultivate stoicism or have it naturally:
Pushya, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashadha, Uttara Bhadrapada.
All are warrior caste⚔
Everyone has their way of dealing with difficulties, hindrances and hardships. These placements just take it. They can be very capable of enduring a lot. They don't show a lot of what they go through. Their process is very internal and when others try to help them, they see it as another thing to endure and go through. This is not a rule but this kind of attutude and stoicism in general is very common in these people.
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niyasruledbyvenus · 4 months ago
Vedic/Sidereal Beauty
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Venus and moon denotes beauty in vedic astrology. Rahu can also grant beauty/magnetism since it represents illusion.
Exalted/domicile or aspected by benefics—- Venus/moon/2h/7h= attractive face. Sun/5h Mars/1h= attractive body
Houses can apply for both Whole Signs & Placidus
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Pisces, Virgo, Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Sagittarius placements
Rohini, Uttara Ashadha, Chitra, Purva Ashadha, Pushya, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Revati, Ashlesha, Bharani, Purva Bhadrapada, Vishakha, Shravana, Dhanishtha, Mula
Venus in 1h/5h/2h/7h/10h,12h
Examples- Rihanna, Sridevi, Beyoncé/ Venus 1h, Christina Aguilera/ Venus 10th, Kate Moss/venus 7h, Ariana Grande/Venus 5h, Gigi Hadid/venus 12h
Moon in 1h/2h/4h/7h
Examples- Princess Diana/Moon in 7h, Michael Jackson/Moon in 1h, Jessica Alba/Moon in 7h, Emma Watson/Moon in 4h
Mars in 1st
Examples-Erykah Badu, Brooke Sheilds, Aaliyah, Kim Kardashian, Jane Russell
Rahu in 1st/7th
Examples- Doja cat/ Rahu 1h, Halle Berry/Rahu 1h, Lana Del Rey/Rahu 7h, Mila Kunis/Rahu 7h
Ketu in 1st
Examples- Megan thee Stallion, Miley Cyrus, Emma Stone, Lenny Kravitz
Taurus/libra/Cancer/ Leo/Capricorn/Pisces/virgo ascendant
Moon in Venus Nakshatras (Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashadha)
Examples- Kelly Rowland, Lindsay Lohan/Bharani moon, Zoe Kravitz, Bella hadid/PP moon, Selena/PA Moon
Moon in Libra/taurus/cancer/pisces
Examples- Alain Delon/pisces Moon, Monica Bellucci/ Cancer moon, James Dean/libra moon, Lisa Bonet/ Taurus Moon
Moon in Vishakha, Chitra, Swati, Rohini, Mrigashira, Krittika, Pushya, Ashlesha, Mula
Examples- Nicholas Chavez/Pushya Moon, Megan fox/Ashlesha moon, Adriana Lima/ chitra moon, Kali Uchis/ Vishakha Moon
Venus in Pisces/Taurus/libra/ Leo/Aries/Scorpio
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Arudha lagna
Arudha lagna with Venus/moon or AL lord is Venus/moon
Examples- Marilyn Monroe/Taurus AL Audrey Hepburn/Libra AL
Scorpio AL (femme fatale vibes, know for their sex appeal)
Examples- Angelina Jolie, Sharon Stone, Pamela Anderson
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*planetary aspects to moon/ascendant can influence appearance*
Sun-Jupiter (positive aspect)
Sun-Mercury (conjunct)
Yogas (planet combinations)
Chandra-Mangal Dhan Yoga: When the Moon and Mars are in conjunction
Shasha Yoga: When Saturn is in a kendra (angular house) from the Moon.
Dhan Yoga: When benefic planets are located in the second house (house of wealth and speech) or the eleventh house (house of gains)
Adhi Yoga: When benefic planets are in the sixth, seventh, or eighth houses from the Moon
Lakshmi Yoga: Venus is well-placed in a person's chart, particularly in a kendra or trine (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, or 5th, 9th houses)
Bhadra Yoga: When Mercury is in a kendra (1st,4th,7th,10th) from the Moon.
Ruchaka Yoga: Formed when Mars is in its own sign (Aries or Scorpio) or in exaltation (Capricorn)
Hamsa Yoga: When Jupiter is in a kendra (1st,4th,7th,10th) from the Moon
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chitra111goddess · 1 year ago
(Can apply to any planet placement)
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⚡️Ashwini women always stand out to me with their creativity especially in acting , they rly know to embody the character they're playing to the fullest even irl it may be easier for them to shift thro different identities or alter-egos just for funsies
⚡️There's smtg about purva phalguni women , they're gorgeous but for some reason I noticed they get hate esp from other women like they're called fake or pick-mes or they make up stories hmm
⚡️Purva ashadha women are so inspiring like they're always the ones to be teaching or preaching or saying smtg inspiring/motivational. They're beauties with soul and a mind of their own ! If u know a purva ashadha better take notes 📝
⚡️Magha women love wearing black and something about their looks or style is unconventional/gothy, it suits them
⚡️Uttara-phalguni women are so headstrong bruh and they have this leadership aura about them, they're gonna do what THEY think is right. Like other sun-ruled nakshatras they easily get attention
⚡️Mrigashira women love the push & pull , cat &mouse game, they either attract this dynamic or they create it themselves. There's also smth about Mrigashira and obsession 👀
⚡️Jyestha women embody the wild feminine archetype imo, when evolved theyre truly empowered and have this idgaf energy. people may be threatened by their power or skills. Their voice or the way the speak is commanding and naturally charismatic
⚡️Swati/ardra and their eyes 👁👁 most captivating eyes imo I'm in luv
⚡️Purva bhadrapada women seem to attract or be drawn to men with dark nature or men who carry trauma ? Or they know how to bring that out in a man
⚡️Dhanishta women love dancing and they appear to be friendly or have many acquaintances but very little people they relate to. Popular girlies
⚡️Rohini women feminine energy is undeniable , something about them feels innocent yet erotic. They just give off this juicy fertile vibee lmao💦 unlike jyestha which is more dry (not in a bad way its just different 💀)
⚡️Anuradha women are secretive as hell even if they tell u shit don't think u have them all figured out. there's so much to unpack with them , they're generally intriguing complex characters
⚡️Most bratty nakshatras are mrigashira and chitra lmao
⚡️Revati women are pretty privilege girlies also they're master manipulators 👀 they know how to use their femininity to get what they want
⚡️Pushya women have big MOMMY energy. they seem/look mature. They're either the ones taking care of others or others take care of them
⚡️Uttara bhadrapada women have dualistic nature they're either the sweetest ppl u know or ur worst nightmare depending on who theyre dealing with 💀they're like a mirror projecting and reflecting back ur inner self back at ya (Pisces energy) also don't forget the karmic saturn influence.. u don't wanna mess w them or any other saturn ruled woman
⚡️Viahaka women go through intense ups and downs , starting from their good girl phase then they snap and go wild then they mature/become spiritual
⚡️Chitra women secretly (or not so secretly) enjoy drama , they're either the ones caught up in it or they play the role of the "judge" where they can solve conflicts between others. Somehow they're surrounded by it.
⚡️Don't underestimate krittika women especially when it comes to survival 💀 these women can be dangerous and will stab a bitch if they rly had to (whether its for defending loved ones or them surviving) their symbol is 🔪 after all and taurus/aries gives them that survival instinct
⚡️Ardra women can make great poets/song writers , their creativity and inspiration stems from their own 'tragic' experiences
⚡️Punarvasu women remind me of that quote "home is where the heart is" they always end up coming back to their origins and what they feel in their heart
Lemme know ur thoughts & what I should make next
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shukraastro · 5 months ago
Planets & Nakshatras observation on looks and traits
(applicable for spouse analysis)
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Mars ruled Nakshatras: Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta
The skin will have a pinkish/reddish undertone.
They can have cuts/scars/marks on the face (representing their fighting spirit).
Men are prone to anger issues (except for Chitra, cuz it lies in Libra, so they have good controle over their anger)
Women are usually restless or even anxious, especially in Virgo Chitra and Mrigashira.
Saturn ruled Nakshatras: Pushya, Anuradha, Uttara Bhadrapada
If Moon is in these Nakshatras then women can be seen wearing corsettes/shapewear or very tight clothes often, bcuz Saturn represents restrictions.
Saturn also represents ink and metals and in these Nakshatras a person can have tattoos and piercings, but a trigger planet for that would be Mars bcuz Mars rules over wounds and cuts. So Mars in these Nakshatras can very likely result in tattoos and piercings.
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra:
If you go back to my previous posts you will find about the foot injury trait of Purva Bhadrapada. I have seen this play out so many times that this Nakshatra will give some type of foot injuries, and prominently on the left foot. Justin Bieber has the planet Sun placed in his 7th house in the D9 chart and it is in the Nakshatra of Purva Bhadrapada. Sun is linked to performing arts, Hailey used to dance Ballet until she injured her left foot. You see how planets in Nakshatras inside the 7th house of the Navamsa can play out.
Also another thing I have noticed in this Nakshatra is the lip shape, they can have a pouty rectangular shaped lower lip. And women here somehow give off "island girl" vibes.
They can also have precognitive dreams, because they are very in tune with their higher self.
Rohini Nakshatra:
They love to wear oversized, baggy clothes and quality materials, because of Moon's influence, they love comfort. On the other hand they may also love to display their appealing physique.
They also love branded luxury items: cars, watches, clothes, perfumes. And they love food a lot, they can eat a lot (with Saturn influence they can be cautious and go on diets).
Also after eating food they will get tired, because of the Venus and Moon influence.
And they will always end up having no fixed work schedule in their career.
They can also become the most achieving at a young age, compared to their workmates.
DK planet or 7th lord in Rohini can give a spouse with sining and dancing abilities, Hailey Bieber has Moon DK/7th lord of D9 in Rohini. (Planets like Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars can give that as talents, Jupiter could make someone a teacher in that area and Saturn could give it as a career).
Moon influence:
Moon connected to any spouse placements or 7th house can give musical talents in the spouse.
Moon in the 7th house can also either give a cat like appearance to the spouse or a bunny like appearance. Both animals are symbolically connected to Moon, cats are connected because of the hightened intuition and bunnies are connected by the chinese folklore of the moon goddess who's companion is the bunny/rabbit.
Mars influence:
Having Mars as DK/7th lord can indicate a spouse who might be a soldier/police/athlete just anything physical movement related.
Saturn in Rohini:
This combination can cause consumption of Whiskey to enhance creativity. A person will love to drink to feel relaxed and sing and dance. If Mercury influence is also there as well it can amplify this even more.
Saturn in Rohini can also result in dryness, skinnyness, lack of water in the body, dry/flaky skin and acne or other skin irritations. But therefor a person will be very disciplined in following a quality skin care rountine.
Ketu Ruled Nakshatras: Ashwini, Magha, Mula
Will have out-of-body experiences/precognitive dreams/sleep paralysis
They can be very interested in ancient history/culture/scriptures. They're all about the past and the root of things. They may love to dig under the ground, that's why Magha especially can make someone an archeologist or historian or even a teacher.
Also Magha is strongly connected with royalty/royal lineage. They may not be considered a royalty but counting a number of generations back, their ancestors might have been powerful individuals.
In these Nakshatras a person will let their hair grow out. Because hair is linked with roots. And Ketu is all about the roots, because it's the tail of the dragon, the tail represents the underground while Rahu, the head of the dragon represents the sky. So Ketu ruled Nakshatras will keep their hair long, it makes them feel spiritually connected to their past lives. There is something they cannot let go of from their past lives.
Revati Nakshatra:
Another Nakshatra which is connected to royal lineage. (same as Magha here also).
If a man has his DK/7th lord/Venus in this Nakshatra, his wife can be taller than him.
They love to travel and their travel journeys will be comfortable, without any kind of major complications.
They will also be very successful outside of their home country.
With Venus here, a person will find their spouse in a foreign country or move to a foreign country after marriage for their spouse. The spouse can also be someone who travels a lot or is successful overseas. Or a person will travel a lot with their spouse.
Rohini, Mrigashira & Ashlesha Nakshatra (snake yoni or symbol):
As the Ascendant/DK/7th lord/Venus natives will always attract strong Rahuvian people.
They have very intense and hypnotic eyes. Either dark and big or bright and slender. If their eye color is dark they may tend to wear light colored contacts, which can give their eyes a snake like appearance.
Ashleshas will be lisping.
Swati Nakshatra:
They can jump very high and run very fast, they love being in the air/speeding through the air, because the deity is Vayu, he rules over the air (Rahu ruled Nakshatra-Sky connection).
Venus in Swati can make a person have a love for the sky in a creative way, also can give singing abilities, because music is carried through the air, they can also have a love for good sports shoes (for jumping) or high platform shoes (Venus-fashion & Rahu heights). But these can also apply to the spouse, because Venus generally represents the spouse.
Swati can make a person be a fanatic for extreme sports related to heights like mountain climbing, bungee jumping and sky diving. Mars and Venus here can also make a person excel in martial arts and music.
Also they just can't stay still, they are always moving, and can't keep still for a second. They look like they can jump off any second.
I will do more of these observations for the other Nakshatras that are left.
Thanks for reading🌺
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seriallover · 6 months ago
Why certain people capture the spotlight?⭐️
1. The luminaries, the Sun and Moon naturally draw attention in a birth chart. People with strong Sun or Moon placements tend to light up any room they enter, effortlessly standing out.
Just like everyone loves capturing the beauty of a sunrise or the glow of a full moon, those with these placements have a magnetic energy that people can’t help but notice.
It’s almost like they’re always in the spotlight, which is why they often feel the need to look their best.☀️🌕
Beyoncé, Purva Phalguni Sun, Chitra Lagna and Venus.
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Michael Jackson, Magha Sun and Shatabhisha Lagna.
Bella Hadid, Purva Phalguni Moon and Lagna.
There's not much to say about Beyoncé and Michael that isn't already well-known—they're icons in their own right, the biggest stars of our time. Bella Hadid has become the most photographed model off-duty and in 2022, she was named Model of the Year.
Gia Carangi, often hailed as the first true supermodel, paved the way for all the other supermodels that followed. She had a Shravana Sun and Lagnesh, with Hasta as her Lagna and a Shatabhisha Moon.
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Britney Spears, Shravana Moon, was one of the most photographed stars for a while. The crazy amount of media attention even led to harassment and really affected her mental health.
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Gisele Bündchen, Pushya Sun and Purva Phalguni Lagna, the only "Ubermodel"-that means being more than a supermodel.
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Lauren Hutton, Pushya Moon and Lagna, holds the record for the most Vogue covers—26 in total.
I previously explored about how lunar-dominant people often achieve significant success on social media.
2. Chitra Nakshatra, known as the "Star of Opportunity," carries the Shakti of "accumulating merit." The word "Chitra" translates to "wonderful" and "pleasing to look at," as well as "illusion."
The deity of this nakshatra is Tvastar, the celestial architect who designed the universe. The symbol of Chitra is the "pearl" or "bright jewel," symbolizing beauty and uniqueness.💎💍
"Chitra" also means "picture," so individuals with this nakshatra are often naturally photogenic. 📸Tvastar, as the creator of Maya (illusion), grants those under Chitra the ability to craft captivating personas, making them talented models, photographers, actors, and successful on social media.
Kim Kardashian, Chitra Sun, built a career centered on her image. As one of the first influencers, she's become one of the most prominent and influential figures on social media. In 2015, she released “Selfish”, a book featuring a collection of her selfies.
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Cindy Kimberly, Chitra Moon and Shravana Lagna, shot to fame because of her striking beauty. Her big break came when Justin Bieber posted about her on his Instagram. Now, she’s a major beauty influencer and a well-known model.
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Anna Nicole Smith, Chitra Sun and Hasta Moon, made a name for herself as a model, completely based on her image. She was once one of the most photographed women in the world, and photographers loved working with her, often saying she was one of the easiest and most exciting people to capture on camera.
The thing with Chitra individuals is that, because of Tvastar, the celestial craftsman, their features often become iconic. For instance, Kim drew the attention to the BBL, Cindy’s nose has become a major inspiration for many women, and Anna Nicole brought attention back to curvy bodies at a time when the "heroin chic" look was in vogue, reminiscent of Marilyn Monroe's era.
3. Dhanishtha🌟 Shakti is "power to give abundance and fame," meaning "the most famous," "the most heard of." This nakshatra is recurring in the charts of people who usually marry famous individuals, making them well-known as well, often attracting more attention than their partner.
Princess Diana, Dhanishtha Moon and Magha Lagnesh, was the most photographed woman in the world, holding the record for the most sold-out paparazzi pictures, including one that sold for 6 million dollars.
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Marilyn Monroe, Rohini Sun, Dhanishtha Moon, and Ashlesha Lagna, was also one of the most photographed women of her time.
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4. Shatabhisha, meaning "hundred stars" and represented by a veiled star and an empty circle, is a nakshatra ruled by Rahu. ⭕️
This nakshatra is associated with illusion, the power to effect radical change, innovation, the foreign, esoteric influences, and trends. The empty circle can also symbolize the idea of a cult or community, like the Navy for Rihanna.
Rihanna, Shatabhisha Sun, stands out as one of the most influential artists and fashion icons. She has consistently set trends in the fashion world, with her style serving as an inspiration to many. Recently, her maternity looks have redefined how celebrities approach their appearance during pregnancy, bringing a stylish twist to the norm.
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Demi Moore, Lagnesh in Shravana and Jupiter in Shatabhisha in the first house, set a trend for nude pregnancy photoshoots. At the time, this was quite controversial, but it has since become a common practice not just among celebrities, but also for non-celebrity women.
Elizabeth Taylor, Sun in Shatabhisha, was also a major target for paparazzi. George Hamilton once remarked:
"I remember when the word 'paparazzi' came along, and it just meant a bunch of guys who were all photographers looking for Elizabeth Taylor. Desperately looking for Elizabeth Taylor! And that was the beginning of paparazzi. They were not going for glamour anymore. They were going for the destruction of glamour."
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