#puppy (twilight princess)
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Punkin Puppieee :3
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gremlingirlsmell · 4 days
Nintendo really made a game called The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and then Zelda and the Princess of Twilight aren't lesbians. And you don't even play as either of them. Disappointing.
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TP Link really is the guy ever.
My man‘s a goofy horse girl who loves goats, sumo wrestles gorons, makes soup for Yetis, collects insects for a girl roleplaying princess parties and holds dogs and cats like puppies, yet almost the entire fandom makes him a brooding edgelord because the color palette of the game is kinda muted and he‘s technically a werewolf.
You can howl songs in this game and he always does a little spin at the end. He plays hide and seek with a town full of cats. He lives in a treehouse and has pictures of goats framed on the walls. You can pet the goats and play fetch with the castle town doggies. He‘s so happy over a cave full of pots to break that they placed the "Happy Link“ Miiverse stamp in said cave. He loves to go shopping in Castle Town. He sticks lit bombs onto arrows to shoot them, and somehow makes it work. He carried a whole barrel of water across half the country with his hands because a Goron was sweating. He sumo wrestles goats, too. He’s a bit of a show-off. If you do any of the sick sword moves he learnt from his dead skeleton gramps and press a, he does a fancy sword sheathing move with a smirk because he feels so cool. He likes to scare the castle town guards as a wolf. He befriends a chicken lady and her flying head son via dungeoncrawling. He set a building full of bombs on fire because of a bug inside. He’s got literal puppy eyes. He let himself get shot off a canon, twice. And got carried away by a giant monster bird, also twice. One of those times was for a minigame where you collect fruit. He eats bee larvae and jello from the ground. He goes snowboarding with the Yetis on a frozen leaf. That he obtains by rolling headfirst into a tree. He shows kindness to strangers as helps out his companion way past what she asked of him even when she was pretty mean because he knows it’s the right thing to do. He defeats the personification of a dead gods‘ anger with a fishing rod he got from his adoptive little bro who wants to be just like him.
TP Link is the guy ever.
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cyanferret21 · 1 year
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Puppy Twilight, everyone!!!
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linksboobs · 10 months
Happy birthday twilight princess thank you for giving us the bestest boy ever
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phoenix-arts7 · 11 months
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Puppy Link in a towel
How do paws
I'll probably be posting older art on here so art skill may vary.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 3 months
I finally set my GameCube up after a year of it being half assembled from my big move, and the first thing I did was spend half an hour playing with puppies and petting goats in Twilight Princess.
It truly is a superior game ❤️
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anartweirdosworld · 6 months
Puppy Link AU
This AU has been in my head for nearly a year, what if Link was stuck in between transformations in a way?
This occurred in the final battle with Ganondorf, during their duel Ganon had unknowingly snatched the shadow crystal from around Link’s neck. Just when Link plunged the master sword into Ganondorf’s chest, Gan raises his fist and shoved the shadow crystal into Link’s gut, using the last of his magic to fuse it to him permanently. However, instead of Link becoming a full wolf again, he turned into a humanoid beast. Midna nor Zelda could remove the crystal within him, so he’s forced to come to terms with the fact he’s forever stuck as a being caught in between Hylian and beast. Also! Link’s arm scar is in reference to the manga when he literally gets his arm chopped off, only for the light spirit to heal it. Had to bust out my manga set to remember which arm it was😅
I’ll let y’all know if I ever do more with this AU! See ya!
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fairy-spring · 25 days
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fuck it lemme just post some of my worms while I'm here
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hyrulecollective · 4 months
Be honest, am I pretty? Am I hot? Am I moooooore? :3
- Midna
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liv-andletdie · 10 months
Oh wow, I wanted to ask for puppy love and went to your Ao3 only to find out that I never left Kudos! I must have read it before I had an Ao3 account. 😅
Anyway, that's fixed now and I would like to hear more about Zelda's thoughts when she left for Castle Town again.
For anyone interested the scene can be found here in Puppy Love Chapter 5 "The Departure"
HELLO!! Sorry this is so late, Work has been kind of occupying a lot of my time recently (Christmas in Retail in not fun) but I'm really excited to finally answer this and to talk a bit about Puppy Love! so without further ado...
Zelda is going through a lot in this chapter, so let's break it down beat by beat.
At the beginning she is... I think the best word would be humiliated. Not as in "Link has maliciously made her feel bad." but in the sense of "She has made a fool of herself." During her time in Ordon she's sort of built up this romance in her head - or that's what she's telling herself. She always knew she was going to have to leave and go back to Castleton at some point because Work[tm] but she had been purposefully trying not to think about it. She has been indulging in playing out a little country romance.
Now I feel the need to clarify this by saying that Zelda has complicated feelings surrounding relationships and what's expected of her. I won't go too in depth because it'll come up in a future fic (if I every actually get round to writing it) so the TLDR is this: For the first time in a while Zelda has felt like she wants to pursue a romantic relationship with someone. However, she has convinced herself that Link doesn't actually reciprocate these feelings.
In her mind, she's let herself get comfortable with the idea of going on dates with the cute country vet. She's started to daydream about getting to know him better and getting to be known by him. She wants, for the first time in a long time, she wants.
But the timing is off.
So when we see her at the beginning of this chapter, standing in the rain and muttering to herself, she's actually giving herself a bit of a telling off. "So you don't get to be the main character in a cheesy romance novel. Grow up. It's okay. You're going to be okay"
(Also, just as we see that Link has a plan for their final meeting "Bring the medicine, check on the dog, see Zelda, say goodbye to Zelda, try to be charming so Zelda doesn’t think he’s weird, manage a suave goodbye so the last memory she has of him won’t be him having to run off to deal with a goat emergency, and then leave." Zelda ALSO had one. "Take Naru to the vets for a check up, see Link, show that I can be a normal person who doesn't start crying over my dog eating a chocolate cake or an earring, be cute and charming so his last memory of me isn't fumblingly trying to ask for his number, and leave" - only when Zelda went to the surgery she saw that he wasn't there and, well, that scuppered that plan.)
So she's a little preoccupied with trying to sort out her dog and her luggage and her emotions when Dr Wolfe shows up out of nowhere!
 “What an unexpected surprise” she said, feigning a smile “I’d offer you in for a cup of coffee but as you can see I’m…” she trailed off, eyes casting down to look at her feet.
She fully wasn't expecting to see him. She was dealing with the fact that she wasn't going to get a proper goodbye from him and then dealing with the fact that she maybe shouldn't be allowed to be upset about that because they've only met a handful of times and it's not like she means anything to him.
But he's here, with her prescription, which causes the little hopeful voice she's been trying to smother to pipe up and say "maybe he wants you to stay as much as you want to stay?"
And then he mentions that he's just doing his job.
Now we get to see Link's thoughts here but Zelda doesn't have that luxury. We know that it's just an excuse to see her again but... well.
“Of course,” she murmured, shoulders drooping a little as if the idea that he was only there for business hurt her in some way. 
It hurts. In the small moments before, she lets herself think that there is something else here, that maybe he might actually like her back, but those are dashed and the "reasonable" part of her says "of course he's doing something nice, he's a good person. You're not special."
After that they fall into their little back and forth before it's time to for her to actually leave.
“Link…” she started, [...] She looked like she wanted to say something more, her thoughts visibly dancing in her eyes. He wanted to ask her what was on her mind, to get her to open up to him. She worked up the courage to speak, a large intake of breath to steady her thoughts. And as she spoke he knew it wasn’t all that she wanted to say.
“Thank you.”
Zelda wants, in this moment, to stay. She doesn't want to go without at least making sure that Link is partially aware of her feelings. She wants to say "I'll miss you" she wants to ask "Can I come back?" or "Would you like it if I came back?" or "Is there a place for me here in Ordon with you? do I have something to come back for?". She wants to tell him that he's made her time in Ordon a happy one, that getting to meet him has made her feel things that she hasn't felt in years. But all she can make herself say is "Thank you."
Thank you for looking out for Naru. Thank you for comforting me. Thank you for playing fetch in the park with us and bringing us the medicine and just being so kind and lovely and You!
And then it's over. Link gives her the jar with the goat's milk and wishes her well and then it's goodbye. She gets into the taxi and drives off fully believing that she has missed her last chance at a romance with Dr Link Wolfe. Her biggest what if.
Thank you so much for this ask! It was a real pleasure to get to talk about Puppy Love and Zelda again. I promise I am working on the sequel but Retail at Christmas! so hopefully 2024 is the year we see these two finally go on their first date haha!
I hope you're having a wonderful time and Happy Holidays!!
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cinnamontoads · 1 year
you know why did they even bother making more zelda games after twilight princess if we haven’t been able to pick up the puppies and kitties since then. really makes you think
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ozziesjester · 4 months
you've been kidnapped as a new friend!
YAAAAAY i need more dead dove mlp enjoyer friends!!! raribelle and dash/scootaloo 4 lyfe ❤️
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darkmoonravewolf · 1 year
Finished The Dog Island the other day and it's such a cute game. I unironically want to play through it again and get everything this time.
I think the one thing I hated was the final stretch but that's cause the enemies were assholes and a snake actually managed to jumpscare me ):
Also Dr.Potan's final letter caught me off guard. The fact that you ask Dr.Potan to come back to your home so he can help take care of your little sibling with dog cancer and at one point he sends you a letter like "Please hurry in finding that rare flower for them. I don't know much longer they have to live. P.S. You looking for a new dad?👀" Like... HELLO????
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linksboobs · 1 year
I love that he's always either tired or pouting😭😭
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cats-inthe-cradle · 7 months
Working on my links meet au and if any of yall have questions about it or especially about the individual links ("who's most/least likely to..." type questions would be amazing) I'd love to answer em!!
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