#hes so sleeby
linksboobs · 1 year
I love that he's always either tired or pouting😭😭
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morthern · 6 months
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theninerealmsbakery · 8 months
Sleepy time Headcanons with Bi-han.
I think with all his training, Bi-han can run on very little sleep. On a regular day, he will go to bed at night, but while on a mission he has been known to stay awake for days on end.
If you are lucky enough to sleep in the same bed as him, you have to point out to Bi-han that you're cold. Arctika is freezing and Bi-han only sleeps with a light blanket on his bed. He forgets that normal people regulate their own temperature. He will buy more blankets/duvets for you and actually use the fireplace in his chambers.
For this same reason, Bi-han doesn't wear much to bed, if anything. Sleepwear is a waste of time when you have literally no need to keep warm.
Also due to his training, Bi-han has almost insane awareness of his surroundings at all times. This makes him a very light sleeper. In the first weeks of sharing a bed, every little move you make will wake him up. You turn over in your sleep. He's awake. You mumble in your sleep. He's awake. You get up to get a drink/go to the bathroom. He's awake and wants to know where you're going.
Bi-han is also super protective, even in the privacy of your bedchambers. He has to be the one nearest the door, so he is between you and any dangers. If you get up for a drink/the bathroom, he will stay awake until you are back in bed with him. If he thinks you are taking too long, he will get up and find you, just so he knows you're safe.
He likes sharing a bed with you. He finds he sleeps better with you beside him. He likes that the sheets smell like you, he likes the warmth that comes from your sleeping form, he likes holding you when you're both in bed. Bi-han may not admit it, but this is the best sleep he's ever had. Being in bed with you is one of the few places the grandmaster can truly relax.
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zomb13queen · 11 months
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
idea that I can’t get out of my head is having some kind of contest with Bakugou and you bet with each other. it’s over something trivial, something simple, but he’s so goddamn competitive and you already know you’ll win, so you take him up on the offer.
the offer being—he can’t tell you no for an entire 24 hours. it’s a system either one of you could abuse, but you trust the other not to.
and he loses, quite to his shock, and begrudgingly accepts the consequences of the bet. he does everything you ask him to, including food cooked and readied for you, carrying you across the room so you don’t have to walk, stupid shit that you can see tick on his nerves. but as the day goes on, you start getting bolder and bolder, until you find yourself biting off more than you could chew.
“Eat me out until I cum.” You tell him in a rush of breath, pretty eyes blinking wide when he whips his head around to look at you. But his own shocked expression melts into a cocky one, as he tilts his head at you and leans down until his nose brushes against yours.
“Sweetheart, you’re asking for a regular Tuesday night.” He doesn’t say much else, barely lets you get a word out as he’s dropping to his knees and spreading your legs for you. You’re not sure why you’re so shocked that he did it without compliant, but you didn’t think he’d be so enthusiastic about the whole ordeal. Stroking his own cock through his pants as he slots his mouth over you, lapping at you, moaning whenever you push his head and command that he does it better.
And when you cum, after the nth time, does he finally let up when you tell him to. But you’re not done with him yet, no. Instead, you pull him back by his hair, look at his wet mouth and low eyes, drift down to his cum stained shorts and grin at him.
“Fuck me like you hate me.” You thought he moved fast when he was going to eat you out, but he’s damn near a blur at this request. Your clothes go flying, and you’re filled to the brim in what feels like seconds. As he holds you close and fucks you with a glint in his eye that makes your knees tremble, you pull him in by his nape, whisper,
“Kiss me.” And he grins at you, big and wide, slamming his hips until he’s buried to the hilt. It makes you whine, eyes fluttering shut as Bakugou speaks against your mouth,
“You don’t even have to ask, baby.” He kisses you hard enough to take your breath away, and you wonder why you’ve never betted him before.
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 9 months
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Dudes when they're sooooo sleepy
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badkarma1998 · 1 year
Oh how you wish you were this cozy
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daylesspax · 5 months
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So… I made a thing. Say hi to my little hoodie-Megs “doodles”!
These are based off of my Megatron holoform design for Attack on Prime!
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foxglovecove · 20 days
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Tales from the Jaeger Pilot AU
Some background for the snippet below: Newt and Hermann are jaeger co-pilots, this bit takes place probably 6 months into their assignment together after graduating academy. Newt also has yet to get his first tattoo which will be the one they’ve just defeated
I HC that Hermann is not a huge fan of casual touch so…
…when a drunk Newt burst into Hermann’s bunk room one night post “successfully defeated a Kaiju” mission, basically rendering Hermann trapped on his couch while he snored away in dreamland, it sent Hermann down a spiral of rumination on his ability to get close to people
Here’s a rough snippet of a larger bit of story I’m poking at that goes along with this pic:
Then there had been the letters from Newton, the anticipation churning each time he flipped open his post box, and the relief that came with the knowledge there would only ever be words on paper between them, keeping him safe and Newton at a distance.
He stares down—one arm tucked behind his head, the other still holding the burning nub of a cigarette like a lifeline—and wonders if anxious anticipation and cultivated distance are all he’ll ever be capable of. He’s mesmerized by the steady rise and fall of Newton’s head pillowed against his stomach. How easy it would be to just reach out and…touch.
His fingers twitch.
You’ve been a menace to me for 6 years.
Three years of letters. Then three years since the letters had stopped, when Newton ceased being nebulous words safe on a page, and burst loud and colorful and real, into Hermann’s life at the academy.
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appallinnballin · 4 months
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someones gotdamn cat
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jalo-parker · 6 months
Eepy deepy
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Had a dream I had a sleepover with etho. I added hels cause why not (I am madly in love with my helsknight design)
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jettorii · 7 months
whenever i feel a little sad i just draw my sona aggressively making out w one of my favs and laugh so hard until i shit myself
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pinktrashgoblin · 11 months
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Lazy day.
just wanted to do another painting study starring the boy again, this is his room :]
yes all of those plushies are very well loved, they all have claw and teeth marks bc he likes to chew on them
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enjoliquej · 5 months
Animation3 copy.clip!! SHOW ME!!
oh my GOSH
this is technically not a wip bc i never ended up 'cleaning' it but it was in there so uh you get to see my really insane kordell voice claim video i sent to my pals
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crybaby-bkg · 2 years
Bakugou gets a boner whenever he fixes you food because you always seem to close your eyes, hum under your breath, and do a little dance in your seat whenever you bite into it. he fixes you a four course meal but now he’s rushing you to eat it in .8 seconds bc he keeps watching you and now his chub won’t go away :/
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lesbianfakir · 1 year
I could write a three hour video essay on tutu and gender but I really love how a show in a genre that’s primarily targeted towards girls explores how expectations of masculinity can traumatize young boys.
This is shown with Fakir especially. While the text never explicitly attributes his behavior to his gender, his arc over the course of the show is quintessentially informed by toxic gender roles. This got long and I have a lot of thoughts so I'm gonna put it under a readmore:
Fakir has one unchanging goal for the duration of the show: he wants to keep the people he loves safe. But outside elements twist this motivation into an identity. He is suffocating under the weight of a person he has never been and can never be no matter how hard he tries to mold himself.
Much of his personality is likely a direct result of circumstance. We are shown multiple times that when he feels in his element he’s inclined to a gentle disposition (ie how he acts with Duck as a duck or with Raetsel). As a young child especially he appears earnest and naive, his already innate desire to protect blinding him to the cruelty of the world. However, this sweeter side is near overwritten by the cold, domineering personality that characterizes his early appearances in the show.
We can infer that without the trauma inflicted on him by the story Fakir would have retained much more of this gentler personality as he grew up. Instead, his desire to protect others is twisted and warped by fear, becoming a desire to control.
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Even before having his life upended, Fakir wanted to to take the weight of protecting the entire town all upon himself. He sees a true hero as someone who stands on his own without help.
So how does this tie into gender? Fakir deliberately crushes his "weaker" side--the earnest, sensitive young boy in the favor of a tough persona. He particularly views emotions as a weakness. It's notable that in one of the most iconic scenes in the show, Fakir has a breakdown over someone seeing him crying. This simple display of human emotion is enough to completely shatter the image he has constructed for himself. Fakir's harsh, impossible standards for himself are rooted in toxic masculinity, in the idea that men--real men--are never visibly sad or scared.
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Immediately after losing everything as a child, Fakir was given a new source of hope and pride: the role of the Knight. He, of course, built his whole identity around this role. The Knight, like the Prince is expected to protect others without fear. This can be read as analogous to how men struggle under the expectation to be the protectors and the breadwinners, expected to take pain and hardship upon themselves so those under their care may live a comfortable life. However, the story's knight is doomed from the start: a failed protector. Fakir is growing up under literal impossible standards. He's meant to give everything and crumble under that weight without achieving anything.
It's worth noting that the Princesses' roles are meant to revolve seeking affection from men while the men's roles are colored by violence. Contrast the Knight and Princess Tutu who are both destined to accomplish nothing and be forgotten: while Tutu gracefully dissolves into a speck of light, the Knight is gruesomely torn apart. Here, masculinity becomes inextricably linked to violence in Drosselmeyer's world.
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For as long as Fakir tries to be a knight worthy of the story he is confined by a toxic gender role. A protector relies on the idea of a weaker subset of person--the protected. Even without malicious intent, this strips agency. Fakir ignores Mytho's wishes all for the sake of "keeping him safe." Likewise Duck doesn't' want Fakir's protection. In several episodes she begs him to give up on fighting and search for peaceable solutions.
Even though neither Duck nor Mytho ask for Fakir to fight for them he feels personally responsible for their safety to the point his entire self esteem rests on his ability to protect them. Despite his guarded exterior, two of the three times he breaks down crying are because Duck got hurt --due to his own incompetence in his eyes.
Fakir can only grow as a person when he stops placing everything on his own shoulders. For all he clings to the sword his real strengths are found outside of battle. He only saves Duck by opening up to her in his first display of willing vulnerability.
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By the end of the series he has entered a genuine partnership with Duck. Rather than a one-sided relationship where he sees himself as her protector, he writes her story and trusts her to guide herself through it. This is in direct opposition to the masculine ideals he clung so hard to. The knight and the prince --his role models--are both meant to be self-sufficient in the original fairytale. Instead, Fakir is able to be a vulnerable boy who gets scared and hurt--and doesn't need to hide it--but has friends he can rely on when times are tough.
Fakir's arc doesn't involve him becoming more feminine, necessarily, but it does show him breaking free of the standards placed on his shoulders by toxic masculinity. He was never meant to be a fighter; that was an unfair role he was forced into. At the end of the show Fakir was achieved his freedom. He isn't a knight. He isn't a protector. He isn't personally responsible for the lives of those he loves. He's just Fakir.
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