#punch out!! the supernatural royale
best-underrated-anime · 8 months
Best Underrated Anime Group C Round 3: #C8 vs #C2
#C8: Government employee and his white cat boss
#C2: High social anxiety girl has to befriend her whole class
Details and poll under the cut!
*Text in green indicates that something has been changed.
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#C8: White Cat Legend 2020 (Dali si Rizhi)
Chen Shi, a young man from the countryside, journeys to the capital in search of his missing older brother, whose existence he only knew about upon his mother’s death. He knows neither the name nor face of his brother, and after finally arriving at the capital, he runs out of money as well. One thing led to another, and he finds himself employed at Dali Court, where he works for Vice Minister Li Bing, a large white cat.
On the other hand, Li Bing is of royal blood who was imprisoned because of his family’s treason. Now, he has to work in the government to atone for the crime.
At Dali Court, they review court cases from all over the country. But when an incident involving the esteemed ministers of the royal court breaks out, Dali Court is called to help, only to find themselves entangled in political threads and hit heads with an eccentric demon.
Li Bing is determined to get to the bottom of this, but how far can he go when he could regress into a real cat at any time when left unchecked?
I’m tired of writing new propaganda every round, so I’m begging you to just trust me that it’s GREAT.
Intriguing plot? Check. Complex and interesting characters? Check. Comedy? Check. Drama? Check. 
The blend of comedy and drama is just so good. I started the show because I love cats and supernatural stuff. Who would’ve thought it would pull me into an abyss of despair of political intrigue. The cat demons turned out to be just the icing on the cake. 
We have all these different characters brought up in different ways that their ideas of what is Right conflict with each other. None of them are exactly Wrong or inherently Evil (well, except for maybe one guy), and this makes it so much more difficult to choose who to root for. You’d think everyone against the protagonists are the Enemies, but turns out even the protagonists are limited by their biases and unintentionally harm others. Even the two protagonists themselves get into arguments because of their different standpoints.
And I just love this because it makes them realistic, you know? The characters don’t always agree with their friends, and their enemies are not completely hostile either. It really all boils down to what they believe in. Sometimes their beliefs align with existing comrades, and sometimes they find it on the other side.
Production-wise, this show also gets a check on everything. As an adaptation, it’s amazing. The original manhua has quite a simple style—kind of like comic book drawings, and panels are all rectangles in one straight line. Storytelling is also simple and straight to the point. 
But the 2020 donghua? God, it went far and beyond that.  The animation team does not cut corners at all, which is a feat considering the show has a low budget from what I’ve heard. 
A short, simple scene in the manhua becomes an emotionally-devastating experience in the donghua. The animation choices, angles, music, and just everything else blend so well to deliver a STORY. This adaptation does not just copy frames from the source (like Blue Lock) or cut/reorder some of the scenes (like Horimiya and Sasaki to Miyano). White Cat Legend 2020 understands the material so well that it can creatively use the advantages of the animation medium to deliver an experience that exceeds even that of the source. Think Mob Pyscho 100 or One Punch Man s1 level of creativity. It even has mini stories at the end of the ending song. For s1, the mini stories are in stop-motion, while for s2 it’s formatted like a video game. You gotta appreciate the effort.
Please just vote for this show. It deserves to be in the Finals.
Trigger Warnings:
Cannibalism - There’s a cat demon who appears in human form, and he eats humans (it’s not shown explicitly, though).
Animal Cruelty or Death - said cat demon also eats animals raw (again, not explicitly)
Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore - There’s blood and fighting, and somebody also gets tortured in season 2. But again, nothing too graphic
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#C2: Hitori Bocchi’s ○○ Lifestyle (HitoriBocchi no MaruMaru Seikatsu)
Many of us know what it is like to transition to a new school with few to no friends in a new environment, going through the arduous process of getting to know people again. Bocchi Hitori knows this struggle all too well, having just graduated from elementary school and thrown into middle school. Unfortunately, she suffers from extreme social anxiety: she faints when overwhelmed, vomits when nervous, and draws up ridiculously convoluted plans to avoid social contact. It does not help that her only friend from elementary school, Kai Yawara, will not be attending the same middle school as Bocchi. However, wanting to help her, Kai severs ties with Bocchi and promises to reconcile with her when she befriends all of her classmates in her new middle school class.
Even though Bocchi has no faith in herself, she is determined to be friends with Kai again. Summoning all of her courage, Bocchi takes on the daunting challenge of making friends with her entire class, starting with the delinquent-looking girl sitting in front of her…
This is a fun and lighthearted show. Watch it if you need something cute to chill out! The art is cute and colorful, the music lively, and the animation fine enough.
As it's adapted from a four-panel gag manga, the story is simple and focuses on the various characters. They all have pun-based names related to their main personality trait, so they're easy to remember if you know some basic Japanese (Hitori Bocchi means all alone, for example). The girls are all adorable and fun in their own quirky ways, and I loved seeing the heroine doing her utmost best to overcome her fears -and other challenges- to befriend them in the hope of fulfilling her promise. That's the power of the Do-Your-Best Fairy! They all care for each other (despite some teasing) and help Bocchi with her monumental task, never pulling her down for her struggles but gently pushing her in the back when needed.
But most importantly, Hitori Bocchi is a very relatable character. As someone suffering the same trouble, I related a lot with Bocchi, from her silliest worries to her escalating panic and weird schemes in an attempt to prevent anything wrong. Anxiety is faithfully represented, mixed with the right amount of laughing to how far Bocchi can get to avoid fearful situations in her very cute ways. It feels good to see a character like me in a such positive light! The struggles are real and acknowledged, and it’s really moving to see our heroine overcome them little by little in a very humanizing way.
This series has become one of my comfort materials, and I come back to it when I need hope and inspiration in everyday social interactions! If you need one last thing to be convinced, listen to that most adorable and silly song that will give you the Power of Motivation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGoGwlNmZUQ 
Trigger Warnings: None.
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how it’s presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form, where you can submit revisions for taglines, propaganda, trigger warnings, and/or video.
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super-ion · 7 months
Red & Wolf
(remaster - chapter 1 | chapter 2)
Chapter 3: Silver
A week passed and then another and another.
Red and Loup rarely left each other’s sides, both terrified of being separated once more and eager to spend every single moment together. By day, they dedicated themselves towards renewing the bond they once shared, swapping jokes and stories and memories. By night, they explored the new fragile thing that had grown between them, with locked lips and tangled limbs.
On the night of the full moon, the wolf showed Red the forest in her own way. She showed her the moon and glittering stars and sang her haunting songs to Red until she collapsed exhausted into the warm soft fur.
As each day and night came and went, Red began to believe that the danger had passed. Perhaps the protection of the wolf of the forest counted for something.
But the huntsman did return, and he did not come alone.
Red and Loup were in the forest collecting mushrooms when they came. Loup had just told a lewd joke and Red was doubled over in laughter when the sound of hoofbeats echoed through the trees.
Red rushed to Loup's side as five riders appeared and promptly surrounded them. All of them bore spears and swords and armor that gleamed in the sunlight.
"My lady," the huntsman called. A few of the accompanying guardsmen snickered at the title and Red's stomach churned with fear and anger. "This is your last opportunity. Surrender calmly or we will need to resort to force."
Loup stepped between him and Red, letting out a low growl.
"If you have any affection for this beast, I suggest you consider your next actions carefully," he added.
Red looked at the distressing number of spears, all pointed directly at Loup
"Loup-" she whispered.
"I'm not letting them take you!" Loup hissed.
The huntsman dismounted and drew his sword, its edge gleaming impossibly bright.
Loup drew her own knife in response, but it seemed dreadfully inadequate in comparison. What was worse, Red could see straight through Loup's bravado to the tense fear below. She knew just as well as Loup that she was nowhere near full strength. It was too many days since the full moon.
Without warning, the huntsman struck, catching Loup across the arm as she tried to dodge. She dropped her knife and screamed in pain, clutching at the wound. The horrible stench of burning meat struck Red's nose and a faint wisp of smoke curled from the wound.
Red knew that the royal armory had a secret arsenal of weapons: cold iron chains, ash staves and arrows, silver edged blades… all manner of unique weapon to combat the supernatural. To see one employed for its intended purpose…
Someone seized her roughly from behind, one of the huntsman's companions.
Loup howled and spun at Red's scream, only to receive another slash, this time across her back. Red watched in horror as Loup staggered forward a single step before collapsing to get knees and then her side.
Red bit hard into the gloved hand at her chest. The man roared in pain and she threw her weight against him. She broke free and fell upon Loup before the huntsman could take another swing.
“Please,” she begged. “I'll do whatever you want. I'll go with you willingly. Just don't kill her!”
Some flicker of sympathy crossed his face and he lowered his blade.
Red's previous assailant grabbed her by the hair and jerked her off of Loup.
Loup cracked her eyes open and reached after her.
The man delivered a kick to Loup's side.
“Enough,” the huntsman snapped. “She'll be dead by nightfall anyway, leave her for the vultures.”
Red thrashed against her captor as she was dragged to his horse. A blow to the face and a punch to the gut rendered her senseless long enough for her hands to be bound and her body secured to the saddle.
“Loup! I love you,” she managed to croak out before she was carried away.
Loup's injuries burned like fire as she last curled on the forest floor. She drifted in and out of consciousness as the sun slid slowly across the sky. She needed to get up. She needed to save Red, but every time she moved, the searing pain from her wounds overwhelmed her.
The sky was gold, edging towards red, when a figure appeared, silent as death.
“Foolish child,” Grandmother clucked. “What mess have you landed yourself in this time?”
“They took Red,” she rasped.
“Of course they did,” Grandmother replied. “The queen is too stubborn to let that one go.”
She crouched before Loup, meeting her gaze with cold grey eyes.
“We have to-”
“Do you love that girl?” Grandmother interrupted.
“Yes,” Loup replied without hesitation.
“Hm,” Grandmother replied. “That's good, you'll need that for what comes next.”
A gnarled hand pressed a smooth stick between Loup's teeth.
“I do apologize, child. This will not be pleasant.”
Loup squeezed her eyes shut and clamped her teeth down.
The guards were not gentle with Red. The first order of business was to roughly hack off her hair and burn her dress while she screamed and trashed against their grips. Her resistance earned her a split lip and a couple of likely cracked ribs on top of her black eye from earlier.
She was dressed in a rough spun tunic in a masculine cut that made her stomach twist and brought to the queen's chambers where she was roughly shoved to her knees.
"Not so fair or beautiful now, are you?"
Red glared up at the queen where she lounged in a high backed chair. Ever haunted by her own vanity, the queen's appearance was immaculate, with not a single hair out of place and a dress intended to make her look ten years younger than she was. But beneath the caked make up, there were new stress lines embedded in her skin and the manic gleam in her eyes had only intensified in Red's absence.
The queen languorously stood and made a circuit about Red because gesturing to a single apple that sat upon a side table.
"Would you care for some refreshment?" she asked with a cruel edge to her voice.
The skin of the fruit was glossy and deep red… like blood.
Red recalled the events and revelations that led to her initial flight from the castle.
"Why? Are you planning on poisoning me like you poisoned my father?"
The queen's eyes flashed with fury and she stalked forward to deliver a backhanded blow to Red’s face. The room spun and the floor rushed up to meet her painfully. Red lay there, tasting blood and feeling the throb in her cheek where a ring had caught her flesh.
"You should be so lucky to get poison!” the queen hissed. “Not after everything you've done. Did you think word wouldn't get to me? I know about the noble families that you've been communicating with. I've heard the whispers of revolt."
Red blinked up at her in confusion. What on earth was she talking about? Was that what the queen thought Red had been doing in the forest? The idea seemed almost ridiculous. Red did not have a mind for schemes or machinations. She didn't even want to rule at all.
For a strange dizzying moment, she wondered if she had fallen into someone else's story.
The queen snatched the apple from the table and looked over Red's still prone form.
“I am going to make an example of you,” she said in a low, dangerous voice. “You will beg for poison before I am done with you.”
She bit into the fruit, spraying flecks flesh and droplets of juice on Red’s face.
"Take him to the dungeon," she said with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Give him some time to consider his crimes before we begin."
Night had fallen in truth by the time Grandmother finished.
All that remained of Loup's wounds were puckered scars and a bone deep ache that might never fully heal.
“I'm going back for her,” Loup said as she painfully rolled her shoulders.
She cast a defiant glare towards Grandmother, but was met only with a nod.
“Of course you are. I wouldn't expect any less.”
The old woman climbed painfully to her feet and leaned heavily on her staff as she hobbled over to Loup. A gnarled hand fell on Loup's shoulder and…
For a horrible, dizzying moment, the two of them were nowhere, a black empty place in between.
…and then they were back in the forest. Loup broke free of Grandmother's grip and staggered into the bushes to wretch. When she finally recovered, she discovered that they were now at the edge of forest, miles from where they had started.
The castle rose imposingly in the distance.
"This is as far as I go," Grandmother grunted. "The rest is up to you."
The old woman looked worn, almost translucent, as if healing Loup and transporting her here had used up some vital part of her.
“Thank you,” Loup said, swallowing the lump in her throat, “for everything.”
Grandmother gave her a single nod and turned to hobble into the shadows of the forest.
Loup turned back in the direction of the castle and took a deep breath. The moon was merely a crescent hanging low in the sky. She'd only have two, maybe three hours to draw on its light, meager as it was.
She closed her eyes and sought the beast where it slumbered within her.
Please. I need your help.
It stirred. The song of the moon was just a distant echo, but the wolf heard the plea and lent Loup her power.
The world came into focus. Sounds and scents grew sharp. Her muscles sang, ready to run. Teeth and claws grew into weapons that she hoped she would not need.
"I'm coming, Red," she whispered and she began to run.
"A princess, beautiful and fair, will take the queen's throne."
Red's eyes snapped open and she looked painfully over her shoulder from the cold floor of her cell.
Standing in the other side of the bars, somehow looking regal even as she clutched a lantern and peered into the gloom, was Red's stepsister, Antonia. Behind her was a nervous looking clerk holding a folio. He kept glancing over his shoulder nervously as if he would rather be anywhere else.
"I always thought the meaning was rather straightforward,” Antonia continued. “Of course one of us would take the throne from her when the time came. But mother was convinced that it meant something nefarious. She has always been obsessive and paranoid and the prophecy only made it worse. I don't know her exact wording, but when she asked her mirror for a princess, it showed her you."
"What are you doing here?" Red muttered as she sat upright. "Did you come to gloat before your mother tortures me?"
Antonia pursed her lips but said nothing. Instead she produced a heavy key and unlocked the cell.
Red stared at her, utterly baffled.
The cell door swung wide and Antonia made a beckoning gesture.
"What…?" Red asked.
"You're free to go, but as a good faith measure…"
She held out her hand to the nervous clerk who produced a sheet of parchment from the folio.
"...I would like your formal abdication, forswearing any claim to the throne."
She handed the sheet to Red who eyed it dubiously.
"And if I refuse?" Red asked cautiously.
"I let you go anyway," Antonia replied. "I want you gone, not dead. Your presence here complicates matters and your signature on this document will make things a lot cleaner for the both of us."
Red stared at her, comprehension dawning slowly.
“It's you,” she gasped. “The prophecy… you… you're the one plotting against the queen. You're the one inciting revolt.”
Antonia smiled grimly.
"Don't sound so surprised, I am my mother's daughter after all. I have my own eyes and ears in the kingdom. There are a great many individuals who are displeased with my mother's rule. The scent of change is on the wind. I've merely positioned myself to be on the winning side."
Her face sobered, and there was a rare flicker of sisterly concern.
"I do apologize for your current condition. It was never my desire that you come to any harm."
She produced a pen and handed it to Red.
"I know you never wanted to be a prince and I strongly suspect that you have no desire to be a princess either. Sign and you can run off to your lover in the forest and no one will ever trouble you again. Everyone can live happily ever after."
The choice was so plainly simple, it was almost laughable. It was true. Red had no desire to rule, she never had. Even if the court accepted her as she was, she would never be happy. Not like she had been in the forest with Loup.
Loup… Red's heart twisted. Her Loup was somewhere out there in the dark, hurt and alone. Loup was the only thing that mattered to Red now.
With a shaky hand, she signed her throne away and handed the sheet back to Antonia. The clerk produced an official stamp and the deed was done.
Red felt a weight leaving her shoulders that she hadn't even realized she'd been carrying.
"Come, I'll show you a way out." Antonia said, hefting the lantern. "There isn't much time."
Red heard a shout from down a hallway and distant sounds of fighting.
"You're staging your coup now??" Red asked incredulously.
Antonia shrugged apologetically.
"Like I said, your presence complicates matters. We had to move up our timetable."
Red followed her in baffled silence. She'd only been away from the castle for two months. How far back did her stepsister’s political machinations go? She would have made a very poor ruler indeed if she had missed all of this.
She found herself begrudgingly grateful for the choice to abdicate.
"There's a secret passage, just around-"
Antonia cut off as another lantern bobbed into view. They had arrived at an intersection at the same time as the queen and her huntsman.
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hajihiko · 2 years
Thank you and have a nice (early) talky tuesday :)
See that's kinda hard BC most media can fit on with a Battle Royale, but I definitely could not assign a Stand to every DR character. There's so many DR characters.
Oh but existing Stands, hmmm ...
Impostor: Yellow Temperance, somewhat obviously
A sticky, rubbery mass bound to and encasing his body which consumes any other organic substance it comes in contact with. The Stand defends him from all forms of brute force and allows him to effectively impersonate others.
TeruTeru: Pearl Jam, also obviously. He seems like more of a healer/support player than a fighter anyway.
A swarm of vegetable-like creatures that infuse themselves into the user's dishes, and increase the healing potency of the dishes to supernatural levels. Supposedly people with split stands have some Issues??
Mahiru: I wanted to say Hermit Purple but I dont think she has it in her to smash cameras....Atom Heart Father it is.
Atom Heart Father is bound to a Polaroid camera which takes pictures with several extraordinary properties. The user essentially lives within the camera but can interact with the subjects of the photos taken with it. Anything that happens within a photograph is reflected on the real life subjects. The photographs cannot be destroyed to stop the power because the damage to the pictures will be transferred as equivalent wounds to those depicted inside. Secondly, everything inside the photo becomes an effectively isolated space defined by the frame of the photographs. While people inside trying to get out will find themselves bumping into an unbreakable and invisible wall, people outside trying to go inside the photographed space find themselves transported to the other side of the space.
Peko: I mean ... Silver Chariot? It's a sword wielding knight. It's silvery. I think it'd look cool.
It's way too much to explain it's a very fast sword dude
Ibuki: Maybe Echoes? Sound manipulation PLUS .... Heavy metal...get it ....
Echoes ACT1 can write words on any surface or person. If the writing is an onomatopoeia, typically in Katakana letters, a sound related to the onomatopoeia in question is produced. If the writing is a sentence written in Kanji, the words will influence the target's state of mind.
Echoes ACT2 can write an onomatopoeia on any surface. When the sound effect is touched, an effect related to the sound is produced, either affecting the person who touched it or the object which the words are inscribed on.
Echoes ACT3 applies a "freezing" or stopping effect by greatly increasing the weight of its target by punching it. This one is fully sentient which is kind of an anomaly.
Hiyoko: GooGoo Dolls probably. Squishes people like ants
Goo Goo Dolls, has the ability to shrink the size of selected targets within her range to the size of a mouse.
Mikan: so conflicted. Green Day? Crazy Diamond? Metallica?? I wanna say Metallica.
Okay so it's basically iron manipulation but the user usually uses it by creating scissors, knives etc inside of people and cutting them up from the inside
Gundham: dude how sick if it was Scary Monsters
Scary Monsters' main ability is to infect other living beings with a virus which transforms them into dinosaurs, but also allows the user to control them. The user is capable of changing his own body into a dinosaur, either completely or as a hybrid of the two. Being bound to the user's body, Scary Monsters allows them to fight against other Stands and physically damage them with their bare hands. Fossilization; the ability to alter beings transformed by this Stand into a hardened dormant state much like a fossil. 
Nekomaru: had to think a lot buut maybe Bad Company? Hed like train them and have all these formations and moves. Idk.
it's a bunch of toy soldiers with guns and tanks and helicopters that shoot you.
Nagito: Black Sabbath, I think it fits nearly with his whole "I will bring out the true hope!" thing while also not being super overpowered in the wrong circumstances.
Black Sabbath can hide in shadows and is strongest there, but is vulnerable to light. By grabbing someone's shadow, Black Sabbath is able to forcibly drag out their souls, whereas grabbing a potentian stand sser's shadow would drag out their Stand.
Sonia: Love Deluxe because she has super long hair and I think it'd look cool as hell with her aesthetic.
Love Deluxe is attached to the user's hair, enabling it to grow to huge lengths, be used as extra appendages, and can be strong enough to break through walls.
Akane: honestly tbh Magician's Red? It's strong and fiery and detects things, like Akane's enemy senses. Hard to think of a gymnastic Stand..
Huge flaming bird with fire powers. The fire can suffocate a target by burning oxygen, restrain them, and detect Stand energy and breathing.
Kazuichi: Aerosmith! Second best to a rocket is an airplane.
Tiny toy fighter plane that can sense carbon dioxide, as well as shoot a machine gun and drop a bomb.
Fuyuhiko: Sex Pistols?? For gun?? He doesnt really fight much, all we know is he takes pain well.
Six tiny guys who kick bullets around so the shooter never misses, unless the shooter is Guido Mista. They're sentient and split up, so, funky combo.
Chiaki: Atum aka the video game stand, duh
Atum's primary ability allows the user to steal souls from someone who has recognized defeat in a game, for example video games. It can also ask a nearby person's souls a yes or no question which the soul is obliged to answer, unbeknownst to the one being read.
Hajime: shit that's hard. I'm gonna go with Tusk because: truth bullets -> nail bullets, starts off really pathetic and weak and ends up literally dimension-breakingly strong, and uuh I love Johnny lol.
Tusk has four ACTs; first one shoots nail bullets, yes it's gross. Second shoots nail bullets where the hole made from them will seek out the intended target even if they miss. Third creates bullet holes that are also wormholes through time space, and the fourth is basically infinite damage in infinite dimensions, gravity and time defying, like this shit will destroy you.
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sunnydaleherald · 6 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, April 6th, Part One
EVE: Why would we do anything to Fred? Why would we even care about her—? LORNE (punches Eve in the face, knocking her down) Ooh. Oh, I'm sorry. That was a knuckle-buster. I'm Jake LaMotta over here. It's pathetic. Oh. (leans in close to Eve) Here's the thing, Eve: you're going to sing for me, and I'm going to read you right now. And here's one more thing: Winifred Burkle once told me after a sinful amount of Chinese food, and in lieu of absolutely nothing, "I think a lot of people would choose to be green. Your shade, if they had the choice." If I hear one note—one quarter-note—that tells me you had any involvement, these two won't even have time to kill you. (stands) Oh, and anything by Diana Warren will also result in your death—well, except "Rhythm of the Night."
~~A Hole in the World~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Weekly Drabbles #107 — Her Favorite by veronyxk84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Oh God, Oh God, Oh God by NotASlayer (Spike/Joyce, T)
Oceans Apart by Pinkperson (Angel & Connor, T)
Candle Light by for_the_girls (Buffy/Spike, E)
When you read this by TPauSilver (Signe_chan) (Xander/Anya, T)
A little weirdness by TPauSilver (Signe_chan) (Buffy/Spike, T)
Choices by TPauSilver (Signe_chan) (Buffy/Spike, T)
Dreams of bloody awful poetry by TPauSilver (Signe_chan) (Buffy/Spike, T)
Facing Hell by TPauSilver (Signe_chan) (Buffy/Spike, E)
Electric Blanket by TPauSilver (Signe_chan) (Buffy/Willow, G)
Not Perfect by TPauSilver (Signe_chan) (Spike/Oz, E)
Bleach by firemanwhenthefloodsrollback (Buffy/Spike, T)
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Kiss It Better by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Dear Journal by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Caught on Camera by Gabby (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Raven, Chapter 10 by sparrow2000 (Xander & Spike, G)
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Shadowed Suspicion, Chapter 419 by madimpossibledreamer (Ensemble, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure crossover, T)
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The Sun Also Rises, Chapter 114 by Grundy (Buffy, Dawn, Tolkien crossover, T)
When Ethan Rayne made Rambo, Chapter 9 by USKiwi (Xander, not rated)
Lest This Bond Be Broken, Chapter 7 by Dynapink (Buffy/Giles, M)
Dawn Rising, Chapter 54 by Luna_delCielo (BtVS and AtS Ensemble, Tolkien crossover, T)
Wish Granted, Chapter 2 (complete!) by faewm (Anyanka, Harry Potter crossover, T)
Raven, Chapter 10 by sparrow2000 (Xander & Spike, G)
49 Cemeteries, Chapter 20 by firemanwhenthefloodsrollback (Buffy/Spike, T)
When Lust Wanders, Chapter 7 by BiggiePanda (CalliopeStar) (Buffy/Spike, E)
Greatest Love Story Postlude, Chapter 12 by FalseGinger (Angel/Spike, M)
Ever After After The Fall, Chapter 7 by aboutafox (Buffy/Angel, M)
The Stars to Hold Our Destiny, Chapter 8 by Hermione2be (Buffy, Star Trek Strange New Worlds crossover, G)
Slayer No More, Chapter 15 by jsaint34 (Buffy/Pike, M)
Welcome to Waverly Hills, Chapter 4 by rocknrolljuke (Buffy Ensemble, Supernatural and Blade crossover, T)
Recommencer, Chapter 5 by FridayQueen (Buffy/Faith, M)
Royal Flush, Chapter 4 by Xyex (Buffy, Wishverse!Buffy, M)
The Evil that Men Do: Chapter 7 by VladimirHarkonnen (TheLightdancer) (Willow/Tara, Willow/Kennedy, E)
Weight of the World, Chapter 5 (complete!) by Enigmatist (Buffy/Spike, not rated)
Fake I.D., Chapter 3 by vampbrat (Angel/Spike, Peep Show crossover, E)
Buffy the Cotta-Arcs House-Pet, Chapter 1 by kingnothing1996 (Buffy, RWBY crossover, E)
The Boring Stuff: Reptile Boy, Chapter 1 by missfiggy (Buffy/Angel, M)
In the Company of Witches and Slayers: Chapter 1 by VladimirHarkonnen (TheLightdancer) (Willow/Tara, E)
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Encased by Sunshine, Chapter 34 by acb6293 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Early One Morning, Chapter 30 by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Truth and Consequences, Chapter 11 by JamesMFan (Buffy/Spike, R)
Lie to Me, Chapter 22 by In Mortal (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Wilderness Retreat OR Super Mega Happy Kill-A-Rama! Chapter 2 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Celebrating You, Chapter 4 by DeamonQueen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Out For A Walk... Bitch, Chapter 13 by MaggieLaFey (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
It's Easy Time, Until It's Not, Chapter 23 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Love Lives Here, Chapter 46 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Coming Through, Chapter 54 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Anarchy Tour, Chapter 7 by Alyot (Buffy/Spike, R)
Lie to Me, Chapters 21-22 by In Mortal (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Service Unit, Chapter 9 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Glimpses of the Cellar Dwellers, Chapter 32 (complete!) by Maldorana (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Mischief Munchkin, Chapters 2-4 by MaggieLaFey (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Quality Time, Chapters 26-31 by MaggieLaFey (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
What the Drabble? Vol. 2, Chapter 7 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
A Little Poet in Her Monster, Chapter 12 by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, R)
Anything But Ordinary, Chapters 4-5 by Harlow Turner (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Cradle of Love, Chapter 1 by Lilacsandorangeblossoms (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
I Do! Chapter 25 by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: iconic outfits for the first day of college by Madeleine Loves Colours (Wilow & Buffy, worksafe)
Artwork: “Out. For. A. Walk….Bitch” by nerdfromthenet (Spike, worksafe)
Artwork: #SixFanarts Buffy Edition! by nerdfromthenet (Faith, Buffy, Willow, Spike, Jenny, Giles, worksafe)
Gifset: The Hero's Journey by saw-x (Buffy, worksafe)
Artwork: Buffyverse Women as Greek Goddesses by williamprattz (worksafe)
Artwork: The Four Horsemen Of Apocalypse— as the fanged four by williamprattz (worksafe)
Manip: Oldie but goodie photomanip by dirtyaimfanstuff-blog (Buffy in lingerie, possibly not worksafe)
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Artwork:🔺ATS 217. Disharmony🔺 by tmcarlee (worksafe)
Playlist: tara & willow spotify playlist 👌 by sophie_4187
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Fanvid: Gravity Falls meet Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Memoriea8bit
Fanvid: Buffy and Spike + Angel | Karma by Justinhulk
Fanvid: Buffy Summers R.I.P To My Youth by uyyeedits
Fanvid: Buffy + Angel - I love me more by Faith Victoria (anti-Bangel)
Fanvid: Welcome to the Black Parade- Buffyverse, TVDU, and Lucifer by Bobblehead89
Fanvid: Buffy Summers | teenage dream (Olivia’s version) by Dasiesandsilverbells
Artwork process video: Kristy Swanson Buffy the Vampire Slayer iPad Procreate Drawing Timelapse & Talk by kcsnipes (worksafe)
Artwork process video: Tara Maclay death scene by Nimbus (worksafe)
Video: Character Alchemy - Buffy Edition! by Chromatic Roses
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: I Robot, You Jane, S01E08 by ravenya003
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The Writing in Buffy The Vampire Slayer is incredible by Cailly_Brard7
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Video: Angel, Season One, Episode Fourteen: I've Got You Under My Skin by Slayed! The Buffyverse Revisited Podcast
Video: Season 6 Of Buffy Was Way Too Depressing - Buffy The Vampire Slayer Discussion by CrasHNburN
Video: Why Didn't buffy Kill Dracula? Buffy The Vampire Slayer Episode Discussion by CrasHNburN
Video: The First Comic Book I Ever Read | Buffy Season 8 by Another Booktube Channel
Video: Why Buffy Season 4 is the Coziest Season by Pensive Whiskers
Video: Buffy Season 5 Deep Dive Part 2 by Revisiting The Buffyverse
Video: Wrecked-Slayer Sunday by Jane Talks Buffy
Podcast: Same Time Same Place S7 E3 (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast) by Lisa M. Lilly
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Fanfic Recommendations: London, 2153 by will_ (Spike & Dawn) recced by Priceless
4 notes · View notes
dollsandmasks · 1 year
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Hello, Youkai Watch fandom, today I bring you this.
I stumbled upon this alignment chart by accident, please tell me who made it if you have their info so I could credit them.
This alignment chart uses characters from Youkai Watch Shadowside and Forever Friends (mostly Shadowside, it's just this one guy from FF), and you can see I was scraping the barrel to fill some slots. It was very fun, though, and made me rewatch some episodes I haven't touched in a while, which is always a good thing. Also, I decided to only add one character per slot, the one who fits best in my opinion ( unless the characters are practically a single unit, such as the Onimaro Trio), but that ended up pushing some major figures to the side (like, for example, Keisuke and Akinori would both be Benefactors, and Fukurou and Douketsu would both be Soldiers, but I had to choose one for each category). I know that some characters don't really fit in these narrow slots, some are up for interpretation (how much do we really know about the Onimaro Leader or the corrupt royal advisers who framed Kuuten?), and some might be me misremembering the shit out of a show I'm in love with. If you have anything to add, please feel free to do so!
Here's the list, top left to bottom right, as well as some thoughts on their placement. Beware of spoilers, though, because it gets very spoilers!
Crusader - Tsukinami Touma. The post-movie Touma, obviously. He is a genuinely good guy who fights for what's right and is associated with sword imagery, what else can you say. Also, the reason he attacked the police station while under the influence of the Onimaro was because they made him believe the police weren't doing their job right and Touma was the only one who could fight crime efficiently, which means he must care about upholding the law, making him Lawful, alignment-wise.
Nurturer - Himeno Ayame. She is the kindest soul ever and doesn't want anyone to get hurt under any circumstances. She is the the only person on the show who is consistently nice to everyone, even the team's punching bag (Micchy, that is). And she is pretty social to boot.
Benefactor - Arihoshi Akinori. He is a free-roaming magical detective who will do illegal shit to solve a case, but will also do completely legal shit to solve a case, because he likes helping people and doing the right thing. Good for him.
Hero - Amano Natsume. I mean, who else would it be? She is literally the hero of this story, and she will try to deceive the villains by giving them chocolate bars instead of sacred swords, and I'm also not sure how legal jumping into that river from the movie was, she could have been fined for that if it didn't literally save a kid's life.
Vigilante - Jibanyan. All those Nyan Reno movies must have been one hell of an inspiration. He is a free spirit indeed, I mean, aren't all cats free spirits? And he is rough around the edges, but undoubtedly heroic and kind, and he will take on the supernatural law enforcements if they try to hurt someone who's dear to him.
Protector - Arihoshi Mitsue. She has high morals (some accidental dog-and-frogslaughter aside) and follows both the common Japanese laws and the laws dictated by the supernatural realm. She is not actively heroic (she tried her best during the movie, but at her age, she probably shouldn't have), but she is both a protector of tradition and a protector of the new generation of our spirit world doo-gooders. Respect the granny!
Counsellor - Whisper. Who else is there to give counselling to our leads if not the all-knowing butler himself? Whisper respects the laws of Youmakai, and appears to be working for Enma directly in the movie (I wonder if he still does during the show itself, that would explain where the detective agency gets the money to buy all these chocobars), but, as we can see from his past in the first anime, he is no stranger to barging into the royal palace and demanding laws be changed so he could keep hanging out with a friend. His relative closeness and complete lack of respect for Enma in some cases (the You-Tube prank and the Halloween boink come to mind) seems to indicate that he would be the most likely youkai to actually talk to Enma about changing the laws of the Youmakai if he disagrees with them, instead of following them begrudgingly (making him Lawful) or straight up breaking them (making him Chaotic).
Philosopher - Komasan. Why would a dog even care about laws? Also, he gives me general philosophical observer who would rather muse about the world around him than change it vibes. He is still a good doggo who will fight for his friends when they are in danger, and he follows his morals, but he will pay no respect to the silly human laws that forbid sentient creatures from urinating in the streets. Let him live, goddammit!
Rebel - Micchy. Acts without thinking? Check. Suffers the consequences? Check. Mantains a moral standing? Check. Would totally wear a leather jacket with a word "Rebel" etched onto the back? You betcha. I mean, many superhero comics and tokusatsu shows, which he is clearly a fan of, have rebellious protagonists who do the right thing and have high moral values without necessarily following the rules or staying in their lane, and many are at odds both with the criminals and with the law enforcements. Micchy himself has a delinquent background and would totally use underhanded tactics if necessary, but he is still a good guy and a self-professed hero. This guy is everything to me.
Trickster - Junior. Fudou Myouou Boy fits here too, to a lesser extent. Junior is still a little kid, so he views the world as a fun game to play, and being raised in a detective agency where exciting things tend to happen on a weekly basis is clearly affecting his development. He can be mischevious and cause minor trouble (including, but not limited to, eating someone's ark or cheating, like, twelve or so kids out of their Yu-Go-Oh! cards), and trickstery kinda comes with being a cat, but he is still a benevolent creature and will use his powers for good, even if using them for good means scaring a guy half to death (especially if it means scaring a guy half to death).
Judge - Lord Enma. Even with his throne usurped, he is still a just and honorable ruler who cares deeply about the safety of Youmakai and is willing to sacrifice himself to protect it. He is the law, or at least was the law before Lord Kaira took the throne for himself, but even then, saving Youmakai came first for Lord Enma, and getting his throne back came, like, third or so, he didn't even bother with it in the end. Nurarihyon could be in this spot as well, at least at the time of Shadowside, but the absolute shitshow that was his time as a consort in the second movie of the first anime makes me see him as more "Lawful Disaster" or "Lawful What the Fuck" than "Lawful Neutral". There was nothing neutral about him at the time, and even during Shadowside, his devotion to everything Enma kinda takes the neutrality out of him.
Soldier - Douketsu. Fukurou could be in this spot as well, but Douketsu had considerably more screen time than him, so I went with the teach. Fukurou can never win, can he? My poor owl child. Anyway, Douketsu is the devoted type. His moral compass is based entirely on what's best for the Oni clan, and, specifically, for Shutendoji. Shutendoji's wish is his command, and, even if he does not approve of his master's actions (see the Ayame/Jorogumo disaster for reference), he will always be there for him, will follow his every whim, and is more than willing to die for him (which he eventually does). Showing compassion to anyone but his fellow Oni clan members is out of the question, kidnapping little kids is the least he would do for his master. I wonder if his colleagues ever noticed anything strange about him during his short gig as a school teacher.
Undecided - Komajiro. Frog. That's it, that's the reasoning. He frog. Baby froggo. Dat boi. Why would he have morals, why would he follow the law? He loves his brother and is a friendly little creature, but he is more than capable of revenge, both petty and not-so-petty, and you will get your eye gouged out if he doesn't like you. This is what happens when you give a frog magical powers. Frogs cannot discern between good and evil, they don't need to, they are above that. Praised be the frogs. O shit waddup.
Rogue - Mitsumata Mizuchi. The Mitsumata Brother who did not grow out of his delinquent phase, but might begin to change his ways soon - not because he wants to be good or doesn't want to be evil, he just wants his brother to respect him. Laws, morals and alignments don't mean much to him, but his pride as a Mitsumata does, and so does his family (even if his reunion with an estranged brother did end up with a girl crying and a factory getting blown up). I don't think this guy respected a single law in his entire life, if he did not break a law, it means he just wasn't feeling like it on that particular day. His plan to get his brother's attention was to kidnap a girl, tie her to a chair and write a ransom note. I'm starting to think that watching too many movies and then poorly imitating them is a Mitsumata family trait.
Free Spirit - Ogu, Mogu and Togu. I'm including all three because they are an inseparable unit and play the same role in the story. While technically part of the malicious virus hive mind, they are not particularly motivated to do good or to do evil, they just float around doing what they are told, get attached to a guy and then help the guy in any way they can because they like him, whether it is by fighting the good guys, fighting the bad guys, performing a self-sacrifice or coming back after the self-sacrifice to float around once again. They even develop enough personality to get separated from the hive mind, all while not being technically good or bad. They literally become free spirits, after spending their entire lives as non-free spirits. Godspeed.
Overlord - the owner of NGEI, the power plant from the Robonyan 00 episode. His secretary also included because I couldn't be bothered to take a screenshot where he would be alone. A corrupt businessman who wants money and power, unsafe work practices be damned. You've seen these guys in the real world, now you get to see one on the screen. Not the strongest bad guy around, one combined effort from Whisper and Junior is enough to scare him into submission, and he gets his just desserts by the end of the episode. I know that the description says "bending" the law, and the guy clearly broke some laws in managing his power plant to get arrested at the end of the episode, but he fits otherwise, and bending the laws without technically breaking them can still get you in legal trouble if your power plant catches on fire and a group of kids nearly die. Shit, or was it a factory, not a power plant? I'd fact check if my browser didn't have a lethal amount of tabs open already.
Socialite - Lord Kaira. He wanted to lead all right, and lead he did. I don't think he was even that bad at it, like, everything bad that happened during Shadowside mostly took place in the human world, and the whole Soranaki kerfuffle wasn't even his fault. Nurarihyon is responsible for more ridiculous lawmaking than Kaira ever was, as far as we know. Lord Kaira's problem wasn't how he ruled, it was how he came to power (starting a coup and throwing a guy into a prison because he was more popular back in youkai school), and how he cared about power more than he did about effectively protecting his people (either that, or he genuinely believed he would just assimilate Fudou Myouou's power and slice Oni King Rasen in half effortlessly like a potato or something). On a sidenote, do we ever learn what kind of a human-youkai hybrid he is? Was he born from a youkai parent and a human parent, was he a human who somehow turned half-youkai, is he some weird magical amalgamation which resulted from some youkai scientists playing God? Either way, it clearly gave the guy some self-esteem issues that need to be adressed.
Schemer - the Onimaro Leader. You know, the guy from the movie who manipulated a lonely kid into doing lots and lots of crime, just so he could merge with Rasen, effectively stopping to exist in the process. We don't learn much about him, but he is hellishly good at manipulation (all of his scenes with Touma made me gawk at how good he was at reading that kid) and seems to be fairly smart and logical for someone whose goal is incomprehensible to humans. Like, why would you even want that? My theory is that all Onimaro are aspects of Rasen, one way or another, and the Leader represents his smart, logical and cunning side, you know, the traits that are kind of needed to be a competent king. This would mean that Ogu, Mogu and Togu represent friendliness, empathy and having an open mind, and these are the only three Onimaro he did not absorb. Says a lot about the guy, doesn't it?
Nomad - Shien. Yup, we are entering the Forever Friends zone, because it still counts as Shadowside, kinda, sort of, same game! He is a prince who hates his dad and wants to prove himself while also being a dick about it, and a lot of political and family drama follows, resulting in many senseless and tragic deaths among the common folk. You know, just like with real life monarchies. Also, Shutendoji was there, and it made things worse (of course it made things worse), and then Soranaki attacked, and Amaterasu of all youkai was there for some reason (it lasted for three seconds and he had, like, three lines of dialogue), and we ended up getting a baby Enma as a result. This movie was something else, I'm telling you. Anyway, Shien had zero respect for anything and anyone, ever, and his second life as Lord Enma is a big improvement (his second-second life as Hikage Mao is an improvement as well, he manages to be a background character for 214 episodes of the first anime without making it known that he can see youkai, despite everything that was happening around him in the classroom. A true legend).
Psychopath - Jorogumo. Hello, my favourite spider lady! We've all heard about women's rights, now get ready for women's wrongs. She does not. Give. A fuck. Morals can fuck right off, she will suck a guy's soul from his dead skull, and she will commit identity theft while commiting a different identity theft (theftception) to manipulate a simp into doing dirty work for her, and she will ridicule him every step of the way, and she will endanger all lives, any lives, as long as she gets to do what she loves (murder and consumption of human flesh). There has never been a better depiction of "gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss" as a character, and that phrase originated long after Shadowside came out. I love how she got to hang out in the opening credits long after the gang had defeated her. That's how much of an impact she had on everything, all while not being even remotely connected to the Soranaki drama (if she was present during Shuka and Kuuten's time, though, she would totally meddle with them to make sure the drama gets even juicier and everyone suffers even more, all while pretending to be Shuka's bff, friendship bracelets and all. I want a fanfic of this, not gonna lie).
Dominator - the corrupt advisors who framed Kuuten. This is the only slot that I have genuinely pulled out of the depths of my ass. How much do we even know about these guys? Why did they frame Kuuten? Were they worried that he was getting too much influence in the Youmakai court due to being Shuka's lover? Were they planning to set Shuka up with a different suitor to further their political agenda? Did Kuuten do something to anger them, maybe he vetoed a law he shouldn't have or crossed paths with the wrong politician? Was there genuinely a plot to kill Shuka's father, and the advisors decided to frame Kuuten to cover up the true culprit's ass? Were the advisors themselves behind the assassination plot? Or... Maybe the advisors genuinely believed that Kuuten was scheming behind their backs, but they had no evidence so they faked it in fear that Kuuten will go through with the assassination while they are too busy trying to catch him red-handed, and it was their distrust of him, not genuine malice, that got him killed. Either way, I needed someone for the Dominator slot, so let's go with the assumption that they framed Kuuten because they were evil, and were most definitely methodical and intentional while doing so. Honestly, I'm not even sure if it's them in the picture I used, or just some youkai they hired to get rid of the pesky Kuuten supporters. That's how vague the Kuuten situation is. Real world history tends to do that too, actually.
Sociopath - Shutendoji. Let me make this clear, the alignment chart uses the term as a description of a character archetype, I'm not trying to actually diagnose Shutendoji with sociopathy or anything. He clearly needs therapy (don't we all?), but I'm not sure if that would be the right diagnosis for him, same as I'm not sure if an actual medical professional would diagnose Jorogumo with psychopathy (they would probably get eaten by her before they could finish the assessment). Anyway, this guy had an agenda (to put Shuka back in charge of Youmakai, whatever it takes), and he sacrificed everything for this agenda. We don't know if it was his personal decision or if he was raised like that by the Oni clan and just trying to finish what his ancestors had started; we don't know if he genuinely believed that life would be better for everyone under the Oni clan's rule, or if he just wanted to have political power and saw Shuka as the only way to get it. His devotion to Shuka is almost fanatical in nature, his one-track mind makes him miss obvious signs that Something is Wrong, and everything about him screams "a kid who got brought up in a literal cult and does fucked up things because he doesn't know any better", but does that absolve him of responsibility for, well, everything that happened? Not really. Also, by the time we last see him in Shadowside, his two closest friends and allies are dead, his plan has failed, he has nowhere to go and he plans on drowning his sorrows in alcohol so he wouldn't have to face the existential dread of having failed the task that he's been preparing for his entire life. The tragedy of Shuka gave birth to the tragedy of Shutendoji, and time will tell if it, too, will result in a Soranaki-level threat that some kid with a magical watch will have to fix in a hudred years or so. Jiba Jinpei's descendants better get ready.
Malefactor - Oni King Rasen. The first trial our heroes had to face on their journey to Time Timely. The monarch who actually does something, that something being smashing stuff, throwing girls into rivers, shooting blood spikes at people and generally being an evil piece of shit. He is so mindlessly evil, it's kinda hard to hate him, unless you consider him and the Onimaro Leader to be parts of the same personality, then yes, he is very hateable. Also, his defeat made for a very entertaining kamishibai play by an obscure, but highly talented artist Mike Shadowside. Look, I'm referencing my own old posts now. It's time for me to go to bed, and, thankfully, we are almost done.
Anarchist - Shiroda, the thug from the first episode. At first I misremembered his name as Sorada and wanted to have an entire bit about how him being the first enemy of the series proper was a subtle foreshadowing for Soranaki, but alas, my bad memory is to blame. Anyway, he is a criminal who does criminal things criminally and beats eleven year olds with a chain. A disgrace to all anarchists everywhere, good thing the ghost of a little boy who looks inexplicably like Kujo Jotaro got him beat up.
Destroyer - Soranaki. The grief of a wrongly accused and executed innocent which took shape and went apeshit on everything, but especially his ex-girlfriend. Destruction of beauty and life, indeed. He wants to take away lives the same way his own life was taken away once. Tokio Ubaune from the first movie of the first anime had something similar going on, but her scope was not nearly that big, and her ex actually had nothing to do with it, yet he becomes the reason she changes her ways in the games, which is kind of another parallel to Soranaki. I guess the Amano family is just doomed to keep dealing with bitter spirits who are murderously angry about getting wrongly accused of crimes they did not commit and dying in prison as a result (an understandable reaction, not gonna lie), and the best solution just happens to bring their long dead ex to them so they could make up.
Oh God, I'm going to have so much fun tagging all of this, aren't I?
Anyway, have a nice Youkai Watchi-chi day, I hope the time is timing timely for you.
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Corrupted, chapter 17 - Wager: A TMA x Malevolent crossover starring Tim Stoker and disembodied Hastur
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In the aftermath of Maxwell Rayner’s threats, everyone is shaken… and Hastur has an idea Tim’s not at all sure he likes.
Elias drives like a hot knife through butter—quicker than expected, potentially dangerous, and startlingly practical. His vehicle is some fancy thing, sleek and silver, eerily silent on the road, and he does not turn on the radio. It is like being in some kind of luxurious room on wheels. 
Tim stares out the windows (surprisingly untinted, somehow uncomfortably exposed) and marvels at the fact that his seat is so comfortable, he could sleep in it. Unfortunately, he’s too angry to enjoy it.
Why… why… did everything seem determined to eat Jon?
It’s weird, right? It is weird. He isn’t crazy. It makes no sense. Why the fuck is Jon everybody’s punching bag? (He will ignore the fact that people like Jon are always everybody’s punching bag because this seems more extreme than mere bully bait.)
There is something going on here, or his instinct is broken. Can you still hear me?
Yes. And he can hear me.
Elias gives no indication of anything at all, but Tim remembers. Think he can hear me?
I don’t know.
He’s got some kind of other game going.
I assure you, Tim, he has more than one.
Many games going. Unsurprising; the man isn’t even in his own body (which had yet to be explained), but Tim doesn’t like feeling… used.
That’s what it is. That’s what instinct is telling him. Somehow, protagonist of his own story or not, he and Hastur are not Elias’s goal here. Elias is using them, and it has something to do with Jon.
Tim realizes his hands are clenched on his lap and forces them to relax.
“I’ll do my best to make things welcoming,” says Elias. “I have a full bar, which, I’m sure, will help.”
What a weird, awkward car ride. “Sure. You throw a lot of parties?”
“There are persons of note whom I host, from time to time.”
“Persons of note? Good news! We broke your streak,” says Tim.
“Oh,” says Elias, and his gaze flicks to the rear-view mirror. “I wouldn’t say that.”
Tim frowns and peeks behind him.
Jon sits there, miserable, staring out the window. 
Right, so that didn’t help calm things down.
Easy, Tim, Hastur murmurs. 
Fair. Exploding in an enclosed vehicle probably won’t help. He has to get past this, recover himself, reconnoiter. “So, Elias! How does a guy in charge of a spooky supernatural whatsit afford something like this?” He pats the arm rest. “Pretty sure owning your own jet would be cheaper.”
“Inherited wealth does have its benefits,” says Elias mildly, navigating with a smooth grace as if this tank of a thing were sleek as a watersnake. “One does what one can with what one has, after all. And might I remind you that you now work for the ‘spooky supernatural whatsit’.”
“Yay, we’re all family , now,” says Tim. “Seriously though, inherited? The hell are you, part of the royal family?”
“Goodness, no,” says Elias. “What a pain that would be.” 
“Why?” says Tim. “Not like you’d actually have any responsibility.”
“Now, you should some respect for our game traditions,” says Elias with a sidelong grin, absolutely devilish, far more flirtatious than ought to be allowed.
Surprised, Tim laughs. “Not a monarchist, then?” 
“Hardly,” Elias says. “The exception, of course, being a certain saturated King in our midst.”
Hastur rumbles approval like a cat whose back is stroked.
Tim rolls his eyes. “For one second, I thought you were flirting with me, but nope—it’s just with my bodiless passenger. He can’t even suck your toes, boss.”
Elias delicately clears his throat. “Not toes, perhaps.”
“Geez.” Tim stares at him. “What dialed you up to eleven?”
“Surviving tends to leave me in a particularly good mood,” says Elias. “Celebratory, even.”
Tim peers, eyes narrowed.
‘Inherited’ is a distinctly incorrect term here, wouldn’t you say? Hastur says.
“Not at all,” says Elias. “From birth certificates to DNA testing, I am the sole inheritor of this estate.”
“Uh,” says Tim. “And deliverer of some really odd phrasing?”
One of us is more honest with you than the other, I’d say, Hastur adds in a positively indecent rumble.
What was that delivery? “Don’t you start,” says Tim. “Old guys flirting is so five minutes ago.”
“For the love of hell, are we even going to talk about what happened?” Jon suddenly blurts from the back.
Poor guy. The bandage on Jon’s throat stokes Tim’s anger again. “Yeah. We should.”
“Not now,” says Elias firmly. “Not until we are seated, fed, and have had a chance to process all of our actions… and their consequences.”
Consequences? What, now he’s blaming Jon?
Nope. Tim swats his arm. “No. Bad Elias.”
Elias gives him a sidelong look that isn’t easy to interpret. It’s not… exactly dangerous. It’s not angry; it’s not even fully annoyed. It is, Tim decides, the look of a big lion wondering just what the little turtle ramming into his foot hopes to accomplish.
Tim grins, charm cranked to 1000.
It works. Elias shakes his head and focuses on driving, wearing a tiny, crooked smile.
Tim turns and catches Jon wiping his eyes.
Oof. “Hey,” says Tim, softly. “Listen. I don’t care what silver-spoon over here says: you didn’t do anything wrong.” 
Jon looks at him. His brown eyes are liquid, wide, and for this moment, unguarded. “I brought an enemy inside the Institute.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” said Tim. “It’s never wrong to be kind. Just because some asshole takes advantage of it doesn’t mean you were complicit in his bad choices.” 
“Wrong? No. Wise? Well…” says Elias.
“Hey,” says Tim, a pinch sharply. “Not cool.”
Elias says nothing.
Jon is all eyes and sorrow; it seems that blow landed.
Of course it landed. Punching bag. Tim sighs. “Look. I’m taking this very seriously. I just happen to deal with bad things by being really sarcastic at them until they wander away in confusion due to my cutting wit.”
“And how well does that work for you?” Jon drawls.
“Better than you’d think,” says Tim. “I promise we’ll get this all figured out, all right? But right now, I need you to push back against the paralyzing guilt our asshole boss decided to dump on your head for his ex-boyfriend’s behavior, all right?”
Elias’s hands tighten on the steering wheel. Interesting, Tim thinks.
Jon’s gaze drops. He has very long lashes, and thick; it’s an oddly softening feature on his otherwise sharp face. “I suppose you’re right.”
“I am. Uh. Through the wisdom of pretty-sure-I’m-younger-than-you, and have probably had more therapy.”
Jon gives him a look. “No, I don’t think you are.”
“I mean,” says Tim, wondering if he ought to backpedal, “possibly?”
“I’m twenty-seven,” says Jon.
“Oh,” says Tim, who had guessed wrong by about ten years and definitely needs to backpedal. “Cool, cool.”
Jon looks dubious. “You’re…” He gestures vaguely. “Twenty five?”
“Thirty. I can buy my own beer, and everything,” says Tim.
“You certainly won’t need to do that tonight,” says Elias, making it sound uncomfortably illicit. “I will provide for all your needs.”
It goes  right over Jon’s head; he looks out the window, distracted. “Thank you,” he says.
Tim eyes Elias. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Did you think you were the only one with weaponized charm?” Elias says back like honey on skin. “I can play that game, too.”
Oh, Tim does not really want to deal with that. “Sure,” he says. “We’ll just have a weird flirt-off until HR cans us both.”
Hastur laughs darkly. As if. You know very well that this one is mine.
“Okay, this isn’t exactly what I’d call productive,” says Tim in lieu of screaming What the actual fuck. “We’re all stressed. Let’s go on to another topic and just rue the day this happened, yeah?”
“Rue the… what?” says Jon. 
Tim reddens. “Er. Out-charming each other,” he says.
“Oh,” says Jon blankly, then looks back out the window.
Your little friend is broken, says Hastur with great pleasure.
Oh, shut up, Tim thinks at him.
Hastur laughs.
Elias pulls down a street filled with the kind of building that normally has been chopped into condos by now, but here, in this particularly affluent part of London, still remain single-family. Elias’ own home (“inherited”) is a four-story sprawl, whitewashed, with tasteful green shutters, a manicured lawn with The Shining-style topiary, and a long, circular drive with room for quite a few more cars. 
“Home, sweet home,” says Elias with a knowing smirk, and leads them inside through the black, studded door.
That door is the most interesting part. The Bouchard family home is everything Tim dislikes about rich people’s houses: to him, it feels soulless.
It’s all subtle white with charcoal accents, quiet and reserved and thick with pinky-lifting, eyebrow-raising, poverty-disparaging silence. It’s the kind of place that creates shame for making noise or being underdressed. The kind of place that makes one feel watched from the many portraits, judged, and found wanting.
Or maybe he’s just reading into it. He wouldn’t have thought Elias was some two-hundred-year-old body-hopping pagan priest, either, but here they are.
“There are numerous bedrooms upstairs, and all are well-appointed,” says Elias. “Choose whichever you like. If you’ll pardon me, I will start dinner.” And he marches away, leaving them in the grand sitting room, apparently unbothered by whatever they may get up to in his absence.
“Guess that’s the kitchen, then,” says Tim, watching him take a left further down.
Jon hunches like he thinks he’s going to be snatched, stuffed, and put behind glass. “Are we sure about this?” he murmurs.
“Not even a little,” says Tim with a shrug. “But I mean, better than other options right now? Rather keep him where I can see him, you know?”
Jon’s eyes are absolutely huge. “What are you saying? He’s not our enemy!” he whispers.
Eh… “We ran into a lot of mysteries tonight. That guy’s got a history, and a lot of things he isn’t telling us—and at this point, I think we’re owed some answers, don’t you?”
“I suppose,” Jon murmurs back. 
“Come on. I’m not gonna let anything bad happen to you,” says Tim, offers his elbow, and waggles his eyebrows.
Jon gives him a dry look.
Tim winks with great exaggeration.
Jon finally laughs, gives in, and takes his arm. “You’re absurd.”
“I am! Aren’t you glad I’m yours?” says Tim as they go down the hall together.
“You’re not mine,” Jon says.
“Pfft, sure you are! You’re my forebear. My work-elder. My senpai. ”
“You are hardly my kōhai,” Jon says, and then frowns, slowing. “That’s odd. I’m not sure how I know those terms. I don’t speak Japanese.”
“Neither do I,” Tim says. “It’s just anime lingo, anyway. Fan Japanese. Fapanese, if you will.” He waggles his eyebrows again.
Jon doesn’t get the pun. “I don’t watch anime.”
“You don’t?” Tim places his hand over his heart. “Don’t tell me you’re into rom-coms.”
“I don’t… watch fiction.”
Tim gasps. “No. Say it ain’t so, boss.”
“It is so, and I am not your boss.” 
“Indeed, he is not,” says Elias as they enter the kitchen. “I am.”
It seems the kitchen is well-appointed, too. Tim takes in the professional hood over the eight-burner stove, the “breakfast nook” that seats ten, the tasteful white marble and charcoal accents. “I’m all about a good dose of hedonism once in a while, boss, but this is a huge place for one person.”
“I readily admit to hiring cleaning staff to handle it,” Elias says. “Have a seat. What can I get you to drink?”
“Nothing,” says Jon.
“Whatcha got?” says Tim. “How about just… you have a nice whiskey, maybe?”
“Barrel-aged, and delightfully Smokey,” says Elias.
“That. Thanks.” He glances at Jon, who stares at his hands as if lost in some other place, and sighs. “Right, so. Let’s get this out of the way. Elias, you owe us some answers.”
“Do I?” says Elias, presenting him with a fancy crystal tumblr and about two fingers’ worth of booze.
You do, rumbles Hastur. That is quite the growl Hastur managed in the space of their minds. Tim’s impressed (and scared, and a little turned on, but whatever). That man knew you. That man was aiming for you, and endangered all of us to reach you. 
“Ah,” says Elias.
If we are going to be in danger because of you, which was not disclosed before employment, there will be trouble, Hastur promises like warm syrup, or maybe an evening in a mountain cabin on a bear-skin rug, or perhaps satisfaction over some kind of torture pit.
“What?” says Jon. “What is—oh. He’s talking.”
“Yeah,” says Tim. “Threatening, actually.”
Jon’s eyes go huge.
“Don’t be so dramatic,” says Elias, not even trying to hide the smile in his voice. “There’s no need to frighten him more than necessary. Jon is very new to all of this. To the… truer nature of reality that stares him down, observing every action, recording every thought, without emotion, without assessment, but with all-inclusive, all-encompassing sight.”
Jon’s expression is somehow both hungry and terrified.
Both Tim’s eyebrows rise.“De-escalated that like a master,” he says, dryly. “Bad Elias. Not helping. Also, I’m just about as new as he is.”
“You handle it differently because your position is different,” says Elias. “You have a built-in guide, and also a great deal of power. Jon has neither. He has every right to be overwhelmed.” And he hands Jon a drink in spite of Jon’s preference.
Being culturally polite, Jon takes it, sips, and starts coughing.
That’s not all he takes. The words could have been reassuring—the kind of statement that takes pressure off, easing the gas, but that did not happen here. Powerless. Ignorant. That’s what came across.
“Jeez,” Tim mutters. “Cut a little deeper next time.”
Elias smiles.
“I just don’t understand what’s happening,” Jon says suddenly, his dark cheeks flushed. “Once I do, I’ll have a handle on everything.”
“Yes, I actually believe you will, which is why I involved you,” says Elias as if he were just being encouraging all along, and sits with a glass of red wine. “I’m not usually quite this… close to the front lines. I might not be stepping as gracefully as I ought.”
“Uh-huh,” Tim says.
Well? Says Hastur.
“That man was a colleague of mine once,” says Elias, “a very long time ago, when we were both young. Suffice it to say, we chose different means of preserving our lives.”
And different gods.
“Yes, rather. Opposing patrons, in fact.”
That, Tim understands. “Sight versus darkness.”
“More the fear of being seen without so much as a washcloth to hide beneath, versus the fear of never seeing at all, including whatever lurks in the shadows to get you. Diametrical.”
Tim stares. “That’s so fucked up.”
Elias shrugs. “We had quite the falling out.”
“But why was he here?” says Jon. “He was offering you something, as if he knew a bomb was dropping and he had the only shelter.”
Elias is silent; he sips his wine, staring into the past. “This is not the way I’d prefer to do this,” he says. “It’s not good to spoon-feed you; you need to learn on your own, which the Eye will reward, empowering you.”
Jon stares at him. “Are you serious?”
“I just want answers,” snaps Jon like a man denied coffee.
“You will have them—in the right way, at the right time.”
This is about Jon again, though they are both ostensibly being addressed. Somehow, it is. “Will we, though?” says Tim.
And Elias gives him that look again, like in the car; it’s not a threatening look yet, but it is far from safe. “You are both employees of the Eye. Knowledge is what it grants, as well as takes. Yes.”
“Really not doing a good job at ratcheting down that tension, boss,” Tim warns.
Elias sighs. “Here is the compromise: I will provide you with the files to read, saving you the time of reading unrelated things. You will learn what that old fool hopes to happen… and, in the process, grasp what is at stake—and also begin to understand why I permit Gertrude to behave as she does.”
That is a lot of promises. Are you wiling to wager on it?
“What?” says Tim.
“I’ll even take a wager on it satisfying yo,” says Elias.
“What?” says Jon.
“Whoa, hold on,” says Tim. “He doesn’t even have anything to wager that isn’t, you know, mine, so I might put the kibosh on this.”
“Unless I offered something that appealed to you, perhaps?” says Elias.
Your institute, says Hastur out of nowhere.
Well that gets a response. Elias pales.
Jon sees it. “What? What’d he say?”
“Uh,” says Tim intelligently. “Really?”
“I thought we were trying to stay under the radar,” Tim stage-whispers.
And we are already seen by the Eye, which does not seem inclined to eat me. It simply wants to watch whatever happens… and I feel that more knowledge can help protect me.
Elias is still pale. “You’ve laid out quite the challenge.”
“What challenge? I don’t understand,” says Jon.
“Unless I’m going mad, which is perfectly possible, these two are betting we can read what he gives us and be fully satisfied with answers, which is absolutely vague, or Hastur… gets the Institute, somehow? How would that even work?” Tim says.
“What?” Jon says, low.
“Look, I’m not a mad gambler, or anything, but what in hell can we offer in equivalent exchange?” says Tim.
“Well, that’s simple,” says Elias. “I want the King in Yellow tied to me, by contract, even when he has his own body.”
“How is that simple ?” blurts Tim.
I see you understand my end goal, purrs Hastur.
“I do. Well-played, your greatness; your reputation proved true. And you’re correct, of course—that would distinctly alter my priorities,” says Elias.
“What? About what? I have not agreed to this,” says Tim.
“Priorities? For what?” says Jon.
The oven beeps.
“Excuse me,” says Elias, walking away.
“What the hell just happened?” Jon hisses.
“I’m kind of wondering that myself,” Tim hisses back.
It’s the perfect idea. Expedient, and cutting through his nonsense. We’ve just forced him to abandon most of his plans. 
“Um. We did?” says Tim.
Yes. Even if we lose, I’m still tied to the place, and now he understands I will take it from him. The only way he keeps his Institute is if he gives me what I want.
“Since when do you want the bloody Institute?” Tim whispers.
Tim, Hastur rumbles, and Tim almost misses the root-like feeling of Hastur’s own magic threading these words, sewing the concept together, coating so it goes down smooth. How did you feel when blind?
“Ouch,” says Tim. “Going for the big guns.”
Answer me.
Tim sighs. “Helpless and afraid.”
Tim. I’m helpless.
“You’re really not.”
I am. Without a body of my own, whatever power I seem to have isn’t… much. I want a body. I need help. I need strength. I need to be able to defend myself—including by going to my cultists, whom you despise without ever giving them a chance.
Tim sighs again. “But the Institute?”
He’ll trade anything to keep it in his power. This will save us years.
Tim rubs his face. “Hm,” he says, noncommittal.
And Jon, who has only heard half this conversation, murmurs, “Time.”
That’s the warning before Elias returns. He’s smiling; he’s wearing cute oven mitts, minty green with pink hearts on the backs. “Dinner is served.”
Tim throws his drink back.
Oh, my.
“Fortification, my man,” says Tim, standing, feeling vaguely like he’s going into battle, or asking for a promotion, or maybe taking debate club.
Jon stands with him.
“I think this turned out well,” says Elias, gesturing. “Come along, now. It won’t bite.” Which he follows up with a terrible laugh.
Jon shivers.
Tim rolls his eyes. “What, is your lightning machine on the fritz?”
Elias smiled.
Tell the eyeling he will be fine. I have no plans to harm him, Hastur says graciously.
Sure, that would lower paranoia levels. Tim does not do that. “So what’s on offer?”
“Leftovers, I’m afraid,” Elias says as though speaking a great tragedy. “Roast beef and vegetables.”
“Sounds good. Thanks.” Tim keeps Jon close.
Jon does not complain.
They sit, and they eat frankly ludicrously good roast, and Jon sips whatever Elias gave him and relaxes enough to stop trembling, and Tim has two more shots (and probably shouldn’t but he is stressed). Everything seems lighter, and they talk about absolutely nothing beyond weather and the pattern of Elias’s china. 
Which looks like eyes. Because of course it does.
Elias says nothing about the bet as he leads them upstairs. “I have a very good laundering service. If you drop your clothes down the chute in your bedroom, they will be clean and pressed by morning.”
Tim knows he��s on the edge of drunk. He also doesn’t care right now, and fondles the thick white robe on offer. “Oh, this is nice.”
“I try. Rest well. Breakfast is at six-thirty sharp.” And Elias retreats, presumably to his own room.
Jon looks both wired and tired. “I’m not satisfied with the answers we got.”
“You want those files he offered?” says Tim, pretty sure he isn’t slurring.
“Yes. Whether you engage in whatever wager or not, I want the files.”
The hunger in Jon is… inhuman.
That was an odd thought to have, and Tim shakes it out of his head.
He’s born for this, observes Hastur. Insatiable.
Tim ignores that, too. “Well, I don’t know what we’re doing yet.”
“Just be careful. All of this, it’s… a lot.” Jon hesitates. “And I am completely sure we were followed here.”
“Wouldn’t be surprising,” Tim says. “Gods and monsters. Aliens next, I’m betting.”
Hastur’s chuckle is deep.
“Well. Goodnight,” says Jon awkwardly, and retreats.
Finally alone, says Hastur like this is some sort of tryst.
“Uh-huh,” says Tim. “Hey. Hey, Hastur. Hey. Can’t say I appreciate you making an offer like that wager without telling me first.”
It’s going to be fine. We both know he’s using us, anyway. A chance to use him back and get what we want is worthwhile, and this idea is flawless, says Hastur in a confident, almost naively happy tone.
Tim laughs. “I think you’re drunk!”
You’re drunk.
Tim snaps his fingers. “And we’re sharing a bloodstream! I forgot I could do that to you.”
I have no objections, says Hastur in the kind of tone that usually accompanies sidling in beside someone in a booth at a romantic restaurant.
Tim laughs again, takes his shirt off, then pauses. Just listening to his gut, he takes the portrait of some old man in Victorian garb off the wall and puts it on the floor, facing away. “We really may have fucked up by taking this job.”
No. He’s too afraid of dying to truly refuse you when you’re ready to leave. 
“If he’s really invasion of the body-snatchers, maybe. Guess I’m just wondering what other old friends he has, and whether he might decide we’re too much trouble to just let go.”
He wouldn’t dare. Hastur sounds so confident.
“I think he would, and you’re too used to cultists to understand that just because some guy likes what you are doesn’t mean he wouldn’t still shank you.” Tim pauses. “Yeah, that made sense,” he says, pleased with himself.
Hastur is silent as Tim gets in the shower. (And it’s a damn nice shower, and he reluctantly admits to himself it’s worth whatever Elias paid). He washes, grateful for the chance, and uses the brand-new toothbrush and toothpaste, as well. 
“Rich bastard,” he says, donning his wonderful robe, “but at least he thought of the basics.”
Hastur’s voice has somehow gotten deeper. I don’t intend to see you come to harm. You know that, don’t you?
Tim takes a minute before replying, just fiddling with the robe’s belt. “You mean that this time. It’s not all, ‘Such a pity, couldn’t be helped.’”
I do mean it. You still don’t truly understand what I am, and I can forgive your insolence because of that.
“Yow,” Tim says.
Modern education has utterly failed to instill you with reverence for the divine.
“The gods are gone, remember?” says Tim, feeling clever “So what would be the point?”
Hastur laughs, low and frightening. I look forward to furthering your education.
Well, Hastur is drunk, so Tim can forgive him, too. He still feels watched, though, and it’s making him a little nuts. “Really not reassuring, when you say shit like that.”
I am what I am, Tim. My nature is to take what I want and gather those whom I want near me.
“Maybe your education needs some furthering, too,” says Tim, who can’t figure out if there are cameras in here or what, and finally turns off the lights in defeat. “It might be good for you to hear ‘no’ and learn to respect it.”
Tim, said Hastur in that oh you sweet young thing voice that raises his hackles. You are my favorite human in this generation, but we are not equals. I am—
Tim won’t let that go any further. “No,” he says, and adds a buzzer sound. “Eeeeeh. Nope. Stop. Hastur… I like you, and I hope however this shakes out, we can still be friends and all, but I’m never going to be some acolyte. I don’t worship. Not even you.”
And Hastur… purrs.
It’s bizarre, a psychic memory of some weird, literal rumble that seems to have nothing to do with air or vocal cords or sanity. We’ll see how you feel when you stand in the presence of a god.
Tim swallows and pulls the blankets up to his chin. “What on earth brought this on, anyway? First in the car, and now this?”
Because, Tim Stoker, when I finally have my way with you, I am going to make every lover you’ve ever had seem like a vague, virginal dream.
Tim discovers he’s too drunk to think of a comeback. “Shit. What?”
Hastur’s laugh is dark, and almost cruel, and he falls silent.
Tim stares at the dark ceiling, at the patterns of street lights and passing cars, and decides this is a nest best left unpoked.
Sleep takes him at once. He dreams all night of being stared at by a giant, unblinking eye, and while it doesn’t judge him (he feels like it can’t), it’s x-ray penetration is terrible, and he dreams of weeping because it will not stop.
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blupengu · 10 months
Oh… my god… I’ve been emotionally devastated by Le Salut 😂
Rambling and spoilers under the cut as usual! Still haven’t done any of the salvation ends though so no worries about those, not sure if I’ll make one post for all of them or reblog my individual posts from each route lmao
Wow this route was CHONKY Jesus! I guess my biggest initial thoughts after playing are:
1) I am boo boo the fool… cannot believe we were betrayed by Dahut like that… the signs were there but I dismissed because he was best (adult) boy and I loved him… to quote my other post: “Any time Dahut shows up now I’m like OH THANK GOD someone who doesn’t need therapy” 🤡 never before have I been so utterly devastated by a character’s betrayal 💀
And 2) Ankou being Adolphe punched me in the gut, stole my purse, and kicked my dog, I was thinking there had to be time travel or multiverse shenanigans but not like that… (I love Ankou but tbh Adolphe is just kinda, meh to me? So I’m conflicted…) Though the real kicker was the fact that HE WAS AMERICAN THIS WHOLE TIME HELL, YEAH USA!! USA!! USA!! 🔫 (LOL sorry jkjk… but no really when he pulled out a fucking gun I busted out laughing, bitch why did you not use this earlier 😂)
But anyways, back to the route itself! I very much loved the character interactions we got with Ceres, Adolphe, and Ankou! Very cute, very wholesome, and Ankou in lounge wear…? *chef’s kiss* 👀 Although this is when I noticed that they both had such shiny blue earrings… maybe in my heart I knew all along… I also still love the friendship between Nadia and Dahut… 😔 and Ankou meeting Yves was so sweet!(even though knowing the truth now makes it… oof in hindsight) but good to know we all support Yves being with Ceres 😂
This route kinda turned me off Salome though? Like yandere tendencies aside, in every other route she was just the loving, maybe a bit overprotective milf (yeah I said it fight me) with a complicated and tragic past… but damn really was not a fan of her actually being the queen and Dahut’s mom. Kinda mad she killed him in the end 😬 (also, my god the teenage pregnancies must be wild in this country)
Also I am SO. SICK. OF CAPUCINE!! PLEASE STOP SHOWING UP AND BEING CREEPY TOWARDS NADIA AND A DICK TO LUCAS!! Him, the Royal family, and honestly the vast majority of the people in Arpechele suck major donkey balls oh my god. Y’know what I kinda support Dahut’s plan to just burn the country to the ground, we stan a short king 👑
… is it bad though that Capucine’s kinda grown on me? LOL, like I still hate his guts (thank you Scien our god for blowing him up) but it’s kinda hilarious watching him when things don’t go his way 😂 idk if I find him a kind of well written villain or if I have Stockholm syndrome after we’ve been forced to see him in every route 💀
Jean on the other hand! I am so happy that my evil hot butler turned into a reluctant ally in this route!! The bit where he and Mathis had to help Scien was very super cute, and poor sweet Mathis you are so forgiving, you deserve so much better, I hope Jean treats you nicer 😔 I respect his one-track mind for Rosalie though, man has a mission to get his wife back and by god he’s not gonna let anything stop him lmao 🫡
Gotta say though, I don’t remember exactly what triggered this but I just remember thinking, “oh more science to ignore!” So, yeah it… did not get better lmao. Like, some hand-wavey science is fine for world building and stuff, but when your plot hinges on the science and details, it’s really gotta have a more solid foundation than this. It’s not even nitpicking, it really doesn’t make sense if you think about it for more than one second 😂
Ngl I kinda wish that they had kept the supernatural aspect (not just because I’m not super keen on Ankou being Adolphe…), it would’ve made the nonsensical science easier to digest so they wouldn’t have been forced to explain everything away. Like, if it’s all grounded in reality, answer me this game! How did Ankou regenerate HIS CLOTHES after being just a HEAD IN A JAR??? 💀 the censoring was also kinda weird… like okay sure it’s all scientific but what, “the world” won’t let Ankou talk about specific things Adolphe doesn’t know yet?? Sure……. 😐
Although, no magic does make Ankou’s “vanishing” kinda hilarious since it meant he really did have to just run and hide behind whatever he could find. Like that’s inching towards JJBA part 3 DIO stopping time and carrying polnareff two steps down the staircase just to fuck with him levels of petty and dramatic LOL, but also have you seen how long and flowy this man’s hair and clothes are, Ceres how did you not notice?? Girl is you dumb??? 😂
Also I find adolphe being 25 while Ceres is 18 a little bit sus, and I’m really not a fan of the “big brother” figure becoming a love interest trope (I know they’re not blood related but still 😬). If Ankou had actually been a supernatural entity that was hundreds of years old, I would’ve been totally fine with that lmao, but him being Adolphe?? Mmmmm… mmmm unfortunately that’s a no from me, damn I’m actually kinda disappointed, just gonna make up something in my head and pretend that fact doesn’t exist 😔
I LOVE that all our boys + Jean(LOL) banded together in this route though!! Seeing them all alive made me so relieved oh my god 😭 wish we got a little bit more Lucas (yes I’m biased) but I get it, he’s too OP lmao, they literally had to nerf him with incurable anime disease before the game even started or else he’d be too much of a threat 💀
OH I FORGOT ABOUT HUGO LMAO, thanks for helping too, bud! I’m so glad you realize how Yvesexual you are in this final route!! 😂
Okay. I think that’s all the word vomit I have… tldr; Dahut is a short king, Salome kinda sucks to me, Ankou still >>> Adolphe (sorry Adolphe fans) and I wish there actually was a supernatural aspect, loved the squad of my boys + Jean helping out!
My personal character rankings now are Lucas > Jean(I know he’s not an LI just let me be delusional💀) > Ankou (took a hit being Adolphe but he’s so pretty it makes up for it) > Yves > Scien = Mathis > Adolphe
I’m still emotionally devastated but I’ll probably do the rest of the despair ends today and then all the salvation ends tomorrow/the day after depending on how long they take… I think I’ll just squeeze them all into one ramble lmao
Hoooo boy this was a doozy, still love the game despite my complaints, looking forward to being destroyed again by the salvation ends (I just know Lucas’s is gonna suck) 😂
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just-somehuman · 2 years
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Silly Wanderer header lol
A little about me ~☆
Names I go by: Nemo, Lune or my username on any social platform you find me on (there's a lot)🕺
Gender and sexuality: Female, heterosexual
Religion/faith: Christianity. Denomination: protestant - methodist.
Interests: music, composition, writing, reading, gaming, astronomy, genetic engineering, science in general lol, programming
Instruments I play: piano (11 years), recorder (7 years), saxophone (2 years). The hand drum was my first instrument (11 years ago) but I stopped playing it after I started the piano 😭
Fanfictions I write: Obey Me!, AyakashiRR, AOT, and Genshin fanfictions. They are most commonly angst, however I do have two psychological and supernatural horrors in the works!
Novels I write: I actually have no idea. It's just a variety, I guess. My personal favourite that I've written is a fable (made that one wayyy too dark for a children's story). Currently, I'm writing a science fiction book.
Fandoms I'm actively in ~☆
- Obey Me!
- Obey Me! Nightbringer
- Ayakashi: Romance Reborn
- Genshin Impact
- Honkai Star Rail
- Starry Love
- Legend of the Phoenix
- Tamashi: Rise of Yokai
- MazM: Phantom of the Opera
- My Child Lebensborn
- Mysterious Forum and Seven Rumours
- Matsuro Palette
- Guilty Parade
- Life Gallery
- Project Sekai
- Cat Museum
- Fran Bow
- Iron Lung
- Mr Hopp's Playhouse
- No Players Online
- Sentient
- I also play Roblox btw 💀 I've only been playing Royale High lately though.
- All Over Me (Roblox)
- Jim's Computer (Roblox)
- Attack on Titan
- Himouto! Umaru-Chan
- Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto
- One Punch Man
- Junji Ito Collection
- School Babysitters
- Theater of Darkness: Yamishibai
- The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
- Parasite: The Maxim
- Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
- Kagewani
- Jujutsu Kaisen 0
- Orenchi no Furo Jijou
- I'm currently watching many, but these are all the ones I've finished
Web series:
- The Walten Files
- UrbanSPOOK
- Vita Carnis
- Interface
- Mandela Catalogue/Magazine
- Ashur Gharavi
- brandon works
- Hallo Aus Berlin ❤
Fandoms I'm not actively in ~☆
- Ikemen Vampire
- AFTERL!FE: The Sacred Kaleidoscope
- Midnight Cinderella
- Dangerous Fellows
- Mystic Messenger
- LoveUnholyc (dunno how to spell it 💀)
- Tears of Themis
- Vocaloid
Fandoms I'm interested in ~☆
- Twisted Wonderland
- Sally Face
- Omori
- The Backrooms
- Little Misfortune
- Little Nightmares
- Hazbin Hotel
- Danganronpa
- Undertale
- The Amazing Digital Circus
- Devil May Cry
- Final Fantasy
- Resident Evil
- my eyes deceive
Content I post here ~☆
It's mainly Obey Me! and AyakashiRR, occasionally Genshin Impact or something else. I used to post a lot of AOT, I might get back into that. Anyways, what you can expect to find is:
- In game screenshots and my two cents 💀
- Memes/fake tweets
- Headcannons
- Fanfictions (mainly angst. I don't do NSFW)
- Theories. I theorise and over-analyse a lot 💀
- My rambling and ranting about random stuff 🤡
- Sometimes there's just completely random stuff that is completely out of place but whatever
Other stuff I'm interested in ~☆
- Urban legends
- Paranormal stuff
- Internet mysteries
- True crime
- So you know Nexpo, Snarled's "Something Scary" volumes, Leminio, and the Infographics Show's serial killer videos? Yeah, that. All of that.
This is just a summary of stuff. I've probably missed a lot since I'm focusing on not burning the brownies I have in the oven right now (it's my first time baking 💀) and I just wrote off the top of my head.
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facelesskiwami · 2 years
To all the ocs: if you were all in a fight, who would win?
Vi can throw a punch and take a hit, so she can go toe to toe with a lot of people.
Wally is fast but can't hit hard, so he'd get creamed unless he just constantly dodges.
Vincent and Boxcars would go down pretty quickly. Neither have been in a fight.
Despite Rem having some supernatural powers, they'd get scared and flee before being able to do some damage.
June is hot-headed and could probably knock some heads in if she gets angry, but she has no stamina and wouldn't last long.
You can hit Bell as many times as you'd like, but all your attacks would bounce right off. She probably wouldn't even fight back, not knowing what's even going on.
Shortcake would send her horde of servants after you. She'd probably win too, they're all trained in martial arts. But she can't fight on her own, so she's disqualified.
Mocha can hit like a truck and nothing ever knocks her down. She's unstoppable.
So to answer your question: If all my OCs got into a battle royale, it would most likely end in a draw between Mocha and Bell. But Mocha is the strongest out of all my characters.
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toemuncher666 · 2 years
Vixen Hunters
Season 1:
On the eve of her 18th birthday, Keiko is finally eligible to apply to Bellatrix’s School for Vixen Hunters. Having been told her parents were slaughtered by the foul creatures, Keiko planned her entire life to leave her orphanage to become the best Vixen Hunter. In order to be accepted into the school, Keiko has to participate in a real life Vixen Hunting simulation entry exam. During the exam, Keiko met a girl named Aimi who could summon a scythe that gave her supernatural abilities. The two teamed up as they had to fight a teacher pretending to be a vixen. After the exams…Keiko miraculously just settled the lowest possible score to be eligible to join the school. As she settled into the school…Bellatrix, the principal and best professional Mage, had Keiko transfer to The Shadow XIII (the best class in the school) due to her innate drive to protect people…which the other students lacked. Training swiftly kicked in where Keiko learned what it takes to be a Mage. She honed her sword skills to perfectly strike a Vixen in the heart. She trained in hand to hand combat…utilizing mana to create powerful punches and attacks. She trained with her classmates as hard as she possibly could to quickly achieve her goal of becoming the best Vixen Hunter. All the while she befriended her classmates Aimi (the girl from entry exams who’s extremely sweet and capable), Shun (a hardheaded but determined girl), Rin (an introverted but nice boy), and Luna (an anthropomorphic cat who’s very prideful and hotheaded).
After being able to get a better hang of her Inherited Spell, Keiko and the rest of The Shadow XIII were sent on their first mission. There’s been rumblings of children and students going missing after hearing singing from the woods. Suspecting one of the students is a mole, Bellatrix has The Shadow XIII help snuff out the mole. As more students mysteriously disappear, Rin suspects the culprit is a student named Sara…an upper class student who’s proficient with musical instruments. After Keiko and Luna are investigating Rin’s claims, they discover evidence in Sara’s room that she’s a Vixen belonging to something called The Hex. Rin, Aimi, and Shadow XIII classmate Rōnin (a docile and very kind boy) discover Sara attempting to lure a student into the woods. They budge in to stop Sara…all while Keiko and Luna bring the evidence to Bellatrix who gathers the remaining members of The Shadow XIII. After being told where Rin, Aimi, and Rōnin had gone, The Shadow XIII head to the woods only to find Rin and them fighting Sara…who revealed herself to be the Vixen Yama-Uba who has the power to entice people with music. Facing their first real challenge, The Shadow XIII face all out battle as Bellatrix fends off Yama-Uba’s slaves. They get close to defeating Yama-Uba but she overpowers them…however Bellatrix quickly comes in and strikes the Vixen through her heart relatively easily. Her easy defeat reveals she wasn’t a member of The Hex…as Bellatrix explains that The Hex are Lilith’s strongest most powerful Vixens.
Season 2:
After a month of pondering how a Vixen was able to slip into her school, Bellatrix gets her students ready for the yearly Tournament. The tournament is held to determine which students are actually fit for Vixen Hunting…as well as allowing professional Vixen Hunters to choose who they might wanna tutor. The students of The Shadow XIII train relentlessly yet a bit carelessly…all while wondering why Bellatrix is constantly getting harsher towards her students. As the day comes, The Shadow XIII enter the colosseum and Bellatrix introduces them to Giichi. Giichi is revealed to be the head of the Government of Witches…the most important witch in the world…and he’s surrounded by his followers, bodyguards, and fellow government members. It’s revealed he comes to watch the tournaments every year to scout out who might wanna join the Royal Guard. The students of the school are then told about the tournament…phase 1 is an obstacle course that requires students to use magic and their inherited spells to avoid “Vixens” on the battlefield. Phase 2 involves the remaining students who didn’t fail the obstacle course to team up in small groups and wander an arena filled with traps in search of three survivors. Each team can only rescue one survivor…and the first teams to bring the three survivors back to the start win. And finally…Phase 3 has the remaining teams fight in one on ones in a bracket style…defeat is determined by whose vest with a heart trigger is triggered first.
The obstacle course begins and The Shadow XIII quickly take the lead along with other schoolmates from The Shadow XI…Kuroneko (a girl who can turn into a werecat), Hanzo (a boy who can clone himself), and Ryu (a boy who can breathe the elements fire and ice). Aimi and Akimitsu (a dim witted but nice boy) eventually tie in first place having avoided multiple traps, Rin in second, Shun in third, Himiko (a rude and cold girl) in fourth, Mai (an introverted and cold girl) in fifth, Kaito and Rōnin tie in sixth, The Shadow XI members take 8 and 9, and Keiko finishes in last place possible to move on to the next round in thirtieth. That leaves Luna and Harley (a sweet and lighthearted girl) the only ones to not pass the obstacle course. During the Survivor Hunt…Keiko, Aimi, and Shun team up…Rin, Rōnin, and Himiko team up…and Kuroneko, Hanzo, and Akimitsu team up. After utilizing Keiko’s fire arm ability as a farce…Aimi and Shun were able to rescue a survivor and rush her back to start. Having sabotaged teams around them by utilizing Himiko’s mana blocker ability, Rin’s ability to freeze people, and Rōnin being able to launch surprise attacks…the group rescue a survivor. After Kuroneko fended off attackers and Hanzo utilized his clones to confuse enemy teams…Akimitsu was able to zap him and the survivor back to the start. Before Phase 3…Bellatrix receives news from Giichi that multiple students from her school have gone missing searching for a vixen at the foot of Mt. Yukionna…and he wishes for her to send the Shadow XIII.
Phase 3 then begins with Kuroneko vs. Mai. Kuroneko is quickly taken out by Mai’s long range blood attacks…but she’s not discouraged after her classmates say she was really cool being able to fight against a Shadow XIII. Next is Aimi vs. Rōnin which proved to be a long struggle…but ultimately Aimi won after Rōnin was rendered useless at overuse of his power. Akimitsu vs. Hayate resulted in Akimitsu winning due to his incomprehensible speed. Shun vs. Himiko resulted in Himiko winning because she was faster…being able to shut down Shun’s Inherited Spell before she could copy hers. Hanzo vs. Kaito resulted in Kaito winning due to creating relentless water limbs that Hanzo couldn’t account for. Keiko vs. Rin was extremely close…but Keiko’s relative carelessness resulted in her losing to a small ice shard. The Next part of phase 3 commenced with the rules that all three pairs fight at the same time…and their top three placement would be decided by who defeats their opponent fastest. Aimi quickly beat Kaito with her Scythe granting unnatural speed…resulting in first place. Rin was able to make quick way through Mai’s blood attacks…resulting in second place. Akimitsu had more trouble with Himiko due to her Inherited spell but still won…resulting in third. After congratulating their teammates…The Shadow XIII didn’t have much time to rest as Bellatrix approached them solemnly…revealing that they have a new mission that may reveal what being a Vixen Hunter is actually like.
After the tournament, The Shadow XIII make the treacherous journey to the foot of Mt. Yukionna. Quickly, Bellatrix takes note of the eerie silence emanating from the mountain…no birds, no bugs, not even the rustling of leaves…just silence. Hayate and Kaito quickly take notice of what seem to be the torn bloodied uniform of Bellatrix’s school scattered through the trees. As the kids enter the forest, Akimitsu, Mai, Himiko, and Luna take quick notice of the over abundance of cobwebs. Keiko, Aimi, and Shun take notice of the trails of torn bloodied uniforms belonging to the freshman of the Shadow I. Rin and Rōnin quickly notice the cocoons stuffed up in the trees. As the group wanders further into the forest…Bellatrix has a suspicion of who the Vixen might be. The group come onto a three path split on the road…and believing it to be safer to travel in groups…she sent Keiko, Aimi, Luna, and Shun down path one…Mai, Himiko, Hayate, and Harley down path two…and herself, Akimitsu, Kaito, Rin, and Rōnin down path three. Keiko’s group stumble upon a horrid sight…slaughtered children from the Shadow I. Luckily…the freshman boy Sanosuke was able to survive but not without injury. He told them a little girl swooped from the trees and began eating his classmates. Bellatrix’s group stumble upon an old family home that seemed to be abandoned…but upon entering the building, they found the freshly eaten corpses of the freshman of the Shadow I. Mai’s group found themselves discovering a trail of their slaughtered classmates leading down to a river.
As Keiko’s group searches further through the woods…Keiko hears a voice…”You’d make a perfect sister”. Sanosuke stops in fear…realizing who the voice is…Keiko then turns to find a little girl in a black kimono peering from behind a tree. The girl reveals herself as “Nini”…and Keiko’s group think that she’s the Vixen behind everything that happened in the woods. As Bellatrix’s group wander around the house sensing the presence of a Vixen…they hear rustling from the basement. Opening it to find a giant cavern filled with more child corpses, they eventually discover an unnaturally tall and lanky pale man who refers to himself as “Bubba”. Bellatrix begins suspecting that her initial suspicion was incorrect and believes Bubba to be the Vixen behind the child deaths on Mt. Yukionna. Mai’s group then find an unnaturally tall and pale woman with long black hair who calls herself “Sweetie”…believing her to be responsible for the deaths on the mountain. As Keiko’s group fights Nini…it’s revealed she has the ability to jump like a spider and create Mandibles to bite with. Bubba is revealed to be able to grow eight sets of arms and contort his body. Sweetie is revealed to be able to detach her hands…which grow mouths that have acidic bites. Even though all three vixens were tough…each group managed to beat their respective Vixen…but as each Vixen died…they screamed out about “Mother” being “disappointed” which reignites Bellatrix’s initial suspicion. As Keiko’s group find a path…they head back to find the others and tell them about their strange Vixen…which culminates in Bellatrix inquiring her class to explore the path Keiko found.
The Shadow XIII and Sanosuke then head up the path to find the real Vixen behind the slaughter…but notice the path gets increasingly foggier. As they reach an opening in the forest…Sanosuke is swiftly abducted by something large into the mist. As the mist clears…the Shadow XIII come face to face with the horrified face of Sanosuke as he’s being eaten alive by a geisha woman with the bottom half of a spider. The woman drops the 14 year old’s half eaten torso as Keiko stares into her schoolmates dead eyes. The grotesque spider woman apologizes for her “bad manners”…Bellatrix then confirms her suspicion was right…the Vixen they’ve been sent to hunt is Lesser Hex 13 Jorogumo…an actual Hex member who can create Miasma that forces people to kill themselves. As the Shadow XIII come face to face with the actual reality of Vixen Hunting…Jorogumo’s children appear from the woods. Bellatrix, Keiko, Aimi, Shun, Luna, Rin, and Rōnin have to help fight Jorogumo while the others fend off her children. A grueling fight commences that results in Hayate losing an arm to venom…and multiple deep and serious injuries to Keiko, Rōnin, and Bellatrix…as well as Akimitsu almost dying. However the group succeeds and is able to overcome Jorogumo and her children…but as Jorogumo slowly disintegrates…Keiko mysteriously receives visions of Jorogumo’s last thoughts. It’s revealed that Jorogumo was once a living person…She was an abused housewife named Aiya who was raped and impregnated by her husband who was a samurai. He had her taken away from her job as a geisha by forcing her into an arranged marriage. She escaped him while still pregnant but he tracked her footsteps up the snowy mountain. He stabbed her and left her for dead…but before she died, a mysterious woman appeared…promising her immense power to exact her revenge upon her husband as long as she served the woman. Keiko then watched as Jorogumo’s thoughts filled with sudden remorse over the hundreds of people she forcefully impregnated with her spider eggs…turning them into her children…and she felt remorse over the innocent children she forced to kill themselves.
As the vision ended…Keiko inquired about the mysterious woman she saw. Bellatrix then revealed the full story of Dianna and Lilith. Dianna was the first goddess and Lilith the first demon. They both inhabited Earth but Dianna damned Lilith to Apocalypse after she began corrupting living people in a lust for power. Lilith’s influence was still able to carry on after banishment however…she would entice witches at their lowest point into becoming her Vixens. Bellatrix revealed that the ultimate goal was to stop Lilith from infiltrating the world by killing her mortal form…resulting in the destruction of Vixens. We then watch as Kuroneko, Hanzo, Ryu and the rest of the Shadow XI enjoy their lunch with smiles on their faces. But that changes when the Shadow XIII enter school…traumatized by the events they just witnessed…traumatized by the reality of Vixen Hunting. The Shadow XI try to cheer them up by reminding them of the Kappa Festival the town is throwing tomorrow.
Season 3:
As the night passes, The Shadow XIII actually try to overcome what they just experienced with fighting a real Hex member. But Keiko cannot bring herself to forget the look of Sanosuke’s dead face being eaten by Jorogumo. The day finally comes and the Shadow XIII are able to get to the festival where they meet up with other schoolmates. Keiko, Rin, Rōnin, Shun, Aimi, and Luna split off as they go for the fair grounds and enjoy rides. Himiko, Mai, and Harley go to one of the concerts and the others go off to play games and eat food. Rin and Rōnin split off from Keiko and friends to go through a haunted maze, where it’s revealed they might have feelings for each other as they hold hands the entire maze. As Bellatrix searches the fair ground for other teachers, she notices a little girl asking if anyone's seen her brother. As night quickly approaches, all Shadow XIII members notice people asking for their missing friends and relatives. Bellatrix quickly suspects a vixen is at play and gathers her students. They all talk about the disappearances they’ve heard reported. Bellatrix entrusts her students to wander the fairground to scout out if a vixen is at play.
As Keiko investigates, she becomes suspicious when Shadow XII members mention the Shadow XI is throwing the festival…when the Shadow XI said the school as a whole was. Himiko, Mai, and Harley become suspicious when they can no longer find the people who were missing family and friends. Hayate, Kaito, Akimitsu, and Luna then begin suspecting another student of being a vixen after noticing the people reported to be missing were fellow students. Rin and Rōnin then notice a strange looking shrine in the forests behind the festival. They investigate after grouping up with Aimi and Shun…only to discover countless corpses in the shrine…many belonging to freshman…only of the age 13. They leave to tell Bellatrix who regathers her students…who theorize the vixens are covert Shadow XI students. The Shadow XIII leave the festival to tell the other teachers in the school…but when the group reach town…they’re split up by two vixens…the Slime Vixen (a male vixen with blue hair, no eyes, and gray skin who creates acidic slime) and the Kappa Vixen (a female Vixen with green skin, long blond hair, and bird like features who can use a staff to launch attacks made of shadow). Keiko, Luna, Mai, Hayate, Kaito, and Rin split off to the East of their town to fight the Slime Vixen on the streets. Bellatrix, Aimi, Shun, Himiko, Harley, Akimitsu, and Rōnin fight the Kappa Vixen on the west side of town atop roofs. As the fights rage on…Bellatrix and Keiko realize just how strong their Vixens are…with unnatural speed, strength, and healing rates for just normal vixens. But eventually their respective Vixens fall at their blades…however…Keiko receives her strange visions upon each vixen's death. The visions reveal the same mysterious woman Bellatrix identified as Lillith…as well as Giichi's horrified face…but most importantly…the Slime vixen is revealed to be Hanzo and the Kappa Vixen was Kuroneko. Bellatrix begins to wonder how more students were able to hide as Vixens, but no matter how hard she thinks…she’s unable to fit the pieces together. Why are her students vixens? How is Lillith infiltrating her school? In what way is Giichi involved?
A month goes by without incident…and Bellatrix is able to start training her class for the upcoming Vixen Hunter License Exams so they can officially go under the wings of professionals to hopefully become professionals themselves. Eventually, Bellatrix receives the letters from the tournament to explain which students were scouted and by which professional Vixen Hunters. Surprisingly, this year…all of her students were scouted at the tournaments…and even more surprising…by members of the Shinobi Hunters (the 20 best professional Vixen Hunters). Aimi was scouted by Sakura Nishiya: the Nature Hunter who can manipulate plants. Shun was scouted by Amaya Gima: the Poison Hunter who can secrete extremely deadly poisons from her skin. Luna was scouted by Kazuhiko Yamaguchi: the Monster Hunter who could transform into a Chimera. Mai was scouted by Chisuke Kan: the Blood Hunter who could harden his blood to create extremely powerful armor. Himiko was scouted by Kaneki Usagiyama: the Psychic Hunter who could use extremely powerful telekinesis. Harley was scouted by Hoshi Bushida: the Matter Hunter who could disassemble and reassemble the matter of things she touches. Akimitsu was scouted by Kana Ryujin: the Electric Hunter who could spout extreme amounts of electricity from her arms. Hayate was scouted by Daichi Bushida: the Wind Hunter who is the brother to Hoshi and who could create and manipulate storms. Kaito was scouted by Chinami Aikawa: the Water Hunter who could have total water manipulation. Rin was scouted by Arakan Ahane: the Future Hunter who could temporarily jump into his own future and past. Rōnin was scouted by Uno Tatsuma: the Luck Hunter who could cause people bad luck to varying degrees. And lastly…Keiko was scouted by Bellatrix Kana (principal and teacher in Keiko's own school): the Power Hunter who’s able to create psionic energy.
The Shadow XIII eventually arrive to The Vixen Hunter License Exam Arena where they will have to compete with two other schools to get their licenses. The Exam instructor then tells the schools what they will be doing. The first phase has all three schools' students participate in an open arena fight that includes multiple biomes. Students can only fight students from a different school…a student wins a fight by hitting the heart trigger of another student. The first two schools to reach over two hundred “dead vixens” wins and can move on to the next phase. Phase 2 has the two schools left to compete over who can be the first to effectively save over 100 survivors. The last phase has the sole remaining school face off by protecting “survivors” from Shinobi Hunters creating the aftermath of Vixen Hunts (such as earthquakes, intense storms etc). The students who can defend their survivors will be the students to get their licenses. Sakura's school is the first to win phase 1, whereas Bellatrix’s also succeeds, leaving Chisuke's as the first school to lose…however, Ryu of the Shadow XI loses in phase 1. But during Phase 1, Sakura mentions to Bellatrix how her freshman class is yet to return from a mission in the Gifu Prefecture. Phase 2 commences and Bellatrix's school passes with flying colors due to firsthand experiences with powerful vixens including one of the 13 Hexes. However, Bellatrix agrees to help Sakura recover her missing students…but both agree that the circumstances are fishy at best. Phase 3 ends with all 12 Shadow XIII students succeeding and receiving their licenses. As each student enjoys their freshly acquired license, Bellatrix explains that they have a new and urgent mission.
Bellatrix prepares her class to head out to the Gifu Prefecture of Japan…said to be a hotspot of Vixen activity. The class arrives and meet with Aimi's VH trainer…Sakura Nishiya the Nature Hunter who explains that they’re searching for her missing freshman class. As night descends…the Shadow XIII split up and scatter all across the prefecture searching for hints as to the whereabouts of Sakura’s students. Sakura, Keiko, Aimi, and Shun stumble upon a young woman who explains that her husband went missing. After resolving to help her, she thanks them for being the only people to help her…the locals believe it to be fraught…believing he’s been eaten by the Night Vixen. Himiko, Mai, Harley, and Luna discover a man in a bar…begging them to find his daughters who disappeared from his house two months ago. The four agree to help him, but they’re laughed at by the locals who say that there’s no point in finding them cause they've been eaten by the Mistress Vixen. Rin and Rōnin hear people laughing at a beggar. When they intervene, he asks them to help find his nephew who he lost one night…but the locals say he killed him. The two agree to help him while the locals scoff, believing it to be in vain.
Bellatrix, Akimitsu, Hayate, and Kaito inquire through the night about Sakura's missing students. Believing they’ll leave empty handed, Bellatrix remembers seeing a store they neglected to enter. After entering the store, they find Sakura's students…all slaughtered however…but the brutalized corpses seemingly reanimate at their presence. Sakura, Keiko, Aimi, and Shun investigate the wife’s house…only to find a tunnel in her basement. After they all enter the tunnel…they realize it leads into an open area where they encounter the woman's husband who warns them to stay away or “she’ll get them”…he then raises his arms in agony and lunges at them. Himiko, Mai, Harley, and Luna investigate for the father until they find a tunnel behind his shed. The group enter the long treacherous tunnel only to come across the basement to an old abandoned theater. They encounter the father's two daughters who are nothing but lifeless corpses…that seemingly reanimate to attack Himiko's group. The daughters use their extremely powerful inherited spells but eventually fall to Harley’s tricks and Himiko's mana blocker ability. The group eventually find strange strings attached to the limbs of the daughters. Rin and Rōnin follow the beggar to the street his nephew went missing on…only to discover a tunnel leading underground into a vast chasm. On top of a stone laid the cannibalized corpse of the uncle's nephew. He then turns around and says “sorry” as he begins to attack Rin and Rōnin. They eventually beat him, only to find strings attached to his limbs.
Bellatrix’s group fight off the dead students only to discover they’re being controlled by puppet strings. They eventually get further into the abandoned store…only to find an entrance to the run down theater that Himiko's group is in. Sakura’s group beat the father who manages to survive after they find his strings and cut them off. But the wife is missing, so Sakura’s group head down a further tunnel way that leads to the theater. Rin and Rōnin wander further down the tunnel, only to enter the theater as well. As everyone regroups, they talk about their discoveries…including Sakura’s slaughtered students. As Hayate leads the group out of the theater, the door opens to the wife from Sakura’s group. But as Bellatrix begins to sense an overwhelming presence of a vixen…she tries to stop Hayate from leaving as the wife uses her inherited spell to constrict Hayate above the group…suspended in air…by sharp, constricting puppet strings.
The wife reveals herself as Harionna, Lesser Hex 12 of the 13 Hexes. She coldly tells no one to take another step, but as Bellatrix rushes towards her in a bout of emotion…Harionna pulls her strings constricting Hayate…slicing him into nothing but chunks of meat. The Shadow XIII watch in horror as their classmate's body parts rain down in front of them…the horror of the realities of Vixen Hunting fully returning to them since the Jorogumo incident. In pure rage, Keiko's arms ignite in a strange purple flame and she begins to attack Harionna with strength and speed not normal to an average Vixen Hunter. Bellatrix, Sakura, Shun, Rin, and Aimi join the fight while the others fend off the townsfolk revealed to be puppets under Harionna's control. The fight heads into the rooftops…as both sides are desperate to win. The resulting fight causes the destruction of multiple buildings. Keiko’s fire attacks seem more powerful and she was way more concentrated…while Bellatrix and Sakura attacked with a fury uncommon to most vixen hunters…leaving Harionna to wonder if they were even human. But eventually Lesser Hex 12 crumbled under the sheer power of the witches fighting her and she was bested by Shun’s sword. But as she died, Keiko received another strange vision…seemingly of Harionna's last memories.
Having grown up on the streets after their parents were killed by Vixens in front of them, Ito learned to use her gift of puppetry to raise money to protect her and her little brother Kage. However, when attacked by a group of belligerent drunkards…Ito realized Kage was mangled and near death. Wandering the streets for hours searching for help but not receiving it…Ito stumbled upon a woman who promised to take care of her and her brother…and she would grant them immense powers to exact revenge on the drunkards and bystanders as long as her and her brother treated the woman like their mother. After coming back from the vision, Keiko realized just how young Ito/Harionna was when she was taken by Lillith. But after connecting the dots of “The Night Vixen” (not Harionna) who supposedly attacked the husband of the “wife” according to some of the townsfolk…and Ito's little brother Kage also being turned into a vixen. Keiko realized that there’s another Vixen within the Gifu prefecture who they have to hunt…another Hex.
Season 4:
After scouring what was left of the village they traveled to in the Gifu Prefecture, The Shadow XIII and Sakura head for the city. After settling for the night in a hotel willing to host them, The Shadow XIII eventually fall asleep. However…Keiko begins having horrible nightmares involving Giichi torturing Kuroneko and Hanzo. Lilith’s face then interrupts the dream and the scene switches to their hometown interrupted by vixens fighting to the death. In the morning, the group wake up and Keiko relates her dream…believing it to be an omen of the days coming. The group ponder on what the dream could mean as Bellatrix and Sakura send the students off to help investigate the city. Rin and Rōnin head off to have breakfast together, however…they overhear an old man talking about a dream he had of “The Night Vixen” stalking him at night. Rin and Rōnin decide to entertain his story and the man leads them to a street where his dream supposedly took place…Himitsu Road. The boys laugh it off at first, until they both sense an ever present feeling of a vixen.
Mai, Himiko, and Harley go shopping all while asking customers of the stores about any vixen attacks. Most customers relate urban legends of a man in a red suit who wanders the streets at night. But only one woman’s story seemed relevant…the owner of a beauty store told how she was closing one night and walked home a few yards behind a couple. As they neared her house, the couple took a left turn as the woman headed straight home. But she heard a scream before she entered her house…the woman went to look down the dark street to see what happened…only to find no one. Mai, Himiko, and Harley asked the woman to take them to the road…only for it to be revealed to be the same road Rin and Rōnin discovered…Himitsu Road. Keiko, Aimi, Shun, and Luna spent the day at the library…only to uncover two hundred years worth of missing people records…all on one street…Himitsu Road. Akimitsu, Kaito, Bellatrix, and Sakura are unable to find anything but vague urban legends. After they all group up…they start realizing something…the old man Rin and Rōnin found seemed to have no memory and only recounted what he believed to be a dream. The store owner Mai’s group found…was unable to recall the appearance of the woman who disappeared. Aimi recounted how the missing people reports they found ended up in dead ends due to the families being unable to recount how their loved ones went missing. Bellatrix combines these with the fact that all of the urban legends were vague at best…and theorizes the vixen masks his kills by forcing people to forget key aspects of what they witnessed.
As night falls, Keiko notices a woman with a strange man…but after looking away…she forgot all the details of the people she just witnessed. Realizing this, she gathers her classmates and Bellatrix and Sakura…suspecting the man of being The Night Vixen. The group watch as the man leads the woman to Himitsu Road…but before he can attack, they stop the couple in their tracks. The woman turns around, revealing herself to be the store owner…who’s actually The Night Vixen named Kimi who has the ability to make people forget things. She reveals that she’s been working with Lesser Hex 11 Enenra to lure people to their death. Knowing what’s about to happen next, Shun, Aimi, Luna, Kaito, Akimitsu, and Sakura preemptively agree to take on Kimi…while Bellatrix, Mai, Himiko, Harley, Rin, Rōnin, and Keiko take on Enenra. The fights commence and Kimi proves to be extremely powerful, constantly causing the Shadow XIII to completely forget why they’re fighting. Kimi proves to be way stronger than she initially appeared, explaining that she was given more Darkness from Apocalypse by Enenra to participate in the Blood Wars. Enenra also proves to be way stronger than Harionna…being able to attack with ungodly strength and speed…even rivaling that of Bellatrix…and he hasn’t even used his inherited spell yet. Eventually Kimi is taken down by Sakura's blade…but before she disintegrates…she unleashed all of her inherited spell…causing mass bouts of amnesia and confusion to those fighting. As The Shadow XIII take on Enenra, he beats them one by one with relative ease…until Sakura, Bellatrix, Himiko, Mai, and Keiko are left. He then reveals his inherited spell, summoning the remaining Shadow XIII to his pocket dimension where he can manipulate the shadows to his whim. The fight then rages on as the Shadow XIII grow increasingly worried at an inevitable defeat…but as all hope seemed to be gone…Enenra's head was completely split open by Rōnin's surprise attack. Realizing Enenra never fought or accounted for Rōnin…the Shadow XIII regained hope and beat the seemingly impossible to kill Enenra as he was unable to regenerate his head due to Rōnin’s relentless attacks. But as they were returned to the real world and Enenra began to disintegrate…Keiko received a vision…Lilith’s face…and Bellatrix with not only the black and red eyes of a vixen…but the slit snake pupils of a Hex member. Keiko comes back from the vision as Enenra screams “Bellatrix! I remember you now! I re m e m b-“…Bellatrix stares at his disintegrating body with fear.
The days go by and The Shadow XIII have all finally recuperated enough from their wounds to make the trek back to Tokyo. As the Shadow XIII reach their part of Tokyo, they’re all dumbfounded as it seems to be in absolute shambles…as if destroyed by a natural disaster. Bellatrix and The Shadow XIII rush back to her school to figure out what happened. However, they find hundreds of Tokyo citizens being sheltered in the living quarters by Giichi and Chisuke. They explain that last night…Vixens began not only attacking and destroying Tokyo…but they seemed to be fighting each other out of all things. The Shadow XIII are demanded by Giichi to help Chisuke fight off the threat…despite the fact that they’re not entirely capable of fighting yet due to their injuries. Chisuke convinced them to help though, since no one else is around to be able to do it. The group then head out as Sakura stays to help tend to the survivors of the wreckage.
The Shadow XIII travel to downtown Tokyo where they encounter a sight never before seen…eight very powerful Vixens fighting it out all throughout the streets at night. A feminine male vixen (The Pin-Cushion Vixen who’s able to hurt himself to cause harm to others) with shoulder length black hair is seen fighting another male vixen with a muscular build and gray skin (The Flame Vixen who’s able to turn his body into flame). The two rage on, destroying buildings as Chisuke and Mai join the fight. They both fight the warring Vixens…causing collateral damage…until the Flame Vixen is killed by Mai…Chisuke’s able to subdue the Pin-Cushion Vixen. He asks the Vixen what’s happening…only for the Vixen to laugh in his face and reveal they’re fighting in the Blood Wars. The Blood Wars are when Lilith allows some of her higher ranking Vixens to fight each other and consume each others hearts until they’re eligible to fill a role as one of the 13 Hexes. Chisuke and Mai are knocked off the roof as more vixens begin fighting…specifically The Cement Vixen (a gray male Vixen who’s able to manipulate Concrete) and The Frog Vixen (a purplish female vixen who can utilize her tongue like a frog can). The two wage on as The Pin-Cushion Vixen joins the fight. As more Vixens show up fighting…the Shadow XIII is forced to intervene. Chisuke, Kaito, and Mai take on the first three vixens. Keiko and Aimi then take on The Boneblade Vixen (a white-skinned male vixen who can grow bone blades from his body) and The Screeching Vixen (a young female Vixen who has a Sonic scream). The two engage in bloody battle with the Vixens, but Keiko wonders why she’s unable to tap into her purple flame power like she could against Harionna…all while Aimi seems to outmatch the Vixens in her pure strength and speed. Himiko, Harley, Luna, and Akimitsu take on The Centipede Vixen (a female vixen with a centipede protruding from her right arm) who’s been fighting The Blood Sickle Vixen (a grayish male Vixen who’s able to launch poisoned blood sickles from his arms). Rin and Rōnin are able to take on The Frog Vixen by herself.
The fights wage on in bloody war that destroys half of the city as vixens try to kill each other and fend off the vixen hunters. After brutal difficult battles…all but one falls to the blade of the Vixen Hunters…The Pin-Cushion Vixen. He managed to kill the Cement Vixen and eat his heart…turning into Lesser Hex 13…but with the combined forces of the Shadow XIII, he eventually falls to Mai's blade. But before he dies…Chisuke mentions finally killing all of the Vixens…The Pin-Cushion Vixen begins smiling as he says “No, not all of us” as he stares deeply into Bellatrix’s eyes…making her nervous. But eventually he disintegrates…and the Shadow XIII are able to rest easy.
After three days go by…The Shadow XIII are then thrust into a new mission as suspicions of a deadly vixen begin bubbling in the Kyoto district. Making the tired trek to the Kyoto district…they meet up with Giichi and Shinobi Hunter Amaya Gima: The Poison Hunter. The Shadow XIII and Bellatrix are told that girls have gone missing all throughout the Pleasure Quarters. Giichi normally would’ve considered it girls running away, or simple Murder…but the styles of the attacks had Vixen written all over them. The Shadow XIII are to investigate the Kyoto District to find the culprit of the missing girls. All of the girls (Keiko, Aimi, Shun, Himiko, Harley, and Mai) are to hide as new geisha hires to the Pleasure Quarters whereas the boys (Rin, Rōnin, Luna, Akimitsu, Kaito, and Shadow XI recruit…Ryu) are to pretend to be customers at the Pleasure Quarters…both are to gather as much information as possible.
The two groups begin to investigate not only the Pleasure Quarters…but the nearby Kyoto district as a whole…and they uncover some disturbing secrets. Kaito is responsible for getting one of the girls of House Shimamiya to reveal the backstory of House Ito. She said the legend goes that a little girl was fed up with being sold to men…she snapped and murdered everyone…causing the entire Kyoto Prefecture to be haunted. Himiko, Mai, and Harley investigate House Ito only to uncover that four of their most looked after geishas recently disappeared over the span of three months. Keiko, Aimi, and Shun meet up with the Geishas Suzuka, Hirai, Rina, and Sola…who all reveal that they believe a Geisha they performed with was secretly a vixen. Bellatrix and Amaya begin seeing a suspicious Geisha who Bellatrix swears looks familiar. Himiko, Harley, and Mai begin suspecting the Vixen is within their respective Houses/Pleasure Quarters…so they begin talking to and interrogating the workers and performers. Ultimately revealing House Ito of supposedly being haunted by the vengeful spirit of a young girl. Believing it to be a hint as to what the vixen is capable of…the girls all group together to stay in House Ito. During their stay, more girls and geishas go missing from the house…ultimately resulting in the girls believing Geisha Michiko to possibly be the Vixen. The boys all begin suspecting the majority of geishas who perform for the houses to be Vixens.
During the night, Keiko begins suspecting the house is actually haunted…as she believes she hears footsteps in her room when no one’s there. The next morning, everyone regroups to talk about their discoveries…except Keiko who’s nowhere to be found. Kaito mentions remembering seeing the Geishas carry someone off to the attic of House Ito. During the night, The Shadow XIII and Amaya investigate…only to find Keiko tied up, gagged, and asleep. As they go to untie her…they’re confronted by the four geishas…Suzuka, Hirai, Rina, and Sola…revealing themselves to be Vixens…. A fight then breaks out in House Ito…Geisha Suzuka is revealed to be able to manipulate wind with traditional fans, Geisha Hirai is revealed to be able to attack enemies with her shadow…utilizing shadow puppets for deadly combat, Geisha Rina is revealed to be able to cause people to hallucinate at the scent of her blood, and Geisha Sola is revealed to be able to turn umbrellas into sentient saws. The deadly fights with the Geishas result in Sola murdering Ryu right in front of everyone…and the destruction of House Ito. But as the Vixens are almost beat by the Shadow XIII, Suzuka accidentally mentions her mistress’ name…resulting in an arm bursting through her chest as the other vixens cower in fear and bow. As Suzuka horrifically melts to death in front of everyone, the arm is revealed to belong to Geisha Michiko…Lesser Hex 10 Onryō. Onryō then announces herself and scoffs at the Shadow XIII. Keiko, Kaito, Bellatrix, Aimi, and Amaya agree to fight Onryō while the others take care of the other Vixens.
A grueling and intense fight then commences that reveals Onryō's power…she’s able to manipulate fabric strands. The fight is taken to the outside of the Pleasure Quarters where Onryō completely overpowers her opponents due to her sheer strength and speed…that which outmatched even Bellatrix and Amaya. Her sheer destructive force left multiple buildings destroyed under her feet. She then scoffs at Keiko standing with her sword drawn and Kaito standing behind her. Keiko then yells to her as Onryō scales a building and nonchalantly sits on its roof…”I’m not gonna let you hurt anymore people!”. Onryō literally and metaphorically looks down at her and calls her cute…she then unraveled the fabric in her sleeves and unleashed complete chaos around Keiko. Keiko looks down to reveal her arms have been completely severed…she then enters complete shock as she hears screams of hundreds of people behind her. She turns around in complete shock as she sees destroyed building after destroyed building…hundreds of slaughtered people…and screaming children and women. But worst of all…Kaito's dead headless body lying on the ground…as his head slowly rolls away with a horrified look on his face…he was only 17. As she revels in her victory and in the terrified screams of Keiko, Onryō begins to cackle as she stands up and begins to threaten to eat the other Shadow XIII…all revealed to be defeated by Onryō’s vixens. But just as she goes to jump down to eat them, something fast and unbelievably strong punches her from behind…causing a green explosion with such force Onryō gets sent across the entire nearby District…destroying multiple buildings the whole way. She then hears another fiery explosion…only to see Keiko standing before her…with her arms completely regenerated while ignited in a green flame…and her eyes not only the black and red of a vixen…but with the same slit pupils of a Hex member.
Keiko begins to fight Onryō again…this time, the two cause unbelievable damage to the pleasure quarters and Kyoto district with Onryō causing mass destruction with her fabric and pure rage…and Keiko brutalizing Onryō with extremely deadly and powerful explosions of her green fire and extreme strength and speed. No matter how much damage Onryō does to Keiko…no matter how much she severs her limbs…Keiko regenerates them as fast as a Greater Hex. The fight continues across the rooftops as both vixens beat each other into bloody regenerating pulps, carelessly wrecking everything around them to kill each other. Eventually Keiko beats Onryō down till she's nearly powerless…Keiko continues to punch and kick Onryō…and rip her limbs off…stomp her face in…rip her hair out…but all in pure glee. As she continues to brutalize Onryō, she begins salivating at the thought of cannibalizing Onryō. Bellatrix begins dreaming of Lilith screaming at her “YOU NEED TO SAVE HER BEFORE SHE CHANGES FOREVER! WAKE UP BELLATRIX!”. We then watch as Bellatrix pulls Keiko away from cannibalizing Onryō’s face…kicking and screaming. Bellatrix then fights the Vixen Keiko, revealing Bellatrix as having the same eyes. The fight is brutal as Bellatrix ruthlessly beats down her newly twisted and demented student. Eventually, Keiko is able to calm down…and her and Bellatrix gather the remaining Shadow XIII members…as well as Ryu and Kaito's corpses…also revealing the other vixens to have been killed by Keiko. But before they can leave, they hear a shrill voice from behind them…”You’re just gonna leave me like that? We just started having fun!”. The group turn around to find a permanently disfigured Onryō. Another grueling intense fight ensues that results in Bellatrix going full Vixen as well as Keiko…the fight destroying the majority of the nearby district. The fighters brutally beat Onryō and she returns the favor, all while chasing after the beastly Vixen across the rooftops at an ungodly speed. But due to Amaya poisoning Onryō who was empowered by pure rage…they were finally able to kill her.
As Onryō died…Keiko received a vision from Onryō's life. Ever since she was a young girl, Michiko was considered unnaturally beautiful and she had a gift for sewing. But she was abducted from her village and forced into the life of a geisha. Throughout her career, she was beaten and abused by her superiors for fear that her beauty would let her surpass them. And after years of being treated like a slave, a beautiful woman entered the geisha house and slaughtered all but Michiko. She promised Michiko immense powers to rule the Kyoto district to earn the respect she deserved, as long as Michiko served her. Keiko returned from the vision…and The Shadow XIII were finally able to return to school. Bellatrix then had to explain to her students that she in fact is a vixen as well as an ex-Hex member…but was able to break away from the darkness that caused Lilith's Vixens to be evil…and she came clean about actually being Keiko's mother…but explained that that’s all she’s able to tell until further events happen.
Season 5:
Not even allowed two days to grieve or fully recover from their wounds, the Royal Guard is already forcing the remaining Shadow XIII on a mission. The mission will have them travel to a kingdom to the North within the Fukushima prefecture. The Royal Guard believe the Kingdom to have rampant Vixen activity and also believe that Lesser Hex 9 resides within the kingdom. This new mission has The Shadow XIII begin to resent the Royal Guard, with Akimitsu claiming that after the mission…he no longer wishes to be a Vixen Hunter due to the Royal Guard's inhumane treatment. The Shadow XIII then travel on horseback to the kingdom in the north. As they do, they come upon the kingdom which is guarded by one giant wall surrounding the whole kingdom. Viewing it as suspicious, the Shadow XIII still decide to enter. Upon their arrival, they’re greeted by two nameless hosts. The hosts guide them all around the kingdom, showing them everything they need to know. The hosts then show the Shadow XIII the luxurious mansion they’ll be staying in. As the Shadow XIII talk about their plans to investigate for a Vixen within the kingdom, the girl host bursts into the room with a terrified look and says “I wouldn’t say that out loud…she’s everywhere, the Vixen might hear you”. The man host then barges in with a smile on his face and coldly whispers to the woman host “Now, we both know…there’s no such thing as a vixen. Didn’t they teach you that in the palace?”. He then carries her off into the night kicking and screaming.
The Shadow XIII are tasked with interrogating the locals about a potential Vixen the next morning all while Keiko, Bellatrix, and Aimi search for their hosts. Shun, Luna, Rin, and Rōnin travel to a local pub to inquire about a potential Vixen…but they’re met with nothing but confused looks from the locals. Himiko, Mai, Harley, and Akimitsu inquire with the guards of the city…but each guard tells them off with a threatening tone “Vixens don’t exist”. Bellatrix, Keiko, and Aimi traverse the same ground their hosts left on. They eventually lead themselves to the Palace of the kingdom. Thinking the woman host was arrested, they plan to break her out of jail…only to discover all the jail cells have been emptied. Viewing this as incredibly suspicious, they leave while theorizing one of the guards or jail keepers is the vixen. Shun begins to discover thrown away wanted and missing persons posters…while Himiko starts to become suspicious after learning from an old woman…that her daughter was arrested 40 years ago for believing someone important was a vixen. The old woman explained that she hasn’t seen her daughter since and that the people of the kingdom don’t believe in Vixens, but remains vigilant that they exist and took her daughter and the other missing people. Akimitsu meets up with Shun’s group as they look for Bellatrix, Keiko, and Aimi. They eventually find them back at the mansion as Bellatrix and them prepare for something. As Himiko, Mai, and Harley enter the mansion…they all ask what’s going on…only for Bellatrix to reveal her suspicion that the vixen is somewhere within the court. The rest of The Shadow XIII reveal their findings of a kingdom who refuses to believe in Vixens.
Bellatrix and her students then travel to the palace’s jail and break in again. She instructs her students to help investigate for the whereabouts of the hosts and the vixen. As the group investigate the jails, Akimitsu comes across a torture chamber with the woman host tied up. They all rescue her and ask her about what happened…but she’s unable to speak due to her tongue being completely ripped out. She then leads them to a different part of the jail, the empty guards barracks. Lying upon a table…is an old book Bellatrix remembers as being one of the three Black Books. The Black Books were Lilith’s Grimoires filled with unknowable knowledge only Lilith could interpret. But as Keiko approached the Black Book…she began receiving a vision…a strange series of vignettes that seemed like past memories. The visions involved what looked like members of the royal guard, Lilith’s horrified and distraught face, Dianna disappearing…and Lilith casting a spell that cured someone of illness. Keiko tries to interpret the vision but is interrupted by guards arresting her and The Shadow XIII. They’re held in prison for days on end…but they take notice of the prisoners who arrive and then mysteriously disappear during the night. Eventually, they’re released to have an audience with King and Queen Kon who eventually release The Shadow XIII from their sentence.
But Queen Kon decides to keep them around to learn what they were doing. Queen Kon completely pardons them after learning of their hunt and informs them that her kingdom doesn’t believe in Vixens because she didn’t want false accusations or hysteria to run rampant. But she heavily thanks them for helping with the Vixen pest in her kingdom. The King then allows them to stay in the Palace until the vixen has been slaughtered. During their stay, Keiko learns about the history and Mythology of the Kon kingdom who believe in Inari…the goddess of fertility and the harvest. But more importantly, Keiko uncovers aspects of Lilith’s story. Lilith had corrupted Dianna’s people in a lust for power…and Dianna’s cultists convinced her to banish Lilith into Apocalypse…which is essentially hell. Dianna then would mysteriously disappear but her Cultists would enforce her rule and law and create the Royal Guard which operates under the law of Dianna.
The Shadow XIII continue their investigation into the Kon Kingdom. The investigation led to multiple dead ends however…as none of the guards or jailers were revealed as Vixens, the hosts are nowhere to be seen again, and the locals being completely unable to help. However, Himiko and Mai notice the disappearance of the old lady who revealed she believed in Vixens. Akimitsu eventually helps Keiko, Bellatrix, and Aimi uncover an underground resistance of civilians who conspire that Vixens live within their midst. Bellatrix and Akimitsu gather the others, and inquire with the resistance who believe a vixen is in the palace and pulling strings behind the king and Queen’s back. As the investigation continues…the group feel like they’re wandering in the dark, unable to discover the Vixen. But all that changes when Akimitsu believes he hears someone yelling for help at night. As he goes to investigate the cries, he’s quickly surrounded by shadowed figures. Keiko wakes up and notices Akimitsu's gone, so she gathers the other Shadow XIII members. But as they go to leave the palace, Akimitsu’s dismembered corpse is thrown through the window. The group stare in horror but all of them are quickly taken out themselves. Eventually they’re awoken by the king’s booming yell…but as they look up…both rulers have the eyes of a vixen…even worse, Queen Kon’s is that of a 13 Hex’s. She eventually reveals herself as Lesser Hex 9 Inari. She reveals The Shadow XIII her plan…to eat them all and be promoted to Greater Hex status. But it’s soon revealed that Rōnin was able to escape due to his ability and travelled to the resistance…who all started gathering civilians who turned out to be believers of Vixens. As Inari prepares to eat the Shadow XIII like a delicacy, she’s interrupted by her guards barging in and telling how the civilians have turned against them and started an uprising. Inari then realizes Rōnin is missing…which gives the Shadow XIII enough hope, and they break from their chains and all begin fighting Inari and her King. The fights wage on where it’s revealed Inari has the ability to manipulate her body (create extra limbs, elongate her limbs, control her hair etc). As the fight continues, it becomes increasingly more desperate as Inari rages on destroying her Palace. All but Keiko, Bellatrix and Aimi are unable to fight Inari. Inari manages to strike multiple lucky hits against the Shadow XIII…leaving Bellatrix and Aimi unconscious and Keiko severely injured. But as Inari came to behead Keiko…Inari’s palace walls crumbled as the Civilians, Resistance, and Rōnin defeated her guards. Seeing her time to strike right in front of her…Keiko became filled with rage, turning her into a vixen. The fight against Inari continued as her and Keiko took blow after blow from each other…each becoming more enraged. Inari grew even more enraged at the insubordination of her prey, and she began malforming her body with her spell to eventually become an eldritch beast made of countless limbs and clones. But Keiko, now consumed with darkness and unbridled rage…struck the killing blow with glee. Finally coming back to humanity…Keiko received a vision from Inari’s death.
When Asami was a little girl, she was deemed the black sheep of her family for being relatively unattractive. Her poor family couldn’t sell her off for riches and would berate and belittle her for her appearance. Instead they forced her to work menial tasks for them until they eventually couldn’t afford to feed her anymore. As they planned to do an honor killing, a beautiful woman appeared in Asami’s room…promising her the beauty, power and respect she desired her whole pitiful life…as well as abilities to exact revenge on her abusive family…as long as she served the mysterious woman. But at the end of the vision…Asami said to Keiko…”Remember who the real enemy is”. Keiko then helps Bellatrix to her feet…and inquired about what Asami/Inari could’ve meant…but all Bellatrix could do was cry from frustration.
The remaining Shadow XIII members head back to Tokyo with the Black Book now in their possession. Bellatrix then reveals she’s not just not telling Keiko the truth…she’s physically unable to because she simply cannot remember anything. But she reveals to Keiko…that there’s a chance they could do something to reveal the truth from Bellatrix’s lost memory. But it requires them to travel to the Royal City in Tokyo…the city of the Royal Guard who The Shadow XIII have grown disdain for. As Bellatrix and Keiko leave for the Royal City…she assigns her remaining students to train with their Shinobi Hunters. The training commenced with the students and Shinobi Hunters…each going on a mission to kill certain vixens giving the locals trouble all while Bellatrix and Keiko arrive in the Royal City. Bellatrix takes Keiko to a priesthood where they meet the Nun who raised Keiko as a kid…Sister Amaterasu. Sister Amaterasu reveals she knows Bellatrix’s situation and they’ve known each other for many years. She reveals to Keiko that Keiko must go through purification lest she risk becoming a Vixen permanently…and this purification will hopefully reveal the secrets Keiko and Bellatrix are looking for.
Bellatrix’s students and their Shinobi Hunters eventually take down their vixens…but notice weird levels of strength that’s not normal for average vixens. Bellatrix and Keiko then settle for the purification where Sister Amaterasu recites chants from The Book of Dianna but Keiko can’t escape the feeling that the chants felt similar to the Spell Lilith casted to cleanse people of disease. As the purification commenced, Keiko was thrust into a deep sleep where she dreamed of all the events she witnessed since she became a Vixen Hunter but the scenery switched to Kingdom Kon…and the Black Book. Keiko touched the Black Book which revealed Lesser Hex 7 Komainu guarding the entrance to a strange looking castle. Keiko eventually woke up and revealed what her dream was about. Sister Amaterasu then recognized the castle after Keiko described it…Infinite Apocalypse…a building of myth said to hold Lilith’s mortal form. They then knew what they had to do…traverse Infinite Apocalypse to discover their truths and finally defeat Lilith. Sister Amaterasu then revealed that it exists atop Mount Fuji…and it’s actually an infinite pocket dimension that won’t be easy to traverse. Keiko and Bellatrix start heading back to Tokyo…all the while Keiko kept thinking about Inari’s words…”Remember who the real enemy is”.
As Bellatrix and Keiko return days later, they finally hold a funeral for Hayate, Kaito, and Akimitsu. Days later, Bellatrix gathers her students to traverse to Mount Fuji. We then see as the remaining 13 Hexes are summoned to an infinite building that defies the laws of physics. They’re all forced on their knees and bow before HER…Lilith…a beautiful woman in a long black floral Kimono. She then commands her Hexes to slaughter “the traitor Bellatrix”. As the group stops in Kanagawa…they learn of a town in Kyoto that requires their help. They eventually decide to stop in Kyoto first, and help its civilians with what is inevitably a Vixen. The Shadow XIII begin their investigation to discover the Vixen behind the struggling town. The investigation turns up the same on everyone’s part…Himiko, Mai, and Harley find people indulging in sinful behavior (stealing, murder, gambling etc)…Shun, Aimi, Keiko, and Bellatrix discover the exact same…and so do Rin, Rōnin, and Luna.
Each group eventually splits off into mostly individual investigations. Luna & Mai find a man named Kodaka who seems to be in love with himself. Rin believes a man named Tomiju is the Vixen as he seems to horde wealth. Keiko & Aimi presume the angry town drunk named Go is the Vixen as he seems to be the cause of a lot of intense negative energy. Himiko believes an old woman named Naomi is the vixen after many townsfolk relate how she drags everyone down due to her jealousy. Rōnin and Harley believe the town flirt Aiko is the Vixen as men seem to disappear after she flirts with them. Shun believes the town glutton Daiki is the Vixen after hearing rumors that he’s resorted to cannibalism. And Bellatrix believes the lazy town ruler Taida is the vixen due to his apathy of people. Each investigation results in The Shadow XIII figuring out their subject is actually a vixen with each each member starting a fight with their respective vixens. This results in town wide destruction as Kodaka is revealed to be able to create perfect clones of him from any mirrored surface. Tomiju is revealed to be able to manipulate coins as weapons. Go is revealed to grow endless amounts of muscle mass to increase his physical strength. Naomi is revealed to be able to steal other witch’s mana…making her attacks flashier and stronger. Aiko is revealed to be able to entice people with her beauty. Daiki is revealed to be able to eat anything and literally inhale things into his gaping mouth. And Taida is revealed to be able to cause people to fall asleep.
Each Vixen fight results in the Vixens being defeated but running away in cowardice before the final blow can be struck. Each Vixen runs into the town church…and each Shadow XIII member quickly follows…only to uncover a scene of cannibalized townsfolk and a sickly looking teenage boy…Lesser Hex 8 Akuma. Instead of fighting however…Akuma tempts Keiko with fresh corpses…ready to be cannibalized. Keiko begins drooling as her eyes start turning. She begins lurching forward no matter how much Bellatrix tries to convince her to stop. But Akuma’s temptation proves too strong…as Keiko begins eating away. The Shadow XIII then begin fighting Akuma as Bellatrix and Aimi take him to the rooftops and the others deal with his disciples. The resulting fights are grueling and ever destructive…causing mass chaos in the town at night with the destruction of multiple buildings. Eventually The Shadow XIII fall to Akuma’s ability…he’s able to force people to indulge in their ultimate sin until death…revealing he is all sin and has his disciple’s abilities. But just before he can begin cannibalizing The Shadow XIII…Keiko stops eating the heart of a child and begins crying as she receives visions from Inari “What are you doing Lilith? YOU NEED TO SAVE US”. Akuma looks around for his disciples…but is unable to find them.
He eventually spots Keiko, holding the disintegrating heads of his disciples. She then kicks him so hard, he’s launched through multiple buildings. The two begin an absolutely destructive fight of Vixen against Vixen…as they punch, kick, and demolish each other into nothing but regenerating pulps. The fight continues on as Akuma’s rage induces multiple kicks and punches that destroy half the town and Keiko’s fire ignites the rest of it…but neither can get the upper hand. Until Keiko’s Black Book opens inside her bag. Before she knows it…Keiko was able to create extra limbs…like Inari…she was able to manipulate her fabric like Onryō, she was able to create Miasma like Jorogumo…she controlled his limbs like Harionna…and she manipulated the shadows like Enenra. But as she powered up, so did he…creating massive amounts of armor made from muscle and utilizing his disciples immense abilities. But Keiko eventually was able to rip him in half and began eating his heart. But as she did, Keiko began receiving a vision. A young, abandoned, and nameless child wandered the streets and was taken in by a church who named him Akuma due to the church believing he was filled with sin. Akuma was abused for months on end in an attempt to reverse his “sinful” nature. Suffering the abuse of the church, he prayed to Dianna to let him die in peace. But in came a mysterious woman…who promised the child immense powers to kill those who did him wrong…as long as he served her.
Keiko returned from the vision and returned back to humanity…unable to make sense of what just happened. The others awakened to the destruction and Akuma’s disintegrating corpse. Keiko then revealed that she was able to use the abilities of the Dead Hexes. Bellatrix and Keiko then began theorizing that the visions she’s been receiving were actually her absorbing the Vixens’ souls and powers. The Shadow XIII stay in Kyoto as sin has left the town after Akuma’s demise. They begin helping rebuild the town in apology for the damage they created…but on one night…Mai decided to walk to a store by herself. But as she made the trek back to the house The Shadow XIII were staying at…she heard something behind her. As she turned around…a tall psychotic man stared down at her with a smile while he held the bisected corpse of a cannibalized woman. The man then kneeled down to stare her in the eyes…revealing himself as Greater Hex 5 Omoikane. He then gently giggled “Don’t worry Mai…I’m not gonna hurt you”. He then stuck his finger entirely through her forehead and painfully infected her with Darkness. He stared at her writhing body and said “Finally, one of you will survive the transformation”.
Season 6:
Spending the last few hours before they head for Mt. Fuji help clean up, the Shadow XIII inquire as to the whereabouts of Mai. The group spend half the day searching for her only to turn up nothing. All until they ask a woman if she’s seen someone who looks like Mai…and she described seeing a girl with a similar look traveling with a man outside the town. The group instantly suspect something incredibly fishy, but end up theorizing maybe for whatever reason Giichi is escorting her to Mt. Fuji. The group then begin their treacherous trek to Mt. Fuji to strike the heart of the Vixen plague. As they near Mt. Fuji…they run into the Shinobi Hunters Sakura, Chisuke, Kazuhiko, Kaneki, Hoshi, Arakan, Uno, and Amaya. They all reveal that Giichi has instructed them to journey with the Shadow XIII into Infinite Apocalypse. After making the treacherous climb, they eventually stumble upon a decrepit run-down looking shrine…that Keiko recognizes as an altered version of the palace she saw in her vision in the Royal City. All the Shinobi Hunters (including Bellatrix) utilize their mana to reveal Infinite Apocalypse and then enter the palace with the Shadow XIII.
The group then step through the entrance only to reveal the infinite pocket dimension filled with impossible architecture. Bellatrix then reveals that they’re looking for Lesser Hex 7 Komainu, the guard of Infinite Apocalypse. But as they step further into the impossible pocket dimension, it begins to shift, they then hear the striking of a gong…and everyone is transported away from the entrance. Keiko wakes up at home, with her mom Bellatrix and her dad…Akio. She then realizes that she’s only dreamt up Vixens, they no longer exist and she can finally be at peace with her family. Aimi wakes up at home with her family and little brother…she hugs him and begins to cry. Shun wakes up in High School…with Harley…and the two begin to hold hands as if they were lovers. Rin wakes up in Bellatrix’s school where all his friends are still alive. Rōnin wakes up at his home…married to Rin. Luna wakes up as a normal looking human being, and begins making genuine friendships with his classmates. Harley wakes up at the circus where she’s a world renowned circus performer with her own comic book series. Himiko wakes up as the head of the Government of Witches where everyone worships her very being. And the Shinobi Hunters all wake up at their homes with their families.
As each Shadow XIII member revels in these idealistic worlds, each begin to notice something strange. Keiko keeps seeing glitches in her world that shatter her reality. Aimi notices that her little brother has missing details in his appearance. Luna begins to notice the words “Wake Up” everywhere in his reality. Rin begins to hear distant voices that sound like him screaming “YOU NEED TO WAKE UP!”. Himiko begins to question her ability to be head of the Government of Witches…and begins having visions she realizes are actually memories of the real world. Rōnin begins noticing strange differences in Rin’s personality. Harley begins seeing people in her audience that she realizes are her classmates. Shun keeps noticing Harley casually say “Wake Up!”. But before they know it, each member is violently woken up by a Shinobi Hunter…only for it to be revealed a long-Haired Vixen was forcing them to see what they desired most. Each group fought and killed their respective Vixen…who mysteriously all looked the exact same.
As each Vixen is killed, the rooms they’re in begin to crumble. The Shadow XIII and Shinobi Hunters make a break for the doors at the end of each room. But as each escaped their room, they heard a striking of a gong…they stumble into a house to see the other Shadow XIII members. Everyone, realizing they’re trapped in the house, begin to desperately search for an exit. Keiko begins to see her classmates blame her for everything, including the existence of Vixens, the death of her classmates, and the failure to save Lilith. Luna begins seeing his classmates degrade him and cause him to be an outcast. Rin begins seeing Rōnin die in front of him. Aimi sees a memory from her past haunt her…when her inherited spell developed and she accidentally killed her brother…resulting in the abusive training her parents forced her through for years. Himiko watches as her classmates praise Keiko for being greater than her. Rōnin sees Rin degrade him and say he’ll never love him. Harley sees as her classmates call her useless for not helping fight the 13 Hexes. Shun watches as Harley calls her unlovable. And the Shinobi Hunters watch their students all die in front of them.
Everyone begins realizing that this is yet another visual trick and hallucination caused by a vixen, but they fail to understand how to break from the nightmares. As Keiko realizes she’s just in a nightmare…she begins ignoring her classmates and reminds herself that she’s worthy of the title Vixen Hunter. Luna begins arguing about how useful he is as a friend and classmate. Rin freezes Rōnin’s dying body, preventing his body from degrading and erasing from his memory. Aimi begins contrasting her memories with thoughts about how she endured her family’s abuse and the death of her little brother…and became a respectable Vixen Hunter. Himiko reminds herself that other people’s opinions don’t matter and Himiko is completely worthy of being a Vixen Hunter…and even admits that Keiko grew to be respectable. Rōnin begins remembering Rin’s previous kind words and ignores the doubts he clearly has and confesses to the fake Rin that he loves him. Harley, instead of beating herself up, promises to herself to be instrumental in the defeat of every Vixen going forwards. Shun reminds herself that unrequited love isn’t the end of the world, and promises to move on. And the Shinobi Hunters refuse to believe their students are dead…and instead begin seeing them as still living.
This causes all of them to wake up from the nightmares…only to find the same Vixen from before removing her eyeballs from their foreheads. Her eyes travel from her hands and into their sockets. Each member hears the banging of a gong and are transported outside the house. The house then begins malforming until it’s evidently alive. The house begins to attack The Shadow XIII and Shinobi Hunters with powerful Mana-Imbued attacks…but the group were eventually able to break in and easily strike the Vixen in her heart…revealing her as the new Lesser Hex 9 Baku. As they recover from the attacks, Keiko begins wondering why her nightmares said she caused Vixens. Unable to think of an answer, the Shadow XIII assume the answer will be in Lilith’s Black Book that’s being guarded by Komainu.
As they talk, they all hear a booming laughter come from above them. They all look up to see Lesser Hex 7 Komainu…a tall and handsome man in a black suit with a long tail and teeth of a dog. He calls them cute as he drops the head of the real Baku revealed to be still alive yet unable to regenerate her body leaving her in painful agony. He drops off the platform, and begins fighting each member. He out-speeds even Hoshi and Bellatrix…the fastest Shinobi Hunters…and punches with strength yet unseen from a Vixen. As each side fights on…destroying everything in their path, Komainu stops fighting and says “Let’s spice up our little Soirée”. He then reveals his ability to manipulate architecture to his whim and sends all the Vixen Hunters down multiple paths in the infinite pocket dimension…disregarding the laws of physics and creating new architecture that transports each hunter through infinite separate pocket dimensions of Infinite Apocalypse…eventually losing them in the Vixen-Infested Infinity.
Keiko and Bellatrix begin traversing their part of Infinity, only to discover The Phasing Vixen…a male Vixen who’s able to cause things that touch his body to appear from a different part of his body. Aimi and Sakura traverse incredibly dark and long hallways…only to discover the Color Vixen…a female Vixen who can telekinetically control items the same color of her changing skin. Shun and Amaya eventually uncover the Arm Blade Vixen…a female Vixen who’s able to grow multiple types of blades from her forearms. Rin and Arakan discover The Magnet Vixen…a male vixen who can cause two things to be magnetically attracted to each other if he touches them. Rōnin and Uno uncover the Clap Vixen…a male vixen who can cause fiery explosions when he claps his hands. Luna and Kazuhiko uncover The Plush Vixen…a female Vixen who’s able to bring puppets, dolls, and plushes to life. Himiko and Kaneki discover The Invisible Vixen…a female Vixen who can simply just make herself invisible not visually but in all sense…she's invisible to reality making it so her hits aren’t even felt, her steps unheard, her scent unsmelled. Harley and Hoshi eventually discover The Sand Vixen…a male vixen who’s able to telekinetically manipulate sand. All groups engage in grueling and difficult fights…but eventually best their vixens…and miraculously find each other.
Giichi and his followers find Infinite Apocalypse atop Mt. Fuji. As they enter, Giichi talks to a mysterious black cat affectionately perched atop his shoulder. The Shadow XIII and Shinobi Hunters eventually find a giggling and gleeful Komainu who mockingly remarks about how resilient they are. He happily hops up and engages in battle. A grueling fight then commences as the Shadow XIII and Shinobi Hunters risk everything to grab Komainu’s Black Book. The fight results in multiple injuries as architecture after architecture is destroyed. Komainu’s ability causes the disregard of physics as architecture is created and destroyed centering gravity all over Infinity…keeping the fight aerial. Hallway after hallway, impossible house after impossible house, pointless wall after pointless wall, floating architecture after floating architecture are all destroyed…all until Keiko, Harley, and Aimi are left standing. The grueling fight continues as all four give it their everything. Komainu shifts and twists the inside reality of Infinite Apocalypse in complete disregard as to the laws of physics…but his power is proven useless under Harley’s determination to help. She relentlessly attacks him with her circus balls she turned back into demolition balls…constantly shattering Komainu into nothing but regenerating pulp leaving him open to Keiko and Aimi’s swords.
As Komainu dies, Keiko receives the mysterious vision she gets after each Hex dies. Hiraku was born into a strict family. After showing signs of mental illness, his family locked him in a disappointments room in the basement. For years on end he slowly wasted away, forgotten by his family…wishing to see what’s beyond his walls. Until a mysterious woman released him…and promised him powers to expand his territory and take revenge on his family…as long as he served her. Coming back from the vision, Keiko hoped the Black Book would bring insight into her visions and nightmare. But as she opened it…she received a vision of each of the 13 Hexes fusing into her…as well as Lilith traversing Infinite Apocalypse until she came across The NeverEnding Library where she left her third Black Book…she then looks Keiko in the eyes and gently whispers “this is for you”. As Keiko came back from the vision, she noticed a black cat rub up against her leg. She then felt a sword pressed to her back as Giichi coldly said “Keiko! I know exactly what you are!”.
Season 7:
Keiko turns around to find Giichi and his henchmen…who remark about how they know she’s a Vixen. As Keiko looks on in confusion, Giichi mentions how instrumental Keiko was in leading them to Lilith…and he has no more use of a Vixen. The Shadow XIII step in to confront Giichi…and a fight breaks out. Keiko's friends begin fighting Giichi’s cohorts, and Keiko and Bellatrix take on Giichi himself. Giichi proves to be extremely strong as his Inherited Spell makes him impervious to damage. The fights continue on as Giichi's mysterious black cat blankly stares off into the distance. Strike after strike, blow after blow, attack after attack…but nothing seems to break past Giichi’s Inherited Spell. The grueling fight continues…but Bellatrix falls, and as Giichi readies his blade to strike her through the heart…Keiko begins feeling complete and utter anguish. But before she even knows it, she hears a gong…and everyone is transported around Infinite Apocalypse. Keiko and Giichi are transported to the same room…and as Keiko becomes a Vixen, they begin fighting to the death. Shun and Himiko are transported to a part of Infinite Apocalypse defined by countless religious shrines continuously stacked atop each other. Everyone else is transported to an endless library. Giichi’s disciples are transported to a strange garden.
Shun and Himiko begin wandering around the eerily lit shrines…but all they can find are the undying yet cannibalized corpses of Vixens. They continue wandering down the darkly lit crimson hallways of the shrines but continue to discover cannibalized vixen after cannibalized vixen as gasping in pleas of help. They continue down the shrines, and after entering each room…they find talismans warning about “The Demon of Kyoto”. They eventually stumble out of one shrine and onto a giant religious platform lined with mummified Vixens meditating…still living but cannibalized Vixens…and flies whiffing around the scent of rot. But right in the middle of the platform sat a priest cannibalizing the screaming remains of a Vixen desperately yelling at the girls to help him…the priest nonchalantly gets up and turns around with a devilish grin plastered across his face…revealing himself as Greater Hex 6 Oni…The Demon of Kyoto. Oni begins to speak with the girls…about what he loves most…feeling powerful…exerting dominance over other vixens by cannibalizing them…the joy of killing and suffering runs through his skin each time. The girls begin to erroneously fight him in vain…each move they make, he strikes them down with glee. But he refuses to kill them instantly…instead wishing to see the suffering and desperation on their faces as they realize they can’t kill him. But despite this, the girls keep getting back up to fight him…realizing that if they don’t kill him, he will kill them…and they don’t have a Shinobi Hunter to save them.
Oni begins to laugh at their pitiful attempts to strike his heart and punches them with an ungodly force. But both girls remained prescient…because they had a plan that Oni didn’t know about. Using herself as bait, Himiko did a clumsy stumble at Oni…who quickly violently struck her down. Knowing he’d have something to say, she grabbed his arm as he bent down to boast to her. He viewed it as a last ditch attempt to kill him so he struck her hand away and laughed…but what he didn’t know, is Himiko removed 50% of his power in one touch…after Shun copied his inherited Spell. Cause while both girls pretended to be weaklings to lower his expectations…they both picked up that he was getting stronger each passing minute of the fight…and they made a devastating plan to beat him. Shun would copy his Inherited Spell that seemed to slowly make him stronger and stronger, Himiko would then feign weakness in order to grab him to then remove at least half of his magic…leveling the playing field. The real fight then commenced as Shun punched him with so much devastating force his head exploded…but he almost instantaneously regenerated it and began to laugh, realizing the actual potency of the Vixen Hunters he was fighting. A new fight commenced as Oni refused to hold back…Shun and him began devastating each other with blow after blow. Shun then began to realize that his Inherited Spell affected more than just his strength…but also his speed, agility, physical endurance…and after he shattered her arm so hard it severed from her body…she realized that her healing rate is exponential as her arm completely regenerated within a matter of a few seconds.
Knowing she’s almost limitless…Shun began fighting in a reckless yet powerful style. She punched Oni over and over…obliterating his body…only for him to regenerate and return the favor. Their speed began racking up so fast that Shun saw everything around her except Oni in slow motion. Their punches grew so strong in strength that the mere wind power would destroy the nearby shrines and architecture. The intense and difficult fight raged on as they both destroyed each others bodies. But eventually, Oni began mutating…he grew even bigger, he began growing horns, his skin turned red, and his teeth protruding from his mouth. But Shun noticed something wrong with her as well…an intense desire to kill…having copied a Greater Hex's Inherited Spell for so long resulted in her turning into a Vixen. They both began fighting stronger and faster…each punch destroying their surrounding area and each other…each punch echoing through Infinite Apocalypse as the sound of Thunder. But Himiko continued draining Oni’s power while Shun continued to grow and grow…and after Oni's pride and fury caused him to make one misstep…Shun's singular punch destroyed his entire body. His lone heart was then pierced by Himiko's sword…Greater Hex 6 was finally beaten…and Shun returned to normal as Oni's body disappeared…along with his Inherited Spell.
As Keiko continued fighting Giichi, she received another vision. Katashi was born with a severe chronic illness. Having devoted his life to priesthood, he quickly lost all hope in Dianna to save him. As he lied in his lonely hospital bed…forgotten by his friends and family, consumed by grief and hatred, and on the verge of death…a beautiful woman entered the room…promising him everlasting life and strength that he lacked…with one price, he must serve her forever. Despite not having even fought Oni…she still somehow recognized him in her vision. She then felt a burst of power course through her body…but Giichi's cat appeared in their room and hopped on his shoulder. Keiko couldn’t understand what, but she saw him talk to the cat, and then vanish…into thin air. Giichi then ran out of Infinite Apocalypse and made his way back to the Royal City.
Keiko then begins feeling overly emotional as she realizes her rash decision to utilize Komainu's magic sent her friends to what could’ve been their death at Greater Hex 6 Oni. She then utilizes the same architectural power to summon her, her friends, and the Shinobi Hunters to a different part of Infinite Apocalypse. The group then realize that if they head forwards, they’ll come across the same endless library most of them were at. They continue the trek through Infinite Apocalypse until they come across what Keiko recognizes as The NeverEnding Library. The group continue through the endless and ever-changing library…as they get deeper, the bigger and more otherworldly it becomes as its sky begins turning bright blue and the architecture begins corrupting into eldritch shapes. They eventually start finding eldritch tentacled fish creatures searching through the books for lost knowledge not meant to be seen by any living creature. The beings don’t seem to be Vixen…or even human in nature…they’re completely otherworldly. But they finally come across the main section of The NeverEnding Library…in the middle…being read by a strange shirtless, red haired, light-blue skinned man (the same one who transformed and took Mai) with two sets of eyes and one cyclopian eye on his forehead…is the Third Black Book.
The man only has his one pair of eyes open, and looks up at the group in Dead seriousness. He then immediately starts fighting The Shadow XIII and Shinobi Hunters. He quickly dodges all of their attacks and starts launching immense unbridled Mana attacks from the Black Book. He’s then revealed to be Greater Hex 5 Omoikane…the God of Knowledge. The fight rages on as Omoikane dodges every single attack thrown at him…and then he wakes up. His forehead eye and second set of eyes awaken with a grin plastered across his face…he then comments with glee “IM FINALLY AWAKE! I FORGOT HOW GREAT IT FEELS TO BE ME!”. Bellatrix and Keiko attempt to fight him but he moves with speed and agility never before seen and attacks with furious joy as he dodges all of their attacks. The Shinobi Hunters and rest of The Shadow XIII join in to fight but not a single attack touches Omoikane as he blocks or dodges all of them. He begins fighting faster and so low to the ground with unrivaled agility…so much so, that it becomes nigh impossible to even be able to reach his heart if their attacks can even land. He then strikes down every single Shinobi Hunter and punches Sakura right through the heart. He looks at her with a joyful gleam and comments how she doesn’t need to die, he perfected his ability to create Hex level Vixens. She refuses the offer and he joyfully rips her heart out…he then turns to the Shadow XIII and gestures behind them. They look to see Lesser Hex 8 Mai, she begins attacking The Shadow XIII. Omoikane then dodges Luna's pumpkin bombs and strikes him down…fatally…he then dies in Bellatrix's arms.
Himiko then begins hiding in the corner of the library and motions to Shun. Shun then copies Himiko's Inherited Spell, and begins using it on Mai to weaken her. Himiko then uses her Inherited Spell on Omoikane, and she begins to engage in a sword fight. Surprised at her surprisingly fast and unpredictable yet precise slices, he begins to fully engage with her fight. He laughs as he strikes her down easily defeating her…but as he stomps his foot on her head, she grabs his ankle. He looks on in confusion…then begins to realize…he neglected to fight Himiko because he didn’t think of her as a threat…when she was the first to realize his Inherited Spell…he can see into the future allowing him to see what their attacks are gonna be. She then devised a plan to severely lessen the effect of his Inherited Spell…he then begins to become overwrought with anxiety as he can now barely see the future. Himiko begins to smile…as Omoikane looks down at her, he’s bombarded by vicious attacks from Keiko and Bellatrix who have entered their Vixen states.
Another intense fight begins as Omoikane is struck again and again by Keiko and Bellatrix’s relentless attacks…unable to see the future and dodge them. They continue to blast him through The NeverEnding Library…but he can still see just enough to know when they’ll strike his heart. He begins to panic and summons Lilith's Black Book. As Shun and Chisuke fight Mai, Shun accesses her Vixen form that she gained from Oni. Their fight commenced as the NeverEnding Library gets destroyed with relentless blood attacks and Shun being able to destroy Mai's body with her Greater Hex strength. And Chisuke is eventually forced to strike his disciple through the heart…and watch as she begins to cry…realizing her humanity as she fades away. Omoikane continues to fight Keiko and Bellatrix with Lilith’s Black Book…but Keiko and Bellatrix prove to be too fast to hit in their Vixen forms. Omoikane unleashes attack after attack that results in his Library being destroyed even further. Bellatrix is eventually able to strike Omoikane down, but before Keiko could strike him through the heart…he launched a mana attack that sent him flying through the NeverEnding Library. Keiko and Bellatrix relentlessly follow after him, but as he comes across a fork in the path of the Library…Rōnin materializes with Harley who launches her circus ball down the hallway at Omoikane. The ball reverts back into a demolition ball and destroys Omoikane's body, leaving Keiko an opening to strike his heart and finally kill him.
Keiko then receives her vision of Omoikane's life. Kei was a dull boy born into a family that valued intelligence the most. Having been a disappointment, he was continuously abused by his father for his perceived lack of intelligence and responsibility. Disowned by his family and forced to wander the streets, he stumbled upon a beautiful woman who promised everything he desired…intelligence…but at the cost of serving her forever. Keiko began feeling a strange and unrecognizable remorse for the Hexes that she couldn’t explain. She then grabbed the final Black Book that has the answers she seeks. She opened the book…but she was not prepared for the revelations that would be dumped onto her. The book revealed in visions…that Dianna was convinced by the head of her cult (who had the same mysterious Black Cat) to banish Lilith to Apocalypse. But the Cult of Dianna was only seeking to commit an act of genocide against Lilith and her people…who were nothing but innocent people that they viewed as lesser than. Lilith herself wasn’t a demon…but Dianna’s sister…a goddess…and was never on a power hungry quest to rule the world. The cult new this would banish Dianna, and allow the cult to create the Government of Witches to rule over them all. But they didn’t account for Lilith still being able to create more of her people…who would eventually be corrupted by the darkness of Apocalypse…and turn into the creatures who inhabited Apocalypse…Vixens. Its then revealed that Giichi has been creating Vixens from people who originated from Lilith’s bloodline…so they’d have an excuse to kill them and continue genocide against Lilith’s people…this then explains Yama-Uba, Kuroneko, and Hanzo. It’s revealed that Lilith didn’t intend to ever create monsters…but to create her people who would birth her reincarnation that she could be reborn through to create balance on earth again. This reincarnation…is Keiko. Keiko's then shown Panacea…the spell that can cure a vixen of their darkness and revert them to humanity…the same spell Keiko saw in the first Black Book. Lilith then appears in the vision and tells Keiko that if she wants the world to be free of Vixens…she has to use Panacea on Lilith and sacrifice herself to allow Lilith to regain her powers in the mortal world…and deal with Giichi. Keiko has to enter the Garden of Sinners and the Garden of Sin to reach the Tower of Sin to use Panacea on Greater Hex 2 Nue…to summon Greater Hex 1 Lilith.
Now knowing the reality of what they’ve been doing…helping in acts of genocide…The Shadow XIII and Shinobi Hunters vow to rebirth Lilith and cure her with Panacea to stop Giichi. They leave The NeverEnding Library in search of the Garden of Sinners. They wander for hours on end in Infinite Apocalypse but are unable to find the Garden of Sinners…until they reach a certain point of Infinite Apocalypse which they’re unable to traverse past. Realizing this is where they’re supposed to be…Keiko is able to tap into Omoikane's future sight…where she completely rejects reality…allowing her and the others Entrance to the Garden. They then enter the vast garden only to find Giichi's disciples slaughtered across the flower beds. Standing before them is Greater Hex 4 Kyunshii…she coldly stares them down as she starts manipulating the flesh of the dead corpses to create a scythe.
Kyunshii rushes towards the Shadow XIII and slaughters Amaya and Chisuke before everyone. A fight commences between the remaining Shadow XIII/Shinobi Hunters and Kyunshii who proves to be unbelievably strong. The Greater Hex attacks with speed, precision, and strength…ultimately downing everyone but Keiko, Rin, and Rōnin. The fight commences again as Kyunshii just immediately regenerates all the damage she takes and for whatever reason…Keiko is unable to enact Panacea. The fight wages on, and Rōnin is eventually almost able to strike Kyunshii in the heart. Realizing her opponents might actually be worthy, Kyunshii reveals the full extent of her power…being able to manipulate the blood, flesh, and bone of dead creatures…including herself. She turns her arms into flesh cannons that launch explosive acidic blood…she creates bone weapons from her body…she uses the dead Royal Guard as explosive corpses. The fight continues as the flower beds are laced with blood under the moonlight. But eventually Kyunshii is almost able to kill Keiko…as Kyunshii attempts to stick a bone blade through Keiko's heart…she screams in her head “YOU NEED TO SURVIVE!”. She then feels a hand on her shoulder…she looks to see Jorogumo when she was human…and behind her, every other Hex member solemnly yet reassuringly staring at her. Keiko then goes full Vixen and is able to brutally beat down Kyunshii…and she’s finally successful in utilizing Panacea. The spell hurts Kyunshii as it forcefully rips the darkness from her soul and Keiko absorbs it into her heart.
Keiko then receives the vision of Kyunshii's life. Akane and Midori were two sisters who lived a normal life…until they came home one day to find a vixen feeding on their parents. Being forced to stay in multiple girls houses where they were pimped out to abusive men much older…they pleaded for help to escape their circumstances. Their cries for help were heard but not by Dianna…but by a beautiful woman who promised to grant them the strength and power to escape their predicament…and take revenge on the men who did them wrong…under the condition that they serve her. Keiko then finally realized what the visions actually were…a way of Lilith repenting for her sins, the visions are the darkness that separates from the Hexes allowing them to move on from their suffering and sin…allowing them to move on to a better place in the afterlife. Keiko comes back from the vision…and sees Kyunshii revert back into 15 year old Akane. Akane then begins crying and hugging Keiko, thanking her for getting rid of her pain. As the other Shadow XIII and Shinobi Hunters recuperate…Akane reveals that Midori has become Greater Hex 3 Orochi…and is in the Garden of Sin just past the exit gates. Giichi then finally arrives to his palace and enters his empty room with his cat…Giichi can then be heard crying and pleading with someone. The Shadow XIII and Shinobi Hunters arrive at the gates of the Garden of Sin…and enter.
Season 8:
As the Shadow XIII and Shinobi Hunters enter The Garden of Sin, they’re immediately set off by an overwhelming presence of regret. That regret is soon taken over by fear, sadness, anger, and then happiness. Akane then reveals that The Garden of Sin is a place that brings back the memories of your life so you can reflect on your sin and mistakes. She mentions that Midori/Orochi lives in the Garden not to protect it like Lilith wanted, but to find her memories from when she wasn’t a vixen. But Akane is interrupted by Yamata no Orochi, Midori's eight headed guard snake. A fight then breaks out as The Shadow XIII and Shinobi Hunters fight Yamata no Orochi. The giant snake takes them on bite after bite, but it doesn’t stand a chance against the hardened Vixen Hunters…but as it dies, it seems to scream out in pain while shedding a tear. The group then begin traversing the Garden of Sin in search of Midori/Orochi. But as they trek through the Red Spider Lillies, Akane starts mentioning more aspects of the garden. If you pluck the flowers and close your eyes with the flowers in your hand, you get to relive your most cherished memories. Each member plucks a flower and lives through their memories. Bellatrix remembers being home, pregnant with Keiko, as her husband Akio held her hand. Keiko remembered as she watched Himiko from her orphanage train with swords to be a vixen hunter in the Royal Guard Training School…inspiring her with awe. Aimi remembered befriending Keiko, Shun, and Luna when they first met. Rōnin remembered the Kappa Festival where him and Rin first held hands. Rin remembered first seeing Rōnin and befriending him. Shun remembered her dying mother whose last wish to 10 year old Shun was that she would become a world renowned Vixen Hunter. Himiko remembered the School Tournament when she realized that Keiko could truly become her rival. Harley remembered her circus family teaching her gymnastics while she befriended the other circus kids. Akane remembered the sweet moments her and her sister would share when they were humans. And the Shinobi Hunters Kazuhiko, Kaneki, Hoshi, Arakan, and Uno all remembered seeing their students succeed and achieve their dreams.
As everyone returned from their memories, they began to wander further into the Garden. Each step they took, each Red Spider Lily they passed…they dreaded the fight they were gonna have with Midori. But as they trekked up a small hill, they found Midori, Greater Hex 3 Orochi…weeping over a Red Spider Lily shrouded under the cold light of the Moon. Akane then screamed out in tears “MIDORI!”. Orochi then shed a tear in frustration and crushed the flower in her hand. She stood up and stared the group down with tears in her eyes. Akane then shouted “Keiko can help you! She can take your pain away!”. Orochi shouted back “I know! But no matter how much she tries, she can’t erase what I’ve done! I’ve killed people, Midori's dead, Akane!…Midori is a memory, this is unfortunately what I am now!”. Orochi began to fight the Shadow XIII and her pure rage of what Lilith turned her into allowed her to strike everyone down with ease. Even Keiko and Bellatrix's Vixen forms were no match for Greater Hex 3, as they were knocked off their feet time and time again as Orochi continuously shed tears. But Akane refused to let her new friends fall to Orochi, and she refused to let Orochi fall to her own grief. Seeing her determination to change someone for the better, Aimi continued to stand and fight with Akane. This angered Orochi who believed that there’s no changing the things she’s done as a Vixen…but as Aimi and Akane fought with each other to show Orochi that there is change…she became so angered that she unleashed her Inherited Spell…the ability to grow poisonous snakes from her body. Keiko, Rin, and Harley stood to their feet and began helping again…making sure that Orochi’s snakes can’t prove Orochi right, that she’s a heartless killer who can’t be redeemed. As Keiko smashed snake after snake, Rin froze snake head after snake head, and Harley crushed snake after snake…Aimi and Orochi got into an argument. Orochi screamed “THERE'S NO POINT IN SAVING ME! I KILLED TOO MANY INNOCENT PEOPLE TO BE SAVED! JUST LET ME DIE HERE IN PEACE!”. Aimi began to scream “I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL MIDORI! BUT YOU HAVE TO RECOGNIZE THAT YOU CAN RIGHT YOUR WRONGS!”. Orochi shouted in frustration “YOU HAVE NO CLUE WHAT ITS LIKE! YOU'VE NEVER BEEN BRANDED A MONSTER!”. Aimi began crying as she shrieked “I DO KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE! MIDORI! I KILLED MY OWN LITTLE BROTHER! BUT I DIDN'T WALLOW IN SELF PITY, I PROMISED TO CHANGE FOR THE BETTER AND NEVER LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN!”.
Akane then came up behind Orochi and hugged her. She then said to Orochi “Midori, I know you can change…I just need you to know that you can change too”. As a tear of realization ran down Orochi's cheek, Keiko held Orochi's hand. Orochi looked down to Keiko as she gently smiled and used Panacea to take away Orochi's pain. As the darkness ripped from Orochi's heart in anguish…Keiko absorbed it and watched as Orochi reverted back into 15 year old Midori…who began to wail at her pain being lifted from her shoulders. She thanked everyone and began to hug Akane. Midori then revealed that she trapped herself in The Garden of Sin after she held a Red Spider Lily and realized she used to be human. She would continuously pick the flowers to relive her memories of being human, and promised to repent for her sins as a Vixen by killing herself after she lived her last memory. Akane then asked how many flowers Midori had left until she killed herself…and Midori replied with “One”. Midori then picked her last flower, and revealed the memory of Akane, Aimi, and Keiko saving her. As she came back, she cried out “I don’t wanna die anymore” and embraced her sister. Midori then took the group to her cabin that she lived in while she stayed in the garden, the group had dinner and reveled in their victory…then revealed to Midori that they plan to take on Greater Hex 2 Nue next. Midori then promised to help in the fight as a favor for them saving her.
As a week goes by to recuperate from their fights, Midori and Akane lead the group to The Tower of Sin. As they enter the tower, they all begin to wander around in search of Nue…except Akane and Midori. Both reveal that Nue isn’t actually within The Tower of Sin…but he lives on the Moon within Infinite Apocalypse that hovers above the tower. They then reveal that in order to be summoned to Nue's moon, they have to light three candles of chaos that can be found within the pocket dimensions behind each of the doors in the tower. Each pocket dimension is kept alive by a Candle of Chaos still burning…and when the candles are extinguished, it erases the pocket dimension while weakening Nue. Keiko, Aimi, Rin, Shun, and Shinobi Hunter Uno volunteer to be the ones to grab the candles. The first room throws them into a dimension of only the color white but everyone's shadow is a random color…they easily find the candle and extinguish it. The second room opens a pocket dimension that is a bleak forest with the exception of a good version of Nue having brunch with historical figures when they were children…Nue points them to the candle. And the third room releases them into a dream world that’s influenced by every living being's dreams…while one part of the world is made of chocolate and cookies…other parts of the world are made up of fascistic post-Apocalyptic chaos. After traversing a fifty-foot tower of books…they finally find the candle.
After they return from the third room, the group lights all three candles. The moon begins to shine bright and then disappear. The tower's walls begin to crumble around the group, revealing that they’ve been summoned to Nue's moon. As they walk out, they see him…the skeletal jester in red and black as he sits on his throne. Before they can begin the fight, Nue changes the look of his moon to that of a circus. Nue then announces to the audience his opponents…then as the roaring crowd cheers him on, he begins to fight. Nue plays dirty as he reveals his Inherited Spell…the ability to perfectly shapeshift into someone else. But as the others grow scared of Greater Hex 2 Nue…Harley respects his whole getup…and feels completely at home fighting in his arena. She then begins to fantasize about her being the hero of her own comic book and him being her own arch-nemesis. Harley tells the others to back off because she wants to fight Nue herself. Nue begins to love Harley's chaotic nature and agrees to fight solo. The two begin to fight, and we see the real efforts Harley’s actually been putting in since she lost in the school tournament as she mimicked Aimi and Himiko’s perfect sword skills, Keiko and Rōnin's agility, and Shun and Rin's smarts. She also put to use her acrobatic and gymnastic skills as she combined them with what she learned from fighting Omoikane…effortlessly dodging Nue’s chaotic attacks. As Nue begins to feel excitement for his worthy opponent, he ecstatically asked her if she would consider becoming a vixen so they can be unkillable sparring partners. She refused and said “Nue, as cool as I think your getup is…I’m never gonna settle for being Number 2's sparring partner! Unlike you, I aim for the top…that’s why I learn from my fights! It’s been how many years…and you still haven’t reached Lilith’s level? I’d never spar with someone who can’t learn and grow with me!”. Harley then began using her inherited spell to transform her katana into a comically large hammer she used to beat Nue into nothing but a pulp. Enraged by her insult, Nue transformed into past Hex members and used their immense powers. But just like him…she used their skills as well. She effortlessly dodged his attacks and fought so low to the ground like Omoikane, she fought with the unbridled unpredictability of Nue, and fought with the determination of her classmates and Bellatrix…ultimately beating Nue til he couldn’t move.
Keiko then stepped in to use panacea on the heavily weakened Nue. Keiko prepared for her vision. Ichirō was young when he was ran over by a carriage…leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. Forced to live his life stuck in his room…left to his books and stories, Ichirō dreamed of exploring the outside world. His hope for a new life was granted when a beautiful and kind woman appeared in his room and promised him the ability to walk…and much more…enticing him to be her experiment…creating the first Vixen. But he was never intended to be evil, Lilith only merely intended to help him achieve his dreams of being like the heroes in the stories he read. Keiko then came back from the vision to watch Nue revert to the young and healthy Ichirō. He began to cry…because he knew that Lilith would still kill him after he was saved. He cried out “SHE'S GONNA KILL ME! AND THEN SHE'S GONNA KILL YOU!”. Infinite Apocalypse began to disappear and the group and Ichirō appeared on top of Mt. Fuji. As the moon in the night sky glowed crimson red and lit up the sky with the color of blood…Ichirō began disintegrating in front of everyone. Keiko and Bellatrix then heard ritual chimes and looked up…on the far side of the same plateau in the mountain…floated a beautiful woman in a black floral kimono with long flowing black hair…Greater Hex 1 Lilith.
Lilith stared at them blankly and spoke with a cold chill “So…you killed my hexes”. She then scoffed and began laughing “AND NOW YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING TO KILL ME…cute”. The Shadow XIII and Shinobi Hunters readied their blades…knowing that this might very well be their very last battle. Keiko, Bellatrix, and Shun then entered their Vixen forms. Everyone rushed at Lilith…she coldly stared them in the eyes…and with the swipe of one hand…sent them all flying without having even touched them. Uno of the Shinobi Hunters then devised a plan to utilize everyone’s inherited spells and cast his luck curse on Lilith to make her unlucky. This then allowed for Himiko to get close enough to touch Lilith as Lilith missed her attack…Himiko drained Lilith of 99% of her power right after Shun copied her Inherited Spell that allows her to create inherited spells to use. Kaneki would then use his telekinesis to slow Lilith's movement and Rin would freeze parts of her body for the same reason. Bellatrix, Kazuhiko, Hoshi, Harley, Aimi, and Shun would use their pure fighting abilities to distract Lilith. Rōnin would also distract Lilith by appearing and disappearing around her. All in an effort to get Arakan to be able to teleport Keiko behind Lilith to enact Panacea. But before they could, Lilith scoffed and turned around…telekinetically stopping Keiko and punching her straight down into the mountain ground.
Seeing as how their plan completely failed even with Lilith at 1% of her power, Himiko being in complete pain as Lilith’s darkness she holds inside her rips at her insides, and Shun becoming sick and incapacitated from the sheer strength of Lilith’s Inherited Spell…Aimi knew what she had to do as she saw Bellatrix get back up to attack. Aimi rushed at Bellatrix, and just as Bellatrix launched her powerful psionic energy in an uppercut…Aimi got in the way and took the punch instead. Miraculously surviving and being launched upwards…she threw her scythe into the sky. Aimi then summoned her scythe again as she began falling back to the ground right above Lilith. Lilith jumped back and grabbed Aimi…then snapped her neck in front of Bellatrix and Keiko. Lilith began to laugh as she punched Bellatrix to the ground, and incapacitated everyone else. As Lilith began to walk nonchalantly to Keiko to kill her…Keiko began crying in frustration at the death of Aimi and that she couldn’t do anything about her death. But as Lilith stood mere inches away from Keiko, Keiko looked up…and saw something gleaming in the sky. And before they knew it, Aimi's scythe pierced Lilith's heart as it fell from the sky. Keiko and Lilith both realized that Aimi never Re-summoned her scythe…she only pretended to so Lilith wouldn’t suspect Aimi's actual plan. But Keiko realized…the scythe isn’t killing Lilith…merely severely weakening her. Lilith removed the scythe but couldn’t heal the severe damage…she then severely kicked Keiko…launching her yards away. As Keiko watched Lilith trudge over to kill her, Keiko saw Aimi’s dead body and her friends and allies lying on the ground defeated. She began to scream in her head “DO SOMETHING! YOU NEED TO SURVIVE!”. As she did, she felt the world go numb and everything turn white…she then felt a small hand hold her hand…she looked up to see Asami (Lesser Hex 9 Inari) when she was a little girl. Asami then said “Keiko…we believe in you”. Keiko then began to cry as she saw all the Hexes when they were human grab each other’s hands…all connecting back to Keiko. Keiko then awakened as her arms ignited in a vicious blue flame and fury poured from her eyes as tears…now having the strength and will and power of the hexes she helped reach a better place…she accessed the form of Greater Hex 1 Keiko.
Keiko then stood in a calm rage as Lilith began approaching her in trepidation. But in no time, Keiko threw her first punch…that shattered half the mountain in a blinding blue explosion as the surrounding towns and cities heard the thunderous punch. Lilith withstood the singular punch…and began throwing her punches and kicks in a similar vigorous rage with blindingly powerful effects. The two threw immense punch after immense punch with the sounds and flashes of power being heard and seen even hundreds of miles away. As the two fought, their godly powers destroyed the mountain in bursts of flame and rage as their fight broke into the sky. Each punch ripping holes in the atmosphere, each kick causing an earthquake on the ground below, each attack breaking the sound barrier. Bellatrix woke up and saw nothing but raging auras of energy destroying the sky around them in a battle of life or death. The fight became a world bending mess as both vixens' punches were strong enough to rip holes through reality and launch the fighters through wholly different dimensions and planes of existence. But as Keiko heard the pleas of Jorogumo, Inari, and the others…and as she saw Midori and Akane lying helpless on the ground…she threw one last punch at Lilith. The punch was informed by rage and compassion…and packed so much power…when Lilith's unconscious body blasted into Mt. Fuji…it sunk the whole mountain down to nothing but a crater and rubble. Keiko fell back down to earth as Lilith awoke…but before she could do anything…Keiko punched her right through the heart…and as she screamed in pain…Keiko unleashed the strongest blast of panacea she possibly could. Lilith's darkness ripped from her skin and began lashing out to Keiko as she absorbed it painfully into her own heart. Keiko returned to normal…and she looked up to see the 15 year old goddess Lilith. Her hair having turned from black to white…but with one black streak…mirroring Keiko's black hair with one white streak. Lilith began to cry with fury as the others got up. Keiko stared into her eyes and began to hug her, saying “It's ok”. Lilith got up and ran to Bellatrix and hugged her, thanking her for never giving up on her even after the darkness took her. Lilith then touched Bellatrix's forehead…which brought back all of Bellatrix's memories. She was a Lilithian…somebody of Lilith’s bloodline…named Chitose Kana. Lilith gave her powers of a god before lilith became corrupted by Apocalypse's Darkness. This power would allow Chitose to reincarnate Lilith after she was corrupted to save her people from genocide. Chitose met another Lilithian named Akio hundreds of years later…but as they had a child, Giichi and his men attempted to slaughter the family for being “Vixens”. Akio used his Curse ability which would cause everyone to forget the events of that night within a few hours. Chitose escaped Giichi's men and fled to an orphanage where she dropped off Keiko. After Akio was killed but before his curse enacted, Chitose took up the pseudonym Bellatrix and months later began teaching Vixen Hunting.
After she came back from her memories, Lilith then stood to her weak feet and explained that Giichi is the only thing standing in their way now. They have to kill Giichi and the Royal Guard in order to end the era of Vixens. Lilith explained that through the years of his father's and grandfathers’ research…Giichi found a brutal way of turning people into Vixens…and he will continue his ancestors' attack on Lilith’s people. The group then made the trek back to Tokyo with Lilith to gather all their plans to kill Giichi and his disciples. As the group reach Tokyo and get to Bellatrix's school, they gather the rest of the Shinobi Hunters and reveal the reality of what they’ve been fighting for. They then unite Bellatrix's school, Sakura's school, Uno's school…and the schools of the other Shinobi Hunters. They reveal to their students the reality of everything that’s actually been happening under their noses. Bellatrix then makes a plan, on Giichi's Royal Birthday in three days, they infiltrate the Royal City and slaughter the Royal Guard all there like they did to Lilithians. They’ll have Vixen Hunters approach the city from the ground on horseback and wipe out the guards of the outer wall. They will then have multiple airships of Kazuhiko's where they will infiltrate the city from above. Giichi will most likely hide like a coward in the Royal Palace, the Shadow XIII, Bellatrix, Lilith, Akane, and Midori will infiltrate it and cut down Giichi where he stands.
The next day, Keiko mourns the death of her best friend Aimi while helping in preparing the airships. She notices Himiko closely studying everyone but doesn’t pay much mind. Keiko helps escort the airships back to Bellatrix's school. She finally feels some sort of freedom that she relishes, knowing that in the days to come…she’ll have to die in order to stop the reign of the Royal Guard and the Vixen Era. Keiko continued to help in escorting the horses to Bellatrix’s school. Bellatrix then laid out the full plan…Keiko and Shun are to lead the attack outside the walls of the Royal City, Bellatrix and Harley will lead the attack within the city…and Rin and Rōnin will escort Lilith to the Royal Palace to kill Giichi and they’re all to meet in the Royal Palace. Bellatrix then explains to her students to prepare for war…and to prepare to never see some of their friends ever again. The war against the Royal Guard won’t be easy and there will be many casualties. That night…all the Shadow XIII but Himiko group up together before war the next day. They all start playing party games…knowing many of their loved ones are gonna die the next day. The day eventually comes…and Keiko and Shun set out with their squad of other students on horseback to the Royal City. The others begin taking the airships and lining up for battle. Keiko and Shun's group eventually reach the forest outside the Royal City…but as they get further into the forest…they realize that they’re surrounded by countless members of the Royal Guard who begin attacking them. As the airships approach the Royal City, they begin being attacked by canon fire and magic of the Royal Mages. Bellatrix then begins suspecting one of the students or Shinobi Hunters of being a mole for the Royal Guard. Keiko and Shun quickly devise a strategy to lose the Royal Guard as they leave the forest…only to be met with barrages of arrows that Keiko is miraculously able to fend off.
After wondering how the Royal Guard figured out their plan, Himiko stepped forth and revealed herself to Bellatrix as a Royal Spy. Himiko drew her sword and began to spar with Bellatrix, the two’s sword fight was cut short as Bellatrix's airship was hit by a bomb that knocked Himiko off. As Himiko fell to the ground, she used Mana to soften the impact of her fall. Keiko then discovered Himiko and took her aboard her horse, not knowing Himiko's true intentions. The airships finally arrived over the Royal City, Bellatrix then gathers her warriors to recite Bellatrix's school mantra “Even if we die in the field of battle, our sacrifices will never be in vain!”. Giichi is shown publicly celebrating his birthday with hundreds of thousands of citizens…confident that Himiko's spying will save him from assassination. The airships then launch their zip wires down into the city and the Vixen Hunters start descending from the sky. Shun then wakes Keiko up who’s groggy and feeling hazy…she then learns that Himiko hijacked her horse and ran into the Royal City unphased. Keiko climbed onto Shun's horse and the two United their militia to attack the Royal Guard defending the walls of the Royal City. Rin and Rōnin take the zip lines down onto the walls of the Royal City with Lilith, Akane, and Midori. Lilith carried with her the flag of the Lilithians as they ran atop the walls and to the Royal Palace.
Seeing Himiko ride into the city with Airships still in tact hovering above the city, Giichi and his disciples took Himiko and ran into the Royal Palace. Giichi scolded Himiko who cowered in fear…and it’s revealed that Giichi is her father. As Harley and Bellatrix as well as thousands of other Vixen Hunters descended from the airships…they ripped through the city slaughtering any and all Royal Guard members they could find. The civilians began to fight back against the Vixen Hunters who began fighting with the restless civilians. Rin, Rōnin, Lilith, Akane, Midori, and countless other Vixen Hunters began fighting the Royal Guards as they neared the entrances to the Royal Palace. They grabbed their battering rams and began to smash the doors in. As the Vixen Hunters fought with the civilians…Keiko and Shun met up with Harley and Bellatrix who were heading for the Royal Palace. As Uno of the Shinobi Hunters struck citizen after citizen down…Sister Amaterasu revealed herself from her church. Due to the citizens respecting her as much if not more than Giichi…she utilized her ability to show events in the smoke of fire to show the civilians the truth behind their beloved ruler. As the civilians realized that their children were being sent to their deaths for virtually no reason, they began to turn against the Royal Guard and began helping the Vixen Hunters.
As Bellatrix, Harley, Keiko, and Shun reached the Royal Palace, they burst through the door. But they didn't expect Giichi's surprise attack which left Bellatrix mortally wounded. Giichi descended further into his palace…but Bellatrix began to slip away…as she laid dying in Keiko's arms…she whispered “I believe in you…Keiko. Finish this for me. Finish this…for us!”. As Bellatrix died, Keiko shed a single tear and promised to fulfill her role in life. They eventually reached Giichi's courtroom along with everyone else. Keiko began fighting a scared Giichi in a blind rage…but her emotional exhaustion left her movement sloppy. Giichi knocked her to her knees…but as he thrust his sword to Pierce her heart…Himiko took his attack instead and returned the favor with her own sword through his heart. She then coldly stared into his eyes with her hand grasping his shoulder. She then said “I might not like living in a world where Vixens were the good guys…but I’d hate living in a world knowing my dad lied to me in order to kill innocent people!”. She then revealed in her dying breath that she absorbed all of his mana…he was out of any way to attack. Realizing the upper hand Himiko gave them…Keiko rushed towards Giichi…but he pulled out a syringe. He injected himself and turned himself into a powerful Vixen that could grow into a 60 foot giant. Everyone then threw everything they had at him…the fight destroyed the palace and took to the streets of the city…revealing to the citizens the true monster Giichi is. Giichi began swiping at buildings in an effort to catch the Vixen Hunters swarming his body…but he ultimately fell to Keiko's fist as she struck him through the chest and burst from his back.
As the monster finally fell…his heart finally being fatally pierced by the chapel, the Vixen Hunters slaughtered the remaining Royal Guard that cowered in the Royal City. We then watch as the thousands of Vixen Hunters help fix up the fallen city over the course of a few weeks while also holding funerals for the thousands of fallen soldiers. Lilith then takes the remaining Shadow XIII to the newly rebuilt Royal Palace. Lilith promises with her whole heart to Keiko that she will utilize her new status as the High Queen to right her sins as a vixen…and she promises to make Keiko proud. Keiko tearfully looks her friends in the eyes and hugs them…Lilith and Keiko then commence Panacea on Keiko. The Spell drains Keiko of all the darkness she absorbed and cures it into pure energy that Lilith absorbs into her heart. The enactment of panacea was too much for Keiko's body to handle as was told in the black books…and she began to fall unconscious…and eventually slip from life. As Lilith, Rin, Rōnin, Harley, Shun, Akane, and Midori begin to grieve…Keiko feels a small hand gently hold her hand…and she wakes up in a pure white world. She looks down to see Inari who says “I told you, I believed in you! We believed in you!”. Keiko then saw the other Hexes when they were human approach her…Omoikane began to cry as he apologized to Keiko for being a “bad person”. Keiko began to embrace all 12 of them and promised that everything was going to be ok, they were all safe now. Keiko then mentioned how she missed her friends and wanted to see them. She then heard a sweet voice “What do you mean? We're right here!”. Keiko looked up to see Aimi holding her little brother's hand…she saw Akimitsu gently smiling…she saw Luna happily approach her…she saw Hayate and Kaito goofing off as they approached her…and she saw Himiko and Mai gently approach. And then she felt a hand on her shoulder and heard a deep voice “I’m really proud of you, Keiko”…she then looked up to see her father Akio…and her mother Chitose…Bellatrix. Her parents embraced her as she began to cry…she then looked back…and saw through her dying eyes Lilith, Rin, Harley, Rōnin, Shun, Akane, and Midori…she teared up even more as she whispered “I’m gonna miss you all”. Keiko then walked off into the light…and the series ends. The post credits show Harley asking “So, Lilith…what’s next?”…Lilith then says “Now…we find my sister, Dianna”. Sister Amaterasu then gets home…but she hears a small pounding at her window as well as a child's voice “Can I come in?”…she opens the window only to find Giichi’s blankly staring mysterious black cat.
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[ ALT text will be coming someday. This is a lot. Read the script in the meantime. ]
Here it comes. Part 2 will be next Tuesday.
166 notes · View notes
lionsgane · 2 years
It baffles me how so many viewers still don't understand how Steve is successful against the Demogorgon in season one. 
If you have to boil Steve down to one word, one clique, one stereotype, one demographic, what is it? Jock. What is Steve's biggest contribution to the group across the seasons? He's the jock. And we can lovingly poke fun at him being a dumb jock all we want, but his athleticism is damn helpful.
He leaves the Byers unwanted and freaking out. The lights flicker, signaling the monster's return; he steels himself and goes back in. Because he wants to help. He wants to protect Nancy. He wants to let this speak towards his apology to both her and Jonathan. But most importantly, he knows what to do now. 
He goes back into that house knowing the plan - lure the Demogorgon into the bear trap and set it on fire. Solid idea. Jonathan is down. Nancy's bullets have no effect. The nail bat is available. 
Steve has likely never used a baseball bat as a weapon before, but he's on the varsity baseball team, so he is undoubtedly familiar with the tool. Steve isn't book smart, but he has a whole wealth of athletic intelligence. He can read a field. He can work with a team. He can decipher which play he needs to execute and follow through. He can follow a coach's order. Steve isn't an idiot. He knows the plan. The bat is free. He gets some great hits in, driving the monster back where they need it to be, and Jonathan lights it on fire. They don't even kill it, but they succeed because Steve was there, and he used his athletic experience. 
It is canon that Steve was on the varsity teams for both basketball and baseball. And now we know he was also the co-captain of the swim team and a certified lifeguard, which also requires first aid training, another valuable skill in the narrative of Stranger Things the writers could tap into. (I loved that the Duffers had that callback to when they told Keery before season one that his character was a swimmer, so he did a bunch of swim training, and then they cut that detail. Yay for Joe!)
I headcanon that they let Steve keep the bat because, as the newest inductee to the Upside Down, he's the most disturbed; plus, he wielded the weapon the best. Because he's the jock. This is what he does. This is his skillset. This is how he helps - in the tunnels, in the elevator, in the junkyard, in the Upside Down, etc. 
If we divide the characters into a classic 'brain or brawn' category, he's brawn. He is the only non-powered main character to overwhelmingly fall into the brawn division. (Hopper is the character with the next highest brawn percentage, he's 50/50, maybe 40/60 as his base statistic.) Steve has helped with the mystery-solving and clue hunting before, but are we supposed to be surprised that the jock is the warrior? Where's the disconnect?
It didn't matter so much that the Demogorgon was a supernatural opponent. Once Steve was in the zone, he executed the play flawlessly. If the Demogorgon was shifting/teleporting/portaling/speeding around, and Steve miraculously managed to strike him each time, I'd be suspicious, too. But the Demogorgon stayed in his sight for that sequence, which was a pretty dumb move on the monster's part. 
"Then how did Jonathan beat him in the fight???" Because King Steve of early season one is all posturing, all bravado. He's used to getting what he wants, used to being on top, and used to no one questioning his popularity. He'd probably never been in a real fight before that moment. Any scrabbles he'd been in were perhaps a few punches tossed around by another preppy opponent before they backed down to the King. Not to mention, he royally pissed off an already emotionally stressed Jonathan. 
"Then how come he's the one who always gets beat up?" I've already gone on a massive rant in this post, and that typical Steve-related question could take up another. Here's a smidge - because he's also "the babysitter" - he constantly puts himself in the line of fire because he's the protector. Because he's self-sacrificial. Because he feels like it's his job and only contribution to the group. Because the group, excluding El, is so heavily brain-aligned that he's left as the sole fighter in some sequences, so he takes the brunt of it. I could go on and on...
Steve is the party's soldier. Their jock. No shit Sherlock, of course, he'd be helpful in a fight. If I see one more article about Steve vs. the Demogorgon and how it's not believable, I might flip a table. 
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rwbymixedhings · 3 years
RWVY fan-fiction recommendation list
this is just a list of my favorite RWBY fanfiction. they are all f/f and Weiss is at the center. the ships are Bees-schnees, checkmating, freezerburn, schneekos and white rose.
The majority of White Rose and Schneekos is also Bumblebee .
All stories are completed, except 3 that are ID with WIP
if the story has a mature rating, the title will be bold
if the story is explicit, the title will be bold and italic.
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author: nirav
Beat your sword in plowshares - Canon divergence
Body language will do the trick - AU - modern setting
Here i sit like a beginner beginning again - AU Tomb Raider
Went looking for a creation myth - WIP
One by one we share a troubled heart - the Mummy AU
It’s time to kill the lights and shut the dj down - AU - modern setting
Tell me what you mean when you scream - AU - modern setting
I’ll be your hero and win it (when the lights go out) -  zombie apocalypse
series: common love isn’t for us (we created something phenomenal): Mr and Mrs Smith AU; 2 stories:
part 2: like punching in a dream (wait, I don’t even want to be here)
    author: lightsaroundyourvanity
mixed media - AU modern setting - art school
meet me at the tide pools - canon compliance
series: common love isn’t for us (we created something phenomenal): Mr and Mrs Smith AU; 2 stories: 
  part 1: five or six years   
  author: Mistreve
       Esoteric Banalities - AU, Urban fantasy
author: Frenchsoda
The Bermuda Triangle - AU, modern setting
In this narrow cell - AU, modern setting 
author: Texan_Red_Rose
       Partners - Canon divergence
author: lescousinsdangereux
hate the view without you (two) - AU -  modern setting - WIP
author: PrimalInfinity
Help Me Get There- AU -  modern setting  
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author: Texan_Red_Rose 
series: Black cat Song Universe - 2 stories - AU, nightmare before Christmas
series : Angel and Demon - 2 stories - AU, Angels and demons
fighting for us - AU, military
looking back - AU, modern setting
Loyalty - Canon divergence
Speak now - Canon divergence
The partner Swap Mission - Canon divergence
author: Beatonen
Free the animal - AU, fantastic - revert to WIP, another chapter was added with a tbc ending (updated 21/03/2023)
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author: Beatonen 
Colors - Canon divergence
Hurricane Drunk - AU, modern setting, alcoholism
Queen - AU, monarchy
spellbound - AU, modern setting
author: Texan_Red_Rose 
    Price to pay - AU, fantasy
    Queens of Vale - AU, fantasy /crossover
  author: Shippingk8
   Recovery - Canon divergence
author: lightsaroundyourvanity 
  Talk like a open book - AU, modern setting
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author: Nirav
series: We are falling but not alone - 5 stories. AU leverage - WIP
author: withoutstars
Erosion -  Au, modern setting
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author: Mikotyzini
series: What Defines Us - Canon divergence, 3 stories
series: Dream theory AU - AU, modern setting, 2 stories
Rush - AU, modern setting
Papercuts - AU, modern setting
A Royal Match - AU, Royalty
The Queens of Remnant  - AU, Fantasy, Royalty
author: Extrinsical
series: The long, hard road - Canon divergence, 2 stories
series: crossing the rubicon - canon divergence, 3 stories
author: PrimalInfinity
series: Crossing lines - AU, organized crime, 1 story
find me before i find something else - AU, Sci-fi
Around My World - AU, modern setting 
The Weeping Hearts - Vampire AU 
author: brokenmimir
Dust Trader - AU, Sci-fi
Supernatural affairs: Nine Cases - AU, Police, Urban fantasy
author: Beatonen 
 Parallel - canon divergence
author: ddullahan
But your voice used to be mine - AU, musician
author: HopeOfMorning910
notes - AU, modern setting
author: SimplyKorra
Brewed Awakening - Au, modern setting, Restaurant
The Foxtrot - Canon divergence
435 notes · View notes
saintrocklee · 2 years
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───── ❝ MANNY’S MASTERLIST ❞ ─────
╰┈➤ ❝ [ just for fun; incorrect akatsuki quotes ]
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RULES: ❀ blank / ageless blogs will be blocked upon contact. ❀ minors will be blocked upon contact. ❀  spam liking my posts will get you blocked. ❀ i do not take requests unless i am reblogging a prompt list. ❀ i do not write on a schedule.
💭 CURRENT MUSES 💭 KISAME  [full time.] ITACHI  [full time.] KAKUZU  [part time.]
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╰┈➤ kisame & itachi
EVANESCENT  ;  eventual smut multi-chapter fic; in progress. Canondivergent. You didn’t think your house was a beacon for bloody, broken men. Turns out you were wrong. [ last update: 08.25.22 ]
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╰┈➤ kisame hoshigaki full works;
 HAPPY  ;  fluff & heavily suggestive content one-shot; complete Modern!AU. Kisame reminisces about how you two met.
DOLL  ; toxic smut two-shot; complete  Mob!AU, kinda. Kisame is a possessive asshole. You have a gun & a vulgar mouth.
DIVE  ;  porn with a plot multi-chapter fic; ON HOLD. Canondivergent. You’re a civilian who happens to run a dive bar, meant for murderers & shinobi alike. Kisame is your favorite customer. [ last update: 03.10.22 ] - CURRENTLY ON HOLD.
SWEETHEART  ;  smut one-shot; complete Canondivergent. Kisame’s having a bad day. And then you enter.
drabbles & prompts;
☆  kisame & medic!reader [ smut ] ☆  kisame tied up [ drabble ] ☆  ❛ you’re soaked. let me grab you a towel.❜ [ smut ] ☆   ❛ are you wearing my shirt?❜   [ smut ]
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╰┈➤ itachi uchiha full works;
NEED  ;  fluff oneshot; complete   There was a confusing swell of feelings in your chest regarding the man in question and you weren’t in the mood to try and sort them all out. So you let the divide between you two fester. Grow.
RESTRAINT  ;  eventual smut multi-chapter fic; in progress CEO!AU. Itachi is your unfairly pretty boss. You are his assistant and in deep denial. Two idiots in love.
BETROTHED  ;  porn with a plot oneshot; complete   Royal!AU. You were betrothed to a nameless member of the Uchiha clan, engaged to be married; until  you caught the attention of the the crowned head’s son, Itachi Uchiha.
drabbles & prompts;
☆  ❛ make me. ❜   [ smut ] ☆  ❛ and now you’re a stranger. ❜   [ drabble ] ☆  flower shop AU [ multi-part drabble ]
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╰┈➤ kakuzu full works;
AGREEMENT  ;  eventual smut multi-chapter fic; in progress. Supernatural!AU. You’d heard of making deals with demons. What you didn’t know was that your demon was no demon at all. His agreement was very different and involved more than just your mortal soul.
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╰┈➤ hidan drabbles & prompts;
☆  ❛ you’re pulling your punches. ❜ [ drabble ]
129 notes · View notes
kiss-seokjin · 3 years
Royal Blood
Synopsis: In order to secure the throne, you must be successful in negotiating with a neighboring kingdom, seeing as you are on the brink of war. This also means a good relationship with the royal family, which you are eager to have, but you end up closer to the prince than you would have thought.
Pairing: Vampire prince Taehyung x human princess reader
Word count: 10,138
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Smut, impreg, childbirth, mentions of blood and blood sucking/ drinking
AO3 link
Wattpad link
"Y/N, for the last time, we are doing what needs to be done" your father says, sitting high and mighty on his throne.
"Your reasoning is counterproductive" you tell him, unfazed by his power. "Any supernaturals left in our kingdom are growing restless by the day. If they continue to live in fear of being hunted and killed, they will eventually turn on us and take power. If we give them equal rights as everyone else there will be harmony between us."
"If we leave any alive they can use their abilities against us" your father fires back. "They have far superior skills and talents than us mere humans, so they must be kept them out of the picture if we want to have secure power over the throne."
"You sound like you're scared of them" you say in a near mocking tone. "Terrified, even."
"I am and I have every right to be" he retorts. "Don't you remember your history lessons? Remember how the supernaturals nearly stole the throne from your grandfather?"
"That was a simply a group of extremists" you reply. "The actions of a single group cannot and should not reflect on the people they come as a whole."
"I shall show no weakness or mercy, end of discussion" your father tells you. "I have an important meeting soon, so you may show yourself out."
He waves his hand at you, dismissing your presence. You stomp away, the guards open the doors to the throne room, letting you out. How can he not see how he makes anyone who is classified as a supernatural resent the throne? People like vampires, werewolves, elves, the undead, psychics, witches, and wizards. Hell, he even hunts down dragons and phoenix's, which is causing problems to the ecosystems they inhabit. Most aren't even aggressive unless they are provoked.
You march down to the courtyard and head towards your battle gear. You have some servants help you put them on.
"Marie, can you grab my sword for me?" you ask one servant.
"Yes, m'lady" she says while bowing her head before rushing away to get your sword. A minute later she comes back and bows down, handing your sword to you with both hand. "As you requested, princess."
You take the sword from her and the she joins the servants standing to the side. You look at the prop dummies in front of you and make a plan of attack. Taking the sword and swing at the the first dummy, placing several strikes before going on to the next, and then the next.
"Are you taking your anger out on the poor dummies again, my child?" a female voice asks. You turn around to see your mother approaching. "Knowing how to not only control your emotions but to properly release them in vital, Y/N."
"I'm getting there" you reply. "I've surely grown a lot since I was a child."
"You have. I remember being afraid you'd accidentally kill someone whenever you got angry."
"I did have quite a fearsome temper then. But learning control and release was just a part of my journey in becoming a woman. I couldn't have come so far without your guidance."
You place your sword on a rack as you see your mother have the servants help her put on her sparring gear. You order the servants to do you the same.
"I'm your mother, it's my job to make sure my daughter grows to be a strong, mature, independent woman" she tells you. "I remember how in the beginning, when I was helping you learn how to control and release your emotions, you used to punch and beat your pillows until we had to get you new ones. You beat them so bad that they would get all flat and the feathers would start coming out."
"I remember that well" you reply. "Now I beat up on these dummies to get extra training."
"Do these 'dummies' include your mother?" your mother teases as you both get into fighting stances.
"Never" you reply before throwing a punch. She blocks it and comes in with an elbow. You hook her across the face before kneeing her in the stomach. Due to your gear and control, neither of you end up hurting each other.
She backs away before throwing a slew of kicks. You manage to block the majority of them and when you pick up on when she is going to throw her next kick, you block it and throw a kick at her, which she barely manages to escape. She goes to throw a punch, you block it and slide in and elbow her. You take a step back as you both keep your guard up.
You pretend to do a punch to the face, which makes your mother go to block it, but you begin to slide behind her and give her a soft punch to the side of the face before sliding behind her and putting her in a bear hug. A hard punch to the side of the face could be damaging and even fatal. Your mother struggles for a moment before dropping her weight and sliding her arms and elbows up and out. She slides her right foot behind you before she begins to rise and push her right arm back, making you flip over and fall on your stomach.
She puts a knee on your lower back and holds your upper back down with one arm, saving the other for self defense, but you are essentially defeated. You tap out and she gets off of you. You roll over and she offers a hand, which you take. You helps pull you up.
"Good fight" you say.
"Good fight" she replies. "You nearly defeated me. I'm proud."
"As if I could ever defeat you. Unlike me you have seen your fair share of battle. Alongside father at that."
"One day you might. I have always hoped that you could pass the likes of your father and I... You were mad at your father, weren't you?" You make a face, telling her everything she needed to know. "Was it about the supernaturals again?"
"Yes. He just never seems to hear what I have to say."
"You know your father has seen things, has experienced things in his lifetime. When the supernatural revolt happened, it was hard for him and his family. He saw the sheltered life he lived crumble before his eyes as the life he knew was at the brink of being destroyed. He nearly lost everyone he loved and nearly lost his own life. He is afraid of such  thing happening again. He is afraid of losing us. What he is doing... he is doing out of a place fear, trauma, and love. Not that I fully agree with everything he does, but I understand the reasoning behind it. Do you?"
"I understand how he feels, but I also wish he could understand how I feel too."
"My queen, the king requests your presence" a servant says.
"I'll be on my way" she tells them before turning to you. "I'll see you at dinner, Y/N."
You both have your gear taken off before going your separate ways. You go to clean yourself up, since you are dirty from being tossed on the ground by your mother. After cleaning yourself off and freshening up a bit, you go to the library, where you find a book on the supernatural and the occult. Once you find a place to sit, you sit down and indulge yourself in the book.
The hours go by and before you know it, a servant comes and informs you dinner is about to be served. You bookmark the book you had been reading and go to drop it off in your room before going to the dining room.
Plates are set out and your utensils are set out. Soon your parents join you at the table and dinner is served. Your parents talk about the upcoming days and the guests you will be hosting.
"Cho Areum and her wife Makena will be visiting tomorrow to discuss the drought in the south east region" your father says. "Despite the circumstances, I always enjoy their visits. I liked seeing Makena grow throughout the years, from the moment I knew her as 'he' to now knowing her as 'she'. Aruem and her make a perfect match."
"I couldn't agree more" your mother replies. "They are almost like family."
"Speaking of which, Y/N, we having something important to discuss with you" your father says.
"What is it?" you ask.
"As you know, we currently have a conflict with the Ruhan empire" he begins. "After a long discussion with my advisors and your mother, we thought it was time to send you as the ambassador of Dira." Your jaw drops. "War and peace hang on the line. If you are able to succeed in bringing peace between our two nations, you will be on your way to receiving the crown. You need to show you are ready and able to take on the responsibility."
"I am ready" you reply. "I will represent the Dira kingdom well... What will happen if I fail?"
"If you were to fail, you shall not be able to become queen until another time when I see suit" he says. "Your mother and I will remain king and queen and we will take over Ruhan by force. But that is only if you fail. Just remember to be weary of the royal family, the Kim's. Their vampires."
You can feel yourself rolling your eyes at him in your soul.
A week later, you get into the carriage that has your family emblem on the side. The emblem has an owl in the middle and has royal blue and royal green colors and a golden outline. You have any belongings and necessities for the trip. You do not know how long you will be gone, but you hope that the trip will be worthwhile and that good things will come out of it.
You are going with a large group of guards and a small group of other negotiators and strategists to aid you on your mission. Your slew or carriages pulls out of the palace and enters the bustling capital city of Ra. You look out your window to observe the bustling city, wondering how you can help your people once you become queen.
For the next two and a half weeks, you ride from dawn until dusk, slowly making your way to the capital of Ruhan, Tylah. You spend most of that time reading, looking out the window of your carriage, or talking with people. Half the time you were discussing the negotiations.
When you get to Tylah, your carriages pull into the palace, where you can see the Kim royal emblem, a tiger outlined in gold and has royal red and royal purple as its colors.
As you are getting out of your carriage, you see a young man walking towards you. You can admit he was attractive, but you don't let such thoughts or feelings get the best of you.
"You must be princess Y/N" he says. "I am Kim Taehyung, prince and heir to the throne."
"It is an honor to meet you" you reply. You order some guards to deal with your luggage.
"I have been instructed to show you around the city and palace. To be an ambassador of sorts."
"Sounds like fun" you reply. He offers you his arm and your slide your arm through it. He first guides you through the palace, seeing as you had been riding in a carriage for the past two and a half weeks. You admire the architecture and some beautiful colored glass windows. There are thick tapestries and curtains, which are drawn back to bring in the natural light.
"I must say, your family does have quite fine taste" you say as Taehyung leads you down a corridor.
"We are quite particular" he replies. "Maybe one day my family can visit your palace back in Dira."
"If my father is still around, I'm sure he wouldn't be fond of that idea."
"Ah, I've heard about his disdain for the supernaturals. I wasn't sure how much of it was true and what were just rumors."
"Lets just say he has a troubled past with them... I personally wouldn't mind and I don't think my mother would mind much either."
"I'm sure the topic of supernaturals has caused quite a few disagreements."
"Absolutely. But family relationships are like that. You can't see eye to eye on everything. And it can be annoying, especially if it's like they can't hear you in the first place."
"I get it" he says. Just as he finishes speaking, you accidentally bump into a glass vase and it falls over, breaking on the floor.
"Oh my gosh!" you say, bending down to inspect the mess. Taehyung calls for servants as you go to grab a big chunk of class. As you grab it, a sharp pain shoots through your hand. "Ouch!"
You look down and see blood. There is a gash on your hand. You stand up in shock.
"Let me help you with that" Taehyung says, taking your hand. You see his fangs come out, and he brings your hand to your mouth and softly bites your injury, making you wince. He softly sucks there for a moment before pulling away. You feel a tingling sensation on your hand and when you look down, the cut is gone.
"It's kind of a thing we can do to help non-vampires heal" Taehyung tells you.
"I've read about it in books, but I never thought I would ever witness it, let alone be the one being healed" you say.
"Oh, you've studied vampires?"
"I've studied a lot about supernaturals, actually. Since I never got to interact with them, considering how they are often hunted and killed, I chose to study them... If I am going to be queen, I want to know about the citizens I will be serving so I can do my best to aid them."
"I understand. I've done the same thing before. Everyone is so different, it can be hard to help every last one of them."
"But we still try."
Your tour of the palace soon ends, prompting you to join Taehyung for a carriage ride through the town. As you walk outside, you notice that Taehyung's skin doesn't breakout into warts, blisters, or burns like how a vampires skin should do when in contact with the sun. You remember it didn't burn when he greeted you. You eye him curiously, which he notices.
"There is an antidote for it" he says, referring to his skin. "I always take it if I am going to be in contact with sunlight."
"That makes sense" you say. "It must be a nuance though, especially if you forget."
"Tell me about it."
He softly chuckles, remembering all the times he exposed himself to sunlight without the antidote as a child. No wonder there were times he was bedridden back then.
Taehyung helps you into the carriage and you sit by his side. You stare out the window as the carriage pulls out of the palace and makes its way through the streets of Tylah. You see humans mingling in the streets with supernaturals, something you have never witnessed back home. Fairies and phoenix's fly about and you see a witch selling potions, antidotes, and medicine. Psychics offer people fortune readings through crystal balls and tarot card and even advertising seances. A girl flies by on a broom as an elf selling bread argues with an undead man. You have read that undead people dislike being called zombies since it is derogatory and inferring that they are unintelligent, emotionless, flesh craving beings, when in fact they are simply the dead that are back alive.
"It's all new to you, isn't it?" Taehyung suddenly voices.
"Yes, it is" you reply. "Honestly, I've never interacted with supernaturals before, so this experience is... surreal. Just to see supernaturals before my eyes, it is almost like I am in a different world... I guess you can say I grew up quite sheltered."
"Do you not like it?"
"Oh, I do like it, it is just something I will have to get used to. It's nice to see everyone get treated equally for once. To not live in fear. When I become queen, which I hope is sooner than later, I am going to make sure supernaturals no longer have to live in fear of being hunted and killed. A ruler is meant to care for their people, aren't they?"
"That's whats hoped for, but this isn't a perfect world... It must be hard, to have such a burden on your shoulders. To know you will have to clean up the mess your parents made."
"Being royalty always comes with a burden. You have an entire kingdom relying on you. A single decision could be responsible for the world you know to be burned down to ashes, literally and figuratively."
"... I sometimes wonder what it is like to be a normal citizen. Not having the luxuries I have now like servants, maids, and endless riches. To be able to live a simple life without the weight of the kingdom on my shoulders."
"I understand" you reply, placing a hand on top of his. "I think many royals have wondered the same thing at one point or another. But both royals and civilians have their own unique hardships. Imagine having to cook your own food, worrying about paying your rent, and having to clean your house."
Taehyung chuckles.
"I've never picked up a broom in my life" he remarks, looking out the window to see a sorcerer arguing with his centaur landlord. You softly chuckle at what he said, removing your hand to look out the window once again. For the rest of the ride Taehyung points out some important parts of the city.
The couple hours in the carriage pass by quickly and you are soon back at the palace. You and Taehyung go your separate ways and you are escorted to your bedroom. You flip through a book you had brought with you that your father keeps in the library. It is about every known supernatural and their skills, their strengths and weaknesses, and how that knowledge can be applied to the natural world, society, and war. It is a very thick book so there is no way you could memorize it all, though it will be insightful for the trip. It is surprising to know it is updated every few years with new acquired knowledge. You flip to the chapter about vampires.
Vampires are creatures of the night. Their skin is highly sensitive to light and will be scarred, burned, and wart covered if they do not take an antidote prior to exposure. They are nocturnal, giving them the advantage over many at night. Vampires take some traits from bats, so they must drink blood once a week or when they are deprived of sustenance. They also have the ability to morph into a bat at will and have retractable fangs. Vampires are allergic to garlic and silver. They have heightened senses and stamina, which includes their speed, strength and healing. They have a long life span, with the average vampire living around four hundred years.
Vampires can be very influential. The Kim dynasty, the rulers of the kingdom of Tylah for many years, first came to power after a revolt they lead. The king and queen ruled the land for around two hundred years before passing the thrown onto their eldest son. As of the publication of this book, the son still rules the kingdom, over a hundred years after his coronation, but is expected to pass down the thrown to his son within the next hundred years. They have set up a system where the heir will become ruler after the age of one hundred and will lead for around two hundred to two hundred and fifty years before passing the throne onto the next hair.
Strengths: Nocturnal, retractable fangs, bat morphing, heightened stamina (speed, strength, healing), heightened senses, long life span
Weaknesses: Light, silver, garlic
If facing one in a fight or battle, a weapon and armor made of silver will be your best defense. Vampires will have a reaction to silver through touch or consumption and are only allergic to garlic through consumption, so be aware if you are hosting a vampire(s) to dinner. Though this makes it easy to poison them if you conceal it well enough.
You close the book. The book brought up Taehyung's family, which you found interesting. You wonder if your father had ever stumbled across this page in this book. There is a sudden knock on your door.
"Come in" you say.
A servant walk in, but not far.
"Dinner is about to be served" the servant says before exiting the room. You make your way to the dinning room and are shown where to sit. There is a single chair between where you are sitting and the head of the table. Taehyung soon arrives and sits next to you. A man and women, who must be the king and queen, considering their choice of clothing and the crowns on their heads, come in. The woman sits across from Taehyung and the man sits at the head of the table. Without giving a single command, servants begin to bring out the food.
"Father, mother, I would like to introduce you both to the princess of Dira, Y/N" Taehyung says. "She is the ambassador the king of Dira sent."
"Ah, yes" the king says. "The one sent to resolve the whole Dira mess. Their king was always a mess to deal with, no offense."
"I know how my father is" you say. "He's set in his ways. Stubborn. But I still value him as my father nonetheless."
"But do you agree with him?" the queen questions.
"Sometimes. Not always" you inform them. "I know my father wouldn't war unless it was for honor, for morals, or if the kingdom could gain something from it. And as far as I know doesn't want to go to war with Tylah, and neither do I."
"But what about supernaturals?" the king asks. "Wouldn't he consider supernaturals to be a 'moral' issue."
"He only cares about the supernaturals inside our kingdom, not outside of it" you reply. "While he doesn't like supernaturals in general, he won't mess with them unless they are inside our kingdom."
"How do you feel about supernaturals then?" the king questions further.
"I have no problems with supernaturals" you tell him. "I believe we're all equal and should be treated as such."
Hearing you say this makes Taehyung and his parents trust you a bit more, seeing as you clearly have no mal-intent. The meal beyond that was a pleasant one, and you got to know the king, queen, and Taehyung better. The same could be said about them learning about you.
The next day you get up early to start the negotiations. You have the maids and servants help you prepare for the day and bring you breakfast. You are lead to a large grand room, where tables have been set up. You and your team of negotiators and strategists set up with your supplies and soon the king, queen, and Taehyung come with their own group. You, the king, the queen, and Taehyung sit at the main table the is in front of all of the other tables, were the negotiators and strategists sit.
With the clearing of his throat, the king begins the negotiations.
Weeks go by, with the negotiations making moderate process. Such a hefty task takes time. Outside the negotiations, you grow closer with the people around you, particularly Taehyung. You learn he is one hundred and thirty years old while you are twenty two. Over time he reveals the full range of colors of his personality and interests, being a social butterfly with an old soul. Not to mention his interest in the arts, his love of animals, and his sense of humor.
You find yourself more and more drawn to him day by day. Slowly developing butterflies or faint blushes when he would enter the room, laugh, or give his box smile, symptoms of the common crush. Despite these feelings, you will not allow them to get in the way of the negotiations or your friendship with Taehyung.
You stand out on your balcony one evening, looking at the moon and stars. You wrap your coat around you a little tighter feeling the chilly night breeze. As you watch the night sky, you swear you can see something, but you can't tell what. It moves closer to you and you can make out the outline of a hawk. It looks around from above, and when it sees you, it swoops down and lands on your balcony's railings. You can now see a letter in its beak with your family seal on it so you take the letter from the hawk and let the hawk onto your arm, bringing it inside. You request food and water for the hawk and a place for it to sleep seeing as it just flew all this way. Opening the letter, you recognize your fathers handwriting immediately. Curious, you begin to read.
Dear Y/N,
How are you? I hope the negotiations are going well. Your mother and I have been eager for your return ever since the day you left. We are a bit worried for your safety but don't doubt you will bring some level of success.
I am writing to you because your mother and I have decided that if and when you come back with a peace treaty and whatever other benefits you have negotiated that you will become queen on the following full moon. We have ruled for many years and who knows how many more are in front of us. We wish to see the beginning of your rule as queen and want to see how you carry our family legacy. We cannot wait to hear from you.
You grab a paper and begin to write as some servants go to give the hawk its food, water, and small nest.
Dear father,
The negotiations are going well, though there are some ways to go to finishing them. I feel safe and comfortable here in Tylah and the Kim's have treated me quite well. I promise to come back to Dira with nothing but great things for both kingdoms and I am eager to see the day when I can become queen. Ruling Dira will be my greatest honor and I will serve our kingdom well.
You roll up the letter and seal it shut with some wax before setting it aside, planning on having the hawk fly it back home tomorrow. There is a knock at your door.
"Princess Y/N, you are now requested at the grand balcony" a servant says before closing the door.
For whatever reason, the king and queen have called for an important announcement. Once they wish to announce in front of the city.
You are guided out to the large royal balcony and shown where to stand. There are some other people out on the balcony, but not many. Just the more important and notable people present in the city. You see citizens beginning to gather down below, chatting and socializing with one another, wondering what the king and queen will have to say.
Horns blow, making the crowd go quiet as the king and queen enter with Taehyung following right behind them. They stand towards the edge of the balcony with the kind in the center and the queen and Taehyung at either side. Everyone looks at them in silence, waiting for something, anything to be said.
"Good evening, my people" the king says at last, having a commanding yet charismatic presence. "As you know, the queen and I have been your loyal rulers for centuries. Longer than many of you have been alive. As we are growing older, we not only feel the strain of age wearing down on us, but the weight of upholding our sovereign duty for all this time. After several discussions, we have decided that we are going to pass down the crown to our son, Kim Taehyung, in a month and a halves time."
The crown cheers and gasps for Taehyung as you feel as though your jaw has dropped on the floor. He is becoming king so soon?
After a few more words with the crowd, the Kim's leave and everyone on the grand balcony begins to clear off.
You rush through the halls, determined to find Taehyung. Finally, you find him nearing the dining room.
"Taehyung!" you call, getting his attention. He turns around to see you rushing towards him.  Without warning, you give him a big hug, making him stagger back. Awkwardly, he shifts his hands and put them on your back as your head lays on his chest, making his cheeks burn. "Congratulations. I'm proud of you."
"Thank you" he says before you shift your head to look at him.
"Why didn't you tell me? We're friends, aren't we?"
"Sorry, I had to stay quiet about it. I wanted to tell you, but couldn't."
"Well I know now at least... And I'd say this calls for a celebration."
Soon enough you and Taehyung are walking in the town with a few guards, determined to have a great night. People are congratulating Taehyung left and right, and you can't help but smile. Seeing him smile and interact with people gives you butterflies. He introduces you to people, proudly telling them you are his friend and the princess of Dira. He places his hand gently on your waist, making sure to not touch you somewhere scandalous.
"I haven't been out a lot since I arrived" you tell Taehyung honestly. "I had almost forgotten how magical this place was."
"Maybe we should go out more" Taehyung says.
"I'd like that."
You both grab a bite to eat, with Taehyung introducing you to delicacies you do not have back in Dira. He shows you several of the shops, such as the flower shop, medicine and potion shop, and the mystic shop, where they do things such as tarot readings, future telling, and seances. You walk through the street with the moon shining in the sky as torches light each street you turn onto.
"Princess Y/N!" a voice suddenly shouts. You turn to see an elf standing there, clearly enraged. "How dare you walk out here before us. You and your kingdom bring nothing but trouble. Your family tree is drenched in supernaturals blood and you have the audacity to walk through our streets as though you are above us. You and your pathetic family are all going to rot below us in the deepest, darkest depths of hell. My whole family died because of your bloodline. And I'm going to make sure the death stops with you."
The elf pulls out a bow and arrow and you, Taehyung, and the crowd of people begin stepping back, trying to get away. As the elf is about to lift the bow and arrow to aim it at you, the guards rush over and tackle the elf to the ground. They disarm him as he yells and screams, saying he needs to get revenge and stop the bloodshed. The guards just ignore him.
"You are under arrest for the attempted murder and assassination of a member of a royal family" a guard says as the elf keeps rambling. "Anything you say can and will be used against you."
They lift the elf up and escort him off, quickly disappearing in the crowd.
"Are you okay?" Taehyung asks.
"I'm just a bit shaken up, that's all" you reply. "I think I want to go back to the palace now."
After a bit of walking, you arrive back at the palace. You go back to your room and change into your nightgown and try to relax. However, you are still shaken up by what the elf had said, so you make your way to Taehyung's room and knock on the door, needing some company. A few moments later, he opens the door and lets you inside.
"I wasn't expecting you" Taehyung says, leading you out to the balcony.
"I wasn't expecting to come here either" you reply. "In all honestly, I'm still shaken up by the elf. I didn't feel comfortable being alone."
"It was shocking, wasn't it? But things like that come with being a royal. Not everyone is going to love you."
With Taehyung by your side, you stare up at the sky, looking at the stars and the moon. It is a cold night, and when a breeze hits you, you shiver, feeling the chilly weather through your thin layers.
"Are you cold?" Taehyung asks.
"Yes" you reply. Without warning, Taehyung slowly wraps his arms around you, pulling you into him gently. After processing it for a moment, you wrap your arms around him and lay your head on his chest and look back up at the sky. "Thank you Tae."
You continue to look up in silence, taking in every moment you have with Taehyung like this. He looks down at you with loving eyes, watching you watch the sky with curiosity.
"You look beautiful like this" Taehyung suddenly says. You take your head off his chest at look at him, curious and confused.
"Does that mean I'm not beautiful at other times?" you question.
"W-what? No! You're always beautiful. You're the most beautiful and amazing woman I've ever met."
You look at him surprised. Your eyes travel between his lips and eyes, and ever so slowly, you both lean in. You are met with his soft lips on yours, gently pressing onto your lips. After a brief moment you pull apart, letting out a soft sigh.
"I-I like you Y/N" Taehyung says. "Honestly, I do."
You are shocked. He likes you as well? You take a moment to process, slowly opening your mouth to speak.
"I like you too" you reply. Taehyung gives you a surprised look for a moment before giving you a flirtatious look. He leans back down and pecks you on the lips and before he can pull away, you press back. You wrap your arms around his neck as you kiss him, making the outside world seem like a blur.
Feeling him so closed to you makes you feel warm deep down. Unable to help yourself, you grind into him. Taehyung hisses at this.
"Being dirty I see" he says before pressing back. His lips travel down your neck as you grind into each other. You are feeling things you have never fells before as you let out a soft whimper. He sucks at your neck, leaving a hickey before suddenly pinning you against the wall."If you want this, whatever this is, stay. If not, leave now, because I don't know how much longer we can control ourselves."
You knew what he was referring to: abstinence. While it was seen as okay for people to have oral sex before marriage, other types of sex were generally warned against prior to marriage, especially for royalty. It was too scandalous for royals. Despite this, you like Taehyung too much and your reasoning is fogged by lust, so you are willing to risk something happening, you'll have to see where it goes.
When he sees you not budge from your spot, he leans in, kissing you before grinding you into the wall. His hand travels up and feels your breast. You begin to crave more however, so you press back, but he doesn't budge.
"What is it?" he asks.
"I want more" you say with a pout.
He guides you into his bed room with his hands trying to undo your nightgown.
"How the hell do I get this thing off?" he says, clearly annoyed.
"Let me" you reply, turning around. "I wouldn't mind if you undid yourself as well."
You both undress in silence. You are nervous but that isn't going to stop you. When you finish removing your nightgown, you slowly turn around to see Taehyung with his back facing you, removing the last of his clothing. You have never seen a man nude before, as Taehyung has never seen a woman nude. Sure, you both know what the opposite sex looks like, but neither of you have seen it in person.
You see his balls dangling as he slides of his undergarments. He slowly turns around to face you. He lets out a small gasp at the sight of your nude body. Precum drips down your thighs as his member twitches. You slightly blush at the awkwardness of the situation.
"H-hi" you squeak out.
"Hi" he says slowly in in return. He slowly makes his way towards you taking you all in. He places his hand on your side, feeling your skin. His hand traces over your body, feeling everything it can. Your hips, shoulders, breast, ass, and so on. His hand begins to travel towards your pussy, slowly pressing his fingers on it.
You whimper at this, making him smirk. He begins to move his fingers around, as you begin to feel aroused. Without thinking, your hand moves to his member and begins to stroke it. You wrap your hand around his cock and gives it a few pumps.
"That's how you want to play then, huh?" Taehyung says before sliding a finger into you. He pumps it in and out of you. You both moan and sigh in pleasure. No more reasoning in left as lust is in control, and right now your lust wants more.
"More Tae, please" you plead with him. In his eyes you can see he craves more too.
As you take your hand off his cock, he pulls his finger out of you. There is a mix of precum and blood on it. You both rinse the mess off your hands.
He leads you over to the bed and you lie down on it, spreading your legs. He can see how wet you are, turning him on even more. Climbing over you, he positions himself over you and looks at you.
"Are you sure you want this?" he asks, giving you a final time to pull out of the situation.
"Yes, I want it" you say, looking at him with trusting eyes.
Taehyung slowly slides himself into you.
Ever since that day, you both would meet up in each others bedrooms at night, having a relationship that many would find quite scandalous. While your first few times being intimate with him remained unrewarding for you, as he would always cum and you struggled to get used to him inside you, you began to get used to it and reap its rewards. Relations between a vampire and a human have rarely been recorded, so this affair makes you curious about your future together.
Beyond intimacy, you both would go on secret dates, usually outside the city so you would not be seen. Your time together outside the negotiations were so much like a dream that you often wondered if you were having some fever endued dream.
On Taehyung's coronation day, you put on one of your finest dresses. It is one of your final days with him before you head back home, seeing as the negotiations and agreements are almost finalized. You have already agreed to write him and have promised to visit one another. You want what you have with Taehyung to continue. If it works out you'll consider marrying him.
Taehyung waits in his room in darkness and silence. He cannot have any visitors besides servants and a single visit from his parents. He soon hears a knock at the door, which is then opened by his parents.
"Are you ready, Taehyung?" his father asks.
"As ready as I'll ever be" Taehyung replies, trying to feel as confident as he can, though he feels as though there are million butterflies in his stomach.
"You've grown so much before our eyes" his mother says. "You've grown from a little prince to a king. How did time fly by so quickly?"
"I'm only one hundred and thirty" Taehyung says.
"You have a long life ahead of you" his father says. "Live it well."
"I will" Taehyung replies.
They leave, leaving Taehyung alone once again. He finishes getting ready before taking the light antidote. He sits on the floor, crossing his legs and places his palms on his thighs facing up before closing his eyes, meditating to calm his nerves. About twenty minutes later, a servant knocks on the door to inform him the coronation is about to begin, making his heart beat loudly in his chest.
He gets lead out towards the grand balcony, and once he arrives the large doors are shut. He hears his fathers loud booming voice speaking to the people of the city, which cheer every once in a while. The doors suddenly open, and Taehyung takes a deep breath before walking out onto the balcony.
He sees his parents standing towards the edge of the balcony, and thousands of people inside the palace courtyard, cheering for Taehyung. There are family, friends, and acquaintances to either side of him. He catches a glimpse of you in the corner of his eye, though he doesn't turn to look your way.
Taehyung stand next to his father, turns towards him, and salutes him. His father salutes back. His father reaches up and gently places his palm over Taehyung's mouth. Taehyung draws out his fangs and pricks his fathers hand, sucking a little bit of the blood. His father removes his palm, the skin already healing. His mother then places her palm on Taehyung's mouth and he repeats the process he did with his father.
Taehyung then kneels down and his father draws a titanium sword in front of him. He places the sword on both of Taehyung's shoulders before his mother comes over with the crown and gently places it on Taehyung's head. Taehyung stands and goes to face the crowd before saluting them, making them abrupt into cheers. Taehyung is king.
The rest of the day is filled with celebration as people dance and celebrate in the streets and palace. The best of food is served and everyone is wearing their finest clothes. The hours go by in a blur of joy and entertainment. You only got a few moments to speak with Taehyung throughout the day as he is currently the man on everyone's minds. Some curious aunts and quests ask him questions like when he is going to get married and what will he do now that he is king. He answers some questions confidently and doges others entirely, especially those about his love life. Before you know it the party is winding down and people start calling it a night.
You head back to your bedroom and change into your nightgown. You are a bit tired from being so active all day but also feel energetic from the party. But as usual, it is only a matter of time before your usual guest comes to visit, or you go visit him. About a half an hour later you hear a familiar knock on the door.
You excitedly rush over to the door, opening to see Taehyung. He rushes in, closing the door behind him before giving you a passionate kiss. Without waiting his hands roam around your body as he starts sliding off your nightgown. You help unbutton his clothes.
You eagerly climb on the bed, looking at Taehyung with pleading eyes.
"Ah, your such an eager girl" he says. "Always ready to be fucked senseless."
He climbs over you with hungry eyes and without warning rams his cock into you, making you moan.
"Good girl" he says. "Behave for your king."
He slides part way out before ramming back into you. You wrap your arms around his honey toned back. Taehyung takes no times in fucking you at a moderate speed and force. With every thrust lewd sounds are made as your walls wrap around his long and large cock perfectly. Over the several times you both have been intimate, Taehyung has learned his cock fits perfectly into you, despite its size. Currently, you are expressive as ever, as you are being rather vocal as you make lewd facial expressions, pleasing him. Like you, Taehyung cannot help but be vocal and make lewd facial expressions.
With every thrust into your wet pussy, your tits bounce, drawing Taehyung's attention. Taehyung grabs your hips and bends down, placing his mouth over a tit. He sucks at it while still fucking you senseless. He nibbles at it and lets his tongue wonder. Your nails dig into his back as he removes his mouth from your tit and begins kissing all over your chest, shoulders, and neck.
Your scent is driving him wild. It is deep, thick, colorful, and filled with passion and lust. He nibbles at your neck, trying to resist his primitive temptations. When the nibbling is not enough, he picks up the pace and strength in his thrusts. His cock repeatedly rams into your cervix, making you moan-scream. You are lucky to have one of the most private rooms in the palace, or else the noise you both are making would cause quite the commotion.
As your cervix is being abused by Taehyung's cock ramming into your pussy at an animal like pace and strength, which is fast enough to where you can barely tell when he is going in and out of you and strong enough to make you see stars, Taehyung's temptations are slowly getting the better of him as his fangs begin to slide out. Without thinking, he bits your neck, fangs sinking deep inside. You scream at his sudden action as he begins to suck, drawing blood. He has never sucked a living beings blood in such a way, especially this much. He has almost never sucked a living beings blood anyways, with the coronation being the last time he can actually vividly remember doing it.
Like your sent, your blood is thick, filled with passion and lust. He is truly animistic now, with him sucking your blood and pounding into you at his maximum speed and strength. You are seeing so many stars as your head begins to spin and your vision starts to get blurry. Your toes curl as your legs wrap around Taehyung's waist as you hold him even tighter against you, trying to stop yourself from passing out from pleasure and blood loss. You are so close to an orgasm, it is so close yet so far.
Taehyung can feel your grip on him tighten, snapping him out of his blood sucking trance. If he doesn't stop soon you will have lost too much blood and will have to be brought to the infirmary. He draws his fangs out of you and retracts them. He begins kissing and sucking the holes in your neck to make them heal.
Feeling Taehyung's lips grace your neck, you feel yourself snap as the walls of your pussy tighten around his cock as you cum around him, screaming his name. His cock continues to ram into your tight pussy, fucking you through your orgasm. While doing this, his member begins to twitch and as he rams himself deep into your pussy, ramming into your cervix, he cums. The two of you lie there cumming, filling your already cock stuffed pussy. As you finish, you grind into Taehyung, helping him finish his orgasm.
Once he is done, he lies on top of you, feeling exhausted. The only sound that can be heard is your heavy breathing. A few minutes go by, and when he feels ready, he pushed himself up with his hands and slowly begins to slide out of you. As he pulls out, you feel a mix of your cum leak out of you on your already sticky thighs and sheets. The cum sticks to every corner of your walls and anything else it touches.
Taehyung plops right next to you and you scoot closer to him. He wraps his arm around you and you place your head on him and wrap an arm and a leg around him, cuddling into him.
"Ah" he sighs in an unsatisfied tone. "I hate that you have to leave so soon. Can't you stay longer?"
"I wish, but we need to be realistic" you tell him. "If I stay here longer than I am needed, things will start looking suspicious, not to mention that my people need me back home. I'm so close to becoming queen... My parents glory days are behind them. They're getting old and they're ready have me, someone whose young and able to rule in mind and body, take their place." Taehyung remains quiet, taking in your words. "... We'll just have to stick with the letters and visits. It's the most realistic option for us at the moment. You're a king now, and I'm about to be a queen... In the future we can think about other options, but right now, our first priority is to our kingdoms."
"... By other options, do you mean marriage?"
"It's a possibility down the line."
"Lets see where life takes us, shall we?"
You smile, closing your eyes. You fall asleep cuddling him, and when you wake up the next morning, he is gone. You feel the dried cum on your thighs and pussy, but you also feel extremely thirsty. Looking up, you see a glass of water waiting on your nightstand so you quickly reach towards it and chug the water down, feeling desperate. You really need to talk to Taehyung about him drinking your blood the night before.
Slowly standing up, you make your way to your private bath. You slide in and clean yourself off, removing any evidence  of sex on you. Once you are done, you wrap a towel around yourself and go deal with the messy sheets by taking them off the bed and balling them up, covering the dried cum to the best of your ability. You surely don't need anyone to see that when the servants go to clean the bed sheets later today, seeing as there are many guests in the castle.
Over the next few days guests leave as the negotiations wrap up. Seeing as the negotiations were finishing up, you had no reason to stay is Tylah. Well, there is one; Taehyung. But considering that it was a secret relationship, you staying longer than you were needed would only come off as suspicious.
The servants finish packing your things as you look around the room for one last time. The servants leave with your luggage, and you are left standing alone in your room once again. A couple minutes later there is a knock at the door. You open it to see Taehyung standing there. You let him in and he pecks your lips.
"Why do you have to go so soon?" he asks. "It feels as though we began this relationship just yesterday."
"I want to stay" you reply. "But I can't. It would be too risky for the both of us. It is already risky as is with us having sex in each others rooms, so we can't risk this getting out, especially considering this could ruin my chances at becoming queen for a long time."
"But... Maybe you could become my queen one day."
"Maybe. But I also have a duty to Dira, not just you, and if I just left without even trying to become queen, I don't know if I could live with that guilt. I've been raised my whole life being taught that my duty was to serve Dira. Don't get me wrong, I'm not breaking things off with you, we just need to be strategic about how we handle all of this."
"Alright. Promise to write?"
"Of course. I love you Taehyung."
"I love you too."
You kiss him one last time, savoring every moment. He then leads you out of the palace and to the carriage. You are helped inside as Taehyung stands by and watches. The carriages begin to leave, one after another. You and Taehyung stare at each other with loving eyes, not looking away until you could no longer see each other.
Once again, you are faced with the long hull of a carriage ride back to Dira. Unlike when you went to Tylah however, you now have the memories and thoughts about a certain someone haunting your mind. The next couple weeks are made of you passing the time reading, staring out the window, or reminiscing about your time with Taehyung.
By the time you get back to Dira, things happen very quickly as you prepare to become queen. The coronation day soon arrives and you are crowned the queen of Dira. There is a grand celebration, where you celebrate and get asked by nosy aunts when you will get married. Your parents leave the palace soon after the coronation, planning on living in one of your castles in the mountains.
Your first order of business as queen is to make things better for the supernaturals. After the culture shock you experienced in Tylah, it only made you even more motivated to right the wrongs of your family.
Over the next several weeks, you begin to feel nauseous and fatigued. Your breasts are suddenly swollen and tender and you have light spotting on your skin. You were so busy that you didn't notice you missed your period.
Concerned for your health, you call on a doctor to come and see you. After going over your symptoms and checking you over, the nurse looks at you, clearly concerned.
"Y/N..." she says slowly, unsure how to tell you. "Your symptoms suggest that you are pregnant."
You look at her in shock.
"P-pregnant?" you manage to mutter out.
"I wish it were something else. Please don't tell me you..."
"... I did. More than once. Please keep quiet about this, alright?"
"I will."
You glance to the side, unsure what to do about this sudden news. What can possibly fix this? The doctor knows when you are conflicted about something, so she is more than willing to give you advice to try to guide you in what she hopes is the right direction.
"I suggest speaking to the father about it" she says. "Work with him to find a solution."
The doctor leaves, leaving you in the room by yourself. Conveniently enough, Taehyung had made plans to come and visit and is already on his way. Talking to him is probably the best idea, but even the thought of telling him you are pregnant and he is the father is nerve wracking.
The next couple weeks go by as you nervously await Taehyung's arrival. During that time you try to hid your pregnancy, which is easy for now, seeing as you only need some medicine for the symptoms. But soon or later you won't be able to hid it since the baby bump will become obvious.
Soon enough  Taehyung arrives and you give him the pleasure of showing him around the city and castle, just as he had done for you. Once you both are in the privacy of your room, he kisses you.
"I've missed you" he says.
"The last time I saw you I was still a princess" you remark.
"Congratulations on that."
"Thank you... Tae, I have something to tell you."
"What is it?"
"I-I'm pregnant."
He stares at you in disbelief.
"You're the father" you choke out.
"We're... having a baby?"
"Yes, we are... I'm so scared. I wasn't planning this. I'm scared to bring the baby to term, but I don't want to get an abortion either. Both terrify me."
"... I think we should have the baby."
"But how will the people react? I was supposed to remain a virgin until marriage. Both of us were."
"How about we get married?"
You stare at him in shock. Marry to hide your pre-marriage pregnancy?
"Will you marry me, Y/N?"
"... Yes!"
You go and hug him tightly with a big smile on your face.
"I always wanted kids" you say.
"Me too" Taehyung replies. "I always wanted five kids. How does that sound?"
A quick wedding is arranged, and there is a major celebration following the wedding. With some work, you manage to make your two nations one, joining under a new name, Yaedeca.
Several months later, your belly is big, ripe with your unborn child. Early one morning, you wake up feeling off. You go to get out of bed, you feel something sticky between your legs. You look down and see your sheets are wet.
Panicking, you wake up Taehyung, who is sleeping heavily besides you. He slowly wakes up and looks at you with tried eyes.
"What is it babe?" he asks, confused as to why you are waking him up in such a panic.
"My water broke" you tell him, causing his tired eyes to open wide.
He helps you down to a pre-prepared room as he tells some servants to fetch the midwives. Over the next several hours, you are put through the worst pain you have ever felt as you slowly give birth. Taehyung sits at your side, holding your hand while saying nothing but kinds and loving things to you, despite the extreme grip of your hand.
With one last push, your baby fully comes out and begins crying. The midwives hurry fast to cut the umbilical cord and mutter things to one another. The next few minutes go by quickly as your baby is cleaned off and bundled up as you finish up your labor.
You are sweating profusely and are trying not to pass out. The baby is brought over and is put in your arms. You and Taehyung smile at the baby, feeling a new type of joy you have never experienced.
"What will the name be" Taehyung says.
"We can figure that out later" you reply. You both wonder what human and vampire traits your child will have. Time will tell.
A few months later, you lie next to Taehyung, the both of you nude and sweaty after just having sex. You think to yourself, with a particular thought that has been bothering you for a while. Taehyung notices the puzzled look on your face.
"Baby, what is it?" he asks.
"I've had something on my mind for a while now" you say. "You will live well over a century once I am gone, and who knows how fast Jamie will age... And I was wondering, is there a way for me to live a longer life? To get to grow old when you do?"
"The most I can do is make you a vampire like me, but that's it. But it has to be a change you are willing to go through. It isn't easy."
"I gave birth to a child, so I'm pretty sure there isn't much worse I could possibly go through."
"Does that mean...?"
"I don't even have to think about it. I'll do it."
"Are you certain?"
"I am. How about tomorrow night?"
"Okay, tomorrow it is babe."
The next day you patiently wait for night to come, handling any duties you had for the day. When the evening comes, you go and take care of Jamie for a while before going to your bedroom for the night.
When you get there, Taehyung is already there waiting.
"Hi Tae babe" you chirp at him.
"Are you ready?" he asks, giving you one last time to back out.
"I'm ready."
He goes over to you and wraps one arm around your waist and another behind your head. He leans down, hovering his lips over your neck for a moment, drawing out his fangs. He quickly bites into your neck, making you flinch. He begins to suck and draw blood as his fangs begin to release something into your bloodstream. You begin to feel the effects almost instantaneously, feeling your skin and veins burn. As it begins to spread throughout your body, your vision gets hazy and your head feels light, and suddenly everything goes black.
You slowly wake up, seeing the blinds pulled shut. While that isn't anything new, what is new however is being able to see, despite it being dark. You turn to see Taehyung sitting at the base of the bed. He senses you shift and turns to see you.
"How are you feeling?"
"I feel weird."
"You'll get used to it."
"How long was I out for?"
"A few days."
"A few days?! What about Jamie? The kingdom?"
"Don't worry I took care of everything baby. It's my duty too."
"Ah, I love you so much."
"I love you more."
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s-aint-elmo · 2 years
what’s starkid? your posts have me intrigued…
oh, anon, thank you for giving me the opportunity to usher you through this door.
the short of it is that starkid is a musical theatre company best known for 1) their pop culture/genre parody musicals and 2) the professional recordings of said musicals that they've uploaded in full on their youtube channel. (these guys know how to treat their fans.) what really hooked me on them was how well they were able to balance the campiest, most out-of-pocket, balls-to-the-wall bullshit with genuine, emotional beats and characters you truly feel for. they will have you on your knees punching the sand over some motherfucker named slippery when wet. it's phenomenal. nobody understands an assignment like them.
if you're looking to get into starkid as a whole, i definitely recommend starting with twisted: the untold story of a royal vizier, which is, in the most reductive terms possible, "aladdin, but if jafar were elphaba from wicked, ft. disney villains all stars." it sets the bar for starkid stuff in my opinion; every beat, both comedic and emotional, hits, the conventions of the genre are either fantastically subverted or fantastically taken to their logical extremes, each and every actor ate and left no crumbs, and the music is just [chef's kiss].
the starkid posts i've been reblogging specifically are from nightmare time (nightmare time 2 in this case), which is an anthology of supernatural horror/comedy stories set in the small town of hatchetfield. the hatchetfield universe was first introduced in the stage musical the guy who didn't like musicals, then expanded in a second stage musical: black friday. the nightmare time short stories serve to further worldbuild the hatchetfield universe by fleshing out the residents, the town lore, and the supernatural forces in whose maw the town sits. if you're a fan of small town eldritch horror and building up a puzzle with pieces from branching timelines, definitely go check it out. i recommend starting with tgwdlm and black friday for context, and the nmt webisodes can then be found here.
it's a real fun time and i hope you give it a shot, anon! please lmk if you do, i'd love to hear what you think of it.
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