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maevemilllay · 7 years ago
GoT Characters as Things Said in the Bitchpack Group Chat:
Tyrion Lannister: laugh at my funny joke.
Jon Snow: I’m in aegony.
Sansa Stark: I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative.
Cersei Lannister: not to be ###thatbitch.
Daenerys Targaryen: yuck.
Jaime Lannister: honestly chill it’s just incest.
Brienne of Tarth: are you ever triggered by someone’s entire personality?
Bran Stark: I’m emo don’t come for me.
Arya Stark: wow I can’t wait to fight you all to the death.
Tywin Lannister: I’m a dead beat dad.
Ned Stark: wow how long it look.
Davos Seaworth: it’s al about the general vibe.
Renly Baratheon: I’m still like .99% straight I hav rights.
Margaery Tyrell: the lesbeans are fonna attack.
Samwell Tarly: I lick rocks for science.
Theon Greyjoy: I really boned myself on this one guys.
Rhaegar Targaryen: we already have a snake in this house.
Bronn: get ready for shitstorm.
Melisandre: wow she really boobs.
Loras Tyrell: me? gay? yes.
Meera Reed: i’ve never looked at a man and been impressed.
Olenna Tyrell: ive only seen like one episode but i read that in gossip girl voice.
Oberyn Martell: I had to pretend to be heterosexual to do it...tragic.
Gendry Baratheon: still relevant five minutes later.
Sandor Clegane: sometimes you guys say things that make me want to pour bleach directly into my eyes so i can never read again.
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meraudurs · 7 years ago
pumpkinspatil replied to your post “i would like to apologize in advance to those of you who don’t ship...”
Who doesn't ship Jily tho
idk but they’re lucky they don’t suffer the pain we do 
we know they’re dead 
yet we read about 754935 different ways they could have fallen in love
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janiedean · 7 years ago
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pumpkinspatil ha risposto al tuo post “direwolfpupy ha risposto al tuo post “So I heard you’re frustrated...”
I didn’t apologize
too bad, because you were a bonafide downright asshole and you should have. but the person who started it did and the OP of that post did therefore showing a lot more maturity than the both of you are. kindly go fuck yourself and go apologize to damien if you ever get the humility to admit you were a complete fucking jerk.
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oberynmartell · 7 years ago
Pride and Prejudice bby
never seen it | need to see it | hate it | ugh | it was okay | LOVED IT | asdfghjkl | kill me that movie was so goddamn good
send me a film?
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kazbrekkerrs-remade · 7 years ago
what are your top 5 bloggers?
I will preface this with: 1st of all I am not going to give you just 5 because there are more n I can’t choose and second of all this isn’t even going to be a complete list because I will have to @ people and I’m too shy to be that forward with some people so
@teddylupixn @spookycedric @honeyoghurt @petrifiedpadfoot @ravehclaw @pumpkinspatil @deceitofstars @effascus @kyungsooanti @diagonally @disneyprinceronweasley @lizgillz @mrrauders @floralmara @openassurgery @blaisez
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paulblofish · 7 years ago
Fictional Girl Characters Meme
Rules: list ten of your favorite girl characters in ten different fandoms and then tag ten people 
Thank you so so much for tagging me, @cressisqueen! eva you’re lovely and your blog is lovely thank youuuu <3
(also i JUST realized right before posting that this is supposed to be from 10 different fandoms ... oh well)
1. dana scully (the x-files)
2. calypso (percy jackson and the olympians)
3. reyna ramirez-alreyano (heroes of olympus)
4. annabeth chase (percy jackson and the olympians)
5. wonder woman (dc comics)
6. ginny weasley (harry potter)
7. monica geller (friends)
8. molly weasley (harry potter)
9. piper mclean (heroes of olympus)
10. jemilla (firebringer)
i’m not gonna tag 10 people but here are a few! you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to tho no pressure
@marchingbandonice @annabathtime @sadisticsunshine @pumpkinspatil @bramblewing
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