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afterlifeoftheparty · 5 years ago
iva!!! i love u... love that we have been mutuals for so long. just vibing w each other. treasured mutual!! i just think ur neat. love u i think ur very funny and kind and even if we don't talk all the time know that i'm always thinking about ur sebstan dream ❤️
mutuals send me a ❤️ & i'll compliment u!
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ladystarks · 5 years ago
theon + sansa
I ship them SO hard, both romantically and platonically. My babies 😭😍😍😍
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deeptheon · 6 years ago
pistachios: what is your least favorite ice cream flavor?
prob vanilla but also i think any kinda cake batter one is really gross 😩
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hazardsoflove · 6 years ago
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send me a 🌼 and i’ll post a random picture from my phone
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rafecameron · 7 years ago
i voted clovdstrife 💜
thank you!
url : not my style | meh | okay | cool | amazing | perfect | i need it
icon: not my style | meh | okay | cool | amazing | perfect | i need it
theme: not my style | meh | okay | cool | amazing | perfect | i need it
posts: not my style | meh | okay | cool | amazing | perfect | i need it
overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 10++
following?: no (but you’re amazing!) | +f | yes! | forever and always!
Vote for my new URL!
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ninaahelvar · 7 years ago
dyckgrayson replied to your post: Hi I'm really tired of getting spoiled by your...
anon could’ve asked to tag instead they’re being passive aggressive in your inbox
they could of, but maybe it was something they had done before and they were very tired of it all. who knows.
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spector · 7 years ago
dyckgrayson replied to your post: im not sure how people can treat the It book by...
i wish i couldnt Read what the fuck
“While they’re defeating It down in Derry’s sewer system, the Losers begin to bicker. Beverly realizes that It is using its evil psychic powers to drive the kids apart, and she concludes that the only way to unite them as a team is to invite every single one of her friends to have sex with her, back to back.
The children’s orgy goes on for pages and pages toward the end of the novel, and it doesn’t shy away from the sensations Beverly feels as a child experiencing sex for the first time. Eventually, it turns out that an orgy was the only way to get the Losers united mentally, and they find their way out of the sewers because of the whole ordeal.”
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maevemilllay · 7 years ago
GoT Characters as Things Said in the Bitchpack Group Chat:
Tyrion Lannister: laugh at my funny joke.
Jon Snow: I’m in aegony.
Sansa Stark: I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative.
Cersei Lannister: not to be ###thatbitch.
Daenerys Targaryen: yuck.
Jaime Lannister: honestly chill it’s just incest.
Brienne of Tarth: are you ever triggered by someone’s entire personality?
Bran Stark: I’m emo don’t come for me.
Arya Stark: wow I can’t wait to fight you all to the death.
Tywin Lannister: I’m a dead beat dad.
Ned Stark: wow how long it look.
Davos Seaworth: it’s al about the general vibe.
Renly Baratheon: I’m still like .99% straight I hav rights.
Margaery Tyrell: the lesbeans are fonna attack.
Samwell Tarly: I lick rocks for science.
Theon Greyjoy: I really boned myself on this one guys.
Rhaegar Targaryen: we already have a snake in this house.
Bronn: get ready for shitstorm.
Melisandre: wow she really boobs.
Loras Tyrell: me? gay? yes.
Meera Reed: i’ve never looked at a man and been impressed.
Olenna Tyrell: ive only seen like one episode but i read that in gossip girl voice.
Oberyn Martell: I had to pretend to be heterosexual to do it...tragic.
Gendry Baratheon: still relevant five minutes later.
Sandor Clegane: sometimes you guys say things that make me want to pour bleach directly into my eyes so i can never read again.
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ladystarks · 6 years ago
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IVA I love you so much, you're one of my favorite people ever so I hope you have an amazing birthday❤❤❤❤
ari you know i would die for you 🤯🤠 i love you so much!! Thank you
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antisisyphus · 5 years ago
Thanks to the lovely @limonadaroja and @dickgreysen and @tenderbynature for tagging me! <3 sorry this took so long for me to get through <3
Rules: answer 22 questions and tag 22 people.
Nickname: irl i go by rebecca and some very select people can get away with reb or becca. here i go by philomela and any nickname derived from that is good
Zodiac: libra
Height: 5′6″
Last movie I saw: always be my maybe
Last thing I googled: “katara”
Favorite musician: wet
Song stuck in my head: it’s been a long long time - peggy lee
Other blogs: yup! i have 6 blogs
Following: 316
Followers: 2,083 
Do I get asks: sometimes?? im trying to answer them more promptly so ppl will be encouraged to respond more
Amount of sleep I get: 7 to 8 hours on a good day
Lucky number: so many!! 3, 4, 7, 12, 21, 23
What I’m wearing right now: a comfy dress
Dream trip: road trip with my friends
Favorite food: shrimp pasta
Instruments I play: none :^(
Languages I know: english
Favorite song: rn? feeling okay by best coast
Random fact: i dont know how to do a cartwheel :^/
Describe your aesthetic: white dresses, picnics, reading, light witchcraft, friendship bracelets, mermaids, cheese spreads
@zombiecap @richiestosier @dykebucky @wlwhwkeye @dyckgrayson @wishsong @raphhaels @finehoney @mycatthinksimsmart @floralprinteddress @hanuspanus @thisblogisassem @bigfoot @stinkylizard666 @waitingontheworms @tessathompsun @grlsoft @elissamoody @tullegf @rosebreadbakery @gorgongrl @lipglosslesbiian
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afterlifeoftheparty · 5 years ago
golden - travie mccoy ft. sia
fool like me - cobra starship ft. plasticines
trouble - cage the elephant
to live and let go - all time low
i'm yours - jason mraz
walking contradiction - green day
for every 🎸 i get i'll make a playlist of 5+ songs by putting my music on shuffle
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ladystarks · 5 years ago
happy birthday ari 🥴🥰💘 you're one year closer to becoming a fandom mom
FJKFKFJF what a scary thought!!
ily Iva, thank you so much ❤
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deeptheon · 6 years ago
for that ask game: top five got characters
thanks bb
SANSA STARK obv, theon greyjoy, cersei lannister, arya stark, and early seasons jon snow
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brooklyntobattlefield · 5 years ago
21 questions
 rules: answer 21 questions tag 21 people you want to know better
thanks for tagging me @zombiecap and @stevegrantsroger
name: rebecca but i go by philomela
zodiac sign: libra
height: 5′6″
hogwarts house: slytherin
last thing i googled: filler
favorite musicians: wet, postiljonen, st lucia, best coast
song currently stuck in your head: Feeling okay - best coast
following: 314
followers: 356
do you get asks: not often
amount of sleep: 7-8 hours
lucky number: not really? my fav numbers that i enjoy seeing are 3, 4, 12, 13, 21
what you’re wearing: pj’s still (its 4 pm lol)
dream job: smth in the foreign service? idk tbh i want to be able to feel like im making a difference, getting a good income, and travel
dream trip: wander around europe
instruments: none :^/
languages: english, but im taking spanish & arabic
favorite song: elevate - st lucia 
random fact: i thought i was adopted for a year
aesthetic: lots of flowers, flowey clothes, picnics, waterfalls, lots of wild animals
this is way below 21 people sorry!! but im tagging @rredarrow @ultimate-spidermans @zombiecap @tenderbynature @bisexualchampion @dickgreysen @ryanreavees @apricotpop @klaudiart @utopian-parallel @tessathompsun @rosycap @letherains @anthrodyniaaa @thundras @dyckgrayson @iicarusfalling @wandazmaximoff @dykebucky @spidys @vampretty @wlwhwkeye
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rafecameron · 7 years ago
Jon + Ygritte 💍
Jon promised himself he would try his best to have fun, for Robb’s sake if nothing else. But he wasn’t the partying type, never had been, and he was sure Theon had planned this whole thing just to annoy him. He could have planned Robb’s stag do anywhere. They could have gone on a golfing weekend to France, Robb likes golf. Or even a weekend away to Italy, Robb loved Italian food and wine. But no, Theon had to go and choose Vegas. Of course the diva would want to live it up in the casinos getting wasted and chucking away all of his money. Disappointingly Robb seemed thrilled at the idea. He was fascinated by all the lights like an awestruck puppy and he let Theon drag him over to the roulette table the minute they entered the first casino. Theon liked to pretend he knew what he was doing, but Jon didn’t believe him. Theon claimed to have learnt about gambling games from his father, but seems to forget that his father lost all of his money playing poker when Theon was little, so really he probably wasn’t the best person to learn from.
“Chin up, Snow!” Grenn slaps him on the back as he walks past, “What’s the worst that could happen?”
“I could lose all of my money? Or I could go missing and get stuck on a roof like in the hangover movie?” Jon suggests, trying to sound light hearted but knowing both of those things were very possible. Or worse, they could loose Robb, and knowing Robb they’d probably never find him again.
“At least you’d still have your health!” Loras grins with a nonchalant shrug as he strolls past.
“Have you not seen that movie? He gets burnt to a crisp!” Jon argues but everyone has already walked off to the gambling tables leaving him to argue with himself.
Jon sighs and finds the nearest bar ordering himself a drink. Everything in Vegas was outrageously expensive. Not that Jon was tight, he wouldn’t mind spending his money on something he enjoyed, but this wasn’t really his idea of fun. He wasn’t very good at gambling so he didn’t much see the point in trying to play and inevitably lose all of his money. He finishes his first drink and ordered another.
He turns to lean his back against the bar and looks out across the room. The casino was full, mostly of drunk middle aged people attempting to look classy in their suits and dresses as they threw their money down the drain. Jon figured they all probably had enough money to do that anyway, whereas he, Robb and all his friends weren’t exactly the most wealthy to start with. He searches for anyone he recognises but sees no one. The place is far too crowded and with all the tables full of players and watchers it would be hard to spot anyone.
Finishing his second drink he places the empty glass on the counter and strolls off to find anyone he knew. He already felt slightly tipsy with the room being so hot and clammy, and he hadn’t drank much in the last year or so, so his tolerance for alcohol was the same as a fourteen year olds would probably be.
Jon was pleased that the first person he spotted was Robb, he was reluctant to leave him alone with Theon for too long. He wormed his way between them both, feigning innocence when Theon sent him a glare for knocking into him.
“How’s it going?” He asks with a grin, he looks down at the table in front of them, having no idea what it was, how you played or wither Robb was winning.
“I’ve won 200 dollars!” Robb grins back reaching for the dice and rolling them across the table.
“Yeah, but how much have you spent?” Jon’s question goes unanswered as Robb starts moving his little chips about.
“Why don’t you have a go, Snow?” Theon threw his arm around his shoulders, smelling strongly of whiskey making Jon screw his nose up.
“No, thank you.” Jon tried to struggle out of his grasp but failed as Theon pulled him closer.
“Here.” Theon thrust a drink into his face, “It’s all going on the tab. Blow on these.”
Jon frowns but blows on the dice offered to him, he’d seen that in movies but was sure it was usually the hot girl in the red dress blowing on the millionaires dice, but he did it anyway. He sipped on the drink, whiskey. Usually he would never had drank whiskey but tonight he knew he needed as much alcohol in his system as he could get.
Before long, Jon was merry on whiskey and was joining in with the gambling, throwing the dice across the table and spilling his whiskey over himself and Robb as they leant over the edge watching for the numbers. Everyone was laughing, joking, losing money and having fun, then everything slowly started becoming one big blur.
He was at the gambling table, losing his money with Robb. Then he was at the bar with Theon, ordering more whiskey. The he was outside, it was cold and it took him at least three times to light his cigarette. He was pulling Robb out of the middle of the road and stumbling onto the pavement. He was talking the the girls at the next bar, he was flirting with the red head. He was getting married and he couldn’t be happier. Then, he was sleeping.
The next morning Jon’s head felt like it might explode. Or maybe it already had. He groaned and rolled onto his back, bumping into the soft arm next to him. “Robb.” He moans out, “Go back to your own bed.”
“Who’s Robb? Your boyfriend?” the voice causes Jon to jump in shock and quickly spin round to see who it belonged to.
“Jesus!” He grabs at the covers and pulls them up over his chest even though he was wearing a shirt, “Who are you? Why are you in my bed?”
“Well, I’m your wife.” The red headed woman smirks, offering her finger up for him to see the shiny ring adorning it, “Name’s Ygritte, I suppose you should know that if we’re going to be living happily ever after.”
Jon furrows his brows, struggling to tell whether she was joking around or not. “Will you two shut up? I feel like my brain is melting out of my ears and your yabbering isn’t helping.”
“Shut up Theon! I’m having a crisis here!” Jon snaps as he sits further up in bed to survey the room. Theon, Robb and Loras curled up on the floor of his room and Grenn on the couch was the least of his worries.
“A crisis? I’m not that bad to look at am I?” By now the rest of the guys were waking up and sitting up with confused and pained expressions, “Well, I guess you’ll soon get used to looking at my face won’t you?” Ygritte grins as she shuffles closer to him.
Jon shuffles as far away as he could without falling off the side of the bed, the covers still pulled up around his body shielding himself. “Look, no offence, but I was a little drunk last night. I didn’t mean to marry you.”
“Well that’s your mistake. I’m not going anywhere. You’re mine forever, Jon.” Ygritte smiled sweetly up at him for a moment before scoffing and rolling her eyes, “Don’t look so bloody petrified, don’t you know anything? I’m only messing, you never even touched me we can get an annulment.”
She slides off of the bed, still in her silver dress from the night before, which hugged her body perfectly. Something Jon would probably have noticed if he wasn’t busy having a heart attack. He let out a shaky breath as he dropped his legs from the side of the bed, by now the boys were all up and sat throughout the room, Robb with his head buried deep in his arms moaning softly to himself.
“Come on then Snow, any longer and I might change my mind and keep you.” The red head winks in his direction as she saunters by and pulls his door open turning back to raise a brow at him impatiently.
“Right.” Jon nods and quickly stands up, making sure he was fully dressed and runs a hand through his unruly hair.
They made their way across Vegas to one of the wedding chapels which conveniently also did annulments, much to Jon’s delight. “You sure you don’t want to change your mind?” Ygritte winks at him.
Jon lets out a soft chuckle and nods, “I’m sure. I’d like to get to know my wife before I actually marry her.” he smiles.
“Are you asking me out on a date, Snow?” Ygritte smirks, nudging him with her elbow.
Jon was sure she was probably joking, but he nodded all the same, “Aye, maybe I am.” it’s his turn to smirk at the half surprised look that crosses her face, “I mean, we’ve been married and divorced, I at least owe you a cup of coffee.”
Ygritte ponders the offer for a moment before nodding, “Alright Snow, throw in breakfast and you’ve got yourself a date.”
Jon offers up his arm for her to take, “Breakfast it is then.” he smiles as he leads her away from the chapel and to the nearest diner.
I have another Jon/Ygritte prompt in my inbox and I plan on making it a sequel to this one! So look out for that! (:
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thefirsttastebyfionaapple · 6 years ago
dyckgrayson replied to your photo “imagine thinking ur a bigger soondingie than bbh himself”
adsfsaaj i thought it said Asia's bald prince im-
HJGDFJFHDHFHD no that’s chanyeol 😔
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