#pumpkin spice mini pancakes
brattylikestoeat · 11 months
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isabeauwolf · 15 days
*this crack fic was inspired by @staitc-rj, XD That meme you made with Overhaul months ago, haha calling our birdman a "fruity bird". So I decided to use it, for Dabi to tease his temporary boss*
-To give more context, Dabi switched places with Toga to get closer to Mary, aka Overhaul's Wife; Eri looks up to Dabi as her dad and Mary her mom; he want to become a mate candidate for Mary and loves to tease the crap out of Overhaul. Plus, I want to tease Dabi living under the same roof as Kai and being a menace.-
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What happens after Mary shares her Fruit Loop cereal with Dabi~
Overhaul x Mary x Dabi crack fic: Fruit Loops and Muffins
Mary already made chocolate chip pumpkin muffins and pumpkin spice pancakes for breakfast the night before. Reheating the fall and spooky season treats, her and Eri happily ate them, then saved the rest for the eight bullets, Dabi, Twice and Kai.
Eri the sweet child, gladly followed her mother to the sink, hopping onto her step stool when Dabi came into the kitchen.
He had his hands in his pockets, bored expression quirking upwards, watching the scene before him, drinking in the quiet and picturesque of his now two favorite girls bonding. Dabi hated to admit it, but seeing little Eri with his firebrand was adorable as embers of wanting a family of his own echoes into the back of his mind.
Blue eyes trailing from Mary's curves and her growing belly, knowing that the birdman's child was growing. He wanted his own hellspawn to be next, can imagine the terror and little gremlin, a mini version of himself running 'round the base and picking fights with his half brother. Shaking his head he stalks towards the refrigerator, eyeing the line of plan and boring cereals, overly healthy and bland shit to the more colorful overly sugary and tooth rotten goodness.
One red box caught his eye. He grabbed it and stared at it, took it with him as he shrugged, squeezing behind Mary to reach for a plastic bowel, he turned when he felt something grip the box in his hand. Tilting his head as he meet his lovers light glaring gaze as his own sparkled with amusement, "Need something, princess?" Feighting ignorance.
"Yes, you grabbed my cereal without asking, sneak thief. That's called stealing, casanova."
He glanced down at her hand overlapping his own, brushing his index finger over her own slow and teasing. "Well, good morning to you too, buttercup." he chuckled, gaze lazily searching the box, "But I don't see your name on it, beauty and I'm hungry but don't feel like cooking."
Mary quirked an eyebrow. "You were with me when I bought it." She pointed at her name labeled on the top of the opened box, "Are you blind? My name is right there in black market, smartass." Crossing her arms over her chest, "I don't mind sharing so long as you ask first. It's common curtsy."
"So it is." He replied, shrugging and walking towards the table when he felt a tug on his white shirt. "Do you think it will stop me?" he asked even when they both know the answer.
"Manners." She chastised him lightly, waiting. "Just a few simple words."
Eri chimed in meekly, poking her head out from behind her mother as she grips the back of her dress. "You forgot to say "please" daddy." Large ruby gems meeting turquoise.
His eyes and expression softened and he sighed, running a hand through his black messy tresses.
Dammit, he hopes him and his firebrand eventually doesn't have a girl, or he will be a pile of mush.
Dabi gasped, faking being shocked as he widened his eyes. "You are right, sweetheart." Turning his gaze to Mary and winking, "I'm sorry, beauty. Do you forgive me? Please? Pretty please?"
Mary could feel a smile tugging on her lips and she huffed through her nose, and tried not to laugh, but a half giggle slipped out, and he knew he'd won. "Alright, alright, fine." Letting go of his shirt, twirling on her feet slowly as she waved him off. "Put it back whenever you are done. But you are taking some muffins to the rest of the eight, Twice as a compromise." Turning on the sink, pointing at the large box of muffins sitting in a overly large cake box, two dozen. "I made too much last night, it's first come first served. I've got another box in the fridge."
Dabi pulled the milk out of the fridge as he grabbed a muffin, shuffling as he hummed, kicked the door closed with his booted foot and dumped his haul of sugary breakfast onto the table.
He's lucky he didn't leave a boot or scuff mark on the fridge or Overbeak would have a hissy fit and make him clean it, polish it, and clean it again until it shines as he glared down at him. Clean freak and overly controlling prick. Dabi thought to himself as he poured a decent amount of the colorful rainbow cereal into his bowl, adding milk, drank some from the carton and placed the milk back. "Can someone hand me a-" he asked as he felt something poke the middle of his back, halfway turning he smiled, "Thanks, beauty." He took the spoon with a tiny blush on his cheeks and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
"Uh-huh," Mary replied, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Your welcome." Returning to Eri as she rinsed and dried the clean dishes Mary had already placed in the sink to soak while they ate breakfast.
Sitting down, placing his spoon in his bowl, grabbing a spoonful and taking a bite, savoring it. He hadn't had this in a long time, and he suddenly had a craving for it. When the circles hit his tongue, his mind wonders, glancing at his girls, then travels down as he notices something.
The azure flame user stares at the Toucan Bird on the front of the box, snickering as he takes another bite of the sugary cereal, causing both Eri and Mary to look at him with curiosity while they finish washing the dishes, Mary washing and Eri drying.
"Is something funny written on the box?" Eri asked innocently and overly curious as she finishes drying a plastic plate and places it onto the drying wrack carefully.
"Nah, it's nothing munchkin." Dabi chuckles, standing, finishing his bowl, smiling and ruffling her hair affectionately. "Go on and finish getting ready with mommy, m'kay." He scoots his lover with his hip, giving Mary a charming smile and winking. "I've got this, babe."
Now Mary is confused, blinking and tilting her head. "Kai will be down any minute. What are you up to, pyro?" She had a feeling that whatever thought was running through the flame users head wasn't a good idea.
Eri doesn't get it, but she nods her head, stepping down from her step stool, picked it up and placed it back in it's place with a small smile on her lips.
"What?" Dabi asked quirking an eyebrow, "Can a man not do dishes without his lovely little wolfish lover growing suspicious?" He grabs her hand, kissing it and places it over his scarred chest, pouting, "beauty, you wound me so."
Mary shakes her head, "I can never been so sure with you." She grips his shirt, yanking him to her with a knowing smirk on her lips. "A certain bored monster and little fiery gremlin with a shit eating grin on his face has something sneaky up his sleeves." she purrs, violet and gold eyes meeting his ocean blues.
"Guilty as charged my sexy detective," he fires back, hands gripping her hips, pulling her into a kiss as his lips curling smugly. "Gonna stop me?"
She hums, pulling away. "I should, but I know that you won't listen anyways." Letting go of him, giving a shorter kiss as she walks around him, "I'm sure I'll heard about it from Kai sooner than later," Mary reaches her hand out to Eri as she grabs it and following her mother.
The pair of girls halt in the threshold of the kitchen.
Mary glances over her shoulder, "Just don't go overboard and destroy my kitchen will you?"
Dabi gives a mock salute, turning on the sink and washing the dishes. "Aye aye, my princess."
Eri laughs, lightly pulling her mother forward before she could say anything else.
They both passed Kai on their way out as he stops them, giving her a morning kiss on her forehead, then went straight into the kitchen.
Kai's good mood soured and his small smile on his lips fell as he saw the zombie man in the kitchen, being domestic and washing dishes no less. His golden gaze narrows in suspicion. Dabi didn't usually do the dishes, his angel usually asks him to help wash them, if she was under a bit of a time crunch.
Kai walks over to the coffee machine, where he already see's his favorite cup sitting on a coaster waiting for him curtsy of his loving wife and angel. Rubbing the cup over the back of his gloved palm to check the temperature before picking it up, feeling the warmth warming his hands, but not burning or scalding hot, black with a shot of espresso, just the way he likes it.
He lowered his black duster mask to his chin and takes a slip, enjoying the silence, closing his eyes and enjoying the peace of his first morning coffee. Shame that he didn't arrive first, he could have eaten breakfast with his angel and could have tolerated Dabi's presence as long as he kept his filthy mouth shut.
Dabi quickly finished the dishes, dried his hands with a orange hand towel that read: Pumpkin Spice Queen for Life.
One of the many things his wife grabbed last time she was in the States, she stocks up on Pumpkin Spice seasonally things and whatnot she could carry in her spare luggage, he swears she loves the seasonal item just ask much as she loves cherry blossoms.
The Strays annoying voice brought Kai out of his thoughts.
Placing the hand towel back in it's holder, he speaks up. "Princess wants me to take the mountain of muffins 'round the base, she made too much." He pointed his thumb at the large number of brightly colored orange and brown muffins, even the morning after, they smelled delicious and mouthwatering.
Dabi snatched another one from the box and took a bite, he'd grab the one of the table on his way out. "Fuck, these are good," he muttered to himself with a mouthful.
Kai scrunched his nose in disgust underneath, his expression visible. "Close your mouth, you animal."
Swallowing a mouthful and taking another, much bigger bite to annoy the overly strict crow. "Can't help it, these are too good." He smirked teasingly, offering the half eaten muffin towards the other man. "What? Want some?"
Kai grimaced, brows furrowing as he glared. "No thank you. I don't want any of your pyromaniac germs. I'll get my own." The only person he'd ever think about sharing food with is his angel, no one else.
He readjusted his mask, covering his face as he sneered. His patience growing thin.
"Whatever ya say, fruity bird." Dabi waves Overhaul off, laughing and taking another bite.
Silence settling between them as Kai took in the blue flamed users words. He was confused, but quickly re-schooled his face to remained impassive. He tried, he really did, but this insufferable jackass had a habit of getting underneath his skin since day one.
The yakuza Boss' jaw clenched underneath his mask and his free gloved hand twitched, arching a thin eyebrow. "Fruity bird? Where the hell did you get that impression?" He asked calmly, his grip on his coffee mug tightening.
He was getting angrier by the minute.
Dabi's lazy grin slowly growing wider. "The toucan off the cereal box that your wife shared with me this morning." He replies causally, strutted towards the table as he finished the last bite of his muffin while sipping his coffee as a matter-of-factly. "Reminds me of another overly feathered bird with a stick up his high feathered ass."
That did it. His patience snapped and his temper flared.
Kai's quirk activated, overhauled his glove and coffee cup as the warm liquid dripped down his hand, arm and spilled onto the floor. "Want to run that joke by me again, blue flame?" He questioned, tilting his head, golden irsis' darkening and challenging.
"Sure, I can." Dabi's grin curled into something mocking. Burnt skin and staples stretching wide against his jaw, whispering slowly, "Feathered, birds of paradise, hypocrite toucan lookin' asshole."
Kai knew it was childish and immature of him, but his intrusive thoughts won. He hoped his wife would forgive him for wasting food, breaking one of her biggest pet peeves. He picked up the muffin that was left on the table with his wet and coffee soaked hand and smashed it into Dabi's smug assed face. "Here, eat this and choke on it while I wash your filthy goddamn mouth with soap." He hissed, shaking his now dirty hand.
Activating his blue flames and aiming for the birdman's face as he coughed, sputtered and closed one eye, but the yakuza boss blocked his arm and redirected his attack upwards, resulting in burn and scorch marks on the ceiling. Dabi wipped his face and raised his knee, the crow blocked his attack again and pushing him back.
Kai's gaze trailed to the ceiling as his thin brow twitched in irritation. "Dammit, I'll have to fix that." Gaze returning to the patchwork villain, clicking his tongue. "You will help me clean that today."
"I don't like being hold what to do, birdface." Dabi scoffs, hands twitching at his side. "Besides you made the first move with a childish cheap shot," he chuckles teasingly, "very mature of you, OverCrow or should I call you Toucan King?"
"You started this little squabble by provoking me first thing in the morning with your annoying chatter, nitwit." Kai pointed an accusing finger at him, walking around him and towards the sink to wash his hands. "Always have to clean someone else's messes," he grumbled to himself underneath his breath as he turned on the sink, squeezing the hand soap into his wet and sticky hand and scrubbing furiously, muttering and cursing.
Dabi snickered, finding paper towels and cleaning his face, bending down to pick up the ruined muffin off the floor and throwing it into the trash can. "Overly dramatic bird bitch," he commented, rolling his blue eyes. "He's worse than handyfreak, I swear."
"I can still hear you," Kai called back, rinsing his hands and underneath his nail, shutting the water off hard, nearly breaking the tap as he snatched the unused hand towel the walking pyromaniac hadn't touched eariler read: Fall is my second favorite F-word
Dabi's gaze fell on the hand towel, his lips quirking higher as he cackled harder. He loved his woman's twisted sense of humor he swears.
"What's so funny now?" Kai huffed, placing the hand towel back nice and neatly.
"Your face," Dabi sassed back and shaking his head, giving a dramatic sigh. "Our poor wolfy is wasting her time with a stuck up guy like you. It's a real shame, all that cheerful energy, curves and smart mouthed beauty is wasted on a Chickie like you."
Kai's hands grip the counter hard, the titles underneath his palms shatter and break, a tick mark forming on his temple as the scar on his forehead twitched and throbbed as he tried to real in his anger.
The kitchen door opens, both villains freeze.
Mary walks in with Eri hiding behind her. Eri's dressed in a white and black long sleeved shirt with a blue dress, white stockings, black Mary Jane's shoes and her hair pulled up in two twin tails. In the crook of her arms was a sketch book and a pack of color pencils.
Mary glances at the scene before her: the burnt smell making her nose twitch as she noticed both Kai's and Dabi's messy and disheveled appearance, mismatched gaze traveled from the floor to the ceiling as she concluded what happened, or at least, pieces of it. She closed her eyes and sighed, "Alright, what the hell happened this time?" Pinching the bridge of her nose as she opened her eyes to meet both sets of eyes on her.
Both pointed at each other, "He started it."
Mary put her hands on her hips, brows furrowing and her lips thinned, then snarled and glaring. "I don't care who started it, but both of you are going to clean up your mess before either of you can leave this kitchen." Her ears twitched with irritation and her tail bristling, hackles rising, waving back and forth in anger.
She gave an exasperated sigh, patting Eri lightly on the head and giving a small smile, "Eri, honey, please go sit at the table."
"Okay, mommy." Eri shyly nodded, placing her sketch book and color pencils down onto the kitchen table, and began drawing, quietly.
Mary's smile fell, marching towards the cleaning closet, pulling out a mop and bucket, filling it with a bottle of lemon scented cleaning concentrate and handing it to Dabi. He tried giving her a charming smile, but she cut him off, "Less talking and more cleaning, flame boy."
Walking around she went strait for her husband who turned his head away in shame and embarrassment, refusing to look at her, instead keeping his gaze on the wall.
"I'm sorry, angel." Kai cut in before she could open her mouth, shocking her. "I gave into my childish impulses and his teasing, losing my temper. I made a mess and ruined one of the muffins you were so excited to share with everyone today. Again, I'm sorry." He lowered his head, frowning deeply.
"Oh, Kai." Mary cupped his cheek, guiding him to meet her gaze. "I'm not mad about the muffin," she giggled, smiling and lowering his face mask, "we have plenty, even if, you know I hate wasting food." Her violet and gold hues softening, "I appreciate the apology," her voice growing playful and scolding lightly, teasing, "but you still need to clean and fix your mess, Mister Chisaki."
Kai blushed, running his hand over his mouth and nodded. Leaning forward and grazing his lips against hers, pressing a sweet and chaste kiss. "Yes, Mrs Chisaki," he whispered, lips curling into a knowing smirk, deepening the kisses and pressing her against his chest and closing his eyes. His rage cooling and a wave of calmness washed over him as her scent of vanilla filled his lungs, groaning into the kiss.
Of course, thier sweet moment of pure bliss couldn't be savored as the overly jealous human torch had to open his big, fat, burnt, scarred and stapled mouth. "Hey, no fair. How come he gets a light ass crewing and I get stuck cleaning?" He called pouting.
Mary broke the kiss, much to her husbands disappointment. Turning her head towards Dabi. "I know you started it, dumbass. You are just as bad as Kai when taking things too far." She sighed, rubbing her head.
Kai kept her pressed against him, laying his chin on her shoulder, lips curling into a smug smirk, golden eyes twinkling with mirth and victory as he soaked in his beloved wife's warmth, rubbing her hip and belly bump possessively.
Oh, it was good to be the king.
"I call hacks and favoritism," Dabi hands tightening around the mop handle in aggravation, hissing, "total bullshit."
Mary pulled away turning back around in Kai's arms, giving him another chaste kiss and pulled his duster mask back on. "Please clean up, my dearest. We have to meet with Tomura Shigaraki and Giran this morning. Don't want to be late, do we?"
Kai sighed and pressed his forehead against hers, "Yes, I know. It won't be long." He leaned back without releasing her, reaching his glove less hand out and touched the counter, activating his quirk and repairing the damage and pulling out another set of gloves from his pocket and slipping them on. "There good as new," he hummed, then his eyes glanced upwards at the ceiling, clicking his tongue. "Going to have to call a cleaner after the meeting, the longer that stain stays, the longer its going to annoy me."
"Thank you, my devil." Mary smiled, wolf ears and tail perking up and wagging as she gave him a hug which he returned, and kissed the top of her head. She pulled away and walked over towards the sulking and bitter, jealous pyromaniac, wrapping her arms around him, "Thank you, Touya," she whispered pressing her face into his back.
Dabi stiffened, then relaxed. "Your welcome, beauty," he replied back, shyly, his face growing warm.
More voices and chatter could be heard through the halls as Rappa opened the kitchen door and walked in first, laughing in disbelief, "What the hell happened in here so early in the morning? No fair! The newbie got to fight Overhole before me! I was here first shorty, get in line."
"Rappa, it's too early for you to be so loud," Kai sighed, grabbing another coffee cup from the cabinet and walking back to the coffee machine.
Chrono and Mimic followed behind their boss as they grabbed their own coffee cups.
"Grouchy Kai came back, huh?" Chrono asked Mary, hiding a teasing and knowing smirk underneath his mask, snickering.
"You could say that," Mary nodded in agreement, grabbing a box of muffins and placing it down on the kitchen table. "I made chocolate pumpkin muffin, help yourself everyone." Her mood brightening as Rappa grabbed a handful, took off his mask and started eating while Tengai offered him a large glass of milk to help wash it down.
"Slow down, Rappa," Mary giggled, smile widened, "There's plenty more."
Rappa talked in between mouthfuls, "Dammit, wish I had a cute little wife to cook and bake for me. Overhole so lucky."
Mary grew flustered. "I'm glad that you like them."
Rappa got an idea, "If you ever get tired of the boss," he leaned down, whispering into her ear, "I'll give you a wild ride, wolf girl." He straightened and winked, laughing harder as her face grew redder.
Dabi and Kai both heard that.
"Care to repeat that, Rappa," Kai asked, his tone icy and chilling.
The rest of the eight froze.
"Nothing, boss. Just teasing is all." Rappa replied, gulping down his glass of milk and sighing in content, wiping his mouth with the back of his forearm. "Whoever tries to steal our young Mistress gotta be insane and got balls of steal to challenge you."
"Get in line, gym monkey," Dabi glared while snatching another muffin, "I called dibs on our wolfish beauty first. The only one getting bird dicks sloppy seconds is me."
Mary grew more flustered, but she covered Eri's ears, glaring at both men. "Language both of you," she scolded, nudging Dabi with her foot. "I'm sloppy seconds huh, man whore?" She huffed, unplugging Eri's ears as the girl looked upwards at her mother in confusion.
"The girls heard worse." Mimic waved her off, "I promise you, my lady."
"That doesn't make me feel better, Mimic." She argued, siting down beside Eri, grabbing a muffin as Chrono handed her a glass of orange juice as he sat down.
"Blue flame, you aren't going to win any favors with our Mistress, if you insult her like that," Tengai advised calmly. "If you truly want to become a mate candidate you have a long way to go, if that's the case."
"Oh, put a sock in it, blind jesus," Dabi replied, eating. "I'll become a male consort before Shiggy."
Tengai sighed, "I'm a former monk, not blind, Dabi."
Kai's voice cut off Dabi's retort.
"Instead of thinking what my wife and my men think of you, you should be winning the respect and favor of her husband, me and her grandfather." Kai cuts in, nearly slamming his coffee cup down onto the table, sitting down in the empty seat beside his wife, and wrapping an arm around her waist.
Eri placed her color pencils down, smiling. "Mommy, can I have a muffin?"
Mary smiled and nodded, "Yes, honey, you can." She picked one out of the box and handed it to her as she whispered her thanks.
Despite all the chaos, Mary wouldn't change her new home for anything.
--- Happy Beginning of Pumpkin Spice and Spooky Season! 2024 -----
@togeandmegumilover @fanofflames @slayfics @x-kiwi-03 @chainslobber @staitc-rj
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roosterscockpit · 2 years
Their First Halloween All Together | H.C |
This is within the same universe as my story 🥹❤️
Please let me know if you received/did not receive the notification that you’ve been tagged, thanks besties! 
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Happy Halloween! Be safe! Check your candy, babes!! 🎃🫶🏼🍭
Bradley wakes up super early to go to the store to get a bunch of spooky decorations for the inside of the house.
Makes Leia and you a spooky basket full of everything you both love.
Decorates the kitchen area with skeletons, ghosts, spiders/spiderwebs, strings bat fairy lights all over and sets up all the Halloween activities.
Plays Nightmare Before Christmas as background noise. 
Cuts up a white bed sheet and drapes it over himself.
Runs into his sleeping daughter’s room and dumps a bucket of candy on her to wake her up
Jumps on her bed in his ghost costume until she wakes up. 
Cuts a white pillow cover for her to wear.
They stand in front of your door and look at each other. They nod in unison and Bradley swings the door open. They run into your room and scare the shit out of you. 
Makes both of you jack-o-lantern pancakes in the morning. 
Carves pumpkins with Leia. Bradley carves a ghost with aviators with a sick mustache. You help Leia and she carves a scary face with a mustache and names it spooky doddle-doo.
Bradley gives you your spooky basket. It has skeleton-printed socks, a Starbucks card, a squishy stress ball in the shape of a pumpkin, a cute pumpkin-headed teddy bear, a pumpkin cake pop, a pumpkin spice-scented candle, a wine glass that says, “I need more boos” and your favorite candy, a KitKat. But the king size with 16 pieces.
He gives Leia hers. It has cute jack-o-lantern spooky slides, a shirt that says “Creep it Real” with a skateboarding ghost, black and green striped socks, a pumpkin cake pop, an Oogie Boogie plushie, squishy toys in the shape of a skeleton head, a cat head, and a pumpkin, Halloween themed hair bows, and a bunch of different candies. 
Bradley runs to his bronco for another surprise. He comes in with matching pajamas for the three of you. They are mummy themed. Your’s says “Mummy”. Bradley’s says, “Dadcula.” Leia’s says, “Lil’ Monster.” 
You and Bradley decorate cookies with Leia. Leia makes a zombie pilot and says it looks like her papa Mav.
You all make cupcakes together. Bradley and Leia team up and throw flour at you. After you are done making them, Bradley feeds you one and smashes it into your face. Leia licks the icing off of your nose.
Bradley helps Leia dress into her costume. He adds the finishing touches and kisses her nose. “You look good, baby girl.” He steps back and admires his masterpiece, “Really good.” They nod in unison.
You dressed up as a vampire.
Bradley comes out into the living room wearing his flight suit. You admire how hot he looks.
“And I present to you… Mini Rooster!” He throws his hands to the side of him and out emerges Leia in a small version of Bradley’s flight suit. She’s wearing a fake mustache and a pair of Bradley’s aviators. 
Leia sings danger zone while you and Bradley die of laughter.
You and Bradley load the car with sleeping bags and the new pajamas Bradley got you all.
You and Bradley bring Leia to Penny’s house for her first house to get candy. Mav and Penny open the door and laugh hysterically. 
Mav wants to fit in so he goes and throws his flight suit on too. The three of them stand together to take pictures.
You and Penny die internally of a cuteness overload.
Leia finishes trick-or-treating and comes back with a Star Wars pillowcase full of treats. 
Bradley checks her candy and eats at least a quarter of it as he “checks.”
You all go to Mav's hangar for a Halloween party. 
You and Bradley bring out all the sweets you three made at home. Everyone goes after them.
The squad sees Leia and dies of laughter. They think it's the cutest thing ever. They all take turns taking pictures with her in Mav's P-51.
All of the dagger squad are dressed up as scary monsters for the haunted house Mav created for Leia and the other kids. 
Leia is the only kid not scared through the whole house. 
She says hi and gives hugs to all the dagger squad while she goes through. All of the other kids hide behind her.
When they reach the end, Mav opens the curtain to let them out.
Leia screams bloody murder. Mav is confused.
“Sorry Papa, you’re the scariest monster here.”
The squad members come out of their hiding spots and laugh at Mav.
Mav is just in his regular old flight suit.
Mav has a Halloween Party playlist playing and everyone is dancing. 
Thriller comes on and everyone dances. Bradley and Hangman lead the group. 
Leia shares her candy with everyone’s kids. 
Mav set up a bunch of games for the kids. The favorite one being ghost bowling. Rolling a pumpkin at a bunch of toilet paper rolls with ghost faces drawn on them.
Another being pin the spider on the web. 
The adults had a pumpkin carving contest. All the couples were pairs for teams. 
The winners were Cyclone and Davina ( @cycbaby​ ) for their drunk pumpkin throwing up. 
They won a Halloween-themed bath box. It had various bath bombs in the shape of a pumpkin, ghost, and skeleton. 
Cyclone gave Davina a devious look when they opened it. “We can use these later.” 
Bradley overheard and yelled, “Baby Typhoon underway!” Everyone joined in.
Cyclone winked over at Davina, “Halloween means spooky sex.”
Penny brought batches of Jell-O shots for a game of trick-or-treat shots. A bunch of Jell-O shots with 1 that actually had alcohol.
Whoever would get the one with alcohol had to get a pie pan of whipped cream to their face. 
Hangman and Bob were the unlucky ones. 
There was a spooky Photo Booth. Everyone crammed into it and took pictures.
Mav had a scrapbook outside the booth for everyone to glue a copy of their pictures and write something.
You, Bradley, and Leia took a picture and put it in Mav’s book. You were biting Bradley’s neck as Leia was mimicking a scream. 
Bradley wrote, “A pain in my neck.”
After the party, everyone changes from their costumes into Halloween-themed Pjs and set up their sleeping bags all around Mav’s hangar.
Mav pulls out the projector.
You, Bradley, and Leia change into your matching pajamas.
You all watch Halloween movies for the rest of the night. 
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@itsmytimetoodream​ @javden
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endcant · 2 years
best ever food & drink
cucumber & watermelon (same to me)
tofu (many ways)
glass of milk and 2 cookies (various)
mini sweet peppers
egyptian kahk
homemade red bean paste (u can make a lot affordably, keep it a decent amount of time, and use it for everything)
chicken mole
sashimi (various)
bisque (various)
gazpacho (various)
fruit that you picked
the first bite of a california burger (burger with lettuce, tomato, avocado, and monterey jack cheese)
lemon pound cake
oxtail stew with chayote (white people not invited)
pozole blanco
buttered pumpkin ravioli followed by the raspberry gelato served in a coconut shell at the obligatory little italian place in my obligatory little not-italian hometown
oolong tea
lamb gyro
when i worked at the college i used to rinse out my cup noodles before microwaving them bc they were too salty. that was good
phó (various)
zalabia topped with sesame seeds
scrambled egg white with spinach and mushrooms
avocado smoothie
street corner strawberries, too ripe to be sold to grocery stores
homemade lengua estofado (white people not invited)
butterfish hand roll
fiji lakdi mithai
fruit salad consisting of: apple, jicama, oranges, cucumber, and optional melon (honeydew or cantaloupe) with mandatory seasoning of citrus juice, red pepper, and salt
fried egg over easy stirred into white rice with very small amounts of sesame oil and soy sauce
my dad is the only person who can make bbq ribs worth eating bc they are tender and heavily spiced with a homemade mustard-based sauce with more spices than i’ve ever seen on any other single object
japanese curry + chicken cutlet (my preferred curry but all are valid)
melted monterey jack cheese (any context)
go to 300 Juan Medina Rd., Chimayo, NM, 87522
homemade honey kale chip (YSAC)
extremely dry breve cappuccino
cinnamon life cereal
homemade sopapilla with honey
NYC mall shrimp tempura udon (ubiquitous in NYC indoor malls in 2009)
banana with brown sugar and a little butter heated in microwave for like 3 minutes. wait til it cools
just the crust of deep dish pizza without the toppings
buttered macaronis with white onion (poisonous to me)
hot dog and vegetable stir fry
chile con carne with MY family’s green chile recipe
oyster tasting paid for by somebody else
this one stout beer that i shared with my mother in 2017 that came in an unlabeled bottle found in the back of a restaurant that has since changed ownership. no other information
dishes containing roux, custard, or caramelized onions patiently made by your own hand (taste of the fruits of your labor)
my sister’s fucked up health recipes that are actually incredibly fucking good such as a very seasoned broth with like 5 different types of mushrooms, a buffalo chicken/sweet potato/turkey bacon casserole, and all of her various spaghetti squash glops. so FUCKING good.
arugula salad with nuts and fruits
steamed pumpkin (various seasonings)
any decently improvised sweet bread, cookie, or cake flavored chiefly with butter, white sugar, and almond extract
baked potato with the red skin no seasonings eaten outside in the cold
thick, ambrosia-like homemade horchata served in a mug at the mexican place with zero english speakers on staff
11 oz can apple sidra apple soda
banana at 2 am
worst ever food & drink
banana at 6 am
waffle house “hashbrown”
backsweetened fruit beer
whole wheat pancake
whole wheat or multigrain health flour tortilla. if you’re worried about your health just eat a corn tortilla or wrap ur stuff in lettuce
guiltiest pleasures of all time
bacon pb&j burger.
expensive californian bougie health snack bars that consist of unrecognizable seeds, unrecognizable nuts, and unrecognizable dried fruits, unrecognizably sweetened and stuck together in an unrecognizable mound
spoonful of stone ground mustard
back home theres a place where u can get craft beer, a rosé slushie actually worth havinf, taste 4 nearly identical dry red wines, and then say its ur birthday and get panini bread toasted with butter and a melted hersheys bar topped with whipped cream. the birthday treat only really tastes good once youve had the aforementioned quantity of alcohol, but i think that’s by design. like listening to shpongle while profoundly high on psychedelics
2 dennys pancakes with 2 eggs over easy placed betwixt, wherein they will be smashed and mixed with maple syrup until the entire mess is soggy yellow-brown and unrecognizable
bowl of chevys fresh mex salsa con cuchara
i experience that “just one more oreo” comic but with mazapan, & when i wake up from the mazapan fugue state every dark cloth in the house is stained permanently
hot cocoa consisting of: almond milk, dark cocoa powder, and stove heat
i will never forget starbucks sage and juniper latte in the fall of 2018. nothing else at that godforsaken restaurant will ever be that good.
those cute fude nuggets they sell at target that are like $15 per box that are shaped like stars, fishies, etc.
anything with garlic or onion (poisons me)
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hong--zhi--zhu · 2 years
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Fluffy homemade pancakes generously doused with pumpkin spice syrup.
Beverage: Seattle's Best Coffee 'Portside Blend' with a splash of Coffee Mate's pumpkin spice creamer.
Platinum silicone squishies are from the following 🔞 shops listed beneath the read more.
Akappa mini squishy is from 🔞 Fantasy Grove 🔞
Bat mini squishy is from @batbitestoys 🔞 Bat Bites Toys 🔞
Soba squishy is from 🔞 Phoenixflame Creations 🔞
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rolandcrawford · 8 months
Vegan Recipe - Mini Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes
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Mini Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes. These mini vegan pumpkin pancakes make the ideal autumn breakfast or brunch treat. They're fluffy, flavorful, and simple to make, thanks to canned pumpkin puree, warming spices, and almond milk. They're also vegan and can be customized with your favorite toppings.
0 notes
veronica-ag · 9 months
Home Fragrance Empties 2023
Candles - 19 - $244.98 Aldi Caramel & Ginger Cookie - $1.60 Aldi Firewood - $1.60 Aldi Freesia & Pear - $1.60 Aldi Smoke & Cedar Mini Candle - $1.60 Aldi Snowdrops - $1.60 Avon Fireside - $25 BBW Fresh Balsam Mini - $4.50 BBW Maple Cinnamon Pancakes - $22.50 BBW Peach Meringue - $22.50 BBW Vanilla Snowflake - $22.50 BBW Welcome Home - $14.50 BBW Winter - $22.50 Homemade Cotton Candy Candy Cane - $2 Pourri  Grapefruit Orange Zest - $14.99 Wishes Candy Cauldron - $19 Wishes Life’s Bare Necessities - $19 Yankee Candle Chocolate - $27.99 Yankee Candle Honey Lavender Gelato - $10 Yankee Candle Macintosh - $10 Wax Melts - 50 - $235.62 BBW Mango Mai Tai - $4.50 BBW Sun-Washed Citrus - $4.50 Scentsationals Apple Pumpkin Donuts - $2 Scentsationals Caramel Apple Spice -$2 Scentsationals Cider House Donuts - $2 Scentsationals Cotton Candy Cloud - $2 Scentsationals Pumpkin Cider - $2 Scentsy Angel Experimeny 624 - $6.50 Scentsy Bananarama - $6 Scentsy Bayberry & Currant - $6 Scentsy Best In Snow - $6 Scentsy Black Currant Bubbly - $6 Scentsy Blue Christmas - $6 Scentsy Caramel Pear Crisp - $6 Scentsy Disney Season Of Magic - $6.50 Scentsy First-Kiss Fireworks - $6 Scentsy Gryffindor - $6.50 Scentsy Halloween Town - $6.50 Scentsy Hawaiian Paradise - $6 Scentsy Hufflepuff - $6.50 Scentsy Jack’s Obsession - $6.50 Scentsy Just Keep Swimming - $6.50 Scentsy Orange Dreamsicle - $6 Scentsy Pacific Mist - $1.50 Scentsy Red Berry & Spruce - $6 Scentsy Root Beer Float - $6 Scentsy Shoreline Drive - $6 Scentsy Stitch Experiment 626 - $6.50 Scentsy Sugar & Spice - $6 Scentsy Sunburst Bamboo - $6 Scentsy Together 4 Ever - $6 Scentsy Twitterpated - $6.50 Scentsy Watermelon Patch - $6 Supertarts Alien - $4.25 Supertarts Beth - $4.25 Supertarts Bellatrix - $4.25 Supertarts Cedric - $4.25 Supertarts Children Of The Corn - $2.37 Supertarts Doubloons - $3.31 Supertarts Friday The 13th - $2.37 Supertarts Lady Rainicorn - $4.25 Supertarts Leonardo - $4.25 Supertarts Let’s Get Fizzical - $4.70 Supertarts Linda - $4.25 Supertarts Son Of Hermes - $4.25 Supertarts SPK - $4.25 Supertarts Stocking Stuffers - $1 Supertarts Texas Chainsaw - $2.37 Supertarts Tina - $4.25 Supertarts Voldemort - $4.25 Wallflowers - 14 - $95 BBW Energy Orange Ginger - $6.50 BBW Eucalyptus Mint - $6.50 BBW Hawaiian Hibiscus - $6.50 BBW Honeysuckle - $6.50 BBW Mango Coconut Cooler - $6.50 BBW Pink Pineapple Sunrise - $7.50 BBW Pumpkin Apple - $6.50 BBW Renew & Refresh - $6.50 BBW Sangria Berry Freeze - $6.50 BBW Sparkling Limeade - $6.50 BBW Tis The Season - $7.50 BBW Winter Candy Apple - $6.50 Yankee Candle Black Tea & Lemon Scent Plug - $7.50 Yankee Candle White Strawberry Bellini Scent Plug - $7.50 Mixology Trios - 0 - $6 per trio
Other - 14 - $77.77 AJs Coffee Car Freshener - $2 AJs Fruit Rush Car Freshener - $2 BBW Iced Dragonfruit Tea Car Refill - $4.95 BBW Spiced Apple Toddy - $4 BBW Strawberry Poundcake Car Refill - $4.95 Scentsy Air Of Adventure Scent Pak - $7.50 Scentsy Autumn Road Trip Pods - $10 Scentsy Dark Side Of The Force Scent Pak - $7.50 Scentsy Joy & Wonder Pods - $10 Scentsy Radiator Springs Scent Circle - $3.25 Scentsy Radiator Springs Scent Circle - $3.25 Scentsy Sea Salt & Avocado Pods - $10 Supertarts Gremlins Room Spray - $2.37 Yankee Candle Black Cherry Car Vent Sticks - $6
Empties: 98 $ Value - $605.87
0 notes
himymthings · 10 months
Mini Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes Recipe
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Mini Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes - These mini vegan pumpkin pancakes make the ideal autumn breakfast or brunch treat. They're fluffy, flavorful, and simple to make, thanks to canned pumpkin puree, warming spices, and almond milk. They're also vegan and can be customized with your favorite toppings.
0 notes
edslocumtattooartistry · 10 months
Mini Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes
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Mini Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes - These mini vegan pumpkin pancakes make the ideal autumn breakfast or brunch treat. They're fluffy, flavorful, and simple to make, thanks to canned pumpkin puree, warming spices, and almond milk. They're also vegan and can be customized with your favorite toppings.
0 notes
maruhana-bachi · 10 months
Mini Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes
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Mini Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes. Coconut Oil, Nutmeg, Almond Milk, All-Purpose Flour, Brown Sugar, Baking Powder, Ginger, Salt, Pumpkin Puree, Ground Cinnamon. These mini vegan pumpkin pancakes make the ideal autumn breakfast or brunch treat. They're fluffy, flavorful, and simple to make, thanks to canned pumpkin puree, warming spices, and almond milk. They're also vegan and can be customized with your favorite toppings.
0 notes
ketovatrudiet · 11 months
Mini Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes
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These mini vegan pumpkin pancakes make the ideal autumn breakfast or brunch treat. They're fluffy, flavorful, and simple to make, thanks to canned pumpkin puree, warming spices, and almond milk. They're also vegan and can be customized with your favorite toppings. Made from Coconut Oil, Nutmeg, Almond Milk, All-Purpose Flour, Brown Sugar, Baking Powder, Ginger, Salt, Pumpkin Puree, Ground Cinnamon.
0 notes
yeslioness · 1 year
Vegan Recipe - Mini Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes
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Mini Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes. These mini vegan pumpkin pancakes make the ideal autumn breakfast or brunch treat. They're fluffy, flavorful, and simple to make, thanks to canned pumpkin puree, warming spices, and almond milk. They're also vegan and can be customized with your favorite toppings.
0 notes
annabelmoore · 1 year
Vegan Recipe - Mini Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes
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Mini Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes. These mini vegan pumpkin pancakes make the ideal autumn breakfast or brunch treat. They're fluffy, flavorful, and simple to make, thanks to canned pumpkin puree, warming spices, and almond milk. They're also vegan and can be customized with your favorite toppings.
0 notes
lady-gorgon · 1 year
Mini Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes
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These mini vegan pumpkin pancakes make the ideal autumn breakfast or brunch treat. They're fluffy, flavorful, and simple to make, thanks to canned pumpkin puree, warming spices, and almond milk. They're also vegan and can be customized with your favorite toppings.
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cerebralbore · 1 year
Recipe for Mini Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes
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Made with Coconut Oil, Nutmeg, Almond Milk, All-Purpose Flour, Brown Sugar, Baking Powder, Ginger, Salt, Pumpkin Puree, Ground Cinnamon. These mini vegan pumpkin pancakes make the ideal autumn breakfast or brunch treat. They're fluffy, flavorful, and simple to make, thanks to canned pumpkin puree, warming spices, and almond milk. They're also vegan and can be customized with your favorite toppings.
0 notes
allthingsscented · 2 years
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fall haul 🍁❤️
first impressions:
sunrise woods body cream: so excited to have this now, because i adore the body spray. it’s such a creamy cozy scent.
sweater weather body cream: i hadddd to get another before I run out, it’s the perfect outdoorsy apple for fall
coffee & whiskey body cream: i LOVE this, it definitely has a nice coffee scent and i’m gunna get the cologne to match!
blueberry sugar pancakes body cream: another must have back up :) i prefer this scent for late summer, it’s such a wonderful blueberry dessert scent and i usually go through it quick at summers end.
sweet cinnamon pumpkin body cream: the most important back up! this scent is my absolute go to, even year round sometimes. it’s a perfect fall/pumpkin spice scent.
sunrise woods body spray: i had to pick up another even though i still have plenty just in case they don’t bring it back next year! it’s a wonderful creamy and cozy outdoorsy scent.
fall in bloom: i genuinely wasn’t interested in this when i read the scent notes but it is AMAZING! i have a feeling i’ll go through this mini super fast. it smells superrr floral but i definitely get a burst of peach. it also is great for fall, although i prefer it for early fall
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