dirtyconsumer · 6 years
Drawing on the DART. . . . . . #dublin #dublindart #publictrans #drawingonthetrain #mindthegap #Drawing #melodrama #symbolism #Blackandwhite #lifeformdrawingclub #inkfeature #brutsubmission #lowbrowart #illustrationhowl #comedyart #lowbrow #teddanderson #penandink #darkartist #illustration #newcontemporary #design #Sketchbook #fineart #artforthesick #blackink #linework #Artonpaper #outsiderart #dirtyconsumer (at Kilbarrack railway station)
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osradis · 5 years
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This message brought to you by #SEPTA. @septaphilly @septa_social #ThereIsNoDeadline #Philly #NUMTOT #PublicTrans https://www.instagram.com/p/B12MTSolHZe/?igshid=14uzimdmjtvqg
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erisis · 7 years
Running, now waiting. #trans #adventurer #publictrans #TWIST #HailEris #storyofaday #TransPOP https://www.facebook.com/events/887966771369543/ (at South Station Bus Terminal)
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photoartteach · 5 years
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Taking the bus. #bus #buslife #buscommute #buscommuter #buscommuting #commuterbus #buscommuterlife #buscommutelife #buscommuters #buscommuteobservations #publictransport #publictransit #publictransportation #publictrans #publictransportday #publictransitfan #publictransitlife #publictransportisbeautiful #publictransportaion #publictransporter #publictransporation #publictransportationlife #publictransportion #publictransportationrocks #publictransporter #publictransportphotography (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzbQwqXg5rS/?igshid=of5x1so2quk2
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hansjohnson · 4 years
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tatianacaress · 7 years
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...and on the bus today I met the queen of l.a. at least she said she was but who am i to say?
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kalyepilipinas · 7 years
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#commuters #ltr2 #passengers #rectostation #masstransport #publictran #train #kalyepilipinas #phonephotography #blackandwhite #monochrome @pixlr @vivophil #vivoy53
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likegram · 7 years
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Epic Scale by @HatCatPhotography
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hariesautomoto · 7 years
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Public transportation sleep by HariesAutoMoto
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This is what public transportation looks like in the Rarotonga, Cook Islands. One bus line only and I still managed to miss my stop...go figure. . . . https://www.facebook.com/passportingTW/ #PTW #Traveling #Passporting #Passportingtheworld #Travel #Wanderlust #Happiness #TravelPhotos #TravelMemories #SharingExperience #Travelabroad #Journey #Adventure #carpediem #instaphoto #instamoment #momentos @passportingtheworld @passportingtw #sunrise #Passportingtheworld #bus #publictrans #transportation #publictransportstion #blacktravel #blackculture #cookislands #islandlife #newzealand #asiapacific #oceania Photos by @passportingtheworld (PTW) (at Rarotonga, Cook Islands)
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aryoxp · 7 years
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"There is a time when the famous London's double decker bus doesn't come in red. Advertising comes to play." Google Pixel 4.67mm f2.0 1/232s ISO 50 . . . #googlepixel #googlepixelphotography #pixelphotography #shotwithpixel #ishotpixel #london #westminster #bud #budweiser #budlight #doubledecker #uk #unitedkingdom #latepost #androidography #publictrans #bus #houseofparliament #bigben #landmark #mobilephoto #mobilephotography (at Houses of Parliament)
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edorusyanto-blog · 7 years
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Jangan lupa bahagia naik angkutan umum. Foto: @_enk #angkutan #transport #transportation #publictrans #kereta #trem #train #rail #railfans #rel (di Milan, Italy)
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missjackhaines · 7 years
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Getting around with @travelingesq #WhatMalmöGaveMe #PublicTrans #ExploreYourWorld (at Malmö, Sweden)
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tramshorts · 2 years
Tampere Ratikka Vuohenoja
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evoldir · 5 years
Fwd: Postdoc: RoyalMuseum_CentralAfrica.FruitFlyEvolution
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Postdoc: RoyalMuseum_CentralAfrica.FruitFlyEvolution > Date: 5 October 2019 at 07:29:36 BST > To: [email protected] > > > > The RoyalMuseum for Central Africa > recruitsascientificcollaborator (m/f) > > Context > The Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA) offers aposition > foOFF-Season'FF-IPM)"(https://ift.tt/3590DOA). > Theproject targets three highly polyphagous fruit fly (FF) species > (Diptera,Tephritidae) ofmajoragricultural importance, which pose an > imminent threat to Europeanhorticulture. The general objective of this > project, involving 16 Europeanand 5non-European partners is to introduce > in-silico supported prevention, detectionand Integrated Pest Management > (IPM) approaches for bothnew and emerging FF,based on spatial modelling, > novel decision support systems, and new knowledgeregarding biological > traits of the targetspecies, fruit trading andsocioeconomics.The project > will run for four years, starting September 2019.As anessential aspect > of developing andimproving early detection and alert systems,the RMCA > will lead the development of molecular tools to identify and traceorigin > of intercepted anddetected FF. > > In this respect we aim at using a range of genomicapproaches that > will allow > > ?? comprehensively describing inter -specific patterns > ofvariation,populationstructure and levels of connectivity among > populations of thetarget fruitflies across their range of distribution. > > ?? describingseasonal changes in the population structure > ofCeratitis capitata. > > ?? developingpanels of diagnostic SNPs to identify and trace origins of > intercepted anddetected FF > > These tools will includegenomere-sequencing, genome skimming > /mitogenomics, targetedamplicon sequencing and reduced > representationgenome sequencing. > > The RMCA recruits a young post-doctoral researcher inpopulation genomics > (m/f) > > Function: > > The collaborator will execute and assist in the followingtasks and > activities: > > - DNAlibrary preparation for High Throughput Sequencing (HTS) >  includingwholegenomesequencing, targeted amplicon sequencing and >  reducedrepresentation genomesequencing (including RAD /ddRAD-seq) > - analysis ofHTS data(including data quality filtering, de novo >  assemblage and reference mapping,SNP calling and population >  genomic analyses) > - conversion of obtained data intoidentification tools for tracing >  origin of intercepted specimens of the targetFF > - testing robustness and effectivenessof the developed tools > - communicationwith authorities, private enterprises and the general >  public regarding the obtainedresults and use of the developed tools > - draftingscientific communications and papers in collaboration with >  scientists of theRMCA research group and the FF-IPM >  consortiumpartners. Profile > > The candidate has to meet the following requirements: > > ??   PhD inPopulation Genomics,Phylogenomics, EvolutionaryBiology, > or related disciplines > ??  Very confident in scripting and in theanalysis of High Throughput > Sequencing data > ??  Confident in population genomic analyses > ??   Extensive hands-onexperience inwet DNA lab (including preparation > of a range of genomic libraries) > > Generalskills: > ??   Team playerbut able to work independently > ??  Goodcommunication skills, including use of modern social media > ??   Scientificcuriosity > ??   Good knowledgeof English > > Additional assets: > ??   Knowledge of Dutchand/or French > ??   Proven knowledge in oneor several of the following fields: > agricultural entomology, taxonomy, Diptera > > We offer > > ?? A fixed-term,full-time contract for two years (until 31 December > 2022), with possibleextension for the duration of the project. > > ?? Salaryaccording the standard Belgian Federal government scales for a > research assistant(minimum wage SW11: 44.174,57 euro indexedgross > annual salary). > > ?? Interestingholiday regulation. > > ?? Free publictransport. > > ?? A dynamic and interesting working environment. > > How to apply? > > Send an E-mail motivation letter and CV beforeNovember4th2019to: > > [email protected] subject:?? FFIPM ?? > > Applicationswho meet the required profile and are received before > the above mentioneddeadline will be contacted by email. Thecandidates > concerned may be invitedfor an interview that will take place onNovember > 18th, 2019. > > Foradditional information > > Regarding the function: > > Marc De Meyer: [email protected] > or > MassimilianoVirgilio: [email protected] > Regarding terms ofemployment : > > Anic Flahou: 027695288,[email protected] > > > Massimiliano Virgilio > Joint Experimental Molecular Unit(JEMU) > Royal Museum for Central Africa > Leuvensesteenweg 13, B-3080 Tervuren,Belgium, > [email protected] > 32 (0) 27695854 > > https://ift.tt/2MeKnCT > > > Massimiliano Virgilio > via IFTTT
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hansjohnson · 5 years
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