lusvaldoimoveis · 1 year
Casa com 2 dormitórios na Vila Constância - R$1.200,00 - Ref.:LTR2
More à 400M do centro comercial da Vila janiza Continue reading Untitled
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sonersoysal · 2 years
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#ilkveda #yolunaçıkolsun #hseteam (Filyos, Çaycuma) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cll2pg-LTR2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kalyepilipinas · 7 years
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#commuters #ltr2 #passengers #rectostation #masstransport #publictran #train #kalyepilipinas #phonephotography #blackandwhite #monochrome @pixlr @vivophil #vivoy53
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crmskll-txts · 3 years
I was going through old messages, since we keep files of them. Mostly went through Preston's. Anyways, I'm already aware of this because he messages me all the time, however you all are not. Mr Cromeans is very bad at typing. I managed to snag some pictures of old messages that were on video files, before they were autocorrected. I thought you all would like to see them ;)
Don't tell him I told you guys.
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horrorslashergirl · 4 years
So my neighbor said LtR2 was only good because Preston was the real star of the movie and I just.... I wanted to commit an act of violence man lemme tell ya. It's not called Pestonskull. Or Imitationskull. It's Chromeskull. Jesse Cromeans. That's King right there 👑
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This would be my reaction to your neighbour. 😂
But seriously, don't get me wrong. I enjoyed Prestons apparence alot and it only shows how vain and teritorial Chromeskull can be, like come on! He is the most interesting person in the whole room.
Plus we learn a basic rule of horror movies.... Don't fuck with the original, bitch.
To say it shortly, it doesn't matter to Chromeskull if you're a fishie/piggy or even part of his organization. Step on his tail and he will make you shish kebab.
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gravesightings · 4 years
Ummm we heard about Asa's first kiss, but what about Jesse? How was he before he became the infamous Chromeskull? His childhood? Perhaps teenage and college years? If not, that's totally fine! Love your works. 🥺
so ltr and ltr2 gave us even less to work with compared to the collector/the collection. a moment of silence for the failed prequel. I mean, even a shitty prequel would’ve been nice and would at least give us more info. (see also: billy lenz)
I don’t even remember if it was touched on the movie if jesse was born mute or not, so forgive me if I get it wrong. also I know very little of the topic in general hhhhh
I also.. don’t know much about the American education system aside from it being bad. same for accessibility/assistance issues for mute folks over there. I’d assume it’s not very good, since Florida gets bad rep in general.
the movie also doesn’t go into detail how he got dummy rich in the first place. whether if it’s from his own hard work or if he was born into a rich family.
I’d have to say I’d go with the first, since he’s somewhat arrogant. it would make sense that he’d be very proud of the work he’s done, yakno? but the second one is still possible, then we can lump him in with fellow rich boy Brahmsy.
say we go by horror movie stereotypes - he had a hard time at school and was bullied for being the mute kid. (are kids still this ruthless? I hope not.)
take the rich family trope into account and he’ll have parents who are rarely home (from working all the time) as a result. there’s no talk about a sibling either, so let’s assume that he’s also the only child and quickly gets used to being unsupervised for the majority of his childhood.
so he’s actually pretty damn smart. does studying interest him? probably not because again, he’s actively being bullied. his grades are only up if he feels like it. the teachers are most likely very aware of it + his home life but realize they can’t do jack shit.
from here this can either go carrie (precisely 1 teacher cares about him enough to check on his mental health) or halloween (small boy go murder spree) real quick.
but imo, he’ll develop some twisted hobbies and get away with it.
i.e. he’s the mute kid who gets bullied so he can’t possibly be the one who planted a nail bomb in a locker and sent that one kid in the hospital, right? bonus points: he’s smart enough to somehow get into the school’s security system and get rid of the evidence.
he could be the type to purposely not fight back to save his image, instead meticulously plan out how to hurt them and get away with it. jesse finds out that oh he’s good at that, and continues to do so even as he hits puberty.
outsmarting bullies? hell yeah. but then he also could’ve taken up a sport or two just so he could start overpowering them as well.
probably genetics that he’s gotten so hugelarge but he seems like the type to study up on how to incapacitate people if he’s gotten mentally fucked up enough.
teen to adult chromey? HOO BOY.
he’s well out of the awkward phase, and has now gotten into learning how to use people for his own benefit. what a fun hobby, says jackass mcgee. charisma UP!
still going on bad stereotypes chromey would eventually be like HMM so if I can’t get my parents’ attention, then I’ll have to do some messed up stuff to get that. mayhaps, dabble in a little murder or drugs on the side.
college frat parties? hell yeah. this is possibly where he got his fascination with young women and/or recording them.
childhood: probably lonely and suffered his share of bullying, if we’re going on horror movie stereotypes. becomes evil little bastard as a result.
teen: lots of teen angst. treats the seven deadly sins as a bucketlist. hmm maybe I could use people for my own benefit,,,
adult: haha people r fun toys. maybe aa little murder here n there, as a treat. mayhaps i could do this, as a job,,,,
((tw: mentions of rape, abduction, snuff, necrophilia, and similar themes under the cut.))
would he have forced himself on someone? possibly, just to see how it feels. I don’t think he’d be into gangbangs, since he most likely has trust issues at this point.
I just feel like he’s more of a “I can charm you and lure you into this false sense of security and then I’ll pounce” type. he could go as far as actually dating his victims, sate his sexual appetite, and then make snuff films out of it?
he’s also shown a hint of being a necro in the movie so that’s ...something.
then again, that could also just be a sick version of powerplay, planting a kiss on a victim’s corpse as a form of ownership since preston took his kill away from him.
jesse’s shown to have a wife and we all know she got knocked up, so he’s probably not actively banging on any corpses. (maybe not until he finds out she shot herself??? idk,)
but that’s JUST a theory--
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baadbaadblacksheep · 5 years
what are your thoughts on how LTR2 is wrapping up? I've been loving it, I'm gonna be so sad when its over lol
I'm also sad it's ending! But Trash has shown me some other things she's been working on, and I've gotta say I'm excited to see everyone's reaction if she ever puts it out!
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Mush-brellas BTL - we all know that autumn is all about colors, leaves, and the almighty mushrooms. Well...I hope that this photo captures all that and then some. Does it have all three and what else in this photo screams autumn? #autumn #fall #seasons #colorful #leaves #mushrooms #nature #naturephotography #naturelovers #natureshots #nature_pics #nature_photo #nature_spotlight #nature_addict #wunderlust #mushroomphotography #fungi #fungi_photo #fungi_world #fungiofinstagram #germany #germany🇩🇪 #kindsbach #picoftheday #photooftheday #photographer #photography https://www.instagram.com/p/CV-_VW-LTR2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thelordismytreasure · 6 years
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Saturday, November 29th 2018 ltr2 Elin Hartmann 9pp
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sustainablenz · 7 years
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horrorslashergirl · 4 years
i heard spann was jesses mistress what do you think about that?
I can totally agree with that. Why? Lets face it; Jesse, like many other slashers from horror movies, is cruel, sadistic, egoistical and a relationship with such a man is defenitly toxic.
Jesse killed so many womans, snuff filmed them, he even kissed Princess Gemstones corpse in LTR2 so, what will stop him from having an affair? That's a sociopath or psychopath to you. Of course that only adds to his character more intrigue.
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thelordismytreasure · 6 years
122918 Open to Elin Hartmann
# Saturday, 12/29/’18 # 7151 York Ave. S., Apt. 601 # Edina, MN 55435-4433 # # Elin Hartmann - 7th grade # Southview Middle School # 4725 Southview Ln # Edina, MN 55410
Dear Elin,
I hope all is well with you and that the administrators at school have not impeded your reception of my two previous letters to you.
If they have not, you know that I am impeded in my communications to others by forces within both H.C.M.C. and the U.S. postal service… or at least the evidence of delay would suggest so.
You will also know that I am aided in overcoming these impediments by two very fine and upstanding women who believe that I am an all-around nice guy with an important purpose in contacting you.
To date, that purpose has been to refute the impression that you might have been given by the reaction of the adults in your life to my initial effort to contact you with a certificate of recognition for your bike ride in Austin and a “store card” from Athleta.
That reaction is undeserved on my part:  The record that your parents discovered, that I have been charged with a crime against a child, towit “internet solicitation of children,” and the FACT that that charge was dismissed in the interest of justice deserves some further explanation.
It will serve our interests well if you would know a couple of things about #1 the language of the child solicitation act, aforementioned and #2 how it came to be applied to me.
First off, despite the tittle of the Act, one does not have to actually solicit sex from a minor to be found in violation.
According to the Act, if one merely describes sexual activity to a minor with the INTENT to excite the minor sexually THEN one is guilty of the offense.
As in my case of describing sex to MY FRIEND, Anna, I did so at HER SUGGESTION.
She was about your age at the time - an age commonly deemed appropriate to a discussion of sex, (the evidence being the provision of “sex ed.” classes in the 7th grade,) and I had known her for at least six years a a friend of her father’s.
I’m sure she was interested to know about me and my sexual experience and opinions because, unlike anybody else of her acquaintance, I am accustomed to adopting fashions for my personal use that are more typically adopted by women.
I like to wear high-heel boots and leggings.  Occasionally, I might wear a wig.
Nonetheless, in gratifying Anna’s request for information, I had NO INTENT of exciting her sexually.
I COULD NOT have been found guilty of the crime by a jury of my peers.
Her testimony and the evidence of our electronic communications would have exonerated me.
I hope that this explanation will satisfy both you and your parents that I am no pervert with any prurient admirations aimed at yourself.
You may be interested to know a further explanation; one may wonder why it is that I spent five years in custody pending this charge if I was so confidant that I would be acquitted at trial?
The answer is quite simple:
I am a friend to myself, to Anna and to all children.
I will not stand idly by and just “take it.”  I will not allow these enemies of American liberty and Perverters of American Justice to CHARGE ME with a crime against children without speaking up to say SOMETHING about the malodorous, malingering THEY commit against children and myself under the terms of Minnesota’s Compulsory School Attendance Act.
If you have referred to my blog, “thelordismytreasure.tumblr.com,” in particular to my post, (63 pp. long, so be careful to use a laptop/desktop and not a hand held device when reading it,) “An open letter to the President - penultimate edition,” then you will know that my teachers and parents, and their LIE, caused my investigation of the Evidence that Our Creator endows MY RIGHT to liberty from Compulsory School Attendance.
In my opinion, the appropriate recourse to the aforementioned perversion of justice when facing EACH and EVERY kind of accusation in court is to enter a “motion to dismiss - ‘impartiality’” as a pre-trial motion in the case of a criminal charge.
When asked by a court-appointed psychologist how I intended to defend myself against the charge of internet child solicitation, naturally I mentioned that I intended to enter this motion to dismiss.
When asked what I would do if my court-appointed attorney would not enter such a motion on my behalf, I replied that I would dismiss the scumbag and enter it myself!
The court-appointed psychologist on each and every occasion over the course of five years when asking these same questions, received the same answers.
In each case, then, I received the same finding for my competency to stand trial: incompetent.
I disagree.  You don’t have to kow-tow to these miscreants and their malevolent mischief.  God is my right hand and His sword of justice rules over all!
In conclusion Elin, I sincerely hope that you would join me in my fight for liberty and justice in the American Way.
Together, we can strike a blow.  Alone, we might as well throw in the towel.
Best Wishes in the New Year,
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